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IODE QUALITY MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK  PAGEREF _Toc193516942 \h 3 3.1 Background  PAGEREF _Toc193516943 \h 3 3.2 Current situation  PAGEREF _Toc193516944 \h 3 3.3 Quality Management Framework (QMF)  PAGEREF _Toc193516945 \h 4 3.4 Quality Management System (QMS)  PAGEREF _Toc193516946 \h 4 3.5 Quality Management Principles  PAGEREF _Toc193516947 \h 4 3.6 ISO-9000 Series of Standards  PAGEREF _Toc193516948 \h 4 3.7 IODE QMF  PAGEREF _Toc193516949 \h 4 3.8 Accreditation  PAGEREF _Toc193516950 \h 5 3.9 Drivers for accreditation  PAGEREF _Toc193516951 \h 5 3.10 Accreditation requirements  PAGEREF _Toc193516952 \h 5 3.11 NODC Categories  PAGEREF _Toc193516953 \h 5 3.12 Accreditation procedures  PAGEREF _Toc193516954 \h 5 3.13 QMF and Strategic Plan  PAGEREF _Toc193516955 \h 6 4. MARINE CLIMATE DATA SYSTEM (MCDS)  PAGEREF _Toc193516956 \h 6 4.1 The MCDS  PAGEREF _Toc193516957 \h 6 4.2 CMOCs  PAGEREF _Toc193516958 \h 6 4.3 Role of the IODE ODINs  PAGEREF _Toc193516959 \h 7 4.4 WDS  PAGEREF _Toc193516960 \h 7 4.5 Other IODE functions  PAGEREF _Toc193516961 \h 7 4.6 Capacity Development  PAGEREF _Toc193516962 \h 7 4.7 Data Centres issues  PAGEREF _Toc193516963 \h 7 5. MIM ELEMENTS IN THE STRATEGIC PLAN  PAGEREF _Toc193516964 \h 8 6. RECOMMENDATIONS OF OCEAN OBS '09  PAGEREF _Toc193516965 \h 11 7. WRITING GROUPS TO DRAFT NEW STRATEGIC PLAN  PAGEREF _Toc193516966 \h 13 8. PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION OF THE DRAFT  PAGEREF _Toc193516967 \h 13 9. IMPLEMENTING THE STRATEGIC PLAN  PAGEREF _Toc193516968 \h 13 10. ADOPTION OF THE DRAFT STRATEGIC PLAN  PAGEREF _Toc193516969 \h 14  ANNEXES Annex I: Agenda Annex II: List of participants OPENING OF THE MEETING The meeting was opened by Mr Greg Reed, Chair of the inter-sessional working group for updating the IOC Strategic Plan for Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (2012-2015). It was recalled that the group had been established during IODE-XXI (see summary report paragraph 422) with the following membership: Australia (Chair), Argentina, Barbados, Belgium (Federal and Flanders), China, Germany, Greece, India, The Netherlands, Russian Federation, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States, Chair GE-MIM, Chair GE-BICH, Chair ETDMP and Chair JCOMM DMCG. Member States had been invited to identify their representatives by September 2011. Members of the group, represented at this meeting are listed in the List of Participants (Annex II). The group had been tasked to review and revise the Strategic Plan for 2008-2011 by the end of March 2012. The IODE Co-Chairs will inform the 45th Session of the IOC Executive Council (25-29 June 2012) about progress made with the revision of the Strategic Plan. The revised Plan will be submitted for review to IODE-XXII (March 2013) and subsequently to the twenty-seventh Session of the IOC Assembly in 2013 through a Recommendation. The meeting noted that the current Plan had very few references to marine information management and biological data (e.g. OBIS) and decided to correct this problem. OVERVIEW OF CURRENT STRATEGIC PLAN Mr Greg Reed provided an overview of the current Strategic Plan, documented in IOC Manuals and Guides No. 51. Background He recalled that the IOC Strategic Plan for Oceanographic Data and Information Management (2008-2011) was approved by the 24th session of IOC Assembly in 2007 (Resolution XXIV-9). It aims to establish a "comprehensive and integrated ocean data and information system, serving the broad and diverse needs of IOC Member States, for both routine and scientific use. In order to oversee the implementation of the Strategy and bring together the various IOC programmes an IOC Data and Information Management Advisory Group was established. Deliverables The IOC Strategic Plan for Oceanographic Data and Information Management was expected to deliver the following: Process and archive data on a diverse range of variables according to scientifically sound and well documented standards and formats; Distribute data on a diverse range of variables (observations and model outputs) in real time and in delayed modes depending on the needs of user groups and their technical capabilities (automatic dissemination as well as on demand); and Enable efficient access to data on common variables and derived products (including forecasts, alerts and warnings) by users who have a broad range of capabilities. Guiding principles The guiding principles against which the Data and Information Management Strategy should be assessed include: Adherence to relevant data policies Development of, and access to, products and services, making the best use of appropriate technology Capacity building Inclusion of National Oceanographic Data Centres, specialized oceanographic data centres (for example, Argo, GTSPP and the drifting buoy programme) and regional data centres Project data management elements Collaboration with other relevant groups Key elements of the strategy Adherence to the IOC Oceanographic Data Exchange Policy Governance by a management committee, aided by a technical task team, supported by data and information coordination units A permanent long-term data archiving centre for all data Recommended best practice for quality control Acceptance and implementation of a set of interoperability arrangements, for collecting, processing, storing, and disseminating data, metadata and products Interoperability between different