ࡱ> KMFGHIJ zbjbj<< '^^7BKKKKK____8dT_?"OL(ããã-?/?/?/?/?/?/?DFr/?EK/?KKããt?< KãKã-?-?&KK%#a̓_8hlA#?<?4"G"G%#K%# :   Limited distribution IOC/IODE-XXI/7 11 January 2011 Original: English INTERGOVERNMENTAL OCEANOGRAPHIC COMMISSION (of UNESCO) Twenty-first Session of the IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE-XXI) Lige, Belgium, 23-26 March 2011 IMPLEMENTATION STATUS REPORT OF THE IODE-XX WORK PLAN By the Secretariat NoParaAction itemDue by dateTo be implement-ed byStatus on 1 January 2010Action to be undertaken in 201015The Committee further recommended that in future surveys information should also be collected on Cruise Summary Reports (CSR). IODE-XXISecretariatNo actionTo be included in preparations IODE-XXINo action required254The Committee tasked the IODE Officers, with assistance from other members of the Committee as appropriate, with further refining and developing metrics for quantifying data flow in the IODE network, taking account of the guidelines on metrics/indicators in Manuals and Guides No. 5 (2nd rev. ed.) 2008. 2010 Session of the IODE Officers MeetingIODE OfficersNo actionTo be included in 2010 Officers Meeting Task: schedule 2010 Officers MeetingDr Malika Bel Hassen reported on this. It was recalled that this was going to be done together with Dr Lesley Rickards. It was suggested to split up by data discipline. In addition spatial distribution (IHB names) and temporal distribution (temporal, real-time) and also platform (ship, buoy, coastal station). It was noted that, if all NODCs will submit data to ODP then the metrics can be prepared automatically. The Officers requested Dr Rickards and Dr Bel Hassen Abid to further document the metrics guidelines bearing in mind the need to identify controlled lists. DEADLINE: 30 June 2010 (first draft) for distribution to IODE Officers. Final version should be prepared by 30/09/2010 for distribution to NODCs. Dr Rickards recommended (10/1/2011) that this matter be addressed subsequent to IODE-XXI393The Committee recommended that a global map on the management of oceanographic data for the world be prepared to assess the degree of overlap between the WDCs and the project data assembly centres data holdings. It should include a consideration of the physical location of the master copy of the data sets. 2010 Session of the IODE Officers MeetingWDCs Oceanography, IODE OfficersTo be included in 2010 Officers Meeting Task: schedule 2010 Officers MeetingThe Officers concluded that they currently cannot do anything about this issue as the system of WDCs is in transition. In addition it was noted that this is a huge task. Reference was made to EDMERP which inventorizes projects of SeaDataNet partners. However it does not always provide details on whether the projects generate data or how these are archived. Also GCMD and FGDC should have information. It was noted that we could also look at DACs but this will only cover global centres. The Officers considered that EDMERP, through IODE, could be expanded to have global coverage and to also link to the data archive but concluded that the task will be huge and requires specific attention. The Officers requested ETDMP to deal with this matter. This issue should be added to the agenda of ETDMP-II (April 2010). Dr Mikhailov will report on this matter.4104The Committee instructed the Secretariat to contact countries that had indicated, in their national report (see Agenda Item 4.1), the possibility to provide seconded staff or internships, to formalize the offers. End of 2009IODE SecretariatAll IODE national coordinators were contacted. Internships planned from: Kenya, Ghana (March June 2010) The Officers noted that few countries have offered secondment. It was recommended to better define requirements in terms of specific projects. The Officers decided to identify needs for secondment throughout the agenda of the meeting and define specific needs. The Officers invited Member States to assist the IODE Programme through secondments with particular reference to the following IODE priority activities: preparations for the 50th Anniversary of IODE (2010) preparations for the twenty-first Session of the IODE Committee (2010- March 2011) technical implementation of HAIS promotion of establishment of IODE OceanDataPortal data providers in Member States In addition the Officers invited secondments to the new IOC Project Office for IODE/OBIS (2011-) to assist with acquiring and quality control of OBIS database content. No secondments were offered.5112 The Committee emphasized the importance of having a process through which the vocabularies become standards and are distributed widely. Vocabularies will evolve and what has been assembled should be exposed quickly so that people know what is available and are able to use and comment the lists. The Committee identified the Ocean Data Standards process as a mechanism that could be utilised to adopt the lists but cautioned that this should not delay the creation of new vocabularies. The Committee encouraged GE-BICH and SeaVox to proceed quickly towards establishing such a mechanism.ContinuouslyGE-BICH, SeaVoxNo action reported to check with Chair GE-BICH and Roy Lowry early 2010Covered under Agenda Item 6.1.1 (GE-BICH)6115The Delegate of the United Kingdom drew the attention of the Committee to a European Union funded project MyOcean, which will focus on ocean monitoring and forecasting in Europe. She recommended that GE-BICH should explore the possibility for collaboration with this project, which will handle bio-chemical parameters and also intends to develop Quality Control procedures.IODE-XXIGE-BICHNo action reported to check with Chair GE-BICHThe Officers invited MyOcean to identify an expert to participate in the next GE-BICH meeting. The Chair GE-BICH will contact Sylvie Pouliquen to discuss this in more detail. The Chair GE-BICH will report on this item.7116The Committee