ࡱ> {|}~#` ݕbjbj5G5G BW-W-> 4 hxL R\\X@+tRvRvRvRvRvRvR$QVhXJR [+[[R RS"S"S"[ tR;"[tRS"S"THt @ dKP p1˓ypI"xLR0RIY YDdKY dK| " l=RR!jR[[[[ `m_ m    Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Leadership Development Workshop and Discussion on Marine Action Planning Libreville 13-16 March 2007 Draft Report  This document is made available to meeting participants for convenience. It has not been submitted to formal review process of any of the partnering organisation. Detailed report of the discussion of the Marine Action Planning session is available on a separate document from the IOC website. Table of Contents  TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc166653924" Table of Contents  PAGEREF _Toc166653924 \h 2  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc166653925" Summary of workshop outcomes  PAGEREF _Toc166653925 \h 3  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc166653926" Acknowledgements 4  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc166653928" Venue and opening session  PAGEREF _Toc166653928 \h 4  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc166653929" Brief description of the leadership workshop 5  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc166653931" Brief description of the marine action planning session  PAGEREF _Toc166653931 \h 6  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc166653932" Annex I Workshop Time Table  PAGEREF _Toc166653932 \h 8  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc166653952" Annex II Briefing Note for Participants  PAGEREF _Toc166653952 \h 9  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc166653953" Annex III Background note on IOC Leadership, Proposal-writing and Team-building  PAGEREF _Toc166653953 \h 12  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc166653963" Annex IV Draft participants list  PAGEREF _Toc166653963 \h 16   Summary of workshop outcomes This document reports on the outcomes of the Leadership development workshop and the discussion on Marine Action Planning that were held in Libreville, Gabon, 13-16 March 2007. A total of 25 participants, primarily directors or deputy directors, from 23 institutions in 13 countries participated. Participants were introduced with leadership development tools to enhance their performance as leaders of scientific organisations and teams. The workshop was greatly enriched with the experience participants shared with each other. In contrast with other regions, where one essential benefit from the workshop was enhanced networking, participants in Libreville had, in a large majority, already worked with each other. The Marine Action Planning session took place on 13 March with further discussions during parts of the following days. A broad variety of projects were discussed with many ranked as high priority for the region by participants. Areas in which the group identified needs in capacity development included fisheries stock assessment and monitoring, prevention and mitigation of coastal pollution, dynamics of coastal waters, especially up-welling areas, and enhanced cooperation between the countries of the Benguela, Guinea and Canary current areas. The group expressed a strong interest in having these issues further developed in the bid-writing workshop currently planned for late spring 2008. With few exceptions all participants found the workshop extremely useful for their work in their institutes, as attested from scores on the feedback forms as well as from personal communications. The most common suggested improvement for following workshops is that more time should be set aside for exchange of experience between the directors.  Acknowledgements This workshop was made possible thanks to the generous support and logistical help of the Ministre des Affaires Etrangres of the Republic of Gabon, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem Programme, the Bureau of UNESCO in Libreville, and the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO. The tireless support from the staff of the Ministre des Affaires Etrangres in particular was essential in making this event successful. Venue and opening session The leadership development workshop and the marine action planning session were both held in the Ministre des Affaires Etrangres of the Republic of Gabon. Simultaneous translation was provided between French and English. Vice-Prime Minister Jean Ping, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation and Francophonie addressed participants for the opening session, in presence of the Vice-Prime Minister, Minister of the Environment, of the Protection of the Nature and of the City. Mr Jean Ping welcomed participants and emphasized the importance of marine affairs and resources for Gabon and it neighbours. He reminded participants of the vastness of the marine and coastal resources currently at stake for Gabon and its African neighbours, and the crucial role and challenges that they, as key role players in marine sciences in the region, are facing. He noted that it was a promising sign that directors took the time to come to this workshop, as it showed their interest in developing their leadership skills and performance as directors, and declared the opening of the workshop.  