end-to-end systems (e.g. GEOSS, ICSUs WDS, ICES, SeaDataNet, etc) through the use of service oriented architecture Continued development of ODINs backed up by OceanTeacher as a capacity building tool Development of appropriate metrics to help evaluate the data and information system Facilitation of proper citation of datasets Scorecard Mr Reed then reviewed progress with the key elements of the strategy. Adherence to the IOC Oceanographic Data Exchange Policy. Knowledge of, and adherence to, the Policy needs improvement. During IODE-XXI it was reported that in the 2010 survey of NODCs 16% of respondents answered dont know and 23% who answered NO regarding adherence to the policy. Governance by an advisory group, aided by a technical task team, supported by data and information coordination units. All IOC programmes had been invited to designate members to the advisory group but few responded. The group therefore never functioned. A permanent long-term data archiving centre for all data. The IODE is developing the Ocean Data Portal which will provide a distributed archive network of data centres. IODE has also been accepted as a network member of the ICSU World Data System Recommended best practice for quality control. The IODE Ocean Data Standards project is in the process of evaluating a proposed standard for quality flags for oceanographic data. Acceptance and implementation of a set of interoperability arrangements, for collecting, processing, storing, and disseminating data, metadata and products. The IODE Ocean Data Portal will provide interoperable arrangements for the dissemination of data, metadata and products. Interoperability between different end-to-end systems (e.g. GEOSS, ICSU, ICES, SeaDataNet, etc) through the use of service oriented architecture. Some progress was made with developing interoperable arrangements with GEOSS but additional work is required to ensure interoperability with other systems. Continued development of ODINs backed up by OceanTeacher as a capacity building tool. Good progress has been achieved in further developing OceanTeacher training tools for Oceanographic Data and Information Management. Development of appropriate metrics to help evaluate the data and information system. With the introduction of the IODE Quality Management Framework accreditation NODCs will be required to fulfill a minimum set of requirements to ensure compliance with IODE standards and to establish a mechanism to regularly evaluate the quality of data and service of a NODC. Facilitation of proper citation of datasets. Progress has been achieved to develop international standards to publish oceanographic datasets including the assignment of persistent identifiers, and linking datasets to publications, attributing credit to data providers. IODE QUALITY MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK This agenda item was introduced by Mr Greg Reed. Background At IODE-XX (2009) and IODE-XXI (2011) the Committee discussed the need to establish a quality management framework to ensure that NODCs are established and operate according to defined principles, including adherence to agreed standards and the requirements of the IOC Oceanographic Data Exchange Policy. It was agreed also that accreditation of data centres is needed to ensure NODCs can provide high quality data to meet the requirements of a broad community of users. IODE is seeking membership of the ICSU World Data System which will require NODCs to demonstrate their capability to meet ICSU certification requirements Current situation Any IOC Member State can establish a NODC according to the steps outlined in IOC Manuals and Guides No. 5 M&G 5 provides a step-by-step process to verify the suitability of an institution to become a NODC There is no instrument within IODE to review compliance with this process these steps and principles are suggestions for guidance only IODE has two levels of data centres Designated National Agencies (DNA) National Oceanographic Data Centres (NODC) The functions of each level has not been articulated The former could be considered as a light version of the latter This distinction is used less and less Most Member States now establish a NODC. Quality Management Framework (QMF) The following QMF definition was presented: the strategy, advice, guidance and tools necessary for an organization (such as a National Oceanographic Data Centre) to attain quality, efficiency, and effectiveness in performing its mission responsibilities. A QMF is a tool to aid in the successful delivery of products and services across the enterprise Quality Management System (QMS) It was noted that a QMS is an integral component of the QMF. A QMS is a management tool consisting of a set of rules to direct and control an organization with regard to quality. It is not just a set of documents but a group of interrelated processes that brings resources, activities and behaviours together to improve an organization's effectiveness and efficiency in attaining its objectives. A QMS can help an organization keep customer focus, involve everyone from the top down and drive continual improvement. Quality Management Principles Eight quality management principles form the basis for a QMS: Customer focus Leadership Involvement of people Process approach System approach to management Continual improvement Factual approach to decision making Mutually beneficial supplier relationships ISO-9000 Series of Standards The ISO 9000 is a Series of Standards for Quality Management. IODE does