adopted the report of the GE-BICH-IV Session and the Recommendations included therein. Implementation of action plan by IODE-XXIGE-BICHReporting required by GE-BICH; GE-BICH-V planned for 2011Covered under Agenda Item 6.1.1 (GE-BICH)8117The Committee adopted Resolution IODE-XX.1 (Revised Terms of Reference for the IODE Group of Experts on Biological and Chemical Data Management and Exchange Practices GE-BICH)IODE-XXIGE-BICH/ IOC Member StatesFurther modifications required due to merger with OBIS action required between January-April 2010 by GE-BICH and OBIS DRAFT PREPAREDCovered under Agenda Item 6.1.1 (GE-BICH)9130The Committee adopted the IODE Statement of the future of OBIS attached as Annex VII to this Report. It requested Mr Geoff Holland, Consultant, as well as the IODE Co-Chairs to present this statement to the 25th Session of the IOC Assembly, where this item will be further discussed and decided upon. June 2009G. HollandAssembly adopted Resolution on OBISAssembly provided further instructionsThis was done10138The Committee urged all IOC Member States to nominate IODE national coordinators for Marine Information Management and to ensure that their information is kept up-to-date in OceanExpert.July/August 2009 IODE Secretariat to send Circular Letter IOC Member StatesNot done . Circular Letter issued March 2010Circular Letter to be issued in March 2010. The Secretariat issued IOC Circular Letter 2336 on 16 March 2010. This resulted in 19 updates in 2010.11140The Committee welcomed the success of the marine information management activities and adopted the reports of GE-MIM-IX and GE-MIM-X as well as all recommendations included therein.Implementation of action plan by IODE-XXIGE-MIM (note: GEMIM=XI did NOT take place in 2009 as per work plan)Reporting required by GE-MIM; GE-MIM-XI planned for 25-28 May 2010 Covered under Agenda item 6.1.212147The Committee called for continued and expanded cooperation between IODE and JCOMM through the JCOMM DMPA as well as through relevant capacity building activities and OceanTeacher.continuousJCOMM DMPA and OceanTeacherETDMP-II meeting planned in April 2010 Covered under Agenda item 6.1.313157The Committee approved the (ETDMP) work plan.IODE-XXIETDMPReporting expected from ETDMP-IICovered under Agenda item 6.1.314158The Committee adopted Recommendation IODE-XX.1 (REVISION OF THE TERMS OF REFERENCE OF THE JCOMM/IODE EXPERT TEAM ON DATA MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (ETDMP))JCOMM-IIIIOC Executive Secretary/ IODE Co-Chairs/ Chair JCOMM DMCG/ IOC Member StatesDONE (See JCOMM-III report)Completed15166The Committee, considering its work in the areas of vocabularies and metadata, invited the SeaDataNet project managers to submit standards proposals to the Ocean Data Standards Pilot Project. The Committee considered that this would offer the opportunity to SeaDataNet to share and promote its expertise beyond Europe ContinuousSeaDataNet project managersNOT DONE IODE Co-Chairs to contact SeaDataNet project managers in January 2010Covered under Agenda item 6.1.3 and 6.2.1. 16167Similarly, the Committee invited Member States or regional 15initiatives active in the area of standardization and best practices, to submit proposals to the Ocean Data Standards Pilot Project.ContinuousIOC Member StatesNo action reported???Covered under Agenda item 6.2.117168The delegate of the United Kingdom, Dr Lesley Rickards, informed the Committee that the document regarding the quality control of sea level data will be submitted in June or July 2009.July 2009Dr L. RickardsNo report received reminder sent by Secretariat on 27/12/2009 and 23/2/2010Dr Rickards reported that she will be able to submit the Document June/July 2010. Dr Rickards will be invited to report on this item.18169The Committee adopted Recommendation IODE-XX.2 (THE OCEAN DATA STANDARDS PILOT PROJECT)IODE-XXIIOC Member StatesProject ongoing 1 standard adopted in 2009Requires accelerationCovered under Agenda item 6.2.119186The Committee adopted the (IODE Ocean Data Portal) work plan for 2009-2011)IODE-XXIIODE ODP Project Steering TeamProject ongoingRequires accelerationCovered under Agenda item 6.2.220187The Committee adopted Recommendation IODE-XX.3 (IODE Ocean Data Portal) IODE-XXINODCs, IODE projects, IOC Member StatesProject ongoingRequires accelerationCovered under Agenda item 6.2.221192the Government of the Republic of Korea has provided funding and will host an IODE Ocean Data Portal training course between 31 August and 3 September 2009August/September 2009IODE Secretariat/ Republic of KoreaImplementedNeed to remind participants of commitment to establish ODP nodeCovered under Agenda item 6.2.222198The Committee adopted the (WIGOS Pilot Project for JCOMM) work plan for 2009-2011 IODE-XXIJoint Steering Group for the IODE Ocean Data Portal and the WIGOS Pilot Project for JCOMMOngoingSee work planCovered under Agenda item Committee thanked Mr Levitus for his report, expressed appreciation for the continuing work carried out during the inter-sessional period, and approved the work plan for the next inter-sessional period.IODE-XXIGODAR Project LeaderRequires brief reporting by Syd LevitusCovered under Agenda Item Committee noted that the Cyclical Redundancy Check (CRC) is a good candidate to be used as a tool for producing unique identifiers for oceanographic data. It could be a good candidate for submission to the Ocean Data Standards Pilot Project.IODE-XXIGTSPP ChairNo actionRemind GTSPP ChairCovered under Agenda Item 6.2.525214The Committee thanked Dr Sun for his detailed report, expressed appreciation for the work carried out during the inter-sessional period, and approved the work plan for the next inter-sessional period.IODE-XXIGTSPP Co-ChairsRequires brief reporting by Charles Sun (also GTSPP meeting planned 5-7 May 2010)No action required26227The Committee thanked Mr Petit de la Villon for his detailed