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Regional groups and workshops 2.1 IOC Regional Work Group on Harmful Algae in South America 5 2.2 IOC Regional Work Group on Harmful Algae in the Caribbean 5 2.3 IOC/WESTPAC/HAB 5 2.4 IOC/HANA Regional Network for North Africa 5 EDUCATIONAL ELEMENTS 3. Information Network 3.1 Harmful Algae News 6 3.2 IOC HAB Internet Site 6 3.3 Harmful Algae Information System- HAIS 6 3.4 Co-sponsorship of conferences related to HAB 7 3.6 Provision of literature 7 4. Training 4.1 HAB Training Programme: implemented courses 9 4.2 HAB Training Programme: planned courses 10 SCIENTIFIC ELEMENTS 5. Oceanography and Ecology 5.1 ICES-IOC Working Group- WGHABD 10 5.2 IOC-SCOR GEOHAB 11 5.3 ICES-IOC-IMO Working Group- WGBOSV 11 6. Taxonomy and Genetics 6.1 Task Team on Algal Taxonomy 12 7. Toxicology and Toxin Chemistry 7.1 Task Team on Aquatic Biotoxins 12 OPERATIONAL ELEMENTS 8. Monitoring 8.1 IOC-ICES HAB Monitoring database- MONDAT 12 8.2 Book: "An Inventory of Toxic and Harmful Microalgae of the World Ocean" 13 9. Management 9.1 Desalination Conference 13 Appendice I An overview of contributions to the IOC for development and implementation of the Harmful Algal Bloom Programme Budget 2013 GEOHAB Funds 2011-2013 Appendice II Implementation of IPHAB-X Resolutions and Recommendations PROGRAMME DEVELOPMENT 1. Staffing 1.1 Staffing of the Programme Office The IOC Secretariat has one staff assigned to the HAB Programme. H. Enevoldsen is located at the decentralized Programme Office at the IOC Science and Communication Centre on Harmful Algae at University of Copenhagen (UCPH), Denmark. The post for the HAB Programme is since June 2010 a permanent post. Ms. Christiane LeConan was the administrative Assistant for the HAB Programme until her retirement end 2012 where after support is provided by Ms. Virginie Bonnet located at IOC Headquarters, Paris. 1.2 HAB Science and Communication Centres The establishment of HAB Programme activity centres was proposed at the Twenty-fifth Session of the IOC Executive Council (Paris 10-18 March 1992) and the idea was further elaborated at the First Session of IPHAB (23-25 June 1992). At the Seventeenth Session of the IOC Assembly (Paris, 25 February-11 March, 1993), Denmark and Spain offered to host and establish Science and Communication Centres on Harmful Algae. The main purpose of the Centres is to provide the framework for systematic assistance in training and capacity building to developing countries with respect to harmful algae. The IOC Science and Communication Centre on Harmful Algae in Copenhagen, Denmark, opened in May 1995. The Centre is a decentralized programme Office for the IOC HAB Programme and as support office for GEOHAB (jointly with the SCOR secretariat) and is staffed by Mr. Henrik Enevoldsen, Head of Centre, and Associate Professor Dr. Jacob Larsen. The Centre is hosted by, and located at, the Department of Biology with Professor . Moestrup as the focal point at the UCPH. Activities are centred on capacity building in identification of harmful algae and associated services. As a follow-up to IPHAB-VI.3 the partnership in the Copenhagen Centre was expanded through formal memoranda of understanding with Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, the Research Institute Senckenberg, and the Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany. The partnership is intended to provide the platform for implementation of training courses on qualitative and quantitative determination of algal toxins. The Centre operates on funds sought through UCPH and IOC and thus combines funds from IOC budget with project funds held at UCPH. The previous longstanding direct support from DANIDA ceased in 2002 and the most significant implication of this is lees opportunity for activities targeted at developing states. The IOC-IEO Science and Communication Centre on Harmful Algae in Vigo, Spain, was established in October 1996 at the Oceanographic Centre in Vigo, after a document of understanding was signed between IOC and IEO (Instituto Espaol de Oceanografa). On 31 December 2011 the Memorandum of Agreement expired. Spain committed during the XXIV Session of the IOC Assembly (June 2009), to continue a Centre in Vigo until 2016. However, due to the financial situation the future of the Centre is still to be clarified. Until end 2011 the Centre provided advice and scientific and technical assistance on problems related with monitoring and management of harmful algae events, and the characterization of the microalgae and their toxins (taxonomy, toxin content, ecology). Priority has been given to the cooperation with Iberoamerican and the Maghrebian research institutions. The Centre has in particular assisted with the implementation of training courses, the development of HAEDAT, the back-up for the regional networks HANA, ANCA and FANSA , and the production of Harmful Algae News. The Centre has been sponsored by the IEO (through the IOC Trust Fund), and IOC. The Spanish Agency for International Cooperation (AECI) has cosponsored the courses held at the Vigo Centre. The activities of the two Centres have been/are coordinated and coupled as appropriate, and are intended to be as complementary as possible. The IOC Assembly has expressed its wish to continue the Centres through Resolution XX.3. 2. Regional groups and workshops 2.1 IOC Working Group on Harmful Algal Blooms in South America (COI-FANSA) The FANSA group have met in 1994 in Montevideo (Uruguay) and subsequently in Mar del Plata, Argentina (1995), Punta Arenas, Chile (1997), Rio Grande, Brazil (2000), Montevideo, Uruguay (2001), Guayaquil, Ecuador (2003), Lima, Peru (2006) Mar del Plata, Argentina (2008) and Chile (2011). See Document IOC/IPHAB-XI/Inf.7 2.2 IOC Working Group on Harmful Algal Blooms in the Caribbean (COI-ANCA) The main objective of ANCA is to improve the understanding of harmful algal blooms (HABs) in the Caribbean region and adjacent areas and the ability of national authorities to manage with the impacts. ANCA works to increase international cooperation, taking advantage of the existent knowledge in the region, to train researchers in countries where HABs knowledge is less advanced. To examine the advances of the group and to plan future activities, ANCA has organized workshops in Cuba 1998, Costa Rica 2002, Venezuela 2003, Colombia 2007 and Mexico 2013. See Document IOC/IPHAB-XI/Inf.6. 2.3 IOC/WESTPAC HAB IOC/WESTPAC-HAB is chaired by Chair Dr. I. Mitsunori (Japan). See Document IOC/IPHAB-XI/Inf.5. Harmful Algae of North Africa: HANA , a regional network The First IOC/HANA Workshop was held in Casablanca, Morocco, 2007, the Second in Alexandria in 2010, and the third in Casablanca, Morocco, 2011. See Document IOC/IPHAB-XI/Inf.8 EDUCATIONAL ELEMENTS INFORMATION NETWORK 3.1 HARMFUL ALGAE NEWS - an IOC newsletter on harmful algae and algal blooms; Issues Nos. 44-46 of Harmful Algae News have been published in the intersessional period. HAN is published whenever there is sufficient material for an issue. The number of subscribers has stabilized just around 2,000. HAN relies on the dedicated and longstanding efforts of the Editor, Dr. Timothy Wyatt, Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas, Spain. It is from 1 January 2012 produced by the IOC Centre Copenhagen with the assistance of the staff of Leif Bolding, Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen. HAN also serves as newsletter for the International Society for the Study of Harmful Algae (ISSHA). Subscriptions and back issues are available at  HYPERLINK "http://ioc-unesco.org/hab" http://ioc-unesco.org/hab . A reader survey was carried out 2011-2012 to assess if a majority of the readers maintain a preference for a printed version of HAN. A minority of readers, and primarily libraries, responded with a wish to maintain the printed version. Simultaneously the budget situation at IOC forced the launch of a e-publication. This was taken as an opportunity to also redesign HAN and its on-line version. 3.2 IOC HAB Internet Site The sites are maintained by the IOC HAB Centre with technical back-up by the IOC IODE Programme Office in Oostende, Belgium. Both sites allow for multiple editors. The GEOHAB SSC has co-editors for the GEOHAB site and HANA has a web site editor for the HANA site. Of the regional groups WESTPAC/HAB has a portal for the South East Asia and FANSA during 2004-2005 established FANSA Portal at  HYPERLINK "http://www.algasnocivas.net/" www.algasnocivas.net/ . UNESCO is 2006-2007 funded the expansion of the Portal to cover the Caribbean. The expansion of the portal is developed as cooperation between the FANSA and ANCA groups. Since the 2009 the Portal server was not maintained by UNESCO. Silvia Mendez (FANSA, Uruguay) has drafted a structure for a content management site to replace the portal but it has not yet been implemented due to limited resources. Status unknown. 