ࡱ>  #` dQbjbj5G5G pW-W->I%0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ HHHP I|IT2 hJzK"KKKLLLNPPPPPP$7h"t0 kLLkkt0 0 KK;"s"s"sk0 K0 KN"skN"s"s 0 0 0KJ `\Hnol0b2 0p00 0 xL\ 7Wf"s^dLLLttrXLLLkkkk2 2 2 %22 2 2 2T 4 " 0 0 0 0 0 0  Report to ICG/IOTWS IV Mombasa International Tsunameter Partnership (Sub-group of WG 2, ICG/IOTWS - Sea Level Data Collection and Exchange) REPORT OF INAUGURAL MEETING - 20-21 FEBRUARY 2007 Meeting Chairs (joint): Mr. K.Premkumar, India, Mr Ken Jarrott (Australia) Participants Refer attached list. Time and Place of Meeting: Chennai, India, 20-21 Feb 07 (National Institute of Ocean Sciences) Terms of Reference The Terms of Reference were adopted by the ICG/IOTWS in Bali, Jul 06. This was the first meeting of the ITP under those Terms of Reference. On review by the attendees, the terms of reference need minor amendment, including consistent use of the word tsunameter in place of DART, and broadening the description of a tsunameter to include technologies that do not exactly mimic the mainstream configuration of a bottom pressure sensor with a surface communications buoy. Revisions will be considered prior to the next meeting. 2. Meeting Objectives Review and endorse tsunameter instrument and data standards Review deep ocean network designs, plans and current status for Indian Ocean and other global tsunami warning regions Share experience of buoy technology and developments from tsunameter operating countries and from equipment suppliers Hold a technical exchange session with focus on underwater acoustic communications Review and explore opportunities for international collaboration and capacity building Review Terms of Reference and governance arrangements; nominate Chair and Vice Chair Discussion of Issues Tsunameter Instrument Standards. Tsunameter instrument standards were discussed from the perspective of necessary requirements of warning centres, and the interests of other stakeholders including researchers and equipment operators. It was agreed that the list of mandatory standards (relating mostly to measurement quality and data reporting) was relatively small, and that it would be more productive to issue a standards document as a combination of standards and guidelines, including best practice recommendations. The tsunameter instruments available to date have been developed from groups with a deep knowledge of technology possibilities, rather than from requirements flowing from insightful customers. The meeting recognized that interaction with modellers and warning centre operators (e.g. through ICG / IOTWS Working Groups 4 and 5) would be productive so that users of the data could appreciate the capabilities and limitations of deep ocean sea level measurements. The discussion led to some agreement on basic measurement parameters and sampling and reporting intervals. Common metrics for communications link were less clear performance. Based on this discussion, and draft equipment standards and guidelines will be circulated for review. [ACTION] Ken du Vall of Lighthouse R&D commented that much of the language set and focus of the tsunameter standards discussion was focussed on the DART buoy configuration of a bottom pressure unit communicating through a surface buoy. It was agreed that the specific characteristics of this form of tsunameter needed to be addressed for the standard to be useful, but that the standard would aim to be technology neutral. Review of Deep Ocean Network Designs and Status. Reports by India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia, Thailand and the US confirmed actions already taken and future plans to deploy tsunameters in the Indian Ocean in line with the agreed core network design established by the ICG/IOTWS WG2. The US reported on plans and the current status of networks in the Pacific and Caribbean. Contact with the Sea Level Working Group Chair of the NEAMTWS prior to the meeting didnt reveal a great deal of attention to deployments of tsunameters in that region at this stage. Highlights in recent deployments included: Deployments by India of two tsunameters in the Andaman Sea area in Dec 06, complementing two stations previously deployed in that region Deployments by Thailand of a US donated DART buoy in Dec 06 Indian Ocean developments were of particular interest. They indicated the challenges of moving from the trial and qualification of new instruments to the point where data from deployed instruments was consistent in quality and timeliness, and distributed internationally in agreed formats to warning centres that knew how to access and interpret the data. Many of the deep ocean stations deployed in the Indian Ocean region so far are first-of-type instruments. While they are derived from a substantial existing technology and product base, they are presently going through a developmental