report, expressed appreciation for the work carried out during the inter-sessional period, and approved the work plan for the next inter-sessional period.IODE-XXIGOSUD Co-ChairsRequires brief reporting by Loic (also GOSUD meeting planned 4 May 2010)No action required27239The Committee suggested that the SeaDataNet vocabularies might be excellent candidates for the Ocean Data Standards Process. IODE-XXISeaDataNet project managersNo progressContact Roy LowryCovered under Agenda Item 28241The Committee thanked Dr Rickards for presenting Dr Lowrys report, expressed appreciation for the work carried out during the inter-sessional period, and approved the work plan for the next inter-sessional period.IODE-XXIMarineXML Steering GroupRequires brief reporting by RoyThis will be covered under Agenda Item 629247The Committee thanked Mr Reed and supported his proposal that the Steering Group for MEDI be terminated and future development and administration of MEDI should be managed by the IODE/JCOMM ETDMP. IODE-XXI (report from ETDMP)ETDMPNo action neededNo action required30255The Committee was informed that operators of offshore wind farms now also collect a considerable number of metocean parameters. In most cases these data are still classified but the Committee recommended that contact is made with the operators to investigate the possibility to obtain and share this new source of data. IODE-XXIOffshore wind farm operatorsNo action: it was unclear who would contact the offshore wind farm operators (Check with Lesley Rickards)Dr Rickards reported that in the UK a lot of data is recorded by wind farms (MetOcean data mainly, but also surveys and impact assessments). The data are currently managed by the GeoData Institute at the University of Southampton (see:  HYPERLINK "http://data.offshorewind.co.uk/" http://data.offshorewind.co.uk/ ). She could not report on the situation in other countries. The Officers requested the Secretariat to contact the IODE NCs and inquire about wind farm MetOcean data in their country. The Secretariat sent out an email in this regard on 12 March 2010. The following responses were received: Belgium (MUMM): Our administration is in charge of monitoring the possible impact of human activities at sea. When an operator is granted a permit to build and operate an offshore windfarm, there are several conditions bound to it. One of these is that the operator has to provide the BMDC with data, amongst which the wind speed and direction. Our answers to your questions are thus positive. South Africa (SADCO): At present the South African initiatives into wind farming is located on land. There are sevela stations being erected to record wind energy for a large feasibility study. These stations are mostly located in the southern, southwestern and southeastern part of the country, and are not close to coast. The only long-term moored array I am aware of, is the TOA project in the equatorial regions. Some of the buoys from the Atlantic array fall in SADCO's target area, and SADCO's Steering Committee has urged us to consider placing a copy of the data on our database, but we have not done that yet. We have the weather data collected on the fixed oil/gas platform south of the continent, but that's about the only deep-sea mooring producing such data around here. If there is any news of a sea-based wind energy system around here, I would be very interested to know about this, and I WOULD be keen to share this data. 31259The Committee adopted Recommendation IODE-XX.4 (THERMODYNAMICS AND EQUATION OF STATE OF SEAWATER. TEOS-10)IODE-XXINODCSNo particular follow-up action neededCheck what happened at IOC Assembly 25It was noted that the IOC-XXV had adopted Resolution XXV-7 in which it adopted [get more from the Resolution]. IOC will produce a Manuals and Guides on this topic. No action required.32273Dr Gwenaelle Moncoiffe, Chair of GE-BICH, reported that guideline documents materials on quality control procedures are available for submission to OceanTeacher. June/July 2009G. MoncoiffUnclear if these were submitted to OTCheck with Wouter, and MurrayThe Chair GE-BICH noted that the outcome of the QC/QA workshop will include materials which will supercede the documents mentioned above. A document is expected to be completed after GE-BICH-V (January 2011). The Chair GE-BICH will report on this matter.33274Mr Robert Keeley, Chair JCOMM Data Management Coordination Group, reported that JCOMM would contribute to OceanTeacher with training materials (e.g. JCOMM catalogue on standards and best practices).End of 2009R. KeeleyUnclear if these were submitted to OTCheck with Wouter, and MurrayMr Reed reported that no content was received from JCOMM for OceanTeacher. The Officers recommended that the upcoming DMCG should address this issue. The Chair DMCG will report on this matter.34275The Committee welcomed the success of OceanTeacher, thanked the Government of Flanders (Kingdom of Belgium) for supporting this important Project and invited Member States to (i) contribute to OceanTeacher by making available national experts as lecturers or content providers; and (ii) make use of the OceanTeacher Academy for new staff members of data and information management centres who require training; and (iii) provide sponsorship for OceanTeacher Academy students from developing countries.IODE-XXIMember StatesNeeds reporting by OTA editors (need to identify need to plan OTA editors meeting in 2010)This will be covered under Agenda item 7.135284The Committee adopted the work plan for ODINAFRICA for the period 2009 2013IODE-XXIODINAFRICA project managerOngoingNo action required. This will be covered under Agenda item 7.2.136298The Committee invited Mr Martinez to continue sharing his expertise in ODINCARSA through any way possible and appropriate.IODE-XXIRodney MartinezMr Martinez participated in ODINCARSA planning meeting (7-10 December 2009)Mr