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REPORT ON THE PAST INTER-SESSIONAL PERIOD (2013-2015)  PAGEREF _Toc289331448 \h 2 3.1 NATIONAL REPORTS  PAGEREF _Toc289331449 \h 2 3.1.1 New NODCs and new ADUs  PAGEREF _Toc289331450 \h 2 3.1.2 NODC and ADU reports  PAGEREF _Toc289331451 \h 3 3.2 REPORTS OF GROUPS OF EXPERTS  PAGEREF _Toc289331452 \h 3 3.2.1 The IODE Group of Experts on Biological and Chemical Data Management and Exchange Practices (GE-BICH)  PAGEREF _Toc289331453 \h 4 3.2.2 Joint IODE/IAMSLIC Group of Experts in Marine Information Management (GE-MIM)  PAGEREF _Toc289331454 \h 4 3.2.3 JCOMM/IODE Expert Team on Data Management Practices (ETDMP)  PAGEREF _Toc289331455 \h 4 3.3 PROJECT REPORTS  PAGEREF _Toc289331456 \h 5 3.3.1 ODINAFRICA  PAGEREF _Toc289331457 \h 5 3.3.2 ODINBLACKSEA  PAGEREF _Toc289331458 \h 6 3.3.3 ODINCARSA-LA  PAGEREF _Toc289331459 \h 6 3.3.4 ODINCINDIO  PAGEREF _Toc289331460 \h 7 3.3.5 ODINECET  PAGEREF _Toc289331461 \h 7 3.3.6 ODINPIMRIS  PAGEREF _Toc289331462 \h 7 3.3.7 ODINWESTPAC  PAGEREF _Toc289331463 \h 8 3.3.8 IODE Clearing House Service for Data/Information Management Practices Project  PAGEREF _Toc289331464 \h 8 3.3.9 Caribbean Marine Atlas Phase 2  PAGEREF _Toc289331465 \h 9 3.3.10 Global Oceanographic Data Archaeology and Rescue project (GODAR)  PAGEREF _Toc289331466 \h 10 3.3.11 Global Ocean Surface Underway Data project (GOSUD)  PAGEREF _Toc289331467 \h 10 3.3.12 Global Temperature and Salinity Profile Programme (GTSPP)  PAGEREF _Toc289331468 \h 11 3.3.13 International Coastal Atlas Network project (ICAN)  PAGEREF _Toc289331469 \h 12 3.3.14 Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS)  PAGEREF _Toc289331470 \h 12 3.3.15 Ocean Data Publication project  PAGEREF _Toc289331471 \h 13 3.3.16 OceanDocs project  PAGEREF _Toc289331472 \h 14 3.3.17 OceanExpert  PAGEREF _Toc289331473 \h 14 3.3.18 Ocean Knowledge Platform project  PAGEREF _Toc289331474 \h 15 3.3.19 OceanTeacher Academy (OTA) and OceanTeacher Global Academy projects (OTGA)  PAGEREF _Toc289331475 \h 15 3.3.20 IODE Ocean Data Portal project (ODP)  PAGEREF _Toc289331476 \h 16 3.3.21 Ocean Data Standards and Best Practices project (ODSBP)  PAGEREF _Toc289331477 \h 17 3.3.22 OpenScienceDirectory project  PAGEREF _Toc289331478 \h 17 3.3.23 IODE Quality Management Framework project (QMF)  PAGEREF _Toc289331479 \h 18 3.3.24 World Ocean Database project (WOD)  PAGEREF _Toc289331480 \h 19 3.3.25 Southeast Pacific Data and Information Network in support to Integrated Coastal Area Management, 2nd phase (SPINCAM II)  PAGEREF _Toc289331481 \h 20 3.3.26 SeaDataNet II: Pan-European infrastructure for ocean and marine data management  PAGEREF _Toc289331482 \h 20 3.3.27 Conclusions  PAGEREF _Toc289331483 \h 21 4. INTRODUCTION TO WORK PLAN AND BUDGET EXPECTED FINANCIAL RESOURCES 2015-2017  PAGEREF _Toc289331484 \h 22 5. THE FUTURE OF IODE  PAGEREF _Toc289331485 \h 22 6. DATA AND INFORMATION MANAGEMENT  PAGEREF _Toc289331486 \h 24 6.1 FUTURE OF IODE GROUPS OF EXPERTS  PAGEREF _Toc289331487 \h 24 6.2 REVIEW OF CURRENT, AND PROPOSALS FOR NEW PROJECTS  PAGEREF _Toc289331488 \h 25 6.2.1 Review of current projects  PAGEREF _Toc289331489 \h 25 6.2.2 Proposals for new projects  PAGEREF _Toc289331490 \h 27 SPINCAM-III  PAGEREF _Toc289331491 \h 27 International Quality-Controlled Ocean Database (IQuOD)  PAGEREF _Toc289331492 \h 27 Expanding OBIS with environmental data (OBIS-ENV-DATA)  PAGEREF _Toc289331493 \h 28 6.3 COOPERATION WITH OTHER ORGANIZATIONS/PROGRAMMES/PROJECTS  PAGEREF _Toc289331494 \h 28 6.3.1 OceanTeacher linkages  PAGEREF _Toc289331495 \h 29 6.3.2 OBIS linkages  PAGEREF _Toc289331496 \h 29 6.3.3 Interventions by other programmes and projects  PAGEREF _Toc289331497 \h 30 WMO  PAGEREF _Toc289331498 \h 30 JCOMM  PAGEREF _Toc289331499 \h 31 GOOS  PAGEREF _Toc289331500 \h 31 EuroGOOS  PAGEREF _Toc289331501 \h 31 SeaDataNet  PAGEREF _Toc289331502 \h 31 EMODNET  PAGEREF _Toc289331503 \h 31 ICSU World Data System  PAGEREF _Toc289331504 \h 32 EMBRC (UGent)  PAGEREF _Toc289331505 \h 32 IHO  PAGEREF _Toc289331506 \h 32 ODIP  PAGEREF _Toc289331507 \h 33 Second International Indian Ocean Expedition (IIOE-2)  PAGEREF _Toc289331508 \h 33 7. IODE CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT  PAGEREF _Toc289331509 \h 34 7.1 INTRODUCTION  PAGEREF _Toc289331510 \h 34 7.2 CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT NEEDS IDENTIFIED BY THE IODE COMMUNITY  PAGEREF _Toc289331511 \h 35 7.3 IOC STRATEGIC PLAN FOR CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT  PAGEREF _Toc289331512 \h 35 7.4 DRAFT WORK PLAN FOR IODE CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT  PAGEREF _Toc289331513 \h 37 8. THE FUTURE OF IODE (INCLUDING STRATEGIC PLAN)  PAGEREF _Toc289331514 \h 38 9. RESOURCE MOBILIZATION STRATEGY  PAGEREF _Toc289331515 \h 42 9.1 Financial resources  PAGEREF _Toc289331516 \h 42 9.2 Human resources  PAGEREF _Toc289331517 \h 43 10. COMMUNICATION STRATEGY  PAGEREF _Toc289331518 \h 43 11. ANY OTHER BUSINESS  PAGEREF _Toc289331519 \h 44 12. WORK PLAN AND BUDGET FOR 2015 (CURRENT UNESCO BIENNIUM 2014-2015) AND 2016-2017 (NEXT UNESCO BIENNIUM)  PAGEREF _Toc289331520 \h 44 13. DATE AND PLACE OF IODE-XXIV  PAGEREF _Toc289331521 \h 44 14. ELECTIONS OF CO-CHAIRS  PAGEREF _Toc289331522 \h 45 15. ADOPTION OF THE SUMMARY REPORT  PAGEREF _Toc289331523 \h 47 16. CLOSURE  PAGEREF _Toc289331524 \h 47  ANNEXES I.  HYPERLINK \l "annex1" AGENDA II.  HYPERLINK \l "annex2" DECISIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS III.  HYPERLINK \l "annex3" LIST OF PARTICIPANTS IV.  HYPERLINK \l "annex5" LIST OF DOCUMENTS VI.  HYPERLINK \l "annex6" IODE-XXIII ACTION SHEET OPENING Ms Sissy Iona and Mr Ariel Troisi, Co-Chairs of the IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) welcomed the participants to the Twenty-third Session of the IODE Committee at 09:02 on Tuesday 17 March 2015. Ms Iona also thanked the members of the Committee for their agreement to use English as the only working language for the Session, taking into account the cost of interpretation and translation. Mr Ariel Troisi recalled briefly the celebration events to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the IOC Project Office for IODE (2005) which were held the previous day, 16 March. The Meeting was then addressed by the representatives of the local hosts and by the IOC Executive Secretary, Dr Vladimir Ryabinin. On behalf of the IOC secretariat and the IOC officers, Dr Ryabinin congratulated the Oostende office with its 10th anniversary and thanked Peter Pissierssens and his team for the wonderful celebration the previous day. He also thanked the sponsors, in particular the Government of Flanders, the federal Government of Belgium, the Flanders Marine Institute and ESRI. In addition, Dr Ryabinin thanked Flanders for their effective support to UNESCO, IOC and IODE. Data exchange is the backbone of any operational oceanographic system. The world needs real-time or near-real time oceanographic products. For that we need agreements, commitments, standards of oceanographic data and information exchange. Because of that IODE is the core programme of IOC, and IOC commits to continue supporting IODE. Mr Francisco Hernandez addressed the meeting on behalf of Dr Jan Mees, Director of the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ). On behalf of VLIZ and the main sponsor, the Flemish Government, he welcomed all participants to the old Provincial Court of the Province of West Flanders, in the city of Bruges. ADMINISTRATIVE ARRANGEMENTS ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA The Committee was invited by the Technical Secretary, Mr Peter Pissierssens, to review and adopt the provisional agenda (Document IOC/IODE-XXIII/1 prov.). The Committee was requested to note that all working documents were made available only as on-line documents. The Committee adopted the Agenda as attached in  HYPERLINK \l "annex1" Annex I. DESIGNATION OF A RAPPORTEUR The Committee, taking into account the limited size of most delegations, decided not to nominate a Rapporteur, and tasked the Secretariat and Co-Chairs with the reporting of the Meeting. SESSION TIME TABLE AND DOCUMENTATION The Committee adopted the Timetable (Document IOC/IODE-XXIII/1 Add. Prov.). The IODE Technical Secretary (Mr Peter Pissierssens) reviewed the arrangements for the Session and presented Document IOC/IODE-XXIII/4 prov. (List of Documents) available on line through  HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/iode23" http://www.iode.org/iode23 and attached as  HYPERLINK \l "annex4" Annex IV. He informed the Committee about the working hours for the Session and other details relevant to the conduct of the Session. He reminded the Committee that this Session had only three working days to deal with the substance of the meeting and there would be one day reserved for in-depth discussions on the future of IODE. Accordingly there would be no time for extensive introductions of agenda items and participants were urged to carefully read the Action Paper and working documents in preparation for the Session. ESTABLISHMENT OF SESSIONAL WORKING GROUPS The Technical Secretary, Mr Peter Pissierssens, invited the Committee to establish sessional working groups. The Committee established the following sessional working groups and committees: Sessional working group on work plan and budget (Chair Mr Greg Reed; Decision/Recommendation Committee (Secretariat support by Mr Ward Appeltans); Sessional working group on JCOMM, IODE and GOOS cooperation, especially in relation with regional organizations with regards to ocean observations (Chair: Mr Thomas Gross); Sessional working group on ODINBLACKSEA (chaired by A. Palazov) Sessional working group on the terms of reference of inter-sessional working group to propose a restructuring of IODE (chaired by M. Gregg); Sessional working group on the ocean data practices repository (chaired by P. Simpson); Mr Pissierssens reminded the Committee that the Chair of each Sessional Working Group should report back to the Committee when the relevant agenda item would be discussed in plenary. LOCAL ARRANGEMENTS Information and guidelines for participants were made available through the IODE-XXIII web site  HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/iode23" http://www.iode.org/iode23. The Secretariat informed the Committee on local arrangements including social events and possibilities for tourist excursions. Mr Peter Pissierssens briefly introduced the election procedures which were approved by the Committee. REPORT ON THE PAST INTER-SESSIONAL PERIOD (2013-2015) Under this agenda item reports were presented that provided an overall overview of the IODE system, its activities and implementation of the programme at the national, regional and global levels. Reference was made to Document IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3 which provides a list of IODE publications published during the inter-sessional period. NATIONAL REPORTS New NODCs and new ADUs Mr Ward Appeltans (IODE Secretariat) reported that during the inter-sessional period 2 new NODCs and 14 new ADUs have been established (and ten ADU applications were currently under review). The new NODCs and ADUs (with formal date of establishment) are the following: NODCs: (i) Agency for Geospatial Information (Indonesia, 2014) and (ii) Marine Hydrophysical Institute of NAS of Ukraine (Ukraine, 2013) and ADUs: (i) Ocean Tracking Network (OTN) (Halifax, NS, Canada, 13 March 2015); (ii) Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) (Kanagawa, Japan, 19 January 2015); (iii) The Global Biodiversity Information Facility (Copenhagen, Denmark, 13 October 2014); (iv) Coastal Zone Management Unit (St. Michael, Barbados, 15 July 2014); (v) Ukrainian Scientific Centre of Ecology of the Sea (Odessa,, Ukraine, 15 July 2014); (vi) Institute Of Oceanography And Environment (INOS), Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT), (Terengganu, Malaysia, 20 June 2014); (vii) Centro Nacional Patagonico (CENPAT) of the National Research Council of Argentina (CONICET) (Puerto Madryn-Chubut, Argentina, 28 April 2014); (viii) Institute of Technology and Marine Sciences (INTECMAR) Universidad Simn Bolvar (Caracas, Venezuela, 25 March 2014); (ix) Iv.Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) (Tbilisi, Georgia, 11 March 2014); (x) ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity (ACB) (Los Baos, Philippines , 28 January 2014); (xi) CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research (CMAR) (Tasmania, Australia, 28 January 2014); (xii) Institute of Marine Biology, Biotechnology and Aquaculture - Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (Crete, Greece, 28 January 2014); (xiii) International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) (Copenhagen, Denmark, 28 January 2014); (xiv) Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA, United States, 2 November 2013). The Committee noted the success of the Associate Data Unit (ADU) concept and invited relevant groups, projects and organizations to join IODE as ADU. NODC and ADU reports This Agenda item was introduced by the IODE Co-Chair (Ms Sissy Iona). She recalled that for previous Sessions information for the national reports was collected through an online survey. It was noted however that this information was seldom used. It was therefore decided by the Officers to use the national reports as a way to collect and monitor information on data and information centre output. This includes information on products and services, strategies and policies, collaboration with other programmes and institutions. She reported that 52 reports were received. These included 18 reports (out of 46) by national coordinators for marine information management, 31 national coordinators for data management (out of 80) and 3 Associated Data Units (out of 13). Taking into account that the information provided should be put to use for the benefit of the community the Committee was invited to consider ways to disseminate the information. The Committee agreed that the information under products and services should be included in the IODE web site as a new page on products and services of IODE data centres. The documents mentioned under strategies and policies could be uploaded in the  HYPERLINK "http://www.oceandatapractices.net" http://www.oceandatapractices.net repository. REPORTS OF GROUPS OF EXPERTS This Agenda item was introduced by the IODE Co-Chair (Ms Sissy Iona), referring to Document IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3 (GE-BICH Report, GE-MIM Report and JCOMM/IODE ETDMP Report). It was recalled that the GE-OBIS was formally established through Recommendation IODE-XXI.3 but that the Group had not met and priority was given to the SG-OBIS because of funding limitations. The Co-Chair reported that, during the inter-sessional period, only a session of the JCOMM/IODE ETDMP was organized (4th Session, 23-26 June 2014). The GE-MIM and GE-BICH did not meet during the inter-sessional period. It was noted that the GE-BICH report highlighted the dramatic shortage of time contributed by the GE-BICH members and the shortage of funds for GE-BICH activities. The GE-BICH report suggested to reduce the number of permanent members of the GEs to possibly 2 or 3 and to add some experts from other programmes or projects who were willing to contribute through their participation. Fewer permanent members would require less funding for participation in meetings of the Group while the other programmes/projects could bring in funded activities. It was noted that the ETDMP report outlined the problem of unbalanced membership between IOC and JCOMM members where JCOMM was only represented by Mr Paul Oloo. The ETDMP report highlighted that the Group was very limited in human resources but nevertheless the Group was doing its best to fulfil the core tasks of the ETDMP. The ETDMP report also identified limited opportunities (including funding) of the Group members to participate in different events (meetings, workshops, conferences) related to the core activities of the ETDMP. The Committee was requested to consider, taking into account the limited financial resources available to general IODE activities, whether Groups of Experts are the appropriate mechanism to undertake detailed scientific and technical studies and/or co-ordination tasks, by subject or region, as identified by the IODE Committee. The Committee was requested also to consider that most IODE activities were now projects, which are managed by their own Steering Groups. The Committee was reminded however that the ETDMP is a joint JCOMM/IODE Group, while the GE-MIM is a joint IAMSLIC/IODE Group. Decisions on the future of these Groups should therefore be decided with the partner bodies/organizations. It was noted that these matters would be considered under Agenda Item 8. The IODE Group of Experts on Biological and Chemical Data Management and Exchange Practices (GE-BICH) Mr Toru Suzuki reported on GE-BICH referring to Document IODE-XXIII/Ag3-GE-BICH. He reminded the Committee on the objectives and its contribution to IODE and reported on the progress and achievements activities, however no workplan and budget was presented because it was suggested to abolish the GE-BICH. It was noted that this matter would be discussed under Agenda Item 8. Joint IODE/IAMSLIC Group of Experts in Marine Information Management (GE-MIM) Ms Linda Pikula, Chair of the GE-MIM referring to Document IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3-GE-MIM. The Committee recognized the accomplishments of the GE-MIM and re-iterated the importance of marine information managers as essential partners in the knowledge cycle, that includes observation, management, sharing and product/service development. The Committee approved the MIM revised Communication Strategy 2015-2017 and instructed the Secretariat to publish the strategy as a Document. JCOMM/IODE Expert Team on Data Management Practices (ETDMP) Dr Sergey Belov reported on ETDMP referring to Document IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3-ETDMP. The Committee acknowledged the accomplishments of the JCOMM/IODE Expert Team on Data Management Practices (ETDMP). The Committee instructed IODE data centres to actively liaise with JCOMM/IODE ETDMP in regards of standards and best practices, metadata management and broad data share and exchange. The representative from WMO expressed appreciation for the work of the ETDMP, especially in relation to IODE ODP and interoperability with WIS through ocean data standards and best practices. He noted however that participation of JCOMM elected members was not as strong as was expected. He suggested that future meetings of the ETDMP could be held by video conferencing rather than as face-to-face meetings. The Chair ETDMP informed the Committee that Italy had proposed Ms Alessandra Giorgetti for membership of the ETDMP. The Committee agreed with the offer and recommended to JCOMM to accept the membership. PROJECT REPORTS This Agenda was introduced by the IODE Co-Chair (Mr Ariel Troisi). He recalled that most IODE projects were managed by a Steering Group and headed by a Chair. In preparation for the Session the Secretariat invited the Chairs of all project Steering Groups to prepare a report that recalled the objectives of the project, expected outcome, duration, activities implemented during the period April 2013- March 2015, problems experience and measures taken, results achieved, work plan and budget for the next inter-sessional period, and actions requested from the Committee. He noted that this reporting format was intended to move towards a more results-based management approach by IODE which is now also demanded by UNESCO. The Co-Chair noted that twenty-five IODE projects submitted their report: five regional projects (ODINAFRICA, ODINCARSA-LA, ODINECET, ODINPIMRIS, ODINWESTPAC) and 17 global projects. It will be noted that no reports were received for ODINCINDIO and ODINBLACKSEA. Accordingly the Committee was invited to consider the status and continuation of these projects. In addition two reports (SPINCAM, SeaDataNet) were received that involve collaboration with IODE. The Co-Chair invited the Chairs (or their representative) of all Projects to provide a summary report on their project through the presentation of 5 slides in 5 minutes. The Committee adopted the revised work plan and budget for all projects under Agenda Item 12. ODINAFRICA This project was introduced by Mr Mika Odido, referring to Document IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3-ODINAFRICA. He recalled that the current ODINAFRICA project was the fourth phase, supported by the Government of Flanders, which would end in June 2015. He reported that during the inter-sessional period 2013-2015 the following activities were implemented: (i) The conversion of existing library catalogues from INMAGIC and ABCD to AgriOcean/DSpace was completed. 21 institutions now had their library catalogues in AgrOcean/DSpace; (ii) The number of records in the African Register of Marine Species more than doubled to 24,200; (iii) NODC websites were updated and articles/links for marine information management products and services incorporated; (iv) Training was provided on Ocean Data portal development, marine information management, marine biogeography and biodiversity; (v) Two issues of WINDOW newsletter were published and distributed; (vi) The optimization of the SmartAtlas software was completed, allowing for conversion of the online atlas in the first quarter of 2015, and publication of the atlas book in the second quarter; (vii) The updated ODP portal regional node software was delivered in December 2014; (viii) A project on review and consolidation of ODINAFRICA products and services developed during the period 1989-2014 was approved for funding by the Flanders UNESCO Science Trust fund; (ix) A public awareness/advocacy project focusing on artwork was completed and the development of project websites was successfully implemented in 2014, and 71 pieces of artwork selected for publication; and (x) The use of experts from the region for training increased, with most of the trainers for the portal, atlas and modelling workshops coming from the region. The Committee was reminded that the 3rd Session of the IOC Sub-Commission for Africa will be held in Nairobi, Kenya between 13-15 April 2015 (see  HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewEventRecord&eventID=1539" http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewEventRecord&eventID=1539). The Committee was informed that a proposal for a follow-up to ODINAFRICA was being developed and would be ready for submission to a donor by the end of 2015. The Committee was informed that data and information management would be on the agenda of the upcoming 3rd Session of the IOC Sub-Commission for Africa (Nairobi, 13-15 April 2015). The Committee called on the African data centres to liaise with their national delegates prior to the IOC Sub-Commission for Africas meeting, and to provide technical guidance as needed, especially regarding activities related to IIOE-2. ODINBLACKSEA This project was introduced by Mr Atanas Palazov. He recalled that the ODINBLACKSEA project was coordinated by Dr Vladimir Vladymyrov. Unfortunately Dr Vladymyrov had been ill for some years and could therefore not continue this task. Accordingly no activities had been implemented since 2012. Member States of the ODINBLACSEA decided to meet on an ad hoc basis during the week and to propose a way forward. The delegates from Bulgaria, Russian Federation, Turkey and Ukraine decided to organize a sessional working group meeting on ODINBLACKSEA to discuss the future of ODINBLACKSEA. They agreed on the importance of the project for the Black Sea region and the need to revitalize ODINBLACKSEA. They recommended the establishment of an inter-sessional working group on ODINBLACKSEA, which would be chaired by Mr Atanas Palazov. The working group would exist during a period of 6 months and the membership would be composed of the IODE national coordinators for data management from the region. It was further recommended to organize a meeting of the Steering Group for ODINBLACKSEA in September/October 2015 when the new Chair/project coordinator could then be elected. The Committee adopted  HYPERLINK \l "rec1" Recommendation IODE-XXIII-1 ODINCARSA-LA This project was introduced by Mr Ariel Troisi (Co-Chair, SG-ODINCARSA) referring to Document IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3-proj-ODINCARSA. He noted that the activities implemented and results achieved during the inter-sessional period were limited to participation in the planning stages of CMA2 and its kick-off meeting, while some ODINCARSA-LA participants also participate in SPINCAM 1 and 2. Mr Troisi noted that the region suffered from (i) High rotation of ODINCARSA-LA focal points in most countries, resulting in a lesser ability to agree upon and implement actions as well as to coordinate and plan; (ii) Low impact of IODE/ODINCARSA-LA data and information coordinators in regional activities (e.g. SPINCAM 2); (iii) Inability to set up a QC/QA training activity during the second half of 2014. Initial coordination was made with some Member States in the region but no further progress had been achieved; (iv) Extremely limited financial resources to support activities; (v) Continuing need to support the development of DM and MIM at basic and advanced levels in certain areas of ODINCARSA-LA region. The Committee noted that, while ODINCARSA-LA as a project had not been able to implement many activities, the region had been quite active in projects such as CMA1, SPINCAM, implementation of an ODP node in Argentina and recently a regional training centre had been established within the framework of the OceanTeacher Global Academy. In addition the USA had initiated a GODAR project for the rescue of Latin American data. The Committee recommended increasing focus on linking with on-going projects that have a data and information management component or require data and information management expertise. The Committee recommended that data and information management should be placed on the agenda of the upcoming IOCARIBE-XIII meeting (May 2015). ODINCINDIO This project was introduced by the IODE Co-Chair (Mr Ariel Troisi). The Committee was reminded that IODE-XXII had noted the lack of progress of ODINCINDIO. During the inter-sessional period no additional actions were reported. Saudi Arabia, India and Thailand expressed interest in the continuation of the ODINCINDIO project. The Committee requested interested Member States to meet on an ad hoc basis and to propose a way forward. The Committee recommended that organizing a scientific conference in the region could be an effective way to revive ODINCINDIO. In this regard the delegate from India offered to host such a conference, relating the event to the IIOE-2. ODINECET This project was introduced by Ms Olga Akimova (Chair SG-ODINECET), referring to Document IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3-ODINECET. She recalled that the project aims at assisting marine libraries in European Countries in Economic Transition. She reported that during the inter-sessional period 2013-2015 the following activities were implemented: (i) Continued submission of documents into CEEMaR and IBSS repositories. The VNIRO Repository was renewed: the RuFIR (Russian Fishery Industry Repository) is a thematic digital repository covering the marine, brackish and freshwater environments and providing access to papers produced by staff of the Russian Fishery Industry Institutes. It has more than 4400 items ( HYPERLINK "http://dspace.vniro.ru/" http://dspace.vniro.ru/). It was agreed to put logos and links of IBSS and CEEMaR repositories to RuFIR and back; (ii) Installation of Koha software in ODINECET partner institutions. IODE allocated funding for implementation in 2014 (iii) Continue work on the project Digitization of rare monographs related to marine sciences (ECETRAR) held by ODINECET partner libraries. The List of rare books was compiled. A project proposal was submitted to the Elsevier Foundation. Despite being in the final 40 of 500 proposals it was not approved for funding. It will be submitted to the Russian Foundation for Basic Research in 2015; (iv) ASFA input centres from the ODINECET group provide links full-text documents from CEEMaR, RuFIR and IBSS repositories to ASFA. The Committee noted with appreciation the work carried out. ODINPIMRIS This project was introduced by Ms Linda Pikula (Chair GE-MIM, representing Ms Susana Macanawai, Chair SG-ODINPIMRIS). She referred to Document IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3-Proj-ODINPIMRIS. She recalled that ODINPIMRIS was a pilot project based on the Pacific Islands Marine Information System, which was formed in 2008 at the request of IODE GE-MIM. The ODIN-PIMRIS project was jointly initiated by the participants of the Pacific Islands Marine Resources Information System (PIMRIS) and IODE IOC/UNESCO in 2008 in response for the regional need to improve access to marine information in the Pacific. Project objectives are following: (1) To establish regional marine information portal, (2) To create capacity at national and institutional level to use & contribute to the portal, and (3) promote the portal as a valuable information source for managers and decision makers. She also recalled that the objectives of ODINPIMRIS were to: (i) strengthen collaboration and marine information sharing; (ii) promote and provide awareness on available online resources; (iii) improve storage and archival of published and grey literature. She will report that during the inter-sessional period the following activities were implemented: (i) PIMRIS SC Meeting & Training completed (7-11 July 2014) and planned activities continuously monitored until next meeting planned for 2016; (ii) PIMRIS network 2012-June 2014 activities reviewed, priorities for July 2014-June 2016 planned and implemented for improvement of national and regional fisheries/marine information services; (iii) New staff received introductory training on Greenstone (e.g. installation and data input) and available online resources. Continuing staff - a refresher on Greenstone e-repository maintenance; (iv) Updates - PIMRIS website, portal. PIMRIS Greenstone databases added with new materials (Regional Repository & USP Aquatic); (v) National Greenstone databases (or Koha for others) maintained and copies of documents submitted