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FORMTEXT 7.2 DOCVARIABLE "Doc number" \* MERGEFORMAT  Approved by:PlenaryDate:30.05.2012 FORMTEXT FOURTH SESSION  FORMTEXT Yeosu, Republic of Korea,  FORMTEXT 23 to 31 May 2012Original Language:  FORMTEXT EnglishAgenda Item:  FORMTEXT 7.2Status:APPROVED ASK Text10 " " \* MERGEFORMAT  JCOMM Data Management Programme Area: Marine Climatology Report to plenary on item 7.2 REFERENCES: JCOMM-4/Doc. 7.2, JCOMM-4/BM 7.2 and JCOMM-4/Doc. 7.2, DRAFT 2 APPENDICES: Draft text for inclusion in the general summary of JCOMM-4 Draft recommendation 7.2/1 (JCOMM-4) – Marine Climate Data System CONTENT OF DOCUMENT: see View -> Document Map  APPENDIX A: DRAFT TEXT FOR INCLUSION IN THE GENERAL SUMMARY OF JCOMM-4 7.2 Marine Climatology (agenda item 7.2) The Commission was pleased to note that the Expert Team on Marine Climatology (ETMC) continued to progress during the intersessional period on a wide range of topics, focused around marine climatological data management and services. Modifications to the International Maritime Meteorological Tape (IMMT) format and Minimum Quality Control Standard (MQCS) are addressed under agenda item 10. The Commission noted that the JCOMM Workshops on Advances in Marine Climatology (CLIMAR) and MARCDAT series provide a valuable ongoing contribution to the development of the activities assigned to the Expert Team on Marine Climatology (ETMC), and recommended that similar workshops continue to be held in the future. The Commission noted with appreciation continuing progress on modernization of the Marine Climatological Summaries Scheme (MCSS; originally established in 1963), and endorsed the proposed intersessional workplan. Generally, the vision for a proposed new JCOMM Marine Climate Data System (MCDS) is to fully replace the MCSS, formalize and coordinate the activities of existing data management systems within JCOMM, and address gaps to produce a dedicated WMO-IOC data system operational by 2020. The Commission noted in this regard a set of recommendations and draft strategy prepared at the Workshop for a New MCDS (MCDS1; 28 Nov.-2 Dec. 2011, Hamburg, Germany), aiming to set the plan for the MCDS to provide high quality marine meteorological and/or oceanographic climate data. The Commission agreed that a limited number (less than ten) of WMO-IOC Centres for Marine Meteorological and Oceanographic Climate Data (CMOCs) covering specific JCOMM data domains, will form a key component of the MCDS, and will further facilitate interoperability with, and seek to internationally formalize the International Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set (ICOADS) and eventual similar existing domain-specific international archives, within the remit of JCOMM. In order to implement this plan, the Commission concurred with the establishment of a new crosscutting Task Team on MCDS under the ETMC with the Terms of Reference as detailed in the workshop’s report), to pursue this objective. The Commission requested ETMC in close cooperation with IODE and the ODP Task Team of the IODE/JCOMM ETDMP, and other appropriate partners such as the ICSU World Data System to review and update the MCDS strategy and to develop an implementation plan (including performance indicators for participating centres) for achieving the Vision for a new MCDS. The role of ODP in the MCDS should also be clarified by DMPA. The Commission adopted Recommendation 7.2/1 (JCOMM-4) – Marine Climate Data System. The Commission strongly supported the MCDS development, viewing it as an opportunity to better integrate existing WMO and IOC data infrastructures serving the requirements for climate applications, including climate services. The Commission noted that the National Marine Data and Information Service (NMDIS) of the China State Oceanic Administration (SOA) and the Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) have already submitted statements of capability and commitment to host CMOCs in Tianjin and Hamburg respectively. The Commission also noted their commitment to undertake this work at the earliest opportunity and to commence the necessary development immediately. The Commission decided that China and Germany could begin filling the role of CMOCs on a trial basis immediately. The Commission noted that the CMOC evaluation criteria will have to be adopted by the IODE Twenty-Second Session (March 2013), and documentation further finalized. In the event of subsequent successful evaluation of the CMOC proposals from China and Germany with respect toagainst the approved criteria, the Commission requested the Management Committee to work by correspondence with Members / Member States through a fast-track procedure to seek approval of these two proposals within six months after the IODE Session. Formal approval could then be given by the IOC Executive Council in 2014. The Commission invited France and Canada, and other parties currently performing the functions of DACs and/or GDACs or similar (e.g. GCCs, Argo, OceanSITEs, GTSPP, GDP DAC) to participate in the discussions regarding the develoment of the MCDS strategy and implementation plan with a view to offering MCDS DAC or GDAC functions as appropriate. Meanwhile, the Commission approved the designation of the relevant French and Canadian centers as provisional GDAC for Drifting Buoys under JCOMM and IODE (GDAC-DB) to continue in their present roles until the role of the MCDS GDACs is further clarified as a part of the MCDS strategy.  The Commission welcomed the initial work funded by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Climate Observation and Monitoring Program, to develop a value-added version of ICOADS that capitalizes on the marine climate community’s decades of work on bias adjustments, data quality control, and metadata enhancements. It noted that the International Maritime Meteorological Archive (IMMA) format used for ICOADS would serve as the underpinning for this ICOADS Value-Added Database (IVAD;  HYPERLINK "http://icoads.noaa.gov/ivad/" http://icoads.noaa.gov/ivad/). IVAD will provide a mechanism to link community-developed adjustments back to the individual marine reports in ICOADS. The Commission requested ETMC to establish a broader JCOMM Pilot Project on IVAD to extend the scope of these efforts with wider participation. The Commission noted the essential importance of the ICOADS reference dataset to many experts and users for applications and analysis amongst Members/Member States, and heard concerns that its future might be uncertain. ICOADS observations (currently dating from 1662 to the present day), together with their associated metadata and basic gridded products, were critical for many areas of research. These included, inter alia, serving as the data underpinning national and international (IPCC) scientific assessments of climate, global analyses of temperature, and atmospheric reanalysis. In this context, it greatly welcomed a statement by the US that it remained committed to the continued vitality of ICOADS through the U.S. National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) and the NOAA National Climatic Data Center (NCDC), and that near-real-time updates to ICOADS would continue without disruption. Longer-term plans and resourcing for ICOADS delayed-mode processing were still under development in conjunction with potential new national/international partnership arrangements, and it was envisioned by the US that ICOADS would eventually be formalized as a CMOC under the MCDS. The Commission reiterated its appreciation to the US NOAA National Oceanographic Data Centre (NODC) for agreeing to host the Extreme Waves Dataset. The Commission requested the ETMC and the Expert Team on Waves and Coastal Hazards Forecasting Systems Wind Waves and Storm Surges (ETWSETWCH) to revisit and possibly restructure the project, with a simpler (less costly to implement) initial design and product. The Commission endorsed the tentative suggestion from ETMC and the Expert Team on Wind-Waves and Storm Surges (ETWS) for the USA and Canada to engage in a pilot version of the project, to develop the necessary technological framework and thus encourage and facilitate contributions from other countries. [see also agenda item 8.2]. The Commission noted with interest that the Shipboard Automated Meteorological and Oceanographic System (SAMOS) data centre at the Florida State University (USA), in support of ETMC, has developed a partial catalogue of digital observations made by research vessels (R/Vs) that may not be readily available in delayed-mode climate archives, and encouraged the ETMC to work with SAMOS in the view to further develop this catalogue. In the context of the assembly of marine data and metadata for delayed mode quality control, the Commission noted with concern that the ship call-sign masking scheme was hampering the efforts of the archive centres and some sectors of the satellite community to match observations to particular ships. This in turn has negative impacts on the ability of Members / Member States to quality control historical data. The masking scheme had been introduced in response to security concerns voiced by the shipping industry to hide the identity of ships reporting observations on the GTS, but it had never been intended to adversely affect the work of the archive and satellite validation communities. The Commission therefore asked the OPA and DMPA to give urgent consideration to this issue, and to accelerate the development of encryption or similar schemes, that could replace the current masking scheme and overcome the difficulties in quality controlling ship data in climate databases while also addressing the ship operators’ security concerns The Commission strongly encouraged Members / Member States to continue their support for data rescue—through the development of more robust institutional arrangements, possibly linked with the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS), and through inter-Commission collaboration with the WMO Commission for Climatology (CCl) — to provide ongoing resources to recover, image, digitize, and preserve historical marine and oceanographic climate data. The Commission requested the ETMC to develop