Brief description of the leadership workshop Participants were primarily directors and deputy directors, with strong professional experience in leading and managing institutes and scientific teams. The workshop was thus tailored to fit the interest of experienced leaders who can and want to further improve the performance. Prior to the workshop, participants were requested to complete a self-evaluation of their personal leadership using an exercise worksheet, note what they considered as key criteria in assessing a directors performance as a leader, and being apply these to what they see as the most pressing issues in their institute. The objectives of the workshop were that upon completion, participants have: Been empowered to improve the management and protection of the ocean and coastal zones through a strengthened leadership capacity Strengthened link with other highly influential leaders in marine sciences in their region; Enjoyed an opportunity for personal learning and renewal. The workshop was structured around individual and team exercises, slides material, team assignments, self-study, facilitator inputs and case study materials. Personal communications and feedback forms showed that participants overwhelmingly found the workshop extremely useful (evaluation report of the consultant conducting the leadership workshop available upon request). Participants had acquired very valuable know-how on leading institutes and scientific teams prior to this workshop, but the tools and techniques for further improvement that were presented, as well as the opportunity to exchange experience in focussed discussions with their regional peers, were seen as highly enriching. The consultant will remain available to participants for one-on-one coaching through electronic mail or phone, to provide assistance as they undertake the change process in their work environment. Further details on the workshop are available in Annex II. Also, the IOC capacity development website is now making available a variety of resources for leadership development in marine sciences, including the slide material used for this workshop. Brief description of the marine action planning session For more details on this session, please refer to the full report available from the IOC website as a separate document. The marine action planning session provides an opportunity to exercise leadership skills and apply the tools and technique presented to concrete, important issues in marine sciences and research of relevance to the region. As well, the gathering of many of the key role players in marine sciences of the region provides an excellent opportunity for discussing ways for cooperation and sustainable growth of institutional capacities. Prior to this session, participants were requested to provide information on their institute such available expertise, tools and equipment, funding sources, key projects and domain of excellence. Information was also requested on what they see as the most urgent challenges for their countries in terms of using science to sustainably develop, use and defend their marine and coastal resources. The overall objective of the session was that participants discuss and agree on issues of priority in marine sciences and capacity development in the region, and define a project for which IOC could be tasked to assist. Participants identified and discussed many marine issues that are crucial to their countries. Those included fisheries and resources protection (sustainable marine fisheries management, protection of coastal ecology and eco-tourism), coastal zone management (shoreline change, coastal erosion and habitat restoration, coastal urban and peri-urban expansion), coastal pollution (hydrocarbon pollution, marine and coastal pollution), capacity development and knowledge management (strengthening institutes capacity for continuous marine and coastal data collection and analysis, capacity-building for risk assessments, mentoring of young