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REPORT BY THE CO-PRESIDENTS OF THE COMMISSION (agenda item 3) 3.1 The Commission noted with appreciation the report of the Co-president for Meteorology, which provided an overview of the highlights of the past 2.5 years since JCOMM-III (4-11 November 2009, Marrakech, Morocco), as well as the major challenges and issues that the Commission had faced during this period, and would continue to face in the years to come. The key elements of this report are summarised below, with more details given under specific agenda items. 3.2 The Commission noted with regret that the Co-president for Oceanography, Dr Alexander Frolov, in line with WMO Regulations, had to resign from his JCOMM position in June 2011, following his elevation to the position of Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation with WMO, and subsequent election as acting member of the WMO Executive Council. The Commission warmly congratulated Dr Frolov on his election and new roles, offered its sincere appreciation to him for all his work for JCOMM during his time as co-president, and expressed the hope that he would continue to support JCOMM and its work in the future. The Commission noted that, due to the timing of JCOMM-4, it had not been possible to fill this vacant co-president position during the intersessional period by correspondence. 3.3 The Commission recognized with appreciation that, despite the intersessional period being shortened from the normal four years to two and a half years, nevertheless a number of substantial achievements against the agreed work plan had been realised. In addition, all Programme Areas (PAs) had developed realistic forward programmes for the next intersessional period, which was likely to be longer than usual. The Commission noted and supported some key points and/or actions from the PAs and cross cutting activities, as outlined in the following paragraphs. More details of these and other activities were considered under the relevant agenda items.alifax, immediately foll 3.4 The Commission expressed its concern that the ocean observing system being coordinated through the Observations Programme Area had plateaued at just over 60% of the requirements specified in the Global Climate Observing System Implementation Plan (GCOS-138, revised in 2010). It congratulated the Observations Coordination Group (OCG) for its efforts to address this issue, which was largely related to the Members / Member States resources being made available for ocean observations. The Commission further congratulated the OCG on its efforts to advance the feedback loop on cost and feasibility of new, incremental requirements, in particular in engaging with promising new pilot projects being developed within the emerging Global Ocean Observing System Framework for Ocean Observations, one of the major outcomes of OceanObs'09 (21-25 September 2009, Venice, Italy), and in promoting dialogue to respond to all observing requirements. The Commission expressed its appreciation for the excellent work being accomplished by JCOMMOPS in support of JCOMM and the ocean observing system, including the provision of an expanding range of operational system performance metrics, and the innovative ship chartering activities to support platform deployments, which were bringing new resources to JCOMMOPS, including a possible new ship logistics coordinator. 3.5 The Commission noted with satisfaction that the final report and recommendations from the JCOMM Pilot Project for WIGOS had been warmly welcomed by the sixteenth World Meteorological Congress, and that the JCOMM Data Management Programme Area, working closely with the IOC International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE), had embarked on the implementation of many of the legacy recommendations from the project, including two Regional Marine Instrument Centres, which had already been implemented (in China and USA), and a third proposed in Morocco. Further successful work in support of WIS/WIGOS included the implementation of new ocean data standards; the consolidation and expansion of the IOC/IODE Ocean Data Portal; updating existing oceanographic manuals; updating and expanding BUFR tables for oceanographic data; enhancing metadata availability; maintenance and expansion of the Catalogue of Standards and Best Practices, as part of the JCOMM Data Management Plan; and work towards an integrated ocean in situ/satellite data management system. The Commission noted with appreciation that the modernization effort of the Marine Climatological Summaries Scheme (MCSS) had led to developing a vision and draft strategy for a new Marine Climate Data System. A key component of this system would be a proposed network of WMO-IOC Centres for Marine Meteorological and Oceanographic Climate (CMOCs) data (Agenda item 7.2). 