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CONTENT OF DOCUMENT: see View -> Document Map  APPENDIX A: DRAFT TEXT FOR INCLUSION IN THE GENERAL SUMMARY OF JCOMM-4 12.4 ESTABLISHMENT OF GROUPS AND EXPERT TEAMS (agenda item 12.4) 12.4.1 The Commission discussed the most efficient way to organize its working structure, without increasing the cost, in view of: (i) the priorities and requirements set by the governing bodies of WMO and IOC; (ii) the need for enhanced coordination between its Programme Areas (PAs); (iii) the need to fulfil the Commissions growing responsibilities and to respond to emerging tasks; (iv) the need for resources in terms of number of experts engaged in the work of the Commission; and (v) budget allocated within the WMO and the IOC to support the work of the Commission. The Commission decided to continue with the three Programme Areas: Observations, Data Management, and Services and Forecasting Systems. It agreed that a project-oriented approach should be adopted wherever possible to address specific, defined, time limited activities. The Commission entrusted the Management Committee with keeping the JCOMM structure under permanent review and adapting it when necessary. 12.4.2 The Commission stressed that the success of the structure would depend on the role of the Management Committee in assessing, guiding and coordinating the work of the PAs, in making necessary adjustments in the intersessional period and in advising the Co-presidents. The Commission therefore decided to re-establish the Management Committee by adopting Resolution 12.4/1 (JCOMM-4). It also requested the Management Committee, amongst its other duties, to oversee specific activities and projects that would be implemented though time-bound task teams. 12.4.3 The Commission considered that the current structure and composition of the teams have been generally appropriate to make progress in the implementation of the Commissions intersessional work plan, and therefore agreed that the current structure should carry forward during the intersessional period. The Commission re-established the three Programme Areas and their appropriate component groups and expert teams by adopting Resolutions 12.4/2 to 12.4/4 (JCOMM-4). 12.4.4 Taking into account the increasing requirements for the Expert Team on Waves and Storm Surges (ETWS) regarding its work on coastal hazards issues primarily associated with storm surges, the Commission decided to rename this team the Expert Team on Waves and Coastal Hazards Forecasting Systems (ETWCH) in order to more accurately represent its interests, skills and deliverables while continuing to carry out its current work in global coordination for waves and storm surges (see also item 8.2). 12.4.5 Noting the emerging requirements for the climate data, information and services along with the development of the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS), the Commission felt that it would be timely to plan a future development for a fully joint venture of JCOMM and IODE based on achievements and past experience. In this context, the Commission requested the new Data Management Coordination Group (DMCG), in consultation with the Management Committee and IODE Committee, to develop an overall long-term strategy as well as propose a new structure for the Data Management Programme Area (DMPA), focusing on the following main issues: Marine climate data management to support GFCS; Near-real time ocean data management supporting ocean services, Disaster Risk Reduction and GFCS, with particular attention to providing a link from JCOMM OPA networks; Related matters of standards, formats, data discovery and access. The Commission requested the Management Committee and the IODE Co-Chairs to provide guidance in the process, and if required, make decisions on the necessary revision of the DMPA workplan during the intersessional period. 12.4.6 The Commission recognized the fundamental importance of the accomplishment of the JCOMM work programme and the actions of the individual experts within the proposed structure. It therefore requested Members / Member States to ensure that their appointed experts were allowed sufficient time and resources within their national work programme to complete allocated tasks in support of the Commission. 12.4.7 In view of the potentially long intersessional period, the Commission asked the Programme Areas to ensure succession plans for key posts. __________________ DRAFT RESOLUTION Resolution 12.4/1 (JCOMM-4) MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE OF THE JOINT WMO-IOC TECHNICAL COMMISSION FOR OCENOGRAPHY AND MARINE METEOROLOGY THE JOINT WMO-IOC TECHNICAL COMMISSION FOR OCEANOGRAPHY AND MARINE METEOROLOGY, Noting: (1) Resolution 1 (JCOMM-III) - Management Committee of the Joint WMO-IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology, (2) WMO Resolution 4 (EC-LXII) - Report of the third session of the Joint WMO-IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology, (3) IOC Resolution EC-XLIII.5 - Third session of the Joint WMO-IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology, (4) Resolution 24 (Cg-XVI) - Marine Meteorology and Oceanography Programme, (5) The report of the Co-president of the Commission at its fourth session, Considering: The requirement of the Commission to promote, coordinate and integrate marine meteorological and oceanographic programmes and activities, The contributions of the Commission to the World Weather Watch (WWW), World Climate Programme (WCP), World Climate Research Programme (WCRP), Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS), Global Climate Observing System (GCOS), International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE), Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) and other major programmes of WMO and IOC, The need to coordinate the work of the Commission with other appropriate international organizations and their subsidiary bodies, as well as with relevant non-governmental organizations and the private sector, The need for the work of JCOMM to be aligned with and contribute directly to the WMO Strategic Plan and the IOC Medium-Term Strategy, and their expected results, (5) The need for continued overall coordination of the work programme of the Commission and for advice on matters referred to it by the governing bodies of WMO and IOC, Decides: To re-establish a Management Committee with the following terms of reference: Review and prioritize the short- and long-term planning of the work programme of JCOMM and advise on its implementation; Take all necessary actions to ensure that the JCOMM strategy, work programme and operating plan are aligned with and contribute directly to the WMO Strategic Plan and the UNESCO/IOC Medium-Term Strategy and their Expected Results, as well as with the respective Operating Plans; Assess the resources required for the implementation of the work programme, as well as approaches to identifying and mobilizing these resources; Coordinate and integrate the work of JCOMM, as implemented through the various subsidiary groups and expert teams; Coordinate and provide oversight for the capacity development and quality management activities undertaken within the three programme areas, as appropriate; Ensure that the JCOMM requirements for satellite and other remotely sensed ocean data are