not propose a specific standard but NODCs may seek ISO 9001 certification (but this is not mandatory). NODCs can successfully implement an effective quality management system without formal ISO 9001 certification. IODE QMF IODE-XXI established an inter-sessional working group that will identify a set of quality management criteria for IODE NODCs taking into account those defined for the WDS. The IWG has prepared a document that proposes an IODE-QMF that addresses the implementation of the quality management framework. The main objectives of the IODE-QMF are: Initiate and review existing Standards, Manuals and Guides with respect to the inclusion of quality management procedures and practices Offer assistance to NODCs in establishing organizational quality management systems Promote accreditation of NODCs according to agreed criteria Provide regular feed-back to the IODE Committee Accreditation As mentioned above there is a need for NODC to demonstrate capability to provide data and services in compliance with established standards and best practice. Accreditation will ensure NODCs are able to provide quality data to meet the requirements of a broad community of users. Drivers for accreditation ODP NODCs will be encouraged to contribute data to the ODP as a data provider Data must meet agreed standards for interoperability and the requirements of the IOC Oceanographic Data Exchange Policy WDS IODE has been accepted as a "network member of WDS and NODCs will be able to contribute to WDS NODCs must meet ICSU certification criteria Accreditation requirements NODCs will need to fulfil a minimum set of requirements. The accreditation criteria cover: 1. ORGANIZATIONAL FRAMEWORK 2. QUALITY CONTROL AND MAINTENANCE 3. USER ACCESS AND COMMUNICATION TECHNICAL INFRASTRUCTURE The draft document on IODE QMF ( HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=8533" IODE Quality Management Framework for National Oceanographic Data Centres - Draft 0.3 ) details these criteria. NODC Categories It is proposed to create two levels of categorization for NODCs: Accredited NODC. NODCs that have met the accreditation requirements Candidate NODC. NODCs that are working towards accreditation The category of Designated National Agency (DNA) will be withdrawn. Accreditation procedures A Steering Group will need to be established for the overall management of the IODE-QMF: IODE Steering Group for the IODE Quality Management Framework (SG-QMF). The SG-QMF will assess accreditation applications and the regular review of capability and performance of NODCs. QMF and Strategic Plan The QMF will be an integral component of the IOC Strategic Plan. Accreditation will ensure the deliverables identified in IOC Strategic Plan can be met: NODCs deliver quality data and products for common variables according to scientifically sound and well-documented standards and formats Disseminate data in real time and/or in delayed modes Facilitate easy access to data and products The meeting noted the importance of having accreditation procedures that are the same or very similar to those of other organizations/systems such as the proposed CMOCs or WDS, taking into account the planned cooperation between IODE and these organizations/systems. It was further noted that IODE currently manages a network of oceanographic data centres only. For the marine information management community IODE has identified national coordinators but there are no associated formal MIM centres. If IODE intends to be an integrated data and information network then this needs to be addressed as well. MARINE CLIMATE DATA SYSTEM (MCDS) This agenda item was introduced by Ms. Sissy Iona. She provided an overview of the proposed Marine Climate Data System and its possible linkage with IODE. The MCDS The development of the MCDS is proposed to replace the Marine Climatological Summaries Scheme (MCSS) system which has been dealing with the management of the delayed mode VOS data. The modernization of the MCSS system is a JCOMM DMPA priority action coming from the JCOMM-III session. The new system is expected to respond to the WMO-IOC requirements for climate monitoring, forecasting and services. Also the new system will include other sources not only the VOS data, such as drifters, profiling floats, buoys, and satellite data. Ms Iona recommended that IODE should respond to these climate requirements. CMOCs A key component of MCDS is the establishment of the CMOCs, a new WMO-IOC data system of Centres for Marine Meteorological and Oceanographic Climate Data. The CMOC was initially proposed to formally recognize ICOADS, and potentially other centres holding global marine climatological data sets, within WMO and IOC, through JCOMM. This proposal could also be beneficial for garnering more sustained US (e.g. NOAA) support and commitment. JCOMM-IV is expected to approve the recommendation for the MCDS and the CMOCs. Two countries, Germany (weather service) and China (National Marine Data and Information Service) have already submitted their applications to become CMOCs. Their review according to the procedures is expected to be done by the DMCG and JCOMM-IV is expected to approve their establishment. Ms Iona then considered how CMOCs operation is connected with the IODE/NODCs and how it will influence NODCs. Ms Iona stated that IODE should use the MCDS and the CMOCs to respond to the increasing demands of the community for operational data and contribute to the development of an operational integrated ocean data system. Ms