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It will further be invited to discuss any element of the Chairpersons report that is not dealt with under other agenda items, as necessary. ______________ Appendices A Minutes of the 97th Meeting of the JTA Executive Committee B Report on the 32nd JTA meeting at the 47th OPSCOM meeting DISCUSSION 2.0.11 The Chairperson of the JTA presented a report on his activities in support of the participants in the JTA since the previous meeting (JTA-33, Paris, France, 30 Sept. - 2 Oct. 2013). 2.0.2 The Terms of Reference of the JTA Chairman (JTA Operating Principles, Annexes F & G) indicate the term for the position of Chairman and vice-Chairman as two years. In its 33rd Session, the JTA meeting elected Mr Eric Locklear as its independent Chairman and of Mr Johan Stander as its unpaid Vice-Chairman, both to hold office until the end of JTA-35. 2.0.3 JTA-33 noted the Terms of Reference of the JTA Executive Committee (Annex H to the Operating Principles), and recalled that the membership shall include the Chairperson, the Vice-Chairperson, the IOC Secretariat, the WMO Secretariat, and three additional members proposed by the Chairperson and elected by the JTA, serving a term of two years with an optional two-year re-appointment. The JTA-33 elected Salim Javed (UAE) to a first term as Executive Committee member. 2.0.4 The composition of the JTA EC at beginning of JTA-34 was now: Role Current incumbent Elected at Until Status Chair Eric Locklear (USA) JTA-33 End of JTA-35 Beginning of 1st Term (first elected at JTA-33), and available for re-election for this post at JTA-35 vice-Chair Johan Stander (South Africa) JTA-33 End of JTA-35 Beginning of 1st Term (first elected at JTA-33), and available for re-election for this post at JTA-35 Member Salim Javed (UAE) JTA-33 End of JTA-35 Beginning of 1st Term (first elected at JTA-33), and available for re-election to this post at JTA-35 Member Joe Linguanti (Canada) JTA-32 End of JTA-34 In the middle of his 2nd Term (first elected at JTA-30); not available in principle for re-election to this post at JTA-34 Member Birgit Klein (Germany) JTA-32 End of JTA-34 In the middle of her 2nd Term (first elected at JTA-30) not available in principle for re-election to this post at JTA-34 Ex-officio Tom Gross (IOC Secretariat) n/a n/a n/a Ex-officio Etienne Charpentier (WMO Secretariat) n/a n/a n/a Ex-officio CLS n/a n/a n/a  Chair, Eric Locklear until JTA-35, available for re-election to this post at JTA-35 Vice-chair, Johan Stander until JTA-35, available for re-election to this post at JTA-35 Member, Salim Javed until JTA-35, available for re-election to this post at JTA-35 Member, Joe Linguanti until JTA-34, not available in principle for re-election to this post at JTA-34 Member, Birgit Klein until JTA-34, not available in principle for re-election to this post at JTA-34 Member, IOC secretariat, ex officio Member, WMO secretariat, ex officio Member, CLS representative, ex officio 2.0.5 Among the decisions made by JTA--33 was the approval of a number of modifications to the Operating Principles, drafted during the eighth Meeting of the JTA EC. It was agreed that the JTA EC would again review the Operating Principles and, if applicable, will propose changes and modifications as deemed needed for discussion to the members during JTA-34. 2.1 Overview of the JTA 2.1.1 An overview of the ARGOS Joint Tariff Agreement (ARGOS JTA) was published in Annex XI of the ARGOS JTA 26th Meeting, La Jolla, CA Final Report. In short, the Argos System emerged from a long-standing partnership of environmental research between the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) of the United States of America and the Centre national d'tudes spatiales (CNES) of France. The objective of the Argos system was to provide for the global location, acquisition, and dissemination of environmental data. Argos would not only improve and expand the global operational weather system, but also support ocean, weather, and other environmental research. 