ࡱ> #` bjbj s4P>>>>fffzbWbWbWbWdWzkt~Y~Y~Y~Y~Yddd$hGR9fkd|dkk>>~Y~Y %nnnk>~Yf~YnknnXtTf(~YrY pjbW|l^  ;0k*mx((fdfn1h4ei5dddndddkkkkkzzz7~=zzz~=zzz>>>>>>  Leadership workshop: Marine Action Planning. Bangkok, March 2007 Outcomes regarding proposal submission.  Submitted: March 2007. Context This report summarises the Marine Action Planning part of a workshop held in Bangkok in February March 2007. The delegates were Directors or Senior Scientists involved in coastal and marine management from Asian countries (China, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Singapore, Timor Este, Thailand and Vietnam) as well as individuals from IOC-WESTPAC and Department of Marine & Coastal Resources (DMCR; Royal Thai Government). The workshop was the UNESCO / IOC implemented Advanced Leadership Programme: module II Practical applications for improving performance, relevance and impact. This is one of a series of workshops Capacity Development Programme (CDP) for the Asian Region. This report covers the session entitled Marine Action Planning which was held all day on the 3rd March. The purpose of the session was to agree on ways to carry forward the self-driven capacity development process. The stages of this involved: Identifying regional issues and regional needs in coastal and marine science. Identifying existing team skills and capacity development needs. Proposing a framework and timeline for moving forward in light of issues and capabilities. This report has the following main sections: Workshop timetable Identified coastal and marine issues and needs. Planning for the way forward Agreements and timeline for the way forward The main outcomes from the workshop were: Project focus stage I: Coastal Ecosystem Management Project focus stage II Deep sea ecosystem management. Coordinating body WETSPAC Conceptual approach enviro-centric Important processes to include: capacity building, data / information sharing, partnership working and complementarity with existing projects & programmes. A set of partner institute tasks and a proposed timeline are proposed and a number of challenges for the bid-writing process in the SE Asian region are identified. 1. Timetable The timetable for Marine Action Planning on the 3rd March 2007 is shown below. This report focuses on the sessions highlighted in the table below in light grey, which is the information on which the bid-writing workshop will be structured. 08.30Moving forward in the Leadership Programme A review of the IOC and the structure of the IOC Leadership Programme where are we now and where we are going?08.40Nuts and bolts of attracting sponsors A presentation on effective way to develop institutes which can lead to gaining external funding.09.10Regional perspective WESTPAC current status and challenges. Profile of WESTPAC in the region.09.20Knowing your network partners* Short presentations on institutes10.45Regional challenges and needs. Group work / discussion: key issues to address for regional capacity development.12.45Lunch13.30Group work / discussion: framing a funding bid to address regional needs.14.45Closing remarks15.00Close * The Knowing your institute session involved a short 5-minute presentation by each represented institution which covered: Name of institute manpower main equipment at the institute. Main funding sources. 3 main projects which typify the work of the institute. 3 aspects in which your institute is nationally excellent. 3 aspects in which your institute is regionally excellent. What is your core competence. 2. Identified coastal and marine issues and needs. The Regional challenges and needs session was targeted at developing information on coastal and marine issues in the region and capacity development needs perceived by the delegates. It builds on the group working and empathy built up from the prior sessions on the leadership workshop, but is more focussed on scientific aspects of the CD programme. Initial information was collected prior to the workshop on regional coastal issues and needs through a set of forms send to delegates. The priorities in terms of regional issues were as follows: Table 1. Coastal issues identified by delegates, categorized by country. Highest priority coastal issues, as perceived by delegates, are shown in red and second highest priority issues are shown in orange (= means that priorities were tied). ChallengesRespondent(s) CountryScientificTechnologicalCommercialSocialLegalInstitutionalEnvironmentalPoliticalThailand China Indonesia Philippines == Korea The table shows a mix of highest