ࡱ> #% !"a jbjb,, 7NNht:: , BBB8BhC h8D&E300.000 user sessions per month) or the above mentioned services of third parties. This category also includes users from fisheries and aquaculture as well from navigation and recreation industries (but without formal agreements) Partnerships Does your nation have a secondary value-added industry providing downstream ocean products or services? If so, please provide details on significant downstream services in your nation. Indicate if and how these interface with government agencies. No major activities from the private sector. The POSEIDON information products are only exploited by cellular telephony companies that provide specific services to their customers (mainly wind and wave forecasts). Please provide information on national impediments to the production of ocean environmental information (e.g., model skill, lack of data, lack of funding)? No major impediments. The provision of operational information products can be considered satisfactory. The extension to more environmental (ecosystem health, water quality) information is limited mainly by the observing capacity (quality of biochemical observations) and the skill of ecosystem forecasting models, both expected to be improved in the next years. Application of ocean environmental information Open-ocean/global information For the open-ocean/global products and services reported on above (serving climate monitoring, forecasting, or research; or a specific operational purpose), please provide narrative answers, highlighting success stories if possible, to the following questions: Is the environmental information being successfully incorporated into problem-solving or decision-making for societal benefit? If so, how? What were key factors in reaching this success? If not, what are the major impediments to progress? Marine related activities have an important contribution to the economic development of Greece. The POSEIDON system has succeeded, since its implementation in 1997-2000, to attract the attention of the public as well as of national authorities who now systematically make use of POSEIDON products. This applies mainly to safety related information (winds, waves, currents) as well as to protection against oil-spills. In the present phase (2007-2008) POSEIDON is being upgraded and expanded to include / provide ecosystem related parameters / products necessary for environmental management. This is expected to enlarge the users community and efforts are made to target the needs of marine environmental monitoring and assessment. These needs are made more important now that a European Marine Strategy for the protection of the environment is ready to be adopted. See also replies under coastal information (below) since, as mentioned above, the POSEIDON system is covering both open-sea and coastal needs. What are the priority societal problems faced by your nation that could have solutions depending on open-ocean/global environmental information, but currently lack this input? Since seismic risk is very high in Greece, an open sea Tsunami detection/alert system covering the broader Mediterranean area would be a significant ocean observing component. HCMR is developing a pilot module of such a system that will be tested in 2008. However, this needs to be expanded in the future also in collaboration with other Mediterranean countries to form a complete operational system for protection of coastal areas against Tsunami risks. Coastal information For each societal goal in Coastal GOOS (see below), please provide narrative answers, highlighting success stories if possible, to the following questions: What are the major problems facing your nation? Is the environmental information reported on in Section 3.1 becoming part of the solution to those problems? If so, how? If not, what are the major impediments to progress? Detection and prediction of the effects of global climate change on coastal ecosystems Safe and efficient marine operations Monitoring and forecasting products of the POSEIDON system are widely used by end-users from the fisheries, tourism and transport sector especially when safety is of concern. Furthermore, HCMR has successfully used in 4 cases the operational oceanography products during search and rescue/recovery operations following marine accidents in Greek seas. Three of these accidents were helicopter crashes and one was a military airplane crash. In all cases HCMR has been asked to locate the ruins using its equipment of R/V Aegaeo (side scan sonar, submersible, ROVs) and contribute to the recovery. In order to make a first estimate of the exact crash location, HCMR has used the POSEIDON forecasts to make back-track experiments based on the floating ruins located in the area. This minimized the search and recovery time significantly and made success stories that raised the profile of Marine Research and Operational Oceanography in Greece. Effective control and mitigation of the effects of natural hazards Reduced public health risks The main application related to public health risks is oil spill monitoring and forecasting. In the whole Mediterranean and thus in Greek Seas, an important pollution problem is illicit oil discharges from vessels. Although their impact is small compared to major accidents (such as Erika or Prestige events) they have an accumulative effect the on coastal environment. The oil spill detection (through SAR imagery) and forecasting (through the POSEIDON system) service developed by HCMR is used by the Environment protection unit of the Ministry of Mercantile Marine that receives the detection alerts and mobilizes the available resources (at least visual inspection and preliminary assessment by Coast Guard boats). Furthermore, during marine accidents HCMR is consulted to provide forecast for oil drift and assess, at a later stage, the impact on marine ecosystem. Protected and restored healthy ecosystems Restored and sustained living marine resources Coordination and capacity-building The ocean observing system builds on and will develop through many existing observing networks and systems. Coordination (meetings, liaison, secretariat support) aimed at creating a rational and integrated system constitutes an important contribution to the system. Global coordination and capacity-building Amount of national contribution to global coordination directly through the IOC: unearmarked funds given to the IOC Trust Fund for the observing system: 2005 total US$-; 2006 total US$-; intended future commitment US$- (mark time frame) earmarked funds given to the IOC (note purpose) : 2005 total US$-; 2006 total US$-; intended future commitment US$ - (mark time frame) in kind support (i.e., secondments to the IOC) : 2005 - person-years ; 2006 - person years ; intended future commitment - (mark time frame) Amount of national contribution to global coordination directly through the WMO (specify financial