ࡱ> ` )Tbjbj 1)L,2,2,2,2@2ыh3pp3p3p3p3K4K4K4gZiZiZiZ=Z4r4$9h27K4K4772p3p3GB8887p3p3gZ87gZ88RYGZp32 _ ,27 ZgZHы)Z1p81<GZ1GZ K4585t6K4K4K4228 K4K4K4ы7777DD The JCOMM Communication Strategy Draft 20 November 2006 1.0 Background JCOMM has been advised by members of its Management Committee (MAN), the Industry-JCOMM/GOOS Task Team, and others that JCOMM communications should be improved. The lack of good communications limits understanding of, participation in, and advocacy for JCOMM. At its fifth meeting (October 2006), the MAN agreed on the need for sustained, improved communications. MAN also noted that resources for this purpose will be quite limited in the near future. Therefore, rather than develop a full Communication Plan describing all audiences, messages, and media to be used, MAN commissioned a Communication Strategy that will rely primarily on the worldwide web as the medium, using other media such as the JCOMM newsletter and an updated brochure as needs are defined and resources made available. The web is generally a "pull" mode of communication, relying on the audience to obtain the information, while the other media discussed in this strategy are "push" mode, in which the information is directed to specific audiences. The JCOMM newsletter, which is distributed via email to a broad community, should be sent out on a quarterly basis and could include summary information of new web content. At its fifth meeting the MAN developed and approved the elements of the initial JCOMM Communication Strategy described in this document 2.0 Communication Objectives: Audience Sectors JCOMM communications are needed for three purposes, each with a somewhat distinct audience: inreach, outreach, and capacity building. 2.1 Inreach Inreach refers to the communication of information regarding JCOMM to the planners, developers, and operators of the system, i.e., what we might call the JCOMM community. What does the JCOMM community need to know about its plans and status? The full audience for inreach is not yet identified, but most elements are known. Inreach information certainly should be of interest and assistance to the following: MAN; the Joint Secretariat; members of the Programme Area Coordination Groups and their sub-bodies; JCOMM Task Teams, cross-cutting teams, and ad hoc groups; the many individuals working to produce measurements, products, or data management techniques that contribute to JCOMM; and representatives of nations participating in the Commission itself. Efforts will be made to further identify the audience for JCOMM inreach information and to quantify its use via the principal JCOMM web site. The types of inreach information to be provided via JCOMM web sites is indicated in Section 3.1. 2.2 Outreach Outreach refers to the communication of information to a broader, general audience that wish to engage. It is realized that there is a need for JCOMM to communicate with a wider audience, including notably those entities that might become general users of, contributors to, or advocates for JCOMM and the entire ocean observing system, but that are not now participating in the system. Members of that audience include: decision makers in the private sector and at all levels of government; users or potential users of JCOMM information (government, public, NGOs, private sector, academic/research); potential participants in the system; possible advocates for the system, and other interested parties. The outreach audience is not well defined; even less well defined are the types of information they would like to have and which is needed to design that division of the JCOMM website (Sections 3.2 and 5). 2.3 Capacity Building Capacity building information refers to that information that JCOMM wishes to share with all entities involved or potentially involved with JCOMM capacity building. The audience for such information includes: representatives in developing and developed countries; potential donors; developers of and participants in capacity building projects; risk management agencies; individual capacity building experts; academic/research institutions and members; private firms; NGOs. Clearly, there is overlap between the capacity building audience and that identified for JCOMM outreach information. However, this division of the JCOMM web site will focus on capacity building. 3.0 JCOMM Web Sites One main web site is envisioned that is clearly partitioned so that users may easily select the type of information they are seeking: inreach, outreach, or capacity building. This web site will be called JCOMM.Info and have the url  HYPERLINK "http://www.jcomm.info" http://www.jcomm.info This site is discussed in Section 3.1. Of course, there are/will be many secondary or related (ancillary) JCOMM websites, focused on more specialized types of information (eg the three Programme Areas, the subsidiary bodies of the Programme Areas, projects in which JCOMM is involved, etc), that will be of interest to our JCOMM audiences. It is planned to maintain up-to-date links to those sites from the main web site. Each of these ancillary sites must be linked to one or more of the four divisions of JCOMM.Info (see 3.1), and it will not necessarily be an easy decision to decide which. Some needed attributes of these sites are discussed in Section 3.2. 