properly documented and communicated to the appropriate mechanisms of WMO and IOC, and to the satellite system operators, as required; Coordinate and integrate the work of JCOMM, as appropriate, with that of the other WMO technical commissions, IOC major subsidiary bodies and other programmes of WMO and IOC, and in particular initiate, coordinate and provide oversight for joint projects and activities with these bodies and programmes; Review the internal structure and working methods of the Commission, including its relationship to other bodies, both internal and external to WMO and IOC, develop proposals for modifications, and approve such modifications on an interim basis as required; Bring priority issues before the governing bodies of the WMO and IOC during the intersessional period as required; Assess the implementation of activities and projects referred to JCOMM for action by WWW, WCP, GOOS, GCOS, IODE, DRR, GFCS and other programmes; That the Co-presidents shall have the responsibility to jointly undertake the duties required of presidents of technical commissions of WMO and technical committees of IOC as defined in their respective regulations. These would include or be extended to include the following: In joint consultation, to guide and coordinate the activities of the Commission and its groups intersessionally; In joint consultation, and with the assistance of the Secretariats, to direct and approve intersessional actions including the creation and dissolution of expert groups and task teams, pending approval by the Commission in session; To carry out specific duties as prescribed by decisions of the Governing Bodies of WMO and IOC, as well as by the Regulations of each organization; To report to the Governing Bodies of WMO and IOC at their regular sessions on the activities of the Commission, as required; To ensure that the activities, recommendations and resolutions of the Commission are consistent with the provisions of the WMO Convention, the IOC Statutes, the decisions of WMO and IOC Governing Bodies, and the regulations of both organizations; To liaise with presidents of regional associations and chairs of GOOS Regional Alliances to ensure that regional requirements are taken into consideration when developing the work programme for JCOMM; That the Management Committee will be composed of: (a) The two Co-presidents of the Commission; (b) The Programme Area coordinators; (c) Bryan BOASE (Australia) as the leader on Quality Management; (d) Ali Mafimbo MAFIMBO (Kenya) as the leader on Capacity Development and on Requirements; (e) Peter DEXTER (Australia) as the immediate past Co-president of JCOMM, as well as the leader on contribution to GFCS; (f) Nikolai Mikhaylov MIKHAYLOV (Russian Federation) as a member; That additional experts may be invited by the Co-presidents in consultation with the Secretary General of WMO and Executive Secretary of IOC, in the identified priority areas within the intersessional workplan of the Commission on a self-funded basis, and in general with no resource implications to JCOMM; That senior representatives of GOOS, GCOS,- IODE, and the IOC Working Group on Tsunamis and Other Hazards Related to Sea-Level Warning and Mitigation Systems (TOWS-WG) will also be invited to participate in Management Committee sessions, to ensure full coordination of programmes and activities; That representatives of WMO technical commissions such as the Commission for Basic Systems, WMO regional associations, GOOS regional alliances and other bodies may be invited, as appropriate; __________ DRAFT RESOLUTION Resolution 12.4/2 (JCOMM-4) OBSERVATIONS PROGRAMME AREA THE JOINT WMO-IOC TECHNICAL COMMISSION FOR OCEANOGRAPHY AND MARINE METEOROLOGY, Noting: (1) Resolution 2 (JCOMM-III) - Observations Programme Area, (2) WMO Resolution 4 (EC-II) and IOC Resolution EC-XXXIII.8 - Data Buoy Cooperation Panel, (3) IOC Resolution EC-XXXIII.9 - Global Sea Level Observing System, (4) The Abridged Final Report with Resolutions of the Fourteenth World Meteorological Congress (WMO-No. 960), paragraph (Argo), (5) IOC Resolution XX-6 - The Argo Project, (6) IOC Resolution XXVI-8 - Strengthening and Streamlining the Global Ocean Observing System, (7) The report of the chairperson of the Observations Coordination Group to the Commission at its fourth session, Considering: The need to maintain, improve, coordinate and integrate a comprehensive, in situ, ocean observing system, in response to stated requirements for marine data to support the World Weather Watch, World Climate Programme, World Climate Research Programme, Global Ocean Observing System, Global Climate Observing System and marine services, The need to monitor new developments in marine observing technology and advise on their incorporation into operational observing networks, as appropriate, The need to coordinate the development and implementation of standardized, high quality marine observing practices and instrumentation, The need to review continuously and provide advice on new marine telecommunications systems and procedures, The need to provide guidance to Members/Member States on technical aspects of marine observing systems, The need to identify and coordinate the provision of resources and logistic facilities for the deployment and servicing of marine observing platforms and instrumentation, The need to continuously monitor the performance and quality of marine observing systems and to assist in the implementation of remedial actions as necessary, The need to coordinate with appropriate bodies of Commission for Basic Systems, Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observation, Global Ocean Observing System and Global Climate Observing System on marine instrumentation, observations networks and requirements for marine data, Decides: To re-establish a JCOMM Observations Programme Area, with the following components: An Observations Coordination Group; A Data Buoy Observations Team, known as the Data Buoy Cooperation Panel; A Sea Level Observations Team, known as the GLOSS Group of Experts; A Ship Observations Team, aimed at continuing to develop coordination and synergies among the existing ship-based panels, that is, the Ship-of-Opportunity Programme Implementation Panel and the Voluntary Observing Ship Panel; To maintain a close liaison and coordination with the Argo Steering Team, the OceanSITES project, the International Ocean Carbon Coordination Project, and the Global Ocean Ship-based Hydrographic Investigations Program; That the terms of reference for the Observations Coordination Group and the Ship, Data Buoy and Sea Level Observations Teams shall be as given in the annex to this resolution; That the general membership of the Observations Coordination Group and Ship, Data Buoy and Sea Level Observations Teams shall also be as given in the annex to this resolution; To select, in accordance with WMO General Regulation 32 and Rule 25 of the IOC Rules of Procedure: Candyce CLARK (United States of America) as chairperson of the Observations Coordination Group and Observations Programme Area Coordinator; Graeme BALL (Australia) as chairperson of the Ship Observations Team; Gustavo GONI (United States of America) as chairperson of the Ship-of-Opportunity Programme Implementation Panel of the Ship Observations Team; Julie FLETCHER (New Zealand) as chairperson of the as chairperson