to PIMRIS regional repository (Greenstone); (vi) National contacts completed first fisheries/marine information national promotions (via annual Agro-Shows or National Awareness Day and departmental newsletters); (vii) Tonga Fisheries library staff to continue scanning departmental documents for website and in preparation for the development of their Greenstone e-repository in 2015 (with PIMRIS assistance). The Committee noted with appreciation the work carried out. ODINWESTPAC This project was introduced by Dr Yu Ting (representing Prof Lin Shaohua, Chair SG-ODINWESTPAC), referring to Document IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3-ODINWESTPAC. She reported that the First Planning Workshop for the ODINWESTPAC was held in Tianjin, China in March 2014, co-sponsored by the Government of China. Ms Yu Ting further reported on the following results achieved during the inter-sessional period: (i) web site developed ( HYPERLINK "http://www.odinwestpac.org" http://www.odinwestpac.org). A number of Chinese products and services are linked to from the ODINWESTPAC web site (Chinese institutions and experts, Chinese coastal station data); (ii) ODINWESTPAC national ODP training course was held in April 2014 (Tianjin, China); (iii) establishment of WESTPAC ODP node ( HYPERLINK "http://portal-odp.nmdis.gov.cn" http://portal-odp.nmdis.gov.cn). ODINWESTPAC will organize a side event at the WESTPAC sub-commission meeting in May 2015, to discuss data management and the ODINWESTPAC workplan in the region. The Committee expressed high appreciation to Prof Lin Shaohua, following her retirement, for her active role as Chair of the SG-ODINWESTPAC. The Committee, while noting the progress made, urged WESTPAC member states to participate more actively in the work of ODINWESTPAC. IODE Clearing House Service for Data/Information Management Practices Project This project was introduced by Ms Pauline Simpson (Chair SG-OceanDataPractices), referring to Document IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3-Proj-clearinghouse. She recalled that the objective of the project is to enable research groups that wish to embark on a new project and need to prepare a data management plan, to look for methodology already used by other projects or data/information centres (best practices). The service will be a repository of documents and links to related web sites. She reported that during the inter-sessional period the following activities were implemented and results achieved: (i) the Ocean Data Practices repository has been created and is made available through the URL  HYPERLINK "http://www.oceandatapractices.net" http://www.oceandatapractices.net; (ii) the JCOMM Best Practices database was imported into the new repository and related documents were uploaded; (iii) ICES has contributed its ICES Data Guidelines into the repository. Mr Ward Appeltans, on behalf of OBIS, mentioned that under its work plan 2015-2016, OBIS planned to document and publish the OBIS data scheme (DwC) including its specific marine biodiversity extensions, as an OBIS best practise and would deposit it into OceanDataPractices. The Committee recalled that JCOMM was also collaborating in the project. In particular, a mechanism was proposed by the 5th Session of the Data Management Coordination Group (DMCG) in January 2014, with assistance from SOA, China, for reviewing content of the JCOMM Catalogue. WMO and JCOMM were ready to provide further support to the project if needed. The Committee was reminded that decisions on what content is uploaded into the repository were made by the partners (communities) such as ICES, JCOMM and not by IODE. A sessional working group was established including Mr Taco de Bruin (Netherlands), Ms Pauline Simpson, Mr Yutaka Michida (Japan), Mr Sergey Belov (Russian Federation), Ms Nadia Pinardi (JCOMM), Mr Assad Al-Thukair and Mr Etienne Charpentier (WMO Secretariat). The Committee decided that an ocean data practices policy document was necessary and instructed the members of the sessional working group for the ocean data practices project to develop the document. The Committee expressed strong support for the project and called on Member States as well as other organizations and projects to actively participate. Caribbean Marine Atlas Phase 2 This project was introduced by Mr Ariel Troisi (IODE Co-Chair), representing Mr Francisco Arias-Isaza (Chair SG-CMA2), referring to Document IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3-Proj-CMA2. He recalled that the main objective of CMA2 is to sustainably operationalize an online Caribbean Marine Atlas technological data platform, or combination of platforms, to support two development objectives: (i) reduction of the vulnerability of Caribbean Coastal Ecosystems and their associated goods and services to natural and anthropogenic hazards, through improved Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM); and (ii) Sustainable Management of shared Living Marine Resources (sLMR) in the Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems (jointly referred to as CLME+). He reported that during the inter-sessional period two activities were organized: (i) Caribbean Marine Atlas Review and Planning Meeting, Courtyard Marriott Coconut Grove, Miami, USA 10-13 December 2013; and (ii) Caribbean Marine Atlas Review and Planning, Kick-off meeting, Miami, USA, 25 29 August 2014. The first event was intended mainly to review the achievements of the first CMA which focused on Caribbean Small Island States, while the second event was intended as the kick-off event for CMA2. An important conclusion of the August 2014 event was that there already exist a large number of atlases in the region (developed by a wide variety of regional and international organizations and projects) but that their common limiting factor is access to quality data and lack of awareness for the various existing atlas systems. It was therefore decided to re-focus CMA2 to cover these needs. A contractual arrangement was currently being established between IOC/UNESCO and INVEMAR (Colombia) who will host the CMA2 project office. Global Oceanographic Data Archaeology and Rescue project (GODAR) This project was introduced by Ms Margarita Gregg (representing Mr Tim Boyer), referring to Document IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3-Proj-GODAR. She recalled that the objective of the project is to increase the volume of historical oceanographic data available to climate change and other researchers. She reported that during the inter-sessional period the following activities were implemented: (i) Collaboration with the International Quality Controlled Ocean Database (IQuOD) group to restore and enhance critical metadata to historical oceanographic data (e.g. wire angle and calibration adjustments made to historic German and Japanese bottle data); (ii) Collaboration with XBT Science working group to restore and enhance metadata for XBTs critical to use in climate research, including probe type, launch height, and depth equation; (iii) Acquisition of digitized full dataset from the HMS Challenger mission (1878-79); (iv) Inventory comparison of data and metadata from Japanese sources with the Japanese Oceanographic Data Center; (v) Initiation of data exchange with NOAA Fisheries Regional Centers; (vi) Comparison of cruise records for Canadian in the WOD with Oceanography and Scientific Data (OSD), Canada to amend WOD cruise information, inventory historical Canadian data not in WOD; (vii) Emphasis on obtaining historical data for the Arctic; (viii) Emphasis on obtaining historical data from NOAA ships/projects; (ix) Emphasis on obtaining historical data from Russian sources; and (x) CARINA and PACIFICA project data obtained and compared with historical data already available through the WOD. She noted that GODAR added 161,950 historical ocean profile casts to the WOD between April 2013 and January 2015. The casts range in year from 1800 to 2010. The earliest data (from an 1800 British East India Company cruise and from the 1898-1902 Fram cruise) contain surface measurements only and are not actual profile data, but were added to WOD for their historical significance. She stressed that GODAR could be successful only with the cooperation of source investigators and data managers. This cooperation is not always forthcoming. It was stressed that GODAR accepted any data types collected through in-situ measurements, both biological, chemical and physical variables, but priority was currently given to Arctic and Southern hemisphere. These data are freely and openly available to the ocean community. The delegate of Germany reported that his data centre had 20 years of data ready to submit to GODAR. The representative of SeaDataNet reported that it was currently preparing an aggregated dataset of all its unrestricted data, which would be made available to GODAR and WOD. The Committee strongly invited members of the IODE community (IODE NODCs and ADUs, marine librarians) to actively participate in the GODAR project and devote IODE resources to facilitating unrestricted flow of historical data from all possible sources through GODAR to WOD to compile the most comprehensive ocean profile dataset possible. Global Ocean Surface Underway Data project (GOSUD) This project was introduced by Mr Loic Petit de la Villon (Chair SG-GOSUD), referring to Document IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3-Proj-GOSUD. He recalled that the objectives of the project are (i) to assemble in-situ observations of the world ocean surface collected by a variety of ships and (ii) to distribute quality-controlled datasets. At present time the variables considered by GOSUD are temperature (T) and salinity (S). He reported that during the inter-sessional period the following activities were performed: (i) Continue GOSUD routine operations to collect, process, archive and distribute real-time T & S surface data and delayed mode Salinity adjusted data via  HYPERLINK "http://www.gosud.org/" http://www.gosud.org/ and ftp; (ii) Enlarge the GOSUD network to a wider panel of reporting vessels; (iii) Attend and present the GOSUD project to the IMDIS conference, Lucca-Italy- 23-25 September 2013; (iv) Contact with the FerryBox EuroGOOS community (FerryBox meeting Tallin, Estonia, September 2015 and FerryBox Eurogoos task team Brussels, Belgium, December 2014; (v) Held the 8th meeting of the Project, Oostende, Belgium, 18-19 June 2014. Report available on:  HYPERLINK "http://www.gosud.org/content/download/23139/159504/file/GOSUD_2014-final_report.pdf" http://www.gosud.org/content/download/23139/159504/file/GOSUD_2014-final_report.pdf ; (vi) Attend the meeting and report to the 7th Session of the joint WMO/IOC/JCOMM Ship Observations Team (SOT), Victoria, Canada-,22-26 April 2013; (vii) Attend the meeting and report to the 23rd Session of the IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE-XXIII), 17-20 March 2015, Bruges, Belgium. He highlighted that GOSUD was now producing reference delayed mode datasets of high quality. He recalled that it was decided during the last steering group meeting to move from a data management-driven project to a more science-driven project, better meeting the scientists expectations. The Committee decided that GOSUD data should be made available through IODE ODP and SeaDataNet. Global Temperature and Salinity Profile Programme (GTSPP) This project was introduced by Mr Mathieu Ouellet (representing Mr Charles Sun), referring to Document IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3-Proj-GTSPP. He recalled that the objectives of the project are: (i) To provide a timely and complete data and information base of ocean temperature and salinity profile data; (ii) To implement data flow monitoring system for improving the capture and timeliness of real-time and delayed-mode data; (iii) To improve and implement agreed and uniform quality control and duplicates management systems; and (iv) To facilitate the development and provision of a wide variety of useful data analyses, data and information products, and data sets. He reported that during the inter-sessional period the following activities were implemented: (i) Continued GTSPP daily operations to process and preserve both real-time and non-real-time temperature and salinity data and maintained the project web sites at  HYPERLINK "http://www.nodc.noaa.gov/GTSPP/" http://www.nodc.noaa.gov/GTSPP/ and  HYPERLINK "http://isdm.gc.ca/isdm-gdsi/gtspp/index-eng.htm" http://isdm.gc.ca/isdm-gdsi/gtspp/index-eng.htm ; (ii) Populated the outcomes of the comparison between observed versus model-simulated temperature data for the North Pacific Region at  HYPERLINK "http://ds.data.jma.go.jp/gmd/gtspp/data/index.html" http://ds.data.jma.go.jp/gmd/gtspp/data/index.html ; (iii) Reported to the seventh Session of the joint WMO/IOC JCOMM Ship Observations Team (SOT), Victoria, Canada, 22-26 April 2013; (iv) Held the second session of the Joint IODE-JCOMM SG-GTSPP, 17-20 June 2014, Oostende, Belgium; (v) Held the first IODE Ocean Teacher Academy Training Course on the Use of the Global Temperature and Salinity Profile Programme Data, 23-27 June 2014, Oostende, Belgium; (v) Reported to the Twenty-third Session of the IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE-XXII), 17-20 March 2015, Bruges, Belgium. The Committee was informed that GTSPP data were copied into the WOD but that it could take up to three months before it becomes available. The Committee was further informed that efforts are underway to improve the synchronisation between the GTSPP CMD (continuously managed database) and WOD so users can visit the NODC web site, and with one selection, acquire all data from both databases with no duplication. International Coastal Atlas Network project (ICAN) This project was introduced by Mr Ned Dwyer (Chair SG-ICAN), referring to Document IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3-Proj-ICAN. He recalled that the overall objective of the project is to encourage and help facilitate the development of digital atlases of the global coast based on the principle of distributed, high-quality data and information. These atlases can be local, regional, national and international in scale. This can be achieved by sharing knowledge and experience among atlas developers in order to find common solutions for coastal web atlas development whilst ensuring maximum relevance and added value for the users. He reported that during the inter-sessional period the following activities were implemented: (i) creation of new website: a new ICAN website has been set up ( HYPERLINK "http://ican.iode.org" http://ican.iode.org); (ii) expert travel and outreach: three ICAN Newsletters were published; ICAN participated in the CMA2 kick-off meeting; ICAN participated in five international conferences as well as in the SPINCAM meeting (2014); (iii) the ICAN-6 workshop on Expanding Participation in Coastal Web Atlas Development and Use was held in June 2013 (Victoria, Canada); (iv) three training visits were organized; (v) delivery of tailored French and Spanish versions of the open source atlas platform SmartAtlas to the ODINAfrica and SPINCAM communities as part of the atlas-in-a-box scoping study (still on-going); (vi) release of Version 3.0 of the interoperability portal, successfully demonstrating the power of semantic interoperability for linking distributed marine data systems (vii) 10 new members joined ICAN. The Committee encouraged relevant organizations and projects within the Committees networks to join ICAN if appropriate and take part in ICAN activities. ICAN currently lacks members from Asia/Australasia, so parties in that region are particularly encouraged to join ICAN. Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS) This project was introduced by Mr Ward Appeltans (representing the Chair SG-OBIS), referring to Document IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3-Proj-OBIS. He recalled that the overall objective of the project is to be the most comprehensive gateway to the world's ocean biodiversity and biogeographic data and information required to address pressing coastal and world ocean concerns. He reported that the following activities had been implemented during the inter-session period: (i) Two sessions of the SG-OBIS were held (SG-OBIS-III in December 2013 and SG-OBIS-IV in February 2015); (ii) SG-OBIS chair Dr Mark Fornwall retired and Prof Eduardo Klein was appointed as the new SG-OBIS chair at SG-OBIS-IV; (iii) The new OBIS Science Advisory Task Team has been established and met for the first time in December 2014; (iv) A cooperation agreement between IOC and GBIF has been signed on 13 October 2014 and GBIF has become an IODE/ADU; (v) OBIS has contributed to the EBSA and SOI activities of the CBD; (vi) The OBIS data manager optimized the tools for data harvesting, integration, standardization, indexing and reporting and harvested the OBIS nodes 5 times resulting in over 6 million new records from 603 databases, bringing OBIS to a grand total of 42 million records from 1733 databases, (vii) Four new OBIS nodes were established covering South-East Asia, Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman, Caribbean Sea and Senegal; (viii) Guidelines on the principles of sharing and using data in OBIS were developed and adopted at SG-OBIS-IV; (ix) The online lessons using OBIS for secondary school children were updated; (x) Two OBIS training courses on OBIS were held at the Project Office for 31 people from 23 countries; (xi) The (dynamic) OBIS manual is available on the OceanTeacher digital library; (xii) New biodiversity information products are developed and published on www.iobis.org/maps and OBIS contributed to 2 global ocean assessments (UN/World Ocean Assessment and GEF/Transboundary Water Assessment); (xiii) OBIS has been able to attract private and government funding (Serge Martin's the Great Explorers, Flanders Government and European Commission); (xiv) OBIS has been cited in over 160 scientific publications of which several in very high ranked journals and IODE-MIM performed a thorough literature analysis of nearly 1000 papers citing OBIS since 2000; (xv) A number of strategic meetings are planned (which require a budget) in 2015-2016 to foster collaboration with the maritime industry, to collaborate with the deep-sea community to create a global deep-sea OBIS node, to make several technical developments and OBIS portal improvements, to re-establish data exchange with GBIF and to organize an international OBIS stakeholders meeting back-to-back with the SG-OBIS-V meeting; and (xvi) last but not least a UNESCO regular programme position to coordinate OBIS, combined with supporting GOOS Biology & Ecosystems and IOC Capacity Development was created and Mr Appeltans was appointed to this position. The delegate of Kenya informed the Committee that Kenya would shortly establish a national OBIS node. The Committee approved the guidelines on the sharing and use of data in OBIS, and recommended that these guidelines should be further reviewed by legal experts with the aim to publish the guidelines as a formal OBIS data and information policy. ). The Committee encouraged all Member states to share their biodiversity data with OBIS and recognized that OBIS also has the capacity to accommodate associated data types (e.g. nutrient concentrations, sediment grain size, etc). The Committee instructed OBIS to closely liaise with the NODCs on QC and archiving of these data, recognizing the affiliation of this data with biogeographic data. The Committee congratulated Mr Ward Appeltans for his appointment by UNESCO, and was pleased that long-term management of OBIS was now assured. Ocean Data Publication project This project was introduced by Ms Cyndy Chandler (representing the group of project leaders), referring to Document IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3-Proj-Ocean Data Publication. She recalled that the project objective was to implement two use cases for publication of ocean science data: (i) publication of data related to traditional peer-reviewed publications and (ii) publication of research project-related datasets held by data centres. She noted that the project had been implemented and funded jointly with SCOR between June 2008 and had been completed in February 2014. She reported that the following activities have been implemented during the inter-sessional period: (i) EGU, April 2013, Vienna: Chandler reported on progress to a joint ODIP-COOPEUS meeting; (ii) RDA-2, September 2013: reported on progress to the Publishing Data Interest Group (Chandler and Raymond are members); (iii) ODIP-2, December 2013, USA: Chandler convened a special session on Data Publication and reported on project progress; (iv) ODIP-3, August 2014, Australia: Chandler convened a special session on Data Publication and reported on project outcomes; (v) RDA-4, September 2014, Amsterdam: Chandler and Raymond reported on outcomes to the Publishing Data Interest Group; (vi) Conference call on 5 February 2014: members agreed the project was completed. It was recalled that the main deliverable of the project was the publication of the Ocean Data Publication Cookbook (IOC Manuals and Guides No. 64  HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/mg64" http://www.iode.org/mg64 ). The project contributed to the NSF/RCN Ocean Observation Facilitating Open Exchange of Data and Information Project Report and a peer reviewed paper in Earth Science Informatics: Facilitating open exchange of data and information (Simpson and Raymond) had been published. The Committee congratulated Ms Chandler and the project team on the achievements, especially the Cookbook as a tangible outcome. The Committee noted with appreciation that everyone has now recognized the value of formally publishing data sets. DOIs were now commonly accepted because publishers recognize them. In addition, use of persistent identifiers such as DOIs makes it possible to connect the data and the paper. The Committee approved the termination of the Ocean Data Publication project. OceanDocs project This project was introduced by Ms Pauline Simpson (Project Manager, OceanDocs), referring to Document IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3-Proj-OceanDocs. She recalled that the project objective was to establish an e-repository which extends the previous ODINAfricaPub to a global repository network of a central and distributed repositories providing access and preservation of marine scientific literature, intellectual work and research findings, to all. She reported that the following activities have been implemented during the inter-sessional period: (i) New Steering Group Meetings: February 2012, September 2012 (Virtual), March 2014, March 2015 (Virtual); (ii) Expansion of the OceanDocs Community to: SPINCAM; ICG/IOTWS; (iii) OceanDocs Host: Historical Surface Marine Observing Instructions and Documentation; (iv) Capacity Building Courses: OceanTeacher April 2013, SPINCAM May 2014; (v) Documentation: Update of OceanDocs Policy Document, Video of Deposit Process (in Spanish), ASFA Journal List update, Comparison of metadata structure with Aquatic Commons with a view to standardisation; (vi) OceanDocs Evaluation Survey, November 2013; (vii) Future of OceanDocs: Decision to migrate from AgriOceanDspace (customized interface) to DSpace4. Results from survey will inform re-design; (viii) Request from OBIS to implement WoRMS vocabulary to be provided through an Ontology plugin in the new OceanDocs; (ix) Discussion on enhancement of OceanDocs metadata profile to support deposit of small (journal) datasets. She requested that all IODE Projects should be required to deposit their publications in OceanDocs. The Committee encouraged all Member States to deposit works in OceanDocs or implement their own national/institutional e-repository with OceanDocs assistance. OceanExpert This project was introduced by Ms Linda Pikula (Chair GE-MIM), referring to Document IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3-Proj-OceanExpert. She noted that this activity had not yet been formalized as an IODE project but was an activity of the GE-MIM since 1997. During the inter-sessional period OceanExpert had been extensively quality-controlled (July 2013, July 2014). The directory now contained information on 10486 experts and 4012 institutions. OceanExpert is the underlying technology used by all IOC web sites to manage events (allowing the management of participant information). The technological development and maintenance is provided by Mr Aditya Naik-Kakodkar, IT specialist at the IOC Project Office for IODE, Oostende. Daily screening of new records is carried out by Ms Claudia Delgado. The Committee formally established OceanExpert as an IODE project. In this regard reference was made to the OceanKnowledge Platform project. The committee adopted  HYPERLINK \l "rec2" Recommendation IODE-XXIII/2 The Committee (i) encouraged IOC, IODE and associated programme and project members to enter professional contact information into the OceanExpert database and to update these annually and (ii) encouraged appropriate usage of OceanExpert directory. Ocean Knowledge Platform project This project was introduced by Ms Pauline Simpson, referring to Document IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3-Proj-oceanknowledge. She recalled that this project had been formally established at IODE-XXII through Recommendation IODE-XXII/2. The Ocean Knowledge platform would offer an IODE Discovery Service providing the user a central access point to various linked IODE information and data products such as researcher profiles, publications, data, learning objects, etc. and would furthermore facilitate social networking between specialized research communities. The strategic goal of the IODE Ocean Knowledge Platform Pilot Project will be to: (i) Combine multiple inter-linked IODE (and partner) Data and Information knowledge sources and making them discoverable and accessible through a single access point with social networking functionality; (ii) Link IODE (and partner) Data and Information Products through semantic web technologies; and (iii) Promote IODE (and partner) Data and Information Products within the ocean research and observation community. She reported that, due to the lack of funding, no progress had been made during the inter-sessional period. Whilst IODE-XXII accepted the Recommendation, which included a requested budget of $23k, the IODE Officers Meeting, Geneva, Jan 2014 allocated only $3000. This is a technology based, IT centric project that requires a face-to-face meeting to design the system architecture and functionality and agree on the pilot project plan and design system functionality. Without the start-up funding and identification of technical skill resources from within the IODE Community, the pilot project was unable to commence. The delegate of Belgium (VLIZ), proposed to support this project in developing a biological component. The ODP technical manager, delegate of Kenya, delegate of China and delegate of Malaysia volunteered to provide IT development support. China offered to actively seek opportunities to contribute and engage with this project and would offer an expert as member of the Steering Group. The Committee decided that the Ocean Knowledge Platform project should now start as soon as possible. OceanTeacher Academy (OTA) and OceanTeacher Global Academy projects (OTGA) This project was introduced by Ms Lucy Scott (Chair SG-OTGA) referring to Document IOC/IODEXXIII/Ag3-Proj-oceanteacher. She recalled that OceanTeacher is the cornerstone of the IODE capacity building programme and its main aim is to support all IODE training activities by providing training tools for data and information management. The Committee was informed that the OceanTeacher Academy project, funded by the Government of Flanders (2009-2014) ended on 31 December 2014, while the OceanTeacher Global Academy (OTGA) project, also funded by the Government of Flanders started in January 2015 and will end in 2018 or 2019. She explained that through OTGA a global network of Regional Training Centres (RTCs) will be established that will organize and host courses in regionally relevant languages, using mostly local trainers and focusing on regionally relevant topics. The technological innovation will be that all RTCs will utilize the OceanTeacher Learning Management System and will be able to share lectures through videoconference links. During the previous IODE Session (March 2013), the Committee endorsed the OTGA Concept (at the time under the name OceanTeacher Global Classroom), which in the meantime was submitted to the relevant Funding Agency and succeeded in obtaining funding from FUST (Government of Flanders, Kingdom of Belgium). During the inter-sessional period the following activities took place: (i) 21 training courses organised in Oostende and other venues involving 402 participants (including HAB & EMBC); (ii) 20 new training courses made available on the OT Learning Platform; (iii) All candidate RTCs visited/assessed (2014), 10 RTCs identified; (iv) RTC activities started since January 2015; and (v) OTGA SG meeting and OTGA Train the Trainers organised (January 2015). The Committee endorsed the establishment of the OTGA project. The committee adopted  HYPERLINK \l "decision4" Decision IODE-XXIII/4 The Committee thanked the Government of Flanders for financially supporting the project, and thanked the Member States hosting the Regional Training Centres. The Committee urged Member States to contribute to OceanTeacher Global Academy by making available national experts as lecturers or content providers for the new Regional Training Centres and to make use of the OceanTeacher Global Academy training materials for staff members of data and information management centres who required training. The Committee encouraged Member States to communicate on the Regional Training Centre activities in their countries and promote the use of the OTGA Learning Platform for Capacity Development purposes. IODE Ocean Data Portal project (ODP) This project was introduced by Dr Sergey Belov (ODP Technical Manager) on behalf of Mr Tobias Spears (ODP project manager), referring to Document IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3-Proj-odp. He recalled that the objective of the IODE Ocean Data Portal is to facilitate and promote the exchange and dissemination marine data and services. The Ocean Data Portal will provide seamless access to collections and inventories