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The Chair asked participants to stand for a minute of silence to honour distinguished individuals who had participated in the work of the Commission and have passed away during the past year: Phil Busby (19472013, New Zealand), Carlo Heip (19452013, Belgium), Klaus Wyrtki (19252013, USA), Charles S. Yentsch (19272012, USA) and Alexander Metalnikov (19312013, Russian Federation). Later during the session a tribute to ArielW.Gonzlez (Argentina), was organized on the occasion of the publication of his thesis partly based on his study of IOC: (Re)Encontrar EL MAR: Argentina y el conocimiento cientifico de los oceanos Hacia una jurisdiccion eficaz en nuestros espacios maritimos ((Re)-encountering the sea the Sea: Argentina and scientific knowledge of the oceans. Towards an effective jurisdiction of our maritime spaces). The Chair reminded the Assembly that a full session of the Assembly was made possible, in a period of financial difficulty for the organization, only with the allocation of emergency funds given to the IOC by the Director-General who recognized the importance of the decisions to be made at the present session for the next programming and budgeting cycles. The Director-General addressed the IOC Assembly at 11.30 the same day (Annex III of the Summary Report). The Chair invited participants to visit the exhibition on The IOC Partnership with the Civil Society from 24 June till 3rd July inclusive in the Foyer, as well as the IOCTara Expeditions exhibition, Salle des Pas perdus (2428 June inclusive), the Formal opening ceremony for which was held on Thursday 27 June at 18.30hrs. He thanked, on behalf of the Assembly, the Marine Technology Society (USA) for offering hosting the reception at the end of the opening day and several partners for sponsoring coffee/tea services during the session: Canadian Permanent Delegation to UNESCO, the Fundaci Navegaci Ocenica Barcelona /Barcelona World Race (Spain), the Society for Underwater Technology (SUT) and the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science & Technology, IMarEST (UK). The representative of one Member State took the floor. ORGANIZATION OF THE SESSION ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA The Chair referred to the recommendations made by the Executive Council at its 46th session, acting as the steering committee for the Assembly, for the following organizational items (2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4). He reminded that the agenda was designed to address reporting on the current biennium and Medium-Term Strategy during the first two days (item 3.) with the remainder of the session focusing on decisions in the context of the next programme and budget and medium-term strategy period. During the 46th Executive Council Session, Portugal requested the inclusion of an additional agenda item on the Future of IOC. While this request was submitted after the deadline established in the Rules of Procedure (Art.9), the Executive Council agreed to recommend to the Assembly to form a sessional open-ended working group to discuss the issues raised by Portugal on the Future of IOC and subsequently report to the Assembly under Agenda Item 5.1. No Member State representative took the floor. The Assembly adopted Decision IOC-XXVII/Dec.2(I) below. DESIGNATION OF THE RAPPORTEUR The Assembly adopted Decision IOC-XXVII/Dec.2(II) below. ESTABLISHMENT OF INTRASESSIONAL COMMITTEES AND WORKING GROUPS Referring to the recommendations made by the Executive Council (EC-XLV/Dec.3.1 & 3.2) on this item, acting as the steering committee for the present session, the Chairman reminded the Assembly of the mandate of the three sessional committees, the open-ended composition thereof, and the working arrangements made for their meetings. He then invited proposals for sessional working groups. The Assembly adopted Decision IOC-XXVII/Dec.2(III) below. INTRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTATION AND TIMETABLE The Executive Secretary introduced this item. She reviewed briefly the list of working documents and reminded the Assembly that the report would be focused on decisions. In this view the drafting of formal draft decisions in the pre-session documentation was initiated at the 45th session of the Executive Council in 2012 and was extended to the present session. Referring to IOC-XXVII/Inf.1, the Executive Secretary reminded the Assembly that draft decisions would be agreed to during the discussion of each agenda item. The Action Paper was intentionally drafted as a pre-report in order to streamline the reporting process during the session. Taking into account the feedback from Member States at the Executive Council in 2012, a summary of the discussion that led to the decision under each agenda item was to be drafted during the session and was to be submitted to