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He reviewed developments in IOCARIBE focal programmes for 20122013: the Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem (CLME); the IOCARIBE Global Ocean Observing System Regional Alliance (IOCARIBE-GOOS); the Harmful Algal Blooms in the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (HAB-ANCA) programme; the Integrated Coastal Area Management (ICAM) programme; the Caribbean Tsunami and Other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (CARIBE-EWS); the International Bathymetric Chart of the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico (IBCCA); the International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) and related Ocean Data and Information Network for the IOCARIBE and South America Regions (ODINCARSA); and the Caribbean Marine Atlas and Capacity Development. MrBrizuela-Venegas reported on the 12th Session of IOCARIBE including decisions related to: (i) the Review of the IOCARIBE Secretariat; (ii) a series of measures to strengthen the IOCARIBE Secretariat; (iii) the completion of the Sustainable Management of the Shared Living Marine Resources of the Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem and Adjacent Regions CLME and the preparation of the CLME Strategic Action Programme; (iv) the work of the HAB-ANCA group; (v) the IOCARIBE-GOOS restructuring and re-organizing; (vi); the Programme and project implementation; and (vii) the IOCARIBE Programme and Budget for 20142015 which was examined by the Financial Committee. The IOCARIBE Vice-Chairman reported on activities completed after the IOCARIBE-XII Session in April 2013, including the completion of the CLME project and the technical approval by the CLME Steering Committee of its CLME Strategic Action Programme (SAP). The CLME is a US$58million project, including US$8,6million GEF support. By June 2013 the SAP had been endorsed by ministers of 18 countries. The Project Identification Form is in development and will be submitted in July 2013 to the Global Environmental Facility Council for their financial support. MrBrizuela also reported on the activities implemented within the framework of the World Ocean Assessment in the Region and the Wider Caribbean Region Workshop. He stressed the importance of actively participating in the Pool of Experts that includes nearly 60 representatives from the Caribbean as of April 2013. He reported on the progress of the CARIBE-EWS. The second regional tsunami exercise, CARIBE Wave LANTEX was conducted on March 20. 2013 with the participation of over 25 countries. The Caribbean Tsunami Information Center (CTIC) was established in Barbados in 2013. The IOCARIBE Vice-Chairman informed the Assembly about the Caribbean Marine Atlas. Five prototype national marine atlases are being implemented and an initiative completed with the CLME IMS/REMP creating a metadata inventory of data sources related to integrated coastal area management. MrBrizuela also referred to the Review of the IOCARIBE Secretariat of July 2012, conducted by UNESCO Internal Oversight Services (IOS) noting recommendations concerning the trial period for the office and the disposition of the IOCARIBE Secretarys position. Colombia made a formal offer to second a professional for supporting the work of the IOCARIBE Secretariat, and confirmed their commitment to continue hosting the Secretariat in Cartagena. Belgium expressed their commitment to continuing to financially support IOCARIBE activities, and stressed the strategic importance of having a strong, well-staffed Secretariat. The UNEP representative noted the strong co-operation with IOCARIBE, in particular, in: the work carried out within the CLME towards the sustainable use of fisheries and marine biodiversity; activities for the UN Regular Process World Ocean Assessment, and the Global Ocean Partnership with the World Bank; and with the GEF financed IWEco project, where the IOCARIBE Project "Demonstrate Approaches for Nutrient and Sediment Reduction at Selected Pilot Study Areas in the Wider Caribbean, is one of the key components. Intervening Member States expressed their support for strengthening the IOCARIBE Secretariat by restoring the current IOCARIBE Secretarys position as a full time, permanent post located in Colombia. The Assembly thanked the Government of Panama for having hosted IOCARIBE-XII, and expressed its deepest appreciation to the Government of Colombia for their continuous support to the IOCARIBE Secretariat over the years. The representatives of 13 Member States and UNEP took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report: Belgium and United Kingdom. The Assembly adopted Decision IOC-XXVII, Dec. 3.3.3. The Assembly, Having considered the executive summary report of the 12th Session of the IOC Sub-Commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions, Panama City, Panama, 912 April 2013, (IOC/SC-IOCARIBE-XII/3s), Takes note of the report of IOCARIBE-XII and the recommendations therein; Urges Member States and other organizations and programmes to support the implementation of the work programme of the Sub-Commission, Having