of the Voluntary Observing Ship Panel of the Ship Observations Team;. David MELDRUM (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) as vice-chair of the Observations Coordination Group; Jingli SUN (China), leading intercomparison activities; Requests the Secretary-General of WMO and the Executive Secretary IOC to invite relevant organizations and bodies to participate in the work of this programme area as appropriate. __________ Annex: 1 Annex to draft Resolution 12.4/2 (JCOMM-4) TERMS OF REFERENCE AND GENERAL MEMBERSHIP OF THE COORDINATION GROUP AND TEAMS OF THE OBSERVATIONS PROGRAMME AREA Observations Coordination Group Terms of Reference The Observations Coordination Group shall: Keep under review and advise on the effectiveness, coordination and operation of the Observations work programme, including performance measured against scientific requirements, delivery of raw data, marine telecommunications, measurement standards, logistics and resources; Provide advice to JCOMM and to Observations Teams on possible solutions for newly-identified requirements, consulting, as appropriate, with relevant scientific groups, the Commission for Basic Systems and the Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observation; Coordinate with appropriate bodies to ensure the JCOMM contribution towards the development of the WMO Integrated Global Observing System; Review in situ data requirements and recommend changes, as appropriate, taking into account the continuing development of satellite observations and their capabilities; Coordinate the development of standardized, high quality observing practices and instrumentation and prepare recommendations for JCOMM; With concurrence of the Co-presidents of JCOMM, establish and create expert teams, task teams, and pilot projects, as appropriate, to undertake the work of the Observations Programme Area; Examine trade-offs and use of new and improved observation techniques/developments against: (i) relevant requirements for variables within Global Climate Observing System, Global Ocean Observing System, the WMO Commission for Basic Systems rolling review of requirements and the Global Observing System; and (ii) available resources; Liaise with, and input to, Commission for Basic Systems activities regarding the consolidated requirements database and operational satellites; Liaise with, and input to, Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observation activities regarding instruments and methods of observation; Identify capacity development requirements related to the programme area; Identify requirements on satellite data and information in the meteorological and ocean domains related to the Programme Area. General Membership The Membership is selected to ensure an appropriate range of expertise and to maintain an appropriate geographical representation. Programme Area/Observations coordinator (Observations Coordination Group chairperson) Observations Coordination Group vice-chairperson Chairperson Ship Observations Team Chairperson Data Buoy Cooperation Panel Chairperson Global Sea Level Observing System (GLOSS) Group of Experts Representative of Argo Steering Team Representative of International Ocean Carbon Coordination Project Representative of OceanSITES Representative of the Global Ocean Ship-based Hydrographic Investigations Program Additional experts may be invited as appropriate to lead the range of Observations Programme Area activities, on a self-funded basis, and in general with no resource implications to JCOMM; The Data Management Programme Area Coordinator as well as the Services and Forecasting Systems Programme Area Coordinator will be invited to participate in Observations Coordination Group sessions, to ensure full coordination of cross-PA programmes and activities; The JCOMM In Situ Observing Platform Support Centre (JCOMMOPS) will participate in the work and the meetings of the Coordination Group. Ship Observations Team Terms of Reference The Ship Observations Team shall: Respond to requirements for ship-based observational data expressed by relevant existing international programmes and/or systems in support of marine services, and coordinate actions to implement and maintain the networks to satisfy these requirements; Provide continuing assessment of the extent to which those requirements are being met; Develop methodology for constantly controlling and improving the quality of data; Review marine telecommunication facilities and procedures for observational data collection, as well as technology and techniques for data processing and transmission, and propose actions as necessary for improvements and enhanced application; Coordinate Port Meteorological Officer (PMO)/ship greeting operations globally, propose actions to enhance PMO standards and operations, and contribute as required to PMO and observers training; Review, maintain and update as necessary technical guidance material relating to ship observations and Port Meteorological Officers; Liaise and coordinate as necessary with other JCOMM programme areas and expert teams, as well as with other interested parties; Participate in the planning activities of the appropriate observing system experiments and major international research programmes as the specialist group on observations based onboard ships, including Voluntary Observing Ships, Ships-Of-Opportunity and research ships; Seek new opportunities for deploying various kinds of measuring devices as recommended by the relevant panels and widely publicise those opportunities; Develop as necessary new pilot projects and/or operational activities and establish new specialized panels as required; Carry out other activities as agreed by participating Members/Member States to implement and operate the SOT programme and to promote and expand it internationally. Terms of Reference of Component Panels Ship-of-Opportunity Implementation Panel (SOOPIP) The Ship-of-Opportunity Implementation Panel (SOOPIP) coordinates the installation and deployment of instrumentation from Ships of Opportunity that travel in fixed transects, and in particular coordinates the implementation of regional and basin-wide instrumentation that measure physical, chemical and biological parameters, such as XBTs, TSGs, and CPR. Its terms of reference are to: Review, recommend on and, as necessary, coordinate the implementation of specialized shipboard instrumentation and observing practices dedicated, but not limited, to temperature and salinity measurements; Coordinate the exchange of technical information on relevant oceanographic equipment and expendables, development, functionality, reliability and accuracy, and survey new developments in instrumentation technology and recommended practices; Ensure the distribution of available programme resources to ships to meet the recommended sampling network in the most efficient way; Ensure the transmission of data in real time from participating ships; ensure that delayed mode data are distributed in a timely manner (within 24 hours of the observations) to data processing centres; Maintain, through the SOT chairperson, appropriate inventories, monitoring reports and analyses, performance indicators and information exchange facilities; Provide guidance to the coordinator in supporting the Ship-of-Opportunity Programme (SOOP); Prepare annually a report on the