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DrLisaLevin, Professor of Biological Oceanography, Scripps Institution of Oceanography (USA), delivered the Anton Bruun Memorial Lecture, 2011, on Understanding Continental Margin Biodiversity: A New Imperative. An abstract and summary of questions and answers is included in Annex ___. Following her presentation, Professor Levin was presented with the IOC Anton Bruun Medal. Professor Christopher R. Barnes, Project Director of NEPTUNE (Canada), the worlds first regional cabled ocean observatory network delivered the 2011 N.K. Panikkar Memorial Lecture on Developments in Ocean Observing Systems: Aiding Capacity-building in Marine Science. An abstract and summary of questions and answers is included in Annex ___. Following his presentation Professor Barnes was presented with the IOC N.K. Pannikar Medal. 4. GOVERNANCE: IOC GOVERNING BODIES AND PARTICIPATION IN UN CONSULTATIONS AND COORDINATION 4.2 REPORT OF THE OPEN-ENDED INTERSESSIONAL WORKING GROUP ON IOC REGIONAL SUBSIDIARY BODIES The Vice-Chair dealing with Regional Subsidiary Bodies, Mr Julin Reyna Moreno, introduced this item. The Twenty-fifth Session of the IOC Assembly established the open-ended intersessional Working Group on IOC Regional Activities, through Resolution XXV-2, to conduct an objective and comprehensive assessment of IOC's regional activities and prepare a report for consideration by the Assembly at its Twenty-sixth Session. The report of the Working Group was expected to include: a regional strategy for organizational improvement, efficiencies through better integration, potential consolidation of regional resources, streamlined operations, enhanced collaboration with the UN and other appropriate regional organizations. The following actions were initiated to assist the Working Group: (i) a meeting of Regional Subsidiary Bodies (Paris, 7 June 2010), just prior to the Forty-third Session of the IOC Executive Council, identified some of the challenges that are faced by Regional Subsidiary Bodies and provided suggestions on how these can be addressed; (ii) Circular Letter No. 2353 of 2 July 2010 was sent out requesting Member States to nominate experts to the Working Group. Twenty-seven Member States responded by nominating 36 experts; (iii) a questionnaire on Regional Activities was developed with input from the Working Group. Member States were requested by Circular Letter No.2361 of 25 November 2010 to complete the questionnaire. Fifty-two responses were received from 42 Member States; and (iv) the report on the status of IOC Regional Activities was compiled (IOC/INF-1281). Mr Reyna Moreno presented the report of the Working Group on IOC Regional Activities (IOC-XXVI/RSB/3s) held in Paris on 20 June 2011. The Working Group reviewed the report on the Status of IOC Regional Activities (IOC/INF-1281) and the results of the questionnaire on IOC regional activities. The Assembly noted that the Commission implements a wide range of projects in all the regions of the oceans, including those that are not covered by its Regional Subsidiary Bodies. The following common characteristics found in the Sub-Commissions for CARIBE and WESTPAC, which are the most successful of the Regional Subsidiary Bodies, were identified: Secretariat support and dedicated staff who are able to provide liaison between the Member States, organizations and institutions in the regions Willingness of the Member States in these regions to provide both financial and in-kind support for the implementation of activities Clearly identified priorities and programmes that Member States can participate in or contribute to, and which should link with relevant ongoing national activities so that the incremental cost of participating in the regional programme is not too high. The Assembly congratulated the IOC Vice-Chair for steering the Working Group effectively to respond to the concerns of the Commissions Governing Bodies. The Assembly welcomed the creation of the position of Regional Liaison Officer as a means of improving coordination between the Regional Subsidiary Bodies, the IOC Secretariat and the IOC global programmes. The Assembly noted that the implementation of the new approach to coordination of the activities of Regional Subsidiary Bodies would be a process that requires the full support of the Member States. The Assembly adopted Draft Resolution XXVI-(4.2) on Strengthening Regional Subsidiary Bodies. 