3.6 The Commission recalled the major thrust areas for the Services and Forecast Systems Programme Area (SFSPA) during the past intersessional period: Ensure maritime weather and sea ice safety including the operational implementation of five (5) new Arctic Ocean Metareas by July 2011; Implement operational ocean forecasting capability by initially developing a Guide to Operational Ocean Forecasting; Reduce risks of marine hazards on coastal communities in response to expected consequences of global climate change by implementing the recommendations of the first JCOMM storm surge symposium. The Commission was pleased to note the advances made in these areas, despite the short intersessional period. In particular, the five new Arctic Metareas became operational on 1 June 2011, with a new GMDSS web server for operational exchange of products across the Arctic Preparation Services. Extended suites of sea ice, high-resolution satellite and metocean products were now being broadcast to the new Metareas. In conjunction with this work, the SFSPA had enabled the placement of sea ice objects on Electronic Nautical Charts (ENC), with shipboard display, with future capability to include other metocean information. The Commission recognized that operational ocean forecast capability had now been implemented at a number of NMHS, and expressed its appreciation to SFSPA for coordinating and assisting in this implementation in a number of ways, including routine performance monitoring of the forecasting systems among the operational centres. In addition, further advances had been made in preparing the planned Guide to Operational Ocean Forecasting, and this was now scheduled for completion early in the coming intersessional period. The Commission noted with satisfaction that the Guide to Storm Surge Forecasting had now been published (WMO-No.1076), and that the SFSPA was making major contributions to implementing the recommendations of the first JCOMM storm surge symposium (2-6 October 2007, Seoul, Republic of Korea). This included, in particular, the joint JCOMM/CHy Coastal Inundation Forecast Demonstration Project (CIFDP). As this project represented JCOMMs potential contribution to multi-hazard forecasting and warning, discussion had begun with related WMO and IOC programmes including the IOC Working Group on Tsunamis and Other Hazards (TOWS WG), for cooperation in dealing with multi-hazard forecast and warning issues, as a coordinated input to the disaster risk reduction priority area of both WMO and IOC. The Commission commended the efforts to keep the JCOMM Statement of Guidance up to date, within the context of the WMO Rolling Requirements Review. 3.7 Capacity development under JCOMM had been undertaken largely within the three Programme Areas, with guidance and coordination provided by the Management Committee, and in accordance with a set of JCOMM Capacity Development Principles. Noting that some pilot projects under the Programme Areas make significant direct contributions to capacity development, the Commission also expressed appreciation for the major events in the past intersessional period, which included three training workshops on wave and surge forecasting; courses and workshops on ocean data buoys (and the applications of buoy data) and tide gauges; a maritime safety services enhancement workshop; an ice analysts workshop; two training courses to enhance marine forecasting; and workshops on ocean data management, in conjunction with IODE. The Commission stressed the importance of considering the UNESCO/IOC priorities Africa and gender equality, and decided to address these in the JCOMM Strategy. 3.8 The Commission noted with appreciation that the Task Team on Satellite Data Requirements, which was formally established by the Management Committee in 2010, had developed a set of recommendations for improving the integration and comparison of satellite and in situ data, to improve data products in response to specified end-user requirements. The Commission supported the recommendation of the Management Committee, for the task team to focus on documenting JCOMM non-climate requirements for ocean satellite data, as the latter were already well-covered in the GCOS Implementation Plan. In this context, the Commission requested the Task Team and Management Committee to plan for the establishment of a project similar to the successful Global High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature Project, for integrated satellite and in situ surface vector winds. Further details are provided under agenda item 6. 3.9 The Commission recalled that JCOMM was directly involved in all the major WMO cross-cutting activities, including Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), WIGOS, WIS and the Quality Management Framework (QMF). It had continued to provide strong support for the follow up to the IPY, and would be heavily involved in the implementation of the GFCS, through all programme areas and the Management Committee. It had also developed strong links, and joint projects, with other WMO Technical Commissions and major IOC subsidiary bodies. In this regard, the cooperation between JCOMM and IODE was now almost seamless. In addition to the joint JCOMM/CHy CIFDP now underway, another significant new joint activity recently initiated joined the expertise of CAgM and JCOMM in a project to develop, as a contribution to the GFCS, data sets and tools to enable NMHS and other agencies, in particular in SIDS, to assess and respond appropriately to the impacts of climate variability and change on oceanic fisheries. 3.10 The Commission recalled that both the 16th WMO Congress and the 26th IOC Assembly had identified DRR and the prevention and reduction of the impacts of marine hazards as major priority areas for the coming intersessional period. It noted with satisfaction that JCOMM was already making a significant contribution in this area, through the SFSPA and all its component expert teams, especially in coastal hazard risk reduction and maritime safety, including sea ice, as well as through the CIFDP Project. The Commission agreed that for the coming intersessional period, the Expert Team on Waves and Coastal Hazards should take the lead (with the chair of ETWCH as the focal point) for JCOMM in coordinating with the DRR / Marine Hazards programmes of WMO and IOC. 3.11 The Commission recognized that, while past interactions between JCOMM and the WMO Regional Associations had not been strong, it was important that this be further developed in the future, from the perspective both of the importance of regional and local marine observations to the overall ocean observing system, as well as for enhancing regional and local forecast capabilities for extreme events affecting coastal areas. Likewise, the interactions between JCOMM and the IOC Sub-Commissions and GOOS Regional Alliances should be further developed, to nurture and emphasize JCOMM outcomes that appeal to the broad set of IOC Member States concerns. 