status of SOOP operations, data availability and data quality; Where relevant, serve as a platform for other observational programmes; Maintain close communications with the scientific community; Support the formation of an XBT Science Team dedicated to meet and discuss on a periodic basis results and ongoing research performed with XBT observations. Voluntary Observing Ship Panel The Voluntary Observing Ship (VOS) Panel shall: Review, recommend and coordinate the implementation of new and improved specialized shipboard meteorological instrumentation, siting and observing practices, as well as of associated software; Support the development and maintenance of new pilot projects; Oversee the upgrade of ships to VOSClim standard, and encourage other new ships to be recruited to the VOSClim class; Develop and implement activities to enhance ship recruitment, including promotional brochures and training videos; Prepare annually a report on the status of VOS operations, data availability and data quality. General Membership Chairperson of the Ship Observations Team, selected by the Commission Chairpersons of the SOOPIP and Voluntary Observing Ship Panel, selected by the Commission Open membership, comprising operators of VOS and SOOP, representatives of monitoring centres, data management centres and bodies, representatives of the International Mobile Satellite Organization and other communications satellite systems, representatives of manufacturers, representatives of science advisory bodies and users as appropriate. The JCOMM In Situ Observing Platform Support Centre will participate in the work and the meetings of the Ship Observations Team. Data Buoy Observations Team Data Buoy Cooperation Panel Terms of Reference Existing Terms of Reference for the Data Buoy Cooperation Panel (DBCP), the Tropical Moored Buoy Implementation Panel (TIP) and action groups. The DBCP terms of reference will be kept under review by the panel, with any changes proposed to be considered by the Management Committee, with a view to their approval by the Co-presidents on behalf of the Commission. General Membership Open membership, comprising existing DBCP members, action groups, TIP. JCOMMOPS will participate in the work and the meetings of the Team. 4. Sea Level Observations Team GLOSS Group of Experts Terms of Reference Existing terms of reference as determined by the IOC Executive Council. General Membership Existing GLOSS Group of Experts and GLOSS Scientific Sub-group. _____________ DRAFT RESOLUTION Resolution 12.4/3 (JCOMM-4) DATA MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME AREA THE JOINT WMO-IOC TECHNICAL COMMISSION FOR OCEANOGRAPHY AND MARINE METEOROLOGY, Noting: Resolution 3 (JCOMM-III) - Data Management Programme Area, The report of the chairperson of the Data Management Programme Area to the Commission at its fourth session, The report of the twenty-first session of the IOC Committee on the International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE), Considering: The need to implement, maintain and make available to users a fully integrated ocean/atmosphere data system, The requirement for the timely delivery of integrated data and associated metadata, The need to develop and maintain monitoring, evaluation and follow-up procedures, The need for common practices including quality control, metadata, analysis, data flow and data exchange standards, formats and procedures, The need to identify and as appropriate, rescue, digitize and archive historical data, The need to collaborate and coordinate closely with other programmes and bodies, both within and outside WMO and IOC, namely the Commission for Basic Systems, Commission for Climatology and IODE of IOC, The capabilities and experience of existing data management centres, systems and programmes, both within and outside WMO and IOC, The need to develop and/or strengthen national data management capacity, especially in developing countries, The successful ongoing collaboration between JCOMM and IODE of IOC, Agrees that, to the extent possible, the work of the Data Management Programme Area should be implemented through specific, clearly defined, time-limited projects, Decides: To re-establish a JCOMM Data Management Programme Area with the following components: A Data Management Coordination Group; An Expert Team on Data Management Practices, co-sponsored by the IOC Committee on IODE; An Expert Team on Marine Climatology; That the terms of reference of the Data Management Coordination Group and the expert teams shall be as given in the annex to this resolution; That the general membership of the Data Management Coordination Group and the expert teams shall also be as given in the annex to this resolution; To select, in accordance with WMO General Regulation 32 and Rule 25 of the IOC Rules of Procedure, the following experts to serve as members of the Data Management Coordination Group: Sissy IONA (Greece) as chairperson of the Data Management Coordination Group and Data Management Programme Area Coordinator; After consultation with the Co-Chairs of the IOC Committee on IODE, Sergey BELOV (Russian Federation) as chairperson of the Expert Team on Data Management Practices; Nicola SCOTT (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) as chairperson of the Expert Team on Marine Climatology; To select, in accordance with WMO General Regulation 32 and Rule 25 of the IOC Rules of Procedure, the following experts to serve as members of the Expert Team on Marine Climatology: Shao Hua LIN (China): core member Gudrun ROSENHAGEN (Germany): core member and vVice-chair Svetlana SOMOVA (Russian Federation): core member David BERRY (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland): core member Eric FREEMAN (United States of America): core member Scott WOODRUFF (United States of America): core member Olga SATO (Brazil): self-funded member Hing Yim MOK (Hong Kong, China): self-funded member Mizuho HOSHIMOTO (Japan): self-funded member To select, in accordance with WMO General Regulation 32 and Rule 25 of the IOC Rules of Procedure and in consultation with the IOC Committee on IODE, the following experts to serve as members of the Expert Team on Data Management Practices: IOC-IODE selections (valid through IODE-XXII in first half 2013): Sergey BELOV (Russian Federation) : core member Donald COLLINS (USA) : core member Yutaka MICHIDA (Japan) : core member Mathieu OUELLET (Canada) : core member JCOMM selections: Paulo S. POLITO (Brazil): core member Jixiang CHEN (China): core member Paul OLOO (Kenya): core member Richard CROUT (United States of America) : core member Anyuan XIONG (China): self-funded member Requests the Secretary-General of WMO and the Executive Secretary IOC to invite the Commission for Basic Systems, Commission for Climatology, IODE of IOC, directors of relevant centres of the World Data System and other relevant organizations and bodies to participate in the work of this programme area as appropriate. __________ Annex: 1 Annex to draft Resolution 12.4/3 (JCOMM-4) TERMS OF REFERENCE AND GENERAL MEMBERSHIP OF THE COORDINATION GROUP AND TEAMS OF THE DATA MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME AREA Data Management Coordination Group Terms of Reference The Data Management Coordination Group, in close collaboration with the International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) and