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The inaguration considered the words of the Chair of the FANSA group L.A. Proena, the representative of IOC-HAB Programme Mnica Lion and the local organizator, Leonardo Guzmn. The agenda of the meeting considered four sessions: Ist SESSION: CURRENT STATE OF HAB PROBLEMATIC IN THE REGION. January 2009 December 2010 IInd SESSION: DEVELOPMENT OF RESEARCH PROPOSALS AND OF OPERATIONAL ACTIVITIES TO STRENGTH SCINTIFIC AND OPERACIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE REGION. FORMATION OF SPECIFIC WORKING GROUPS. IIIrd SESSION: INFORMATION, TRAINING, INTERCHANGE AND DEVELOPMENT NETWORKS. RELEVANCE OF ECONOMICAL AND SOCIAL ISSUES. IVth SESSION: GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS The first session took place with the introduction of state of the HABs problem in each country of the FANSA regional group. The aspects highlighted in these presentations were the following: All the countries made progress in regard to HABs (detection of toxins and harmful phytoplankton species). The results showed an increase in the variety of toxins and toxic microalgae species detected in all countries, either through increased monitoring or detection technologies. There was an increase in the cooperative work between researchers of the countries, but they lack of an institutional support, being major this collaboration among countries of the Atlantic coast. There are agreements between countries, but are not being well used. On surveillance, monitoring and public health issues, although differences remain between countries, these have been minimized. There is existing capacity in the countries of the region, both in human resources and infrastructure and equipment. It is necessary to assess regional needs, but also is required to establish their own practices / specific, as appropriate, to account these needs. Most of the FANSA countries has, or is in the process of developing legislation and by laws for the establishment and management of surveillance and monitoring. So far there are no general explanations about the emergence of different toxic episodes or their patterns of occurrence in the region. It is necessary to answer the unknown about the implications of global chances patterns in these phenomena, such as alternations of El Nio / La Nia phenomena. At least in regard to toxins estimates in shellfish and the taxonomic identity of certain microalga shows the need for inter-calibration work between the countries of the region. The second session considered in parallel two working groups, one focused on science issues with a work proposal with Dinophysis acuminata between countries of the region. This proposal resulted after analyzing the common aspects and the feasibility of developing a joint work, considering the different taxa that have so far been associated with harmful events in the region. The expected outcomes of this proposal identified the following expected results: Taxonomic variability of the complex D. acuminata and consensus on the criteria for its identification. Toxins profiles of D. acuminata. Frequency and periods in which occur a numerical increase of D. acuminata and DSP episodes in the study area. Environmental variability built from the available literature. The other group addressed operational issues, which proposal were the following: The incorporation to the monitoring programmes of marine biotoxins in shellfish, information related to the identification and quantification of harmful phytoplankton species in those countries that have not applied as a tool to strengthen the management and control strategies. To request the LR-EU a clarification to paragraph 7 of the regulations 15/2011, which states that after December 31, 2014, biological methods will not be used routinely, but only during periodic inspections of production areas to detect new or unknown marine toxin. That representative of the FANSA group participates in international task teams on biotoxins methods and regulatory limits. To promote the participation of countries members of the FANSA group in intercalibration