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Determine how JCOMM activities can contribute to TPOS 2020 task teams. ______________________ Reference: Report/Actions of the 1st Steering Committee Meeting (Draft) Report of the TPOS 2020 Workshop (www.ioc-goos.org/tpos2020) DISCUSSION 1. Outcomes of the TPOS 2020 Workshop, La Jolla, USA, January 2014 A workshop was held in January 2014, as part of a review of the Tropical Pacific Observing System, initiated by NOAA and JAMSTEC, coordinated by OOPC, and also sponsored by GCOS, GOOS, as well as KIOST and SOA. The main outcome of the meeting was to recommend the formation of a Tropical Pacific Observing System for 2020 (TPOS 2020) Project to transition the observing system from a loosely coordinated set of observing activities, to a robust and integrated TPOS by 2020. The aims of the TPOS 2020 Project Are: To refine and adjust the TPOS to monitor, observe and define the state of ENSO and advance scientific understanding of its causes. To determine the most efficient and effective method to support observation and prediction systems for ocean, weather, and climate services of high societal and economic utility, including underpinning research. To advance/refine the degree to which the tropical Pacific (physical and biogeochemical) and its climate impacts are predictable. To determine how interannual to multidecadal variability and human activities impact the relation between marine biogeochemistry and biology to carbon budgets, food security, and biodiversity. The Workshop was attended by all agencies who provide capability to the existing TPOS. It was their view (and supported by OOPC and the GOOS SC) that a major change was required, to deliver greater efficiency and effectiveness, and to generate a broader base of support. This major project will facilitate change in the Observing System and is a contribution to GOOS, GCOS and JCOMM. The TPOS 2020 Project is led by a steering committee, supported by a resources forum. The project will be self supporting through the resources forum, and will report to the GOOS SC, while exercising significant autonomy Dr William Kessler (PMEL, USA) and Dr Neville Smith (Retired, Australia) agreed to co-chair the Steering Committee and take the TPOS 2020 Project forward. Significant work required to inform the redesign will be facilitated through focussed task teams. 4 Task Teams (TT) were initially scoped at the workshop, and further refined at the first Steering Committee meeting. See further information in the final report and at  HYPERLINK "http://www.ioc-goos.org/tpos2020" www.ioc-goos.org/tpos2020. 2. Summary of the 1st TPOS 2020 Steering Committee meeting, and Resources Forum Telecon Ansan, Korea 6-10th October 2014. The first TPOS 2020 Steering committee had a very successful first meeting. The SC brings a broad mix of expertise and affiliation; they were energetic and enthusiastic, and provide every indication they are prepared to work hard. The SC reviewed recommendations from the TPOS 2020 Workshop and are well positioned for follow up in most cases. Governance and process were agreed and, in particular, the intent to work in an orderly and purposeful manner aided by good project management practices. Agreed on 11 substantive potential lines or work, some delivering shorter term advice/outcomes, others on longer time frames. It is possible that for some subprojects, in order to align with agency/national planning timelines, some phases may occur beyond the lifetime of TPOS 2020. A Resources Forum Telecon was held immediately after the Steering Committee Meeting. Around 15 organisations were represented, spanning Research Agencies and Met Services, as well as satellite and modeling agencies. 2.1. Short term actions. Developing advice on the backbone TPOS (referred to as broadscale in La Jolla, but now generalised to address all fundamental observing contributions, no matter the scale). The TT will advise on the elements of the backbone based on updated requirements, current knowledge base, and existing capabilities, making reasonable assumptions on the sustainability and risks. TT leadership and members are identified and the TT will be constituted immediately. Prioritisation criteria for time-series climate records was also considered (consistent with the recommendation from La Jolla) and OOPC and OceanSites will be consulted regarding the process. Several opportunities around the need to improve modelling and data assimilation were identified. A Workshop on systematic errors in tropical models and prediction systems has been proposed and the SC and/or Task Team will conduct some assessment of when/how this might happen. A TT will be formed to support modelling and data assimilation activities. 