of marine data from the NODCs in the IODE network and will allow for the discovery, evaluation (through visualisation and metadata review) and access to data via web services. The system architecture will use Web-oriented information technologies to access non-homogeneous and geographically distributed marine data and information. The IODE stakeholder community will be supported through software infrastructure maintained by the Partnership Centre for the IODE Ocean Data Portal and training provided by the Partnership Centre and through the IODE Ocean Teacher facilities. The project was started in 2007. Dr Belov reported that during the inter-sessional period the following activities were implemented: (i) The second session of the Steering Group for the IODE ODP took place in Obninsk, Russian Federation in September 2013; (ii) The inauguration of the Partnership Centre for the IODE ODP took place during the same week as the second session of the Steering Group for the IODE ODP. This event formalized the commitment made by the Russian Federation to the IODE and ODP to provide a team responsible for providing ongoing development, training, and support to the ODP stakeholder community; (iii) The fourth meeting of the JCOMM/IODE Expert Team on Data Management Practices took place in Oostende, Belgium in June 2014. The meeting provided an opportunity to review the status of the ODP work plan and to focus on a number of technical issues; (iv) 5 ODP training sessions were organized (Argentina, Belgium, China); (v) The ODP project team has collaborated with a number of organizations, projects, programmes and initiatives during the inter-sessional period including, but not limited to: WMO/WIS, SeaDataNet, ICSU World Data System (WDS), GEOSS, EuroGOOS, Ocean Data Interoperability Platform (ODIP), Research Data Alliance (RDA), IAEA. In addition a set of communication materials consisting of a marketing leaflet and an overview of the ODP have been created for the ODP and are now published on the ODP home page on the IODE web site. Dr Belov informed the Committee about the new version of the ODP portal launched on 16 March 2015. He noted that ODP has a new user interface and services, such as enhanced data viewing, web GIS and data subscription services. WMO welcomed the achievements realized so far with ODP, and would be happy to assist further to assure full interoperability between the WIS and ODP. The delegate of Kenya reported that Kenya was currently establishing a regional ODP node (covering ODINAFRICA countries). The committee congratulated Dr Belov, Mr Spears and the ODP team on the accomplishments. The Committee noted with appreciation that the WMO was strongly supporting the development of the ODP. The Committee invited Member States to either contribute data directly to the ODP Global Node (light data provider) or to deploy ODP technology to establish a ODP node. The Committee encouraged Member States to visit the web site and data portal, and to provide feedback to the Partnership Centre for the IODE ODP for use in planning future development activities. Ocean Data Standards and Best Practices project (ODSBP) This project was introduced by Mr Yutaka Michida (Co-Chair SG-ODSBP), referring to Document IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3-Proj-ODSBP. He recalled that this project had been established at IODE-XXII through Recommendation IODE-XXII.6, replacing the former JCOMM/IODE Ocean Data Standards Pilot Project. He recalled that the objective of the project was to achieve broad agreement and commitment to adopt a number of standards and best practices related to ocean data management and exchange. Mr Michida reported that during the inter-sessional period the following activities were implemented: (i) As a new standard, the Recommendation for Quality Flag Scheme for the Exchange of Ocean and Marine Meteorological Data was published in April 2013 (IOC MG 54 Vol. 3); (ii) A standard proposal on a metadata model for cruise reporting was submitted by SeaDataNet as a candidate of standard. It was now under review in accordance with the procedure. The Committee was informed that SeaDataNet (SDN) resubmitted the postponed 2011 CDI proposal which was split in two proposals: the CDI metadata data model and the CDI metadata XML encoding, for simplicity and to reflect the ISO modularization of specifications. In addition, SeaDataNet jointly with the ODIP Project had prepared two additional proposals that would be submitted by the end of March 2015: (1) SeaDataNet Controlled Vocabularies for describing Marine and Oceanographic Datasets and (2) SeaDataNet NetCDF (CF) data transport model for Marine and Oceanographic Datasets. The Committee recalled that the WMO had invited the IOC to take ownership of BUFR Master Table 10 (Oceanographic Data), and the new class of descriptors for marine bio-chemical data within BUFR Master Table 0. The Committee invited the oceanographic data and information community to submit proposals for standard and best practices. The Committee invited the SG-ODSBP to propose a mechanism for the IOC (and therefore the IODE) to develop, review, and maintain these BUFR tables. OpenScienceDirectory project This project was introduced by Ms Linda Pikula (Chair GE-MIM, on behalf of Mr Marc Goovaerts), referring to Document IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3-Proj-opensciencedirectory. She recalled that the objective of the project is to provide a Directory of resources available in Open Access or through special programs for developing countries (consisting of scientific journals and other pertinent topics). Expected outcome of the Project: free or low cost access to an expanding list of scientific literature resources. The project moved forward in linking additional journal access through the OpenScienceDirectory ( HYPERLINK "http://www.opensciencedirectory.net" www.opensciencedirectory.net ). What began as access to 13,000 scientific journals in February of 2008 has increased to 77,450 resource links The Committee expressed its gratitude to the project manager, Mr Marc Goovaerts. The Committee suggested that IODE should investigate opportunities to cooperate with other major UN programmes on this project. IODE Quality Management Framework project (QMF) This project was introduced by Mr Greg Reed (Chair SG-QMF) referring to Document IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3-Proj-QMF. He recalled the objectives of the project as: (i) provide the overall strategy, advice and guidance to NODCs to establish organizational quality management systems for the delivery of oceanographic and related data, products and services; (ii) initiate and review existing standards and Manuals and Guides with respect to the inclusion of quality management procedures and practices; (iii) apply the necessary capacity development activities to ensure accreditation of NODCs according to agreed criteria in order to bring all NODCs to a minimum agreed level. Mr Reed informed the Committee that during the inter-sessional period the focus for IODE-QMF was on educating the community and encouraging NODCs to apply for accreditation. A successful training course was held in December 2014 on Quality Management System Essentials for National Oceanographic Data Centres, which was attended by 17 representatives of NODCs and ADUs. The training course provided an introduction to the development, implementation and management of a Quality Management System and the IODE accreditation requirements for NODCs. The aims and objectives of the course were: (i) To introduce the IODE Quality Management Framework; (ii) To explain the importance of quality for oceanographic data; (iii) To introduce the ISO 9000 series of standards; (iv) To provide a description of a Quality Management System; (v) To enable a clear understanding of the requirements of a quality manual; and (vi) To describe accreditation of National Oceanographic Data Centres. Most course participants indicated that their institution will implement a QMS and apply for IODE accreditation. Mr Reed further noted that two applications for accreditation had been received from (i) National Marine Data and Information Service (NMDIS), host of the National Oceanographic Data Centre (NODC) of China and (ii) Belgian federal National Oceanographic Data Centre (BMDC). These applications have been reviewed by the SG-QMF and meet all the accreditation requirements. The Committee congratulated Mr Greg Reed for his work and progress made in the IODE-QMF project, especially the Manual and Guides 67. The Committee acknowledged the responsibility of IODE as a network member of the ICSU WDS to encourage the individual NODCs to become accredited through the QMF process. The Committee encouraged all NODCs to apply for accreditation, and decided to set a target that at least 10 NODCs should be accredited by the next sessional meeting. The Committee expressed appreciation for the work of SG-QMF and expressed strong support for the process of accreditation of NODCs. The Committee endorsed the recommendation of the SG-QMF for accreditation of the National Marine Data and Information Service (NMDIS), host of National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC) of China, and the Belgian federal National Oceanographic Data Centre (BMDC), awarding the status of Accredited IODE National Oceanographic Data Centre to NMDIS and BMDC. The committee agreed to amend the accreditation procedure to allow IODE Officers to endorse the recommendations of the SG-QMF and approve accreditation of NODCs. The Committee instructed the Secretariat seek nominations from suitably experienced experts for membership of the SG-QMF for the next inter-sessional period. The Committee welcomed the proposed contribution from WDS in sharing expertise in reviewing and accrediting data centres, and the suggestion to share reviewers, and welcomed a representative of WDS on the SG-QMF. World Ocean Database project (WOD) This project was introduced by Ms Margarita Gregg (on behalf of Mr Tim Boyer, project Leader), referring to Document IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3-Proj-WOD. She recalled that the objective of the project is to assemble and disseminate the Worlds largest unrestricted access dataset of uniformly formatted and quality controlled historic and recent ocean profile data. Expected outcomes include periodic releases of the World Ocean Database (WOD) consisting of uniformly formatted historic and recent ocean profile data quality controlled to the level necessary for calculation of climatological mean fields (the World Ocean Atlas, WOA) and for climate studies. She reported that during the inter-sessional period the following activities were implemented: (i) Collaboration with the International Quality Controlled Ocean Database (IQuOD) group to enhance quality of oceanographic profile data in the WOD; (ii) Collaboration with XBT Science working group to explore best practices for XB T bias correction and make available published corrections through the WOD; (iii) Acquisition and upload of glider data to the WOD; (iv) Initiation of quality control information exchange with experts in China, Japan, and India; (v) Quarterly or yearly update schedules for data from major sources: CCHDO, NOAA-Northeast Fisheries Science Center, ICES; and (vi) Data conduits opened with sources in India, New Zealand, Argentina, pending with Mexico, Colombia. 891,649 casts of ocean profile data were added to WOD to bring the total number of casts to 13.8 million (a cast is a set of profiles - temperature and/or salinity and/or oxygen and or nutrients. etc. - taken at the same geographic location at the same time). She highlighted the major obstacles to further developing WOD: there are still many obstacles to putting together the WOD. One is data availability. The WOD can only use data, which have no restrictions on their use. There are profile datasets which are available on the Internet, but with terms of use which contain restrictions on use. Even large multi-nation projects such as SeaDataNet have restrictions limiting the amount of data that can be downloaded. Obtaining permission for data use is not always straightforward. In other cases there are large amounts of ocean profile data, but the mechanism for downloading these data from the web are cumbersome. One of the major obstacles to constructing and making public a comprehensive historic and recent ocean profile database is the flow of unrestricted data to WOD. Measures, as described above, have been taken, sometimes successfully, to communicate with data providers to assuage any concerns they have about their data in WOD. The IODE can greatly facilitate this process by communicating with members, urging and facilitating data flow to the WOD. SeaDataNet noted that obstacles to retrieving large volumes of data would be alleviated with the release of the public aggregated data sets. The Committee requested Member States to (i) facilitate unrestricted flow of historical and recent data from all possible sources to WOD to compile the most comprehensive ocean profile dataset possible; and (ii) promote the sharing of information and expertise of IODE community members to improve quality control procedures of the WOD, and to identify ways and means of doing so. Southeast Pacific Data and Information Network in support to Integrated Coastal Area Management, 2nd phase (SPINCAM II) This item was introduced by Mr Julian Barbire (IOC/MPR), referring to Document IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3-Proj-spincam. He also referred to Document IOC/IODE-Ag6.2-SPINCAM3. He noted that SPINCAM was not an IODE project but the project collaborates closely with IODE, as explained below. He recalled that the overall objective of the SPINCAM II project is to support the development of decision-making tools and implementation of ICAM through improved data and information management capacity, knowledge, communication and networking at national and regional level. SPINCAM-II (June 2013-March 2016) is the follow-up to the SPINCAM project implemented between 2009-2012. Both projects have been supported financially by the Government of Flanders (Kingdom of Belgium). During the current second phase of SPINCAM (2013-2015), the countries are leading the implementation of national indicators which complement the existing regional indicators to be integrated in the new version of the regional coastal atlas. The project is articulated around 4 specific objectives: (i) To strengthen the national and regional ICAM indicators frameworks as an aid to decision making, through the partnerships and collaborations amongst institutions; (ii) To further coordinate and integrate national marine/coastal data and information systems, through the IODE national oceanographic data centres as well as other national data systems, and in close cooperation with data and information system, and with special emphasis on data quality, archival and preservation and data products; (iii) To design and implement a strategy for dissemination and awareness of the ICAM indicator framework for local and regional actors; and (iv) To promote continuous training to strengthen institutional capacities, the use of indicator based assessment, and the development and maintenance of the SPINCAM information and data management system in close collaboration with relevant IOC programmes and projects as well as regional organizations. Joint activities during the inter-sessional period included (i) training course on ODP (Argentina, October 2013); (ii) technical workshop on Indicators, data Management and Visualization (Colombia, December 2013); (iii) training course on e-repositories (Ecuador, May 2014). The representative of ODINCARSA-LA recalled that training was provided on the implementation of ODP, but so far no ODP nodes have been set up. Mr Julian Barbire replied that it is indeed included in the workplan for next year, but that the project would still require the support of ODINCARSA in supporting the ODP activities. The IODE ODP partnership centre and Argentina offered their support in the ODP activity. The representative of ICAN (Ms Dawn Wright) informed the Committee that ESRI provided free licenses of ArcGIS Online to IODE to support its community to develop their own atlases. The licenses had just been extended for another year. SeaDataNet II: Pan-European infrastructure for ocean and marine data management This item was introduced by Ms Sissy Iona, referring to Document IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3-Proj-seadatanet. She noted that SeaDataNet was not an IODE project but, because of the similarities with the IODE ODP project and the availability of the Oostende training facilities, cooperation had been established between the SeaDataNet project and IODE. SeaDataNet is the Pan-European data management infrastructure, operated and maintained by the NODCs from 34 countries, with 59 partners, more than 100 data centres connected and more that 500 data providers. IODE is a partner as well as 2 other International bodies, ICES and the EU-Joint Research Centre. More than 1,6 million CDI entries for physics, chemistry, geology, geophysics, bathymetry and biology data are include in the system and the majority of them (84%) are of unrestricted or under SeaDataNet licence. She recalled that the expected outcome of SeaDataNet is to establish an operational data delivery system, robust, easy to use and highly available to users, contributing at the same time on behalf of Europe to global portal initiatives, such as the IOC/IODE Ocean Data Portal (ODP), and GEOSS. Moreover it aims to achieve INSPIRE compliancy and to contribute to the INSPIRE process for developing implementing rules for oceanography. Moreover, SeaDatanet standards and services have been adopted by EMODnet and by many other EU Projects as part of the Research and Technology Development programme. Ms Iona further reported on the activities undertaken during the inter-sessional period: (i) hosting of a training course by the IOC Project Office for IODE (May 2014); (ii) participation and lecture recording of International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems (Lucca, Italy, September 2013); (iii) participation in ODIP workshops (December 2013, USA; August 2014, Australia). Work has also been carried out to enable interoperability of IODE/ODP and SeaDataNet, a joint activity with ODIP Project. Interoperability now has been established as well as with other global portals like GEOSS and is operational. She concluded with a short overview on the ODIP Project that aims to develop interoperability between regional marine e-infrastructures and interacting towards ODP and GEOSS portals. The delegate of Germany reported that although SeaDataNet as a project will stop, the NODCs will continue providing data even without SDN funding, especially thanks to support from other projects such as EMODNET. Conclusions Taking into account available resources such as expert time contributed in-kind by Member States, financial resources for project activities and meetings of the project steering groups, and IODE Secretariat staff resources required for the overall management and implementation of projects, the Committee was requested to consider whether such a large number of projects could continue to be coordinated by IODE national experts and the IODE Secretariat. In this regard the Committee was invited to consider closing down some of its activities (based on measurable performance indicators) or to the grouping of projects. This should lead to more effective and efficient use of human and financial resources. The Committee considered the future of the global projects under Agenda Item 5 and 8 (The Future of IODE) and 6.2 (Review of current, and proposals for new activities). A similar conclusion was made for the regional (ODIN) projects. While ODINAFRICA had a long and successful history this was due to a large extent to the extra-budgetary funding that was available to the project. In the other regions such funding was not available and the sustainability of these projects has therefore been a major challenge. On the other hand there had also not been sufficient interaction between IODE and the regional bodies in the respective regions (regional sub-commissions and regional committees). The Committee considered the future of the ODINs under agenda item 5 and 8 (The Future of IODE). INTRODUCTION TO WORK PLAN AND BUDGET EXPECTED FINANCIAL RESOURCES 2015-2017 This Agenda Item was introduced by Mr Ariel Troisi, IODE Co-Chair, referring, inter alia, to Document IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag4 (Introduction to Work Plan and Budget Expected Financial Resources 2015-2017). He also provided a brief presentation outlining the budget requests that have been included in the substantive working documents referring to Annex I to the Action Paper. Mr Troisi informed the Committee that the available budget for the next inter-sessional period was still largely unknown, at least in terms of funding from the UNESCO Regular Programme: IODE revenue from the UNESCO Regular programme would be spread over two UNESCO biennia: the 37 C/5 (2014-2015) and the 38 C/5 (2016-2017). For the biennium 2014-2015 the IODE budget was distributed over three expected results: (i) Scientific understanding of ocean and coastal processes bolstered and used by Member States to improve the management of the human relationship with the ocean; (ii) Risks and impacts of ocean-related hazards reduced, climate change adaptation and mitigation measures taken, and policies for healthy ocean ecosystems developed and implemented by Member States; and (iii) Member States' institutional capacities reinforced to protect and sustainably manage ocean and coastal resources. The main funding for IODE activities was provided under ER4 (US$ 32,500) for IODE and OBIS core system. These funds could be used for meetings of experts, steering groups and staff/expert travel. Under ER5 an amount of US$15,000 was allocated for IODE and OBIS products and services. These funds should be used to assist the IOC tsunami programme with creation of courses in the OceanTeacher platform. Under ER6 an amount of US$32,534 was allocated for IODE training activities. For the 2016-2017 biennium similar budget allocations can be expected. Mr Troisi observed that the current and expected funding level from the UNESCO Regular Programme was totally inadequate to ensure the IODE programme. On the other hand Mr Troisi referred to the continued substantial support provided by the Government of Flanders (Kingdom of Belgium) through projects such as OceanTeacher Global Academy, DIPS-4-Ocean Assessments and Caribbean Marine Atlas phase 2, as well as the support to the IOC Project Office for IODE. Mr Troisi noted also that while many European member states have been successful in obtaining funding from the European Commission for IODE related projects (SeaDataNet, ODIP, EMODNET) it had not been possible for IOC/IODE to partner in these programmes except for the FP7 iMarine project, which allowed the OBIS secretariat to survive during 2012-2014. This was clearly a missed funding opportunity. The Committee stressed the need to mobilize additional funding from extra-budgetary sources. THE FUTURE OF IODE This Agenda item was introduced by Mr Greg Reed and Mr Bob Keeley, referring to Document IOC/IODE- XXIII/5a (The Future of IODE Analysis and Survey results) and Document IOC/IODE- XXIII/5b (The Future of IODE Recommendations). Mr Reed summarised the result of the survey, which was conducted in October-November 2014 on the future of IODE to assess the importance of IODE to its stakeholders, referring to Document IOC/IODE- XXIII/5a (The Future of IODE - Analysis and Survey Results). A total of 167 responses were received including 46 IODE national coordinators for data management, 20 IODE national coordinators for marine information management, 9 OBIS nodes and 5 ADUs. The other responders included researchers, librarians and students. Highlights of the survey responses include (i) 97% of responses stated that there is still a need for an IODE network of data centres and marine libraries, (ii) 50% of responses stated IODE was essential to their work, and (iii) the most important benefits of the IODE programme were being part of a community of practice (17.5%) and obtaining training (16.2%). The weaknesses of the IODE programme can be summarized as (i) inadequate funding, (ii) lack of focus, (iii) poor communication, and (iv) lack of visibility and coordination. Mr Keeley introduced a number of recommendations that address the apparent weaknesses of the IODE programme, referring to Document IOC/IODE- XXIII/5b (The Future of IODE - Recommendations). These included: 1. Reporting: Change the nature of the IODE survey of NODC, DNA, ADU to have a common section on the resourcing of the IM and DM operations and inquire about activities that use IODE activities to enhance national operations, and activities that contribute to IODE objectives. 2. Meeting Organization: IODE Officers must ensure the IODE session agenda focuses on what discussions, actions, and decisions are needed from the full committee. 3. Issues of broad importance: In preparation for the committee meeting, IODE Officers compile the topics of broader issues that need IODE attention, ensure proper documentation is distributed before the meeting, and ensure sufficient time on the agenda for the appropriate treatment of these topics. 4. Work planning: IODE sessions should be used by projects (SG members) to recruit IODE members to assist them in implementing their goals. IODE Officers and Project chairs should encourage broader participation in projects. 5. Meeting hosting: IODE meetings should make greater use of video conferencing using protocols developed by the Project Office that provide the opportunity for equal participation by individuals both in person and in remote locations. 6a. Visibility: The Officers should solicit a volunteer to poll member web pages to verify IODE presence and recommend changes as appropriate. 6b. Visibility: Officers to identify members willing to be on call to develop posters for events of importance to IODE and recruit IODE members to man such posters as appropriate. 6c. Visibility: IODE members need to pursue IM and DM involvement in national or international projects as they are forming. They must demonstrate value by their inclusion. 6d. Visibility: Officers to identify the means to sponsor IM and DM conferences, such as IMDIS, as a forum for IODE members to demonstrate their IM and DM expertise. 7. Project oversight: Projects need to use the reporting template provided by IODE to describe very clearly and succinctly their progress, outside support received, relevance to IODE objectives, and plans for continuing work. The Committee will review continuance of Projects at each session. 8. Training materials: IODE Projects are strongly encouraged to provide training materials and organize courses through the Ocean Teacher Global Academy (Learning Platform). 9a. Groups of Experts: Convert elements of GE work plans to IODE Projects and where appropriate/possible abolish GEs. 9b. Groups of Experts: IODE Officers and the GEDMP chair need to resolve with JCOMM how the work of this GE can continue with a formal cooperation agreement. 9c. Groups of Experts: IODE Officers and GEMIM chair need to resolve with IAMSLIC if and how their cooperation can be maintained without the continued existence of GEMIM. 10. Liaison activities: IODE Officers compile a list of volunteers who agree to report activities of importance to IODE that take place at other meetings. These reports will be compiled by the PO for consideration at the next IODE session. 11. Management of the IODE Committee: The IODE Officers will be abolished, to be replaced with the IODE Management Committee comprised of IODE present and outgoing chairs. There could also be some representation of Projects included. Mr Reed then introduced the proposed restructuring of IODE to reduce the number of projects (see Figure 1).  