Commission for Basic Systems subsidiary bodies and related experts, shall: Maintain a data management plan for JCOMM that identifies, assesses and specifies priorities and actions for the Data Management Programme Area; In concurrence with the Co-presidents of JCOMM and the co-chairs of IODE, establish and create expert teams, task teams, and pilot projects, as appropriate, to undertake the work of the Data Management Programme Area; Ensure collaboration, appropriate coordination and liaison with IODE as well as with the Commission for Basic Systems and other relevant bodies and activities external to WMO and IOC; Keep under review, assess and coordinate the adoption of appropriate new information technology; Establish and maintain cooperation with science programmes and assist with their data management activities, as appropriate; Provide advice and feedback to users of the Data Management Programme Area functions, through the appropriate JCOMM Programme Area, through IODE directly; Identify capacity development requirements related to the programme area and, as appropriate, coordinate activities to address these requirements; Identify requirements for satellite data and information related to the programme area. General Membership The membership is selected to ensure a range of expertise and to maintain an appropriate geographical representation, and includes: Data Management Programme Area coordinator (Chairperson of the Data Management Coordination Group); Chairperson of the Expert Team on Data Management Practices; Chairperson of the Expert Team on Marine Climatology; IODE co-chairpersons; Up to four additional experts with experience in the priority areas of oceanography and marine meteorology data management in the DMCG work plan; Additional experts may be invited as appropriate, with the concurrence of the Co-presidents of the Commission, on a self-funded basis, and in general with no resource implications to JCOMM. Expert Team on Data Management Practices The JCOMM-IODE Expert Team on Data Management Practices, in close collaboration with JCOMM Programme Areas, Commission for Basic Systems subsidiary bodies, IODE officers and related experts, shall: Manage the process of adopting and documenting standards and best practices to be used in IODE-JCOMM data management through the Ocean Data Standards Process; Assist in the further development of the IODE Ocean Data Portal, its linkages with other ocean data systems (e.g. SeaDataNet, IMOS, OBIS, GEOSS), its interoperability with the WMO Information System (WIS), and its capacity development activities to ensure full participation of Members/Member States; Assist with the development, review and update the MCDS strategy, implementation plan and performance indicators in the next two years for achieving the Vision for a new MCDS In concurrence with the Co-presidents of JCOMM, the chairperson of the JCOMM Data Management Coordination Group and IOC-IODE officers, establish task teams and pilot projects, as necessary, to undertake the work of the Expert Team on Data Management Practices; Direct and coordinate the activities of the task teams and pilot projects referred to under(d); Provide advice to the IODE and the Data Management Coordination Group and other groups of JCOMM, as required; Liaise and collaborate with other groups as needed, to ensure access to required expertise, appropriate coordination and to avoid duplication. Membership The Membership is selected to ensure a range of expertise and to maintain an appropriate geographical representation, and includes: Up to five experts are selected by JCOMM, including the chairperson, selected from Members/Member States with an appropriate geographical representation; Up to four experts with relevant expertise based on the current work plans of the Task Teams and Projects established by the Expert Team on Data Management Practices, selected by IODE of IOC; One co-chairperson of the IOC Committee on IODE. Additional experts may be invited as appropriate, with the concurrence of the Co-presidents of the Commission, on a self-funded basis, and in general with no resource implications to JCOMM. Representatives of JCOMM Programme Areas, the IODE Committee, and other expert bodies may be invited as appropriate with the concurrence of the Co-Presidents of JCOMM and with no resource implications to the Commission. (A) Representative(s) of the Expert Team on Marine Climatology (ETMC) should be invited, in order to ensure close collaboration and cooperation across the DMPA. Expert Team on Marine Climatology The Expert Team on Marine Climatology, in close collaboration with IOC-IODE, the Global Ocean Observing System, Global Climate Observing system, Commission for Climatology and Commission for Basic Systems subsidiary bodies and related experts, shall: Determine procedures and principles for the development and management of global and regional oceanographic and marine meteorological climatological datasets; Review and assess the climatological elements of the Commission, including the operation of the Marine Climatological Summaries Scheme and the Global Collecting Centres, and the development of required oceanographic and marine meteorological products; Review the Global Ocean Observing System and Global Climate Observing System requirements for climatological datasets, taking account of the need for quality and integration; In close cooperation with IODE and other appropriate partners such as the ICSU World Data System, to develop, review and update the MCDS strategy, implementation plan and performance indicators in the next two years for achieving the Vision for a new MCDS, based upon the results of the Workshop for a new Marine Climate Data System (MCDS1, 28 Nov.-2 Dec. 2011, Hamburg, Germany); Develop procedures and standards for data assembly and the creation of climatological datasets, including the establishment of dedicated facilities and centres; Collaborate and liaise with other groups as needed to ensure access to expertise and ensure appropriate coordination; Keep under review and update, as necessary, relevant technical publications in the area of oceanographic and marine meteorological climatologies. Membership The Membership is selected to ensure a range of expertise and to maintain an appropriate geographical representation, and includes: Up to eight experts, including the chairperson, selected from Members/Member States, representative of the range of responsibilities of the Expert Team. It is expected that, in general, the Expert Team on Marine Climatology will be self-funding; Additional representatives from the responsible members for the Marine Climatological Summaries Scheme and the Global Collecting Centres, from the Services and Forecasting Systems Programme Areas Expert Teams on Waves and Coastal Hazards Forecasting Systems and on Sea Ice, and from relevant projects and subsidiary bodies of IODE of IOC, as required, in consultation with the Co-presidents of JCOMM; Additional experts may be invited as appropriate, with the concurrence of the Co-presidents of the Commission, on a self-funded basis, and in general with no resource implications to JCOMM. Representatives of JCOMM Programme Areas and of other expert bodies may be invited, as appropriate, with the concurrence of the Co-presidents and with no resource