4.3 REPORT OF THE ELEVENTH SESSION OF THE IOC SUB-COMMISSION FOR THE CARIBBEAN AND ADJACENT REGIONS (IOCARIBE-XI)  ASK Agenda "Please enter agenda item" \* MERGEFORMAT (7.3)1The Vice-Chair of the IOC Sub-Commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (IOCARIBE), Francisco Brizuela (Mexico) introduced this item on behalf of IOCARIBE Chair Guillermo Garca Montero (Cuba). MrBrizuela reviewed results of the Eleventh Session of IOCARIBE (Miami, USA, 1720 May 2011) and developments in IOCARIBE focal programmes for 20092011, including decisions related to: (i) the final publication of the International Bathymetric Chart of the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico (IBCCA); (ii) review of the IOCARIBE-GOOS Implementation Plan; the creation of an IOCARIBE-GOOS Group of Experts to advise the Sub-Commission on technical, operational and programmatic aspects of the observing system; and the importance of establishing National GOOS Committees; (iii) Implementation of the Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem (CLME) project; (iv) the Caribbean Marine Atlas an IODE initiative in the region; (v) arrangements for strengthening the ANCA-HAB Group constituency by actively involving the national institutions; (vi) programme and project implementation; and (vii) the IOCARIBE Programme and Budget for 20122013. Many activities to commemorate the IOCs Fiftieth Anniversary were held in the Region during 20092010, such as ColacMarCuba 2009 and an IOC Special Session at the UNESCO Director-General's Regional Consultation with the National Commissions in Latin America and the Caribbean on the Draft Programme and Budget for 20122013. The IOCARIBE Vice-Chair reported on the CLME developments. Key sections of the Regional Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) were developed and the final draft of the TDA is expected to be ready by mid-July 2011. Mr Brizuela also reported on the CARIBE-EWS where, with a view to establishing a Caribbean Tsunami Warning Centre, the NOAA/NWS established, in 2010, the Caribbean Tsunami Warning Programme. It is hosted by the Puerto Rico Seismic Network as a first step of the USA phased contribution. Also, ICG/CARIBEEWS-VI accepted proposals of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and Nicaragua to develop Terms of Reference for back-up centres. Barbados made a formal offer to host the Caribbean Tsunami Information Centre (CTIC). It will receive a financial contribution of 430,000 for three years of operation from Italy through a project on Disaster Risk Reduction administered by UNDP. The IOCARIBE Vice-Chair informed the Assembly on LAC-ICAM activities. The  Integrated Coastal Area Management (ICAM) Training Workshop for the English-Speaking Caribbean States was held in Barbados from 16 to 18 March 2011, with expertise provided by the Barbados Coastal Zone Management Unit. The project "Demonstrate Approaches for Nutrient and Sediment Reduction at Selected Pilot Study Areas in the Wider Caribbean" was submitted for GEF support and is in its PDF-A phase. Paired watersheds have been established as pilot sites in Dominica, the Dominican Republic, Grenada, and Trinidad & Tobago. Discussions are going on with UNEP to develop this project within IWCAMs second phase. Also, Mr Brizuela referred to the Sub-Commissions invitation to Member States to actively participate in the Regular Process for the Global Reporting and Assessment of the State of the Marine Environment and to appoint experts to ensure that the first cycle (20102014) benefits from the regions expertise. Japan recalled lessons learned while revitalizing WESTPAC and stressed the importance of sharing them with other IOC Regional Subsidiary Bodies. The Assembly noted the Executive Summary Report of the Eleventh Session of IOCARIBE. The Assembly thanked the IOCARIBE Vice-Chair for his report. It also thanked the Government of the United States of America for having hosted IOCARIBE-XI, and the Government of Colombia for its consistency in supporting the IOCARIBE Secretariat over the years. The Assembly adopted Resolution XXVI-(4.3).  ASK Agenda "Please enter agenda item" \* MERGEFORMAT 4.4 4.4 REPORT OF THE EIGTH SESSION OF THE IOC REGIONAL COMMITTEE FOR THE WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN (IOCWIO-VIII) The Chair of the IOC Regional Committee for the Western Indian Ocean (IOCWIO), Mohamudally Beebeejaun, presented the major outcomes of the Eighth Session of the Regional Committee for the Western Indian Ocean (Mauritius, 2527 May 2011). He highlighted the activities implemented in the region during the intersessional period, including the implementation of ODINAFRICA-IV activities, establishment of the UNESCO Chair in Marine Technology at the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and the implementation of seven hydrodynamic modelling projects in Kenya, Mozambique, Seychelles and Tanzania. The IOCWIO-VIII adopted a Work Plan covering the period 20112013. The Plan takes into account