priority challenges spread across scientific, social, institutional and environmental, with second priority issues in the technological category. The challenges can be ranked as scientific > institutional > environmental > social > technological. From this provisional data, based on perceived challenges of the participants, the target of capacity development should be in scientific and institutional enhancements in the environmental (i.e. coastal and marine) sector. The priorities in terms of regional needs were as follows: Table 2. Coastal needs as perceived by delegates. Highest priority coastal issues, as perceived by delegates, are shown in red and second highest priority issues are shown in orange ( = means that priorities were tied). NeedsRespondent(s) CountryScience QualityTools & TechniquesInfrastructureOther (Oceanography)Thailand "China Indonesia Philippines Korea == From the table it would appear that the overarching needs for the region are in terms of enhancement of scientific quality and tools and techniques, with a secondary importance of infrastructure. The discussions in this morning session were broad ranging and covered issues such as enhancement of WESTPAC and the differences in between the represented partner institutes. No firm conclusions were apparent from this session, thus it was decided in the afternoon to provide a clearer structure for the workshop, tailored to producing a way forward for the bid-writing process. 3. Planning for the way forward The afternoon session was aimed at framing a funding bid fro the Asian region which was mutually acceptable to all participants and also met the needs of the region. It was proposed that a bid which is likely to be successful to the delegates required 4 characteristics: Core competencies. The bid was based on the core competencies of the involved institutes. This is to ensure that the consortium plays to its national or regional strengths in various disciplines (e.g. water quality, ICZM) and represents the best consortium from the region. Regional challenges. The bid meets identified regional challenges in the area of coastal and marine science and management. It is vital that the proposed project is focussed on developing information and understanding which can be used for problem-solving of priority issues in the Asian region. Regional needs. It is also important that the bid meets regional needs in terms of coastal and marine science and management. The proposed project will have a strong element of capacity building, knowledge- and expertise-sharing and institutional enhancement for the partner institutes. These developments should be focussed on the priority needs of the region. Societal value. The bid also needs to meet the mission and goals of the donor / sponsoring agencies. These are generally termed in terms of improving wellbeing in the target countries, for example through improved education, health services, HIV/Aids prevention etc. Commonly applied across sponsors are the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The eight Millennium Development Goals were agreed at the United Nations Millennium Summit in September 2000 and nearly 190 countries have subsequently signed up to them. They were introduced as part of a wider attempt to encourage the international community to stop talking about making a difference in the developing world and join forces to start doing something about it. The 8 MDGs are: Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger: reduce by half the number of people living on less than $1 (60p) a day and those who suffer from hunger. Achieve universal primary education. Promote gender equality and empower women: end gender disparity at all levels by 2015. Reduce child mortality by two thirds for children under five. Improve maternal health: reducing by three quarters the maternal mortality ratio. Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases: halt and begin to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases. Ensure environmental sustainability, including: integrating environmental sustainability into developing country policies and programmes; reversing the loss of environmental resources; reducing by half the people without access to clean drinking water; achieve significant improvement in the lives of 100 million slum dwellers (by 2020). Develop a global partnership for development , including: an open trading and financial system that is rule based and includes a commitment to good governance, development and poverty reduction; addressing least developed countries special needs including tariff and quota-free access for exports; enhanced debt relief and cancellation of bilateral debt; national and international measures to make debt sustainable; more generous development assistance for countries committed to poverty reduction; working with pharmaceutical companies to provide access to affordable essential drugs in developing countries make available the benefits of new technologies in cooperation with the private sector. Due to the slow progress during the morning session, and in light of the leadership training which had been provided on the previous days, it was necessary for the delegates to take more ownership of the process leading to bid development, rather than discussing more peripheral issues. Delegates were thus given a choice of how to move forward, the choices were: Do nothing decide as a group that moving towards bid writing was not appropriate for the majority and thus to take away the leadership skills but not follow it up within the IOC-Leadership programme. Do what we prescribe this involved following the structure as planned in terms of unpacking the needs in terms of scientific quality etc. This approach may have not have been optimal as sharing of some of this information was already carried out during the presentations about the partner institutes. It should be noted that the session involving short presentations on each institute was requested explicitly by the delegates and was not in the original plan. Negotiate a way forward this involved the delegates to agree among themselves how it was best to move forward. A vote was taken on which option to choose and the negotiate a way forward was the selected approach. In terms of the workshop, this was a successful outcome as it displayed leadership skills within the group and also provided a high degree of ownership of the process. Following this decision by the delegates, the concentration and work input by the delegates was extremely high for the remainder of the afternoon. Following further discussion it was proposed that the delegates should break into two groups and try to identify and report back on: Needs 3 priority needs for both scientific quality and tools & techniques. Project focus identify up to 5 key aspects of coastal and marine management which the project should focus on. Process identify important features which should be included in the process of bid writing and project implementation. Each group gave a short presentation of their results. The following are transcripts of the information from the two groups. GroupNEEDS scientific qualityAWriting skills Access to references Leadership BNetworking Observation capacity Publication (peer review) NEEDS tools & techniquesARV equipment and instrumentation. Skills to attract funding. Leadership BNumerical modelling Remote sensing PROJECT FOCUSACoastal zone (protection & management) Deep sea resources & development Modelling tsunami, ecosystem, climate change. Air-sea interactions Fisheries BCoastal erosion / pollution Physical Oceanography Biodiversity / conservation. Management PROCESSAMaking a proposal IOC-WESTPAC leadership BData / information sharing Capacity building Joint project implementation Complementing existing / ongoing programmes / projects  In light of the above information a group discussion ensued about further framing of the projected proposal. It was noted by the facilitator that the project focus covered nearly all aspects of coastal and marine science. In light of the focus of sponsoring agencies on MDGs and societal value, it was proposed that there were two conceptual approaches to developing the focus of the bid: Socio-centric in this approach people (in terms of poor, vulnerable, disposed, marginalised, un-sustainable livelihoods etc) are the centre of the proposal. The process of the project would be to identify key environmental features (e.g. coastal degradation, overfishing) which impact upon the target groups, and then to develop appropriate natural and physical science solutions which can lead to enhanced livelihood sustainability, reduce risks etc. In a socio-centric approach it would be possible to build in a wide range of coastal and marine natural features which impact upon coastal resource users. However, it was noted that the prime driver of the project would be socio-economic science and potentially governance these aspects did not marry with the core competencies of the represented institutions which were in the sector of physical and natural coastal and