3.3 Harmful Algal Information System - HAIS IPHAB-VIII in 2007 through Resolution IPHAB-VIII.5 endorsed the development of an integrated Harmful Algal Information System (HAIS) in cooperation with the IOC International Ocean Data Information and Exchange Programme (IODE). Through Resolution IPHAB-IX.2 the Panel endorsed the Plan for HAIS as it was prepared by the Joint IPHAB/IODE Task Team on the Development of the Harmful Algal Information System. The HAIS will when fully established consist of access to information on harmful algal events, harmful algae monitoring and management systems worldwide, current use of taxonomic names of harmful algae, and information on biogeography of harmful algal species. Supplementary components are an expert directory and a bibliography. The expectation is that it will be a service to scientists, managers of regulatory monitoring programmes, and to policy administrators to access to high quality data on current taxonomic names of harmful algae, the biogeography of harmful species and occurrence of harmful algal events, together with details of monitoring and management systems worldwide, directories of experts, and bibliography on harmful algae. The HAIS System is being built by IPHAB and IODE in cooperation with  HYPERLINK "http://www.marinespecies.org/" \t "_blank" WoRMS,  HYPERLINK "http://www.ices.dk/" \t "_blank" ICES,  HYPERLINK "http://www.pices.int" PICES and  HYPERLINK "http://www.issha.org/" \t "_blank" ISSHA. The Joint IPHAB/IODE Task Team on the development of the Harmful Algal Information System oversees the development. The network and HAB related groups within IOC, ICES, PICES etc gives an unique position at a cross road of very diverse and multidisciplinary sets of data. HAIS comprises: HA Events with ICES, PICES et al (HAEDAT) Biogeography in OBIS with ISSHA (HABMAP) Taxonomy with WoRMS (IOC Taxonomic Reference List on Toxic Species which is the back bone of HAIS) References with ASFA and OceanDoc Expert Directory with IODE (OceanExpert - HABDIR) Monitoring and management design with ICES (MONDAT) The IPHAB Taxonomic Task Team met in October 2010 to update the IOC Taxonomic Reference List on Toxic Species in WoRMS. Action has repeatedly been taken to have all ICES Countries update and complete submissions to HAEDAT, however several countries are still not up to date. The ICES-IOC Working Group on Harmful Algal Bloom Dynamics review progress in April 2013 and agreed on a plan to achieve complete data sets for April 2014. HABMAP was re-launched jointly with OBIS at 14th Int Conference on HAB at Crete Nov 2010 (joint poster and Editors meeting) and the HAEDAT format has been customized to OBIS. Several EU FP7 proposals have been submitted with a view to fund HABMAP but with no success. Without earmarked funding focus will remain at ensuring continuous data submission to HAEDAT, stepwise establishment of HABMAP in OBIS and maintenance of the IOC Taxonomic Reference List on Toxic Species. This will require technical support from IODE PO staff at same level as during 2011-2013. IPHAB-IX requested that the regional networks and groups ANCA, FANSA, HANA and WESTPAC/HAB and their respective IOC sub-commissions and regional committees to include as a permanent Term of Reference the collation and submission of harmful algal event data to HAIS HAEDAT. ANCA has due to its reorganization not progressed on this. FANSA and HANA have included it and has started to progressively upload reports starting from 2000. WESTPAC/HAB has for the time being not included it in its ToR. The PICES HAB Section has committed itself to yearly submit HAEDAT reports and has taken action to complete data submission of all PICES countries starting from 2000. There has been good progress in the 2011-2013 period. The Regional Organization for the Protection of the Marine Environment (ROPME) has been invited to participate in HAEDAT and has shown positive interest, but is for the time being establishing its own data system with a structure very similar to HAEDAT. The elements of HAIS currently available are located at  HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/haedat/" http://www.iode.org/haedat/. The HAIS Plan is available as document IOC/IPHAB-X/Inf.17 (at IPHAB-X website) 3.4 IOC co-sponsorship of International Conferences related to HAB The HAB Programme co-sponsored the 15th International Conference on Harmful Algae, Changwon, Korea, 29 October - 2 November 2012. A summary of the Conference is available in Harmful Algae News No. 46 at  HYPERLINK "http://www.ioc-unesco.org/hab" http://www.ioc-unesco.org/hab. Proceedings will be published as a publication of the International Society for the Study of Harmful algae (ISSHA). 