a strategy for the further encouragement and coordinaton of these efforts by Members / Member States. The Commission also noted that the European Environment Agency (EEA) was developing its role as the coordinator of the Global Monitoring for the Environment and Security (GMES) in situ component and has identified and prioritised the in situ marine data requirements in co-operation with the GMES Marine Service (MyOcean) and relevant stakeholders. It had also proposed solutions aimed at ensuring sustainable access to marine in situ data in Europe. The Commission requested the Programme Areas to investigate and promote the possible cooperation between EEA and JCOMM and its relevant groups and expert teams in this regard (see item 11). _______________ APPENDIX B: DRAFT RECOMMENDATION Rec. 7.2/1 (JCOMM-4) — Marine Climate Data System (MCDS) THE JOINT WMO-IOC TECHNICAL COMMISSION FOR OCEANOGRAPHY AND MARINE METEOROLOGY, Noting: The JCOMM Terms of Reference, especially in relation to the development of standards and procedures regarding overall collection, management, exchanges and archival of high-quality marine-meteorological and oceanographic data, information and products, on which climate studies, predictions and services, as well as climate change impact and adaptation strategies, are based; Resolution 4.4/1 (Cg-XVI) – Marine Meteorology and Oceanography Programme; Resolution 11.3(1) (Cg-XVI) – Implementation of the WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WIGOS); The Final report of the workshop for a new Marine Climate Data System (MCDS) meeting, including the draft MCDS strategy in JCOMM MR#90; The summary report of the Twenty-First Session of the IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE-XXI); Noting further: Chapter 5, Marine Climatological Summaries Scheme, Part I, Services for the high seas, of the WMO No. 558, Manual to Marine-Meteorological Services; Chapter 3, Marine Climatology, of the WMO No. 471, Guide to Marine-Meteorological Services; The Project Report, and Legacy Recommendations of the Pilot Project for the Integration of Marine-Meteorological and other Appropriate Oceanographic Observations into the WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WIGOS) (JCOMM/TR-No. 48); The proposal from China and Germany offering facilities for acting as WMO-IOC Centres for Marine-Meteorological and Oceanographic Climate Data (CMOC), their statements of compliance and commitment, and readiness to operate as such as soon as possible; Having considered: the need of Members/Member States for high quality marine meteorological and oceanographic historical data / metadata from the world oceans, to address the requirements of WMO and UNESCO/IOC programmes and co-sponsored programmes including climate monitoring, and the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS); The need to modernize the Marine Climatological Summaries Scheme (MCSS) to take into account the development of new observing systems and corresponding surface marine-meteorological data systems in recent years, new techniques for data management and quality control, and the current needs of end users for better statistical and graphical marine climatological products; The need to standardize and perform collection, quality control, state of the art bias corrections, the recording of historical surface marine-meteorological data and metadata, and agree on data exchange formats and protocols, in order to achieve delivery and use of coherent data sets; The similar need for the standardization of processing techniques including Quality Control, documentation, formats, exchange protocols in order to improve the use of subsurface ocean data in conjunction with marine-meteorological data; The need for modernization of management of surface drifter data, to rationalize the roles and functioning of the former IODE Responsible National Oceanography Centre for Drifting Buoys (RNODC/DB), the JCOMM Specialized Oceanography Centre for Drifting Buoys (SOC,/DB) the Global Drifter Programme (GDP) Data Assembly Centre (DAC), and the JCOMM Ocean Data Acquisition System (ODAS) Metadata Service (ODASMS) management of metadata for the surface drifters; The need for Members/Member States to exchange and share such data and metadata; Recognizing: The cooperation that has been achieved between National Oceanographic Data Centres (NODCs) operating within IOC/IODE and data management activities of JCOMM; That an integrated Marine Climate Data System (MCDS), including routine and standardized collection of appropriate delayed-mode and historical marine-meteorological and oceanographic data and metadata, managed by a network of data centres facilitates fulfilling these requirements; The effectiveness of the JCOMM Marine Climatological Summaries Scheme (MCSS) for the collection and quality control of delayed-mode Voluntary Observing Ship (VOS) data through a network of (i) Contributing Members, (ii) Responsible Members, and (iii) two Global Collecting Centres (GCCs) operated by the UK and Germany for the Marine Climate Summaries Scheme (MCSS); The usefulness of the former IODE RNODC/DB operated by the Integrated Science Data Management (ISDM) of Canada, the GDP DAC operated by the Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (AOML) of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) of USA, the ODASMS operated by the NMDIS of the SOA of China, and the JCOMM SOC/DB operated by Météo-France, to collect, manage and make available historical drifting buoy data and metadata to end users; That the ISDM and the SOC/DB were requested by JCOMM-III to agree on complimentary functions to manage data from drifting buoys and that this activity should be done in cooperation with the GDP/DAC; That IODE-XXI had requested the JCOMM ad hoc Task team on RNODCs and SOCs to draft a Recommendation for JCOMM-IV, including Terms of Reference of centres that integrate RNODCs and SOCs and contribute to the IODE Ocean Data Portal (ODP), as well as background information; The existence of Data Acquisition/Assembly Centres (DACs) and Global Data Acquisition/Assembly Centres (GDACs) (which include some IODE NODCs operating in this context) specialized for specific ocean observing platform types; That the International Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set (ICOADS) operated by the US NOAA and the US National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) is widely used and trusted in the marine climate community; The expertise of Members/Member States with regard to marine meteorology and oceanography data management, as well as the dedicated facilities they operate; That Members/Member States could provide specialized facilities with substantial benefits to end users when integrated into the MCDS; Recommends: Implementation of a modernized scheme for the management of surface marine climatological data in conjunction with ICOADS inside the MCDS; Implementation of a modernized scheme for the management of surface drifter data within the MCDS, replacing the former RNODC/DB and the SOC/DB; Establishment of a network of Centres for Marine-Meteorological and Oceanographic Climate Data (CMOCs) building on existing facilities as appropriate with the Terms of Reference in Annex 2, and adopt a mechanism for formal designation and withdrawal of CMOCs by WMO and IOC as detailed in Annex 3; That the ODASMS, and the SOC/DB be declared obsolete; That the National Marine Data and Information Service (NMDIS) of the China State Oceanic Administration (SOA) and the Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) undertake the functions of an CMOC on a trial basis and report on the results to JCOMM through the Management Committee; Invites Members / Member States: To take advantage of the resources offered by the CMOCs once established; To contribute national resources towards the activities identified in the recommendations; To consider submitting applications for becoming a CMOC; Requests: the Expert Team on Marine Climatology (ETMC), in close cooperation with IODE and other appropriate partners such as the ICSU World Data System, to develop, review and update the MCDS strategy, implementation plan, designation criteria and performance indicators of CMOCs in the next two years for achieving the Vision for a new MCDS, based upon the results of the Workshop for a new Marine Climate Data System (MCDS1, 28 Nov.-2 Dec. 2011, Hamburg, Germany) and Ocean Data Portal technologies development; the Secretary-General of WMO and the Executive Secretary of UNESCO/IOC to facilitate implementation of this recommendation and provide appropriate technical advisory assistance to Members/Member States concerned as required, in the operations of CMOC. __________ Annexes: 3 Annex 1 to draft Recommendation 7.2/1 (JCOMM-4) Vision for a Marine Climate Data System in 2020 JCOMM will strive to address the WMO and IOC applications requirements for appropriate marine-meteorological and oceanographic climatological data (met-ocean climate data), and particularly address those for long term climate monitoring (Global Climate Observing System – GCOS), seasonal to inter-annual climate forecasts, for the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS), and ocean climate requirements of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS). To address those requirements, the Vision for a Marine Climate Data System (MCDS) is to formalize and coordinate the activities of existing systems, and address gaps to produce a dedicated WMO-IOC data system operational by 2020 in the view to have compiled coherent met-ocean climate datasets of known quality, extending beyond the GCOS Essential Climate Variables (ECVs). These will be of known quality collected from multiple sources to be served on a free and unrestricted basis to the end users through a global network of less than ten WMO-IOC Centres for Marine-Meteorological and Oceanographic Climate Data (CMOCs) covering specific JCOMM data domains. Data, metadata and information will be fully interoperable with the WMO Information System (WIS) and the IOC/IODE Ocean Data Portal (ODP), will be compatible with, and contribute to the High Quality Global Data Management System for Climate (HQ-GDMSC) that is