Member States under item 7. Member States that wished to have specific, particularly important, plenary interventions recorded, were invited to provide written records thereof in one of the four working languages of the Commission, to be annexed to the report, in their original language as an informational annex to this report. A template and a dedicated e-mail address ( HYPERLINK "mailto:iocgovbody@unesco.org" iocgovbody@unesco.org) was set up to this end. The Assembly was reminded that interventions would be limited to 5 minutes for Member States and 3 minutes for observers. With reference to the timetable for the session, the Executive Secretary informed about the interpretation arrangements during the session and the possibility to hold extended evening sessions on Friday 28 June and Wednesday 3 July, if needed. Meetings of the Financial Committee were held with English and French interpretation. A calendar of side meetings during the session was updated in real time on the webpage of the Assembly. Participants were informed of several signings of agreements during the session. No Member State representatives took the floor. The Assembly adopted Decision IOC-XXVII/Dec.2(III) below. The Assembly, Having considered the recommendations (EC-XLVI,Dec.2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.3) made by the Executive Council at its 46th session (Paris, 25 June 2013), acting as the steering committee for the present session, Agenda Adopted the agenda and the timetable of work as set out in document IOC-XXVII/1 Prov. Rev. and Add Rev. Rapporteur On a proposal of Nigeria, seconded by Colombia, Designates Dr Terry Schaeffer of USA Rapporteur for its present session to assist the Chairperson and the Executive Secretary in the preparation of the draft provisional report of the Session; Sessional Committees and Working Groups Establishes the following sessional open-ended committees and one working group and referred to them the following agenda items and responsibilities: Financial Committee (to examine the financial implications of draft decisions/resolutions, workplans of subsidiary bodies the draft Medium-Term Strategy -item 6.1- and draft Programme and Budget -item 6.2- and propose a comprehensive draft resolution under items 6.1 and 6.2): under the chairmanship of Professor Peter M.Haugan (Norway) with the following Member States declaring their wish to participate: (list in Annex). Ms Ksenia Yvinec provides the Secretariat support to the Financial Committee. Resolutions Committee (to report on all draft resolutions duly presented for consideration at the session item 7 and make a recommendation to the Assembly regarding the adoption of the Guidelines for Draft Resolutions (EC-XLV/Dec.5.3) that were used during the present session on an experimental basis item 6.4): under the chairmanship of Peter Dexter (Australia) with the following Member States declaring their wish to participate: (list in Annex). Julian Barbire provides the Secretariat support to the Resolutions Committee. Nominations Committee (to examine all proposals of candidates for the elections to the chair, vice-chairs and to the Executive Council at the present session, and to report on them (item 6.3): under the chairmanship of Javier Valladares, past chair of IOC, with the following Member States declaring their wish to participate: [list in Annex]. Thorkild Aarup provides the Secretariat support to the Nominations Committee. Establishes also: On a proposal of the Executive Council acting as the steering committee for the present session, a sessional working group on the Development of a New Capacity Development Strategy (item 5.5.1) under the chairmanship of DrAdot Blim Blivi (Togo) with the following Member States declaring their wish to participate: (list in Annex). Mitrasen Bhikajee will provide the Secretariat support to the group. On a proposal of the Executive Council acting as the steering committee for the present session, a sessional working group on the Future of IOC (under item 5.1). The group will be chaired by Javier Valladares, past chair of IOC. Bernardo Aliaga and Tom Gross will provide the Secretariat support to the group. STATUTORY REPORTS STATEMENT OF THE CHAIRMAN ON THE STATE OF IOC The Chair asked Frederico Saraiva Nogueira to read a statement on behalf of the IOC Officers (Annex__). Noting the financial crisis facing the IOC and the valuable platform it provided for collective Member State work, the Officers called on the Member States to consider making a minimum voluntary contribution to the operation of Commission programmes in line with the UN standard scale of assessments, to make up for an expected shortfall of about $5 million for 2014-2015. In accordance with rule of procedure 8.1(a), the Chair delivered an oral statement on recent developments in the work of the Commission and perspectives for the coming years (Annex ____). The representatives of 10 Member States took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report: India, Japan, Malaysia, Rep. Korea and South Africa. The Assembly congratulated the Chair for his report and agreed that future success of IOC will be dependent on Member State engagement in the work of the Commission. 