3.5 Provision of literature The provision of HAB related literature to scientist in developing countries has been taken care of by the IOC HAB Centres in Copenhagen, Vigo and through WESTPAC/HAB. As many of the titles list below are now available on-line via the IOC web site, the Centres have experienced a dramatic decline in the requests for hard copies. The book grants offered include the titles listed below. -GEOHAB: HABs in eutrophic systems. Glibert, P. (ed.). IOC and SCOR, Paris and Baltimore, 2006 -Manual on aquatic cyanobacteria. A photo guide and a synopsis of their toxicology. Cronberg, G. & Annadotter, H.. (Eds.), ISSHA and IOC of UNESCO, Copenhagen, 2006 -GEOHAB: GEOHAB Core Research Project: HABs in Upwelling Systems. Pitcher, G. et al. (eds.). SCOR and IOC, Baltimore and Paris, 2005 -Harmful Algal Management and Mitigation. Hall, S. et al, APEC, 2004 -Manual on Harmful Marine Microalgae, Hallegreaff, G. et al. (eds.), UNESCO Publishing 2003 and 2004 -Red tides. Okaichi, T. (eds.), Ocean Sciences Research (OSR). Terra Scientific Publishing Company & Kluwer Academic Publisher. Japan, 2003 -Molluscan Shellfish Safety, Villalba A. et al(eds.), Consellera de Pesca e Asuntos Martimos da Xunta de Galicia and IOC of UNESCO, 2003 -GEOHAB. Global Ecology and Oceanography of Harmful Algal Blooms, Implementation Plan. P. Glibert and G. Pitcher (eds.) SCOR and IOC, 2003 -Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Harmful Algae Blooms, G. Hallegraeff et al. (eds.), UNESCO, 2002 -LIFEHAB Life history of microalgal species causing harmful blooms. Garcs, E. et al. (Eds.), Environment and Sustainable Development Programme, European Communities, 2002. -Floraciones Algales Nocivas en el Cono Sur Americano, E.A. Sar et al. (eds.), 2002. -Monitoring and Management Strategies for Harmful Algal Blooms in Coastal Waters, D. M. Anderson et a (eds.) , APEC Report # 201-MR-01.1, APEC Programme and IOC of UNESCO, Technical Series No. 59, Paris, France ,2001 -GEOHAB. Global Ecology and Oceanography of Harmful Algal Blooms, Science Plan. P. Glibert and G. Pitcher (eds.) SCOR and IOC, 2001 -Potentially Harmful Microalgae of the Western Indian Ocean. A Guide based on a preliminary survey. IOC Manuals and Guides No. 41, IOC of UNESCO 2001. -Technical Guide for Modern Dinoflagellate Cyst Study, Matsuoka, K., and Fukuyo, Y. WESTPAC-HAB/WESTPAC-IOC, 2000 -Algae, Graham, L.E., Wilcox, L.W. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2000 -Toxic Cyanobacteria in Water, Chorus, I., and Bartram, J., WHO, 1999 -Los dinoflagelados del Atlntico Sudoccidental. Balech, E., Ministerio de Agricultura Pesca y Alimentacin, Madrid, 1998 -Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Toxic Phytoplankton, Yasumoto, T. et al. (eds.), IOC of UNESCO, 1996 -Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Harmful Algae, Reguera, B. et al. (eds.), Xunta de Galicia and IOC of UNESCO, 1998 -Biology, Epidemiology and Management of Pyrodinium Red Tides. Hallegraeff, G. M. et al. (eds.),. ICLARM Conf. Proc. 21,1989 -The Genus Alexandrium Halim, E. Balech, Sherkin Island Marine Station, Cork, Ireland, 1995 - Identifying Marine Phytoplankton, C. Tomas et al. (eds.), Academic Press, USA, 1997 -The Biology of Dinoflagellates, F.J.R. Taylor (ed.), Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, 1987 -Physiological Ecology of Harmful Algal Blooms, D. Anderson et al. (eds.), NATO ASI Series, Springer-Verlag, Bermuda,1998 -Algal Toxins in Seafood and Drinking Water, I.Falconer (ed.), Academic Press, London,1993 -Phytoplankton Pigments in Oceanography, S.W. Jeffrey et al. (eds.), UNESCO Publishing, Paris, 1997 -Proceedings of the First International Congress on Toxic Cyanobacteria, . Moestrup et al. (eds.), 1996 TRAINING 4.1(. HAB Training and Capacity Building Programme The HAB Training and Capacity Enhancement Programme as adopted by IPHAB-VI is composed of 4 main modules on species identification, toxin chemistry and toxicology, design of monitoring, and management. See Document IOC/IPHAB-XI/Inf.9 for an overview of courses implemented between 1993 and 2013. A total of 1212 people were trained, 38 through individual training stays at the IOC-Sciences and Communication Centres and 1174 participating in the 94 courses organized all over the world. The gender ratio of all the trainees is: 41% males and 59% females. In order to strengthen partnerships for the development and implementation of capacity development initiatives a Memorandum of Understanding has been signed with the IAEA and it has been agreed between the Secretariats of the IOC, IAEA and FAO to coordinates initiatives and on a