exercises for paralytic and amnesic toxins developed by the Institute of Public Health (ISP) of Chile. To request the "Task Team on Biotoxins Monitoring, Management and Regulation" and the "Task Team on Algal Taxonomy" the updated of list of toxins and associated phytoplankton species. To promote the dissemination and training linked to the health sector to improve the identification of cases or outbreaks caused by shellfish consumption and for epidemiological research. The group considers necessary the development and validation of alternative methods for paralytic shellfish poison and lipophilic toxins. The third session dealt with issues related to the Information System on Harmful Algae (HAIS) and regional data incorporated to HAEDAT, including an analysis of the form on-line and regional maps produced. Commitments were developed and addressed current issues aimed at maintaining regional maps and provide the most extensive collaboration in the development of these instruments. Also the state of Harmful Algal Blooms Portal was presented, as well as about the actions that need to be addressed to resume the development of this portal. With regard to educational issues to coastal communities affected by HABs, actions to enhanced public education were highlighted: to incorporate harmful algal blooms and their impacts into formal education activities and provide training to specific groups that need to handle key concepts related to these phenomena and their effects. Finally the Ninth Workshop included the following recommendations : To promote collaborative activities between researchers and institutions of the FANSA regional group, optimizing resources and capabilities of each country. To support the development of the project "Comparative study of Dinophysis acuminata complex in the ecosystems of the FANSA countries and submitted to the GEOHAB Steering Committee for approval and support. To incorporate in the shellfish biotoxins monitoring programmes from member countries information related to the identification and quantification of harmful phytoplankton species as a tool to strengthen the management and control strategies. To request that FANSA experts be link and participate in international task teams on biotoxins methods and regulatory limits, as well as taxonomy and ecology of harmful phytoplankton. To perform intra-regional intercalibration exercises on paralytic shellfish poison and amnesic shellfish poison, for all the laboratories providing services in these methodologies. To ask IPHAB task teams to provide updated lists of phytoplankton species and associated toxins. To continue with IOC courses on phytoplankton and marine biotoxins organized by the centres that provide basic training and update emerging issues, as well as to continue with the organization and conduct courses with the installed capacities within the region. To promote the implementation of update and accreditation courses in skills for the identification and quantification of harmful phytoplankton species. To promote internships using regional capabilities in harmful phytoplankton, marine toxins and monitoring. Update the database HAEDAT from 2000 onwards; assuming the national focal points the responsibility for carrying out this task. To promote the incorporation of professional and technician experts profiles as well as the institutions profiles of the FANSA group in the OCEAN EXPERT and HAB PEOPLE databases. To update the database HAB-MAP and recommend to be coordinated by a regional expert with the cooperation of experts appointed by each member country. To promote the publication of updated results from HAB-MAP project in the region to the knowledge of the scientific community. To recommend that the FANSA group continue editing the Harmful Algal Portal with the support of IOC HAB / IODE to incorporate information on the new platform and the public launch of the portal. To reiterate the IOC Executive Secretary to allocate more budget to fund the development of the next "IOC FANSA Workshop, without prejudice to the support that should provide the country members, either through