being developed by the WMO Commission for Climatology (CCl). This system is expected to improve timescales for met-ocean climate data availability, facilitate the exchange of historical met-ocean climate data sets between countries, and thereby increase the amount of ocean observations eventually made available to the relevant end user applications. Furthermore, integrated data and metadata will be available containing comprehensive dataset information e.g. historic details on current and past data codes and formats. The data management structure will be standardized, well defined and documented for existing and new data across JCOMM activities and state of the art marine climate and statistical products will be easily accessible. The development of the MCDS requires using state of the art integrated and standardized international systems for the improved data and metadata-flow and management of a wide range of met-ocean climate data. This includes integrating collection, rescue, quality control, formatting, archiving, exchange, and access of in situ and satellite sources. This system will be based on improved quality management, documenting processes and procedures, using higher level quality control, added value data processing, including bias correction, and comparison of the observations with satellite and meteorological and oceanographic model gridded fields. It is expected that the relevant data and associated metadata will be of known quality, and extend to products that satisfy the met-ocean climate data requirements for climate monitoring, forecasting, and services. __________ Annex 2 to draft Recommendation 7.2/1 (JCOMM-4) TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR WMO-IOC CENTRES FOR MARINE-METEOROLOGICAL AND OCEANOGRAPHIC CLIMATE DATA (CMOCs) The Vision for a Marine Climate Data System (MCDS) is to formalize and coordinate the activities of existing systems, and address gaps to produce a dedicated WMO-IOC data system operational by 2020 in the view to have compiled coherent met-ocean climate datasets of known quality, extending beyond the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) Essential Climate Variables (ECVs). These will be of known quality collected from multiple sources to be served on a free and unrestricted basis to the end users through a global network of less than ten WMO-IOC Centres for Marine-Meteorological and Oceanographic Climate Data (CMOCs). Data, metadata and information will be fully interoperable with the WMO Information System (WIS) and the IOC/IODE Ocean Data Portal (ODP), will be compatible with, and contribute to the High Quality Global Data Management System for Climate (HQ-GDMSC) that is being developed by the WMO Commission for Climatology (CCl). It will cover different and specific JCOMM data domains (e.g. marine meteorology, physical oceanography, historical period(s), geographical coverage, specific procedures applied to the data) and enhance international partnerships within a new JCOMM framework, taking full benefit of the existing network of IODE NODCs, in the best manner of harmonizing with the work of IODE NODCs. The primary objectives are to improve availability, recovery and archival of contemporary and historical data, metadata and products and obtain standardized quality of a high level in a more timely manner. This will ensure the long-term stability of the data management system, permit the sharing of responsibility and expertise, optimize resources and help prevent loss from technological failures. Groups of CMOCs will operate within a given data domain (e. g. global, regional, atmospheric, surface and sub-surface oceanic) and provide complimentary functions. To achieve maximum continuity, reliability and completeness of data, metadata and products, specialized CMOCs will be established that mirror the processes, data and metadata across the CMOC domain. Governance for defining the functions and adoption of CMOC is proposed by JCOMM and endorsed by the WMO Executive Council and UNESCO/IOC Executive Council or Assembly. To meet these requirements CMOCs must have the following: Capabilities: (a) Each Centre must have, or have access to, the necessary infrastructure, facilities, experience and staff required to fulfil the approved functions; (b) Each Centre must have, or have access to, interoperability with the WMO Information System (WIS) and/or IOC/IODE ODP; (c) Each Centre must be able to apply defined international standards applicable for Data and Quality Management; (d) Mirroring CMOCs must be able to actively and reliably “mirror” (i.e. maintain mutually consistent) data, metadata, and products, as agreed within the CMOC network; (e) A recognized authority (the JCOMM Data Management Coordination Group – DMCG) must assess each Centre, at least once every five years, to verify it meets the necessary capabilities and performance indicators as agreed by the Commission. Corresponding functions: (a) Each Centre must contribute to WMO and IOC Applications for example by rescuing, collecting, processing, archiving, sharing, distributing and mirroring worldwide marine-meteorological and oceanographic data and metadata documented in appropriate WMO and IOC publications; (b) Each Centre must provide advice to Members/Member States internationally in response to enquiries regarding standards and best practices for example on data rescue, collection, processing, archival, and distribution of marine-meteorological and oceanographic data, metadata, and products; (c) Each Centre must make datasets, and corresponding metadata, maintained as part of its scope available, and discoverable through the WIS and/or IOC/IODE ODP; (d) All CMOC must communicate and liaise closely within the network; particularly on the development of quality processes and procedures, meeting on a regular basis; (e) Each Centre must operate appropriate data processing and quality control procedures, and generate the required products within its scope; (f) Following the procedures documented in appropriate WMO and IOC publications all Centres within the CMOC network must closely cooperate in the rescue, exchange, processing, and archival of marine-meteorological and oceanographic data, metadata, and products; (g) Each centre will undertake its core defined functions and replicate data from other centres appropriate to its domain such that the set of data and products offered from the CMOC network is mutually consistent when accessed from any individual centre; (h) Specialized CMOCs will mirror data, metadata, products and processes at defined time-scales; the method of mirroring will be agreed upon among mirroring centres; (i) All kinds of data, metadata and processes managed within a CMOC domain will be subject to a stringent version control (e.g. Digital Object Identifier – DOI); (j) Each Centre should report, on an annual basis, to the JCOMM Management Committee through the DMCG on the services offered to Members/Member States and the activities carried out. JCOMM in turn should keep the Executive Councils of the WMO and the UNESCO/IOC Assembly informed on the status and activities of the CMOC network as a whole, and propose changes, as required. Data and Software Policy Requirements A CMOC must make all the data, metadata, and products falling within the scope of the CMOC network freely and openly available to the international research community in a way consistent with WMO Resolution 40 (Cg-XII) and IOC Resolution IOC-XXII-6. Where applicable software should also be made open and freely available. __________ Annex 3 to draft Recommendation 7.2/1 (JCOMM-4) Formal DESIGNATION AND WITHDRAWAL of WMO-IOC CentreS for Marine-Meteorological and Oceanographic Climate Data (CMOCs) According to the Terms of Reference of WMO-IOC Centres for Marine-Meteorological and Oceanographic Climate Data (CMOCs) as detailed in Annex 2, the mechanism for formal WMO and UNESCO/IOC appointment of a CMOC implies the following: Governance for defining the functions and adoption of each Centre is proposed by JCOMM and endorsed by the WMO Executive Council and UNESCO/IOC Assembly or Executive Council; The host of a candidate CMOC is required to produce a statement of compliance with requirements and commitment, list and demonstrate capabilities of the proposed Centre, state the scope of the data and/or products managed by the centre, state the formal commitment to host the Centre. The following approach is recommended by JCOMM: The host of the candidate CMOC will describe the extent to which it will be addressing requirements of scope, capabilities, functions and data and software policy of the proposed CMOC. Once the host of the candidate CMOC has established that it meets the requirements to a sufficient extent, the IOC Action Addressee of the Country, or the Permanent Representative of the Country with WMO, as appropriate, writes to the IOC Executive Secretary or the WMO Secretary General respectively, to formally state the offer to host and operate the CMOC on behalf of the WMO and IOC, and to request that the Centre be added to the list of CMOCs. In doing so, the host of the candidate CMOC also provides a statement of requirements of scope, capabilities, functions and data and software policy as described in the CMOC Terms of Reference detailed in Annex 2. The letter should be copied to the appropriate JCOMM Co-President, and also to the relevant President of the WMO Regional Association or Chair of the IOC Regional Subsidiary Body in the case where the CMOC is only providing data corresponding to a specific geographic region. The IOC or WMO Secretariat will then request the appropriate JCOMM Co-President to take action, in particular to request the Data Management Coordination Group (DMCG) to evaluate and verify compliance with requirements of the proposed Centre. The DMCG evaluates the request and advises in writing (see 5 and 6) whether the CMOC application should be endorsed. The DMCG may wish to delegate this work to individuals and/or groups acting on its behalf (e.g. one of the component teams, depending on the nature of the proposed Centre), but any advice and proposal to JCOMM should still be assessed by and come through the DMCG. DMCG will also conduct reviews