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High-level objective 1 Prevention and reduction of the impacts of natural hazards Recognizing the IOCs role, for over four decades, of effectively coordinating the Pacific Tsunami Warning System [PTWS], the United Nations General Assembly has mandated the IOC as the lead agency for coordinating the planning and implementation of tsunami early warning and mitigation systems. Increasing vulnerability to natural disasters in the coastal zone poses a major threat to sustainable development, and affects lives and livelihoods. The United Nations system-wide implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action on Disaster Resilience 20052015 guides IOC in defining crucial partners and objectives in the end-to-end tsunami early warning systems it coordinates. Awareness of natural hazards, preparing for minimizing the risks and involving all relevant national entities are part of any fast warning systems. Following the rapid progress in installing the Indian Ocean Tsunami Early Warning and Mitigation System (IOTWS), the IOC has established under its mandate tsunami early warning and mitigation systems in other regions (North-eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean [NEAMTWS]; Caribbean [CARIBE-EWS]) and is contributing with other UN agencies to the development of a global cover in addressing multiple marine hazards, thus supporting the overall objective of contributing to disaster preparedness, mitigation and recovery. Biennial prioritiesActions Expected results [performance indicators]1a. Promote integrated and sustained monitoring and warning systems for coastal and oceanic natural hazards, in close coordination with other relevant intergovernmental organizations, where appropriate, using enhanced coastal and ocean networks, including education and training activities. Continue to promote integrated and sustained monitoring and warning systems. Guidance: Res. XXV-13 Programme: Tsunami, GEBCO, JCOMM/Storm Surge activitiesReduced risks from tsunami and other ocean and coastal-related hazards through functioning Regional Tsunami Watch Centres/Providers and National Tsunami Warning Centres (Pacific, Indian Ocean, Caribbean and Mediterranean). [Number of functioning centres] Enhanced use and availability of seismic data based on the MoU between UNESCO/IOC and CTBTO. [Seismic data available to 20 centres] Strengthened impacts by using high-resolution bathymetric data for multi-hazard applications, such as storm surge and tsunami inundation modelling. [Number of Member States coordinating multi-hazard procedures through ICGs]Strengthen advice and consultancy to IOC Member States on developing and sustaining national early warning systems for coastal hazards.Enhanced regional and national assessment studies to offer IOC expertise and experience in tsunami and coastal hazards end-to-end early warning systems. [Number of studies]Support the global sea level observing system and associated data management and dissemination infrastructure. Guidance: Res. XXV-3 Programmes: GLOSS, IODE, TsunamiEnhanced and adequately designed sea level monitoring networks for climate and tsunamis and other sea-level related hazards (Pacific, Indian Ocean, Caribbean and Mediterranean). [Increase in number of real-time data availability from GLOSS stations]Integrate preparedness and adaptation to sea level hazard-driven coastal flooding (tsunamis, large waves, storm surges). Guidance: GOHWMS, TOWS-WG, ICG recommendations Programmes: Tsunami, GLOSS, GEBCO, Storm Surge activities, IODE, ICAMEstablished framework for improved links between communities that contribute to improved coastal flooding modelling (coastal bathymetry, observation, modelling, hydrology, land topography, coastal zone planning, and socioeconomics). [Published frameworks] Enhanced sustainability of tsunami warning systems in the framework of multi-hazard early warning systems. [Number of Member States with tsunami warning and emergency response plans regularly reviewed and exercised] Increased number of Guides and Manuals for specific aspects of end-to-end Tsunami Early Warning Systems, especially Guidelines for Standard Operating procedures [Published documents]1b. Educate communities at risk with respect to natural hazards impact prevention, preparedness and mitigation measures.Continue the development of awareness, educational and training products and services for communities at risk with respect to natural hazards impact