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ACTION PROPOSED The Committee is invited to: note and comment on the information contained in this document as appropriate, and; address the emerging topics, and consider specific issues in the 2012-2017 Workplan. ______________________ References: Abridged Final Report of the Sixty-Sixth Session of the Executive Council June 2014 Abridged final report with resolutions of the 64th Session of the WMO Executive Council (WMO-No.1092) ISO 9001:2008 Quality management systems Requirements ISO 9004:2000 Quality management systems Guidelines for performance improvement Appendices Part 1: Proposed questions for the JCOMM Management Committee members only based on the Terms of reference for JCOMM. Part 2: Proposed questions for the JCOMM Management Committee members based on elements of ISO 9004 and ISO 9001. Review of the Joint WMO/IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology - Stakeholder Survey Top of Form JCOMM Stakeholder list DISCUSSION Background During the Joint WMO-IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology, Fourth session Yeosu, Republic of Korea 28 31 May 2012 the following was noted by the Commission: despite a strong desire expressed at JCOMM - III, the proposed external review of the Commission had not taken place, through lack of the required extra - budgetary funds. The Commission recommended that, while organizing a review using traditional methods would be difficult in the current financial climate, other methods such as a questionnaire should be used to identify future priorities and to increase awareness of JCOMM in Members/Member States. During JCOMM MAN-10, 7-10 May 2013 conducted in Paris, France, the following was also stated: Co-President Pinardi suggested organizing an open consultation on user satisfaction for coordination/service delivery for JCOMM in the next 2 years. The results of this consultation should inform an external review on the best structure to enhance that delivery. The open consultation should be organized by MAN in order to: understand the utility and impacts of JCOMM activities, understand how JCOMM has influenced the relationship between met offices and oceanographic institutions, and to provide recommendations for improvements, investigate if the range of issues considered by JCOMM is adequate (too focused or not enough), ask about willingness to invest in JCOMM activities, and identify the needs of the met-ocean community for future development of JCOMM. and The Committee decided that the scope of the review could be enlarged from the formal Terms of Reference decided at JCOMM-3, and that it would pursue both the self-evaluation and web-based survey as a balanced and reasonable approach to gathering external input to improve JCOMM that was not hugely resource-intensive. It asked Mr. Boase to adapt the ISO 9004 as a proposed review methodology for JCOMM and submit to the Co-Presidents and Secretariats for consideration. Proposed Review Framework The proposed review framework would assess JCOMM activities from two perspectives: the JCOMM Management Committee members; and the JCOMM key stakeholders It is proposed that the primary focus of the review for the JCOMM MAN members should be on the degree to which JCOMM is meeting its Terms of Reference. It is proposed that a secondary focus should be on key management activities of the JCOMM MAN. The proposed key elements have been drawn from the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) quality management system documents ISO9001 and ISO9004. Refer Appendix A, Parts 1 and 2 for a set of proposed questions. Ideally, this process would be undertaken on a face-to-face basis with the Committee as a whole. However, as time may not allow this, a commitment from JCOMM MAN members to complete independently and return via email may be the most viable alternative. A standalone survey has been developed for the JCOMM key stakeholders (refer appendix B), which could be presented as a web-based survey tool or a push-pull survey tool sent to known key stakeholders. Co-President Nadia Pinardi has provided a list of JCOMM stakeholders (refer appendix C), that provides a good starting point. However, it will be essential to identify key contacts within each of the organisations to ensure a reasonable response to the survey. Proposed Review Outcome The proposed outcome from the review is a comprehensive document that clearly identifies the level of effectiveness of JCOMM and where appropriate, remedial actions to rectify identified deficiencies. Proposed Actions/Decisions Due consideration be given to the proposed review framework and amend as appropriate. If approved (and post any amendments), develop an appropriate timeframe in which to conduct the review and assess the results. _____________ APPENDIX A PROPOSED QUESTIONS FOR THE JCOMM MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEMBERS ONLY PART 1: PART 1 assesses the performance of JCOMM MAN from the perspective meeting the requirement identified in the stated Terms of Reference for JOCMM. TERMS OF REFERENCE ELEMENTPRIMARY REVIEW QUESTIONSCoordinated, developed and recommended standards and procedures for the work of Members/Member States in the overall collection, exchange, access, understanding, application and delivery of marine meteorological and oceanographic data, information, forecasts and warnings upon which marine meteorological and oceanographic services and marine-related decision-making processes have been based.  