the national oceanographic programmes and priorities, as well as the activities of other regional projects and organizations which were presented during the meeting. Activities proposed in the Work Plan include: maintenance and extension of the sea-level network; coastal hazards assessment; inventory of long-term datasets (both meteorological and oceanographic parameters); assessment of the impacts of climate change and variability on coastal ecosystems and fisheries; establishment of a coastal observation network; modelling of storm surges in the Mozambique Channel; development of simple products using remotely sensed data; preparation of a regional State of the Coast report; monitoring the occurrence and extent of harmful algal blooms; monitoring of water quality; development of national coastal and marine atlases; and the development of decision-support tools. The region will also participate in the project on the development of a regional comparative assessment for marine World Heritage sites in the Indian Ocean. Four recommendations were adopted on: (i) collaboration with the AgulhasSomali Current Large Marine Ecosystem project; (ii) establishment an IOC Sub-Commission for Africa; (iii) development of a Coastal Observations Network; and (iv) Programme of Work for 20112013. The Assembly noted the Executive Summary Report of IOCWIO-VIII (IOCWIO-VIII/3s), and the four Recommendations and encouraged Member States to carry out the programme of work included therein. The Assembly congratulated the IOCWIO Chair on the report provided, and noted the good progress that has been made in implementation of activities in the region. The Assembly welcomed the offer of South Africa to spearhead the development of the Coastal Observations Network for the region. The Assembly requested the Executive Secretary to provide resources for implementation of the Work Plan, within the framework of the approved IOC Programme and Budget, and to explore the modalities for closer collaboration between IOCWIO and the ASCLME Project. 4.7 REPORT ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE WORKING GROUP ON THE FUTURE OF IOC At its Forty-third Session, the Executive Council requested the Executive Secretary to prepare a report on the actions undertaken to implement the recommendations made by the Working Group on the Future of IOC and present it, in accordance with Rule of Procedure 8.1(f), to the IOC Assembly at the present Session, with a view to finalizing the implementation of Resolution EC-XLI.1 and responding to Resolution EC-XLIII.7. In her report, the Executive Secretary highlighted: (i) enhanced intersectoral cooperation within UNESCO; (ii) identification of the IOC budget in the appropriation resolution of the General Conference and the 35C/5; (iii) management of extrabudgetary resources through the special account; (iv) cooperation with other UN organizations; (v) communication with IOC focal points and Permanent Delegations to UNESCO; (vi) increased engagement of Member States in the work of the Commission and visibility of IOC within UNESCO communities; and (vii) improved delivery of IOC programmes at the regional level. The Assembly thanked the Executive Secretary for the clarity and exhaustiveness of her report and endorsed her analysis of achievements and remaining challenges. The Assembly supported the idea of a periodic monitoring of the implementation of the recommendations of the exercise on the Future of IOC, also with a view to developing a strategic outlook for the Commission. In this context, particular attention will be given to the enhancement of capacity development activities in all areas of work of the IOC. There was no consensus in the Assembly on the proposal of the Chair regarding the establishment of an intersessional working group to scope the involvement of IOC in the area of operational oceanography. The Assembly decided to entrust the incoming Officers with preparing a technical report on the scoping of operational oceanography. The Assembly decided to establish an ad hoc open-ended working group chaired by a Vice-Chair to develop a draft of the Medium-term Strategy for 20142019, taking into account the initial work of the Secretariat (Doc IOC/INF-1280), the UNESCO Medium-Term Strategy, and any developments associated with the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20), and to provide a report to the Forty-fifth Session of the Executive Council, in 2012. 