prevention, preparedness and mitigation measures. Guidance: Hyogo Framework for Action, TOWS-WG Programme: TsunamiEnhanced awareness and capacities to prepare coastal hazard mitigation plans including coastal erosion. [Publications, training courses] Enhanced systematic outreach material on coastal natural hazards produced, and adapted through regional and national consultation, culturally and language- adapted. [Publications published]Launch or consolidate Tsunami Information Centres (TICs) for all ICG regions. Guidance: TOWS-WG Programme: TsunamiFour Tsunami Information Centres operating in support to ICG information and educational activities. [Four (4) operating centres]Develop demonstration pilot projects to reinforce tsunami and other coastal hazard preparedness at the community level through adapted school curricula and local community disaster risk reduction plans.At least 1 pilot project per ICG developed in coordination with local partners and UNESCO Field Offices. Guides and school materials prepared and disseminated in coordination with Member States.High-level objective 2 Mitigation of the impacts of and adaptation to climate change and variability IOC will continue its role as an intergovernmental advocate, coordinator, and partner in international scientific research to improve the understanding of the Earth System, by contributing to the improvement of prediction of climate and its effects on marine ecosystems and resources through sustained ocean observation and process studies at regional and global scales and by contributing to the development of science applications to mitigate the effects of climate change, including sea-level rise. Biennial priorities ActionsExpected results [performance indicators]2a. Increase the understanding of the oceans role in climate variability and climate change. Ensure a strong ocean component in the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS)UNESCO/IOC contribution to GFCS development recognized. [Decisions of Governing Bodies of WMO and IOC]Facilitate, promote and catalyze the participation of the ocean research community into international climate research.Cutting-edge results from ocean research integrated into international climate research. [Presentation of recent results in scientific conferences] Reduced uncertainties associated with sea level rise projections, particularly at the regional level. [Publications/updates from IOC working group on sea level]Improve research and observation, programme coordination, and data sharing on the role of ocean as sink for anthropogenic CO2. Programmes: IOCCPImproved ability to quantify and reduce uncertainties in global estimates of the efficiency and functioning of the ocean sink for anthropogenic CO2 through repeat hydrographic cruises (GO-SHIP) and the pCO2 data (SOCAT)2b. Contribute to the better prediction of climate through ocean observations and process studies, at regional and global scales. Sustain and enhance GOOS. Action Plan for Implementation of Coastal Module of GOOS completed. [Publication published] GOOS Regional Alliances maintained and strengthened. [Level of engagement/resources of GRA members] Implementation level of ocean observing system for climate sustained at least at 62%. [JCOMMOPS statistics] Tracking of selected biogeochemical observations in the Open Ocean Module of GOOS initiated. [JCOMMOPS monitoring statistics] Reports on the adequacy of the ocean observing system made to the UNFCCC and CBD Enhanced support to science coordination and multilateral ocean-observing systems in the Arctic and Southern Oceans as regional contributions to GOOS. [JCOMMOPS stats]Support JCOMM in its programme areas and expert teams.4th session of JCOMM convened. [Session held in Korea in 2012] Hosting Member State support for JCOMMOPS office increased in line with IOC guidelines for regional offices. [Increased staff and programmes serviced]Continue the support to IODE Ocean Data Portal as well as its linkage to WMOs WIS (IODE, JCOMM). Guidance: Res. XXV-3; Rec. IODE XX.3 Programmes: IODEImproved access to oceanographic data (in terms of number of observations and geographic distribution). [Number of data sets available through the Portal and their geographic coverage]Develop standards for ocean data and information (IODE, JCOMM). Guidance: Res. XXV-3; Rec. IODE XX.2 Programmes: IODEImproved development, adoption and implementation by Member States of ocean data and information standards leading to improved quality of data. [Standards