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Actions: ITIC will establish an email group to allow easy communications between users in the SWP region (Laura Kong); A list of available data communications options will be compiled (with appropriate detail) to aid users in the region in making cost-effective decisions on moving data from stations to national data centres (Tim Barton); A list of available information on seismograph site selection will be compiled and made available to users in the SWP (Ken Gledhill). The possibility of holding an in-depth training course in the region on the configuration and use of SeisComP3 be investigated (Ken Gledhill). Meeting Notes Opening/welcome On behalf of the organizing committee Nora Gale, chair of ICG/PTWS WG 2 welcomed the participants and explained that due to the recent and very destructive earthquake in Christchurch several participants from New Zealand will be occupied with the response to the event and thus could not make it to the meeting. Ken Gledhill, chair of the PTWS Task Team on Seismic Data Sharing in the SW Pacific, also welcomed the participants and introductions were made. Adoption of the agenda The chair introduced the agenda which was accepted without any changes. Based on the current situation in Christchurch the chair also suggested the election of a vice-chair as he might be called any time and requested to leave immediately. The group elected Tim Barton from Geoscience Australia by acclamation. Progress since the last meeting Ken Gledhill recalled the recommendations from the last meeting of the Task Team in Vanuatu (2009) and reviewed the current status of implementation. He also reported on a regional seismic training course he attended as a trainer and which was conducted in July 2010 in Fiji funded by the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 4. PTWS Report Charles McCreary, director PTWC, provided a detailed report on recent developments and plans to improve tsunami warning time by using different procedures like less seismic stations for magnitude and earthquake locations as well as upgrading the seismic instrumentation network. The group discussed how best to increase the density of the instrumentation network and how to improve the data transmission through different means. Several members of the group reported on planned seismic network upgrades all over the PTWS while in some cases the real-time access to the data is still an issue. National reports Sionetasi Polehetoa reported that Niue has one seismic station maintained by GeoScience Australia and one GLOSS tide gauge at Alofi harbour. Niue has experienced power and telephone line cuts, and so has requested that the seismic station should be upgraded with VSAT data transmission. However, a fibre optic cable is being proposed by Telecom Niue to install in the villages to improve internet access on Niue. Rennie Jegsen Vaiomounga reported on an ongoing project in Tonga conducted in cooperation with JICA and the government of Fiji to upgrade the seismic instrumentation network to a dozen broad-band stations in the Tonga/Fiji region. The project is supposed to end with the complete network installed by October 2011. Although the government of Tonga is actually covering the data transmission costs with Intelsat 701 there are opportunities to get further support from JAICA if the data will be openly provided to other member states and the regional warning system. Mathew Moihoi reported that since 2000 in Papua New Guinea the national seismic equipment went out of service and has not been replaced. However, PNG is hosting three international broad-band stations and PMGO is currently in the process of re-installing the national system of 10 short period (eventually upgraded to broad-band) stations with funding from the European Commission. The project will continue until 2015, and PMGO will also be provided with a SeisComP3 earthquake detection system in the process. Esline Garaebiti provided an overview on the current status on the Vanuatu instrumentation networks. The National system has now consolidated most hazards functions into one organisation including Vanuatu Met Service and Vanuatu Geohazards, formally a part of the Department of Geology and Mines. Vanuatu is coordinating with New Caledonia to exchange real-time seismic data. On behalf of his colleagues from New Caledonia, Sylvain Todman reported on a project funded by the European Commission which is finalising the installation of 7 broad-band seismic stations in New Caledonia. Like Vanuatu, New Caledonia is using SeisComP3 as their primary earthquake analysing software. Filomena Nelson briefly reported on the status of the Samoan national seismic network and the ongoing efforts to improve access to real-time data (e.g. for PTWC). Samoa collaborates with the China Earthquake Administration and contracted a company to install six new broad-band seismic stations. She also mentioned the ongoing coordination with American Samoa e.g. on harmonizing the thresholds of warnings. Dominique Reymond presented the status of the seismic network in French Polynesia which is composed of 10 short period stations and 3 broad-band stations (plus 3 stations belonging to the GEOSCOPE network). The warning centre has a staff of 9 people and, besides TREMORS, has successfully tested SeisComP3 over the last three months using data received from145 international seismic stations, mainly from the Pacific region. Tim Barton gave an overview on the status on the seismic instrumentation network of 45 broad-band stations in Australia and especially focussed on pros and cons of the different data transmission options the related costs and their experiences within ATWS on the different systems. Ken Gledhill provided a national report for New Zealand focussing on the national seismic detection system based on 50 broad-band instruments, over 120 regional sites and a regionally adapted SeisComP3 system in testing. Given the recent earthquake in Christchurch he also showed the performance of the NZ system with actual data. Seismic data exchange and training Based on recent developments and the tendency of more and more centres in the SW Pacific region making the decision to use SeisComP3 the group decided to designate the GFZ freely available seismic analysis system as the backbone software for training purposes and through the generally used seedlink servers a good solution for waveform and earthquake data exchange. The following discussion highlighted the general need for additional trainings at two levels: i) for centres which run their national seismic networks (e.g. Fiji, Tonga, New Caledonia, French Polynesia, PNG) have a specific need for more in-depth training on the use and configuration of SeisComP3; and ii) training for TWFPs without a detailed seismic background (e.g. Niue, Tuvalu) on how to properly interpret the warning products. The second of these is more a general requirement outside the scope of this Task Team. Tim Ahern from IRIS reported (via email) that they are contracting GEMPA, the developers of SeisComP3 to work on a Graphical User Interface to make it easier to configure the system, so it might be worth waiting until that is complete before arranging additional training. The group discussed several data communication options such as VSAT, ADSL/Internet as well as radio and G3 mobile phone networks. It was agreed that all options should be used with the priority given to limiting communication cost but ensuring reliability and redundancy. Tim Barton (Australia) agreed to complete his document on available data communication options. The group reconfirms the recommendation for MS to provide seismic data through seedlink servers to IRIS, and the parameters for seismic data agreed at the Vanuatu Task Team meeting (40 HZ sampling, 3 channel, 20 second latency, Broadband). It was noted that IRIS has a turnkey seedlink server available to assist this process. There seems to be a need for standards on site selection and instrumentation performance requirements. Ken Gledhill (New Zealand) volunteered to compile a list of available resources that have already been written or produced by other groups. The discussion on SeisComP led to the idea that a regional users group is required to communicate effectively. Several options like Facebook, workspaces on websites and email lists were discussed. ITIC volunteered to look into the issue, and in the first instance provide an email list. 7. Closure The chair volunteered to present the decisions and recommendations at the following WG2 session and the meeting was closed at 17:00. -9T x [ֽxfxxR&h=h5CJOJQJ\^JaJ#h=h6CJOJQJ^JaJ&h=h56CJOJQJ^JaJ#h=h5CJOJQJ^JaJ h=hCJOJQJ^JaJh5;OJQJ\^Jh^JmH sH h=OJQJ\^JmH sH hOJQJ\^JmH sH h5OJQJ^JmH sH jhUh-9:~yy$a$ # `0p@ P ^  # `0pEP ^ $ & `0p@ P ^ a$  `0pP ^   `0pP0 ]0^ 4- W q*F & FEƀ fF & FEƀ fF & FEƀ fW w x q*(F & FEƀ fF & FEƀ fF & FEƀ fx oF & FEƀ f.F & FEƀ f. 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