Martinez to further participate, possibly through MOU with CIIFENThis will be covered under Agenda item 7.2.1. A letter was received from CIIFEN suggesting an MOU between IOC and CIIFEN (in March 2010).37299The Committee requested the IODE Secretariat to organize a regional meeting for ODINCARSA to enable the participating countries to define new goals and to identify a new regional coordinator for the South American sub-region.2009/2010IODE Secretariat/ ODINCARSA participating countriesDone (7-10 December 2009) 2 regional coordinators identifiedImplement work plan and prepare work plan for IODE-XXIThe meeting took place. This will be covered under Agenda item 7.2.138302The Committee instructed the IODE Secretariat to follow-up with communications to IODE and IOC national contacts in the region, as well as to organize a meeting for Member States from the region during the 25th Session of the IOC Assembly (June 2009). June 2009IODE Secretariat/ ODINCINDIO participating countriesMeeting was held during IOC-XXV. Identification of IOC action addresses requiredMika Odido to follow-up; Peter P will attend ROPME meeting January 2010This will be covered under Agenda item 7.2.339311The Committee adopted the ODINECET work plan for 2009 and 2010 2011 IODE-XXIODINECET project coordinatorReport provided December 2009 Publish report 2009; Identify work plan 2010 Mika to coordinateThis will be covered under Agenda item 7.2.440320The Committee adopted the work plan for ODINWESTPAC. IODE-XXIODINWESTPAC project coordinatorReporting required by Prof Lin- progress unclearThis will be covered under Agenda item 7.2.541326The Committee invited Dr Vladymyrov to continue as the ODIN Black Sea Coordinator, and arrange a Steering Committee meeting to prepare a work plan for ODIN Black Sea., taking into account the cooperation with the EU funded Black Sea SCENE project.2009/2010V. Vladymyrov/ ODINBlackSea participating countriesSteering Committee meeting was held (Oostende, 15-16 September)Reporting required by V. VladymyrovThis will be covered under Agenda item 7.2.642332The Committee tasked the ETDMP to compare the similarities and differences between the various portal systems that are being developed with the objective of promoting and achieving their interoperability.IODE-XXIETDMPUnclear if this has been doneCheck with Nick MikhailovThe Officers requested that the next Session of the SG-ODP deals with this matter. This will be covered under Agenda item 6.2.243343The Committee adopted the ODIN-PIMRIS work plan.IODE-XXIODIN-PIMRIS project coordinatorSupport provided to PIMRIS (contract) reports receivedDiscuss plans for 2010This will be covered under Agenda item 7.2.744364The Delegate of Malaysia offered to establish a regional training node in the International Centre for South-South Co-operation in Science, Technology and Innovation (ISTIC) in Kuala Lumpur, which functions under the auspices of UNESCO (HYPERLINK "http://istic-unesco.org/"http://istic-unesco.org/) IODE-XXIMalaysiaNo further information receivedCheck with Delegate of Malaysia and IOC BangkokNo further information was received. Contacts were made. The Officers requested to contact Mr Wenxi Zhu for an update. The Delegate of Malaysia will be invited to report on this matter.45366The Committee agreed on the IODE course calendar and called on the Member States to promote the IODE Training activities on the national level.IODE-XXIMember StatesUnclear how member states are promoting the IODE training activitiesThis will be covered under Agenda item 4.2.3. It was noted that a Course Prospectus is now available. It is available for download from the OceanTeacher web site and IODE web site. Printed copies are available on request. Copies will be distributed at IMDIS, the IOC50 Conference in St Petersburg and at the IOC Executive Council. 46367The Committee invited the Delegate from Malaysia as well as other Member States that may be interested in hosting a regional IODE training node, to discuss the details and requirements in more detail with the IOC/IODE Secretariat.IODE-XXIMalaysia/ Member StatesSee 44: No further information receivedSee 4447395Regarding Recommendation 7 (reduced capacity of the Secretariat ) the Committee called on the IOC Executive Secretary to consider ways and means to strengthen the staffing of the IOC Project Office for IODE (General support staff as well as Professional staff) with additional regular UNESCO positions to ensure the long-term sustainability of the Office as the IODE Secretariat. In addition the Committee, noting with concern the pending retirement of Mr Adrien Vannier from IOC/UNESCO Headquarters, urged the IOC Executive Secretary to ensure a suitable replacement is identified in a timely fashion to ensure the essential administrative backstopping of the IODE programme.IODE-XXIIOC Executive SecretaryNo action taken by IOC Exec SecNo action was taken. This will be further discussed under Agenda Item 1248396Regarding Recommendation 9 (develop indicators and benchmarks to assess the amount of data and information being exchanged ) the Committee invited NODCs to provide information on their metrics methodology to the IODE Secretariat, which will then be collated and shared with the IODE community for further consideration by the next Session of the Committee.IODE-XXINODCsNeeds coordination in planning for IOCDE-XXISee 249406The Committee also recommended that each IOC Member State should be preferably be represented by a single IODE national coordinator for oceanographic data management and a single IODE national coordinator for marine information management, to ensure coherence in national positions regarding data and information management.IODE-XXIMember StatesThis is related to item 10. The Officers requested that in the invitation letter for IODE-XXI specific reference is made to the IODE NC for Data Management as well as the IODE NC for MIM. This was completed. 