ࡱ>  WbjbjWW d==8 8B33 A"AAAA$BBBDWL B;2d* J(rrbL :::::::$UAD:iAv"@b"vv:6A6ArrO;vg6A8rA8r:v:rnAA)r8 fb :e;0;`!|Dfr D))DA+vvvvvvv::d~Zvvv;vvvvDvvvvvvvvv3$ ?: Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Reports of Governing and Major Subsidiary Bodies Twenty-seventh Session of the Assembly Paris, 26 June5 July 2013 UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Reports of Governing and Major Subsidiary Bodies Twenty-seventh Session of the Assembly Paris, 26 June5 July 2013 UNESCO 2013 IOC-XXVII/3 Paris, July 2013 Original: English TABLE OF CONTENTS page  HYPERLINK \l "Part1" PART I Resolutions and Decisions approved  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367299658" Resolution XXVII-1 Formalization of the Perth Programme Office (PPO)  PAGEREF _Toc367299658 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367299659" Resolution XXVII-2 Financial Matters of the Commission  PAGEREF _Toc367299659 \h 2  HYPERLINK \l "res2a" A Budget Execution (2012) and Anticipated Funding for 2013  HYPERLINK \l "res2b" B IOC Medium-Term Strategy for 20142021  HYPERLINK \l "res2c" C IOC Programme and Budget for 20142017 Decisions IOC-XXVII/Dec.__  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367299668" 2 I. Agenda  PAGEREF _Toc367299668 \h 15  HYPERLINK \l "d2ii" II. Rapporteur  HYPERLINK \l "d2iii" III. Sessional Committees and Working Groups  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367299669" 3.2 Report of the Executive Secretary  PAGEREF _Toc367299669 \h 16  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367299670" 3.3 Reports of the IOC Sub-Commissions  PAGEREF _Toc367299670 \h 16  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367299671" 3.4 Report of the IOC (20122013) to the Thirty-seventh General Conference of UNESCO  PAGEREF _Toc367299671 \h 18  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367299672" 4 Waiver of the Submission Deadline for the Draft Resolution on Financial Matters  PAGEREF _Toc367299672 \h 18  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367299673" 5.1 The Future of IOC  PAGEREF _Toc367299673 \h 18  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367299674" 5.1.1 UN Consultation and Coordination  PAGEREF _Toc367299674 \h 19  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367299675" 5.1.2 International Indian Ocean Expedition 50th Anniversary Initiative  PAGEREF _Toc367299675 \h 20  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367299676" Proposal for a Category-2 UNESCO Regional Educational and Research Centre on Oceanography for Western Asia, in Iran (Islamic Republic of)  PAGEREF _Toc367299676 \h 20  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367299677" Endorsement of the IHO-IOC/GEBCO Sub-committee for Regional Undersea Mapping (SCRUM)  PAGEREF _Toc367299677 \h 21  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367299678" 5.2.2 Tsunami and Other Coastal Hazards Warning Systems  PAGEREF _Toc367299678 \h 21  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367299679" 5.3.1 The Future Needs for Intergovernmental Coordination and Governance for Sustained Ocean Observations and Services  PAGEREF _Toc367299679 \h 22  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367299680" 5.3.2 Global Ocean Observing System  PAGEREF _Toc367299680 \h 23  HYPERLINK \l "d532i" I. Global Ocean Observing System Work Plan  HYPERLINK \l "d532ii" II. GOOS Regional Policy  HYPERLINK \l "d532iii" III. GOOS SC Regional Membership  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367299681" 5.3.3 Joint IOC-WMO Technical Commission (JCOMM) for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology Operating Plan (20132016)  PAGEREF _Toc367299681 \h 24  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367299682" 5.3.4 IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE)  PAGEREF _Toc367299682 \h 24  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367299683" Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS)  PAGEREF _Toc367299683 \h 25  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367299684" 5.3.5 WMO-ICSU-IOC-UNEP Global Climate Observing System (GCOS)  PAGEREF _Toc367299684 \h 26  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367299685" 5.4.1 WMO-IOC-ICSU-UNEP World Climate Research Programme (WCRP)  PAGEREF _Toc367299685 \h 27  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367299686" 5.4.2 Intergovernmental panel on Harmful Algal Blooms (IPHAB)  PAGEREF _Toc367299686 \h 27  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367299687" 5.4.3 Nutrient Pollution  PAGEREF _Toc367299687 \h 28  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367299688" 5.4.4 Integrated Coastal Area Management (ICAM)  PAGEREF _Toc367299688 \h 29  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367299689" 5.4.5 A Regular Process for Global reporting and assessment of the state of the Marine Environment, including Socio-economic Aspects (UN Regular Process) World Ocean Assessment  PAGEREF _Toc367299689 \h 30  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367299690" 5.5.1 Development of a New Capacity Development Strategy  PAGEREF _Toc367299690 \h 30  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367302475" 5.5.2 Rationale for an IOC Global Ocean Science Report  PAGEREF _Toc367302475 \h 32  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367302476" 6.4 Guidelines for Draft Resolutions  PAGEREF _Toc367302476 \h 33  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367302478" 6.5 Preparation of the 47th and 48th Sessions of the Executive Council (2014, 2015) and 28th Session of the Assembly (2015)  PAGEREF _Toc367302478 \h 38  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367302479" 6.6 Proposals for Future IOC Memorial Lectures  PAGEREF _Toc367302479 \h 38  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367302480" 7 Adoption of the Session Summary Report  PAGEREF _Toc367302480 \h 39  HYPERLINK \l "Part2" PART II Summary report  TOC \o "1-6" \h \z \u ANNEXES  HYPERLINK \l "a1" AGENDA  HYPERLINK \l "a2" REPORT OF THE FORTY-SIXTH SESSION OF THE IOC EXECUTIVE COUNCIL ACTING AS THE STEERING COMMITTEE OF THE ASSEMBLY, UNESCO, Paris, 25 June 2013  HYPERLINK \l "a3" ADDRESSES AND STATEMENTSl  HYPERLINK \l "a3a" A. Ms Irina Bokova, Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) On the occasion of the Opening of the 27th Session of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) Assembly B. Chairmans Statement of the State of the IOC, DrSang-Kyung Byun  HYPERLINK \l "a3c" C. Statement from IOC Officers for the opening of 27th Assembly  HYPERLINK \l "a3c" D. Statement from the President of the International Ocean Institute; Dr Awni Behnam  HYPERLINK \l "a3e" E. Presentation by Prof. Adot Blim Blivi, Vice-chairman Group V and Chairman of the Regional Subsidiary Body meeting, 2013  HYPERLINK \l "a3f" F. Tribute to MrAriel W. Gonzalez (Argentina) by MrElie Jarmache, Chairman of the IOC Advisory Body of Experts on the Law of the Sea  HYPERLINK \l "a4" REPORT OF THE CHAIRMAN OF THE RESOLUTIONS COMMITTEE  HYPERLINK \l "a5" INFORMATIONAL ANNEX  HYPERLINK \l "a6" IOC MEMORIAL LECTURES, 2013  HYPERLINK \l "A6a" The A. Bruun Memorial Lecture, 2013: The Ocean Health Index: global and regional applications and future directions by Benjamin S. Halpern  HYPERLINK \l "A6b" The N.K. Panikkar Memorial Lecture, 2013: Human Capacity Development in Ocean Sciences: a personal perspective by Shubha Sathyendranath  HYPERLINK \l "a7" RESULTS OF THE ELECTIONS  HYPERLINK \l "a8" LIST OF DOCUMENTS  HYPERLINK \l "a9" LIST OF PARTICIPANTS  HYPERLINK \l "a10" LIST OF ACRONYMS PART I Resolutions and DECISIONS APPROVED Resolution XXVII-1 Formalization of the Perth Programme Office (PPO) The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, Noting the request from the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) Steering Committee at its second meeting to consider formalizing the Perth Regional Programme Office (PRPO) to supplement the human resources available at the IOC Secretariat (GOOS-199), Recalling the Guidelines for the Establishment of Decentralized Offices (IOC/INF-1193), Recognizing the contribution since 1998 of the PRPO in support of the IOC to the implementation of its programmes in the region, and in particular to the development of GOOS and related services and knowledge transfer, Decides to formalize the PRPO as an IOC Programme Office; Notes that the IOC financial contribution to the activities of the PRPO is defined in IOC Resolution XXVII-2 as a part of the overall IOC Programme and Budget for 20142017; Requests the IOC Executive Secretary to conclude the tripartite agreement with the Western Australian State Government and the Commonwealth Government of Australia, represented by the Bureau of Meteorology, to implement this decision by the end of October 2013, Agrees that: (i) the future title of the Office should be the Perth Programme Office (PPO); (ii) subject to agreement by the other parties to the above- mentioned tripartite agreement, the terms of reference for the Office should be as given in the Annex to this Resolution; Annex to Resolution XXVII-1 Terms of Reference for the PPO 20142018 Under the direction of the IOC Executive Secretary, the PPO will coordinate, facilitate, develop and implement programmes supporting the IOCs mission, focussing on Indian Ocean/Australian regions and the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) for ocean observations, related services, and complementary ocean sciences, capacity building and marine/coastal hazards. In particular the PPO operates in accordance with the following terms of reference: Develop, facilitate and implement links and cooperative activities among IOC regional/international activities and relevant Western Australian State Government and Australian Commonwealth Government agencies, programmes and industry, Develop regional and global cooperative working partnerships with IOC stakeholders, including the regional research community and provincial and national oceanic and climate related agencies and organisations, in particular to provide support for applied research and operations, Facilitate and support the GOOS Regional Alliances and associated supporting secretariats and networks under the Offices purview (Indian Ocean GOOS, Pacific Islands GOOS and Western Australian GOOS), and facilitate and support related capacity building initiatives, Develop cooperation and partnership with regional ocean observing systems, policy networks, programmes and initiatives that are geographically and thematically complementary to the GOOS Regional Alliances under the Offices purview, as well as with relevant UNESCO and IOC entities, including UNESCO Regional offices, IOC Regional Subsidiary Bodies and Decentralised Project/Programme/Regional Offices, Develop and implement proposals to enhance the resource base in support of the Offices mission, Organise conferences, workshops and other capacity building and communication/ awareness raising activities relevant to the overall mission of the Office. Resolution XXVII-2 Financial Matters of the Commission The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, - A - Budget Execution (2012) and Anticipated Funding for 2013 Having examined document IOC-XXVII/2 Annex 2, Expresses great concern for the impact of the financial difficulties of UNESCO on the delivery of the IOC programmes, with the reduction of the IOC budget from US$10,405,400 to US$7,531,799 with the consequent reduction to the workplans for 20122013; Recognizes the efforts of the IOC Executive Secretary to maintain programme continuity under these difficult circumstances and to contribute to implement UNESCOs roadmap; Confirms that the IOC budget for 2012 has been executed in accordance with the approved Programme and Budget 20122013 and the guidance on the funding priorities provided by the IOC Executive Council at its 45th session through EC-XLV/Dec.5.1, including the endorsement of the Priority Funding Plan for 20122013 (EC-XLV/Dec.5.2 Annex B); Expresses its appreciation to the Director-General of UNESCO for the allocation of US$1,106,000 to the IOC from the UNESCO Emergency Fund to enable programme implementation at essential level; Expresses its thanks to the Member States and other donors who have already contributed to the UNESCO Emergency Fund and in addition provided US$ 5,271,061 as 2012 voluntary contributions to the IOC following the cash-flow and budgetary crises of end of 2011 and of the present biennium; Urges all Member States to provide voluntary contributions for the financing of the Priority Funding Plan for 20122013, preferably to the IOC Special Account; - B - IOC Medium-Term Strategy for 20142021 Having examined document IOC-XXVII/2 Annex3, Takes note of the Draft IOC Medium-Term Strategy for 20142021 presented at the session, following its review by the open ended Intersessional Financial Advisory Group (IFAG) under the leadership of Vice-Chairman Prof. Peter M. Haugan (Norway); Re-affirms the importance of the IOC as an intergovernmental commission with functional autonomy within UNESCO; Recognizes the draft takes into account: (i) The debate at the 45th Session of the Executive Council and its decision EC-XLV/Dec.5.2, (ii) The report of the Ad hoc Advisory Group for the IOC Ocean Sciences Section (IOC/INF-1294), (iii) Inputs from IOC Subsidiary Bodies and other relevant organizations and processes, in particular the follow-up to United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20), (iv) The development of the UNESCO Medium-term Strategy for 20142021 (37C/4), (v) The report of the Chair of the Sessional Working Group on the Future of the IOC (IOC-XXVII/2Prov.Rev.Add.), (vi) Comments and inputs from the IFAG; Adopts, according to Article 6.B.4 of the Statutes of the Commission, the Medium-Term Strategy for 20142021 as presented in Annex 1 to this resolution; Urges Member States to take into account the IOC Medium-Term Strategy in developing their national plans and programmes for ocean sciences, observations and services, as well as in planning their contribution to and participation in the programmes of the Commission; Further urges Member States to convey and support the IOC Medium-Term Strategy during the discussions on the UNESCO Medium Term Strategy for 2014-2021 at the 192nd session of the UNESCO Executive Board and the 37th session of the General Conference; Requests Sub-Commissions, Regional and Technical Committees and all Subsidiary Bodies of the IOC to set priorities, organize their activities and develop project proposals for extrabudgetary funding so as to coherently pursue the IOC High-Level Objectives contained in the IOC Medium Term Strategy; Recommends that the IOC Medium-Term Strategy be taken into account by the intersessional working group on the Future of IOC; Requests the IOC Executive Secretary to transmit the IOC Medium-Term Strategy for 20142021 to the Director-General of UNESCO, to widely disseminate it, including to the relevant national, regional and international organizations in order to build collaboration and cooperation in implementing the Commissions Medium Term Strategy. - C - IOC Programme and Budget for 20142017 Having examined documents IOC-XXVII/2 Annex4 and Add., Notes with great concern that the financial difficulties of UNESCO may continue into the 20142015 biennium and that the necessity may arise to limit the cash flow to 78% of the proposed zero nominal growth budget of US$653M; Takes positive note of the high priority given to the IOC in the priority ranking exercise conducted by the UNESCO Executive Board Working Group (June 2013) in line with the Commissions status as a body with functional autonomy within UNESCO; Expresses its appreciation to the IOC Executive Secretary for the comprehensive document on the proposed Draft Programme and Budget for 20142017, including clear links to: the Draft Medium-Term Strategy and its high level objectives; the implementation strategy through a conceptual framework of functions; the well-defined expected results and draft Complementary Additional Programme for Extrabudgetary Resources; Takes note of the information contained in the document IOC-XXVII/2Annex4 on the expected cash flow for 20142015, its potential impact on IOC programme delivery, and the Secretariats analysis of the situation, aimed at seeking Member States guidance on the spending priorities in case of a cash flow shortfall; Adopts the guiding principles to be used by the Secretariat in further improving the proposed framework of expected results, performance indicators and benchmarks, and in defining the spending priorities for 20142015 in case of a budgetary reduction due to a cash flow shortfall, as contained in Annex2 to this resolution; Urges Member States to support, through their delegations to the 192nd session of the Executive Board and to the 37th General Conference of UNESCO, the allocation to the IOC of the budgetary envelope of US$12,026,200 proposed in the Draft 37C/5 US$653M scenario, consistent with its status as UNESCOs flagship and the high priority nature of its expected results; Decides to reconstitute the open-ended Intersessional Financial Advisory Group (IFAG) under the leadership of a Vice-Chairperson, in accordance with the Terms of Reference contained in Annex3 to this resolution, maintaining close consultation with the intersessional working group on the Future of the IOC. Annex 1 to Resolution XXVII-2 IOC Medium-Term Strategy for 20142021 1. INTRODUCTION The last decade demonstrated an increased understanding of the importance of the oceans as a source of life, and the realization that building regional know-how is essential for facilitating solving regional economic and social problems. The IOC has a recognized and unique role in the UN system in relation to ocean science and the science base for ocean management. Its status as a body with functional autonomy within UNESCO has been carefully designed to provide an efficient platform for coordination, information and sharing of knowledge to contribute to sustainable and peaceful development. When designing a medium-term strategy, it is crucially important to have a realistic appreciation of the possibilities and limitations within available budgets. Continued emphasis on coordination, exchange, initiation of activities and strengthening of key functions is required, while implementation to a large degree has to be done in collaboration with other organizations and entities. This is challenging and demanding and will require key inputs from Member States in collaboration with the IOC Secretariat. In line with the IOC mission statement, a vision for the period 20142021 is formulated below based on perceived societal needs, emerging issues, and requirements for intergovernmental coordination. The Rio+20 Conference has provided very useful and timely context for the role of IOC as expressed in this strategy and its high-level objectives. The strategy will cover 8 years to be consistent with the new UNESCO medium term planning context which includes four-year programme cycles, and will be implemented in a manner consistent with the outcome of the Future of IOC deliberations. We recognize that oceans, seas and coastal areas form an integrated and essential component of the Earths ecosystem and are critical to sustaining it The future we want Outcome of the UN Conference on Sustainable Development - Rio +20 2. Mission Statement The present statutes of the IOC, which came into force through adoption by the General Conference of UNESCO of 30C/Resolution22 of 16 November 1999, give the mission of the Commission as follows: Article 2 Purpose The purpose of the Commission is to promote international cooperation and to coordinate programmes in research, services and capacity-building, in order to learn more about the nature and resources of the ocean and coastal areas and to apply that knowledge for the improvement of management, sustainable development, the protection of the marine environment, and the decision-making processes of its Member States. The Commission will collaborate with international organizations concerned with the work of the Commission, and especially with those organizations of the United Nations system which are willing and prepared to contribute to the purpose and functions of the Commission and/or to seek advice and cooperation in the field of ocean and coastal area scientific research, related services and capacity-building. The IOC, established in 1960 as a body with functional autonomy within UNESCO, is the only competent organization for marine science within the UNSystem. In addition, IOC is recognized through the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) as the competent international organization in the fields of Marine Scientific Research (Part XIII) and Transfer of Marine Technology (Part XIV). Consistent with the mission statement above, the IOC Medium-Term Strategy (MTS) 20142021 is derived from a vision guiding the high-level objectives, programmes, and also actions and activities to be detailed in each subsequent biennial programme and budget. The strategy including its objectives will also fulfil IOC's role as a main line of action (MLA) of UNESCO and contribute to the relevant UNESCO Thematic areas of expected results, as given in the Draft UNESCO Medium-Term Strategy (37C/4) (see figure below):  3. ioc vision AND HIGH-LEVEL OBJECTIVES for 20142021 Vision: Strong scientific understanding and systematic observations of the changing world ocean climate and ecosystems shall underpin sustainable development and global governance for a healthy ocean, and global, regional and national management of risks and opportunities from the ocean. More specifically, through international cooperation, IOC aspires to help its Member States to collectively achieve the following high-level objectives (HLOs), with particular attention to ensuring that all Member States have the capacity to meet them: Healthy ocean ecosystems and sustained ecosystem services Effective early warning systems and preparedness for tsunamis and other ocean-related hazards Increased resiliency to climate change and variability and enhanced safety, efficiency and effectiveness of all ocean-based activities through scientifically-founded services, adaptation and mitigation strategies Enhanced knowledge of emerging ocean science issues. Objective 1: Developing indicators of ocean status, and locating their tipping points relative to marine ecosystem functioning, are important in the prediction or early detection of changes in ecosystem states, and in the evaluation of ecosystem resilience. Such knowledge and analytical tools will be very valuable in ocean management in general, and in placing management of single sectors into an ecosystem-based approach. The local and regional capacities, in terms of knowledge and tools, are also central for understanding how much an ecosystem can be stressed before it moves to other states from which recovery may be difficult. Current research on these topics is still piecemeal and needs coordination. Objective 2: The ultimate objective of this HLO is to reduce risk, by encouraging communities to implement effective mitigating measures and become aware of the hazards they face. As coastal development continues at a rapid pace, society is becoming increasingly vulnerable to coastal flooding and other extreme sea-level events such as tsunamis. Ensuring that nations have access to the necessary information for coastal adaptation planning and safe and secure operations in the marine environment, is dependent on continued progress in the implementation of tsunami and ocean observing systems, improvements of models of the climate systems and ocean services and the development of local decision support tools. Objective 3: Climate variability and change impact many elements on which human well-being depends, modifying patterns of rainfall and drought, sea-level and coastal erosion, and through temperature changes and ocean acidification, adding stress to ecosystems and impacting on the goods and services they provide. Thus, human development goals including food security, access to water resources, and preparedness and resilience to disasters are threatened. It is known that the ocean plays a key role in climate; IOC will therefore assist its Member States in developing capacity so as to enable them to develop and improve climate impact mitigation and adaptation strategies that are based on growing scientific knowledge. Objective 4: A broad range of emerging environmental issues such as new contaminants, invasive species, marine renewable energies, the expansion and intensification of uses of marine resources, cumulative effects of human maritime activities, etc., jeopardize the conservation and sustainable use of marine spaces and ecosystems. It is important to improve our understanding of the opportunities and of the changes that are occurring within the Ocean, including the deep sea. The IOCs role is to encourage scientific research, technical analyses and syntheses of scientific information needed to effectively address these emerging issues, inform policy, and advance solutions in a timely and transparent manner. 4. relation to unescos 37c/4 As explained above, the IOC Medium-TermStrategy shall also respond to Strategic Objectives 4 and 5 of the Draft UNESCO Medium-Term Strategy for 20142021: UNESCO Draft 37C/4 Strategic Objective 4: Promoting the interface between science, policy and society and ethical and inclusive policies for sustainable development. as well as UNESCO Draft 37C/4 Strategic Objective 5: Strengthening international science cooperation for peace, sustainability and social inclusion, and contribute primarily to the following Expected Outcomes: UNESCO leadership and contributions in the field of science for sustainability recognized in the  HYPERLINK "http://www.un.org/en/development/desa/policy/untaskteam_undf/faq_untt_report_sep2012.pdf" post-2015 UN Development Agenda Effective partnerships operational for freshwater, terrestrial ecosystems, biodiversity and the ocean to underpin the post-2015 development agenda Policy-makers and relevant stakeholders enabled to take policy decisions drawing on interdisciplinary scientific knowledge base for sustainable development Ocean science and global, regional and national capacities for the management of ocean-related risks improved Disaster risk reduction strategies developed and implemented by Member States in all regions based on scientific and social factors. IOC programmes will also contribute to the achievement of UNESCOs Global Priorities: Africa and Gender. UNESCO Global Priority Africa: Africa is an overarching priority and IOC will ensure that it is mainstreamed in all its programmes and that it is reflected in the performance indicators. The importance given to Africa is reflected in the recent creation of the IOC Sub-Commission for Africa and Adjacent Island States (IOCAFRICA) and the appointment of a full-time Secretary to the sub-commission. Since its launch in 2012, the sub-commission has held two meetings and developed a strategic plan. IOCAFRICA has received both cash and in-kind support from Member States which will be further mobilised to ensure the success of IOCAFRICA. In addition, programmes will be further decentralised to ensure proximity to Member States. UNESCO Global Priority Gender: UNESCOs approach for Global Priority Gender Equality is built on two main axes: gender-specific programming, focusing on womens and mens social, political, and economic empowerment, and mainstreaming gender equality considerations in the Organizations policies, programmes, and initiatives. The IOC contribution to Global Priority Gender Equality will focus in particular on one of the foreseen actions, which is to ensure that international science cooperation for peace and sustainability allows for representation and voice for women and men, and that conditions for both women and men to be agents of mitigation, adaptation, resilience and sustainability are provided. IOC is committed to promoting the equal presence of men and women in the marine sciences community, as well as to encouraging activities to include women in marine sciences through effective measures and policies and promoting role models for young women. 5. IMPLEMENTING The IOC Medium-Term Strategy When working towards the high-level objectives, IOC will focus on the broad areas of: strengthening scientific knowledge of the ocean and human impact on it, applying that knowledge for societal benefit, and building institutional capacities for sound management and governance  The strategy is organized in a conceptual framework of functions required to advance towards the IOC Vision: Foster ocean research to strengthen knowledge of ocean and coastal processes and human impacts upon them [Ocean research] Maintain, strengthen and integrate global ocean observing, data and information systems [Observing system / data management] Develop early warning systems and preparedness to mitigate the risks of tsunamis and ocean-related hazards [Early warning and services] Support assessment and information to improve the science-policy interface [Assessment and Information for policy] Enhance ocean governance through a shared knowledge base and improved regional cooperation [Sustainable management and governance] Develop the institutional capacity in all of the functions above, as a cross-cutting function [Capacity Development] These functions correspond broadly to existing and on-going IOC programmes, components of programmes and mechanisms of cooperation, such as the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS), the Joint Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM) and the International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE), the Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS), the Tsunami Intergovernmental Coordination Groups (ICGs), World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) and the Ocean Sciences programme, Integrated Coastal Area Management (ICAM), Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB), and Capacity Development (CD). All of these functions contribute in varying measures to the high-level objectives of the IOC Vision, a relationship that can be described in a matrix and in paras 21-24 showing the contribution of each function to the objectives: Functions HLOsA. Ocean researchB. Observing system / data managementC. Early warning and servicesD. Assessment and Information for policyE. Sustainable management and governanceF. Capacity Development1. Healthy ocean ecosystems2. Early warning for ocean hazards3. Resiliency to climate change and variability4. Enhanced knowledge of emerging issues contributionstrong contributionFunctions contributing to objective 1: In order to generate the knowledge relative to marine ecosystem functioning at the appropriate time scale and resolution, it is essential to build capacity and a globally managed and quality controlled knowledge base. The strategy will therefore include: coordination of essential research on ocean ecosystem health; extension of the Global Ocean Observing System to biology and ecosystem variables; a focus on strengthening the existing IODE global network of data (and information) centres including the Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS), with an emphasis on data/information product/service development contributing to continuous monitoring of the identified indicators; support to the World Ocean Assessment and other related processes; and development of capacity to ensure strong science-policy interfaces in ocean management. Functions contributing to objective 2: In terms of early warning systems and preparedness for tsunamis and ocean-related hazards, the strategy will focus on four areas: (i) support for the intergovernmental coordination of regionally harmonized tsunami warning systems; (ii) strengthening the work of regional Tsunami Information Centres that provide a clearinghouse for the development of educational and preparedness materials; (iii) targeted capacity development and technical assistance to enhance Member States own ability to develop preparedness and awareness in a multi-hazard framework; and (iv) support for enabling research and policy development that lead to improved tsunami and ocean-related warning systems and preparedness. Functions contributing to objective 3: IOC will address the objective of increased resiliency to climate change and variability through scientifically-founded services, adaptation and mitigation strategies with an end-to-end effort that: begins with an ocean observing system sustainably monitoring the major global scales of climate (both physics and ocean carbon), building readiness and capacity in providing local information required in adaptation at the coast and to address the impact of climate change and ocean acidification on marine and coastal ecosystems, and linked to a data management system built on global standards and best practices, coordinates ocean climate research that improves understanding of the climate system and prediction of its variability and change and builds a knowledge base on linked ocean ecosystem changes and adaptation strategies, partners in the Global Framework for Climate Services and informs IOC and other assessment processes, and applies the scientific knowledge base to improve regional management and governance of climate adaptation and mitigation strategies, building capacity through demonstration projects and shared tools. Functions contributing to objective 4: In order to identify and monitor emerging ocean science issues it will be essential to coordinate scientific research and call out these issues in a way that can be communicated to policy. Strengthened and expanded ocean observation and associated global data/information management systems will support the research in emerging ocean science issues. To properly address the numerous uses of the maritime domain and to use the results of the research effectively requires improved international ocean science collaboration. ioc within the un system IOC is part of the UNsystem and collaborates with other intergovernmental and international entities. While it will lead in the coordination and execution of a number of programmes that contribute to its functions, it will also work in existing and new partnerships across the UN system. This will be particularly true where ocean science and services are only one piece of a larger whole. IOC is recognized for its major contribution to a fundamental blueprint of the global development agenda: The Future We Want, which is the outcome document of the Rio+20 Conference. IOC contributes also to the programmes of work of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). IOC was instrumental in establishing the United Nations World Ocean Assessment (WOA) (Regular Process for Global Reporting and Assessment of the State of the Marine Environment Including socioeconomic Aspects) through the preliminary Assessment of Assessment phase, and as such was invited by the UNGA to provide scientific and technical support to the WOA (UNGA Resolution A/RES/66/231). It will provide technical assistance on the communication and outreach aspects of the WOA, and will lead on the implementation of regional capacity development activities in order to engage the scientific community in the preparation of regional assessments. The IOC continues to work in close cooperation with the UN Office of Legal Affairs/Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea (UN/OLA/DOALOS) for the development of guidelines for the implementation of Law of the Sea provisions on transfer of marine technology and marine scientific research, and its achievements are regularly acknowledged by the UN General Assembly. The IOC Secretariat has a wide programme network and a Roster of Experts to provide guidance and advice to the IOC Member States that request it, on the development of legislation and practice regarding marine scientific research and transfer of marine technology. Following Articles 239 and 266 of UNCLOS, this action facilitates and promotes the development and conduct of marine scientific research and transfer of marine technology, especially in developing countries, in accordance with UNCLOS. The Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) is a system for sustained observations of the ocean comprising the oceanographic component of the Global Earth Observing System of Systems (GEOSS). GOOS is led by IOC and co-sponsored by UNEP, WMO and ICSU, and is implemented by Member States via their government agencies, navies and oceanographic research institutions working together in a wide range of thematic panels and regional alliances. The IOC/WMO JCOMM is a key element in implementation and services. In addition IOCs International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) programme the Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS), adopted by IOC as part of IODE (IOC Resolution XXV-4) contribute to at least two of the 20 UN biodiversity targets. As called upon by the 193 parties of the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP-X-29), OBIS data is used for the identification of Ecologically or Biological Significant marine Areas and is also used by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization for the identification of Vulnerable Marine Ecosystem. In addition, OBIS provides key information on biological diversity for the World Ocean Assessment. IOC has since 1965 provided intergovernmental coordination for the Pacific Tsunami Warning System. Since 2005 IOC has also provided intergovernmental coordination for the development of Tsunami Warning Systems in the (i) Indian Ocean, (ii) the Caribbean and (iii) the NE Atlantic, Mediterranean and connected seas. The IOCs role in this area has been recognized in several UNGA resolutions. partnerships The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO partners with various agencies and participates in joint programmes: ECOSYSTEM HEALTH AND BIODIVERSITY: IOC works in close collaboration with the London Convention and the LondonProtocol (LC/LP) and is a founding member of the Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection (GESAMP) along with IMO, FAO and presently including IAEA, UN, UNEP, UNIDO and UNDP; it partners with SCOR for the research programme on the Global Ecology and Oceanography of Harmful Algal Blooms (GEOHAB). IOC/UNESCO is an active participant in matters relating to the Convention on Biodiversity (CBD) and in particular in the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), in which it plays an important role together with UNEP, FAO and UNDP. Through the Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS), IOC/UNESCO is active in the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) and in the Group on Earth Observations Biodiversity Observation Network (GEOBON). DISASTER RISK REDUCTION: IOC/UNESCO works closely with WMO, the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR), the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) for access to its global seismograph network, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) and the European Union (EU). CLIMATE: IOC participates in the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) and the International Ocean Carbon Coordination Project (IOCCP) thus contributing to increasing the understanding of the oceans role in climate change and variability. GCOS (Global Climate Observing System) is a joint undertaking of IOC/UNESCO, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the International Council for Science (ICSU). IOC/UNESCO is a partner with WMO in the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS). IOC teams up with the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) in a number of programmes. The Blue Carbon Initiative is the first integrated programme focused on mitigating climate change by conserving and restoring coastal marine ecosystems globally. The initiative is led by Conservation International (CI), the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). GOVERNANCE: IOC/UNESCOs partners are the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES), the Permanent Commission for the South Pacific (CPPS, in Spanish), the various Large Marine Ecosystem programmes, the InternationalCouncil for Science (ICSU), the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) and the European Commission. mobilization of extrabudgetary resources Extrabudgetary funding strongly affects the extent to which IOC programmes are implemented and high-level objectives achieved, especially in periods of financial constraints. Existing resource mobilization approaches for Members States, institutional and private sector partners, tightly linked to the priorities approved by IOC Governing Bodies and its capacities to deliver will be intensified, as will be public-private partnerships and information and visibility efforts. To ensure the sustainability of effort, it is essential that all extrabudgetary funds complement regular programme priorities. To this end, Complementary Additional Programme (CAP) proposals will be developed for each biennium. Annex 2 to Resolution XXVII-2 Draft Programme and Budget 20142017 including guiding principles for the IOC budgetary allocation for 20142015 The fully funded Draft 37C/5 ($653M scenario) for UNESCO includes $12M for IOC. Recognizing the importance of ocean issues within multiple Strategic Objectives of UNESCO, and the level of significance and achievements of IOC activities in saving lives and contributing to the health and safety of Member States, an increase of the IOC allocation of the UNESCO budget from 1.8% ($12M/$653M) as in the fully funded Draft 37C/5 to 2% is recommended. Provisional budgetary allocations are displayed in the table below. The left column displays the Regular Programme (RP) distribution in the fully funded Draft 37C/5. Regular Programme (RP) Total 37C/5 - $653MXB secured* XB Complementary Additional Programme (XB-CAP) RP IOC Assembly Priority Ranking ScenarioOperationalStaffTotal$$$%ER 61 280 4002 303 9003 584 300885 5005 200 0003 225 87090ER 7979 3002 638 3003 617 6001 437 20015 200 0003 255 84090ER 81 595 5003 228 8004 824 3001 277 5006 500 0003 859 44080TOTAL3 855 2008 171 00012 026 2003 600 20026 900 00010341150 86* Extrabudgetary funds in hand or committed in writing as at 31 May 2013The rightmost column illustrates the preferred distribution of the regular budget to Expected Results (ERs) in a scenario with an allocation of 86% of the total budgetary allocation to the IOC proposed in the fully-funded Draft 37C/5 ($653M scenario). This preferred distribution among ERs is based upon consideration of the functions and activities contributing to each ER, their interrelation as well as the need to fulfil statutory requirements and agreements. Regular budget, including key staff resources, is also seen as seed money, necessary to generate extrabudgetary funding in support of programme implementation. The Complementary Additional Programme (IOC-XXVII/2Annex4Add.), referred to in the above table as XB-CAP provides detailed information on the extrabudgetary funding that, in the estimate of the Secretariat, is required for the most optimal implementation of programme objectives, while the historical trend analysis shows that the actual level of extrabudgetary funding received corresponds to approximately 40% of that amount ($11M to be received vs $26M estimated). The final distribution of the regular budget should be achieved following a flexible approach allowing the Commission to allocate resources and implement the programme, including performance indicators and benchmarks, taking into account the following set of Guiding Principles for budget allocation: Provide focused leadership on those themes where IOC has clear leadership/ownership in the programme theme; Fulfill IOCs intergovernmental mandate: incompressible costs related to governing and subsidiary bodies meetings, statutory requirements and commitments vis--vis partners and other UN agencies, including their implications in terms of staff time; Support governments in national activities and strengthen Regional Subsidiary Bodies of the Commission; Incorporate the scope of Member States participation (inclusiveness); Maximize synergies with other IOC programmes and interlinked functions: e.g. Ocean observations-based early warning systems; Preserve/sustain core programmes, while raising extrabudgetary funds for capacity development actions; Provide some seed money for new high potential impact programmes and emerging issues (likely to attract extrabudgetary funding); Balance IOCs strong engagement with the ocean science community and its strong focus on applications and services; Reduce funding for programmes, if necessary, with strong partners that could carry them (also reducing IOCs stake), if they concur; Identify Member States willing to establish funded and staffed offices to take on an entire IOC programme based on existing good practices; Identify activities that can be sustained with extrabudgetary funding; Allow some seed money for new high potential impact programmes and emerging ocean science issues (likely to attract extrabudgetary funding); and Ensure that at least 25% of resources are allocated to operations under each ER. In allocating the funds, the Executive Secretary shall ensure that the decisions made and resolutions adopted by the Assembly are reflected in the budget allocations within the resources available. Annex 3 to Resolution XXVII-2 Revised Terms of Reference of IOC Intersessional Financial Advisory Group Purpose To provide advice from IOC Member States to the Chairperson of IOC and to the Assembly and the Executive Council in a transparent and objective fashion on: (a) The affordability, sustainability and implementation of the results-based management; (b) Financial matters of the Commission; Term The Financial Advisory Group will be constituted at each Session of the IOC Governing Body and operate for the following intersessional period. Functions (a) To advise on the adequacy of the linkage between the results-based management and the IOC Medium-Term Strategy and the IOC Programme and Budget; (b) To advise on preliminary proposals from the Director-General of UNESCO for strategy and draft budgets provided by UNESCO; (c) To advise on the adequacy of regular and extrabudgetary resource allocations against expected results; and (d) To advise on the overall IOC budget level, taking into account issues of affordability and sustainability. Composition (a) An Officer of the Commission serves as chairperson; (b) Open to all IOC Member States; however, the Executive Council and Assembly, as appropriate, may request the participation of Member States as part of the core membership. Working arrangements (a) The Financial Advisory Group will conduct the majority of its business by electronic means; (b) If appropriate, the Chairperson may convene a meeting in time, and for a long enough period, to prepare a report prior to the commencement of a session of the Assembly or the Executive Council; (c) The Financial Advisory Group will provide a report on all its activities to subsequent sessions of the Assembly and Executive Council, as appropriate; (d) Relevant documents should be made available before the Financial Advisory Group meeting, in due time; and (e) The Financial Advisory Group should follow procedures for IOC Subsidiary Bodies, seeking to formulate its conclusions and recommendations through consensus. DECISIONS IOC-XXVII/Dec.2 The Assembly, Having considered the recommendations (EC-XLVI,Dec.2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.3) made by the Executive Council at its 46th session (Paris, 25 June 2013), acting as the steering committee for the present session, Agenda Adopted the agenda and the timetable of work as set out in document IOC-XXVII/1 Prov. Rev. and Add. Rev. Rapporteur On a proposal of Nigeria, seconded by Colombia, Designates DrTerry Schaeffer of USA Rapporteur for its present session to assist the Chairperson and the Executive Secretary in the preparation of the draft provisional report of the Session; Sessional Committees and Working Groups Establishes the following sessional open-ended committees and one working group and referred to them the following agenda items and responsibilities: Financial Committee (to examine the financial implications of draft decisions/resolutions, workplans of subsidiary bodies the draft Medium-Term Strategy -item 6.1- and draft Programme and Budget -item 6.2- and propose a comprehensive draft resolution under items 6.1 and 6.2): under the chairmanship of Professor Peter M.Haugan (Norway) with the following Member States and organizations declaring their wish to participate: Angola; Argentina; Australia; Belgium; Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Grenada, India, Japan, Mexico, Monaco, Norway, Pakistan, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, Thailand, USA and WCRP. Ms Ksenia Yvinec provides the Secretariat support to the Financial Committee. Resolutions Committee (to report on all draft resolutions duly presented for consideration at the session item 7 and make a recommendation to the Assembly regarding the adoption of the Guidelines for Draft Resolutions (EC-XLV/Dec.5.3) that were used during the present session on an experimental basis item 6.4): under the chairmanship of Peter Dexter (Australia) with the following Member States declaring their wish to participate: Cameroon, Chile, Canada, Mexico, Norway, Republic of Korea, Argentina, France, U.S.A., Spain, Iran (Islamic Rep. of), Japan, India, Russian Federation, Turkey, Thailand, Nigeria, China. Julian Barbire provides the Secretariat support to the Resolutions Committee. Nominations Committee (to examine all proposals of candidates for the elections to the chair, vice-chairs and to the Executive Council at the present session, and to report on them (item 6.3): under the chairmanship of Javier Valladares, past chair of IOC, with the following Member States declaring their wish to participate: Brazil, France, Germany, Japan, Republic of Korea, UK, USA, and Venezuela (Bolivarian Rep. of). Thorkild Aarup provides the Secretariat support to the Nominations Committee; Establishes also: On a proposal of the Executive Council acting as the steering committee for the present session, a sessional working group on the Development of a New Capacity Development Strategy (item 5.5.1) under the chairmanship of Prof.Adot Blim Blivi (Togo) with the following Member States declaring their wish to participate: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Ecuador, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Peru, Spain, Thailand, Togo, Tunisia, UK, USA, and IMAREST (Observer). Mitrasen Bhikajee will provide the Secretariat support to the group. On a proposal of the Executive Council acting as the steering committee for the present session, a sessional working group on the Future of IOC (under item 5.1). The group will be chaired by Javier Valladares, past chair of IOC with the following Member States declaring their wish to participate: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Ecuador, France, Germany, Grenada, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Monaco, Norway, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, Sweden, Thailand, Turkey, UK, and USA. Bernardo Aliaga and Tom Gross will provide the Secretariat support to the group. IOC-XXVII/Dec.3.2 Report of the Executive Secretary The Assembly, Having examined documents IOC-XXVII/2Annex1 and Add., Takes note of the report of the Executive Secretary on programme implementation (20122013) and Medium-Term Strategy (20082013). IOC-XXVII/Dec.3.3 Reports of the IOC Sub-Commissions The Assembly, IOCAFRICA-II Having considered the executive summary report of the 2nd Session of the IOC Sub- Commission for Africa and the Adjacent Island States, Cape Town, South Africa, 34 April 2013 (IOCAFRICA-II/3s), Noting the progress that has been made since the establishment of the Sub-Commission, in particular the appointment of the IOC Coordinator in Africa, the setting-up of the secretariat for the Sub-Commission at the UNESCO Office in Nairobi, the organization of two sessions of the Sub-Commission, and the implementation of a range of projects and activities, Welcomes the support provided by various Member States for the development and implementation of the programmes of the Sub-Commission, including Flanders (Belgium), Kenya, Republic of Korea, Spain, and South Africa; Acknowledges the challenges faced in implementation of programmes of the Sub Commission, including limitation of resources and personnel; Accepts the report of IOCAFRICA-II and the recommendations therein, including the Strategic Plan of the Sub-Commission; Agrees that the regular budget for these activities will be identified as part of the overall IOC Programme and Budget resolution XXVII/DR.(6.1, 6.2); Urges Member States and other organizations and programmes to support the implementation of the Strategic Plan and the Work programme of the Sub Commission. WESTPAC Having considered the summary report of Main Progress and Achievements of WESTPAC (20082012) (IOC/INF-1300), Recalling the decision 3.2 of the 45th session of the Executive Council on the WESTPAC report and recommendations (WESTPAC-IX/3s), Endorses the strategic directions recommended by WESTPAC in the document IOC/INF-1300; Agrees that the regular budget for these activities will be considered as part of the overall IOC Programme and Budget resolution XXVII/DR.(6.1, 6.2); Urges Member States and other organizations and programmes to support the implementation of the work programme of the Sub-Commission, noting the methods the Sub-Commission has used to guarantee its success. IOCARIBE-XII Having considered the executive summary report of the 12th Session of the IOC Sub-Commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions, Panama City, Panama, 912 April 2013, (IOC/SC-IOCARIBE-XII/3s), Takes note of the report of IOCARIBE-XII and the recommendations therein; Urges Member States and other organizations and programmes to support the implementation of the work programme of the Sub-Commission; Having examined the report of the Internal Oversight Office of UNESCO on the Review of the IOCARIBE Office (IOC-XXVII/2 Annex 12 Add.), Taking note of the IOCARIBE recommendation SC-IOCARIBE-XII.1 to restore the current IOCARIBE Secretarys position as a full time, permanent post for the IOCARIBE Secretary in Colombia as a matter of priority, funded by the UNESCO staff allocation, Recognizing that the current financial situation of IOC does not allow the appointment of a full time IOCARIBE Secretary, Requests the Director-General of UNESCO to consider restoring the current IOCARIBE Secretarys position as a full time, permanent post for the IOCARIBE Secretary in Colombia as a matter of priority, funded by the UNESCO regular budget; Invites the Director-General to mobilize funds to support IOCARIBE; Requests Member States to consider supporting IOCARIBE by: (i) making a firm commitment for extra-budgetary contributions for an agreed period for the full time employment of the IOCARIBE Secretary and for activities; (ii) seconding staff to the IOCARIBE Secretariat; Agrees that the regular budget for these activities will be considered as part of the overall IOC Programme and Budget resolution XXVII/DR.(6.1, 6.2); Requests the Executive Secretary to convey the above decision to Member States and in particular in the Caribbean region in order to mobilize support and funds. IOC-XXVII/Dec.3.4 Report of the IOC (20122013) to the Thirty-seventh General Conference of UNESCO The Assembly, Recalling Article 3.2 of the Statutes and Rule of Procedure 49.2, Having examined document IOC-XXVII/6, Requests the Executive Secretary to submit the report on IOC activities (20122013) to the 37th General Conference of UNESCO (37C/REP.8). IOC-XXVII/Dec.4 Waiver of the Submission Deadline for the Draft Resolution on Financial Matters The Assembly, Recognizing the importance of the in depth discussion during the Assembly on the financial matters, Decides to waive on an exceptional basis the submission deadline for draft resolutions, specifically for the Draft Resolution on financial matters (items 3.2, 6.1 & 6.2). IOC-XXVII/Dec.5.1 The Future of IOC The Assembly, Having considered the report from the chair of Sessional Working Group on The Future of IOC established during the 27th session Assembly; Recalling documents IOC-XXII/2Annex8 Financing and Ownership of IOC Programmes: We have a Problem, IOC/Future-I/3 IOC Working Group on the Future of IOC, First Session, UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France, 1920 February 2008, and IOC-XXVI/2Annex6 Report of the Executive Secretary on the Implementation of the Recommendations of the Working Group on the Future of IOC; Acknowledges the need for continued discussion on The Future of IOC; Decides that one of the IOC Officers should be assigned to follow and coordinate the development, in consultation with Member States during the intersessional period, through email, a short background document to be presented to the 47th session of the IOC Executive Council, as a preparation to the 28th Assembly; Suggests that the areas of deliberation covered by the above indicated documents should focus on sharpening IOCs identity, as well as on rationalized cooperation and communication between IOC and other organizations, and enhanced flexibility and adaptability of IOC governance; Decides to add The Future of IOC to the agenda of the IOC Executive Council at its 47th Session in 2014 and to the agenda of the IOC Assembly at its 28th Session in 2015; Calls governments of the IOC Member States to support the IOC activities at the forthcoming UNESCO General Conference, emphasizing that IOC has a recognized and unique role in the UN system in relation to ocean science and the scientific base for ocean management thus contributing to the Member States economic growth and prosperity and to consider a possibility to enlarge the IOC functional autonomy within UNESCO and to assign a larger and fixed IOC share in the UNESCO regular budget. IOC-XXVII/Dec.5.1.1 UN Consultation and Coordination The Assembly, Having considered document IOC/INF-1302, Takes note of the on-going active role played by the Commission in UN-Oceans, GESAMP, collaboration in following up to the Rio+20 conference, and elaboration of Sustainable Development Goals; Agrees that: the Commission has a role to play in the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS), both as an enabler and potential user of climate services, and the IOC Executive Secretary continue to assist UNESCO in leading coordination of inputs into the GFCS including participation in an Inter-agency Coordination Group; Welcomes the establishment by the ITU, IOC, and WMO of an informal Joint Task Force to develop a roadmap that could lead to enabling the availability of submarine repeaters equipped with scientific sensors for disaster warning system (tsunamis), and the monitoring of some GCOS Essential Climate Variables (IOC/INF-1303); Notes that the financial and human resource implications of the Commission's engagement in these processes are generally being absorbed by programme budgets identified as part of the overall IOC Programme and Budget resolution XXVII/DR.(6.1, 6.2); and Invites IOC Member States to support IOCs role and contributions in these processes. IOC-XXVII/Dec.5.1.2 International Indian Ocean Expedition 50th Anniversary Initiative The Assembly, Having considered document IOC/INF-1310, Noting with interest that a Reference Group had been formed, under the initial auspices of SCOR, Indian Ocean GOOS and the IOC through its supporting Perth Regional Programme Office, to explore the possibilities for a second such international expedition, IIOE-2, to coincide with the 50th anniversary of IIOE, and especially to further significantly advance the understanding of the Indian Ocean in its own right and in its influence and tele-connections to the oceanic and climatic systems of the globe generally, Recalling the IOC High Level Objectives and vision for the next Medium-term Strategy 20142021, Decides that it is appropriate for the IOC in collaboration with SCOR and IOGOOS, to further develop a proposal for the second international Indian Ocean Expedition in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the IIOE-1; Decides to add the International Indian Ocean Expedition 50th Anniversary Initiative to the agenda of the IOC Executive Council at its 47th Session in 2014 in order to formalize, through a Draft Resolution, IOCs involvement in an IIOE-2, implemented for the period 20152020; Requests the IIOE-2 Reference Group and the IOC Executive Secretary to prepare the relevant documentation, timeline, organizational and financial implications for the IOC; Urges interested Member States to support this planning effort to the best of their capacities. IOC-XXVII/Dec. Proposal for a Category-2 UNESCO Regional Educational and Research Centre on Oceanography for Western Asia, in Iran (Islamic Republic of) The Assembly, Having examined Document IOC-XXVII/2Annex6 and Addendum, Noting that the creation of the centre aims not only to bring technical capacity to the region but also to support regional cooperation in ocean and coastal research, management and capacity development and correspond to the IOC regional policy, Noting also that the proposal and fact-finding mission report on the feasibility study undertaken fully correspond to the principles and guidelines for the establishment of Category2 Regional Centres of UNESCO (Document 35C/22 and corr.); Endorses the proposal of the Islamic Republic of Iran to establish under the auspices of UNESCO a category2 regional educational and research centre on oceanography for Western Asia; Requests the IOC Executive Secretary to forward this decision to the Director-General of UNESCO. IOC-XXVII/Dec. Endorsement of the IHO-IOC/GEBCO Sub-committee for Regional Undersea Mapping (SCRUM) The Assembly, Having examined document IOC-XXVII/2 Annex 7, Urges Member States to contribute to improve global bathymetric data sets and data products of GEBCO on a voluntary basis through participation in regional ocean mapping efforts, where appropriate; Decides to endorse the Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure for GEBCO Sub-Committee on Regional Undersea Mapping (SCRUM) and to create SCRUM as a formal Sub-Committee of GEBCO. IOC-XXVII/Dec.5.2.2 Tsunami and Other Coastal Hazards Warning Systems The Assembly, Having considered the executive summary reports of the recent sessions of the Intergovernmental Coordination Groups for: the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (ICG/IOTWS-IX); the Tsunami and Other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (ICG/CARIBEEWS-VIII), the North-Eastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean and Connected Seas Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (ICG/NEAMTWS-IX), and the report of the Working Group on Tsunamis and Other Hazards Related to Sea-Level Warning and Mitigation Systems (TOWS-WG-VI), Accepts the reports and the decisions and recommendations contained therein; Agrees that the regular budget for ICG activities will be considered as part of the overall IOC Programme and Budget resolution XXVII/DR.(6.1, 6.2). I. Pacific Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (PTWS) Notes the experimental introduction of the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre (PTWC) Enhanced Products for tsunami threat assessment based on tsunami forecast models and pre-defined coastal zones; Also notes the proposal of establishment of a Sub-Regional Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System for the South China Sea Region and that progress has been made towards this goal. II. Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (IOTWS) Notes that the Regional Tsunami Service Providers (RTSP) of Australia, India and Indonesia have assumed full operational responsibility for the provision of RTSP Service Level 2 tsunami advisories for the Indian Ocean Area of Responsibility from 31 March 2013; Expresses its deep appreciation to the Governments of Japan and the United States of America for the provision of the Interim Tsunami Advisory Service for the Indian Ocean region by the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) and Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre (PTWC) from April 2005 to 31 March 2013. III. Tsunami and Other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (CARIBE-EWS) Notes that the Caribbean Tsunami Information Centre has been established, hosted by the Government of Barbados; Also notes that the ICG/CARIBEEWS has decided to organize annual CARIBEWAVE exercises as from 2014. IV. North-Eastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean and Connected Seas Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (NEAMTWS) Welcomes that the Candidate Tsunami Watch Providers (CTWP) of France, Greece and Turkey as of 1st August 2012 offer to provide tsunami watch services to ICG/NEAMTWS Member States upon request via the IOC; Notes the steady progress of Italy and Portugal in developing their National Tsunami Warning Centres and their intent to also act as Candidate Tsunami Watch Providers and thereby contributing to tsunami monitoring coverage for all geographic areas of NEAMTWS; Expresses appreciation to the European Commission for having contributed to the creation of the Tsunami Information Centre for the North-eastern Atlantic, Mediterranean and connected seas (NEAMTIC); Expresses the urgent need for Member States to secure continued technical secretariat support to the NEAMTWS via extrabudgetary resources or secondments; V. Working Group on Tsunamis and Other Hazards Related to Sea-Level Warning and Mitigation Systems (TOWS-WG) Decides to continue the TOWS-WG for the next intersessional period with the existing terms of reference and membership. IOC-XXVII/Dec.5.3.1 The Future Needs for Intergovernmental Coordination and Governance for Sustained Ocean Observations and Services The Assembly, Recalling Decision 4.7 of the IOC Assembly at its 26th session and Decision 4.2 of the IOC Executive Council at its 45th session, Having examined documents IOC/IOC-XXVII/2 Annex 9 & Add. and IOC Workshop Report, 254, Takes note of their findings and recommendations as well as discussion and input provided during the session; Re-emphasizes the role of GOOS, IODE and JCOMM in coordinating sustained ocean observations and services; and Requests GOOS, IODE and JCOMM to consider the findings of this consultation and its possible updates in the future development of their work plans; Encourages Member States to engage in the development of national sustained ocean observational systems and support services and to streamline procedures for their implementation, thereby contributing to the objectives and work plans of GOOS, IODE and JCOMM. IOC-XXVII/Dec.5.3.2 Global Ocean Observing System The Assembly, Global Ocean Observing System Work Plan Having examined the executive summary report of the Second Meeting of the Global Ocean Observing System Steering Committee (March 2013, IOC/GOOS-SC-II/3s, GOOS-199), Agrees to the GOOS Work Plan for 20142015 (GOOS-199 Annex 1); Notes the financial and human resource implications of the work plan and the shortfall against the draft IOC Programme and Budget allocation for GOOS (GOOS-199 Annex 2), exacerbated by the financial situation of the IOC; Further notes the priority decided by the GOOS SC, to shelve plans for the GOOS Biogeochemistry and GOOS Biology and Ecosystems panels and observing system components until such time as adequate resources are identified; Agrees to consider the GOOS programme and budget as part of the overall IOC Programme and Budget resolution XXVII/DR.(6.1, 6.2), and Urges Member States to support the GOOS Work Plan through cash contributions to the IOC Special Account for GOOS, secondments of staff members to the GOOS Project Office, in kind support such as hosting meetings or workshops with participant funding, the establishment of GOOS support offices, the funding of GOOS Projects, or other means as agreed by the GOOS SC. GOOS Regional Policy Noting the inconsistency between the GOOS Regional Policy (2006) and the reform of GOOS structures in 2011, and having additionally examined the proposed GOOS Regional Policy 2013 (IOC/INF-1308), Recalling Resolution XXVI-1 on Strengthening IOC regional Subsidiary and the IOC Regional Strategy for Organizational Improvement, Adopts the GOOS Regional Policy 2013 (IOC/INF-1308); and Recognizes the Mediterranean Operational Network for the Global Ocean Observing System (MONGOOS) as a GOOS Regional Alliance, as a merger of the former Mediterranean GOOS Regional Alliance and the EuroGOOS Mediterranean Operational Oceanography Network. GOOS SC Regional Membership Recalling the GOOS SC regional membership appointment defined in IOC Resolution XXVI-8, and further recalling  HYPERLINK "http://www.ioc-unesco.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=10401" IOC Circular Letter, 2476 requesting nominations of experts for appointment by Member State Electoral Groups, Notes the appointment by each of the Member State Electoral Groups of a regional expert member of the GOOS SC for 20142015: Margarita GREGG, United States of America (Group I) Alexander POSTNOV, Russian Federation (Group II) Miriam Azucena LUCERO MUOZ, Ecuador (Group III) LIN Shaohua, China (Group IV) Ashley JOHNSON, South Africa (Group V). IOC-XXVII/Dec.5.3.3 Joint IOC-WMO Technical Commission (JCOMM) for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology Operating Plan (20132016) The Assembly, Having examined JCOMM and the IOC Medium-Term Strategy 20142021: a synthesis of common objectives (IOC/INF-1307), Provides guidance on JCOMM's activities as follows: Continue important work in coordination of services, data management, and observation programmes, Maintain strong cooperation with IODE, in particular on the development of the Marine Climate Data System, Consider deepening cooperation with GOOS Regional Alliances in coastal observations and for regional seas, Consider expanding present Capacity Development activities, clearly linked to societal needs; Notes the financial implications of the JCOMM Operating Plan for IOC and WMO, and Agrees to consider an overall JCOMM programme and budget as a part of the IOC Programme and Budget resolution IOC-XXVII/DR.(3.2, 6.1, 6.2). IOC-XXVII/Dec.5.3.4 IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) The Assembly, Having examined the Executive Summary and Report of the 22nd Session of the IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE-XXII) (1115 March 2013, Ensenada, Mexico), the recommendations and the decision contained therein (IOC/IODE-XXII/3s); Decides to take action in accordance with the Recommendations adopted by IODE-XXII; Endorses the IOC Strategic Plan for Oceanographic Data and Information Management 2013-2016 as given in annex to the report of IODE-XXII (IOC/IODE-XXII/3s); Agrees that the Plan should be: published and distributed widely and used as a basic data strategy throughout the Programmes and Projects of the IOC; and regularly reviewed and revised by the IODE Committee, in close consultation with all IOC programmes; Notes the financial and human resource implications of the work plan and the shortfall against the draft IOC Programme and Budget allocation for IODE, especially for regional activities and OBIS, exacerbated by the financial situation of the IOC; Agrees to the IODE Work Plan for 20132015 (Recommendation IODE-XXII.20) and to consider it in the overall IOC Programme and Budget Resolution XXVII/DR.(6.1,6.2); Expresses its deep appreciation to the Government of Flanders (Belgium) for hosting and supporting the IOC Project Office for IODE and for its continuing and increasing financial support to IODE, the Russian Federation for its support through the hosting of the Partnership Centre for the IODE Ocean Data Portal in Obninsk, as well as to other donors and Member States who are providing financial and in-kind support for IODE; Expresses its appreciation for the in-kind support for the IODE Programme provided by Member States through establishing and maintaining IODE Data Centres, provision of experts, through the provision of valuable ocean data and information products and services, and through financial and in-kind contributions to IOC; Urges Member States to support the IODE Work Plan through cash contributions to the IOC Special Accounts for IODE and OBIS, secondments of staff members to the IODE Project Office, in-kind support such as hosting meetings or workshops with participant funding, the establishment of IODE partnership centres or OceanTeacher Regional Training Centres, or the funding of IODE or OBIS Projects or the establishment of NODCs. IOC-XXVII/Dec. Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS) The Assembly, Recalling its decision to accept the Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS) within the IODE Programme, through Resolution XXV-4, Recognizing OBIS plays a key role to address the increasing need for more, and accurate, time-series data on marine biodiversity to monitor the state of the marine environment and to better understand the ecosystem processes and potential impacts of climate change, in order to more effectively manage our marine living resources, Recalling that the 193 Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (Decision COP10/29,10&35) requested Member States to further enhance globally networked scientific efforts, such as OBIS, to continue to update a comprehensive and accessible global database of all forms of life in the sea, and further assess and map the distribution and abundance of species in the sea, and called upon IOC/OBIS to facilitate availability and inter-operability of the best available marine and coastal biodiversity data sets and information across global, regional and national scales, Having considered the report of OBIS (IOC/INF-1312) and the contribution of OBIS to all three Expected Results 6, 7 and 8 in the IOC Draft Programme and Budget for 20142017 (IOC-XXVII/2 Annex 4), Recalls Resolution XXV-4, requesting the Executive Secretary of IOC to request to the Director General of UNESCO to create a full time post for OBIS; Expresses its appreciation to Belgium, USA, India, and Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela for their in-kind support to technical developments of OBIS; Agrees that the regular budget for these activities will be considered as part of the overall IOC Programme and Budget resolution XXVII/DR.