examined the report of the Internal Oversight Office of UNESCO on the Review of the IOCARIBE Office (IOC-XXVII/2 Annex 12 Add.), Taking note of the IOCARIBE recommendation SC-IOCARIBE-XII.1 to restore the current IOCARIBE Secretarys position as a full time, permanent post for the IOCARIBE Secretary in Colombia as a matter of priority, funded by the UNESCO staff allocation, Recognizing that the current financial situation of IOC does not allow the appointment of a full time IOCARIBE Secretary, Requests the Director-General of UNESCO to consider restoring the current IOCARIBE Secretarys position as a full time, permanent post for the IOCARIBE Secretary in Colombia as a matter of priority, funded by the UNESCO regular budget; Invites the Director-General to mobilize funds to support IOCARIBE; Requests Member States to consider supporting IOCARIBE by: (i) making a firm commitment for extra-budgetary contributions for an agreed period for the full time employment of the IOCARIBE Secretary and for activities; (ii) seconding staff to the IOCARIBE Secretariat; Agrees that the regular budget for these activities will be considered as part of the overall IOC Programme and Budget resolution XXVII/DR.(6.1, 6.2); Requests the Executive Secretary to convey the above decision to Member States and in particular in the Caribbean region in order to mobilize support and funds. 4. INTRODUCTION TO THE DRAFT PROGRAMME AND BUDGET FOR 2014-2017 AND IOC MEDIUM-TERM STRATEGY FOR 2014-2021 4.1 INTRODUCTION TO IOC DRAFT MEDIUM-TERM STRATEGY FOR 2014-2017 The Draft Medium-Term Strategy for 20142021 covers the period of eight years to be consistent with the new UNESCO medium-term planning context which also includes four-year programme cycles. In line with the IOC mission statement, a vision for the period 20142021 was formulated based on perceived societal needs, emerging ocean science issues and requirements for intergovernmental coordination. The Rio+20 conference has provided very useful and timely context for the role of IOC as expressed in the Draft Medium-Term Strategy, its high-level objectives and conceptual framework of functions. In addition to explaining the links to UNESCO Strategic Objectives, Expected Outcomes and Global Priorities, the Medium-term Strategy provides an analysis of the IOCs place and role in the UN system, as well as an overview of key partnerships and joint programmes. The representatives of 14 Member States took the floor. They thanked Vice-Chairman Prof. Peter M. Haugan for his role in guiding the work of the Intersessional Financial Advisory Group. They stressed the importance of focusing the work of the Commissions programmes that have the strongest impact in terms of societal benefits, safety, protection of the marine environment and technological innovations. In this regard, the highest priority should be given to ocean observations, data assessment and exchange and early warning systems. Many Member States expressed the opinion that given the on-going discussions of the UN Secretary Generals Oceans Compact initiative and the diverging opinions on this subject, it would be premature to refer to it in the IOC Medium Term Strategy. (See decision under 6.2). The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report: Germany, India and United Kingdom. 4.2 INTRODUCTION TO IOC DRAFT PROGRAMME AND BUDGET FOR 2014-2017 The Draft Programme and Budget for 20142017 translates the strategic objectives defined in the Medium-Term Strategy into programme focus area with clear results expected at the end of the four-year period. While the programmes are defined for the quadrennial period 20142017, the budget allocation to them is proposed for the biennial period 20142015, in line with the UNESCO General Conference resolution (36C/Res.105) to maintain the biennial cycle for the appropriation of the budget and to move towards a result-based budgeting approach. The current financial situation is difficult for UNESCO and its IOC. When designing this quadrennial programme, it will be crucially important to have a realistic appreciation of the possibilities and limitations within available budgets. While the proposed budgetary allocation for 20142015 is based on the funding attributed to the IOC under the UNESCO Zero Nominal Growth scenario of US$653M, the Secretariat requested the Assemblys guidance on the approach to adopt in case of a potential cash shortfall. The representatives of 14 Member States took the floor. They stressed the importance of identifying programmatic priorities focusing on issues of global consensus, building on IOC core programmes and regional initiatives, as well as the need to find innovative ways of mobilizing extrabudgetary funding. In his concluding remarks, the Chair of the Financial Committee ensured that all the points made in the plenary debate were well noted and that they would be subject to further in-depth consideration by the sessional Financial Committee. (See decision under 6.2.) The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report: Germany, India and United Kingdom. The Assembly adopted IOC-XXVII/Dec.4. The Assembly, Recognizing the importance of the in depth discussion during the Assembly on the financial matters, Decides to waive on an exceptional basis the submission deadline for draft resolutions, specifically for the Draft Resolution on financial matters (items 3.2, 6.1 & 6.2). 