Figure  SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 2: Proposed restructuring of IODE DATA AND INFORMATION MANAGEMENT FUTURE OF IODE GROUPS OF EXPERTS This agenda item was introduced by Mr Ariel Troisi (Co-Chair). He recalled the reports and decisions under agenda item 3.2. The Committee was requested to consider, taking into account the limited financial resources available to general IODE activities, whether Groups of Experts were the appropriate mechanism to undertake detailed scientific and technical studies and/or co-ordination tasks, by subject or region, as identified by the IODE Committee. It was noted that funds available by Member States to participate in meetings of Groups of Experts were decreasing while also funds available from UNESCO have decreased (and would probably not substantially increase during the inter-sessional period). While output of projects is relatively easy to measure this is less so for the outcome of the Groups of Experts. The Committee was requested to consider that most IODE activities are projects now, which are managed by their own Steering Groups. The Committee was reminded however that the ETDMP is a joint JCOMM/IODE Group, while the GE-MIM is a joint IAMSLIC/IODE Group. Decisions on the future of these Groups must therefore be decided with the partner bodies/organizations and can only be recommendations. Mr Keeley recalled the suggestion to move the work of Groups of Experts to projects. This has certain advantages but also disadvantages: project membership has no financial obligations for IODE (while IODE does provide some support). It is therefore important that projects are sufficiently relevant to experts day job. Mr Keeley then invited comments and guidance from the Committee. Ms Linda Pikula (Chair, GE-MIM) then commented on the proposal. She explained that she had contacted current and former GE-MIM members, IODE national coordinators for marine information management and IAMSLIC Presidents. It appeared from the presentation that the comment and recommendation by members of the marine information management community was that GE-MIM should remain a Group of Experts. The Committee, taking into account the feedback from the marine information management community as presented, decided to maintain the Joint IODE/IAMSLIC Group of Experts on Marine Information Management (GE-MIM). The Committee requested the GE-MIM Chair, together with IAMSLIC and the IODE Co-Chairs to further investigate what mechanism would fit best to the needs of marine information managers. The Committee decided to maintain the Joint JCOMM/IODE ETDMP and to discuss its future further with JCOMM. The Committee decided, following the advice of the members of the GE-BICH, to abolish the IODE Group of Experts on Biological and Chemical Data Management and Exchange Practices (GE-BICH) and to migrate its activities into relevant projects. The Committee instructed the IODE Co-Chairs, assisted by the former GE-BICH Co-Chairs to discuss the related practical arrangements. The Committee decided, following the advice of the SG-OBIS, to abolish the Group of Experts on Ocean Biogeographic Information System (GE-OBIS). The Committee decided that the future of the Groups of Experts would be investigated by the inter-sessional working group to propose a restructuring of IODE and be reported on to the next Session of the IODE Committee. REVIEW OF CURRENT, AND PROPOSALS FOR NEW PROJECTS Review of current projects This agenda item was introduced by Mr Ariel Troisi (Co-Chair). He recalled that as a conclusion under agenda item 3.3 it was recommended that the Committee should consider whether the current large number of projects could continue to be coordinated by IODE national experts and the IODE Secretariat. In this regard the Committee could consider closing down some of its activities (based on measurable performance indicators) or to the grouping of projects. This should lead to more effective and efficient use of human and financial resources. In this regard also the future of the regional Ocean Data Information Networks (ODINs) should be considered: while ODINAFRICA has been very successful in building capacity in Africa this was largely due to availability of donor funds. As such funds were not available in other regions ODINs in other regions have been far less successful or achieved results in specific tasks (e.g. creation of e-repositories). As the ODINs main objective was to build capacity (usually through training) this objective may be reached more successfully through the OceanTeacher Global Academy (and its regional training centres) and/or by on-going projects managed by the regional sub-commissions (IOCAfrica, IOCARIBE, WESTPAC), other IODE projects or IOC global programmes that have a data/information management component. Examples are SPINCAM, CMA2, A grouping of activities could result in the architecture shown in Figure 1. Under this restructuring the current MIM activities (OceanDocs, OceanExpert, OpenScienceDirectory, OceanDataPractices) and the Ocean Data Standards and Best Practices would be grouped into the Ocean Knowledge Platform project (with a re-constituted Steering Group). Similarly projects with a general data management character such as GOSUD, GTSPP, GODAR, WOD and ODP would be grouped under a new project called Ocean Data Systems. The OBIS and ICAN project would remain because of the specific communities of practice. Also the QMF project would remain. The OceanTeacher Global Academy would remain and would replace the training aspects of the ODINs while the development of ODIN products and services would be assumed by other programmes and sub-commissions. As a consequence the number of project steering groups (and the membership of these groups) should be heavily reduced from 22 (excluding WOD and GODAR which currently do not have a Steering Group) to 6. The delegate of China noted that after 50 years of development, IODE was now faced with a time of opportunities and challenges. He recognized the current deficiency and overlapping of some of the projects. He proposed that for the projects currently active, a transition period is needed to consider changes. For new projects like Ocean Knowledge Platform in which many projects would be grouped he suggested a strong Steering Group with broad involvement of expertise and a detailed developing plan for the Member States to review and discuss. Regarding ODINs, China believed that the initiative of establishing ODINs was appropriate to the situation at the time. The ODIN development has faced a number of problems of which lack of funding was just one. Taking ODINWESTPAC as an example, the fundamental reason for the low progress of the project was the national data policy of different Member States in the region. This lead to difficulties in data sharing. To develop ODINWESTPAC under these circumstances, he recommended adjusting plans by moving focus to marine information, knowledge and services, as well as to capacity building that would meet the needs of the Member States in the region. At the APEC ocean-related Ministerial Meeting held 2014 in Xiamen, China, the Xiamen Declaration - Towards New Partnership through Ocean Cooperation in the Asia Pacific Region was adopted. Therefore, if ODINWESTPAC could provide user-oriented products and services such as sea level rise assessment, and blue economy that closely related to the common interests of the region, the project would have a broad prospect. He concluded by encouraging the IODE project office, as well as other officers of the IODE, to take all opportunities to strengthen communication with governments of the Member States to raise their awareness and understanding of the importance of IODE, so as to obtain stronger support from Member States to the activities of IODE. The Committee noted that ODINs also had a regional coordinating and community building role that should not be lost. The Committee called for closer collaboration with the GOOS Regional Alliances (GRAs) as well as with projects that have a data/information management component. The Committee noted that there was currently no consensus on restructuring of projects as proposed under agenda item 5 and that the matter needed further study. The Committee decided to establish an inter-sessional working group to propose a restructuring of IODE and adopted  HYPERLINK \l "decision1" Decision IODE-XXIII.1 Proposals for new projects This agenda item was introduced by Ms Sissy Iona (IODE Co-Chair). SPINCAM-III This proposal was introduced by Mr Julian Barbire (IOC/MPR) referring to Document IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag6.2.2.1 (SPINCAM 3 Project Proposal). He informed the Committee that SPINCAM 3 aims at developing a harmonized coastal and ocean management framework for beneficiary countries of the Southeast Pacific, hence equipping nations with the appropriate tools to implement ecosystem based approaches within their national waters whilst providing a basis for planning economic development in a sustainable way. The ultimate goal of SPINCAM 3 is to support the establishment of a permanent and relevant capacity framework that allows decisions makers and other stakeholders to commonly address integrated coastal area management and marine spatial planning at national, regional and local level in each country and in the region, also attending transboundary issues in the context of CPPS. This goal will facilitate the creation of a new framework to institutionalize both the project and the process to adopt a regional approach on integrated coastal area management and marine spatial planning. The expected outcomes of the project include: (i) Institutionalization of coastal and marine governance; (ii) To improve the regional networks on coastal and marine issues; (iii) To develop regional strategic recommendations on marine spatial planning, monitoring systems and decision support tools; (iv) To reduce national technical disparities on capacity development; and (v) To improve communication and participatory processes. The project was submitted for funding to donors and was expected to be implemented between 2016 and 2019. The Committee called for active participation of IODE in SPINCAM-III and also invited SPINCAM-III to develop a data and information management plan, involving IODE. International Quality-Controlled Ocean Database (IQuOD) This proposal was introduced by Mr Mathieu Ouellet, referring to Document IOC/IODE-XXIII/6.2-IQUOD (Project Proposal: International Quality-Controlled Ocean Database (IQuOD). He explained that the IQuOD project aims to produce, freely distribute and curate the highest quality, most complete and consistent global ocean subsurface temperature profile repository for Earth system, climate and ocean studies, with (intelligent) metadata and an uncertainty estimate for every observation. This aim will be achieved through coordination of resources and expertise into a single best practice international community effort (e.g., data/instrumentation experts, scientists, users). Despite independent efforts over the past few decades by a number of organisations, historical databases of ocean profiles still contain biased, duplicated and substandard quality (and missing) data and metadata, which can confound climate-related research and applications. Working independently leads to duplication of effort. Furthermore, no single group has the combined expertise and resources to develop, implement and apply the most effective quality control procedures (and data archaeology) within a short time framework. International cooperation and coordination are essential. The expected outcome of the project will include: (i) Development/ implementation of international best standard practices for automated and semi-automated quality control of historical (and modern) subsurface ocean temperature data; (ii) Provision of (intelligent) metadata and uncertainty assignment to each individual observation. The Committee decided to establish IQuOD as a new IODE project and adopted  HYPERLINK \l "rec3" Recommendation IODE-XXIII.3 Expanding OBIS with environmental data (OBIS-ENV-DATA) This proposal was introduced by Mr Francisco Hernandez referring to Document IOC/IODE-XXIII/ obisenvdata. The data from biological observations are far too often separated from the physical and chemical measurements of the environmental conditions including the habitat. This is unfortunate because the combination of these data is necessary for ecosystem function modelling, and would aid biogeographic and climate change studies. Currently OBIS combines its biogeographic data with the mean values from NOAAs World Ocean Atlas, which is not ideal (less accurate and geographic outliers in OBIS result in wrongly assigned values). The most widely deployed format for biodiversity occurrence data, also by OBIS, is the Darwin Core standard, developed and maintained by the Biodiversity Information Standards, also known as the Taxonomic Databases Working Group (TDWG). DwC terms provide structure for biodiversity occurrence data but DwC also includes terms for location and associated data types which can be stored under dynamic properties or MeasurementOrFact. DwC is also implemented in GBIFs Integrated Publishing Toolkit (IPT), which OBIS and GBIF nodes use to exchange data. OBIS currently seek collaboration with NODCs and ADUs, that hold mixed data sets, to launch a pilot project on the joint management and exchange of biodiversity observation data including environmental measurements. The initial phase of the pilot project would run entirely on the voluntary contributions of the institutions involved and not require any additional resources from IODE. The Flanders Marine Institute would lead this project in close collaboration with the OBIS Secretariat. Interested NODCs and ADUs are requested to contact Mr Francisco Hernandez and Mr Ward Appeltans. This pilot project could, if successful, ultimately grow into a global ocean biosphere information system and if the necessary funding can be mobilized. It was noted that WOD has already started some of this work. The Committee decided to establish OBIS-ENV-DATA as a new IODE pilot project and adopted  HYPERLINK \l "rec4" Recommendation IODE-XXIII.4 COOPERATION WITH OTHER ORGANIZATIONS/PROGRAMMES/PROJECTS This agenda item was introduced by Ms Sissy Iona (IODE Co-Chair). Ms Iona informed the Committee that OceanTeacher actively collaborates with other IOC programmes, namely IOC/HAB and IOC/MPR, by hosting and providing support organising capacity development activities. She recalled that a number of training courses from the above mentioned IOC programmes are available on the OceanTeacher Learning Platform. Additionally, IODE/OceanTeacher hosted and organised the capacity development activities for SeaDataNet. Ms Iona further informed that collaboration with WMO was being strengthened: WMO is developing its WMO Global Campus, and invited IODE/OTGA to be part of its Steering Committee. On the other hand, upon IODE/OTGAs invitation, WMO collaborated with the OTGA Train the Trainers (January 2015), by providing training on specific (pedagogy) topics. OceanTeacher linkages IODE/OceanTeacher also maintains collaboration with POGO on capacity development activities. In this regard the POGO representative, Ms Sophie Seeyave provided the following statement: The Partnership for Observation of the Global Oceans, POGO, is a forum created in 1999 by directors and leaders of major oceanographic institutions around the world to promote global oceanography. Of particular focus is the implementation of an international and integrated global ocean observing system. POGO is a partnership of institutions involved in oceanographic observations, scientific research, operational services, education and training. POGO has 38 member institutes, including several consortia, from 19 different countries, and works closely with other international and regional programmes and organisations, such as IOC, GOOS and IODE. POGO has collaborated with IODE for many years, particularly in working towards our joint objective of training the next generation of marine scientists. In 2011, POGO led the creation of the Oceans and Society: Blue Planet initiative within the Group on Earth Observations (GEO). IODE is a partner in this initiative, within the Component C6 on Developing Capacity and Societal Awareness. The 2nd Blue Planet Symposium will be held in Cairns, Australia at the end of May, and Greg Reed will represent both IODE and ICAN at the Symposium. POGO also created the group Ocean Communicators United, which is a Community of Practice for the communications representatives of oceanographic institutions and international organisations, and IODE is participating in this. OBIS linkages Ms Iona further informed the Committee that the IODE project OBIS actively collaborates with other IOC programmes, namely IOC/HAB by supporting the development of a Global HAB Status Report, and an OBIS/HAB thematic node; IOC/OOS with the newly established GOOS panel on Biology & Ecosystems and the open ocean assessment of the GEF/TWA; IOC/MPR by contributing to UN Ocean TST briefs especially in the context of the post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals and by following the work of the UN Working Group on Biodiversity beyond National Jurisdiction. OBIS also collaborates with other UNESCO sectors, namely the marine World Heritage marine programme and with the informal intersectoral biodiversity platform of UNESCO on issues related to IPBES. OBIS has also many external collaborations, especially within the United Nations system, such as the Convention on Biological Diversity by supporting the identification of Ecologically or Biologically Significant marine Areas (EBSAs) and capacity building activities within the CBD Sustainable Ocean Initiative, to the UN Regular Process by providing data and information for the World Ocean Assessment, OBIS information products are also available through UNEP's Ocean Data Viewer. In addition, OBIS plans to work closely with the Food and Agricultural Organization of the UN for the identification of Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems, the International Seabed Authority for the identification of areas of particular environmental interests and by developing a common data sharing platform, the International Maritime Organization for the identification of Particular Sensitive Sea Areas; the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS) with providing information on migratory routes. OBIS and GBIF signed a letter of agreement recognizing OBIS's role in marine biodiversity, and identified several areas of cooperation, OBIS contributes to the objectives of GEOSS and GEO BON, and will soon take part in activities of GEO Ecosystems through a European Commission funded project. OBIS provides a single access point for data and information and serves a global scientific community. The 69th United Nations General Assembly recognized OBIS for its contribution to Marine Sciences in its UN ocean omnibus resolution. The OBIS project manager is also a member of the secretariat team supporting the new GOOS Biology and Ecosystems panel, ensuring linkage between IODE/OBIS and GOOS. OBIS was recently invited to participate in the kick-off meeting of the ICSU/Future Earth Global biodiversity monitoring, prediction and reporting cluster activity (4-7 May 2015, Yale University, New Haven USA). Interventions by other programmes and projects Ms Iona then invited brief statements that focus on on-going and proposed collaboration with IODE (up to 3 minutes) by representatives of other organizations and programmes such as WMO, JCOMM, GOOS, EuroGOOS, European Commission, European Science Foundation Marine Board, SeaDataNet, EMODNET, ICSU World Data System, IHO, EMBRC (UGhent), GO-SHIP (open list). WMO Mr Etienne Charpentier provided the following statement: Marine meteorological and oceanographic observations permit to realize socio economical benefits, and address the needs of many applications, including the safety of life and property at sea, operations in the open and coastal ocean areas, the protection and sustainable development of the ocean and marine environment, numerical weather prediction and operational meteorology, the monitoring and prediction of seasonal-to-interannual climate variability and climate change, and the efficient management of marine resources. Such data are also crucial for the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) as they are for example used for the validation of ocean and climate models at various temporal scales, and provide the means to deliver the statistical climatological products needed by the end users. The WMO with its Integrated Global Observing System (WIGOS) and Information System (WIS) is working with its Members and partner organizations such as the IOC and the IODE to improve availability of observations to address the requirements of all Applications Areas, and to assure better standardization of instrument and observing network practices, including for the collection of instrument and platform metadata, data collection, quality management, real-time distribution of observations, and the availability of high quality weather, climate and water data in the long term archives. The WMO is therefore very supportive of the activities of the IODE and ready to collaborate and assist where needed. In this regard, I am inviting you to note the establishment by JCOMM of a new cross cutting Task Team on Integrated Marine Meteorological and Oceanographic Services within WIS (TT-MOWIS). The Task Team will be working at enhancing the flow of ocean data to and from the WIS, and the IODE is invited to participate in the Task Team and nominate a member. As you know, a strong collaboration with the IODE has been established in the last fifteen years through JCOMM and in particular through the work of joint JCOMM/IODE ETDMP, the JCOMM Data Management Coordination Group (DMCG), and the JCOMM Expert Team on Marine Climatology (ETMC). In particular, the ETMC, in collaboration with the IODE is developing the Marine Climate Data System (MCDS) which will be one of JCOMMs contribution to the GFCS. In this context, WMO-IOC Centres for Marine Meteorological and Oceanographic Climate Data (CMOCs) will be the cornerstone for making high quality marine climate data accessible to the end users. We welcome the application of China to run a CMOC in this regard. As you know, the IODE is co-owner of the MCDS, and the last Session of the IODE adopted Recommendation IODE-XXII.14 on the MCDS, and Recommendation IODE-XXII.13 on the Global Data Assembly Centres (IODE GDACs). We look forward to continued and strengthened collaboration with the IODE in this regard. Having said that I would like to thank you for your contributions that will help WMO and IOC provide even better service to their Member/Member States in order to face the challenges of improving weather forecasting, climate change detection, disaster prevention and mitigation, climate services, and the many weather and marine oceanography related application areas, or societal benefit areas. JCOMM Ms Nadia Pinardi made the following statement: JCOMM recognises the important role that IODE plays in JCOMM Data Management Program Area (DMPA) and hope for a continuous involvement of IODE in the JCOMM activities. Ms Sissy Iona pointed out that ETDMP should focus more on projects of common interest. For MCDS more work is needed to integrate IODE-GDACs, WDS, NODCs in the system. Ms Nadia Pinardi further informed the IODE Committee that JCOMM has defined a new Cross Cutting Task Team on Integrated Marine Meteorological and Oceanographic Services for WIS (TT-MOWIS), which considers many aspects of IODE data management, and she asked IODE Member States to propose experts in the TT group. GOOS Mr Tom Gross provided the following statement: Since the restructuring of 2011, GOOS has built itself around the concept of Essential Ocean Variables and the three expert/domain panels which are working to define the EOVs: Physics/OOPC; Biogeochemistry/IOCCP; Biology and Ecosystems/OBIS. Following an assessment of the EOVs, their availability and readiness of observation systems must be an identification of the data management needs of the EOV observation systems. The role of data management in GOOS must be satisfied by a close cooperation with IODE and its programmes. The IODE is present at GOOS-SC meeting through ex-officio participation of IODE. GOOS welcomes close cooperation with the IODE in defining data management requirements of GOOS and urges the IODE projects to consider their impact on GOOS goals, and to communicate their accomplishments where appropriate. EuroGOOS Mr Patrick Gorringe made the following statement: EuroGOOS wants to emphasize the need to make closer/stronger links between the archived data communities and the operational communities in Europe. This is already an ongoing activity in EMODnet Physics. EuroGOOS and SDN together with EMODnet will be seeking to close the European data gap between physical RT/NRT data and archived data in the next phase of EMODnet physics by strengthening the links between the NODCs and ROOSs in Europe. SeaDataNet Ms Michele Fichaut made the following statement: IODE is involved as a subcontractor in SeaDataNet 2 project and its activities have been presented at point 3.3 of this IODE session agenda, under the project reports. Strong links between the SeaDataNet activities and IODE objectives were demonstrated. The SeaDataNet project is funded by the European Commission and the present funding period will end by the end of September 2015. However, even if there will be a gap in funding, the present SeaDataNet operations will be maintained and further developments will be done in the frame of new H2020 calls to which SeaDataNet will be able to answer as a consortium, and in that frame the cooperation between the follow-up of SeaDataNet and IODE is expected to continue. EMODNET Mr Francisco Hernandez informed the Committee that Flanders had offered to host the secretariat of EMODnet at the InnovOcean site in Ostend. As part of this activity, VLIZ was requested to develop the central portal that can query the different thematic portals. The development of the first phase has been completed and additional data products will be added as the thematic portals expand their catalogue of data products. (see:  HYPERLINK "http://www.emodnet.eu/dataservices/" http://www.emodnet.eu/dataservices/). EMODnet biology builds one of the five thematic portals of the EMODnet data infrastructure. The construction of the infrastructure encompasses collection of new data through data archaeology, extending the EUROBIS data providers network and calculating gridded data products. It is now in the its second phase. (see  HYPERLINK "http://www.emodnet-biology.eu/" http://www.emodnet-biology.eu/; Link to the data portal :  HYPERLINK "http://www.emodnet-biology.eu/portal/index.php" http://www.emodnet-biology.eu/portal/index.php). EMODnet Biology is linked to IODE through the of EUROBIS, coordination by VLIZ, participation of several OBIS nodes and NODCs including HCMR, IFREMER, IEO. ICSU World Data System Mr Mustapha Mokrane re-iterated the offer by the ICSU WDS to collaborate in the IODE QMF. He also invited the Committee to strengthen links between IODE and ICSU (Future Earth and others). He expressed the hope to find new opportunities to strengthen collaboration. EMBRC (UGent) Mr Francisco Hernandez made the following statement: The European Marine Biological Resource Centre (EMBRC) is a distributed European Research Infrastructure, that was added to the roadmap of the European Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) in 2008 as a research infrastructure of pan-European interest. EMBRC has successfully completed a 3-year preparatory phase resulting in a blueprint of the future infrastructure. Currently, EMBRC is being set up (implementation/construction) and operation is planned to start in 2016. However, some EMBRC services will become available at an earlier date. EMBRC builds on existing facilities, equipment and human capital of those coastal marine biological stations and laboratories in Europe. EMBRC`s vision is the long-term collaboration and common development of strategies, best practices and standards related to the use of marine biological resources and marine biological research in general to fit user needs, drive marine science forward, and underpin the blue bioeconomy in Europe. EMBRC aims to provide its services foremost to users from academia, industry and governments, and it will support both basic and applied research. Services will include the provision of access to European marine, coastal ecosystems and biodiversity, marine model organisms, culture collections, technology platforms including imaging, omics and structural biology facilities, e-infrastructure services, as well as culture, laboratory and training facilities and services. Website :  HYPERLINK "http://www.embrc.eu/" http://www.embrc.eu/ IHO Mr Anthony Pharaoh (IHO) made the following statement: IHO maintains a repository of ocean bathymetry. The IHO Data Centre for Digital Bathymetry (DCDB) contains deep ocean bathymetric data collected by hydrographic and oceanographic vessels over many decades. The IHO has commenced with a program to collect crowed sourced bathymetry and this data will also be included in the IHO DCDB. All bathymetric data can be viewed via a web map interface and can be freely downloaded. The IHO DCDB is an important source of data for the joint IHO / IOC GEBCO project. Over the past decade GEBCO has produced 5 series of ocean bathymetric maps and now produces world coverage gridded bathymetry datasets. The latest GEBCO grid (2014) is accompanied by a new Source Identifier (SID) Grid which provides an indication of which grid cells are based on soundings and which are based on depth interpolations. GEBCO also maintains a gazetteer of undersea feature name, which can be downloaded from the GEBCO web site, and can be viewed via a web map interface. ODIP Ms Cyndy Chandler provided the following statement: The Ocean Data Interoperability Platform (ODIP) project (2012-2015; EU Framework 7 funded project with additional support from US National Science Foundation and the Australian Government) aimed to remove barriers hindering the effective sharing of data across scientific domains and international boundaries. ODIP built partnerships between ocean data management groups in the EU, US, and Australia and was supported by the IOC/IODE. Through a series of international workshops and prototype projects, ODIP partners identified, evaluated and tested enabling standards and interoperability solutions. The three ODIP prototype projects are: (1) establishing interoperability between the SeaDataNet CDI (Europe), Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS, Australia) and National Oceanographic Data Center (US NODC, USA) data discovery and access services using brokering services towards interacting with the IODE-ODP and GEOSS global portals; (2) establishing interoperability between cruise summary reporting systems in Europe, the USA and Australia; and (3) establishing a prototype for a Sensor Observation Service (SOS) for selected sensors installed on vessels and in real-time monitoring systems using sensor web enablement (SWE). Additional cross-cutting themes of controlled vocabularies and data publication/citation emerged early in the project and contributed to the platform development. The project leads, Helen Glaves (NERC- British Geological Survey; BGS) and Dick Schaap (Marine Information Service; MARIS), received confirmation early in 2015 that ODIP2 will be funded in the framework of the EC HORIZON 2020 Research Infrastructures programme to continue building on the success of ODIP. The 4th ODIP Workshop (the final of the first phase of ODIP) will be hosted by the British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC) in Liverpool, United Kingdom in April 2015 and includes participants from all participating regions. Ms Iona added that ODIP implementation and operation is supported by the IOC/IODE, and ODIP results have been contributed to the ODSBP project. ODIP is a good example of how experts representing independently developed data e-infrastructures can share expertise and align their efforts toward inter-operability. Website:  HYPERLINK "http://www.odip.org" http://www.odip.org Second International Indian Ocean Expedition (IIOE-2) Mr Greg Reed made the following statement: The Second International Indian Ocean Expedition (IIOE-2) is a joint IOC-SCOR-IOGOOS initiative to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the International Indian Ocean Expedition (IIOE) of the 1960s. IIOE-2 will advance understanding of geologic, oceanic and atmospheric processes and their interactions in the Indian Ocean, and to determine how these