published and adopted]Convene international meetings of experts on ocean observations and process studies for climate prediction. Cooperation: IGBP, SCOR, SC/BES, SC/EES Programmes: IOCCPJoint global and basin-scale field programme implementation plans established. [Published plans or other publications (strategies or programmes; agreements)]2c. Increase the understanding of the impacts of climate change and variability on marine ecosystems and their living resources. Contribute to improved understanding of and access to information about the potential ecological impacts of ocean acidification on the marine ecosystemThe Ocean in a High-CO2 World 2012 symposium organized, sponsored and implemented in collaboration with SCOR and IGBP and most recent findings published. [Symposium sponsored and held and report/proceedings published]Enhance understanding of the structure and functioning of the global ocean ecosystem, its major subsystems, and its response to physical forcing to forecast the responses of the marine ecosystem and living resources to global change. Cooperation: IGBP, ICES, PICES Programmes: IOCCPThe International Symposium on the Effects of Climate Change on the Worlds Ocean organized, sponsored and implemented and most recent findings published. To be held in the Yeosu (Republic of Korea) 14-18 May 2012 in collaboration with ICES and PICES. [Symposium sponsored and held and report/proceedings published] Organize the second UNESCO workshop on Geoengineering, together with the Royal Society and TWAS. White paper published which reviews current Geo-engineering Scientific and Governance issues, and suggests some guidelines for conducting research and interventions. 2d. Climate change adaptation for Africa and SIDS.Support the development of national coastal adaptation strategies. Cooperation: UNFCCC, IOCEA, IOCWIO Programmes: ICAM4 regional workshops organised in Africa and SIDS on development of adaptation techniques, vulnerability mapping and Integrated Coastal Area Management. Guidance provided to Member States through the preparation of a technical guidebook on coastal adaptation.IOC High-level objective 3 Safeguarding the health of ocean ecosystems IOC will leverage the science and capacity to monitor and safeguard the health of ocean ecosystems and services, by addressing the conservation and sustainable management of coastal resources and marine biodiversity. In this regard, IOC will continue harmonizing its capacity-development activities according to long-term capacity-development principles that improve the ability of Member States to apply sound scientific methods to the sustainable management of their resources. Biennial priorities ActionsExpected results [performance indicators]3a. Actively contribute to the UN Regular Process for Global Reporting and Assessment of the State of the Marine Environment, including Socio-economic Aspects. Contribute to the Regular Process for assessing the state of the marine environment. Cooperation: UNGA; UN-DOALOS, UNEP, GEF, UN-OceansTechnical assistance from Secretariat provided to the Regular Process and its UN group through Group of Expert through the provision of data and information management facilities, the organisation of side events, and convening of regional meetings. A global comparative baseline assessment of large marine ecosystems (LMEs) and Open Ocean, led by IOC, undertaken through a partnerships of international organisations and regional and global expert networks. 3b. Further develop the research and monitoring required for the prevention of marine environment degradation, and the maintenance of biodiversity and the sustainable use of marine habitats.Continue the development of products for the management of harmful algal events. Guidance/cooperation: IPHAB; UNEP, IMO Programmes: HABImproved tools made available for forecasting and management of harmful algal events. [3-5 training workshop; 1-2 scientific reviews] HAB community of practice kept informed on activities and achievements through the periodic publication of the HAB newsletters. [Publications published]Provide authoritative, independent, interdisciplinary scientific advice to intergovernmental organizations and member Governments to support the protection and sustainable use of the marine environment and the high-seas biodiversity and resources including area-based and ecosystem-based approaches Guidance/cooperation: CBD, DOALOS, IUCN, UNEP, UNESCO/MABSouth-south cooperation in the field of ocean sciences