5. STRATEGY DEVELOPMENTS 5.1 GOVERNANCE The Chairman reminded that the Sessional Working Group on the Future of IOC, established by EC-XLVI/Dec.2(III), was requested to report under this agenda item and offered the floor to the Chairman of the Group, MrJavier Valladares, past Chairman of IOC. MrValladares reported that the Working Group met only one time, on Thursday, 27 June. A letter submitted by Portugal to the Chairman of IOC was distributed to the participants at the beginning of the meeting (Annex to IOC/EC-XLVI/3s). Portugal introduced its letter indicating that the main issue is what Member States can do to prepare for the evolution of IOC as a major component of international cooperation on oceans. MrValladares reported that the Group reached consensus that the IOC Governing Bodies should maintain in their agendas an item and mechanism to enable Member States to reflect and exchange ideas on the Future of IOC. It also consensually decided not to address the subject of the duality of the function/post of IOCs Executive Secretary and Assistant Director-General, and not to discuss the short-term planning and the Medium-Term Strategy that are addressed by the Financial Committee. The Group had a very substantive and positive dialogue, with more than 16 interventions by the Member States. The Group suggested three areas where the IOC could improve. First the Group noted the need to rationalize cooperation and communication between IOC and other Organizations, internally through cooperation among Member States and dialogue among Member States National Oceanographic Committees, and externally between IOC and other UN Organizations, including by identifying overlaps with a view to optimize research/cooperation within their respective mandates. Second, the Group recognized that by sharpening and clarifying IOCs identity, it would be viewed with higher pertinence by policy makers and the public in general. This could be achieved by recognizing the variety of global and regional needs and identifying the IOC with a small number of priority ocean service programmes supported by science within each High Level Objective (HLO), and by raising the visibility of IOC through clear branding associated with these successful key activities. Third, while recognizing that the success of IOC sustained ocean observations and services lies in a combination of intergovernmental procedures and more flexible arrangements, the Group identified that by enhancing flexibility and adaptability of IOCs governance it might increase the engagement of the ocean research community with IOC. The report of Mr Valladares received general support from Member States and all thanked Portugal for having taken the initiative that triggered the discussion. Some Member States emphasized the regional aspect of IOCs work while many focused their interventions on the relevance of science as core to the work of IOC. The representatives of 12 Member States took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report: Canada, India, U.K. and U.S.A. The Assembly adopted Decision IOC-XXVII/Dec.(5.1). The Assembly, Having considered the report from the chair of Sessional Working Group on The Future of IOC established during the 27th session Assembly; Recalling documents IOC-XXIII/2 Annex 8 Financing and Ownership of IOC Programmes, We have a Problem, IOC/Future-I/3 IOC Working Group on the Future of IOC, First Session, UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France, 1920 February 2008, and IOC-XXVI/2 Annex 6 Report of the Executive Secretary on the Implementation of the Recommendations of the Working Group on the Future of IOC; Acknowledges the need for continued discussion on The Future of IOC; Decides that one of the IOC Officers should be assigned to follow and coordinate the development, in consultation with Member States during the intersessional period, through email, a short background document to be presented to the 47th session of the IOC Executive Council, as a preparation to the 28th Assembly; Suggests that the areas of deliberation covered by the above indicated documents should focus on sharpening IOCs identity, as well as on rationalized cooperation and communication between IOC and other organizations, and enhanced flexibility and adaptability of IOC governance; Decides to add The Future of IOC to the agenda of the IOC Executive Council at its 47th Session in 2014 and to the agenda of the IOC Assembly at its 28th Session in 2015; Calls governments of the IOC Member States to support the IOC activities at the forthcoming UNESCO General Conference, emphasizing that IOC has a recognized and unique role in the UN system in relation to ocean science and the scientific base for ocean management thus contributing to the Member States economic growth and prosperity and to consider a possibility to enlarge the IOC