or proving phase, before they can be confirmed as operationally ready systems. At the time of the meeting, of the nine tsunameter instruments so far deployed in the Indian Ocean: two were delivering data to their host nation, and only one of those was delivering data internationally on the GTS (but not yet in the agreed CREX format). a further two had been operating, but were (temporarily) out of action, and under investigation. the others have not yet delivered data from the ocean bottom unit to land based data processing centres. Further, it was noted that there was some confusion about how to get access to the GTS data streams. This raised the issue of a formal process for notification of potential data recipients, and direct support for end users to ensure that they could receive and use it data effectively. [ACTION for Referral to IOTWS WG2] Concern was also expressed in the potential data latency arising from international communication of sea level data from tsunameters, especially in the Indian Ocean region where tsunami decision and warning times may be very short. It was agreed that a study of data latency on international GTS links in the region would be of value. [ACTION] The group agreed that it would be helpful to develop a common roadmap for extending that to international operational status. That process should build on existing processes used by host nations for operational acceptance of new observing equipment host nations.[ACTION] Current Developments and Plans. India reported on its progress in incorporating the bottom pressure recorder units of three international suppliers (Envirtec, Sonardyne and Fugro Oceanor), and in applying its own test facilities at NIOT to the qualification of these products, as they emerge from manufacture. Mr Premkumar offered access to these test facilities to other nations, as part of its contribution to the ITP and the ICG / IOTWS Working Group 2. [RECOMMENDATION] Indonesia reported its plans to develop an Indonesian tsunameter product drawing on existing surface buoy components, and using technology transfer to be delivered under a pending agreement with the USA. It presented illustrations of its buoy manufacturing operations, and explained current status of deployment testing. Australia reported the recent conclusion of an agreement with the USA that would provide it access to a DART II station for deployment to the South East of Australia in April 07, and for collaboration on the evaluation of the ETD variant of the DART II buoy, with an exploratory deployment in waters south of New Zealand. Malaysia reported plans for a further tsunameter for deployment in the Sulu Sea, in cooperation with the Philippines. The US reported plans to donate a second DART II buoy to the Indian Ocean region, with Indonesia as the local deployment agency and custodian. It also reported plans to engage with Indonesia in a joint evaluation and exploratory deployment of the ETD DART variant, commencing in 2007. The representative of Lighthouse R&D Enterprises (USA) advised of a cabled deep water observatory being developed in the Gulf of Oman, which will have seismic and sea level sensors suited to tsunami warning. This activity was not currently exposed to the ICG/IOTWS WG2, but the understanding was that data from the facility may be available for wider access. Technical Exchange Underwater Acoustic Communications. Chris Meinig from NOAA / PMEL led the technical session on underwater acoustic communications, which has been a common source of problems, and a continuing area of technical development with tsunameter developers and suppliers. In the discussion that followed, it was agreed that a common framework for collecting data and reporting on communications link performance would be of value, so that a common language set and performance metrics could be established. This would enable best practice could be more clearly established. A team of. tsunameter developers, operators and suppliers agreed to take up this task. [ACTION] International Collaboration Prospects and Opportunities. Significant activity in international collaboration was reported. They included long-standing Indonesian German partnerships on tsunami detection technology; Indonesian-US collaboration on tsunameter technology exchange and technology licensing; and Indonesian-Malaysian cooperation on Malaysian buoy deployment. Australia reported productive Australian-US exchanges on technology and equipment access, and on potential mutual support in the South West Pacific. The recent donation of US DART II systems to Thailand was another example. Indonesia and Australia reported joint exchanges, and intent to collaborate on the deployment of Australian tsunameter instruments to the north west of Australia, with the prospect of Indonesian vessel access. Australia indicated