Iona recalled that during JCOMM/MAN-8 concern was expressed about the lack of visibility for a long term plan in terms of operational data management. In particular, the MAN agreed that the DMPA should be promoting an operational integrated ocean data system. The DMPA was going that way by starting building the required blocks (e.g. discovery, common vocabularies). Role of the IODE ODINs Ms. Iona formulated the following questions which the strategic plan should take into account: Can ODINs be used by CMOCs as regional assembling centres? Could ODIN products be used by CMOCs.? Can ODINs seek some funding from JCOMM for this? WDS Ms. Iona posed the question How membership to ICSU/WDS is connected with the MCDS and the CMOCs? and recommended that the Strategic Plan should include it. Other IODE functions A strategy and an implementation plan have been drafted in order to realize up to 2020 the vision of the new MCDS system which can be reviewed after JCOMM-IV. From the IODE side the plan is implemented mainly by ETDMP and the ODS. Also, several IODE programme activities such as GTSPP, GOSUD, GODAR, OBIS will contribute to the system. This should be stressed in the Strategic Plan. Capacity Development Capacity building is implemented through OceanTeacher. It will be included in the Strategy. Data Centres issues Ms Iona recalled that the ad hoc Task Team on RNODCs and SOCs integration had recommended that the RNODC/DB (ISDM) and the SOC/DB (Meteo France) develop a data management scheme similar to Argo and the OceanSITES and become Global Data Assembly Centers for all drifting buoys. During the IODE-XXI Session, the Committee approved the proposal and requested the ad hoc Task Team to draft a Recommendation for JCOMM-IV, including ToR of such centres, as well as background information and requested the Chair of JCOMM DMCG to keep the Committee informed of progress on the integration of these centres. She recalled that in 2005, IODE had abolished the RNODCs, while ISDM was one of the few active RNODCs. Ms Iona informed the meeting that the MCDS workshop (Hamburg) invited IODE to recognize the former RNODC for Drifting Buoys (ISDM Canada) as a GDAC in the new system. She invited comments from IODE on this matter. She also informed the meeting that the MCDS workshop invited the NDBC to investigate acting as a GDAC for moored buoys, while the ISDM and the NDBC invited to investigate acting as GDAC for the Rigs and Platforms in the new system. It was unclear which will be the DAC/GDACs for coastal stations or satellite stations. She called on IODE to consider the issue of establishing IODE GDACs to replace the former RNODCs. The meeting noted that there will now be 3 data flows: one involving the IODE NODCs that used to contribute data to the WDCs, a second involving the MCDS and CMOCs, and a third involving the new WDS. It is unclear how all these will interact with each other, while noting that IODE had been accepted as a network member of the WDS. The meeting regretted that, although IODE had participated in the Hamburg meeting, there had been no opportunity for the IODE committee to discuss and consider the MCDS and its proposed CMOCs and to comment on the draft recommendation that will be considered by JCOMM-IV. The meeting therefore requested the IODE Co-Chairs to send a letter to all IODE national coordinators, providing details of the MCDS and CMOCs and to attach the Hamburg report and relevant JCOMM-IV documents, and to invite comments and guidance from the IODE national coordinators by end of March 2012. Taking into account the request to the JCOMM DMCG to review the CMOC applications by Germany and China, the meeting recommended that the comments received from the IODE national coordinators should be summarized and submitted to the DMCG. Accordingly it was recommended that the DMCG should undertake its review in April 2012. The meeting further recommended to include a section in the Strategic Plan to describe the MCDS and CMOCs and this content could be added after JCOMM-IV and the 2012 Session of the IOC Executive Council. It was further recommended that IODE-XXII should be given the opportunity to formally review MCDS and CMOC documentation and provide input to JCOMM, either through the DMPA Chair or the JCOMM President(s). MIM ELEMENTS IN THE STRATEGIC PLAN This agenda item was introduced by Ms. Linda Pikula (participating by Webex). Ms Pikula recalled that Information Management has been a part of IODE since its inception over 50 years ago. This initially developed into the ASFA database of marine literature. The IODE GE-MIM was established by IODE-XI (New York, 9-18 January 1984) through recommendation IODE XI.4 with the following terms of reference: Advise the Working Committee on IODE on the policy, development and further implementation of an effective international system for scientific and technical information about the marine environment by keeping user requirements under continuing review and ensuring that these requirements can be met adequately; Identify the policy, technical and financial problems involved in the development and implementation of marine information systems, and make recommendations concerning their solution; Develop programs to improve the capability of Member States, particularly developing countries, to benefit from and participate in marine information systems and keep Member States informed on how they might best have access to such systems through the application of information technology; Report