functional autonomy within UNESCO and to assign a larger and fixed IOC share in the UNESCO regular budget. UN Consultation and Coordination The Head of the Ocean Sciences Section of IOC, DrLuis Valds, introduced the IOC contribution to various oceanrelated UN inter-agency activities. As the focal point within the UN system for ocean sciences, observations, services, data and information exchange and transfer of marine technology IOC contributes to a number of UN processes, responds to the needs expressed by the UN General Assembly, and plays an active role in UN inter-agency mechanisms and activities. DrValds highlighted several recent developments on UN-Oceans, GESAMP, activities on Rio+20 follow-up and Sustainable Development Goal process, the Secretary-General Oceans Compact, the World Banks Global Partnership for Oceans, the Global Framework for Climate Services, and the ITU-IOC-WMO Joint Task Force on submarine cables. Nicaragua, on behalf of the Group of 77 plus China, took the floor to express the concerns of the G-77 Member States on the UN SG Oceans Compact and the need for further consultation with UN Member States on this matter. Following the statement, the Assembly requested the removal of the reference to the Oceans Compact in the proposed decision as well as in the draft resolution on financial matters. The Assembly noted the need to take into account within the discussion on the Future of IOC, the role and mandate of IOC in UN inter-agency oceanrelated initiatives. The Assembly welcomed the establishment of the ITU-IOC-WMO Joint Task Force on submarine cables. The representatives of 14 Member States and Group of 77 plus China took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report: Canada, Republic of Korea and USA. The IOC Assembly adopted Decision IOC-XXVII/Dec.5.1.1. The Assembly, Having considered document IOC/INF-1302, Takes note of the on-going active role played by the Commission in UN-Oceans, GESAMP, collaboration in following up to the Rio+20 conference, and elaboration of Sustainable Development Goals; Agrees that: the Commission has a role to play in the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS), both as an enabler and potential user of climate services, and the IOC Executive Secretary continue to assist UNESCO in leading coordination of inputs into the GFCS including participation in an Inter- agency Coordination Group; Welcomes the establishment by the ITU, IOC, and WMO of an informal Joint Task Force to develop a roadmap that could lead to enabling the availability of submarine repeaters equipped with scientific sensors for disaster warning system (tsunamis), and the monitoring of some GCOS Essential Climate Variables (IOC/INF-1303); Notes that the financial and human resource implications of the Commission's engagement in these processes are generally being absorbed by programme budgets identified as part of the overall IOC Programme and Budget resolution XXVII/DR.(6.1, 6.2); and Invites IOC Member States to support IOCs role and contributions in these processes. 5.1.2 Other Partnerships The Deputy Executive Secretary and Head of the IOC Capacity-development section, DrMitrasen Bhikajee, presented the international initiative of a voluntary community of practice formed to convert into reality a concept to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the International Indian Ocean Expedition (IIOE) of the early 1960s (IOC/INF-1310). IIOE was one of the greatest early international inter-disciplinary oceanographic research efforts, bringing to bear the facilities of over 45 research vessels, under fourteen different flags, to explore through pioneering voyages of discovery the ecological mysteries of the Indian Ocean. He further recalled that the IOC had played a major role, along with SCOR, in coordinating and facilitating the IIOE, which had, in turn, contributed to the recognition of the IOC as a major force in international oceanography. The elaboration of the concept started in 2011 under the auspices of the Scientific Committee on Ocean Research (SCOR), the Indian Ocean Global Ocean Observing System (IOGOOS) Regional Alliance, and the IOC represented by its Perth Regional Programme Office (PRPO). A Reference Group was created and met for the first time as the IIOE-2 Reference Group, in India, 1415 May 2013 hosted by the IOGOOS Secretariat based at INCOIS, Ministry of Earth Sciences, India; with the support of IOC and IMBER. The group, whilst being highly engaged and agreed in spirit for the concept and willing to continue, now requires broadening and secretariat-type support to cover the required spectrum of representation and planning to achieve the aspirations of an IIOE-2. Five Member States and one observer (SCOR) took the floor and expressed support for IIOE and identified it as an important activity. They further requested that the IOC play an important role in the promotion of IIOE-2 as this initiative would substantially raise the profile of the Commission. One Member State mentioned that it was unable to commit itself as discussions at the local level were still ongoing. United Kingdom and SCOR