What documentation, associated standards and procedures underpins and enables Members/Member States to delivery of all aspects of their marine meteorological and oceanographic services? What processes are in place to monitor and co-ordinate the above documentation to ensure its ongoing currency and relevance? Who has authority/responsibility for ensuring the monitoring and coordination is performed occurs and what records are maintained to demonstrate that this occurs? Where is this authority/responsibility documented? Coordinated, developed and recommended standards and procedures for the work of Members/Member States in the overall collection, management, exchanges and archival of high-quality marine meteorological and oceanographic data, information and products, on which climate studies, predictions and services, as well as climate change impact and adaptation strategies, have been based;What documentation, associated standards and procedures articulates the overall collection, management, exchanges and archiving of high-quality marine meteorological and oceanographic data and information and products by Members/Member States? What processes are in place to monitor and co-ordinate the above record management activities? Who has authority/responsibility for ensuring the record management activities are correctly performed? Where is this authority/responsibility documented? Promoted and facilitated the international sharing of implementing experience, transfer of technology and research uptake, and support relevant education and training to meet the capacity development needs of national agencies and of other organizations (and in particular least developed countries and small island developing States), that play a role in the provision of marine meteorological and oceanographic services; What activities have been implemented by JCOMM to facilitate the international sharing of implementation experiences (lessons learnt), the transfer of technology and research activities? What capacity building activities has JCOMM facilitated to support education and training needs and in particular least developed countries and Small Island developing States? Is a record kept of these activities and if so who is responsible for maintaining them?Supported cooperation among WMO, UNESCO/IOC and other United Nations agencies that are members of UN-Oceans, the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO), the International Council for Science (ICSU) and other governmental and nongovernmental organizations, the private sector as well as user organizations, on matters related to marine meteorology and oceanography. Please provide details of the cooperative activities that JCOMM has supported between UN agencies that are members of the UN-Oceans, IHO, ISU and other key stakeholders on matters related to marine meteorology and oceanography. What are the key outcomes arising from these meetings that are directly related to JCOMM? PART 2 PART 2 broadly utilises some key elements from the ISO9001 and ISO9004 quality management family of Standards to assess the performance of the JCOMM MAN. ISO9004 in particular provides a self-assessment approach and features of this have been adopted for this review to assist in establishing the level of performance of JCOMM Management Committee. Note: Establishment of compliance with ISO9001 is normally achieved through formally accredited certification organisations which is not appropriate for this review. The intent of the ISO 9004 self-assessment methodology is to evaluate management systems maturity for each of the ISO 9004 and ISO9001 clauses. The following ISO table has been established for this purpose: PERFORMANCE MATURITY LEVELS Maturity levelPerformance levelGuidance1 No formal approachNo systematic approach evident, no results, poor results or unpredictable results. 2 Reactive approachProblem - or prevention-based systematic approach; minimum data on improvement results available. 3Stable formal system approachSystematic process-based approach, early stage of systematic improvements; data available on conformance to objectives and existence of improvement trends. 4Continual improvement emphasizedImprovement process in use; good results and sustained improvement trends. 5Best-in-class performanceStrongly integrated improvement process; best-in-class benchmarked results demonstrated. AS/NZS ISO 9004(Int):2000 Quality management systems Guidelines for performance improvement JCOMM MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES PRIMARY REVIEW QUESTIONSUnderstanding the needs and expectations of key stakeholders How does JCOMM MAN identify its key stakeholders? What activities does JCOMM undertake to identify the needs and expectations of its key stakeholders?Establishing plans and associated key performance objectives Has JCOMM MAN established a formal planning cycle with clear objectives and associated KPIs? Are these formally reviewed throughout the planning cycle and if so, is this on a scheduled basis? Identifying roles and responsibilities Are the roles and responsibilities of all JCOMM MAN members clearly articulated and if so, where? Are all new members of JCOMM MAN provided with a briefing on their roles and responsibilities prior to commencement of their duties? Who provides these briefings and is there a formally documented procedure for this activity? How does JCOMM establish the competence level of each member and the relevance to JCOMM activities? Actions to address any identified risk and or, opportunities Has JCOMM MAN established a formal risk register to identify broad risks that may impact on its activities? If it has established a risk register who is responsible for input into the risk register and maintaining it? Internal and external communications Has a communications plan been established for JCOMM MAN activities? If so, who maintains it to ensure that it is current and where does it reside? Resources management - budget How does JCOMM plan, provide, control and monitor its financial resources to maintain an effective and efficient management system? Who is responsible for developing the JCOMM MAN Budget? Who monitors the budget during the financial year? APPENDIX B Review of the Joint WMO/IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology Top of Form STAKEHOLDER SURVEY This survey is being sent to you as a key JCOMM stakeholder to assess the level of satisfaction pertaining to JCOMMs activities. Your responses are important and the JCOMM Management Committee will use them to identify areas for improvement and where it needs to focus its resources to maximise the benefits to Members/Member States in the future. 