to the Working Committee on IODE on matters with special reference to ASFIS and MEDI pertaining to United Nations and specialized agencies information systems and services related to the marine area; Represent IOC on inter-agency panels on marine information and related systems such as those required by ASFIS and MEDI. The GE-MIM has pioneered the development of a number of online marine information products such as: Ocean Expert: ( HYPERLINK "http://www.oceanexpert.net/" http://www.oceanexpert.net/) Ocean Expert (or the Global Directory of Marine (and Freshwater) Professionals) is a database, developed and maintained by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (IOC), containing information on individuals and institutions involved in all aspects of Marine or Freshwater Research and Management. It is intended to be a tool for scientists, policy makers and anyone who needs to contact a marine or freshwater professional. Ocean Expert currently contains 8655 experts and 4847 institutions. Ocean Portal Ocean Portal is a high-level directory of Ocean Data and Information related web sites. Its objective is to help scientists and other ocean experts in locating such data & information. This product has been discontinued a few years ago as search engines became more powerful. Ocean Teacher: ( HYPERLINK "http://ioc.unesco.org/oceanteacher/OceanTeacher2/index.htm" http:/www.oceanteacher.org) The objective of Ocean Teacher is to provide training tools for Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange. These tools are used during IODE Training Courses but can also be used for self-training and continuous professional development. Ocean Docs: ( HYPERLINK "http://www.oceandocs.net" http://www.oceandocs.net) Electronic repository of Ocean Publications. Research & Publications in Marine Science in digital form, including preprints, published articles, technical reports, working papers and more. Regional Library Catalog: AFRILIB ( HYPERLINK "" ) This is the combined library holding database of all marine partner libraries in Africa. This database currently holds approx. 12000 records. OpenScienceDirectory: ( HYPERLINK "http://www.opensciencedirectory.net/" http://www.opensciencedirectory.net/) Available free via the Internet,the Open Science Directory provides developing regions a comprehensive search tool for all open access and special program journal titles. Enhanced access to these collections by providing direct links to journals and articles in the  HYPERLINK "http://www.ebsco.com/" EBSCO A-to-Z title database. Open Science Directory offers immediate access to over 13,000 scientific journal titles. Amongst the main open access collections in the Open Science Directory are DOAJ, BioMed Central, HighWire Press and PubMed Central, and special programs HINARI, AGORA and OARE. INASP-PERI and eJDS will be added in the near future. The GE-MIM has been a strong supporter of Open Access: Open Science Open Data Open Information Resources Open Source Software Integrated Library Systems ABCD ISIS, KOHA Open Training (education)- Moodle, Media Wiki Open Access IODE and GEMIM Building capacity to launch open access repositories and to ensure their long-term sustainability. HYPERLINK "http://www.eifl.net/eifl-oa-resources" Learn more about repositories Offering training, supporting knowledge sharing, and providing expertise on open access policies and practices (open access journals, open access repositories, open access books, open data and open educational resources). See OceanTeacher and Training Activities  HYPERLINK "http://www.oceanteacher.org/" http://www.oceanteacher.org/ Empowering marine library professionals, scientists, data professionals to become open access advocates. See  HYPERLINK "http://www.eifl.net/oa-advocacy" OA advocacy Advocatingnationally and internationally for the adoption of open access policies and mandates. Collaborating with professional societies , organizations to expand access FAO, ASFA, IAMSLIC, UHasselt, WHOI,Publishers, other Universities and all NODCs IODE GE-MIM supports and collaborates with a number of IODE core activities: Ocean Data Standards (ODS) Training and Capacity Building Distributed Data and Information Systems (OceanDataPortal, OceanDocs) End-to-End Data Management: From Observation to Services Linking Oceanography and Marine Meteorology Recent developments in data collection data management Recent accomplishment A series of educational courses in OceanTeacher provided as capacity building for developing nations marine information professionals towards the digitization, preservation, and online accessibility of their marine collections. Results: current developing programs to digitize and preserve unique collections of marine information in the Eastern European, Vietnamese and Tunisian and other African nations. It is hoped that these digital collections will be made widely accessible through the online IODE Repository OceanDocs and its complement IAMSLIC AquaticCommons. Memorandum of Understanding with International Association of Marine Science and Information Professionals and IOC, IODE 2011. Under this MOU the IAMSLIC Repository Aquatic Commons will be hosted by IODE, and members of this organization will assist in OceanTeacher and other IODE GEMIM efforts. GEMIM prepared a Comprehensive Bibliography of all IODE Programs from its inception through 2011and distributed this bibliography on jump drive during IODE 50th Celebration in Liege, Belgium, March 2011. This bibliography is also available via OceanDocs online Repository thus providing an accessible product which shows IODEs accomplishments through its existence. Unfortunately there are no funds for staff to keep this bibliography up to date. GEMIM has through its newly published IOC Strategic Communications Plan for Marine Information Management been integrated into the IODE community, data and information projects and other external stakeholders.  HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=7196" http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=7196 New MIM Opportunities for contributing to IODE IOC Strategic Communications Plan for Marine Information Management- structure Web Services Discovery metadata OceanDataPortal OBIS Evaluation of Outcomes for IODE Strategic Plan RECOMMENDATIONS OF OCEAN OBS '09 This agenda item was introduced by Bob Keeley. He referred to the document A Framework for Ocean Observing (Consultative draft v.8, 1 February 2012) and his comments on this document. Both were provided as background documentation for the current meeting. To date, largely independent observing systems have evolved to meet the needs of particular disciplines and end users the majority of these focus on ocean physics. The time has come, however, to integrate and coordinate disciplinary efforts because: 1) many of the problems facing the world today are interdisciplinary in nature; and 2) the level of resources available for ocean observing necessitates leveraging each require development of requirements, observations, data/product management, modeling and international collaboration. The international integration and coordination of interdisciplinary ocean observations was the key recommendation from the OceanObs09 ( HYPERLINK "http://www.oceanobs09.net" www.oceanobs09.net) conference held in in Venice in September 2009. It was sponsored by many international and national ocean agencies and attended by representatives of ocean observation programs worldwide. Based on impressive progress displayed by the many groups at the Conference and the desire to work collectively, the sponsors commissioned a Task Team to develop an Integrated Framework for Sustained Ocean Observing. The Task Teams objective was to take lessons learned from the successes of existing ocean observing efforts, and outline a Framework that would guide the ocean observing community as a whole to establish the requirements for an integrated (from physics through biogeochemistry to ocean biology and ecosystems) and sustained global observing system, this to include the variables to be measured, the approach to measuring these, and the way in which their data and products will be managed and made widely available. The Task Team agreed that Framework processes should be organized around essential ocean variables (EOVs), rather than by observing system, platform, program, or region. The group also agreed that implementing new EOVs would be carried out according to their readiness levels, this allowing timely implementation of components that were already mature, while encouraging innovation and formal efforts to improve readiness and build capacity. Systems engineering approaches are presented in this paper to provide a common language and consistent handling of requirements, observing technologies, and information flow among different, largely autonomous, observing elements. The Framework takes advantage of existing structures, promotes a collaborative system with voluntary participation, and seeks to support self-funding and self-managing elements that together will provide more than the sum of their individual efforts. The Task Team recommends establishment of a governance model that would drive optimized collaboration and integration across the many observing system elements and communities. Mr Keeley noted that the Framework received is not finalized and may change somewhat. The work on this document has taken a year but it should soon be in its final version. He noted that his comments focused on the 2008-2011 IOC Strategic Plan and how IODE can respond to the Framework. He then went through a few of these elements: Biological data and their data management have received a bigger prominence. Until OceanObs09 biological data were not very visible except in projects such a JGOFS. Since OceanObs09 they have become much more visible. There are areas where IODEs data management component has been leading in this regard. The most recent example is the adoption of OBIS. We need to draw attention to these efforts: having examples in the Strategic Plan would be helpful. Standards: IODE has recognized the importance of standards but we have not moved fast enough so this needs greater prominence, not only for standards but also for the QMF. Capacity Development and teaching: is featured in the current Strategic Plan but not for MIM activities. In this respect it is important to mention MIMs relevance to data management, for example through the new data citation initiative. Mr. Keeley called on the meeting to consider that the Strategic Plan should show in words and examples that it is responding to issues that were raised in the Framework for Ocean Observing (FOO). It was noted with appreciation that IODEs Co-Chairs are members of the new iGSC GOOS Steering Committee. Mr. Keeley also stressed the importance for international data management systems to find ways to respond more quickly to changing technology of ocean measurements. The Strategic Plan should encourage/make the research