ࡱ> CEB:1bjbj >B:),======e>==JJJR==JJJ\=â:jt 0=|,.$JJ= :Restricted distribution Agenda Item 4 IOC/IPHAB-XI/Inf.5 Paris, 14 April 2013 English only INTERGOVERNMENTAL OCEANOGRAPHIC COMMISSION (of UNESCO) Eleventh Session of the IOC Intergovernmental Panel on Harmful Algal Blooms UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, 28-30 April 2013 Report of IOC/WESTPAC/HAB activities in 2012-2013 REPORT ON IOC/WESTPAC-HAB PROGRESS Project name: Harmful Algal Blooms in the Western Pacific (IOC/WESTPAC-HAB) Project Leader (Chairperson) and Project Steering Group (as of 17 March 2012) Project leader: Mitsunori Iwataki (Yamagata University, Japan) Project Steering Group o Australia :Kezong Yin o China :Songhui Lu o Indonesia :Hikmah Thoha o Japan :Yasuwo Fukuyo, Ken Furuya, Mitsunori Iwataki o Korea :Chang Kyu Lee o Malaysia :Po Teen Lim o Philippines :Rhodora Azanza, Elsa Furio o Singapore :Chee Yew Leong o Russia :Tatiana Morozova o Thailand :Thaithaworn Lirdwitayaprasit o Viet Nam :Dao Viet Ha, Nguyen Van Nguyen Objectives: 1. Understanding of the biological and chemical nature, population dynamics and environmental effects of harmful algae and their bioactive products 2. Prevention of ill consequences caused by HABs, through providing scientific knowledge useful for establishment of reliable cost- and load-effective management systems including monitoring and research Terms of Reference of the Project Steering Group 1. Composition The Project Steering Group shall consist of all member states of WESTPAC interested to participate. Each Country, through its IOC National Focal Point shall designate one or two members with HAB expertise. Once the Project Leader is identified by IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific, he/she shall serve as the Chairperson of this Steering Group. The Group is encouraged to conduct the work through correspondence. However, they shall meet if needed at the expense of the participating countries as far as possible. Other participants may be invited as observer if deemed necessary. 2. Functions The Project Steering Committee is established to meet the scientific, managerial, implementation, and resource needs of the WESTPAC- Harmful Algal Blooms Project. The Group will carry out the following functions: 1. Review the condition of HAB occurrences in the region and identify project requirements; 2. Promote efficient and cost-effective implementation of the WESTPAC Project and prepare recommendations on this implementation to the IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific and the IOCs Intergovernmental Panel for HAB; 3. Identify the resources necessary to meet HAB project needs; 4. Ensure effective interaction and communication with WESTPAC and IOC Intergovernmental Panel on HAB, as well as other regional intergovernmental, (e.g., NOWPAP, PEMSEA, PICES) and non-governmental (e.g., SCOR) organizations involved in research on harmful algal blooms; and 5. Report to the IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific and IOCs Intergovernmental Panel on HAB. Terms of Reference General Terms of Reference: 1. IOC/WESTPAC-HAB is established by the IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific (WESTPAC), as the regional mechanism for implementing the IOC Harmful Algal Bloom Programme as adopted by the IOC Assembly through Resolution XVII-2 and with specific priorities and tasks as decided by WESTPAC. 2. WESTPAC will assign the tasks of Chair and steering committee for each period between WESTPAC Sessions or as required. A chair and the steering committee members can be assigned for successive periods. The Terms of Reference for the Steering Committee will be prepared elsewhere. 3. The Chair of IOC/WESTPAC-HAB will report its activity to WESTPAC and the IOC Intergovernmental Panel on Harmful Algal Blooms, and through the IOC Secretariat to other relevant IOC Governing and advisory bodies. 