3.1 The Main JCOMM Web Site The site  HYPERLINK "http://www.jcomm.info" www.jcomm.info will be maintained by the Joint Secretariat as a shared responsibility. Technically the site will be hosted by the IOC Project Office for IODE in Ostend, Belgium using the same dynamic content management system technology as the GOOS and IODE web sites. This solution enables distributed management of content including content types such as events, people and documents. The shared responsibility of the Joint Secretariat will include maintaining the technology (hardware and software) by competent staff; preparing and/or placing materials on the site; selecting links to ancillary sites; contacting web managers of ancillary sites as necessary; and controlling access to all sectors of the site (by external content providers/content editors). The secretariat will be assisted by other individuals (external content providers/content editors), as appropriate, in the preparation of information and its placement on the site and in identification of ancillary sites that should be linked. It is envisioned that www.jcomm.info will have four (4) principal divisions, for inreach, outreach, capacity building, and work-in-progress. The fourth division can be considered a virtual office containing files being shared by groups preparing/discussing reports, preparing meetings, manuscripts, technical specifications, or other materials. The files will be accessible only by using individual passwords issued to groups engaged in specific activities. The www.jcomm.info homepage will have a clear, concise guide to the site with four links. Each of the four divisional home pages should contain a clear statement of the intended uses and provide examples of users of that division. This should be both informative as well as cautionary in the sense that a very general newcomer to JCOMM would be advised of what to expect should they enter the inreach rather than the outreach division of the site. Each divisional home page should offer the user only the opportunity to proceed to the next page in the division or to return to the JCOMM.Info home page. Further discussion of the first three divisions are given in subsections 3.1.1 - 3.1.3. It is expected that these divisions should contain a number of common pieces of information (e.g., overarching description of what JCOMM is and what it is intended to accomplish); these pieces should be clearly written and can be linked from multiple locations. Likewise more than one division may contain a number of the same links to ancillary web sites (e.g., to sites offering operational products or services). 3.1.1 Content of Inside JCOMM Division This will be by far the largest division of www.jcomm.info since it must contain all the information describing history, status, plans, and associations of JCOMM. It will be in English only. The information delivered should be easily understandable by non experts. It may contain acronyms preferably with hypertext links to a list of acronyms. However if this is too complex then a simple link on each page to an acronym list is also acceptable. The types of materials included in the inreach division are, inter alia: General information about the purpose and role of JCOMM; JCOMM structure, including membership; Information on cross-cutting activities, i.e., activities underway or planned involving multiple Programme Areas of teams; Contact points for the Secretariat and for members of the JCOMM structure; News Information on upcoming and past meetings; JCOMM publications including past meeting reports (with presentations) and key technical publications; Community information including presentations, brochures, and images; A search function; and A site map 3.1.2 Content of Outreach Division The information to be delivered as outreach to a wide audience of stakeholders and potential stakeholders as well as simply interested persons (see Section 2.2) should include: general description of JCOMM; deliverables (observation systems, data products, and services); societal and/or economic benefits; and developing science and technology of pertinence to JCOMM development. The most general information should be provided in the six working languages of the Commision (English, French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic and Chinese). Acronyms included in this section should have individual hypertext links to a list of acronyms or mouseover explanations. Even more so than for the inreach site, the information delivered should be easily understandable by non experts. It is noted that a separate system to manage the acronyms (and their translation) may