of performance and capabilities at the required intervals. If endorsed by the DMCG, and depending on timing, the DMCG makes a recommendation to the JCOMM Management Committee (MAN), and invites them to provide further advice to JCOMM. If not endorsed by the DMCG or MAN, the JCOMM Co-President should advise the candidates about areas where the candidate Centre can be improved to meet requirements. Candidates can reapply at a later date once changes have been made to meet these criteria. If endorsed by MAN, a recommendation is passed to the next JCOMM Session, or depending on timing, directly to the WMO Executive Council and IOC Executive Council or Assembly following JCOMM consultation in writing. If recommended by JCOMM, a Resolution is proposed to the WMO Executive Council and IOC Executive Council or Assembly for including the candidate in the list of CMOCs. If the recommendation is approved by both the WMO Executive Councils and IOC Executive Council or Assembly, the candidate CMOC is listed in the appropriate WMO and IOC Manuals and Guides; It is expected that this process, from submission of the CMOC proposal to the JCOMM Co-President, to formal approval by both WMO/IOC Executive Councils, may take from 6 months to 2 years. At times it may be necessary for a Centre to be withdrawn from the CMOC role. The approach proposed by JCOMM is the following: The DMCG are to review each Centre for necessary capabilities and performance once every five years. If the review is favourable then the CMOC can continue its role as before. If the review is not favourable then the DMCG must insist improvements to be made and reviewed within one year. If the second review is still not favourable then the CMOC role will be withdrawn from the Centre through a recommendation by JCOMM and subsequent decision by the WMO Executive Council and IOC Assembly. If a Centre no longer wishes to carry out the functions of a CMOC the Expert Team on Marine Climatology (ETMC) and DMCG should be advised immediately. ____________ Draft MCDS Strategy and Initial Implementation Plan DRAFT JCOMM Strategy to realize the Vision for a new Marine Climate Data System (MCDS) Version 1.01 (Abridged) December 2011 contentS Executive Summary  PAGEREF exec_summary_strategy \h 3 The Strategy  PAGEREF main_report \h 34  TOC \h \z \t "MCDS1,1"  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc317259060" 1. Introduction and Vision  PAGEREF _Toc317259060 \h 34  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc317259061" 2. Background  PAGEREF _Toc317259061 \h 34  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc317259062" 3. Rationale  PAGEREF _Toc317259062 \h 36  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc317259063" 4. Scope, proposal and deliverables  PAGEREF _Toc317259063 \h 37  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc317259064" 5. Roles and responsibilities  PAGEREF _Toc317259064 \h 313  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc317259065" 6. Data and software policy  PAGEREF _Toc317259065 \h 316  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc317259066" 7. Quality Management  PAGEREF _Toc317259066 \h 317  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc317259067" 8. Capacity development  PAGEREF _Toc317259067 \h 317  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc317259068" 9. Standards, protocols and formats  PAGEREF _Toc317259068 \h 317  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc317259069" 10. Implementation plan  PAGEREF _Toc317259069 \h 317  _______________ Executive Summary This document outlines a DRAFT Strategy and Implementation Plan, as approved by the Joint WMO-IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM) Expert Team on Marine Climatology (ETMC), to realize the Vision by 2020 for a new Marine Climate Data System (MCDS) — replacing the legacy Marine Climatological Summaries Scheme (MCSS). It will act as a starting point for discussions with IOC/IODE and other appropriate partners (such as ICSU World Data System) for the production of a broadly endorsed Strategy and Implementation Plan for the MCDS. The MCDS will include the following elements: An integrated data-flow for the collection of marine-meteorological and oceanographic data and metadata, including real-time and delayed-mode data and metadata from in situ ocean observation platforms; Continued data rescue, and global sharing of historical records of marine-meteorological and oceanographic data archived worldwide; Quality Management, Higher Level Quality Control, bias correction, and comparison with satellite and meteorological and oceanographic model gridded fields to be applied to all MCDS archived data; Archival of the relevant data and metadata made available to end users on a free and unrestricted basis managed by a network of WMO-IOC Centres for Marine-Meteorological and Oceanographic Climate Data (CMOCs). Data will be discoverable through the WMO Information System (WIS) and the IOC Ocean Data Portal (ODP); Realisation and provision of state of the art marine climate and statistical products via a flexible and interactive user interface. Well-defined and documented data management structure for existing and new data within JCOMM. Much-improved timescales for data availability, in particular, data originating from the Global Telecommunication System (GTS) GTS to be available by defined timescales. The storage and accessibility of a comprehensive data/metadata historic guide to JCOMM data, including details of past date codes/formats (decodes, dates used, any updates made), metadata regarding whole datasets etc. This builds on continuing JCOMM efforts to modernize the MCSS—established in 1963— addressing identified issues, and taking into account new sources of historical marine-meteorological and oceanographic climate data, as well as state of the art data management techniques. The goal is to develop a standardized international data management system across JCOMM, integrating collection, rescue, quality control, formatting, archiving, exchange, and access—for marine-meteorological and oceanographic real-time and delayed-mode data and associated metadata of known quality, and products that satisfy the needs of WMO and IOC applications. In particular, ocean data requirements for long term climate monitoring, and climate services are to be addressed. The compiled coherent data sets comply with the WMO Global Integrated Observing System (WIGOS) framework for quality management, data accessibility and being fully interoperable with the WMO Information System (WIS) and the IOC Ocean Data Portal (ODP). The document describes the rationale and scope for the proposal, and provides detailed information on nine key deliverables. This includes roles and responsibilities and a detailed implementation plan between 2011 and 2020, together with the list of the required resources. _______________ The Strategy 1. Introduction and Vision This document provides the strategy for realizing the Vision of a new Marine Climate Data System (MCDS) by 2020 that will address the requirements of WMO and IOC Applications for marine-meteorological and oceanographic climatological data. Vision JCOMM will strive to address the WMO and IOC applications requirements for appropriate marine-meteorological and oceanographic climatological data (met-ocean climate data), and particularly address those for long term climate monitoring (Global Climate Observing System – GCOS), seasonal to inter-annual climate forecasts, for the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS), and ocean climate requirements of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS). To address those requirements, the Vision for a Marine Climate Data System (MCDS) is to formalize and coordinate the activities of existing systems, and address gaps to produce a dedicated WMO-IOC data system operational by 2020 in the view to have compiled coherent met-ocean climate datasets of known quality, extending beyond the GCOS Essential Climate Variables (ECVs). These will be of known quality collected from multiple sources to be served on a free and unrestricted basis to the end users through a global network of WMO-IOC Centres for Marine-Meteorological and Oceanographic Climate Data (CMOCs). Data, metadata and information will be fully interoperable with the WMO Information System (WIS) and the IOC Ocean Data Portal (ODP), will be compatible with, and contribute to the High Quality Global Data Management System for Climate (HQ-GDMSC) that is being developed by the WMO Commission for Climatology (CCl). This system is expected to improve timescales for met-ocean climate data availability, and facilitate the exchange of historical met-ocean climate data sets between countries, and thereby increase the amount of ocean observations eventually made available to the relevant end user applications. Furthermore integrated data and metadata will be available containing comprehensive dataset information e.g. historic details on current and past data codes and formats. The data management structure will be standardized, well defined and documented for existing and new data across JCOMM activities and state of the art marine climate and statistical products will be easily accessible. The development of the MCDS requires using state of the art integrated and standardized international systems for the improved data and metadata-flow and management of a wide range of met-ocean climate data. This includes integrating collection, rescue, quality control, formatting, archiving, exchange, and access of in situ and satellite sources. This system will be based on improved quality management, documenting processes and procedures, using higher level quality control, added value data processing, including bias correction, and comparison of the observations with satellite and meteorological and oceanographic model gridded fields. It is expected that the relevant data and associated metadata will be of known quality, and extend to products that satisfy the met-ocean climate data requirements for climate monitoring, forecasting, and services. 