dynamics affect climate, marine biogeochemical cycles, ecosystems, and fisheries both within the region and globally. Planning for IIOE-2 has been underway since 2011. An Interim Planning Committee (IPC) has been formed and a draft Science Plan has been released. Final arrangements for the commencement of IIOE-2 are proposed to be adopted by the IOC Assembly in June 2015. IIOE-2 is a major international initiative that will collect vast amounts of data and IODE should take the lead for the Data and Information management component. Activities where IODE can provide leadership includes (i) sponsor a Data Management Plan to outline the types of data to be collected, data and metadata standards, data access and sharing, and data archiving and preservation, (ii) promote data citation, (iii) ensure IIOE-2 data are cited in publications, (iv) provide a repository for all IIOE-2 data (ODP/OBIS), and (v) provide data and information management training through OTGA. The Committee was informed that the IIOE-2 draft science plan specifically referred to IODE: At the international level, the IOCs International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) provides a logical framework and infrastructure that can support IIOE-2 data and information management. The Committee agreed that IODE provides the essential framework and infrastructure to support IIOE-2 data and information management and that IODE can provide leadership and make a valuable contribution to the IIOE-2 objectives to build capacity and improve availability and accessibility of oceanographic data. The Committee recommended that all publications generated by IIOE-2 should be included in OceanDocs and instructed the IODE Secretariat to inform the Interim Planning Committee (IPC) of its recommendation. The Committee instructed the Secretariat to inform IIOE-2 IPC of IODEs readiness to support IIOE-2, and specifically to prepare draft text for a Data Management Plan. The Committee proposed to establish a working group on the development of a draft text for a IIOE-2 data management plan, noting that such text could also be adapted for use by other programmes and projects. The delegate from India informed the Committee that the national committee on IIOE-2 instructed INCOIS to collate the data of IIOE-1 and publish it on the IIOE-2 web site at the NODC at INCOIS. The Committee expressed its appreciation to all partner programmes and organizations for their reporting to, and participation in the Session. IODE CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT INTRODUCTION This agenda item was introduced by Ms Claudia Delgado (IODE Training Coordinator) referring to Document IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3-Proj-OceanTeacher which was discussed under Agenda item 3.3. She informed the Committee that the new OTGA Project will build upon and expand the OceanTeacher Academy (OTA) Project, and will address some of the OTAs identified weaknesses. It will do so by: (i) promoting the establishment and assisting with the start up of Regional Training Centres that will plan, organise and implement training courses that are of relevance and serve the needs of the target region; (ii) promoting the use of local experts as lecturers and training assistants by the RTCs; (iii) promoting the collaboration between the RTCs by enabling (through advanced information technology) lecturers from multiple regions to contribute lectures; and (iv) further develop the use of the OceanTeacher Learning Platform. She recalled that, although OTGA was meant primarily to address IODEs training needs, it is also available to support/host any training activities from other IOC (and associate) Programmes. Ms Claudia Delgado further informed the Committee about the reference to OceanTeacher during the 69th session of the United Nations General Assembly in December 2014, where the Member States expressed their [] appreciation for the contribution of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission to capacity-building through its Ocean Teacher Academy training system, which has provided training in ocean data and information management to more than 1,300 students and professionals from more than 120 countries, and takes note of the setting up of the Ocean Teacher Global Academy, operating through a network of regional training centres, which builds capacity and promotes expertise available in developing countries. It was recalled that the Committee had adopted  HYPERLINK \l "decision4" Decision IODE-XXIII.4 CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT NEEDS IDENTIFIED BY THE IODE COMMUNITY This agenda item was introduced by Ms Claudia Delgado (IODE Training Coordinator). Ms Claudia Delgado informed the Committee that, following the survey to the IODE Community on October/November 2014, the most requested courses from the IODE community were as follows: Ocean Data Management: 1) Fundamentals of Ocean Data Management, 2) Marine and Coastal Atlas Development and 3) Marine GIS Applications (ArcGIS); Marine Information Management 1) Development and Management of e-Repositories, 2) Preservation and Archiving of Digital Media and 3) Data Curation for Information Managers. She added that other IODE priority courses were QMF and OBIS-related. For OBIS these are: (i) Train the trainers: Provide lessons that the participants require to be able to run local workshops, (ii) Data processing and analysis skills: Besides the normal training on data processing, the training could also focus on data analysis with open source software like R, and (iii) Dealing with different data types: In the future, the OBIS database will be extended to capture other kinds of data types, such as telemetry, PAM (Passive Acoustic Monitoring), PhotoID, digital media, RNA/DNA information etc., therefore a proper training should be provided to the OBIS node managers on how to deal with these data types. Ms Dawn Wright (ICAN) informed that ICAN has training resources that could be made immediately available in order to support CD activities. Se will liaise with Claudia Delgado (IODE Training Coordinator) in order to make these available. Mr Bob Keeley informed that himself together with Prof Reiner Schlitzer have designed a training course on Data System Design. Details can be obtained by contacting Claudia Delgado (IODE Training Coordinator). Depending on the community needs and financial resources available the course could be organised in the near future. The Committee noted the priority listing of courses and called on experts to volunteer for lecturing and provision of course materials. IOC STRATEGIC PLAN FOR CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT This Agenda Item was introduced by Prof. Adot Blivi (Chair of the Inter-sessional working group for the development of the IOC Capacity Development strategy) referring to the Document IOC Capacity Development Strategy 2015-2021. He recalled that enabling Member States to participate in, and benefit from its programmes and actions has been a major goal of IOCs activities since its beginning, which translated into a number of resolutions and documents. They included the development of a UNESCO/IOC Comprehensive Plan for a major assistance programme to enhance the marine science capabilities for developing countries (IOC/INF-612 , 1985), the development of an IOC Training, Education and Mutual Assistance Programme (TEMA) Strategy (TEMA-V/7, 1991) and Action Plan (TEMA V/9 , 1991-1995) as well as observations and experiences of TEMA implementation, 1984-1994 (IOC-XVIII/Inf.2 , 1995). IOC Criteria and Guidelines for the Transfer of Marine Technology (IOC/INF-1203 ) its implementation plan (IOC/INF-1212; 2005) and IOC Principles and Strategy for Capacity-building (IOC/INF-1211 , 2005), were adopted in 2003. 3 Since its establishment in 1960, IOC has built up a rich tradition of providing technical training, scholarships and fellowships, initially through the IOCs TEMA (Training, Education and Mutual Assistance), and more recently through its Capacity Development section. Through Decision IOC-XXVII/Dec.5.5.1 (Development of a New Capacity Development Strategy) the IOC Assembly (2013) established the Inter-sessional Working Group for the Development of IOC Capacity Development Strategic Plan. The Forty-seventh Session of the Executive Council (2014) took note of the Draft Capacity Development Strategy, reconstituted the Inter-sessional Working Group for the IOC Capacity Development Strategy, with the Vice-Chairperson Prof Adot Blim Blivi responsible for capacity development as Chairperson, and revised the Terms of Reference. The Council requested the Executive Secretary to include the Draft Strategic Plan for Capacity Development on the agenda of the IOC Assembly at its 28th session in 2015, and Member States to consider funding (as necessary) and supporting the activities leading to the formulation and adoption of the final version of the Capacity Development Strategy. The documents referred to above are the result of the work of the inter-sessional working group, which worked by email and also met for a face-to-face meeting in Paris, France, 16-18 February 2015. The draft strategy provides six outputs and numerous activities. These outputs call for investing in people and the institutions of which they are a part of, enhancing access to scientific tools and methodologies, reinforcing IOCs capabilities to provide services to Member States, enhancing the communication between scientific and policy makers communities, expanding ocean literacy in civil society and mobilizing resources to accomplish these goals. The draft strategy would be submitted for adoption to the 28th Session of the IOC Assembly (June 2015). In order to ensure the widest possible understanding of, and agreement with the strategy it was decided that the draft documents would be presented during Sessions of the major IOC programmes as well as IOC sub-commissions that would meet between March and May 2015. While no further changes could be made to the documents prior to the Assembly, Member States participating in these meetings would be able to ask questions and comment. The representative from IAEA thanked IOC for considering IAEA as a partner in the IOC CD Strategy, and informed about its willingness towards developing a more active cooperation between IAEA and IOC. Ms Dawn Wright (ICAN) underlined that the ICAN project of IODE relied primarily on CD activities to improve capacity in coastal atlases of its members and referred to the link with other IOC CD activities through the SPINCAM project of IOC/MPR. She informed about the publication Increasing Capacity for Stewardship of Oceans and Coasts: A Priority for the 21st Century published by the US National Academy of Sciences in cooperation with SCOR on ocean and coastal CD priorities, which could be of relevance for IOC Capacity Development. The publication is available at  HYPERLINK "http://www.nap.edu/catalog/12043/increasing-capacity-for-stewardship-of-oceans-and-coasts-a-priority" http://www.nap.edu/catalog/12043/increasing-capacity-for-stewardship-of-oceans-and-coasts-a-priority. The delegate from Saudi Arabia congratulated the IOC CD Draft Strategy Committee for the document and stated its willingness to cooperate in this regard. Professor Adot Blivi concluded this agenda item by clarifying that the next step would be taken in June 2015, when the proposed IOC CD Draft Strategy would be submitted to the IOC Assembly for approval and called on Member States to adopt the IOC CD Strategy. The Committee welcomed the IOC Capacity Development Strategy (2015-2021) as presented and looked forward to its adoption at the upcoming 28th Session of the IOC Assembly. DRAFT WORK PLAN FOR IODE CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT This Agenda Item was introduced by Ms Claudia Delgado (IODE Training Coordinator). Ms Claudia Delgado recalled that the kick-off meeting of the OceanTeacher Global Academy Project took place in Ostend, Belgium in January 2015 (13-16). She explained that the initial funding included 5 RTCs, while the current OTGA network is composed by 10 RTCs. She informed the Committee that the OTGA SG decided to organise at least one training course per RTC during the first year of the OTGA Project implementation. For this purpose, a shortlist of already available training courses (2015) was identified, as well as resource staff (see Table 1). LanguageRTCCourseExpected datesEnglishIODE POQMFNov - Dec 2015EnglishIODE POResearch Data Management16 20 November 2015EnglishIODE POOBIS30 November 04 December 2015SpanishINVEMARMarine GIS ApplicationsSep - Nov 2015SpanishINVEMARMarine Spatial PlanningMay 2015FrenchCRODT-ISRAFundamentals of Ocean Data ManagementTBDFrenchCRODT-ISRAQMFTBDEnglishAFRICOG/Rhodes Univ.Marine Spatial Planning19-21 April 2015PortugueseESCCMFundamentals of Ocean Data ManagementJune-July 2015EnglishKMFRIMarine GIS ApplicationsSeptember 2015EnglishINCOISOperational OceanographyOctober 2015 onwardsEnglishINCOISMarine GIS ApplicationsOctober 2015 onwardsEnglishINOSQMFTBDEnglishINOSMarine GIS ApplicationsTBDEnglishINOSFundamentals of Ocean Data ManagementTBDChineseNCOSMStandards and CalibrationTBDEnglishNSUMarine Information Management topicTBDTable 1: Proposed OTGA workplan for 2015. She recalled that during 2015 all RTCs would be testing their capabilities to become an OTGA RTC, including staff availability (lecturers, teaching assistants, support staff), adequate infrastructure and administrative/legal barriers. Only after this period the formal agreements between IOC and the RTCs will be established. Ms Claudia Delgado further informed that during 2015 the RTCs would perform regional training needs surveys, with the support and inputs from the IOC Regional Sub-commissions, in order to identify regionally relevant training. The OTGA training calendar for 2016 would be decided based upon the results of the regional training needs surveys. Ms Claudia Delgado informed that an OTGA Outreach Strategy would be drafted during 2015, for further implementation from 2016 onwards. The Committee welcomed the progress with the start-up of the OceanTeacher Global Academy and looked forward to successful implementation of the project. The Committee thanked the Government of Flanders (Kingdom of Belgium) for the substantial financial support provided to the project. THE FUTURE OF IODE (INCLUDING STRATEGIC PLAN) This Agenda Item was introduced by Mr Greg Reed and Mr Bob Keeley. Mr Keeley referred to documents IOC/IODE-XXIII/5a (The future of IODE Analysis and Survey results) and IOC/IODE-XXIII/5b (The future of IODE Recommendations). He recalled that the documents had been introduced under agenda item 5 followed by initial Committee comments and discussions. He invited the meeting to split into 5 groups and for each group to designate a chair to report back (10 min) to the plenary on the same day at 17h00. Mr Keeley would then summarize the results and present these on Thursday morning. He identified the groups as follows: (i) dealing with recommendations 4,6,7,11 (Chaired by Ariel Troisi); (ii) dealing with recommendations 1,2,5,8 (Chaired by Ms Guijun Han); (iii) dealing with recommendations 2,3,6,10 (Chaired by Ms Cyndy Chandler); (iv) dealing with recommendations 3,4,7,10 (Chaired by Mr Yutaka Michida); (v) dealing with recommendations 1,5,8,11 (Chaired by Ms Sissy Iona). Each recommendation was dealt with by two groups so results could be compared. Chairs of the 5 groups reported back to plenary. Mr Keeley then provided a summary of the deliberations of the working groups that had met the previous day. It was noted that the numbering below did not reflect order of priority. (1) Make better use of National Reporting (through the survey). Include a list of the IODE objectives to help reporting on how national activities are matched to these. Who: (co-chairs, PO, volunteer to develop new reporting template) What: recommend some changes to report template. When: in time for next IODE meeting The Committee agreed with the proposed decision. Ms Linda Pikula and Ms Jane Stephenson offered to assist with the MIM reporting template. Mr Sergey Belov and Ms Alessandra Giorgetti offered to assist with the data management reporting template. The Committee agreed that respondents could add an annex (e.g. link to web page) that provided more detailed information on activities. (2) Assist the Project Office in reporting on IODE activities Who: (PO?, Co-chairs?, volunteer?) What: consolidate national reports into a bi-annual report. Pass ideas for changes in template to above. When: after every IODE meeting It was noted that the target audience of the report would need to be decided, as this would make the approach very different. The Committee did not reach agreement on this proposal as no volunteer could be identified. It was noted that the posters that had been prepared for the anniversary celebration would be used at the upcoming Assembly. It was noted that reporting by NODCs and marine information management should be more quantified so evolution in time can be assessed. The Committee decided to establish an editing team to prepare a template for national reporting that will provide quantified reporting on IODE data flow. Mr Friedrich Nast (Germany) volunteered to lead the team and to invite additional members. Mr Kimmo Tikka (Finland) and Ms Lotta Fyrberg (Sweden) volunteered to contribute. The Committee decided to refer the production of (bi)annual reports to the inter-sessional working group to propose a new structure for IODE. (3) Ensure IODE session is focused on decisions needed from committee Who: (Officers) What: strong control of agenda timetable. Use templates where sensible. When: every IODE meeting The Committee agreed with this proposal. (4) Poll IODE members to get list of Issues from activities external to IODE that should be discussed. Who: (PO, members in response to PO call) What: Officers to winnow topics and ensure documents are prepared as needed When: in time for next IODE meeting The Committee agreed with this proposal. (5) Projects need to improve visibility and encourage new membership in projects. Need regular reporting. Who: (all projects) What: prepare posters, annual reports When: in time for next IODE meeting but may be used at other venues as they arise. The Committee agreed with this proposal. Reference is made also to (2) above and (11) below. (6) Ensure/secure home institution support for project members Who: (project members) What: use posters, or project material to explain to managers why they are in project When: once a year during performance reviews?) The Committee agreed with this proposal. (7) Use video conferencing when feasible (narrow time differences, smaller membership. Need to define a list of SOP for video meetings (size of agenda, one speaker at a time, perhaps one topic/call, PO moderated,...) Who: (volunteer to prepare) What: Video conferencing SOP (standard operating procedures) When: mid 2015 The Committee agreed with this proposal. Ms Sissy Iona (Greece) volunteered to prepare the standard operating practices. Mr Friedrich Nast (Germany), Ms Dawn Wright (ICAN) , and Mr Loic Petit de la Villon (France) offered to assist. (8) Poll IODE member web pages to check that IODE has visibility. Standard text had been prepared and could be suggested. Who: (volunteer?) What: check web sites, email members when references are difficult to find or missing. When: mid 2015 The Committee agreed with this proposal. Mr Taco de Bruin (The Netherlands) and Ms Sissy Iona (Greece) volunteered to carry out the review of web pages for references to IODE and to contact NODCs to ask them to insert content. (9) Determine if material is easily available or can be created for near-term advertising. Who: (co-chairs to lead) What: Assemble poster of IODE impacts (or use existing information?) for upcoming EMODnet Jamboree (Oostende, Belgium) When: 19-23 October 2015 The Committee agreed with this proposal. It was noted that IODE impacts refers to the importance of management of data and information for science and society. (10) Participate in research project planning as often as possible. Must be able to demonstrate value of being included. (IIOE-2 is a current opportunity). Who: member NODCs and marine information managers What: use national contacts to become included When: as they arise The Committee agreed with this proposal. In this regard reference was made to agenda item 6.3 (IIOE2) where it was recommended to prepare a data and information management plan for IIOE2. This should be discussed with the staff member of the IOC Secretariat responsible for IIOE2. Mr Somkiat Khokkiattiwong informed the Committee that Dr S. Shenoi (INCOIS, India) had been designated to chair the committee on IIOE2. Mr Calvin Gerry volunteered to ensure that the suggestion to develop a data management plan for the IIOE2 would be considered by IIOE2. More generally NODCs should assist, where required, with the development of data and information management plans when new national or regional projects are planned. Ms Cyndy Chandler volunteered to prepare a draft data and information management plan that could be used for various purposes. (11) Use opportunities for conferences such as IMDIS to show IODE member accomplishments. Possible venues could be SciDataCon, CMOS, meetings. Also seek ways to organize and fund conferences. Who: member NODCs and marine information managers What: seek opportunities and notify PO and other members of venues The Committee agreed with this proposal. Ms Michle Fichaut (SeaDataNet) suggested that Member States could co-sponsor future IMDIS conferences. She offered to start discussions to organize an IMDIS conference in 2016. She informed the Committee that SeaDataNet would have a steering committee meeting at the beginning of April 2015 where she could mention the proposal. Mr Mustapha Mokrane (ICSU WDS) expressed the intention to bring data/information management more in the forefront across scientific domains. The oceanographic data management community is well organized. The September 2016 SciDataCon conference would be co-convened with RDA, possibly in North America. He suggested that IODE should be actively involved and present. The Committee agreed that IODE should play an active role in the SciDataCon 2016, taking into account also that IODE is a network member in the WDS. (12) Encourage increase in preparation of training materials using expertise in IODE or outside. Who: Co-chairs notify experts of GEs, Projects, other members What: prepare course materials, background documentation to be made available through OTGA. This could appear as a task in each project. When: encourage delivery of material from 5+ projects/experts by IODE-XXIV Mr Keeley referred to GTSPP which organized a course in 2014 for which materials were prepared that were uploaded to the OceanTeacher platform. Mr Appeltans mentioned that the SG-OBIS had noted that various universities already included OBIS related topics in their curricula, which could be made available to/through OceanTeacher. Mr Ned Dwyer (ICAN) offered to prepare and provide course material to OceanTeacher as one of the 5 projects. Ms Jane Stephenson (UK) offered to consider contributing a course to OceanTeacher. The Committee agreed with this proposal. In addition the following guidance comments were provided by Mr Keeley: 1. Conduct survey outside IODE for use of IODE data, info systems 2. IODE has a coordination role beyond simply hosting projects. Be careful of perception that an IODE structure of just projects does not damage IODE. National activities do not all align with projects. 3. Encourage consolidation of projects with similar or complementary goals where possible. 4. Encourage coordination across projects when there are commonalities. 5. Develop a communications strategy. This could: identify volunteers to help in material preparation for advertising IODE; compile library of posters. 6. Consider if/how to improve outreach communications. 7. Encourage Groups of Experts (GEs) where possible to explore migration and consolidation of functions into projects. Need to retain coordination role across IODE activities. 8. Consider all of the functions that GEs provide and what is gained or lost by conversion of functions to projects. 9. Identify how to compose and Officers group under a new IODE structure. Do you need to retain MS nomination process (this was how GEs set membership). It was noted that the GEs have been providing a coordination role. As we had now eliminated two of the Groups we need to consider how their coordinating role will be continued. Similarly it was noted that the elimination of some of the GEs reduced the membership of the Officers. In that regard it was noted that the Officers might need to be replaced by a Management Committee. The Committee decided that this issue should be referred to the inter-sessional working group to propose a restructuring of IODE. Mr Keeley then introduced 4 questions to be answered by the IODE community: What is it that you as data centre or information centre expect from IODE? What should IODE be doing for your data/information centre? What is it that you as an individual expert expect from IODE? What is it that you can offer to IODE? The Chair then invited Ms Margarita Gregg to report on the deliberations of the sessional working group to draft the terms of reference for the inter-sessional working group propose a re-structuring of IODE. It was recalled that the Committee had adopted Decision IODE-XXIII.1. Regarding the IOC Strategic Plan for Oceanographic Data and Information Management Mr Reed recalled that IODE-XXII submitted a Draft Decision for the 27th Session of the IOC Assembly (June 2013), which was adopted. Subsequently the Strategic Plan (2013-2016) was published as IOC Manuals and Guides No. 66. Mr Reed noted that, as the next Session of IODE would take place in March/April 2017, work on updating of the Strategic Plan should take place during the next inter-sessional period for submission to the 29th Session of the IOC Assembly in June 2017. The Committee decided to establish an inter-sessional working group, which would have the objective of updating the Strategic Plan and adopted  HYPERLINK \l "decision2" Decision IODE-XXIII.2 If a face-to-face meeting will be required to compose the document then Member States will be invited to self-fund their participation. RESOURCE MOBILIZATION STRATEGY This Agenda Item was introduced by Mr Ariel Troisi, Co-Chair. He recalled the introduction to work plan and budget provided under agenda item 4. (Document IOC/IODE-XXIII-Ag4). Financial resources Mr Troisi recalled that while IODE has continued to be successful in mobilizing extra-budgetary funds from the Government of Flanders (Kingdom of Belgium) both directly through the IOC Project Office for IODE (approx. 