scientists, packaging scientific information for use by decision-makers), and sustainable human development (poverty and coastal degradation, economic costs of coastal degradation). Break-out groups then discussed how this many issues could be grouped in coherent projects. It was proposed that these could be separated in three broad areas: capacity-building and knowledge management, capacity-building in marine sciences in the East Atlantic region of Africa, and scientific and marine research cooperation in the Canary, Guinea and Benguela Current areas. Participants discussed and agreed on the steps in project completion as shown in the table below: #Steps in Project CompletionDecide on topic(s) for project proposals and participating institutes Selection of 1-2 projects at the Gabon IOC Leadership Workshop (March 2007) IOC (consultant) will submit follow up note to all Gabon workshop participants to get written expression of interest for participating in project development effort (March/April 2007)Scope out issue, analyse needs, review institutional competencies IOC (consultant) develops 1 page outline of project idea and a questionnaire, submitted to each participating institute for scoping and needs analysis. The questionnaire will request information from each institute on their competencies in the topic field. (May 2007 - submission of questionnaire, with June 2007 deadline for completion). Develop draft Project Brief & Donor list IOC (consultant) will draft a Project Brief based from the questionnaire responses. The IOC Consultant will also develop a draft donor list, based in part on recommendations provided from the participating institutes. (Complete and circulate initial draft for comments in August, 2007, with comments back from institutes by September, 2007)Refine Brief & get consensus on approach Revised brief is submitted to each of the institutes to generate written confirmation and approval of the approach. (Finalise brief to institutes in October 2007, with deadline for letters of endorsement by November, 2007)Identify & define case studies Based on the project subject matter, case studies and demonstration sub-projects may be developed. The case studies should be recommended and then developed by the participating institutes, who will be responsible to develop briefing notes, expected outcomes and costs. (Sub-projects identified and briefing notes prepared by Jan, 2008). Contact donors & pitch proposal IOC (consultant) to submit the project concept and documentation for consideration by several donors, including travels to meet directly with key donors. It may be feasible to include a field mission for one or more donors to the area to review the concept with hosting institutes. (February April, 2008) Extend and refine concept Based on the interest and response from sponsors, there will likely need to be changes and further elaboration of the project brief. This may require another round of approvals from institutes (May, 2008) The Brief will then get adapted to donor-required formats by the IOC (consultant), in preparation of the bid writing effort.Bid-writing A follow on workshop will be held with participating institutes (June, 2008) to review and commence the bid-writing effort. This workshop will move the project concept forward and also enable participants to increase their facility with developing logical frameworks, project budgets, team development and work plans. Agreement will be reached on assignments from each institute in the completion of the bidding process. (Institute submissions for project document by July, 2008)Team Building Concurrent with completion of the bid writing assignments (step 9) the Institutes will also identify persons to participate as named experts within the project. This effort will include preparing CVs and drafting terms of reference for the work program of each expert. (Teams and TORs to be completed by July, 2008) Bid submission IOC (consultant) to circulate draft bid for institute comments (September, 2008.) Comments, approvals and endorsement returned by October, 2008 Complete and submit bid to sponsor(s), November 2008 Annex I Workshop Time Table TimingsTues 13 MarchWed 14 MarchThu 15 MarchFri 16 March0831-1011Opening addresses and welcome. Leadership application exercise: Discussion of regional issues and priorities in marine sciences and technology.What is leading and leadership really about and why is it so critically important. The core building blocks of world class leadership in S and T. Review of key lessons from day 2. Presentations and feedback on evening assignments.Review of key