2. Background The Marine Climatological Summaries Scheme (MCSS), established in 1963 (Resolution 35, Cg-IV), has as its primary objective the international exchange, quality control and archival of delayed-mode marine climatological data, in support of global climate studies and the provision of a range of marine climatological services. Eight Members/Member States (Germany; Hong Kong, China; India; Japan; Netherlands; Russian Federation; United Kingdom; and USA) were designated as Responsible Members (RMs) to gather and process the data, including also data from other Contributing Members (CMs) worldwide; and to regularly publish Marine Climatological Summaries (MCS) for representative areas, in chart and/or tabular forms. Two Global Data Collecting Centres (GCCs) were established in 1993 in Germany and the United Kingdom to facilitate and enhance the flow and quality control of the data. Eventually all data are to be archived in the appropriate archives, including the International Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set (ICOADS), a collection of all available surface marine observations dating from the late 1600s to present. The MCSS has represented the core of the work of the Expert Team on Marine Climatology (ETMC) to date, and ties together two important functions: (a) Delayed-mode (DM) Voluntary Observing Ship (VOS) Data Management; (b) The production of the MCSS (tabular/graphical) Summaries (MCS). Partly due to the longevity of the overall Scheme, the two separate functions, but particularly the data management component (a.), possess a variety of strengths. On the other hand, as JCOMM seeks to define a new, overall data management strategy, plus the establishment of new linkages between other WMO Commissions, including for Climatology (CCl) and Basic Systems (CBS), a review and restructuring of the MCSS is needed. The Second Session of the JCOMM Data Management Coordination Group (DMCG-II, Geneva, Switzerland, 10-12 October 2006) and the Second session of the JCOMM Expert Team on Marine Climatology (ETMC-II, Geneva, Switzerland, 26-27 March 2007) acknowledged the need to modernize the current Marine Climatological Summaries Scheme (MCSS) and two task teams were established and commenced operations to investigate and initiate the work required: The Task Team on Delayed-Mode Voluntary Observing Ship Data (TT-DMVOS): The Global Collecting Centres (GCCs) were identified as co-chairs of TT-DMVOS with a cross-cutting membership from both the JCOMM Observations Programme Area (OPA) and the Data Management Programme Area (DMPA), representing a new active area of collaboration. The TT-DMVOS considered the relationship between data available in real-time and that available in delayed-mode. User requirements for both data streams were considered, as well as some of the wider issues around the provision of data climate applications. The Task Team on Marine-meteorological & Oceanographic Climatological Summaries (TT-MOCS): This task team was set up to improve the management of preparing marine climate summaries and to identify modern user requirements. A JCOMM questionnaire in 2005 provided information regarding the potential customer base and purposes of the MCS products. However, these justifications need to be more broadly agreed upon, to the extent that the MCS products will be managed and officially sanctioned by the ETMC and JCOMM, as opposed to produced and offered nationally. JCOMM also recommended that the ETMC explore how oceanographic and ice climatologies could be coordinated with the marine-meteorological data, so that the results could be viewed as an integrated product. The Third Session of JCOMM (JCOMM-III, Marrakech, Morocco, 4-11 November 2009) noted with appreciation that a modernization of the MCSS had been initiated, and it endorsed the activities proposed by the DMCG and provided further guidance (see section 4.1 for details below). The Third Session of the ETMC (ETMC-III, Melbourne, Australia, 8-12 February 2010) noted the substantial progress made by the TT-DMVOS with regard to the definition of the data-flow part of the modernization of the MCSS, including higher level quality control, and the use of co-located first guess field data from Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP), as well as satellite data. ETMC-III further proposed establishing a network of WMO-IOC Centres for Marine-Meteorological and Oceanographic Climate Data (CMOCs). If formally appointed by JCOMM the International Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set (ICOADS) could be integrated. Following the MARCDAT-III workshop (Frascati, Italy, 2-6 May 2011), it was proposed to merge the TT-DMVOS and TT-MOCS into one single Task Team on the Marine Climate Data System (TT-MCDS) The Vision for the new Marine Climate Data System (MCDS) was also proposed to and well received by the Third International Workshop on Advances in the Use of Historical Marine Climate Data (MARCDAT-III, 2-6 May 2011, Frascati, Italy) taking into account the recommendations from the two Task Teams and the ETMC as well as lessons learned. The Workshop for the new Marine Climate Data System (Hamburg, Germany, 28 November–2 December 2011) reviewed the proposed Vision for the MCDS, and proposed a draft Strategy responding to this Vision, as well as an initial Implementation Plan. The strategy is also to be reviewed by the JCOMM Expert Team on Marine Climatology (ETMC) and the IODE officers with the plan to submit the vision to JCOMM-IV for approval, and the strategy for review, assuming that the strategy and implementation plan will then be further refined.by the ETMC and the DMCG per JCOMM-IV guidance. 3. Rationale The development of a new MCDS is essentially proposed to modernize the MCSS and address the following issues in order to better comply with current requirements of WMO and IOC Applications. Particularly those of the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS), the WMO-IOC-UNEP-ICSU Global Climate Observing System (GCOS), as well as the climate requirements of the WMO-IOC-UNEP-ICSU Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) for well documented (with metadata), high quality, consistent, coherent, historical marine observation data sets. There are a number of issues to be resolved in order to better address the requirements: For historical reasons, the current MCSS is essentially dealing with Delayed-Mode Voluntary Observing Ship (VOS) Data (DMVOS). However, in the last thirty years, other sources of non-delayed-mode marine data such as data buoys, profiling floats, and satellites have become available, and specific Data Acquisition Centres (DACs) and Global Data Assembly Centres (GDACs) have been developed. Some coordination is required between these activities in order to provide an overall view on the current practices, and data formats used. The new MCDS should integrate all relevant observations. The Marine Climate Summaries (MCS) as standardized decades ago through the MCSS are no longer produced by most of the Responsible Members, and the extent to which they are used is believed to be minor. Moreover there are now many new statistical and graphical products that better serve the end user needs. MCDS should take this into account and develop replacement MCS. When JCOMM was established in 1999, the functions of the IODE Responsible Oceanographic Data Centre for Drifting Buoys (RNODC/DB) and those of the IGOSS Specialized Oceanography Centre for Drifting Buoys (SOC/DB) overlapped and required action. These two functions contribute to the data collection, processing, quality control, and archiving of drifting buoy data, and are relevant to the MCDS. Although each Centre provides slightly different services, there are areas of duplication, which need to be better integrated. The Global Drifter Programme (GDP) Data Assembly Centre (DAC) also provides functions that complement those of the RNODC/DB, and SOC/DB, and that would benefit from integration in the MCDS. JCOMM-III recognized that metadata are important in a number of domains including climate applications and research (e.g. bias correction), permitting amongst other things the correct interpretation of data, ensures traceability of standards, enhanced coherence of data records and facilitates quality monitoring activities. JCOMM-III therefore stressed that its Members/Member States should routinely provide metadata content on a routine basis and adopted Recommendation 7.1/1 (JCOMM-III) – Provision of ODAS (JCOMM Ocean Data Acquisition System) and Water Temperature Metadata. Metadata should be promptly submitted to the ODAS Metadata Service, however, in practice the Service is not working effectively because it is dedicated to metadata and lacks links with data. It would be preferable, and more effective if the ODAS Metadata Service (ODASMS) could be integrated into the MCDS, and the existing Centre operate as a CMOC to serve both data and metadata. ICOADS is widely used and trusted internationally by marine climate data users. However, ICOADS has not yet been formally recognized by JCOMM and its parent organizations, WMO and IOC. Becoming formally internationalized, as well as establishing similar centres in other countries that could replicate and augment their data, would facilitate the sharing of new international datasets ultimately aligning all (where possible) climate data types within JCOMM and standardizing the data management. Because of modern practices in the marine climate community, it is now feasible to develop a set of individual marine reports that are adjusted (or corrected) in a manner that best represents our current state-of-the-art. For example the adjustments to ship data could include (but are not limited to) ship heating, Beaufort wind adjustments, height adjustment, adjustments for known instrument variations (e.g., bucket vs. intake SST), and improved Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Control (QC) procedures (e.g. incorrect platform ID vs. type). The ETMC has developed a proposal for ICOADS to realize this, and there would be benefit for end user applications to include this into the proposed MCDS. To begin developing this work, the USA (NOAA, NCAR and Florida State University) was recently funded by the NOAA Climate Program Office under a 3-year proposal (FY2011-13) to