direct contributions to the IOC HAB Programme or participation of their experts in the various regional working groups. To incorporate the evaluation of HABs social and economic impacts in the countries of the region, complementing the sanitary control and food safety. Election of Chair of the IOC-FANSA: The current chair, Luis Proena, from Brazil was re-elected as Chair. Venue for the X IOC-FANSA meeting: Luis Proena offered Itajai, Brazil, as the venue of the next meeting and his invitation was very welcome and accepted by the group. ANNEX I LIST OF PARTICIPANTS FANSA IX ARGENTINA Goya, Alejandra Departamento de Toxinas Marinas Laboratorio Regional Mar del Plata, SENASA Av. Dorrego y Vctimas del '46 - Puerto 7600 Mar del Plata - Buenos Aires TEL. +54 223 4802226 int 129 Fax: +54 223 4802226 int 127 e-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:abgoya@gmail.com" abgoya@gmail.com;  HYPERLINK "mailto:agoya@senasa.gov.ar" agoya@senasa.gov.ar BRASIL Proena, Luis A.O. Laboratrio de Estudos Sobre Algas Nocivas Centro de Cincias Tecnolgicas da Terra e do Mar Universidade do Vale do Itaja (UNIVALI) C. Postal 360, Itaja, SC Brazil, 88302-202 TEL: +55 47 3341 7713 Fax: +55 47 33417715 e-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:lao.proenca@hotmail.com" lao.proenca@hotmail.com Schramm, Mathias Alberto Laboratrio de Estudos Sobre Algas Nocivas Centro de Cincias Tecnolgicas da Terra e do Mar Universidade do Vale do Itaja (UNIVALI) C. Postal 360, Itaja, SC Brazil, 88302-202 TEL: +55 47 3341 7713 Fax: +55 47 33417715 e-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:mathias.schramm@univali.br" mathias.schramm@univali.br CHILE Guzmn, Leonardo Divisin de Investigacin enAcuicultura Instituto de Fomento Pesquero Balmaceda 252Puerto Montt Tel: +56 65 342299; +56 61 614740 Fax: +56 65 342298; +56 61 614741 e-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:lguzman@ifop.cl" lguzman@ifop.cl Hernndez Gallardo, Cristina SEREMI de Salud de la Regin de Los Lagos Ministerio de Salud Crucero 1915 Sector Mirasol Puerto Montt; Chile Tel: + 56 65 326051 Fax: + 56 65 323099 e-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:cristina.hernandez@redsalud.gov.cl" cristina.hernandez@redsalud.gov.cl Hinojosa Carrasco, Paola Instituto de Fomento Pesquero - IFOP Balmaceda 25 Puerto Montt Tel: +56-065-367640 Fax :+56-065-342298 e-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:phinojosa@ifop.cl" phinojosa@ifop.cl Kaiser, Karim Divisin Oceanografa del Depto. Servicios a Terceros Servicio Hidrogrfico y Oceanogrfico de la Armada SHOA Errzuriz 254, Playa Ancha, Valparaso TEL: 56 32 2266526 e-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:kkaiser@shoa.cl" kkaiser@shoa.cl;  HYPERLINK "mailto:karim.kaiser@vtr.net" karim.kaiser@vtr.net Mejias, Patrcio Divisin de Investigacin enAcuicultura Instituto de Fomento Pesquero Balmaceda 252Puerto Montt Tel: +56 65 342299; +56 61 614740 Fax: +56 65 342298; +56 61 614741 e-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:pmejias@ifop.cl" pmejias@ifop.cl Pesse Lastra, Nicole Vivianne Instituto de Fomento Pesquero - IFOP Balmaceda 25 Puerto Montt Tel: +56-065-367640 Fax :+56-065-342298  HYPERLINK "mailto:nicole.pesse@ifop.cl" nicole.pesse@ifop.cl Tocornal Rios, M Anglica SEREMI de Salud de la Regin de Aysn Ministerio de Salud Cochrane N 360 Puerto Aysn, XI Regin Tel: + 56 67 261011- 56 67 261012 Fax: + 56 67 261049 e-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:mariaangelica.tocornal@redsalud.gov.cl" mariaangelica.tocornal@redsalud.gov.cl;  HYPERLINK "mailto:matocornalr@gmail.com" matocornalr@gmail.com Uribe, Eduardo Universidad Catlica del Norte Coquimbo Depto. Acuicultura - Fac. Ciencias del Mar Larrondo 1281 Coquimbo Tel: 51-209781 Fax: 51-209782 e-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:euribe@nevados.ucn.cl" euribe@nevados.ucn.cl Vaquero Orellana, Alejandra Paola Departamento de Alimentos y Nutricin Subsecretara de Salud Pblica, Ministerio de Salud. Santiago de Chile Mac Iver 459 Of. 808, Chile Tel: +56 2 5740 157 e-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:avaquero@minsal.cl" avaquero@minsal.cl