chose to provide records of their respective plenary interventions on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report. The IOC Assembly adopted Decision IOC-XXVII/Dec.5.1.2. The Assembly, Having considered document IOC/INF-1310, Noting with interest that a Reference Group had been formed, under the initial auspices of SCOR, Indian Ocean GOOS and the IOC through its supporting Perth Regional Programme Office, to explore the possibilities for a second such international expedition, IIOE-2, to coincide with the 50th anniversary of IIOE, and especially to further significantly advance the understanding of the Indian Ocean in its own right and in its influence and tele-connections to the oceanic and climatic systems of the globe generally, Recalling the IOC High Level Objectives and vision for the next Medium-term Strategy 20142021, Decides that it is appropriate for the IOC in collaboration with SCOR and IOGOOS, to further develop a proposal for the second international Indian Ocean Expedition in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the IIOE-I. Decides to add the International Indian Ocean Expedition 50th Anniversary Initiative to the agenda of the IOC Executive Council at its 47th Session in 2014 in order to formalize, through a Draft Resolution, IOCs involvement in an IIOE-2, implemented for the period 20152020; Requests the IIOE-2 Reference Group and the IOC Executive Secretary to prepare the relevant documentation, timeline, organizational and financial implications for the IOC; Urges interested Member States to support this planning effort to the best of their capacities. Proposal for a Category-2 UNESCO Regional Educational and Research Centre on Oceanography for Western Asia, in Iran (Islamic Republic of) The Executive Secretary introduced this item by informing the Assembly of the proposal submitted by the Islamic Republic of Iran for the establishment in the country under the auspices of UNESCO of a Category2 Regional Educational and Research Centre on Oceanography for Western Asia. She summarized the objectives of the Centre and introduced the UNESCO guidelines for the establishment and operations of the Centre and the results of the feasibility study of the proposal. The Executive Secretary also pointed out that the IOC would have no liability or financial responsibility for the Centre. The representatives of 22 Member States took the floor and expressed their recognition of the capacity in oceanography of research institutions in the Islamic Republic of Iran, and further expressed their overwhelming support for the establishment in the country under the auspices of UNESCO of a Category2 Regional Educational and Research Centre on Oceanography for Western Asia. The Islamic Republic of Iran expressed its appreciation of the strong support expressed by the Assembly and reiterated its strong commitment to the establishment of the Centre. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report: Malaysia, Thailand and United Kingdom. The IOC Assembly adopted Decision IOC-XXVII/Dec. The Assembly, Having examined Document IOC-XXVII/2Annex6 and Addendum, Noting that the creation of the centre aims not only to bring technical capacity to the region but also to support regional cooperation in ocean and coastal research, management and capacity development and correspond to the IOC regional policy, Noting also that the proposal and fact-finding mission report on the feasibility study undertaken fully correspond to the principles and guidelines for the establishment of Category2 Regional Centres of UNESCO (Document 35C/22 and corr.); Endorses the proposal of the Islamic Republic of Iran to establish under the auspices of UNESCO a category2 regional educational and research centre on oceanography for Western Asia; Requests the IOC Executive Secretary to forward this decision to the Director-General of UNESCO. Endorsement of the IHO-IOC/GEBCO Sub-committee for Regional Undersea Mapping (SCRUM) The Permanent Secretary of the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO), MrDavid Clark, introduced this item. MrClark reported briefly on the activities of the GEBCO Guiding Committee (IOC/INF-1305) and highlighted some of the objectives of the GEBCO programme over the next IOC Medium-Term Strategy (20142021). In accordance with the Terms of Reference of the Guiding Committee, the Sub-committee for Regional Undersea Mapping (SCRUM) needs endorsement by both sponsors. Member States recognized the importance of cooperation between IOC and the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO). Member States also supported the objectives and activities of GEBCO during the period of the next IOC Medium-Term Strategy, in particular those to coordinate, encourage, and provide an interface with the various regional bathymetric mapping efforts, including those carried out in Indian, Arctic and Southern Oceans. The representatives of nine Member States and IHO took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report: Chile, India, Japan and USA. The Assembly adopted Decision IOC-XXVII/Dec. The Assembly, Having examined document