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Name: Title: Organization: Postal Address: E-mail Address: Telephone Number: Fax Number: Cellular Telephone Number: ICG/CARIBE EWS Tsunami Warning Focal Point (TWFP) The 7x24 contact person, or other official point of contact or address, is available at the national level for rapidly receiving and issuing tsunami event information (such as warnings). The Tsunami Warning Focal Point either is the emergency authority (civil defense or other designated agency responsible for public safety), or has the responsibility of notifying the emergency authority of the event characteristics (earthquake and/or tsunami), in accordance with national standard operating procedures. The Tsunami Warning Focal Point receives international tsunami warnings from the PTWC, or other regional warning centres. Name: Title: Responsible Organization: Postal Address: E-mail Address: Emergency Telephone Number: Emergency Fax Number: Emergency Cellular Telephone Number: National Tsunami Warning Centre (if different from the above) Person in Charge: Title: Responsible Organization: Postal Address: E-mail Address: Emergency Telephone Number: Emergency Fax Number: Emergency Cellular Telephone Number: 3. Tsunami Advisor(s), if applicable (Person, Committee or Agency managing Tsunami Mitigation in country) Name: Title: Postal Address: E-mail Address: Emergency Telephone Number: Emergency Fax Number: Emergency Cellular Telephone Number: 4. Tsunami Standard Operating Procedures for a Local Tsunami (when a local tsunami hazard exists) Tsunami Standard Operating Procedures for a Distant Tsunami (when a distant tsunami hazard exists) For each situation, please provide the following: What organization identifies and characterizes tsunamigenic events? What is the threshold or criteria for declaring a potential tsunami emergency? What organization acts on the information provided by the agency responsible for characterizing the potential tsunami threat? How is the tsunami information (warning, public safety action, etc) disseminated within country? Who is it disseminated to? How is the emergency situation terminated? For Distant Tsunami Procedures: What actions were taken in response to warnings issued by PTWC, WC/ATWC, and/or JMA NWPTAC during the intersessional period? 6. National Sea Level Network Please include a table with position and description of stations/sensors, and a map, Information on Tsunami occurrences Please include sea level observations, pictures, wave arrival descriptions, public, media, or other responses to warnings, lessons learned, etc. Web sites (URLs) of national tsunami-related web sites Summary plans of future tsunami warning and mitigation system improvements. This information will be used to aid the development of the CARIBE EWS Implementation Plan. NATIONAL PROGRAMMES AND ACTIVITIES INFORMATION 10. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Brief statement of no more than one page addressing all items discussed in the Narrative section of the National Report .. . . 11. NARRATIVE Detailed description of innovations or modifications to National tsunami warnings procedures or operations since last National Report, tsunami research projects, tsunami mitigation activities and best practices (especially in preparedness and emergency management), as well as public education programmes or other measures taken to heighten awareness of the tsunami hazard and risk. . .. . . Date: .. Name: ..      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