marine science. Enviro-centric in this conceptual approach the focus is on the environment / ecosystems which support resources and people on the coast. Such an approach assumes that natural or enhanced functioning of coastal environments leads to enhanced sustainability and livelihoods of those coastal users. The focus is much more on providing a healthy and productive environment. In this approach only a small number of those aspects identified under project focus in the table above could be addressed. It was agreed, due to the competencies of the group, that an enviro-centric conceptual approach would be taken, that would centralise environmental quality and functioning and frame it within a wider social domain. In light of the wide range of aspects identified in the project focus, and the proposed enviro-centric approach, a number of options were identified for the target of the bid: A big programme which covered as many as possible of the aspects of project focus. This would be a many million dollar programme (~$10-20m) and could potentially compete (in terms of available funding) with ongoing or planned LME-type projects (e.g. Bay of Bengal). A number of smaller programmes (~$<1 2m) which would cover the main aspects in the project focus section. It was noted that the IOC programme, with finite inputs, would not be able to provide as much support to each of the projects during the bid-writing process. A thematic programme which did not cover all of the areas identified in the project focus, but was linked to the common discipline areas of the partner institutes. The proposal for a thematic topic was coastal ecosystem management. It was additionally proposed that the approach should first be in the coastal systems and then, stage II, should be in the deep sea. Option 3 (thematic programme on coastal ecosystem management was voted for by the majority and the decision to opt for this was agreed by all. It was additionally agreed that WESTPAC would provisionally be the co-ordinating organisation for the bid-writing; this may have further benefits in terms of promoting leadership within WESTPAC a wider appreciation of the benefits of WESTPAC and actual implementation of projects through WESTPAC. 4. Agreements and timeline for the way forward The outcomes and agreements at the workshop were as follows: Project focus stage I: Coastal Ecosystem Management Project focus stage II Deep sea ecosystem management. Coordinating body WETSPAC Conceptual approach enviro-centric Important processes to include: capacity building, data / information sharing, partnership working and complementarity with existing projects & programmes. The outputs from the Asian region workshop were not as advanced from other regions in the IOC-leadership programme. However, it was perceived that a solid basis for moving forward to bid writing was apparent. To move forward, it is proposed that: The institutional information forms are completed (some delegates did not have full information about their institutes and/ or had to leave the workshop by the final day). The regional needs and challenges are completed by all represented countries this is required information to provide a robust case to sponsors about the need for the proposed contract. A core competency questionnaire is filled in by the partner institutes to provide key information in which structure the inputs from the partner institutes (see Appendix A). Once this information is collected it is proposed that an initial project brief is written, this will serve two purposes: To ensure agreement about the way forward for the partner institutes. To provide a document with which to approach potential sponsoring agencies. Subject to agreement, the project brief will form the subject basis of the bid-writing workshop. No timeline for these activities have been proposed but subject to agreement from IOC and IOC-WESTPAC that the 3 documents identified above are completed and sent to IOC by 1st June 2007, and that a project brief will be formulated by 15th July 2007. This would then mean that the bid-writing workshop would occur September - October 2007. The SE Asian region sets a number of particular challenges for implementation of the bid-writing: Geographically diverse and no-single native language. Wide variety of institutional capacity across the region. Non-representation of some countries at the workshop e.g. Myanmar. Range of existing and planned coastal ecosystem projects and programmes e.g. WB-GEF LME projects. Lack of representation from governments, or