(6.1, 6.2); Agrees further that without direct funding from UNESCOs regular programme, Member States will need to take up responsibility to enable the IOC to fulfil the commitment it made to the continuation and further development of OBIS; Urges Member States to provide cash contributions to the IOC Special Account for OBIS, to continue the two OBIS professional staff positions at the IODE Project Office, secondments to the IODE Project Office earmarked for OBIS, in-kind support such as hosting meetings or workshops with participant funding, or other means as agreed by the SG-OBIS. IOC-XXVII/Dec.5.3.5 WMO-ICSU-IOC-UNEP Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) The Assembly, Recalling the 1998 Memorandum of Understanding between WMO, IOC, UNEP and ICSU on the Global Climate Observing System, Having considered the Information Document on GCOS planning and implementation (IOC/INF-1309), Taking note of the transfer of the secretariat of the GCOS-GOOS-WCRP Ocean Observations Panel for Climate from the GOOS Project Office at IOC to the GCOS Secretariat at WMO, and of the on-going role of the Ocean Observations Panel for Climate (OOPC) in support of the GOOS Steering Committee and the GOOS Work Plan for 20142015, Provides guidance on the work programme of GCOS as follows: Welcomes the growing focus of GCOS on all timescales of required climate observations, Proposes strategic focus on all observation coordination mechanisms including JCOMM and WIGOS, Proposes looking at observing requirements from the IPCC 5th Assessment Report being published in 2013 and 2014, and Encourages broadening of the contact list for the GCOS review questionnaire to all bodies of the IOC including IODE; Urges Member States to support the execution of this plan by making financial contributions to the IOC Special Account in support of GCOS. IOC-XXVII/Dec.5.4.1 WMO-IOC-ICSU-UNEP World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) The Assembly, Recalling that IOC joined WMO and ICSU as sponsors of the WCRP in 1993, Recalling further that the Assembly and Executive Council, since 2005, have reaffirmed continued co-sponsorship at a level of US$125,000 per annum on its regular Budget and support to the WCRP, identified as a high priority by the Assembly at its 26th session, Provides guidance on the work programme of the WCRP as follows: Welcomes work on global and regional sea level, including impact on extremes, the intersection with human vulnerability and adaptation, and the WCRP contribution to IOC High Level Objectives, Welcomes focus on engaging early career scientists, particularly in developing countries, and other Capacity Building activities as recommended in the WCRP Implementation Plan (2009), Welcomes contribution to IPCC Working Group 1 report, including CMIP archive of climate projections, Requests maintenance of WCRPs strong cooperation with IOC, in particular on the development of the Global Framework for Climate Services, Requests additional emphasis on regional climate information, Agrees that the regular budget for these activities will be considered as part of the overall IOC Programme and Budget resolution XXVII/DR.(6.1, 6.2); Urges Member States to support the execution of this plan through the participation of their scientists as well as financial contributions to the IOC Special Trust-Fund for the WCRP. IOC-XXVII/Dec.5.4.2 Intergovernmental panel on Harmful Algal Blooms (IPHAB) The Assembly, Recalling IOC Resolution XVI-4, which established the Intergovernmental Panel on Harmful Algal Blooms, Having considered the Executive Summary Report of the 11th Session of the IOC Intergovernmental Panel on Harmful Algal Blooms (IPHAB), its seven Decisions and four Recommendations and the Work Plan for 20142015 adopted at the Session (IOC/IPHAB-XI/3s), Taking into consideration the preoccupying impact of HAB on public health, food security, the development of tourism and a substantial proportion of economic activities in the world, Recognizing that regional, national, and institutional requirements for management of HAB impacts, along with the IOC High Level Objectives, that drive IOC HAB Programme research and capacity development activities, have proven highly valuable to Member States over almost two decades; that the IOC fulfils a unique role in coordinating and implementing international and regional cooperation on HAB research, management and capacity development; and that the need for this continued coordination and regional cooperation can be expected to remain at the same level or increase, Noting with satisfaction that IPHAB has continued to provide a strong and efficient mechanism to respond to new HAB-related problems experienced by Member States and to leverage resources from diverse sources to focus on priority needs, Takes note of the Executive Summary Report of IPHAB-XI and the recommendations contained therein (IOC/IPHAB-XI/3s); Notes that the IOC will help protect human health, economic interests and natural resources through its expanded focus on Ciguatera in cooperation with the WHO and FAO and by coordinating research needed by Member States through the Global HAB Programme; Notes further that the development of a Global HAB Status Report is complementary to the World Ocean Assessment to provide for the first time a picture of the global distribution of HABs, their threats and relationships to nutrient enrichment and other causes; Requests the IOC Executive Secretary to convene the 12th Session of the Panel prior to the 28th Session of the Assembly; Invites SCOR to co-sponsor the Scientific Steering Committee for Global HAB and encourages active joint participation in the development and implementation of the science agenda; Agrees that the regular budget for these activities will be considered as part of the overall IOC Programme and Budget resolution XXVII/DR.(6.1, 6.2); Expresses its appreciation to the Government of Denmark for hosting and supporting the IOC Science and Communication Centre on Harmful Algae, as well as to other donors and Member States who are providing financial and in-kind support for the HAB Programme; Urges funding agencies and institutions in IOC Member States to assist in the mobilization of funding that will ensure the implementation of the IPHAB Work Plan. IOC-XXVII/Dec.5.4.3 Nutrient Pollution The Assembly, Recalling Resolution XXV-9 and Assembly decision IOC-XXVI, Dec.7.5, Recognizing the successful funding by the Global Environment Facility (GEF), and the on-going implementation, of the Project Global foundations for reducing nutrient enrichment and oxygen depletion from land based pollution, in support of Global Nutrient Cycle, Notes that the Nutrients and Coastal Impacts Research Programme (N-CIRP) plan to a large degree is being implemented via the GEF Global Foundations project and that N-CIRP provides the programmatic framework for the GEF Global Foundations project despite that the budget situation has not allowed to establish and operate the N-CIRP Steering Committee as foreseen, Endorses the revised programme outline as an integrating activity of the IOC Ocean Sciences programmes; Taking note of the current financial difficulties of UNESCO during the biennium 20122013 and the fact that the proposed level of IOC contribution of US$90,000 for 20142015 under the fully-funded Draft 37C/5 (US$653M scenario) to cover committed co-funding of GEF Global Foundations project will not be possible should there be a reduction in the overall IOC allocation; Decides to maintain the N-CIRP programme as a focus and framework for the GEF Global Foundations project with the understanding that its full implementation will be conditional on the IOCs ability to secure the necessary co-financing level; Invites and encourages IOC Member States to assist in the identification of funding that will ensure the availability of the IOC co-funding of the GEF Global Foundations Project and the activation of N-CIRP Steering Committee. IOC-XXVII/Dec.5.4.4 Integrated Coastal Area Management (ICAM) The Assembly, I. Implementation of IOC Integrated Coastal Area Management Strategy Recalling IOC-XXVI/Decision 8.2, Having considered document IOC/INF-1311, Takes note of the progress in implementing the IOC Integrated Coastal Area Management (ICAM) Strategy; Expresses its deep appreciation to the Government of Belgium (Flanders) for the secondment of an expert to the ICAM Programme (SPINCAM Project); II. Strengthening Global Governance of Large Marine Ecosystems (LME) and their Coasts Having examined document IOC-XXVII/2Annex5 and Add., Welcomes the proposal to develop and implement a new GEF project on Strengthening Global Governance of Large Marine Ecosystems (LME) and their Coasts; Supports the role of the Commission in leading the implementation of the project and in hosting a Project Coordination Unit at its headquarters; Agrees that the regular budget for these activities will be considered as part of the overall IOC Programme and Budget resolution XXVII/DR.(6.1, 6.2); Requests the Executive Secretary to mobilise extra-budgetary resources to support the position of project coordinator as well as the operations of the Project Coordination Unit; Invites Member States and donor agencies to support through extra-budgetary resources, as well as in-kind contributions, the project coordination and other relevant project activities. IOC-XXVII/Dec.5.4.5 A Regular Process for Global reporting and assessment of the state of the Marine Environment, including Socio-economic Aspects (UN Regular Process) World Ocean Assessment The Assembly, Having considered document IOC/INF-1301, Requests the Executive Secretary to continue: to provide technical and scientific support to the Regular Process in accordance with UNGA resolution 67/78, to dialogue with the Bureau of the Ad Hoc Working Group, the secretariat of the Regular Process (DOALOS) and other competent United Nations programmes and specialized agencies regarding the provision of technical and scientific support to the Regular Process; Agrees that the regular budget for these activities will be considered as part of the overall IOC Programme and Budget resolution XXVII/DR.(6.1, 6.2); Invites IOC Member States to support IOCs role and contributions in this respect. IOC-XXVII/Dec.5.5.1 Development of a New Capacity Development Strategy The Assembly, Taking note of the outcome document of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development Rio+20 whereby the UNSD recognizes the importance of building the capacity of developing countries to be able to benefit from the conservation and sustainable use of the oceans and seas and their resources, Having examined document IOC-XXVII/2 Annex 10, Decides to set up an Intersessional Working Group for Developing a Draft Strategic Plan for Capacity Development with the annexed Terms of Reference; Agrees that the regular budget for these activities will be considered as part of the overall IOC Programme and Budget resolution XXVII/DR.(6.1, 6.2); Requests: the Executive Secretary to include the Strategic Plan for Capacity Development as an item on the Agenda of the Executive Council at its 47th session in 2014; and Member States to consider funding and supporting the activities leading to the formulation and adoption of the Strategic Plan for Capacity Development. Annex to IOC-XXVII,Dec.5.5.1 Draft Terms of Reference for the Intersessional Working Group for the Development of IOC Capacity Development Strategic Plan PURPOSE The Intersessional Working Group will develop a Capacity Development (CD) Strategic Plan for IOC. This plan will then be implemented through partnership with Member States, donors, UN Agencies, global financial institutions and the private sector. TERM The Intersessional CD Strategy Group will be constituted at the 27th IOC Assembly and will operate until the 47th IOC Executive Council in 2014. FUNCTIONS Review documents given below to identify the relevant components that should be considered in an IOC CD strategy along with an outline of the strategy document IOC-XXVII/2 Annex 3 Draft IOC Medium-Term Strategy for 20142021 (2013); IOC-XXVII/2 Annex 10 Development of a New Capacity Development Strategy (2013); IOC-XXVII/2 Annex 10 Add.  HYPERLINK "http://ioc-unesco.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=11289" Development of a new Capacity Development Strategy - Addendum (2013); IOC/INF-1313 Baseline Study for an Assessment of National Capacities and Needs in Marine Research, Observation and Data/Information Management (2013); IOC/INF-1211 IOC Principles and Strategy for Capacity Building (2005); IOC/INF-1276 Empowering Developing Countries to Sustainably Use Their Coastal Resources (Self Driven Capacity Building) Closure Report of the SIDA Funded Project (2010); IOC/INF-1203 IOC Criteria and Guidelines on the Transfer of Marine Technology IOC Advisory Body of Experts on the Law of the Sea (2005); IOC/ABE-LOSVIII/8 Practices of States in the Fields of Marine Scientific Research and Transfer of Marine Technology: an update of the 2005 analysis of Member State responses to Questionnaire No3 (2008); IOC/INF-612 UNESCO/IOC Comprehensive Plan for a Major Assistance Programme to Enhance the Marine Science Capabilities of Developing Countries (1985); Documents produced by IOC subsidiary bodies and sister organisations; Other documents relevant to this exercise. Incorporate elements arising from the following considerations Recent UN Conference outcome documents, especially Rio +20s Outcome document The Future we Want and resolutions requesting actions in capacity development; The present High Level Objectives of IOC and its mandate as well as existing IOC programmes; Lessons learned from previous CD plans of IOC (Success stories and implementation problems); Gaps identified through prior assessments and surveys of capacities and needs requirements; Regional priorities as identified through the different IOC sub-commissions and relevant bodies and other IOC regional subsidiary bodies; Existing capacity development initiatives of Member States, other UN agencies and competent international organisations, for example, POGO and SCOR, with a view to developing partnerships, create synergies and avoid duplication; The problem faced by developing countries in not being able to retain qualified staff because of inadequate research infrastructure; Gender Equality, Priority Africa, SIDS and LDCs; The regional requirement for capacity as priorities may not be global. Identify IOCs existing CD strengths and IOCs unique intergovernmental CD niche The essential elements/pillars of IOCs CD draft strategy (IOC-XXVII/2 Annex 10), consistent with IOCs Medium Term Strategy, that will complement international CD partner development contributions; The need for a consistent level of extra-budgetary funding; Priorities for actions in relation to available resources focussing on specific geographical areas and specific science areas for effective and efficient capacity development, and informed by IOCs regional bodies; (d) Prepare a report for consideration of the 47th IOC Executive Council in 2014 COMPOSITION The Vice-Chairperson of the IOC for Group V, Prof. Adot Blim Blivi will serve as Chairperson and the Deputy Executive Secretary of the Commission, DrMitrasen Bhikajee will be the Technical Secretary of the Intersessional Working Group; The Working Group will be open to all IOC Member States; WORKING ARRANGEMENTS The Working Group will conduct the majority of its business by electronic means; If appropriate, the Chairperson may convene a meeting in time, and for a long enough period, to prepare a report prior to the commencement of a session of the Executive Council; The Group will provide a report on all its activities to the 47th session of the Executive Council; Relevant documents would be made available before the Group meeting, in due time; and The Group will follow procedures for IOC Subsidiary Bodies, seeking to formulate its conclusions and recommendations through consensus. IOC-XXVII/Dec.5.5.2 Rationale for an IOC Global Ocean Science Report The Assembly, Having considered the proposal for establishing a Global Ocean Science Report (GOSR) contained in document IOC-XXVII/2 Annex 11, Decides to establish an open-ended intersessional Working Group, under the chairmanship of the IOC Vice-Chair, DrAtanas Palazov, to further review and improve the GOSR proposal based on the comments made by Member States; Requests: the IOC Executive Secretary to convene open-ended regular consultations with the Member States on relevant aspects of the GOSR; the Chair of the intersessional Working Group to maintain close consultation with the chairs of other relevant intersessional IOC working groups; the Chair of the intersessional Working Group to present the conclusions reached by the Group at the 47th session of the IOC Executive Council; and Agrees that the regular budget for these activities will be considered as part of the overall IOC Programme and Budget resolution XXVII/DR.(6.1, 6.2). IOC-XXVII/Dec.6.4 Guidelines for Draft Resolutions The Assembly, Recalling Decision EC-XLV/Dec.5.3, Taking note of the report presented by the Chair of the Resolutions Committee on the use of the Seventh Draft Revised Guidelines for the Preparation and Consideration of Draft Resolutions on an experimental basis during the 27th session of the Assembly, Adopts the Guidelines for the Preparation and Consideration of Draft Resolutions as in the annex to this decision, which are complementary to the IOC Manual. Annex to IOC-XXVII/Dec.6.4 Eight Draft Revised Guidelines for the Preparation and Consideration of Draft Resolutions Preamble Regulations relating to draft resolutions were not included in the IOC Statutes adopted by the Assembly in 1999 but in the IOC Rules of Procedure which were amended in 2001 to render them compatible with the new Statutes of the Commission. The IOC Rules of Procedure refer to draft resolutions in the introduction and in Rule 42. The current Rules of Procedure were adopted by the IOC Assembly at its 21st Session on 11 July 2001 by way of Resolution XXI-4 with the exception of the relevant procedure of adopting resolutions, for which the Assembly noted that a further revision is under way. Rule 42 of the IOC Rules of Procedure contains a footnote in similar terms: While approving the new Rules of Procedure, the 21st session of the Assembly also requested the further revision of Rule 42, process that is under way. Although the IOC Assembly at its 21st session provided inputs to be taken into account when considering amendments to Rule 42 of the IOC Rules of Procedure, the IOC Executive Council at its 35th session agreed to retain the wording of Article 42 as it appears in the published Rules of Procedure (IOC/INF-1166). As a consequence, the IOC Executive Secretary recommended that the updating of the procedure for the preparation and consideration of Draft Resolutions should be done through written guidelines, in replacement of the guidelines contained in the IOC Manual and its updated reprint IOC/INF-734rev. The task of revising the initial Guidelines for the Preparation and Consideration of Draft Resolutions that were included in the IOC Manual of March 1989 (IOC/INF-785, section 9.1) has been a slow and arduous process since 2001. The preparation, submission, revision and approval of Draft Resolutions are key mechanisms for smooth and efficient running of the Commission. Since the Rules of Procedure address briefly the mechanism for the preparation and consideration of Draft resolutions, the present Guidelines have been developed on the basis of all relevant documents, including the reports of former chairs of the Resolutions Committee, and on the practice of the Resolutions Committee. This document has been prepared by an open-ended intersessional working group established by the Assembly Decision 9.3.1 at its 26th session. Guidelines for the Preparation and Consideration of Draft Resolutions I. Definitions Resolution: Formal expression of a mandate or opinion or a statement of a decision to act made by a Governing Body within the scope of Article II below. Draft Resolution: A proposed text of a Resolution submitted by the relevant source to a Governing Body with a view to its adoption by the Governing Body concerned during the session to which the draft resolution is presented for consideration under the adopted agenda. Decision: Formal expression of a mandate or opinion or a declaration of a decision to act made by a Governing Body, or a Subsidiary Body when appropriate, not covered by a Resolution. It will be placed within the body of the corresponding Governing Bodys session report. Recommendation: Formal expression of an opinion, advice or recommendation by an IOC Subsidiary Body to the IOC Executive Secretary and the body that created it. II. Scope of a Draft Resolution Draft Resolutions should be prepared only when necessary to fulfil at least one of the following criterion: reflect major policy, programmatic, external relations, financial and institutional decisions; approve or modify the Commissions programme and budget; take action on formal Recommendations made to the Commission by any recognized entities concerned with the oceans. Respecting the division of authority and responsibility established in the UNESCO Constitution, Draft Resolutions will not deal with internal matters of the IOC Secretariat nor the mandate of the IOC Executive Secretary or the Director-General of UNESCO. Draft Resolutions should be presented together with their related agenda item. Draft Resolutions should deal only with matters on the agenda of the corresponding session of the Governing Body. The approved Resolution should accurately reflect the conclusions of the plenary discussions thereon. III. Source of a Draft Resolution Draft Resolutions may be submitted by one or more Member States; The Executive Secretary will, at the closing of the relevant agenda item, identify the source(s) for submitting the Draft Resolutions as agreed by the Governing Body. No governing body shall adopt a Resolution involving expenditure unless it has before it a report by the chair of the Financial Committee containing an indication of the financial impact of each Draft Resolution. IV. Submission Whenever possible, proposed text of Draft Resolutions should be submitted in writing to the Executive Secretary one month in advance and no later than 24 hours before the opening of the session of a Governing Body during which it will be considered for adoption. The Executive Secretary shall circulate the proposed text of Draft Resolutions as soon as practicable to the IOC Member States for information before their formal review by the Resolutions Committee. Upon completion of a formal review by the Resolutions Committee, formatting, editorial changes, and translation of Draft Resolutions into the working languages of the Commission shall be completed by the IOC Secretariat and then be made available to the delegation members of the Governing Body. A Draft Resolution shall mention whether it replaces, partly or wholly, a past Resolution, stating that the latter is no longer in force. If a Draft Resolution is made available in the working languages of the Commission to all delegations less than 72 hours prior to the opening session of a Governing Body during which it may be considered for adoption, the Governing Body can decide not to consider it. As an exception to Article 15, it is recognized that the Draft Resolution on Programme and Budget will be submitted during the session of the Governing Body concerned. During the session, amendments to Draft Resolutions may be submitted in writing or orally during the discussion of the relevant agenda item in plenary. V. Structure A Resolution should be published as a self-standing text that contains all the annexes mentioned. The wording of a Draft Resolution should meet the criterion of being necessary and sufficient and should avoid extraneous and duplicative material. In particular, a Draft Resolution should not replicate or duplicate a decision already in the body of the corresponding summary report. Draft Resolutions should comprise an initial preambular section, which should be kept to a minimum and should address the question Why is a Resolution needed? This should be followed by an operative section, which should define the action called for by the Resolution and how the action is to be carried out. If possible, a Draft Resolution should consist of one preambular section followed by the corresponding operative section. If more than one operative section is envisaged, the Draft Resolution should be subdivided, with each subdivision comprising one preambular section and one operative section for each action. Draft Resolutions shall include a statement on the financial implications stating: whether these refer to identified resources in the Regular Programme and Budget (C/5) with an associated work plan; financial implications in terms of: extra-budgetary resources for which there is a formal commitment by one or more Member States or other bodies, extra-budgetary contributions to be sought, when funds would be needed, and for what period, and IOC Secretariat resources over and above the allocation. In all cases, Draft Resolutions should clearly specify the activities for which extrabudgetary resources are sought. This additional information will inform the discussion of each Draft Resolution by the Financial Committee (see para. 27 below). Once a Draft Resolution is adopted, the financial information mentioned above is removed. VI. Resolutions Committee A Resolutions Committee should be established at the beginning of each Assembly session or each Executive Council session to consider Draft Resolutions as they are presented to ensure that the text of the Resolution is clear and explicit. The Chairperson of the Resolutions Committee should be agreed upon, among the present delegates, by the Governing Body at the beginning of each Governing Body session. The Resolutions Committee is responsible for determining whether Draft Resolutions placed before it conform to the scope mentioned in Article 5 above. If the Resolutions Committee considers it necessary, in terms of brevity, clarity and accuracy, to propose changes in a draft resolution, it should ensure that these are strictly of an editorial nature so that the substance of the original draft is maintained. The Resolutions Committee has no responsibility for the substance of Draft Resolutions. Should a substantive change be considered necessary for any reason, the Draft Resolution should be referred back to the IOC Executive Secretary, with an explanatory note. To facilitate any eventual redrafting of a Draft Resolution, the originator(s) or his/her/their representative can be invited to the meeting of the Resolutions Committee at which the Draft Resolution in question is discussed. The Resolutions Committee should submit, via the IOC Executive Secretary, any Draft Resolution to the Financial Committee before the Draft Resolution is considered in plenary. The Financial Committees role is to assess the financial implications, be they explicit or implicit, of Draft Resolutions and thus their practicality. In particular the assessment should clearly identify the funds that are not committed in the current approved budget. The Resolutions Committee should review Draft Resolutions in English. Following Section IV, here above, official translation should be provided if the Draft Resolution is presented in another official language of the Commission. The Chairperson of the Resolutions Committee should submit a report to the Governing Body by the end of the session about the proposed Draft Resolutions and the work of the Resolutions Committee. VII. Subsidiary Bodies In general, Subsidiary Bodies should follow similar procedures to those proposed above for the Governing Bodies when adopting Decisions and Recommendations. In determining whether to formulate Decisions or Recommendations, Subsidiary Bodies should conform to the following general principles: Decisions may be formulated if they are within the mandate of the Subsidiary Body, contain actions which involve only the Subsidiary Body and/or its members, and do not have direct implications for IOC, its agreed budget and programme, and membership as a whole; Any actions, within the mandate of a Subsidiary Body, which have budgetary implications for IOC beyond the agreed budget and programme, require actions by the Governing Bodies, or require specific action by an IOC Governing Body (e.g. changes to title or Terms of Reference) and/or require additional actions by the Secretariat beyond those already mandated under the budget and programme, shall be formulated as Recommendations to an IOC Governing Body. Subsidiary Bodies should review all relevant Governing Body Resolutions still in force that refer to the Subsidiary Body at the date of their session, as well as their own Recommendations, and make recommendations for action, as required/appropriate. Subsidiary bodies should not adopt decisions and recommendations that are not consistent with Resolutions of the Commission in force. VIII. Publication All resolutions will be published in the official languages of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission. IX. Coding and citation of Resolutions Assembly Resolutions [Number of Assembly in roman numerals]-[1,2number of the particular Resolution]; e.g., IOC Resolution XXIII-3 (third Resolution adopted by the IOC Assembly at its 23rd Session) Executive Council Resolutions EC-[Number of Executive Council in roman numerals].[1,2number of the particular Resolution]; e.g., IOC EC-XXXIX.2 (second Resolution adopted by the IOC Executive Council at its 39th Session) Primary IOC Subsidiary Body Decisions and Recommendations [Acronym of the Subsidiary Body]-[Number of the session in roman numerals].[1,2number of the particular Decision]; e.g., IODE-XVIII.1 (first Decision adopted by the IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) at its 18th Session). A standardized format for Draft Resolutions is presented in Appendix I of these guidelines. IOC-XXVII/Dec.6.5 Preparation of the 47th and 48th Sessions of the Executive Council (2014, 2015) and 28th Session of the Assembly (2015) The Assembly, Recalling the recommendations of the Executive Council at its 46th session (EC-XLVI, Dec.4.), Decides to hold: The 47th session of the Executive Council for 3.5 days in UNESCO Headquarters, Paris over the period 30 June3 July 2014, The 28th session of the Assembly for a duration to be decided over the period to be decided in June 2015 preceded by a one-day session of the Executive Council acting as the steering committee of the Assembly; Calls on the Member States to consider the possibility of providing voluntary extrabudgetary contribution; Decides of the inclusion of the following items on the agenda of the 47th session of the Executive Council: The Future of the IOC International Indian Ocean Expedition 50th Anniversary Initiative (IIOE-2) Strategic Plan for Capacity Development Global Ocean Science Report. IOC-XXVII/Dec.6.6 Proposals for Future IOC Memorial Lectures The Assembly, Proposes the following themes for each of the IOC memorial lectures: IOC Roger Revelle Lecture, 2014: CARIACO (Carbon Retention in a Coloured Ocean) Project Times Series, or - Ocean Chemistry and Ocean Acidification (DrRichard Feely), - Protected Marine Areas-Malpelo, one of the UNESCOs World Heritage marine sites (DrSandra Bessudo), IOC Anton Bruun Memorial Lecture, 2015: - Arctic Sea Ice (Dr Robie MacDonald) IOC N.K. Panikkar Memorial Lecture, 2015: - Canadian Rangers Ocean Watch (DrEddy Carmack), - Impact of IOC Capacity Building for Tsunami Warning System within a region, - Capacity development on Harmful Algal Blooms (Prof. FUKUYO Yasuwo) - Challenger Glider Mission (DrScott Glenn, University of Rutgers), - 50th anniversary of the Indian Ocean Expedition, past and present and future, and Invites the IOC officers with the assistance of Secretariat to seek further suggestions for lectures and to finalize the invitations; Invites also the IOC Executive Secretary to further enhance visibility thereof. IOC-XXVII/Dec.7 Adoption of the Session Summary Report The Assembly, Welcoming both the formal strengthening of decisions as the core output of IOC governing body sessions and resolutions with the scope and definition of resolutions adopted by decision IOC-XXVII,Dec.6.4, Requests the Executive Secretary to identify areas of improvement for governing body sessions and report on the results of the evaluation questionnaire in order to pursue the reflection on this issue; Adopts the Draft Summary Report for the present session; Requests the Executive Secretary to circulate the Summary Report to Member States within one month after the closure of the session. PART II Summary REPORT page  TOC \o "1-5" \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367256886" 1. OPENING  PAGEREF _Toc367256886 \h 44  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367256887" 2. ORGANIZATION OF THE SESSION  PAGEREF _Toc367256887 \h 44  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367256888" 2.1 ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA  PAGEREF _Toc367256888 \h 44  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367256889" 2.2 DESIGNATION OF THE RAPPORTEUR  PAGEREF _Toc367256889 \h 45  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367256890" 2.3 ESTABLISHMENT OF INTRASESSIONAL COMMITTEES AND WORKING GROUPS  PAGEREF _Toc367256890 \h 45  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367256891" 2.4 INTRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTATION AND TIMETABLE  PAGEREF _Toc367256891 \h 45  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367256892" 3. StATUTORY REPORTS  PAGEREF _Toc367256892 \h 45  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367256893" 3.1 STATEMENT OF THE CHAIRMAN ON THE STATE OF IOC  PAGEREF _Toc367256893 \h 45  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367256894" 3.2 REPORT BY THE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY ON PROGRAMMEAND BUDGET (20122013) AND MEDIUM TERM STRATEGY (20082013) IMPLEMENTATION  PAGEREF _Toc367256894 \h 46  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367256895" 3.3 REPORTS BY THE CHAIRS OF THE IOC SUB-COMMISSIONS  PAGEREF _Toc367256895 \h 47  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367256896" 3.3.1 IOC Sub-Commission for Africa and the Adjacent Island States (IOCAFRICA)  PAGEREF _Toc367256896 \h 47  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367256897" 3.3.2 IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific (WESTPAC)  PAGEREF _Toc367256897 \h 48  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367256898" 3.3.3 IOC Sub-Commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (IOCARIBE)  PAGEREF _Toc367256898 \h 48  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367256899" 3.4 REPORT OF THE IOC (20122013) TO THE THIRTY-SEVENTH GENERAL CONFERENCE OF UNESCO  PAGEREF _Toc367256899 \h 50  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367256900" 4. INTRODUCTION TO THE DRAFT PROGRAMME AND BUDGET FOR 20142017 AND IOC MEDIUM-TERM STRATEGY FOR 20142021  PAGEREF _Toc367256900 \h 50  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367256901" 4.1 INTRODUCTION TO IOC DRAFT MEDIUM-TERM STRATEGY FOR 20142021  PAGEREF _Toc367256901 \h 50  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367256902" 4.2 INTRODUCTION TO IOC DRAFT PROGRAMME AND BUDGET FOR 20142017  PAGEREF _Toc367256902 \h 51  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367256903" 5. STRATEGY DEVELOPMENTS  PAGEREF _Toc367256903 \h 51  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367256904" 5.1 GOVERNANCE  PAGEREF _Toc367256904 \h 51  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367256905" 5.1.1 UN Consultation and Coordination  PAGEREF _Toc367256905 \h 52  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367256906" 5.1.2 Other Partnerships  PAGEREF _Toc367256906 \h 53  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367256907" Proposal for a Category-2 UNESCO Regional Educational and Research Centre on Oceanography for Western Asia, in Iran (Islamic Republic of)  PAGEREF _Toc367256907 \h 53  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367256908" Endorsement of the IHO-IOC/GEBCO Sub-committee for Regional Undersea Mapping (SCRUM)  PAGEREF _Toc367256908 \h 54  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367256909" 5.1.3 Role of IOC Subsidiary Bodies and Decentralized Offices  PAGEREF _Toc367256909 \h 54  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367256910" 5.2 OCEAN-RELATED HAZARDS  PAGEREF _Toc367256910 \h 55  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367256911" 5.2.1 Regional Tsunami warning Systems  PAGEREF _Toc367256911 \h 55  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367256912" Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Pacific Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System  PAGEREF _Toc367256912 \h 55 page  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367256913" Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System  PAGEREF _Toc367256913 \h 56  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367256914" Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami and other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions  PAGEREF _Toc367256914 \h 56  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367256915" Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami Early Warning and Mitigation System in the North-Eastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean and Connected Seas  PAGEREF _Toc367256915 \h 57  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367256916" 5.2.2 Global Coordination of Warnings and Mitigation Systems for Ocean Hazards (TOWS-WG)  PAGEREF _Toc367256916 \h 58  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367256917" 5.3 OBSERVING SYSTEMS, DATA MANAGEMENT  PAGEREF _Toc367256917 \h 58  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367256918" 5.3.1 The Future Needs for Intergovernmental Coordination and Governance for Sustained Ocean Observations and Services  PAGEREF _Toc367256918 \h 58  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367256919" 5.3.2 Global Ocean Observing System  PAGEREF _Toc367256919 \h 59  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367256920" 5.3.3 Joint IOC-WMO Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM)  PAGEREF _Toc367256920 \h 60  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367256921" 5.3.4 IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE)  PAGEREF _Toc367256921 \h 60  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367256922" Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS)  PAGEREF _Toc367256922 \h 61  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367256923" 5.3.5 WMO-ICSU-IOC-UNEP Global Climate Observing System (GCOS)  PAGEREF _Toc367256923 \h 62  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367256924" 5.4 OCEAN SCIENCE AND RESEARCH  PAGEREF _Toc367256924 \h 63  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367256925" 5.4.1 WMO-IOC-ICSU-UNEP World Climate Research Programme (WCRP)  PAGEREF _Toc367256925 \h 63  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367256926" 5.4.2 Intergovernmental panel on Harmful Algal Blooms (IPHAB)  PAGEREF _Toc367256926 \h 63  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367256927" 5.4.3 Nutrient Pollution  PAGEREF _Toc367256927 \h 64  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367256928" 5.4.4 Integrated Coastal Area Management (ICAM)  PAGEREF _Toc367256928 \h 65  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367256929" 5.4.5 A Regular Process for Global Reporting and Assessment of the State of the Marine Environment, Including Socio-economic Aspects (UN Regular Process) World Ocean Assessment  PAGEREF _Toc367256929 \h 65  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367256930" 5.5 CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT  PAGEREF _Toc367256930 \h 66  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367256931" 5.5.1 Development of a New Capacity Development Strategy  PAGEREF _Toc367256931 \h 66  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367256932" 5.5.2 Rationale for an IOC Global Ocean Science Report  PAGEREF _Toc367256932 \h 67  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367256933" 6. ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT  PAGEREF _Toc367256933 \h 68  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367256934" 6.1 REPORT BY THE CHAIRPERSON OF THE FINANCIAL COMMITTEE ON THE IOC DRAFT MEDIUM-TERM STRATEGY FOR 20142021  PAGEREF _Toc367256934 \h 68  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367256935" 6.2 REPORT BY THE CHAIRPERSON OF THE FINANCIAL COMMITTEE ON THE DRAFT PROGRAMME AND BUDGET FOR 2014-2017 (DRAFT 37C/5)  PAGEREF _Toc367256935 \h 68  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367256936" 6.3 ELECTIONS OF THE OFFICERS OF THE COMMISSION AND MEMBERS OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL  PAGEREF _Toc367256936 \h 68  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367256937" 6.3.1 Election of the Chair of the Commission  PAGEREF _Toc367256937 \h 69  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367256938" 6.3.2 Election of the Vice-Chairs of the Commission  PAGEREF _Toc367256938 \h 69  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367256939" 6.3.3 Election of the Members of the Executive Council  PAGEREF _Toc367256939 \h 69 page  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367256940" 6.4 ADOPTION OF THE REVISED GUIDELINES DEALING WITH DRAFT RESOLUTIONS  PAGEREF _Toc367256940 \h 70  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367256941" 6.5 DATES AND PLACES OF THE 28TH ASSEMBLY AND THE 47TH AND 48TH SESSIONS OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL  PAGEREF _Toc367256941 \h 70  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367256942" 6.6 THEMES OF THE A. BRUUN AND N.K. PANIKKAR MEMORIAL LECTURES AT THE 28TH IOC ASSEMBLY  PAGEREF _Toc367256942 \h 71  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367256943" 7. ADOPTION OF THE SUMMARY REPORT AND RESOLUTIONS  PAGEREF _Toc367256943 \h 71  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc367256944" 8. CLOSURE  PAGEREF _Toc367256944 \h 72  1. OPENING The Chair, MrSang-Kyung Byun, opened the 27th Session of the IOC Assembly at 10:00 on Wednesday 26 June 2013 in RoomII at UNESCO Headquarters. He announced one new IOC Member State since the last Executive Council in 2012: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. He welcomed the new officers recently elected in the subsidiary bodies of the Commission. The Chair asked participants to stand for a minute of silence to honour distinguished individuals who had participated in the work of the Commission and have passed away during the past year: Phil Busby (19472013, New Zealand), Carlo Heip (19452013, Belgium), Alexander Metalnikov (19312013, Russian Federation), Klaus Wyrtki (19252013, USA), and Charles S. Yentsch (19272012, USA). Later during the session a tribute to ArielW.Gonzlez (Argentina), was organized on the occasion of the publication of his thesis partly based on his study of IOC: (Re)Encontrar EL MAR: Argentina y el conocimiento cientifico de los oceanos Hacia una jurisdiccion eficaz en nuestros espacios maritimos ((Re)-encountering the Sea: Argentina and scientific knowledge of the oceans. Towards an effective jurisdiction of our maritime spaces). The Chair reminded the Assembly that a full session of the Assembly was made possible, in a period of financial difficulty for the organization, only with the allocation of emergency funds given to the IOC by the Director-General who recognized the importance of the decisions to be made at the present session for the next programming and budgeting cycles. The Director-General addressed the IOC Assembly at 11:30 the same day ( HYPERLINK \l "a3a" Annex III.A of the Summary Report). The Chair invited participants to visit the exhibition on The IOC Partnership with the Civil Society from 24 June to 3rd July inclusive in the Foyer, as well as the IOCTara Expeditions exhibition, Salle des Pas perdus (2428 June inclusive), the Formal opening ceremony for which was held on Thursday 27 June at 18:30hrs. He thanked, on behalf of the Assembly, the Marine Technology Society (USA) for hosting the reception at the end of the opening day and several partners for sponsoring coffee/tea services and events during the session: the Fundaci Navegaci Ocenica Barcelona / Barcelona World Race (Spain), the Society for Underwater Technology (SUT) and the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science & Technology, IMarEST (UK), the Permanent Delegations to UNESCO of Canada, China, Nigeria, the delegations of Japan, Republic of Korea, and Thailand on behalf of WESTPAC; WorldOceanNetworkNausicaa, the Permanent Delegations of Argentina and Germany. The representative of one Member State took the floor. 2. ORGANIZATION OF THE SESSION 2.1 ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA The Chair referred to the recommendations made by the Executive Council at its 46th session, acting as the steering committee for the Assembly, for the following organizational items (2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4). He reminded that the agenda was designed to address reporting on the current biennium and Medium-Term Strategy during the first two days (item 3.) with the remainder of the session focusing on decisions in the context of the next programme and budget and medium-term strategy period. During the 46th Executive Council Session, Portugal requested the inclusion of an additional agenda item on the Future of IOC. While this request was submitted after the deadline established in the Rules of Procedure (Art.9), the Executive Council agreed to recommend to the Assembly to form a sessional open-ended working group to discuss the issues raised by Portugal on the Future of IOC and subsequently report to the Assembly under Agenda Item 5.1. No Member State representative took the floor. ( HYPERLINK \l "d2i" Decision IOC-XXVII/Dec.2.i) 2.2 DESIGNATION OF THE RAPPORTEUR ( HYPERLINK \l "d2ii" Decision IOC-XXVII/Dec.2.ii) 2.3 ESTABLISHMENT OF INTRASESSIONAL COMMITTEES AND WORKING GROUPS Referring to the recommendations made by the Executive Council (EC-XLV/Dec.3.1 & 3.2) on this item, acting as the steering committee for the present session, the Chairman reminded the Assembly of the mandate of the three sessional committees, the open-ended composition thereof, and the working arrangements made for their meetings. He then invited proposals for sessional working groups. ( HYPERLINK \l "d2iii" Decision IOC-XXVII/Dec.2.iii) 2.4 INTRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTATION AND TIMETABLE The Executive Secretary introduced this item. She reviewed briefly the list of working documents and reminded the Assembly that the report would be focused on decisions. In this view the drafting of formal draft decisions in the pre-session documentation was initiated at the 45th session of the Executive Council in 2012 and was extended to the present session. Referring to IOC-XXVII/Inf.1, the Executive Secretary reminded the Assembly that draft decisions would be agreed to during the discussion of each agenda item. The Action Paper was intentionally drafted as a pre-report in order to streamline the reporting process during the session. Taking into account the feedback from Member States at the Executive Council in 2012, a summary of the discussion that led to the decision under each agenda item was to be drafted during the session and was to be submitted to Member States under item 7. Member States that wished to have specific, particularly important, plenary interventions recorded, were invited to provide written records thereof in one of the four working languages of the Commission, to be annexed to the report, in their original language as an informational annex to this report. A template and a dedicated e-mail address ( HYPERLINK "mailto:iocgovbody@unesco.org" iocgovbody@unesco.org) was set up to this end. The Assembly was reminded that interventions would be limited to 5 minutes for Member States and 3 minutes for observers. With reference to the timetable for the session, the Executive Secretary informed about the interpretation arrangements during the session and the possibility to hold extended evening sessions on Friday 28 June and Wednesday 3 July, if needed. Meetings of the Financial Committee were held with English and French interpretation. A calendar of side meetings during the session was updated in real time on the webpage of the Assembly. Participants were informed of several signings of agreements during the session. No Member State representative took the floor. 3. StATUTORY REPORTS 3.1 STATEMENT OF THE CHAIRMAN ON THE STATE OF IOC The Chair asked Frederico Saraiva Nogueira to read a statement on behalf of the IOC Officers ( HYPERLINK \l "a3b" Annex III.B). Noting the financial crisis facing the IOC and the valuable platform it provided for collective Member State work, the Officers called on the Member States to consider making a minimum voluntary contribution to the operation of Commission programmes in line with the UN standard scale of assessments, to make up for an expected shortfall of about $5million for 20142015. In accordance with rule of procedure 8.1(a), the Chair delivered an oral statement on recent developments in the work of the Commission and perspectives for the coming years ( HYPERLINK \l "a3c" Annex III.C). The representatives of 10 Member States took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report:  HYPERLINK \l "india31" India,  HYPERLINK \l "jap31" Japan,  HYPERLINK \l "mal31" Malaysia,  HYPERLINK \l "kor31" Republic of Korea and  HYPERLINK \l "sa31" South Africa. The Assembly congratulated the Chair for his report and agreed that future success of IOC will be dependent on Member State engagement in the work of the Commission. 3.2 REPORT BY THE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY ON PROGRAMMEAND BUDGET (20122013) AND MEDIUM TERM STRATEGY (20082013) IMPLEMENTATION In accordance with Rule of Procedure 8 (b) and 49, the Executive Secretary reported on the implementation of the Commissions Medium-Term Strategy (20082013) and on its programme implementation for the period 20122013 since the 45th Session of the Executive Council in 2012. For High-Level Objective (HLO)1, she highlighted the establishment of new tsunami warning centres, training in standard operating procedures and progress made on the provision of real-time sea-level data for contributing to the four regional tsunami warning systems. In relation to HLO2, she elaborated on activities related to climate change, on the oceans role in climate variability, coastal change adaptation in Africa and on IOCs outreach activities for sensitising policy makers. For HLO 3, she gave an overview of activities carried out for the safeguarding of the health of the ocean, namely the Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) programme, Marine Spatial Planning and the Ocean Biogeographic Information System. Regarding HLO 4, she reported on the role played by the IOC in the Rio+20 Conference and in the development of the UN Oceans Compact. She gave a historical review of the Regular Process, now called the World Ocean Assessment, and highlighted the activities in Capacity Development and the setting up of the IOC Sub-Commission for Africa and Adjacent Island States. In her report on the programme implementation for the period 20122013, under HLO1, the Executive Secretary described the progress made in the provision of tsunami services in the four tsunami regions. Under HLO 2 she reported on the activities of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS), the Joint WMO-IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM) and highlighted the work plan of the new GOOS Steering Committee, collaboration with IOCCP and the Adaptation to Climate Change in Coastal zones of West Africa (ACCC). Under HLO3, the Executive Secretary reported on the Harmful Algal Blooms programme, on the Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS), the Marine Spatial Planning initiative and on the renewal of the agreement with Flanders for hosting the IODE Office. Under HLO4, she elaborated on the World Ocean Assessment, Microplastics and the Global Environment Facility-funded Transboundary Waters Assessment Programme. The Executive Secretary referred the Assembly to the Progress Report on Budget Execution (2012) and anticipated funding for 2013 (document IOC-XXVII/2Annex2) which provides a general overview with regard to the implementation of the 2012 budget as of 31 December 2012, including an overview of the IOC staffing situation. It follows the guidance on funding priorities provided by the IOC Executive Council in its decision EC-XLV/Dec.5.1 at its 45th session in June 2012. The Progress report on budget execution (2012) and anticipated funding 2013 (document IOC-XXVII/2Annex2) was further examined by the Financial Committee for compliance with the guidance on budgetary allocations and priority funding provided by the IOC Governing Bodies. Validation of the IOC Programme and Budget for 20122013 was covered by the resolution submitted by the Financial Committee under items 6.1 and 6.2. The Executive Secretary responded to interventions by the Member States and thanked the Member States for their very positive and encouraging comments concerning IOCs activities. She noted the remarks of several Member States about the fact that IOC has performed as well as in the previous biennium in spite of the budget cut. She pointed out that when she reported on the last Medium Term Strategy, much progress had already been made before the budget cut. Furthermore, in the last year IOC benefitted from the Emergency Funds from UNESCO from which funding for certain programmes was partially restored. However, the Emergency Funds will not be available in the coming years and unless extra-budgetary resources are found, it will not be possible to meet all demands. IOC is already losing its leadership in some areas. The impact is not visible immediately, but with limited funding for certain programmes, the situation will gradually deteriorate until the actions of IOC could become meaningless. This is the real danger of the decrease in funding. The Executive Secretary commented on a remark about GOOS/GCOS/JCOMM benchmark of the one millionth Argo profile and mentioned that several Member States acknowledged the importance of the tsunami programme, Marine Spatial Planning, climate change and HAB. She expressed her sincere appreciation for the very positive comments made by the Member States. The representatives of 21 Member States took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report:  HYPERLINK \l "bel32" Belgium,  HYPERLINK \l "can32" Canada,  HYPERLINK \l "india31" India,  HYPERLINK \l "nor32" Norway,  HYPERLINK \l "kor32" Republic of Korea,  HYPERLINK \l "sa32" South Africa and  HYPERLINK \l "us32" United States of America. ( HYPERLINK \l "d32" Decision IOC-XXVII/Dec.3.2) 3.3 REPORTS BY THE CHAIRS OF THE IOC SUB-COMMISSIONS 3.3.1 IOC Sub-Commission for Africa and the Adjacent Island States (IOCAFRICA) DrMonde Mayekiso, Chair of the IOC Sub-Commission for Africa and the Adjacent Island States (IOCAFRICA) reported on the major outcomes of the 2nd Session of the Sub-Commission (Cape Town, South Africa, 34 April 2013). He highlighted progress on the development and the adoption of the Strategic Plan for IOCAFRICA, the development of capacity-development activities in the region and the strengthening of the sub-commission. In a more prospective approach, DrMayekiso identified the challenges faced in the implementation of activities of the sub-commission and made proposals to address some of them. China noted the progress made in the development of the Strategic Plan for the Sub-Commission and expressed its desire to strengthen collaboration with IOCAFRICA, especially in capacity development. The Republic of Korea congratulated IOCAFRICA and expressed their willingness to continue support for the implementation of the Strategic Plan and Work Plan of the Sub Commission. The Assembly expressed its gratitude to the Member States that have contributed resources for the implementation of the activities of the Sub-Commission, including the Belgium (Government of Flanders), Kenya, Republic of Korea and South Africa. The representatives of four Member States took the floor. The following Member State chose to provide a record of its plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report:  HYPERLINK \l "ko331" Republic of Korea. ( HYPERLINK \l "d331i" Decision IOC-XXVII/Dec.3.3i) 3.3.2 IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific (WESTPAC) The Chair of the IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific (WESTPAC), DrSomkiat Khokiattiwong, introduced this agenda item. He reported on the achievements made since a difficult revitalization process was initiated in 2008 by the WESTPAC Office with great support of all Member States. WESTPAC has established a systematic framework and collaborative process for coordinating the efforts of Member States in the development, establishment, and implementation of regionally-specific programmes/projects. He highlighted that, with those strategic planning and collaborative processes, a number of regionally-specific projects/programmes have been developed, coordinated and implemented in alignment with IOC High-Level Objectives. WESTPAC has been playing a pivotal role in the development and implementation of two Global Ocean Observing System Regional Alliances, nine region-specific scientific programmes, and one self-driven IOC Regional Network of Training and Research Centres on Marine Sciences. The WESTPAC International Scientific Symposia have been evolving as some of the largest gatherings among marine scientific communities. Meanwhile, the extrabudgetary support, both in cash and in kind, from Member States for WESTPAC Biennial Programme has been dramatically increased with a total value of more than US$3M. In a more prospective approach many efforts still need to be made in strengthening the systematic and multidisciplinary approach to WESTPAC programme development, and enhancing the presence of IOC and its WESTPAC at country level with a view to addressing the requirements of relevant conventions, and international initiatives. To this end, DrKhokiattiwong further invited the Assembly to endorse these strategic directions towards which WESTPAC will intensify its efforts, over the next ten years and beyond, including the development of country-specific programmes within the well-established regional collaborative framework; the establishment of partnerships/cooperation with relevant conventions, international programmes; the engagement of capable international experts into WESTPAC programmes; and the reinforcing of its WESTPAC Office based in Bangkok, Thailand in order to keep the present momentum and have greater achievements of WESTPAC in near future. In concluding, he invited Member States to join the celebration of the 25th Anniversary of WESTPAC starting in July 2013, Paris and ending in April 2015, Phuket Thailand, particularly the WESTPAC 9th International Scientific Symposium, 2225 April 2014, NhaTrang, Vietnam. The Assembly appreciated the significant achievements made by WESTPAC over 20082013 with joint efforts of all WESTPAC Member States and WESTPAC Office. The successful revitalization of WESTPAC has generated very positive outcomes and impacts as demonstrated by the ever-increasing commitments from Member States in the implementation of WESTPACs rapidly growing programmes and activities, which also provides useful experience to be shared with other regions, and to help guide discussion on the future of IOC. The Assembly expressed its gratitude with the Member States for their contributions made in support of WESTPAC, and welcomed offers from: China, Japan and Republic of Korea to continuously provide financial support and/or secondment to WESTPAC Office; Indonesia to launch the Widya Nusantara Expedition (E-Win) 2013; Malaysia to organize the World Ocean Week 2013; and Vietnam to host the WESTPAC 9th International Scientific Symposium 2015 in celebration of the 25th Anniversary of WESTPAC. The representatives of 11 Member States took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report:  HYPERLINK \l "chi332" China,  HYPERLINK \l "indo332" Indonesia,  HYPERLINK \l "jap332" Japan,  HYPERLINK \l "mal332" Malaysia,  HYPERLINK \l "ko332" Republic of Korea,  HYPERLINK \l "thai332" Thailand,  HYPERLINK \l "us332" United States of America and  HYPERLINK \l "vn332" VietNam. ( HYPERLINK \l "d331ii" Decision IOC-XXVII/Dec.3.3ii) 3.3.3 IOC Sub-Commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (IOCARIBE) The Vice-chairman of the IOC Sub-Commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (IOCARIBE), MrFrancisco Brizuela-Venegas, introduced this item on behalf of IOCARIBE Chairperson DrBonnie Ponwith. He reviewed developments in IOCARIBE focal programmes for 20122013: the Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem (CLME); the IOCARIBE Global Ocean Observing System Regional Alliance (IOCARIBE-GOOS); the Harmful Algal Blooms in the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (HAB-ANCA) programme; the Integrated Coastal Area Management (ICAM) programme; the Caribbean Tsunami and Other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (CARIBE-EWS); the International Bathymetric Chart of the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico (IBCCA); the International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) and related Ocean Data and Information Network for the IOCARIBE and South America Regions (ODINCARSA); and the Caribbean Marine Atlas and Capacity Development. MrBrizuela-Venegas reported on the 12th Session of IOCARIBE including decisions related to: (i) the Review of the IOCARIBE Secretariat; (ii) a series of measures to strengthen the IOCARIBE Secretariat; (iii) the completion of the Sustainable Management of the Shared Living Marine Resources of the Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem and Adjacent Regions CLME and the preparation of the CLME Strategic Action Programme; (iv) the work of the HAB-ANCA group; (v) the IOCARIBE-GOOS restructuring and re-organizing; (vi); the Programme and project implementation; and (vii) the IOCARIBE Programme and Budget for 20142015. The IOCARIBE Vice-Chairman reported on activities completed after the IOCARIBE-XII Session in April 2013, including the completion of the CLME project and the technical approval by the CLME Steering Committee of its CLME Strategic Action Programme (SAP). The CLME is a US$58million project, including US$8,6million GEF support. By June 2013 the SAP had been endorsed by ministers of 18 countries. The Project Identification Form is in development and will be submitted in July 2013 to the Global Environmental Facility Council for their financial support. MrBrizuela also reported on the activities implemented within the framework of the World Ocean Assessment in the Region and the Wider Caribbean Region Workshop. He stressed the importance of actively participating in the Pool of Experts that includes nearly 60 representatives from the Caribbean as of April 2013. He reported on the progress of the CARIBE-EWS. The second regional tsunami exercise, CARIBE Wave LANTEX was conducted on March 20. 2013 with the participation of over 25 countries. The Caribbean Tsunami Information Center (CTIC) was established in Barbados in 2013. The IOCARIBE Vice-Chairman informed the Assembly about the Caribbean Marine Atlas. Five prototype national marine atlases are being implemented and an initiative completed with the CLME IMS/REMP creating a metadata inventory of data sources related to integrated coastal area management. MrBrizuela also referred to the Review of the IOCARIBE Secretariat of July 2012, conducted by UNESCO Internal Oversight Services (IOS) noting recommendations concerning the trial period for the office and the disposition of the IOCARIBE Secretarys position. Colombia made a formal offer to second a professional for supporting the work of the IOCARIBE Secretariat, and confirmed their commitment to continue hosting the Secretariat in Cartagena. Belgium expressed their commitment to continuing to financially support IOCARIBE activities, and stressed the strategic importance of having a strong, well-staffed Secretariat. The UNEP representative noted the strong co-operation with IOCARIBE, in particular, in: the work carried out within the CLME towards the sustainable use of fisheries and marine biodiversity; activities for the UN Regular Process World Ocean Assessment, and the Global Ocean Partnership with the World Bank; and with the GEF financed IWEco project, where the IOCARIBE Project "Demonstrate Approaches for Nutrient and Sediment Reduction at Selected Pilot Study Areas in the Wider Caribbean, is one of the key components. Intervening Member States expressed their support for strengthening the IOCARIBE Secretariat by encouraging the restoration of the current IOCARIBE Secretarys position as a full time, permanent post located in Colombia. The Assembly thanked the Government of Panama for having hosted IOCARIBE-XII, and expressed its deepest appreciation to the Government of Colombia for their continuous support to the IOCARIBE Secretariat over the years. The representatives of 13 Member States and UNEP took the floor. The following Member States and one organization chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report:  HYPERLINK \l "bel333" Belgium,  HYPERLINK \l "uk333" United Kingdom,  HYPERLINK \l "ven333" Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) and  HYPERLINK \l "unep333" UNEP. ( HYPERLINK \l "d331iii" Decision IOC-XXVII/Dec.3.3iii) 3.4 REPORT OF THE IOC (20122013) TO THE THIRTY-SEVENTH GENERAL CONFERENCE OF UNESCO The Executive Secretary introduced this item. According to Art.3.2 of the Statutes and Rule of Procedure 49.2, the IOC prepares regular reports on its activities, which shall be submitted to the General Conference of UNESCO. The IOCs report to the 37th General Conference of UNESCO (Paris, 520 November 2013) covered the period since the 36th General Conference (Paris, 25October11November 2011) and focused on the main achievements in the implementation of the UNESCO Medium-term Strategy 20082013 (34C/4) with respect to Strategic Programme Objective3, Leveraging scientific knowledge for the benefit of the environment and the management of natural resources, and Strategic Programme Objective 5, Contributing to disaster preparedness and mitigation. No Member State representative took the floor. ( HYPERLINK \l "d34" Decision IOC-XXVII/Dec.3.4) 4. INTRODUCTION TO THE DRAFT PROGRAMME AND BUDGET FOR 2014-2017 AND IOC MEDIUM-TERM STRATEGY FOR 2014-2021 4.1 INTRODUCTION TO IOC DRAFT MEDIUM-TERM STRATEGY FOR 20142021 The Draft Medium-Term Strategy for 20142021 covers the period of eight years to be consistent with the new UNESCO medium-term planning context which also includes four-year programme cycles. In line with the IOC mission statement, a vision for the period 20142021 was formulated based on perceived societal needs, emerging ocean science issues and requirements for intergovernmental coordination. The Rio+20 conference has provided very useful and timely context for the role of IOC as expressed in the Draft Medium-Term Strategy, its high-level objectives and conceptual framework of functions. In addition to explaining the links to UNESCO Strategic Objectives, Expected Outcomes and Global Priorities, the Medium-term Strategy provides an analysis of the IOCs place and role in the UN system, as well as an overview of key partnerships and joint programmes. The representatives of 14 Member States took the floor. They thanked Vice-Chairman Prof. Peter M. Haugan for his role in guiding the work of the Intersessional Financial Advisory Group. They stressed the importance of focusing the work of the Commissions programmes that have the strongest impact in terms of societal benefits, safety, protection of the marine environment and technological innovations. In this regard, the highest priority should be given to ocean observations, data assessment and exchange and early warning systems. Many Member States expressed the opinion that given the on-going discussions of the UN Secretary Generals Oceans Compact initiative and the diverging opinions on this subject, it would be premature to refer to it in the IOC Medium Term Strategy. (See decision under 6.2). The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report:  HYPERLINK \l "all41" Germany,  HYPERLINK \l "india41" India,  HYPERLINK \l "jap41" Japan and  HYPERLINK \l "uk41" United Kingdom. 4.2 INTRODUCTION TO IOC DRAFT PROGRAMME AND BUDGET FOR 20142017 The Draft Programme and Budget for 20142017 translates the strategic objectives defined in the Medium-Term Strategy into programme focus area with clear results expected at the end of the four-year period. While the programmes are defined for the quadrennial period 20142017, the budget allocation to them is proposed for the biennial period 20142015, in line with the UNESCO General Conference resolution (36C/Res.105) to maintain the biennial cycle for the appropriation of the budget and to move towards a result-based budgeting approach. The current financial situation is difficult for UNESCO and its IOC. When designing this quadrennial programme, it will be crucially important to have a realistic appreciation of the possibilities and limitations within available budgets. While the proposed budgetary allocation for 20142015 is based on the funding attributed to the IOC under the UNESCO Zero Nominal Growth scenario of US$653M, the Secretariat requested the Assemblys guidance on the approach to adopt in case of a potential cash shortfall. The representatives of 14 Member States took the floor. They stressed the importance of identifying programmatic priorities focusing on issues of global consensus, building on IOC core programmes and regional initiatives, as well as the need to find innovative ways of mobilizing extrabudgetary funding. In his concluding remarks, the Chair of the Financial Committee ensured that all the points made in the plenary debate were well noted and that they would be subject to further in-depth consideration by the sessional Financial Committee. (See decision under 6.2.) The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report:  HYPERLINK \l "all41" Germany,  HYPERLINK \l "india41" India,  HYPERLINK \l "jap41" Japan and  HYPERLINK \l "uk41" United Kingdom. ( HYPERLINK \l "d4" Decision IOC-XXVII/Dec.4) 5. STRATEGY DEVELOPMENTS 5.1 GOVERNANCE The Chairman reminded that the Sessional Working Group on the Future of IOC, established by EC-XLVI/Dec.2(III), was requested to report under this agenda item and offered the floor to the Chairman of the Group, MrJavier Valladares, past Chairman of IOC. MrValladares reported that the Working Group met only one time, on Thursday, 27 June. A letter submitted by Portugal to the Chairman of IOC was distributed to the participants at the beginning of the meeting (Annex to IOC/EC-XLVI/3s). Portugal introduced its letter indicating that the main issue is what Member States can do to prepare for the evolution of IOC as a major component of international cooperation on oceans. MrValladares reported that the Group reached consensus that the IOC Governing Bodies should maintain in their agendas an item and mechanism to enable Member States to reflect and exchange ideas on the Future of IOC. It also consensually decided not to address the subject of the duality of the function/post of IOCs Executive Secretary and Assistant Director-General, and not to discuss the short-term planning and the Medium-Term Strategy that are addressed by the Financial Committee. The Group had a very substantive and positive dialogue, with more than 16 interventions by the Member States. The Group suggested three areas where the IOC could improve. First the Group noted the need to rationalize cooperation and communication between IOC and other Organizations, internally through cooperation among Member States and dialogue among Member States National Oceanographic Committees, and externally between IOC and other UN Organizations, including by identifying overlaps with a view to optimize research/cooperation within their respective mandates. Second, the Group recognized that by sharpening and clarifying IOCs identity, it would be viewed with higher pertinence by policy makers and the public in general. This could be achieved by recognizing the variety of global and regional needs and identifying the IOC with a small number of priority ocean service programmes supported by science within each High Level Objective (HLO), and by raising the visibility of IOC through clear branding associated with these successful key activities. Third, while recognizing that the success of IOC sustained ocean observations and services lies in a combination of intergovernmental procedures and more flexible arrangements, the Group identified that by enhancing flexibility and adaptability of IOCs governance it might increase the engagement of the ocean research community with IOC. The report of MrValladares received general support from Member States and all thanked Portugal for having taken the initiative that triggered the discussion. Some Member States emphasized the regional aspect of IOCs work while many focused their interventions on the relevance of science as core to the work of IOC. The representatives of 12 Member States took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report:  HYPERLINK \l "can51" Canada,  HYPERLINK \l "india51" India,  HYPERLINK \l "ko51" Republic of Korea,  HYPERLINK \l "uk51" United Kingdom,  HYPERLINK \l "us51" United States of America and  HYPERLINK \l "ven51" Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of). ( HYPERLINK \l "d51" Decision IOC-XXVII/Dec.5.1) 5.1.1 UN Consultation and Coordination The Head of the Ocean Sciences Section of IOC, DrLuis Valds, introduced the IOC contribution to various oceanrelated UN inter-agency activities. As the focal point within the UN system for ocean sciences, observations, services, data and information exchange and transfer of marine technology IOC contributes to a number of UN processes, responds to the needs expressed by the UN General Assembly, and plays an active role in UN inter-agency mechanisms and activities. DrValds highlighted several recent developments on UN-Oceans, GESAMP, activities on Rio+20 follow-up and Sustainable Development Goal process, the UN Secretary-Generals Oceans Compact, the World Banks Global Partnership for Oceans, the Global Framework for Climate Services, and the ITU-IOC-WMO Joint Task Force on submarine cables. Nicaragua, on behalf of the Group of 77 plus China took the floor to express the concerns of the G-77 Member States and other Member States on the UN SG Oceans Compact and the need for further consultation with UN Member States on this matter. Following the statement, the Assembly requested the removal of the reference to the Oceans Compact and the initiative of the World Bank Global Partnership for Oceans in the proposed decision as well as in the resolution on financial matters. The Assembly noted the need to take into account within the discussion on the Future of IOC, the role and mandate of IOC in UN inter-agency oceanrelated initiatives. The representatives of 14 Member States and Group of 77 plus China took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report:  HYPERLINK \l "can511" Canada,  HYPERLINK \l "kor511" Republic of Korea and  HYPERLINK \l "us511" United States of America. ( HYPERLINK \l "d511" Decision IOC-XXVII/Dec.5.1.1) 5.1.2 Other Partnerships The Deputy Executive Secretary and Head of the IOC Capacity-development section, DrMitrasen Bhikajee, presented the international initiative of a voluntary community of practice formed to convert into reality a concept to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the International Indian Ocean Expedition (IIOE) of the early 1960s (IOC/INF-1310). IIOE was one of the greatest early international inter-disciplinary oceanographic research efforts, bringing to bear the facilities of over 45 research vessels, under fourteen different flags, to explore through pioneering voyages of discovery the ecological mysteries of the Indian Ocean. He further recalled that the IOC had played a major role, along with SCOR, in coordinating and facilitating the IIOE, which had, in turn, contributed to the recognition of the IOC as a major force in international oceanography. The elaboration of the IIOE-2 concept started in 2011 under the auspices of the Scientific Committee on Ocean Research (SCOR), the Indian Ocean Global Ocean Observing System (IOGOOS) Regional Alliance, and the IOC represented by its Perth Regional Programme Office (PRPO). A Reference Group was created and met for the first time as the IIOE-2 Reference Group, in India, 1415 May 2013 hosted by the IOGOOS Secretariat based at INCOIS, Ministry of Earth Sciences, India; with the support of IOC and IMBER. The group, whilst being highly engaged and agreed in spirit for the concept and willing to continue, now requires broadening and secretariat-type support to cover the required spectrum of representation and planning to achieve the aspirations of an IIOE-2. The representatives of five Member States and one observer (SCOR) took the floor and expressed support for IIOE-2 and identified it as an important activity. They further requested that the IOC play an important role in the promotion of IIOE-2 as this initiative would substantially raise the profile of the Commission. One Member State mentioned that it was unable to commit itself as discussions at the local level were still ongoing.  