case to case basis make use of and support each others CD activities. The IOC HAB Centre Copenhagen has via the Marine Institute (Ireland) has an agreement with The Biological Effects Quality Assurance in Monitoring Programmes (BEQUALM) project which was initiated in 1998 as an EU funded research programme. BEQUALM aims to develop appropriate quality standards for a wide range of biological effects techniques and devise a method for monitoring compliance of laboratories generating data from these techniques for national and international monitoring programmes. BEQUALM thus provides a Quality Assurance (QA) system for biological effects techniques and is self-financing on the basis of fees recovered from participants. The first BEQUALM-IOC intercalibration on marine phytoplankton was conducted in the fall of 2011. Courses and training implemented 2011-2013: 4.1.1. IOC Training Course and Identification Qualification in Harmful Marine Microalgae, IOC Science and Communication Centre on Harmful Algae Copenhagen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, E-learning May-June, practical course and examination 15-25 August 2011 4.1.2. BEQUALM (Marine Institute, Ireland) - IOC: BEQUALM Phytoplankton Intercomparison Exercise Augest-September using Ocean Teacher and Workshop, 29-30 October 2012, Cefas, Weymouth, UK. 4.1.3. GEOHAB International Workshop on the Ecology of Benthic Marine Dinoflagellates, 21-31 May 2012, Malaysia. 4.1.4. XIII Curso COI-AECID-IEO sobre Taxonoma de Fitoplancton Nocivo: Identification of Harmful Marine Microalgae. Spanish Institute of Oceanography, IEO, Vigo, Spain. E-learning (April-May), Practical Course 8-24 June 2012. 4.1.5. IOC Training Course and Identification Qualification in Harmful Marine Microalgae, IOC Science and Communication Centre on Harmful Algae Copenhagen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, E-learning May-June, practical course and examination 15-25 August 2012. 4.1.6. HAB training course in taxonomy and identification organized in collaboration between SCOR, IOC and University of Accra, Ghana, 8-19 October 2012. 4.1.7. Advanced Phytoplankton Course 10, University of Copenhagen and Stazione Zoologica A. Dohrn, Denmark, 12 -30 November 2012. 4.1.8. BEQUALM (Marine Institute, Ireland) - IOC: BEQUALM Phytoplankton Intercomparison Exercise April-May using Ocean Teacher and Workshop, 3-4 December 2012, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 4.1.9. Intercalibration. 12 December 2012, BioScience, Roskilde, University of Aarhus, Denmark, 4.1.10. IOC-SCOR-UNAM-BCC Workshop on Harmful Algae Sam Nujoma Marine & Coastal Resources Research Centre (SANUMARC), with examination, 8-19 April 2013, Henties Bay, Namibia. 4.2 Planned courses: 4.2.1. IOC Training Course and Identification Qualification in Harmful Marine Microalgae, IOC Science and Communication Centre on Harmful Algae Copenhagen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, E-learning May-June, practical course and examination August 2013. 4.2.2. BEQUALM(Marine Institute, Ireland) - IOC: BEQUALM Phytoplankton Intercomparison Exercise April-May using OceanTeacher and Workshop, December 2013 4.2.3. IOC-University of Copenhagen-University of Rhode Island International PhD Course on Ecology of Marine Phytoplankton, spring 2014 4.2.4. IOC Training Course and Identification Qualification in Harmful Marine Microalgae, IOC Science and Communication Centre on Harmful Algae Copenhagen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, E-learning May-June, practical course and examination August 2014. 4.2.5. Advanced Phytoplankton Course 11, University of Copenhagen and Statione Zoologica A. Dohrn, Denmark, spring 2015. SCIENTIFIC ELEMENTS ECOLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY 5.1 ICES-IOC Working Group on the Dynamics of Harmful Algal Blooms- WGHABD The WGHABD (Chair: Dr Bengt Karlson, Sweden) met April 2012 in Oban, UK, and April 2013 in Belfast, UK. The reports are available as Document IOC/IPHAB-XI/Inf.13 (1 and 2). The main joint activities are HAEDAT and review of scientific issue relevant to GEOHAB. IPHAB can formulate tasks / terms of reference for WGHABD. 