2.1.2 First signed in 1974 then again in 1986, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between NOAA and CNES set forth their respective roles and responsibilities for operating the Argos System. NOAA would be responsible for the procurement, launch, and operation of the satellites, and CNES would be responsible for instrument development, operate the data processing system, and serve at the intersection of Argos Data Collection System Management, monitoring and operations. They had a joint objective of promoting the maximum use of the system through enhanced services and cost-effective operations with the goal of achieving a self-sustaining system with revenues from users fully offsetting operating costs. Obviously the end-2-end costs of the Argos System are not being collected by the users, and the JTA tariffs that are collected are used to offset the operating costs of data processing for the JTA users. These MOUs have been modified over the years as necessary to meet changing user requirements as well as the needs of NOAA and CNES. 2.1.3 An important outcome of these MOUs was also the establishment of an Operations Committee (OPSCOM) with 3 objectives. The OPSCOM was initially made up of NOAA and CNES, but now includes EUMETSAT and the SARAL space agency from India. The OPSCOM exists to review and manage the development and operation of the Argos System, the OPSCOM reviews and approves applications for the use of the system, and the tariff structure adopted by the Argos JTA. 2.1.4 It wasnt until 1981 that the first Argos JTA meeting was convened, by the WMO, to make available the Argos system to all interested nations for weather prediction and environmental research. The JTA was born. Additional information on the history of the JTA can be found in Annex XI of the ARGOS JTA-26 Final Report. 2.2 Report on the JTA Activities during the intercessional period On behalf of the Argos JTA, the Chairman attended 3 meetings during the intercessional period since JTA-33 in Paris. The meetings were the Argos Manufacturers Meeting in Annapolis, Maryland, USA in April, 2014; the ARGOS JTA-Executive Committee (JTA-EC) Meeting in Hamburg, Germany in May, 2014; and the ARGOS OPSCOM 48 Meeting in Berlin, Germany in June, 2014. A brief summary of the meetings is below: 2.2.1 Argos Manufacturers Meeting (AMM) The Chairman was asked to present to the assembled manufacturers a brief presentation on the JTA and the following 3 questions were discussed: 2.2.2 Why do we need the JTA? The JTA is needed to analyze and recommend rates in an equitable manner to accumulate the necessary revenues to offset the Argos system costs attributable to the JTA membership. The JTA is also necessary to oversee and safeguard public funds. As such the JTA has a fiduciary responsibility to ensure an equitable cost reimbursable arrange that meets the needs of its users. The JTA also encourages collaboration and use of the system. 2.2.3 Who are the JTA members? The first JTA meeting was sponsored by the WMO in 1981 and had the following 9 countries in attendance: Argentina Australia Canada Denmark France Germany Netherlands Norway United States The JTA now has over 25 nations participating. 2.2.4 How does the JTA work? The JTA works in the following ways: Meet annually to review its operating principles and its tariff structure Reports annually to the OPSCOM about system usability Is organized under the auspices of the WMO and IOC. Has a robust management structure with an executive committee and designated Representatives. Issues a Record of Decisions from all meetings through its reports 2.5 The JTA EC met for the ninth time immediately after JTA-33 to review the meeting and to decide on the necessary actions to be made in relation to the decisions and agreements reached at JTA-33. The report of JTA EC-9 is given in Appendix A. At JTA EC-9 it was agreed that the EC should hold its inter-sessional meeting in the first half of 2014. 2.6 As agreed in JTA EC-9, the Executive Committee met for the tenth time from 6 to 8 May 2014 in Hamburg, Germany, at the Bundesamt fr Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie (Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency). At this meeting the EC reviewed the Action Items from JTA-33, remaining issues from JTA-EC8 and JTA-EC9, the Operating Principles, the use of the JTA funds, the management of the ARGOS ID numbers, the 5-Year Plan, the status of the WMO Plan on an International Forum of Satellite Data Communication Users, the evaluation of the drifter programme, the progress in the Real Time Antenna Optimization Project, the agenda and document plan for JTA-34 and other JTA issues. The EC agreed on additional action items for the EC and provided guidance to the Chairperson regarding issues to be reported at the 48th OPSCOM meeting. The report of the Tenth Meeting of the JTA EC is provided as JTA-34-Doc.10. 