4. The Chair and the steering committee will with support of the IOC Secretariat organize WESTPAC-HAB strategic planning workshops as required and feasible in order to develop and implement the Programme. 5. Participation in WESTPAC-HAB strategic planning workshops is open to scientist and managers in WESTPAC. The WESTPAC-HAB executives may together with the secretariat also select a number of participants for full or partial support among individuals who have expressed their interest. 6. The Chair may invite other experts in the WESTPAC region to take on responsibility for specific activities. Report of WESTPAC HAB activities in 20112013 WESTPAC-HAB was established in 1991 at the First Session of WESTPAC, IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific, assigning Dr. Tomotoshi Okaichi as the Project Leader. In 1993 at its Second Session WESTPAC-HAB proposed to develop HAB research capacity in the WESTPAC region, especially in Southeast Asia where utilization of coastal area was intensively and extensively progressed and consequent occurrence of HAB was highly worried, having Dr. Yasuwo Fukuyo as the new leader. After then WESTPAC-HAB has been conducting international and local training courses, workshops and seminars, and providing several types of reference materials such as CDs and booklets on harmful microalgae and HAB events. At the strategic meeting in Nha Trang, Viet Nam in March 2012, the project decided to have a new leader, Dr. Mitsunori Iwataki, Japan, and was endorsed at the 9th Intergovernmental Session of IOC/WESTPAC in Busan, Korea. In March 2012, strategic meeting Future HAB research and study was held in Nha Trang, Viet Nam. Fourteen participants from 9 countries including China, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Russia and Vietnam, joined the workshop. Eleven of them are steering members of WESTPAC-HAB project. The workshop focused on (1) overview of the achievements of the WESTPAC-HAB, (2) selection of a new leader, (3) future activities of WESTPAC-HAB project. In the workshop current condition of HABs in member states were exchanged, e.g., current condition of green tide (Ulva prolifera) in China, occurrence of Alexandrium tamarense after Tsunami in northern Japan, and new occurrence of Chattonella sp. in northern Viet Nam. Travels of participants were supported by Japan Fund in Trust (JFiT) to UNESCO and Asian Natural Environmental Science Center of the University of Tokyo. In March 2012, Training Workshop Immunological method for detection of domoic acid in plankton and shellfish was held at the Institute of Oceanography, Nha Trang, Vietnam. This workshop was organized by Drs. Dao Viet Ha of Institute of Oceanography, Viet Nam and Yasuwo Fukuyo of the University of Tokyo, Japan. Fifteen people from eight countries including China, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Russia and Vietnam, participated to the workshop. At 9th Intergovernmental Session of IOC/WESTPAC held in Busan, Korea in May 2012, WESTPAC-HAB reported recent activity and proposed main activity as the development of human capacity to study on HAB and manage HAB problems, by having local training courses on HAB due to considering recent specific HAB condition in each country and state. New leader and steering members decided at strategic meeting in Nha Trang, Viet Nam were endorsed at this Session. Other future activities, preparation of marine phytoplankton publication and a flier of red tide, were also explained. As one of important outreach material of WESTPAC-HAB project, a book Marine Phytoplankton of the Western Pacific contributed by project members, especially strong effort of key persons, was published in October 2012. Characteristics of selected harmful algal species