1. What is your organisational role and job title? 2. Your country? (optional) 3. How many years has your organisation been involved with JCOMM?  4. What impact does JCOMM activities have on your organisation and its activities? ( No impact ( Limited impact ( Positive impact Could you please provide further details?  5. To what degree do you believe JCOMM has influenced the relationship between meteorological offices and oceanographic institutions? ( No Influence ( Limited Influence ( Positive influence Could please provide further details or how you believe the situation could be improved?  6. What level of importance do you place on the following activities that JCOMM currently facilitates? (Please rate your response in priority from 1 7 with 1 being the highest priority) ( Access to data and services ( Standards and best practices ( Capacity development ( Marine competency ( Observations ( Data management ( Services and forecasting systems 7. How would rate the overall quality of the standards and guidance documentation provided by JCOMM to assist in the delivery of marine weather and ocean products and services? ( Do not meet requirements ( Are of minimal value ( Fully meets our requirements What if any specific areas do you believe require improvement?  8. How effectively do you believe JCOMM manages the documentation it provides to stakeholders in terms of updates and an ongoing amendment program? ( Not effective ( Effective ( Very effective What documents do you believe require review and amendment?  9. Capacity development is a key activity of JCOMM. What training courses do you consider JCOMM should focus on facilitating over the next 5 years?  10. What benefits do you get from JCOMM? (Please rate your response in priority from 1 8 with 1 being the highest priority) ( Access to standards and best practices ( Access to metadata and data ( Sharing information between international colleagues ( Access to documents/publications ( Access to historical data ( The provision of relevant training ( Participation in relevant workshops and conferences 11. What new activities do you believe JCOMM should be undertaking to assist in the delivery of met-ocean services and what benefit do you perceive would be provided from these activities? (Please be as specific as possible)  12. How regularly do you access the JCOMM web site? ( Never ( Less than once a month ( Monthly ( Weekly ( Daily 13. How effectively do you believe JCOMM facilitates the sharing of new technology and research outcomes? ( Not effective ( Effective ( Very effective If not effective could please provide some examples?  14. To what degree do you believe your organisation is willing to invest in JCOMM activities? ( Unwilling ( Willing ( Very willing 15. JCOMM sends out emails informing Members/Member States on specific JCOMM issues. How beneficial do you find these? ( Dont receive any ( Of no value ( Valuable ( Very valuable 16. If you answered "of no value" then what kind of information would you like to receive more of?  17. If you would like a member of the JCOMM Management Committee to contact you personally to discuss any concerns you have, please provide your name and email address. APPENDIX C CategoryStakeholder nameUpstreamDownstream International WMOXXIOCXXGEO/GEOSSXGCOSXGOOSXXInternational Ocean Carbon Coordination Project (IOCCP)XXWorld Climate Research Programme (WCRP)XXInternational Maritime Organization (IMO)XInternational Hydrographic Organization (IHO)XInternational Chamber of Shipping (ICS)XOil and Gas Producers (OGP)XXGODAE /GODAE OceanView (GOV)XXInternational Council for Science (ICSU)XXFood and Agriculture Organization (FAO)XRegional Fisheries Management Organizations (RFMOs)XRegional Maritime Safety Agencies (e.g. EMSA)XRegional Marine Polution Emergency Response Centers (e.g. REMPEC)X National Meteorological ServicesXXOceanographic CentersXXSpace AgenciesXXCoast guardsXNational Maritime Safety agenciesXAviation sectorXEnvironmental Protection agenciesXPrivate Ocean Technology CompaniesXPrivate consulting for coastal engineeringXOcean energy sectorXOcean cabling for telecommunicationsXX Maritime transportXXMaritime transport service providersXNational Fishery ManagersXMariculture sectorXResearch InstitutionsXXOcean Teacher AcademyXNavyXXNational securityX     MAN-11/Doc.3.2.2 MAN-11/Doc.3.2.2 <L  % + , / 2 A B E F G 羭jP:P+hOChW5CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH 3hOChW5CJOJQJ^JaJmH nHsH tH+hOChW5CJOJQJ^JaJnHtH)h\;CJOJPJQJ^JaJnHtH/hOChW;CJOJPJQJ^JaJnHtH!hW;OJPJQJ^JnHtH'hOChW;OJPJQJ^JnHtH(hOChWCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH 0hOChWCJOJQJ^JaJmH nHsH tH#$MN vmmmm 8$Ifgd}<Ykd$$If40O&O44 xaxf4pyt}< $$Ifa$gd}< $$Ifa$gd}< $Ifgd}< d$G$Ifgd}<   % B S T o ussVkdo$$If0&44 xaxpyt}<   $If^ `gd}< $$Ifa$gd}< 8$Ifgd\ 8$Ifgd}< G H L Q R S T a n v x y { ҹlWFW4"4"h\CJOJQJ^JaJnHtH"h$}*CJOJQJ^JaJnHtH hOChWCJOJQJ^JaJ(hOChWCJOJQJ^JaJnHtH3hOChW5CJOJQJ^JaJmH nHsH tH6hOChW5CJOJQJ^JaJmH nHo(sH tH-h$}*5CJOJQJ^JaJmH nHsH tH0hW5CJOJQJ^JaJmH nHo(sH tH+hOChW5CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH -hYA5CJOJQJ^JaJmH nHsH tH { ' ( ) H ƴƓhZH6(hWCJOJQJ^JaJ"hWCJOJQJ^JaJnHtH"hWCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH h$}*h$}*5OJQJ^J6hW5;CJOJQJ\^JaJmH nHo(sH 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