2.7 The Chairperson attended the 47th meeting of the Argos Operations Committee (OPSCOM-47, Easton, Md, USA, 21-23 May 2013), hosted by NOAA. The main results of JTA-32 with regard to OPSCOM interest were presented, including the status of the 5-Year Plan (2010-2014). The OPSCOM meeting expressed its concern regarding the technological issues on the drifting buoy program. The meeting expressed interest in the next steps regarding the establishment of the Forum of Users of Satellite Data Communication Systems and noted that an Ad Hoc International Forum of Users of Satellite Data Telecommunication Systems was organized on 3-4 October 2013 at IOC of UNESCO Headquarters. OPSCOM requested the JTA Chairman to represent the JTA and OPSCOM interests as discussed and proposed at OPSCOM-46. The report as presented by the Chairperson is given in Appendix B. 2.8 The Chairperson has the intention to visit to CLS in Toulouse in early September 2013 to discuss the CLS input to JTA-33, the status of the Five-Year Plan 2010-2014, a first draft of the next Five-Year Plan 2015-2019 and other CLS issues in support to the JTA. The results of the discussions will be included in the agenda for JTA-33. 2.2.5 ARGOS JTA-Executive Committee Meeting in Hamburg, Germany The JTA-EC met in Hamburg, Germany at the kind invitation of Birgit Klein (JTA-EC member) to discuss matters from the JTA-EC 8th and 9th meetings as well as from the JTA-33 meeting in Paris. The JTA-EC 10 Final Report can be found on the JCOMM website for further review. A summary of key issues discussed and decided are as follows: Discussion and Decisions by the JTA-EC at JTA-EC-10 1. New 5-YP Format: Agreed to the new format of the ARGOS JTA 5 Year Plan 2. Decreased Large Programme Usage: The decrease of the large programme Argos usage slightly below the 1200 threshold in 2013 was essentially due to the unexpected drifter failures beyond their control. Assuming that the Argos usage in 2014 is going to remain below the 1200 threshold, the meeting suggested on an exceptional basis that since the average of the past (2010-2014) large programme Argos usage was above the 1200 threshold, the large programme discount at the 1200 level should remain in effect during the whole period. The issue will be brought to JTA-34 for discussion and decision. 3. Secretariat Support: The meeting agreed that the current operating scheme and support from the Secretariats of WMO and IOC was satisfactory. The meeting agreed to continue to provide financial support to the Secretariats at the same level as for previous years. 4. Future of the JTA: The meeting agreed that a medium to long term (e.g. five to ten years) strategy should be developed for the JTA, and requested the Chair and the vice-Chair to lead this and make a proposal at the JTA-34 Session on the way forward for developing such a strategy. They were tasked also to draft a Vision of the JTA for discussion at JTA-34. 2.2.6 ARGOS OPSCOM 48 Meeting in Berlin, Germany At the kind invitation of the ARGOS OPSCOM, the ARGOS JTA Chairman presented a status of the current and expected future situation of the JTA. The ARGOS JTA Chairmans presentation is available for your review (JTA-34 Annex Doc 3) and the minutes provided below: Mr. Eric Locklear, the JTA Chair, noted with thanks to the OPSCOM for the opportunity to discuss the JTA. He opened his presentation with a discussion of three topics: 1) Why is the ARGOS JTA here? 2. What is the current status of the program? 