community comfortable that we are responding to their needs and wishes. This needs personal contacts etc. ODP has the potential and technical capability to make real change in how we exchange Data and Information within the NODC community. We always talked about distributed systems and duplicates management but some of the duplicates are caused by us moving our data to other places. ODP is a vehicle allowing NODCs to really live up to the distributed ideal: there is no longer a need to hold others data. This idea could be expressed in the Strategic Plan. The meeting agreed to address the FOO requirements in the Strategic Plan. WRITING GROUPS TO DRAFT NEW STRATEGIC PLAN Mr. Greg Reed then provided a brief overview of the structure of the existing strategic plan. There are 3 main sections: OCEANOGRAPHIC DATA AND INFORMATION MANAGEMENT AND EXCHANGE IN THE IOC THE STRATEGIC PLAN IMPLEMENTING THE STRATEGY The Group decided to break into working groups to draft specific components of the Strategic Plan, namely: JCOMM Data Management aspects Governance and implementation Communication and Outreach Capacity development OBIS PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION OF THE DRAFT The working groups reported on progress to draft new sections of the Strategic Plan. It was agreed that the draft document will be distributed to the IWG for final reading and comments by end March 2012. The draft document will then be sent to the Groups of Experts (GEMIM, GEBICH, and ETDMP) and to SG-OBIS for comments. The draft document will also be distributed to IOC programmes (Ocean Sciences, Ocean Observations & Services, Capacity Development, and Tsunami) with July 2012 as the deadline for comments. The final draft, including feedback, will be completed by end December 2012. The IODE Co-Chair will provide a progress report to the IOC Executive Council in June 2012. IMPLEMENTING THE STRATEGIC PLAN The implementation of the Strategic Plan will be the responsibility of the IOC Data and Information Management Strategy Advisory Group. The Advisory Group will review and endorse the activities of the data and information management programme and will be responsible for both the development and execution of the Strategy. Membership of the Group comprises representatives nominated by the governing bodies of each IOC programme and is chaired by an IODE Co-chair. The Advisory Group will be a small representative group able to draw on additional expertise as required. The Advisory Group will operate as an electronic discussion group and will meet regularly by web conferencing, thus avoiding costly meetings. It is recommended the Advisory Group meets every three months to discuss specific programme issues related to data and information management. The IOC Project Office for IODE will assist in coordinating the implementation of the IOC Data and Information Strategy and a staff member of the Project Office will be included in the Advisory Group to act as Secretary to the Group. The Advisory Group may seek expert advice on technical issues relating to standards, interoperability, web services, transport protocols and formats, metadata, vocabularies and ontologies, quality control, etc. A number of activities are already underway within the IODE programme to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of data management and IODE has technical working groups (e.g. ETDMP, GE-BICH, GE-MIM, SG-OBIS, GE-OBIS, SG-OceanTeacher) which can carry out specific tasks as required to contribute to the implementation of the IOC Data and Information Management Strategy. ADOPTION OF THE DRAFT STRATEGIC PLAN The draft IOC Strategic Plan for Oceanographic Data and Information Management (2012-2015) will be presented to the twenty-second Session of the IODE Committee in March 2013 for adoption and then submitted to the twenty-seventh Session of the IOC Assembly in June 2013. ANNEX I AGENDA 1. OPENING OF THE MEETING2. OVERVIEW OF CURRENT STRATEGIC PLAN3. IODE QUALITY MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK4. MARINE CLIMATE DATA SYSTEM (MCDS)5. MIM ELEMENTS IN THE STRATEGIC PLAN6. RECOMMENDATIONS OF OCEAN OBS '097. WRITING GROUPS TO DRAFT NEW STRATEGIC PLAN8. PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION OF THE DRAFT9. IMPLEMENTING THE STRATEGIC PLAN10. ADOPTION OF THE DRAFT STRATEGIC PLAN ANNEX II LIST OF PARTICIPANTS Mr Ward APPELTANS Project Manager (VLIZ) Flanders Marine Institute Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee 7, wandelaarkaai, B-8400 Oostende Belgium Tel: +32-59/34.01.55 Fax: +32-59/34.21.31 Email: warda@vliz.be Mr Francisco HERNANDEZ Manager Datacentre (VLIZ) Flanders Marine Institute Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee Wandelaarkaai 7 8400 Oostende Belgium Tel: +32 (0)59 34 21 30 Fax: +32 (0)59 34 21 31 Email: francher@vliz.be Ms Sissy IONA Head HNODC Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, Anavyssos Institute of Oceanography 46.7 Km, Athens-Sounio Ave. PO BOX 712 Anavyssos 190 13 Attica Greece Tel: +30-22910-76367 Fax: +30-22910-76347 Email: sissy@hnodc.hcmr.gr Prof Shao Hua LIN Director Honorary National Marine Data and Information Service No. 93, Liuwei Road 300171 Tainjin Hedong District China Tel: +86 22 2401 0803 Fax: +86 22 240 10926/ +86-22-24010820 Email: shlin@mail.nmdis.gov.cn Ms. Heike LUST Information Manager (VLIZ) Flanders Marine Institute Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee Wandelaarkaai 7 8400 Oostende Belgium Tel: 0032 59 34 21 30 Fax: 0032 59 34 21 31 