ࡱ> VXU dbjbj=G=G 3*_-_-):* * 8F$j$6V:( UUUUUUU,pY"\rUUUUUNOT.WR0UV06VR\\`TTUU6V\* :   Limited Distribution IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3-Proj-QMF Oostende, 5 March 2015 Original: English INTERGOVERNMENTAL OCEANOGRAPHIC COMMISSION (of UNESCO) Twenty-third Session of the IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE-XXIII) Bruges, Belgium, 17-20 March 2015 PROJECT REPORT IODE QUALITY MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK IODE Quality Management Framework: PROJECT ESTABLISHED BY Recommendation IODE-XXII.18 Project Leader: Greg Reed Members of the project Steering Group: Greg Reed, Alexey Khaliulin, Sissy Iona, Nikolai Mikhailov, Pattabhi Rama Rao Eluri, Lesley Rickards, Ariel Troisi, Manchun Chen, Helen Tseros. Objective of the Project: provide the overall strategy, advice and guidance to NODCs to establish organizational quality management systems for the delivery of oceanographic and related data, products and services, initiate and review existing standards and Manuals and Guides with respect to the inclusion of quality management procedures and practices, apply the necessary capacity development activities to ensure accreditation of NODCs according to agreed criteria in order to bring all NODCs to a minimum agreed level. Expected outcome of the Project: prepare and maintain the IODE Quality Management Framework Guidelines, receive applications and review the accreditation of NODCs, advise the IODE Committee on the accreditation of NODCs. Duration of the Project (if open-ended then indicate starting year only): Commenced 2013. Activities implemented between April 2013 and March 2015: During the inter-sessional period the focus for IODE-QMF was on educating the community and encouraging NODCs to apply for accreditation. A successful training course was held in December 2014 on Quality Management System Essentials for National Oceanographic Data Centres which was attended by 17 representatives of NODCs and ADUs. The training course provided an introduction to the development, implementation and management of a Quality Management System and the IODE accreditation requirements for NODCs. The aims and objectives of the course were: - To introduce the IODE Quality Management Framework - To explain the importance of quality for oceanographic data - To introduce the ISO 9000 series of standards - To provide a description of a Quality Management System - To enable a clear understanding of the requirements of a quality manual - To describe accreditation of National Oceanographic Data Centres Most course participants indicated that their institution will implement a QMS and apply for IODE accreditation. Problems experienced and measures taken: Slow uptake of project due to lack of understanding of the requirements for accreditation. Further training courses are planned for 2015. Results achieved between April 2013 and March 2015: Two applications for accreditation received from National Marine Data and Information Service (NMDIS), host of National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC) of China and the Belgian federal National Oceanographic Data Centre (BMDC). One training course held on Quality Management System Essentials for National Oceanographic Data Centres. Work plan and Budget for the next period (April 2015 March 2017): Training courses and outreach planned for the intersessional period. Actions requested from the Committee: The Committee is invited to review the progress of the IODE-QMF project, endorse the recommendation of the SG-QMF for accreditation by the National Marine Data and Information Service (NMDIS), host of National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC) of China, and the Belgian federal National Oceanographic Data Centre (BMDC), award the status of Accredited IODE National Oceanographic Data Centre to NMDIS and BMDC, amend the accreditation procedure to allow SG-QMF to submit recommendations to the IODE Officers who can approve accreditation, nominate experts with experience in implementing quality management systems for management of oceanographic data to the SG-QMF for the next intersessional period, encourage all NODCs to apply for accreditation.     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