be required. Links from the outreach division of www.jcomm.info to other content within or outside  HYPERLINK "http://www.jcomm.info" www.jcomm.info should be considered carefully before being included. In general, they should be truly informative to general viewers (without the use of excessive technical jargon and acronyms) or provide clear paths to operational data and products of potential value to governmental agencies, private sectors, NGOs, or the general public. Links to associated activities (e.g., GOOS, GEOSS, IGOS, or GCOOS) should be included as appropriate. It may be considered also to identify public information sites in member states that provide easy to understand content that relates to JCOMM, and link to these from the outreach division. This will further strengthen the buy-in by Member States/Members in JCOMM. 3.1.3 Content of Capacity Building Division This www.jcomm.info division is intended for donors to, preparers of, recipients of, and participants in capacity building activities (see Section 2.3). The material might be expected to include information on: Description of and links to JCOMMs and associated organizations capacity building tools, such as OceanTeacher and Bilko; Calendar of seminars, workshops, and training courses (planned, ongoing, completed) with related information like agenda, lecturers, etc, including links to relevant web sites; Descriptions of proposed, ongoing, and completed capacity building projects, including links to relevant web sites; Guidelines for the submission of proposals for national and regional capacity building activities; and Links to websites of relevant donor organizations; 3.1.4 Content of Work-in-Progress Division It is expected that this division of the web site will be employed by members of MAN and the three Programme Areas, consultants, and other experts engaged in the preparations of position papers, standards and protocols, communication materials, manuscripts for publication, or other Documents required by JCOMM. Access to this division will be password protected with members of groups working on distinct documents having distinct passwords. Methodologies may include transfer by FTP sites, access for on-line editing, chat rooms, or other. 3.1.5 Push technology web methods As stated in Section 1.0, a web site should be considered as mainly a pull technology. Members of the target audiences will only obtain the information when they actively visit the web site. The impact of pull methods is therefore less than that of push methods. A well known push technology is email. Web sites driven by content management system technology can be developed with an email push service that send emails to selected (and registered) audiences informing them of new content. It is noted in this regard that one should apply an opt-in policy, i.e., interested users should register to receive such messages. It is not acceptable to send unsolicited messages and expect recipients to request to be excluded from receiving such messages. It is recommended that this technology be combined with the quarterly JCOMM newsletter (i.e., a mix of technology and human interface) to announce new web content. 3.2 Ancillary JCOMM Web Sites It is desirable that ancillary linked JCOMM web sites have a look and feel similar to www.jcomm.info. When possible, these sites should display the JCOMM logo on their home pages to enhance the JCOMM identity. Also, ancillary web sites should be encouraged to remove general descriptive information regarding the JCOMM which is included on www.jcomm.info and instead link to the information on the www.jcomm.info site; this will avoid duplication and the need for many sites to update similar information. Moreover, it should avoid the dissemination of conflicting information regarding JCOMM. (Also see notes in Section 3.1.) 4.0 Other Communication Media Even though JCOMM has elected to focus its communications activities primarily on its web presence because of the importance of the worldwide web in current communications, it is realized that considerable impact can be gained by other specialized communication activitieseven of limited cost. Among these are the JCOMM newsletter, brochures, op-ed pieces and popular articles, journal (particularly trade association) articles, and presentations at technical/trade/scientific associations. These all contribute to the "push" mode of disseminating information regarding JCOMM. Clearly, this mode is considerably more costly in terms of (human and financial) resources than is the "pull" mode exemplified by JCOMM web sites as providers of information. All the following "push" mode of information dissemination should appear on the main JCOMM website. JCOMM Newsletter. The JCOMM Newsletter is both distributed through email and available on the web, and already seems to be successful with both external and internal communities. Clearly, it should be continued. However, a user survey might be employed to determine