50406To ensure the best possible national coordination between the different national data centres the Committee recommended that Member States establish national data and information coordination mechanisms.IODE-XXIMember StatesRequest reporting from member statesSee 5051424The Committee established an inter-sessional working group that will address the issue of Long-term Secure Archival of Data and Information. It was tasked to answer the following questions: (i) What does IODE need from WDCs or their successor organizations to promote Long-term Secure Archival of Data and Information; (ii) What do WDCs or their successor organizations need from IODE to promote Long-term Secure Archival of Data and Information IODE-XXI(i) Sydney Levitus (Chair); (ii) Greg Reed; (iii) Prof. Lin Shoahua; (iv) Vladimir Kuznetsov; (v) Friedrich Nast; (vi) Lesley Rickards; (vii) Sissy Iona; (viii) Bob Keeley; (ix) Taco de Bruin; and (x) Linda Pikula.NO ACTIONREMIND SYD LEVITUSThe Officers noted that no information was received from Syd Levitus. The Officers requested the Secretariat to contact Mr Levitus again. This will be covered under agenda item 4.2 and 9. 552435The Committee instructed the GE-MIM Chair to liaise with Ms Cathy Norton at WHOI to ensure GE-MIM participation (in the SCOR/IODE activity on data publishing). IODE-XXIGE-MIMMeeting planned 2 April 2010No action required.53436The Committee noted the progress of this initiative and instructed the IODE experts involved in this undertaking to continue informing the Committee on progress.IODE-XXIIODE experts involved in the activityReporting required with Ed Urban and Roy Lowry: brief document Also meeting planned early 2010Ongoing54442The Committee tasked the IODE Officers to look into this matter (WDS) and report back to the next Session, and also to monitor the accreditation and certification process of data centres established by the WDS.IODE-XXIIODE OfficersTo be followed up by Lesley Rickards and Malika Bel HassenThis will be covered under Agenda item 8.3 55446The Committee requested the Technical Secretary to contact the JCOMM Observations Programme Area, through the GOOS Project Office, to include the sea surface salinity network in reporting the status of the global observing system.June 2009IODE SecretariatSecretariat contacted Boram Lee (cc Loic, Greg, Malika) on 26/2/10The following response was received from Boram Lee: This map (quoted here) has been used to report on the current status of the global networks that are coordinated by JCOMM, to implement GOOS. It (including the captions and side information) shows the current status by the means of observation, not by variable. As you know, in-situ SSS is being measured through the Ships of Opportunity, mooring, surface drifters, etc. All observing networks are already shown on the map... again it is the question of how we categorize/visualize the existing networks (by variable or by equipment). We have other service (interactive map) in  HYPERLINK "http://www.jcommops.org" http://www.jcommops.org to show the status by variable. The Officers noted that sub-surface map is available from the JCOMMOPS web site on  HYPERLINK "http://wo.jcommops.org/cgi-bin/WebObjects/JCOMMOPS" http://wo.jcommops.org/cgi-bin/WebObjects/JCOMMOPS . No reference could be found on sea surface salinity. The Officers requested the Secretariat to contact Mathieu Belbeoch at JCOMMOPS.56459The Committee welcomed the cooperation with IOC/HAB on HAIS which is an example of the new role of IODE assigned to IODE within the framework of the IOC Strategic Plan for Oceanographic Data and Information Management. The Committee adopted Resolution IODE-XX.2 (DEVELOPMENT OF THE HARMFUL ALGAL INFORMATION SYSTEM)IODE-XXIIODE/ HABNO ACTION TAKEN except support provided by Project Office on repairing HAEDATUrgently discuss and activateIt as reported that the project office has assisted with HAEDAT. The Officers recommended that both GE-BICH and GE-OBIS (when established) should contribute to HAIS development. Dr Moncoiff reported that Mr Enevoldsen had contacted the task team members in February 2010, reminding them of the need to identify potential sources of funding for HAIS. The Officers requested the Chair GE-BICH and the OBIS Executive Director (lead) to contact Henrik Enevoldsen (IOC/HAB) to discuss ways and means to start HAIS. This item will be covered under Agenda Item 9.157470The Committee welcomed the cooperation with ICAM (on SPINCAM, CMA, AMA), which is another example of the new role assigned to IODE within the framework of the IOC Strategic Plan for Oceanographic Data and Information Management. IODE-XXIIODE/ ICAMongoingNo action required58476Mr De Bruin proposed to contact each of the NODCs involved in IPY projects and ask those NODCs to identify (and consequently manage and preserve) the IPY data from that NODC country. That is to start at the level of the 170 honeycomb project and then go down to the level of the subprojects and the sub-subprojects. Mr De Bruin would contact those concerned during IODE-XX or in the very near future and he asked for active support from the IODE community in this matter.July 2009T. De BruinSecretariat contacted Taco de Bruin to check on action taken (26/02/10)The Secretariat reported that Mr De Bruin was contacted on 26/2/2010 but no response had been received. The Officers noted that the IPYDIS has been established as a global partnership of data centers, archives, and networks working to ensure proper stewardship of IPY and related data. The Officers concluded that no further action was required at this time but invited Dr Lesley Rickards to report back to the Officers after the Polar Information Commons (PIC) (http://www.polarcommons.org/) meeting, 22nd-23rd March 2010 at ICSU HQ in Paris in which she would participate. The primary aims of the PIC meeting are: Establishing the Framework for