create an ICOADS Value-Added Database (IVAD). Quality control procedures have dramatically improved in recent years but some standardization for higher-level quality control is needed, and the practices have to be documented. For example, it is now possible for quality monitoring purposes to compare ocean observation with co-located first guess field data from Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP), as well as satellite data. 4. Scope, proposal and deliverables 4.1 JCOMM guidance This proposal follows the recommendations and guidance from JCOMM-III as reproduced below: The Commission noted with appreciation that a modernization of the Marine Climatological Summaries Scheme (MCSS), originally established in 1963, had been initiated, and it endorsed the proposed activities as described at http://www.jcomm.info/MCSS-mod. In order to guide modernization efforts over the upcoming intersessional period, including exploring possibilities for interoperability, such as via the IMMA format, with the International Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set (ICOADS), the Commission requested the DMPA, through the ETMC, to undertake the following actions: (a) With the Ship Observations Team (SOT), to continue to develop and agree on detailed proposals for the future international marine data-flow, including Higher Quality Control Standard (HQCS), as well as questions of format and QC interoperability; (b) To continue to consider: (i) Making products more readily discoverable through product and services level metadata, and accessible through the use of modern web services technologies; (ii) Integration of oceanographic and ice climatologies together with marine-meteorological information; (c) Develop appropriate documents describing the modernization progress and amendments regarding the IMMT-III format and version V of Minimum Quality Control Standards to be proposed for the Manual on Marine-Meteorological Services and the Guide to Marine-Meteorological Services and to be implemented for all data collected as from 1 January 2011; (d) To undertake the modernization, to continue to implement the revised data management scheme and the end user product development, and continue to review the value and effectiveness of these modernization steps. 4.2 The proposal The modernization of the Marine Climatological Summaries Scheme (MCSS) will be fully integrated in to the new Marine Climate Data System (MCDS), and will be fully documented in the appropriate WMO and IOC Publications, e.g.: WMO No. 558 – Manual on Marine Meteorological Services: Part I, Chapter 5 to be renamed to “Marine Climate Data System”, and corresponding annexes to be renamed, replaced, deleted, or new annexes added as needed; WMO No. 471 – Guide to Marine Meteorological Services: Chapter 3 to be replaced and corresponding annexes to be renamed, replaced, deleted, or new annexes added as needed; New elements will be added into the MCDS to consider those climate requirements, which are not covered by the modernized MCSS, and in particular ocean data management as governed through the IODE. In line with the vision detailed in section 1, the MCDS will include the following elements: An integrated data-flow for the collection of marine-meteorological and oceanographic data and metadata, including real-time and delayed-mode data and metadata from in situ ocean observation platforms; Continued data rescue, and global sharing of historical records of marine-meteorological and oceanographic data archived worldwide; Quality Management, Higher Level Quality Control, bias correction, and comparison with satellite and met./ocean model gridded fields to be applied to all MCDS archived data; Archival of the relevant data and metadata made available to end users on a free and unrestricted basis managed by a network of WMO-IOC Centres for Marine-Meteorological and Oceanographic Climate Data (CMOC). Data will be discoverable through the WMO Information System (WIS) and the IOC Ocean Data Portal (ODP); Realisation and provision of state of the art marine climate and statistical products via a flexible and interactive user interface. Well-defined and documented data management structure for existing and new data within JCOMM. Much-improved timescales for data availability, in particular, data originating from the GTS to be available by defined timescales. The storage and accessibility of a comprehensive data/metadata historic guide to JCOMM data, including details of past date codes/formats (decodes, dates used, any updates made), metadata regarding whole datasets etc. An implementation plan will be developed to respond to the strategy. The implementation plan will initially focus on sub-deliverables that can be easily achievable (e.g. VOS data-flow, former RNODC/DB and current SOC/DB integration, CMOC(s)). A draft implementation plan in proposed in Annex A of the complete draft MCDS strategy document (see JCOMM MR No. 90). 4.3 Deliverables The proposal includes the following deliverables: Deliverable 1 - Data-flow Description: An integrated and well structured data-flow to include not only delayed-mode VOS data but other sources of marine-meteorological and oceanographic data for use in climatological applications. This deliverable includes (i) a modernized VOS data-flow; (ii) the contribution of RNODC/DB and SOC/DB to the MCDS; and (iii) the contribution of the various specialized Data Acquisition Centres (DACs) and Global Data Assembly Centres (GDACs) (GMBA, Argo, OceanSITES, GOSUD, GTSPP, etc.) to the MCDS. The management of ocean data is realized in cooperation and synergy with the IODE. Existing and relevant data systems are listed in Annex E of the complete draft MCDS strategy document (see JCOMM MR No. 90). Implemented through: GDACs, DACs Tasks: Define the data-flow template proposal, with details of generic roles and responsibilities. For all relevant data types use the data-flow template to display compliance with the proposed structure. Update relevant chapters of the WMO and IOC Publications, and relevant IOC Manuals and Guides to reflect new corresponding obligations of Members/Member States as well as guidance to them respectively. Target dates: 2014 (Step#1, DMVOS, RNODC/DB & SOC/DB), then (Step#2, other ocean data, e.g. GOSUD, OceanSITES, GLOSS, GTSPP, Argo) Deliverable 2 – Quality Control Description: Update the Minimum Quality Control Standard (MQCS) for VOS data. Document quality control procedures used for other types of data, and then standardize, if needed, minimum QC procedures. Develop a Higher Level Quality Control for all types of appropriate marine-meteorological and oceanographic data. Implemented through: DACs, GDACs, CMOCs, and other partners (e.g. ICSU for the World Data System) Tasks: Propose an update of MQCS to JCOMM-IV (MQCS-7). Refine the Higher Level Quality Control (HLQC) proposal, and document it (e.g. as new JCOMM Technical Report). Update relevant chapters of the WMO and IOC Publication accordingly to reflect obligations of Members/Member States as well as guidance to them respectively. Update or create new IOC Manual & Guide if needed Target date: 2016 Deliverable 3 – Value added marine climate data Description: The overall goal of the activity is to develop a set of individual marine reports that are adjusted (or corrected) in a manner that best represents our current state-of-the-art. This will include consideration of establishing interoperable in situ and satellite climatologies and products (e.g. SST data from GHRSST). This links naturally with the WMO Information System, and the development of interoperability arrangements with WIS through WIGOS. For example, the adjustments could include (but are not limited to) ship heating, Beaufort wind adjustments, height adjustment, adjustments for known instrument variations (e.g., bucket vs. intake SST), improved QA/QC procedures (e.g. incorrect platform ID vs. type). Implemented through: CMOCs, and other partners (e.g. ICSU for the World Data System) Tasks: Establish Pilot Project and Steering Team for value added ICOADS Run Pilot Project for creation of a value-added ICOADS version (e.g., bias corrected), and make recommendations Document procedures, and how the data should be interpreted through a new JCOMM Technical Report. Target date: 2014 (first step) Deliverable 4 – Data Exchange Protocols Description: Agree on data collection and exchange protocols and formats (e.g. IMMA, netCDF) Implemented through: GDACs, CMOCs Tasks: TT-MCDS to investigate requirements and possible options for a data exchange format(s). Ensure selected format(s) is flexible enough to meet foreseeable future requirements If needed, propose new format(s) to JCOMM Develop software to convert historical formats into the new format(s) and make it freely available Update relevant chapters of the WMO and IOC Publications to reflect new preferred format(s). Target date: 2016 Deliverable 5 - Co-located data Description: Consideration of the use of co-located model field, reanalysis of historical data, and satellite data for use within the Higher Quality Control Standard (HQCS) for in situ data Implemented through: CMOCs Tasks: Propose an ad-hoc task team to investigate requirements and feasibility. Target date: 2016 Deliverable 6 - CMOC Description: Development of a global network of WMO-IOC Centres for Marine-meteorological and Oceanographic Climate Data (CMOC) that are fully interoperable with the WMO Information System (WIS) and the IOC Ocean Data Portal (ODP), are compatible with, and contribute to the High Quality Global Data Management System for Climate (HQ-GDMSC) that is being developed by the WMO Commission for Climatology (CCl). A candidate CMOC will follow the procedures described in the appropriate WMO and IOC Publications, and contribute to WMO and IOC Applications for example by rescuing, collecting, processing, quality control, archiving, sharing, distributing, and mirroring worldwide marine-meteorological and oceanographic data and metadata according to procedures documented in the appropriate WMO and IOC Publications; advise Members/Member States internationally on enquiries regarding standards and best practices for example on the rescue, collection, processing, quality