lessons from day 3. Team presentations and feedback.1012-1031RefreshmentsRefreshmentsRefreshmentsRefreshments1032-1242Breakout sessions on identifying country issues and mapping them on the regional priorities. Breakout sessions and plenary discussion on identifying capacity development needed to address stated priorities.Personal Mastery as the foundation for your leadership.Management versus leadership work. Determining/clarifying strategic direction.How do you create the conditions to achieve significant results both strategic and operational, team and individual? Techniques for initiating and leading change.1243-1332Light lunch Light lunchLight lunchLight lunch1333-1511Performance indicators measuring growth in capacity. Self assessment: What are the structures driving your performance and behaviours? Skills to help you grow your Personal Mastery. .Individual assignment: Securing alignment and enrolment. Team exercise: Providing performance feedback with guidelines for improvement. How can leaders influence/change human behaviour and ultimately, organisational performance? Individual assignment: Leading change to identify, prioritise and address the most important issues concerning the sustainable management of the ocean and protection of coastal zones. Team discussion. 1512-1531Refreshments RefreshmentsRefreshmentsRefreshments1532-1703The nuts and bolts of attracting funding/sponsors. From Mastery to Leadership: A Competence Map for high impact leadership. Developing your competence and proficiency to lead. Leadership simulation to improve proficiency in problem solving, decision making and communication. Looking homeward: What I and my colleagues will be focussing on. Implementation and follow-up. Workshop close1721-1759Recreation RecreationRecreationRecreation 1800-1901Free timeFree time1902-2031Dinner Hosted Dinner Hosted Dinner HostedDinner own arrangements 2032-Individual and team assignmentsSimulation assignments ontinued Annex II Briefing Note for Participants Date: 1 March 2007 To: Workshop Participants From: Ian Dean (Workshop Facilitator) Introduction Congratulations on your forthcoming participation in IOCs Leadership Development Programme. All the information you need for the first workshop (Module One) and especially your pre-work is set out in this Briefing Note (Document No 1) and the Workshop Time-table (Document No 2). Please contact me at  HYPERLINK "mailto:iandean@iafrica.com" iandean@iafrica.com or on + 27 825530360 at any time should you wish to discuss and/or clarify any aspect of the workshop. Venue, timings and dates Venue: Palais International des Confrences Cit de la Dmocratie Libreville - Gabon Contact 241 77 46 78 - M Dongo Starting date and time: 0831 am on Tuesday 13 March 2007 Concluding date and time: 1800 pm on Friday 16 March. Please note that there is a wrap-up session discussing the workshop outcomes and way forward on practical leadership skill development scheduled for Workshop timetable: Attached as Document No 2. Objectives/Outcomes On successful completion of the workshop, you will have: Acquired an integrated framework for the knowledge and skills required for leadership at a senior level and where appropriate, renewed and updated your existing expertise. Received feedback and new insights on your current leadership capacities to help you focus on specific (practical) development actions where small improvements will make a major difference to the impact you have as a leader. Improved your overall proficiency to lead. Identified blockages and constraints to effective performance in your work environment and developed credible interventions (leadership application and/or collaborative projects) to address them. Strengthened your working relationships in a Regional Network of Senior Leaders. Enjoyed a time of personal growth and renewal. Workshop process and content The workshop is structured around individual and team exercises, video material, individual skill development simulations, team assignments, self-study, facilitator inputs and case study materials. It is experiential (very hands on leaning by doing) in nature. Practical application in your work environment will be a primary focus during the workshop. The process takes full account of the seniority of the group and is designed to be both challenging and intrinsically rewarding. 5. Dress Smart casual for the opening session and informal thereafter. Please note that the recreational session included in the timetable is an integral part of the workshop. You will require comfortable walking shoes/joggers. A light sweater/top is also recommended should the weather be cool. There will be many special experiences, lots of laughter and special memories. You may want to capture a few on camera! You are most welcome to bring one along! 