3.12 The Commission recalled that JCOMM continued to have widespread recognition as the primary implementation coordination body for the Global Ocean Observing System, while the requirements specified in the GCOS Implementation Plan (GCOS-138) formed the backbone of the ocean observing system being implemented by the Commission. The Ocean Observation Panel for Climate (of GOOS, GCOS and the WCRP) was a primary science advisory body for JCOMM. JCOMM was looking to partner with the tsunami programme of IOC, through the Management Committee and the IOC/TOWS Group, in particular in addressing multi-hazard warning systems for coastal inundation. The Commission had strong links with IMO and IHO in maritime safety-related issues; it was involved in the implementation of a number of tasks in the GEO workplan; and it also had strong links with key peak bodies in the private sector, including the International Chamber of Shipping, the offshore Oil and Gas Producers forum, and marine classification societies. 3.13 The Commission recognized that the adoption, in both WMO and IOC, of strategic plans based around a set of strategic objectives and expected results, accompanied by a results based management (RBM) system focused on these expected results, had posed a major challenge. JCOMM, as with the other WMO Technical Commissions and major subsidiary bodies of IOC, had responded successfully to this new approach, with all its major programme activities mapped onto the combined set of expected results. 3.14 At the same time, the Commission agreed that JCOMM should maintain a programmatic approach to its work, as it was much easier for all those involved in JCOMM work to associate with and work towards an identifiable JCOMM programme. To this end, the Commission had revised and updated the JCOMM Strategic Plan, the new version of which was to be considered during the session. This new plan aligned with the strategic objectives and expected results of both parent Organizations, but at the same time addressed these within the existing programme structure. In line with this, all programme areas had developed operating plans, combined into a single JCOMM operating plan, again aligned with the expected results and Secretariat operating plans. The Commission agreed that the Management Committee should keep the implementation and revision of the strategic and operating plans under constant review, in response to developments both internal and external to WMO and IOC. 3.15 The Commission noted that, despite a strong desire expressed at JCOMM-III, the proposed external review of the Commission had not taken place, through lack of the required extra-budgetary funds. The Commission recommended that, while organizing a review using traditional methods would be difficult in the current financial climate, other methods such as a questionnaire should be used to identify future priorities and to increase awareness of JCOMM in Members/Member States. 3.16 The Commission agreed that the JCOMM website (www.jcomm.info), with linked components maintained by both WMO and IOC, was a major resource and outreach tool to facilitate communications and information sharing, both internally and externally. Likewise, a regular electronic JCOMM newsletter had proven popular as an information sharing tool for both JCOMM members and the external marine community. It recognized that JCOMM had maintained an extensive technical publication programme: a new Guide to Storm Surge Forecasting had been published, and major revisions completed for the Manual and Guide on Marine Meteorological Services; and various sea ice related publications had been extensively reviewed and updated. 3.17 The Commission agreed with the co-presidents that highlights of the past 2.5 years had been the ongoing efforts by JCOMM to support the operational implementation of ocean forecast systems; the implementation of new Arctic Metareas; the development of CIFDP; and initial implementation of legacy recommendations from the JCOMM pilot project for WIGOS. These would remain a challenge and focus in the coming intersessional period. Other future priority challenges, in response to the agreed priorities of WMO and IOC, included: Long-term maintenance of the in situ observing system, encouraging the diversification of Members / Member States contributions to observing networks and to JCOMMOPS; Negotiating responses to the combined observing requirements in promoting further implementation of the in situ observing system; Input to GFCS implementation; The implementation of quality management systems in national services, within an overall Quality Management Framework; Disaster risk reduction; Ongoing overall WIGOS implementation; and Capacity development and resource mobilization in marine meteorology and oceanography.     JCOMM-4/Doc. 3 DOCVARIABLE "FdDocNb" \* MERGEFORMAT , APPENDIX JCOMM-4/Doc. 3, APPROVED DOCVARIABLE "FdDocNb" \* MERGEFORMAT , APPENDIX, p.  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