among the countries surrounding the South-Atlantic improved through: Creation of scientific networks in the different branches of oceanography, and the strengthening of institutions for research and education in oceanography and other marine sciences. Identification and suggestion of Ecologically and Biologically Significant Areas in the High Seas based on the compilation of the necessary supporting scientific information. Production of policy briefs, reports and peer-reviewed publications addressing the sustainable management of marine resources, including biodiversity, biogenetic and mineral resources prepared. Sharing of technology in ocean sciences among countries in the South Atlantic, through training, technical assistance, expert meetings, scientific workshops, capacity building and qualification of human resources.3c. Identify and develop the capacity-development necessary for maintenance of healthy ocean ecosystems, focusing on the regional needs.Enhance harmonisation of Capacity-development activities across programmes and sections, through allocation of specific resources for this purpose and encouraging increased involvement of Member States. Identify new sources of funds to augment present level of Capacity-development activities in developing Member States, in particular in Africa, SIDS and LDCs. Guidance/cooperation: Res. XXV-11; IOCEA, IOWIO, SCOR Programmes: CDCoordinated and synergised delivery of IOC regional actions within IOC CD principles and IOC mission, obtaining Member States equivalent contribution for every IOC regional action ensuring ownership and sustainability. IOC Capacity-development principles disseminated widely. IOC Fellowship programme continued with the support from IOC donor states. New initiatives started in climate-change adaptation actions in Africa, LDC and SIDS targeting the Adaptation Fund and similar climate change funds upon request from Member States.Continue to provide capacity development opportunities in the area of management of harmful algal events. Guidance/cooperation: IPHAB-X, IAEA, SCOR Programmes: HABEnhanced capacity of Member States to manage harmful algal events. [Number of training courses] At least 3 training coursed will be organized in this biennium3d. Maintain an ocean biogeographic information system in support of marine assessments and ecosystem research.Continue the development of the OBIS database. Guidance: Res. XXV-4, Rec. IODE XX.3 Programmes: IODEOBIS database applied for the protection of marine biodiversity resources. [Database maintained and accessed under IODE]IOC High-level objective 4 Management procedures and policies leading to the sustainability of coastal and ocean environment and resources IOC will assist Member States, at their request, in the management of their marine and coastal environment, focusing on regional needs and developing national capabilities, by translating research results into management approaches and wise practices, through spatial and other planning approaches demonstrated through pilot projects in target regions, by providing the necessary training and assistance to implement them and by strengthening IOC Regional Subsidiary Bodies to fully ensure the regional implementation of the IOC Medium-term Strategy 20082013. A number of specific actions arising from the consideration of the Future of IOC and the celebration of the 50th anniversary of IOC will be undertaken to strengthen the operation of the IOC and its governance and to raise awareness of, and involvement in, IOCs programme of action. Biennial priorities ActionsExpected results [performance indicators]4a. Enhance regional cooperation and involvement of the Member States through capacity-building and transfer of technology and measures to strengthen the capabilities of the IOC Regional Subsidiary Bodies and IOC decentralized offices. Emphasize the regional approach to climate change awareness of regional activities, and through sub-regional consultations. Guidance: Res. XXV-11, IOCEA Programmes: CD, IODE, GOOS, GLOSSExisting activities (ODINAFRICA, GOOS-AFRICA/GOOS/GLOSS) reinforced through technical assistance. [Number of scientists and managers participating in meetings and training courses]; Reinforced regional and national training centres/universities as lead partners for training in methods and techniques including modelling related to sea level rise scenarios; coastal erosion and other coastal disasters/phenomena of interest. [Number of participants in training