implications to the Commission. (A) Representative(s) of the Expert Team on Data Management Practices (ETDMP) should be invited, in order to ensure close collaboration and cooperation across the DMPA. _____________ DRAFT RESOLUTION Resolution 12.4/4 (JCOMM-4) SERVICES AND FORECASTING SYSTEMS PROGRAMME AREA THE JOINT WMO-IOC TECHNICAL COMMISSION FOR OCEANOGRAPHY AND MARINE METEOROLOGY, Noting: Resolution 4 (JCOMM-III) Services and Forecasting Systems Programme Area, The report of the Co-president of the Commission at its fourth session, The report of the chairperson of the Services Programme Area the Commission at its fourth session, Considering: The continuing and expanding requirements of marine users for marine meteorological and oceanographic services and information, The need to ensure that the services provided to users meet these requirements, including in terms of timeliness and quality, The need to keep under review and to respond to the requirements of Members/Member States for guidance in the implementation of their duties and obligations with regard to marine services, in particular those specified in the Manual on Marine Meteorological Services (WMO-No. 558), (4) The need to monitor closely the operations of the WMO marine broadcast system for the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System, as well as the Marine Pollution Emergency Response Support System, to develop modifications to the systems as necessary and to assist Members/Member States as required, (5) The need to guide and coordinate developments in the preparation and dissemination of ocean products and services, (6) The need to coordinate closely with other programmes of WMO and IOC (World Weather Watch, World Climate Programme, Global Ocean Observing System, Global Climate Observing System, Disaster Risk Reduction, Global Framework for Climate Services, etc.), as well as with other organizations such as the International Maritime Organization, International Hydrographic Organization, International Mobile Satellite Organization and International Chamber of Shipping in the provision of marine services and information, Agrees that, to the extent possible, the work of the Services and Forecasting Systems Programme Area should be implemented through specific, clearly defined, time-limited projects; Decides: To implement a JCOMM Services and Forecasting Systems Programme Area with the following components: A Services and Forecasting Systems Coordination Group; An Expert Team on Maritime Safety Services; An Expert Team on Waves and Coastal Hazards Forecasting Systems; An Expert Team on Sea Ice; An Expert Team on Operational Ocean Forecasting Systems; That the terms of reference of the Services and Forecasting Systems Coordination Group and the expert teams shall be as given in the annex to this resolution; That the general membership of the Services and Forecasting Systems Coordination Group and the expert teams shall also be as given in the Annex to this resolution; To select, in accordance with WMO General Regulation 32 and Rule 25 of the IOC Rules of Procedure: Ming JI (United States of America) as chairperson of the Services and Forecasting Systems Coordination Group, and Services and Forecasting Systems Programme Area Coordinator; Henri SAVINA (France) as chairperson of the Expert Team on Maritime Safety Services; Kevin HORSBURGH (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) as chairperson of the Expert Team on Waves and Coastal Hazards Forecasting Systems; Vasily SMOLYANITSKY (Russian Federation) as chairperson of the Expert Team on Sea Ice; Gary BRASSINGTON (Australia) as chairperson of the Expert Team on Operational Ocean Forecasting Systems; Nicolas ASHTON (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) as vice-chairperson of the Services and Forecasting Systems Coordination Group; (5) To select, in accordance with WMO General Regulation 32 and Rule 25 of the IOC Rules of Procedure, the following experts to serve as core members of the Expert Team on Maritime Safety Services: Neal MOODIE (Australia): core member John PARKER (Canada) : core member Jing XU (China) : core member Marja AARNIO-FRISK (Finland) : core member Satoshi SUGIMOTO (Japan) : core member Bruce HACKETT (Norway) : core member Timothy RULON (United States of America) : core member Alicia Guadalupe CEJAS (Argentina): self-funded member Lin MU (China): self-funded member Giovanni Coppini (Italy): self-funded member Christian PAULMANN (Germany): self-funded member Evgeny NESTEROV (Russian Federation): self-funded member (6) To select, in accordance with WMO General Regulation 32 and Rule 25 of the IOC Rules of Procedure, the following experts to serve as core members of the Expert Team on Waves and Coastal Hazards Forecasting Systems: Maria Paula ETALA (Argentina): core member Mikhail ENTEL (Australia) : core member Val SWAIL (Canada): core member and vice-chair Thomas BRUNS (Germany) : core member Nadao KOHNO (Japan) : core member Sunghyup YOU (Republic of Korea) : core member Hendrik TOLMAN (United States of America) : core member Diana GREENSLADE (Australia): self-funded member Fujiang YU (China): self-funded member Jean-Michel LEFEVRE (France): self-funded member Georg UMGIESSER (Italy): self-funded member Hans DE VRIES (Netherlands): self-funded member Andrew SAULTER (UK): self-funded member Anna KORTCHEVA (Bulgaria): self-funded member (7) To select, in accordance with WMO General Regulation 32 and Rule 25 of the IOC Rules of Procedure, the following experts to serve as core members of the Expert Team on Sea Ice: Beatriz LORENZO (Argentina): core member Darlene LANGLOIS (Canada): core member Keld QVISTGAARD (Denmark): core member Jurgen HOLFORT (Germany): core member and vice-chair Keiji HAMADA (Japan): core member Nicholas HUGHES (Norway): core member Caryn PANOWICZ (United States of America): core member Gonzalo CONCHA (Chile): member Sihai LI (China): member Antti KANGAS (Finland): member (8) To select, in accordance with WMO General Regulation 32 and Rule 25 of the IOC Rules of Procedure, the following experts to serve as core members of the Expert Team on Operational Ocean Forecasting Systems: Guimei LIU (China) : core-member Eric DOMBROWSKY (France) : core-member Pierre DANIEL (France) : core-member Marina TONANI (Italy) : core-member Shiro ISHIZAKI (Japan) : core-member Alistair SELLAR (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) : core-member Frank L. BUB (United States of America): core-member Angella UNDURRAGA (Chile): self-funded member Guijun HAN (China): self-funded member Sudheer JOSEPH (India): self-funded member Jang-Won SEO (Republic of Korea): self-funded member Requests the Secretary-General of WMO and the Executive Secretary IOC to invite the International Maritime Organization, International Hydrographic Organization, International Chamber of Shipping, International Federation of Shipmasters' Associations, International Mobile Satellite Organization, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and other relevant organizations and bodies to participate in the work within this programme area as appropriate. __________ Annex: 1 Annex to draft Resolution 12.4/4 (JCOMM-4) TERMS OF REFERENCE AND GENERAL MEMBERSHIP OF THE COORDINATION GROUP AND TEAMS OF THE SERVICES AND FORECASTING SYSTEMS PROGRAMME AREA Services and Forecasting Systems Coordination