3.2 REPORT BY THE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY ON PROGRAMMEAND BUDGET (20122013) AND MEDIUM TERM STRATEGY (20082013) IMPLEMENTATION In accordance with Rule of Procedure 8 (b) and 49, the Executive Secretary reported on the implementation of the Commissions Medium-Term Strategy (20082013) and on its programme implementation for the period 20122013 since the 45th Session of the Executive Council in 2012. For High-Level Objective (HLO)1, she highlighted the establishment of new tsunami warning centres, training in standard operating procedures and progress made on the provision of real-time sea-level data for contributing to the four regional tsunami warning systems. In relation to HLO2, she elaborated on activities related to climate change, on the oceans role in climate variability, coastal change adaptation in Africa and on IOCs outreach activities for sensitising policy makers. For HLO 3, she gave an overview of activities carried out for the safeguarding of the health of the ocean, namely the Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) programme, Marine Spatial Planning and the Ocean Biogeographic Information System. Regarding HLO 4, she reported on the role played by the IOC in the Rio+20 Conference and in the development of the UN Oceans Compact. She gave a historical review of the Regular Process, now called the World Ocean Assessment, and highlighted the activities in Capacity Development and the setting up of the IOC Sub-Commission for Africa and Adjacent Island States. In her report on the programme implementation for the period 20122013, under HLO1, the Executive Secretary described the progress made in the provision of tsunami services in the four tsunami regions. Under HLO 2 she reported on the activities of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS), the Joint WMO-IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM) and highlighted the work plan of the new GOOS Steering Committee, collaboration with IOCCP and the Adaptation to Climate Change in Coastal zones of West Africa (ACCC). Under HLO3, the Executive Secretary reported on the Harmful Algal Blooms programme, on the Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS), the Marine Spatial Planning initiative and on the renewal of the agreement with Flanders for hosting the IODE Office. Under HLO4, she elaborated on the World Ocean Assessment, Microplastics and the Global Environment Facility-funded Transboundary Waters Assessment Programme. The Executive Secretary referred the Assembly to the Progress report Report on budget Budget execution Execution (2012) and anticipated funding for 2013 (document IOC-XXVII/2Annex2) which provides a general overview with regard to the implementation of the 2012 budget as at 31 December 2012, including an overview of the IOC staffing situation. It follows the guidance on funding priorities provided by the IOC Executive Council in its decision EC-XLV/Dec.5.1 at its 45th session in June 2013. The Progress report on budget execution (2012) and anticipated funding 2013 (document IOC-XXVII/2Annex2) was further examined by the Financial Committee for compliance with the guidance on budgetary allocations and priority funding provided by the IOC Governing Bodies. Validation of the IOC Programme and Budget for 20122013 was covered by the resolution submitted by the Financial Committee under items 6.1 and 6.2. TIn her response, the Executive Secretary responded to interventions by the Member States and thanked the Member States for their very positive and encouraging comments concerning IOCs activities. She noted the remarks of several Member States about the fact that IOC has performed as well as in the previous biennium in spite of the budget cut. She pointed out that when she reported on the last Medium Term Strategy, much progress had already been made before the budget cut. Furthermore, in the last year IOC benefitted from the Emergency Funds from UNESCO from which funding for certain programmes was partially restored. However, the Emergency Funds will not be available in the coming years and unless extra-budgetary resources are found, it will not be possible to meet all demands. IOC is already losing its leadership in some areas. The impact is not visible immediately, but with limited funding for certain programmes, the situation will gradually deteriorate until the actions of IOC could become meaningless. This is the real danger of the decrease in funding. The Executive Secretary commented on a remark about GOOS/GCOS/JCOMM benchmark and mentioned that several Member States acknowledged the importance of the tsunami programme, Marine Spatial Planning, climate change and HAB. She expressed her sincere appreciation for the very positive comments made by the Member States. The representatives of 21 Member States took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report, Belgium, Canada, India, Norway, Republic of Korea and USA. The Assembly adopted Decision IOC-XXVII/Dec.3.2. The Assembly, Having examined documents IOC-XXVII/2Annex1 and Add., Takes note of the report of the Executive Secretary on programme implementation (20122013) and Medium-Term Strategy (20082013). 