ways in which it could be improved for users. Input should be encouraged from the wider community, including all MAN members, and include exciting feedback from workshops, conferences, and other events of interest to JCOMM. Brochures. A general JCOMM brochure should be prepared and up-to-date copies maintained. These can be made available for distribution at a wide variety of meetings, ranging from the IOC Assembly or large trade shows to smaller, focused conferences and meetings. The preparation of brochures tailored to specific meetings or focus area are considerably more expensive per unit of information conveyed because of the more limited audience. Therefore, this communication approach should be undertaken only after due consideration of the expected results and value. Written Presentations. Op-ed pieces and other popular media articles as well as conference proceedings, trade journal articles, and refereed papers are financially relatively inexpensive, but require considerable human resources of volunteers unless a professional writer can be supported. It is recommended that pieces be carefully targeted to raise awareness within groups judged likely to become JCOMM stakeholders. Oral Presentations. Presentations at professional and trade association meetings constitute yet another mode of communication that should be employed by JCOMM. To maximize effectiveness of such communications, efforts should be made to ensure talks at plenary sessions (rather than in sections for special interest folks) and have written materials included in proceedings or journal reviews of the meeting. It should be realized that at this time most oral and written presentations will be dependent on the efforts of volunteers. Thus, such communications will initially be limited. 5.0 Initial Implementation of the Strategy As described in Section 3.1 the site  HYPERLINK "http://www.jcomm.info" www.jcomm.info will be hosted by the IOC Project Office for IODE in Ostend, Belgium using the same dynamic content management system technology as the GOOS and IODE web sites. This solution enables distributed management of content including content types such as events, people and documents. Materials for the inreach and capacity building divisions will be prepared by the Joint Secretariat. The technical requirements for the work in progress division will require further investigation by the Joint Secretariat and IOC Project Office for IODE information technology team. A website for the JCOMM Services Programme Area (SPA) has been designed with financial assistance from the U.K. Meteorological Office and oversight by the SPA Coordinator (http://www.jcomm-services.org/). Further investigations will be required regarding the possibility to use the events, people and documents content type management functions in the  HYPERLINK "http://www.jcomm-services.org" www.jcomm-services.org web site as well as related content syndication services. Analogous ancillary sites may be needed for the Operations and Data Management Programme Areas. The Joint Secretariat, DMPA and OPA Coordinators and the IOC Project Office for IODE information technology team will need to discuss whether these sites will utilize the same technology framework as the  HYPERLINK "http://www.jcomm.info" www.jcomm.info site and be hosted at the IOC Project Office for IODE in Ostend. Contacting managers of ancillary links to promote JCOMM identification and remove redundancy (Section 3.2) will require a considerable number of contacts, both initially and on a continuing basis. Implementation of the outreach division of www.jcomm.info site requires information and expertise currently not available at the Joint Secretariat. MAN-V decided that a comprehensive needs analysis for outreach audiences is required and that a consultant should be hired for conducting the analysis. MAN-V drafted the following terms of reference: Contact the audiences who would use the outreach web: decision makers, private sector, government agencies, NGOs, and news media; Contact the audiences who would use the capacity building web: donor agencies, individual experts, training groups; Suggest types of information that these audiences need; and Prepare an initial description for the web. Internationalization of the outreach division also will require preparation of multi-language versions of general background materials and selection of links, based in part on the results of the needs analysis of the outreach audience sectors. 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The (CHYYHHH8=,'2=,,N,2222,!'2,(CHYY,2NN22,,22''22222,N2!22,2=2,%2 BXlack of good comm ,,2;2!;1222;,2NNv2 BGunications limits understanding of, participation in, and advocacy for 22,,22';N';222,!',2221;2!;2,!,2,22;2;,22;,222,,,/:!2!2 XVJCOMM. At its fifth meeting (October 2006), the MAN agreed on the need for sustained, (CHYY1H1'1!!21N,,210!H,22,!02222!02,0YHH0,1!,,202202,02,,20!2!0'2',2,2/2 &Ximproved communications.N2!22,2,2NN22,,22' 2 & - 2 X -y2 XIMAN also noted that resources for this purpose will be quite limited in t YHH7,'2722,272,6!,'22!,,'6!2!62'622!22',6H62,622,6N,2626#2 he near future. 