regional inter-governmental agency. Appendix A: Draft form for determining core competencies of institutions. The aim of this form is to determine more clearly the core competencies of your institution. Core competencies are aspects which you consider that you institution is defensibly excellent at within the SE Asian region. The information in this form will be used as a basis of open discussion about the consortium structure of the proposed bid. Name:  Institution name:  Country: Scientific competence: Please list up to 3 aspects which you believe your institution excels at. State precisely the nature of the competence, briefly describe the approach in one sentence and if necessary the equipment that is available (and working) for use. Name one or more projects which have used this approach and the funding (i.e. show evidence for your track record). An example: Acoustic marine surveys of bathymetry and habitats. Seabed bathymetric and habitat surveys using acoustic approaches (using portable swathe bathymetry, underwater video tows and ground truthing van-veen grabs) analysed using GIS (MapInfo, ArcView). Project: Marine Habitat Mapping of Apo marine protected area, 2000-2002, funded by UNEP-GEF. Other competencies: Please list other (non-scientific) core competences that you believe your institution has in a similar format as above. Example: Stakeholder consultation and dissemination. Organising and implementation of stakeholder consultation programmes of coastal resource users to promote engagement and participatory planning using meetings and developing promotional material for dissemination. Project: Strategic plan development and zoning of coastal zone of the semi industrial Ying Yo Province, 2003-2006, funded by EU-AID (INCO-DEV). Desired competencies: please state clearly up to 2 scientific areas you would like to see your institution develop competencies in over the next 5 years. Please state very clearly the precise nature of the competency that you desire and what is required to achieve it. Example: Hydrological modelling of near-shore and coastal waters.  89:ACMNPxmXmG3&hmph`J56B* OJQJ]ph3f hmph`J5B* OJQJph3f(hhmr5B* CJ$OJQJaJ$ph3f(hh/;P5B* CJ$OJQJaJ$ph3f(hh`J5B* CJ$OJQJaJ$ph3f(hmph`J5B* CJ,OJQJaJ,ph3f(hmpht5B* CJ,OJQJaJ,ph3fhmph`JOJQJhCJaJh5CJaJ(jhmphOJQJUmHnHujhUmHnHu   89:NOPxyz{}~ $7$8$H$a$gdt 7$8$H$gdt $7$8$H$a$gd`J 7$8$H$gdgdxz{|   s x g h i    \ a ۵uuuju_QQhmph`J6OJQJ]hmphROJQJhmphOJQJhmph/;POJQJhmphOJQJhmph`J5OJQJ\hmph`JOJQJ hmph/;P5B* OJQJph3f hmph`J5B* OJQJph3f)jhmph5B* OJQJUph3f hmphs'5B* OJQJph3f&hmphs'56B* OJQJ]ph3f  h i j k b L M z  $ & Fa$gdBE $ & F)a$gdB$a$gd`J $ & F a$gdBE$a$gdB$ & F( hh^ha$gdB$a$gd`Ja h j k b K M y z 12ԽԲ~s~~g^~ShmphOJQJh*OJQJ\hhOJQJ\hh\OJQJhOJQJhh*OJQJhh`JOJQJhhOJQJhh-OJQJhmphROJQJhmphH*OJQJhmphrpOJQJhmphOJQJhmphBEOJQJhmph`JOJQJhmph-OJQJ2i34$%&,W xx$Ifgdgd^v$a$gdgdggdrp $ & F,a$gdg $ & F!a$gd $ & F,a$gdB$a$gd`J2?iv%&)23478egns#ƾ~sh\h~QFhmphINOJQJhmph `OJQJhmphH*OJQJhmphOJQJhmph=OJQJhmphh0=OJQJhmph`J5OJQJ\hmph^v5OJQJ\hmphd5OJQJ\hmphrpOJQJhBOJQJhOJQJhmph`JOJQJhmphOJQJhmphOJQJ\hmph56OJQJ]#$%,WW^3=nxܵsghmphh0=OJQJ\hmphu$OJQJ\hmph@25OJQJ\hmphu$5OJQJ\hmph=S5OJQJ\hmph^[B>*OJQJhmph^[BOJQJhmph^[B5OJQJ\hmph^v6OJQJ]hmph^vOJQJhmph^v5OJQJ\hmph=OJQJ&Wttt xx$Ifgd}kdh$$Ifl08," t0644 layt `WX^gZZZ xx$Ifgdkdth$$Ifl08,"  t0644 lapyt `ttt xx$Ifgd}kdi$$Ifl08," t0644 layt-ttt xx$Ifgd}kdi$$Ifl08," t0644 layt `gZZ xx$Ifgdkdi$$Ifl08,"  t0644 lapytINgZZ xx$Ifgdkdj$$Ifl08,"  t0644 lapytINgZZ xx$IfgdkdDk$$Ifl08,"  t0644 lapytINtt xx$Ifgd}kdk$$Ifl08," t0644 laytINIgb]UUUUUU & Fgd^[Bgd^[Bgd^vkdQl$$Ifl08,"  t0644 lapytIN 89 $$Ifa$gd $Ifgdgd^[B$a$gd=Sgdggd=$a$gd \m9,DF÷÷}}}r}r}fZfZhmphh0=OJQJ\hmph)OJQJ\hmphh0=OJQJhmph^[BOJQJhmph^[B5OJQJ\hmph^[BOJQJ\hmph^[B5OJQJh| 5OJQJhmphh0=5OJQJhmph)5OJQJhmphOJQJ\hmphlOJQJ\hmph=SOJQJ\hmph@2OJQJ\ "0;BHVdnvm\\\\\\\\qq$If]q^qgd $Ifgdkdl$$Ifl40&   t0`644 laf4p yt noxyz{|}~Ff vFfq $IfgdFfKnFf=~ $$Ifa$gdh0=Ff,z $Ifgd  $$Ifa$gd$a$gdh0=gdg$a$gd=Sgd^[BFf $Ifgd  ,;~  !!!!!!L"M"""õ۞璞znbVGhmphj56OJQJ]hmphg8OJQJ\hmphBOJQJ\hmphB5OJQJhmph=OJQJ\hmphSOJQJ\hmphINOJQJ\hmph `OJQJ\hmph^[BOJQJhmph^[B5OJQJ\hmphh0=5OJQJhmphi5OJQJhmphiOJQJ\hmph)OJQJ\hmph#OJQJ\*9Nvm\\\\qq$If]q^qgd $Ifgdkdc$$Ifl40" t0f644 laf4p ytNOXYZ[=4444 $Ifgdkd߅$$Ifl4r">    8 t0f644 laf4p yt[\ $$Ifa$gd $Ifgdkd$$Iflr">8  t(0f644 lap2yt $Ifgdkd$$Iflr">8  t0f644 lap2yt2468:< $Ifgd<>kd$$Iflr">8  t(0f644 lap2yt>VXZ\^` $Ifgd`bkd͉$$Iflr">8  t(0f644 lap2ytbnptxz| $$Ifa$gd $Ifgd|~kdъ$$Iflr">8  t(0f644 lap2yt~  !!!!!M"N""#$^&B)))O*** & Fd gd - 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