HYPERLINK \l "uk512" United Kingdom,  HYPERLINK \l "ioi512" IOI and  HYPERLINK \l "scor512" SCOR chose to provide records of their respective plenary interventions on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report. ( HYPERLINK \l "d512" Decision IOC-XXVII/Dec.5.1.2) Proposal for a Category-2 UNESCO Regional Educational and Research Centre on Oceanography for Western Asia, in Iran (Islamic Republic of) The Executive Secretary introduced this item by informing the Assembly of the proposal submitted by the Islamic Republic of Iran for the establishment in the country under the auspices of UNESCO of a Category2 Regional Educational and Research Centre on Oceanography for Western Asia. She summarized the objectives of the Centre and introduced the UNESCO guidelines for the establishment and operations of the Centre and the results of the feasibility study of the proposal. The Executive Secretary also pointed out that the IOC would have no liability or financial responsibility for the Centre. The representatives of 22 Member States took the floor and expressed their recognition of the capacity in oceanography of research institutions in the Islamic Republic of Iran, and further expressed their overwhelming support for the establishment in the country under the auspices of UNESCO of a Category2 Regional Educational and Research Centre on Oceanography for Western Asia. The Islamic Republic of Iran expressed its appreciation of the strong support expressed by the Assembly and reiterated its strong commitment to the establishment of the Centre. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report:  HYPERLINK \l "iran5121" Iran (Islamic Republic of),  HYPERLINK \l "jap5121" Japan,  HYPERLINK \l "mal5121" Malaysia,  HYPERLINK \l "thai5121" Thailand,  HYPERLINK \l "uk5121" United Kingdom and  HYPERLINK \l "ven5121" Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of). ( HYPERLINK \l "d5121" Decision IOC-XXVII/Dec. Endorsement of the IHO-IOC/GEBCO Sub-committee for Regional Undersea Mapping (SCRUM) The Permanent Secretary of the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO), MrDavid Clark, introduced this item. MrClark reported briefly on the activities of the GEBCO Guiding Committee (IOC/INF-1305) and highlighted some of the objectives of the GEBCO programme over the next IOC Medium-Term Strategy (20142021). In accordance with the Terms of Reference of the GEBCO Guiding Committee, the Sub-committee for Regional Undersea Mapping (SCRUM) requires endorsement by both sponsors. Member States recognized the importance of cooperation between IOC and the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO). Member States also supported the objectives and activities of GEBCO during the period of the next IOC Medium-Term Strategy, in particular those that coordinate, encourage, and provide an interface with the various regional bathymetric mapping efforts, including those carried out in Indian, Arctic and Southern Oceans. The representatives of 9 Member States and IHO took the floor. The following Member States and one organization chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report:  HYPERLINK \l "chile5122" Chile,  HYPERLINK \l "india5122" India,  HYPERLINK \l "jap5122" Japan,  HYPERLINK \l "us5122" United States of America and  HYPERLINK \l "iho5122" IHO. ( HYPERLINK \l "d5122" Decision IOC-XXVII/Dec. 5.1.3 Role of IOC Subsidiary Bodies and Decentralized Offices The IOC Vice-chairman, Prof.Adot Blim Blivi, introduced this item. He highlighted measures that had been taken in order to reinforce the Secretariats of IOCs Regional Subsidiary Bodies (RSB) despite financial difficulties, financial and in-kind support of Member States to Sub-Commissions, various secondments, and the review of IOCARIBE in order to optimise the presence of IOC in the regions. Prof.Blivi also reported on the work of the Meeting of the Regional Subsidiary Bodies that took place on Monday 24 June 2013 in conjunction with the Assembly under his chairmanship and reiterated the need to: (i) optimise financing mechanisms in the region; (ii) develop a strategic plan for the Regional Liaison Officer to work more efficiently with field offices; (iii) request Member States to contribute personnel to RSBs; and (iv) encourage Member States to assist in the development of activities in their region. The Assembly reaffirmed the important role of the IOC Regional Subsidiary Bodies, notably the Sub-Commissions. The Assembly noted the successful revitalization of WESTPAC and commended Member States of WESTPAC for their support. Cooperation among the Sub-Commissions and with international and regional partners is important to build synergy and avoid duplication. In this regard, the Assembly welcomed with appreciation the cooperation between PICES and WESTPAC with the participation of UNDP in the field of capacity building including variability studies of living marine resources in North Pacific. The Assembly took note of the review of IOCARIBE and welcomed the establishment of IOCAFRICA which has a role to play both in the Mediterranean and Africa. Available resources should be used commensurate to the defined priorities, notably Africa. The future of IOC depends on the capacity of the regions to address their own issues at the regional level which in turn will contribute to the global programmes. The Assembly expressed concerns with the insufficient funding of activities and inadequate staffing of the Sub-Commissions with only one UNESCO Secretariat staff in each office. Subsequently, the Assembly called upon Member States and the Sub-Commissions to promote and support national and regional priorities. The Commission should reinforce the activities and staffing of the Sub-Commissions towards its own overall reinforcement. The representatives of four Member States took the floor. The Chair called upon DrMitrasen Bhikajee, Deputy IOC Executive Secretary, to introduce the Draft Resolution IOC-XXVII/DR.(5.1.3) Rev., Establishment of the Perth Programme Office (PPO). The Perth Programme Office (PPO) in support of the IOC of UNESCO was established in 1998 with the support of the Director-General of UNESCO and the Executive Secretary of the IOC, but was never formally recognized by an IOC governing body. The PPO has supported the development of GOOS Regional Alliances and, in conjunction with other IOC programmes in the region, plays a related role in progressing the IOCs mission in general. A new draft tripartite agreement for the PPO between the Western Australian State Government, the Commonwealth Government of Australia (represented by the Bureau of Meteorology), and IOC-UNESCO is being negotiated. Consistent with IOC Guidelines for the Establishment of Decentralized Offices (IOC/INF-1193), the GOOS Steering Committee (GOOSSC) was asked at its Second Meeting (2527 March 2013, Qingdao, China) to consider the benefit of the PPO in implementing the GOOS Work Plan. The GOOSSC requested the IOC Executive Secretary to bring a draft resolution on the PPO as an IOC decentralized office to the IOC Assembly for its consideration. Australia reiterated their support for the Perth Programme Office, proposed a change in its name to Perth Programme Office (PPO) from Perth Regional Programme Office, and noted that several positive independent reviews of the work of the Office had been conducted in the last 15 years, most recently in 2011. The Assembly expressed its appreciation to the Australian Government for its support to the PPO and support for the proposal. In response to an Assembly request for clarification of the decision-making mechanism for the activities of the PPO, the Executive Secretary noted that the head of the PPO would be under her ultimate direction. The representatives of eight Member States took the floor. The following Member States and one organization chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report:  HYPERLINK \l "aust513" Australia,  HYPERLINK \l "jap513" Japan,  HYPERLINK \l "thai513" Thailand,  HYPERLINK \l "uk513" United Kingdom,  HYPERLINK \l "us513" United States of America and  HYPERLINK \l "pices513" PICES. ( HYPERLINK \l "Res1" Resolution XXVII-1) 5.2 OCEAN-RELATED HAZARDS 5.2.1 Regional Tsunami warning Systems Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Pacific Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System MrKen Gledhill (NewZealand), Chairman of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Pacific Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (ICG/PTWS), introduced this item. He reported on the developments of the ICG/PTWS, including the New Enhanced PTWC products for PTWS (IOC/2013/TS/105) and the on-going establishment of a Tsunami Warning System in the South China Sea Region, since the 24th Session of the ICG/PTWS (Beijing, China, 2427 May 2011). In a more prospective approach, MrGledhill identified the challenges facing PTWS development, in particular, on securing enough funding to enable ongoing operational training, particularly as the Enhanced Products are introduced, and while maintaining the current high levels of public tsunami awareness over the long term. Canada stated that the ocean data from seafloor pressure sensors along the length of the Canadian Pacific cabled observatory of Ocean Networks Canada are available for use by the Pacific Tsunami group. Member States expressed overall support to the activities of the ICG/PTWS and welcomed the progress made on Enhanced PTWC Products for PTWS. Ken Gledhill invited Member States to participate at the 25th Session of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Pacific Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (ICG/PTWS-XXV), 911 September 2013, Vladivostok, Russian Federation, to contribute to improving the current experimental Enhanced PTWC Products. The representatives of eight Member States took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report:  HYPERLINK \l "chile5211" Chile,  HYPERLINK \l "jap5211" Japan and  HYPERLINK \l "russ5211" Russian Federation. ( HYPERLINK \l "d522i" Decision IOC-XXVII/Dec.5.2.2i) Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System On behalf of MrRick Bailey (Australia), Chairman of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (ICG/IOTWS), DrSatheesh Shenoi, Chairperson of the ICG/IOTWS Working Group 2 on Tsunami Detection, Warning and Dissemination introduced this item. He highlighted developments since the 9th session of ICG/IOTWS including the transfer from the Interim Advisory Service (IAS) established in 2005 and operated by the United States of America and Japan to the IOTWS Regional Tsunami Service Providers (RTSPs) of Australia, India and Indonesia, which assumed full operational responsibility for provision of tsunami advisories for the Indian Ocean region on 31 March 2013. In a more prospective approach, DrShenoi identified the challenges facing IOTWS development, in particular noting that the IOTWS is meeting the needs of its Member States, including sustaining the detection network, providing regular training programmes to maintain national capacity as systems and RTSP products are enhanced, and organizing biannual IOTWS Communications Tests and biennial Indian Ocean Wave exercises. The Assembly expressed its support for the Regional Tsunami Service Providers for the IOTWS Australia, India and Indonesia and expressed its gratitude to Japan and the United States of America for having provided the interim tsunami advisory service for the Indian Ocean region since April 2005 via the Japan Meteorological Agency and the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center. Australia reported that it had recently signed an agreement with the IOC to fund the Secretariat for the ICG/IOTWS in Perth, Western Australia, for an additional two years. India confirmed that it would host a workshop on Standard Operating Procedures and training for National Tsunami Warning Centres in Hyderabad in 2014. DrSatheesh Shenoi acknowledged the Assemblys appreciation of the progress made in the IOTWS. He thanked Australia for its continuing support for the ICG/IOTWS Secretariat in Perth, Western Australia. The representatives of four Member States took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report:  HYPERLINK \l "india5212" India and  HYPERLINK \l "iran5212" Iran(Islamic Republic of). ( HYPERLINK \l "d522ii" Decision IOC-XXVII/Dec.5.2.2ii) Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami and other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions MsChristavonHillebrandt Andrade, Chairperson of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami and Other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (ICG/CARIBE-EWS), introduced this item. She highlighted the efforts that are being made to strengthen the detection system for CARIBE-EWS, the decision to hold annual tsunami wave exercises and the establishment of the Caribbean Tsunami Information Center. In a more prospective approach, MsvonHillebrandt Andrade outlined the elements that still need to be implemented before CARIBE-EWS can be considered established and operational. These elements are further strengthening of the geophysical and oceanographic monitoring, establishment of a Tsunami Warning Centre in the region, Member States strengthening their warning capabilities including completing hazard assessments, and strengthening public awareness and education. Implementing these elements will require financial resources and multi-disciplinary and multi sectoral collaboration. USA reminded the Member States of its commitment to the Caribbean for its phased approach to the establishment of a tsunami warning centre in the region. All Member States indicated support to the activities of the ICG/CARIBE-EWS. Some recalled that there is still a need to complete the sea level observational network for the Caribbean. MsvonHillebrandtAndrade appreciated and acknowledged the support from Member States to the ICG/CARIBE-EWS and noted that as is the case of other regions of the world, the Caribbean is also affected by other coastal hazards and is building its observational system with a multi-hazard approach. The representatives of five Member States took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report:  HYPERLINK \l "Dom5213" Dominican Republic,  HYPERLINK \l "svg5213" Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and  HYPERLINK \l "ven5213" Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of). ( HYPERLINK \l "d522iii" Decision IOC-XXVII/Dec.5.2.2iii) Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami Early Warning and Mitigation System in the North-Eastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean and Connected Seas MrFranois Schindel, Chairman of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami Early Warning and Mitigation System in the North-Eastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean and Connected Seas (ICG/NEAMTWS), introduced this item. He reported on the developments of the ICG/NEAMTWS, notably the start of the operational activities of three national tsunami warning centres and candidate tsunami watch providers (CENALTFrance; NOAGreece; KOERITurkey), the adoption of the criteria and procedures for the accreditation process of the candidate tsunami watch providers (CTWP), the organization of the NEAMWave12 exercise on 2728 November 2012, and the completion of the first phase of the NEAM Tsunami Information Center (NEAMTIC). In a more prospective approach, MrSchindel highlighted the challenges for NEAMTWS. There is still very low awareness of the public and the authorities on the tsunami risk. The vulnerability of the Mediterranean coast is high, due to numerous infrastructures along the coast line (harbours, marinas and hotel resorts). During the summer, more than one million people use the beaches, several of which are located in seismic zones where tsunami waves can reach the shoreline in less than 15 minutes. In that respect, information on a potential tsunami needs to be disseminated very rapidly. At national and international levels, the success of the system depends on the close cooperation between the national tsunami warning centres and the civil protection agencies. The success of the NEAMTWS also depends on the participation of all countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea and North-eastern Atlantic Ocean, and there are still countries that have not nominated tsunami national contact and tsunami warning focal points. MrSchindel emphasized that the detection networks need to be sustained by national and international funding and stressed that NEAMTWS has to be tested through periodic exercises. Finally, MrSchindel raised the issue of awareness of the public at large but also of the tsunami scientific community of the work done by UNESCO-IOC in the field of tsunami warning systems. MrSchindel suggested that an awareness raising campaign should be organized with the support of UNESCO. Member states congratulated the ICG/NEAMTWS and the Technical Secretariat for the achievements of the last biennium, including the establishment by several nations of their National Tsunami Warning Systems acting as Tsunami Watch Providers. The Assembly noted the value of sharing other ICGs experience and expertise for forecasting modelling and simulation and risk assessment methodologies. Turkey announced that it will host the 26th Symposium of the IUGG Tsunami Commission from 25 to 28 September 2013 (Fethiye-Gcek, Turkey). The organization committee of the symposium is led by Prof. Yalciner, the Vice-chair of the ICG/NEAMTWS. Portugal announced the creation of a National Tsunami Warning Centre which will be officially set up by the end of 2013. The representatives of four Member States took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report:  HYPERLINK \l "alg5214" Algeria and  HYPERLINK \l "Tur5214" Turkey. ( HYPERLINK \l "d522iv" Decision IOC-XXVII/Dec.5.2.2iv) 5.2.2 Global Coordination of Warnings and Mitigation Systems for Ocean Hazards (TOWS-WG) MrYutakaMichida, Chairman of the Working Group on Tsunamis and Other Hazards Related to Sea-Level Warning and Mitigation Systems (TOWS-WG) introduced this item. He reported on the decisions and recommendations of the 6th meeting of TOWS-WG. In closing he stressed the need for continued inter-ICG cooperation and harmonisation, encouraged Member States to provide extrabudgetary support to the ICGs and underlined the particular importance of the transition of the IOTWS and NEAMTWS to an operational level of functioning. Member states expressed support for continued inter-ICG coordination through TOWS. The representatives of 18 Member States took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report:  HYPERLINK \l "china522" China,  HYPERLINK \l "Ecuador522" Ecuador and  HYPERLINK \l "us522" United States of America. ( HYPERLINK \l "d522v" Decision IOC-XXVII/Dec.5.2.2v) 5.3 OBSERVING SYSTEMS, DATA MANAGEMENT 5.3.1 The Future Needs for Intergovernmental Coordination and Governance for Sustained Ocean Observations and Services The IOC Vice-Chairman for Group III, Captain (Ret.) Frederico Antonio Saraiva Nogueira, introduced this item. He recalled that addressing some ocean-related hazards and societal challenges required long-term observations and services including forecasts. The IOC Executive Council at its 45th session (2012) decided to establish an inter-sessional consultation to identify scientific and technical issues within the IOC mission and mandate, in order to improve IOC's activities in the area of sustained ocean observations and services. This consultation was done by questionnaire, with 29 Member State responses received by the secretariat. Additionally, an expert workshop on "The Present Status of Sustained Ocean Observations and Services in Caribbean and Latin America Countries (Group III) (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 68 March 2013), supported by the Republic of Korea and Brazil, provided additional input. The capacities of Member States in sustained ocean observations and services vary widely. Many Member States engage in such activities, largely with a national focus on national users, in many cases government agencies. A common impediment to implementation was a lack of national governmental awareness and understanding of the potential benefits of ocean-related services to respond to national societal and development challenges. Given the established mandates of GOOS, JCOMM and IODE in the global coordination and development of sustained ocean observations and services, MrNogueira invited the Assembly to call on these IOC programmes to review the results of the consultation and incorporate actions to address these findings in their respective work plans. The Assembly thanked MrNogueira for his report, and emphasized the importance of sustained ocean observations, services, and the transformation of ocean data into actionable information in achieving Member State objectives. The Assembly proposed that the consultation could be updated with further Member State responses, and that its extended findings would be an important input to the "Future of IOC" working group (see Agenda Item 5.1). The Assembly noted that all sustained ocean observations and services activities of the IOC should fall under the framework of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. The representatives of 13 Member States and IODE took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report:  HYPERLINK \l "braz531" Brazil,  HYPERLINK \l "can531" Canada,  HYPERLINK \l "jap531" Japan,  HYPERLINK \l "kor531" Republic of Korea,  HYPERLINK \l "sa531" South Africa,  HYPERLINK \l "thai531" Thailand and  HYPERLINK \l "uk531" United Kingdom. ( HYPERLINK \l "d531" Decision IOC-XXVII/Dec.5.3.1) 5.3.2 Global Ocean Observing System The co-chair of the IOC-WMO-UNEP-ICSU Global Ocean Observing System Steering Committee (GOOS-SC), MrJohn Gunn, introduced this item. Through Resolution XXVI-8, the Assembly decided that the GOOS-SC "will produce a biennial Work plan for consideration and adoption by the Assembly." It further decided that amongst the membership of the GOOSSC "five experts will be appointed by Member State 'Electoral Groups' during the IOC Assembly, one from each group." Mr Gunn reported on the status of GOOS, its engagement with partners and the scientific community, and the activities of the GOOS Steering Committee and its panels. He recalled that the 26thAssembly in 2011 had decided to orient GOOS around the Framework for Ocean Observing (IOC-XXVI/Dec.4.7, IOC/INF-1284rev.), including an expansion of GOOS to monitor ocean biology and biogeochemistry in addition to physical variables, and serving new scientific and societal challenges. The GOOSSC had met twice since the last Assembly. MrGunn expressed gratitude to China for hosting the 2nd GOOSSC Meeting (2527 March 2013, Qingdao), and outlined its outcomes, including the proposed GOOS Work Plan for 20142015 (GOOS-199 Annex 1). The GOOSSC expressed particular concern at the human and financial resources available to support the GOOS Work Plan. IOC funding can, in a best case scenario, only supports about 50% of the proposed costed Work Plan. The GOOSSC gave priority to sustaining the activities in global climate observations through the Physics Panel, and decided that biogeochemical and biology/ecosystems activities will not progress until the required funding is secured. Fundraising is an important goal of the GOOSSC. MrGunn additionally reported on the outcomes of the Sixth GOOS Regional Forum (1416 May 2013, Hawaii, USA) and proposed a revision of the GOOS Regional Policy to reflect the revised GOOS structures. The revised Policy ensures that the GOOS Regional Alliances (GRAs) become a key implementation arm of GOOS, along with national observing systems. The GRAs have assessed their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. GOOS and the IOC should prioritize capacity development for ocean observations in order to achieve their objectives. GOOS has worked closely with IODE and JCOMM in accomplishing its objectives. The Assembly thanked MrGunn for his presentation of the progress of the GOOSSC. It identified GOOS as a key IOC programme, and welcomed its expansion into biogeochemical and biological/ecosystems observations. China stated that it would positively consider the possibility of setting up an IOC/GOOS Support Office, hosted by the State Oceanic Administration (SOA), to strengthen co-ordination of GOOS and JCOMM in the future. Responding to a statement from Turkey, the Secretariat urged all Member States deploying Argo profiling floats to comply with relevant IOC resolutions for notification of coastal Member States. The representatives of 15 Member States took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report:  HYPERLINK \l "belg532" Belgium,  HYPERLINK \l "can532" Canada,  HYPERLINK \l "chin532" China,  HYPERLINK \l "india532" India,  HYPERLINK \l "jap532" Japan,  HYPERLINK \l "turk532" Turkey and  HYPERLINK \l "us532" United States of America. ( HYPERLINK \l "d532" Decisions IOC-XXVII/Dec.5.3.2i-iii) 5.3.3 Joint IOC-WMO Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM) The Co-President of the Joint IOC-WMO Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM), DrNadia Pinardi, introduced this item. JCOMM is a Primary Subsidiary Body of the IOC Assembly and reports under IOC Rule of Procedure 48.3. DrPinardi introduced elements of the JCOMM Strategy 20122016, whose Executive Summary was approved at JCOMM-4 (2831 May 2012, Yeosu, Republic of Korea), and is under review and revision by the JCOMM Co-Presidents and Management Committee; as well a synthesis of the JCOMM Operating Plan 20132016 developed by the Management Committee and Secretariats. The Operating Plan is aligned with the adopted JCOMM 20122016 work plan, the Programme and Budget of IOC and the Operating Plan of WMO, and notably details activities and their required and identified financial resources. DrPinardi also introduced the common objectives between the JCOMM Strategy and the draft IOC Medium-Term Strategy for 20142021. The Assembly appreciated the report of Dr Pinardi and provided guidance to the work of JCOMM. The representatives of eight Member States and the WMO took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report:  HYPERLINK \l "china533" China,  HYPERLINK \l "all533" Germany,  HYPERLINK \l "iran533" Iran(Islamic Republic of),  HYPERLINK \l "jap533" Japan and  HYPERLINK \l "sa533" South Africa. ( HYPERLINK \l "d533" Decision IOC-XXVII/Dec.5.3.3) 5.3.4 IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) The IODE Co-Chairman, MrAriel Troisi, introduced this item. IODE is the oldest Primary Subsidiary Body of the IOC Assembly and reports under IOC Rule of Procedure 48.3. MrTroisi provided a brief overview of the outcome of the 22nd Session of the IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) held in Ensenada, Mexico on 1115 March 2013. The Session adopted 20 recommendations that provided a clear path to IODEs restructuring and re-organization. The key recommendations established a joint IAMSLIC-IODE group of experts on marine information management, an ocean data standards and best practices project and associated clearing house for data/information management practices, the IODE Associate Data Unit and IODE Global Data Assembly Centres as new structural elements, the IODE Quality Management Framework, and also revised the IODE objectives. The Committee adopted a work plan and budget that, taking into account the UNESCO financial crisis, would be based mainly on income from extra-budgetary sources. MrTroisi also recalled discussions at IODE-XXII on the continued need for IODE and invited the Assembly to consider the same question. MrTroisi reported on the decision of the Committee to adopt a revised IOC Strategic Plan for Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (20132016) and to submit it to the Assembly for endorsement. The Chair, MrSang-Kyung Byun, presented an IOC Certificate of Appreciation to Sydney Levitus (represented by MrCraigMcLean, Head of Delegation of the United States of America) for his outstanding contribution to the scientific and ocean data management communities. Belgium (Governement of Flanders) informed the Assembly that the agreement for the hosting of the IOC Project Office for IODE had been renewed until 31 December 2016. Additional funding would be made available to IOC and its IODE through the Flanders-UNESCO Trust Fund for Science (FUST). The Russian Federation announced that the Partnership for the IODE Ocean Data Portal (Obninsk) would be officially inaugurated on 10 September 2013. Canada added that MrTobias Spears had been designated as Ocean Data Portal Project Manager as an in-kind contribution to IODE as from May 2013. India informed the Assembly that the ITCOOcean facility in Hyderabad would work closely with the OceanTeacher Academy in organizing training activities, recalling the successful testing of video-conferencing based multi-site teaching in March 2012. The Assembly re-iterated the importance of IODE as a key programme of the Commission which cuts across and provides services and products to all IOC programmes. The Assembly expressed its appreciation to the Government of Flanders (Belgium), India, Russian Federation, Mexico and Canada for their direct support to IODE, and to all IOC Member States for their in-kind support through their National Oceanographic Data Centres (NODCs) and through sponsoring national experts in IODE meetings and activities. The Assembly, while recognizing the current financial crisis, urged the continuation or revitalization of the Ocean Data and Information Networks (ODINs) in all regions, referring to the success of the well-funded ODINAFRICA. The Assembly expressed great appreciation for the important decisions taken at IODE-XXII and in particular on the restructuring of IODE and the adoption of a Quality Management Framework. The Assembly further welcomed the considerable increase in cooperation between IODE and other organizations such as ICSU/WDS, SCOR, JCOMM, etc. The Assembly further stressed the importance of the OceanTeacher project that ensured that all Member States could acquire the necessary skills in not only ocean data and information management, but increasingly also in other areas of IOCs mandate. The representatives of 23 Member States took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report:  HYPERLINK \l "belg534" Belgium,  HYPERLINK \l "can534" Canada,  HYPERLINK \l "india534" India,  HYPERLINK \l "iran534" Iran(Islamic Republic of),  HYPERLINK \l "jap534" Japan,  HYPERLINK \l "moz534" Mozambique,  HYPERLINK \l "kor534" Republic of Korea,  HYPERLINK \l "sa534" SouthAfrica,  HYPERLINK \l "turk534" Turkey,  HYPERLINK \l "uk534" United Kingdom and  HYPERLINK \l "tanz534" United Republic of Tanzania. ( HYPERLINK \l "d534" Decision IOC-XXVII/Dec.5.3.4) Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS) The Executive Secretary, introduced this item. She informed the Assembly on the importance of OBIS in IOC, the visibility OBIS gives to IOC and the important scientific and international recognition of OBIS. The adoption of OBIS into IODE (IOC Resolution XXV-4) brought stewardship responsibilities to IOC Member States for the worlds only global, standardized marine biogeographic data system. However, IOC has not yet been able to find a sustainable funding situation for OBIS beyond 2014, and it now risks losing its world leading position in coordinating the network of marine biodiversity science projects, programmes and institutions. IOC and its IODE risk losing credibility with the scientific community. Losing OBIS will have an immediate impact on IOC, the OBIS network and the Member States, but the long-term effects will be much larger. The Assembly expressed its appreciation to the OBIS Secretariat for the significant achievements so far and stressed the importance of OBIS as a priority and flagship project of the Commission, serving all IOC programmes. The Assembly recognized that OBIS is the world's largest database on marine biodiversity and is needed for global reporting on the state of our ocean, such as the UN World Ocean Assessment, and is key for setting standards and best practices in marine biodiversity data management and data exchange. The Assembly recognized that it cannot afford to lose one of its most important activities and urged all Member States to support OBIS. The Assembly also noted the need for a regular programme position for OBIS as currently proposed under IOCs draft budget. Belgium, USA, Brazil, Canada, Ukraine, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, France and United Kingdom expressed their willingness to assist in finding a solution to ensure the continuation of OBIS under IOC China offered to host a mirror of the OBIS infrastructure of the OBIS data and information service. Canada offered to further investigate possibilities for direct funding for OBIS. India is hosting a national OBIS node, a mirror site of the OBIS database and contributes indirectly by providing man power. India wishes to contribute further in providing support for developing dissemination and visualization tools. The Assembly expressed its appreciation to the Government of Flanders (Belgium) for hosting the OBIS Secretariat, as well as to India, the United States and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela for their in-kind support to core activities of OBIS, and to all Member States who continued supporting their national and regional OBIS nodes. The representatives of 13 Member States and the Joint Programming Initiative for Healthy and Productive Seas and Oceans (JPI-Oceans) took the floor. The following Member States and one organization chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report:  HYPERLINK \l "belg5341" Belgium,  HYPERLINK \l "can5341" Canada,  HYPERLINK \l "india5341" India,  HYPERLINK \l "uk5341" United Kingdom,  HYPERLINK \l "tanz5341" United Republic of Tanzania,  HYPERLINK \l "us5341" United States of America,  HYPERLINK \l "ven5341" Venezuela(Bolivarian Republic of) and  HYPERLINK \l "jpi5341" JPI-Oceans. ( HYPERLINK \l "d5341" Decision IOC-XXVII/Dec. 5.3.5 WMO-ICSU-IOC-UNEP Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) The Director of the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) Secretariat, DrCarolin Richter, introduced this item. GCOS was established in 1992 and is sponsored by the WMO, IOC, UNEP and ICSU. GCOS is an internationally-coordinated network of observing systems, for atmosphere, ocean (led by the joint GCOS-GOOS-WCRP Ocean Observations Panel for Climate, OOPC) and terrestrial domains and a programme of activities that support and improve the networks. The OOPC secretariat is now hosted by GCOS in Geneva at the WMO. DrRichter emphasised that for a strong Global Climate Observing System, GCOS needs a strong Global Ocean Observing System. DrRichter presented the GCOS Work Plan 20132016, including the next steps of the GCOS improvement and assessment cycle. The outcomes of a programmatic and observing system review and assessment of GCOS will be reported at the next IOC Assembly. Dr Richter highlighted the link to the Global Framework for Climate Services and hence the need for GOOS to deliver into this mechanism, which will be delivered through the Ocean Observations Panel for Climate (OOPC). The Assembly appreciated the flexibility of the GCOS secretariat to support the on-going activities of IOC. The representatives of two Member States took the floor. ( HYPERLINK \l "d535" Decision IOC-XXVII/Dec.5.3.5) 5.4 OCEAN SCIENCE AND RESEARCH 5.4.1 WMO-IOC-ICSU-UNEP World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) DrVladimir Ryabinin, on behalf of the Director of the World Climate Research Programme, DrGhassem Asrar, reported recent progress achieved by the WCRP to improve knowledge and understanding of global and regional climate variability and change, and to develop improved numerical models and climate projections, with particular emphasis on the priorities of IOC Member States. WCRP priorities are based on guidance by Sponsors, taking ocean research priorities as conveyed by IOC. WCRP defined its strategy in 2005, reviewed it in 2008, and in 2009 initiated an implementation plan for the period 20102015. WCRP's on-going work coordinating research and climate projections will have increased focus on the decadal and regional scale., Analysis, assessment and prediction of sea-level variability and change, especially at the regional level, are a key focus for WCRP and an area of active programmes with IOC. Among other achievements since 2011, WCRP has been developing implementation plans for the Grand Science Challenges by involving a broad and yet expanding oceanographic research community that has facilitated strong capacity development, education and outreach activities. WCRP action contributes to the IOC High-level Objectives, to the UNESCO Intersectoral Platform on Climate Change, and to the individual national objectives of IOC Member States as they develop climate research, mitigation, and adaptation strategies. WCRP reaffirmed its unconditional commitment to actively and ably support IOC and UNESCO fulfilling their missions with respect to climate, while expressing concern about the proposed reduction in IOC's financial contribution to WCRP. The Assembly noted that activities undertaken by the WCRP are very important for the IOC and the UNESCO work agenda, especially WCRPs recent emphasis on regional scientific activities in developing countries, and science to protect lives and property. Brazil confirmed their commitment to host the 3rd International Symposium on Effects of climate change on the worlds oceans in Santos, in the spring of 2015, organized by the University of So Paulo along with IOC, PICES and ICES. DrRyabinin reiterated that WCRP is committed to serve IOC Member Countries, as a science supporting organization with an increasing emphasis on regional scale climate information and modelling. Within this framework he noted the WCRP Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX) which will focus on regional systems, including Africa, and the development of a new generation of prediction systems. The representatives of six Member States, PICES and WMO took the floor. The following Member States and one organization chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report:  HYPERLINK \l "china541" China,  HYPERLINK \l "us541" United States of America and  HYPERLINK \l "pices541" PICES. ( HYPERLINK \l "d541" Decision IOC-XXVII/Dec.5.4.1) 5.4.2 Intergovernmental panel on Harmful Algal Blooms (IPHAB) The Chair of the IOC Intergovernmental Panel on Harmful Algal Blooms (IPHAB), DrRobert E. Magnien (USA), introduced this item, including providing an overview of the impact of harmful algal blooms (HAB), and presented the report, work plan, decisions and recommendations of the Eleventh Session of the IOC Intergovernmental Panel on Harmful Algal Blooms Paris, 2830 April 2013. The IPHAB Chairman emphasized the decisions and recommendations made regarding an international strategy for international cooperative research on HABs in a changing world: A New Global Approach to HAB Research to Meet Societal Needs; the development of a Global HAB Status Report; capacity building; a focussed effort to address Ciguatera, and the regional development of the Programme. The IPHAB Chairman requested the assistance of the Assembly in ensuring participation in IPHAB of the Member States not already members and recognition in the appropriate national agencies and institutions of IPHAB. The IPHAB Chairman urged the IOC Member States to carefully match the HAB Programme Work Plan with national priorities and potential funding in order to actively interact with and support its implementation. The Assembly reiterated the widespread and permanent impacts of HAB events on fisheries, aquaculture, human health, and tourism. The Assembly confirmed the importance of shared efforts and cooperation in both HAB research and management practises. The Assembly underlined the importance of coordination between global and regional IOC HAB Programme activities to avoid duplication, enhance synergies and economise resources. The Assembly welcomed the development of a regular Global HAB Status Report and saw it as complimentary to the World Ocean Assessment. Furthermore, the development of GEOHAB into a research agenda for the coming decade entitled GlobalHAB was welcomed including a strong focus on Ciguatera jointly with WHO and FAO. The Assembly noted the long-term capacity building efforts of the IOC HAB Programme, particularly those for African Member States. The initiative on HABs and desalination was commended. The Assembly expressed its appreciation to Denmark for its longstanding commitment to hosting the IOC Science and Communication Centre on Harmful Algae, to Japan for its longstanding support to WESTPAC-HAB and to Republic of Korea and Spain for their important cash and in-kind support. Denmark confirmed its commitment to do all it can to continue to host the Centre. The representatives of 15 Member States and PICES took the floor. The following Member States and one organization chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report:  HYPERLINK \l "chile542" Chile,  HYPERLINK \l "iran542" Iran(Islamic Republic of),  HYPERLINK \l "monac542" Monaco,  HYPERLINK \l "kor542" Republic of Korea,  HYPERLINK \l "thai542" Thailand,  HYPERLINK \l "us542" United States of America and  HYPERLINK \l "Pices542" PICES. ( HYPERLINK \l "d542" Decision IOC-XXVII/Dec.5.4.2) 5.4.3 Nutrient Pollution IOC Programme Specialist, MrHenrikEnevoldsen, introduced the IOC contribution to Nutrients and Coastal Impacts Research Programme (N-CIRP), as an integrative programme linking IOC and other international programmes. The N-CIRP Plan includes not only coastal marine ecosystem effects, but also other issues such as climate interactions with coastal nutrient loading and effects, consequences of ecosystem changes for tourism, and elements such as institutions and governance, and cross-cutting issues such as climate change impacts. MrEnevoldsen informed also about the joint UNEP-IOC GEF Project Global foundations for reducing nutrient enrichment and oxygen depletion from land-based pollution, in support of Global Nutrient Cycle which was launched late 2011 and has a science component designed to support the N-CIRP work plan, with a focus on global relationships between nutrient loading of coastal marine ecosystems. Due to interpretation time constrains the IOC Chair invited the Member States to go immediately to consider the decision. ( HYPERLINK \l "d543" Decision IOC-XXVII/Dec.5.4.3) 5.4.4 Integrated Coastal Area Management (ICAM) In accordance with IOC-XXVI/Decision 8.2, the ICAM Coordinator, MrJulian Barbire, introduced this item and provided a progress report on the implementation of the ICAM Strategy, covering activities that are being developed in the field of Marine Spatial Planning (MSP), coastal hazards mitigation, and decision-support tools for coastal and ocean management. In this context, the development plans and objectives of a new GEF Project entitled Strengthening Global Governance of Large Marine Ecosystems (LME) and their Coasts to be implemented through IOC, was presented. The Assembly welcomed the report on the implementation of ICAM Programme Strategy and highlighted the relevance of the three Programme Strategic Objectives and supporting activities on ecosystem based management, marine spatial planning, coastal adaptation and hazard mitigation. A number of Member States expressed support to the SPINCAM project (South-East Pacific Data and Information Network in support to Integrated Coastal Area Management), which is aimed at supporting national ICAM policies in the South East Pacific region, recognizing the effective coordination role of IOC and CPPS in this context, and thanked the Government of Flanders (Belgium) for agreeing to fund a second phase of the project. The Assembly welcomed the anticipated IOC role in the coordination of the new GEF LME Project, and agreed that it provides an essential platform for translating IOC science programmes in support of GEF interventions, and therefore of Member States efforts in implementing ecosystem based management. The Assembly also noted the leading role of IOC in the FP7 Project PEGASO (People for Ecosystem Based Governance in Assessing Sustainable Development of Ocean and Coast), which is supporting the development of national Coastal Information System and National ICZM Programmes in the Mediterranean and Black Sea regions. Member States proposed that the ICAM Programme consider organising a Marine Spatial Planning workshop and extending the experience of the ACCC project (Adaptation to Climate Change - Responding to Coastline Change in its Human Dimensions in West Africa through Integrated Coastal Area Management) to the Central Western African region. The representatives of 12 Member States took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report:  HYPERLINK \l "belg544" Belgium,  HYPERLINK \l "india544" India,  HYPERLINK \l "iran544" Iran(Islamic Republic of) and  HYPERLINK \l "us544" United States of America. ( HYPERLINK \l "d544" Decision IOC-XXVII/Dec.5.4.4) 5.4.5 A Regular Process for Global reporting and assessment of the state of the Marine Environment, including Socio-economic Aspects (UN Regular Process) World Ocean Assessment The Coordinator of the UN Group of Experts of the Regular Process, MrAlan Simcock, provided an overview on the of the main developments that have taken place in the implementation of the Regular Process, including the organization of a cycle of Regional Workshops, progress in the establishment of the Regular Process Pool of Experts that will support the preparation of the World Ocean Assessment (WOA). He invited IOC Member States to support the work of the Group of Experts, specifically by: (i) identifying additional experts to be nominated to the Pool of Experts; (ii) providing resources for the organisation of meetings of the Group of Experts and Contributors; (iii) providing information and data through IOC programmes as well as technical comments on the chapters to be developed. MrJ.Barbire, IOC Secretariat, also provided information on IOCs contribution to the work of the Group of Experts (GoE) as described in IOC/INF-1301. He highlighted the involvement of IOC in all UN regional workshops that were organised from 2011 to 2013, as well as the Commission participation at the Group of Experts and Ad Hoc Working Group meetings in 2012 and 2013. A list of resources (such as assessment and data products, marine indicators) that can be made available in support of the WOA, including through the GEF Transboundary Waters Assessment Programme, have been identified by IOC. Numerous proposals on Capacity development were also put forward by IOC at the recent Ad Hoc Working Group Meeting (April 2013). The Assembly expressed wide support for the role played by the Commission in providing scientific and technical support to the UN Regular Process. The Assembly stressed the need for Member States to continue nominating national experts to the Pool of Experts in order to reach an appropriate level of engagement from the scientific community in support of the WOA activities. The Assembly emphasized the essential need to strengthen the capacity of nations in conducting integrated marine assessments, and stressed that IOC, including through its regional subsidiary bodies, was in a prime position to lead WOA capacity development activities, in cooperation with other relevant UN agencies and scientific bodies. The Chairperson of WESTPAC informed the Assembly that a 1st Regional WOA Capacity Building Workshop was organised together with UNEP and APN in Bangkok, Thailand on 1719 September 2012. WESTPAC will continue to build its Member States capacity by mobilizing funding in support of regional expert workshops and the development of integrated marine assessment tools with other relevant regional partners. China stated its intention to support capacity development activities, through the IOC, in support of the WOA, including through the potential establishment of a dedicated training centre. Brazil and India informed the Assembly of their intention to organise UN Regular Process regional workshops, respectively for the South Atlantic, and Northern Indian Ocean regions (December 2013, Chennai, India). Some Member States recognised the relevance of the TWA Programme, in terms of providing baseline indicators to the WOA process, and stressed the need for the WOA to build on existing global and regional assessments such as the IPCC and the assessments conducted in the framework of the Arctic Council. The representatives of 15 Member States took the floor as well as the representatives of WESTPAC and PICES. The following Member States and one organization chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report:  HYPERLINK \l "can545" Canada,  HYPERLINK \l "india545" India,  HYPERLINK \l "thai545" Thailand and  HYPERLINK \l "uk545" United Kingdom and  HYPERLINK \l "pices545" PICES. ( HYPERLINK \l "d545" Decision IOC-XXVII/Dec.5.4.5). 5.5 CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT 5.5.1 Development of a New Capacity Development Strategy The Deputy Executive Secretary and Head of the IOC Capacity-development section, DrMitrasen Bhikajee, explained the rationale of developing a new Capacity Development Strategy, taking into consideration recent decisions of the Rio+20 Conference. DrVenugopalanIttekkot, IOC Consultant, presented the results of a survey on Capacity Development needs carried out in a sample of 20 Member States and the additional information gathered during a joint meeting of IOC with the Office of the UN High representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States (OHRLLS) and the Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea (DOALOS) in May 2013. The Deputy Executive Secretary reported on the work of the sessional working group on the Development of a New Capacity Development Strategy (IOC-XXVII/Dec.2(III)). Taking into consideration new developments and the recommendations of recent UN meetings, the Assembly supported the establishment of the proposed open ended Intersessional Working Group of Member States to develop the proposed Capacity Development Strategic Plan for implementation. Some Member States put a particular emphasis on the fact that the whole concept of capacity building should be reviewed. Experiences have shown that short training programmes and courses have not met the expectations of Member States in developing countries. The Assembly was of the opinion that the proposed second International Indian Ocean Expedition (IIOE-2) would be an additional opportunity to develop specific international capacity building programmes. The representatives of 17 Members States and one observer intervened and conveyed their support to the initiative of developing a new Capacity Development Strategic Plan. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report:  HYPERLINK \l "can551" Canada,  HYPERLINK \l "india551" India,  HYPERLINK \l "jap551" Japan,  HYPERLINK \l "malay551" Malaysia,  HYPERLINK \l "kor551" Republic of Korea and  HYPERLINK \l "uk551" United Kingdom. ( HYPERLINK \l "d551" Decision IOC-XXVII/Dec.5.5.1) 5.5.2 Rationale for an IOC Global Ocean Science Report The Executive Secretary introduced this item. She informed on the rationale and motivation for IOC to lead the Global Ocean Sciences Report (GOSR) and reminded the Assembly that the report would provide an excellent opportunity for IOC to raise its visibility through an initiative which falls squarely within its mandate, and that it would be focused on science and not on political matters. The Head of the Ocean Sciences Section of IOC, Dr Luis Valds, continued the presentation with a special focus on the added value for the IOC, and examples of expected results, timeline and budget. In summary, the IOC secretariat launched the process of the GOSR as part of its voluntary commitment at Rio+20 and it is envisaged to provide an overview on nations (i) investments, (ii) resources, and (iii) productivity in ocean science. It would provide a tool for mapping and evaluating the human and institutional capacity of Member States in terms of marine research, observations and data/information management, as well as a global overview of the main fields of interest, developments and trends in ocean science. The discussion was rich with several rounds of interventions and ample participation of the Member States. In the first round a total of 19 Member States took the floor. Some Member States expressed their concerns in terms of mandate, possible duplication with other on-going processes such as the World Ocean Assessment (WOA) and the procedure followed in the presentation of the draft resolution. Some Member State interventions expressed support, welcoming the logic that inspired the report, with others offering possible funding and/or other modalities of participation (China, France, Portugal and United Kingdom). Some expressed caveats about the tight timeline, involvement of resources, and the possiblity of only a limited number of responses to the questionnaire. The IOC Executive Secretary and the Head of the Ocean Sciences Section explained that the GOSR concept note was discussed at the Officers meeting in January 2013 and received enthusiastic support, that this report would neither duplicate other existing on-going processes nor conflict with competencies of other UN bodies, and that the secretariat recognizes that although this is a challenge, it could be a feasible and highly valuable product for IOC. In a second round of interventions several Member States intervened to express their concerns on the procedure followed in the presentation of the draft resolution. These concerns were related to the allowable origin of draft resolutions. The Secretariat offered to withdraw the draft resolution and to present it as a draft decision. In a third round of interventions the Assembly agreed to form an intersessional Working Group to review and improve the proposal and discuss it further at the 47th Session of the Executive Council in 2014. An ad hoc open-ended meeting attended by 12 Member States prepared the draft decision. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report:  HYPERLINK \l "arg552" Argentina,  HYPERLINK \l "belg552" Belgium,  HYPERLINK \l "can552" Canada,  HYPERLINK \l "jap552" Japan,  HYPERLINK \l "nor552" Norway,  HYPERLINK \l "kor552" Republic of Korea and  HYPERLINK \l "uk552" United Kingdom. ( HYPERLINK \l "d552" Decision IOC-XXVII/Dec.5.5.2) 6. ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT 6.1 REPORT BY THE CHAIRPERSON OF THE FINANCIAL COMMITTEE ON THE IOC DRAFT MEDIUM-TERM STRATEGY FOR 20142021 [reported under 6.2] 6.2 REPORT BY THE CHAIRPERSON OF THE FINANCIAL COMMITTEE ON THE DRAFT PROGRAMME AND BUDGET FOR 2014-2017 (DRAFT 37C/5) The Chair of the Financial Committee reported to the Assembly on the results of the Committees review of the Progress Report on Budget Execution (2012) and Anticipated Funding for 2013, the Draft Medium-Term Strategy for 20142021 and the Draft Programme and Budget for 20142017 in accordance with rule of procedure 8.1(c). He informed the Assembly that the Financial Committee had six very productive meetings and thanked the Member States that participated in its consensual in-depth discussions in the spirit of constructive collaboration. He then made a detailed presentation of the draft resolution prepared by the Financial Committee for consideration by the Assembly, explaining the approach adopted by the Committee in proposing the changes to the Draft Medium Term Strategy and the guiding principles for budgetary allocations. The Assembly was unanimous in congratulating the Chairman of the Financial Committee for the exceptional quality of his leadership and the considerable work accomplished in a short period of time. Some Member States requested confirmation that regular budget funds will only be allocated to activities for which there was a consensus. The Secretariat confirmed that in the course of workplans preparation the table of allocation of funds (IOC-XXVII/2 Annex 4) will be revised to reflect the recommendations of the Financial Committee and the discussions in plenary. The Assembly considered and adopted  HYPERLINK \l "Res2" Resolution XXVII-2 drafted by the Financial Committee in accordance with  HYPERLINK \l "d4" Decision IOC-XXVII/Dec.(4.) 6.3 ELECTIONS OF THE OFFICERS OF THE COMMISSION AND MEMBERS OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL The Chair of the Nominations Committee, MrJavier Valladares, introduced this item. He informed the Assembly that all the nomination forms received as of Friday 28 June 2013 at 18.00 hrs by the Committee were valid and had therefore been forwarded to the Assembly as document IOC-XXVII/NOM/WP2. MrValladares reported two recommendations from the Nominations Committee concerning future submissions of nomination forms. Firstly, that it be specified more precisely in IOC documents soliciting nominations (e.g. invitation letters, Assembly web-page and the Rules of Procedures) who is authorized to sign the nominations. Secondly, that nomination forms be stamped by the submitting authority. The Assembly noted that: (i) Montenegro (Electoral Group II), Honduras, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (Electoral Group III), and Kiribati (Electoral Group IV) had joined IOC since the Twenty-sixth Session of the Assembly; (ii) the number of seats on the Executive Council had not changed since the 25th Session of the Assembly; and (iii) following the adoption of Resolution XXV-15 concerning the expansion of the quota of seats of Group II, the allocation of seats for Groups I and II, starting after the 25th Session of the Assembly, would be 10 seats for Group I and 3 seats for Group II; (iv) the quotas of seats for Groups III, IV and V remain unchanged. 6.3.1 Election of the Chair of the Commission The Assembly noted that there was only one candidate for the position of Chair. DrSang-Kyung Byun (Republic of Korea) was therefore elected by acclamation. 6.3.2 Election of the Vice-Chairs of the Commission The Assembly noted that there was only one candidate for each of Electoral Groups I, II, III, IV and V for the positions of Vice-Chair. The following were therefore elected by acclamation: DrPeter Haugan (Norway) (Group I) DrAtanas Palazov (Bulgaria) (Group II) Captain Frederico Antonio Saraiva Nogueira (Brazil) (Group III) DrYutaka Michida (Japan) (Group IV) Prof.Adot Blim Blivi (Togo) (Group V) 6.3.3 Election of the Members of the Executive Council The Assembly noted that there were 9 candidates for the remaining Member State seats on the Executive Council for Electoral Group I, and that the number of those remaining seats was 9. The candidate Member States were therefore declared elected. The Assembly noted that there were 2 candidates for the remaining Member State seat on the Executive Council for Electoral Group II, whereas the maximum number of those seats was 2. The candidate Member States were therefore declared elected. The Assembly noted that there were 8 candidates for the remaining Member State seats on the Executive Council for Electoral Group III, which was the maximum number of those seats. The candidate Member States were therefore declared elected. The Assembly noted that there were 7 candidates for the remaining Member State seats on the Executive Council for Electoral Group IV, which was the maximum number of those seats. The candidate Member States were therefore declared elected. The Assembly noted that there were 9 candidates for the remaining Member State seats on the Executive Council for Electoral Group V, whereas the number of those remaining seats was eight. After a ballot to elect the representatives to the Executive Council from Electoral Groups V, the Assembly elected Algeria, Egypt, Kenya, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania, Tunisia, to the Executive Council for Group V. The membership of the Executive Council for the next intersessional period and the 28th Session of the Assembly is given in  HYPERLINK \l "a7" Annex VII to the present Summary Report. 6.4 ADOPTION OF THE REVISED GUIDELINES DEALING WITH DRAFT RESOLUTIONS MrPeter Dexter, Chairman of the Resolutions Committee introduced this item by referring to the decision of the Executive Council at its 45th session to use the Seventh Draft Revised Guidelines for the Preparation and Consideration of Draft Resolutions on an experimental basis, with a view to adopt them at this present Assembly. The Chair of the sessional Resolutions Committee reported on its conclusions on the Eighth Draft Revised Guidelines for the Preparation and Consideration of Resolutions. He stressed that that these guidelines are intended as just that guidelines. While they of course should conform with relevant parts of the Rules of Procedure and Statutes, they do not, in themselves, constitute rules or regulations, but provide guidelines to the Member States, subsidiary bodies and the Executive Secretary in the preparation and presentation of draft resolutions, recommendations and decisions to governing and subsidiary bodies of the IOC. He stated that the draft guidelines have worked well from the perspective of the Resolutions Committee, in simplifying and facilitating its work. A number of small, essentially editorial changes have been suggested, to improve consistency and also clarify the text in places. At the same time, the Committee did express some concern over two of the articles in the guidelines. The first concerns Article 8, where some delegations felt that, since the current version of the Rules of Procedure do not explicitly give the right to the Executive Secretary to submit DRs to Governing Bodies, these Guidelines should also explicitly not contain such a right. Consequently, it was agreed to omit the reference to the Executive Secretary as a source of draft resolutions from the previous draft of article 8. One Member State proposed that the Executive Council, at its 47th session in 2014, could be requested to address this issue, with a view to possibly proposing to the next Assembly in 2015 an amendment to the Rules of Procedure to accommodate such a pathway for submission. The second substantive amendment that was agreed related to Article 15, where delegations proposed to extend the advance time required for the submission of DRs to the Governing Bodies from 24 hours to 72 hours. In addition, the Committee felt it appropriate to further clarify the situation regarding the draft resolution on Programme and Budget, and facilitate the future work of Governing Bodies. To this end, it was proposed to include a separate Article on this issue, which is explicit regarding the submission of the Programme and Budget draft resolution during sessions, rather than in advance. With these comments and additional editorial changes, the Resolutions Committee recommended to the Assembly to adopt the Guidelines for Draft Resolutions, as revised. The Assembly stated that the decision to examine a possible amendment to the Rules of Procedures should not be taken at this session. See the report of the Chairman of the Resolutions Committee in  HYPERLINK \l "a4" Annex IV to the present report. No Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report. ( HYPERLINK \l "d64" Decision IOC-XXVII/Dec.6.4) 6.5 DATES AND PLACES OF THE 28TH ASSEMBLY AND THE 47TH AND 48TH SESSIONS OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL The Executive Secretary introduced this item. She highlighted the fact that the present session had been scheduled over a period of 7,5 working days compared to 10 working days in 2011 and 8,5 days in 2009. With reference to funding she reminded the Assembly that the present session had been funded by emergency funds given by the Director-General of UNESCO and that the level of funding for the next sessions of the governing bodies is uncertain to date. The reduction in funding may imply that the duration and number of meetings may either need to be reduced, or funded by specifically earmarked voluntary contributions from Member States. Member States may also consider hosting and funding one of the sessions, so as to relieve the pressure on the Commissions regular budget and allow more adequate resource allocation to programme areas. She reminded the Assembly of the recommendations of the Executive Council, acting as the Steering Committee for this Assembly, on the dates of the 47th session of the Council in 2014 taking into account scheduled or anticipated dates of major international commitments of the oceanographic communities and IOCs partners in June 2014. References in the draft decision to the hosting by Member States of the session of the Executive Council or the Assembly were deleted. The representatives of two Member States took the floor. ( HYPERLINK \l "d65" Decision IOC-XXVII/Dec.6.5) 6.6 THEMES OF THE A. BRUUN AND N.K. PANIKKAR MEMORIAL LECTURES AT THE 28TH IOC ASSEMBLY The Executive Secretary briefly recalled the proposals already submitted by the Executive Council, acting as the Steering Committee for this Assembly, and by Member States in past sessions, in particular the CARIACO Project, on "Carbon Retention in a Coloured Ocean", which has been carried out along the Caribbean coast of Venezuela for more than 20 years and had been proposed several times. Japan, supported by Vietnam and Thailand, proposed Professor FUKUYO Yasuwo, from the University of Tokyo, for an IOC N.K. Panikkar Memorial Lecture on Capacity development related to Harmful Algal Blooms. The representatives of four Member States took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report:  HYPERLINK \l "jap66" Japan and  HYPERLINK \l "thai66" Thailand. ( HYPERLINK \l "d66" Decision IOC-XXVII/Dec.6.6) 7. ADOPTION OF THE SUMMARY REPORT AND RESOLUTIONS The Chairman of the Resolutions Committee reported to the Assembly on the work of the Resolutions Committee during the session ( HYPERLINK \l "a4" Annex IV to the present report). The IOC Chairman then invited the Assembly to adopt, in plenary, the draft resolutions that were still pending after discussion in plenary: Resolution IOC-XXVII/Res.5.1.3 Formalization of the Perth Programme Office, Resolution IOC-XXVII/Res.3.2,6.1,6.2 Financial Matters of the Commission. The Deputy Executive Secretary reminded the Assembly that new working arrangements were initiated during the 45th Executive Council under the pressure of severe constraints and partly extended to the present session of the Assembly. The Executive Council regrettably did not have time during its 45th session to formally express opinion on those arrangements except through an evaluation questionnaire. Recognizing this is a stimulating learning process for the secretariat, the Deputy Executive Secretary welcomed opinion from the floor and reminded that the responses to the evaluation questionnaire are welcome stimulators for improvement. The Assembly sought further clarification on what options were available for optimizing session working arrangements, as reflected in the adopted decision. The representatives of four Member States took the floor. No Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item. ( HYPERLINK \l "d7" Decision IOC-XXVII/Dec.7) 8. CLOSURE The Assembly met in plenary session during 7,5 days from 26 June to 5 July 2013, considered 44 items on its agenda and three Draft Resolutions. The Assembly approved 39 decisions and two resolutions. The plenary meeting was supported by some 19 preparatory meetings (Committees and working groups) and 18 information side meetings during the session. Two hundred and ninety-six delegates participated in this session and made some 380 interventions in plenary. The Chairman of the Commission thanked delegates, partners, individuals who chaired sessional committees and groups, the Rapporteur for the session and UNESCO staff and IOC Secretariat before closing the 27th Session of the Assembly at 11:25 on Friday 5 July 2013. ANNEX I AGENDA 1. OPENING 2. ORGANIZATION OF THE SESSION 2.1 ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA [Rule of Procedure 8] 2.2 DESIGNATION OF THE RAPPORTEUR [Rule of Procedure 25.4] 2.3 ESTABLISHMENT OF INTRASESSIONAL COMMITTEES AND WORKING GROUPS [Rule of Procedure 12] 2.4 INTRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTATION AND TIMETABLE [Rule of Procedure 11] 2.5 A. BRUUN AND N.K. PANIKKAR MEMORIAL LECTURES [Res. VI-19 & IOC-XVIII, item 12, para. 380] 3. STATUTORY REPORTS 3.1 STATEMENT OF THE CHAIRMAN ON THE STATE OFIOC [Rule of Procedure 8.1(a)] 3.2 REPORT BY THE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY ON PROGRAMMEAND BUDGET (20122013) AND MEDIUM TERM STRATEGY (20082013) IMPLEMENTATION [Rule of Procedure 8.1(b) and (c); Rule of Procedure 49.1] 3.3 Reports by the chairs of the IOC sub-commissions [Rule of Procedure 48.3] 3.3.1 IOC Sub-Commission for Africa and the Adjacent Island States (IOCAFRICA) 3.3.2 IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific (WESTPAC) 3.3.3 IOC Sub-Commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (IOCARIBE) 3.4 REPORT OF THEIOC(20122013) TO THE THIRTY-SEVENTHGENERAL CONFERENCE OF UNESCO [Statutes Art. 3.2; Rule of Procedure 49.2] 4. INTRODUCTION TO THE DRAFT PROGRAMME AND BUDGET FOR 20142017 AND IOC MEDIUM-TERM STRATEGY FOR 20142021 [Statutes Art.1.2; Res.EC-XLIII.9)] 4.1 Introduction to IOC Draft Medium-Term Strategy for 20142021 4.2 Introduction to IOC Draft Programme and Budget for 20142017 5. STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENTS 5.1 GOVERNANCE [36 C/5, MLA 4] 5.1.1 UN Consultations and Coordination 5.1.2 Other Partnerships [Res. XXVI-1; EC-XLV/Dec.5.4; IOC-XXVI/Dec.9.4(iii)] Proposal for a Category-2 UNESCO Regional Educational and Research Centre on Oceanography for Western Asia, in Iran (Islamic Republic of) [Rule of Procedure 8.1e,g] Endorsement of the IHO-IOC/GEBCO Sub-committee for Regional Undersea Mapping (SCRUM) [Rule of Procedure 8.1g, h] 5.1.3 Role of IOC Subsidiary Bodies and Decentralized Offices [Res. XXVI-1] 5.2 OCEAN-RELATED HAZARDS [36 C/5, MLA 4 & 7] 5.2.1 Regional Tsunami Warning Systems [Rule of Procedure 48.3] Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Pacific Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami and other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami Early Warning and Mitigation System in the North-Eastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean and Connected Seas 5.2.2 Global Coordination of Warning and Mitigation Systems for Ocean Hazards (TOWS-WG) [Rule of Procedure 48.3; EC-XLV/Dec.3.2 (III)] 5.3 OBSERVING SYSTEMS, DATA MANAGEMENT [36 C/5, MLA 4] 5.3.1 The Future Needs for Intergovernmental Coordination and Governance for Sustained Ocean Observations and Services [Res. EC-XLI.1, EC-XLIII.7, IOC-XXVI/Dec.4.7, EC-XLV/Dec.4.2] 5.3.2 Global Ocean Observing System [Rule of Procedure 48.3; Res. XXVI.8] 5.3.3 Joint IOC-WMO Technical Commission (JCOMM) for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology [Rule of Procedure 48.3; Res. XX-12; XXVI-8] 5.3.4 IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) [Res. I-9; Res. XXVI-10] Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS) [Res. XXVI-10] 5.3.5 WMO-ICSU-IOC-UNEP Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) [Res. XVI-8] 5.4 OCEAN SCIENCE AND RESEARCH 5.4.1 WMO-IOC-ICSU World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) [IOC-XXVI, item 6.3, para. 173] 5.4.2 Intergovernmental Panel on Harmful Algal Blooms (IPHAB) [Res. XVI-4; Res. XXVI-11; Rule of Procedure 48.3] 5.4.3 Nutrient Pollution [Res. XXV-9; IOC-XXVI, item 7.5, para. 224] 5.4.4 Integrated Coastal Area Management (ICAM) [IOC-XXVI/Dec.8.2] 5.4.5 A Regular Process for Global Reporting and Assessment of the State of the Marine Environment, including Socio-economic Aspects (UN Regular Process) World Ocean Assessment [EC-XLIII/Dec. 8.1; IOC-XXVI, Dec.4.6; UN Res.66/231, para.213] 5.5 CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT 5.5.1 Development of a New Capacity Development Strategy [Rule of Procedure 8-1(g)] 5.5.2 Rationale for an IOC Global Ocean Science Report [Rule of Procedure 8-1(g)] 6. ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT 6.1 REPORT BY THE CHAIRPERSON OF THE FINANCIAL COMMITTEE ON THE IOC DRAFT MEDIUM-TERM STRATEGY FOR 20142021 [EC-XLV/Dec. 5.2] 6.2 REPORT BY THE CHAIRPERSON OF THE FINANCIAL COMMITTEE ON THE IOC DRAFT PROGRAMME AND BUDGET FOR 20142017 (DRAFT 37C/5) [Statutes Art.1.2; Res.EC-XLIII.9] 6.3 ELECTIONS OF THE OFFICERS OF THE COMMISSIONAND MEMBERS OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL [Statutes Art.6.B.5 and 7; Annex I to the Rules of Procedure] 6.3.1 Election of the Chairperson of the Commission 6.3.2 Election of the Vice-Chairpersons of the Commission 6.3.3 Election of the Members of the Executive Council 6.4 ADOPTION OF THE REVISED GUIDELINES DEALING WITH DRAFT RESOLUTIONS [IOC-XXV, item 7, para. 585; Statutes, Art. 8; Rules of Procedure 12; IOC/EC-XXXIX/2 Annex 5, EC-XLV/Dec.5.3] 6.5 DATES AND PLACES OF THE 28th ASSEMBLY AND THE 47th and 48th SESSIONSOF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL [Statutes, Art. C.7; Rule of procedure 19.2] 6.6 THEMES OF THE A.BRUUN AND N.K.PANIKKAR MEMORIAL LECTURES AT THE 28TH IOC ASSEMBLY [Res. VI-19 & IOC-XVIII, item 12, para. 380] 7. ADOPTION OF THE SUMMARY REPORT AND RESOLUTIONS 8. CLOSURE ANNEX II REPORT OF THE FORTY-SIXTH SESSION OF THE IOC EXECUTIVE COUNCIL ACTING AS THE STEERING COMMITTEE OF THE ASSEMBLY UNESCO, Paris, 25 June 2013 (IOC/EC-XLVI/3) 1. OPENING The Chair, MrSang-Kyung Byun, opened the 46th Session of the Executive Council at 10.20h in Room IV on Tuesday 25 June 2013. He welcomed the participants and briefly referred to the documentation prepared for this session of the IOC Executive Council, which can be found on the IOC web site (http://ioc-unesco.org/ec-46). He informed the Council that, in accordance with Rule of Procedure No.12(2), the Council was acting as the Steering Committee for the 27th Session of the Assembly. ORGANIZATION OF THE SESSION ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA The Executive Council considered the Draft Provisional Agenda of the present session (doc. IOC/EC-XLVI/1prov.) and adopted the Agenda of its 46th Session ( HYPERLINK \l "a2a" Annex A to the present summary report). EC-XLVI, Dec. 2.1 Agenda The Executive Council adopts the agenda as set out in document IOC/EC-XLV/1Prov.  DESIGNATION OF THE RAPPORTEUR The Executive Council was invited to designate the Rapporteur for the present session. Tanzania proposed, and India seconded, DrTerry Schaefer (United States of America) as Rapporteur for the present session. DrSchaefer accepted this invitation. EC-XLVI, Dec. 2.2 Rapporteur The Executive Council designates DrTerry Schaefer (United States of America) Rapporteur for its present session to assist the Chair and the Executive Secretary in the preparation of the summary report of the Session. Thomas Gross will be the editor of the report for the Secretariat. 3. ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE 27TH SESSION OF THE ASSEMBLY DESIGNATION OF STATUTORY COMMITTEES The Chair reminded the Executive Council that, in the designation of the three Statutory Committees for the Assembly (Nominations, Resolutions and Financial Committees), it may submit proposals on their composition, but that the ultimate decision as to that composition, including the Chairship of each Statutory Committee, remains entirely with the Assembly. He then invited Member States to declare their wish to participate in the Statutory Committees bearing in mind the need to ensure an appropriate linguistic and geographic balance within each Committee. EC-XLVI, Dec. 3.1 Sessional Committees Pursuant to Rule of Procedure No.12(2) the Executive Council, acting as the Steering Committee of the Assembly, recommends to the Assembly the Chairpersons and an initial list of Member States having declared their interest in participating in each of the following committees: Financial Committee: under the chairship of Peter Haugan (Norway) with the following Member States declaring their wish to participate: Germany, Canada, China, Mexico, Kenya, Portugal, Republic of Korea, South Africa, Brazil, Argentina, Australia, U.S.A., France, Grenada, Russian Federation, India, Thailand, Egypt, Kuwait, Japan. Ms Ksenia Yvinec will provide the Secretariat support to the Financial Committee. Resolutions Committee: under the chairship of Peter Dexter, (Australia) with the following Member States declaring their wish to participate: Cameroon, Chile, Canada, Mexico, Norway, Republic of Korea, Argentina, France, U.S.A., Spain, Iran (Islamic Rep. of), Japan, India, Russian Federation, Turkey, Thailand, Nigeria, China. Julian Barbire will provide the Secretariat support to the Resolutions Committee. Nominations Committee: under the chairship of Javier Valladares, ex-IOC Chair, with the following Member States declaring their wish to participate: Brazil, Mexico, Japan, Republic of Korea, U.K., U.S.A, France, China, Germany. Thorkild Aarup will provide the Secretariat support to the Nominations Committee.CONSIDERATION OF REQUESTS FOR SUPPLEMENTARY ITEMS The Chair informed the Executive Council that, under Rules of Procedure 8, 9 and 11.2, dealing with the preparation of the agenda for the Assembly, no request for a supplementary item was received at the Secretariat by 26 April 2013 (two months before the date of the opening of the 27th Session.) Portugal made a request to the Chair of IOC that an agenda item on the Future of IOC would be inserted in the agenda of the Executive Council for further inclusion in the provisional agenda of the 27th Session of the Assembly (See the letter in  HYPERLINK \l "a2b" AnnexB to the report). There was consensus that the Assembly should address the proposed items. EC-XLVI, Dec.3.2 The Executive Council, Recommends to the 27th Assembly to form a sessional open ended working group to discuss the issues raised by Portugal on the Future of IOC and subsequently report to the Assembly.SESSIONAL WORKING GROUPS EC-XLVI, Dec. 3.3 Sessional Working Groups The Executive Council, Having examined the revised provisional agenda for the 27th session of the Assembly, With a concern to ensure a smooth running of the Assembly, and With no prejudice to decision of the Assembly and its chair on establishing a sessional working group as needed during the discussion of any agenda item, Recommends to the Assembly the establishment of the following working group(s) at the beginning of its session under agenda item 2.3: A sessional working group on the Development of a New Capacity Development Strategy (item 5.5.1) under the chairship of Adote Blivi (Togo) with the following Member States declaring their wish to participate: Cameroon, Egypt, Mexico, Republic of Korea, Tanzania, Kenya, Malaysia, Nigeria, Portugal, Ecuador, Brazil, U.S.A., Spain, Australia, France, Russian Federation, India, Thailand, U.K., South Africa, Canada, Norway, Indonesia, Japan, Cuba, China, Peru, Belgium, Chile. Mitrasen Bhikajee will provide the Secretariat support to the group. A sessional working group on the Future of IOC under the chairship of Javier Valladares, ex-IOC Chair, with the following Member States declaring their wish to participate: Germany, Canada, Mexico, Malaysia, Republic of Korea, Norway, China, Tanzania, Portugal, Bulgaria, Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Ecuador, U.S.A., Russian Federation, France, Grenada, India, Turkey, Indonesia, Japan, Iran (Islamic Rep. of), Thailand, U.K., South Africa, Cuba, Togo. Bernardo Aliaga will provide Secretariat support to the group. TIMETABLE EC-XLVI, Dec. 3.4 Timetable for the 27th session of the Assembly The Executive Council, Taking into consideration the comments made by the Officers, the reporting of sessional working groups and statutory committees in plenary and scheduled invitation of speakers, Accepts the provisional timetable for the 27th session of the Assembly as set out in document IOC/EC-XLV/1Prov.Add.Rev. with modifications. 4. DATES AND PLACE OF THE 47th SESSIONOF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL AND PROPOSAL FOR DATES AND PLACE OF THE 28th SESSION OF THE ASSEMBLY EC-XLVI, Dec. 4. Dates and places of next sessions of the Executive Council and Assembly The Executive Council, Recalling the recommendation made by the Executive Council at its 45th session in 2012 to the Assembly (EC-XLV/Dec.5.6) to reconsider the dates of the 47th session of the Executive Council, provisionally scheduled to start on Tuesday 24 June 2014 at UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, Taking into account both the level of funding provided for the organization of the IOC governing body sessions in the next C/5, and the new programming cycle of UNESCO, Considering the experience gained at the 45th session of the Executive Council scheduled over three days (2628 June 2012) under cost-saving measures, Recommends to the Assembly to carefully consider the items to be on the agenda of the 47th session of the Executive Council during its work so that it fits in a session of a duration not longer than 3.5 consecutive working days; Recommends also to the Assembly to identify any potential calendar conflicts with important meetings over the proposed period for the 47th session of the Executive Council of 30 June3 July 2014, for 3.5 days, in UNESCO Headquarters, Paris and a period to be decided in June 2015 for the 28th session of the Assembly to be preceded by a one-day meeting of the Executive Council (48th session);  The Chair invited Member States to propose Roger Revelle Memorial lectures for 47th Executive Council meeting in 2014. He also asked Member States to propose both female and male lecturers. The U.S.A. proposed DrRichard Feely to lecture on Ocean Chemistry and Ocean Acidification. Colombia proposed DrSandra Bessudo to lecture on the subject of Protected Marine Areas-Malpelo, one of UNESCOs World Heritage marine sites. The Chair recalled the interest of Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) to propose a lecture on the subject of the Cariaco Time Series. The Chair invited Member States to propose themes for the IOC Bruun lectures at the 28th session of the Assembly. Canada proposed Dr Robie MacDonald to lecture on Sea Ice. The Chair invited Member States to propose themes for the IOC Panikkar lectures at the 28th session of the Assembly. Canada proposed Dr Eddy Carmack to lecture on Canadian Ranger Ocean Watch. The U.S.A. suggested a subject to consider be the impact of IOC on capacity building for Tsunami Warning System within a region. The U.S.A. proposed DrScott Glenn, University of Rutgers, to lecture on the Challenger Glider Mission. Portugal noting the announcement of the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the International Indian Ocean Expedition, suggested that a lecture on the International Indian Ocean Expedition, referring to what was done and what is new, could be considered. 5. REVISED SCHEDULE FOR THE RECRUITMENT OF THE IOC EXECUTIVE SECRETARY By IOC Circular letter 2474 dated 25 February 2013, the Executive Secretary informed the Member States of the extension of her appointment as Assistant Director-General and Executive Secretary of the IOC until 11 January 2015. This implies the preparation of a new timeline for the recruitment process so that Member States have enough time to evaluate candidates before they express their opinion at an in camera session of the 47th session of the Executive Council in June 2014, as established in the procedure (see document IOC/EC-XXXIX/2 Annex 5). The Executive Council discussed the proposed schedule for the recruitment of the IOC Executive Secretary. Some Member States also requested clarification on the recruitment process and Portugal submitted a summary of its intervention (see  HYPERLINK \l "a2c" AnnexC). The Executive Secretary committed to communicating and involving the Member States in the process as appropriate. The Decision and the annexed timeline were amended and accepted. EC-XLVI, Dec. 5. Revised schedule for the recruitment of the IOC Executive Secretary The Executive Council, Having examined document IOC/EC-XXXIX/2 Annex 5, Recalling Decision 3.2V of the 45th Session of the Executive Council (EC-XLV/Dec.3.2V), Agrees with the amended timeline in annex to this decision; Requests the Secretariat in close consultation with the officers to: (i) review and update the post announcement for Executive Secretary of IOC in what concerns its functions and the agreed post grade of ADG, common to the United System, acting at the service of the Commission; (ii) include this as an agenda item for the 47th Session of the Executive Council and prepare the necessary documents. Annex to EC-XLVI, Dec.5. 15 November 2013 External announcement of the post (60 days). 31 January 2014 Deadline for applications (midnight Paris time). 1 February 24 March 2014 Pre-selection in agreement with IOC/EC-XXXIX/2 Annex 5: Technical screening by HRM/IOC Secretariat. Selection of a list of highly qualified applicants by a panel consisting of IOC Officers, Past Chairman, Executive Secretaries ex-officio. 24 March 2014 Communication of Dossiers to all Member States of IOC three months prior to the 48th Session of the Executive Council in June (tentative date). 24 June 2014 (tentative) The Executive Council at its 47th Session meets in camera to finalize the list of candidates to be sent to the Director General. 17 June 30 November 2014 The Director-General decides and appoints the Executive Secretary following consultation with the Executive Council of the Commission. 12 January 2015 Newly designated Executive Secretary assumes his/her duties in Paris. 6. ADOPTION OF THE SUMMARY REPORT EC-XLVI, Dec. 6. Report The Executive Council, Having considered the draft summary report of the session (IOC/EC-XLVI/3sprov.) presented to it in plenary session at 17:00 on 25 June 2013, Adopts the summary report of its 46th session as the Executive Council recommendations to the Assembly at its 27th session. 7. CLOSURE The Chairman closed the 46th session of the Executive Council at 18:05 on 25 June 2013. Annex A AGENDA 1. OPENING 2. ORGANIZATION OF THE SESSION 2.1 ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA 2.2 DESIGNATION OF THE RAPPORTEUR 3. ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE 27TH SESSION OF THE ASSEMBLY 3.1 DESIGNATION OF STATUTORY COMMITTEES 3.2 CONSIDERATION OF REQUESTS FOR SUPPLEMENTARY ITEMS 3.3 SESSIONAL WORKING GROUPS 3.4 TIMETABLE 4. DATES AND PLACE OF THE 47th SESSIONOF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL AND PROPOSAL FOR DATES AND PLACE OF THE 28th SESSION OF THE ASSEMBLY 5. REVISED SCHEDULE FOR THE RECRUITMENT OF THE IOC EXECUTIVE SECRETARY 6. ADOPTION OF THE SUMMARY REPORT 7. CLOSURE Annex B (English only) From: Prof. Mario Ruivo Chairman of the Portuguese Committee for IOC To: Dr. Sang-Kyung Byun Chairman of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Lisboa, 21/06/2013 Subject: Proposal for inclusion of an item on the Future of IOC in the Provisional Agenda of the 46th Executive Council of IOC Mr. Chairperson As you are aware by some of our exchanges of views and by the positions expressed by Portugal at the sessions of the Governing Bodies of the commission, we are deeply concerned with the future of IOC which, in our judgment, requires urgent corrective measures. We noted with dismay that guidelines and decisions to this effect have not succeeded. This applies namely to the recognized need to clarify the present relationship of IOC with UNESCO which is affecting the work and special status of the commission as a body with functional autonomy. The same applies to the progressive sliding of the designation of the IOC Executive Secretary (specifically defined in the post announcement of 2008, under Terms and conditions, at grade of Assistant Director General, common to the United Nations System, into Assistant Director General for IOC-UNESCO and Assistant Director-General, UNESCO. The inappropriate use of this double-title is affecting the channels of command, image, as well as the working procedures of the Commission and its role as a joint specialized mechanism at the service of its Member States and of the United Nations System. We are therefore proposing that the Governing Bodies of the Commission consider undertaking an in-depth assessment of the situation with a view to identify consensual measures to overcome the present difficulties. Accordingly, we propose that a specific sub-item on the Future of IOC be included under item 3.2 Consideration of requests for supplementary items of the Provisional Agenda of the 46th Executive Council, for further inclusion in the Provisional Agenda of the 27th session of the Assembly. Yours sincerely, Mario Ruivo, Chairman, Portuguese Committee for IOC c/o: Members of the Bureau of IOC Prof. Adote Blim Blivi Direct. Peter Haugan Prof. Yutaka Michida Direct. Atanas Palazov GOOS Rio. Frederico A. Saraiva Nogueira Executive Secretary of IOC Dra. Wendy Watson-Wright Annex C: Item 5 Revised scheduled for the recruitment of the IOC Executive Secretary (English only)  ANNEX III ADDRESSES AND STATEMENTS A Ms Irina Bokova, Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) On the occasion of the Opening of the 27th Session of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) Assembly UNESCO, 26 June 2013 Dr Sang-Kyung Byun, Chair of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am very pleased to be here with you. This is an important meeting, and I wish to pay tribute to every member of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission. Over the past year, you have shown undisputable leadership on issues that are critical to UNESCO, and your efforts have played an important role in advancing UNESCOs values and priorities. I should mention here the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development held in Rio last year in preparation for which, the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission led the development of the inter-agency report, entitled A Blueprint for Ocean and Coastal Sustainability, that highlighted the essential role of the ocean for sustainability. This is a model of inter-agency cooperation. It is also a model of innovative and creative thinking. These efforts paid off, and several of the recommendations of the Blueprint are reflected in the Rio+20 Outcome Document, The Future We Want. This is just one example of the commitment and effectiveness you have all shown in advancing cooperation on vital global goods. Over the last six years, six national tsunami warning centres have been established three in the Indian Ocean and three in the North East Atlantic and Mediterranean region. In the United Nations System, the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission continues to provide scientific and technical support to the UN Regular Process, now called the World Ocean Assessment. The International Ocean Carbon Coordination Project has considerably improved analysis and understanding of ocean carbon data. Late last year, the Argo Profiling Float Network collected its one millionth profile of vertical temperature and salinity -- twice the number collected by all research vessels in the 20th century. In the last six years, the number of sea-level stations that contribute real time data to the Global Sea Level Observing System Data Centres has increased from 80 to 670. The Ocean Bio-geographic Information System has become the largest, global onlineopen-access database on the diversity, distribution andabundance of all marine life. I reminded of all this work, because it illustrates the power of knowledge and scientific cooperation to save lives, to bring people and States together, to tackle challenges no one can tackle alone. This is UNESCOs core mandate, and I wish to recognize all of this and to thank you all once again. The launch of the new Sub-Commission for Africa and Adjacent Island States, based at the United Nations Office in Nairobi, is another major step forward. This has been possible thanks to the support of Member States namely, Kenya, which has seconded a professional staff member, and the Republic of Korea, which has funded the first two meetings of the Sub-Commission. This is yet another example of the leadership of the Chair, Dr. Sang-Kyung Byun. Mesdames et Messieurs, La Commission Ocanographique intergouvernementale reprsente un enjeu stratgique pour lUNESCO, et cest pourquoi jai voulu protger au maximum les financements ddis son travail, en puisant dans le fonds d'urgence autant quil tait possible pour soutenir ses projets. Les financements de programmes essentiels comme les systmes dalerte aux Tsunami et le Systme mondial d'observation de l'ocan ont t partiellement restaurs. Compte tenu de limportance de cette vingt-septime session, et des dcisions que vous devez prendre, jai dcid daffecter des fonds supplmentaires pour faciliter son fonctionnement. Cest dire aussi la difficult de la situation o nous sommes. Lensemble des quipes de lUNESCO dploie une nergie considrable pour chercher tous les moyens de mettre en uvre les programmes de la Commission, en dpit du dpart dun certain nombre de collgues et des coupes budgtaires. A ce jour, il na pas t possible de mettre en uvre lintgralit des programmes. Cette situation nest pas tenable sur le long terme, et risque daffecter le potentiel de la Commission, au moment mme o elle simpose au niveau global. Cest pourquoi je vous demande de continuer soutenir la Commission, et jajouterais que toutes les initiatives sont bonnes prendre: que ce soit par financement extrabudgtaire, dtachements de personnel, ou d'autres moyens encore. Plus que jamais, cette Commission est la vtre et son succs dpend de votre soutien, du renforcement de vos initiatives, de vos engagements et de vos contributions. LUNESCO mettra tout en uvre pour assurer lavenir de la COI, o nous voyons une part de notre avenir. Mesdames et Messieurs, Avant de terminer, permettez-moi de saluer la mmoire dAriel Gonzales, de la dlgation de l'Argentine, disparu en 2011, et qui a jou le rle que lon sait dans les travaux et les recherches scientifique de la Commission. Son livre intitul : Vers une juridiction vritable de notre espace maritime pointe un sujet crucial pour lavenir de locan, o la COI peut galement se distinguer, et vous sera prsent par son Excellence M. l'Ambassadeur Estrella lors de cette session. Merci tous de votre attention, merci M. le Prsident, Dr Sang-Kyung Byun, merci votre quipe de cinq vice-prsidents et votre prdcesseur, merci tous. B Statement from IOC Officers for the opening of 27th Assembly Prof. Adot Blivi, Dr Sang-Kyung Byun, Prof. Peter Haugan, Prof. Yutaka Michida, Dr Atanas Palazov, Capt Frederico Antonio Saraiva Nogueira UNESCO, 26 June 2013 Our Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission is in a moment of financial crisis. We, the IOC Officers, believe that the Commission provides the Member States with a valuable platform for international cooperation and coordination of programmes in research, observations, data exchange, services and capacity-building. The IOC allows us to learn more about the nature and resources of the ocean and coastal areas, and to apply that knowledge for the improvement of management, sustainable development, the protection of the marine environment, and in our decision-making processes. We consider it very unlikely that UNESCO's full cash flow and budget will be restored in the next two years. So although you are asked to review and adopt a draft budget for 2014-2015 for the Commission that requests about $12 million of regular programme contribution from UNESCO, we believe it very unlikely that the Member States of the Commission will have all of these resources available to implement their programme. We recall that the 2012-2013 regular programme budget for the Commission received from UNESCO was only about $7 million. This means that there is likely to be an approximately $5 million shortfall in the next two years in order for our Commission to function properly in support of our goals. The viability of IOC in these next two years depends entirely on whether Member States and/or regional groups of Member States are prepared to put additional funds towards the operation of Commission programmes. We have 145 Member States. We propose that Member States make a minimum voluntary contribution to the IOC in line with the UN standard scale of assessments to make up for this shortfall. This would amount to a few tens of USD for some Member States and up to of the order of 100 000 USD for those which are expected to be able to contribute the most. We run a very serious risk, if nothing happens, to lose the leadership in ocean sciences, observation systems and ocean services, and to be unable to properly run the administrative structure of the Secretariat. We call on you to make this your minimum voluntary contribution to the work of the IOC, to contribute to the success of our Commission. We cannot evaluate how each Member State can contribute, but we count on the willingness of each of us to think seriously about an urgent solution for this issue, each one within its own capabilities and constraints. C Chairmans Statement of the State of the IOC, DrSang-Kyung Byun UNESCO, 26 June 2013 Your Excellencies, Distinguished guests and colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen, It is a pleasure and honour for me to report on the state of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) to its Twenty-seventh session of Assembly on behalf of the IOC Officers. As this is the first meeting of IOC Assembly since my election, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to the member states for allowing me to work together as a Chair and I hereby pledge to discharge my responsibilities to the best of my ability. Your support is a source of constant inspiration to me during my term of office. Taking this opportunity, I would like to pay tribute, on behalf of the Assembly, to Capt. Javier Armando Valladares, former chairman of IOC, who has a strong passion for oceanography and a good sense of humour, for his cooperative advices and sharing his vast experience in the field. During the past two years we have faced various challenges arising from the change of external and internal circumstances. Among them has been the financial situation of UNESCO and IOC that drew our keen attention. As indicated in the two IOC Circular Letters No. 2416 of 20 December 2011 entitled "URGENT: financial situation of UNESCO and the IOC and Programme and budget for 20122013 (36C/6)" and No.2426 of 15 March 2012 "Update on the Status of the IOC Programme and Budget for 20122013 (36 C/5)", the United States of America and Israel have both withheld their assessed contribution after UNESCO admitted Palestine as a Member State through voting. This resulted in a 76% cut to resources for activities and 8% cut for staff in the IOC budget. The allocation of the Emergency Fund from UNESCO, however, increased the total available funding for programme activities from 24% to 58% of the approved 36 C/5 level, with a large increase in High Level Objective 1. The present budget reduction has never before been experienced, but the IOC secretariat staff immediately showed their readiness and willingness to respond to it. During this session, active discussion on this issue is expected among the member states. As regards the decision of the Director-General of UNESCO to extend the contract of the Executive Secretary from 14 November 2013 to 11 January 2015, the IOC Officers, during the courtesy call to her office on 28 June 2012, inquired to the DG about the possibility of extension to ensure the continuity of work, and we received her positive reaction. Replying to a formal letter on 15 November 2012 as a follow-up, MsIrina Bokova subsequently informed the Chair that she decided to extend MsWendy Watson-Wrights contract for a fourteen-month period beyond the previous contract. Therefore, we should reconsider the administrative process going forward from now. Ladies and gentlemen, The 2012 IOC officers meeting was held on 12 February 2012 at IOC headquarters to discuss the overall matters including the financial situation of UNESCO and IOC, and to prepare the provisional agenda and timetable for the 45th IOC Executive Council. The officers took note of IOC budget reductions and they agreed to adopt new methods of working such as shortening the meeting period of the Executive Council to three days and refining the meeting procedure. The 2013 IOC Officers Meeting was convened on 1415 January 2013, again at IOC headquarters. The Officers discussed the pending questions and issues, especially on the organizing of the 46th Session of the Executive Council and the 27th Session of the Assembly, the financial situation of IOC and UNESCO, the Medium-Term Strategy for 2014-2021, the proposal for a Category-2 Centre from the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and a new global mechanism entitled Global Ocean Science Report for assessing and reporting the level of capacity in ocean science. After the last IOC Assembly, the Chair and the Officers had an exchange of letters with the Director-General, MsIrina Bokova, regarding the budgetary allocation for IOC in the revised programme and budget for 2012-2013 that was adopted by the 36th General Conference (36 C/5 Addendum). The Director-General was responsive to our request and IOC was benefited with a lesser budgetary reduction than average, that is, minus 3.4% instead of a minus 4.5%. Through two letters of 2 February 2012 and 30 January 2013, after the IOC officers' meetings in February 2012 and January 2013 respectively, we explained the current situation of IOC and expressed appreciation for the support of Director General in spite of the present UNESCO financial difficulties. I believe that IOC keeps good relations with the Director-General for maintaining functional autonomy and operational flexibility within UNESCO. I had an opportunity to report the main activities of the IOC 50th anniversary at the UNESCO 36th General Conference on 31st October 2011, focusing on creating awareness of IOC and promoting a better image of UNESCO and its IOC, and obtaining the governments commitment to the ocean. UNESCO in the ocean side event on 1st November 2011 launched the report "A blueprint for Ocean and Coastal Sustainability and its summary for decision-makers" which was published by IOC in collaboration with UNDP, IMO, and FAO. I know that this report was translated into a few languages and was used as an important background reference for Rio+20 to drive sustainable use of the ocean. Another important General Conference side event on The official presentation of the IOC Sub-Commission for Africa and Adjacent Island States was organized on 29th October 2011 jointly by IOC and African Group. Representatives of Africa Members States including Ministers and Secretary General of National Commissions for UNESCO and Africa Regional Committees attended the event. Ladies and gentlemen, I am very pleased to report to you on regional activities. The IOC Sub-commission for Africa and Adjacent Island States, IOCAFRICA, was established and its first Intergovernmental Session was held in United Nations Offices in Nairobi, Kenya, during 2-3 May 2012. The session was chaired by IOC Vice-Chair for Group V, Prof Adot Blim Blivi. The IOC Regional Committee for the Eastern Atlantic (IOCEA) and the IOC Regional Committee for the Western Indian Ocean (IOCWIO) were dissolved in line with Resolution XXVI-3 of the IOC Assembly. The Sub-Commission elected one Chair from South Africa and three Vice-Chairs from Egypt, Cameroon and Mauritania for the next intersession and adopted 4 recommendations including IOCAFRICA Strategic Plan and programmes of work for 20122013. I am honoured to report to IOC Assembly of my participation in The Second Session of the IOC Sub-Commission for Africa and Adjacent Island States (IOCAFRICA-II) held during 3-4 April 2013, in Cape Town, South Africa, with the support of the South Africas Department of Environmental Affairs. During the Session, there were comprehensive discussions and constructive suggestions for the future development of IOCAFRICA, with the full participation of Member States, on the strategic plan, programme of work for 2014-2017 and cooperation with other organizations. I am sure there will be a detailed report on this during this Assembly. The 9th Intergovernmental Session of the IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific, IOC/WESTPAC, was held in Busan, Republic of Korea on 912 May 2012. During the Session, the WESTPAC ocean research priority plan, and regional programmes, projects and working groups were reviewed and approved by the member states. IOC Vice-Chair for Group V, Prof Adot Blim Blivi was invited to attend the Session with the support from the Republic of Korea for mutual cooperation between IOC/WESTPAC and IOCAFRICA. The Twelfth Session of the IOC/UNESCO Sub-Commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (SC-IOCARIBE-XII) was held in Panama City, Panama from 9 to 12 April 2013 with the support of the Panama Maritime Authority. The Session was attended by 37 participants from twelve countries of the Caribbean Region, UN Agencies and regional organizations. The Session reviewed progress made during the intersessional period 20112013, and adopted three recommendations concerning: (i) Review of the IOCARIBE Secretariat; (ii) Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem (CLME); and, (iii) IOCARIBE-GOOS. The IOC Executive Secretary attended the meeting, offering three presentations and interacting with delegates. Again, there will be a report on this at this Assembly. It is also worth mentioning two workshops held in the WESTPAC area. One was a workshop on The Status of Marine Renewable Energy Technology Development in the Western Pacific" held in Malacca, Malaysia, 1618 February 2012. This workshop was organized by the Malaysian government in collaboration with IOC/WESTPAC and the Republic of Korea in order to exchange information on the current status and future potential of marine renewable energy in the Western Pacific countries. Extensive interests were expressed from the technological as well as economical points of view to the development of future marine renewable energies using tide, current, wave, wind, and ocean temperature, etc. The other was the UNESCO/UNU Symposium on The Great East Japan Tsunami on 11 March 2011 and Tsunami Warning Systems: Policy Perspectives held during 16-17 February 2012 at United Nations University, Tokyo, Japan with an attendance of about 300 participants. Welcoming remarks were provided by His Imperial Highness Crown Prince Naruhito. This symposium was officially opened by the Director General of UNESCO, MsIrina Bokova, and the Rector of the United Nations University, DrKonradOsterwalder. Former Director General of UNESCO, MrKoichiro Matsuura provided closing remarks. Furthermore, I have to mention three regional workshops held in Group II, Group III and Group V respectively. The first meeting was held in Varna, Bulgaria during 1922 March 2012 by the Institute of Oceanology, Bulgarian Academy of Science with the support of the Korean government. Two fora were organized consecutively during the meeting, namely, one forum on "The future of IOC toward next 10 years" for the purpose of exchanging views among IOC ex-chairs, and another forum on "The Operational Oceanography of IOC for Group II" to share information on the current status of ocean observation system in the region of Eastern Europe. Following decision 4.2 of the 45th Session of IOC Executive Council to improve IOCs activities in the area of sustained ocean observations and services, the second workshop was held 5-8 March 2013, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, with the participation of 36 experts from 15 Member States of Group III and Korea, under the auspices of the Brazilian Navy and the government of Republic of Korea. This workshop was intended to broaden the discussion initiated at the Group II Forum held in Varna, Bulgaria, in 2012, and was organized in two consecutive foraThe Future of Sustained Ocean Observations and Services in Group III and The Present Status of Sustained Ocean Observations and Services in Caribbean and Latin America Countries. I am expecting such workshops to be continued in other regional groups as well. The first African-Korea Forum on Ocean Sciences, Technology and Innovation was held in Cotonou, Republic of Benin, from 8 to 10 August 2012, with the support from the governments of Benin and Korea and also IOC. The Forum aimed to bring together the experts and policy makers working in marine science in order to identify gaps in ocean observation systems and to develop human capacity. There were about 100 participants from Benin, other African countries and Korea. The Forum received an unprecedented political support from the Government of Benin, by the attendance of His Excellency, The Minister of Environment, Housing and Urban Development of Benin, MrBlaise Onisephore Ahanhanzo, and especially by a courtesy visit to His Excellency, the President of the Republic of Benin who was also the president of the African Union with 54 African countries, DrBoni Yayi. In May 2012, two IOC-related meetings were held in the Republic of Korea in conjunction with the EXPO 2012 Yeosu Korea which aimed in projecting a vision for green growth from the sea under the theme of "The Living Ocean and Coast". Namely they were: - "The 2nd International Symposium on Effects of Climate Change on the World's Ocean", held in Yeosu, Korea from 1320 May 2012 as a collaboration between IOC, ICES and PICES, and - "The 4th Session of the Joint IOC-WMO Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology" in Yeosu, Korea during 2331 May 2012 by IOC and WMO. The Session elected MrJohan Stander (South Africa) and DrNadiaPinardi (Italy) as meteorology and oceanography co-presidents, respectively. On the final day of 12 August 2012, UN Secretary-General Ban, Ki-Moon launched a new initiative called The Oceans Compact to protect the ocean and the people whose livelihoods depend on it, and called on countries to work together to achieve more sustainable management of this precious resource and address the threats it is currently facing. The Expo 2012 Yeosu Korea concluded with the Yeosu declaration whose main goal is to enlighten the world's civil society to have greater stewardship over the protection of marine environment and simultaneously to seek sustainable use of the ocean for future generations. Through a series of ocean related events, I believe the awareness for the importance of the ocean in the national or international societies will be enhanced significantly. On behalf of IOC, I had an opportunity to participate as a panelist at the International Ocean Forum 2012 held during World Ocean Week, 2-8 November, in Xiamen, China, with the theme of Blue Economy, Green Growth - Science-Led Development of Marine Economy. The World Ocean Week of Xiamen provided a platform for promoting sustainable development of the ocean, particularly for regional cooperation and enhancing the interaction between the marine natural science and social science. I would like to remind you of the letter addressed on 15 April 2013. From this we, IOC Officers, requested to the Member States that each government should be informed of the present financial situation of IOC so as to explore the ways to contribute to its extra-budgetary funds. We also stressed that all delegates participate fully in the discussion on the new Medium Term Strategy for 2014-2021 during this session. Ladies and gentlemen, We celebrated 50th anniversary of IOC three years ago. As stated explicitly in the Statutes, IOC has been working on promoting international cooperation and coordinating programmes in research, services and capacity-building, in order to learn more about the nature and resources of the ocean and coastal areas and to apply that knowledge for the improvement of management, sustainable development, the protection of the marine environment, and the decision-making processes of its Member States. In this regard, Africa as well as Small Island Developing States, as priority for UNESCO and for IOC, need more help for their capacity development in ocean activities. In order to strengthen the role of IOC as the competent body and focal point for ocean science matters in the UN system with a functional autonomy within UNESCO, IOC should voluntarily demonstrate its capability by actively participating in regional and international activities such as the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) in Rio, Brazil and UNs The Oceans Compact. In this connection, IOC should be always ready to demonstrate the importance of the ocean for human life through focusing on the sustainable use of the ocean and the blue green economy. The ocean plays a key role in the sustainability of our planet, which promises IOCs future with the blue and green ocean. Since its establishment in 1960, IOC's activities seem to be more focused on science rather than services. This brings IOC in facing continuous challenges from other international and domestic organizations during the last decade in terms of its leadership in the UN system. In order to meet the pending issues of member states, IOC should develop the function in ocean forecasting for predicting ocean-related disasters and climate change over the global ocean and coastal seas and, furthermore, find proper mechanisms, in consensus, such as operational oceanography for sustainable observation and service as well as scientific research and knowledge. It is true that today we have many hardships caused by recent budgetary reductions and also by urgent ocean related issues as stated in the current four High Level Objectives of the IOC. However, I am sure that the future of IOC will be promising and prosperous if we strive forward hand in hand with our member states. Lets go together! Thank you for your attention. D Statement from the President of the International Ocean Institute, Dr Awni Behnam UNESCO, 28 June 2013 DrWendy Watson-Wright, Executive Secretary of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission and Assistant Director-General of UNESCO, MrPresident, Distinguished delegates On behalf of the International Ocean Institute I wish to express deep appreciation and honour for the long and fruitful years of cooperation and collaboration with the IOC. We truly value this partnership which has contributed so much to the achievement of the mission and goals of the IOI. Our current MOU updates the one previously signed in 1993 but our cooperation dates back even earlier, particularly so since the majority of the Executive Directors of IOI came to IOI after successful earlier careers with IOC. The MOU we signed jointly in November 2010 reflects and further refines the complementary nature of IOC/UNESCO and IOI in strengthening marine related institutions in developing countries through capacity development, through sharing and dissemination of information and through the establishment of partnerships. We have committed to cooperate to: support research, training programmes, scientific exchanges, fellowships, the organization of joint meetings and joint publications; strengthen programmes of coral reef protection, eco-villages and eco-tourism projects, women, youth and the sea initiatives; improve the quality of education in the marine sciences and to speed up the effort to find solutions to the problems of sustainable development; keep each other informed of relevant ongoing and planned programmes, projects and activities; share information and outreach material such as newsletters, yearbooks, conference and workshop proceedings and reports and other publications; support professionals of developing countries to participate in conferences, workshops and other meetings and training activities through funding or cost-sharing opportunities promote linkages between and among regional and national networks and/or centres with regards to training, research, creating awareness, information sharing and other capacity building activities. The above actions are part of an ambitious programme, but one that is of direct relevance to assisting developing countries and economies in transition in managing their role in ocean governance. It is a programme to which the IOI and its global network of Operational Centres and Focal Points dedicates much of its best effort and time with the ambition of achieving the stated goals, as does the IOC of UNESCO. Nevertheless, despite not having met all goals to the desired level of achievement so that our work remains current, our modest joint achievements remain worthy of the renewal of the MOU for another three years. Here I wish to mention that some of the most valuable contributions of the IOC have been in the area of intellectual and technical support to the IOIs global and regional training and education programmes in which we have incorporated in the work of IOC as in the workshops offered on marine spatial planning and natural marine hazards. In the new MOU we wish to retain the focus of our cooperation on capacity building through education and training. The IOI also continues to invest time and capacity into the creation of new training and capacity building opportunities for the ocean community worldwide, through the expansion of the training programmes being organised through IOI-OceanLearn: the IOIs system-wide programme for the coordination, delivery, quality assurance and development of global partnerships of the International Ocean Institutes capacity building activities Therefore in this respect, and with due acknowledgement to the partners who have made this possible, I am pleased to announce that, along with the University of Malta we are launching - a first of its kind the postgraduate Master Degree in Ocean Governance. This Masters degree programme on Ocean Governance is unique in its approach; it aims to forge a knowledge base that is essentially legal but which also delves into the natural and social sciences to determine how an effective governance framework should operate within a multidisciplinary perspective. In this era of globalization and sectoral integration, capacity building in the regulation of ocean governance plays a pivotal role in ensuring safe and healthy oceans for the benefit of humankind and the planet. I also draw your kind attention and extend an invitation to you to our flagship conference in Thailand on 3 to 7 September this year which will address the theme: Sustainable Governance of the Ocean: Impacts of Climate Change & Ocean Related Hazards and, specifically, to the Leadership Seminar to be organised within it, entitled: Science on Tsunami for Todays Society and its Input to Society Security and Sustainability Thank you. E Presentation by Prof. Adot Blim Blivi, Vice-chairman Group V and Chairman of the Regional Subsidiary Body meeting, 2013 (IOC-XXVII/RSB/3) UNESCO, 28 June 2013 Monsieur le Prsident, Madame la Secrtaire Excutive, Chers Collgues IOC Vice Chair Chairpersons and Technical secretaries of Sub-Commissions and decentralized offices Mesdames et Messieurs les Dlgus des Etats Membres 1-La lettre circulaire de la COI n 2474 du 25 fvrier 2013 annonait des runions en marge de la prsente session, entre autres la runion des organes subsidiaires rgionaux de la COI sous ma responsabilit; ce qui me permet de vous rendre compte, titre informatif et dorientation des mesures prendre, si ncessaire, en vue de la croissance de la performance des organes subsidiaires, structures fondamentales, soubassements incontournables de la COI dans ces grandes gographies de la mer sous les appellations bien connues WESTPAC, IOCARIBE et IOCAFRICA. 2 - Cette runion a eu lieu le 24 juin 2013 dans le Room VI de 15 heures 18 heures; trois heures pour activer tous les moteurs danalyse des questions transversales des Regional Subsidiaries Bodies auxquelles se sont ajouts, dans la dernire rvision de lagenda de la runion, les sujets aussi importants des bureaux dcentraliss, notamment PERTH Regional Programme Office, Black Sea Regional Committee and IOC Regional Committee for the Indian Ocean. 3 - Cette runion est sous leffet de la Rsolution XXVI-1, Strengthening IOC Regional Subsidiary Bodies qui entre autres, Urges Member states to actively participate in regional Subsidiary Bodies and provide financial and in-kind support for the implementation of activities in the regions, including the secondment of staff. 4-Lannexe de cette Rsolution XXVI-1 intitul Regional Strategy for Organizational Improvement fait apprhender le cadrage de cette rsolution indiquant des caractristiques, notamment, Secretariat support and dedicated staff who are able to provide liaison between the Member States, organizations and institutions in the regions, willingness of Member States in these regions to contribute both in-kind and cash toward the implementation of activities, identifiant les actions primaires de la COI, entre autres, define and implement focused regional priorities that provide leadership roles for Member States and ensure their engagement in the programmes et prcisant lintrt dintgrer ces actions primaires capitales in the next IOC Medium-Term Strategy 2014-2019. 5- Dans la mise en uvre des rsolutions et dispositions consolidant les Regional Subsidiary Bodies particulirement, il est admis louverture du poste IOC Regional Liaison Officer; ce qui fut ralis entre Aot 2011 et Janvier 2012 avec la mise en service de la fonction au Secrtariat de la COI sous la responsabilit du Secrtaire Excutif Adjoint. Cette dimension structurelle assez justifie renvoie une veille dinformations sur les Regional Subsidiary Bodies pour le Secrtariat de la COI afin dlucider trs rapidement toutes demandes relatives la vie des ces trois organes subsidiaires. 6 Le compte rendu de la runion du 24 juin que je rapporte sous le item 5.1.3 - Role des organes subsidiaires rgionaux et des bureaux dcentraliss, je le reconsidre tant Regards Croiss sur les performances des organes subsidiaires rgionaux et des bureaux dcentraliss, la notion de performance comporte plusieurs tages: la rfrence (ltat des lieux), les mesures et les ambitions et visions. 7 Lagenda de la runion comportait 8 points de discussion tournant autour de lannexe de la Rsolution XXVI-1, de la participation et contribution des Etats membres au dveloppement des organes, de lobservation des dfis communs et majeurs transversaux et visant la mise en exergue de propositions dorientations (au titre de recommandations) pour relever les programmes de la COI dans les diffrents organes subsidiaires rgionaux. 8- Jai donn la parole Mme la Secrtaire Excutive pour cibler limportance de cette pratique de la COI dorganiser une concertation entre les Officiers et les Secrtaires techniques des trois organes, largie aux experts des ces gographies de la mer. Avec sa subtilit tactique dengager les runions, elle a optimis lattention des Dlgus des 23 Etats membres, des dlgus variablement dans leurs rles et fonctions, sur limportance des organes rgionaux, porteurs cls de la COI dans les Etats membres rgionaux. Elle a dirig les discutants vers des voix, des mcanismes innovants trouver pour de meilleures appropriations des dfis dans un contexte financier qui bouscule notre organisation, la COI, dont elle a encore la charge. 9 Le IOC Regional Liaison Officier a situ le cadre de la runion par un contenu technique fond sur le document IOC/INF 1299 qui rapporte le cadrage structurel de la COI et ses organes et bureaux dcentraliss (administration, budgets etc;). Jai regrett que nous ne disposions pas de document de synthse sur les performances des trois organes subsidiaires. 10 La mthode interactive engage a favoris une somme dinformations produite par les organes, par les bureaux et par les comits. LAssemble a bnfici des prsentations soignes faites par les Prsidents des Sous-Commissions appuys par leurs Secrtaires techniques; des prsentations boucles par des dcisions qui retracent les questions discutes au cours la runion. Il faut signaler galement une somme importante de contributions croises. Cette grande somme (informations et contributions) est finalise en diffrents grands points suivants: Linsuffisance de personnel en service dans les secrtariats des organes; les expriences partages montrent les engagements des Etats membres cet effet (IOCAFRICA/Kenya); la mise en action des approches de dcentralisation des points focaux agissant pour le compte de secrtariat (Region WESTPAC). La communication des activits des organes; lexprience de WESTPAC est cole, y puiser des ressources dapplication serait lavantage des autres organes. IOCAFRICA bnfice dune attention particulire des Officiers de la COI qui ont saisi la DG/UNECO sur la visibilit de la Sous-Commission auprs de la Commission de lUnion Africaine; ce qui constitue un moteur pour mieux intgrer les Etats membres aux forces scientifiques techniques qui figurent dans le plan stratgique adopt. Limportance des organes subsidiaires a t releve au plan de la signification de leurs visibilits dans la rgion et dans chaque Etat membrepar des ressources stables, croissantes. La recherche de ces moyens rside plus dans les volonts individuelles et collectives (lexemple de WESTPAC est considrer). Le renforcement des capacits a t soulign avec une nouvelle version intgrant les formations diplomantes Mater et PhD. Lexemple de WESTPAC disposant dun Centre de Catgorie II a t trs porteur et doit tre copi pour appuyer les quipes de chercheurs bien avances dans des domaines prcis. La mobilisation des ressources a t aussi discute et amliore par de nouveaux types de partenariats productifs sur la base de projets ralistes, concrets relatifs aux grands sujets de recherche dapplication: la scurit humaine dans les zones ctires, lconomie des mers et la scurit maritime sont des questions qui sensibilisent les Etats membres (surtout dans la zone IOCAFRICA) 11 - Sagissant des Comits, les participants ont not le retour aux bonnes pratiques pour relever la porte de ces comits. Depuis plusieurs annes (+ de 10 ans) des runions, des workshops nont plus t organises. Le futur de ces comits peut tre engag. Il faut trouver un meilleur mcanisme cet effet. 12 - Au regard des enjeux partags, au-del de la crise financire bien comprise par tous depuis deux ans, les discussions ont dgag: The inadequate level of the regular budget allocations, Insufficient and discontinued extra-budgetary resources, Only one staff for each secretariat (understaffing), The sustainability of the IOC global and regional programmes. 13 - En dfinitive, quelques orientations fixent lessentiel discut et partag lors de la runion: Optimiser les mcanismes de financements dans la rgion et dans les Etats membres, Dvelopper un mcanisme de meilleur rendement entre les structures de la COI, les RSBs et les bureaux et un plan stratgique de suivi, Demander aux Etats membres de prendre en compte la ncessit de personnel additionnel aux secrtariats des RSBs, Encourager les Etats membres un dveloppement de volont pragmatique pour appuyer la mise en uvre des activits la fois locales et rgionales. 14 En note gnrale IOC Regional Liaison Office ne dispose pas de rapport sur les RSBs. Ce manque dindicateurs doit tre corrig pour rpondre aux attentes de ce bureau mis en service en janvier 2012, Il faut un cahier de charge des titres, attributions, rles de IOC Regional Liaison Office ( soumettre aux Officiers de la COI lors de leur session annuelle (janvier ou fvrier 2014), Les secrtaires techniques des RSBs, des bureaux dcentraliss et les Officiers des Trois Sous-Commissions doivent avoir une session biannuelle dune journe la veille du Conseil Excutif et de lAssemble. Les discussions ont apport des lments rpondant au futur de la COI dans les RSBs. F Tribute to MrAriel W. Gonzalez (Argentina) by MrElie Jarmache, Chairman of the IOC Advisory Body of Experts on the Law of the Sea UNESCO, 1st July 2013 Hommage de M. Elie Jarmache (France), prsident de lOrgane consultatif d'experts sur le droit de la mer (IOC/ABE-LOS), la mmoire de M. Ariel W. Gonzalez (Argentine) Monsieur le Prsident, Madame la Secrtaire excutive, Mesdames, Messieurs, Rendre hommage Ariel Gonzalez est bien la dernire chose que je souhaitais faire ce matin. Son destin tragique en a dcid autrement. Et je le fais avec le sentiment quil sagit non pas dune obligation protocolaire mais avec le sentiment quil sagit dun devoir qui est d la mmoire dun collgue, qui au fil des annes est devenu un ami auquel me liaient de fortes convergences intellectuelles. Au sein de la COI, de notre COI, de sa COI, dont la communaut est lgitimement compose de scientifiques et de gestionnaires de locanographie, Ariel Gonzalez a introduit ds son arrive la ncessit de penser nos activits dans le cadre dun nouvel ordre juridique qui est celui qui est n avec la Convention des Nations unies sur le Droit de la mer. Et le groupe consultatif dexperts sur le Droit de la mer que lon connait dans cette assemble comme sappelant ABE-LOS, cr par cette assemble, est n prcisment de la rencontre entre un programme ou des programmes de la COI et des rgles de la Convention sur le Droit de la mer. Ayant prsid ce groupe, quasiment sur la dure dune dcennie, je peux tmoigner de son rle et de son apport aux travaux dABE-LOS. On doit sa dtermination, jallais dire son enttement, on lui doit ladoption dun guide sur le transfert des techniques marines qui est aujourdhui une rfrence. Ce guide est rgulirement cit dans les rsolutions de lAssemble gnrale des Nations unies. Ariel a dvelopp des ides originales de mise en uvre de la partie XIV de la Convention, partie XIV qui tait laisse pour compte par de nombreux scientifiques, gestionnaires, juristes et diplomates. Ariel a, dans cette assemble, ramen cette question au centre de nos dbats. Au-del de cet exemple, je peux aussi tmoigner de deux autres traits minents de la personnalit dAriel Gonzalez. Ariel avait lintelligence du droit et la passion de lArgentine. Lintelligence du droit dabord. Elle sest manifeste de plusieurs manires. Bien entendu le droit nest pas univoque. Et Ariel a su exprimer les diffrentes nuances de la faon dont on pensait le droit. Il a souvent dit que la rigueur nexcluait pas ladaptation aux exigences des situations et il en a fait la preuve dans nos travaux. Par exemple, Ariel dfendait lintgrit du rgime juridique de la partie XIII qui rgit la recherche scientifique en mer. Il tait un gardien du temple! Mais lorsquen face de lui, pour des raisons concrtes et pratique et il y a dans la salle des gens qui doivent sen souvenir lorsquen face de lui il a trouv les tenants de la communaut de locanographie oprationnelle en proie aux difficults daccepter cette rigueur juridique, lui le premier a dit: Dites-nous quelles sont vos difficults, quels problmes vous rencontrez. Il y a toujours moyen de trouver une solution dans le respect de lesprit de la rgle. Et ainsi fut fait. Intelligence du droit par sa capacit proposer des possibilits de sortie de crise quand ladoption dun texte reposait sur la sacro-sainte rgle du consensus. Passion de lArgentine! Cher Ariel. Est-il besoin de dire que dans son thique personnelle, le service passionn de son pays tait une vertu permanente. Au-del de la valeur, ctait dabord une vertu de comportement. Le pays ne pouvait mal faire. Et ici la notion de pays est une notion atemporelle, cest--dire quelle dpasse les rgimes, les gouvernements, les lites. Donc son pays, de ce point de vue-l, ne pouvait mal faire. Il faut se souvenir, dune manire non pas anecdotique, et je le dis sous le contrle de Javier (Valladares), il faut se souvenir de lardeur quil a mise faire lire un argentin la tte de lAssemble. Il y a mis toute sa conviction. Il a t un agent lectoral au meilleur sens du terme pour faire lire un argentin la prsidence de lAssemble. Il faut se rappeler galement de sa fiert, de sa joie quil a eu accueillir le groupe dexperts (ABE-LOS) auquel il appartenait, Buenos Aires, dans sa capitale. Une grande runion (5e session, Avril 2005). Il a t la fois un hte extraordinaire et un animateur. Il avait le sentiment que pour la renomme du pays, la session qui se tenait chez lui devait tre une session absolument remarquable par ses rsultats. Ce ft le cas: nous y avons adopt un certain nombre de dcisions importantes. Ce ft pour moi si vous permettez ce dtour dun souvenir personnel ce ft pour moi, loccasion, grce lui et sous sa conduite, de refaire avec lui litinraire qui lemmenait vers son collge. Il ma fait visiter le collge. Et la joie quil avait raconter ses annes dadolescence. Et ctait assez mouvant de voir chez ce garon, chez cet homme dapparence austre, une certaine joie lie des souvenirs que lloignement de la capitale rendait encore plus beau. Louvrage quil nous laisse est aujourdhui un ouvrage qui est le meilleur de la synthse entre ces deux traits que je viens dvoquer. Son ouvrage est la croise des chemins. Ainsi tait donc Ariel. Mais il tait plus que ce que je viens de dire, forcment. Il tait plus attachant encore. Et il tait comme nous tous qui pouvons ltre dune certaine faon, encore beaucoup plus complexe. Il reste de lui dans cette salle et dans toutes celles o la COI se runit, cette allure dun jeune homme press. Toujours rentrant et sortant en coup de vent. Je dirais dun ternel jeune homme press. Et malheureusement lternit nous la pris. Il est dans notre rle de pouvoir, tout moment, ralentir les effets de lternit. Cest pourquoi, au moment de finir mon hommage trs bref, jai lhonneur de proposer, cest une ide qui mest venue ce matin, jai lhonneur de soumettre lapprobation de cette assemble qui prendra le temps de la rflexion, que lAssemble de la COI retienne lide dune sance commmorative tous les deux ans qui porterait le nom de Confrence Ariel Gonzalez. De la mme faon que nous avons dj sur nos emplois du temps les confrences A. Bruun et N.K Panikkar. Et nous aurions ainsi un triptyque qui fait que tous les deux ans, revenant en assemble, nous savons que nous aurons des discussions scientifiques minentes comme celle de vendredi dernier. Mais nous savons galement que grce Ariel, grce soin legs, nous serons la hauteur de discussions, et daborder des questions mergentes qui sont celles aussi bien du droit que de la gouvernance. Quel plus bel hommage que lui rendre cela loccasion de ces sances commmoratives. Je vous remercie vraiment de votre attention. ANNEX IV REPORT OF THE CHAIRMAN OF THE RESOLUTIONS COMMITTEE Peter Dexter (Australia) Mr Chairman, colleagues, it is my pleasure to report to the 27th session of the Assembly as chairman of the Resolutions Committee. The Committee examined 3 draft resolutions, two of which were available to delegates in the Action Paper in advance of the session, the other, dealing with Programme and Budget matters and the Medium Term Strategy, became available during the session, as agreed earlier by the Assembly. As a first comment, I would say that having fewer DRs to examine, made available well in advance of the session, with other actions required by the Assembly being included in Decisions to be embedded in the report of the session, has made the work of the Resolutions Committee considerably easier. This also clearly provided advantages for the delegations, in enabling them to formulate views and responses in advance. In addition, having the DRs prepared in advance, with support from the Secretariat, meant that they were much better formulated, concise, and generally better written than those in the past, prepared in extremis during Governing Body sessions. They generally conformed well with the draft guidelines which the Executive Council adopted last year on a trial basis, and this also considerably assisted the work of the Committee. In general, the Resolutions Committee made very few editorial and structural changes to these DRs. On the other hand, Mr Chairman, colleagues, it appears from discussions during the Assembly on some of the agenda items, in particular those relating to the reports of various subsidiary bodies, that we may have gone a little too far in the other direction in converting what were previously formulated as DRs into simple decisions. My impression of the feeling of the Assembly, with which I agree, is that decisions on such reports, and in particular the recommendations contained in them, should in future be formulated as DRs, so that budgetary and other resource implications in their approval, for both the Organization and Member States, can be explicitly spelled out and evaluated prior to such approval. It is therefore my recommendation to the Executive Secretary, subsidiary bodies and Member States that, when formulating decisions based on recommendations from such subsidiary bodies in the future, these be presented to the Governing Bodies in the form of DRs whenever they contain resource implications for the IOC and/or Member States. I do not believe that this recommendation requires any modification to the draft guidelines for DRs as formulated last year, which otherwise seem to have worked well, but is simply to inform the work to be undertaken in future in formulating decisions and/or DRs. Mr Chairman, colleagues, the other task before the Resolutions Committee was to review the draft guidelines on DRs adopted by the EC in 2012 on a trial basis in preparing for the present Assembly, and to recommend to the Assembly any modifications, and eventually their formal adoption. Before proceeding, I would like to stress that these guidelines are intended as just that guidelines. While they of course should conform with relevant parts of the Rules of Procedure and Statutes, they do not, in themselves, constitute rules or regulations, but provide guidelines to the Member States, subsidiary bodies and the Executive Secretary in the preparation and presentation of draft resolutions, recommendations and decisions to Governing and subsidiary bodies of the IOC. As I noted earlier, with the small proviso I just mentioned, these draft guidelines have worked well from the perspective of the Resolutions Committee, in simplifying and facilitating our work. A number of small, essentially editorial changes are suggested, to improve consistency and also clarify the text in places. At the same time, the Committee did express some concern over two of the articles in the guidelines, which will be shown on the screen. The first concerns Article 8, where some delegations felt that, since the current version of the Rules of Procedure do not explicitly give the right to the Executive Secretary to submit DRs to Governing Bodies, these Guidelines should also explicitly not contain such a right. Consequently, we have agreed to omit little roman 2 from the previous draft of article 8. At the same time, however, I believe, both personally and speaking for Australia, that the Executive Council, at its 47th session in 2014, should be requested to address this issue, with a view to possibly proposing to the next Assembly in 2015 a small amendment to the Rules of Procedure to accommodate such a pathway for submission. I know that this view is not necessarily shared by others on the Committee, so I would invite other Member States to give their views on this issue. In the event of a consensus to proceed, some modifications to the draft decision on this topic have been prepared to effect this. The second issue of concern relates to Article 15, where delegations have proposed to extend the advance time required for the submission of DRs to the Governing Bodies from 24 hours to 72 hours. This seemed to the Committee to be very reasonable, so this change has been made to Article 15. In addition, the Committee felt it appropriate to further clarify the situation regarding the DR on Programme and Budget, and facilitate the future work of Governing Bodies. To this end, we are proposing a separate Article on this issue, which is explicit regarding the submission of the Programme and Budget DR during sessions, rather than in advance. Finally, Mr Chairman, there are two other small changes which I bring explicitly to the attention of the Assembly: Firstly, with regard to Article 28, we propose to delete the last sentence. This seems to us to be beyond the competence and remit of the Resolutions Committee, and to be a function for the Secretariat to carry out. Secondly, and with advice from the Chairman of the Finance Committee, we propose to include some generic wording at the end of the Appendix to the Guidelines, relating to the presentation of financial implications when preparing DRs. With these comments, Mr Chairman, the Resolutions Committee recommends to the Assembly to adopt the Guidelines for Draft Resolutions, as revised. Before closing, I would like to offer my thanks to all members of the Resolutions Committee for their input and willingness to find solutions to the few problems which arose during our work. I also thank Julian Barbiere of the Secretariat for his great support and always helpful advice, which made our work much easier. Thank you. ANNEX V INFORMATIONAL ANNEX Record of Member States interventions at the 27th Session of the IOC Assembly that were provided to the IOC Secretariat by the respective Member States. Interventions are reprinted without review or verification. Statement of the Chairman on the State ofIOC India The Indian delegation would like to compliment and thank the Chair and Executive Secretary for a comprehensive presentation on progress with the implementation of various programs particularly with programmes related to the HLOs of IOC. We are happy to note the progress on Ocean observations, establishment of tsunami early warning systems, GLOSS, OBIS, capacity building programmes, and other programmes. Mr. Chairman, our government is conscious about the requirement of ocean observations and has agreed to spent USD 12 million per year to sustain and continue the existing observing systems in the Indian ocean and to increase their number as required. These include moored buoys, underwater moorings of ADCPS and current meters, Argo floats, surface drifters, XBT transects, HF radars, sea level gauges, etc. In addition to these observing systems, India is also supporting the RAMA moorings of NOAA, USA to promote data availability from the Indian Ocean region. As Australian delegation has mentioned, the scenario in ocean observations have changed drastically from what we had ten years back. As we know, the Argo floats have recently yielded the one millionth profile and will add several million profiles in the coming years. Mr. Chairman, our government is committed in promoting and supporting the programmes of IOC in ocean observations and committed to continue to do so in the coming years. Mr. Chairman, we thank IOC/UNESCO for the reposing the faith in the ITOWS and recognising Indian Tsunami Early Warning Centre as one of the Regional Tsunami Warning Service Provider for the region. Mr. Chairman, as committed earlier, we have already set up the geo-balancing mirror site to archive and distribute the OBIS data at a cost of USD 22000 and will continue to support such activities of IOC in the coming years. Japan Despite the present financial situation, the IOC has achieved a lot in its priority areas including tsunami, GOOS and other related activities. With regard to the financial crisis, my delegation would like to recall the Officers statement Capt. Frederico Salaiva Nogueira just delivered to the Assembly to draw serious attention of the Member State to the current situation and to solve the problems we have been facing. Japan has provided a staff member support to the Secretariat since January 2013 as its additional contribution to the Commission. Malaysia As mentioned, Malaysia would like to take this opportunity to reiterate its heartfelt appreciation to the Government of the Republic of Korea in particular KORDI for co-organising the Marine Renewable Energy Technology Development Workshop for the Western Pacific which was held in Malacca from 16-18 February 2012. Following this workshop, a questionnaire was distributed to all WESPAC Member States and the outcome of this questionnaire has been drafted and will be published in due course for the IOC and IOC/WESPAC. Republic of Korea On the outset, the Republic of Korea would like to thank the IOC Chair for the clear and comprehensive report highlighting the various activities as well as for your strong leadership to engage Member States in collaborating more closely and establishing stronger networks among themselves. As mentioned in the IOC chair report, the forums on the future of IOC as well as operational oceanography for IOC's Regional Group II and Group III were good initiatives for enhancing institutional capacities of IOC. In this regard, the Korean Government will continue to support the IOC Chair's intentions to establish further network for other regional groups within the IOC framework. Thank you. South Africa You have articulated the present situation very clearly with good foresight. The future success of the IOC is dependent on member states and the visibility of the commission within each member state and region. However, we would like to highlight your personal efforts in gaining Korean support for the activities on the African continent including Cotonou research meeting and the first two sessions of the IOCAFRICA. It was not only a pleasure for SA to welcome the chair and the exec sec but also other delegates from all over Africa as well as Korea to Cape Town for the second session of IOCAFRICA. For SA it became clear that a genuine relationship can develop between the republic of Korea and Africa and would welcome further engagement to give rise to a mature and mutually beneficial relationship. Report by the Executive Secretary on Programmeand Budget (20122013) and Medium Term Strategy (20082013) Implementation Belgium My delegation thanks the executive secretary for the extensive report on the IOCs activities in cooperation with concrete financial member states. It is important that if IOC has to maintain her status a flagship status within UNESCOs palmares the member states need to take their responsibility in continue their support to keep IOC operating properly. In this respect my delegation endorses the delegation of Canada to focus to the core business of IOC and use the framework that is proposed in draft Progr. & Budget documents, taking into account that several of these activities need to be worked out in a long term perspective (that means beyond 2017). This in particular thru for Capacity Building and ICAM related issues. My delegation wants to commend the executive secretary for the very comprehensive overview of the activities that IOC have been performed in the last six years. It demonstrates that IOC has been instrumental in stimulating members states to participate jointly in the implementation of Global Programs like GLOSS, ARGO, GOOS, etc IOC and the secretariat is also to be commended for her role in giving guidance in Capacity Development at local, regional and global level. It is important that IOC can continue in providing science based knowledge transfer in a cooperative manner. Canada Canada would like to express its appreciation for the efforts of the Officers, the Executive Secretary and the IOC staff in promoting the objectives of IOC during these financially difficult times. Also, Canada would like to express its sincere thanks to all the member states who have contributed financially and otherwise to ensure the continuity of IOC programmes. These voluntary contributions have allowed the IOC to continue its important mission and Canada is deeply appreciative of the spirit of community shown by all. Nevertheless, it may fairly be asked whether the current path is sustainable over the mid- and longer term. The IOC might want to consider changes to adapt to changing circumstances and ensure its continued relevance to global issues. We agree with the Executive Secretarys statement that behind the current challenges lies opportunities for constructive change. Canada is willing to work with the Officers, the Executive Secretary, the subsidiary bodies, and member states to examine the mission of the IOC and possibly find new ways to work together and forge ahead. In that sense, we strongly support the definition of a framework as alluded to in the Programme and Budget that allows the IOC to establish its priorities for its internal activities and for its partnerships. Canada feels that it is important that the IOC increasingly refines its focus (where it makes unique contributions) and communicates that focus clearly to itself and to our partners so that it can continue and possibly increase its essential contributions in the international arena. India On the capacity development front, our government has already provided the financial support to establish the International Training Centre for Operational Oceanography at INCOIS, Hyderabad. The training centre has already conducted one training course over telepresence in collaboration with IODEs Ocean Teacher programme. Now we are working with the technologists to make it possible for anyone to join such courses using their laptops from anywhere in the world. Finally, our delegation would like to assure IOC that India will continue to cooperate and support the activities of IOC. Norway Norway would like to underline the many valuable contributions that have been made by the IOC to development of ocean science and ocean science policy during the last biennium and thank the Executive Secretary and Secretariat for their efforts in managing many tasks with limited resources. While other nations have been steady supporters and provided inkind and financial support to IOC for many years, in this biennium also Norway has been able to contribute to the IOC Special Account. In particular in the present situation with the reduced funding from UNESCO, we would like to emphasize the special need for IOC to receive such funds outside the UNESCO regular budget. Only then will the IOC governing bodies be able to make relevant priorities, to capitalize on IOCs competence and capabilities and initiate new and timely activities in addition to continuing existing activities. The oceanographic competence of the IOC puts it in a special role that complements other parts of the UN system dealing with wider issues of ocean policy. The IOC activities within ocean science have a unique role to play in underpinning these wider issues and the decisions to be made. We urge all member states to contribute both to widening of the funding base of the IOC programme activities and to the debate on future activities and priorities of IOC. Republic of Korea Thank you Mr. Chairperson. The Republic of Korea would like to thank Madam Executive Secretary for her efforts in preparing and presenting the report on the recent IOC activities and budgetary situation. My delegation highly appreciates her leadership despite the recent challenges over the last 2 years, in solving the problems that IOC was facing with. Nevertheless, IOC's extra-budgetary funds have been significantly reduced compared to the last session, and therefore may affect the projects that call for a worldwide interest, such as the Tsunami Early Warning Systems and the follow-up projects for the Oceans Compact. In this regard, I would like to invite every Member States to show interest and support to jointly address this situation. Such a cooperative attention will create a synergetic effect to overcome this obstacle. My delegation wishes to underline that IOC must move forward with its projects on ocean disasters including Global Tsunami Early Warning System, Africa and Small Island Developing States, and follow-up on the recent framework of the "The Ocean's Compact Initiative" announced by the UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon. Moreover, IOC must proceed with its 4 High Level Objectives (HLOs) through collaborations without any interruption. Taking this opportunity, I would also like to draw your attention to the fact that 2012 Yeosu Expo has been successfully hosted in Korea through the support and interest of IOC and its Member States, for which I would like to pay our sincere gratitude. Finally, my delegation wants to share the information with Member States that the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries has been re-established in the Korean Government after the inauguration of the new President Park Geun-Hye. Thank you for your attention. South Africa South Africa would like to thank the Executive Secretary for the good presentation and the work done thus far, despite the difficult financial times. South Africa would like to congratulate the Secretariat for the achievements within, what we recognise, as exceptionally difficult times. As we proceed, we would urge the Secretariat to continue with their efforts in implementing these activities of the IOC and find ways in which to encourage member states and regions to continue in finding innovative ways to ensure that the valuable work proceeds. As an example, the SA delegation would also like to express its gratitude to the IOC and the government of India for funding the participation of two officials trained in the valuable field of the use of ocean observations for Coastal zone management held in India. The South African delegation also wishes to thank the Government of Flanders for their continued and sustained support for the valuable work being done on the continent of Africa with respect to ocean data and information, through the ODINAFRICA programme. This partnership has matured and we fully support this continued engagement. South Africa is grateful to the IOC for their efforts in prioritizing activities around Africa, taking into consideration the fact that Africa is a UNESCO priority. The presence of the IOC Executive Secretary, in spirit, at the first Session of IOC-Africa and her physical presence at Second Session of IOC-Africa, together with the Chair of the IOC, was much appreciated and gives confidence in the IOC that the developing countries and island states remain on the radar. South Africa, as the current chair of the Sub-Commission, would like to state that it is our intention to work together with member states of Africa and other member states of the IOC, to have a solid strategy to increase the prominence and usefulness of ocean science and services on the continent for the protection of our ecosystems and citizens. The presence of both the Executive Secretary and the IOC Chair at the Second Session of IOC Africa in Cape Town in April this year demonstrates the IOCs commitment as well as other member states such as Republic of Korea. We thank the Executive Secretary and her staff for their efforts in promoting the needs of all developing countries, small island states, and we hope that their efforts in our region will continue within the context expressed by the Executive Secretary.that now is the best time to re-evaluate our priorities and programmes to best address the challenges of citizens and ecosystems. United States of America The U.S. delegation wishes to compliment the President and the Executive Secretary in the preparation and presentation of their reports, and in their daily work. We recognize that the IOC continues to face difficult budgetary circumstances and acknowledge the efforts of the President, the Executive Secretary and the Secretariat staff to secure extra-budgetary funding to bridge gaps, to cover core functions and for IOC program activities. We express our gratitude to the many Member States that have risen to meet these budgetary challenges through general and directed contributions. The United States places a high value on its participation in the IOC, the leading competent international organization for ocean sciences. Through the IOC we see global contributions through science to safety of life, economic development and prosperity, commerce, public health, and scientific discoveries to define and improve the health of our marine environment. These results complement the objectives of our own National Ocean Policy. We fully understand the complications and difficult position of current IOC finances. We are committed to continue with our substantial investments in global ocean programs, at sea, and in organizational symposia, and to promote free exchange of data. Our presence in each of the High Level Objectives is firm. As several speakers have alluded, the initiatives of Member States will ensure the future and success of this body, I assure you that the United States is committed to sustaining our investments in our shared programs . . .