ࡱ> wyv'` ;bjbjLULU 8.?.?- D   8T h %  & & & I%K%K%K%K%K%K%$P(h*o%& & o% %d  I%I%"# t F7 [^g#I%%0%}#:B+^B+,##B+$& v To D4& & & o%o%X& & & %D  "6D PII-1 National Tsunami Survey Team PII-1-2 Japan When large or damaging tsunami happened in Japan, several teams have conducted surveys. The Japanese researchers usually coordinate surveys and share the information through mailing lists of academic societies and/or groups (e.g., HYPERLINK "mailto:tsunami-japan@tsunami2.civil.tohoku.ac.jp"tsunami-japan@tsunami2.civil.tohoku.ac.jp). University researchers then apply for funding to the government, usually Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). Recently, in 2009, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) created Technical Emergency Control Force (TEC-FORCE) to quickly assess natural disasters, including but not limited to tsunami disasters. The Japan Meteorological Survey sends survey teams for damaging tsunamis in Japan, and the Port and Airport Research Institute (PARI) dispatches survey teams for domestic or foreign tsunami disasters. Results of field surveys, as well as numerical simulation and other results are shared through websites and press release, and final reports are published (e.g., DCRD Tsunami Engineering Technical Report), often in Japanese language. The Earthquake Research Committee, a governmental committee across ministries which conducts monthly meetings to evaluate seismic activities in Japan, also collects information, summarizes and reviews various survey and modeling results. In addition to foreign tsunamis listed in Annex, some domestic tsunamis such as the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake tsunami were extensively measured.     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The Jh  - 2 *-a-V2 22-panese researchers usually coordinate surveys and         -2 -share  -2 .t-the   -V2 .2-information through mailing lists of academic soci            -2 . -eties and  -2 .G-/or -"2 .X- groups (e.g.,   @Century-- 2 Gt-tsunamig  - 2 G---=2 G!-japan@tsunami2.civil.tohoku.ac.jp     - @ !Ht--  2 G-). University   -2 G -researcherst -#2 GD- then apply for     -2 `t -funding to    -2 `-the  -2 ` -government  -d2 `%;-, usually Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science a          -2 `-nd -%2 xt-Technology (MEXT)   -2 x -. Recently  -2 x7 -, in 2009, -U2 xu1- Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and i      -g2 t=-Tourism (MLIT) created Technical Emergency Control Force (TEC           - 2 4---2 9 -FORCE) to -2 -quickly  -2 t-assess -2 -natural  -2  - disaster  -U2 1-s, including but not limited to tsunami disastersi        -2 e-. -2 p-The -2 -Japan  -2 t-Meta-.2 -eorological Survey send  - 2 .-s- 2 5- survey teams   -2 -for -2 -damaging  -2  - tsunamise  -2 9 - in Japane  -2 {-, and  -2 -the  -X2 t3-Port and Airport Research Institute (PARI) dispatch       -2 -es-82 - survey teams for domestic or   -42 t-foreign tsunami disasters. o   - 2 (- - 2 -R -a2 9-esults of field surveys, as well as numerical simulation       -2 , -and other  - 2 m- -2 q -results are  -[2 %t5-shared through websites and press release, and final        -+2 %-reports are published  -2 %f - (e.g., DCRD  -C2 >t%-Tsunami Engineering Technical Report)         -52 >-, often in Japanese language     -2 >B-. -2 >K-The -2 >i -Earthquake D   -2 Wt -Research C   - 2 W-o-2 W -mmittee, a  -2 W  -governmental  -G2 W{(- committee across ministries which condu       -2 W-cts -"2 ot-monthly meeting    - 2 o-s-52 o- to evaluate seismic activit  -2 o -ies in Japan  -42 o-, also collects informationt   -2 o-, -2 t -summarizep -2  -s and reviews  -D2 &- various survey and modeling results.      - 2 - - 2 -In addition to  -&2  - foreign tsunamis    -2 -listed-F2 '- in Annex, some domestic tsunamis such        -(2 t-as the 2003 Tokachi  - 2 ---2  -oki earth -I2 9)-quake tsunami were extensively measured.        - 2 ^- - 2 - @Times New Roman-- 2 t- - 2 {- -------,,,,,,,,,,,,++++++++++++********՜.+,D՜.+,` hp  Your Company Name *' #PII-1 National Tsunami Survey Team Title 8@ _PID_HLINKSA<\1mailto:tsunami-japan@tsunami2.civil.tohoku.ac.jp  !"#$%&'()*,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmopqrstuxRoot Entry FА9zData  1Tablen+WordDocument8SummaryInformation(+DocumentSummaryInformation8nCompObjq  FMicrosoft Office Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q