Email: heike.lust@vliz.be Mr Nikolai MIKHAILOV Head, Oceanographic Data Centre All-Russian Research Institute Hydrometeorological Information - World Data Center, Obninsk 6, Koroleva Street Obninsk Kaluga region, 249020 Russian Federation 249020 Tel: +7-484 397 49 07 Fax: +7-499 795 22 25 Email: nodc@meteo.ru Mr Friedrich NAST Deutsches Ozeanographisches Datenzentrum P.O. Box 301220 D-20305 Hamburg Germany Tel: [49] (40) 31 90 34 20 Fax: [49] (40) 31 90 50 00 Email: friedrich.nast@bsh.de Ms Martina PLETTENDORFF Librarian Bundesamt fuer Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie (Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency) Bernhard-Nocht Strae 78 20359 Hamburg Germany Tel: +49 40 3190 2360 Fax: +49 40 3190 5000 Email: martina.plettendorff@bsh.de Mr Greg REED Executive Officer Australian Ocean Data Centre Joint Facility Australian Ocean Data Centre Joint Facility Fleet Headquarters Wylde Street Building 89 Garden Island Potts Point NSW 2011 Australia Tel: +61 2 9359 3141 Fax: +61 2 9359 3120 Email: greg@metoc.gov.au Ir Serge SCORY Management Unit of the North Sea Mathematical Models Gulledelle, 100 B-1200 Brussels Belgium Tel: [32] (2) 773 21 11 Fax: [32] (2) 770 69 72 Email: S.Scory@mumm.ac.be Lic. Ariel TROISI Head Oceanography Servcio de Hdrografia Naval Av. Montes de Oca 2124 C1270ABV Buenos Aires Argentina Tel: +54 11 4301 3091 Fax: +54 11 4301 3091 Email: ahtroisi@gmail.com by Webex/Livestream Mr. Taco DE BRUIN Scientific Data Manager & Chair National Oceanographic Data Committee (NL-NODC) NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research Landsdiep 4 t Horntje P.O. Box 59 1790 AB Den Burg, Texel Netherlands Tel: +31 (0)222-369479 Fax: +31 (0)222-319674 Email: taco.de.bruin@nioz.nl Dr. Mark FORNWALL Director U.S. Geological Survey - Hawaii 310 West Kaahumanu Avenue Kahului HI 96732 United States Tel: 1 808 984 3724 Fax: 1 808 242 1128 Email: mark_fornwall@usgs.gov Dr. Hernan GARCIA Oceanographer (Chemical) Silver Spring Maryland 20190 United States Tel: [1] (301) 7133290 ext 184 Fax: [1] (301) 7133303 Email: Hernan.Garcia@noaa.gov Mr Robert KEELEY Retired 2243 Rembrandt Road Ottawa K2B 7P8 Ontario Canada Tel: +1 613 829 7919 Email: robertkeeley@rogers.com Dr. Sergey KONOVALOV Head of department National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Marine Hydrophysical Institute 2a, Kapitanskaya Street, 99011 Sevastopol Sevastopol 99011 Crimea Ukraine Tel: +38-050-588-1952 Email: sergey_konovalov@yahoo.com Ms. Linda PIKULA Regional Librarian NOAA Central and Regional Libraries 4301 Rickenbacker Causeway Miami Florida 33149 United States Tel: 305-361-4429 Fax: 305-361-4552 Email: linda.pikula@noaa.gov Mr. E. RAMA RAO Scientist 'E' & Head Ocean Valley, Pragathi Nagar (BO), Nizampet (SO) HYDERABAD 500090 Andhra Pradesh India Tel: +91-40-23895008 Fax: +91-40-23892001 Email: pattabhi@incois.gov.in Mr Ramon ROACH Water Quality Analyst Coastal Zone Management Unit Bay Street St. Michael West Indies Barbados Tel: 1 (246) 228-5950 Fax: 1 (246) 228-5956 Email: rroach@coastal.gov.bb Dr Volodymyr VLADYMYROV Head of the Laboratory National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, O. O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas 2 Nahimov Av. Sevastopol 99011 Ukraine Tel: +380692544110 Fax: +380692544110 Email: v.vladymyrov@gmail.com Ms Ting YU National Marine Data and Information Service No. 93, Liuwei Road 300171 Tainjin Hedong District China Tel: +86-22-24010834 Fax: +86 22 24010926 Email: tacula@gmail.com IODE Secretariat (Oostende) Dr Claudia DELGADO IODE Training Coordinator UNESCO/IOC Project Office for IODE Wandelaarkaai 7 - Pakhuis 61 B-8400 Oostende Belgium Tel: + 32 59 34 01 86 Fax: + 32 59 34 01 52 Email: claudia.delgado@iode.org Ms. Qiongwei DU Seconded expert IOC Project Office for IODE Wandelaarkaai 7/61 8400 Oostende West Vlaanderen Belgium Email: duqw@mail.nmdis.gov.cn Mr. Aditya NAIK KAKODKAR IT Expert Wandelaarkaai 7/61 8400 Oostende West Vlaanderen Belgium Tel: +32 59 34 01 75 Fax: + 32 59 34 01 52 Email: a.naik-kakodkar@unesco.org Mr Peter PISSIERSSENS Head, IOC Project Office for IODE, Oostende, Belgium UNESCO/IOC Project Office for IODE Wandelaarkaai 7 - Pakhuis 61 B-8400 Oostende Belgium Tel: +32-59-340158 Fax: +32-59-79 5220 Email: p.pissierssens@unesco.org Mr. Mark VAN CROMBRUGGE IT Specialist UNESCO/IOC Project Office for IODE Wandelaarkaai 7 - Pakhuis 61 B-8400 Oostende Belgium Tel: +32-59.34.0162 Email: mark.vancrombrugge@iode.org     IOC Workshop Report No. 2XX IOC Workshop Report No. 2XX Page  PAGE 5 IOC Workshop Report No. 248 Page (i) IOC Workshop Report No. 248 Page  PAGE 2 IOC Workshop Report No. 248 Page  PAGE 3 IOC Workshop Report No. 248 Page  PAGE 1 IOC Workshop Report No. 248 Annex I - Page  PAGE 1 IOC Workshop Report No. 248 Annex II - Page  PAGE 1   "#.23˺uaMa9+hh5\mH sH &hh5CJ0OJQJ\^JaJ0&hhFJ5CJ0OJQJ\^JaJ0&hhFc5CJ0OJQJ\^JaJ0 jhhbhUmHnHu hhhhmH sH  hhCJ^JaJmH sH  hh(nCJ^JaJmH sH  hhFcCJ^JaJmH sH  hhbhCJ^JaJmH sH  hhkCJ^JaJmH sH $jhhbhUmHnHsH u#$%&'()*+,-./02    "gd$S^S`a$gdk 9r gdgd^gdbh    1 2 < > { P ׺ׯym^y^yQChh"5>*mH sH hh"CJmH sH hhbhCJ^JmH sH hBCJ^JmH sH hhFcCJ^JmH sH hhFcCJ\^JmH sH hhFcCJOJQJ^JhBmH sH hhFcmH sH hh(nmH sH "hh5CJ$\^JmH sH hhmH sH hhFcCJ ^JmH sH hhCJ ^JmH sH        2 J R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ $a$gdFc$a$gd"gdgd^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z $a$gdFcz { l 9  ) p )gdl3( b $a$gd"gdFc$`gdFc$a$gdFc      4 5 6 7 8 9 ; 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