and in kind contributions as above): - Comments on global coordination mechanisms (suggestions and feedback on the functioning of the coordination mechanisms GOOS, JCOMM, IODE and GCOS, their governing and subsidiary bodies, and secretariats): Limited experience with / contribution to global coordination mechanisms apart of IODE. Emphasis, up to now, on regional (European Mediterranean) efforts. Capacity-building activities: please list projects that are a direct contribution to developing capacity to build or benefit from the ocean observing system at a global level. Include information on the goals, beneficiaries, methods, investment and future plans. - Regional coordination and capacity-building Please detail any changes to your national or institutional participation in regional coordination bodies (GRAs, UNEP Regional Seas Conventions, FAO Regional Fisheries Bodies, LMEs) from the compilation (January 2003) found in Tables VIII.1 and VIII.2 of  HYPERLINK "http://www.ioc-goos.org/goos-125x" Annex VIII of the Coastal Strategic Implementation Plan for GOOS. NO CHANGES Please report below on both financial and in kind contributions. Amount of national contribution to regional coordination through GRAs: HCMR is a member of EuroGOOS and supports its operation through annual fees, support of travel for HCMR representatives etc. Estimated annual cost: 15K . HCMR is a member of MedGOOS and support its operation by covering travel costs, organizing meetings etc. HCMR representative (Dr K.Nittis) is currently (since January 2007) the chairman of MedGOOS and the position is also supported by a half time secretary. Estimated annual cost: 5K . Amount of national contribution to regional coordination through other IOC projects: - Amount of national contribution to regional coordination through other bodies: - Please list regional projects to develop capacity across nations to build or benefit from the ocean observing system. Include information on the goals, beneficiaries, methods, investment and future plans. Capacity building and networking in the Mediterranean Sea has been / is carried out mainly through EC funded RTD projects. The MAMA project (2001-2004), led by MedGOOS, was the one that involved all Mediterranean countries and had a strong networking impact. The basin scale monitoring and forecasting system has been developed by MFSPP and MFSTEP (1998-2006) projects that involved many European and north-African countries. Currently, the ECOOP project (2007-2009) that has a pan-European scope involves several Mediterranean countries and the MyOcean (2008-2010) project is expected to follow up. In all project strong Mediterranean coordination exists through the MedGOOS and MOON (the follow-up of the Mediterranean Task Team of EuroGOOS) groups. National coordination and capacity-building What is your mechanism for coordination of national agency and institution implementation of the ocean observing system? Are both ocean-related (oceanographic, hydrographic, fisheries, environmental, etc.) and meteorological agencies and institutions included? Specify if you have a National GOOS Committee. There is no national GOOS committee. The main institutes involved in operational oceanography in Greece are: the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR), the Hellenic National Hydrographic Service (HNMS) and the Hellenic National Meteorological Service (HNMS). They are, all 3, members of the committee that supervises the national Operational Oceanography program POSEIDON and this is the main coordination mechanism for all relevant activities in Greece. Please report on national priority requirements for improved capacity to build or benefit from the ocean observing system, and on national plans to address and sustain that capacity requirement. As mentioned above, Greece builds its ocean observing capacity mainly through the POSEIDON program that implemented the initial system in 1997-2000 (14M investment) and is currently upgrading the system (10M investment). The system is operational since 2000 supported by an annual grand of 600K until 2011 following an agreement between Ministries of Development, Defence and Economy. The current efforts are to achieve longer term sustainability through extension of the above agreement for financial support. Additional observing components operated by HNHS (sea level network) and HNMS (VOS data) are covered by the operational budgets of these organizations but need to be upgraded and expanded. New observing components are expected to be developed during the next 5 years through the national contribution to European marine Research Infrastructures, namely the EuroARGO (European contribution to the ARGO program) and EMSO (European Multidisciplinary Sea-Floor Observatories). HCMR participates to both projects and there is support from the state to fund their implementation that will increase the water column and sea bottom observing capacity. EMSO is also linked to the efforts for an increased regional capacity for Tsunami detection & alert integrating national seismic and ocean observing systems.  http://www.oco.noaa.gov/index.jsp?show_page=page_country_contributions.jsp&nav=observing  national SOT coordinators have been requested to fill out a report by March 2007 on their activities. Please ensure the answers above are consistent.  These include the Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network (GCRMN), the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) survey, and the International Bottom Trawl Survey (IBTS).  http://www.eohandbook.com/eohb05/ceos/part3_2.html  http://www.ceos.org/CEOS%20Response%20to%20the%20GCOS%20IP.pdf  Tables II.3a, II.3b, II.7 in Annex II of the  HYPERLINK "http://www.ioc-goos.org/goos-148" Implementation Strategy for the Coastal Module of GOOS provide some examples of physical, chemical, biological and socio-economic observation variables. Please note that the lists should not be considered exclusive of other observation needs that may exist locally, nationally or regionally.  please note in particular changes from Table 16 (page 79) in the  HYPERLINK "http://ioc3.unesco.org/oopc/documents/gcos/Implementation_Plan_(GCOS).pdf" GCOS IP, which describes international data centres and activities by variable.  http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewGroupRecord&groupID=59&Itemid=42  http://www.ioc-goos.org/goos-125x     The ocean observing system 2007  PAGE 1 \bd  34EFGcu|}~ʼ}m]MF hy$h K&hgh K&h{8CJOJQJhy$h K&hMhCJOJQJ *h*y-h K&0JCJOJQJ*j *h*y-h K&CJOJQJU *h/1\h K&CJOJQJj *h K&CJOJQJU *h K&CJOJQJ *hOh K&CJOJQJh K&CJOJQJhy$h K&CJOJQJ *hOh K&5CJOJQJhy$h K&5CJOJQJcdG}~ $$If^a$l $$Ifa$l $Ifgd K&l gd K&gd K&}       5 6 : > ? C F T U Y \ ] ` c } ~ үҜwwwhy$h K&5CJOJQJhy$h K&CJhy$h K&6CJOJQJ%jhy$h K&0JCJOJQJUhy$h K&0JCJOJQJ'jhy$h K&CJOJQJU!jhy$h K&CJOJQJUhy$h K&CJOJQJhy$h K&56CJOJQJ. 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