5.2 IOC-SCOR International Science Programme on the Global Ecology and Oceanography of Harmful Algal Blooms - GEOHAB GEOHAB is a plan for co-ordinated scientific research and co-operation to develop international capabilities for assessment, prediction and mitigation. The approach of the GEOHAB Programme is comparative, from the cellular to the ecosystem level. GEOHAB fosters research that is interdisciplinary, focusing on the important interactions among biological, chemical, and physical processes. GEOHAB also fosters research that is multifaceted as the problems are complex and interactions and processes occur on a broad range of scales. Finally, GEOHAB research should be international in scope to encompass the global issues of HAB events. The efforts of the SCOR-IOC Working Group 97 on the Physiological Ecology of Harmful Algal Blooms, resulted in a NATO-SCOR-IOC Advanced Study Institute on the Physiological Ecology of Harmful Algal Blooms, which was held at the Bermuda Biological Station, 27 May-6 June 1996. The deliberations and recommendations of the WG 97, together with the work of the ICES-IOC Working Group on the Dynamics of Harmful Algal Blooms, provided the basis for formulation of Recommendation IPHAB-IV.2 which Recommendation IPHAB-IV.2 instructed the IOC to develop an international science programme on the Global Ecology and Oceanography of Harmful Algal Blooms jointly with an appropriate organization. Partnership in the development of the new programme was agreed upon with the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR). The initial development of GEOHAB received support from IOC, SCOR, The Maj and Tor Nessling Foundation (Finland), US National Aeronautics and Space Administration, US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, US National Science Foundation, and IFREMER (France). For the composition of the Scientific Steering Committee and its ToR please see Document IOC/IPHAB-XI/Inf.10. GEOHAB actions fall into the two broad categories of research and framework activities. A detailed report on activities and outcome 2012-2013 is available in document IOC/IPHAB-XI/Inf.11. GEOHAB Report No. 1: GEOHAB Science Plan GEOHAB Report No. 2: GEOHAB Implementation Plan GEOHAB Report No. 3: Core Research Project: HABs in Upwelling Systems GEOHAB Report No. 4: Core Research Project: HABs in Eutrophied Systems GEOHAB Report No. 5: Core Research Project: HABs in Stratified Systems, GEOHAB Report No. 6: GEOHAB Asia: A Regional Cooperative Programme GEOHAB Report No. 7: Core Research Project: HABs in Fjords and Coastal Embayments GEOHAB Report No. 8: GEOHAB Modelling, Linking Observations to Predictions GEOHAB Report No. 9: GEOHAB Core Research Project: HABs in Benthic Systems GEOHAB Report No. 10: GEOHAB Core Research Project: HABs in Fjords and Coastal Embayments. Second Open Science Meeting. Progress in Interpreting Life History and Growth Dynamics of Harmful Algal Blooms in Fjords and Coastal Environments 5.3 ICES/IOC/IMO Working Group on Ballast and Other Ship Vectors IPHAB-II requested the IPHAB Chair and the Programme Office to further investigate the possibilities and need for interaction with the activities of IMO and ICES. IPHAB-III adopted Recommendation IPHAB-III.3 on a Working Group on Transfer of Phytoplankton by Ballast of Ships. In response to this recommendation a Joint ICES-IOC-IMO Study Group on Ballast Water and Sediments was established. The ICES/IOC/IMO Study Group on Ballast Water and Sediments [SGBWS] was later been renamed the "ICES/IOC/IMO Study Group on Ballast and Other Ship Vectors [SGBOSV] and is now the ICES/IOC/IMO Working Group on Ballast and Other Ship Vectors (WGBOSV). WGBOSV met in 2012 in under the chairmanship of Dr. Tracy McCollin, Scottish Government | Marine Laboratory, and in Montreal, Canada, in 2013 under the chairmanship of Dr. Sarah A. Bailey, Sarah.Bailey@dfo-mpo.gc.ca. WGBOSV reports are available at http://www.ices.dk/ and as Document IOC/IPHAB-XI/Inf.15. TAXONOMY AND GENETICS 6.1 IPHAB TASK TEAM ON ALGAL TAXONOMY The Task Team was established through Resolution IPHAB-II.1. The Terms of Reference were updated by IPHAB-III, IV, VI, VIII, IX and X. Chair is Prof. . Moestrup (Denmark). The Task Team meet in October 2010 to update the IOC Taxonomic Reference List on Toxic Species in WoRMS. The Progress Report will be submitted to IPHAB-XI. TOXICOLOGY AND TOXIN CHEMISTRY 7.1 IPHAB TASK TEAM ON AQUATIC BIOTOXINS The Terms of reference for the Task Team are given in Resolution IPHAB-X.1. Chair is Dr. P. Herss (France). The Progress Report is submitted to IPHAB-XI. Document IOC/IPHAB-XI/Inf.17 OPERATIONAL ELEMENTS MONITORING 8.1 IOC-ICES META DATA BASE ON DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF HAB MONITORING PROGRAMMES: MON-DAT The MON-DAT metadatabase contains information on the design and implementation of harmful algae monitoring and management systems from all over the world. MON-DAT include data from countries that have