Long-term Stewardship of Polar Data and Information: (i) what is needed to establish the PIC as a long-term framework for polar data and information?; (ii) what steps are needed to launch the PIC in Oslo in June and ensure initial success? Dr Rickards will report on this item.59477The USA suggested an IODE Circular Letter be sent to NODCs on this topic. Mr De Bruin agreed to also make contact at the working level with relevant NODCs to supplement the Circular Letter, and to keep the IODE secretariat informed of progress.June 2009IODE SecretariatSee 58No action was taken (no information received from T. De Bruin). Further: see 5860477Germany offered to help in ensuring Arctic research cruise summary reports are made availableEnd of 2009German NODCNo action reportedContact GermanyNo information was received from the German NODC.61477The UK noted the importance of ship operators inputting data into cruise planning databases such as the one maintained by POGO and noted that the new draft SCAR data and information strategy envisions a strong partnership with IODE for marine data exchange and stewardship for the Southern Ocean.IODE-XXIIODE/ POGO/ SCARNo actionNeed to contact SCARNo information was received from the German NODC.62479The Committee stressed the importance of comprehensive, professional management as well as long-tern secure archival of the IPY data, and called on the NODCs as well as WDCs Oceanography to actively participate in this activity. IODE-XXINODCs, WDCs OceanographyNo action reported (see also 58, 59)See 58, 5963485The Committee thanked Mr Keeley for his presentation and called on NODCs to actively participate in OceanObs09.September 2009NODCsDoneCompleted64490The Committee welcomed the planned establishment of a long-term archival for OTN data at the Canadian NODC.IODE-XXICanadian NODCRequest reporting from CanadaThe Officers requested Mr Greg Reed to contact Mr Robert Branton and Mr Keeley to seek further collaboration (ref also to para 488 of the IODE-XX report) Mr Reed will report on this item.65496The Committee invited NODCs to collaborate with OneGeology by providing marine geology data or to contact relevant national contacts in institutions that may hold relevant maps or data.IODE-XXINODCsUnclear who was to act on this??No action required.66499The Committee welcomed the cooperation with MMI and recommended its continuation, thereby also taking into account the SeaVox vocabulary services and developments taking place in the IODE Marine XML Steering Group.IODE-XXIMMI coordinatorsUnclear if there was actionGreg Reed?Mr Reed reported discussions with John Graybeal on this matter. MMI reported in January 2010 will write up a story on the activities of IODE and in particular on the ODS process. They will require the MMI community to recommend standards for ODS. The Officers requested Mr Reed to contact Mr Kris Walz. Mr Reed will report on this item.67505The Committee requested to send at least one paper copy of information materials published by the Project Office to NODCs. continuouslyIODE SecretariatNo publications in 2009 Print ODS first publication and send to NODCs Check with Mika if we have additional ODINAFRICA books or can have them printedThe Officers recommended that suitable documents (brochures, newsletters) should preferably be distributed at relevant events, such as conferences, to ensure they reach their target audiences. On-demand mailing should also be possible. Member States should also be able to print copies for national distribution. Dr Malika Bel Hassen Abid noted that the ODINAFRICA book had been distributed during the 2009 IOC Assembly. There was considerable interest and some extra copies were requested.68514The Committee requested the NODCs and Marine Information Centres to send historical photographs of data centres, information centres and their equipment and staff to the IOC project Office for IODE (printed or electronic).End of 2009NODCs, Marine Information CentresOnly USA has sent picturesSend remindersThe Officers decided to give the good example by sending relevant pictures to the IODE Secretariat and use these to encourage other NODCs to do the same.69515The Committee established an inter-sessional Working Group to finalise plans for commemoration of the 50th anniversary of IODE. The Committee instructed the Group to submit its Report to the Officers by the end of 2009End of 2009The group, Chaired by Greece, will include Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Senegal, South Africa, Turkey, Ukraine, the IODE Co-Chair (Malika Bel Hassen Abid), the ODINAFRICA Coordinator, and the Chair GE-MIM.Actions ongoing (coordinated by Greece)This will be covered under Agenda Item 1070518The Committee instructed the NODCs to put a link to the 'IOC Oceanographic Data Exchange Policy on their own web page.End of 2009NODCsCheck with all NODCsThis will be covered under Agenda Item 10.271525The Committee expressed its concern that not all 46 members of the "IOC Data and Information Management Advisory Group" will be active in the governance system for the Strategy. The Co-Chairs will need to identify a smaller group to take action. The next key issue will be on the Impact on IODE of cooperation with OBIS and this needs to be done before the next IOC Assembly.June 2009Co-ChairsMembers of Strategy Group were contacted by email. Few responses were received. IODE Officers need to discuss workability of strategy groupThis will be covered under Agenda Item 5.372530The Committee instructed the Co-Chairs to bring to the attention of the IOC Assembly the need to diversify the sources of extra-budgetary funding, recalling that over 90% of the extra-budgetary funding for IODE is now provided by one Member StateJune 2009IODE Co-Chairsdonecompleted73530The Committee also called on Member States to use the Flanders-UNESCO Trust Fund for Science as an example of an effective and flexible