6.Preparation and pre-work Good preparation is absolutely essential. Experience has repeatedly shown that delegates, who are well prepared, derive several hundred percent more benefits than those who are not. Would you therefore please complete the following assignments prior to commencement on 13 March: 6.1 Your personal leadership: Please complete a self-evaluation of your (i) strengths in priority order, and (ii) your most important development needs as a leader. Exercise worksheet No 1 (attached) provides a useful template for this self-evaluation. It is also helpful to consult 2 or 3 people with whom you work, for example, a colleague, the person to whom you report and somebody who reports to you, and ask them to complete the same assessment on your leadership. This will allow you to calibrate your own evaluation. Please ensure that you have a copy of your self-evaluation available for collection on day 1 of the workshop so that I can use it to fine-tune our exercises and discussions. Prepare a short note setting out your vision(s) for your life. Prepare a list of the things you want to achieve/learn by attending this workshop. Leadership in general: Record your answers to the following questions: What are the most important shifts and changes taking place in both local and global work environments and what impact is that having on the requirements for effective leadership? What are the most important criteria for assessing the effectiveness of a persons leadership? Stated differently, what criteria should be used to assess your effectiveness as a senior leader? What are the most important leadership roles/responsibilities for individuals holding senior positions in your organization/institution? What are the basic steps to follow when trying to help another person change his/her behavior(s)? 6.3 Leadership applications: Identify another participant who will be attending the workshop. Make contact with the person and set up a Learning Contract with him/her on how you will help and support each other to achieve your respective learning goals/objectives. (See last bullet under 6.1 above) Prepare a short motivational talk (minimum 8, maximum 10 minutes) to persuade a small team of 3 to 4 people who have become a bit cynical and disconnected about working in your organization, that (1) the work and purpose of the organization remains important, and (2) their contribution is valued and needed. (Use actual information from your work environment). Prepare a list of the names (in order of priority based on decision making authority) of the people you regard as being the most influential leaders in your region when dealing with matters/issues that are relevant to your organization and your work. Prepare a short talk (2 to 3 minutes) on key aspects of your countrys culture and how they influence/affect human behaviours. In summary, there are 11 actions items that need your urgent attention before you arrive for the workshop! List in priority order, the areas where your leadership is most successful and/or where you feel you have the highest impact from a leadership perspective. For example, you may feel that you are really good at selecting and appointing the right people for specialized tasks.Try to identify the corresponding competence(s) that enable you to achieve the leadership performance you have recorded in the first column. Competence: The underlying knowledge, behaviours and skills that are causally related to performance.List the areas where your leadership is least successful and/or where you feel you have difficulty making an impact from a leadership perspective. For example, you may feel that you struggle to deal with poor performers and procrastinate when it comes to decision-making. You may be unable to convince a selected group of people to support a range of change initiatives you want to introduce.List in priority order, the competence(s) you have not yet mastered or may still need to acquire in order to improve your influence and impact as a leader. This list should reflect your most important development needs especially those areas you want to address during the workshop. Competence: The underlying knowledge, behaviours and skills that are causally related to performance. Annex III Background note on IOC Leadership, Proposal-writing and Team-building What prompted the program? Oceans cover more than 70% of the earths surface, with the coastal zones