responded to the questionnaire circulated by the Secretariat. The initial compilation of information was carried out within the ICESIOC Working Group on the Dynamics of Harmful Algal Blooms, and the establishment of the data-base was made possible through the financial support of the Danish agency for development assistance, DANIDA. The first survey for information on HAB monitoring was made in 1995/96 and a summary of the result was published as IOC Technical Report No. 44. The base was updated in 2000/01. MON-DAT was planned to have been updated in 2005 but resources did not allow. Update of MON-DAT is postponed until it has been integrated into a new Harmful Algal Event Information System which is a new data base platform initially holding the data of HAE-DAT (see item as to have one comprehensive data source for information on harmful algal events, geographical distribution and descriptions of the monitoring systems that generate the event data. MON-DAT is unavailable on-line until its integration in to the Harmful Algal Event Information System. 8.2 BOOK: "AN INVENTORY OF TOXIC AND HARMFUL MICROALGAE OF THE WORLD OCEAN" Under this working title a book is being prepared drawing on, referring to, and complementing, data in OBIS, HAEDAT and the IOC Taxonomic Reference List. Editor in Chief is Dr. Patrick Lassus. The book is divided in the following chapters: 1. Introduction 2. Toxic and harmful algal blooms in the world ocean, status: the present status of the different parameters likely to modulate the apparent increase in HAB distribution and harmful effects 3. A checklist of toxic algae: genus and species names officially endorsed, synonyms, brief taxonomic description, distribution, most striking regional events, toxinology/toxicology, microphotographies 4. Analysis and global trends within the 1990-2010 period: Three sections : i) a comparison of existing regional reports showing decades of HAB monitoring, ii) exploiting the 'regional events' part of HAB species checklist to outline all relevant information supporting an improved or worsened situation (with a particular focus on remediation techniques), iii) using all available information extracted from HAEDAT, HABMAP or OBIS databases and have a focus on some representative examples at regional level. 5. Conclusions IOC has agreed with P. Lassus et al to cooperate on the publishing. MANAGEMENT 9.1 Desalination Conference At IPHAB-X, the decision was made (Resolution IPHAB-X.4) to Organize a meeting on Impact and management of toxic and harmful algal blooms (HABs) at desalination plants and related seawater facilities before the end of 2012.. D.M. Anderson was asked to coordinate this activity with help from other IPHAB members. During the intersession, a number of activities have been conducted to follow through on this resolution. Fundraising activities for the proposed conference were initiated through contacts to several organizations, including NOMAC, the First National Operation and Maintenance Company in Saudi Arabia, a major supplier of desalinated water. A proposal was written requesting funds. Funding proposals were also prepared and submitted to the Abu Dhabi Environment Agency, and to the Public Authority of Electricity and Water, (PAEW), Oman. Contacts were also made with the Water Desalination Center (WDRC) at King Abdullah University for Science and Technology. During these discussions, it was learned that, independently, several agencies involved with the desalination industry had initiated plans for an expert meeting on HABs and desalination, scheduled for 2102. What at first appeared to be a conflict or duplication of effort with the IPHAB plans ultimately turned out to be an excellent start to the IPHABs efforts to convene a meeting on this topic. Following discussions between Anderson, Henrik Enevoldsen, and Rob Magnien, the IPHAB Chair, Don Anderson contacted the individuals who were organizing this workshop, and joined the workshop Steering Committee. Efforts were made to ensure that the proposed workshop could be used as a first stage in a process that leads to the eventual IPHAB conference. IOC agreed to be a Partner Organization in the workshop, which was organized by MEDRC (the Middle East Desalination Research Center) and NCED (the National Centre for Excellence in Desalination). The initial plans for the MEDRC / NCED workshop were for a small meeting of perhaps 20 individuals. The interest in the topic was so high among representatives of the desalination industry that the workshop eventually had 60 participants, with