(these include TSUNAMI, GOOS, IODE, CLIMATE RESEARCH including OA and the World Climate Research Program, HABS, and others.) The United States will also continue its support for the engagement of U.S. scientists and technical experts in the various IOC sessional and inter-sessional committees, working groups, and regional subsidiary bodies. Such support will enable the United States to continue to be responsive to IOC programs, circulars and contribute to the agenda of the IOC. IOC Sub-Commission for Africa and the Adjacent Island States (IOCAFRICA) Republic of Korea The Korean delegation would like to congratulate the IOCAFRICA for its successful implementation for the opening of its regional office and designating coordinators, holding second sessions of its Assembly last April, and especially on the preparing a strategic plan including work program. However, we are still concerned whether the planned activities could receive the appropriate funding due to the recent IOC's financial difficulties. Korea respects UN's decision on putting high priority toward African countries and will continue to support IOCAFRICA's development according to its strategic plan within IOC framework through Korea's various ODA program. IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific (WESTPAC) China Chinese delegation would like to thank the excellent report presented by the Chair of IOC/WESTPAC. China much appreciates the effective works of the WESTPAC Secretariat and officers during the past years in promoting practical ways and innovative modes to reform and revitalize the Sub-Commission. And we are quite satisfied to see that many programs under the framework of WESTPAC are now being successfully implemented with the comprehensive supports from the WESTPAC member states. China will continue enhance its support to the Sub-Commission, including financial contribution and staff secondment. Mr. Chair, I dont need to say more about how important of the subsidiary bodies to IOC. China urges IOC to consider strengthen its support to WESTPAC, improve the WESTPAC office based in Bangkok, including promoting the level of the post of the WESTPAC secretariat and human resources. Indonesia Firstly, Indonesian delegate would like to express highly appreciation to the chair of IOC Sub-Commission for Western Pacific for the very clear and inspired presentation and the successfully efforts to realize the highly impact programs for the western pacific region. Indonesian delegate considers that the regional systematic collaboration among member countries around Indian Ocean and Western Pacific is strongly needed to further develop intensively in the future. Therefore, this year Indonesia has launched Widya Nusantara Expedition (E-Win) 2013 in celebrating 25th anniversary of UNESCO IOC Sub-Commission for Western Pacific. In that cruise, Indonesia has invited Westpac member countries to participate in the cruise to Makasar Strait, where 2 researchers from Republic of Korea and 2 other researchers from China have been involved in the cruise. For the coming years, Indonesia is going to invite more researchers from the Westpac member countries to be involved in such cruise in the Indian and Western Pacific Waters. In addition, we would like also to report that in line with the spirit to build ocean regional research collaboration among the related countries, Indonesia has conducted an international seminar with the title "Indian Ocean and Pacific Conference (IOPAC) 2013" that was held in Bali from 18 to 21 June 2013. In this opportunity, we would like to encourage the member countries to recognize such event as one of effective ways to increase intensity research collaboration among the countries, in order to get better understanding of our ocean and to solve ocean problems that always become more and more complicated. Thank you very much. Japan Japan congratulates that the re-vitalization of the WESTPAC activities has been achieved successfully in these days. Japan believes one of reasons is the WESTPAC applied a new mechanism which is the evaluation processes for on going and finalizing projects. The WESTPAC accomplishments have been displayed on the posters at the lobby. Japan appreciates to the tireless efforts of the Secretariat and the WESTPAC officers. For the effective promotion of the IOC activities, it is very important that the sub-commission, regional subsidiary bodies (RSBs) should be functioned well. Although, there are severe budget constraints however, we would like to point out that it is possible to continuously conduct necessary support is also important. Japan has a strong policy to support community activities by using the means available, such as contributing to the WESTPAC 25th anniversary celebration activity and contribution of the Government of Japan Trust Fund as well. Japan expresses our gratitude to the government of Thailand that is hosting the secretariat of the WESTPAC from the early stage. Malaysia First of all, Malaysia is pleased that WESTPAC had made substantial progress in the implementation of IOC programmes and activities in the region. We thank Dr Somkiat, Chair of IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific for the comprehensive WESTPACs summary report. Malaysia has been giving and will continue to give its full support to IOC-UNESCO and IOC-WESTPAC programmes; By providing the coordinating mechanisms through our National Oceanography Directorate of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation; By creating platforms for capacity building and participation in Oceanography and Marine Science related training through the Malaysia-UNESCO Cooperation Programme for Least Developed Countries, Small Island Developing States and Priority Africa; and By organizing events in conjunction with 25th anniversary of IOC-WESTPAC, World Oceans Day and Coral Triangle Day. These we hope will somehow enhance the impact of WESTPAC at regional and national level. In addition, we are pleased to inform that Malaysia celebrated World Oceans Week from 3rd to 11th June recently to highlight the 25th anniversary of IOC-WESTPAC, World Oceans Day which falls on the 8th of June and Coral Triangle Day on the 9th of June. This week-long celebration consists of eight major events targeting students, professionals, experts, policy makers and the public at large. In this regard, we wish to express our sincere gratitude to the French and the United States Governments for their generous support and cooperation in co-organising the Ocean Governance and Technologies Symposium and the Coral Triangle Initiative for Coral Reefs, Fisheries and Food Security Conference respectively, during this celebration. As for upcoming event, Malaysia is privileged to host the IOC/WESTPAC Summer School on SEAGOOS Monsoon Onset Monitoring System and its Impact on Social and Environmental (MOMSEI) on 19 23 August 2013 at Universiti Malaysia Terengganu. Finally, allow me to reiterate Malaysias commitment and support of IOCs mission. We believe that IOC High Level Objectives can be achieved if Member States collectively engage actively and communicate with each other. Republic of Korea First of all, Korean Delegation would like to congratulate the 25th anniversary of WESTPAC in advance, and appreciates the chair person and the secretariat for their significant achievement in spite of the limited workforce and budget. With the enforcement of workforce as Dr. Somkiat just reported, Republic of Korea expects more active and influential activities in the region. Supporting the future direction of WESTPAC, Republic of Korea would like to join the coral reef ecosystem research and capacity building programs as a member state. Thailand On behalf of Thai delegation, I would like to thank the chair of WESTPAC for his precise summary on the WESTPAC activities. I would also like to express our sincere gratitude to all WESTPAC Member States and IOC colleagues for keep supporting the WESTPAC, which resulted in numerous achievements during the past few years. Thailand, as the host country of WESTPAC secretariat office, will keep exploring possibility to extend support as well as to encourage more government agencies, research institutions, and universities, to participate in WESTPAC activities. Taking this opportunity, I reiterate our strong support to WESTPAC, both participation in the activities, and hosting the secretariat office. United States of America The United States commends the Chair of the Subcommission of WESTPAC for his report and to the Member States participating. Recalling the remarks of other delegations regarding the successful revitalization of WESTPAC, this delegation suggests the relevancy of this experience with a newly emerged subject, The Future of the IOC. We suggest that the accomplishments of WESTPAC and the manner of its achievement may serve as a model to address the question of the future of IOC. Substantial contributions from Member States and imaginative methods of implementation have generated significant success and may serve as a model for IOC, in that nominal investments were required from the IOC budget in order to generate this success. VietNam As you may be aware Vietnam has long history as a member of IOC with nearly 30 years. Seeing back the history, It is recognised the fact that IOC was invisible widely in Vietnam for many years in the past. As mentioned in the report of the sub-commission, WESTPAC activities have been enhanced much in recent years. As the result, IOC has been recognised widely by scientific & political communities in Vietnam, considering important roles in coordination & integration of marine science as well as capacity building and networking. It is clear that the enhancement of WESTPAC in recent years depends on increased contribution of member states and remarkably on efforts of the Secretariat. Recently, Vietnam has been involved in almost IOC/WESTPAC activities/projects and considered an active member of the sub-commission. Having expectation to contribute more to IOC, Vietnam offered to be the host of the 9th IOC/WESTPAC International Scientific Symposium. This offer was selected by WESTPAC members and accepted by the IOC Executive Secretary, Mdm. Watson Wright. It is informed that the 9th Symposium will be held in April 2014 in Nha Trang city, a well known coastal tourist centre of Vietnam. Vietnam Government supports strongly to this event, including financial support. Detailed information on the Symposium can be found in the poster outside the meeting room and in the Symposium website (http://www.vnio.org.vn/9thwestpacsymp). On behalf of the International Scientific Steering Committee and Local Organising Committee, I am honourable to invite and welcome you all to this event. IOC Sub-Commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (IOCARIBE) Belgium My delegation thanks prof. Brisola for giving an excellent overview of the activities that have been performed in the IOCARIBE region. Our delegation supports several of these activities in the region and therefore endorse fully the main recommendation of the IOCARIBE review to establish a full IOCARIBE Secretariat post in Cartagena, Colombia. It is of strategic importance to have a full time IOCARIBE Secretary in place, in order to facilitate implementing projects in the regions. It is event of strategic importance that the post will be instrumental to attract additional funding from international bodies such as e.g. European Commission, UNDP, GEF, etc that will beneficial for the region. United Kingdom The UK delegation welcomes the report from IOCARIBE and recognises the significant contribution made by Colombia in supporting the Secretariat. We congratulate the participants for the wide range of activities they have carried out, indeed the UK delegate reported very favourably on the recent ICG for the Caribbean tsunami warning system. We will ensure that the report from IOCARIBE is brought to the attention of those UK ministries with responsibility for overseas development and capacity-building activities. Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) La Repblica Bolivariana de Venezuela desea manifestar su apoyo a la solicitud de recursos ordinarios formulada a la Secretaria de la COI, pues est claro que la dicotoma entre Cartagena y Kinston se refleja en el trabajo eficiente del IOCARIBE, por otra parte la subcomisin misma tiene necesidad de apoyo internacional visto el trabajo que ha venido realizando, con altibajos, pero que en suma no dudamos en calificar de exitoso. United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Three very clear areas of cooperation take place between the Caribbean Regional Seas of UNEP and IOCARIBE: 1. Within the GEF full size project "SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF THE SHARED LIVING MARINE RESOURCES OF THE CARIBBEAN LARGE MARINE ECOSYSTEM (CLME) and adjacent regions, UNEP-CAR/RCU has been responsible for the completion of the pilot project "MANAGEMENT AND CONSERVATION OF REEF BIODIVERSITY AND REEF FISHERIES". The objectives of the pilot project are: contribute towards the sustainable use of reef fisheries and marine biodiversity through the application of the ecosystem based-approach and on the basis of the principles and values of good governance; strengthens the governance of reef fisheries and marine biodiversity management at the local, national, and regional levels through improved regulations and enforcement in large reef systems with demonstrable cross-cutting multi-sectoral linkages; enhances marine biodiversity conservation through the strengthening of existing marine protected areas to enable them to meet their conservation objectives; This project has contributed to: A comprehensive Management Plan developed for Pedro Bank, Jamaica's main commercial and artisanal fishing grounds and serves as the primary harvesting area for the largest export of Queen Conch from the Caribbean region. Zoning and fisheries management & strategic plan, with a publicly accessible GIS completed for Montecristi National Park in the Dominican Republic (~420 km2), the third largest fishing community in the country with 73% of Dominican Republics high sea fishing vessels. Improved scientific data and research in target areas which collected critical baseline, trend and indicative data. South West Cay at Pedro Bank declared as Protected (Special Fish Conservation) Area. Colombia Shark Fishing Regulation drafted and National Fishing Framework assessed. Training of public officials on national policy framework analysis conducted. First gap analysis of Haiti Legislation in relation to Marine Protected Areas. 2. W worked together in the organization and development of the Regular Process Meeting for the Wider Caribbean Region, where 120 scientists from the Caribbean Region and the rest of the world participated. It was a very successful meeting with a lot of very interesting results. 3. We are looking forward in the development of the GEF-IWECO project where we see a lot of participation of IOCARIBE as a partner. We look forward for the implementation of the CLME Phase II Project, and we are hoping for continued collaboration and cooperation with a strengthened IOCARIBE Secretariat. Introduction to IOC Draft Medium-Term Strategy for 20142021 Germany Germany welcomes the activities provided by IOC. They are all important contributions to improve the knowledge about the oceans, to provide services and warning systems and to develop mechanisms for technical innovations as well as for sustainable use and protection of the sensitive marine environment. We fully agree with the high level objectives exposed by the Executive Secretary for the years to come, they all describe areas, where actions and improvement of knowledge/capacity building are urgent. Under the pressure of the new and possibly restricted budget, IOC should set the focus on those programmes which have the highest impact on safety, environment, economic growth and technical innovation. We should focus on implementation of services, the application of the results of research and those activities, which are necessary for there realisation like observation, measurement and data assessment and exchange. That means for Germany that the highest priority should be given to those programmes, which contribute to observing systems and data exchange. Those are important for the understanding of the climate and ecosystem, of long term changes and the impacts of human activities and they contribute to services and ocean related hazards warning systems. Another important activity is education and creation of awareness. So I was fascinated by the contribution of Colombia raising awareness and knowledge about oceans and the protection of the marine environment. More Concretely, Germany sees the IOCs highest priority in programmes like GOOS, JCOMM- observations and services, IODE/OBIS, IPHAB, and Tsunami and other ocean related hazards warning systems. We felicitate the United States of America for their affirmed support for these programmes. At last, we think, that an increased awareness and knowledge about IOCs work in the society and a greater presence in the minds of policy makers of what IOC does and wants would be beneficial for the future work. Therefore we think, we should continue to support a couple of programmes. But we must make sure with regard to our limited budget - that those programmes are carefully chosen. In our view, it will be more beneficial to have a smaller number of programs or activities with a guaranteed budget for a longer period of time and visibility than a large number of programmes with insecure budgets. We need a strong and visible IOC in the future. India Indian delegation compliments the work done by Secretariat in preparation of an excellent document on IOC program and Budget 2014-17 presented by vice-chair yesterday, highlihging the mid-term strategy 2014-21 and biennial priorities. The missions of IOC have been well defined to achieve the vision of IOC. While There has been increase in the responsibility of IOC particularly, to coordinate activities relating to WCRP programs, UN program of AoA of Marine Environment, Climate change, natural hazards, we note there is no corresponding augmentation in budgetary support. We need to find innovative ways to utilise the resources effectively and prioritisethe programs of IOC with limited number of programs. India would continue to contribute indirectly for implementation of IOC programes likeGOOS, capacity building activities and IODE, India is willing to extend support capacity building activities such as International Training Centre for Operational Oceanography ( ITCOo), ITWES including sustain voluntary contribution. Japan Japan appreciates the Secretariats effort to make this draft Mid-term strategy with the condition of financial difficulties. And Japan also appreciates the efforts made by Mr. Peter Hogan, the chair of the financial committee. Since the situation of IOC faced limitation of resources, both budgetary and human capacity, it is necessary to manage the resources effectively. In view of this, based on the scientific specialty of IOC, we need to consider about the predominant field of IOC among the international society, as well as the presence of IOC and UNESCO. And we need to focus our limited resources on those fields for the next MTS. In addition, it is recommended to take some review and evaluation of previous activities. Moreover, having a selection and focus on the programme, we also need to discuss how to utilize or liaise the results comes from regional activities. As we all know that 2/3 of our planet is covered by ocean, and there is much possibility for IOC to contribute to solving the global emerging issues with its activities and using the Sustainability Science approach, integrated approach of natural science and social and human science. In this view, Japan welcomes the current draft MTS, which contains the concept of sustainability science approach to further strengthen the IOC activities. Japan also welcomes the further efforts of the secretariat to seek the extra-budgetary funds to implement the programmes. United Kingdom The UK supports the views expressed by the Head of the German delegation, appreciating that the IOC needs to reach a balanced consensus regarding the mix of observational programmes and capacity-building activities. Governance Canada Canada would like to thank Portugal for its perseverance to ensure that IOC does not loose sight of the importance of science. This is particularly important when the focus on science in many countries and many science organizations is shifting from science to policy and funding for core science programs is being eroded. However, noting that the membership of IOC has been growing, a clear indication of the importance the maritime nations place on the IOC. IOC needs to take advantage of the increasing membership and respond to the current and emerging interests of the marine community. IOC should have a clear vision and articulate its priorities and implementation strategy aligned with the current fiscal reality. Normally, these discussions take place during the Executive Council and Assembly meetings, unfortunately, these sessions can no longer accommodate them due to the reduced duration. Therefore, the continued deliberation of the Future of IOC can only be achieved intersessionally. Considering that the medium-term strategy is no longer medium-term given that it spans more than 5 years, clearly the Intersessional Financial Advisory Group does have a significant role to play in these discussions on the Future of IOC. Canada requests the secretariat to put together a list of contacts for the intersessional group on the Future of IOC and the MS to provide input and maintain dialogue so when we come to the next Executive Council we will have a solid document articulating MSs view on priorities for our discussions. India Our delegation thanks the past chair for presenting the views of the sessional working group on the future of IOC. India would like to broadly support the proposal made by Portugal considering the challenges in the Ocean Science and Services in future and expections from IOC. It is important to continuously evolve the working aspects on the future of ioc, which requires wider discussions and planning in consulation with member states. We are of the opinion that the central theme of future of IOC should continue to evolve and revolve around the theme of ocean science and services. Hence, we are of the opinion that an open ended intersessional working group could be set up to deliberate on the issues. Republic of Korea The Republic of Korea wishes to express its gratitude to Capt. Javier Valladares, the Chair for the Sessional Working Group on The Future of IOC", for his excellent summary report through one single meeting. The Working Group had various substantive and positive dialogues on this agenda. One of the main issues was to establish an internal network within IOC among Member States' national committees and an external network between IOC and other UN organizations. This issue has been in the main agenda of the IOC, but has not been well implemented so far. We hope that this suggestion for networking, both internally and externally, encourages Member States to form national committee if not established yet. One other thing to be mentioned is that we fully support the decision of adding "The Future of IOC" sessional working group to the agenda of 2014 as well as that of 2015 IOC session. We hope this agenda to provide a platform for the discussion and considering various issues of IOC activities that Member States face and raise. United Kingdom The UK supports the intervention of the US delegation, agreeing that science must be the main driver and focus of IOC work. The IOC must remain the primary voice of ocean science within the UN system. Given the present restrictions on budget, we must focus our limited resources on a targeted range of high quality science that will bring a broad range of long-term benefits, and the UK would like to take these issues forward on an inter-sessional basis to help secure the future of the IOC. United States of America The United States Delegation wishes to express our appreciation for the work of the Delegation of Portugal for raising this issue, and to the distinguished past-Chair, Captain Javier Valladares for his leadership in formulating the elements of the discussion. Recalling the purpose of the IOC, as documented in our Statutes, we stand to demonstrate great gains in ocean science in the future as we have in the past, perhaps by reminding ourselves of the successes of the past. First, the achievements in global observing, tsunami science and services, OBIS, HABs, and other areas were delivered by several nations emerging as either regional or global leaders who choose to generate extra-budgetary investments to deliver the programs we know today. These efforts were fertilized by the coordination and cooperation among Member States, and enabled the outcomes we can celebrate today as the IOC performs according to, and achieves objectives consistent with our Statutes. Without intending to name all appropriate Member States, we may be reminded of the contributions of, Belgium and the Government of Flanders, of Denmark, Colombia, Australia, Korea, and China, among others, for their global and regional investments to ensure the success of IOC-led programs. Finding that emerging leader for a subject or sub-region is vital to the future of the IOC. Second, the strength of the forum of the IOC, 145 Nations gathered to be led by science to serve our global community with scientific undertakings is a marvel to behold. The value of this forum is high. The ability of this forum is of course dependent upon the support of Member States through direct and indirect contributions. This Delegation is fully aware of the challenge and the genesis of that challenge to the IOC base budget. As a science driven organization, we can see the impact of political decisions outside of this body and their unintended consequences on science within this body, just as we can see the benefits of taking non-political decisions to serve all regions of our ocean world. Science should drive a science organization and our debates in the future of the IOC. Third, I can note the marvelous collection of global scientific leaders who have filled the seats in this hall, and who retain positions in multiple delegations and at various levels of the IOC working bodies among the Member States. We should rely on the wisdom, vision, and technical competencies of this expertise to define focused, few, and the most valuable subjects for the future of the IOC and focus our discussions on such matters as these, and give direction to the IOC. Fourth, as the IOC engages in collaboration with international organizations particularly those of the United Nations system, we should remind those organizations of the value of working with the IOC as the primary voice of ocean science, as defined by that very system of the United Nations and the UNCLOS. Consultation with the IOC before pronouncing scientific direction should be a consistent practice and included in the future of the IOC. To conclude, Mr. Chairman, this delegation is committed to working in sessional and intersessional engagements to further these subjects. Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) La Delegacin de la Repblica Bolivariana de Venezuela, quisiera expresar su posicin respecto a la iniciativa Oceans Compact del Secretariado General de las Naciones Unidas: 1- La iniciativa Oceans Compact tiene como objetivo examinar las cuestiones relativas a los ocanos y mares. Sin embargo, es bueno destacar que esta iniciativa no refleja adecuadamente los intereses de los Estados Miembros ni el delicado equilibrio entre los derechos, obligaciones e intereses que an no han sido considerados ni acordados en Naciones Unidas. 2- La iniciativa no puede, de ninguna manera, interpretarse como la plataforma del Plan de Accin para la puesta en marcha del documento final de Ro +20, que es de exclusiva potestad de los Estados Miembros para su implementacin. Para Venezuela este tema debe ser objeto de mayores consultas entre los Estados Miembros, habida cuenta de que la referida iniciativa se extralimita respecto a sus competencias y mbito de accin. 3- Cabe mencionar, que ninguno de los cinco expertos designados por el Comit de Alto Nivel sobre los programas, que son los responsables de elaborar el primer proyecto de la iniciativa Oceans Compact, no representan en modo alguno a los pases en desarrollo. 4- La iniciativa adolece de claridad, especialmente en lo relativo al mecanismo de informacin y consulta a los Estados Miembros. UN Consultations and Coordination Canada Canada fully supports the ongoing contribution of IOC in the work of United Nations Inter-Agency activities. It is important that we bring our strengths to other UN program areas. Canada supports the IOCs contribution to various oceanrelated UN inter-agency activities, in particular, Canada is pleased to see the acknowledgement of JCOMM (Joint Committee on Oceanography and Marine Meteorology) as a major vehicle for providing ocean services. We are pleased to see that involvement of Canada (via Dr. Chris Barnes) as the Chair of the Joint ITU-IOC-WMO Task Force on ocean observations from submarine cables. Many of the Member States will remember that Dr. Barnes was the Panikaar guest speaker and presented work that he has led on the cabled ocean observatories of Canadas west coast. Finally, Canada supports and encourages IOCs participation in the Global Framework for Climate Services. The role of oceans in global climate is significant and we are increasingly seeing the impacts of climate change in all global oceans. This is a key initiative for the IOC to contribute to. Republic of Korea Republic of Korea appreciates the contribution of IOC toward ocean science with the collaboration of other UN organizations. As distinguished delegate from Togo made intervention before, the reason should be clearly shared why Ocean Compact is objected by the Group 77 and China. Executive Secretary mentioned a letter from the Group 77 and China to UN Secretary General was received this morning, but discussion is done without knowing what it is for some Member States. If permitted, we request to share the content of the letter to build common understanding for better discussion, since this issue is also related to the Mid-Term Strategy. Republic of Nicaragua read the letter, but it is hard to understand right away without any written document as a non-UN language native speaking country. May I request to have a break or time before deciding this matter and have a written document for this? United States of America The US Delegation appreciates the presentation and review presented by Dr. Valdes. While we are impressed with the breadth and diversity of partnerships cited among the other United Nations organizations, it becomes less clear from the material that is arising from the other components of the United Nations community of organizations as to what is the role of the IOC. This observation calls to mind our ongoing discussion of the Future of the IOC and the component of this domain that the balance of the United Nations community might look toward the IOC to uniquely perform. Other Partnerships United Kingdom The UK supports the comments of Australia and the USA regarding the Second Indian Ocean Expedition initiative and notes that new technology such as ocean gliders and Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) offer new ways to explore the ocean. The UK played a significant part in the first Indian Ocean Expedition, and the proposed activity fits well with a broad range of IOC High Level Objectives, and offers an opportunity to raise the profile of IOC and Partner organizations. International Ocean Institute (IOI) On behalf of the International Ocean Institute I wish to express deep appreciation and honour for the long and fruitful years of cooperation and collaboration with the IOC. We truly value this partnership which has contributed so much to the achievement of the mission and goals of the IOI. Our current MOU updates the one previously signed in 1993 but our cooperation dates back even earlier, particularly so since the majority of r Executive Directors of IOI came to IOI after successful earlier careers with IOC. The MOU we signed jointly in November 2010 reflects and further refines the complementary nature of IOC/UNESCO and IOI in strengthening marine related institutions in developing countries through capacity development, through sharing and dissemination of information and through the establishment of partnerships. We have committed to cooperate to: support research, training programmes, scientific exchanges, fellowships, the organization of joint meetings and joint publications; strengthen programmes of coral reef protection, eco-villages and eco-tourism projects, women, youth and the sea initiatives; improve the quality of education in the marine sciences and to speed up the effort to find solutions to the problems of sustainable development; keep each other informed of relevant ongoing and planned programmes, projects and activities; share information and outreach material such as newsletters, yearbooks, conference and workshop proceedings and reports and other publications; support professionals of developing countries to participate in conferences, workshops and other meetings and training activities through funding or cost-sharing opportunities promote linkages between and among regional and national networks and/or centres with regards to training, research, creating awareness, information sharing and other capacity building activities. The above actions are part of an ambitious programme, but one that is of direct relevance to assisting developing countries and economies in transition in managing their role in ocean governance. It is a programme to which the IOI and its global network of Operational Centres and Focal Points dedicates much of its best effort and time with the ambition of achieving the stated goals, as does the IOC of UNESCO. Nevertheless, despite not having met all goals to the desired level of achievement so that our work remains current, our modest joint achievements remain worthy of the renewal of the MOU for another three years. Here I wish to mention that some of the most valuable contributions of the IOC have been in the area of intellectual and technical support to the IOIs global and regional training and education programmes in which we have incorporated in the work of IOC as in the workshops offered on marine spatial planning and natural marine hazards. In the new MOU we wish to retain the focus of our cooperation on capacity building through education and training. The IOI also continues to invest time and capacity into the creation of new training and capacity building opportunities for the ocean community worldwide, through the expansion of the training programmes being organised through IOI-OceanLearn: the IOIs system-wide programme for the coordination, delivery, quality assurance and development of global partnerships of the International Ocean Institutes capacity building activities Therefore in this respect, and with due acknowledgement to the partners who have made this possible, I am pleased to announce that, along with the University of Malta we are launching - a first of its kind the postgraduate Master Degree in Ocean Governance. This Masters degree programme on Ocean Governance is unique in its approach; it aims to forge a knowledge base that is essentially legal but which also delves into the natural and social sciences to determine how an effective governance framework should operate within a multidisciplinary perspective. In this era of globalization and sectoral integration, capacity building in the regulation of ocean governance plays a pivotal role in ensuring safe and healthy oceans for the benefit of humankind and the planet. I also draw your kind attention and extend an invitation to you to our flagship conference in Thailand on 3 to 7 September this year which will address the theme: SUSTAINABLE GOVERNANCE OF THE OCEAN: IMPACTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE & OCEAN RELATED HAZARDS and, specifically, to the LEADERSHIP SEMINAR to be organised within it, entitled: SCIENCE ON TSUNAMI for TODAYS SOCIETY and its INPUT to SOCIETY SECURITY and SUSTAINABILITY. Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) SCOR, the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research, welcomes the opportunity to cooperate with IOC on this important initiativein the Indian Ocean. SCOR and IOC share a long history of effective cooperation ever since both organisations were formed within a few years of each other in the middle of the last century. During the period 1959 to 1965, SCOR worked with IOC to bring about the International Indian Ocean Expedition (IIOE). This expedition was the first time the countries of the world worked together to understand the natural dynamics and resources of this complex ocean. Although great progress was made in IIOE and in subsequent studies in understanding the Indian Ocean, many aspects of this ocean remain poorly understood. Today the Indian Ocean remains understudied while our technical capabilities have advanced considerably in fields such as remote sensing, shipboard observations and ocean modelling. SCOR would welcome working with IOC and with other organisations to improve our scientific understanding of this ocean and, in so doing, bring societal benefits to the large number of countries surrounding the Indian Ocean. Proposal for a Category-2 UNESCO Regional Educational and Research Centre on Oceanography for Western Asia, in Iran (Islamic Republic of) Iran (Islamic Republic of) It is my honor and pleasure to extend my sincere appreciations to Dr. Sang-Kyung Byun, the distinguished IOC chairman, Dr Wendy Watson Wright, the respectable Executive Secretary of IOC, and the distinguished Officers of IOC, for the great consideration on the Iranian National Institute for Oceanography's application on the establishment of "Category II Regional Education and Research Center on Oceanography for Western Asia under the auspices of UNESCO". We also appreciate Dr. Iouri Oliounine for carrying out and preparation of the feasibility study report and his Kind advices on this issue. The delegation of I R of Iran also appreciate the countries that sent us their written supports, including: Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Islamic Republic of Iraq, Japan, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Nicaragua, Sri Lanka and Venezuela, Inter-Islamic Science and Technology Network on Oceanography (INOC), and all distinguished delegations of the member states that supported us verbally or will take the floor for supporting Iran on this issue. Willing to assist IOC in bringing the region to the frontline of UNESCO/IOC efforts in implementation integrated innovative to the research, protection, and use of resources of the seas and coastal zones as well as in facilitating capacity development of the states of the region and regional cooperation by planning and implementing joint projects and training courses; the Government of I R of Iran- through the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology of Iran- offers the facilities of the Iranian National Institute for Oceanography (INIO) to a Category II Regional Education and Research Center on Oceanography for Western Asia under the auspices of UNESCO fully dedicated to marine and coastal issues. Establishing such centers on oceanography can pave the way for other countries to establish the same centers to contribute more in IOC activities. The Center is planned as a problem solving transparent mechanism of a regional level where formulation of the research and education programs, planning and implementing joint projects and sharing information will be carried out in accordance with UNESCO/IOC objectives and coherent regional marine policy which will be developed with the assistance of the center. The establishment of this Center can yield to the promotion of marine science and technology in the region. Marine foundations in Iran have been developed well, among of them, the following may be mentioned: - Iranian National Committee for Oceanography - The Union of Coastal and Marine Universities and Research Centers - Marine Science and Technology Group, affiliated to the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology of Iran - Iranian Network for Oceanographic Research and Technology At the time being, there are more than eighteen thousands students in Iran who are studying in Marine Science and Technology Majors at Iranian Universities. Moreover, more than 450 faculty members of Iranian Universities and research centers are working in the field of marine science and technology. Iranian National Institute for Oceanography (INIO) was jointly established by the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology of Iran and UNESCO in 1992. This Institute is acting as the focal point of IOC and INOC in the country, and the Operational Center of International Institute for Oceanography (IOI) and the node of GCRMN in the region of the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman. Japan In view of IOC promote oceanographic observation and marine science, Japan welcomes this initiative. Malaysia Malaysia takes this opportunity to thank the Islamic Republic of Iran on its proposal to establish a Category-2 UNESCO Regional Educational and Research Centre on Oceanography for Western Asia. With regard to the establishment of a Category 2 Centre covering UNESCO activities, Malaysia has always taken a positive attitude on Category 2 Centres where national governments fully sponsor and support financially the operation of such Centres. Thailand Thailand would like to express our appreciation to the government of Islamic Republic of Iran on the proposal to establish the Category II UNESCO Regional Educational and Research Centre on Oceanography for Western Asia. As we are well aware of the financial crisis in UNESCO that causes the reduction of support to the IOC Regional Subsidiary Bodies, the offering of Member States to contribute in the implementing activities in their regions could absolutely be one of the channels to support IOC. It would be even more advantage if the establishment of the Centre could be expanded to cover the IOCINDIO area, as that would enhance the opportunity for the Member States of IOCINDIO to participate in the activities of IOC at the beginning stage of IOCINDIOs reactivation. United Kingdom The UK supports the proposal by the Islamic Republic of Iran to establish a category 2 UNESCO Regional Educational & Research Centre on Oceanography for Western Asia. We believe it will advance ocean science for the mutual benefit of countries within that region. We also recognize that Iranian universities are training excellent marine science students, whose talents will be of great value in enhancing understanding of the ocean which links us all. Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) En nombre de la Repblica Bolivariana de Venezuela expresamos nuestro pleno apoyo, agradecimiento y felicitaciones a la Repblica Islmica de Irn por esta excelente iniciativa, bajo los auspicios de la UNESCO. Creemos que ella es el fruto del proyecto COI y que ahora se traduce en la transmisin horizontal del conocimiento y la cooperacin en el mbito de las ciencias marinas desde centros diferentes a los acostumbrados. Esta iniciativa y otras futuras son trascendentales, recordemos que el esfuerzo mancomunado es la clave del xito en uno de los mbitos de trabajo ms costoso y difcil pero al mismo tiempo tan entraable, que requiere de un gran compromiso y esfuerzo. Endorsement of the IHO-IOC/GEBCO Sub-committee for Regional Undersea Mapping (SCRUM) Chile Nuestra Delegacin toma nota del informe presentado y endosa la propuesta de establecimiento del Sub Comit para el Mapeo Regional del Fondo Marino del Proyecto GEBCO de la OHI y COI (SCRUM), nos parece la mejor solucin a la que se ha llegado entre la OHI y la COI luego de que la COI, por razones presupuestarias debi cancelar el programa de cartografa ocenica. Cabe sealar que todo el esfuerzo realizado en el pasado estaba en riesgo de perderse ante la ausencia de un grupo que continuara impulsando la batimetra ocenica regional con el objeto de completar y mantener el proyecto GEBCO que en el 2003 celebr el centenario de su creacin. Chile para estos efectos integra la Carta Batimtrica Internacional de dos regiones, la del Pacifico Sud Este (IBCSEP) y la del Ocano Austral (IBCSO). Finalmente quiero sealar que nuestro pas apoya fuertemente el establecimiento de SCRUM. India Indian delegation appreciated the presentation on GEBCO and efforts being planned to may the Indian Ocean. Our delegation considers an important activity and request IOC to extend support. In this regard, we would like to state that India will be willing to cooperate with GEBCO in mapping the international waters of Indian Ocean. Japan Japan expressed its appreciation to Dr. David Clark for his joining the present session of Assembly and introducing this initiative of GEBCO Sub-committee for Regional Underwater Mapping (SCRUM). Japan supported the establishment of this new sub-committee, as it actively participated in the GEBCO for many years, and particularly for the last 10 years, through contribution to the GEBCO training course supported by Nippon Foundation of Japan. United States of America The US Delegation supports the decision on GEBCO. Recalling two themes before us, to reduce the unknown regions of the sea, and to further the partnerships of IOC with other prominent international organizations, perhaps none enjoying greater esteem than the IOC, this action advances IOC interests significantly. This Delegation is interested in pursuing IOC activity on this subject, perhaps during an inter-sessional engagement, and supports the efforts to revitalize and reinvigorate global ocean mapping efforts through GEBCO. Noting the budget neutral status of this initiative, this should be supported by this body. International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) In recent years the IHO-IOC GEBCO project has increasingly sort bathymetric data inside the 200 metre isobath to validate and expand its coverage to create more comprehensive ocean maps. This has become significantly more important with the IHO-IOC GEBCO regional mapping projects, which have been coordinated and overseen since 2008 by the interim Sub-Committee on Regional Undersea Mapping (iSCRUM). The iSCRUMs work is a vital element in the improvement of bathymetric coverage of the worlds oceans, particularly the numerous regional projects, which presently cover the Artic, Antarctic, Indian Ocean, Baltic and Caribbean areas. The IHO is leading an initiative on so-called crowd-source bathymetric data gathering, which involves vessels of opportunity gathering shallow water bathymetric data as they make passage along coasts and into and out of bays and anchorages. This initiative was commenced as a trial on a limited number of cruise liners visiting the Antarctic using small data loggers funded and provided by the UKHO. These trials proved the value and viability of the method, particularly in remote rarely visited areas where hydrographic data of any type is very limited or non-existent. Recently the Professional Yachting Association (PYA), which represents the non-SOLAS super-yacht community, has expressed a desire to become involved in this project, as they recognise the areas they regularly visit are poorly charted and not national hydrographic priorities. The IHO is considering how to use the data, which, although of great value, does not necessarily meet IHO international standards and validation by relevant national hydrographic offices has proved challenging. The IHO considers the most appropriate repository may be the IHO Data Centre for Digital Bathymetry at Boulder, Colorado, where the data would be freely available for charting and scientific research alongside the deep ocean data already held. To this end the IHO would request this Assembly reiterates its support for the GEBCO ocean mapping projects by encouraging organizations, which gather bathymetric data during other ocean research activities, to render all bathymetric data to the IHO Data Centre for Digital Bathymetry for inclusion in the database so it can be made available for all to use. Thus the coordination role undertaken by iSCRUM is a key factor in the progression of regional mapping projects and the reason the IHO is keen for the IOC Assembly to endorse the formal creation of the SCRUM under its current Terms of Reference as the IHO has already done. Finally the IHO would like to invite all countries for which this matter is a priority, to approach and work closely with their national Hydrographic Offices. 5.1.3 Role of IOC Subsidiary Bodies and Decentralized Offices Australia Australia is very pleased to be given the opportunity to speak in support of this proposal and Draft Resolution. As has been said, the Perth Regional Project Office in support of IOC was first established as a joint activity by the Government of Australia through the Bureau of Meteorology, the Government of Western Australia and the IOC, in 1998. This was done with the explicit written approval of the then Director General of UNESCO, Federico Major. In the 15 years since then, it has performed beyond expectations in furthering the interests of IOC in the Indian Ocean and Australian Region in supporting and facilitating ocean observations, ocean research, capacity development, and more recently the expanding field of operational ocean services. The Office has had several independent reviews undertaken of its operations and staff since that time, the most recent in 2011. All were highly complimentary of the effectiveness and value of its programmes and achievements, with the Executive Summary of the most recent being included in the Information Document for this item. The Office is hosted by the Bureau of Meteorology in its Regional Office in Perth and, since 2005, in conjunction with the IOC Secretariat for the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System, which provides some important synergies among IOC programmes in supporting countries in the region. Mr Chairman, Australia remains committed to the continuation of the Office and its work, and we are currently near the end of the process of negotiating a new agreement for the Office, covering a five year period to 2018. Both the Bureau of Meteorology and the Government of Western Australia have signalled their ongoing commitment to the provision of both cash funding and other resources as part of the new agreement. For the Bureau, our new commitment includes full funding for the position of Programme Manager for the Office, plus a recent, one-off, cash injection of $175,000 towards programme implementation. Australia believes that the formalisation of the Office as an IOC Programme Office, together with the implementation of the Officer-in-Charge position as a UNESCO staff post, with funding from the Australian partners, will help to further enhance the status of the Office in the region, as well as its effectiveness in implementing its extensive and highly effective programme of work. We therefore very much hope that the Assembly will adopt the Draft Resolution, and also agree to continuing IOC financial support for the implementation of the Offices programmes. We believe that this ongoing show of commitment by IOC is essential to maintaining the concept and practicality of a truly joint partnership. Before closing, Mr Chairman, I would like to introduce some changes which have been made to the Draft Resolution from that published originally in the Action Paper. These result from an agreement at an informal meeting held yesterday among interested Member States, notably from the WESTPAC region. These changes include, specifically: (i) A formal change of name of the Office to Perth Programme Office, following approval of the draft resolution, and to take effect with the signing of the new agreement for the Office in October 2013; (ii) Terms of reference for the Office annexed to the draft resolution, which will be subject to formal ratification by the other partners to the Agreement through its signing in October. Japan Japan expressed congratulations to Prof. Blivi Adote for his encouraging summary of the meeting of regional subsidiary bodies which took place on Monday, June 24, and supported the idea that it is essential for the IOC to enhance its activities through those of the regional subsidiary bodies. As Japan mentioned in the previous agenda item 3.3, for the last 5 years WESTPAC had been dramatically revitalized in its scientific and service projects and activities. The regional subsidiary body in the region would be pleased to collaborate with other subsidiary bodies as far as possible, so that the IOC could enhance its overall programmes. Japan appreciated PICES for its positive and constructive comments on possible collaborations, and encouraged the Member States of WESTPAC to participate actively in the cooperation with PICES. With regard to the establishment of the Perth Program Office, Japan welcomed the formalization of the Office in Perth as it would be of great help and support to the regional oceanographic programmes and projects including GOOS. Mr Michida, as the vice-Chair of the region, deeply appreciated Australia for its continuous and strong support to the IOC through the Perth Programme Office. Japan further made a comment on the roles of the Perth Programme Office, emphasizing the necessity to avoid any duplicated efforts in the regional activities within the framework of IOC, and to describe the TOR carefully taking into account avoiding overlapping natures and also taking into consideration the relationship between the existing bodies or programmes and the proposed Office in Perth. Thailand I will make my intervention on behalf of the IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific (WESTPAC), WESTPAC appreciate Australian government for the long support IOC Perth Office. The IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific (WESTPAC) recognized the fact that the IOC Perth Office hasnt be formalized by IOC since its establishment in 1998, welcomes the formalization of this office this time in light of the Guideline for the establishment of IOC decentralized offices (IOC/INF-1193). Noting there were a lot of confusions generated, before the assembly considers this agenda, among relevant parties concerned, on the nature, geographic coverage, TOR of the IOC Perth office due to lack of adequate consultations and documentation prior to this Session. In this regard, WESTPAC would extend our sincere appreciation to Prof. Michida, Vice Chair of IOC for his great efforts made sessionally to help seek clarifications from relevant parties, and further suggested the documentation and procedure shall be improved next time when IOC conducts the approval process for renewal of this office in 2018 in order to avoid unnecessary confusion and overlapping with other existing RSBs. United Kingdom The UK welcomes the formal recognition of the IOC Perth Regional Programme Office, supports the proposal and wishes to thank the Australian government for the support they have provided to enable this activity. United States of America The US Delegation supports the proposal and notes the historic and current contributions of the Perth Regional office and the sponsorship contributions of the Australian Government. The Perth Office has been instrumental in the implementation of the international ARGO Program in the Southwest Pacific for over a decade and throughout the Indian Ocean. At the time of great need, the Perth Office provided leadership and execution in the deployment of important ocean observing systems. The Office has performed exceptionally well and there is no better way to convey that support than to support the proposal. North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES) The first point is to specifically highlight our collaboration with WESTPAC. PICES is an intergovernmental organization with a mandate to promote and coordinate marine scientific research in the North Pacific. PICES can play an important role in bringing a North Pacific perspective to the global activities of IOC, and by participating in and implementing these activities in the region, advance its own scientific agenda. The most appropriate way for PICES to collaborate with IOC is through WESTPAC. Over the past years, PICES and WESTPAC have jointly developed and organized several capacity building activities on invasive species and remote sensing, and we are currently exploring the possibility of joint activities related on other issues, especially the World Ocean Assessment. The second point is more general. Scientific and capacity building activities in a region could be facilitated through coordinated efforts of different regional inter-governmental organizations which have overlapping geographical areas of interest and share member countries (e.g., PICES, WESTPAC (regional body of IOC) and NOWPAP (regional body of UNEP) in the North Pacific). There is a clear understanding of the necessity and the value of such collaboration at the level of the Secretariats of these organizations. From our perspective, an issue arises when different agencies have the principle responsibility for the involvement of their country in different organizations. Without inter-agency cooperation and coordination, we run the risk of duplicity or, at worst, conflicting missions. This is a problem that is beyond the scope of Secretariats, but is one that must be faced at the national level. The inter-agency coordination could be advanced if international organizations promote activities that have high national interest and relevance. Regional Tsunami Warning Systems Canada Canada congratulates the Intergovernmental Coordination Groups on Tsunami Warning and Mitigation Systems and appreciates your efforts to maintain the observational networks, coordinate the data management and, issue the warnings. Success of the tsunami warning systems is clearly dependent on the availability of data particularly to advance our research and understanding of the propagation of tsunami waves. To this effect, we are pleased to state that the ocean data from seafloor pressure sensors along the length of the Canadian Pacific cabled observatory of Oceans Networks Canada are available for use by the Pacific Tsunami group. Canada would also like to note that there are other intergovernmental bodies - such as International Hydrographic Organization that are involved in sea level monitoring, as well as in establishing continuous vertical datum through digital elevation modelling. Canada would like to encourage the IOC to build synergies with other organizations both external and within UNSECO - so as to achieve maximum benefit and efficiencies from ocean monitoring activities. Finally, Canada joins other Member States in our commitment and continued support to the Coordination Groups, particularly those on our Pacific and Atlantic coasts. Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Pacific Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (PTWS) Chile En primer lugar, la delegacin de Chile quiere agradecer y destacar la labor del Grupo Internacional de Coordinacin del Sistema de Alarma de Tsunamis del Pacfico (ICG/PTWS) durante los ltimos aos. Los tsunamis ocurridos en Chile el 2010 y en Japn 2011, en los cuales se vieron afectados diversos pases del Pacfico, han generado la preocupacin de varias naciones. La baja ocurrencia de estos fenmenos hace dificultoso poseer conocimiento en detalle de ellos, por lo que es necesario efectuar los esfuerzos extraordinarios para mitigar sus efectos. El PTWS ha trabajado esforzadamente para mejorar la operatividad de los Centros de Alerta de Tsunami, a travs de la creacin de nuevos productos, probados en los Ejercicios PACWAVE 2011 y 2013. Chile ha hecho tambin un esfuerzo, aumentando de 17 a 38 estaciones de nivel del mar en lnea para deteccin y cuantificacin de los tsunamis en sus costas, de las cuales todas, sin excepcin, se encuentran disponibles en el sitio web de la COI, a disposicin del PTWS y de todo el mundo. Con respecto a los nuevos productos del PTWS, Chile desea manifestar su apoyo a esta valiosa iniciativa, que permitir mejorar especialmente la evaluacin de la amenaza de tsunami para eventos de Campo Lejano. La incorporacin de boletines con informacin grfica de direccin, amplitudes de ola en aguas profundas y alturas de ola en la costa, muestran un gran avance, comparado a lo existente hoy, donde la evaluacin est dada principalmente por una evaluacin del Estado. Asimismo, no slo se mejorar la incertidumbre de que un tsunami afecte las costas de uno u otro pas, sino que tambin se podr cuantificar, su peligrosidad, en forma aproximada, grficamente. En consecuencia, apoya y felicita al PTWS por el trabajo desarrollado a la fecha y por los importantes avances logrados. Japan During the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) issued the first domestic tsunami warning well in advance to the tsunami arrival and successively updated the warnings. However, as you are all aware, around 20,000 people were killed or still missing by the tsunami. After two years of investigation in both technical and sociological aspect, JMA has implemented renewed tsunami warning service since 7 March 2013, which stands on faster and safer side warning issuance with simpler and more understandable messages. We are going to provide this experience to the IOC as a feedback to its tsunami disaster mitigation activities. With regard to the present major focus of the ICG/PTWS, the introduction of the PTWC enhanced tsunami products, let me echo the importance of operational trainings mentioned by the Chair. As mentioned by the Chair, two workshops on standard operating procedures and the PTWC enhanced products in 12-16 August are being organized by the International Tsunami Information Center in collaboration with the IOC and New Zealand, and will be hosted by the New Zealand government. We are pleased to announce that Japan is now considering assisting the workshop by providing a part of air fare for the workshop participants. We hope the workshop be successful, and this contributes to the effective operation of the PTWC enhanced products in the covered area. When we turn our eyes to the Indian Ocean, as reported from ICG/IOTWS, the Regional Tsunami Service Providers (RTSPs) of Australia, India and Indonesia are now fully operational. Japan is happy to report that JMA, together with PTWC, ceased the Interim Advisory Services (IASs) on 31 March 2013 based on the letter from the Executive Secretary which formally notified the decision by the IOTWS. It is our honour that Japan could contribute to the disaster mitigation in the region by providing the IAS for 8 years. Japan would like to congratulate the three RTSPs on their newly established operation since 12 October 2011, and is always glad to support the capacity development of the RTSPs and Indian Ocean countries under the framework of the IOC. Russian Federation Russian Federation strongly supports the IOC activities on tsunami warning systems worldwide. In particular, the most important results in Pacific Tsunami Warning System elaboration are development and putting into operational practice extended products, such as maximum expected wave height spatial patterns, potential impact assessment, etc. The use of the extended products during the Pacific Wave 13 exercise has shown their utility. It is worth noting that introduction of the extended products into the operational practices of the tsunami warning centres should be adjusted to the procedures adopted by the specific national tsunami warning service. The introduction of the products will be reviewed and recommendations on the ICG/PTWS activitieselaborated at the 25thSession of ICG/PTWS (Vladivostok, Russian Federation, 9-11 September 2013)." Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (IOTWS) India Indian delegation would like to appreciate the cooperation and encouragement of IOC in the establishment of the Indian Ocean Tsunami warning system. Our delegation wishes to take this opportunity to thank the PTWC and JMA for the interim services. During IOTWS meeting in November 2012 in Indonesia, the progress of IOTWS was reviewed in great detail.As perthe recommendations of committee, the RTSP of India along with Australia and Indonesia assumed full operational responsibility since March 2013 which primarily includes the service of level-2 tsunami advisories for the Indian Ocean As a part of capacity building, we are happy to inform that a workshop on Standard Operating Procedures and training for NTWC would be hosted in Hyderabad in 2014. The inter-ICG task team on tsunami watch operations met in Paris in February 2013 made several recommendations on global harmonization of tsunami watch operations. India supports the recommendations and suggests that the status of Task Team 3 on Tsunami Watch Operations could be made more permanent, considering the perpetual nature of its Terms of Reference. Iran (Islamic Republic of) Iranian delegation likes to express sincere appreciations to coordination group for tsunami issue. Iranian National Institute for oceanography established the Iranian National Center for Ocean Hazards in December 2011. We receive tsunami warning messages via email, mobile and fax systematically and therefore we appreciate the efforts of IOTWS, as well as the governments of India, Australia, Indonesia and Japan, for giving alert and issuing bulletins for the countries of the Indian Ocean Region on risk of tsunami events. I R of Iran announces its readiness for any collaboration with IOTWS, especially on the Makran subduction zone. Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami and other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (CARIBE-EWS) Dominican Republic En primer lugar, quiero hacer un reconocimiento al trabajo desarrollado por los Centros de Alerta Temprana que funcionan en las diferentes partes del mundo y, de manera particular, a las acciones desarrolladas por la Comisin Oceanogrfica Intergubernamental (COI) en el Caribe. Agradecemos a la Sra. Hillebrandt Andrade, Presidente del Grupo Intergubernamental de Coordinacin del Sistema de Alerta contra los Tsunamis y otras Amenazas Costeras en el Caribe por el informe producido y al Sr. Bernardo Aliaga por su compromiso y por la calidad de su asistencia tcnica en la regin. En el contexto que vive hoy la UNESCO, marcado por la crisis financiera, fruto de la falta de pago de importantes contribuciones, queremos reiterar el apoyo a la COI y el carcter prioritario de su trabajo. La Repblica Dominicana considera que la COI debe ser prioridad en la Estrategia a Plazo Medio y el Programa y Presupuesto de la UNESCO. Para la Repblica Dominicana, que forma parte de los Pequeos Estados Insulares del Caribe, los Sistemas de Alerta Temprana y Preparacin para los Tsunamis y otros peligros relacionados con el ocano, son una prioridad. En este sentido, los trabajos y actividades de prevencin, y de educacin a la prevencin, desarrollados por la COI, tienen un impacto real en el desarrollo de una cultura de preparacin, tanto de las autoridades como de la poblacin, capacitando y concientizando a los unos y a los otros para responder, de manera concreta, en momentos de catstrofes naturales. Como ejemplo de las actividades, talleres, capacitaciones y proyectos que resumen el apoyo brindado por la COI a la Repblica Dominicana, durante el 2013, deseamos resaltar lo siguiente: En abril se efectu, en la localidad de las Terrenas, un Taller de fortalecimiento de la planificacin de la respuesta ante tsunamis y de ejercicios de evacuacin; con el objetivo de fortalecer el sistema de alerta temprana ante tsunamis en la Repblica Dominicana, a travs de la capacitacin de comunidades locales para la respuesta planificada a eventos- tsunamis. Se han realizado adems, mapas o rutas de evacuacin, proyectos y respuestas para la instalacin de signos de tsunami. La Repblica Dominicana tambin particip en el simulacro de ocurrencia de tsunamis en la regin, que involucr a cerca de 50.000 personas bajo la coordinacin de la COI, donde participaron otros 30 pases (marzo 2013). Para el mes de julio 2013, se tiene previsto un Taller sobre preparacin y respuestas ante tsunamis, dirigido al sector turstico y hotelero. Con el apoyo de la COI se realizar tambin en Repblica Dominicana el proyecto Lista de Instituciones Nacionales y de comunidades resistentes a terremotos y tsunamis en entornos urbanos en la provincia de Puerto Plata. Este proyecto incluye el desarrollo de mapas de inundacin de tsunamis para el norte del pas. Adems mencionamos: En el 2011, la Repblica Dominicana fue sede de la VI Reunin del Grupo de Coordinacin Intergubernamental del Sistema de Alerta contra Tsunamis en el Caribe, donde el modelo de evacuacin por tsunami de la Repblica Dominicana fue implementado por varios pases de la Regin. En el 2012, se realiz un Taller nacional de fortalecimiento de Sistema de Alerta Temprana nacional ante tsunamis y sistemas operacionales estndares. Como se menciona en el informe de la Presidencia, el 4 de agosto del 1946 (hace 67 aos) un poderoso tsunami azot la Repblica Dominicana. El fenmeno natural tena olas de ms de 10 metros de altura, que produjeron enormes daos en las costas del noreste del pas, causando la muerte de miles de personas. Debido a la vulnerabilidad en que la pone su situacin geogrfica, para la Repblica Dominicana es indispensable contar con la COI que, desde su creacin en 1960, viene apoyando a los Estados Miembros a travs de programas en investigacin martima, servicios, sistemas de observacin, la mitigacin de riesgos y el desarrollo de capacidades para la prevencin de catstrofes. Gracias al apoyo de la COI, la Repblica Dominicana dispone hoy en da de sensores de tsunamis, instalados en el mar, que emiten alertas antes de que un maremoto golpee la costa. Adems se cuenta con 5 estaciones instaladas y proyectos para ms de 6 estaciones en el futuro. De igual manera, tres comunidades basadas en la economa del turismo (Bayahibe, Las Terrenas y Puerto Plata) han firmado acuerdos con la Unidad de Alertas de Tsunamis de ONAMET (UATO) para desarrollar proyectos de respuesta a tsunamis, a nivel de la comunidad, incluyendo instalaciones de turismo. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines My Delegation would like to congratulate the Coordinating Working Group for its presentation and for all the efforts and the activities undertaken to improve the existing stations for the tsunami alert systems and for the establishment of new ones, as well as for the evaluation work and all the studies carried out. My Delegation welcomes the establishment of a Center in Barbados and would like to thank all the countries from the region and outside the region who have contributed and continue to contribute financially and technically in the progress of these systems. I would like to endorse what has been said by the Dominican Republic, namely that the Tsunami Alert System is vital for us given the vulnerability of our islands. It is not only a question of tsunamis but also floods and hurricanes. We are looking forward for the installation of the 6 stations next month in St Vincent, St Kitts, Guatemala, Haiti and the Cayman Islands thanks to the donations of Brazil, Monaco (and St Vincent). We remind the Assembly that we still need 40 stations with a budget of 2 M$ and we hope that the IOC Secretariat will continue to seek extrabudgetary funds. We heard this morning in the presentation of the 1st expert that the international community does not know that IOC is the competent commission which deals with the tsunami alert system and that, as a result, extrabudgetary funds are going to other agencies. This is due to a lack of communication and visibility. My Delegation supports the idea of a campaign to raise awareness so as to attract more donors and partnerships. We also fully support the improvement of the technical Secretariat in IOCARIBE using funds from the Regular Budget because this activity is a priority for us. Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) La Repblica Bolivariana de Venezuela felicita y valora los esfuerzos de los estados miembros por la implementacin de los Centros de Alerta de Tsunami. Damos fe del excelente trabajo que ha llevado la COI para el Caribe coordinado por Bernardo Aliaga y los Jefes de la Maesa y Grupos de Trabajo. Venezuela se prepara para la implementacin de su Centro de Alerta de Tsumanis Regional, cuenta con un proyecto aprobado por su gobierno. Apoyamos la propuesta de la Repblica Dominicana, de que gracias a los trabajos de la COI/Caribe se ha abierto conciencia en la prevencin y por tanto se d prioridad a la COI para conseguir fuentes de apoyo. Se a adquiri mucha experiencia con los ejercicios de simulacro conjunto 2011 y 2013. Sugerimos trabajar para buscar apoyo gubernamental en nuestros pases. Sr. Presidente, para la regin del Caribe la escasa ocurrencia de maremotos ha llevado a acuar en la zona los trminos Peligro Olvidado, otras amenazas; relacionado este ltimo trmino principalmente con las mareas de tormenta. Entre las referencias histricas bien vale la pena recordar la destruccin de Nueva Cdiz, ciudad esta que se comenz a formar ya para 1500, considerndose el primer asentamiento europeo en el continente americano y que se sospecha fue barrido por un maremoto o una marea de tormenta en el ao 1541. Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami Early Warning and Mitigation System in the North-Eastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean and Connected Seas (NEAMTWS) Algeria Le reprsentant de la dlgation algrienne a tenu fliciter et saluer au nom de celle-ci le travail remarquable ralis par les groupes scientifiques rgionaux sur les systmes dalerte rapides des tsunamis. Le reprsentant de lAlgrie a galement soulign quau niveau de la rgion mditerranenne la prise de conscience par rapport aux enjeux lies aux tsunamis et aux micro tsunamis na pas encore atteint le niveau souhait et quil y a lieu de renforcer le travail dj ralis par le groupe de travailMditerranen. Le reprsentant de la dlgation algrienne a recommand que le groupe Mditerrane sur les tsunamis doit capitaliser les expriences menes dans les autres rgions dumonde et prsentes au cours de cette assemble; ce titre il ya lieu de sinspirer du travail accomplis par les autres groupes rgionaux et de ladapter au contexte mditerranen. Le renforcement des capacits doit selon le reprsentant de la dlgation algrienne porter sur les thmatiques suivantes: (i)les modles prvisionnels et les simulations numriques, (ii) les mthodologies dvaluation des risques, y compris lintgration des risques humais et conomiques, (iii) les approches inter oprationnelles. LAlgrie continuera apporter sa contribution aux efforts de la COI dans la rgion mditerranenne, elle a djmis les bases dun rseau couvrant une partie de la cte algrienne (secteur centre) relatif aux risques ctiers dont les tsunamis et les micro tsunamis. A long terme ce rseau est appel devenir national et renforcer le rseau ou le systme dalerte de la Mditerrane. Le reprsentant de la dlgation algrienne a enfin soulign la ncessit pour la COI de communiquer plus largement le travail scientifique remarquable accomplis par les quipes rgionales et de le rendre plus visible auprs des bailleurs de fonds afin de mobiliser des financements permettant de continuer le travail effectu et de le prenniser. Turkey Turkey believes that Establishment of TW C is very crucial in context of IOC HLO related with effective early warning systems and preparedness for tsunamies and other ocean related hazards. In Northeastern Atlantic, Mediterranean and the Connected Seas region already three Tsunami Early Warning Centers became operational. For this reason Turkey has accomplished through Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research institute (KOERI) to be one of these three operational TWP centers in the NEAM region and the government of Turkey provides intensive budgetary support to the KOERI. KOERI is also working with close collaboration with the Prime Ministry Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency who is responsible authority to disseminate the warnings nationally or internationally if needed. Besides the national activities, KOERI is also having partnership with the countries in the region. We also would like to inform member states In this context that, Turkey will host the 26th International Tsunami Symposium which will be held in Gcek/Turkey. The International Tsunami Comission is the mother body for this symposium and Prof Dr Ahmet Cevdet Yal1ner who is the vice chair of ICG NEAMTWS is one of the coordinators of this symposium. As the host country, we would like to inform and invite all countries to participate to this very important symposium. Global Coordination of Warning and Mitigation Systems for Ocean Hazards (TOWS-WG) China China delegation is impressed by the progress made by the regional tsunami warning system globally, including northeast Atlantic TWS...Carribean EWS...Indian Ocean... Since China is mainly involved in the Pacific tsunami warning system, Particularly, China delegation would like to express its great appreciation to the progress and achievements made by the ICG-PTWS in the past two years, in particular the progress made in promoting the establishment of sub-regional tsunami warning and mitigation system in the SCS region and the introduction of PTWC enhanced products. For the sub-regional tsunami warning and mitigation system in the SCS region, we are glad to see that all the coastal countries have show great interests and made lots of contribution in this regard. A draft working plan has been developed after two Regional Working Group meetings, with kind support from Japan and the Tsunami experts from IOC headquarters. Considering that the South China Sea is now the only area that has not been covered by any operational tsunami warning system in the Pacific region, we would like to request the IOC continue its support to the establishment of a sub-regional tsunami warning and mitigation system under the framework of ICG-PTWS. Second, we believe it is a big progress for the introduction of the PTWC Enhanced Products for tsunami threat assessment based on tsunami forecast models, since the new product is more instructive, intuitive and quantitative. However, it is also a quite big challenge to coordinate all the Pacific nations, and make them comprehend the new products correctly. We noted that the New Zealand will host a new product SOP training course this July among the South Pacific island countries. China now is actively corresponding with IOC secretary to host another SOP training course this fall among the SCS countries and adjacent regions. We really hope the IOC secretary and ICG/PTWS can give necessary support and technical advisory to this SOP training course. Ecuador La delegacin del Ecuador quiere expresar una sincera felicitacin y un agradecimiento al trabajo realizado por los diferentes sistemas. Hemos sido testigos de la evolucin impresionante de este a gran sistema integrado de alerta de tsunamis. Que ha puesto nfasis en el uso de las ciencias en la asistencia a la toma de decisiones a nivel local, y la tecnologa disponible para garantizar las comunicaciones. Es necesario resaltar que el incremento de la poblacin costera, lleva consigo un incremento en el riesgo, y que justamente iniciativas como Tsunami Ready, pueden ayudar a las comunidades locales a incrementar la resiliencia y por supuesto la reduccin del riesgo. Somos consientes de todo el esfuerzo desplegado al interior de cada sistema, haciendo nfasis en los centros que laboran los 7 das a la semana, las 24 horas del da. Resaltamos, sin embargo, que existe mucho ms por hacer. Queremos hacer conciencia que, aun con toda la preparacin, los tsunamis, los sismos, son eventos que no pueden ser predichos. Esto debe ser conocido por toda la sociedad, en todos niveles, desde las autoridades hasta la poblacin. No solo para apoyar su trabajo desde la otorgacin de un presupuesto aceptable, sino adems, para aceptar las limitaciones actuales de los Centros, de no poder pronosticar ni la ocurrencia de sismos, ni tsunamis. En este sentido, nuestra delegacin quisiera exhortar a la Asamblea a realizar un reconocimiento a la labor de los Centros Regionales/Nacionales de Alerta, en apoyo a la gestin, de todos los Centros que son parte de cada uno de los Sistemas. Se debe adems exhortar a los pases a fortalecer los programas de sensibilizacin de la poblacin para construir sociedades resilientes que puedan reducir los impactos de estos eventos. United States of America The Delegation of the United States expresses appreciation for the work of the International Coordinating Group and those Member States contributing to the success of this work. We further commend the Chairs of the Working Groups for their fine reports and the success that these reports convey. Many Member States have contributed to this effort and success and calls to mind the promise made by IOC to engage in this undertaking and the promise met by the evidence of the many Member States working toward this goal. The United States pledges to sustain our on-going commitment of resources to our global tsunami program and to the TOWS WG efforts and the contributions of the work of the United States to enhance and improve tsunami watch operations, observing networks, and forecasts by working with the various Working Groups. It is not necessary to recount the many contributions reflected in the excellent reports of the Chairs, but will remind the Member States of our commitment to the Caribbean of our phased approach to the establishment of a tsunami warning center in the region. As recently as February 6, 2013, the Solomon Islands experienced a tsunami event and the loss of ten lives. These events can happen in many places around the world, and have, and the importance of this work demonstrates the value of the IOC. 5.3.1 The Future Needs for Intergovernmental Coordination and Governance for Sustained Ocean Observations and Services Brazil My delegation considers this a subject of the utmost importance, as our understanding of oceanographic processes and their interaction with other systems such as the atmosphere, the biosphere and the continents are essential for the development of mankind. The available knowledge, however, is still insufficient with regard to the correct appraisal of phenomena related to climate change and other serious problems created by extreme events. To fill this gap in our knowledge we need sustained ocean observations. In this context, our delegation welcomes the results of the consultation to member states and the workshop in Brazil as well, which emphasize that the activities of the IOC in the domain of sustained ocean observations should be coordinated by GOOS and JCOMM. Canada Canada wishes to recognize the importance of sustained ocean observations and ocean services. The IOC should be commended in undertaking this questionnaire and for increasing our understanding of global efforts in these key areas. We support the conclusions of the report and recognize the guidance that it provides to the key organizations of JCOMM and GOOS to meet future challenges. Canada further notes that this report will be a valuable document in the Future of IOC discussions in the upcoming inter-sessional period. Japan First of all, our delegation appreciates the informative report made by MrNogueira. Japan thinks that existing IOC programs such as GOOS and JCOMM are vital in enhancing sustained ocean observations and services worldwide, and in this regard, our delegation supports the draft decision under this agenda item. Japan wishes to continue its current contributions to GOOS and JCOMM through the implementation of ocean observations and services mainly in the western Pacific. Republic of Korea Korean delegation fully supports IOC's future plans on operational oceanography for global ocean observation and forecasting. As mentioned in the report by Captain (Ret.) Frederico Antonio Saraiva Nogueira, IOC and Member States need to strengthen their function and network in ocean forecasting for predicting ocean-related disasters and climate change. Republic of Korea is pleased to have supported a series of forums on the future of IOC in Eastern Europe and Latin America, and wishes to continue to support in Asia and Africa in the future. We believe this would guide all Member States to recognize the importance of sustained ocean observation and services and for future international cooperation and network building. South Africa The South African delegation would like to congratulate Captain Frederico Nogueira on the presentation and work thus far. We thank the IOC for undertaking this survey in a quest to establish the capacities of member states with regards to ocean observations and the sustainability thereof. We appreciate the IOCs efforts towards making this a possibility. South Africa as a country situated at the interface of three oceans particularly feels that sustained ocean observations are critical in understanding our marine systems and how they will impact our society in the face of climate change. Sustained observation swill also become more valuable when transformed into relevant products and information in line with the GOOS strategy. South Africa has therefore invested in the development and expansion of its own ocean observing system with particular emphasis, in Phase 1, on more clearly defining the role of the Agulhas Current in the question of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning. We welcome a partnership with other member states as sustained ocean observations are critical to us as a member state, as well as to the global community. This delegation wishes to thank member states that have enthusiastically contributed to the funding of various programmes on the African continent to address these issues particularly the Republic of Korea under the Korea-Africa partnership as well as the Government of Flanders for their sustained support of ODINAFRICA. We encourage other member states to actively contribute in any way possible towards the implementation of sustainable observations. Thailand Due to IOCs works and programmes have been expanding and continuing role on operation and/or sustained ocean service and conducted survey with member countries in the pass year. It indicated that the developing countries acknowledged the need for marine weather and ocean forecast which aid marine time activities and improve safety at the sea including service for ecosystem support. Thailand recognizes the important role of ocean observation system and services. Due to the implement of observation system is costly, Thailand, therefore, explores the possibility to cooperate with intergovernmental organization in the region especially with IOC Sub-commission of WESTPAC. We contribute in two implementing projects under SEAGOOS namely Monsoon onset Monitoring and Its Social and Ecosystem Impacts and Ocean Forecast System. On behalf of Thai delegation, we would like to express our appreciation to the Government of the Republic of Korea to provide a platform for development of the cooperation on the Status of Sustained Ocean Observations and Services to serve the requirement of the IOC, especially in recently, for Caribbean & Latin America. It has been showing a great success of the cooperation. In the coming support of the Government of the Republic of Korea on the Status of Sustained Ocean Observations and Services with ASEAN will be other step forward. As a member of ASEAN and IOC Sub-commission for Western Pacific, we are looking forward to the cooperation and achievement on the Status of Sustained Ocean Observations and Services in our region. United Kingdom The UK thanks the secretariat for their work in seeking feedback on this area of great importance to the future of IOC, as our international scientific community seeks to fill the gaps in knowledge about the marine environment. The UK welcomed the opportunity to respond to the questionnaire, believing that it helps clarify those areas where IOC needs to focus future efforts. We were a little disappointed that only 29 countries returned completed questionnaires, less than a quarter of members. The UK IOC office worked hard to provide a high level of detail to the survey, and we agree with the comments of the Australian Delegation that production of a more detailed analysis of responses, with subsequent publication on the IOC website, would be welcome. We support the changes to the wording of paragraph six proposed by the Delegation from Germany. We look forward to supporting GOOS and JCOMM in their role in coordinating sustained ocean observations for a wide range of users, producing many data products to support the needs of the community. Global Ocean Observing System Belgium GOOS, le systme mondial pour lobservation de locan, par son ampleur, sa continuit et les services quil rend est sans conteste une action majeure de la COI. Ma dlgation souhaite saluer ici lensemble des ralisations et rsultats de GOOS. Par ailleurs, dans le contexte de lalliance rgionale qui la concerne, la Belgique se rjouit davoir pu crer les conditions pour la fois doter EuroGOOS dune personnalit juridique et, grce au soutien de notre gouvernement fdral, pour accueillir son quipe de coordination. Le rle moteur de GOOS implique que les moyens soient maintenus et dvelopps pour en assurer la continuit. Ma dlgation se flicite de la volont dtendre GOOS la problmatique du carbone et de souvrir aux domaines de la biologie et des cosystmes. Ds lors, nous insistons pour que soient explores non-seulement lobtention de moyens nouveaux, mais galement la coordination et synergies possibles avec dautres programmes et projets, comme cela a dj t le cas avec IOCCP. Canada Canada would first like to thank Dr Gunn, his colleagues and the IOC Secretariat for the efforts on this file. Canada believes that the Global Ocean Observing System GOOS - is a foundational component of the work of the IOC. Canada also notes our continued support and commitment of GOOS. We are integrating our existing Canadian ocean monitoring systems (such as the Atlantic Zone Ocean Monitoring Program and the Sea-Level program, into this global system. Furthermore, Canada will make every effort to support and participate in the three GOOS Panels (physics, biochemical and biological) via in-kind support and participation of our science expertise. Specifically, we are pleased to speak to the Argo program. In the past year, we acquired over thirty new floats that are being deployed on the Northwest Atlantic and the Northeast Pacific Oceans. We are pleased to confirm that we will continue with further investment in the coming year. Finally, Canada would note that the charge to the GOOS Steering Committee is aimed at both Member States and user communities. It is important that GOOS continue to strengthen its relevance to those user communities for possible support for GOOS activities. China Firstly, Chinese delegation would like to congratulate Dr. John Gunn represented the GOOS Steering Committee made the very clearly and comprehensive report on the progress of GOOS and the work plan for the development of GOOS. We would like also to take this opportunity to express our appreciations to the GSC and IOC/GOOS Project Office for their very hard working! Secondly, our delegation will fully support for the working plan of the development of GOOS. And also support the development of GOOS regional Policy, in particular, fully support IOCs Sub-Committee to play the very important Intergovernmental efficiency coordination for the development of GRAs. Thirdly, regarding to the requirement for support development of GOOS, our delegation will positively consider the possibility of setting up an IOC/GOOS support office at SOA of China, in order to strengthen the coordination for the development of GOOS and JCOMM in the future. India Indian delegation compliments and congratule John for the excellent presention highlighting accomplishnents of the GOOS including the SWOT analysis. India would continue to contribute towards augmentation of met-oceanographic observing network under IOGOOS through national regional, and bi-lateral programmes. India has a comprehensive national Ocean Observing System (OOS) consisting of moored data buoys, Argo floats, Drifters, Current meter moorings, ADCP moorings, wave rider buoys, XBT transects, besides making measurements through conventional methods on a campaign mode. Govt. of India has committed to support these observing systems. With regard to regional programme, India has been providing logistical support in the Research Moored Array of Africa-Asia-Australia Monsoon Analysis and prediction (RAMA) being implemented by NOAA USA as a part of (Indian Ocean Observing System) Indoos. So far 70% of planned 46 moorings envisaged under this programme has been established. India contributed to this progamme by providing ship time and other logistic support. These moorings deployed in the tropical Indian ocean are providing surface Met ocean parameters and subsurface parameters like temperature, salinity and currents at different depths. India is also committed to strengthen the satellite missions for ocean applications. India in collaboration with France, launched SARAL-ALTIKA satellite, in February 2013 to obtain the improved measurements of coastal sea level. In Jan 2012, MEGHA-TROPIQUES satellite data was made operational jointly with France. This satellite is providing data on precipitation, atmospheric water vapour, clouds, ice and radiation budget over the tropical ocean. However, there are a number of challenges being faced currently in the implementation of Observation network (i) vandalism of moored buoys (2) piracy in the western Arabian Sea because of which we are unable to establish the planned moorings in that region. At the end we would like to reiterate that we are committed to the proliferation of observing systems in the oceans and will cooperate and contribute to the programmes of GOOS. Japan Japan highly appreciates the work of GOOS Steering Committee to develop a direction of internationally coordinated ocean observations. GOOS is one the most important frameworks in which IOC takes a lead in the UN system, to allow for international cooperation and coordination on ocean research, observations, and data exchange. Japan has been actively participating in GOOS through the North East Asian Regional GOOS (NEAR-GOOS) and other international programs such as Argo, and we wish to continue our contributions to GOOS in the future as well. Turkey I would like to inform you that Turkey is planning to deploy 4 Argo Floats in the Mediterranean Sea and Black sea. This national project will contribute to the efforts of GOOS in the region. In this context, I would like to bring your kind attention to the procedures concerning the Argo Floats deployments that must be implemented, according to the decisions EC(41.4)-XLI.4 and Resolution XX-6. In accordance with these documents, IOC Council has already decided that, concerned coastal states must be informed in advance, through appropriate channels, of all deployment of profiling floats that might drift into waters under their jurisdiction. In this context, through the IOC circular letter 2313, Turkeys request on this matter and designated Argo focal point information was transmitted to the member states. We would like to invite the relevant states to implement this above-mentioned decision, since we have not been informed yet about the Argo floats that are currently in the waters under the jurisdiction of Turkey. This request is also valid for the Argo Floats which have the possibility of drifting into the waters under the jurisdiction of Turkey. United States of America The United States Delegation appreciates Dr. Gunns presentation and the work of the GOOS Steering Committee and support the GOOS work plan. We are very proud of the work of this body in establishing GOOS and are very familiar with the genesis of this IOC Flagship Program. We support the conclusions of this report, however note the realistic assessment that Dr.Gunns report conveys about the resources available to reach these objectives. This is particularly frustrating as the U.S. National Committee on IOC recommended support for this expansion of GOOS, but the recommendations that Dr. Gunn conveys provide the limitations of realism, and we commend him for that. We draw particular attention to paragraph 6 in the draft decision, and hope that again the familiar theme of finding a steward to lead the economic generation of a good science idea will be realized. Joint IOC-WMO Technical Commission (JCOMM) for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology China First, my delegation would like to express our sincere thanks to Dr. Nadia Pinard the co-president of JCOMM for her clear and comprehensive report on JCOMM development. Specially, in her report has indicated that JCOMMs development has closely reached the IOCs height levels objectives. Our delegation will fully support JCOMMs work plan and continue to get more development in the future. In particular we will support JCOMM to undertake close cooperative with IOC/IODE on the development of New MCDS Strategy 2020 with through a global network of less than ten CMOCs which fully interoperable with the WMO WIS and IODE/ODP and will provide the services to the member/member states. Secondly our delegation would like to take this opportunity to reaffirm China's willingness and commitment to establish an IOC-WMO CMOC at its National Marine Data an Information Service (NMDIS), in order to improve our contribution to the development of IOC/IODE and JCOMM. And according to JCOMM-IV held in May 2012, the committee approved the NMDIS to undertake the functions of the CMOC on a trial basis and report the results to JCOMM through the Management Committee. Today we would like to give very brief introduction of the trial basis has been taken at the center: To promote the CMOC China in NMDIS, a Steering Group of the center was set up with the Director-General of NMDIS as the Chair. And the working plan for the trial basis was drafted in detail. To start the trial bases on the data and metadata collecting and height quality controlling and drafted the relevant documentations; Construction scheme of CMOC China website and design as an integrated website. The data and information collected so far had been loaded into the trial version system which including some oceanographic and meteorological data from China, To prepare on welcoming and cooperating for JCOMM and IODE joint evaluation committee for the nominator evaluation of CMOCs. Mr. Chair, According to the requirement of JCOMM-IV, we will provide The CMOC China on a trial basic Progress Report to the JCOMM-MAN in the end of this year. And we are looking forward to cooperative with all IOC member states and other CMOCs centers to implement the MCDS and IODE Strategy Germany Germany appreciates the work by JCOMM and supports the decision proposed. The Expert Team on Marine Climatology (ETMC) of JCOMM (WMO-IOC Joint Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology) has designed a new Marine Climate Data System (MCDS) to formalize and coordinate the activities of existing systems, and address gaps. The Vision is to produce a dedicated WMO-IOC data system operational by 2020, with a standardized structure for existing and new data across JCOMM/IODE. The system is expected to improve timescales for met-ocean climate data availability, facilitate the exchange of historical met-ocean climate data sets between countries, and thereby increase the amount of ocean observations eventually made available to the relevant end user applications. Furthermore, integrated data and metadata will be available containing comprehensive dataset information e.g. historic details on current and past data codes and formats. In this sense, the MCDS seeks to benefit climate research, long-term climate monitoring and the Global Framework of Climate Services (GFCS) offering advantages in a restricted budged environment. Iran (Islamic Republic of) I R of Iran Delegation congratulate JCOMM for it's great achievements. The Iranian Meteorology Organization and the Iranian National Institute for Oceanography have formed the JCOMM of Iran from three years ago. We would like to pay the attention of JCOMM and IOC to the Caspian Sea. The Caspian Sea is the largest lake in the world and lies between different climatic systems as it is influenced by weather systems from North Atlantic to Asia. The Caspian Sea and it's watershed stretch latitudinally and actually is a long cross section of the northern hemisphere. One of the big challenges in studying the climatic variability and extreme conditions is related to sea level changes and it's natural and socio-economic impacts. The impact of sea-level changes on the nature of the basins and the coastal communities is largely not on real-time observations because present-day sea-level change proceeds so slowly that it is almost imperceptible in human time scales. The Caspian Sea changes take place here at a pace of 100 times as fast as along oceanic coasts. According to this short explanation, the Iranian National Institute for Oceanography suggest the world oceanographic community to pay more attention to this unique water body as a natural laboratory for studying the climate change and it's consequences on the world sea level. Moreover, this water body can provide us a good opportunity to study the paleoclimatology of the northern hemisphere in a reasonable scale. Japan First of all, our delegation thanks Dr. Pinardi, Co-president of JCOMM for her excellent report. Japan highly appreciates the supports provided by the IOC Secretariat and Member States to JCOMM activities in the time of financial difficulties. JCOMM plays key roles in coordinating international ocean services, observations, and data management, and Japan considers that continuous supports should be provided to JCOMM activities in close cooperation with WMO. South Africa The South African delegation would like congratulate Dr Pinardi for the excellent presentation. We would like to commend JCOMM for the good work and achievements so far. South Africa, as a WMO co-chair for the JCOMM supports the outlined activities. The objectives of JCOMM are clear and we hope that the related capacity building activities will be expanded to demonstrate clear beneficiation to societal needs. This is especially important in ocean observations, forecasting and early warning systems. South Africa will continue to partner with other members states in advancing the benefits of JCOMM throughout Africa. We thank the DBCP for the capacity building activities in the Indian Ocean and we hope that this will play an integral role when undertaken planned cruises to commemorate the International Indian Ocean Expedition. IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) Belgium Our Belgium delegation regards IODE as one of the flagships of IOC. The Flanders Government will continue the hosting the IODE Project Office at the Flanders Marine Institute in Oostende Belgium, of which the funding is secured till 2017. Additional funding through projects of the Flanders UNESCO Science trust fund and through in-kind contributions done by the Marine Data Centre at the Flanders Marine Institute. We support the Restructuring process as prepared in the 22nd IODE Committee meeting in Ensenada, Mexico We endorse IODEs cooperation with other IOC programs and initiatives (such as ICAM and ICAN) and with other agencies and international bodies WMO (JCOMM), UNEP, FAO , SCOR. We will continue our support to IODE in the future and hope many of the members states will join us. We endorse de decision as proposed in the document. Canada Canada commends the work of the IODE in the area of global ocean data management. If IOC is the flagship of UNESCO, many around the world will say that IODE is the flagship of IOC. Through the office in Oostend, the IODEs ODIN program, the OceanTeacher Academy, and partnerships with other sister organizations such as WMO and IHO, the IODE has made a mark in the global arena. We find the documentation of the Strategic Plan to be well written, to show the relevance of the program and to show a clear plan for the future. As Flanders has demonstrated through its Trust Fund, data and information management are fundamental to all activities of the IOC and also to member states. Unfortunately, the importance of the data management in science activities is not often recognized and not taken into consideration while planning science programs -climate, integrated coastal management, ocean services and others. Years ago, under the leadership of our colleague from Australia, Dr. Angus McEwan, lOC had established a data policy. Canada is of the opinion that this IODE Strategic Plan and the IOC Data Policy need to be highlighted within IOC and should be an integral part of the Future of IOC discussions. Furthermore, noting that not all Member States of IOC have established national oceanographic data centres, Canada would like to encourage Member States to establish such centres and benefit from the training and guidance available through IODE. Finally, Canada is pleased to note that Fisheries and Oceans Canada has recently contributed the services of Mr. Tobias Spears as the Project Manager for the Ocean Data Portal - a significant initiative under IODE. India Our delegation thanks IODE co-chair Mr. Ariel Troisi for the wonderful summary of IODE activities during the past two years and plans for the future. Considering the importance of the work done by IODE, our delegation supports the activities presented in the report. The RNODC in India is actively participating and promoting the policies of IODE through oceanographic data archival and dissemination. As part of the IODE/IOCs Ocean Teacher Global Classroom concept, INCOIS/India jointly with IODE organized a training programme on Marine GIS through Tele-presence facility during March 19-23, 2012 for the benefit of trainees. The main focus of the programme was development of Marine GIS application using GIS software. Lectures were transmitted from Oostende (Belgium) to INCOIS, Hyderabad via the Video Conferencing system. Mr. Chairman, India would like to continue to support such activities through the establishment of International Training Centre for Operational Oceanography at ESSO-INCOIS. Mr. Chairman, we are happy to inform you that the training centre is already functional at INCOIS and the first international training programme in collaboration with International Centre for Theoretical Physics is scheduled to take place during 5-21 Aug 2013. 24 trainees, from 8 countries, have been selected to participate in this training programme. Finally, we would like to reiterate that India is will support the activities of IODE and continue to participate actively in the programmes on data management and capacity building. Iran (Islamic Republic of) Our Deligation would like to congratulate the distinguished co-chair of IODE, Mr Ariel Troisi for his excellent presentation. Like Belgium, we believe that IODE is one of the most important programs of IOC. Therefore, I R of Iran fully supports IODE activities. Furthermore, we appreciate the efforts of IODE for pay consideration to the Region of the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman in ELsenada meeting in Mexico. Iran believes that the regional cooperation in the framework of IODE should be pursued as a priority. Japan Japan has been actively participating in the whole projects and activities of IODE since its establishment in 1960s. Having had intensive and extensive discussion at the last IODE meeting in Ensenada, Mexico in March 2013, including important issues on IOC strategic plan for oceanographic data and information exchange, IODE quality management framework, and the cooperative works with the WDS of ICSU, Japan expressed its appreciation to the IODE co-chair, Mr Troisi, for his clear report on the discussion made, and the government of Mexico for hosting such an important meeting. Japan would continue to join the all of the IODE activities and contribute to better management of oceanographic data and information within the international cooperative framework, particularly for the projects of Ocean Data Standard and Ocean Data Portal. As Japan repeatedly pointed out in the previous Assemblies and Executive Council meetings, Japan would emphasize the importance of secure archive of oceanographic data as one of the key objectives of IODE. This should be achieved through the collaborative network of NODCs and partner organizations, including WMO, IHO, ICSU and many others. In addition, it is quite important for IODE to actively participate in and interact with global oceanographic research and services, by playing a leading role in data management in such activities. There would be some needs for the future of IODE to consider how the IODE and its data and information services are able to contribute to the decision making processes by providing scientifically reliable data and information for them, and also how to improve the visibility of IODE in the scientific research programmes. For the Oceanographic Data and Information Network (ODIN) in our region, WESTPAC, Japan has been joining the discussion how to revitalize ODINWESTPAC among the member states and WESTPAC Officers. It is essentially important for the capacity development in ocean data management in the region. With these comments Japan would fully support the proposed decision 5.3.4. Japan would also express our deep appreciation to the Government of Flanders for its continuous supports to the IODE project office in Oostende. Mozambique Mozambique delegation would like to thank the excellent presentation of IODE. Also to support the IODE activities considering the importance of oceanographic data exchange for all members states. Mozambique hopes that this programme will continue to provide the required resources for research, education and capacity building. Republic of Korea Korean Delegation would like to express our gratitude to Mr Ariel Troisi for the detailed report. We recognize the importance of IODE's role in oceanographic data management and exchange, and appreciate the active endeavors of IODE. What we care is the Quality Management Framework (QMF), which will increase the value of IODE and Member States National Oceanographic Data Centers(NODC). We hope that the accreditation procedure for NODC to be established at the earliest possible date. We also think that the new Associated Data Unit (ADU) as a structural element will improve the data coverage of previous IODE structure. Considering that there is no accreditation procedure for ADU currently, we believe that further consideration is needed to ensure the data quality. Last but not least, we would like to stress the importance of the core activities of IODE, such as the Ocean Data Portal and Ocean Data Standard, that they should be proceeded in a prompt manner. Republic of Korea will continue to support the IODE activities by providing quality data and following the IODE-QMF accreditation process. South Africa South Africa would like to add its voice to previous interventions of member states in thanking and congratulating the IODE Co-Chair, Mr Ariel Troisi for the report. South Africa as the chair of IOC Sub-Commission for Africa and Adjacent Islands, together with other African Member States, would like to thank the IODE for its activities on the African continent, many member states in the continent have benefited and contributed towards these ocean data and information exchange activities. We commend the Government of Flanders for its generous and sustained contribution towards various IODE programmes that have had a direct impact in Africa such as ODINAFRICA. We believe that IODE is a strategic programme within the IOC and we urge other member states to contribute in making IODE as relevant as it has been in ocean data and information management. As member states we must ensure that the good work done by the IODE will remain as a flagship within IOC. Turkey Data and information are of the crucial elements to achieve the IOCs High Level Objectives. So we believe that IODE Committee of IOC has the priority importance regarding to the oceanographic data and information management. Archiving and sharing oceanographic data and information timely, relevantly and accurately plays a key role in management of the world ocean. As well as encouraging and supporting National Oceanographic Data Centers of member states to archive oceanographic data and information long term, IODE Committee with its Expert Team on Data Management Practices has already implemented Ocean Data Portal (ODP) which enables data and information sharing among the data centres all over the world. Ocean Data Portal is now one of the best practices of data sharing through which enabling the connection regional data networks globally. IODE is also contributing capacity building activities, in terms of oceanographic data and information, through its Regional Oceanographic Data and Information Networks, ODIN-AFICA, ODIN-ECET, ODIN-WESTPAC, ODIN-CARSA, ODIN-PIMRIS and ODIN-BLACSEA. Turkey has been actively participating in ODIN-BLACKSEA activities sharing expertise with the BlackSea Countries in close collaboration. Besides establishing the best practices on ocean data and information sharing, IODE has also been actively working on data and information standardization, quality control tools, making data and information management strategies, providing expertise to NODCs, accreditation procedures of NODCs through its other Group of Experts. In addition to its global efforts, it is also working in close collaboration with the regional data management projects such as European Union SeaDataNet. Turkey is actively attending to IODE activities and promoting its products and works nationally and nominates Turkish scientist to IODE Group of Experts. In compatible with proposed IOC Strategic Plan for Oceanographic Data and Information Management 2013-2016, we believe that distributed data and information management systems at national level and co-ordinated by NODCs will have the great contributions to IOC IODE efforts. In this regard, we would like to announce that Turkish NODC is now preparing to initiate a national project which will enable to a distributed data and information management system in accordance with the IODE strategies and we believe that, through such systems more additional data units will be part of new structure of IODE committee of IOC. United Kingdom The UK thanks Ariel Troisi for his detailed report. There are many projects taking place under IODE and the UK is pleased to see that it continues to be a very active programme. Many comments could be made, but we wish to highlight one aspect of IODE, that is the introduction of a Quality Management Framework. The UK welcomes this development and in particular endorses the concept of accreditation for National Oceanographic Data Centres (NODCs) that is that they should demonstrate that a set of minimum standards can be fulfilled, and subjected to regular review. We are also pleased to see that that in identifying the accreditation criteria for NODCs, the work undertaken by the International Council for Science (ICSU) World Data System is being taken into account. An important aspect of the Quality Management Framework is the link with capacity development and the OceanTeacher programme, to provide the necessary training to ensure all NODCs can meet the criteria, and we thank the Government of Flanders for their support in funding this work. Finally the UK has experience of accrediting Data Archive Centres within its Marine Environmental Data and Information Network (MEDIN), and is happy to assist IODE as it implements this activity. United Republic of Tanzania The URT would like to express appreciation of the great leading role IODE is playing in ocean data and information management. IODE reflecting its role and the 50 years of existence, and the tremendous changes in data collection methods and platforms, the rapidly increasing amount of data and new data types, at its 22nd Session held in Ensenada, Mexico, March 2013, adopted 20 recommendations that entail a major restructuring and re-organization of IODE to cope with the rapid changes and growing role. The URT fully supports the IODE recommendations, workplan and its restructuring which are aimed at increasing efficiency, effectiveness and increasing the quality of IODE services and products. The URT humbly appreciates the Government of Flanders for hosting and supporting the IOC Project Office for IODE. The URT is encouraging all Member States and Partners to continue supporting IODE both in-kind and financially, and is hopeful that sufficient resources from the IOC Regular Budget will be allocated for IODE activities and functions. Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS) Belgium I would like to thank the Executive Secretary giving this significant importance of OBIS not only for the realizations in the past but also even the importance of OBIS in future endeavors related to Marine Biodiversity. For the Belgium delegation it is of critical importance in continuing the survey of life in our Oceans and seas and therefor considers OBIS as the IODE sister flagship of IOC. The Flanders Government therefor supports OBIS through hosting the OBIS secretariat at the IODE Project Office in Ostend, Belgium, additional funding through projects within the Flanders UNESCO Science trust fund scheme and through in-kind contribution made by the European node of OBIS at the Flanders Marine Institute. We fully endorse the current proposal under the draft budget to establish a regular program position for OBIS, shared between IODE and GOOS. Our delegation hopes not to be the only donor for the core activities of OBIS so it strongly encourages other Member States to help consolidate OBIS under IOC. And we have to do it now before it is too late. Belgium fully agrees with the presentation given the IOC Executive Secretary. We, as indicated by the Executive Secretary, the 145 members states composing IOC and UNESCO simply cannot afford loosing OBIS. Canada Thank you Dr Watson-Wright for delivering the OBIS report and for your very clear and to the point presentation on the successes and challenges of OBIS. Canada recognizes the pioneering leadership of OBIS in promoting the exchange and availability of biodiversity data worldwide, first under the Census of Marine Life (CoML) and now under IODE / IOC. Canada sees many benefits to the continued existence and growth of the i-OBIS office for its national priorities, including: - Leadership and training in data management standards and practices for complex biodiversity and ecosystem data - Enhanced discovery of data for growing national assessment and advice needs for ecosystem-based management - Considerable efficiencies in time and money in mobilizing data for different programs and projects. Canada currently maintains an OBIS node at the Bedford Institute of Oceanography which will soon contribute ca 1M new records to i-OBIS. Canada will continue to explore possibilities to provide direct financial support to the Office and/or its OBIS node, look for sustainable long-term solutions for the continued operation of its OBIS node, and provide our expertise to i-OBIS as much as possible, Who can say that the free exchange and mobilization of basic oceanographic data has not brought enormous benefits to the global oceanographic science community and human needs for oceanographic and climate services? For example, we just recognized the impact of Dr Levitus work in making oceanographic data easily accessible worldwide Biodiversity data is on the cusp of a similar revolution, spearheaded by the creation of OBIS under CoML and now IOC. It would be a major loss to us all if this revolution was aborted or delayed because of current financial pressures. Canada urges the Assembly to give strong priority to funding the OBIS office within the regular budget, the Member States to provide support for the OBIS office and to maintain and/or develop new OBIS nodes within the IODE structure in order to fulfill IODEs mission to lead the mobilization of data worldwide for the benefit of ocean sciences and societal needs. India Thank you Mr. Chairman for allowing us to take the floor. Our delegation thanks Exe. Sec. Dr. Wendy Watson-Wright for the summary report on the developments at OBIS and the likely problems for OBIS after June 2014. Considering the importance of OBIS for biodiversity and considering that the ocean flora and fauna are under great pressure, particularly due to climate change and ocean pollution, there is a need to support the efforts on OBIS. Our delegation would support the efforts of IOC in this regard. India is supporting and maintaining OBIS node and also providing in-kind contribution by hosting the Servers for OBIS Mirror site and the required manpower to maintain the same. Mr. Chairman, we are willing to contribute further in the development of data visualisation and dissemination tools for OBIS as required. Finally, because IOC has adopted OBIS as a fully operational project under IODE through IOC resolution XXV-4, our delegation is of the opinion that OBIS should find a place in IOCs programme budget, at least to support the core requirements. United Kingdom The UK thanks the Executive Secretary for an excellent and detailed presentation that highlighted the success, and clearly stated the funding crisis that is faced by OBIS. The UK has played a significant role in the gathering of the kind of biogeographic information that is served by OBIS, indeed we provided advice on data handling methods and metadata classification when OBIS was being established. We recognise the need for this service to be continued for the benefit of the widest possible range of users. The UK delegation will undertake to bring this matter to the attention of our marine science community and funding agencies. We need to learn lessons regarding how to transition from project funding to sustained investment, and look closely at how OBIS can be integrated into the existing data centre network. United Republic of Tanzania The URT would like to commend the wonderful work and success achieved by OBIS so far. The report presented by the OBIS Project Manager has just alluded that. Last Friday on 28th June 2013, I participated in the OBIS side event during which detailed presentations on the performance and potential for growth and continued success for OBIS were made. The impact of OBIS was highlighted: for example in the increasing number of Journal citations, the many ways OBIS is increasingly being used as a decision-support tool for example in identifying hotspot areas for biodiversity conservation and in many other issues. My delegation is aware that several countries in Africa are using OBIS as source of baseline information for their National Biodiversity Programmes. The URT is particularly encouraged by the successful transition phase of OBIS from being a private foundation-led activity to become part of an Intergovernmental organization, fully operational as a project under IODE. Through the Resolution, IOC Resolution XXV-4, IOC assumed the responsibility of ensuring that the tremendous efforts that many scientists/experts have put in developing OBIS, the huge amount of resources that have been invested into OBIS so far, and the various services that OBIS is already providing are harnessed and maintained. The URT is strongly encouraging Member States and Partners to continue supporting OBIS, and is requesting that sufficient budgetary funds from the IOC Regular Budget be allocated for OBIS activities. United States of America The United States Delegation appreciates the presentation of the Executive Secretary and the importance of the subject. The U.S. congratulates the OBIS staff and contributing Member States for their contributions and the significant progress in restructuring operations and developing an efficient mechanism for carrying out the mission through multiple task teams and multiple locations. In particular, the U.S. Delegation recognizes both Rutgers University and Duke University in the United States, the Indian National Center for Ocean Information Services in India, the University of Simon Bolivar in Venezuela, and the Flanders Marine Institute in Belgium. These enterprises have generated the continued success of an important program. This program is a model of success, up to now, for the IOC. A private foundation generated the funding to create the program at great expense, earning great accolades. IOC took up stewardship of this vital ocean information system, just four years ago. The United States Delegation is concerned by about the status of OBIS funding. We support the program and are willing to work with Member States to find a solution to this challenge, to forestall the termination of the program in 2014. OBIS is the canary in the coal mine. It is an example of what IOC sees in itself and in IOCs future, as the holder of a world class data base, challenged to determine what is to come of it. Also, it is the data holding that defines global ocean biodiversity which is a measure of ocean health. This is very important service to science for the IOC to sustain. Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) En esta coyuntura de recursos limitados, hay programas y programas de programas que ameritan el apoyo de la COI. El OBIS es uno de ellos. Tiene un altsimo impacto en el mbito cientfico y acadmico en muchos pases y regiones, independiente de su nivel de desarrollo. Creemos firmemente, que la base de datos de la enorme cantidad de informacin acumulada debe ser mantenida y aumentada. Es por ello, que solicitamos al Secretariado y la COI en su conjunto, en nombre del sector acadmico y cientfico de la Repblica Bolivariana de Venezuela, encontrar los caminos que vayan en la direccin de mantener y mejorar en el tiempo este programa, que va en el beneficio de todos. Joint Programming Initiative for Healthy and Productive Seas and Oceans (JPI Oceans) For the delegations information, I am representing the Joint Programming Initiative for Healthy and Productive Seas and Oceans, a young intergovernmental organisation in Europe with currently 18 member countries. We are participating for the first time to the assembly as observer and would like to thank the IOCs secretariat for the invitation. We would like to express our appreciation for the clear concern in the presentation concerning OBIS by the Executive Secretary. After all the significant valuable investments in OBIS in the past, including OBIS integration in the IODE programme, JPI Oceans secretariat would like to emphasise the importance of the continued existence and development of OBIS to elaborate further on biological knowledge of life in the oceans, which is very important for more joint assessment within Europe as well as serving this world-wide. WMO-IOC-ICSU World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) China Chinese delegation thanks the impressive presentation of WCRP and appreciates the great achievement of WCRP on the understanding of the global ocean and climate change. WCRP is one of the main programs in the world to coordinate and facilitate climate research. IOC is one of the main sponsors of WCRP. But the Chinese delegation concerned about the decreasing visibility and involvement of IOC in the WCRP recently. Ocean plays a fundamental role in the climate change. For the weather forecast, the ocean may be not so important that sometimes its role was just neglected. However, to face the challenge of improving the predictability of climate change in next several decades and climate change projections, ocean will be in the central place. As one of the main sponsors of WCRP, IOC should get more involved to the WCRP activities to improve the scientific understanding of the role of the ocean in climate change, to achieve the high-level objectives of IOC, and to meet the vision of the IOC medium term strategy for 2014-2021, To this end, Chinese delegation strongly suggests the role of IOC in WCRP should be clearly defined and clarified, and the involvement of IOC secretariat should be strengthened. And also, we suggest a brief report about the role of IOC in WCRP could be submitted to IOC governing body for further consideration. United States of America The U.S. Delegation congratulates the WCRP community for the fine work represented in this presentation. The U.S. is very familiar with the signature oceanographic programs cited in the presentation. We spend many millions of dollars on these productive signatures of contemporary ocean science enabling our understanding of the global ocean; these include: TOGA, CLIVAR, GODAE, GO-Ship, and AMOC, among others. We are grateful to those Member States who cooperate to conduct these programs jointly. Related to these programs, we note that it becomes increasingly difficult for Member States to find sufficient ship time to service all needs of ocean-going programs, and commends those Member States who have joined in the cooperative scheduling of ship time to achieve the needs of these programs. Finally, in recalling some of the words from the presentation offered by WCRP, there is a notation that says, Science Saving Lives and Property. It is worthy to note that the IOC, supporting science programs that save lives, receives only 1.7% of the UNESCO budget and remind Member States that there may be a more appropriate distribution of UNESCO resources for such important work. North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES) Achievements of WCRP in the inter-sessional period are very impressive, and it was truly rewarding to collaborate with WCRP in organizing a symposium in Yeosu and on some other occasions, but my comment will be not on these activities but related to an intervention from Brazil. First, I would like to thank our colleagues from Brazil for their willingness to host the 3rd International Symposium on Effects of climate change on the worlds oceans in Santos, in the spring of 2015. A very enthusiastic and experienced group from the Institute of Oceanology at the University of So-Paulo was identified as a local organizer and has been already working with the Secretariats of IOC, PICES and ICES to set the stage for the successful meeting. Along with symposia on Oceans in a high-CO2 world, symposia on Effects of climate change on the worlds oceans are considered as flagship events by the marine scientific community. IOC, PICES and ICES, who were major international sponsors for the first and the second symposium in this series held in 2008 in Gijn, Spain, and in 2012 in Yeosu, Korea, are working together again to make the third symposium a landmark scientific and capacity building event. Other intergovernmental organizations (such as FAO), international programs (such as WCRP, IMBER and SOLAS) and various national agencies (such as NOAA, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries of Korea, State Oceanic Administration of China) have been or will be invited to be a part of this effort. The symposium conveners have been selected, the Scientific Steering Committee members have been appointed, and the core scientific program and a call for additional sessions and workshops to be held in conjunction with the symposium will be released by the fall of 2013. The symposium website will be launched at that time. Intergovernmental Panel on Harmful Algal Blooms (IPHAB) Chile La delegacin de Chile quiere manifestar que las decisiones adoptadas en la ltima reunin del IPHAB son muy interesantes y contribuyen a mejorar el conocimiento sobre la temtica. Las recomendaciones tambin nos parecen precisas y acertadas, ya que la temtica tiene un fuerte impacto en la salud del ser Humano. Para Chile se trata de un tema sensible que va mas all de la investigacin y por lo tanto es de una alta significacin e importancia. Por ello expresa su apoyo al significativo trabajo realizado a la fecha, como asimismo a los estudios y otras iniciativas, que se generen al respecto. Iran (Republic Islamic of) I R of Iran Delegation appreciate the efforts of IPHAB and the distinguished president of this program for his informative and excellent presentation. As you know allege bloom happened in the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman about three years ago that continued for 11 months. Therefore, Iran is interested to participate in Oman Conference on this issue in 2014. However, it seems that there is a lack of knowledge in some aspects of HAB phenomena in our region. So, organizing of some regional training workshops for capacity building related to toxin detection and using satellite oceanography method for tracking the bloom by IPHAB is required. Monaco La dlgation de Monaco souhaite remercier le Prsident du Groupe Intergouvernemental de la COI sur les efflorescences dalgues nuisibles pour la clart de son expos. Monaco soutient ce programme de la COI car il constitue une action unique et effective pour la comprhension et la prvention des phnomnes defflorescences dalgues nuisibles qui affectent les populations et leurs ressources dans toutes les rgions du monde. Monaco accorde, en particulier, une forte priorit au nouveau programme de recherche GlobalHAB et ses projets sur les algues benthiques, ainsi quau rapport sur ltat global des efflorescences dalgues nuisibles et demande ce quils soient inclus dans la dcision finale de lAssemble. Republic of Korea Korean Delegation would like to support the initiative by IPHAB. Since we do have many experiences in the field of HAB research, and the term of references of the task team suggested by IPHAB is well matched with current Korean HAB program, we would like to participate in the task team on Biotoxin Monitoring, Management and Regulations, if allowed. Thailand Firstly, on behalf of Thai delegation, I would like to thank the chair of IPHAB, for his excellent and clear presentation on the progress of the Intergovernmental Panel for Harmful Algal Blooms and its way forward. There are many points in the report of IPHAB, especially on encouraging the Member States of IOC to participate in the programme, to set up new research topics and committees for the project including an achievement HABs development in regional level, which are very well correlated to HAB programme of IOC Sub-commission for WESTPAC. As we know and well understand that the Algal Bloom is one of the major threats worldwide that many countries have faced the toxic algal blooms for a long period of time, especially its impact on coastal fisheries and seafood security. Thailand is well aware of such critical issue though we have no serious toxic algal blooms at present. We, therefore, have joined HAB programme of IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific, since more than 20 years ago. There are strong networks and close cooperation on HAB in the WESTPAC region. The proposal of IPHAB to implement the activities in regional level, therefore, needs to be clear in its practical process to avoid duplication and confusion among the Member States in the region. We require a closer communication of IOC-supporting global programme, and in particular, more closely working within regional programme such as IPHAB and WSTPAC-HAB. As UNESCO is facing financial crisis, the close cooperation or working together in Global and Regional levels would be synergetic of limited resources of UNESCO-IOC. During the past few days, we realize that most of the Member States have contributed significantly to IOC Regional Subsidiary Bodies as an implementing body of the IOC. We do hope that the close cooperation and communication on global and regional programme will maximize the benefit of limited resources as well as to avoid confusion of Member States of IOC on implementing programme between Global and regional levels. Secondly, I would like to give an intervention on behalf of the IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific. In view of considerable negative impacts of HAB on human health and direct economic in the WESTPAC region, the IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific established the WESTPAC-HAB Programme in early 1990s in order to foster regional cooperation on HAB science through the conduct of joint research, development and provision of a series of training courses. In this regard, we would like to express our appreciation to the government of Japan for its long-term financial support to WESTPAC/HAB programme, and other countries in the region for hosting WESTPAC/HAB activities. Mr. Chair, in accordance with the strategic direction defined for WESTPAC over next medium term even beyond, WESTPAC will enhance its efforts, bearing in mind the concept of the sustainability science, in the development of country-specific programmes in which WESTPAC-HAB will be one of importance components. With a view to further addressing this specific problem our many developing countries have been facing. United States of America The U.S. Delegation welcomes Dr. Magnien's report and supports Assembly endorsement of the Panel's recommendations and the draft decisions, including implementation of the biennial work plan. We are pleased to join consensus on the call for a more concerted study of Ciguaterra Fish Poisoning, which affects so many nations represented here at the Assembly and for which new scientific advances hold great promise in protecting public health and commerce in seafood. We also see great benefit in the recommendation for involving other UN agencies, including FAO and WHO, in this initiative. Finally, the proposed Global HAB Status Report will not only serve the interests