having the densest populations and a spectrum of competing interests. Taken in conjunction with an effectively diminishing capacity to scientifically self-manage coastal and open ocean spaces, it is not surprising that marine resources are degrading at an accelerating rate. The IOC Assembly in June 2005 debated these issues and concluded that the present method of building capacity needed a new strategic direction. The Assembly approved an initial implementation plan that focuses on harnessing the self-drive of directors of marine science institutes to break the spiral of non-sustainable dependence on external donor agencies. The plan fosters partnerships with agencies that develop capacity through interventions that are locally owned with meaningful societal outcomes, sustainable, effective and efficient. [Check  HYPERLINK "http://ioc.unesco.org/iocms/files/IOC-XXIII_3finalfinal.pdf" http://ioc.unesco.org/iocms/files/IOC-XXIII_3finalfinal.pdf pages 30 to 34 and Resolutions 10 and 11]. What are the program components? There are 3 components spread over 3 years. The present program addresses the first 2 components. Component 1 is designed to strengthen institutes by conducting workshops that: Empower networks of directors with leadership skills Support networks of scientists with proposal-writing skills Build scientific teams to collaborate on funded projects Component 2 is designed to raise awareness of the importance of marine scientific research by strengthening institutes through training workshops in Decision Support System tools that: Deliver visible local benefits based on science Use existing data & operational products where possible Create openings for research & education Component 3 will be designed to enrol civil societys support for marine science capacity-building and develop participatory skills in good governance. What are the expected benefits? Expected benefits from Component 1 are: The immediate outcome from the first leadership workshop will be the joint identification of a core regional capacity development need. Directors will also be transferred the skills to initiate change in their organisations. The HR consultant will work with directors for 3 years. The tangible outcome from the proposal-writing workshops will be funded projects. The consultant will work with the scientific teams from concept to funds realisation. The immediate outcome of the team-building workshops will be a significant change in degree of scientific collaboration in the institute and within the funded project. Leadership skills will also be transferred so that this group of scientists can be enrolled in institutional management. The HR consultant will work with the group of scientists for 3 years. Expected benefits from Component 2 are: Participants will be trained in coastal numerical models, satellite remote sensing, and Geographical Information Systems as tools that form the basis of a Decision Support System [DSS]. Such systems can be powerful means of raising awareness and support for marine science amongst decision-makers and communities. Skills at using such a DSS will also empower directors to earn extra-budgetary funds from coastal industries. Who can participate and how? Heads of marine science, fisheries or meteorological institutes/academic faculties /international science programs/or national funded projects will be the constituency. The targeted participant will be one with authority over a functional entity that has manpower/equipment/infrastructural resources. How many workshops, where and when? The entire program consists of 11 workshops - 3 Leadership, 3 Proposal-writing, and 3 Team-building workshops. We will also conduct 2 extended training workshops in remote sensing, GIS, and coastal modelling utilising GOOS data and products where possible. A generous Swedish International Development Agency [Sida] grant will allow 5 of the 11 workshops to be conducted in each of the IOC regions. The first leadership workshop was conducted in collaboration with WIOMSA in Maputo, in 2005. A tentative agenda for the Western Indian Ocean region is tabled below. We conducted the second leadership workshop in East Africa in October 2006. Workshops200720082009LeadershipSSRProposal-writingSRRTeamsSRRTraining ToolsRRS denotes funds available. R denotes funds yet to be found.Workshops will be conducted by consultants especially selected for their expertise. They will provide mentoring during the entire program of implementation. There will be similar workshops conducted in all IOC regions. For instance, the first leadership workshop in the IOCARIBE region was