control, archival, distribution, and mirroring of marine-meteorological and oceanographic data, metadata, and products; make data sets, and corresponding metadata, maintained as part of its scope available, and discoverable through the WIS; must communicate and liaise closely within the network; particularly on the development of quality processes and procedures, meeting on a regular basis operate appropriate data processing and quality control procedures, and generate the required products within its scope; closely cooperate with the network of other CMOC in the rescue, exchange, processing, and archival of marine-meteorological and oceanographic data and metadata, such that the set of data and products offered from the CMOC network is mutually consistent when accessed from any individual Centre; and should report, on an annual basis, to the JCOMM Management Committee on the services offered to Members/Member States and the activities carried out. JCOMM in turn should keep the Executive Councils of the WMO and the UNESCO/IOC informed on the status and activities of the CMOC network as a whole, and propose changes, as required. Implemented through: CMOC(s) Tasks: Agree on Terms of Reference for CMOC, governance and approval process for establishing new CMOC, content of statement of compliance. Draft Recommendation to be submitted to JCOMM-IV for approval. Candidate CMOC(s) to submit statements of compliance. Candidate CMOCs to collaborate between themselves and share data. Agree on data exchange protocols and formats. Update relevant chapters of the WMO and IOC Publications, accordingly to reflect obligations of Members/Member States as well as guidance to them respectively. Target date: 2012, 2016, 2020, … Deliverable 7 - Metadata Description: Integration of the ODAS Metadata Service (ODASMS) with the relevant data which can be realized through integrating the ODASMS into a CMOC. The storage and accessibility of a comprehensive metadata guide to JCOMM data (e.g. WMO Publication No. 47). Implemented through: CMOC Tasks: Agree on metadata collection and exchange format(s). Investigate metadata rescue (e.g. buoy metadata) Members to submit metadata together with their data submissions through GDACs or CMOC(s) (if no DAC/GDAC available for collecting the type of data). Develop an easily accessible comprehensive metadata guide, including details of past date codes/formats (decodes, dates used, any updates made), metadata regarding whole datasets etc. CMOCs to include metadata management as part of their activities. Update relevant chapters of the WMO No. 558, and 471, and IOC Manuals and Guides accordingly to reflect obligations of Members/Member States as well as guidance to them respectively. Target date: Drifters and selected moorings (e.g. GMBA) 2014, ODAS 2016, Guide 2020 Deliverable 8 - Interoperability Description: Full interoperability of MCDS with the WIS and ODP Implemented through: GDACs, CMOC(s) Tasks: CMOC(s) to develop or maintain interoperability with the WIS and ODP. GDACs to develop interoperability with the WIS and ODP. CMOC to possibly apply as WIS National Centres (NCs) or Data Collection and Production Centres (DCPCs). Harmonization of the MCDS functionalities with the WIS and the other IOC data systems Target date: 2014 Deliverable 9 - MCS Description: Marine Climate Summaries (MCS) Implemented through: TT-MCDS and ETMC (standards), and CMOCs (implementation) Tasks: Define roles and responsibilities for producing MCSs (e.g. CMOC) on a minimal requirement basis. Update relevant chapters of the WMO and IOC Publications (in particular WMO No. 558, and 471) accordingly to reflect obligations of Members/Member States as well as guidance to them respectively. Target date: 2016 5. Roles and responsibilities To develop the MCDS, an ETMC Task Team on MCDS is being established. Terms of Reference and membership of the Task Team are listed in Annex C of the complete draft MCDS strategy document (see JCOMM MR No. 90). The Task Team will be required to coordinate with appropriate WMO and IOC bodies, and with the Expert Team on Marine Climatology (ETMC), as well as the centres implementing specific functions of the MCDS in particular. Joint WMO-IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM) JCOMM will be invited to approve the recommendations (technical regulations, establishment of specific components contributing to the MCDS, governance) passed to it by the MCDS Task Team through the Expert Team on Marine Climatology (ETMC), the Data Management Coordination Group (DMCG), and the Management Committee (MAN). Those recommendations will then be passed to the WMO and IOC Executive Bodies for approval. Progress will be reported regularly to the ETMC, DMCG, and MAN. The JCOMM Observations Programme Area (OPA), its Coordination Group (OCG), and its Observations Panels, in collaboration with CBS, will assist in the development of best practices and standards, and ensure that the flow of real-time and delayed-mode observations will eventually be provided through the MCDS, the WIS and partner ocean data systems. This includes collaborations with the Data Buoy Cooperation Panel (DBCP), the Ship Observations Team (SOT), the Global Sea Level Observing System (GLOSS), and the Ocean Sustained Interdisciplinary Timeseries Environment observation System (OceanSITES). JCOMM shall communicate on the benefits of the MCDS (e.g. through dedicated webpages, JCOMM Newsletter, communications during JCOMM meetings). JCOMM Associated Programmes Ocean Observations Programmes associated to JCOMM such as Argo, IOC’s International Ocean Carbon Coordination Project (IOCCP), and GO-SHIP will be invited to contribute to the MCDS. IOC (of UNESCO) Committee for the International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) The IODE Committee will assist in the development of MCDS, in particular for standards (see list in Annex D of the complete draft MCDS strategy document (see JCOMM MR No. 90)), documentation, and accreditation process, for example through the joint IODE-JCOMM Ocean Data Standards (ODS) development and accreditation process. The JCOMM-IODE Expert Team on Data Management Practices (ETDMP) will provide guidance for realizing interoperability of the MCDS with the Ocean Data Portal (ODP). The JCOMM-IODE Global Ocean Surface Underway Data Pilot Project (of IODE, JCOMM) (GOSUD) will be consulted, and invited to contribute its data to the MCDS. The JCOMM-IODE Global Temperature and Salinity Profile Programme (GTSPP) will be consulted, and invited to contribute its data to the MCDS. The IODE Global Oceanographic Data Archaeology and Rescue (GODAR) will be consulted, and invited to contribute to the MCDS IODE will assist to contribute ocean biological data of interest to climate application to the MCDS (e.g. Ocean Bio-Geographical Information System - OBIS). WMO Commission for Basic Systems (CBS) CBS is responsible, in particular, for the cooperation with Members, other technical commissions and relevant bodies in the development and operation of the required integrated data systems in response to requirements of all WMO Programmes and opportunities provided by technological developments. The development of the WIS is undertaken in the framework of the CBS. Interoperability with the WIS being a key deliverable of the activity, consultation with the CBS will be required as appropriate. WMO Commission for Climatology (CCl) A coordinated approach between JCOMM and the CCl to marine and environmental data and data management, including data rescue must be promoted as part of the MCDS developments. This includes collaborative development of required interoperability standards and systems for data exchange; collaboration on WIGOS, and GCOS/GOOS (to ensure best practices in observational systems serving the climate program); in developing climate indices and defining and monitoring extremes; and in capacity building and training. This can essentially be realized through linkages between the ETMC and the Open Panel of CCl Experts (OPACE) on Climate Data Management (OPACE-1), e.g. the Expert Team on Climate Database Management Systems (ET-CDBMS). High Quality Global Data Management System for Climate (HQ-GDMSC) WMO Members and IOC Member States In addition, building on existing systems, MCDS development will require coordination and contributions with/from WMO Members and IOC Member States, including (see also Table 1) these planned general roles, which in many cases are foreseen to initially simply harmonize existing activities into the new framework: Data Acquisition Centres (DACs): Centres receiving data from various JCOMM data sources in agreed formats in delayed-mode and/or real-time Delayed-mode DACs (DM-DAC) – Receiving data from a specific data source in delayed-mode, applying agreed MQC, investigating problems when required and forwarding of data to the appropriate GDAC Real-time DACs (RT-DAC) – Existing GTS Centres receiving data from real-time sources Global Data Assembly Centres (GDACs): Selected centres combining data of all streams, but typically of one specific platform type (e.g. ships vs. buoys) from their appropriate DACs. Their role is to establish a unique, complete dataset (including metadata), perform agreed quality checks and forward the data and metadata with flags to the CMOC(s) in agreed formats. Data from both, delayed-mode and real-time should be compared and linked. It is mandatory that the GDACs are registered as WIS DCPCs. JCOMM Centres for Marine-meteorological and Oceanographic Climate Data (CMOCs): All data (original and QC’d) and metadata received from GDACs are forwarded to the suitable CMOC, which collectively will serve to make broader collections of JCOMM data widely available, integrating data from multiple platform types. CMOCs may act as a mirroring network of data stores, applying HQCS, making datasets available to the user interface and advising member/members states when appropriate (see CMOC Terms of Reference for further information). Data and metadata are stored in line with defined JCOMM standards to ensure data integrity and universal interoperability. JCOMM improved data access: Universal data access system for searching, downloading, displaying and analysis of JCOMM data and products. This interface (which may be largely based on a formalization of existing data access systems) provides a flexible tool with variable privileges for all users to manipulate the data. In particular, the tool must allow: Interactive searching by element, time, location, geographical feature, data type Fast and easy downloading into various codes and formats Interactive displays – maps, tables – allowing GIS layering Versatile analysis to generate and visualise standardised and bespoke climatological products and statistics in suitable forms ICOADS which is managed by the USA will be invited to contribute to the MCDS as a CMOC; The operators of the various ocean data centres, DACs and GDACs concerned: Canada (GTSPP, RNODC/DB) France (Argo GDAC, SOC/DB, GOSUD) USA (Argo GDAC, OceanSITEs, GTSPP, GOSUD) UK Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level (PSMSL) European projects such as SeaDataNet, and MyOcean The ODASMS which is operated by China will be invited to consider enhancing the service and integrating it within a CMOC; Other potential actors Table 1: Proposed MCDS roles of specialized centres.  