its intent to synergistically locate its tsunameter instruments, taking account of Indonesian network plans in that region. These developments were noted as being of great advantage to the participating countries. They are accelerating access to and effective use and support of tsunameter technology. The arrangements are being naturally driven by the mutual interests of the collaborating partners. Ridwan Djamalludin (Indonesia) affirmed the value of these colorations to Indonesia and recommended that countries or agencies wishing to enter into such collaborative arrangements do so through formal agreements, rather than informal processes. Sustainability. The present focus of many nations and suppliers is the development and deployment of mature, dependable instruments. One of the important issues that will face many countries will be longer term sustainability. It was agreed that in the next ITP meeting, it would be desirable to focus attention on sustainability issues, to clarify the issues in the Indian Ocean, and to put some dimension to the problem. Preparatory work in the period leading up to that meeting will set a framework for that discussion. ITP Governance Arrangements. Being the first meeting of the ITP under the Terms of Reference adopted by the ICG, the positions of Chair and Vice Chair were vacant. The meeting nominated Ken Jarrott (Australia) for the Chair, and Dr Ridwan Djamalludin (Indonesia) for the Vice Chair. The group noted the desirability of minor amendments to the Terms of Reference, to make the ToR inclusive of multiple tsunameter technologies, including cabled-communications solutions. The issue of wider international representation in the ITP was also discussed, as was the most effective governance / reporting framework for the ITP to be effective across ICGs. The best model for achieving effective engagement with the supplier community was also discussed, since suppliers are vital contributors. These topics will receive further consideration in the time before the next meeting. Action Record RefActionPerson ResponsibleAction By1Performance Standards for Deep Ocean Stations Minimum set of instrument characteristics to be developed in consultation with members and suppliers, for initial review by ITP members, and subsequent reference to ICG/IOTWS WG2.Ken JarrottDiscussion Draft by 1 March 07 First Issue after review by June 072Access to Data from New Sea Level Stations a) Develop a process to inform data users and warning centres of the introduction of new stations and the processes for access to data. b) That the ICG / IOTWS and the members of its Sea Level Working Group encourage member states to take action to transition current sea level data reporting formats from coastal and deep ocean stations on the GTS over to the CREX data exchange format, for international consistency. Refer to ICG/IOTWS WG2 for prosecution through ICG/IOTWS.Chair - for prosecution through ICG/IOTWS forum To be promulgated as ICG/ IOTWS recommendation at Mombasa3Analysis of International Communications Data Latency Conduct a study of data latency on international GTS links in the Indian Ocean region, to assess implications for data delivery times to warning centres from deep ocean stations (likely also to be an issue for coastal sea level stations). Refer issue also to ICG / IOTWS WG2.Chair Preliminary assessment by May 074Develop Common Process for Transition Steps from New Equipment Trial through to Internal Operational Status. Process to be a common basis for deep sea stations to move from initial equipment trials through to achievement of full international operational status as core stations. To take account of existing practices and terminologies within national agencies operating observation networks.Chair Aug 07 5Performance Measures for Communications Links Develop a set of common measures or performance indicators that can be used to characterise and report on communications link performance, particularly underwater communications. This is to be used to help collect consistent data on link performance and to identify best practice results. Team to be led by Chris Meinig (PMEL), and to include K Premkumar (India), and supplier representatives (Svein Erik Aasen, FugroOceanor; Nick Street, Sonardyne; Rob Lawson, SAIC)Chris Meinig  Aug 07 Recommendations to the ICG Note and endorse Indias offer of availability of Tsunameter test facility at NIOT for Member States. (WG 2 chair is point of contact) Note and endorse the nomination of Ken Jarrott (Australia) as ITP Chair, and Dr Ridwan Djamalludin (Indonesia) as Vice Chair. Next Meeting The attendees agreed that the tempo of developments in the Indian Ocean region warranted a subsequent meeting within 6 months. Subject to confirmation from Indonesia, the meeting agreed to aim for a meeting in August 07, in