3. Where is the program heading? A brief history was discussed that the first tariff agreement was adopted in 1979 between NOAA and CNES. Then the first ARGOS JTA international agreement was organized by the WMO in 1981 to encourage participation of the ARGOS system. Mr. Locklear went on to discuss text from the NOAA/CNES 1986 MOU regarding their role in approving the JTA rates. He also stated that the ARGOS JTA serves the purposes of the responsibility to safeguard the use of public funds, and provides for a documented process for establishing rates. He concluded this section by pointing out that the size of the JTA revenues and costs makes oversight important. Mr. Locklear went on to discuss the current status of the program and noted the ARGOS unique position as the interface between many organizing bodies (WMO, IOC, User Groups, and the OPSCOM) and also pointed out that the JTA has an objective to determine the rates as well as the OPSCOM. Mr. Locklear went on to discuss who the JTA members are and what their usages are, summarizing with the top five nations use of the system for each service family. Mr. Locklear gave a summary of the current 5 year plan as well as the projected ending accumulated balance exceeding 3.0 million euros for the end of 2014, which is a good situation. Mr. Locklear concluded his presentation with a discussion on the next 5 year plan (2015 - 2019), and discussed his objectives over the coming years, as well as asking the OPSCOM if they had any particular concerns. Of particular concern to the OPSCOM is the endorsement of the upcoming 5 year plan from 2015 - 2019, which will be presented at the upcoming JTA meeting in China. An action was taken by the ARGOS JTA chairman that he will send a recommendation to the OPSCOM chairs of the tariff structure after the JTA meeting for their review and endorsement. ______________ Appendices: 2 APPENDIX A Report of the Ninth meeting of the Executive Committee of the Argos Joint Tariff Agreement (JTA-EC-9) (Paris, 2 October 2013) Participants: JTA-EC members: Johan Stander (South Africa), JTA vice-Chair Frank Grooters (former Chair) Joe Linganti (Canada) Birgit Klein (Germany) Salim Javed (UAE) Ex-officio members: Bill Woodward (CLS America) Anne-Marie Bronce (CLS) Seema Owen (CLS America) Tom Gross (IOC Secretariat) Etienne Charpentier (WMO Secretariat) General comments about the JTA-33 Session JTA-EC thanked the IOC for hosting the JTA Session, and the WMO Secretariat for providing Secretariat support to this Session. Following financial presentations were made: How Argos basic costs are calculated History and background financial information, including accumulated losses CLS budget Proposed new format for the next FYP Items to be discussed at JTA-EC-10 The JTA-EC proposed items for discussion at JTA-EC-10 Easter Island Antenna CLS to prepare a report on the status and funding, and installation date to be discussed at JTA-EC-10. Large programmes 1200 threshold issue & Wildlife large programmes: Proposal to be prepared and presented by the JTA Chair in consultation with Salim Javed (UAE) and CLS at JTA-EC-10. Format of the next FYP CLS to consolidate the format, and present it at JTA-EC-10, and populate it with best estimates of predicted Argos use (more accurate predicted numbers for the next 5 years to be presented at JTA-34). Task Team on Best Practices for Wildlife Argos Applications (TT-Wildlife) Terms of Reference and membership: The JTA-EC recommended that Salim Javed should lead the development of the ToR and membership of the Task Team in the view for him to make a proposal one month prior to JTA-EC-10. Guidance of JTA-EC for the ToR: To constitute a group of Wildlife Argos users; To deal with Technical issues, such as optimizing the use of Argos; Issues to be considered by the TT-Wildlife according to JTA-33 for its workplan: With increasing number of data relayed tags a clearer policy of data transmission cost is needed; Absence of GPS locations for Argos mapping on ArgosWeb; Consider new opportunities to reduce tariff for very large programmes; and A Study could be made of system occupancy for various range of users, and how this could impact on the tariff structure so that the scheme will remain fair to all users. Operating Principles Johan Stander will review the ToR of the ROCs and RUGs and investigate whether nomination through WMO/IOC should be required. Wildlife community and the JTA There is a distinction between the two levels of representation (see JTA-EC-8 report): Intergorvernmental perspective (e.g. Secretariat support, etc.). CLS in liaison with Salim Javed should approach intergovernmental organizations, including Movebank, UNEP, WWF Argos user representation (Salim Javed to play this role) FYP 2013 results, and the status of 2014 To be considered at