180,000/year) and through the UNESCO-Flanders Trust Fund for Sciences through which three IODE projects will be funding during the next 3-4 years, the funding from the UNESCO Regular Programme remains low at approx. US$80,000/year. In fact out of this amount only US$32,500 is available for IODE and OBIS core systems, i.e. available for meetings of experts and equivalent bodies. The remaining US$47,500 is earmarked for training and education activities. Taking into account the current large number of projects (24) it was obvious that those that were not funded from extra-budgetary sources could not be funded from the very limited regular programme funds. Even in combination with the funds received from Flanders by the Project Office the amount available was insufficient. Especially during the past two inter-sessional periods IODE has actively pursued cooperation with other IOC programmes: cooperation with IOC/HAB on HAEDAT and OBIS, with IOC/ICAM on SPINCAM(2), with IOC/ICAM on CMA(2), with IOC/HAB and IOC/ICAM on OceanTeacher, with GOOS Biology and GEF/TWAon OBIS etc. The partial responsibilities for GOOS Biology of the OBIS project manager will further open opportunities for joint activities. These cooperation opportunities are particularly useful when they involve extra-budgetary projects and where IODE has a specific responsibility relevant to its mandate. IODE has been less successful in cooperating (as partners) in EU funded projects such as SeaDataNet (1 and 2), ODIP and EMODnet. This was due mainly to administrative issues that could not be resolved. This is very negative for IODE as these projects have a focus that is fully within the mandate of IODE and they are very well funded. The Committee urged European Union Member States to actively pursue the inclusion of IOC/IODE in EU funded projects that are relevant to IODE. Human resources Following a re-organization of the IOC Secretariat (abolishing of the Deputy-Executive Secretary position) in July 2014, the Director-General of UNESCO agreed to the creation of a new UNESCO regular position serving OBIS (45%), GOOS Biology (45%) and Capacity Development (10%). This position was under recruitment between September 2014 and February 2015. As a result Mr Ward Appeltans was recruited for this position. On the other hand the IODE programme coordinator (Mr Peter Pissierssens) was tasked to spend 20% of his time on IOC Capacity Development. This brings the total UNESCO human resources assigned to IODE to 1.25 person equivalents. In addition the IOC Project Office continues to receive 3.5 staff (IODE training coordinator, Administrative manager, IT system manager, time documentalist) from Flanders. Two professional positions (IT specialist and OBIS database manager) are funded from extra-budgetary projects. While the total staff of the IODE Secretariat (IOC Project Office for IODE) has now reached 6.75 person equivalents, only 1.25 person equivalents can be considered as stable. Two are fully dependent on project funding and these are also responsible for the information systems at the Project Office (including OBIS). The Committee invited IOC to consider the creation, within the next 4-6 years, of two professional positions (P-2 and P-3) to ensure the long-term sustainability of the IOC and IODE information systems, including the OBIS database(s) and IOC web sites. IODE, as a community of practice, is highly dependent on the active participation of the members of the community in its activities. As those members are often employees of national institutions (as well as other organizations) it is essential that these organizations allow their employees to commit staff time as well as financial resources (e.g. travel funds) to IODE activities. In this regard it is of course important that IODE activities are relevant to the mandate and priorities of the national institutions (and other organizations). IODE therefore needs to ensure, through its community, that planned activities are indeed relevant to the employing entities of its members. The Committee called on Member States to make available to IODE, staff time and other financial resources (e.g. travel funds) of its national experts so they can actively participate in IODE activities. Such resources should be reported as in-kind contribution in IOC reporting and will be recognized as such. COMMUNICATION STRATEGY This agenda item was introduced by Ms Sissy Iona (IODE Co-Chair). She noted that while the marine information management component of IODE published a Communication Strategy for Marine Information Management as IOC/INF-1288 (2011) and has prepared a revision (discussed under agenda item 3.3), IODE as a programme has not developed such a strategy. As such IODE had no strategic approach to communicate with its stakeholders. At a time when resources are not easily available and IODE is challenged for its survival it is essential, more than ever, to communicate the important role of IODE within and outside its community. The addition of the ICAN and OBIS communities of practice has expanded the scope of IODE. The increasing collaboration between IODE and other programmes and projects demonstrated the important role of IODE and this should be also be communicated to a wide range of stakeholders. The representative of POGO noted that many organizations are having similar discussions and developing communication strategies. She recommended collaboration between organizations in this regard. The Committee established an inter-sessional working group which will have the objective of drafting the IODE Communication Strategy The deadline to complete the work will be October 2016. The Committee adopted  HYPERLINK \l "decision3" Decision IODE-XXIII.3 The Committee identified the membership of the group. If a face-to-face meeting will be required to compose the document then Member States will be invited to self-fund their participation. The Committee instructed the group to collaborate with other IOC programmes and other organizations on this matter. ANY OTHER BUSINESS This Agenda Item was introduced by Ms Sissy Iona (IODE Co-Chair). She recalled that no new points were raised during agenda item 2.1. WORK PLAN AND BUDGET FOR 2015 (CURRENT UNESCO BIENNIUM 2014-2015) AND 2016-2017 (NEXT UNESCO BIENNIUM) This Agenda Item was introduced by Mr Ariel Troisi (IODE Co-Chair). He invited the Chair of the sessional working group on programme and budget to present the report on the deliberations of his working group. The Chair of the sessional working group on programme and budget introduced the proposed work plan and budget which was based on the expected financial resources (UNESCO RP, Flanders financial contribution to the IOC project office for IODE). The working group also took into account funding from other extra-budgetary projects to the extent that these projects can be linked to other IODE projects. The Committee adopted the work plan and budget for the next inter-sessional period (April 2015- March 2017) as  HYPERLINK \l "rec5" Recommendation IODE-XXIII.5 DATE AND PLACE OF IODE-XXIV Ms Sissy Iona, IODE Co-Chair invited the Committee to discuss the date and venue of the twenty-fourth Session, taking into account the current budgetary limitations and costs, associated with organizing a Session. The Technical Secretary informed the Committee that an invitation to host had been received from Dr Vahid Chegini from the Islamic Republic of Iran. However the Secretariat had meanwhile been informed that Dr Chegini had left his institution and was replaced by Dr Zaker. It would therefore be necessary to verify if the offer to host was still valid. ELECTIONS OF CO-CHAIRS The IODE Technical Secretary introduced this item by referring to the IOC Rules of Procedure (Document IOC/INF-1166), and more particularly to Rule 25, para 3. The Technical Secretary informed the Committee that, in accordance with the above Rules, and taking into account that both Co-Chairs had completed two terms (two inter-sessional periods) two new Co-Chairs needed to be elected. He informed the Committee that IOC Circular Letter No. 2527 was issued on 23 June 2014 inviting candidacies, and with a deadline of 15 November 2015. By 15 November 2014 two candidacies were received: Ms Cyndy Chandler (USA) and Mr Yutaka Michida (Japan). On 28 November an additional candidacy was received from Ms Guijun Han (China). The IODE Officers decided, despite the slightly late submission, to accept the candidacy of the Chinese candidate. Information on the candidates as well as their views on the future of IODE was posted on the web page  HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=438:iode-xxiii-candidatures-for-iode-co-chairs&catid=71:iode-xxiii" http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=438:iode-xxiii-candidatures-for-iode-co-chairs&catid=71:iode-xxiii The delegate of China then requested to make a statement. In her statement Ms Yu Ting, on behalf of Dr Shi, informed the Committee that China would withdraw from the election. They expressed their confidence in Ms Chandler and Mr Michida as the new Co-Chairs of IODE. She committed the further active participation of China in the work of IODE. Mr Troisi recognized the huge efforts made by China to the work of IODE. The Co-Chair then invited Ms Chandler, Mr Michida and Ms Han to make brief statements on their views on the future of IODE. Ms Chandler looked forward to the Co-Chairmanship of IODE and wished to convey her passion for the work of the Committee. She noted that IODE now managed data of all kinds and IODE has a huge responsibility to curate the data from many instruments, from surface to the bottom of the ocean and this presented immense challenges. This was also an opportunity but we would need to break many barriers to ensure that all data would be available to all users. We would need to provide that we worked through the entire life cycle of the data. A recent change was related to new technology that was now available and we have the opportunity to cross these barriers and hopefully make the data interoperable at the machine level. The way to do this would be through partnerships and IODE is well positioned for this. It was important to note that oceanographic data also include biology from macrofauna to the smallest organisms. Ms Chandler looked forward to the opportunity and the possibilities ahead of us all. She noted also the huge achievements in capacity development enabling all member states to participate in IODE. Mr Michida made the following statement: My profile and my personal perspectives have been posted on the Website of the present session. Research and educational background is physical oceanography particularly on the current structure in the surface mixed layer. My carrier with the IODE started in 1988 when I was an officer of Japan Oceanographic Data Center (JODC) in charge of international cooperation, and organized WESTPAC training courses on ocean data management. Since I moved to the University of Tokyo in 2000, I attended all of the IODE sessions except for 50th anniversary meeting in Liege in 2011 held right after the mega tsunami hitting Japanese coast. I joined the discussion to make IOC ocean data exchange policy adopted in 2003, and also IODE Review team in 2003-05 led by Dr Kohnke. In my statement with regard to my perspectives, I mentioned a couple of points, which are, 1) Data Portal and Standards through ETDMP 2) Capacity Development 3) Data and Information for Policy Making Processes, and 4) Cooperation with other Organizations and Programmes. They are quite important for us, but there are many other important issues including ocean data for climate studies, innovation of technology and oceanographic information for disaster prevention. There are also the issues of restructuring of IODE and financial matters as we have been discussing during the last couple of days. I explain a little more in detail my thoughts by picking up some points in my perspectives. With regard to the marine data and information for policy making processes, those in the coastal areas will be relatively more important. Of course those in the open oceans are also very much important in terms of ocean acidification and climate changes, for examples. But for a single coastal country, data and information in its coastal area are with no doubt essential for making policies. Please be kindly noted that I am NOT proposing these data and information be exchanged internationally. IODE has been aiming at enhancement of international data exchange basically in the open oceans. Why I am emphasizing the importance of coastal areas ? The reason is that data centres or ADUs and marine information centres in a coastal member state will be able to improve their visibility at the national level by managing the data and information in its coastal areas. Improvement of visibility of them will lead us to stronger IODE network. It is not just a dream. Because this kind of movement has been realizing in Japan since 2008, when Japanese government adopted the Basic Ocean Act and its implementation plan. The plan repeatedly emphasized the importance of marine information management. Japanese government decided to task JODC to develop a kind of information/data system for policy-making processes. This has improved a lot the visibility of JODC at the national level. My observation is that there seems to be a positive feedback process to enhance the national capability in ocean/marine data and information management. This will be one possible way to enhance our ability and power in international marine and oceanographic community. We already have ICAN with us, and many regional initiatives as well. Coastal area management and MSP will also require reliable data and information. In this context, CD and collaboration with our partner organizations and programmes will also be important. We have a number of challenges in front of us including the issue of our restructuring and financial matters. But at the same time we would need our perspectives longer term, for the next 20 years, even 50 years. We may be able to enhance the IODE network by improving the ability of data centres, information management centres and other related bodies even at national level. To conclude my statement, if elected as one of the co-chairs, I surely will do my best toward our brilliant future of IODE, by trying to follow the excellent leadership of the current co-chairs as far as I can, and based on my more than 25 years experiences with IODE and 4 years experiences as one of the vice-chairs of the IOC. So lets go together toward better, more effective, more sustainable and more workable international oceanographic data and information exchange, having strong supports and close collaboration with the MS, and our partner organizations and programmes, and the Secretariat as well. Ms Han then briefly addressed the Committee: Firstly, I'd like to introduce myself to the IODE community. Secondly, I appreciate the accomplishment of IODE for enhancing the marine scientific research. Thirdly, I would be honored to contribute to IODE with my great willingness. Finally, I wish to express my gratitude for the IODE office to offer me this opportunity to familiarise myself with the IODE community, for those who help me to involve in IODE. The Committee elected Ms Cynthia Chandler (USA) and Mr Yutaka Michida as IODE Co-Chairs for the next inter-sessional period. ADOPTION OF THE SUMMARY REPORT This Agenda Item was introduced by both Co-Chairs. The Committee was invited to adopt the draft Summary Report of the Session, and the Resolutions and Recommendations. The Committee requested its Co-Chairs and the IOC Secretariat to make editorial corrections as necessary, taking into account the discussions held during the session. The Committee requested the IODE Co-Chairs to present the Executive Summary with all Resolutions and Recommendations therein to the Twenty-Eighth Session of the IOC Assembly that will take place between 18 and 25 June 2015 at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris, France. CLOSURE Ms Iona thanked all participants for their active participation in the Session and the Secretariat for organizing the Session. Mr Troisi thanked the Government of Flanders and federal Government of Belgium for the financial support for the Session and Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) for the considerable assistance in organizing the Session. He thanked the local hosts and IODE Secretariat for the warm welcome to Brugge. He thanked ESRI for the financial support for some participants and for the document bags. Mr Ariel recalled that the Committee had entrusted himself and Ms Iona with coordinating IODE. He noted that communication between himself and the IODE Secretariat was very voluminous. It was now time for handing over the helm to the new Co-Chairs. Mr Pissierssens, on behalf of the IOC/IODE Secretariat, thanked all participants for their active participation in this Session. He also thanked all project managers for contributing materials for the posters that had been displayed during the celebration event on Monday 16 March and had been praised by many visitors. He informed the Committee that the posters would be used for several other events in 2015 including the IOC Assembly in June 2015. He thanked Ms Sissy Iona and Mr Ariel Troisi for their hard work as Co-Chairs during the past four years, noting that the role of Co-Chairs went well beyond chairing a Session: often they were called upon to represent IODE at various meetings. Mr Pissierssens expressed his high appreciation for their promotion of IODE during these many events. The Co-Chairs closed the Session on Friday 20 March 2015 at 11:42. ANNEX I AGENDA 1. OPENING 2. ADMINISTRATIVE ARRANGEMENTS 2.1 ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA 2.2 DESIGNATION OF A RAPPORTEUR 2.3 SESSION TIME TABLE AND DOCUMENTATION 2.4 ESTABLISHMENT OF SESSIONAL WORKING GROUPS 2.5 LOCAL ARRANGEMENTS 3. REPORT ON THE PAST INTER-SESSIONAL PERIOD (2013-2015) 3.1 NATIONAL REPORTS 2 3.1.1 New NODCs and new ADUs 3.1.2 NODC and ADU reports 3.2 REPORTS OF GROUPS OF EXPERTS 3.2.1 The IODE Group of Experts on Biological and Chemical Data Management and Exchange Practices (GE-BICH) 3.2.2 Joint IODE/IAMSLIC Group of Experts in Marine Information Management (GE-MIM) 3.2.3 JCOMM/IODE Expert Team on Data Management Practices (ETDMP) 3.3 PROJECT REPORTS 3.3.1 ODINAFRICA 3.3.2 ODINBLACKSEA 3.3.3 ODINCARSA-LA 3.3.4 ODINCINDIO 3.3.5 ODINECET 3.3.6 ODINPIMRIS 3.3.7 ODINWESTPAC 3.3.8 IODE Clearing House Service for Data/Information Management Practices Project 3.3.9 Caribbean Marine Atlas Phase 2 3.3.10 Global Oceanographic Data Archaeology and Rescue project (GODAR) 3.3.11 Global Ocean Surface Underway Data project (GOSUD) 3.3.12 Global Temperature and Salinity Profile Programme (GTSPP) 3.3.13 International Coastal Atlas Network project (ICAN) 3.3.14 Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS) 3.3.15 Ocean Data Publication project 3.3.16 OceanDocs project 3.3.17 OceanExpert 3.3.18 Ocean Knowledge Platform project 3.3.19 OceanTeacher Academy (OTA) and OceanTeacher Global Academy projects (OTGA) 3.3.20 IODE Ocean Data Portal project (ODP) 3.3.21 Ocean Data Standards and Best Practices project (ODSBP) 3.3.22 OpenScienceDirectory project 3.3.23 IODE Quality Management Framework project (QMF) 3.3.24 World Ocean Database project (WOD) 3.3.25 Southeast Pacific Data and Information Network in support to Integrated Coastal Area Management, 2nd phase (SPINCAM II) 3.3.26 SeaDataNet II: Pan-European infrastructure for ocean and marine data management 3.3.27 Conclusions 4. INTRODUCTION TO WORK PLAN AND BUDGET EXPECTED FINANCIAL RESOURCES 2015-2017 5. THE FUTURE OF IODE 6. DATA AND INFORMATION MANAGEMENT 6.1 FUTURE OF IODE GROUPS OF EXPERTS 6.2 REVIEW OF CURRENT, AND PROPOSALS FOR NEW PROJECTS 6.2.1 Review of current projects 6.2.2 Proposals for new projects SPINCAM-III International Quality-Controlled Ocean Database (IQuOD) Expanding OBIS with environmental data (OBIS-ENV-DATA) 6.3 COOPERATION WITH OTHER ORGANIZATIONS/PROGRAMMES/PROJECTS 6.3.1 OceanTeacher linkages 6.3.2 OBIS linkages 6.3.3 Interventions by other programmes and projects WMO JCOMM GOOS EuroGOOS SeaDataNet EMODNET ICSU World Data System EMBRC (UGent) IHO ODIP Second International Indian Ocean Expedition (IIOE-2) 7. IODE CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT 7.1 INTRODUCTION 7.2 CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT NEEDS IDENTIFIED BY THE IODE COMMUNITY 7.3 IOC STRATEGIC PLAN FOR CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT 7.4 DRAFT WORK PLAN FOR IODE CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT 8. THE FUTURE OF IODE (INCLUDING STRATEGIC PLAN) 9. RESOURCE MOBILIZATION STRATEGY 9.1 FINANCIAL RESOURCES 9.2 HUMAN RESOURCES 10. COMMUNICATION STRATEGY 11. ANY OTHER BUSINESS 12. WORK PLAN AND BUDGET FOR 2015 (CURRENT UNESCO BIENNIUM 2014-2015) AND 2016-2017 (NEXT UNESCO BIENNIUM) 13. DATE AND PLACE OF IODE-XXIV 14. ELECTIONS OF CO-CHAIRS 15. ADOPTION OF THE SUMMARY REPORT 16. CLOSURE ANNEX II DECISIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF IODE-XXIII  HYPERLINK \l "decision1" Decision IODE-XXIII.1: ESTABLISHMENT OF AN INTER-SESSIONAL WORKING GROUP TO PROPOSE A RE-STRUCTURING OF IODE  HYPERLINK \l "decision2" Decision IODE-XXIII.2: ESTABLISHMENT OF AN INTER-SESSIONAL WORKING GROUP TO REVISE THE IOC STRATEGIC PLAN FOR OCEANOGRAPHIC DATA AND INFORMATION EXCHANGE  HYPERLINK \l "decision3" Decision IODE-XXIII.3: ESTABLISHMENT OF AN INTER-SESSIONAL WORKING GROUP TO CREATE AN IOC COMMUNICATION AND OUTREACH STRATEGY FOR DATA AND INFORMATION MANAGEMENT  HYPERLINK \l "decision4" Decision IODE-XXIII.4: THE OCEANTEACHER GLOBAL ACADEMY PROJECT (OTGA)  HYPERLINK \l "rec1" Recommendation IODE-XXIII.1: OCEAN DATA AND INFORMATION NETWORK FOR THE BLACK SEA REGION (ODINBLACKSEA)  HYPERLINK \l "rec2" Recommendation IODE-XXIII.2: ESTABLISHMENT OF THE OCEANEXPERT PROJECT  HYPERLINK \l "rec3" Recommendation IODE-XXIII.3: ESTABLISHMENT OF THE IODE PROJECT INTERNATIONAL QUALITY CONTROLLED OCEAN DATABASE (IODE-IQUOD)  HYPERLINK \l "rec4" Recommendation IODE-XXIII.4: ESTABLISHMENT OF THE IODE PILOT PROJECT EXPANDING OBIS WITH ENVIRONMENTAL DATA (OBIS-ENV-DATA)  HYPERLINK \l "rec5" Recommendation IODE-XXIII.5: IODE WORK PLAN AND BUDGET FOR 2015-2017 Decision IODE-XXIII.1 ESTABLISHMENT OF AN INTER-SESSIONAL WORKING GROUP TO PROPOSE A RE-STRUCTURING OF IODE The IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange, Considering whether the current large number of projects can continue to be coordinated by IODE national experts and the IODE Secretariat, Decides to establish an inter-sessional working group to examine options for enhancing and possibly restructuring IODE to achieve an efficient and optimal use of human and financial resources and better communications of IODE activities to our partners and stakeholders. Annex A to Decision IODE-XXIII.1 Terms of Reference of the Inter-sessional working group to propose a re-structuring of IODE Objectives This working group will explore options of the IODE structure for the next 10 years. It will: Review the recommendations listed in Document IOC/IODE-XXIII/5b (The Future of IODE Recommendations); Review the terms of reference for the IODE structure, projects, and activities to ensure continued relevance to IODE and IOC goals; Identify and evaluate the benefits IODE derives from the current structure, projects and activities; Evaluate any weaknesses of the current IODE structure, projects and activities and formulate ways to remedy these weaknesses; Propose options for revising the current structure, projects and activities. This working group will carry out this task electronically. The timeline is to complete a draft by December 2016 in preparation for the IODE-XXIV Committee meeting in 2017. Membership It was agreed that the membership of the group would be composed of The Netherlands (Mr Taco de Bruin), USA (Ms Margarita Gregg, Ms Linda Pikula), Ghana (Ms Hawa Yaqub), Russian Federation (Sergey Belov), Nigeria (Regina Folorunsho), UK (Lesley Rickards), Greece (Ms Sissy Iona), Italy (Ms Alessandra Giorgetti), Argentina (Mr Ariel Troisi), Australia (Mr Greg Reed), France (Mr Loic Petit de la Villon), Germany (Mr Friedrich Nast), Belgium (Mr Francisco Hernandez, Mr Serge Scory), United Republic of Tanzania (Mr Desiderius Masalu), India (Mr Pattabhi Rama Rao), Turkey (Mr Emre Tukenmez ), Republic of Korea (Mr Joon-Soo Lee), China (Ms Guijun Han) and Japan (Mr Yutaka Michida). The group will be chaired by Ms Margarita Gregg (USA) and Mr Yutaka Michida (Japan). Decision IODE-XXIII.2 ESTABLISHMENT OF AN INTER-SESSIONAL WORKING GROUP TO REVISE THE IOC STRATEGIC PLAN FOR OCEANOGRAPHIC DATA AND INFORMATION EXCHANGE The IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange, Recalling that the IOC Strategic Plan for Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (2013-2016) was adopted by the IOC Assembly at its 27th Session (2013) through Decision IOC-XXVII/Dec. 5.3.4 (International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE)), Noting the vision for the IOC Data and Information Management Strategy is for A comprehensive and integrated ocean data and information system, serving the broad and diverse needs of IOC Member States, for both routine and scientific use, Decides to establish an inter-sessional working group to update the Strategic Plan, with the Terms of Reference as attached in Annex A to this Decision. Annex A to Decision IODE-XXIII.2 Terms of Reference of the Inter-sessional working group to revise the IOC strategic plan for oceanographic data and information exchange Objectives This working group will review and update the IOC Strategic Plan for Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (2013-2016). The revised version of Strategic Plan will be presented to IODE-XXIV for endorsement and the IODE Co-chairs will formally submit the Strategic Plan, on behalf of the IODE Committee, to the 29th Session of the IOC Assembly. The working group will carry out its work electronically. Membership The initial membership will include Australia (Greg Reed), USA (Ms Cyndy Chandler), UK (Ms Lesley Rickards), Japan (Mr Yutaka Michida), Argentina (Mr Ariel Troisi). The Group will be co-chaired by Mr Greg Reed (Australia) and Ms Lesley Rickards (UK). Decision IODE-XXIII.3 ESTABLISHMENT OF AN INTER-SESSIONAL WORKING GROUP TO CREATE AN IOC COMMUNICATION AND OUTREACH STRATEGY FOR DATA AND INFORMATION MANAGEMENT The IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange, Acknowledging the importance of the need for greater visibility and understanding of its activities and achievements, Noting the existence of communication and outreach strategies for marine information management and Ocean Teacher Global Academy (in draft), Decides to establish an inter-sessional working group to create an IOC Communication and Outreach Strategy for Data and Information Management, with terms of reference as attached in annex A to this Decision. Annex A to Decision IODE-XXIII.3 Terms of Reference of the Inter-sessional Working Group to create a communication and outreach strategy Objectives This working group will : Develop a work plan and timeline; Identify communication strategy exemplars; Work with other ocean related groups eg Ocean Communicators United; Survey IODE Officers perceptions on communication and outreach; Draft a Communication and Outreach Strategy; Circulate the Draft Communication and Outreach Strategy to IODE Officers, Chairs of IODE Steering Groups and all IODE Project Managers; Respond to feedback with revisions Finalize and submit the Communication and Outreach Strategy for adoption at IODE-XXIV. This working group will carry out this task electronically, and any face-to-face meeting will be self-funded by the members of the group. Membership The group membership will be initially composed of Ms Sissy Iona and Ms Pauline Simpson. Decision IODE-XXIII.4 THE OCEANTEACHER GLOBAL ACADEMY PROJECT (OTGA) The IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange, Recalling that IOC of UNESCO is recognized as a competent international body for Capacity Development under UNCLOS, and referring to the IOC Guidelines and Criteria for Transfer of Marine Technology, Noting the proposed IOC Capacity Development Strategy 2015-2021 and re-iterating the need for capacity building in ocean data and information management, Welcoming the great progress made by the previous OceanTeacher projects, resulting in the training of more than 1400 students and professionals from not less than 120 countries and recognizing this as a cornerstone activity of IODE, Formally establishes the OceanTeacher Global Academy (OTGA) Project, with the terms of reference as attached in annex A to this Decision, and the IODE Steering Group for the IODE OTGA Project with Terms of Reference as attached in annex B, Urges Member States to contribute to the OceanTeacher Global Academy by making available national experts as lecturers or content providers for the Regional Training Centres and to make use of the OceanTeacher Global Academy Learning Platform for capacity development activities, Thanks the Government of Flanders (Kingdom of Belgium) for financially supporting the project, and thanks the Member States hosting the Regional Training Centres, Encourages Member States to (i) communicate about and promote the Regional Training Centre activities in their countries and regions and (ii) use the OTGA Learning Platform for Capacity Development purposes, Annex A to Decision IODE-XXIII.4 Terms of Reference of the IODE OTGA Project Objectives The objectives of the OceanTeacher Global Academy (OTGA) are to ensure that Member States institutional capacities are reinforced to protect and sustainably manage ocean and coastal resources. This will be achieved by: (i) Promoting the establishment, and assisting with the start-up, of Regional Training Centres (OTGA RTCs) that will plan, organize and implement training courses that are of relevance to, and serve needs within their region; (ii) Promoting the use of local experts as lecturers and training assistants by the OTGA Regional Training Centres; (iii) Promoting the collaboration between the OTGA Regional Training Centres by enabling (through advanced information technology) lecturers from multiple regions to contribute lectures; (iv) Further developing the OceanTeacher Learning Management System to cover multiple IOC (and associate) programmes. Partnership The project partners include all OTGA Regional Training Centres contributing to the OTGA network. Annex B to Decision IODE-XXIII.4 Terms of Reference of the IODE Steering Group for the IODE OTGA Project Objectives The SG-OTGA will have the following Terms of Reference: (i) Monitoring progress of the project; (ii) Reviewing and selecting courses to be organized under project funding; (iii) Assessing performance of the OTGA RTCs; (iv) Assessing performance of the Lecturers and Teaching Assistants; (v) Reporting to the Governing Bodies of participating IOC programmes; The Steering Group will meet virtually as needed, and once a year face-to-face, preferably rotating amongst the OTGA RTCs. The Steering Group will make decisions by consensus. Membership The Steering Group will be composed, inter alia, of: (i) A representative of each of the OTGA RTCs and/or OTGA RTC Principal Lecturer; (ii) Relevant IOC Training Coordinators (e.g., IODE, etc.) or representatives of concerned IOC programmes; (iii) Heads of IOC Sub-Commission Secretariats (Africa, Caribbean, WESTPAC); (iv) Project Manager; (v) Project Technical Manager; (vi) Invited experts; (vii) Representative of the IODE Secretariat. Recommendation IODE-XXIII.1 OCEAN DATA AND INFORMATION NETWORK FOR THE BLACK SEA REGION (ODINBLACKSEA) The IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange, Noting with satisfaction the achievements of the ODINBLACKSEA project until 2012, Also noting the problems with coordination of ODINBLACKSEA activities, Noting further the importance of the project for implementation of IODE policies and practices in the region, Further noting that ODINBLACKSEA was the pilot area for implementing End-to-End data Management technology, Taking into account the existence of several regional projects operational in the region recently that are interested in distributed regional data management and that can provide in-kind support for ODINBLACKSEA, Recognizing the significant role played by ODINBLACKSEA in capacity building in the Black Sea region, Also recognizing the strong support by all Black Sea countries for the ODINBLACKSEA, Recommends that the Ocean Data and Information Network for the Black Sea region be revitalized, Adopts the revitalization plan of ODINBLACKSEA as follows: To establish an inter-sessional working group with participation of all IODE National Coordinators for Oceanographic Data Management from the Black Sea region and chaired by Atanas Palazov Vice Chair of IOC with a mandate of six months; The task of the group will be to prepare drafts of revised project documents and to suggest a new Chair of the Steering Committee and Project Coordinator after consultations with all ODINBLACKSEA members; To organize a ODINBLACKSEA Steering Committee meeting in September October, 2015 when new documents will be adopted at the meeting and the Chair of the Steering Committee and Project Coordinator will be elected. Requests the IOC Executive Secretary to implement, as a priority, the following actions: To coordinate the necessary actions with the Black Sea GOOS Secretariat, and Black Sea Commission to obtain donor support for ODINBLACKSEA; To provide funding for the implementation of the ODINBLACKSEA work plan (2015-2016); To strengthen links with JCOMM and GOOS in terms of capacity building and oceanographic data and information management in the Black Sea participating Member States. Urges Member States and donors to support this project by providing financial resources and/or in-kind support to enable the revitalization of the ODINBLACKSEA. Recommendation IODE-XXIII.2 ESTABLISHMENT OF THE OCEANEXPERT PROJECT The IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange, Recalling