Group Terms of Reference The Services and Forecasting Systems Coordination Group, in close collaboration with Commission for Basic Systems, Global Ocean Observing System, Global Climate Observing System, Disaster Risk Reduction and other subsidiary bodies and related experts, shall: Keep under review and ensure the effectiveness, coordination and operation of the Services work programme, including performance with respect to timeliness, standards, quality and relevance to established user requirements; Through the assembly of requirements identified by specialist service groups, and other Programme Areas of JCOMM, provide advice on Services and Forecasting Systems Programme Area activities that need to be changed, implemented or discontinued; Develop and enhance interfaces to representative user groups to monitor the strength and weaknesses of existing Services and Forecasting Systems Programme Area activities; With the concurrence of the Co-presidents of JCOMM, establish and create expert teams, task teams, and demonstration projects, as appropriate, to undertake the work of the Services and Forecasting Systems Programme Area; Ensure effective coordination and cooperation with groups and bodies in the area of service provision, including other Programme Areas of the Commission; Assess and recommend capacity development tools/systems in accordance with identified requirements; Identify and maintain the requirements for in situ and satellite data and information for metocean applications and services, and monitor its implementation. General Membership The Membership is selected to ensure a range of expertise and to maintain an appropriate geographical representation, and includes: Programme Area/Services and Forecasting System Coordinator (chairperson) Vice-chairperson of the Services and Forecasting Systems Coordination Group Chairperson Expert Team on Maritime Safety Services Chairperson Expert Team on Waves and Coastal Hazards Forecasting Systems Chairperson Expert Team on Sea Ice Chairperson Expert Team on Operational Ocean Forecasting Systems Chairpersons of Task Teams upon the Teams lifetime Additional experts may be invited as appropriate, representative of the range of Services and Forecasting Systems Programme Area activities, on a self-funded basis, and in general with no resource implications to JCOMM. Representatives of JCOMM programme areas and of other expert bodies may be invited as appropriate, with the concurrence of the Co-presidents of the Commission, and in general with no resource implications to JCOMM. Expert Team on Maritime Safety Services Terms of Reference The Expert Team on Maritime Safety Services, in close collaboration with international organizations and other entities representing users interests, such as the International Maritime Organization (IMO), International Hydrographic Organization (IHO), International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), International Mobile Satellite Organization (IMSO), and other concerned organizations and bodies on maritime safety, search and rescue and marine pollution issues, including the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System GMDSS, shall: (a) In support of the Maritime Safety, Efficiency, and Search and Rescue (SAR) operations: Monitor and review the operations of marine broadcast systems, including for the GMDSS and others for vessels not covered by the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea; Monitor and review technical and service quality standards for meteorological and oceanographic maritime safety information, particularly for the GMDSS, and provide assistance and support to Members/Member States as required; Propose actions as appropriate to meet requirements for international coordination of meteorological and related communication services; Develop technical advice and guidance material on Marine Meteorological Services, including keep under review the Manual on Marine Meteorological Services (WMO-No. 558), the Guide on Marine Meteorological Services (WMONo. 471) and Weather Reporting (WMO-No. 9, Volume D - Information for Shipping), and provide assistance and support to Members/Member States as required; In support of the Marine Pollution Emergency Response Support System (MPERSS): Monitor implementation and operations of MPERSS; review and suggest, as necessary, improvements to the contents of the overall system plan; (in consistency with International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, and other international convections); Facilitate coordination and cooperation amongst the Area Meteorological and Oceanographic Coordinators (AMOCs) of MPERSS, in particular, with a view to ensuring full and ongoing operations in all areas, as well as the exchange of relevant advice, information, data and products between AMOCs, as appropriate and required; (c) Monitor requirements by ensuring feedback from the user communities is obtained through appropriate and organized channels and applied to improve the relevance, effectiveness and quality of services; (d) Liaise with and gather input from Expert Team on Sea Ice, the Expert Team on Wind Waves and Storm Surges and the Expert Team on Operational Ocean Forecasting Systems on all aspects of sea ice, sea state, storm surge and ocean circulation relevant to the operation and improvement of maritime safety services and maritime accident emergency support; (e) Ensure effective coordination and cooperation with concerned organizations, bodies and Members/Member States on maritime safety issues and marine accident emergency support needs; (f) Assist Members/Member States in the implementation of services and in the development of standardized methods for the quality assurance related to the provision of Maritime Safety Information, especially for the GMDSS, through capacity development activities; (g) Develop, in accordance with existing standards (for example, from the International Hydrographic Organization), graphical/numerical product specification for marine parameters, foremost wind, sea state, currents and sea ice, in Electronic Navigation Chart Systems; (h) Provide advice to the Services and Forecasting Systems Coordination Group and other JCOMM groups, as required, on issues related to maritime safety services and marine accident emergency support; (i) Continue to liaise closely with relevant groups and teams of organizations, such as IMO, IHO, ICS, IMSO and the European Maritime Safety Agency, to coordinate and improve maritime safety services, SAR and marine accident emergency support. As a general principle, these terms of reference will be implemented through specific, defined, time-limited projects. General Membership The Membership will consist of a core membership of up to eight members, including the chairperson, selected to ensure an appropriate range of expertise in the provision of services for maritime safety and efficiency, SAR operations and marine pollution response. Additional experts may be invited as appropriate, representative of a range of activities related to the implementation of services for maritime safety and efficiency, SAR operations and marine pollution response, as well as representatives of international organizations and other entities representing users interests, such as the IMO, IHO, ICS, IMSO, and other user groups, on a self-funded