3.3 REPORTS BY THE CHAIRS OF THE IOC SUB-COMMISSIONS 3.3.1 IOC Sub-Commission for Africa and the Adjacent Island States (IOCAFRICA) MrMonde Mayekiso, Chair of the IOC Sub-Commission for Africa and the Adjacent Island States (IOCAFRICA) reported on the major outcomes of the 2nd Session of the Sub-Commission (Cape Town, South Africa, 34 April 2013). He highlighted progress on the development and the adoption of the Strategic Plan for IOCAFRICA, the development of capacity-development activities in the region and the strengthening of the sub-commission. The proposed IOCAFRICA work plan for the period 20132015 was examined by the Financial Committee. In a more prospective approach, DrMayekiso identified the challenges faced in the implementation of activities of the sub-commission and made proposals to address some of them. China noted the progress made in the development of the Strategic Plan for the Sub-Commission and expressed its desire to strengthen collaboration with IOCAFRICA, especially in capacity development. The Republic of Korea congratulated IOCAFRICA and expressed their willingness to continue support for the implementation of the Strategic Plan and Work Plan of the Sub Commission. The Assembly expressed its gratitude to the Member States that have contributed resources for the implementation of the activities of the Sub-Commission, including the Governments of Flanders (Belgium), Kenya, Republic of Korea, and South Africa. The Assembly called on Member States to work together with other partners to ensure the full implementation of the Work Plan of the Sub Commission. The representatives of four Member States took the floor. The following Member State chose to provide a record of its plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report: Republic of Korea. The Assembly adopted Decision IOC-XXVII/Dec.3.3.1. The Assembly, Having considered the executive summary report of the 2nd Session of the IOC Sub- Commission for Africa and the Adjacent Island States, Cape Town, South Africa, 34 April 2013 (IOCAFRICA-II/3s), Noting the progress that has been made since the establishment of the Sub-Commission, in particular the appointment of the IOC Coordinator in Africa, the setting-up of the secretariat for the Sub-Commission at the UNESCO Office in Nairobi, the organization of two sessions of the Sub-Commission, and the implementation of a range of projects and activities, Welcomes the support provided by various Member States for the development and implementation of the programmes of the Sub-Commission, including Flanders (Belgium), Kenya, Republic of Korea, Spain, and South Africa; Acknowledges the challenges faced in implementation of programmes of the Sub Commission, including limitation of resources and personnel; Accepts the report of IOCAFRICA-II and the recommendations therein, including the Strategic Plan of the Sub-Commission; Agrees that the regular budget for these activities will be identified as part of the overall IOC Programme and Budget resolution XXVII/DR.(6.1, 6.2); Urges Member States and other organizations and programmes to support the implementation of the Strategic Plan and the Work programme of the Sub Commission. 3.3.2 IOC-Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific (WESTPAC) The Chair of the IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific (WESTPAC), DrSomkiat Khokiattiwong, introduced this agenda item. He reported on the achievements made since a difficult revitalization process was initiated in 2008 by the WESTPAC Office with great support of all Member States. WESTPAC has established a systematic framework and collaborative process for coordinating the efforts of Member States in the development, establishment, and implementation of regionally-specific programmes/projects. He highlighted that, with those strategic planning and collaborative processes, a number of regionally-specific projects/programmes have been developed, coordinated and implemented in alignment with IOC High-Level Objectives. WESTPAC has been playing a pivotal role in the development and implementation of two Global Ocean Observing System Regional Alliances, nine region-specific scientific programmes, and one self-driven IOC Regional