EMBED Excel.Sheet.8  6. Data and software policy All components of the MCDS must make all the data, metadata, and products falling within the scope of the MCDS freely and openly available to the international community in a way consistent with: (a) WMO Resolution 40 (Cg-XII) - WMO policy and practice for the exchange of meteorological and related data and products including guidelines on relationships in commercial meteorological activities; (b) Resolution IOC-XXII-6 - IOC Oceanographic Data Exchange Policy; CMOC must make all the data, metadata, and products falling within the scope of the CMOC network freely and openly available to the international research community in a way consistent with WMO Resolution 40 (Cg-XII) and IOC Resolution IOC-XXII-6. Where applicable software should also be made open and freely available. 7. Quality Management The MCDS is planning to include appropriate Quality Management (QM) for all of its deliverables. By promoting standards, documenting them as part of appropriate WMO and IOC Publications, as well as documenting its procedures, the MCDS will ensure that the required data quality standards are met and sustained for all WMO and IOC programme requirements. The goal is to facilitate improved data management including collection of relevant delayed-mode data, data rescue, data processing, and quality control, value adding, archival, data exchange and data retrieval capabilities. The MCDS is therefore promoting the development and implementation of Quality Management Systems (QMS) for each of its components, in compliance with the WMO and IOC quality policies, including the WMO Quality Management Framework (QMF). It is recommended to compile at the national level, regulatory documentation produced in a way consistent with the eight Quality Management Principles developed under ISO Technical Committee 176 (TC176): User / customers focus, Leadership, Involvement of people, Process approach, System approach to management, Continual improvements, Factual approach for decision making, and Mutually beneficial supplier relationships. This may lead in some instances to the certification of such QMS related to the relevant MCDS data and products. ISO 9001 certification will not be mandatory, as some of the meteorological and / or oceanographic centres contributing to the MCDS might wish to comply with other standards than ISO. 8. Capacity development The use of the IODE OceanTeacher and a dedicated MCDS website for sharing this documentation is something to be considered. In a way consistent with the WMO and IOC strategies for Capacity Building, training materials about MCDS will shared using modern technology such as e-learning, e.g through the IODE project office, and WMO Regional Training Centres. CMOCs can be a mechanism used for assisting developing countries in rescuing their data, and developing their own capacities for the management of ocean climate data. 9. Standards, protocols and formats If necessary, the MCDS will require the updating of existing standards and the development of new ones as described in the table in Annex D of the complete draft MCDS strategy document (see JCOMM MR No. 90). 10. Implementation plan The detailed initial implementation plan responding to this strategy, with proposed steps for each deliverable, actors and deadlines is provided in Annex A of the complete draft MCDS strategy document (see JCOMM MR No. 90). 11. Resources The table in Annex B of the complete draft MCDS strategy document (see JCOMM MR No. 90) provides some information on the preliminary resources required to develop and operate the future MCDS. _______________ : Full text of the Resolution can be found at  HYPERLINK "http://www.wmo.int/pages/about/Resolution40_en.html" http://www.wmo.int/pages/about/Resolution40_en.html . The Resolution in particular states that “as a fundamental principle of WMO, and in consonance with the expanding requirements for its scientific and technical expertise, WMO commits itself to broadening and enhancing the free and unrestricted (non-discriminatory and without charge) international exchange of meteorological and related data and products.”  : Full text of the resolution can be found at  HYPERLINK "http://www.ioc-goos.org/ioc-xxii-6" http://www.ioc-goos.org/ioc-xxii-6 . The Resolution is particularly promoting the timely, free and unrestricted access to all data, associated metadata and products. :  HYPERLINK "http://www.iso.org/iso/iso9000-14000/understand/qmp.html" http://www.iso.org/iso/iso9000-14000/understand/qmp.html     JCOMM-4/Doc. 7.2, DRAFT 2APPROVED DOCVARIABLE "FdDocNb" \* MERGEFORMAT , APPENDIX A, p.  PAGE 3 JCOMM-IV/Doc. 7.2, DRAFT 2APPROVED DOCVARIABLE "FdDocNb" \* MERGEFORMAT , APPENDIX A JCOMM-4/Doc. 7.2, DRAFT 2APPROVED DOCVARIABLE "FdDocNb" \* MERGEFORMAT , APPENDIX B, p.  PAGE 8 JCOMM-4/Doc. 7.2, DRAFT 2APPROVED DOCVARIABLE "FdDocNb" \* MERGEFORMAT , APPENDIX B JCOMM-4/Doc. 7.2, DRAFT 2APPROVED DOCVARIABLE "FdDocNb" \* MERGEFORMAT , APPENDIX C, p.  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Platforms" to be discussed and defined for the MCDS, noting that longstanding divisions of responsibility have been established, e.g. among the World Data Centres (WDCs) between Oceanography and Meteorology.>WDCsWOD/WOA ICOADS  DProbably NODC/NCDCs and WDCs (now operating within the new World Data System, WDS), provide internationally the most formal long-term archival, probably with national variations outside of the WDS though. In USA e.g. NOAA has a formal role and houses WDCs for Oceanography and Meteorology, respectively in its NODC and NCDC.RSŽË2Format data (and metadata?) for specialized accessData (and metadata) rescueUFormat data (and metadata) for archival (e.g. IMMA) and for open access (e.g. netCDF)BCombine data, metadata, QC flags, co-located (many platform types).2@AProduce Discovery MetadataNODCs and NCDCs (if applicable)WDCsWOD/WOA ICOADS 7Many obs. platformss Ú"Many obs. Platforms" to be discussed and defined for the MCDS, noting that longstanding divisions of responsibility have been established, e.g. among the World Data Centres (WDCs) between Oceanography and Meteorology.BCombine data, metadata, QC flags, co-located (many platform types)DProbably NODC/NCDCs and WDCs (now operating within the new World Data System, WDS), provide internationally the most formal long-term archival, probably with national variations outside of the WDS though. In USA e.g. NOAA has a formal role and houses WDCs for Oceanography and Meteorology, respectively in its NODC and NCDC.˙B R[–Ÿ<EÓ܈‘ÖßĚŐ éÍŮ@  düŠńŇMbP?_*+‚€%˙Áƒ„M–\\ecodc1\ECOPR1ܸ?€dXXLetter”.HP LaserJet 4100 PCL 5e2߆xœe‘KkAÇë?ÝI›dcrđĹ`ű$ě† ‚{Œ‚‘EV kŚÝ]łV-3 &ˆš=ę!žŋŕ'đf|}?…čٛďGĎHÁ:üŤůQ]TŐ?M˙Ô@řÔÂs2+ĽŮŐśłěnÚ ËͅE{Ń-YŽÝpśáGŚ 2˝™ňoâCŕ—čŕ-čđ(ÖÖĎňJËd|'Š€CĆ!“hŠhßâv‘š›őjß߆ÜßĎiňě(‰Cđˆcm澥Sľ´š’\Ńä‡ŘŹôƒÉŃ0Š÷*&óQ”‡ŻšŽt+ՇË$ŸI~Rűń⽐/$߉‘lďÇď?Rl!#Pƒˆ‰ˇB†!CXŢuk1ď‡l€Ÿ*ĐÜŻĽOË[-ʼȏł;WŁ3-äş''Ÿ(Ów*Ó7: ő‚6%Z7_ë.~ö/îéâ‡]l^Ť:EĽbŃ[•4]jÇŞÓ;ĺĆËłľ¤îÝŤ&M^rÉ {śj+ľÔ%ç<Ě?LüMçËţÇTšŃžz­•ęaÜj•/š$m Ű(œ<fUa•˛#Ľm¤Ś1¨Ó^ř’3ČřŒˇKúÁŕ‚7Ćďíożă=ň ˙ng|óĄ"-°°ŕ?ŕ?U} $+>} m>} $>} m} Ű } m } } ś } $ } m }   ˙˙˙˙üţýţ˙ ˙ ř ˙ ˙ ˙˙˙˙˙˙ţ˙˙ţ˙˙ţý˙˙ô ˙˙P>GMarine Climate Data System (MCDS), roles of specialized centres (draft)ž>>GGGGA 04/11/2011)žAAGGGGž@HBBBII?@BSources BDAC BGDAC BCMOCBBCommentBFCurrent examplesJRT (GTS, netCDF)JDM-DACs (e.g.CMs) JGCCs(JNODCs and NCDCs (if applicable)ž KLEFJDM (IMMT, netCDF)_JSOC/DBJRNODC/DB JWDCsž KLEF"JMetadata: JCOMMOPS, Pub47JGDP DAC ODASMSJ Argo GDACsÖ!JWOD/WOA ICOADS 7ž KLEž FJ$JCoriolis RT-RCsJOceanSITES GDACsžJKLEž FJJJGTSPPžJKLEž FJJ JGOSUDž JKLE? D6Data types (specific platform types, all, value added) MObservation platform MObservation platform MObservation platform(s)Ö" MMany obs. platformss  Mă NÚ"Many obs. Platforms" to be discussed and defined for the MCDS, noting that longstanding divisions of responsibility have been established, e.g. among the World Data Centres (WDCs) between Oceanography and Meteorology. ? DProduce data & metadata Oxž OOOOI? D Collect RT O Oxž OOOI? D Collect DM O Oxž OOOI?DCollect metadataO OxžOOOI?DMinimum QC (MQC)O Ox OxžOOI?)D Format data for DACs (e.g. IMMT)O Ox OxžOOG DProduce co-located dataO Ox OxžOOI?DFormat data for GDACO Ox OxžOOGNDECombine data, metadata, QC flags, co-located (specific platform type)ž OO OxžOOG#DProduce Discovery Metadataž OO OxžOOGDHigher Level QC (HQC)ž OO Ox Oxž OGKDBCombine data, metadata, QC flags, co-located (many platform types)ž OOO Oxž OG*D!Mirror with other similar centresž OOO Oxž OG#PData (and metadata) rescuežOOOOOG;P2Format data (and metadata?) for specialized accessž CCO Oxž OG^PUFormat data (and metadata) for archival (e.g. IMMA) and for open access (e.g. netCDF)ž CCO Oxž OG&DAdded value & bias correctionž CCO Oxž OG*D!Produce marine climate summaries ž CCO Oxž OGDLong term archivež CCO OxOQ˙Probably NODC/NCDCs and WDCs (now operating within the new World Data System, WDS), provide internationally the most formal long-term archival, probably with national variations outside of the WDS though. 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