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The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO established the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the IOTWS (ICG/IOTWS) to coordinate Indian Ocean Member States initiatives and tools in regards to all aspects of end-to-end regional tsunami warning system, from seismic hazard detection and sea level monitoring to local community resilience. Since 2005, Indian Ocean Member States have been dependent on tsunami notifications from the Interim Advisory Service (IAS) providers, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre (PTWC) and Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) . Since 2005, the ICG/IOTWS has demonstrated impressive progress to initiate the transition phase from IAS to Regional Tsunami Service Provider (RTSP). The Indian Ocean Wave 2009 (IOWave09) Exercise was implemented to ensure that the inter-operability of different systems in various Indian Ocean Member States was functional while still utilizing IAS mechanisms. In view of the fact that the Indian Ocean now has 3 functional RTSPs (Australia, India and Indonesia), there is still more work to be done to ensure that the service is fully operational not only at the level of the RTSPs, but also at the 25 other National Tsunami Warning Centres (NTWCs) throughout the Indian Ocean. Harmonization of warning products is critical at this stage, especially during the transition phase. Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) of all RTSPs and NTWCs must be updated to accommodate the new products and services. The knowledge of the updated products and services from RTSPs to NTWCs also has impacts to the Disaster Management Offices (DMOs) in Indian Ocean countries, as well as media at international, national and local levels Understanding these impacts by the end-users and interface institutions, would allow more effective coordination, which further need to be defined in their respective SOPs. DMOs and media, are the main players of tsunami warning systems in ensuring these products and messages reach communities at risk in time. It is very much in line with BMKG, ICG/IOTWS as well as UNDP APRC plans to organize a Regional SOP Workshop in Jakarta in September 2011. In view of the new developments in the region, such as new shake map, IOWave Exercise in 2009, designation of BMKG as one of Regional Tsunami Service Providers, BMKG wrote to the ICG Chair expressing the need for regional SOP training in view of the new knowledge and lessons learnt from recent tsunami events. Based on the expressed needs, a Design Workshop towards the 3rd Regional SOP Training was organized in Jakarta on 28 29 July to finalize the conceptual framework, scope, substances, schedules, resource persons and scenarios for the Regional SOP Training 2011. Objectives To understand the roles and products of RTSPs To understand the impact of RTSP products and services on NTWC SOPs To identify potential gaps and possible challenges for NTWC and NDMO SOPs To develop/adapt SOPs to interface with the Media To further discuss IOWave11 Proposed Venue, Date and Time Venue: Borobudur Hotel Address: Jl. Lapangan Banteng Selatan, P.O.Box 1329, Jakarta 10710 Phone: (+62 21) 380 5555 Fax: (+62 21) 380 9595 Website:  HYPERLINK "http://www.hotelborobudur.com" www.hotelborobudur.com Contact: Ms. Irawatie Evie ( HYPERLINK "mailto:evie@hotelborobudur.com" evie@hotelborobudur.com) Date: 19 23 September 2011 (Monday to Friday) Time: 09.00 17.00 WIB Map:  HYPERLINK "http://maps.google.co.id/maps?q=hotel+borobudur+jakarta+pusat&hl=id&ll=-6.172108,106.835797&spn=0.012224,0.027466&fb=1&gl=id&cid=0,0,8729575117445029808&z=16" http://maps.google.co.id/maps?q=hotel+borobudur+jakarta+pusat&hl=id&ll=-6.172108,106.835797&spn=0.012224,0.027466&fb=1&gl=id&cid=0,0,8729575117445029808&z=16 Host Meteorological Climatological and Geophysical Agency, BMKG will host this important event Scope RTSP NTWC NDMO MEDIA Target Beneficiaries Based on the decision made at the Design Workshop, several beneficiaries are specifically targeted, as follows: The proposed participants from NTWCs should be senior / middle managers who are actively involved in SOP development The proposed participants from NDMOs should be senior staff who are responsible for TEWS and SOP development The proposed participant from media should be executive producers who are responsible in developing media SOP for warning dissemination Type of Support BMKG will lead the organization of the Regional SOP Training event with support from ICG/IOTWS Secretariat, UNDP Indonesia and UNDP Asia-Pacific Regional Centre (APRC) in Bangkok. The chair of the organizing committee will be Ms Irina Rafliana (LIPI), chair of ICG/IOTWS Working Group 3 on Tsunami Awareness and Response. UNDP APRC will invite 3 persons each from 5 countries: India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Maldives and Indonesia. The composition will be 1 from NTWC, 1 from NDMO and 1 from Media UNESCO IOC will invite 10 15 participants from other IOTWS Member States Background Materials Training materials from previous regional SOP training in Jakarta IOC UNESCO SOP Manual Lessons Learned from IO Wave 2009 Exercise Indonesian Warning Service Guidebook Indonesian Media Guidebook for Warning Dissemination New Zealand Advisory and Warning Plan IOC UNESCO Draft: How to Plan, Conduct and Evaluate Tsunami Exercises IOC UNESCO: Indian Ocean Guideline for Tsunami Risk Assessment SOP Aceh Contact Persons for Further Inquiry Irina Rafliana LIPI  HYPERLINK "mailto:irina_rafliana@hotmail.com" irina_rafliana@hotmail.com Suharjono BMKG  HYPERLINK "mailto:suhardjono@bmkg.go.id" suhardjono@bmkg.go.id Dandi Prasetia UNDP  HYPERLINK "mailto:tania.putri@undp.org" dandi.prasetia@undp.org Outline Agenda DAY 1 (19 Sept)DAY 2 (20 Sept)DAY 3 (21 Sept)DAY 4 (22 Sept)DAY 5 (23 Sept)Opening CeremonyParallel/Break Group Workshop NTWCs (facilitated by RTSPs) DMOs ( plenary introduction by Irina Rafliana & Sugeng Triutomo, group facilitated by Harald Spahn & Laura Kong) Media (plenary introduction by Irina Rafliana, group facilitated by Ardito Kodijat) Continued: SOP Development Table top simulation (by Tony Elliott and team, UNDP)How to plan, conduct& evaluate exercise (by Laura Kong)Overview IOTWS (Tony Elliott) Introduction of RTSPs (by chair of RTT-Srinivas Kumar) Introduction to table top simulation day 5 (by Tony Elliott) Scenario (Near field, far field, island mid field) Rules of the gamesIntegrating SOPs (by Laura Kong)IO Wave exercise by Chair IO Wave 2011 (Srinivas Kumar)Impact RTSP in NTWC SOP (what action will be taken for DMO& media) ( (Facilitated by Suharjono, Peter Coburn)Feedback discussions from DMOs and Media to NTWCs: addressing challenges (Facilitated by Irina Rafliana)Reflection feedback way forwardMorningafternoon  RWu  Z    l  , J K V W d e k l q r { պ{hl[h7hdhxvh`hMhKhJh8 h!hhy+hrhihfXB*phhfXhfXCJ$aJ$mH sH hCJ$aJ$mH sH hfXCJ$aJ$mH sH h1CJ$aJ$mH sH hCJ$aJ$h9hfXCJ$aJ$0K O2JgdB d^gdBxgdBgd>/ & Fgd 0gd{$a$gd,$a$gdWgdi$&dPOa$gd$    ! 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