held in Kingston, Jamaica 12 to 15 September 2006, and a similar workshop held from 29 November to 4 December 2006 in Cuba. These 2 workshops were tailored to respond to the needs of SIDS in the Caribbean, and Spanish speaking participants from Latin and Central America respectively. What do you need to bring to the workshop? There are three thought items to engage in prior to attending the first Leadership Workshop. Compile a list of regional capacity development [CD] needs. After the leadership workshop, we intend to spend a half day to prioritise the regional CD needs which will then serve as the basis in drafting a suitable proposal for funding. Jot down some out-of-the-box ideas to attract matching funds to the Sida contribution. We would benefit from your thoughts on this. Think about some guidelines to establish a baseline on marine science institutes so that progress in institutional improvement can be monitored over the next 3 years. IOC believes that the self-drive of heads of institutes and their scientists is the most important element in developing capacity to conduct marine scientific research and operations, and has formatted the series of workshops accordingly. Annex IV Draft participants list Please note: this list is being updated with information currently being provided from participants. Angola QUILANDA Fidel Chef de Centre de la Province de Namibe Namibe Instituto Nacional de Investigao Pesqueira (INIP) Luanda Angola Centre Rgional de Recherche E-mail: nko_luyeye@yahoo.com; fisofide@gmail.com; fisofide@hotmail.com Benin DEGBE Cossi Georges Epiphane Chercheur CRHOB)/CBRST Centre de Recherches Halieutiques et Ocanologiques du Bnin Ministre de lEnseignement suprieur et de la Formation Professionelle Avenue Maro-militaire Immeuble Soglo Cotonou Bnin 03BP 1665 COTONOU Phone: (229) 21 31 75 86 Mobile: 95 05 69 21 Fax: (229) 32 36 71 E-mail: gdegbe@yahoo.fr DJIMAN Roger Chef (CRHOB) Scrtaire Permanent du Comit National Ocanographique(CNO) Centre de Recherches Halieutiques et Ocanologiques du BENIN Ministre de lEnseignement Suprieur et de la Formation Professionelle 03BP 1665 COTONOU Phone: (229) 213 17 586 Mobile: (229) 959 57 488 E-mail: rodjiman@yahoo.fr; r.djiman@odinafrica.net Cameroon FOLACK Jean Director CERECOMA Specialized Research Centre for Marine Ecosystems (CERECOMA) MINRESI-IRAD B. P. 219 Kribi, Cameroon Phone: 237 346 16 46 Fax: 237 346 14 15 / 237 346 1646 E-mail: folack@yahoo.fr NDI Christopher Directeur de Recherche Institut de Recherche Agricole pour le Dveloppement (IRAD) BP 2133 Yaound Phone: 237 704 15 49 Fax: 237 222 33 62 E-mail: c_ndi@yahoo.com Congo M. BATCHY Alain-Claver Consultant en ecosystmes marins et ctiers Ministre des Transports maritimes et marine marchande Bureau 16 tage Tour Nabemba BP15000 Brazzaville Phone: 242 82 55 16 Mobile: 242 521 38 80 Fax: 242 82 55 16 E-mail: batchyalain@yahoo.fr LOCKO Auguste Laboratoire d'ocanographie physique centre IRD- DGRST B.P 1286 Pointe-Noire Tel: (242) 662 82 32 E-mail: auguste_locko@yahoo.fr Gabon ANGOENNAH Jean Paul Conseiller juridique UPM Ministre de lenvironnement, de la protection de la nature et de la ville Tel: (241) 06 24 92 51 BOULINGUI BOUASSA Serge A. Charg dtudes auprs du Haut Commissionaire Adjoint au tourisme Tel: +241 07 16 26 53 bloodj@caramail.com MAGANGA Pierre Directeur General DGDM / Ministerie Affaires Etrangeries de la Cooperation et de la Francophanie B.P408 Libreville Phone: +241 73 12 48/73 09 59 Mobile: +241 06246587 Fax: 241 730 963 E-mail: dgdm@internetgabon.com, magp58@yahoo.fr MOUNGANGA Magloir-Desire Directeur Institut de recherche en sciences Humaines (IRSH-CENAREST) B.P. 10961 Libreville Phone: (241) 07 52 69 73 / 73 47 19 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:moungang@nomade.fr" moungang@nomade.fr ; magdesir@yahoo.fr RECKATY Yvon Conseiller au Ministre du tourisme Phone: +241 07 77 02 04 B.P.4851 Libreville Gabon  HYPERLINK "mailto:reckaty241@yahoo.fr" reckaty241@yahoo.fr BOULINGUI BOUASSA Serge Alain Charg dEtudes auprs du Haut Commissaire Adjoint au Tourisme Phone: 241 07 16 26 53 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:bloodj@caramail.com" bloodj@caramail.com SABI DJABOUDI Arthur Conseiller du Vice-Premier Ministre, MInistre de lenvironnement, de la protection de la nature et de la ville B. P. 16104 Libreville Tel: (241) 07 37 30 47 Delegate from port authority Ghana ARMAH A. K. Head, Department of Fisheries and Oceanography University of Ghana Legon Phone: 233 21 514614 Fax: 233 21 502701 (fax) E-mail: akarmah@ug.edu.gh;  HYPERLINK "mailto:akarmah@yahoo.com" akarmah@yahoo.com QUAATEY Samuel