were documented and photos of dinoflagellates, diatoms and other flagellates occurred in the WESTPAC region were compiled using light and scanning electron micrographs taken by members of WESTPAC-HAB. This book will be used for standardization and improvement of HAB knowledge of members in the WESTPAC region. In October 2012, 2nd WESTPAC-HAB workshop Future activity of HAB research in the WESTPAC region was held in Changwon, Korea, in conjunction with the 15th International Conference on Harmful Algae. Twenty-two people from WESTPAC member states, Canada and Denmark participated. In the workshop near future activities, such as preparation of red tide flier, distribution research of selected HAB species in the region were discussed. Project leader asked to prepare and provide photos of microalgae for future revision of the recent publication Marine Phytoplankton of the Western Pacific. Current HAB condition in each member state was exchanged, and two selected topics, recent HAB events in Singapore and Viet Nam were presented by Drs Chee Yew Leong and Nguyen Van Nguyen. Recommendations and plans for 20142015 Future activities of IOC/WESTPAC-HAB have been discussed by steering members of the project through strategic meeting held at Nha Trang, Viet Nam in March 2012 and at Changwon, Korea in October 2012. Planed future activities in the next intercessional period, May 2012May 2014, are followings. 1. Regional and Local training courses in the WESTPAC region Steering members proposed local training courses on HAB related topics. Potentially organizers for training courses are Drs. Rhodora Azanza of UPMSI, Philippines, Lim Po Teen of UNIMAS, Malaysia, Thaithaworn Lirdwitayaprasit of Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, Nguyen Van Nguyen of RIMF, Viet Nam, and Tatiana Morozova of Russian Academy of Science, Russia. 2. Interaction with other HAB related projects Steering members are expected to interact with other WESTPAC projects such as WESTPAC-TMO, Remote Sensing and Biodiversity, and projects of other organization (PICES, UNEP-NOWPAP) and several international HAB projects in the region, e.g., EASTHAB and Acore-COMSEA. 3. Production of outreach materials The public material is a flyer on Red Tide consisting a folding A4 size or 6 pages (A5 size each) leaflet. The target group is children and laymen for better understanding of HAB. Dr. Rhodora Azanza prepared with a professional comic strip artist to develop this material. This is under preparation and the sample comic strip was brought out and circulated/viewed for comments by the attendees. 4. Other activities Other scientific and educational activities such as, 1) Teaching material for training courses, 2) Distribution map of each HAB species in WESTPAC region, and 3) revision of the taxonomic information in Marine Phytoplankton of the Western Pacific will be discussed in future. 4FGVijkq # $ % ' 1 2 4 8 B F M N b d h j k óҤ落zozozozo^ h.]G5CJOJQJ\mH sH h.]G5hmH sH h5h.]G5hmH sH h.]Gh.]GCJaJhmH sH h.]GCJaJmH sH h.]Gh.]GCJaJmH sH h.]Gh.]GCJaJhmHsHh.]Gh.]GCJaJmHsHh.]Gh.]G5CJaJmHsHh.]G5CJaJmH sH h.]Gh.]G5CJaJmH sH  Gk~hhRR$ e*z?!@&a$gd.]G $ /w<P e*z?!a$gd.]G$$ /w<P e*z?!`a$gd.]G($ /w<P e*z?!]`a$gd.]G# 2w<P e*z?!(#]gd.]Ggd.]G  3 4 5 6 7 8 j ) h  gd[D$a$gd.]Ggd.]G $ /w<P e*z?!a$gd.]G$ e*z?!@&a$gd.]Gk    " )  n ~ b CD~ӱӱӱӱӑykk[khR7:h[D6CJOJQJ\hR7:h[DCJOJQJ\/hR7:h[DKHOJPJQJ\^JaJnHtHhR7:h[DCJOJQJo(#hR7:h[DCJOJQJmH o(sH  hR7:h[DCJOJQJmH sH !hR7:h[D5CJOJQJ\o(hR7:h[DCJOJQJhR7:h[D5CJOJQJ\hR7:h/5CJOJQJ\#   5 ` } a b 2UjWD^`gd[D`gd[D ^`gd[Dgd[Dj)E yzDE ""$$''&*'*O*QWDG^Q`gd[Dgd[DWD^`gd[D + , 0 < -!.!;!?!Z!c!d!e!!'1()&*:1ķⷘ hR7:h[DCJOJQJmH sH hR7:h[DCJOJQJo(hR7:h[DCJOJQJhR7:h[D5CJOJQJhR7:h[DCJOJQJ\o(hR7:h[DCJOJQJ\hR7:h[D6CJOJQJ\O*x+y++!-"-Q-\.]..00#0:1`gd[Dgd[D <0p1H2P:p[D|. 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