courses]Establishment of a Network of World Sampling sites (WAMS) and marine centres of reference under the supervision of IOC. Increased number of young scientists through a programme of WAMS fellowships for training of young scientists in new and classic methodologies among different marine laboratories. [Number of fellowships] Establishment of a WAMS programme to facilitate access to logistics for in situ experiments and observations. [Number of scientists participating in observations/experiments]4b. Facilitate science related to ocean and coastal resource management. Continue to foster integrated coastal research to deliver improved management tools. Guidance/cooperation: UNEP, GPNM,IGBP, GEF Programmes: NEWS2USEImproved capacity to forecast impacts on coastal ecosystems of nutrient loading to the marine environment by the production of tool boxes to implement the models. [1 review of data; 1 software modelling application; 1 pilot study]Support the development of ocean information management products (IODE OceanDocs and OceanExpert). Guidance: Res. XXV-3; Rec. IODE XIX.11 Programmes: IODEImproved access to ocean research publications as well as expertise. [Number of records entered in the databases; published products]4c. Enhance development and implementation of decision-support tools that improve integrated ocean and coastal management. Promote the application of tools and techniques for ecosystem based management and spatial planning of coasts and oceans. Guidance/cooperation: IOC-XXV, UNGA; WESTPAC, IOCARIBE, IOCEA; UNEP RS Programmes: ICAM, MSP Development and conduct of 3 training courses on marine spatial planning and indicators for coastal management. [Number of participants trained and impact assessment based upon use of the acquired knowledge] At least one regional project proposal on ICAM developed and submitted to donors. At least one indicator -based regional assessments conducted. Continue developing and strengthening the Ocean Data and Information Networks (ODINs). Guidance: Res. XXV-3; Rec. IODE XIX.5-10 Programmes: IODEImproved data and information management as well as product and service development capacity of developing countries (IODE). [Number of participants trained and impact assessment based upon national/regional product/service development]4d. Facilitate the development and adoption of standards.Organize international meetings of experts to establish agreements on standards, methods and criteria. Guidance/cooperation: Res. XXV-3; Rec. IODE XX.2; UN-Oceans; UNEP, CBD, ISA; Joint IOC-ICES Study Group on Nutrient Standards, IOCCP, GOBI Global Ocean Biodiversity Initiative, European Science Foundation Marine Board Programmes: IODE, JCOMM, OSSInternational standards for nutrients developed to establish comparability and traceability of nutrient data in the world oceans (see also action 4b). Conclusions on the best practices will be published after the completion of the timeline of the Joint IOC-ICES Study Group on Nutrient Standards (SGONS).Scientific support provided on the criteria to define marine areas in need of protection. Policy briefing to be published by the end of 2013. Two meetings on Marine Protected Areas to be organized. [Publications published]     ICG/CARIBE-EWSII/WD__ Page PAGE 2 IOC-XXIV/2 Annex __ Page PAGE 3 Restricted Distribution IOC-XXVI/2 Annex 3 Paris, 30 April 2011 Original: English INTERGOVERNMENTAL OCEANOGRAPHIC COMMISSION (of UNESCO) Twenty-sixth Session of the Assembly UNESCO, Paris, 22 June5 July 2011 Item 3.2 of the Provisional Agenda Draft Biennial Priorities and implementation strategy for 20122013 IOC-XXVI/2 Annex 3 Page PAGE 2 IOC-XXVI/2 Annex 3 Page PAGE 3 IOC-XXVI/2 Annex 3  %&,Pefgsu? $ % & ' ( > | ȽȽȽȽȽȵtmbYUO hh^Jhhhh6^JaJhh56^JaJ hBhhkthBhhh0B*phhBhh:B*^JaJphh:h:^JaJh:^JaJh ^JaJh6+h >*^JaJhzs^JaJh9h9^JaJh9^JaJh[^JaJhG^JaJh9^JaJhBhhh0^JaJhBhhh0>*^JaJ & ' ( | }xooo $Ifgd6Vgdj$gd6Vgd6Vgkd$$IfTlV<024 laT$x$Ifa$gd6V ]__ %x#$GI]'+KLMN^zzpzfz[hh>*CJ^JaJh#"_CJ^JaJh6VCJ^JaJhh#"_CJ^JaJhh>*CJ^JaJmH sH hhCJ^JaJmH sH hhCJ^JaJmH sH hh>*CJ^JaJmH sH hhCJ^JaJhhhCJ^JaJhCJ^JaJh5CJ^JaJhh5CJ^JaJh[hh#*xlaXFF 7<<$If^<gd6V $Ifgd6V $Ifgd6Vkd$$Ifl4Fh =&   t0    44 laytE=I)*+NC: $Ifgd6V $Ifgd6Vkd-$$Ifl4Fh =&`   t0    44 laf4ytE= & F 78h<$1$7$8$G$H$If^hgd6V`abNC: $Ifgd6V $Ifgd6Vkd$$Ifl4Fh =&    t0    44 laf4ytE= & F 78h<$1$7$8$G$H$If^hgd6V<1 $Ifgd6Vkd}$$Ifl4Fh =&    t0    44 laf4ytE= & F 78h<$1$7$8$G$H$If^hgd6V 7<<$If^<gd6V|]^kl~jklm0123H&,-.@ vw; 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