IOC-XXVII/2 Annex 7, Urges Member States to contribute to improve global bathymetric data sets and data products of GEBCO on a voluntary basis through participation in regional ocean mapping efforts, where appropriate; Decides to endorse the Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure for GEBCO Sub-Committee on Regional Undersea Mapping (SCRUM) and to create SCRUM as a formal Sub-Committee of GEBCO. Role of IOC Subsidiary Bodies and Decentralized Offices The IOC Vice-chair, DrAdot Blivi, introduced this item. He highlighted measures that had been taken in order to reinforce the Secretariats of IOCs Regional Subsidiary Bodies (RSB) despite financial difficulties, financial and in-kind support of Member States to Sub-Commissions, various secondments, and the review of IOCARIBE in order to optimise the presence of IOC in the regions. DrBlivi also reported on the work of the Meeting of the Regional Subsidiary Bodies that took place on Monday 24 June 2013 in conjunction with the Assembly under his chairmanship and reiterated the need to: (i) optimise financing mechanisms in the region; (ii) develop a strategic plan for the Regional Liaison Officer to work more efficiently with field offices; (iii) request Member States to contribute personnel to RSBs; and (iv) encourage Member States to assist in the development of activities in their region. The Assembly reaffirmed the important role of the IOC Regional Subsidiary Bodies, notably the Sub-Commissions. The Assembly noted the successful revitalization of WESTPAC and commended Member States of WESTPAC for their support. Cooperation among the Sub-Commissions and with international and regional partners is important to build synergy and avoid duplication. In this regard, the Assembly welcomed with appreciation the cooperation between PICES and WESTPAC with the participation of UNDP in the field of capacity building including variability studies of living marine resources in North Pacific. The Assembly took note of the review of IOCARIBE and welcomed the establishment of IOCAFRICA which has a role to play both in the Mediterranean and Africa. Available resources should be used commensurate to the defined priorities, notably Africa. The future of IOC depends on the capacity of the regions to address their own issues at the regional level which in turn will contribute to the global programmes. The Assembly expressed concerns with the insufficient funding of activities and inadequate staffing of the Sub-Commissions with only one UNESCO Secretariat staff in each office. Subsequently, the Assembly called upon Member States and the Sub-Commissions to promote and support national and regional priorities. The Commission should reinforce the activities and staffing of the Sub-Commissions towards its own overall reinforcement. The representatives of four Member States took the floor. The Chair called upon Dr Mitrasen Bhikajee, Deputy IOC Executive Secretary, to introduce the Draft Resolution IOC-XXVII/DR.(5.1.3) Rev., Establishment of the Perth Programme Office (PPO). The Perth Regional Programme Office (PRPO) in support of the IOC of UNESCO was established in 1998 with the support of the Director-General of UNESCO and the Executive Secretary of the IOC, but was never brought for formal recognition by an IOC governing body. It has supported the development of GOOS Regional Alliances and, in conjunction with other IOC programmes in the region, plays a related role in progressing the IOCs mission in general. A new draft tripartite agreement for the PRPO between the Western Australian State Government, the Commonwealth Government of Australia (represented by the Bureau of Meteorology), and IOC-UNESCO is being negotiated. Consistent with IOC Guidelines for the Establishment of Decentralized Offices (IOC/INF-1193), the GOOS Steering Committee (GOOSSC) was asked at its Second Meeting (2527 March 2013, Qingdao, China) to consider the benefit of the PRPO in implementing the GOOS Work Plan. The GOOSSC requested the IOC Executive Secretary to bring a draft resolution on the PRPO as an IOC decentralized office to the IOC Assembly for its consideration. Australia reiterated their support for the Perth Regional Programme Office, proposed a change in its name to Perth Programme Office (PPO), and noted that several positive independent reviews of the work of the Office had been conducted in the last 15 years, most recently in 2011. The Assembly expressed its appreciation to the Australian Government for its support to the PPO and support for the proposal. In response to an Assembly request for clarification of the decision-making mechanism for the activities of the PPO, the Executive Secretary noted that the head of the PPO would be under her ultimate direction. The representatives of 8 Member States took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report: UK, USA, Thailand. The IOC Assembly adopted Resolution IOC-XXVII/Res.5.1.3Rev. [to be adopted at the present session under item 7.]     IOC-XXVII/3 prov. Pt.2 page  PAGE 18 IOC-XXVII/3 prov. Pt. 2 page  PAGE 17 IOC-XXVII/3 prov. 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