of our Member States, but it will add to the content of the World Ocean Assessment and enhance the visibility of IOC therein. North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES) PICES has partnered with IOC, SCOR, ICES and NOAA in organizing and funding the workshop on Harmful algal blooms in a changing world held last March. The idea of an open science meeting on Harmful algal blooms and climate change in 2014-2015 emerged from this workshop (Decision IPHAB-XI.1). PICES appreciates an invitation to co-convene the meeting. The involvement of various PICES expert groups in this important event and our financial commitments will be discussed and decided at the 2013 PICES Annual Meeting to be held in October in Nanaimo, Canada. PICES has contributed to IOC-led Harmful Algae Information System (HAIS) since 2005. We strongly support an idea to produce a periodic Global Harmful Algal Bloom Status Report (Decision IPHAB-XI.2). This report will be a critical addition to the United Nations World Ocean Assessment, provide a global status of HAB events and the causative species. It will be also an important contribution to future PICES North Pacific Ecosystem Status Reports. If this initiative is approved by the IOC Assembly, PICES will nominate appropriate experts to the Task Team proposed for the development of the Global Harmful Algal Bloom Status Report. If forming of a new decadal international research program focusing on understanding HABs in the context of global sustainability (GlobalHAB) is accepted by the IOC Assembly (Recommendation IPHAB XI.1), PICES would be prepared to consider participating in a GlobalHAB Scientific Steering Committee to develop a Science Plan and an Implementation Plan for the program. Integrated Coastal Area Management (ICAM) Belgium We would like to thank Julian Barbire for his extensive report in the context of integrated coastal area management. In this context, my delegation appreciates the work IOC have been conducted in in the last decade in promoting marine spatial planning and ecosystem based management. In particular the Flanders Government appreciated the work done by IOC in close cooperation with the local regional authority CPPS and therefor decided second a second phase through the Flanders UNESCO Science trust fund scheme. We also welcome the development in the context of coordinating the LME project as presented in the second part of the presentation. We fully endorse the proposal under the draft budget as presented in the regular program India Thanks to Dr. Julian Barbeire for the clear presentation on ICAM & LME, which are important programmes particularly in the light of climate change and associated sea level rise. The coastal marine environments are undergoing rapid degradation world over due to multiple stresses arising from local to global scale drivers (e.g. water use, influx of sediments, pollutants, ecosystem degradation, river flooding, shoreline erosion, storms, tsunamis, sea level rise, etc.). The decision making, social adaptation and building governance to enable resilience against coastal risks is difficult because of the complex interactions between these drivers and competing concerns (e.g. human migration, lifestyles, land use, and ecosystems services). This situation often demands the development and use of specific local approaches that are not generic enough to be used elsewhere, and therefore inhibit the wider sharing of knowledge (e.g. between nations). Hence, we need to develop novel, transferable, coastal vulnerability assessment approaches to facilitate decision making and better management of the coasts. Iran (Islamic Republic of) I R of Iran congratulate to the distinguished chair of ICAM program of IOC for his excellent report. Noting the increasing and significant role of ICAM and states' sincere consideration thereto, we recommend that the IOC provides multiple standards and models of ICAM taking into serious account of a given region the potentials, and challenges, as well as climate, economical, environmental and other conditions of a variety of geographical regions separately in order for the states with different conditions to be able to adopt compatible models and standards there with. It should be mentioned that the Maritime and Ports Organization of I R of Iran prepared the ICZM plan of the country about three years ago and then based on this plan, an organization was established in Iran for coastal and marine management and development that is affiliated to the Ministry of Interior Affairs of Iran. United States of America The Delegation of the United States appreciates the comprehensive presentation and supports the position recommended. This presentation reflects the values of the United States own National Ocean Policy by relying on principles of ecosystem based management, Large Marine Ecosystems, coastal and marine spatial planning, coastal resilience, blue carbon, and other incorporated subjects. The United States will continue working in the areas cited within the presentation through investments in these subjects through our nationally funded global science programs. Further, this Delegation appreciates the attention of the presentation to the financial circumstances of the IOC and the need to raise extra-budgetary funds to enable this work. A Regular Process for Global Reporting and Assessment of the State of the Marine Environment, including Socio-economic Aspects (UN Regular Process) World Ocean Assessment Canada Canada has been a strong advocate of assessments as a means to better inform decision making, and as such, has been active in advancing this global initiative. Canada is also pleased to say that we are providing strong participation in the Pool of Experts. A key objective for Canada is that the assessments are based on the best available science, strongly linked to policy/decision makers. Canada wants to ensure that the World Ocean Assessment strives for equitable geographical representation. Arctic waters should be adequately covered and that Assessments that have been done by others should be considered under the World Ocean Assessment. For example, assessments done via the Arctic Council Working Groups would be an obvious source of information for the WOA (e.g., CAFFs Arctic Biodiversity Assessment for the biodiversity chapter, recent assessment of impacts of Ocean acidification in the Arctic). Indicators of performance are key to the Assessment process. Canada would suggest that we learn from others, and indicators that have been shown to perform well following established criteria be used for the World Ocean Assessment rather than developing new reporting standards. Finally, Canada fully supports the draft decision and IOCs engagement with the Secretariat of the Regular Process and all other relevant bodies. India Thanks to Mr. Alan Simcock and Mr Julian Barbire for clear presentations on AOA and Integrate coastal area management, respectively. Our intervention is mainly on the UNs endeavour on Regular Process for Global Reporting and Assessment of the State of the Marine Environment Recognising the importance of Assessment of Assessments for biodiversity and considering that the ocean flora and fauna are undergoing great pressures by multiple drivers, particularly due to climate change and ocean pollution, our delegation supports the UN endeavour to conductRegular Process for Global Reporting and Assessment of the State of the Marine Environment, including Socio-economic Aspects India has responded to UN notification on the matter and nominated 10 experts covering all the major marine disciplines including socio-economic aspect viz., Marine chemistry, physical oceanography, marine geology, and biology Secondly, India has decided to organisea Regional workshop to conduct AOA for the northern Indian ocean, in Chennai, India in December 2013 as a part of the first cycle. Republic of Korea Korean Delegation would like to share with the Member States the recognition of the importance of the UNRP. On the basis of this recognition, Korean government has already made some financial contributions although not so big, and has participated in several Regional Workshops actively. Korean Government obviously evaluates the IOC's supporting activities very high and valuable, and believes that such support should be continued until the first cycle of World Ocean Assessment is over successfully. One thing to be emphasized is the participation of the scientists not only in the field of ocean science but also in economy and sociology. One of the key guidance given by the UN is the geographic and gender balance of the participating experts. More experts are to be added in the pool of experts. So, we would like to ask Member States to recommend more experts to the secretariat of UNRP, DOALOS. Thailand I would like to give my intervention on behalf of IOC Sub-commission for Western Pacific. The IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific (WESTPAC) would extend its sincere thanks to the Government of China for hosting the workshop for Eastern and South-eastern Asian Seas in support of the regular process, which was convened from 21 to 23 February 2012 in Sanya, China, under the auspices of the United Nations with IOC as one of the key co-sponsors and co-organizers through WESTPAC. WESTPAC has paid high attention to the movement of this initiative. In response to the capacity building need to identify from the Sanya workshop, hold in February 2012,for the integrated marine assessment tool, the first Regional Scientific and Technical Capacity Building Workshop on the World Ocean Assessment was organized in Bangkok, Thailand, during 1719 September 2012, which co-hosted by UNEP regional seas programmes and APN. The workshop aims to; I. To strengthen and promote regional cooperation and networks towards the World Ocean Assessment. II. To build capacities in WESTPAC Member Countries to conduct integrated marine assessments; III. To contribute to the World Ocean Assessment through the provision of an initial regional trial assessment and a new regional methodology for multi-disciplinary marine assessments. The summary report of this workshop is available on WESTPAC website and UNEP relevant websites. Through our engagement into the World Ocean Assessment (WOA) over the past, WESTPAC has been fully aware of the challenges faced on the implementation of WOA of all Member States. For the further helps of Member Countries involve in and contribute to the WOA, WESTPAC will continuously make every efforts not only to bring the information gaps between the global and national level but also to build the capacity in the WOA by mobilizing funding in support of regional expert workshops and perhaps on the integrate marine assessment tool with other regional partners. As the distinguished speaker of PICES expressed a couple of days ago, we are exploring the possibility with PICES to joint activities associated with WOA in the region. United Kingdom The UK has a national vision of clean, healthy, safe, productive and biologically diverse oceans and seas, and in 2010 published Charting Progress 2, a comprehensive report on the state of the UK seas. It was published by the UK Marine Monitoring and Assessment community which has over 40 member organisations. The report is based on a robust, peer-reviewed evidence base and describes progress made since the publication of the first  HYPERLINK "http://chartingprogress.defra.gov.uk/resources" Charting Progress report in 2005. It provides key findings from UK marine research and monitoring for use by policy makers and others, and is also forming the basis of our Initial State of the Seas assessment as part of the work towards achieving good environmental status by 2020 under the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Charting Progress presents data in a clear, simple traffic light format that is easily understood by policy makers, with full links to the background data. It demonstrates the considerable expertise that the UK has developed in assessment of the ocean and in presenting the data in an understandable manner, an expertise that the UK would be pleased to share with the World Ocean Assessment community. North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES) Last June, PICES convened a workshop on the development of socio-economic indicators for the North Pacific held in Honolulu, Hawaii. Overall, the meeting far exceeded our expectations --- despite the short lead time, we were able to bring together experts from all six PICES member countries (Canada, Japan, Peoples Republic of China, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation and the United States) to generate Human Dimension Indicators for the next PICES North Pacific Ecosystem Status Report while assimilating data and information in support of the First World Ocean Assessment (WOA). Important to our success was having Alan Simcock, WOA Group of Experts Co-Chair, who provided critical background on the evolution and cause of the World Ocean Assessment, creating a framework for our discussions. Although UN Member States must host WOA Workshops, it is clear now that informal meetings such as the PICES workshop will be very valuable as they supply critical information in support of UN processes (not only World Ocean Assessment but also the Convention on Biological Diversity process to identifying ecologically or biologically significant marine areas), and also provide access to an established network of scientific experts with unparalleled knowledge of North Pacific marine ecosystems. Other regional intergovernmental organizations or subsidiary bodies of global organizations would have similar networks for other marine regions. As its name suggests, the World Ocean Assessment has been established as a regular process to consider the state of the ocean. Now knowing well the need for regional input to this process, we expect that PICES will be better positioned to deliver valuable scientific advice to the World Ocean Assessment as the effort matures and additional Assessments are generated. Some recognition of this by the UN might allow PICES to more formally engage in these activities. For example, PICES could establish ad-hoc expert groups to review, compile, and synthesize key information/data in support of WOA activities (e.g., produce technical or white papers) to allow more in-depth information/data identification. Development of a New Capacity Development Strategy Canada Canada would like to express its appreciation for this report. In a scenario of shrinking resources for science, there is an increasing need for all Member States to contribute to, and participate in, global programs in marine science. This can only be achieved through capacity development. Canada noted that the presentation and the information document on this Agenda was based on consultations with a number of Member States, However, it is not evident that similar consultations have taken place with other organizations actively involved in Capacity Development, such as POGO, IHO, and WMO. Furthermore, the report provided did not indicate that it will give considerations to gender equality, a high level objective for UNESCO and IOC. The presentation by Shubha Satheydranath this morning gave IOC valuable guidance and also highlighted that sustained investment in people can bring long-term benefits. She also showed that even small investments can produce large benefits if the right persons are engaged. The questions she left us with will provide additional guidance and help us in the articulation of an IOC Capacity Development Strategy. Canada supports the establishment of the IntersessionalWG. The Sessional Working Group, during its two sessions held over this Assembly, has put together a draft Terms of Reference which will guide the work of the WG during the Intersessional period. Canada will be pleased to participate in this Intersessional WG. India Our delegation would like to express our appreciation to the reports on the necessity for preparing a New Capacity development Strategy by Dr. Mitrasen Bhikajee and Prof. Ittikot. Our delegation agrees and fully support this requirement particularly in light of the recent decisions of Rio+20 Conference and the changing requirements of member states. Hence, we support the suggestion to set up a working group to prepare the New Strategy for Capacity Development. However, we would like to suggest that in addition to the capacity development targeted at ocean technology and science, the new strategy should also target the decision making so that the oceans can become an integral part of our society. Mr. Chairman, India has a long history of supporting the capacity development programmes of IOC and will continue to do so in future also, specially through the newly established ITCOocean. This training centre will initially concentrate on conducting short term training courses but will ultimately design and conduct courses in operational oceanography leading to degrees or diplomas. This facility will be opened to all member states. Japan Japan welcomes the directions presented by Dr. Bhikajee and Dr. Ittekot. Japan would like to support to capacity development more effective and efficient by identifying the priorities and needs of countries that require capacity building. For Japan, it is difficult to make an additional budget to develop the work schedule within the Secretariat showed, however Japan will consider the contribution such as dispatching experts to the Sessional Working Group. Malaysia Malaysia has long recognized the importance of capacity development to improve its socio-economic well-being. That is why Malaysia has embodied capacity development into our National Agenda to become a high income and developed nation by 2020. We believe in harnessing the power of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) and human capital as the way forward to develop the new economy. Our new National Policy on STI among others embraces STI enculturation; development and intensification of talents as well as enhancement of international linkages and collaboration. In this regard, we welcome the proposed new strategy plan for capacity development in the IOC as outlined in document 27/2 of Annex 10. We thus concur with the need to be closely networked; to share experiences and best practices as well as to improve accessibility to well-informed science and technologies. As a member of the Advisory Group of IOC-WESTPAC, Malaysia has been contributing towards capacity building within the region. Leveraging on the Fund in Trust under Malaysia-UNESCO Cooperation Program (MUCP), Malaysia will enhance South-South Cooperation for capacity building in the related fields for the benefit of the Least Developed Countries, Small Island Developing States (SIDs) and in support for Priority Africa agenda. Under the MUCP, we look forward to enhance our contribution towards capacity building such as in the areas of marine and coastal management that could be jointly implemented by international experts from Member States and local experts from various Centers of Excellence in Malaysia. For instance, the Universiti Malaysia Terengganu has undertaken many collaborative actions within the region and these experiences could well be replicated elsewhere. We look forward to working closely with IOC Member States for the common well-being of the global community and our oceans stewardship. Republic of Korea The Korean delegation believes that the new capacity development strategy proposed in this session is well-timed as a follow-up to last Rio+20. We believe that this proposal will provide a good opportunity to enhance IOC's role within the UN system as an ocean specialized international organization. Korea is willing to participate in various activities proposed as a new capacity development strategy, especially in training programs for the young scientist from developing countries. Since these activities will be mainly managed by KIOST, we want to share the information that KORDI, Korean Ocean Research & Development Institute, was reorganized and expanded into KIOST, Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology, on 1 July last year. KIOST has now added the educational function through liaison with universities to train young ocean scientists for the next generation and it will also try to expand its research scope for global aspects including ocean observation through international cooperation. United Kingdom The UK welcomes the report on capacity development, and the detailed presentations by the speakers. In working forward to develop a new capacity development strategy there is a great deal of scope to include contributions and direct involvement from private industry including ships of opportunity, offshore mining corporations, tourism and insurance, sectors that share common concerns about the need to develop new international talent and also to improve their corporate understanding of the ocean. In particular IOC can make use of the expertise of Professional Bodies and Learned Societies, the best of whom have global networks of expert volunteers and regional offices that can support capacity development. The Society for Underwater Technology ( HYPERLINK "http://www.sut.org" www.sut.org) and Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology, ( HYPERLINK "http://www.imarest.org" www.imarest.org) both of whom have observer status at IOC, are good examples of a Learned Society and Professional Body respectively. Professional bodies can provide accreditation, approval and recognition of training programmes against a set of internationally approved criteria that ensure a high standard of training content and assessment. Accreditation protects the interest of the student, the delivery body, and potential employers, by ensuring that training is at a level that meets or exceeds standards developed by experts in the field, and that these standards are maintained. Accreditation can also assist with continued professional development, helping to retain students within the marine sector, and to maintain contact with experienced mentors in the wider professional community. Programmes can be tailored to help meet UNESCO gender balance aspirations, especially the promotion of women in science. Rationale for an IOC Global Ocean Science Report Argentina La Delegacin Argentina agradece la presentacin de la Secretaria Ejecutiva y del Sr. Luis Valdez en este punto. La Argentina apoya las intervenciones realizadas por Brasil y Mxico. Hay una serie de cuestiones que quisiramos abordar sobre esta propuesta: 1. Notamos en primer lugar que el proyecto de Resolucin ha sido introducido por la Secretara Ejecutiva en base a la aplicacin en una fase experimental de las Draft Resolutions Guidelines. Quisiramos recordar que estas Directrices an no han sido aprobadas por la Asamblea y que no habido consenso sobre su prrafo 8 que intenta facultar a la Secretaria Ejecutiva para presentar proyectos de resoluciones. Si bien abordaremos con mayor profundidad este tema en el punto 6.4 de la Agenda, esta circunstancia nos plantea dudas sobre la posibilidad de aprobar una resolucin como la que estamos analizando hoy sobre la base de una facultad que la Secretaria Ejecutiva segn los Estatutos y el Reglamento actualmente no posee. 2. An si supersemos esta cuestin de procedimiento en un espritu de compromiso que mi pas tiene con esta Asamblea, observamos que en el prrafo 13 del Anexo 11 se menciona que la Secretara ha establecido en abril de 2013 un Grupo de Expertos Metodolgico para intervenir en el diseo del Global Science Report. La Argentina deseara conocer quines componen este Grupo de Expertos y cules son los criterios que se han tenido en cuenta para su designacin. 3. Observamos tambin que en el prrafo 2 del proyecto de Resolucin uno de los fundamentos es el Oceans Compact. Se recuerda que ha habido un amplio rechazo de los Estados Miembros a esta iniciativa manifestado en el plenario durante la sesin del viernes pasado bajo el punto de agenda 5.1.1. 4. Adicionalmente, teniendo en cuenta que hoy tanto la Secretara como as tambin el Sr. Alan Simcock han explicado con claridad el estado de actual del World Ocean Assessment (UN Regular Process) que se est realizado en el marco de Naciones Unidas, notamos que la COI ocupa un rol estratgico en ese proceso dado que es uno de los organismos a los que se ha solicitado su apoyo tcnico y cientfico. De hecho, como la propia Secretara ha indicado en el Anexo 2 del Documento Informativo 1301 se han identificado numerosos captulos del World Ocean Assessment (UN Regular Process) en los que la COI podra contribuir a travs de sus programas, proyectos o iniciativas co-auspiciadas. En este sentido, la Secretara identifica al OBIS y al GOOS, entre otros. Dicho esto, notamos con preocupacin que la propuesta de GSR implica una duplicacin de esfuerzos. En efecto, tomando en cuenta la presentacin del Sr. Alan Simcock en el da de ayer sobre el UN Regular Process en el punto de agenda 5.4.5 si se analiza el citado Anexo 2 del Doc. Inf. 1301 vemos que la Parte III se refiere al Assessment of major ecosystem services from the marine environment (other tan provisioning services) Caps. 3 a 9; la Parte IV sobre Food Security and food safety Caps. 10 a 16); la Parte V sobre Assessment of other human activities and the marine environment Caps. 17 a 32, en el cual el cap. 30 se refiere a ICM; Parte VI Assessment of marine biological diversity and hbitats (caps. 33-45). Muchos de estos captulos que acabos de mencionar coinciden con la propuesta de Outline del Global Science Report. 5. An si eventualmente se aprobara esta propuesta, observamos que en el Captulo de Gobernanza se incluye un subcaptulo de Organizaciones Regionales de Ordenacin Pesquera (OROPs). La Argentina no acepta la inclusin de las OROPs como gobernanza global ya que no representa a la comunidad internacional en su conjunto y no puede imponer sus medidas adoptadas en ese marco a terceros Estados que no forman parte de las mismas. 6. En cuanto a los recursos para llevar adelante esta propuesta, la Secretara indica que se requieren aprox. USD 740.000 aunque no aclara porcentaje de presupuesto ordinario y de recursos extrapresupuestarios. Sr. Presidente, la Argentina favorece que la COI procure reafirmar su identidad a travs de iniciativas propias pero, sin lugar a dudas, ello debe ser realizado teniendo en cuenta el contexto actual de la COI, en particular por la crtica situacin financiera que atraviesa. Por eso, consideramos que un buen enfoque consiste en que la COI se concentre en mejorar las oportunidades ya existentes. Belgium My delegation would like to thank the executive secretary and Luis Valdez for presenting the rational of this initiative on the GOSR. We join the many positive reactions of many member states expressed in a very positive manner. For the very reason that this contribution in bringing a complementary report on the state of play on Global Ocean science is right into the heart of the mission of IOC in fostering Ocean Science capabilities, as also stated by the delegation of Norway. This GOSR outline as presented is a well overthought initiative that also could help to set the milestones to be achieved into IOCs attempts in Capacity Building initiatives in the near future. The Belgian delegation endorse the proposal as presented in the action paper, with some modifications as indicated by the Executive Secretary. Canada Canada would like to thank the Executive Secretary and Louis Valdez for their clear presentation on the rationale for taking on a Global Ocean Science Report. Canada also acknowledges the leadership that the IOC demonstrated at RIO+20 in promoting the importance of global oceans. Canada supports in principle the proposal put forward by IOC for the reasons mentioned by many Member States, However, Canada is concerned about the financial resources that are needed to support the proposed Global Ocean Science Report at a time of financial restraint. Furthermore, Canada notes that such an initiative would require considerable effort from the Member States; a workshop and a questionnaire may not be sufficient to achieve the desired input from the Member States. Having participated in the budgetary process intersessionally and during the current session, Canada is of the opinion that should this initiative go forward, IOC would need to have the full funding required from extra-budgetary resources. Alternately, as this initiative is closely tied to Capacity Building, perhaps the Intersessional WG on Capacity Development can take this on as part of its deliberations. The outcome of such a discussion may lead to the development of a less resource intensive proposal for selected regions or perhaps phased options that would gradually ramp up to all regions. Japan Japan recognizes the importance of that to collect fundamental information about the marine science, ocean observation and data management, but all the implementation status of marine research is different in each country, therefore it will be possible to cover all the effective information however, it will be required a large amount of human and budgetary resources. Especially in this time, facing the financially difficulty, we should consider the balance of the feasibility of the programme and the task of IOC. Japan questions their views on effectiveness of the reporting mechanism for the IOC Secretariat. Norway Norway welcomes the proposal which appears as a timely initiative for an activity at the heart of the IOCs mission to promote international cooperation and to coordinate programmes in research, services and capacity-building. It is timely in particular because of the increased attention to the oceans after Rio+20 and in connection with the World Ocean Assessment. It is at the heart of the IOCs mission because it focuses on ocean science capabilities. While IOC in its role as a competent body contributes in an advisory role to many ocean-related activities in the UN system, this Global Ocean Science Report which will in effect be an Assessment of Global Ocean Science Capabilities, should unquestionably be led by the IOC. We note with satisfaction that the proposed Chapter 7 of the report entitled Regional and global governance has subchapters on Scientific Organizations and International Project Offices and does not aim to cover all other aspects of governance, which would be beyond the scope of an IOC-led exercise. We look forward to input from other organizations, in particular from FAO on the proposed subchapter on Fisheries Management Organizations. The IOC has the competence to compile the required information based on expert efforts and to collect information from as well as report results back to, Member States for their consideration. We thank the Executive Secretary for having initiated the preparatory work in time so that the Assembly in its decision today can enable the work to go ahead. We believe that the impact of the work on fund-raising for capacity development in future will be particularly high if the first report can be completed at the same time as the first WOA, i.e. before the end of 2014. We therefore urge Member States to consider the possibility of contributing extrabudgetary funds soon so that important effects on capacity building can be achieved. Republic of Korea Korean Delegation also thinks duplication is to be avoided for the effectiveness of financial input. Since there is a chapter on marine scientific research in World Ocean Assessment (WOA), which will cover the topics, scales and scopes of the marine research programs worldwide, it can be perceived that IOCs Global Ocean Science Report (GOSR) is a duplicate of this chapter. However, Korean Delegation would like to point out that the chapter in WOA is an assessment which must be based on such report that the IOC is going to produce. The first WOA is supposed to be finished at the end of 2014, which is the same time line for IOCs suggested 1st GOSR. So the GOSR that IOC is going to produce may not be used or reflected in the first round of WOA. But it will underpin for the next version of WOA. One other aspect to be added is that WOA is more or less focused on social and economic aspects of marine scientific research, including transfer of technology. In this context we believe that IOCs GOSR has difference in nature with WOA. In conclusion, Korean Delegation supports IOCs plan for GOSR, and wishes Member States to support it by clarifying some concerns. United Kingdom The UK delegation appreciates the scope of this proposal and its clear that such a report on global ocean science capability would be a very useful resource, especially as it is envisaged to be repeated on a regular basis, enabling policy makers and funding agencies to easily assess progress, and identify gaps in science capability. For example, having scientists engage in emerging disciplines such as the environmental impacts of deep sea mining will provide the underpinning marine scientific understanding that will enable the International Seabed Authority to make informed decisions. Hence there is little doubt that the production of the proposed report fits very closely with the role of IOC, and will help maintain a high profile for IOC within the UN system, especially as we interact with sister organisations in the UN family. In terms of the funding and staff effort required to produce the report, and then follow it up every four to five years, we are asking a lot of both the secretariat and the Member States, as the work required to do this job well is not inconsiderable particularly given the target publication date in 2014. The UK delegation will report favourably on this proposal to our funding agencies with a view towards trying to secure either funding or in-kind contributions towards its production. Themes of the A.Bruun and N.K.Panikkar Memorial Lectures at the 28th IOC Assembly Japan Japan fully recognizes the importance of building the capacity of developing and less developed countries for marine scientific research in order to assist them to achieve the sustainability of their marine and coastal resources. As the distinguished Panikkar Memorial Lecturer emphasized in today with limited resources and right person in place, CB can make a difference. It is easy to conduct CB at one time, or two times, over one year or two year, it is no doubt extremely challenging to continuously conduct CB activities for more than 20 years. In this regard, As a speaker of the IOC N.K. Panikkar Memorial Lecture in 2015 (is traditionally in the areas of technology transfer or capacity-development), Japan would like to recommend Dr. Yasuwo FUKUYO, a former professor of the Asian Natural Environmental Science Center of the University of Tokyo to be the candidate speaker for the IOC N.K. Panikkar Memorial Lecture in 2015, in view of his more than 20 years dedication to CB activities on HAB studies in the Western Pacific. Thailand Thailand would like to support the proposal of Japan on the nomination of Prof. Yasuwo FUKUYO as a Panikkar Lecturer in the next Assembly. Prof. Fukuyo has been involved in IOC Sub-commission for Western Pacific since the establishment of WESTPAC, especially on HAB programme. Under his leadership, WESTPACT-HAB became one of WESTPACs flagships. ANNEX VI IOC MEMORIAL LECTURES THE A. BRUUN MEMORIAL LECTURE, 2013 The Ocean Health Index: global and regional applications and future directions (28 June 2013) Benjamin S.  CONTACT _Con-37A223621 \c \s \l Halpern Director, Center for Marine Assessment and Planning Research Scientist, National Center for Ecological Analysis & Synthesis, UC Santa Barbara DrBen Halpern focuses his research at the interface between marine ecology and conservation biology. His research has addressed a broad range of questions that span local to global scales, including spatial population dynamics, trophic interactions in community ecology, and the interface between ecology and human dynamics, all with the ultimate aim to inform and facilitate conservation and resource management efforts in marine systems. He received his Ph.D. in marine ecology from UC Santa Barbara and then held a joint post-doctoral fellowship at the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS) and the Smith Fellowship Program sponsored by The Nature Conservancy. He is currently the Director of the Center for Marine Assessment and Planning and a Research Biologist at UC Santa Barbara, based at NCEAS. He also served as the project lead for a research initiative to evaluate and better inform efforts to do ecosystem-based management (EBM) in marine ecosystems around the world and is the lead scientist for the Ocean Health Index project. Ben has led and participated in several key synthetic research projects that have advanced our understanding of the state of the worlds oceans and the potential for marine reserves to improve ocean condition. In particular he has led the development and mapping of cumulative impact assessments at global and regional scales in marine and freshwater systems. He has also conducted field expeditions in tropical and temperate systems in the Caribbean, Red Sea, Mediterranean, Solomon Islands, Indonesia, various parts of the South Pacific, California and Chile. Abstract Assessment and management of the coasts and ocean increasingly focus on achieving healthy oceans, but without a clear definition of what a healthy ocean is or a tool to measure progress towards achieving that goal. The Ocean Health Index provides a quantitative, transparent, flexible and repeatable means of assessing and measuring ocean health across the many different benefits, or values, that people use to define healthy ecosystems. The Index also provides a means for combining the indicators of these benefits into a single overall measure of ocean health. I will present global results launched in 2012 that calculate scores for every coastal country in the world. I will then discuss how we adapted the Index for regional applications in Brazil and the west coast of the United States and present results from those assessments, preview the software tool we are developing to allow others to calculate their own Index, discuss current activities in support of other countries that are applying the Index, and highlight the improvements and additions we are developing for the release of the 2013 global scores. The Index offers a valuable tool for comprehensive assessment of ocean ecosystems that can inform ecosystem-based management, support marine spatial planning efforts, and aid in strategic decision making about key data gaps to fill, efficient options to pursue to improve ocean health, and likely tradeoffs among uses under different management actions. Discussion Dr. Halpern started his lectura identifying three main concerns that were considered during the methodological development of the Ocean Health Index (OHI): The Global Cumulative Impact Map showed the pressures of human activities in the ocean. Policy documents and governmental statements supporting healthy oceans, and The most appropriate definition of healthy ecosystems, including people as part of the ecosystem and crucial actor for its sustainability. A healthy Ocean is delivering a full range of benefits to people, now and in the future. In this sense, key attributes of the Ocean Health Index (OHI) are those ones capturing socio-ecological systems, identifying clear targets, as well as the current state and the likely future conditions. The definition of the main 10 goals included in the OHI provides a general overview of all natural components and socio-economic activities linked with the coast and the sea, including food provision (fisheries and aquaculture), artisanal fishing, natural products, carbon storage, coastal protection, tourism and recreation, livelihoods and economies, sense of place, clean waters and biodiversity (Species and habitats) The Index aims at identifying different types of reference points: functional relationships, spatial and temporal comparisons (e.g. habitat loss), as well as establishing a benchmark by using the IUCN reference. OHI analyses the status of both livelihoods and economies, as well as trends, pressures (eg. pollution, alien species, social pressures, et al.) and resilience (eg. CBD habitat signatories, percent of EEZ in MPAs, et al.), both sub-goals are equally weighted for the calculation of the final integrated goal score. Final results have shown a global ocean score of 60/100. At National and Regional scale, results show the status of the ocean within the national EEZs that could vary depending on the input national data and trends. Many current initiatives are implementing the OHI at regional level in many countries around the world. Illustrative examples showed the work progress in the Federative Republic of Brazil and the West Coast of the United States of America where national datasets have been used (80%), providing a better spatial and temporal assessment. At international level, the OHI is also considered in projects related to Large Marine Ecosystems and High Seas Projects, (e.g. Transboundary Water Assessment Project), the UNs World Ocean Assessment and the Biodiversity Indicators Partnership (Aichii Target 10). Some goals have been studied more in detail, this is the case of biodiversity, directly linked with habitats health, which trends are clearly showing the decrease of ocean biodiversity. Actions need to be taken, in this sense, the consequences of threat categories require specific weighting in order to develop species status scores that support decision makers The OHIs Global Assessment will be updated in September 2013, based in new datasets with better resolution for national and regional comparisons. Since 2012, 85% of datasets have been updated. High Seas and Antarctica will be incorporated in early 2014 which will provide a true assessment of the whole planet. Finally, Dr. Halpern described the process of building a Toolbox which will allow users to calculate their own OHI at any scale and any location. The Toolbox will help to explore index results and it implications in different management scenarios. OHI is a platform, a transparent, quantitative and replicable framework to support decision makers developing policies on ocean health. Questions from countries India: how the sustainable index was developed, as well as the parameters used? B.H. described the work that they have done contacting marine scientists around the work in order to set targets, mainly focusing on food provision (stock assessments), for a sustainable ocean. India: requested additional information on how the OHI assess ecosystem conditions. B.H. informed that within the project, ecosystem also assess human interactions, in this way, ecosystem health (including people) means ocean health. Cte dIvoire: Great interest in the presentation and the multicriteria used in his assessment considering that humans understand environment better when they have numbers and parameters. When looking to these parameters, Cte dIvoire see that the methodological approach also considers economical parameters, jeopardizing results for those countries with less resources. B.H. clarified that national economies are compared with themselves years ago, as an example, Ivory Coast is not compared with other countries, but with their own national economy five years ago, in order to determine trends by using the available international data sources. IODE emphasizes that several links with the work led by Dr. Halpern can be identified with the goals of IODE itself. OHI Toolbox could be considered in the future as part of a training course within the Ocean Teacher initiative, and the OHI mapping results could also be integrated into the International Coastal Atlas Network (ICAN), among other linkages with OBIS and related projects. IODE proposes to facilitate common work with the OHI Community. B.H. agreed with the linkages and supports future contacts and common initiatives with IODE. Nigeria: was concerned about the poor results shown in the OHI World Map for the Gulf of Guinea. B.H. agreed that the Western Coast of Africa showed low results, and many reasons can be identified. The first one due to data availability that could facilitate the understanding of the ocean health in this region, nevertheless the global data used for the index in this area provide a different picture because of the limitation of food provision or habitat loss among others. Spain: informed about the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive which main objective is to accomplish a better marine environment by 2020. The initial evaluation on the state of the marine environment was based in 11 descriptors, including biodiversity, pollution, noise or marine waste among others. The results produced by Member States are available since 2012 and it could be used to develop a more precise OHI for Europe. B.H. was aware about the 11 descriptors included in the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive and agrees that most of those pressures are already included in the OHI, as well as in the Cumulative Impact Index. The information used for the OHI is the official data reported from countries to international bodies concerning its national marine environment, but not using internal regional data distinctions. Powerpoint presentation:  HYPERLINK "http://www.ioc-unesco.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=11324" http://www.ioc-unesco.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=11324 Photos:  HYPERLINK "http://www.unesco.org/new/en/natural-sciences/ioc-oceans/about-us/governing-bodies/ioc-assembly/27th-ioc-assembly/photos-anton-brunn-lecture/" http://www.unesco.org/new/en/natural-sciences/ioc-oceans/about-us/governing-bodies/ioc-assembly/27th-ioc-assembly/photos-anton-brunn-lecture/ THE N.K. PANIKKAR MEMORIAL LECTURE, 2013 Human Capacity Development in Ocean Sciences: a personal perspective (3 July 2013) Shubha Sathyendranath Partnership for Observation of the Global Oceans, Secretariat at Plymouth Marine Laboratory, Plymouth, UK Abstract The human resources available for stewardship of coasts, the exclusive economic zone and the shared heritage of international waters are woefully inadequate. As we struggle to understand how Earth functions as a system, particularly in the context of climate change, we realize that the oceans hold many keys and hide many secrets. Capacity development and ocean stewardship become imperatives for all, not just the prerogatives of a privileged few. From the very early days of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, Dr. NK Panikkar maintained that it was important to invest in young people. If anything, that need is stronger today than it was then: the requirement for trained personnel is only likely to grow as operational aspects of oceanography increase. The task is huge, but models exist to guide our activities. A variety of approaches is needed to achieve our goals, and there are ways in which individuals, countries and international initiatives can aid capacity development. In this talk, some guiding principles are presented, with examples drawn largely from personal experience and observation, garnered from working with international organisations and charitable foundations, in particular the Nippon Foundation. Nurturing the trainees is often difficult. In spite of many initiatives that are underway, we are far from meeting the requirement. Networking, communication and concerted effort are needed to address some of these challenges. But above all, we need more people committed to investing in the next generation. Powerpoint presentation:  HYPERLINK "http://www.ioc-unesco.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=11369" http://www.ioc-unesco.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=11369 Photos:  HYPERLINK "http://www.unesco.org/new/en/natural-sciences/ioc-oceans/about-us/governing-bodies/ioc-assembly/27th-ioc-assembly/photos-nk-panikkar-memorial-lecture/" http://www.unesco.org/new/en/natural-sciences/ioc-oceans/about-us/governing-bodies/ioc-assembly/27th-ioc-assembly/photos-nk-panikkar-memorial-lecture/ ANNEX VII RESULTS OF ELECTIONS AND LIST OF IOC MEMBER STATES I. Officers Chair (by acclamation)Dr Sang-Kyung Byun (Republic of Korea) Group IVVice Chairs (by acclamation)Dr Peter Haugan (Norway)Group IDr Atanas Palazov (Bulgaria)Group IICaptain Frederico Antonio Sariaiva Nogueira (Brazil)Group IIIDr Yutaka Michida (Japan)Group IVDr Adot Blim Blivi (Togo)Group VII. Seats on the Executive Council Electoral Group I: (by acclamation)Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Greece, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America Electoral Group II: (by acclamation) Russian Federation, UkraineElectoral Group III: (by acclamation) Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Grenada, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)Electoral Group IV: (by acclamation) Australia, China, India, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Malaysia, Pakistan, ThailandElectoral Group V: (after a ballot)Algeria, Egypt, Kenya, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Tunisia, United Republic of Tanzania Member States of the Commission (145) (as of 3 July 2013) AFGHANISTAN (11 March 1991) ALBANIA (26 January 1993) * ALGERIA (Jul. 1964/Nov. 1965) ANGOLA (26 October 1982) * ARGENTINA (Before November 1961) * AUSTRALIA (Before November 1961) AUSTRIA (Oct. 1962/Jun. 1964) AZERBAIJAN (27 January 1998) BAHAMAS (29 January 1979) BANGLADESH (29 October 1982) BARBADOS (18 December 1985) * BELGIUM (Before November 1961) BELIZE (22 September 1995) BENIN (23 October 1986) * BRAZIL (Before November 1961) * BULGARIA (Oct. 1967/Dec. 1969) CAMEROON (Nov. 1971/Nov. 1973) * CANADA (Before November 1961) CAPE VERDE (20 August 1984) * CHILE (Before November 1961) * CHINA (Before November 1961) * COLOMBIA (Oct. 1967/Dec. 1969) COMOROS (08 February 2000) CONGO (Nov. 1961/Sep. 1962) COOK ISLANDS (25 Jan. 2006) COSTA RICA (28 February 1975) COTE D'IVOIRE (Before November 1961) CROATIA (24 December 1992) * CUBA (Before November 1961) CYPRUS (05 December 1977) CZECH REPUBLIC (20 June 2005) DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF KOREA (31 October 1978) DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC (23 April 2010) OF THE CONGO DENMARK (Before November 1961) DJIBOUTI (6 January 2006) DOMINICA (21 September 1999) DOMINICAN REPUBLIC (Before November 1961) ECUADOR (Before November 1961) * EGYPT (Oct. 1969/Nov. 1971) EL SALVADOR (16 February 1993) ERITREA (12 November 1993) ESTONIA (10 March 1992) ETHIOPIA (05 March 1976) FIJI (09 July 1974) FINLAND (Before November 1961) * FRANCE (Before November 1961) GABON (26 October 1977) GAMBIA (30 August 1985) GEORGIA (09 July 1993) * GERMANY (Before November 1961) GHANA (Before November 1961) * GREECE (Oct. 1962/Jun. 1964) * GRENADA (10 November 2009) GUATEMALA (Dec. 1965/Oct. 1967) GUINEA (01 May 1982) GUINEA-BISSAU (26 January 1984) GUYANA (20 July 1977) HAITI (23 March 1976) HONDURAS (15 March 2012) ICELAND (Oct. 1962/Jun. 1964) * INDIA (Before November 1961) INDONESIA (Oct. 1962/Jun. 1964) * IRAN, Islamic Republic of (03 June 1975) IRAQ (Oct. 1969/Nov. 1971) IRELAND (07 November 1978) ISRAEL (Before November 1961) ITALY (Before November 1961) JAMAICA (Oct. 1967/Dec. 1969) * JAPAN (Before November 1961) JORDAN (06 April 1975) KAZAKHSTAN (24 March 2005) * KENYA (Nov. 1971/Nov. 1973) KIRIBATI (10 May 2012) KUWAIT (13 November 1974) LEBANON (Oct. 1962/Jun. 1964)  LIBYA (11 Mars 1974) MADAGASCAR (Dec. 1965/Oct. 1967) * MALAYSIA (Jul. 1964/Nov. 1965) MALDIVES (20 May 1987) MALTA (Oct. 1969/Nov. 1971) MAURITANIA (Before November 1961) MAURITIUS (Oct. 1969/Nov. 1971) * MEXICO (Before November 1961) MONACO (Before November 1961) MONTENEGRO (04 October 2011) MOROCCO (Before November 1961) MOZAMBIQUE (08 April 1981) MYANMAR (07 June 1988) NAMIBIA (25 April 2001) NETHERLANDS (Before November 1961) NEW ZEALAND (Nov. 1961/Sep. 1962) NICARAGUA (17 November 1977) * NIGERIA (Nov. 1971/Nov. 1973) NIUE (01 March 2011) * NORWAY (Before November 1961) OMAN (16 November 1982) * PAKISTAN (Before November 1961) PANAMA (Oct. 1967/Sep. 1969) PAPUA NEW GUINEA (10 April 2006) * PERU (Dec. 1965/Oct. 1967) PHILIPPINES (Oct. 62/Jun. 1964) POLAND (Before November 1961) * PORTUGAL (Oct. 1969/Nov. 1971) QATAR (20 July 1976) * REPUBLIC OF KOREA (Before November 1961) ROMANIA (Before November 1961) * RUSSIAN FEDERATION (Before Nov. 1961) SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS (28 June 2011) SAINT LUCIA (14 September 1992) SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES (21 January 2013) SAMOA (10 April 1978) SAUDI ARABIA (14 June 1978) * SENEGAL (Oct. 1967/Sep. 1969) SERBIA (23 May 2005) SEYCHELLES (27 February 1979) SIERRA LEONE (19 April 1974) SINGAPORE (Dec. 1965/Oct. 1967) SLOVENIA (16 June 1994) SOLOMON ISLANDS (11 May 1982) SOMALIA (10 July 1974) * SOUTH AFRICA (Oct. 1967/Sep. 1969) * SPAIN (Before Nov. 1961) SRI LANKA (Jun. 76/Jan. 1977) SUDAN (26 August 1974) SURINAME (21 January 1977) SWEDEN (Jul. 1964/Nov. 1965) SWITZERLAND (Before Nov. 1961) SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC (Oct.1969/Nov. 1971) * THAILAND (Before Nov. 1961) TIMOR-LESTE (19 October 2005) * TOGO (22 October 1975) TONGA (03 January 1974) TRINIDAD & TOBAGO (Oct. 1967/Sep. 1969) * TUNISIA (Before Nov. 1961) TURKEY (Nov. 1961/Sep. 1962) TUVALU (20 June 2011) * UKRAINE (Nov. 1961/Sep. 1962) UNITED ARAB EMIRATES (02 June 1976) * UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN & NORTHERN IRELAND (Before Nov. 1961) * UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA (Oct. 1967/Sep. 1969) * UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (Before Nov. 1961) URUGUAY (Before Nov. 1961) * VENEZUELA, Bolivarian Republic of (Oct. 1962/Jun. 1964) VIET NAM (Before Nov. 1961) YEMEN (22 May 1960) ANNEX VIII LIST OF DOCUMENTS Document CodeTitleAgenda ItemsLanguages availableWORKING DOCUMENTSIOC-XXVII/1 Prov. Rev.Revised Provisional Agenda2.1E F R SIOC-XXVII/1 Add. Prov. Rev.Revised Provisional Timetable2.1, 2.4E onlyIOC-XXVII/2 Prov.Provisional Action PaperAllE F R SIOC-XXVII/2 Annex 1Report of the IOC Executive Secretary on Programme implementation (2012-2013) and Medium-term Strategy (2008-2013)3.2E F R SIOC-XXVII/2 Annex1 Add.1cancelledIOC-XXVII/2 Annex1 Add.2 Summary Report of responses by Member States to Questionnaire on National Oceanographic Committees, 201220133.2E onlyIOC-XXVII/2 Annex2Progress Report on Budget Execution (2012) and Anticipated funding for 20133.2E F R SIOC-XXVII/2 Annex3Draft IOC Medium-term Strategy for 201420214.1, 4.2, 6.1E F R SIOC-XXVII/2 Annex4Draft IOC Programme and Budget for 20142017 (draft 37C/5)4.2, 6.2E F R SIOC-XXVII/2 Annex4 Add.Draft Complementary Additional Programme of Extrabudgetary Resources (Proposals for extrabudgetary funding, 2014-2015)4.2, 6.2E onlyIOC-XXVII/2 Annex5Development of a New Project on Strengthening Global Governance of Large Marine Ecosystems (LME) and their Coasts5.4.4E F R SIOC-XXVII/2 Annex5 Add.Strengthening Global Governance of Large Marine Ecosystems (LME) and their Coasts GEF Project Information Form5.4.4E onlyIOC-XXVI/2 Annex6Proposal for a Category-2 UNESCO Regional Educational and Research Centre on Oceanography for Western Asia, in Iran (Islamic Republic of) F R SIOC-XXVI/2 Annex6 Add.Proposal, Report of Fact-finding Mission and Letters of Support5.1.2.1E onlyIOC-XXVII/2 Annex7Endorsement of the IHO-IOC/GEBCO Sub-committee for Regional Undersea Mapping (SCRUM) F R SIOC-XXVII/2 Annex8Establishment of the Perth Regional Programme Office5.1.3, 5.3.2 E F R SIOC-XXVII/2 Annex8Add.Summary Background for New Perth Regional Programme Office (PRPO) Tripartite Agreement 2014-185.1.3, 5.3.2, E onlyIOC-XXVII/2 Annex9The Future Needs for Intergovernmental Coordination and Governance for Sustained Ocean Observations and Services 5.3.1E F R SIOC-XXVII/2 Annex9 Add.Report on Results of Questionnaire on the Future Needs for Intergovernmental Coordination and Governance for Sustained Ocean Observations and Services, 20135.3.1E onlyIOC-XXVII/2 Annex 10Development of a new Capacity Development Strategy5.5.1E F R SIOC-XXVII/2 Annex11Proposal for a Global Ocean Science Report5.5.2E F R SIOC-XXVII/2 Annex12Review of the IOCARIBE secretariat, 2012 (IOC Sub-Commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions)3.3.3, 5.1.3E F R SIOC-XXVII/2 Annex12Add.UNESCO Internal Oversight Service (IOS). Final Report on the Review of the IOCARIBE Secretariat3.3.3, 5.1.3E F R SIOC-XXVII/4 Prov.Provisional List of Documents2.4E F R SIOC-XXVII/5 Prov.Provisional List of Participants --E/F/R/SIOC-XXVII/6Draft Report of theIntergovernmental Oceanographic Commission(20122013) to the thirty-seventhGeneral Conference of UNESCO 3.4E F R S REPORTS OF IOC AND COOPERATIVE BODIES REQUIRING ACTIONIOC/EC-XLVI/3sExecutive Summary Report of the Forty-sixth Session of the IOC Executive Council, Paris, 25 June 20132.1, 6.5E F S RIOCAFRICA-II/3sExecutive Summary Report of the Second Session of the IOC Sub-Commission for Africa and the Adjacent Island States (IOCAFRICA), 34 April 2013, Cape Town, South Africa3.3.1E FIOC/SC-IOCARIBE-XII/3sExecutive Summary Report of the Twelfth Session of the IOC Sub-Commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (IOCARIBE), 912 April 2013, Panama City, Panama3.3.3E SIOC-XXVII/RSB/3Executive Summary Report of the Regional Subsidiary Body meeting (Paris, 24 June 2013) 5.1.3E F S R ICG/IOTWS-IX/3sExecutive Summary Report of the 9th session of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (ICG/IOTWS-IX), Indonesia, 2730 November 20125.2.1.2E onlyICG/CARIBEEWS-VIII/3Summary Report of the 8th Session of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami and Other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (ICG/CARIBE EWS-VIII), Trinidad & Tobago, 29 April1 May 20135.2.1.3E (Ex.sum. in E, F, S, R)ICG/NEAMTWS-IX/3sExecutive Summary Report of the 9th Session of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami Early Warning and Mitigation System in the North Eastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean and Connected Seas (ICG/NEAMTWS-IX), UK, 1013 Sept. 20125.2.1.4E onlyIOC/TOWS-WG-VI/3Summary Report of the Sixth Meeting of the Working Group on Tsunamis and other Hazards related to Sea-Level Warning and Mitigation Systems (TOWS-WG-VI), Paris, 2021 February 20135.2.2E (Ex.sum. in E, F, S, R)IOC/GOOS-SC-II/3s (GOOS-199ES)Executive Summary Report of the 2nd Meeting of the Global Ocean Observing System Steering Committee, Qingdao, China, 2527 March 20135.3.2E F S RIOC/IODE-XXII/3sExecutive Summary Report of the 22nd Session of the IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange, (IODE-XXII), Mexico, 1115 March 20135.3.4E F S RIOC/IPHAB-XI/3sExecutive Summary Report of the Eleventh Session of the IOC Intergovernmental Panel on Harmful Algal Blooms, Paris, France, 2830 April 20135.4.2E F S RINFORMATION DOCUMENTSIOC-XXVI/Inf.1Working Arrangements for the session2.4E onlyIOC-XXVI/Inf.2Presentation and Abstracts of the A. Bruun Memorial Lectures, 2013 (web presentation)2.5E onlyIOC-XXVI/Inf.3Presentation and Abstracts of the N.K. Panikkar Memorial Lectures, 2013 (web presentation)2.5E onlyIOC-XXVI/Inf.4Statement on the Chair on the State of the IOC3.1E onlyIOC-XXVI/Inf.5Statement From IOC Officers for the opening of the 27th assembly1.E onlyIOC/INF-1299Update on the Status of IOC Subsidiary Bodies, 20133.3, 5.1.3E onlyIOC/INF-1300Main Progress and achievements of WESTPAC (20082013)3.3.2E onlyIOC/INF-1302IOC Commitments and responsibilities in UN Inter-agency coordination5.1.1E onlyIOC/INF-1303IOC participation in the WMO Global Framework for Climate Services5.1.1E onlyIOC/INF-1304Overview of IOCs Partnerships5.1.2E onlyIOC/INF-1310International Indian Ocean Expedition 50TH Anniversary Initiative (IIOE-2)5.1.2E onlyIOC/INF-1305Report of the GEBCO Guiding Committee (20082013) only IOC/INF-1306Perspectives for the Regional Tsunami Warning System (PTWS, IOTWS, CARIBE-EWS, NEAMTWS)5.2.1E onlyIOC/INF-1308GOOS Regional Policy 20135.3.2E F S RIOC/INF-1307JCOMM and the IOC Medium-Term Strategy 20142021: a synthesis of common objectives5.3.3E onlyIOC/INF-1312Progress and Status of the Ocean Biogeographic Information System, 20135.3.4.1E onlyIOC/INF-1309Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) Planning and Implementation5.3.5E onlyIOC/INF-1298WMO-IOC-ICSU World Climate Research Programme (WCRP): Year 2013 Report5.4.1E onlyGEF documentProject: Global foundations for reducing nutrient enrichment and oxygen depletion from land based pollution, in support of Global Nutrient Cycle. Progress Report: First Year of Project Implementation: April 2012 to March 20135.4.3E onlyIOC/INF-1311Progress in the implementation of the Integrated Coastal Area Management (ICAM) Strategy5.4.4E onlyIOC/INF-1301Update on the Implementation of the Regular Process for Global Reporting and Assessment of the State of the Marine Environment, including Socio-economic Aspects World Ocean Assessment, 20135.4.5E onlyIOC/INF-1313Baseline Study for an Assessment of National Capacities and Needs in Marine Research, Observation and Data/Information Management5.5.1E onlyIOC-XXVII/NOM/Inf.1Updated listing of the IOC electoral groups and listing of the distribution of seats on the Executive Council among the electoral groups6.3E onlyIOC-XXVII/NOM/1List of Candidates for Elections6.3E onlyIOC-XXVII/NOM/2Report of the Chair of the Nominations Committee6.3E onlyREFERENCE DOCUMENTSIOC/EC-XLV/3Report of the Forty-fifth Session of the IOC Executive Council, Paris, 2628 June 2012--E F S RIOC-XXVI/3Report of the Twenty-sixth Session of the IOC Assembly, Paris, 21 June5 July 2011 --E F S RIOC Workshop Report, 254Consultation on Scientific and Technical Aspects of Sustained Ocean Observations and Services, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 5th March, 20135.3.1E only WMO-IOC/JCOMM-IV/3 Summary Report of the 4th Session of the WMO-IOC Joint Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology, Yeosu, Republic of Korea, 2331 May 2012  5.3.3 E F S RJCOMM-MR-104General Summary of the 10th Session of the JCOMM Management Committee, 710 May 2013, Paris, France5.3.3E only--GCOS Brochure: 20 Years5.3.5E F SEC-XLV/Dec.5.3Guidelines for Draft Resolutions (Decision of the IOC Executive Council at its 45th session (Paris, 2628 June 2012)6.4E only ANNEX IX LIST OF PARTICIPANTS I. OFFICERS OF THE COMMISSION/ BUREAU DE LA COI / MESA DE LA COI Chair Dr Sang-Kyung BYUN Emeritus Research Fellow Ocean Circulation & Climate Research Division Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology 787 Haean-ro 426-744 Ansan Tel: +82 31 400 6127 Fax: +82 31 408 5829 E-mail: skbyun@kiost.ac E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:skbyun@kordi.re.kr" skbyun@kordi.re.kr (Also representing Korea) Vice-Chair Prof. Adot Blim BLIVI Chef de Recherche Head of CGILE Ministre de lEnseignement Suprieur et de la Recherche (MESR) University of Lom B.P. 1515 Lom 228 Togo Tel: +228900 53914 Fax: +228222 18595 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:cgileul@yahoo.fr" cgileul@yahoo.fr (Also representing Togo) Vice-Chair DrPeter HAUGAN Director University of Bergen, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Geophysical Institute, Allegaten 70 N-5007 Norway Tel: +47 5558 2678 Fax: +47 5558 9883 Email: peter.haugan@gfi.uib.no (Also representing Norway) Vice-Chair DrYutaka MICHIDA Professor University of Tokyo, Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute 5-1-5, Kashiwanoha Kashiwa-shi 277-8564 Chiba Japan Tel: +81 4 7136 6362 Fax: + 81 4 7136 6039 Email: ymichida@aori.u-tokyo.ac.jp (Also representing Japan) Vice-Chair DrAtanas PALAZOV Director Institute of Oceanology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Varna P.O.Box 152, Varna 9000 Bulgaria Tel: +359 52 370 484 Fax: +359 52 370 483 Email: palazov@io-bas.bg (Also representing Bulgaria) Vice-Chair Capt. (Ret) Frederico A. SARAIVA NOGUEIRA GOOS Rio Brazilian Navy Hydrographic Center, Directorate of Hydrography and Navigation Rua Baro de Jaceguai S/No Niteri 24.048-900 Rio de Janeiro Brazil Tel: +55 (21) 2189 3013 Fax: +55 (21) 2189 3088 Email: frederico.asn@gmail.com (Also representing Brazil) Former Chair Mr Javier Armando VALLADARES Advisor in public and private sedtor in Argentina and in the regionInstituto Tecnologico Buenos Aires (member of the Board) Jonas Salk 3627 1636 Buenos Aires Argentina Tel: +54 911 511 39 820 E-mail: javiervalladares09@gmail.com II. MEMBER STATES OF THE IOC /ETATS MEMBRES DE LA COI/ESTADOS MIEMBROS DE LA COI Afghanistan / Afghanistan / Afganistn Not Represented Albania / Albanie / Albania Not Represented Algeria / Algrie / Argelia Head of Delegation Mr Samir GIRIMES Enseignant Chercheur Ecole Nationale Suprieure des Sciences de la Mer et de l'Amnagement du Littoral. Campus universitaire de Dely Ibrahim, B.P. 19, Bois des Cars 16320 Dely Alger Tel: +213 775 15 77 11 E-mail: samirgrimes@yahoo.fr Angola / Angola / Angola Head of Delegation Ms Francisca Alberta Loureno Pires DELGADO National Coordinating Body for Liaison with IOCMinistry of Fisheries Avenida 4 Fevereiro N 30 Edificio Atlantico Caixa Postal 83 Luanda Tel: +244 912 518 087 / 939 569 682 E-mail: frapidelgado@hotmail.com Representative Mr Alberto RODRIGUES Head of Marine LibraryNational Institute for Fisheries Research Ministry of Fisheries Rua Mortala Mohamed Ilha de Luanda Caixa Postal 2601 Luanda Tel: +244 925 030 182 E-mail: antifilio70@hotmail.com Argentina / Argentine / Argentina Head of Delegation H.E. Mr Miguel Angel ESTRELLA Ambassador, Permanent Delegate Delegation of Argentina to UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France Tel: +33 1 45 68 34 42 Fax: +33 1 43 06 60 35 E-mail: dl.argentina@unesco-delegations.org Alternate Mr Ariel Hernan TROISI Head, Oceanography Department Navy Hydrographic Service Av. Monte de Oca 2124 C1270ABV Buenos Aires Tel: +54 11 43 01 30 91 Fax: +54 11 43 01 30 91 E-mail: atroisi@hidro.gov.ar (Also Chair IODE) Ms Erica LUCERO Office of the Legal Advisor Argentinan Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship Esmeralda 1212, 15th Floor Buenos Aires C1007ABR Tel: +54 1148 198008 Fax: +54 11148 19009 E-mail: eel@mrecic.gov.ar Ms Elisabeth WIMPFHEIMER Permanent Delegate Permanent Delegation of Argentina to UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France Tel: +33 1 45 68 34 42 Fax: +33 1 43 06 60 35 E-mail: dl.argentina@unesco-delegations.org Advisor Ms Noelia DUTREY Second Secretary Permanent Delegation of Argentina to UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France Tel: +33 1 45 68 34 42 Fax: +33 1 43 06 60 35 E-mail: n.dutrey.ar@unesco-delegations.org Australia / Australie / Australia Head of Delegation Dr Neville SMITH Deputy Director Research and Systems Bureau of Meteorology 700 Collins Street VIC 3008 Melbourne-Docklands Tel: +613 9669 4444 E-mail: n.smith@bom.gov.au Alternate Dr Peter DEXTER International Oceans Policy Advisor Bureau of Meteorology 700 Collins Street VIC 3008 Melbourne-Docklands Tel: +613 9669 4870 E-mail: p.dexter@bom.gov.au Representatives Mr Gregory REED Executive Officer Australian Ocean Data Centre Joint Facility Wylde Street NSW 2011 Potts Point Tel: +61 293 593 141 E-mail: greg@metoc.gov.au Ms Louise WICKS Programme Manager c/o Bureau of Meteorology, 5th Floor 1100, Hay St., P.O. Box 1370 West Perth WA 6005 Tel: +61 8 Fax: +61 8 E-mail: l.wicks@bom.gov.au Advisor Ms Anne SIWICKI Policy OfficerPermanent Delegation of Australia to UNESCO 4, rue Jean Rey 75015 Paris Tel: +33 1 40 59 33 44 Fax: +33 1 40 59 33 53 E-mail: anne.siwicki@dfat.gov.au Austria/Autriche/Austria Not Represented Azerbaijan/Azerbaidjan/Azerbaiyn Mr Vagif AGHAYEV Second Secretary Permanent Delegation of Azerbaijan to UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris Cedex 15, France Tel: +33 1 Fax: +33 1 E-mail: dl.azerbaidjan(a)unesco-delegations.org Bahamas/Bahamas/Bahamas Not Represented Bangladesh / Bangladesh / Bangladesh Not Represented Barbados/Barbade/Barbados Not Represented Belgium / Belgique / Blgica Head of Delegation H. E. Mme France CHAINAYE Ambassadeur, dlgu permanente Dlgation Permanente de la Belgique auprs de l'UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France Tel: +33 1 45 68 27 77 Fax: +33 1 45 68 27 78 E-mail: dl.belgique@delegations-unesco.org Alternate Mr Jan MEES Director Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee (VLIZ) Flanders Marine Institute InnovOcean site Wandelaarskaai 7 8400 Oostende Tel: +32 5 93 42 130 Fax: +32 5 93 42 131 Representatives Mr Rudy HERMAN Senior Researcher Flanders Authority, Science, Innovation & Media, Department of Economy,Science & Innovation Koning Albert II-laan 35 bus 10 1030 Brussels Tel: +32 2 553 6001 Fax: +32 2 553 6007 E-mail: rudy.herman@ewi.vlaanderen.be Mr Alexandre SENEGAS Stagiaire Dlgation Permanente de la Belgique auprs de l'UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France Tel: +33 1 45 68 27 77 Fax: +33 1 45 68 27 78 E-mail: dl.belgique@unesco.delegations.org Belize / Belize / Belize Head of Delegation Ms Mireille CAILBAULT Permanent Delegate Permanent Delegation of Belize to UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France Tel: +33 1 45 68 32 11 E-mail: dl.belize@unesco-delegations.org Benin / Bnin / Benn Head of Delegation H.E. Mr Jean Bio CHABI ORUO Ambassador, Permanent Delegate Permanent Delegation of Benin to UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France Tel: +33 1 45 68 30 89 Fax: +33 1 43 06 15 55 E-mail dl.benin@unesco-delegations.org Representatives Mr Pierre AKPONA Premier Conseiller Permanent Delegation of Benin to UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France Tel: +33 1 45 68 39 89 Fax: +33 1 43 06 15 55 E-mail: dl.benin@unesco-delegations.org Ms Marguerite YALLOU Conseiller Permanent Delegation of Benin to UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France Tel: +33 1 45 68 30 89 Fax: +33 1 43 06 15 55 E-mail: dl.benin@unesco-delegations.org Mr Amadou TOMON Attach Permanent Delegation of Benin to UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France Tel: +33 1 45 68 30 89 Fax: +33 1 453 06 15 55 E-mail: dl.benin@unesco-delegations.org Brazil / Brsil / Brasil Head of Delegation H. E. Ms Maria Laura DA ROCHA Ambassador, Permanent Delegate Permanent Delegation of Brazil to UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France Tel: +33 1 45 68 29 01 E-mail: dl.brazil@unesco-delegations.org Alternate Mr Marcos NUNES DE MIRANDA Vice Admiral Diretoria de Hidrografia e Navegao Rua Baro de Jaceguai, s/n Ponta da Armao 22740-070 Niteroi-Rio de Janeiro Tel: +5521 2189 3003 Fax: +5521 2620 2171 E-mail: miranda@dhn.mar.mil.br Representatives Mr Fabio MENDES MARZANO Minister-Counsellor Permanent Delegation of Brazil to UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France Tel: +33 1 45 68 29 01 E-mail: f.mendes.br@unesco-delegations.org Mr Frederico Antonio SARAIVA NOGUEIRA Captain Diretoria de Hidrografia e Navegao Rua Baro de Jaceguai, s/n Ponta da Armao 24048900 Niteroi-Rio de Janeiro Tel: +5521 2189 3013 Fax: +5521 2189 3088 E-mail: frederico.asn@gmail.com (also IOC Vice-Chair) Mr Edson MAGNO Captain Diretoria de Hidrografia e Navegao Rua Baro de Jaceguai, s/n Ponta da Armao 22740-070 Niteroi-Rio de Janeiro Tel: +5521 2189 3010 Fax: +5521 2189 3105 E-mail: diretor@chm.mar.mil.br Ms Ana Lucia STIVAL Coordinator International Cooperation Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation Esplanada dos Ministerios, Bloco E 70323-70 Brazilia D. F. Tel: +55 61 20 33 8574 E-mail: ana.stival@mct.gov.br Mr Alexandre Luiz MOURA Captain Brazilian Navy - Navy Staff Esplanada Dos Minisiterios SQS Bloco N 5 Andar 202 bloc G apt 305 70323-070 Brasilia D.F. Tel: +5561 3429 1054 Fax: +5561 3429 1051 E-mail: moura@ema.mar.mil.br Ms Marise CARNEIRO Captain Secreatariat of the Interministerial Commission on Sea Resources Esplanada dos Ministerios 70055-900 Brasilia D.F. Tel: +5561 3429 1323 Fax: +5561 3429 1338 E-mail: marise@secirm.mar.mil.br Mr Flavio Luiz GIACOMAZZI Captain Secretariat of the Interministerial Commission on Sea Resources Esplanadas dos Ministerios bloc N anexo B 70055-900 Brasilia D.F. Tel: +5561 3429 1337 Fax: +5561 3429 1338 E-mail: flavio@secirm.mar.mil.br Advisor Mr Ruy CIARLINI First Secretary Permanent Delegation of Brazil to UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France Tel: +33 1 45 68 29 01 E-mail: r.e-freitas-ciarlini@unesco-delegations.org Bulgaria / Bulgarie / Bulgaria Head of Delegation Prof. Atanas PALAZOV Director Institute of Oceanology Bulgarian Academy of Sciences 40, First of May St. Po. B. 152 Asparuhovo quarter 9000 Varna Tel: +359 52 370 484 Fax: +359 52 370 483 E-mail: palazov@io-bas.bg (also IOC Vice-Chair) Representative Ms Christina YOTOVA Deputy Permanent Delegate Permanent Delegation of Bulgaria to UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15 Tel: +33 1 45 68 33 99 Fax: +33 1 47 83 34 52 E-mail: dl.bulgaria@unesco-delegations.org Cameroon / Cameroun / Camern Head of Delegation Dr Pierre Ricard NJIKE NGAHA Head of the Division of Scientific Policies and Planning Ministry of Scientific Research and Innovation PO BOX 1457 Yaonde Tel: +237 777 40 792 Fax: +237 2222 1336 E-mail: jiga_pr@yahoo.fr Representative Ms Bessem MANGA Permanent Delegate Permanent Delegation of Cameroon to UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France Tel: +33 1 Fax: +33 1 E-mail: Canada / Canada / Canad Head of Delegation Ms Narayanan SAVITHRI Director General Canadian Hydrographic Service and Dominon Hydrographer Department of Fisheries and Oceans 615 Booth Street K1A 0E6 Ottawa, Ontario Tel: +613 995 4413 Fax: +613 947 4369 E-mail: Savithri.Narayanan@dfo-mpo.gc.ca Alternate Dr Alain VEZINA Regional Director, Sciences Maritimes Department of Fisheries and Oceans 1 Challenger Drive B2Y 4A2 Dartmouth Nova Scotia Tel: +902 426 3490 Fax: +902 426 8484 E-mail: Alain.Vezina@dfo-mpo.gc.ca Representatives Ms Helen JOSEPH Director, Oceanography and Climate Branch, Ecosystem Science Department of Fisheries and Oceans 200 Kent Street K1A 0E6 Ottawa, Ontario Tel: +613 990 6930 Fax: +613 990 6131 E-mail: Helen.Joseph@dfo-mpo.gc.ca Ms Dominique LEVASSEUR Senior Programme Officer Permanent Delegation of Canada to UNESCO 5, rue de Constantine 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France Tel: +33 1 44 43 25 71 Fax: +33 1 44 43 25 79 E-mail: Dominique.Levasseur@international.gc.ca Cape Verde/Cap Vert/Cabo Verde Not Represented Chile / Chili / Chile Head of Delegation Mr Alvaro JARA Charg des affaires, dlgu permanent Dlgation Permanente du Chili auprs de l'UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris, France Tel: +33 1 45 68 29 55 E-mail: a.jara.cl@unesco-delegations.org Representatives