2,62,,!6!22!,2 |X]Therefore, rather than develop a full Communication Plan describing all audiences, messages, =2,!,!2!,'!,2,!'2,2'2,2,22','!2&C2NN22,,22&8,2&2,',!221&,&,22,2,,'&N,'',1,'2 X\and media to be used, MAN commissioned a Communication Strategy that will rely primarily on ,22N,2,22,2',2YHH,2NN''22,2,C2NN22,,228!,,1/2,H!,/2!N,!/22^2 ` X7the worldwide web as the medium, using other media such2,&H2!2H2,&H,2&,'&2,&N,22N&2'21&22,!&N,2,&'2,2;2 `  as the JCOMM newsletter and an &,'&2,&(CHYY&2,H',,!&,22%,22 X[updated brochure as needs are defined and resources made available. The web is generally a 222,,2*2!2,22!,*,'*2,,2'*,!,*2,!2,2*,22)!,'22!,,')N,2,),2,,2,)=2,)H,2)')1,2,!,/),2 D Xa"pull" mode of communication, relying on the audience to obtain the information, while the other (22(N22,2!,2NN22,,22!,/21222,,22,2,,222,22,2!2!N,22H2,2,22,!A2 X$media discussed in this strategy areN,2,2',2'',222''!,,1/,!,j2 ? "push" mode, in which the information is directed to specific (22'2(N22,2H2,22,2!2!N,22'2!,,,22'2,,!,2 ( X]audiences. The JCOMM newsletter, which is distributed via email to a broad community, should ,22,2,,'=2,(CHYY2,H',,!H2,2'2'!22,22,,N,2,2!2,2,2NN22/'22222 XZbe sent out on a quarterly basis and could include summary information of new web content.2,',22222,22,!,!/2,'',22,2222,22,'2NN,!/2!2!N,222!2,HH,2,22,2 2  - 2 X -2 ~ XAt its fH0'/!2 ~ Nifth meeting the MAN developed and approved the elements of the initial JCOMM !2/N,,21/2,/YHH/2,2,22,2/,22/,22!22,2/2,/,,N,2'/2!/2,/2,/(CHYYU2 X1Communication Strategy described in this documentaC2NN22,,228!,,1/2,',!2,222'22,2N,2 2  - 2 b X --2 X2.022 2  J2 *Communication Objectives: Audience SectorsH2RR88,2!28N8!,,!2,'!H88,8,,8,,!2,' 2 &  6- 2 FX -2 XOJCOMM communications are needed for three purposes, each with a somewhat distin(CHYY>,2NN22,,22'>,!,>2,,2,2>!2!>2!,,>22!22','>,,,2>H2>,='2N,H2,=2'22 Lct ,X2 *X3audience: inreach, outreach, and capacity building.s,22,2,,2!,,,222!,,,2,22,,2,,/22221 2 *@  - 2 X -2 X2.122 2  2 Inreachf2!,,,2- @ !TX- 2  - 2 X -2 XTInreach refers to the communication of information regarding JCOMM to the planners, 2!,,,2@!,!,!'@2@2,@,2NN22,,22@2!@2!2!N,22@!,1,!221@(CHYY?2?2,?2,22,!'-p2 fXCdevelopers, and operators of the system, i.e., what we might call 2,2,22,!'%,22%22,!,2!'%2!%2,%'/',N%,$H2,$H,$N12$,,$,-(2 f the JCOMM communityi!8,$2HN^^$,2RR88!2-2 fO. , 2 XWhat does the _2,22,'2,_2 8JCOMM community need to know about its plans and status?(CHYY,2NN22/2,,22222H,222'2,2',22',2'. 2 R - 2 JX -2 XZThe full audience for inreach is not yet identified, but most elements are known. Inreach =2,5!24,22,2,,4!2!42!,,,24'4224/,42,2!,24224N2'4,,N,2'4,!,4222H242!,,,2}2 .XLinformation certainly should be of interest and assistance to the following:2!2!N,22,,!,2/'22222,2!2,!,',22,''',2,,22,!22H21 2 .  -- 2 -!@ Arial- 2  u-2 MAN; cYHH 2  -'- 2 -!- 2  u-.2 the Joint Secretariat; .2,(228,,!,,!, 2  -'- 2 -!- 2  u- 2 mNh2 >embers of the Programme Area Coordination Groups and their sub,N2,!'2!2,8!21!,NN,H!,,C22!22,22H!222',222,!'22 2 :-!2 [bodies222,'@Times New Roman- 2 `;- 2 s -'- 2 -!- 2  u-.2 JCOMM Task Teams, cross.(CHYY=,'2=,,N',!2'' 2 -!(2 cutting teams, and r,221,,N',22@Times New Roman-2  ad hoc2222,-2   groups; 1!222' 2 c  -'- 2 h-!- 2 h u-2 hSthe many individuals working to produce measurements, products, or data management 2,$N,2/$22222,'$H2!221$2$2!222,,$N,,'2!,N,2'$2!222,'$2!$2,,$N,2,1,N,2'I2 )techniques that contribute to JCOMM; and ,,2222,'2,,22!22,2(CHYY,22 2 O  -'- 2 L-!- 2 L u- 2 Lr!n2 LBepresentatives of nations participating in the Commission itself. ,2!,',2,2,'2!2,22'2,!,2,2122,C2NN''22',! 2 L  -' 2  --                    ՜.+,D՜.+,@ hp  Texas A&M University&L !The JCOMM Communication Strategy!The JCOMM Communication StrategyDraft 20 November 20061.0 Background/2.0 Communication Objectives: Audience Sectors 2.1 Inreach 2.2 Outreach2.3 Capacity Building3.0 JCOMM Web Sites'This site is discussed in Section The Main JCOMM Web Site'3.1.1 Content of Inside JCOMM Division#3.1.2 Content of Outreach Division,3.1.3 Content of Capacity Building Division+3.1.4 Content of Work-in-Progress Division$3.1.5 Push technology web methods3.2 Ancillary JCOMM Web Sites4.0 Other Communication Media+5.0 Initial Implementation of the StrategyQMaterials for the inreach and capacity building divisions will be prepared by th Title Headings 8@ _PID_HLINKSAl$qchttp://www.jcomm.info/Ex= http://www.jcomm-services.org/Eqc http://www.jcomm.info/Eqchttp://www.jcomm.info/Eqchttp://www.jcomm.info/Eqchttp://www.jcomm.info/E  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDFGHIJKLNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~Root Entry FV3_ Data E1TableMmWordDocument1SummaryInformation(/DocumentSummaryInformation8CompObjq  FMicrosoft Office Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q