Vidal, Gastn Divisin de Investigacin enAcuicultura Instituto de Fomento Pesquero Balmaceda 252Puerto Montt Tel: +56 65 342299; +56 61 614740 Fax: +56 65 342298; +56 61 614741 e-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:gvidal@ifop.cl" gvidal@ifop.cl Vivanco Tapia, Ximena Instituto de Fomento Pesquero - IFOP Balmaceda 25 Puerto Montt Tel: +56-065-367640 Fax :+56-065-342298 e-mail: ximena.vivanco@ifop.cl ECUADOR Torres, Ecuador Instituto Oceanogrfico de la Armada (INOCAR) Base Naval Sur, Va Puerto Martimo, Guayaquil, Ecuador. Tel: + 593 4 2481300 Ext 1201-3302 Fax: + 593 4 2485166 e-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:gtorres@inocar.mil.ec" gtorres@inocar.mil.ec PER Snchez Ramrez, Sonia Instituto del Mar del Per (IMARPE) Esquina Gamarra y General Valle s/n, Chucuito, Callao, Per Tel:. +511 46250800 int. 832 Fax: +511 46250800 e-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:soniasan@imarpe.pe" soniasan@imarpe.pe URUGUAY Mndez, Silvia Direccin Nacional de Recursos Acuticos (DINARA) Constituyente 1497, Montevideo, Uruguay TEL. +5982 400-46-89 FAX +5982 401-32-36 e-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:smendez@dinara.gub.uy" smendez@dinara.gub.uy IOC-HAB Programme Lion, Mnica COI-IEO Centro Cientfico y de Comunicacin sobre Algas Nocivas Instituto Espaol de Oceanografa, Centro Oceanogrfico de Vigo Apdo. 1552, 36200 Vigo, Pontevedra ESPAA Tel:. +34 986 492111 Fax: +34 986 492003 e-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:monica.lion@vi.ieo.es" monica.lion@vi.ieo.es;  HYPERLINK "mailto:vigohab@vi.ieo.es" vigohab@vi.ieo.es Annex II Ninth IOC Regional Science Planning Workshop on Harmful Algal Blooms in South America FANSA IX Puerto Varas, Chile January, 11th-13th, 2011 I. MEETING AGENDA Tuesday, January 11th 08:30 - 09:00 Registration and materials delivery. 09:00 - 09:30 Open Ceremony. Ist SESSION: CURRENT STATE OF HAB PROBLEMATIC IN THE REGION. January 2009 December 2010 09:30 - 10:30 Presentation of Argentina. 10:30 - 11:30 Presentation of Brasil. 11:30 11.45 COFFEE BREAK 11:45 - 12:45 Presentation of Ecuador. 12:45 - 14:15 LUNCK 14:30 - 15:30 Presentation of Per. 15:30 - 16:30 Presentation of Uruguay. 16:30 - 17:30 Presentation of Chile. 19:00 Welcome Reception Wednesday, January 12th II SESSION: DEVELOPMENT OF RESEARCH PROPOSALS AND OF OPERATIONAL ACTIVITIES TO STRENGTH SCINTIFIC AND OPERACIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE REGION. FORMATION OF SPECIFIC WORKING GROUPS. 08.30 09. 30 GEOHAB Science and Implementarion Plans. Basis for projects elaboration between countires of the region, as among countries of other regions . 09:30 - 10:00 Working Groups. Objectives and formation of working groups. Utilization of report developed during the previous workshop. Agreement on WG way of working. Chair and Rapporteur election of each WG. Researches of Pacific countries; researches of Atlantic countries; researches of Atlantic and Pacific countries. 10:00 - 11:15 Group I: (Scientific Development). Identification of prioritary issues. Proposals analysis of collaborative research between countries of the region to achieve a better comprehension of Alexandrium (A. tamarense, A. catenella), Gymnodinium catenatum, Dinophysis spp., and Pseudo-nitzschia spp. blooms. Research proposals elaboration and analysis of probable source of financing. Preparation of studies profiles. Identify gaps and propose solutions. Developing a working agenda post workshop, identification of persons responsibles to pursue tasks. Group II: (Operational Development). Methodologies revision used for phycotoxins determination in the region. Identification of other issues that should be assessed at the regional level. Impact assessment of regional impact of norm modification to determination and safety thresholds for marine toxins according to works developed by the European Community Regional proposals. Identify gaps and propose solutions. Developing a working agenda post workshop, identification of persons responsibles to pursue tasks. Identification of issues that require an urgent treatment or support from other extraregional countries 11:15 - 11:30 COFFEE BREAK 11:15 13.00 Group I: (Scientific Development). Continuation Group II: (Operational Development). Continuation 13.00 - 14:30 LUNCH 14:30 - 16:30 Group I: (Scientific Development). Continuation Group II: (Operational Development). Continuation 16:30 - 16:45 COFFEE BREAK 16:45 - 18:45 Groups I and II: Proposal presentations, objectives, development, responsibles. Proposals of regional complementation. Thursday, January, 13th III SESSION: INFORMATION, TRAINING, INTERCHANGE AND DEVELOPMENT NETWORKS. RELEVANCE OF ECONOMICAL AND SOCIAL ISSUES. 