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The TWFP contact information requires 24x7 telephone, facsimile, or e-mail information. It represents who should be contacted for clarification concerning the designated communication method, or who will be contacted in an emergency if all designated communication methods fail. Agency name _________________________________________________________ Contact Person in Agency or Officer in Charge: Name Position Telephone Number Fax Cellular Telephone Number E-mail Address: Postal Address Designated Communication Method Information (operational on 24/7 basis). Please specify GTS (WMO-Global Telecommunication System), Fax or E-mail in a priority order. Note that while all dissemination methods designated below will be made simultaneously by the issuing centres, bulletins may reach their destinations at different times depending on the communication method. Primary: Alternate 1: Alternate 2: Alternate 3: Alternate 4: Alternate 5: Please specify telephone number for voice communication, in a priority order. In general, the operational centres do not use voice communication as the primary means of dissemination, but as a backup or for confirmation when urgently needed of message receipt through the above means. Primary: Alternate 1: Alternate 2: Alternate 3: Comments: Date: Submitted by: UNESCO IOC Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (ICG/IOTWS) TSUNAMI NATIONAL CONTACT (TNC) FORM Note that more than one contact point may be designated using a new Form for each Name of Country ______________________________________________________ Tsunami National Contact The person designated by an ICG/IOTWS Member State government to represent his/her country in the coordination of international tsunami warning and mitigation activities. Agency name _________________________________________________________ Contact Person in Agency or Officer in Charge: Name Position Telephone Number Fax Cellular Telephone Number E-mail Address: Postal Address Comments: Date: Submitted by:   yz|~A | ~ { ȱ߈p[L;-;-heNB*CJmH phsH !hc(heNB*CJmH phsH h?wheNB*mH phsH (h?wheN5B*CJaJnHphtH/h?wheN5B*CJOJQJ\^JaJphh?wheNB*CJaJph2h?whe5>*B*CJOJQJ\^JaJph,he5>*B*CJOJQJ\^JaJph,heN5>*B*CJOJQJ\^JaJph2h?wheN5>*B*CJOJQJ\^JaJph h2EheN  yz@ A ~ ] u v $ X [$\$a$gde$a$gde$dd[$\$a$gdel $ X a$gde$[$\$a$gde$a$gde$[$\$a$gdeNgdeN$ ] e ѶqbqTqEh?wheB*CJaJphhe5B*CJaJphhe5B*CJaJo(ph#h?whe5B*CJaJo(ph h?whe5B*CJaJphheNB*CJaJnHphtH"heNB*CJaJnHo(phtHh?wheNB*CJaJphheNB*CJaJphhc(heNB*CJaJphheNB*CJmH phsH !hc(heNB*CJmH phsH    5 G X r  />M\]{|$ hPh[$\$^ha$gde $ X a$gde$ X [$\$a$gdeMz{|俪ѪteKD*2h?whe5>*B*CJOJQJ\^JaJph h2Ehe2h?wheN5>*B*CJOJQJ\^JaJphh?wheNB*CJaJph h?wheN5B*CJaJph(h?wheN5B*CJaJnHphtHheB*CJaJnHphtH(h?whe5B*CJaJnHphtH"heB*CJaJnHo(phtH%h?wheB*CJaJmHphsHh?wheB*CJaJphheB*CJaJphZ[$[$\$a$gdegde$ @ X @[$\$a$gde$ X \$a$gde$ X [$\$a$gde$ hPh[$\$^ha$gdeYZ[&4SYXҸwbM>2>bheNB*CJaJphhc(heNB*CJaJph(hc(heN5B*CJaJnHphtH(h?wheN5B*CJaJnHphtH/h?wheN5B*CJOJQJ\^JaJphh?wheNB*CJaJph2h?wheN5>*B*CJOJQJ\^JaJph2h?whe5>*B*CJOJQJ\^JaJph,heN5>*B*CJOJQJ\^JaJph,he5>*B*CJOJQJ\^JaJph34&'WX_j}$a$gde$ X [$\$a$gde$[$\$a$gde$a$gde    "#$$a$gde$ X [$\$a$gde$ @ X @[$\$a$gde "#$h3v)h:!heNB*CJOJQJ^JaJphh?wheNB*CJaJph h?wheN5B*CJaJph,1h/ =!"#$% @@@ eNNormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH F@F eN Heading 1$ & F@& 5CJ\B@B eN Heading 2$ & F@&5\B@B eN Heading 3$ & F@&5\`@` eN Heading 4$$ & F<@&a$5CJOJQJ\aJ\@\ eN Heading 5$ & F<@&a$5OJQJ\]aJN@N eN Heading 6 & F<@&5CJ\aJ@@@ eN Heading 7 & F<@&F@F eN Heading 8 & F<@&6]T @T eN Heading 9 & F<@&CJOJQJ^JaJDA@D Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k(No ListB^@B eN Normal (Web)dd[$\$6U@6 eN Hyperlink >*B*ph$ , yz@A~]uv5GXr />M\]{|Z [     3 4 & ' W X _ j }    " # & 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000@0@0000000000000000000000000000000000000[ " # & 00 000000000 j 0000000000000W0000! $  $ $ 8@0(  B S  ?ceude~: & F' & 9*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsplace \VM|&  ./=>L|& |& & .A5JD[ z*)(6 0^0`56CJQJo(hH SECTION :|@@^@`o(GCJPJsH tH aJ_HGCJPJsHtH aJ_HGCJPJsH tH aJ_Ho(GCJPJsH tH aJ_HhH.0`^`056CJo(GCJPJsH tH aJ_H56CJQJo(GCJPJsH tH aJ_HOJQJ^Jo(GCJPJsH tH aJ_HhH..^`56CJQJo(hH 0^`0o(hH ^`o(hH ..... ^`o(hH ......  `^``o(hH.......  00^0`o(hH........hh^h`o(. 88^8`hH. 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