2.2. Longer term The evolution of the TPOS will occur through design studies for the backbone (by the TT) and through a number of other studies that will guide enhancements and/or changes. There may be three or more stages in this process. Task Teams were agreed for air-sea interaction and the ocean boundary layer, and for biogeochemistry and biology, respectively. ToR are being finalised and leaders and TT members have been identified. It is important that we initiate and support work to achieve change in the TPOS, involving partnerships within the research community and with operational groups involved in observation, modelling and prediction. Three areas have been identified. The Western Pacific including the boundary layer regions and the source region of the equatorial undercurrent. The East Asian monsoon and convergence zones will also be foci. This project has great potential for most of the participants to work together on a Project that will guide significant change in the TPOS, again consistent with the guidance received from La Jolla. A team has been formed to deliver a project plan outline to the next SC meeting. The Eastern Pacific, including the coastal region. They key drivers here are the climate impacts experienced in southern and central America and again we hope to bring together a number of interests and participants. This sub-project will operate through a task team whose terms of reference will be agreed intersessionally. Finally we have identified potential to conduct a significant process study in the central-to-eastern Pacific, focused on improving understanding of upwelling and the interaction with surface processes, to guide potential changes in our observing strategy and capability in this area and elsewhere. 2.3. Other actions The scope of data management activities in TPOS was not fully addressed by the Steering Committee. The integration of data across multiple streams/observing networks was identified as a challenge that the OSMC/PMEL group may be able to address as a pilot/demonstration project, and engaging other Pacific partners. . There will be two other classes of project, one as mentioned covering activities that may extend beyond 2020 and thus into different governance arrangements (some phases of the Western Pacific project may fall into this category). Finally, wherever possible and appropriate, we would like to work with projects led by other groups that have clear relevance and benefits for TPOS 2020 and its objectives. Some of the modelling work mentioned previously will fall into this category, as may any work on data and information management. The agenda for the next meeting is already taking shape, which is a good indication of the energy of the SC members. The deep ocean is likely to be one of those items (taking account of work being led by the GOOS SC). The co-chairs would also like to give early consideration to the measures of performance by which TPOS 2020 will be judged, a natural part of the project management framework TPOS 2020 has adopted. Four offers to host future meetings were received, again a sign of the enthusiasm and engagement. The location and timing of the next meeting will be settled within weeks. Briefing sessions have been held with both IOC and WMO at their respective Executive Council meetings and the co-Chairs have offered to undertake further briefings where there are clear benefits for TPOS 2020 to do so. TPOS 2020 was also presented to the GOOS and GCOS Steering Committees. 2.4. Secretariat The SC is grateful for the initial support of NASA, NOAA (through the US Not for Profit, the Consortium for Ocean Leadership) and the GCOS/GOOS Secretariat. Roughly 1.5 FTE is currently allocated but the team are delivering effort beyond that capacity TPOS 2020 has been able to garner sufficient resources to get to this point. The pipeline has 7 sub-projects and at least one workshop, among other activities. This will likely double the demand for project support. A distributed office is planned in order to better meet the needs of our diverse partner group and stakeholders. As the Distributed Project Office is established, the GCOS/GOOS secretariat involvement will be reduced to an advisory role, ensuring the link to intergovernmental programmes and international projects is maintained. Further information can be found on the Project website  HYPERLINK "http://www.tpos2020.org" www.tpos2020.org Proposed Actions / Recommendations Recognise the contribution (by JCOMM Members/Member States) of the TPOS 2020 Project to JCOMM goals and, in particular, to the improved functionality, efficiency and sustainability of the tropical Pacific observing system. Consider the connection between JCOMM Activities and TPOS 2020 actions Provide advice, as appropriate on potential issues and/or opportunities arising from the (draft) TPOS 2020 activities; and Consider any scope for JCOMM activities to work with/contribute to TPOS 2020 tasks _________________     MAN-10/Doc. 4.1.1, p  PAGE 2 MAN-11/Doc.4.1.1, p  PAGE 2 #%=>?   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