8:30 - 10:30 Current state of the development of the Harmful Algae Information System (HAIS). Regional information incorporated in HAEDAT and analysis of the on-line form and of the generated regional maps Achievements and encountered difficulties. (M. Lion). Updated regional information in HAB-MAP. (R. Akselman & M. Lion). Discussion. Complementary proposals. 10:30 - 11:00 Progress of the Algas Nocivas Portal. Problems and perspectives. (S. Mndez). Solutions. 11:00 - 11:15 COFFEE BREAK 11:15 - 11:45 Dissemination information, capacitations and educational activities developed in the region. Progresses, necessities, collaborative actions assessment between countries of the region. 11:45 - 13:00 Assessment of the incorporation of economical and social issues in the strategy of the Intergubermental Panel on Harmful Algal Blooms (IPHAB). Strategy knowledge, proposals, commitments of regional countries, regional consideration of the issue . 13:00 - 14:30 LUNCH V SESSION: GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS 14:30 - 15:30 Round table on issues that inhibit or impede the collaborative work at the regional level. Conclusions. 15:30 - 15:45 COFFEE BREAK 15:45 - 16:45 Recommendations of FANSA group 16:45 - 17:30 Final reading of proposal elaborated by participants. 17:30 - 17:50 Authorities renovation. Election of the venue of the next workshop. 17:50 Workshop Closing .     .FGOTcgtw    # ' ( + i j ôåvvv`Th)Jhn5mH sH +h)Jhn5CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH h)Jh{NCJaJmH sH h)Jh7l5CJaJmH sH h)Jhn5CJaJmH sH h)JhnCJaJmH sH hh)JCJaJmH sH hhnCJaJmH sH h5CJaJmH sH hh)J5CJaJmH sH hhn5CJaJmH sH .1huvsN$$ /w<P e*z?!`a$gdn% /w<P e*z?!]`gda6r! /w<P e*z?!]gdn! /w<P e*z?!k]kgdn! /w<P e*z?!k]kgd)JSSvwxyz( ) * + i j k { $a$gd)J$a$gdn $7$8$H$a$gdn$a$gdngdn$ e*z?!@&a$gdn $ /w<P e*z?!a$gdnj k v y z        ͵wj]MhT}h`W5CJaJmH sH h<5CJaJmH sH h5CJaJmH sH hla&h<5mH sH hla&hla&5mH sH hla&hla&0JH*mH sH hla&h<0JmH sH hla&hla&mH sH hla&hla&0JmH sH hla&hla&mH sH hMmH sH hla&h;x.mH sH hla&h)JmH sH (hrahnCJ4OJQJ^JaJ4mH sH {    s t  Pwx9 -DM gd$L^L`a$gd $L^La$gd$L^L`a$gd$a$gdgd$a$gd   - 8 B e f s t { | ~       / > G H K M U Y ^ _ b e l m o r ͷͷŭŭh0JmH sH hah0JH*mH sH hmH sH h0JmH sH hT}hmH sH hT}h`W5CJaJmH sH h`W5CJaJmH sH Dr v w x { ~  F T $P_vwxƯr+hGhB*CJ\mHnHphsH u(hGhB*CJmHnHphsH u#hGhCJaJmHnHsH u,hGhB*CJaJmHnHphsH uhGhmH sH hh hmH sH hamH sH h0JmH sH hmH sH h0JmH sH ,  #$6789<=@AOPXY[\ekuvȻh0JmH sH h)h0JmH sH h)hmHnHsH uh)hmH sH h)h0JmH sH h0JmH sH hmH sH F9SeL$ & FEƀ&a$gdL$ & FEƀ&a$gd "#,-78:;QS_`hiklop!",-?@KLQR[]_`mn|}   h0JmH sH hmH sH ^S]eL$ & FEƀ&a$gdL$ & FEƀ&a$gd]Sef1$a$gd $h^ha$gd $ & Fa$gdL$ & FEƀ&a$gd !0145CDQSXYbclmuv{}    !+,;DYZ]^hiklxyh0JmH sH hmH sH ^ ./67<=@AMiqr   ();@GH\]cdefijpqxh)hmH sH hQhmH sH h0JmH sH h0JmH sH hmH sH Q  <=KLST_`mnopz/012FGINǼǼǼǼh0JmH sH hmH sH hohmH sH hoh0JmH sH hnh6mH sH hnh0J6mH sH hmH sH h0JmH sH CNUVXYbcfgpqwx  '(AQZ[efgqrh0JmH sH hohmH sH hoh0JmH sH hoh6mH sH hoh0J6mH sH hmH sH h0JmH sH F1eL$ & FEƀ&a$gdL$ & FEƀ&a$gd(ghe]]]$a$gdL$ & FEƀ&a$gdL$ & FEƀ&a$gd  !"%&45JKRS`iqr{|  !&'23h0JmH sH hhDhmHnHsH uhhDh0JmH sH hohmH sH h0JmH sH hmH sH KWeZZZ $ & Fa$gdL$ & FEƀ&a$gdL$ & FEƀ&a$gd389Jdgkopy{~+-.78?@CDVWabefstvw&',0h0JmH sH hhDhmHnHsH uhmH sH h0JmH sH T0134=>HJTUcehmnswxz{  #$23;<>?OPRShilmpqhhDhmHnHsH uh0JmH sH h0JmH sH hmH sH T!!!!!e]UU]]]$a$gd-$a$gdL$ & FEƀ& a$gdL$ & FEƀ& a$gd '(239:AB[\lmrtwx  $%01>?BCJKNOSTrsh0JmH sH h0JmH sH hmHnHsH uhohmHnHsH uh0JmH sH hmH sH L   " # * + 1 3 > ? 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