4.8 IOC AND THE LAW OF THE SEA The Vice-Chair responsible for Regions, Cherif Sammari, introduced this item. He presented the preliminary analysis prepared by the Intersessional Open-Ended Working Group to Review IOC/ABE-LOS based upon a questionnaire sent to Member States in April 2011, and upon opportunities for future activities where the advice of IOC/ABE-LOS may be necessary. He highlighted the few responses received to the questionnaire, due to the limited timeframe, but also welcomed the valuable comments received from Member States. The Assembly commended the Vice-Chair for his efforts in coordinating the work of the Working Group and thanked the Secretariat for the technical support provided. The Assembly noted that even if IOC/ABE-LOS is an important mechanism for IOC, and that IOC/ABE-LOS products have been widely acknowledged by the relevant UN fora, it may be necessary to amend the IOC/ABE-LOS terms of reference after the review. The Assembly noted that various new issues, related to Law of the Sea and Marine Scientific Research, are emerging and which clearly fall within IOCs competence. The Assembly highlighted the importance of IOCs taking the lead in these matters. The Assembly noted that the early analysis of the questionnaire had revealed a growing need in Africa for more capacity-building activities, such as training courses, on the combination of Law of the Sea and Marine Science Research. The Assembly agreed that the deadline for responding to the questionnaire should be extended for a few months in order to give enough time to the Working Group to collect and analyse new responses and provide recommendations to the Forty-fifth Session of the Executive Council. The Assembly further agreed that the Working Group will work by electronic correspondence and that a meeting of the Working Group will take place just before the Forty-fifth Session of the Executive Council to discuss recommendations to be presented to the Council. CONTRIBUTION OF IOC TO THE RIO+20 PROCESS The IOC Technical Secretary in charge of preparations for Rio+20, Julian Barbire, in accordance with Rule of Procedure 8.1(g), introduced this item. On 24 December 2009, the UN General Assembly adopted Resolution A/RES/64/236 agreeing to hold the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD), also referred to as Rio+20, in June 2012, in RiodeJaneiro, Brazil. The Conference has three objectives: securing renewed political commitment to sustainable development; assessing the progress and implementation gaps in meeting already agreed commitments; and addressing new and emerging challenges. The Technical Secretary then informed Member States on the Rio+20 preparatory process, including the outcomes of IOCs participation at the Second Preparatory Committee Meeting (New York, 78 March 2011). IOC has received direct accreditation to the process and conference, allowing the Commission to raise its own voice for oceans, in addition to UNESCOs official delegation. UN Member States have agreed on two themes for the Conference: (i) the green economy within the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication; and (ii) an institutional framework for sustainable development. The UN Commission on Sustainable Development is in charge of the preparatory process and organization of the conference. A number of preparatory meetings are scheduled in 2011 and 2012 with a view to adopting an outcome document by June 2012. A draft of the negotiated outcome document will be available in November 2011 and discussed at UN Headquarters from January to March 2012. Although at this stage it is expected that the main document to be adopted in Rio will be more of a political declaration rather than a plan of action, it should nonetheless provide an opportunity to highlight the role of the oceans in sustainable development issues and strengthen IOCs mandate in this regard. IOC needs to define what are the key messages and issues that it would like to have highlighted at the Conference and possibly addressed through the political outcome document. With this objective in mind, it was proposed that a Declaration on the role of oceans in sustainable development be prepared and adopted by IOC Member States and transmitted to the UNCSD Preparatory Committee. A draft declaration was prepared for this purpose. A sessional working group, Chaired by IOC Vice-Chair Sang-Kyung Byun, was established with a view to finalizing the declaration such that it reflects the inputs from Member States. In plenary, the Chair of the sessional working group reported that, following legal advice from UNESCOs Office of International Standards and Legal Affairs, the word Declaration should be replaced by Statement. Ms Maria Vicien-Milburn, Legal Advisor and Director of the Office, explained to the Assembly that only the General Conference of UNESCO has the authority to issue a declaration. The Assembly adopted Resolution XXVI-(4.9).     IOC-XXVI/3 prov. 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