JTA-EC-10 pending updated figures from OPSCOM. Preparation for the OPSCOM-48 CLS informed the JTA-EC that the OSPCOM-48 will tentatively be organized in Germany around May or June 2014, organized by EUMETSAT. Situation regarding the drifter failures, and expected effects on the FYP until JTA-34 CLS to provide information, and seek feedback from the DBCP. Relationship with the Satcom Forum Report of Satcom1 to be prepared and presented by Frank Grooters or Bill Woodward (TBD) at JTA-EC-10 Inviting users to JTA-EC-10 to make presentations Birgit Klein, and CLS to propose names for Wildlife and other applications. Tentative Date and place of the JTA-EC-10 Tentative date: 6-8 May 2014 Place: Hamburg (BSH or DWD), Germany Agenda of the next JTA meeting JTA-EC-10 will discuss the agenda for JTA-34. Financial information to be presented to the JTA The JTA-EC recommended that the presentation of the financial information should be made clearer. In any case, the JTA necessary supporting documentation needs to be made available in time before the meeting. The JTA-EC recognized that some of the information can be regarded as confidential or sensitive, and can only be reviewed by the JTA-EC or the JTA Chair. The JTA-EC recommended that the CLS report should be divided into several documents to make it clear to what agenda item each section relates. CLS was requested to make a proposal regarding the presentation of financial information for JTA meetings at the next JTA-EC meeting (action; CLS; JTA-EC-10). Need to organize a JTA-EC meeting between JTA Sessions JTA-EC-10 will discuss whether it should be required to have JTA-EC meetings between JTA Sessions. Interactions with the ROCs JTA-EC need to think about how the JTA-EC should interact with the ROCs. Some background information need to be provided to them. Tariff Certain users seem to be charged different tariffs, possibly due to differences and fluctuations of exchange rates. Joe Linguanti will be investigating and reporting on this issue at JTA-EC-10. Consultant for JTA-EC JTA-EC-10 to discuss the need for a consultant to support the work of the JTA-EC- Note: some other items for JTA-EC-10 to discuss are also included in the action list. _______________ APPENDIX B Report on the 33st JTA meeting at the 48th OPSCOM meeting 47th Operations Committee (Easton, Md, USA, 21-23 May 2013) H-1. Programs H-1-1 Report on JTA Meeting Frank Grooters presented the report on the 32nd JTA meeting. The 32nd meeting on the ARGOS JTA was kindly hosted by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology and took place in Fremantle, Australia, from 8 to 10 October 2012. Ten ROCs and representatives of User Groups were present at the meeting, together with the DBCP Chairman and several representatives from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology and the CLS Group. The meeting was jointly organized and served by  NOAA/CNES MOU 1986     ARGOS-JTA-34/Doc. 3, p.  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 2 ARGOS-JTA-33/Doc. 3, p.  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 2 ARGOS-JTA-34/Doc. 3, Appendix A, p.  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 3 ARGOS-JTA-33/Appendix A, p.  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1 ARGOS-JTA-34/Doc. 3, Appendix B, p.  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1 ARGOS-JTA-33/Appendix B, p.  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It  2 gEb  /2 gJbwill further be invited   2 wLgbto discuss any element of the Chairpersons report that is not dealt with under other agenda items, as       2 L bnecessary.  2 b    2 Lb  ---  2 Ub______________---  2 b    2 Lb  --- 2 L bAppendices  ---  2 b   2 b  b'  2 Lb  b'  2 Lb  b'---  2 LbA   2 Ub W 2 bMinutes   2 b  2 bof the   2  b9@ Arial--- 2 bth---  2 b  D2 &bMeeting of the JTA Executive Committee       2 b  b'  2 Lb  b'  2 Lb  --bbaa``՜.+,0 hp|  CIOC*9R JTA-34, Doc. x.yQThe 32nd meeting on the ARGOS JTA was kindly hosted by the Australian Bureau of JTA-31, Doc. x.y Title HeadingsTitel  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~Root Entry F'<Data 1TableWordDocument 2SummaryInformation(D+DocumentSummaryInformation8MsoDataStore@'P8Q0UWCPJ5A==2@'P8Item  PropertiesUCompObj r   F Microsoft Word 97-2003 Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q