basis, and in general with no resource implications to JCOMM. Expert Team on Waves and Coastal Hazards Forecasting Systems Terms of Reference The Expert Team on Waves and Coastal Hazards Forecasting Systems shall: (a) Provide advice to Members/Member States on the development of real time operational forecast capability for wind waves and, storm surge, as part of marine multi-hazard warning systems, to enhance their capacities to issue more accurate, consistent and timely operational forecast products; (b) Develop a component of the Global Framework for Climate Services for coastal inundation forecasting and warning, through relevant demonstration projects as well as through continuous work to establish a storm surge climatology by coordinating relevant activities of Members / Member States; (c) Develop technical advice and guidance material on wind wave and storm surge modelling, forecasting and service provision as part of marine multi-hazard warning systems, including coastal inundation modelling, forecasting and risk assessment, and provide assistance and support to Members/Member States as required; (c) Provide advice to Members / Member States on the development of capability to provide marine multi-hazard warning services, with special attention to Least Developed Countries and Small Islands Developing States, through capacity development activities; (d) Ensure effective coordination and cooperation with other WMO and appropriate Global Ocean Observing System bodies, particularly on requirements for, and implementation of, wind wave and storm surge data, products and services. As a general principle, these terms of reference will be implemented through specific, defined, time-limited projects. General Membership The Membership will consist of a core membership of up to eight members, four each representing the subject areas of waves, storm surges, and coastal hazards, including the chairperson, selected to ensure an appropriate range of expertise in both areas. Additional experts may be invited as appropriate, representative of a range of activities related to wind waves, storm surges and coastal hazards, including coastal inundation, on a self-funded basis, and in general with no resource implications to JCOMM. Expert Team on Sea Ice Terms of Reference The Expert Team on Sea Ice shall: Coordinate and advise Members/Member States on products and services required by user communities in sea ice areas, to support navigation, coastal and off-shore activities, monitoring of the sea ice cover; Provide advice to ETMSS on all aspects of impacts of sea ice relevant to maritime safety, marine pollution response and search and rescue services; Maintain linkages with Expert Team on Operational Ocean Forecasting Systems on the relevant sea ice modelling and forecasting techniques; Maintain linkages with projects and programmes related to the role of sea ice in the global climate system, including through the World Climate Research Programme and the Global Cryosphere Watch; Develop technical advice and guidance material, software exchange, specialized training and other appropriate capacity development activities with regard to sea ice observations, analysis and services, and provide assistance to Members/Member States as required; Keep under review and provide guidance as appropriate on the operations of the Global Digital Sea Ice Data Bank, in collaboration with the Expert Team on Marine Climatology; Maintain and develop formats, nomenclatures and procedures for sea ice data and information exchange as well as relevant terminology, coding and mapping standards; Maintain linkages with relevant international organizations and programmes, in particular the Baltic Sea Ice Meeting, CLIC, European Ice Service, International Ice Charting Working Group, North American Ice Service, ASPeCt, Global Climate Observing System and the International Hydrographic Organization. As a general principle, these terms of reference will be implemented through specific, defined, time-limited projects. General Membership Up to eight Members, including the chairperson, representative of a range of activities related to sea ice and the ice-covered regions within JCOMM, and to maintain an appropriate geographical representation. It is expected that, in general, the ETSI will be self-funding. ETSI representatives will also act as full members of ETMSS and ETMC. Representatives of regional and international sea ice bodies in particular the Baltic Sea Ice Meeting, European Ice Service, International Ice Charting Working Group and North American Ice Service will also be invited to participate at their own expense. Additional experts may be invited as appropriate, representative of the range of activities related to sea ice, on a self-funded basis, and in general with no resource implications to JCOMM. Expert Team on Operational Ocean Forecasting Systems Terms of Reference The Expert Team on Operational Ocean Forecasting Systems shall: Manage and maintain the guide, scope and requirement documents, adhering to relevant Quality Management Systems, for Members/Member States providing ocean forecasting services; Guide and initiate actions at an international level that will contribute to the improvement of operational ocean prediction system efficiency, fidelity and service quality; Provide advice on operational ocean forecasting system related matters and prepare submissions on the requirements (for example, research, observational and data management) of operational ocean forecasting systems operated by Members / Member States to other international groups; Manage and promote the adoption of an international standard to support interoperability and the common formatting of ocean forecast products and services; Promote and facilitate the support for and development and adoption of member agency services to the wider community, particularly recognised special interest groups (for example, marine accident emergency support, maritime safety services, sea ice, and wind waves and storm surges). As a general principle, these terms of reference will be implemented through specific, defined, time-limited projects. General Membership Membership is selected to ensure an appropriate range of expertise and to maintain an appropriate geographical representation. Up to eight members, including the chairperson, representative of a range of activities related to ocean forecasting systems. Additional experts may be invited as appropriate, representative of the range of activities related to ocean forecasting systems, on a self-funded basis, and in general with no resource implications to JCOMM. ____________     JCOMM-4/Doc. 12.4, DRAFT 2APPROVED, APPENDIX A, p.  PAGE 2 JCOMM-4/Doc. 12.4 DOCVARIABLE "FdDocNb" \* MERGEFORMAT , DRAFT APPROVED2, APPENDIX A JCOMM-4/Doc. 12.4, DRAFT 2APPROVED, APPENDIX B, p.  PAGE 3 JCOMM-4/Doc. 12.4 DOCVARIABLE "FdDocNb" \* MERGEFORMAT , DRAFT 2APPROVED, APPENDIX B JCOMM-4/Doc. 12.4, DRAFT 2APPROVED, APPENDIX C, p.  PAGE 8 JCOMM-4/Doc. 12.4 DOCVARIABLE "FdDocNb" \* MERGEFORMAT , DRAFT 2APPROVED, APPENDIX C JCOMM-4/Doc. 12.4, DRAFT 2APPROVED, APPENDIX D, p.  PAGE 7 JCOMM-4/Doc. 12.4 DOCVARIABLE "FdDocNb" \* MERGEFORMAT , DRAFT 2APPROVED, APPENDIX D JCOMM-4/Doc. 12.4 DOCVARIABLE "FdDocNb" \* MERGEFORMAT , DRAFT 2APPROVED, APPENDIX E, p. 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