ࡱ> ?A> bjbj 0"   8 '!"X;;;;;;;;!!!!!!!y#&b!;;;;?!;;!C:;;!;!r T!P!}@ !!0!" !}&}&!!;;; :   JCOMM 'Management board' Draft decisions and actions 17-19 January 2013, Paris, France (v.1 19 Jan 2013) The meeting devoted a majority of its time to examining the JCOMM Programme Area and Management work plans (dashboards). The Management work plan in particular contains key near-term actions and next steps that are not repeated here. JCOMM Information and web page Review the JCOMM structure chart (for co-presidents, by ?) to show services as output, with flow from observations to data management and to services to indicate feedback from services back to required observations to give some indication of links outside of JCOMM (to other observing, data management, services communities and to end users) More clearly discriminate on the front page and in menu structure information that is for use by the 'JCOMM community' (Committee/Team members and secretariat) from information for defined audiences outside of JCOMM For example, put member login button on top of the page, instead left hand side, Work plans should have clear and visible links from front page The audiences outside of JCOMM should be well-defined (i.e. delegations from WMO Members and IOC Member States, targets of JCOMM fundraising, etc.) and information developed specifically for them Review and improve basic information about the work of the 3 Programme Areas assign individual secretariat members areas of responsibility within website structure to update regularly PA Workplans Coordinators asked to ensure plans have some particular detail on planned actions/meetings for next two years (beyond end 2013) Particular reminders for MAN May 2013 Co-presidents to present proposed revised JCOMM Strategy Secretariats to prepare first draft of the JCOMM Operating Plan based on MAN and PA work plans with additional financial information [proposed priority order?] Secretariat and PA Coordinators asked to report particularly on challenges/obstacles to accomplishing the work plans PA Coordinators to prepare some specific proposed nominations for vice-chair / vice-coordinator positions as succession planning for JCOMM, via communication with ET chairs, recalling geographic, gender, and age balance considerations. Ask IODE office to show its project management tool (shared workspace, forum, task assignments/tracking) for use in JCOMM. Report on IMO [and IHO] collaboration (by WMO secretariat with co-presidents) Report on JCOMM capacity development activities since JCOMM-4 (ask Ali Mafimbo) Report on activities of the joint ETCCDI and TT-Fisheries (ask Peter Dexter) Report on Quality Management (ask Brian Boase) Prepare proposal for TT-SAT terms of reference, membership (Co-presidents, Etienne, Long) Prepare proposed scope and terms of reference of external input to work of JCOMM MAN in preparing a revision to structure to improve its delivery of coordination for Members/Member States (Nadia, Albert, Edgard) Point on GEO/GEOSS, possible benefits of engagement, and channels for communication of JCOMM contribution (Albert and ? from WMO) Additional experts to invite to JCOMM MAN: ? Other actions Promote integrated observation in oceanographic community at IOC side - with met services and across disciplines on particular platforms (general long-term action for OPA and GOOS) Finalize IOC sustained ocean observations and services questionnaire by feedback to Tom Gross by 23 January (for all) Ocean co-president to attend IODE meeting in Mexico? (funded by IOC) 6XkW v Ag#h#!h5 h5hyh5h`f h5h:g:h6hh:g: h:g:h:g:6XklV W v M 5 F @Agh & Fgd & Fgd & Fgd & FgdgdgdAk7e#P & Fgdgd & Fgd.:p{. 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