a waiting list of 20 or 30 more. The meeting was held in Muscat, Oman on February 8-9, 2012 consisting of a day and a half of science and engineering presentations, as well as working group breakout sessions.The working groups formulated priority ideas for research programs and other activities that were needed to address the threats from HABs to desalination facilities. These included studies of toxin removal during desalination processes, as well as the production of a manual for desalination plant operators to provide guidance on how to monitor for, and respond to, HABs. A report of the meeting is available at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.medrc.org/index.cfm?area=news&page=view&tipo=nf&IDa=33&barra_lat=false" http://www.medrc.org/index.cfm?area=news&page=view&tipo=nf&IDa=33&barra_lat=false A strong consensus from the meeting was that another workshop or conference was needed, and that this could be accomplished by working with IPHAB and the IOC. The next steps in this regard have been the formation of a Steering Committee that includes IPHAB members, as well as several of the individuals responsible for organizing the MEDRC / NCED workshop. A preliminary funding commitment has been obtained rom the PAEW in Oman, with the possibility of more support from that agency and others in Oman now being explored. We are thus close, but not yet ready, to specify a venue and conference host. As soon as that is finalized, complementary fundraising activities can commence, and an agenda, list of speakers, and conference announcement will follow. This IPHAB activity is thus underway and progress is positive toward the convening of a conference on HABs and desalination, probably in early 2014. APPENDICE I. RESOURCES AVAILABLE TO THE IOC FOR DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATIONOF THE IOC HARMFUL ALGAL BLOOM PROGRAMME This is not an actual account (for this see documentation which will be available for the IOC Assembly June 2013). 2012-2013 IOC-UNESCO REGULAR PROGRAMME IOC HAB Programme Regular Budget 2012-2013 1 IOC Staff US Dollars 30.000 -EXTRA-BUDGETARY CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE IOC: Belgium (Flanders) (for HAIS) 2012 USA (SD and NOAA): for implementation of GEOHAB 2013: R. of Korea/Yeosu (for GEOHAB 2012-2013) 14.960 10.000 137.168SPONSORSHIP OF ACTIVITIES AND FUNDS ADMINISTERED AT THE SCIENCE AND COMMUNICATION CENTRES: Denmark: -University of Copenhagen: IOC Science and Communication Centre on Harmful Algae, Copenhagen, staff, operation and activities, 2012-2013: Spain: -Spanish Institute of Oceanography and AECID, Course expenses (teachers, ship time, coffee breaks, bus, etc.): 2012: -AECID (Spanish Agency for International Cooperation & Development), Scholarships for participants in training activities at Vigo Centre 2012:  125.000 61.000 28.700  GEOHAB Funds 2011-2013 Income201120122013Carry-over from previous year$28.306 $69.271 $21.680US NSF (through SCOR)$40.000$13.333$65.000GEOHAB Synthesis OSM Registration FeesIOC$20.000$6.000$6.000SCOR Support for LDC Travel  $10.000US NOAA Funding for Synthesis OSM (through IOC)  $10.000Total$88.306$88.605$102.680 Appendice II: IMPLEMENTATION OF IPHAB-IX RESOLUTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS CodeTitleImplementationResolution IPHAB-X.1 Task Team on Algal TaxonomyRegional HABP Development Partly implemented as some regional groups did meet 2011-2012 and one group did not address HAEDAT. Initiatives for the new regional groups lack lead individuals. Only PICT region initiative developed.Resolution IPHAB-X.2 Task Team on Biotoxin RegulationTask Team on Biotoxin Monitoring, Management and RegulationsPartly implemented see Document IOC/IPHAB/Inf.17Resolution IPHAB-X.3 IOC HAB Training and Capacity Building ProgrammeThe GEOHAB Research ProgrammeImplementedResolution IPHAB-X.4 IPHAB operation regarding GEOHABHarmful Algae and Desalination of SeawaterImplemented in progress to be completed 2013-2014Resolution IPHAB-X.5 Regional HABP DevelopmentTask Team on Algal TaxonomyImplementedResolution IPHAB-X.6Harmful Algae and Global ChangePartly implemented Tor (i) and to be completed (ii)Resolution IPHAB-X.7Harmful Algae and Fish-killing Marine AlgaeToR (i) implemented , (ii) and (iii) to be completedRecommendation IPHAB- X.1 Long Term Effects of Human Exposure to Low Concentrations of Algal ToxinsHABP Workplan 2012-2013Implemented within the available resourcesRecommendation IPHAB- X.2 HABP Publications-.8CDIJKW^bijkrvw ) * + - 7 8 ? 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