Jakarta. Participant List International Tsunameter Partnership Meeting 20-21 February 2007 NIOT, Chennai, India Name and DesignationAddressAUSTRALIAKen Jarrott Head Observation Systems SectionAustralian Bureau of Meteorology GPO Box 1289 Melbourne VIC 3001, AUSTRALIA Tel: +61 3 9669 4163 Fax +61 3 9669 4168 Mob: +61 (0)407 059 845 Email: k.jarrott@bom.gov.auRoss Hibbins Head Upper Air and Marine GroupAustralian Bureau of Meteorology PO Box 1289, Melbourne Vic 3001, AUSTRALIA Tel:+61 3 9669 4640; Fax: +61 3 9669 4168 Mobile: 0417 585516 Email:  HYPERLINK "*" \t "_blank" R.Hibbins@bom.gov.auMALAYSIAZamara bin Mustapha General ManagerAstronautic Technology(M) Sdn.Bhd. 2,Jalan Jururancang,U1/21 HICOM Glenmarie Industrial Park, 40000 Shah Alarm, Selangor, MALAYSIA Fax No: 603-5569 6108 E-mail: zamara@atsb.com.myTAIWANChang Chien-Hsin Chief Data Processing SectionSeismology Center, Central Weather Bureau 64 Kung Yuan Road, Taipei, TAIWAN. Tel: 886 2 349 1163 Fax: 886 2 349 1178 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:sshtai59@hotmail.com" sshtai59@hotmail.com Email: gensin@taiwan.cwb.gov.twUSAChristian Meinig Leader, Engineering DevelopmentNOAA/PMEL EDD-Bldg 3 7600 Sand Point Way NE Seattle, WA 98115 USA Tel: +1 206.526.6149 Fax: +1 206.526.6744 Email: Christian.Meinig@noaa.govDavid McKinnie NOAA US/IOTWS 7600 Sandpoint Way NE, Seattle WA 98115 USA Tel +1 206 566 6666 Email: david.mckinnie@.noaa.govMr. Ranjith GeorgeNOAA PTWS (observer)  HYPERLINK "mailto:ranjithgeorge@yahoo.co.in" ranjithgeorge@yahoo.co.in,  HYPERLINK "mailto:ranjith.george@undp.org" ranjith.george@undp.orgINDONESIADr Ridwan Djamaluddin Head, Marine Survey Marine Survey Technology Center Agency for the Assessment & Application of Technology (BPPT) JI.M.H. Thamrin No. 8 Jakarta Pusat , Indonesia Tel: +62 21-3168804 Fax: +62 21-3108149 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:ridwan@ceo.bppt.go.id" ridwan@ceo.bppt.go.id Dr Wahyu W PANDOE Head, Marine Survey Technology Center Agency for the Assessment & Application of Technology (BPPT) JI.M.H. Thamrin No. 8 Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia Tel: +62 21-3168804 Fax: +62 21-3108149 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:wpandoe@cbn.net.id" wpandoe@cbn.net.idIOCTony ELLIOTT Head ICG/IOTWS Secretariat Secretariat IOC IOC Perth Regional Office PO Box 1370, West Perth Australia 6872 Tel: 618 9226 0191, Fax: 61 8 9263 2211 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:t.elliott@unesco.org" t.elliott@unesco.org  SUPPLIERSRepresenting ENVIRTECH, ItalyCdr A Sengupta General Manager Pan India Electromech Pvt Ltd 105, Phase IV, Udyog Vihar, Guragaon 122015 Haryana, India Tel: +91 0124 4013954 Fax:+91 0124 2346646 Email: paie@vsni.comSONARDYNE, UKNick Street Senior Design EngineerSonardyne International Ltd Blackbushe Business Park Yateley, Hampshire GU46 6GD, UK Tel: +65 6542 1911 Fax: +65 6542 6937 Email: Nick.Street@sonardyne.comNick Smedley Business Manager, Navigation and Positioning SystemsSonardyne Asia Pte Ltd 2nd Floor, 35 Loyang Crescent, Singapore 509012 Tel. +65 65421911 Mobile. +65 81259070 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:Nick.Smedley@sonardyne.com" Nick.Smedley@sonardyne.comDr Ralph Rayner DirectorSonardyne International Ltd Blackbushe Business Park Yateley, Hampshire GU46 6GD, UK Tel: +44 1252 872288 Fax: +44 1252 876 6100 Ralph.rayner@sonardyne.comFUGRO OCEANOR, NorwaySvein Erik Aasen Technical ManagerFugro Oceanor AS Pir-senteret, N-7462 Trondheim, NORWAY Tel: +47 73 54 52 00 Fax: +47 73 54 52 01 Email: s.aasen@oceanor.comSAIC, USARob Lawson Vice President, Ocean and Atmosphere ProgramsSAIC 4965 Hancock Street, San Diego, CA 92110, USA Tel: +1 858 826 1166 Fax: +1 858 826 1169 Email:lawsonra@saic.comLIGHTHOUSE R&D Enterprises, USAKen du Vall President & COO Lighthouse R & D Enterprises, Inc. 16945 Northchase Drive, Suite 100 Houston, Texas USA 77060 Phone: +1 281-447-4100 Cell: 713-594-2189 Email: kduvall@lighthousehouston.com     PAGE  PAGE 1  FH   2 L \ i l m 1 󾹴wlahhmH sH h>ThlmH sH h>TmH sH hmH sH hVhV6\]mH sH hsChlhlhl5 hlhl hlhV hD5 hl5hDhlhl5CJaJhlhR[CJaJh_CJaJhR[5CJaJhD5CJaJhlhR[5CJaJ" E 3 2  ~ G  & F*gd)[ & F*gdR & FP^`Pgd\x gdlgd>TgdVgdsC$a$gdl$a$$a$gdR[>QcQ1 2 ; L   $ . @ A Y v |     } ~ F G '|thG h9>* hG hDhx6 hG hR hG h hG h hG hdohG hDaJhG h\x aJhlhlmH sH hG mH sH h)}mH sH h>TmH sH hx6mH sH h]LmH sH humH sH hlmH sH hDmH sH - )eh4w!"^gdd & F+gdd^gdTt & F,gd & F,gdEX0^gdEX0^gd9 & F+gd9 gd?'-./0qxLOtzFcFUV&)$a򼱼 hG hTt hG hyh ! hG hZ hG h7 hG hEX0hG h9>* hG hC hG h hG hW hG hT~hT~ hG h9 hG h9@3O>@uvwKsz !!!e"l"#####;$M$V$Z$$$$$%%%%%%ĵ}yhuk_ hG hNb( hG huk_ hG hO{ hG hd hG h[ hG h% hG hEX0 hG h)fzhG h)fz>* hG h ! hG h: hG hKl hG h7 hG hu hG hdI hG hTt hG h\@ hG hyh !.">$$%<')-/123,5-5<5@5G5Z5d5 $Ifgd $Ifgd? 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