Deputy Director of Fisheries Marine Fisheries Research Division Ministry of Fisheries P. O. Box BT-62 Tema Phone: 233 (0) 22 208 048 Fax: 233 (0) 22 203 066 E-mail: samquaatey@yahoo.com WELLENS MENSAH Julius Chairman of IOCEA Hydrological Services Department MB 501 Accra Phone: +(233) 24 321 614 Mobile: +(233)24 321 614 Fax: +(233) 21 662 989 E-mail: hsd@ghana.com ; jwellens_mensah@hotmail.com Guinea DIALLO Samba Chef de Dpartement Pche Industrielle Centre National des Sciences Halieutiques de Boussoura (CNSHB) 814, Rue MA 500, Corniche Sud, Madina, Boussoura Port. CONAKRY Phone: (224) 60 34 21 51 Fax: 224) 60 39 23 62 E-mail: stdiallo@cnshb.org.gn; diallost@yahoo.com, Hati LUCIENNA Exil Chef de Service des Ecosystmes Littoraux et Aquatiques Ministre de l'Environnement 181,Haut-Turgeau Port-au-Prince Phone: 509 245 05 04 Mobile: 509 461 48 80 E-mail: exillucienna@yahoo.fr Ivory Coast GADJI Abraham Juriste Ministre de lEnvironnement 20 BP 650 20 ABIDJAN 20 Phone: (225) 202 105 98 Fax: (225) 202 104 95 E-mail: gadjiabraham@hotmail.com MAHAN Claude Chercheur Centre de Recherches Oceanologiques 29 rue des Pcheurs, Treichville BPV 18 Shmesani 11910 ABIDJAN Phone: 2252135 64 48 Fax: 2252135 1155 E-mail: mahan_nc@yahoo.fr Namibia MAURIHUNGIRIRE Moses Director National Marine Information and Research Centre (NatMIRC) Ministry of Fisheries P. O. Box 912 Swakopmund Phone: 264 64 410 10 00 Mobile: 264 61 20 53 911; Fax: 264 64 40 43 85 E-mail: mmaurihungirire@mfmr.gov.na; Nigeria AYINLA Olajide Deputy to Director Nigerian Institute for Oceanography and Marine Research (NIOMR) P.M.B. 12729 LAGOS Phone: 234-1 189 71139 Fax: 234-1-2619517 E-mail: niomr@linkserve.com.ng SALAMI Ayobami T. Head Environmental Science Laboratory Inst. Environment and Environment. Studies Obafemi Awolowo University, Ife-Ife Mobile: 234 8033761041 Fax: +234-36232401 E-mail: ayobasalami@yahoo.com; asalami@oauife.edu.ng Senegal NDIAYE Vaque Charg de Recherche Centre de Recherches Ocanographiques de Dakar-Thiaroye BP 2241 Dakar Tel: 221 832 8265 Fax: 221 832 8262 Email: maria_dalanda@yahoo.fr africa.com Togo BLIVI Adot Professeur en Gestion du Littoral Universit de Lom BP 1515 60047 Lom Phone: (+228)221 68 17 Mobile: (+228)905 39 14 E-mail: adoblivi@hotmail.com; a.blivi@odinafrica.net cgileul@yahoo.fr Facilitators DEAN Ian Consultant PO Box 671 7599 Stellenbosch South Africa Phone: 27 218833177 Mobile: 27 825530360 Fax: 27 218838786 E-mail: iandean@iafrica.com FOX Alan Mitchell Consultant 7 Hampton Road 10583 SCARSDALE Phone: 1 914 725 2971 Fax: 1 914 725 2971 E-mail: alan.fox@transboundaryconsulting.com UNESCO Sectretariat BERQUE Joanns Capacity Building Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO 1 rue Miollis Paris 75015 France Tel: 33 1 45 68 39 67 Fax: 33 1 45 68 58 12 Email  HYPERLINK "mailto:e.desa@unesco.org" j.berque@unesco.org DESA Ehrlich Capacity Building Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO 1 rue Miollis Paris 75015 France Tel: 33 1 45 68 40 16 Fax: 33 1 45 68 58 12 Email  HYPERLINK "mailto:e.desa@unesco.org" e.desa@unesco.org MATEOS Aurora Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO 1 rue Miollis Paris 75015 France Tel: 33 1 45 68 3994 Fax: 33 1 45 68 58 12 Email  HYPERLINK "mailto:e.desa@unesco.org" a.mateos@unesco.org      PAGE  PAGE 2 PAGE  PAGE 18 Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency Participants in break-out sessions Rpublique Gabonaise Ministre des Affaires Etrangres, de la Coopration et de la Francophonie Charg de lIntgration Rgionale Coastline facing erosion near Libreville  ;<\]ξymi]TH@hrCJaJh>@#h55CJaJhr5CJaJh>@#h95CJaJh9hc h96CJaJhA5CJ$aJ$h95CJ$aJ$hc hc 5CJ$aJ$hc h95CJ$aJ$h>@#hA5h5h>@#CJaJhAhrjh (UmHnHsH uhrmH sH jh9UmHnHujhqT-UmHnHujh5UmHnHu     ;<\`$a$gd>@#$a$gdc gdr͔ܕ  A O g        : ; ~v~cULUhVwmHnHuhwEhVw0JmHnHu$jhwEhVw0JUmHnHuhVw5\]jhVw5U\]hN hN hN h;hc CJaJmH sH h9CJaJmH sH htWh9CJaJmH sH h9mH sH  h>@#h9h9hh>@#h5CJaJmH sH h5CJaJmH sH h|[ghrmH sH    p  `  ! gdUgdN )$$d%d&d'dNOPQa$gd9$a$gd9gd;gd$a$gd; < = N O P j k l m n o p q r źӏņlź[ӏņ jwhrUmHnHu2jhVwhr>*B*UmHnHphuhVwmHnHuhVwmHnHsH u j}hrUmHnHujhVwUmHnHuhVwmHnHuhwEhVw0JmHnHu$jhwEhVw0JUmHnHu2jhVwhr>*B*UmHnHphu       " # $ % > ? @ Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b ~  źӤśŁźrarrӤś jhrUmHnHujhVwUmHnHu2jqhVwhr>*B*UmHnHphuhVwmHnHuhVwmHnHsH uhblmHnHuhVwmHnHuhwEhVw0JmHnHu$jhwEhVw0JUmHnHu2jhVwhr>*B*UmHnHphu % & ' ( ) * + , - I J źӤśŁźrarrӤś jehrUmHnHujhVwUmHnHu2jhVwhr>*B*UmHnHphuhVwmHnHuhVwmHnHsH uhblmHnHuhVwmHnHuhwEhVw0JmHnHu$jhwEhVw0JUmHnHu2jkhVwhr>*B*UmHnHphu + =>   ()   gdN gd;$a$gdUgdU ! 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