Network of Training and Research Centres on Marine Sciences. The WESTPAC International Scientific Symposia have been evolving as some of the largest gatherings among marine scientific communities. Meanwhile, the extrabudgetary support, both in cash and in kind, from Member States for WESTPAC Biennial Programme has been dramatically increased with a total value of more than US$3M. In a more prospective approach many efforts still need to be made in strengthening the systematic and multidisciplinary approach to WESTPAC programme development, and enhancing the presence of IOC and its WESTPAC at country level with a view to addressing the requirements of relevant conventions, and international initiatives. To this end, DrKhokiattiwong further invited the Assembly to endorse these strategic directions towards which WESTPAC will intensify its efforts, over the next ten years and beyond, including the development of country-specific programmes within the well-established regional collaborative framework; the establishment of partnerships/cooperation with relevant conventions, international programmes; the engagement of capable international experts into WESTPAC programmes; and the reinforcing of its WESTPAC Office based in Bangkok, Thailand in order to keep the present momentum and have greater achievements of WESTPAC in near future. In concluding, he invited Member States to join the celebration of the 25th Anniversary of WESTPAC starting in July 2013, Paris and ending in April 2015, Phuket Thailand, particularly the WESTPAC 9th International Scientific Symposium, 2225 April 2014, NhaTrang, Vietnam. The Assembly appreciated the significant achievements made by WESTPAC over 20082013 with joint efforts of all WESTPAC Member States and WESTPAC Office. The successful revitalization of WESTPAC has generated very positive outcomes and impacts as demonstrated by the ever-increasing commitments from Member States in the implementation of WESTPACs rapidly growing programmes and activities, which also provides useful experience to be shared with other regions, and to help guide discussion on the future of IOC. The Assembly expressed its gratitude with the Member States for their contributions made in support of WESTPAC, and welcomed offers from: China, Japan and Republic of Korea to continuously provide financial support and/or secondment to WESTPAC Office; Indonesia to launch the Widya Nusantara Expedition (E-Win) 2013; Malaysia to organize the World Ocean Week; and Vietnam to host the WESTPAC 9th International Scientific Symposium in celebration of the 25th Anniversary of WESTPAC. The representatives of 11 Member States took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report: , Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Thailand, USA, Vietnam. The Assembly adopted Decision IOC-XXVII/Dec.3.3.2. The Assembly, Having considered the summary report of Main Progress and Achievements of WESTPAC (20082012) (IOC/INF-1300), Recalling the decision 3.2 of the 45th session of the Executive Council on the WESTPAC report and recommendations (WESTPAC-IX/3s), Endorses the strategic directions recommended by WESTPAC in the document IOC/INF-1300; Agrees that the regular budget for these activities will be considered as part of the overall IOC Programme and Budget resolution XXVII/DR.(6.1, 6.2); Urges Member States and other organizations and programmes to support the implementation of the work programme of the Sub-Commission, noting the methods the Sub-Commission has used to guarantee its success. 3.4 REPORT OF THE IOC (2012-2013) TO THE THIRTY-SEVENTH GENERAL CONFERENCE OF UNESCO The Executive Secretary introduced this item. According to Art.3.2 of the Statutes and Rule of Procedure 49.2, the IOC prepares regular reports on its activities, which shall be submitted to the General Conference of UNESCO. The IOCs report to the 37th General Conference of UNESCO (Paris, 520 November 2013) covered the period since the 36th General Conference (Paris, 25 October11 November 2011) and focused on the main achievements in the implementation of the UNESCO Medium-term Strategy 20082013 (34C/4) with respect to Strategic Programme Objective3, Leveraging scientific knowledge for the benefit of the environment and the management of natural resources, and Strategic Programme Objective 5, Contributing to disaster preparedness and mitigation. No representatives of Member States took the floor. The Assembly adopted Decision IOC-XXVII/Dec.3.4. The Assembly, Recalling Article 3.2 of the Statutes and Rule of Procedure 49.2, Having examined document IOC-XXVII/6, Requests the Executive Secretary to submit the report on IOC activities (20122013) to the 37th General Conference of UNESCO (37 C/REP.8).     IOC-XXVII/3 prov. Pt. PtN1 page  PAGE 4 IOC-XXVII/3 prov. Pt.  PtN 1 page  PAGE 5 IOC-XXVII/3 prov. 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