way to provide assistance to UNESCO and its IOC and this had been confirmed by an assessment, and invited other Member States to establish similar mechanisms with IOC to support IODE and other IOC programmes. IODE-XXIMember StatesdoneNo additional Trust Funds established so far Need to establish for OBISThis item will be covered under Agenda Item 5.3 and 1274531The Committee adopted Recommendation IODE-XX.5 IODE-XXIIOC Member States, members of the IODE Committee(P&B): ongoingThis will be covered under Agenda Item 1275536The delegates of Belgium and the United States of America offered to investigate the possibility of hosting the 21st session IODE-XXI in 2011. The Committee welcomed the offers and instructed the Secretariat and the CoChairs to follow-up on the offers.Early 2010IODE SecretariatUSA declined in 2009-12-27 Belgium is investigatingNeed to send official letter to Belgium Permdel in January 2010Implemented by Belgium76540The Committee requested the IODE Co-Chairs to present the Executive Summary with all Resolutions and Recommendations therein to the Twenty-Fifth Session of the IOC Assembly that will take place between 16 and 25 June 2009 at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris, France. June 2009IODE Co-ChairsDoneDone ACTIONS/ISSUES EMERGING FROM THE IODE OFFICERS MEETING (2010) GE-BICH (6.1.1) The Officers recommended inviting Dr Bill Burnett to GE-BICH-V as invited expert from the GOOS community. Dr Burnett was invited to GE-BICH-V but could not attend Regarding the processing levels proposed by the Workshop the Officers noted that there are several other processing level schemes. It was recommended to look at the Argo and GTSPP schemes. This will be reported on by the Chair GE-BICH (see Agenda Item 6.1.1) The Officers requested the Secretariat to send out a Circular Letter to invite nominations for long-term membership of the Group using the existing Terms of Reference. This was not yet completed. It will be done after GE-BICH-V GE-MIM (6.1.2) Regarding the membership of GE-MIM it was noted that there are some vacancies due to expiry of terms. It was unclear who needs to be replaced. The Officers requested the Chair GE-MIM and the Secretariat to provide more information on this subject. See Agenda item 6.1.2 The Officers requested GE-MIM to provide details on the work required in OceanExpert as this could be carried out either by the Project Office developer or by a contractor. See Agenda item 6.2.10 IODE OceanDataPortal (6.2.2) Dr Vanden Berghe offered to serve OBIS data through OceanDataPortal. See 6.2.2 The Officers recommended that country missions should be organized to promote ODP and to install the software in the data centres. It was further recommended that ETMDP will develop nomination and certification procedures for data providers and that these procedures will be distributed to the IODE national coordinators for data management as well as to IOC action addresses and Permanent Delegations to UNESCO, to serve as the basis for expansion of ODP data providers. See 6.2.2 IODE/JCOMM Ocean Data Standards (6.2.1) The Officers invited the ETDMP to consider how to promote submissions See 6.1.3 and 6.2.1 The Officers noted that different recommended standards may have different target audiences. The dissemination of the published documents therefore needs to be adapted to the audience. See 6.2.1 IODE OceanTeacher (7.1) The Officers recommended contacting some of the large projects (Argo, GTSPP, GHRSST) to provide lectures on how to use their data. See 7.1 The Officers suggested that experts could provide material and that the OceanTeacher steering group members could then transform the material into courses and material in the Digital Library. See 7.1 GTSPP (6.2.5) The Officers requested that GTSPP should provide its data through ODP See 6.2.2 GOSUD (6.2.6) The Officers requested that GOSUD should provide its data also through ODP. This needs to be discussed with GOSUD at their meeting in May 2010. See 6.2.2 GOSUD requests 3000 as a contribution for the renovation of their web site but is not clear whether this will be in 2010 or 2011. The Officers decided to allocate the funds in 2010. See 6.2.6. The funds were not utilized as the request was receive only in December 2010 GODAR (6.2.4) The Officers requested that statistics be provided for IODE-XXI at the geographic level (e.g. how many data sets were added relevant to Africa) and the time period (i.e. the years from which data were rescued). See 6.2.4 ODINECET (7.2.4) The Officers requested ODINECET to prepare a detailed work plan focusing on strategic objectives and deliverables. This, together with financial requirements, needs to be submitted to IODE-XXI for approval. It was also unclear to the Officers what equipment is required and why technical support is needed for the maintenance of the e-repository software. See 7.2.4 ODINWESTPAC (7.2.5) The Officers requested Prof Lin to provide more information in this regard. If no funds are available from China then the Officers recommended that Member States in the region apply for training through the OceanTeacher Academy programme. See 7.2.5 The Officers stressed the importance of using the OceanTeacher Academy programme as a tool for training rather than applying for regional courses. See 7.2.5 The Officers requested Prof Lin to coordinate the development of the e-repository with the IODE OceanDocs Project. See 7.2.5 The Officers requested Prof Lin to implement an OceanDataPortal data provider in China and to promote the development of data providers in the ODINWESTPAC participating countries. See 7.2.5 and 6.2.2 The Officers urged Member States in the WESTPAC region to nominate IODE national coordinators for DM and MIM and to actively participate in ODINWESTPAC. See 7.2.5 Malaysia nominated IODE NC for data management (30/9/2010); New Zealand nominated IODE NC for data management (2/12/2010); Thailand updated IODE NC for data management (24/5/2010) ODIN-PIMRIS (7.2.7) The Officers noted with regret that Ms Kalenchits will be leaving her position as Librarian/PIMRIS Coordinator and ODIN-PIMRIS project coordinator in April 2010. The new PIMRIS coordinator Ms Susana Macanawai tok up her position on 8/11/2010 (see 7.2.7) The Officers expressed their great appreciation for the work carried out by Ms Kalenchits in developing ODIN-PIMRIS. The Officers noted that a new Coordinator will need to be designated. This could be done during the planned Review meeting (June-August 2010). See 7.2.7 The Officers requested Maria Kalenchits to organize the designation of an interim coordinator prior to her departure to ensure the continuation of ODIN-PIMRIS activities between her departure and the taking office of the new PIMRIS coordinator. At that time the designation of the ODIN-PIMRIS coordinator can be revisited. See 7.2.7 ODINCINDIO (7.2.3) The Officers noted that there is some activity under IOGOOS. The Officers requested the Secretariat to contact the GOOS Office in Perth to collaborate on the Indian Ocean sub-region. The Officers recommended that closer cooperation be obtained with ROPME to address the Persian Gulf. The Officers noted with concern the lack of action of the IOCINDIO regional committee due to the absence of a Chair and Vice-Chair, as well as the lack of an ODINCINDIO regional coordinator. The Officers requested the Secretariat to continue their efforts to seek contact with the IOC action addresses in the IOCINDIO Member States (through the Permanent Delegations or other channels) Integration of OBIS into IODE (5) All recommendations and observations made by the Officers are addressed in Document IOC/IODE-XXI/43 (Adoption by IODE of OBIS) IOC Strategic Plan for Oceanographic Data and Information Management (9) The Officers called on the Chair GE-BICH and Dr Vanden Berghe to further discuss the implementation of HAIS with the HAB Secretariat and related experts. It was recalled that funding was still being sought to fully implement HAIS. The Officers invited Dr Vanden Berghe as a Member of the IOC Data and Information Management Advisory Group. Renewal of the MoU for IOC Project Office for IODE (4.3.1) The Officers recommended that a Service Level Agreement be established between IOC and VLIZ that fully describes the IT related services provided by VLIZ to the IOC Project Office for IODE Cooperation with other programmes and organizations (9.9) The Officers expressed strong concern regarding the continuing financial and administrative difficulties between UNESCO and the European Commission, which made it impossible for IOC and its IODE to participate in new FP7 projects in 2009-2010. It was further recalled that the problems related to IODEs participation in the SeaDataNet project still have not been resolved resulting in a loss of approx. 150,000 in funding. See The Officers recommended that WDS should link to the ocean community through ODP (v2) which uses the network model. Regarding the former WDCs these could have regional (eg ODIN) or thematic responsibilities and focus on specific services at their regional or thematic level. The former WDC Oceanography Silver Spring has always been global in focus, developing WOD and WOA and the officers agreed that this should continue. See 4.2 and 9.5 The Officers recommended that a document be prepared that describes the IODE architecture as well as the IODE Ocean Data Portal as a mechanism providing access to the data held by the IODE NODCs. In this document the former WDCs could also be included as specialized centres focusing on regional or thematic areas. The Officers agreed that the Document should be prepared for the October meeting (which will be a meeting of the Scientific Committee as well as a CODATA meeting). See 4.2, 6.2.2 and 9.5 The Officers requested Dr Mikhailov to prepare a draft, by the next Session of the SG-ODP, to start discussions with the other former WDCs. See 4.2, 6.2.2 and 9.5 Cooperation with JCOMM (Other) (6.1.3) Publications identified by the best practices review include: Guide to Oceanographic and Marine Meteorological Instruments and Observing Practices (IOC Manuals and Guides No. 4) and Manual of Quality Control Procedures for validation of Oceanographic Data (IOC Manuals and Guides No. 26). The Officers noted that it was unclear whether resources are available to update these publications. The Officers noted that continued cooperation between IODE and the JCOMM DMPA is needed to ensure continued work on data standards, IODE OceanDataPortal, the JCOMM Pilot Project for WIGOS and further development of interoperability between ocean data systems and the WIS. Preparations for IODE-XXI The Officers requested that the Secretariat contacts all IODE NCs who are planning to attend the Session and inquire whether they need interpretation, mentioning the cost. A survey was created (6 September 2010) to obtain input from member states. 81% of respondents replied that translation of documents was not necessary for them; 64.5% of respondents replied that interpretation during the Session was not necessary for them. It was therefore decided by the Officers not to provide translation and interpretation. The Officers decided that cost of full interpretation, if needed, will be covered by the IODE Regular Programme budget. IODE 50th anniversary (10.2) Full reporting on this item will be provided under Agenda item 10.2 [end] IOC/IODE-XXI/7 page  PAGE 2 IOC/IODE-XXI/7 page  PAGE 3 *,LMwx N O c , } ~ L~g鸱wnwnhe|h$ACJhah$ACJhGh$ACJH*hGh$AB*CJphhGh$A6CJhGh$ACJ h$h$A h$A5CJhGh$A5CJh/h$A5CJ$OJQJ\h$A5CJ$OJQJ\h$AOJQJ^Jh$A5OJQJ\h$Ahah$*+LMx  O b c f k w $$$N&#$/If^`a$gd$A$$N&#$/Ifgd$A$$ & 0` P@1$7$8$H$a$gd$Agd$A$a$gd$A X Y b n x  $$N&#$/Ifgd$AFf$]$$N&#$/If^]`a$gd$A$$N&#$/Ifgd$AFfk  $ . 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