Mr Patricio CARRASCO Director Servicio Hidrografico y Oceanografico de la Armada (SHOA) Errazuriz 254 237-0167 Valparaiso Tel: +56 032 2266502 Fax: +56 032 2266542 E-mail: director@shoa.cl Mr Nicolas GUZMAN Jefe Departemento Tecnologias, Jefe Division Operativa Oceanografia Servicio Hidrografico y Oceanografico de la Armada (SHOA) Errazuriz 254 237-0167 Valparaiso Tel: +56 032 2266672 Fax: +56 032 2266542 E-mail: nguzman@shoa.cl Mr Julio POBLETE Chief Department of Boundary Studies Ministry of Foreign Affairs Teatinos 180 Piso 7 Santiago Tel: +56 2 28275 919 E-mail: jpoblete@minrel.gov.cl Ms Beatriz RIOSECO Dlgue Dlgation du Chili auprs de l'UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris Cedex 15, France Tel: +33 1 45 68 29 50 E-mail: b.rioseco.cl@unesco-delegations.org China / Chine / China Head of Delegation Mr Zhanhai ZHANG Director-General State Oceanic Administration of China No. 1, Fuxingmenwai Ave. 100860 Beijing Tel: +86 10 68060086 E-mail: zhangzhanhai@pric.gov.cn Representatives Prof Xianyao CHEN Professor The First Institute of Oceanography 6 Xian Xia Ling Road 266061 Qingdao Tel: +86 532 88967 691 Fax: +86 532 88967 691 E-mail: chenxy@fio.org.cn Prof Xiqiu HAN Director International Cooperation Center, Second Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration 36 Baochubel Road 310012 Hangzhou-Zhejiang Tel: +86 571 819 63 004 Fax: +86 571 880 80 507 E-mail: xqhan@sio.org.cn Prof Shaohua LIN Honorary Director National Marine Data and Information Service Liuwei Road 93 Hedong District 300171 Tianjin Tel: +86 22 24010 803 Fax: +86 22 24010 926 E-mail: hslin@mail.nmdis.gov.cn Dr Liang LIU Associate Researcher National Marine Environmental Monitoring Center State Oceanic Administration Linghe Street 42 116023 Dalian City Tel: +86 411 847 82501 Fax: +86 411 847 82586 E-mail: lliu@nmemc.gov.cn Ms Wen Yan SHANG Clerk Department of Marine Forecast and Disaster Mitigation, State Oceanic Administration No. 1 Fuxingmenwaidajie Ave 100860 Beijing Tel: +86 1 3810 607655 Fax: +86 1 3810 68029470 E-mail: hygcc@soa.gov.cn Mr Yafeng YANG Deputy Division Director State Oceanic Administration No. 1 Fuxingmenwai Ave 100860Beijing Tel: +86 10 68019791 E-mail: yyf@soa.gov.cn Dr Ye YUAN Deputy Director in charge Marine Disaster Forecasting and Warning Division National Marine Environmental Forecasting Center SOA No. 8 Dahuisi Rd. Haidian District 100081 Beijing Tel: +86 10 62105665 Fax: +86 10 62173620 E-mail: yuanye@nmefc.gov.cn Colombia / Colombie / Colombia Head of Delegation H. E. Mr Gustavo Adolfo CARVAJAL Ambassadeur Extraordinaire et Plnipotentiaire, Dlgu Permanent Dlgation Permanente de Colombie auprs de l'UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15 Tel: +33 1 45 68 28 56 E-mail: ji.angulo-morales.co@unesco-delegations.org Alternate Ms Sandra BESSUDO Director General Agencia Presidencial de Cooperacin Internacional de Colombia Carrera 11 No 93-53 Piso 7 Bogot Tel: +57 1 601 2424 Fax: +57 1 601 2424 E-mail: sandrabessudo@apccolombia.gov.co Advisor Ms Juliana ANGULO Conseiller Dlgation Permanente de Colombie auprs de l'UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France Tel: +33 1 45 68 28 56 E-mail: ji.angulo.co@unesco-delegations.org Mr Julian Augusto REINA MORENO Secretario Ejecutivo CCO Comision Colombiana del Oceano Carrera 54 N 26-50 Piso 4 Bogota Tel: +57 1 315 8520 Fax: +57 1 315 8217 E-mail: oceano@cco.gov.co Mr Mauricio MORENO ACHURY Coordinador General DIMAR Direccion General Maritima Carrera 54 N 26-50 Bogota Tel: +57 1 2200490 Fax: +57 1 220490 ext 2213 E-mail: mauriciomoreno@dimar.mil.co Comoros/Comores/Comoras Not Represented Congo / Rpublique du Congo / Congo Head of Delegation Mr Alain Claver BATCHY Consultant - Point Focal COI/UNESCO Ministre Dlgu charg de la Marine Marchande 1500 Brazzaville Tel: +242 521 3880 E-mail: batchyalain@yahoo.fr Representative Mr Joseph MAKOSSO First Counsellor Permanent Delegation of the Republic of Congo to UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France E-mail: jomakosso@yahoo.fr Advisor M. Benjamin MOUAMBA Charg de Mission auprs du Directeur GnralMarine Marchande Pointe Noire 15000 Brazzaville Tel: +242 066360026 E-mail: bmouamba2000@yahoo.fr Congo, The Democratic Republic Of The / Congo, La Rpublique Dmocratique du / Congo, La Repblica de Head of Delegation Mr MANDA KIZABI Dlgu Permanent Adjoint Dlgation Permanente de la Rpublique Dmocratique du Congo auprs de lUNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15 Tel.: +33 1 45 68 34 23 E-mail: dl.congo-democratic-republic@ynesco-delegations.org Cook Islands/Iles Cook/Islas Cook Not Represented Costa Rica/Costa Rica/Costa Rica Not Represented Cote D'Ivoire / Cte D'ivoire / Repblica de Costa de Marfil Head of Delegation Dr Siaka Barthlmy BAMBA Directeur Centre de Recherches Ocanologiques 29, rue des Pcheurs B.P.V. 18 Abidjan Tel: + 225 2135 644/08084723 Fax: +225 2135 1155 E-mail: bambasb@hotmail.com Alternate Dr Aka Marcel KOUASSI Sous-Directeur des Recherches Centre de Recherches Ocanologiques 29, rue Des Pcheurs 225 Abidjan Tel: +225 21 356 448/07738311/55199325 Fax: +225 2135 1155 E-mail: aka.marcel.kouassi@gmail.com Representative Mr Kouadio AFFIAN Coordinateur Commission nationale de la COI Universit de Cocody Abidjan Centre Universitaire de Recherche et d'Application en Tldtection (CURAT) Abidjan Tel +225 22 44 52 70 Fax +225 22 44 52 70 E-mail: k_affian@yahoo.fr Croatia / Croatie / Croatia Head of Delegation Dr Ivica VILIBIC Head of Scientific CouncilInstitute of Oceanography and Fisheries Setaliste I. Mestrovica 63 21000 Split E-mail: vilibic@izor.hr Cuba / Cuba / Cuba Head of Delegation Mr Yahima ESQUIVEL MOYNELO Third Secretarythe Delegation of Cuba to UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France E-mail: y.esquivel-moynelo@unesco-delegations.org Cyprus / Chypre / Chipre Head of Delegation Ms Photini PANAYI Dlgu Permanent Adjoint Dlgation de la Rpublique de Chypre auprs de l'UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15 Tel: +33 1 4568 3464 E-mail: p.panayi.cy@unesco-delegations.org Representative Ms Monica ASSIMENOU Attache Dlgation de la Rpublique de Chypre auprs de l'UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France Tel: +33 1 45 68 34 64 E-mail: dl.chypre@unesco-delegations.org Czech Republic / Rpublique Tchque / Repblica Checa Head of Delegation Mr Bohumir JANSKY President of the Czech National Committee for Cooperation with the IOC Charles University Albertov 6 128 43 Praha 2 Tel: + 420221951350 Fax: + 420730187 977 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:jansky@natur.cuni.cz" jansky@natur.cuni.cz jansky.b@seznaml.cz Democratic People'S Republic Of Korea/ Core RPD / Repblica Popular Democrtica de Corea Head of Delegation H. E. Mr Yong Il YUN Ambassador, Permanent Delegate Permanent Delegation of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea to UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France Tel: +33 1 45 68 25 63 Fax: +33 1 45 68 25 62 E-mail: dl.korea-pdr@unesco-delegations.org Representatives Mr Yong Ho RI Permanent Delegate Permanent Delegation of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea to UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France Tel: +33 1 45 68 25 63 Fax: +33 1 45 68 25 62 E-mail: dl.korea-pdr@unesco-delegations.org Denmark / Danemark / Dinamarca Head of Delegation Dr Erik BUCH Director Danish Meteorological Institute Lyngbyvej 100 Copenhagen Tel: +45 39157210 Fax: +45 39157300 E-mail: ebu@dmi.dk Advisor Ms Dorthe WENDT Conseiller Principal Permanent Delegation of Denmark to UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France Tel: +33 1 45 68 29 29 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:d.wendt.dk@unesco-delegations.org" d.wendt.dk@unesco-delegations.org Ms Mille HERSKIND Stagiaire Permanent Delegation of Denmark to UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France E-mail: dl.denmark@unesco-delegations.org Djibouti Head of Delegation H. E. Mr Rachad FARAH Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Djibouti to France, Permanent Delegate Permanent Delegation of Djibouti to UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 PARIS Cedex 15, France Tel: +33 1 45 68 26 50 Fax + 33 1 45.68 26 51 E-mail: dl.djibouti@unesco-delegations.org Representative Ms Dior DELAVEILLE Permanent Delegation of Djibouti to UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 PARIS Cedex 15, France Tel : +33 1 45 68 26 50 Fax + 33 1 45.68 26 51 E-mail: dl.djibouti(a)unesco-delegations.org Dominica / Dominique / Dominica Head of Delegation H. E. Ms Francine BARON High Commissioner to the United Kingdom Dominica High Commission 1, Collingham Gardens SW5 OHW London, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Tel: +207 370 5194 E-mail: info@dominicahighcommission.co.uk Dominican Republic / Dominicaine, Rpublique / Repblica Dominicana Head of Delegation H.E. Ms Laura FAXAS Ambassador, Permanent Delegate Permanent Delegation of the Dominican Republic to UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France Tel: +33 1 45 68 27 08 Fax: +33 1 42 73 24 66 E-mail: dl.dominicaine-republique@)unesco-delegations.org Ms Elsa DOMINGUEZ BRITO Ministre-Conseiller Permanent Delegation of the Dominican Republic to UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France Tel: +33 1 45 68 27 10 Fax : +33 1 42 73 24 66 E-mail: dl.dominicaine-republique@)unesco-delegations.org Ecuador / quateur / Ecuador Head of Delegation Mr Juan Carlos PROAO VEGA Director Instituto Oceanografico de la Armada Av. 25 de Julio via al Puerto Maritimo 5940 Guayaquil Tel: +593 4 281100 Fax: +593 4 2485166 E-mail: direccion@inocar.mil.ec Representatives Mr Willington Jesus RENTERIA AGURTO Jefe departamento Ciencias del MarInstituto Oceanografico de la Armada Av. 25 de Julio, via al Puerto Maritimo 5940 Guayaquil Tel: +593 4 281105 Fax: +593 4 2485166 E-mail: wjrenteria@gmail.com Mr Nevil MONTENEGRO Third Secretary Permanent Delegation of Ecuador to UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France E-mail: dl.ecuador@unesco-delegations.org Egypt /gypte / Egypto Head of Delegation H. E. Mr Mohamed Sameh AMR Ambassador, Permanent Delegate Permanent Delegation of Egypt to UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France Tel: +33 1 45 68 33 09 Fax: +33 1 47 83 41 87 E-mail: dl.egypte@unesco-delegations.org Alternate Ms Ghada OMAR Deputy Permanent Delegate Permanent Delegation of Egypt to UNESSCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France Tel: +33 1 45 68 33 09 Fax: +33 1 47 83 41 87 E-mail: dl.egypte@unesco-delegations.org Representatives Dr Amany EL-SIKAILY Professor of Marine Pollution National Institute of Oceanography & Fisheries Kayet-Bay, El Anfoushy 21556 Alexandria Tel: +203 01 2245579930 Fax: +203 48 11 74 E-mail: dramany_mas@yahoo.com Dr Gamal EL SAYED Counsellor Minsitry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) App. #2, No. 323 Zahraa Nasr City Cairo Tel: +20224096495 E-mail: gamal_os@hotmail.com El Salvador / El Salvador / El Salvador Head of Delegation H. E. Ms Lorena SOL DE POOL Ambassador, Permanent Delegate Permanent Delegation of El Salvador to UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France Tel: +33 1 45 68 34 19 Fax: +33 1 47 34 41 86 E-mail: dl.el-salvador@unesco-delegations.org Alternate Ms Nanette VIAUD DES ROCHES Permanent Delegate Permanent Delegation of El Salvador to UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France Tel: +33 1 45 68 34 19 Fax: +33 1 47 34 41 86 E-mail: dl.el-salvador@unesco.org Eritrea/Erythre/Eritrea Not Represented Estonia/Estonie/Estonia Not Represented Ethiopia/Ethiopie/Etiopa Not Represented Fiji/Fidji/Fiji Not Represented Finland /Finlande / Finlandia Head of Delegation Ms Anne HUHTAMKI Deputy Permanent Delegate, Minister-Counsellor Permanent Delegation of Finland to UNESCO 1 rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France Tel: +33 1 45 68 34 32 Fax: +33 1 43 06 19 02 E-mail: anne.huhtamaki@formin.fi Representatives Mr Pekka ALENIUS Senior Scientist Finnish Meteorological Institute Erik Palmenin aukio 1 Helsinki Tel: +358 504 3928 87 Fax: +358 93231 025 E-mail: pekka.alenius@fmi.fi Mr Hermanni KAARTOKALLIO Senior Research Scientist Finnish Environment Institute Erik Palmenin aukio 1 00561 Helsinki Tel: +358 503 257580 E-mail: hermanni.kaartokallio@ymparisto.fi France / France / Francia Head of Delegation M. Claude BOUCHER Prsident du comit national pour la COI MEDDE Tour Voltaire 92055 La Defense Tel: +33 1 4081 3334 Fax: +33 1 408 12731 E-mail: claude.boucher@developpement-durable.gouv.fr Representatives M. Jean-Pierre PONCET Deuxime ConseillerDlgation permanente de la France auprs de l'UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15 E-mail: jean-pierre.poncet@diplomatie.gouv.fr M. Eric LANGLOIS Chef de la division Rlations Extrieures SHOM 73, avenue de Paris 94165 St Mand Tel: +33 6 03 20 13 77 E-mail: eric.langlois@shom.fr M. Gilles LERICOLAIS Director of European and International Affairs IFREMER 155, rue Jean-Jacques ROUSSEAU 92138 Issy Les Moulineaux Tel: +33 1 46 48 21 78 Fax: +33 1 46 48 22 48 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:gilles.lericolais@ifremer.fr" gilles.lericolais@ifremer.fr M. Elie JARMACHE Charg de mission PM Secrtariat gnral de la mer 69, rue de Varenne 75007 Paris Tel: +33 608 75 66 11 Fax: +33 142 75 6678 E-mail: elie.jarmache@pm.gouv.fr Mme Carole GODIN Conseillre tchnique sciences Commission nationale franaise pour l'UNESCO 57, Bld des Invalides 75007 Paris Tel: +33 1 53 69 30 61 E-mail: carole.godin@dipomatie Mme Franoise GAILL CNRS DR Charge de mission DGDS Centre National de Recherche Scientifique 3, rue Michel Ange 75016 Paris E-mail: francoise.gaill@cnrs-dir.fr M. Bernard COMMERE Charg de mission Ministre franais de l'enseignement suprieur et de la recherche 1, rue Descartes 75005 Paris Tel: +33 1 55 55 86 07 E-mail: bernard.commere@recherche.gouv.fr M. Franois SCHINDELE Expert International CEA CEA/DF 91297 Arpajon CEDEX Tel: +33 1 69 26 50 63 E-mail: franois.schindele@cea.fr Gabon/Gabon/Gabn Not Represented Gambia/Gambie/Gambia Not Represented Georgia / Gorgie / Georgia Head of Delegation Prof Nodar TSIVTSIVADZE Chairman Georgian National Oceanographic Commission (GeoNOC) #1, I. Chavchavadze avenue 0179 Tblisi Tel: +995 032 222 23 72 Fax: +995 032 222 5107 E-mail: geonoc11@gmail.com Germany / Allemagne / Alemania Head of Delegation Ms Moika BREUCH-MORITZ President Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency Bernhard-Nocht-Str. 78 20359 Hamburg Tel: +49 40 3190 1000 Fax: +49 40 3190 1004 E-mail: praesidentin@bsh.de Alternate Mr Ralf WASSERTHAL Head of Section Secretariat of the German IOC Section Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency Bernhard-Nocht-Str. 78 20359 Hamburg Tel: +49 40 3190 3510 Fax: +49 40 3190 5000 E-mail: ralf.wasserthal@bsh.de Representatives Ms Andrea HEYN Deputy Head of Unit "System Earth" Federal Ministry of Education and Research Heinemannstrae 2 Bonn Tel: +49 228 99 573 221 Fax: +49 228 99 57 83 221 E-mail: Andrea.Heyn@bmbf.bund.de Dr Ulrich WOLF Project Coordinator System Earth Project Management Jlich Schweriner Str. 44 18069 Rostock Tel: +49 381 203 56 277 Fax: +49 381 203 56 499 E-mail: u.wolf@fz-juelich.de Prof Dr Allan CEMBELLA Head of Department Ecological Chemistry Alfred-Wegener-Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum fr Polar- und Meeresforschung Handelshafen 12 27570 Bremerhaven Tel: +49 471 48311494 Fax: +49 471 48311149 E-mail: allan.cembella@awi.de Ghana/Ghana/Ghana Not Represented Greece /Grce / Grecia Head of Delegation Dr Aristomenis KARAGEORGIS IOC Focal point in UNESCO Research Director Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR) 46.7 km Athens-Sounio Avenue 19013 Anavyssos Tel: +30 22910 76369 Fax: +30 22910 76347 E-mail: ak@hcmr.gr Representative Dr Dimitrios GEORGOPOULOS Former Deputy Director Institute of Oceanography Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR) 46.7 km Athens-Sounio Avenue 19013 Anavyssos Tel: +30 22910 76329 Fax: +30 22910 76347 E-mail: dgeor@hcmr.gr Grenada / Grenade / Grenada Representatives Ms Chafica HADDAD First Secretary Permanent Delegation of Grenada to UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France Tel: +33 1 45 68 30 35 Fax: +33 1 45 68 30 25 E-mail: dl.grenada@unesco-delegations.org Guatemala / Guatemala / Guatemala Not Represented Guinea/Guine/Guinea Not Represented Guinea-Bissau/Guine-Bissau/Guinea-Bissau Not Represented Guyana/Guyana/Guyana Not Represented Haiti / Haiti / Haiti Head of Delegation M. Frrel NORMIL Directeur Gnral Service Maritime et de Navigation d'Haiti (SEMANAH) 2, Rue Toussaint Louverture, Delmas 31 Port-au-Prince Tel: +509 2816 1629 E-mail: semanah@hotmail.com Representative M. Franois Serge MITTON Directeur de la Protection du Milieu Marin (DPMM) Service Maritime et de Navigation d'Hati (SEMANAH) 2, Rue Toussaint Louverture, Delmas 31 HT6120 Port-au-Prince Tel: +509 2816 1629 E-mail: semanah@hotmail.com Honduras / Honduras / Honduras Head of Delegation Mr Carlo Enrique MARADIAGA Delegate Adjoint Permanent delegation of Honduras to UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France Tel: +33 1 45 68 28 48 E-mail: c.maradiaga.hn@unesco-delegations.org Iceland/Islande/Islandia Not Represented India / Inde / India Head of Delegation Dr Sateesh Chandra SHENOI Director Indian National Center for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS) Ministry of Earth Sciences Prithvi Bhavan Lodiroad New Dehli Tel: +24 66 95 13 Fax: +24 66 97 77 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:shenoi@incois.gov.in" shenoi@incois.gov.in Representatives Mr Krothapalli SOMASUNDAR Director Ministry of Earth Sciences Block 12 CGO Complex Lodi Road 110003 New Delhi Tel: +24 66 95 13 Fax: +24 66 97 77 Email: somadod@gmail.com Mr Soma Sekhara PANICKER First Secretary Permanent Delegation of India to UNESCO 1, Miollis, 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France Tel: +33 1 45 68 29 88 Fax: +33 1 47 34 51 88 E-mail: dl.india@)unesco-delegations.org Indonesia / Indonesie / Indonesia Head of Delegation Dr Iskandar ZULKARNAIN Indonesian National Focal Point for the IOC Indonesian Institute of Sciences Jalan Gatot Subroto No.10 12710 Jakarta Tel: +62 21 525 1850 Fax: +62 21 52 60 804 E-mail: iskandar.zulkarnain@lipi.go.id, iska003@gmail.com Representatives Dr Susilohadi SUSILOHADI Head Marine Geological Institute of Indonesia Jalan Dr. Junjunan 236 40174 Bandung Tel: +62 22 6032020 Fax: +62 22 6017887 E-mail: s.susilohadi@mgi.esdm.go.id Iran, Islamic Republic Of / Rpublique Islamique d' Iran / Repblica Islmica del Iran Head of Delegation Dr Vahid CHEGINI Director Iranian National Institute for Oceanography No. 3, Etemadzadeh St. Fatemi Avenue Tehran Tel: +98 2166944867 Fax: +98 2166944866 E-mail: v_chegini@inio.ac.ir, vahid.chegini@gmail.com Iraq / Irak / Iraqu Mr Ismail Mohammed Hasan Counsellor, Charg d'Affaires a.i. Permanent Delegation of Iraq to UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 PARIS Cedex 15, France Tel: +33 1 45 68 34 21 Fax: +33 1 45 68 34 22 E-mail: moeorgdept@yahoo.com Ireland / Irlande / Irlanda Head of Delegation Ms Deidre May CULLEY Attache Permanent Delegation of Ireland to UNESCO 12, avenue Foch 75116 Paris, France Tel: +33 1 44 17 67 13 Fax: +33 1 44 17 67 60 E-mail: deirdre.culley@dfa.Ie/ dl.ireland@unesco-delegations.org Israel / Israel / Israel Head of Delegation Mr Alexander SIEDES Attach Permanent Delegation of Israel to UNESCO 3, rue Rabelais 75008 Paris, France Tel: +33 1 40 76 54 15 E-mail: dcm@unesco.mfa.gov.il Italy / Italie / Italia Head of Delegation Mr Giuseppe MANZELLA Chair Italian Oceanographic Commission Piazzale Aldo Moro 7 00185 Rome Tel: +39 06 4993 3836 E-mail: presidente.coi@cnr.it Representatives Prof Nadia PINARDI Professor University of Bologna Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca per le Scienze Ambientali Via S. Alberto 163 48100 Ravenna Tel: +39 0544 937322 Fax: 39 0544 937323 E-mail: n.pinardi@sincem.unibo.it Mr Severo MASTRONARDI Representative Permanent Delegation of Italy to UNESCO 1, Rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France Tel: +33 1 45 68 31 41 E-mail: s.mastronardi.it@unesco-delegations.org Jamaica/Jamaque/Jamaica Not Represented Japan / Japon / Japn Head of Delegation Dr Mitsuo UEMATSU Chief of Japanese National Committee for IOC / Professor Center for International Collaboration - Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute The University of Tokyo c/o Office of Japanese National Commission for UNESCO 3-2-2 Kasumigaseki 100-8959 Chiyoda-ku Tel: +81 3 6734 2557 Fax: +81 3 67343679 E-mail: uematsu@aori.u-tokyo.ac.jp Alternate Dr Yutaka MICHIDA Member of Japanese National Committee for IOC / Professor Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo c/o Office of Japanese National Commission for UNESCO, 3-2-2 Kasumigaseki 100-8959 Chiyoda-ku Tel: +81 3 6734 2557 Fax: +81 3 67343679 E-mail: ymichida@aori.u-tokyo.ac.jp (also IOC Vice-Chair) Representatives Ms Taka HORIO Assistant Secreatary General Office of Japanese National Commission for UNESCO, 3-2-2 3-2-2 Kasumigaseki 100-8959 Chiyoda-ku Tel: +81 3 6734 2557 Fax: +81 3 67343679 E-mail: jpnatcom@metxt.go.jp Dr Inoue KOJI Associate Professor Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo 5-1-5 Kashiwanoha 277-8564 Kashiwa-shi Tel: +81 4 7136 6006 Fax: +81 4 71 7136 6039 E-mail: inouek@aori.u-tokyo.ac.jp Ms Mizue IIJIMA Administrative Staff, International Affairs Division Japan Agency for Marine Earth Science and Technology 2-15 Natsushima-cho 237-0061 Yokosuka-city Tel: +81 046 867 9288 Fax: +81 046 867 9195 E-mail: mitzuem@jamstec.go.jp Mr Kyohei KANEKO Administrative staff Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology 3-2-2 Kasumigaseki 100-8959 Chiyoda-ku Tel: +81 3 6734 4146 Fax: +81 3 6734 4147 E-mail: kanekok@metxt.go.jp Dr Takeshi KAWANO Program Director, Research Institute for Global ChangeJapan Agency for Marine Earth Science and Technology 2-15 Natsushima-cho 237 0061 Yokosuka-city Tel: +81 046 867 9471 Fax: +81 046 867 9835 E-mail: kawanot@jamstec.go.jp Dr Kazushiro KITAZAWA Adviser Japan Agency for Marine Earth Science and Technology 2-15 Natsushima-cho 237-0061 Yokosuka-city Tel: +81 046 867 9191 Fax: +81 046 867 9195 E-mail: kitazawa@jamstec.go.jp Mr Takeshi KOIZUMI Senior Coordinator for International Earthquake and Tsunami Information Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) 1-3-4 Otemachi 100-8122 Chiyoda-ku Tel: +81 3 3284 1743 Fax: +81 3 3215 2963 E-mail: t-koizumi@met.kishou.go.jp Mr Satoshi OGAWA Senior Scientific Officer Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) 1-3-4 Otemachi 100-8122 Chiyoda-ku Tel: +81 3 3212 8341 (ext. 5123) Fax: +81 3 3211 3047 E-mail: s.ogawa@met.kishou.go.jp Mr Yoshito ANDO Administrative staffMinistry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology 3-2-3 Kasumigaseki 100-8959 Tokyo E-mail: y-ando@mext.go.jp Jordan/Jordanie/Jordania Not Represented Kazakhstan / Kazakhstan / Kazajstn Representatives Mr Satybaldy BURSHAKOV Deputy Permanent Delegate, Minister CounsellorPermanent Delegation of Kazakstant to UNESCO 59, rue Pierre Charron 75008 Paris, France Tel: +33 1 42 25 09 00 E-mail: unesco@mfa.kz Kenya / Kenya / Kenya Head of Delegation H.E. Ms Mary M. KHIMULU Ambassador and Permanent Delegate Permanent Delegation of Kenya to UNESCO 1 rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France Tel: +33 1 45 68 32 81 Fax: +33 1 45 68 32 88 E-mail: dl.kenya@unesco-delegations.org Representatives Dr Johnson KAZUNGU Chief Executive Officer/DirectorKenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI) Silos Road, Mkomani P.O. Box 81651 80100 Mombasa Tel: +254 722 72 3386 Fax: +254 020 235-3226 E-mail: jkazungu@kmfri.co.ke or director@kmfri.co.ke Advisor Mr John Paul OLUOCH Senior Research AssistantPermanent Delegation of Kenya to UNESCO 1 rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France Tel: +33 1 45 68 32 81 Fax: +33 1 45 68 32 88 E-mail: j.oluoch.ke@unesco-delegations.org Kiribati / Kiribati / Kiribati Not Represented Kuwait / Koweit / Kuwait Head of Delegation Ms Nabilah Ali AL KHALIL Deputy Director General Public Authority of Agriculture PO BOX 21422 Safat 13075 Tel: +965 22253955 Fax: +965 2253933 E-mail: fish@paaf.gov.kw Representatives Mr Muhammud AL-SHATTI Dlgu Adjoint Permanent Delegation of Kuwait to UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France Tel: +33 1 45 68 26 67 E-mail: m.alshattikw@unesco-delegations.org Ms Dana ALMADI Permanent Delegation of Kuwait to UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France Tel: +33 1 Fax: +33 1 Lebanon / Liban / Libano Ms Naya Ziad KHAIRALLAH TAAN First Secretary Permanent Delegation of Lebanon to UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 PARIS Cedex 15, France Tel: +33 1 45 68 33 80/81 Fax: +33 1 45 67 34 88 E-mail: z.taan.lb@unesco-delegations.org Lybia / Lybie /Lybia Head of Delegation Mr Said ALKHABBASH Permanent Delegate Permanent Delegation of Lybia to UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France Madagascar / Madagascar / Madagascar Head of Delegation Mr Ny Toky ANDRIAMANJAJO Charg d'Affaire Permanent Delegation of Madagascar to UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France Tel: +33 1 42 93 92 52 E-mail: depermadu@wanadoo.fr Representatives Mr Haugy LAHIMASY Conseiller Permanent Delegation of Madagascar to UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France Tel: +33 1 42 93 92 52 E-mail: depermadu@wanadoo.fr Malaysia / Malaisie / Malasia Head of Delegation Dr Rosli MOHAMED Secretary General Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) Level 6, block C5, Complex C Federal Government Administrative Centre Putrajaya Tel: +603 8885 8021 Fax: +603 8888 90 00 E-mail: dr.rosli@mosti.gov.my Representatives H. E. Mr Mohd Zulkifli BIN MOHAMMED Ambassador, Permanent Delegate Permanent Delegation of Malaysia to UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France Tel: +33 1 45 68 34 74 Fax: +33 1 42 73 33 52 E-mail: dl.malaysia@unesco-delegations.org Mr Hussalmizzar BIN HUSSAIN Science Attach Permanent Delegation of Malaysia to UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France Tel: +33 1 45 68 35 22 Fax: +33 1 42 73 33 52 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:h.bin-hussain.my@unesco-delegations.org" h.bin-hussain.my@unesco-delegations.org Mr Mohamed Zaini BIN ABDUL RAHMAN Deputy Director National Oceanographic Directorate Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) Level 6, block C4 Complex C Federal Goverment Adiministrative Centre 62662 Putraya Tel: +603 8885 8203 Fax: +603 8889 3008 E-mail: zaini@mosti.gov.my Mr Idris BIN ISMAIL Special Officer Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) Level 6, block C4, Complex C Federal Goverment Adiministrative Centre 62662 Putrajaya Tel: +603 8885 8789 Fax: +603 8888 9070 E-mail: idris@mosti.gov.my Maldives/Maldives/Maldivas Not Represented Malta/Malte/Malta Not Represented Mauritania / Mauritanie / Mauritania Not Represented Mauritius/Maurice/Mauricio Not Represented Mexico / Mexique / Mxico Head of Delegation Ms Susana FRANCO Counselor Permanent Delegation of Mexico to UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France E-mail: s.franco.mx@unesco-delegations.org Representatives Dr Ismael MADRIGAL Science Officer Permanent Delegation of Mexico to UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15 Tel: +33 1 45 68 34 87 E-mail: i.madrigal@unesco.org Mr Ramn ZAMANILLO PREZ Coordinador del Subcomit de la CONALMEX para la Comisin Oceanogrfica Intergubernamental (COI) Secretara de Educacin Pblica Mexico Monaco / Monaco / Mnaco Advisors Mr Michel BOISSON Secrtaire gnral honoraire Centre Scientifique de Monaco 8, quai Antoine I 98000 Monaco E-mail: michel377@yahoo.fr Mme Florence DESCROIX - COMANDUCCI Conseiller Scientifique Centre Scientifique de Monaco 8, quai Antoine I 98000 Monaco E-mail: fcdescroix@centrescientifique.mc Montenegro/Montenegro/Montenegro Not Represented Morocco/Maroc/Marruecos Not Represented Mozambique / Mozambique / Mozambique Head of Delegation Mr Augusto BATA Director General Instituto Nacional de Hidrografia e Navegaao Karl Marx Avenue Nr 153-5/12 2089 Maputo Fax: +258 214 30185 E-mail: augustobata@yahoo.com.br Representatives Ms Candida SETE Head of Oceanography Service Instituto Nacional de Hidrografia e Navegaao Karl Marx Avenue Nr 153-5/12 2089 Maputo Tel: +258 84 329 6990 Fax: +258 214 30185 E-mail: candida.sete@hotmail.com Myanmar / Myanmar / Myanmar Head of Delegation H. E. Mr Kyaw ZWAR MINN Ambassador Extraordinary and plenipotentiary of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Embassy of Myanmar in Paris 60, rue de Courcelles 75008 Paris, France Tel: +33 1 56 88 15 93 Fax: +33 1 45 62 13 30 E-mail: me-paris@wanadoo.fr Representatives Ms Seinn LEI TUNN Second Secretary Embassy of Myanmar in Paris 50, rue de Courcelles 75008 Paris, France Tel: +33 1 56 88 15 93 Fax: +33 1 45 62 13 30 E-mail: me-paris@wanadoo.fr Mr Pyi SOE Minister-Counsellor Embassy of Myanmar in Paris 60, rue de Courcelles 75008 Paris, France Tel: +33 1 56 88 15 93 Fax: +33 1 45 62 13 30 E-mail: me-paris@wanadoo.fr Namibia/Namibia/Namibia Not Represented Netherlands / Pays-Bas / Pases Bajos Head of Delegation H. E. Mr Rob ZELDENRUST Ambassador, Permanent Delegate Permanent Delegation of the Netherlands to UNESCO 7, rue Elb 75007 Paris, France E-mail: Rob.Zeldenrust@minbuza.nl Advisor Mr Stein VAN OOSTEREN Attach Permanent Delegation of the Netherlands to UNESCO 7, rue Ebl 75007 Paris, France E-mail: Stei-van.Oosteren@minbuza.nl New Zealand/Nouvelle-Zlande/ Nueva Zelandia Not Represented Nicaragua / Nicaragua / Nicargua Head of Delegation H. E. Mr Lautaro SANDINO MONTES Ambassador, Permanent Delegate Dlgation du Nicaragua auprs de lUNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France Tel: +33 1 45 68 32 08 E-mail: dl.nicaragua@unesco-delegations.org (also representing G 77) Alternate Mme Gloria HENRIQUEZ Dlgu Permanent Adjoint Dlgation du Nicaragua auprs de lUNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France Tel: +33 1 45 68 32 08 Fax: + 33 1 45 67 07 97 E-mail: dl.nicaragua@unesco-delegations.org Nigeria / Nigria / Nigeria Head of Delegation Prof. Lawrence AWOSIKA Director Nigerian Institute for Oceanography and Marine Research 3 Wilmot Point Road Bar Beach Victoria Island Lagos Tel: + 2 348064273881 E-mail: lfolaawo@gmail.com Alternate Mr Patrick OLAFOR Deputy, Permanent Delegate Permanent Delegation of Nigeria to UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France Tel: +33 1 45682727 E-mail: dl.nigeria@unesco-delegations.org Representatives Ms Mercy CLEMENT Second Secretary Ministry of Foreign Affairs Tafawa Balena Howe Central Area Abuja Tel: +234 80 34 522 843 E-mail: mercyclement@yahoo.com Mr Nwa Tamasaya Tina PAPKA Second Secretary Ministry of Foreign Affairs Tafawa Balena Howe Central Area Abuya Tel: +234 80 52 1086 76 Mr Valentine ALLISON Third SecretaryMinistry of Foreign Affairs Tafawa Balena Howe Central Area Abuja Tel: +234 80 34 490 670 E-mail: alliabi@yahoo.com Niue / Niue / Niue Not Represented Norway / Norvge / Noruega Head of Delegation Prof. Peter HAUGAN University of Bergen, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Geophysical Institute, Allegaten 70 N-5007 Norway Tel: +47 5558 2678 Fax: +47 5558 9883 Email: peter.haugan@gfi.uib.no (Also IOC Vice Chair) Representatives Dr Kjell Ame MORK Senior Scientist Institute of Marine Research Nordnesgt 50, P.O. 1870 Nordnes 5817 Bergen E-mail: kjell.arne.mork@imr.no Ms Charlotte RUSTAD Senior Adviser Ministry of Education and Research 8119 Dep 0032 Oslo Tel: +47 901 55 121 E-mail: Charlotte.rustad@kd.dep.no Ms Silje Joanne EGGESTAD Intern Permanent Delegation of Norway to UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France E-mail: s.eggestad.no@unesco-delegations.org Oman/Oman/Omn Not Represented Pakistan / Pakistan / Pakistn Head of Delegation Ms Humaira Zia MUFTI Deputy Permanent Delegate Permanent Delegation of Pakistan to UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France Tel: +33 1 45 68 25 42 Fax: +33 1 45 66 62 15 E-mail: dl.pakistan@unesco-delegations.org Representatives Mr Khurshid MASOOD Attach Permanent Delegation of Pakistan to UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France Tel: +33 1 45 68 25 42 Fax: +33 1 45 66 62 15 E-mail: dl.pakistan@unesco-delegations.org Panama / Panam / Panam Head of Delegation Mr Jorge PATINO Permanent Delegate Adjoint Permanent Delegation of Panama to UNESCO 145, Avenue de Suffren 75015 Paris, France Tel: +33 1 45 66 42 44 E-mail: dl.panama@unesco-delegations.org Papua New Guinea/Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guine/Papua Nueva Guinea Not Represented Peru / Prou / Per Head of Delegation Mr Augusto BAZAN Minister-Counselor Permanent Delegation of Peru to UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France Tel: +33 1 45 68 29 35 Fax: +33 1 45 68 29 20 E-mail: abazan-jimenez@unesco-delegations.org Alternate Mr Atilio Arturo ASTE EVANS Head of Oceanography Direccion de Hydrografia y Navegacion Roca Street 180 Callao 05 Lima Tel: +51996308279 E-mail: aaste@dhn.mil.pe Representatives Mr Jorge Manuel PAZ ACOSTA Representative of Peru to the IOC Direccion de Hydrografia y Navegacion Calle Roca N 118 Callao 05 Chucuito Tel: +511 - 2078160 E-mail: jpaz@dhn.mil.pe Philippines / Philippines / Filipinas Head of Delegation H. E. Ms Cristina ORTEGA Ambassador, Permanent Delegate Permanent Delegation of Philippines to UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France Tel: +33 1 45 68 30 12 Fax: +33 1 45 67 07 97 E-mail: dl.philippines@unesco-delegations.org Representatives Ms Patricia GAUTIER Philippine Permanent Delegation to UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France Tel: +33 1 45 68 30 12 Fax: +33 1 45 67 07 97 E-mail: dl.philippines@unesco-delegations.org Poland/Pologne/Polonia Not Represented Portugal / Portugal / Portugal Head of Delegation Mr Mario RUIVO PrsidentComit Portugais pour la COI Rua Latina Coelho 1 Ed Aviz - Bloco A1 - 10 1050-132 Lisboa Tel: +351 21 390 43 30 Fax: +351 21 395 22 12 E-mail: cointersec.presid@fct.mctes.pt Representatives Ms Teresa SALADO Attache Technique Permanent Delegation of Portugal to UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France Tel: +33 1 45 68 30 58 E-mail: t.salado@unesco.org Mr Pedro ABREU Permanent Delegation of Portugal to UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France Tel: +33 1 45 68 30 55 E-mail: p.sousa-abreu.pt@unesco-delegations.org Qatar / Qatar / Qatar Head of Delegation H.E. Mr Ali ZAINAL Ambassador, Permanent Delegate Permanent Delegation of Qatar to UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France E-mail: a.zainal@sec.gov.qa Advisor Mr Mohamed AWAD Administratif Conseiller Permanent Delegation of Qatar to UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France Tel: +33 1 45 68 27 44 Republic of Korea/Rpublique de Core/Repblica de Corea Head of Delegation H. E. Mr Lee SANGJIN Ambassador, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Delegation of the Republic of Korea to UNESCO 33, avenue du Maine 75015 Paris, France Tel: +33 1 44 10 24 00 Fax: +33 1 43 35 38 24 E-mail: sa_lee@unesco-delegations.org Alternate Mr Haenam MOON Deputy Minister Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries 94, Dasom 2-ro 339-012 Sejong-si Tel: +82 44 200 52 00 Fax: +82 44 200 5239 E-mail: hnmoon@korea.kr Representatives Dr Hyunmin EOM Meteorologist Marine Meteorology Division Korea Meteorological Administration 45 Gisangcheong-gil Dongjak-Gu 156-720 Seoul Tel: +82 2 2181 0750 Fax: +82 2 2181 0749 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:hyunslife@korea.kr" hyunslife@korea.kr Mr Sangkyoo KANG Attach Permanent Delegation of Korea to UNESCO 33, Avenue du Maine 75015 Paris, France Tel: +33 1 44 10 24 51 Fax: +33 1 43 35 38 24 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:sk.kang.kr@unesco-delegations.org" sk.kang.kr@unesco-delegations.org Mr Youngtaeg KIM Researcher Korea Hydorgraphic and Oceanographic Administration Haeyang-ro Busan 606-806 Tel: +82 51 400 4362 Fax: +82 51 400 41 95 E-mail: kyt5824@korea.kr Mr Hyun-Yeong KIM Director of IOC Chairmans Office Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology 787 Haean-ro 426-744 Ansan Tel: +82 31 400 6412 Fax : +82 31 408 58 29 E-mail: hykim@kiost.ac Dr Joon-Soo LEE Researcher National Fisheries Research & Development Institute 152-1 Haean-ro 619-705 Busan Tel: +82 51 720 2241 Fax: +82 51 720 2225 E-mail: leejoonsoo@korea.kr Ms Jung Hee LEE Meteorologist Marine Meteorology Division Korea Meteorological Administration 61 Yeoentdaebang-ro 16-gtl. 156 720 Seoul Tel: +82 2 2181 0753 Fax: +82 2 2181 0749 E-mail: leejh@korea.kr Dr Naesun PARK Leader of International Affairs Section Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology 787 Haean-ro 426-44 Ansan Tel: +82 31 400 7750 Fax: +82 31 406 6925 E-mail: naesun@kiost.ac Prof. Chul PARK Professor Chungnam National University Deahak-ro 99 305-1644 Daejeon Tel: +82 42 821 6438 Fax: +82 42 822 8173 E-mail: chulpark@cnu.ac.kr Mr Gi Dong YEO Deputy Director Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries 94, Dasom 2-ro Sejong-si Tel: +82 44 200 5248 E-mail: ygd1215@korea.kr Advisors Dr Sang-Kyung BYUN Emeritus Research Fellow Ocean Circulation & Climate Research Division Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology 787 Haean-ro 426-744 Ansan Tel: +82 31 400 6127 Fax: +82 31 408 5829 E-mail: skbyun@kiost.ac (also IOC Chair) Ms Nayon JEON Secretary of IOC Chairmans Office Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology 778 Haen-ro 426-744 Ansan Tel: +82 31 400 6411 Fax: +82 31 408 58 29 E-mail: nayonjeon@kiost.ac Mr Won Joon HUR Staff Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology 787 Haen-ro 426-744 Ansan Tel: +82 31 400 7755 Fax: +82 31 406 6925 E-mail: hwj1268@kiost.ac Ms Mi Hye LEE Specialist Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology 787 Haean-ro 426-744 Ansan Tel: +82 31 400 7751 Fax: +82 31 406 6925 E-mail: mhlee@kiost.ac Ms Garam JO KOC Secretary Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology 787 Haean-ro 426-744 Ansan Tel: +82 31 400 7755 Fax: +82 31 406 6925 E-mail: jogaram@kiost.ac Romania / Roumanie / Rumania Head of Delegation Mr Gabriel SARAFIAN Second Secretary Permanent Delegation of Romania to UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France Tel: +33 1 45 68 26 71 E-mail: g.sarafian.ro@unesco-delegations.org Russian Federation / Fdration de Russie / Federacin de Rusia Head of Delegation Mr Alexander V. FROLOV Head of ROSHYDROMET 12, Novovagankovsky Street 123995 Moscow Tel: +7499 252 13 89 Fax: +7499 795 22 16 E-mail: send@alexfrolov.com Alternate Dr Dmitrii KAMAEV Chief of Laboratory Scientific & Production Association Typhoon (SPA Typhoon) Pobeda 249038 Obninsk Tel: +7 484 39 71 706 Fax: +7 484 39 409 10 E-mail: kda@feerc.ru Representatives Dr. Robert I. NIGMATULIN Director P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology Russian Academy of Sciences 36, Nakhimovsky prospekt Moscow 117997 Tel: +7 499 124 59 96 Fax: +7 499 124 59 83 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:nigmar@ocean.ru" nigmar@ocean.ru Dr Alexander POSTNOV Deputy Director State Oceanographic Institute 6, Kropotkinsky Lane 119034 Moscow Tel: +7 499 246 01 67 Fax: +7 499 246 72 88 E-mail: a_postnov@mail.ru Dr Sergey SHAPOVALOV Director Center for Coordination of Ocean Research 36 Nakhimovsky ave. 117997 Moscow Tel: +7 499 124 5981 Fax: +7 499 124 5983 E-mail: smshap@ocean.ru Saint Kittis and Nevis/ Not Represented Saint Lucia/Sainte-Lucie/Santa Luca Not Represented Saint Vincent and The Grenadines/ Saint Vincent Et The Grenadines/ Head of Delegation Ms Claudine de Kerdaniel Counsellor Permanent Delegation of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines to UNESCO 39, rue Franois 1er 75008 PARIS Tel: +33 1 56 52 0911 Fax: +33 1 56 52 0910 E-mail: dl.st-vincent@)unesco-delegations.org Samoa/Samoa/Samoa Not Represented Saudi Arabia/Arabie Saoudite/Arabia Saudita Head of Delegation Mr Tariq ALMOHIZA Attach culturel Permanent Delegation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 PARIS Cedex 15, France Tel: +33 1 45 68 34 06 Fax: +33 1 47 83 27 24 E-mail: dl.arabie-saoudite@unesco-delegations.org Senegal/Sngal / Senegal Head of Delegation S. E. Mme Mame Fatim GUEYE Ambassadeur, Dlgu PermanentDlgation Permanent du Sngal auprs de l'UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France Tel: +33 1 45 68 33 90/92 Fax: +33 1 43 06 10 55 E-mail: dl.senegal.sn@unesco-delegations.org Representatives Ms Marime DIAGNE TALLA Conseiller Juridique Ministre de la Pche et des Affaires Maritimes Building Administratif, 5me tage Dakar Tel: +221 84 95 5078 Fax: +221 33 823 87 20 E-mail: masodiagne@yahoo.fr Ms Arame Gaye Ndiaye KEITA Chef du Centre d'Information et de la Documentation Ministre de la Pche et des Affaires Maritimes Direction des Pches Maritimes 1, rue Joris BP 289 Dakar Tel: +221 3382 30 137 Fax: +221 3382 14758 E-mail: arame.keita@gmail.com Advisor Ms Aminada Ly DIOP Premier Conseiller Permanent delegation of Senegal to UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France Tel: +33 1 45 68 33 89 Fax: +33 1 43 06 10 55 E-mail: a.ly.sn@unesco-delegations.org Ms Talla GUEYE Premier Conseiller Permanent Delegation of Senegal to UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France Tel: +33 1 45 68 33 89 Fax: +33 1 43 06 10 55 E-mail: t.gueye.sn@unesco-delegations.org Serbia/Serbie/Serbia Not Represented Seychelles / Seychelles / Seychelles Head of Delegation H. E. Mr Bernard SHAMLAYE Ambassador, Permanent Delegate Permanent Delegation to UNESCO 51, avenue Mozart 75016 Paris, France Tel: +33 1 42 30 57 47 Fax: +33 1 42 30 57 40 E-mail: bfshamlaye@gmail.com Sierra Leone/Sierra Leone/Sierra Leone Not Represented Singapore/Singapour/Singapur Not Represented Slovenia/Slovnie/Slovenia Not Represented Solomon Islands/Iles Salomon/Islas Salomn Not Represented Somalia/Somalie/Somalia Not Represented South Africa / Afrique du Sud / Africa del Sur Head of Delegation Ms Linda SHONGWE Minister-Plenypotentiary South African Embassy to Paris 59, Quai d'Orsay 75343 Paris, France Tel: +33 1 53 59 23 02 E-mail: shongwel@dirco.gov.za Alternate Mr Ashley S. JOHNSON Director, Oceans Research Department of Environmental Affairs Foretrust Building M. Hammerschlagt Way Foreshore SW Cape 8000 Cape Town Tel: +2721 402 32 81 E-mail: ajohnson@environmental.gov.za Representatives Ms Zimbini NKWINTYA Assistant to the Deputy Director Genearal Oceans and Coasts Department of Environmental Affairs Foretrust Building M. Hammerschlagt Way Foreshore SW Cape 8000 Cape Town Tel: +272 18 19 2410 E-mail: mmayekiso@environmental.gov.za Dr Monde MAYEKISO Deputy Director Genearal Oceans and Coasts Department of Environmental Affairs Foretrust Building M. Hammerschlagt Way Foreshore SW Cape 8000 Cape Town Tel: +272 18 19 2410 E-mail: mmayekiso@environmental.gov.za Mr Mithuthzeli GULEKANA Deputy Director Oceans Research Department of Environmental Affairs Foretrust Building M. Hammerschlagt Way Foreshore SW Cape 8000 Cape Town Tel: +272 14 02 32 81 E-mail: mgulekan@environmental.gov.za Spain / Espagne / Espaa Head of Delegation Dr DEMETRIO DE ARMAS Deputy Director-General IEO Instituto Espaol de Oceanografa (IEO) Corazn de Mara 8 Madrid Tel: +34 913421154 Fax: +34 915973770 E-mail: subdireccion@md.ieo.es Sri Lanka / Sri Lanka / Sri Lanka Head of Delegation H. E. Prof. Karunaratne HANGAWATTE Ambassador, Permanent Delegate Permanent Delegation of Sri Lanka to UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France Tel: +33 6 77 04 85 45 Fax: +33 1 55 73 18 49 E-mail: georgecooke6@gmail.com Representative Mr George COOKE First Secretary Permanent Delegation of Sri Lanka to UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France Tel: +33 6 77 04 85 45 Fax: +33 1 55 73 18 49 E-mail: georgecooke6@gmail.com Sudan/Soudan/Sudn Not Represented Suriname / Suriname / Suriname Head of Delegation Mr Roy SMITS Adjoint, permanent delegate Permanent Delegation of Suriname to UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France Tel: +33 1 45 25 93 00 E-mail: r.smits@ambassadesurinamefr.org Sweden / Sude / Suecia Head of Delegation Mr Patrick GORRINGE Physical Oceanographer Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) Folkborgsvgen 1 SE-601 76 Norrkoping Tel: +46 11 495 8047 Fax: +46 11 495 8001 E-mail: patrick.gorringe@smhi.se Switzerland/Suisse/Suiza Not Represented Syrian Arab Republic/Rpublique arabe syrienne/Repblica rabe siria Not Represented Thailand / Thalande / Tailandia Head of Delegation Dr Somkiat KHOKIATTIWONG Senior Marine Biologist Department of Marine and Coastal Resources Cheangwattana, 7 road Laksi, Bangkok Tel: +66 76 391128 Fax: +66 76 391127 E-mail: skhokiattiwong@gmail.com Representatives Mr Supote KLANGVICHIT Royal Thai Navy Expert Hydrographic Department, Royal Thai Navy 222, Rimtangrodfaikao Road 10260 Bangkok Tel: +662 475 2251 Fax: +662 475 22 49 E-mail: hydrodept@navy.mi.th Dr Suree SATAPOOMIN Senior Marine Biologist Department of Marine and Coastal Resources Cheangwattana 7 rd. Laksi Bangkok Tel: +66 76 391128 Fax: +66 76 391127 E-mail: suree.ss@gmail.com Mr Chaiwat RATTANAKHONGVIPUT Communicative Electrical Engineer National Disaster Warning Center 120 Mu 3, The Government Complex 6th Flr, Changwatana Rd 10210 Laksi, Bangkok Tel: +66 853422008 Fax: +66 21438045 E-mail: chaiwat2515@hotmail.com Mr Supasit KONGDEE Head of Oceanographic and Tidal Section, Oceanographic Division Hydrographic Department, Royal Thai Navy 222, Rimtangrodfaikao Road Bangkok Tel: +662 475 2251 Fax: +662 475 2249 E-mail: hydrodept@navy.mi.th Ms Ornuma JANYAPIYAPHONG Foreign Relations OfficerDepartment of Marine and Coastal Resources Cheangwattana 7 rd Laksi Tel: +662 141 1284 Fax: +662 143 9244 E-mail: jornuma@hotmail.com Timor-Leste Not Represented Togo / Togo / Togo Head of Delegation Prof Adot Blim BLIVI Head of CGILE/DR University of Lom, B.P. 1515 Ministry of High Education and Research Ring Road Gnassingb Eyadma 228 Lom Tel: +228 900 53 914 E-mail: cgileul@gmail.com (also IOC Vice-Chair) Representative Mr Koffi Maxime ASSAH Ministre-Conseiller Permanent Delegation of Togo to UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France E-mail: maximassah@yahoo.fr Tonga/Tonga/Tonga Not Represented Trinidad & Tobago/Trinit-et-Tobago/ Trinidad y Tobago Not Represented Tunisia / Tunisie / Tnez Head of Delegation M. Cherif SAMMARI Professeur, directeur du laboratoire du Milieu Marin Institut National des Sciences et Technologies de la Mer (INSTM) 28 rue 2 Mars 1934 2025 Salammb Tel: +216 71277735 Fax: +216 71732622 E-mail: cherif.sammari@instm.rnrt.tn Representative Mme Yosra SOUIDEN Conseillre Dlgation Permanente de Tunisie auprs de l'UNESCO 1 rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France Tel: +33 1 45 68 29 92 Fax: +33 1 45 27 07N 097 E-mail: dl.tunisie@unesco.org Turkey / Tuquie / Turqa Head of Delegation Mr Erhan GEZGIN Director Office of Navigation Hydrography and Oceanography Seyir, Hid. Ve Osi. D.Bsk. Ligi Cubuklu Beykoz 34805 Istanbul Tel: +90 216 3222580 Fax: +90 216 3310525 E-mail: melge@shodb.gov.tr Representatives Mr Simla Yasemin OZKAYA Counselor, Science Affairs Permanent Delegation of Turkey to UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France E-mail: sy.ozkaya@unesco-delegations.org Advisor Mr Murat ELGE Head, National Oceanographic Data Center Office of Navigation, Hydrography and Oceanography Seyir, Hid. Ve Osi. D.Bsk. Ligi Cubuklu Beykoz 34805 Istanbul Tel: +90 216 3222 580 ext 3800 Fax: +90 216 3310 525 E-mail: melge@shodb.gov.tr Tuvalu / Tuvalu / Tuvalu Not Represented Ukraine / Ukraine / Ucrania Head of Delegation Prof. Valeriy EREMEEV Director-GeneralOceanological Centre of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 2, Nakhimov Avenue Sevastopol Tel: + 380 692 54 41 10 Fax: + 380 692 55 78 13 E-mail: director@ibss.iuf.net United Arab Emirates/Emirats arabes unis/Emiratos Arabes Unidos Not Represented United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland / Royaume-Uni de Grande Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord / Reino Unido de Gran Bretaa e Irlanda del Norte Head of Delegation Mr Steve HALL Head of the IOC UK Office National Oceanography Centre European Way Southampton Tel: +44 23 8059 6435 E-mail: sph@noc.ac.uk Alternate Mr Roland ROGERS UK IOC Office National Oceanography Centre European Way Southampton Tel: +44 23 8059 6314 E-mail: rxr@noc.ac.uk Representatives Dr Stephen DE MORA Chief ExecutivePlymouth Marine Laboratory Prospect Place, The Hoe Plymouth Tel: +44 23 1752 633110 E-mail: sjdm@pml.ac.uk Prof. Ed HILL Executive Director National Oceanography Centre European Way Southampton Tel: +44 23 8059 5106 E-mail: / Advisors Mr Trevor GUYMER UK IOC Office National Oceanography Centre European Way SO14 3ZH Southampton Tel: +44 23 23 80 59 6789 E-mail: thg@noc.soton.ac.uk Mr Russell ARTHURTON Director Coastal Geoscience 5A Church Lane Grimston, Melton Mowbray Tel: +44 1 664 810024 E-mail: r.arthurton@talktalk.net United Republic of Tanzania / Tanzanie, Rpublique-Unie de / Head of Delegation Prof. Desiderius Cyril Patrick MASALU Director Institute of Marine Sciences, University of Dar Es Salaam Mizingani Road, PO BOX 668 Zanzibar Tel: +255 754 485 679 Fax: +255 24 2233050 E-mail: masalu@ims.udsm.ac.tz United States / Etats Unis d'Amrique / Estados Unidos de America Head of Delegation Mr Craig MCLEAN Deputy Assistant Administrator for Programs and Administration NOAA, Oceanic and Atmospheric Research 1315 East West Highway, Room 11555 Silver Spring, Maryland Tel: +1 301 734 24 58 Fax: +1 301 713 0163 E-mail: craig.mclean@noaa.gov Alternate Ms Elizabeth TIRPAK Foreign Affairs Officer US Department of State Office of Ocean and Polar Affairs 2201 C Street NW 20520 Washington DC Tel: +1 202 647 0238 Fax: +1 202 647 1106 E-mail: tirpakej@state.gov Representatives Ms Janel HEIRD Science Officer Permanent Delegation of United States to UNESCO 12, Avenue Raphael 75016 Paris, France Tel: +33 1 43 12 74 99 E-mail: heirdjm@state.gov Mr Arthur PATERSON International Affairs Specialist Office of International Programs NOAA, National Ocean Service 1305 East-West Highway MD 20910 Silver Spring, Maryland Tel: +1 301 713 3078 EXT 217 Fax: +1 301 713 42 63 E-mail: arthur.e.paterson@noaa.gov Dr Terry SCHAEFER Program Analyst NOAA, Oceanic and Atmospheric Research 1315 East West Highway, Room 11308 Silver Spring, Maryland Tel: +301 734 11 87 Fax: +301 713 14 59 E-mail: terry.schaefer@noaa.gov H. E. Mr David KILLION Ambassador, Permanent Delegate Permanent Delegation of the United States to UNESCO 12, Avenue Raphael 75016 Paris, France Tel: +33 1 45 24 74 58 Fax: +33 1 45 24 74 88 E-mail: taylorsrx@state.gov Advisors Ms Margarita GREGG Director NOAA, National Oceanographic Data Center National Environmental Satellite Data and Information Service SSMC3, 3rd floor 1315 East-West Highway Km 14420 MD 20910-3282 Silver Spring, Maryland Tel: +1 301 713 3270 Fax: +1 301 713 3300 E-mail: margarita.gregg@noaa.gov Ms Christa VON HILLEBRANDT-ANDRADE Manager, NOAA National Weather Service Caribbean Tsunami Warning Program 259 Alfonso Valdes, Residence 1B, UPRM 00680 Mayaguez, Puerto Rico Tel: +1 787 2498307 Fax: +1 787 2651684 E-mail: christa.vonh@noaa.gov Uruguay / Uruguay / Uruguay Not Represented Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) / Venezuela / Venezuela Head of Delegation Mr David OSORIO 1st Secretary Permanent Delegation of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France Tel: +33 1 45 68 25 32 Fax: +33 1 47 34 2893 E-mail: dl.venezuela@unesco-delegations.org Representatives Mr Bill ABREU Jefe Division METOC Servicio de Hydrografia y Navegacion Observaterio Cagigal Urb 1030 Caracas Tel: +584 166 33 11 83 E-mail: luispibernat@gmail.com Mr Luis PIBERNAT Subdirector Administrativo Servicio de Hydrografia y Navegacion Observaterio Cagigal Urb 1030 Caracas Tel: +584 166 33 11 83 E-mail: luispibernat@gmail.com Mr Antonio Gerardo QUINTERO RAMIREZ Responsable Counenio IOV-UDD Instituto Oceanografico de Venezuela Univers Oriente Avenida Uiversidad Edificio SOV Ceuo Colorado 6101A Cumana Tel: +5833 02156 / 55 Fax: +5893 512 276 E-mail: a.quintero_r@hotmail.com Ms Gloria ROMERO Cordinadora Projecto Tsunami FUNVISIS Prolongacion calle Mara, El llanito 1070A Caracas Tel: +58 212 257 51 53 Fax: +58 212 257 98 60 E-mail: gromero@funvisis.gob.ve Viet Nam / Vit Nam / Viet Nam Head of Delegation Dr Hong Long BUI Chairman, Director Viet Nam IOC National Committee, Institute of Oceanography 01 Cau Da Nha Trang City Tel: +8458 3590032 Fax: +8458 3590034 E-mail: buihonglongion@gmail.com Representatives Dr Quy Quynh LE Director General Marine Affairs Department, National Boundary Commission, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Vietnam 58 Nguyen Du Ha Noi Tel: +84 4 38046204 Fax: +84 4 39410083 E-mail: lequyquynh2@yahool.com Ms Giang Thu NGUYEN Deputy Director General Department of Science, Technology and Environment Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development 2, Ngoc Ha Ha noi Tel: +84 4 373 47 170 Fax: +84 4384 33 637 E-mail: thung.khcn@mard.gov.vn Advisor Dr Si Tuan VO Vice Chairman of WESTPAC Sub-commission Institute of Oceanography 01 Cau Da Nha Trang City Tel: +8458 3590033 Fax: +8458 3590034 E-mail: vosituan@gmail.com (Also representing WESTPAC) Yemen/Yemen/Yemen Not Represented III. REPRESENTATIVES & OBSERVERS OF ORGANIZATIONS/REPRESENTANTS ET OBSERVATEURS DORGANISATIONS/ REPRESENTANTES Y OBSERVADORES DE ORGANIZACIONES A ICSPRO Agencies United Nations Environment Programme/ Programme des Nations Unies pour l'environnement/Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente (UNEP) Mr NELSON ANDRADE COLMENARES Coordinator United Nations Environment Programme - Caribbean Environment Programme 14-20 Port Royal Street Kingston, Jamaica Tel: 876-922-9267-9 Fax: 876-922-9292 E-mail: nac@cep.unep.org World Meteorological Organization/Organisation Mtorologique Mondiale/Organizacin Meteorolgica Mundial (WMO) Mr Edgard CABRERA Chief Ocean Affairs DivisionWorld Meteorological Organization 7 Bis Avenue de la Paix Geneva, Switzerland Tel: +41 227308237 Fax: +41 227308128 E-mail: ecabrera@wmo.int Ms Katherine HILL Programme Officer, Ocean Oberservation Panel for Climate WMO 7, bis avenue de la Paix PO BOX 2300 Geneva, Switzerland Tel: +41 22 730 80 83 Fax: +41 22 730 80 52 E-mail: khill@wmo.int B Other Intergovernmental Organizations North Pacific Marine Science Organization/Organisation des sciences de la mer pour le Pacifique Nord/Organizacin del Pacfico Norte para las Ciencias del Mar (PICES) Dr Alexander BYCHKOV Executive Secretary PICES 9860 West Saanich Road British Columbia V8L 4B2 Sidney Tel: +1 250 363 6364 Fax: +1 250 363 68 27 E-mail: bychkov@pices.int Dr Lev BOCHAROV Pices Governing Council Member PICES Pacific Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (TINRO-Center) 4 Shevchenko Alley 690091 Vladivostok Tel: +7 423 2400 921 Fax: +7 423 200 752 E-mail: interdept@tinro.ru Intergovernemental Panel on HAB/Groupe intergouvernemental charg d'tudier les efflorescences algales nuisibles/Panel Intergubernamental sobre Floraciones de Algas Nocivas (IPHAB) Mr Robert MAGNIEN Director NOAA, Center for Sponsored Coastal Ocean Research 1305 East West Highway MD 21042 Silver Spring, Maryland Tel: +301 713 3338 E-mail: rob.magnien@noaa.gov C Non-Governmental Organizations International Hydrographic Organization/Organisation hydrographique internationale/Organizacin Hidrogrfica Internacional (IHO) Mr Mustafa IPTES Director International Hydrographic Organization 4B Quai Antoine 1er, BP 445 MC 98011 Monaco Tel: +377 93 10 81 03 Fax: +377 7 77 81 80 29 E-mail: mustafa.iptes@iho.int Mr David WYATT Assistant Director IHO 4B Quai Antoine 1er, BP 445 Monaco, Monaco Tel: +377 93108106 Fax: +377 93108140 E-mail: adso@iho.int Partnership for Observation of the Global Oceans/Partenariat pour l'observation de l'ocan mondial/Colaboracin para la Observacin de los Ocanos Mundiales (POGO) Prof. Trevor PLATT Executive Director POGO Prospect Place Plymouth, Canada Tel: +44 1752 366164 Fax: +44 1752 633101 E-mail: tplatt@dal.ca Dr Shubha SATHYENDRANATH Assistant Director POGO Prospect Place Plymouth, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Tel: +44 1752 366164 Fax: +44 1752 633101 E-mail: shubha@dal.ca (Also Lecturer ) International Ocean Institue/Institut international de l'ocan/Instituto Ocenico Internacional (IOI) Dr Awni BEHNAM PresidentIOI University of Malta Tal QROQQ MSD 2080 Misida, Malta Tel: +41 78 27 587 E-mail: awnialex@behnam.ch D Advisory Bodies Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research/Comit scientifique de la recherche ocanique/Comit Cientfico de Investigaciones Ocenicas (SCOR) Prof. Peter BURKILL President Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research private - Mount Clogg Farm Shaugh Prior, Plymouth, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Tel: + 44 7973418415 E-mail: peter.burkill@plymouth.ac.uk Dr Ed URBAN Executive Director Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research 111 Robinson Hall, University of Delaware Newark, United States Tel: -8143 Fax: -8144 E-mail: Ed.Urban@scor-int.org E IOC Primary Subsidiary Bodies (Regional & Technical) Global Ocean Observing System Steering Committee / Comit directeur du Systme mondial d'observation de l'ocan / Comit de Direccin del Sistema Mundial de Observacin de los Ocanos(GOOS SC) Dr. John GUNN Director, Australian Antarctic Division Channel Highway, Kingston, Tasmania 7050 AUSTRALIA Tel: +61 3 6232 5375 Fax: +61 3 6232 5012 E-mail: john.gunn@aad.gov.au IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data & Information Exchange/ Echange international des donnes et de l'information ocanographiques/Intercambio Internacional de Datos e Informacin Oceanogrficos (IODE) Mr Ariel Hernan TROISI Head, Oceanography DepartmentNavy Hydrographic Service Av. Monte de Oca 2124 C1270ABV Buenos Aires Tel: +54 11 43 01 30 91 Fax: +54 11 43 01 30 91 E-mail: atroisi@hidro.gov.ar (Also representing Argentina) Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami Early Warning & Mitigation System in the North Eastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean & Connected Seas/Groupe intergouvernemental de coordination du Systme d'alerte rapide aux tsunamis et de mitigation dans l'Atlantique du Nord-Est, la Mditerrane et les mers adjacentes/Grupo Intergubernamental de Coordinacin del Sistema de Alerta Temprana contra los Tsunamis y Atenuacin de sus Efectos en el Atlntico Nororiental y el Mediterrneo y Mares Adyacentes (ICG/NEAMTWS) M. Franois SCHINDELE Expert International CEA CEA/DF 91297 Arpajon CEDEX Tel: +33 1 69 26 50 63 E-mail: franois.schindele@cea.fr (Also representing France) Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Pacific Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System / Groupe intergouvernemental de coordination du Systme d'alerte rapide aux tsunamis et de mitigation dans le Pacifique / Grupo Intergubernamental de Coordinacin del Sistema de Alerta Temprana contra los Tsunamis y Atenuacin de sus Efectos en el Pacifico (ICG/PTWS) Dr Kenneth GLEDHILL GeoNet Project DirectorGNS Science 1 Fairway Drive Lower Hutt, New Zealand Tel: +64 4 5704848 Fax: +64 4 570600 E-mail: k.gledhill@gns.cri.nz IOC Sub-Commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions / Sous-Commission de la COI pour la mer des Carabes et les rgions adjacentes / Subcomisin de la COI para el Caribe y Regiones Adyacentes (IOCARIBE) Biol. Francisco BRIZUELA VENEGAS IOCARIBE Vice Chair Directin General de Educacin en Ciencia y Tecnologa del Mar SEP-SEMS Coordinacion Sectorial de Desarrollo Academica Mariano Escobar 438 Col Casa Blanca Del Miguel Hidalgo 011590 Mexico, D.F Tel: +36 01 1000 ext 64364 E-mail: fbrizuela@yahoo.co World Climate Research Programme/ Programme mondial de recherche sur le climat/ Programa Mundial de Investigaciones Climticas (WCRP) Dr Vladimir RYABININ Senior Science OfficerWorld Climate Research Programme Avenue de la Paix, 7 bis 1211 Geneva, Switzerland Tel: +41 22 730 84 86 Fax: +41 22 730 80 36 E-mail: vryabininwmo.int G Others International Commission for the Scientific Exploration of the Mediterranean Sea / Commission internationale pour l'exploration scientifique de la mer Mditerrane / Comisin Internacional para la Exploracin Cientfica del Mar Mediterrneo (CIESM) Dr Frederic BRIAND Director General Mediterranean Science Commission (CIESM) Villa Girasole Monte Carlo, Monaco Tel: Fax: E-mail: fbriand@ciesm.org Permanent Commission for the South Pacific / Commission permanente du Pacifique Sud / Comisin Permanente del Pacfico Sur (CPPS) Mr Marcelo NILO Director of Scientifical Affairs CPPS Av. Carlos Julio Arosemena Km 3 Complejo Alban Borja Edificio Classic Piso 2 Guayaquil, Ecuador Tel: +593 4 222 1202 Fax: +593 4 222 1201 E-mail: mnilo@cpps-int.org Mr Hector SOLDI Secretary General CPPS Av. Carlos Julio Arosemena KM 3. Complexo Alban Borja Edificio Classic Piso 2 EC090112 Guayaqui, Ecuador Tel: +593 4 222 12 02 Fax: +5934 222 12 01 E-mail: hsoldi@cpps-int.org General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans / Carte gnrale bathymtrique des ocans / Mapa Batimtrico General de los Ocanos (GEBCO) Mr David CLARK Permanent Secretary NOAA National Geophysical Data Center 315 Broadway, EGC Boulder, United States Tel: +1 303 443 2396 E-mail: David.M.Clark@noaa.gov Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (IMarEST) Dr Bev MACKENZIE Senior Technical Manager IMarEST Aldgate House, 33 Aldgate High Street London United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Tel: +44 20 7382 2600 E-mail: bev.mackenzie@imarest.org Regional Organization for the Conservation of the Environment of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden / Organisation rgionale pour la conservation de l'environnement de la mer Rouge et du golfe d'Aden / Organizacin Regional para la Conservacin del Medio Ambiente del Mar Rojo y del Golfo de Adn (PERSGA) Prof. Ziad ABU GARARAH Secretary General Regional Organization for the Conservation of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden (PERSGA) Hail Street, Rewais District, PME Building 7th floor, P.O. Box 53662 Jeddah 21583 Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Tel: +96626573224 Fax: +96626573224 E-mail: ziad@persga.org RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Mr Victor AKULICHEV Director Russian Academy of Sciences V.I.Il'ichev Pacific Oceanological Institute 43 Baltiyskaya Street Vladivostok, Russian Federation Tel: +7 423 231 1400 Fax: +7 423 231 2573 E-mail: akulich@poi.dvo.ru UNESCO NAIROBI Regional Office Mr Mohamed Djelid Director UNESCO Regional Office For Eastern Africa United Nations Avenue, BLOCK C-206, P. O. Box 30952-00100 NAIROBI, Kenya Tel: +254 20 762 2353 Fax: +254 20 762 1195 E-mail: m.djelid@unesco.org Regular process for global reporting and assessment of the state of the marine environment / Mr Alan SIMCOCK Joint Coordinator UN Group of Experts of the Regular Process 23, Marchmont Road TW10 6HQ Surrey Richmond, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Tel: +44 20 89 40 06 05 E-mail: ajcsimcock@aol.com IV LECTURERS A Bruun Lecturer Dr Benjamin HALPERN Director Center for Marine Assessment 735 State St Suite 300 93101 Santa Barbara, United States Tel: +805 892 25 23 E-mail: halpern@nceas.ucsb.edu B Panikkar Memorial Lecturer Dr Shubha SATHYENDRANATH Assistant Director POGO Prospect Place Plymouth, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Tel: +44 1752 366164 Fax: +44 1752 633101 E-mail: shubha@dal.ca C Invited Speaker Prof. Patrick HALPIN OBIS Duke University A324 L52C Building NC 27708-0328 Durham, United States D Observers Dr Wendy BONNE Scientific Adviser Marine Policy JPI Oceans Rue du Trone 130 1050 Brussels, Belgium Tel: +32 2 626 16 69 Fax: +32 474 63 06 91 E-mail: wendy.bonne@vliz.be Ms Dielika DIALLO Charge Rlations Extrieures REDD Rseauu ducation et developpement durable Badalabougou Bamako, Mali Consultant Mr Venugopalan ITTEKKOT Professor EmerUniversity of Bremen Berner Chaussee 114 Hamburg Tel: +49 40 6411875 Fax: +49 40 6411875 E-mail: ittekkot@uni-bremen.de V. SECRETARIAT/SECRETARIAT/ SECRETARIA A At Headquarters 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France Tel: +33 1 45 68 10 00/1 45 68 39 83 Fax: +33 1 45 68 58 12/10 Tlx: 20446 PARIS Cbl: UNESCO PARIS/740057 IOCS UC E-mail: initial.familyname@unesco.org Executive Secretary Ms Wendy WATSON-WRIGHT Deputy Directors Office Mr Mitrasen BHIKAJEE (Head) Mr Justin AHANHANZO Mr Osamu MIYAKI Mr Venugopalan ITTEKKOT (Consultant) Ms Elena IASYREVA Executive Secretarys Office Mr Iouri OLIOUNINE (Consultant) Ms Rjane HERVE-SMADJA Ms Isabelle BRUGNON Mr Deven MOONEESAWMY Administative Unit Ms Ksenia YVINEC (Head) Ms Ho Hien LAM (Certifying Officer) Ms Virginie BONNET (Certifying Officer) Editors Tom GROSS Terry SCHAEFER Documention Officer Mr Patrice BONED Tsunami Unit Mr Thorkild AARUP (Head) Mr Bernardo ALIAGA Ms Francesca SANTORO Ms Silvia SERMENO Ms Cornelia HAUKE Mr Thomas BOURG Ocean Sciences Section Mr Luis VALDES (Head) Mr Julian BARBIRE Mr Hyun Taek LEE Mr Alejandro IGLESIAS CAMPOS Ms Kirsten ISENSEE Ocean Observation & Services Section Mr Albert FISCHER (Head) Mr Bruno COMBAL Ms Sarah GRIMES Mr Tom GROSS Mr Long JIANG Ms Forest COLLINS Ms Irne GAZAGNE Ms Simonetta HAOND B IOC Staff away from Headquarters Perth Regional Programme Office Mr. Nick DADAMO (Head) c/o Bureau of Meteorology, 5th Floor 1100, Hay St., P.O. Box 1370 West Perth WA 6005 AUSTRALIA Tel: +61 8 9226 2899 Fax: +61 8 9263 0599 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:nick.adamo@bom.gov.au" nick.adamo@bom.gov.au ICG/IOTWS Secretariat Mr. Tony ELLIOT (Head) c/o Bureau of Meteorology 1100, Hay St., P.O. Box 1370 West Perth WA 6872 AUSTRALIA Tel: +61 8 9226 0191 Fax: +61 8 9263 2211 E-mail: t.elliot@unesco.org JCOMM OPS Mathieu BELBEOCH (Head) Martin KRAMP JCOMM in situ Observing Program Support Centre, JCOMMOPS 8-10, rue Herms Parc Technologique du Canal Ramonville 31526 Toulouse Tel: +33 5 61 39 47 30 Fax: + 33 5 61 75 10 14 Email: belbeoch@jcommops.org IOC Science & Communication Centre on Harmful Algae Mr. Henrik ENEVOLDSEN Programme Specialist Technical Secretary, IPHAB Harmful Algae Bloom Programme University of Copenhagen Oster Farimagsgade 2 D, 1353 Copenhagen K DENMARK Tel: +45 3313 4446 Fax: +45 3313 4447 E-mail: h.enevoldsen@unesco.org http://ioc-unesco.org/hab IOC Project Office for IODE Mr Peter PISSIERSSENS (Head) Mr Ward APPELTANS 8400 Ostend BELGIUM Tel: +32 59 340 158 Fax: +32 59 340 152 E-mail: p.pissierssens@unesco.org IOC Regional Secretariat for IOCARIBE Mr Cesar TORO (Head) Sub-Commission for the Caribbean & Adjacent Regions Calle de la Factoria 36-57 Casa del Marques de Valdehoyos A. A. 1108, Cartagena de Indias COLOMBIA Tel: +57 5 664 6399 Fax: +57 5 660 0407 E-mail: c.toro@unesco.org IOC Regional Secretarial for the Western Pacific Mr. Wenxi ZHU (Head) 9th Floor, Govt. Complex B Lak Si, Bangkok 10210 THAILAND Tel: +66 2 141 1287 Fax: +66 2 143 9245 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:z.wenxi@unescobkk.org" z.wenxi@unescobkk.org IOC Secretariat for IOCAFRICA Mr Mika ODIDO (Head) UNESCO/IOC Sub Commission for Africa and the Adjacent Island States UNESCO Nairobi Office UN Gigiri Complex Block C P.O. Box 30592 00100 Nairobi Tel: +254 20 7621244 Fax: +254 20 7622750 E-mail: m.odido@unesco.org ANNEX X ACRONYMS ABE-LOS Advisory Body of Experts on the Law of the Sea (IOC) ACCC Adaptation to Climate Change in Coastal Zones Project Add. Addendum ANCA Working Group on Harmful Algae in the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions C/4 Medium-term Strategy (UNESCO) C/5 Programme and Budget (UNESCO) CAP Complementary Additional Programme CARIACO Carbon Retention in a Coloured Ocean CARIBE EWS Tsunami and other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions CBD Convention on Biological Diversity CTBTO Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization CD Capacity development (IOC) CENALT CENtre d'Alerte aux Tsunamis (France) CLME Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem COP Conference of the Parties CORDEX Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment (WCRP) CPPS Permanent Commission for the South Pacific CTIC Caribbean Tsunami Information Centre CTWP Candidate Tsunami Watch Providers (IOC) DG Director-General (UNESCO) DOALOS Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea (UN) DR Draft Resolution EC Executive Council ER Expected results (UNESCO) FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FUST Flanders-UNESCO Science Trust Fund GBIF Global Biodiversity Information Facility GCOS Global Climate Observing System GEBCO General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (IHO-IOC) GEF Global Environment Facility GEOBON Group on Earth Observations Biodiversity Observation Network GEOHAB International Science Programme on the Global Ecology and Oceanography of Harmful Algal Blooms GEOSS Global Earth Observation System of Systems GESAMP Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection (IMO-FAO-UNESCO-WMO-WHO-IAEA-UN-UNEP-UNIDO) GFCS Global Framework for Climate Services GOOS Global Ocean Observing System GOSR Global Ocean Science Report (IOC) HAB Harmful Algal Blooms HLO High Level Objectives (IOC) IAEA International Association for Educational Assessment IAMSLIC International Association of Aquatic and Marine Science Libraries and Information IBCCA International Bathymetric Chart of the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico ICAM Integrated Coastal Area Management Programme (IOC) ICES International Council for the Exploration of the Sea ICG Intergovernmental Coordination Group (for regional tsunami warning systems) (IOC) ICSU International Council for Science ICZM Integrated Coastal Zone Management IFAG Intersessional Financial Advisory Group (IOC) IHO International Hydrographic Organization IIOE International Indian Ocean Expedition IMO International Maritime Organization INF Information documents (IOC) IOCAFRICA IOC Sub-Commission for Africa and the Adjacent Island States IOCARIBE IOC Sub-Commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions IODE International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IOC) OBIS Ocean Biogeographic Information System (IOC) IOGOOS Indian Ocean GOOS IOS Internal Oversight Service (UNESCO) IOTWS Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (IOC) IPBES Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services IPHAB Intergovernmental Panel on Harmful Algal Blooms ITCOOcean International Training Centre for Operational Oceanography ITU International Telecommunication Union IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature IWEco Integrating Water, Land & Ecosystems Management in Caribbean SIDS (GEF project) JCOMM Joint Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology JMA Japan Meteorological Agency KOERI Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research institute (Turkey) LC/LP Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and other Matter (London Convention 1972) LDC Least Developed Countries LME Large Marine Ecosystems MLA main line of action (UNESCO) MTS Medium-Term Strategy N-CIRP Nutrients and Coastal Impacts Research Programme NEAMTIC Tsunami Information Centre for the North-Eastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean and Connected Seas NEAMTWS Tsunami Early Warning and Mitigation System in the North-Eastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean and Connected Seas NOA National Observatory of Athens (Greece) NODC National Oceanographic Data Centre (IOC/IODE) ODIN Oceanographic Data and Information Network ODINAFRICA Ocean Data and Information Network for Africa ODINCARSA Ocean Data and Information Network for the Caribbean and South America Regions OHRLLS Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States (UN) OLA Office of Legal Affairs (UN) OOPC Ocean Observations Panel for Climate PEGASO People for Ecosystem Based Governance in Assessing Sustainable Development of Ocean and Coast (European Union project) PICES North Pacific Marine Science Organization PPO Perth Programme Office PTWC Pacific Tsunami Warning Center PTWS Pacific Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System REP Report (UNESCO documentation) RP Regular Programme (UNESCO budget) RSB Regional Subsidiary Bodies (IOC) SC Steering Committee SCOR Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research SCRUM Sub-committee for Regional Undersea Mapping (IHO-IOC/GEBCO) SIDA Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency SIDS Small Island Developing States SO Strategic Objectives (UNESCO) SOA State Oceanic Administration (China) SPINCAM South-East Pacific Data and Information Network in support to Integrated Coastal Area Management TOWS-WG Working Group on Tsunamis and Other Hazards related to Sea-Level Warning and Mitigation Systems UN United Nations UNCLOS United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNEP United Nations Environment Programme UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNFCC United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNGA United Nations General Assembly UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organization WCRP World Climate Research Programme WDS World Data System (ICSU) WESTPAC IOC Regional Secretariat for the Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific WG Working Group WHO World Health Organization WMO World Meteorological Organization WOA World Ocean Assessment (UN) XB Extra budgetary funds   HYPERLINK "http://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/futurewewant.html" http://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/futurewewant.html  Draft UNESCO Medium Term Strategy (37 C/4 document) is available at  HYPERLINK "http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0022/002200/2200031e.pdf" http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0022/002200/2200031e.pdf  A tipping point is understood as the point when a system changes from one stable state to another stable state. After a tipping point has been passed, a transition to a new state occurs. The tipping event may be irreversible.     IOC-XX/? page ( PAGE 2)  IOC-XXIII/3 page ( PAGE 55) IOC-XXVII/3 page ( PAGE ii) page IOC-XXV/3 page ( PAGE iii) IOC-XXVII/3 page ( PAGE i) IOC-XXVII/3 page  PAGE 38 IOC-XXVII/3 page PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT39 IOC-XXVII/3 IOC-XXVII/3 page  PAGE 56 IOC-XXVII/3 Page PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT41 IOC-XXVII/3 Annex I page  PAGE 2 IOC-XXVI/3 Annex I page  PAGE 3 IOC-XXVII/3 Annex I IOC-XXVI/3 prov. Annex II page  PAGE 8 IOC-XXV/3 prov. 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