that OceanExpert is an activity of the IODE Group of Experts on Marine Information Management (GE-MIM) since 1997 and was initially named GLODIR, the global directory of marine and freshwater professionals, Welcoming the great progress made by OceanExpert and recognizing that the OceanExpert directory is now the underlying technology used by all IOC web sites to manage information on experts participating in IOC events, Encourages ocean professionals to enter professional contact information into the OceanExpert database and to update these annually, , Recommends the establishment of OceanExpert as an IODE project, with the terms of reference as attached in annex A to this Recommendation, Recommends the establishment of a IODE Steering group for the IODE OceanExpert Project with Terms of Reference as attached in annex B to this Recommendation. Annex A to Recommendation IODE-XXIII.2 Terms of Reference of the IODE OceanExpert Project Objectives The objective of the IODE OceanExpert project is to provide and maintain a global directory of marine (and freshwater) professionals and their institutions, including names, addresses, institutional affiliation, specialization and bibliographic information on publications of the experts. Annex B to Recommendation IODE-XXIII.2 Terms of Reference of the IODE Steering Group for the IODE OceanExpert Project Objectives The IODE Steering Group for IODE OceanExpert (SG-OE) shall oversee the further development and maintenance of the database and report to the IODE Committee on its achievements and progress. Membership The Project will be managed by an IODE Steering Group for the IODE OceanExpert project (SG-OE), initially composed of Mr Aditya Naik Kakodkar, Ms Linda Pikula, Ms Jane Stephenson, Ms Joanna Ruxton and Mr Richard Awah Nche. Recommendation IODE-XXIII.3 ESTABLISHMENT OF THE IODE PROJECT INTERNATIONAL QUALITY CONTROLLED OCEAN DATABASE (IODE-IQUOD) The IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange, Recognizing that the goal of the International Quality-controlled Ocean Database (IQuOD) is to construct the most complete, consistent and high quality ocean temperature (later including other Essential Climate Variables) historical database, with intelligent metadata and assigned uncertainties, to freely distribute for use in ocean, climate and Earth system research and applications of societal benefit, Recognizing further that the IQuOD effort is organized by the oceanographic community and includes experts in data quality and management, data instrumentation, oceanographers, climate modelers and the broader climate-related community, Noting the interlinked relationship with the Global Oceanographic Data Archaeology and Rescue (GODAR) and the World Ocean Database (WOD) Projects through Recommendation IODE-XXII.10 (2013) and the Global Temperature and Salinity Profile Programme (GTSPP) established through Recommendation IODE-XV.4 (1996), Noting further the potential contribution of the IQuOD to the JCOMM-IODE Marine Climate Data System (MCDS), Convinced that joint work between the IODE programme and the IQuOD will be mutually beneficial , Recommends the establishment of IQuOD as an IODE project, with the Terms of Reference as attached in annex A to this Recommendation, Recommends the establishment of the IODE Steering Group for the International Quality controlled Ocean Database (SG-IQuOD) with Terms of Reference as attached in annex B to this Recommendation, Recommends further that the membership of the Steering Group shall initially include the Chair of GTSPP, representatives of WOD and GODAR projects and of the Task Team on the MCDS. Encourages all IOC Member States, Programmes, relevant organizations and projects, to collaborate with the IQuOD, Invites the IQuOD Project Leaders to report on progress of the project to the Sessions of the IODE Committee. Annex A to Recommendation IODE-XXIII.3 Terms of Reference of the IODE IQuOD Project Objectives To produce, freely distribute and curate the highest quality, most complete and consistent global ocean subsurface temperature profile repository for Earth system, climate and ocean studies, with (intelligent) metadata and an uncertainty estimate for every observation. This aim will be achieved through coordination of resources and expertise into a single best practice international community effort. Annex B to Recommendation IODE-XXIII.3 Terms of Reference of the IODE Steering Group for the IODE IQuOD Project Objectives The SG-IQuOD shall: Develop scientific and implementation plans; Convene workshops, and advise and review the work of sub-groups; Promote collaboration between the related IODE projects: WOD, GODAR, GTSPP and MCDS; Provide reports to the IODE Committee. Membership The initial membership of the group will include Ms Rebecca Cowley, Ms Ann Thresher, Ms Susan Wijffels, Ms Catia Domingues; Mr Simon Good, Mr Matt Palmer; Mr Toru Suzuki; Mr Viktor Gouretski; Mr Tim Boyer, Mr Gustavo Goni, Ms Janet Sprintall, Ms Alison Macdonald and Mr Charles Sun. Recommendation IODE-XXIII.4 ESTABLISHMENT OF THE IODE PILOT PROJECT EXPANDING OBIS WITH ENVIRONMENTAL DATA (OBIS-ENV-DATA) The IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange, Noting that data collected for biological studies (ecosystem functioning, ecological niche modelling, climate change, etc ) includes, most of the time, biological, physical and chemical measurements but that these datasets often are split and sent to different data repositories, Recommends the establishment of OBIS-ENV-DATA as a pilot project of IODE, with limited duration (2 years), and with the terms of reference as attached in annex A to this Recommendation, Recommends the establishment of the IODE Steering Group for OBIS-ENV-DATA, with the terms of reference as attached in annex B to this recommendation, Invites OBIS nodes, NODCs and ADUs to express their interest in joining this new activity by sending a letter (by email) to the Steering Group co-chairs before 31 July 2015, Recommends that the membership of the project should involve at least 5 institutions from 3 different regions. Annex A to Recommendation IODE-XXIII.4 Terms of Reference of the IODE OBIS-ENV-DATA Project Objectives The main objectives of this project are (i) to ensure mixed data sets stay together, (ii) to demonstrate that OBIS nodes, NODCs and ADUs, that hold mixed data sets, can collaborate on the joint management and exchange of biodiversity observation data including environmental measurements, and (iii) to show what the benefit of this approach is for marine sciences, biological analysis and modelling. This project will also investigate how these mixed datasets can additionally flow to regional and global data repositories such as OceanDataPortal, World Ocean Database, SeaDataNet, etc. The project will report to the IODE-XXIV session on the procedures, guidelines and recommendations to take this activity to a next phase, including prospects for financing, and the relationship with other regional and global data systems. Partnership The following institutions expressed interest: African Group: KMFRI (OBIS-Kenya) Asia-Pacific Group: to be determined Eastern European Group: to be determined Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC): CENPAT-CONICET IODE-ADU (AR) Western European and Others Group (WEOG): BMDC (BE), AntaBIS (BE), NIOZ (NL), SWP-OBIS (NZ), MedOBIS (GR), OBIS-USA (USA), EurOBIS (BE), OGS/NODC (IT), BCO-DMO (USA) Annex B to Recommendation IODE-XXIII.4 Terms of Reference of the IODE Steering Group for OBIS-ENV-DATA (SG-OBIS-ENV-DATA) Objectives The Steering Group coordinates the project, and members report on the activities and progress towards the expected outcomes, or problems encountered, as defined in the workplan. In particular, the Steering Group will develop the procedures, guidelines and recommendations to take this activity to a next phase, including prospects for financing, and the relationship with other regional and global data systems. The co-chairs will report to the IODE Officers and the IODE Committee. Membership The Steering Group membership includes a representative of each participating institution and will be co-chaired by Francisco Hernandez (Head Data Centre, VLIZ) and Ward Appeltans (Project Manager, IODE/OBIS secretariat). Recommendation IODE-XXIII.5 IODE WORK PLAN AND BUDGET FOR 2015-2017 The IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange, Having reviewed its programme implementation requirements for the period 2015-2017, Being aware of the continuing financial crisis faced by UNESCO and its IOC, Re-emphasizing the importance of high-quality oceanographic data and information, products and services for scientific, observation and ocean based disaster warning and mitigation programmes of the Commission, for Member States, the private sector and other users, Noting the important role of IODE in JCOMM and the growing collaboration with, and contribution to other IOC Programmes and activities, demonstrated by joint development of products and services as well as capacity development activities, responding to the IOC Strategic Plan for Oceanographic Data and Information Management, Expressing great appreciation to the Government of Flanders (Kingdom of Belgium) for hosting and supporting the IOC Project Office for IODE and for its continuing and increasing financial support to IODE, the Russian Federation for its support through the hosting of the Partnership Centre for the IODE Ocean Data Portal in Obninsk, as well as to other donors and Member States who are providing financial and in-kind support for IODE, Appreciating the in-kind support for the IODE Programme provided by Member States through establishing and maintaining IODE Data Centres, OBIS nodes and Associate Data Units, provision of experts, through the provision of valuable ocean data and information products and services, and through financial and in-kind contributions to IOC, Calls on Member States to provide financial support to the IOC Special Account, earmarked for IODE, or in-kind support through the secondment of experts to the IOC Project Office for IODE or to the IODE secretariat; Requests to the IODE Co-Chairs to bring to the attention of the next Session of the IOC Assembly, the IODE Programme and Budget for the period 2015-2017, as attached in the Annex to this Recommendation. Recommendation IODE-XXIII.5 Amounts expressed in 1000s of US Dollars AgendaProject nameRequested2015 RP2015 PO2015 Unf.Requested2016 RP2016 PORequested2017 RP2017 PO3.2GE-MIM IODE/IAMSLIC GEMIM Meeting, Sep 2015 ($6000 IAMSLIC)14590  0  ASFIS attendance32133 0  3.2ETDMP5th ETDMP session   15150  3.3.2ODINBLACKSEASteering Committee meeting5323.3.3ODINCARSA-LAExpert visits (2)651Training QM/QA  2020OceanDocs2222IAMSLIC attendance11113.3.5ODINECET ODINECET steering group meeting77 0  0  KOHA development44 0  0  3.3.7ODINWESTPACtraining course data assimilation (OTGA)5050SG-ODINWESTPAC meeting (April 2015)2020establish ODP nodes in the region50535553.3.8Ocean Data Practicesno cost0  0  0  3.3.9Caribbean Marine Atlas Phase 2funded from extra-budgetary funds 0  0  0  3.3.10GODARGODAR Americas workshop0  1010 0  3.3.11GOSUDno cost0  0  0  3.3.12GTSPPSG-GTSPP-30  25250  3.3.13ICANexpert travel0 3333searchable CWA catalogue0  440  compiling and publishing ICAN7 report0  0.30.30  ICAN-8 organization0 0  22SG-ICAN0  0  1515 3.3.14OBISOBIS Technical Task Team meeting55 00OBIS Training course35305  0OBIS Side Event at Sustainable Ocean Summit, Singapore55002 meetings on deep-sea OBIS node, (International Seabed Authority,Jamaica; INDEEP biodiversity, biogeography meeting, Azores)550Meeting with GBIF53200OBIS scientific data analysis workshop Oct 20155.532.500SG-OBIS-V meeting March 2016015150OBIS-SATT Meeting & OBIS international Stakeholders Meeting0252503.3.16OceanDocsSG-OceanDocs0  20200  training for IODE IT support33 0  0  advocacy material0220  3.3.17OceanExpertcost internal0  0  0  3.3.18OceanKnowledge startup meeting12660  0  developer training33 3333meeting: technology setup and testing0  10100  RDM training course5035153.3.19OceanTeacher Global Academyfunded from extra-budgetary funds 0  0  0  3.3.20Ocean Data PortalSG-ODP155100  0  marketing/engagement other groups63 36666conferences0  3322outreach regional node setup330  0  ODINAFRICA ODP regional node setup1037333.3.21Ocean Data Standards and Best Practices (ODSBP)SG-ODSBP155100  0  3.3.22OpenScienceDirectoryno cost0  0  0  3.3.23Quality Management FrameworkQMF training course50 35150  0  3.3.24World Ocean Database no cost0  0  0  3.3.25SPINCAM-2participation IODE experts in SPINCAM meetings4313333OTGA training support43 133 33 PROJECT OFFICEOperational expenses111111111111TOTAL 408.585138175.5184.883.810948.542.514 Note: UNF= unfunded; RP= UNESCO Regular Programme; EB=extra-budgetary funding (not necessarily confirmed) EXPECTED REVENUE 2015-2017 (in US$) TOTAL RP FUNDING (UNESCO)2015 (Apr-Dec)20162017ER4. Scientific understanding of ocean and coastal processes bolstered and used by Member States to improve the management of the human relationship with the ocean$32,500$32,500$32,500ER 5.Risks and impacts of ocean-related hazards reduced, climate change adaptation and mitigation measures taken, and policies for healthy ocean ecosystems developed and implemented by Member States$15,000$15,000$15,000ER 6.Member States' institutional capacities reinforced to protect and sustainably manage ocean and coastal resources$32,534$32,534$32,534TOTAL$80,034$80,034$80,034PROJECT OFFICE FUNDS (estimate)$132,550$190,872$190,872 ANNEX III LIST OF PARTICIPANTS IODE national coordinators for Data Management Pr Adot Blim BLIVI Professor Universit de Lom, Centre De Gestion Integre du Littoral et de Environnement Universit de Lom BP 1515 Lome Togo Tel: 0022822216817/0022890053914 Email: bliviadoteblim@gmail.com Ms Teresa CALVETE Chief of CENDHOC CENDHOC Servicio Hidrogrfico y Oceanogrfico de la Armada de Chile. Errzuriz 254, Playa Ancha, Valparso. Chile Tel: 56-32-2266682 Fax: 56-32-2266542 Email: cendhoc@shoa.cl Prof. Vlado DADIC Research,Teaching/Education Physical oceanography Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries Croatia `etaliate I. Meatrovia 63 21000 Split Croatia Tel: +385 21 408011 Fax: +385 21 358650 Email: dadic@izor.hr Mr Taco DE BRUIN Scientific Data Manager Data Management Group NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research P.O. Box 59 1790 AB Den Burg, Texel Netherlands (The) Tel: +31 (0)222-369479 Fax: +31 (0)222-319674 Email: Taco.de.Bruin@nioz.nl Mr Pattabhi Rama Rao ELURI Scientist-E & Head Data and information Management Group Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services Ocean Valley Pragathi Nagar (BO), Niampet (SO) Hyderabad 500090 India Tel: +91-40-23895008 Fax: +91-40-23895001 Email: pattabhi@incois.gov.in Dr Regina FOLORUNSHO Assistant Director Marine Geology/Geophysics Nigerian Institute for Oceanography and Marine Research Nigerian Institute for Oceanography and Marine Research Wilmot Point Road P.M.B. 12729 Victoria Island Victoria Island pmb12729 Lagos Nigeria Tel: +234 8033124016 Email: rfolorunsho@yahoo.com Mrs Katarina Lotta FYRBERG Manager Oceanographic Unit Sveriges meteorologiska och hydrologiska institut Sven Kallfelts gata 15 426 71 V. Frolunda Sweden Tel: +46 31 751 8978 Email: Lotta.Fyrberg@smhi.se Mr Calvin GERRY Fisheries Oceanographer Research and Development Seychelles Fishing Authority Fishing Port PO Box 449 Victoria,Mahe Seychelles Tel: (248) 4670300 Fax: (248) 4224508 Email: cgerry@sfa.sc Dr Isaac GERTMAN Head, Israel Marine Data Center (ISRAMAR) Physical Oceanography Department Israel Oceanographic & Limnological Research, Haifa Tel- Shikmona, P.O.B. 8030 31080 Haifa Israel Tel: 972 4 8565277 Fax: 972 4 8511911 Email: isaac@ocean.org.il Dr. Margarita GREGG Director NOAA/NESDIS 1315 East-West Highway Silver Spring MD 21009 United States Tel: +1 301-713-3270 Fax: +1 301-713-3300 Email: Margarita.Gregg@noaa.gov Mr Francisco HERNANDEZ Manager Datacentre Datacenter Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee Wandelaarkaai 7 8400 Oostende Belgium Tel: +32 (0)59 34 21 30 Fax: +32 (0)59 34 21 31 Email: tjess@vliz.be Ms Sissy IONA Head HNODC Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR), Hellenic National Oceanographic Data Centre (HNODC) 46.7 Km, Athens-Sounio Ave. PO BOX 712 Anavyssos 190 13 Anavyssos, Attica Greece Tel: +30-22910-76367 Fax: +30-22910-76347 Email: sissy@hnodc.hcmr.gr Dr Somkiat KHOKIATTIWONG SEA GOOS Chair, Senior Researcher Department of Marine and Coastal Resources Phuket Marine Biological Center 51 Sakdhidate Road Lean Panwa Phuket 83000 Thailand Tel: + 66 76 391128 Fax: + 66 76 391127 Email: skhokiattiwong@gmail.com Mr Katshiro KUSUNOKI Director Japan Oceanographic Data Center 2-5-18, Aomi Koto-ku 135-0064 Tokyo Japan Email: katsuhiro-kusunoki@jodc.go.jp Ms Ruth LAGRING Marine Data Manager Belgian Marine Data Centre Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences Gulledelle 100 - 1200 Brussels Belgium Tel: 0032 2 773 21 11 Email: r.lagring@mumm.ac.be Dr Joon-Soo LEE Senior Researcher Korea Oceanographic Data Center, Fishery and Ocean Information Division National Fisheries Research and Development Institute (NFRDI), Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries (MOF) Korea Rep Email: leejoonsoo@korea.kr Mr Paul LYON Senior Science Advisor Fisheries and Oceans Canada 200 Kent Street Ottawa K1A 0E6 ON Canada Tel: +1 613 991-6935 Email: paul.lyon@dfo-mpo.gc.ca Mr Kevin MACKAY Marine Data Manager National Institute for Water & Atmospheric Research Private Bag 14901, Kilbirnie Wellington 6241 New Zealand Tel: +64 4 3860300 Email: k.mackay@niwa.co.nz Mr Roberto MAISENHELDER Database Administrator Senior Centro de Hidrografia da Marinha Rua Baro de Jaceguai, s/n, Ponta da Armao Niteri 24048-900 Brazil Tel: 55 21 21893128 Email: maisenhelder@chm.mar.mil.br Prof Desiderius MASALU Director University of Dar es Salaam, Institute of Marine Sciences P.O Box 668 Zanzibar Tanzania Tel: 255-24-2232128 / 255-24-2230741 Fax: 255-24-2233050 Email: masalu@ims.udsm.ac.tz Mr Nikolai MIKHAILOV Head, Oceanographic Data Centre All Russian Research Institute of Hydrometeorological Information (RIHMI) All-Russian Research Institute Hydrometeorological Information - World Data Center, Obninsk 6, Koroleva Street Obninsk Kaluga region, 249020 Russian Federation 249020 Tel: +7-484 397 49 07 Fax: +7-499 795 22 25 Email: nodc@meteo.ru Mr Friedrich NAST Deutsches Ozeanographisches Datenzentrum Bundesamt fuer Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie (Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency) Bernhard-Nocht Strae 78 20359 Hamburg Germany Tel: [49] (40) 31 90 34 10 Fax: [49] (40) 31 90 50 00 Email: friedrich.nast@bsh.de Mr Harrison ONGANDA Research Officer Kenya National Oceanographic Data Centre KeNODC Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute, Headquater & Mombasa Station PO Box 81651 Mombasa 080100 Kenya Tel: 254-041-471129 / 254-041-475151/2/3 Fax: 254-041-475157 Email: honganda@kmfri.co.ke Mathieu OUELLET Senior Policy and Technical Advisor & Section head Marine Environmental Data Section Fisheries and Oceans Canada - Oceanography and Scientific Data branch Canada Tel: +1 (613) 990-8570 Fax +1 (613) 990-8570 Email: mathieu.ouellet@dfo-mpo.gc.ca Mr Eoin O'GRADY Information Services & Development Section Manager Ocean Science and Information Services Marine Institute Headquarters, Galway, Ireland Rinville Oranmore Co. Galway Ireland Email: eoin.ogrady@marine.ie Dr Atanas PALAZOV Professor, Director Institute of Oceanology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Varna P.O.Box 152, Varna 9000 Bulgaria Tel: +359 52 370 484 Fax: +359 52 370 483 Email: palazov@io-bas.bg Mr Carlos PERUGACHI SALAMEA Head of the Section Operational Oceanography Sciences of the Sea Instituto Oceanogrfico de la Armada del Ecuador Ave. 25 de Julio, (Avenida de la Marina) via Puerto Nuevo Base Naval Sur 5940 Guayaquil Guayas Ecuador Tel: 59342481300 Email: cperugachis@gmail.com Mr Loic PETIT DE LA VILLEON Head of Sismer -French NODC- SISMER French Institute for the Exploitation of the Sea, IFREMER Centre de Brest France Tel: +33-2-98 22 49 13 Fax: +33-2-98 22 46 44 Email: loic.petit.de.la.villeon@ifremer.fr Mr Greg REED Executive Officer Australian Ocean Data Centre Joint Facility Fleet Headquarters Wylde Street Building 89 Garden Island Potts Point NSW 2011 Australia Tel: +61 2 9359 3141 Fax: +61 2 9359 3120 Email: gregreed98@gmail.com Dr Lesley RICKARDS Deputy Director BODC / Director PSMSL British Oceanographic Data Centre / Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level National Oceanography Centre 6 Brownlow Street Liverpool Merseyside L3 5DA United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)151 795 48 97 Fax: [44] (0)151 795 4912 Email: ljr@bodc.ac.uk Ir Serge SCORY Belgian Marine Data Centre Belgian Marine Data Centre Gulledelle, 100 B-1200 Brussels Belgium Tel: [32] (2) 773 21 11 Fax: [32] (2) 770 69 72 Email: S.Scory@mumm.ac.be Myriam TAMAYO INFANTES Coordinadora tcnica del Proyecto NAYLAMP Direccin de Hidrografa y Navegacin Peru Av. Gamarra 500 Chucuito Callao Peru Tel: +511 613 6767 ex 6461 Email: mtamayo@dhn.mil.pe Dr Elena TEL Instituto Espaol de Oceanografa, Madrid Corazn de Mara n 8 28002 Madrid Spain Tel: (+34)915107534 Fax: (+34)915974770 Email: elena.tel@md.ieo.es Mr Kimmo TIKKA Senior Planner Finnish Meteorological Institute Finland Email: kimmo.tikka@fmi.fi Mag. Ariel TROISI Head Oceanography Oceanography Department Servcio de Hdrografia Naval Av. Montes de Oca 2124 C1270ABV Buenos Aires Argentina Tel: +54 11 4301 3091 Fax: +54 11 4301 3091 Email: ahtroisi@gmail.com Mr Emre TUKENMEZ Head of National Hydrographic and Oceanographic Data Quality and Control Department Office of Navigation, Hydrography and Oceanography SEYIR HIDROGRAFI VE OSINOGRAFI DAIRESI BASKANLIGI CUBUKLU 34805 ISTANBUL Turkey Email: etukenmez@shodb.gov.tr Mr Hawa YAQUB DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF FISHERIES /OCEANOGRAPHER FISHERIES SECINTIFIC SURVEY DIVISION Fisheries Scientific Survey Division , Ghana Oceanographic Data Centre P.O Box BT -62, Tema-Ghana Tema Greater Accra Reg. 59 Lumumber Rd, Comunity Two Ghana Tel: 233 244 886704 Fax: 233 3032 208048 Email: bint.hawa@yahoo.co.uk IODE national coordinators for Marine Information Management Ms Olga AKIMOVA Head of Library Scientific Library National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, O. O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas 2 Nahimov Av. Sevastopol 99011 Ukraine Tel: (380-692) 54-55-50 Fax: (380-692) 55-78-13 Email: o.akimova@ibss.org.ua Mrs Heike LUST Information Manager Library Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee Wandelaarkaai 7 8400 Oostende Belgium Tel: 0032 59 34 21 30 Fax: 0032 59 34 21 31 Email: heike.lust@vliz.be Ms Denise MATHIOT Librarian Secretariat - ICT Seychelles Fishing Authority P.O. Box 449 Victoria Seychelles Tel: 00248 4670300 Fax: 00248 224508 Email: dmathiot@sfa.sc Ms. Linda PIKULA Regional Librarian NOAA Central Library 4301 Rickenbacker Causeway Miami Florida 33149 United States Tel: 305-361-4429 Fax: 305-361-4552 Email: linda.pikula@noaa.gov Dr Suixiang SHI Deputy Director National Marine Data and Information Service No. 93, Liuwei Road 300171 Tainjin Hedong District China Tel: 0086-22-24010668 Fax: 0086-22-24010926 Email: shisuixiang@hotmail.com Mrs Jane STEPHENSON Head of Library and Information Services National Oceanographic Library National Oceanography Centre, Southampton European Way, Southampton SO14 3ZH United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)2380596111 Email: js8@soton.ac.uk ADU contact point Dr Christos ARVANITIDIS Senior Researcher Institute of Marine Biology, Biotechnology and Aquaculture Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, Anavyssos Thalassokosmos, Former US Base at Gournes 71003 Heraklion Crete Greece Tel: (30-2810)337748 Fax: (30-2810)337880 Email: arvanitidis@hcmr.gr Ms Cyndy CHANDLER Informatics Specialist Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Woods Hole MA 02543 United States Tel: 1-508-289-2765 Fax: 1-508-289-2009 Email: cchandler@whoi.edu Mr Neil HOLDSWORTH Head of Data and Information International Council for the Exploration of the Sea H.C. Andersens Boulevard 44-46 DK-1553 Copenhagen V Denmark Tel: +45 33386718 Email: neilh@ices.dk Dr Aidy M MUSLIM Associate Prof. / Deputy Director (Research And Services) Institute of Oceanography and Environment (INOS) Institute of Oceanography and Environment Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT), Mengabang Telipot 21030 Kuala Terengganu Terengganu Malaysia Tel: +60133808819 Fax: +6096692166 Email: aidy@umt.edu.my Organizations Mr Etienne CHARPENTIER Scientific Officer Observing and Information Systems Department World Meteorological Organization Observing and Information Systems Department Observing Systems Division World Meteorological Organization 7bis, av. de la Paix Case Postale 2300 1211 Genve 2 Switzerland Tel: +41 22 730 82 23 Fax: +41 22 730 81 28 Email: ECharpentier@wmo.int Dr Michele FICHAUT Data manager SISMER IFREMER centre de Brest Zone Industrielle de la Pointe du Diable CS10070 29280 PLOUZANE France Tel: +33 298 22 46 43 Fax: +33 298 22 46 44 Email: michele.fichaut@ifremer.fr Mr Patrick GORRINGE Senior Operations Officer European Global Ocean Observing System EuroGOOS AISBL Avenue Louise 231 1050 Brussels Belgium Tel: +46 11 495 8000 Fax: +46 11 495 8001 Email: Patrick.Gorringe@eurogoos.eu Mr Frank HOLSMULLER Regional Marketing Manager EMEA Environmental Systems Research Institute Postbox 29099 3001 GB Rotterdam Netherlands (The) Tel: +31 10 217 7788 Email: fholsmuller@esri.com Dr Kate LARKIN Senior Science Officer European Marine Board European Science Foundation, Marine Board Ostend Wandelaarkaai 8400 Oostende Belgium Tel: 003259340156 Email: klarkin@esf.org Dr Laval LIONG WEE KWONG International Atomic Energy Agency, Environment Laboratories 4, Quai Antoine 1er 98000 Monaco Monaco Email: l.liong@iaea.org Dr Mustapha MOKRANE Executive Director International Programme Office ICSU World Data System 4-2-1 Nukui-Kitamachi Koganei 184-8795 Tokyo Japan Tel: +81 90 5790 4732 Email: mustapha.mokrane@icsu-wds.org Mr Anthony PHARAOH Assistant Director Data Standards International Hydrographic Organization 4b quai Antoine 1er BP 445 98011 Monaco Monaco Monaco Tel: 377 93108108 Fax: 377 93108108 Email: addt@iho.int Prof Nadia PINARDI Professor Physics and Astronomy Via S.Alberto 163 48100 Ravenna Italy Tel: +39 0544 937332 Fax: +39 0544 937323 Email: n.pinardi@sincem.unibo.it Dr Sophie SEEYAVE Executive Director Partnership for Observations of the Global Oceans Plymouth Marine Laboratory Prospect Place, The Hoe Plymouth PL1 3DH United Kingdom Tel: +44 1752 633424 Fax: +44 1752 633101 Email: ssve@pml.ac.uk Dr Wenjian ZHANG Director of the WMO Observing and Information Systems Department World Meteorological Organization 7bis, avenue de la Paix Case Postale 2300 1211 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 (22) 730 8567 Fax: +41 (22) 730 8021 Email: wzhang@wmo.int IODE GE-BICH Mr Klaas DENEUDT Project manager Data Centre Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee Wandelaarkaai 7 8400 Oostende Belgium Tel: ++32(0)59/34.21.43 Email: klaas.deneudt@vliz.be Dr Toru SUZUKI Deputy Director General Marine Information Research Center Japan Hydrographic Association, 1-6-6-6F, Hanedakuko Ota-ku 144-0041 Tokyo Japan Tel: +81-3-5708-7106 Fax: +81-3-5708-7075 Email: suzuki@mirc.jha.jp IODE/JCOMM ETDMP Dr Sergey BELOV head of laboratory National Oceanographic Center of Russia 6, Korolev St Obninsk Kaluga Region Russian Federation 249035 Tel: +7 48439 74194 Fax: +7 499 795 22 25 Email: belov@meteo.ru Dr Yutaka MICHIDA Professor University of Tokyo, Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute 5-1-5, Kashiwanoha Kashiwa-shi 277-8564 Chiba Japan Tel: +81 4 7136 6362 Email: ymichida@aori.u-tokyo.ac.jp Ms Ting YU Department of Oceanography and Meteorology National Marine Data and Information Service No. 93, Liuwei Road 300171 Tainjin Hedong District China Tel: +86-22-24010830 Fax: +86 22 24010926 Email: julia_yu_nmdis@163.com IODE/IAMSLIC GEMIM Mrs Pauline SIMPSON Programme Coordinator Central Caribbean Marine Institute PO Box 10152 Grand Cayman KY1-1002 Cayman Islands Tel: +[1] 345 949 1244 Email: psimpson@reefresearch.org IODE SG-OBIS Dr. Anton VAN DE PUTTE Science Officer Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen Belgium Email: avandeputte@naturalsciences.be IODE SG-OCEANTEACHER Mr J Robert KEELEY Retired 2243 Rembrandt Road Ottawa K2B 7P8 Ontario Canada Tel: +1 613 829 7919 Email: robertkeeley@rogers.com IODE SG-ICAN Dr. Ned DWYER Executive Director European Centre for Information on Marine Science and Technology Av. Dom Carlos I, no. 126-2 1249-074 Lisboa Portugal Tel: +351 21 392 4465 Fax: +351 21 392 4498 Email: ned.dwyer@eurocean.org Ms Lucy SCOTT Data and Science Coordinator UNDP GEF Agulhas and Somali Current Large Marine Ecosystems (ASCLME) Project ASCLME House, 18 Somerset Street, Grahamstown, South Africa, 6140 Grahamstown South Africa Tel: +27 (0) 82-879-5006 Email: lucy.scott@asclme.org Prof. Dawn WRIGHT Chief Scientist (also Oregon State U. Professor of Geography and Oceanography) Environmental Systems Research Institute 380 New York St. Redlands CA 92373 United States Tel: 1-909-793-2853 Fax: 1-909-307-3025 Email: dwright@esri.com IOC Member States Mr. Carlos ABASCAL Director General Adjunto Direccion General Adjunta de Oceanografia, Hidrografia y Meteorologia Secretaria de Marina, Armada de Mexico. Eje 2 Ote. Tramo H. Escuela Naval Militar No. 861 Edif. B 1/er Nivel Col. Los Cipreses Del. Coyoacan 04830 Distrito Federal Mexico Mexico Tel: 5556246543 Fax: 5556798045 Email: digaohm@semar.gob.mx Dr. Assad AL-THUKAIR Professor Biology King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Biology Department King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, P.O.Box 157, Dhahran 31261 Saudi Arabia Tel: +966-505 82 0490 Fax: +966-38604277 Email: thukair@kfupm.edu.sa Mr. Jess DE OLAGUIBEL Director de Oceanografa Direccin General Adjunta de Oceanigrafa, Hidrografia y Meteorologa Secretaria de Marina, Armada de Mexico. Eje 2 Ote. Tramo H. Escuela Naval Militar No. 861, Edificio B Nivel 1 Col. Los Cipreses, Deleg. Coyoacan MEXICO D.F. Mexico Tel: 015556246583 Email: dirocean@semar.gob.mx Dr Kihyuk EOM Vice-Director Korea Oceanographic Data Center, Fishery and Ocean Information Division National Fisheries Research and Development Institute (NFRDI), Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries (MOF) Korea Rep Tel: +82517202230 Fax: +82517202219 Email: ekh4465@korea.kr Ms Alessandra GIORGETTI Senior technical researcher Division of Oceanography Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale Trieste Borgo Grotta Gigante 42/C 34010 Sgonico, Trieste Italy Tel: +39 040 2140391 Fax: +39 040 2140266 Email: agiorgetti@ogs.trieste.it Dr. Guijun HAN Senior Scientist National Marine Data and Information Service 93 Liuwei Road, Hedong District 300171 Tianjin China Tel: +86-22-24010846 Fax: +86-22-24010926 Email: guijun_han@126.com Mr Jung-Sik HAN Junior Officer Oceanographic Observation Division, Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Administration(KHOA), Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries(MOF) 351 Haeyang-ro, Yeongdo-gu, Busan Korea Rep Tel: +82 51 400 4381 Fax: +82 51 400 4192 Email: hanjs@korea.kr Mr Yasuhiko KARIGOME Oceanographic data officer Japan Oceanographic Data Center 2-5-18, Aomi Koto-ku 135-0064 Tokyo Japan Email: jcghkaiyojoho5-6x6k@kaiho.mlit.go.jp Dr Balasaheb KULKARNI Director Society for Health of Ocean Resources and Environment 301 Vibhavari, Dinsha Vachha Road, Churchgate Mumbai 400 020 Maharashtra India Email: balasahebk@gmail.com Mr Clotaire Gnan MAOMY Directeur Gnral Centre de Recherche Scientifique de Conakry-Rogban Rue des Hotels MARIADOR 1615 Conakry Guinea Email: gnanclotaire@gmail.com Mrs. Aida MAZLAN Senior Assistant Secretary National Oceanography Directorate Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, National Oceanography Directorate Kementerian Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi (MOSTI) Aras 1-7, Blok C4 & C5, Kompleks C, Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan 62662 Putrajaya Malaysia Tel: 603-88858627 Fax: 603-888893008 Email: aidamaizura@mosti.gov.my Dr Robin MCCANDLISS Marine data scientist BODC British Oceanographic Data Centre Joseph Proudman Building 6 Brownlow Street Liverpool L3 5DA United Kingdom Tel: 00441517954887 Email: robm@bodc.ac.uk Dr Lin MU Division Chief National Marine Data and Information Service No. 93, Liuwei Road 300171 Tainjin Hedong District China Tel: (+86)22 24010819 Fax: (+86)22 24010926 Email: moulin1977@hotmail.com Dr Savithri (Savi) NARAYANAN Dominion Hydrographer (retired) Ottawa Ontario Canada Tel: +1 613 - 254 - 7477 Email: savinarayanan.canada@gmail.com Master Vanessa ROBLEDO JEFE DE DEPARTAMENTO DEPARTAMENTO DE PROCESAMIENTO Y CONTROL DE INFORMACION OCEANOGRAFICA Secretaria de Marina, Armada de Mexico. Eje 2 Ote. Tramo H. Escuela Naval Militar No. 861, Edificio B Nivel 1 Col. Los Cipreses, Deleg. Coyoacan MEXICO D.F. Mexico Tel: 015556246583 Email: archivoceanografico@semar.gob.mx Mr Akihiro SETA Deputy Director Japan Oceanographic Data Center 2-5-18, Aomi Koto-ku 135-0064 Tokyo Japan Tel: +81-3-5500-7131 Fax: +81-3-5500-7156 Email: jodcint@gmail.com Prof Konstantin STAVROV Director The Research Oceanographic Center The State Research Navigation-Hydrographic Institute Kozhevennaya linia, 41 St-Peterburg Russian Federation Russian Federation 199106 Tel: +7812 3226314 Fax: +7812 3226314 Email: stavrov@gningi.ru Mr Freddy VERGARA UQUILLAS IT Director Ecuadorian NODC Instituto Oceanogrfico de la Armada del Ecuador Ave. 25 de Julio, (Avenida de la Marina) via Puerto Nuevo Base Naval Sur 5940 Guayaquil Guayas Ecuador Tel: 593980860002 Email: freddy.vergara@inocar.mil.ec Mr. Gert VERREET Policy Advisor Department Economy, Science and Innovation, Flamish Government Koning Albert II-laan 35, bus 10 1030 BRUSSELS Belgium Email: gert.verreet@ewi.vlaanderen.be Mr Carlos ZAPATA Head of Hydro Dep. Instituto Oceanogrfico de la Armada del Ecuador Av. 25 Julio Naval Base Ecuador Email: carlosklever@hotmail.com Invited guests Dr. Rudy HERMAN Senior Researcher, Science and Innovation Administration Department Economy, Science and Innovation, Flemish Government B-1000 Brussels Belgium Tel: +32-477270313 Fax: +32-2 553 5981 Email: rudy.herman@ewi.vlaanderen.be IOC Secretariat Mr. Julian BARBIRE Head, Marine Policy and Regional Implementation Section Integovernemental Oceanographic Commission Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO 7, place de Fontenoy 75732 Paris cedex 07 France Tel: +33 1 45 68 40 45 Fax: +33 1 45 68 58 12 Email: j.barbiere@unesco.org Dr Thomas GROSS Programme Specialist GOOS, Web Services Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO 7, place de Fontenoy 75732 Paris cedex 07 France Tel: +33 1 45 68 39 92 Fax: +33 1 45 68 58 12 Email: t.gross@unesco.org Mr Mika ODIDO IOC Coordinator in Africa UNESCO/IOC Sub Commission for Africa and the Adjacent Island States UNESCO Nairobi Office UN Gigiri Complex Block C P.O. Box 30592 Nairobi 00100 Kenya Tel: +254 20 7621244 Fax: +254 20 7622750 Email: m.odido@unesco.org Mr. Vladimir RYABININ IOC Executive Secretary Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO 7, place de Fontenoy 75732 Paris cedex 07 France Email: v.ryabinin@unesco.org IODE Secretariat Mr. Ward APPELTANS Project Manager OBIS, GOOS Biology & Ecosystems, IOC Capacity Development UNESCO/IOC Project Office for IODE Wandelaarkaai 7 - Pakhuis 61 B-8400 Oostende Belgium Tel: +32 59 34 01 76 Fax: +32 59 34 01 52 Email: w.appeltans@unesco.org Ms Kristin DE LICHTERVELDE Administrative Assistant UNESCO/IOC Project Office for IODE Wandelaarkaai 7 - Pakhuis 61 B-8400 Oostende Belgium Tel: +32-59-34 21 34 Fax: +32-59-34 01 52 Email: info@iode.org Ms Cludia DELGADO IODE Training Coordinator UNESCO/IOC Project Office for IODE Wandelaarkaai 7 - Pakhuis 61 B-8400 Oostende Belgium Tel: + 32 59 34 01 86 Fax: + 32 59 34 01 52 Email: claudia.delgado@iode.org Ms Annelies GROEN Documentalist UNESCO/IOC Project Office for IODE Wandelaarkaai 7 - Pakhuis 61 B-8400 Oostende Belgium Tel: +32 59 34 21 38 Fax: +32 59 34 01 52 Email: annelies.groen@iode.org Mr Adi KAKODKAR IT Specialist UNESCO/IOC Project Office for IODE Wandelaarkaai 7 - Pakhuis 61 B-8400 Oostende Belgium Tel: +32 59 34 01 75 Fax: + 32 59 34 01 52 Email: a.naik-kakodkar@unesco.org Mr Peter PISSIERSSENS Head, IOC Project Office for IODE, Oostende, Belgium IOC Project Office for IODE UNESCO/IOC Project Office for IODE Wandelaarkaai 7 - Pakhuis 61 B-8400 Oostende Belgium Tel: +32-59-340158 Fax: +32-59-79 5220 Email: p.pissierssens@unesco.org Mr Mark VAN CROMBRUGGE IT Specialist IOC Project Office for IODE UNESCO/IOC Project Office for IODE Wandelaarkaai 7 - Pakhuis 61 B-8400 Oostende Belgium Tel: +32-59.34.0162 Email: mark.vancrombrugge@iode.org Local organizing team Mrs. Ingrid DOBBELAERE Management Assistant Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee Wandelaarkaai 7 8400 Oostende Belgium Tel: +32 (0)59 34 21 30 Email: ingrid.dobbelaere@vliz.be Ms. Nathalie KEERSEBILCK Project Administration Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee Wandelaarkaai 7 8400 Oostende Belgium Tel: +32-59-34 01 51 Email: nathalie.keersebilck@vliz.be Prof. Jan MEES Director Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee Wandelaarkaai 7 8400 Oostende Belgium Tel: +32476869623 Email: jan.mees@vliz.be Master Tina MERTENS Assistant Director Coordination Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee Wandelaarkaai 7 8400 Oostende Belgium Tel: 003259342133 Fax: 003259342131 Email: tina.mertens@vliz.be / ANNEX IV LIST OF DOCUMENTS Agenda Documents Agenda # Code Title ___________________________________________________ Agenda Documents 2.1. IODE-XXIII/1prov. IODE-XXIII: Provisional Agenda 2.3. IOC/IODE-XXIII/2 IODE-XXIII: ACtion Paper 2.3. IODE-XXIII/1add.prov. IODE-XXIII: Provisional Timetable 3. IOC/IODE-XXII/3s Summary report of the 22nd session of IODE 3. IOC/IODE-XXII/3s Executive Summary Report of the 22nd Session of the IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange, (IODE- XXII), Mexico, 1115 March 2013 3. IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3 IODE-XXIII: List of Publications published during the inter-sessional period (27 March 2013 - 4 February 2015) 3. IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3-actionsheet22 IODE-XXIII: Report on the implementation of the IODE-XXII (2013- 2015) work plan 3.1. IODE-XXIII/Ag3 IODE-XXIII: National Reports 3.2. IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3-ETDMP IODE-XXIII: Report of the JCOMM/IODE Expert Team on Data Management Practices (ETDMP) 3.2. IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3-GE-MIM IODE-XXIII: Report of the IODE Group of Experts on Marine Information Management (GE-MIM) 3.2. IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3-GE-MIM-CommStrat_2015-2017 IODE-XXIII: MIM Communication Strategy 2015-2017 (draft) 3.2. IODE-XXIII/Ag3-GE-BICH IODE-XXIII: Report of the IODE Group of Experts on Biological and Chemical Data Management and Exchange Practices (GE-BICH) 3.3. IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3-Proj-ODINAFRICA IODE-XXIII: Project Report of the Ocean Data and Information Network for Africa (ODINAFRICA) 3.3. IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3-Proj-ODINCARSA IODE-XXIII: Report of the Ocean Data and Information Network for the Caribbean and South America 3.3. IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3-Proj-ODINECET IODE-XXIII: Ocean Data and Information Network for European Countries in Economic Transition (ODINECET) 3.3. IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3-Proj-ODINPIMRIS IODE-XXIII: ODINPIMRIS report 3.3. IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3-Proj-ODINWESTPAC IODE-XXIII: Ocean Data and Information Network for the Western Pacific Region (ODINWESTPAC) pilot project 3.3. IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3-proj-clearinghouse IODE-XXIII: Report of the IODE Clearing House Service for Data/Information Management Practices Project 3.3. IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3-proj-cma2 IODE-XXIII: Report of the Caribbean Marine Atlas Phase 2 project 3.3. IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3-proj-godar IODE-XXIII: Project Report of the Global Oceanographic Data Archeology and Rescue (GODAR) Project 3.3. IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3-proj-gosud IODE-XXIII: Report of the GOSUD project 3.3. IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3-proj-gtspp IODE-XXIII: Report of the Global Temperature and Salinity Profile Programme 3.3. IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3-proj-ican IODE-XXIII: Report of the International Coastal Atlas Network 3.3. IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3-proj-obis IODE-XXIII: Report of the Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS) 3.3. IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3-proj-oceandatapublication IODE-XXIII: Report of the Ocean Data Publication project 3.3. IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3-proj-oceandocs IODE-XXIII: Report of the OceanDocs project 3.3. IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3-proj-oceanexpert IODE-XXIII: Report of the OceanExpert project 3.3. IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3-proj-oceanknowledge IODE-XXIII: Report of the OceanKnowledge Project 3.3. IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3-proj-oceanteacher IODE-XXIII: Report on the OceanTeacher Academy and OceanTeacher Global Academy projects 3.3. IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3-proj-odp IODE-XXIII: Report of the IODE Ocean Data Portal 3.3. IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3-proj-odsbp IODE-XXIII:Report of the Ocean Data Standards and Best Practices project (ODSBP) 3.3. IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3-proj-opensciencedirectory IODE-XXIII: Report of the OpenScienceDirectory Project 3.3. IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3-proj-qmf-rev IODE-XXIII: Report of the Quality Management Framework (QMF) 3.3. IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3-proj-seadatanet IODE-XXIII: Report on IODE participation in the Seadatanet project 3.3. IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3-proj-spincam IODE-XXIII: Report of the SPINCAM project 3.3. IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3-proj-wod IODE-XXIII: Report of the World Ocean Database Project 4. IODE-XXIII/Ag4 IODE-XXIII: Introduction to Work Plan and Budget "Expected Financial Resources 2015-2017" 5. IOC/IODE-XXIII/5a IODE-XXIII: The Future of IODE - Analysis and Survey Results 5. IOC/IODE-XXIII/5b IODE-XXIII: The Future of IODE - Recommendations 6.2. IOC/IODE-XXIII/6.2-IQUOD IODE-XXIII: Proposal for International Quality-controlled Ocean Database (IQuOD) 6.2. IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag6.2.2.1 IODE-XXIII: Proposal for SPINCAM-3 6.2. IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag6.2.2.3 IODE-XXIII: Proposal for OBIS-ENV-DATA 7.3. IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag7.3-IOC CD strategy IODE-XXIII: IOC Capacity development Strategy 2015-2021 (IODE23 version) 8. IOC Manuals and Guides No. 66 IOC Strategic Plan for Oceanographic Data and Information Management (2013-2016) Background Documents 3.3 IOC Manuals and Guides 67 IODE Quality Management Framework for National Oceanographic Data Centres (Draft) Other Documents Code Title CL-2527 Call for Candidatures for IODE Co-Chairs CL-2542 23rd Session of the IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE-XXIII), Bruges, Belgium, 1720 March 2015 and Scientific Conference, 16 March 2015, Local Travel Info ANNEX V IODE-XXIII (2013-2015) ACTION SHEET Para Action itemDue by dateTo be implemented by22The Committee agreed that the information under products and services should be included in the IODE web site as a new page on products and services of IODE data centres. The documents mentioned under strategies and policies could be uploaded in the  HYPERLINK "http://www.oceandatapractices.net" http://www.oceandatapractices.net repository. As soon as possible IODE Secretariat29The Committee approved the MIM revised Communication Strategy 2015-2017 and instructed the Secretariat to publish the strategy as a Document. End of 2015secretariat32The Committee instructed IODE data centres to actively liaise with JCOMM/IODE ETDMP in regards of standards and best practices, metadata management and broad data share and exchange. As soon as possibleIODE NODCs and ADUs34The Committee agreed with the offer [of Italy for ETDMP membership of Ms Alessandra Giorgetti] and recommended to JCOMM to accept the membershipAs soon as possibleJCOMM MAN43The Committee called on the African data centres to liaise with their national delegates prior to the IOC Sub-Commission for Africas meeting, and to provide technical guidance as needed, especially regarding activities related to IIOE-2. As soon as possibleAfrican NODCs and ADUs46The Committee adopted Recommendation IODE-XXIII-1 As soon as possibleSee Recommendation50ODINCARSA-LA: The Committee recommended increasing focus on linking with on-going projects that have a data and information management component or require data and information management expertise. As soon as possibleLA NODCs and ADUs51The Committee recommended that data and information management should be placed on the agenda of the upcoming IOCARIBE-XIII meeting (May 2015). April-May 2015IODE Secretariat and IOCARIBE secretariat54ODINCINDIO: The Committee requested interested Member States to meet on an ad hoc basis and to propose a way forward. As soon as possibleSaudi Arabia, India, Thailand55The Committee recommended that organizing a scientific conference in the region could be an effective way to revive ODINCINDIO. In this regard the delegate from India offered to host such a conference, relating the event to the IIOE-2. As soon as possibleIndia65The Committee, while noting the progress made, urged WESTPAC member states to participate more actively in the work of ODINWESTPAC.WESTPAC May 2015WESTPAC member states73The Committee decided that an ocean data practices policy document was necessary and instructed the members of the sessional working group for the ocean data practices project to develop the document. As soon as possibleMembers of the sessional working group for the ODSBP project74The Committee expressed strong support for the project and called on Member States as well as other organizations and projects to actively participate. As soon as possibleMember Statea/partner organizations84The Committee strongly invited members of the IODE community (IODE NODCs and ADUs, marine librarians) to actively participate in the GODAR project and devote IODE resources to facilitating unrestricted flow of historical data from all possible sources through GODAR to WOD to compile the most comprehensive ocean profile dataset possibleAs soon as possibleSecretariat to send message to all NODCs and ADUs89The Committee decided that GOSUD data should be made available through IODE ODP and SeaDataNet. As soon as possibleGOSUD and ODP project managers98The Committee encouraged relevant organizations and projects within the Committees networks to join ICAN if appropriate and take part in ICAN activities. ICAN currently lacks members from Asia/Australasia, so parties in that region are particularly encouraged to join ICAN. As soon as possibleIODE projects; IOC member states103The Committee approved the guidelines on the sharing and use of data in OBIS, and recommended that these guidelines should be further reviewed by legal experts with the aim to publish the guidelines as a formal OBIS data and information policy. ). As soon as possibleSG-OBIS105The Committee instructed OBIS to closely liaise with the NODCs on QC and archiving of these data, recognizing the affiliation of this data with biogeographic data. As soon as possibleSG-OBIS and IODE NODCs116The Committee encouraged all Member States to deposit works in OceanDocs or implement their own national/institutional e-repository with OceanDocs assistanceongoingMember States121The committee adopted  HYPERLINK \l "rec2" Recommendation IODE-XXIII/2 [establishment OceanExpert as IODE project] ongoingSee recommendation122The Committee (i) encouraged IOC, IODE and associated programme and project members to enter professional contact information into the OceanExpert database and to update these annually and (ii) encouraged appropriate usage of OceanExpert directory. ongoingMember States, associated programmes and projects129The Committee decided that the Ocean Knowledge Platform project should now start as soon as possible. As soon as possibleProject leader134The committee adopted  HYPERLINK \l "decision4" Decision IODE-XXIII/4 [establishment OceanTeacher Global Academy as IODE project] ongoingSee decision136The Committee urged Member States to contribute to OceanTeacher Global Academy by making available national experts as lecturers or content providers for the new Regional Training Centres and to make use of the OceanTeacher Global Academy training materials for staff members of data and information management centres who required training. ongoingMember States137The Committee encouraged Member States to communicate on the Regional Training Centre activities in their countries and promote the use of the OTGA Learning Platform for Capacity Development purposes. OngoingMember States146The Committee invited Member States to either contribute data directly to the ODP Global Node (light data provider) or to deploy ODP technology to establish a ODP node. ongoingMember States147The Committee encouraged Member States to visit the [IODE OceanDataPortal] web site and data portal, and to provide feedback to the Partnership Centre for the IODE ODP for use in planning future development activitiesongoingMember States152The Committee invited the oceanographic data and information community to submit proposals for standard and best practices. ongoingIODE NODCs, ADUs, MIM national coordinators153The Committee invited the SG-ODSBP to propose a mechanism for the IOC (and therefore the IODE) to develop, review, and maintain these BUFR tables.As soon as possibleSG-ODSBP156The Committee suggested that IODE should investigate opportunities to cooperate with other major UN programmes on this project [Open Science Directory]. As soon as possibleGE-MIM162The Committee encouraged all NODCs to apply for accreditation, and decided to set a target that at least 10 NODCs should be accredited by the next sessional meeting. As soon as possibleNODCs164The Committee endorsed the recommendation of the SG-QMF for accreditation of the National Marine Data and Information Service (NMDIS), host of National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC) of China, and the Belgian federal National Oceanographic Data Centre (BMDC), awarding the status of Accredited IODE National Oceanographic Data Centre to NMDIS and BMDC. As soon as possibleSecretariat: Include information on accreditation of NMDIS and BMDC in IODE web site165The committee agreed to amend the accreditation procedure to allow IODE Officers to endorse the recommendations of the SG-QMF and approve accreditation of NODCs. As soon as possibleSecretariat: Amend accreditation procedure documentation166The Committee instructed the Secretariat seek nominations from suitably experienced experts for membership of the SG-QMF for the next inter-sessional period. As soon as possibleSecretariat: send out CL167The Committee welcomed the proposed contribution from WDS in sharing expertise in reviewing and accrediting data centres, and the suggestion to share reviewers, and welcomed a representative of WDS on the SG-QMF. As soon as possibleSecretariat: request WDS to designate representative and update membership list SG-QMF173The Committee requested Member States to (i) facilitate unrestricted flow of historical and recent data from all possible sources to WOD to compile the most comprehensive ocean profile dataset possible; and (ii) promote the sharing of information and expertise of IODE community members to improve quality control procedures of the WOD, and to identify ways and means of doing so. As soon as possibleSecretariat: send out email to all NODCs and ADUs206The Committee requested the GE-MIM Chair, together with IAMSLIC and the IODE Co-Chairs to further investigate what mechanism would fit best to the needs of marine information managers. As soon as possibleGE-MIM, IAMSLIC, IODE Co-Chairs208The Committee decided, following the advice of the members of the GE-BICH, to abolish the IODE Group of Experts on Biological and Chemical Data Management and Exchange Practices (GE-BICH) and to migrate its activities into relevant projects. As soon as possibleIODE Secretariat: update web site209The Committee instructed the IODE Co-Chairs, assisted by the former GE-BICH Co-Chairs to discuss the related practical arrangements.As soon as possibleIODE Co-Chairs; former GE-BICH Co-Chairs210The Committee decided, following the advice of the SG-OBIS, to abolish the Group of Experts on Ocean Biogeographic Information System (GE-OBIS). As soon as possibleIODE Secretariat: update web site218The Committee called for closer collaboration with the GOOS Regional Alliances (GRAs) as well as with projects that have a data/information management component. As soon as possibleIODE Co-Chairs to discuss with GOOS Secretariat and GRAs220The Committee decided to establish an inter-sessional working group to propose a restructuring of IODE and adopted  HYPERLINK \l "decision1" Decision IODE-XXIII.1As soon as possibleSee decision225The Committee called for active participation of IODE in SPINCAM-III and also invited SPINCAM-III to develop a data and information management plan, involving IODE. As soon as possibleIODE NODCs and ADUs in SPINCAM region/ SPINCAM-III partners231The Committee decided to establish IQuOD as a new IODE project and adopted  HYPERLINK \l "rec3" Recommendation IODE-XXIII.3 As soon as possible236The Committee decided to establish OBIS-ENV-DATA as a new IODE pilot project and adopted  HYPERLINK \l "rec4" Recommendation IODE-XXIII.4 As soon as possibleSee recommendation267The Committee recommended that all publications generated by IIOE-2 should be included in OceanDocs and instructed the IODE Secretariat to inform the Interim Planning Committee (IPC) of its recommendation. April 2015Secretariat to inform IPC IIOE2268The Committee instructed the Secretariat to inform IIOE-2 IPC of IODEs readiness to support IIOE-2, and specifically to prepare draft text for a Data Management Plan. April 2015Secretariat to inform IPC IIOE2269The Committee proposed to establish a working group on the development of a draft text for a IIOE-2 data management plan, noting that such text could also be adapted for use by other programmes and projects. April 2015Secretariat to inform IPC IIOE2281The Committee noted the priority listing of courses and called on experts to volunteer for lecturing and provision of course materials. OngoingSecretariat to contact NODCs and ADUs293The Committee welcomed the IOC Capacity Development Strategy (2015-2021) as presented and looked forward to its adoption at the upcoming 28th Session of the IOC Assembly. June 2015IODE Co-Chairs at IOC Assembly, June 2015308, 309The Committee agreed to Make better use of National Reporting (through the survey). Include a list of the IODE objectives to help reporting on how national activities are matched to these < March 2017IODE Co-Chairs; project office; Ms L. Pikula; Ms J. Stephenson; Mr S. Belov; Ms A. Giorgetti311The Committee agreed that respondents could add an annex (e.g. link to web page) that provided more detailed information on activities. < March 2017respondents315The Committee decided to establish an editing team to prepare a template for national reporting that will provide quantified reporting on IODE data flow. < March 2017F. Nast (lead); K. Tikka, L. Fyrberg317The Committee decided to refer the production of (bi)annual reports to the inter-sessional working group to propose a new structure for IODE. < March 2017Inter-sessional working group to propose a new structure for IODE318,319The Committee agreed to Ensure IODE session is focused on decisions needed from committee < March 2017IODE Officers320,321The Committee agreed to Poll IODE members to get list of Issues from activities external to IODE that should be discussed.< March 2017Secretariat322, 323The Committee agreed that Projects need to improve visibility and encourage new membership in projects. Need regular reporting.< March 2017All projects324, 325The Committee agreed there is need to Ensure/secure home institution support for project members 2016, 2017Project members326, 327The Committee agreed to Use video conferencing when feasible (narrow time differences, smaller membership. Need to define a list of SOP for video meetings (size of agenda, one speaker at a time, perhaps one topic/call, PO moderated,...)June 2015S. Iona, F. Nast, D. Wright, L. Petit de la Villon328, 329The Committee agreed to Poll IODE member web pages to check that IODE has visibility. Standard text had been prepared and could be suggested. June 2015T. De Bruin, S. Iona330, 331The Committee agreed to Determine if material is easily available or can be created for near-term advertising: Assemble poster of IODE impacts (or use existing information?) for upcoming EMODnet Jamboree (Oostende, Belgium)< 19 October 2015IODE Co-Chairs332-335The Committee agreed to Participate in research project planning as often as possible. Must be able to demonstrate value of being included. (IIOE-2 is a current opportunity). As neededNODCs and ADUs336Ms Cyndy Chandler volunteered to prepare a draft data and information management plan that could be used for various purposes. As soon as possibleMs C. Chandler337-338The Committee agreed to Use opportunities for conferences such as IMDIS to show IODE member accomplishments. Possible venues could be SciDataCon, CMOS, meetings. Also seek ways to organize and fund conferencesAs necessaryNODCs and ADUs339Ms Michle Fichaut (SeaDataNet) suggested that Member States could co-sponsor future IMDIS conferences. She offered to start discussions to organize an IMDIS conference in 2016. She informed the Committee that SeaDataNet would have a steering committee meeting at the beginning of April 2015 where she could mention the proposalApril 2015IODE Co-Chairs341The Committee agreed that IODE should play an active role in the SciDataCon 2016, taking into account also that IODE is a network member in the WDS. As soon as possibleIODE Co-Chairs/ IODE Secretariat/ WDS Secretariat342-347The Committee agreed to Encourage increase in preparation of training materials using expertise in IODE or outsideAs soon as possibleCo-Chsirs to contact experts of GEs, projects, NODCs, ADUs, N. Dwyer, J. Stephenson356The Committee decided to establish an inter-sessional working group, which would have the objective of updating the Strategic Plan and adopted  HYPERLINK \l "decision2" Decision IODE-XXIII.2 As soon as possibleSee decision363The Committee urged European Union Member States to actively pursue the inclusion of IOC/IODE in EU funded projects that are relevant to IODE. As possibleEuropean NODCs and NCs MIM366The Committee invited IOC to consider the creation, within the next 4-6 years, of two professional positions (P-2 and P-3) to ensure the long-term sustainability of the IOC and IODE information systems, including the OBIS database(s) and IOC web sites. >2019IOC Member States/ UNESCO368The Committee called on Member States to make available to IODE, staff time and other financial resources (e.g. travel funds) of its national experts so they can actively participate in IODE activities. Such resources should be reported as in-kind contribution in IOC reporting and will be recognized as such. As soon as possibleMember States372The Committee adopted  HYPERLINK \l "decision3" Decision IODE-XXIII.3 [IODE communication strategy] As soon as possibleSee decision [end]     IOC/IODE-XXIII/3 page (ii) IOC/IODE-XXIII/3 page (iii) IOC/IODE-XXIII/3 Page  PAGE 46 IOC/IODE-XXII/3 Page  PAGE 47 IOC/IODE-XXIII/3 Page  PAGE 1 IOC/IODE-XXIII/3 Annex I - Page  PAGE 2 IOC/IODE-XXIII/3 Annex I - Page  PAGE 3 IOC/IODE-XXIII/3 Annex I - Page  PAGE 1 IOC/IODE-XXIII/3 Annex II - Page  PAGE 26 IOC/IODE-XXIII/3 Annex II - Page  PAGE 25 IOC/IODE-XXIII/3 Annex II Page  PAGE 11 IOC/IODE-XVIII/3 Page  PAGE 2 IOC/IODE-XXIII/3 Annex III - Page  PAGE 1 IOC/IODE-XXII/3 Annex III - Page  PAGE 12 IOC/IODE-XXII/3 Page  PAGE 11 IOC/IODE-XVIII/3 Annex III - Page  PAGE 12 IOC/IODE-XXIII/3 Annex IV - Page  PAGE 2 IOC/IODE-XIX/3 Annex V - Page  PAGE 3 IOC/IODE-XXIII/3 Annex IV - Page  PAGE 1 IOC/IODE-XXIII/3 Annex V - Page  PAGE 4 IOC/IODE-XXIII/3 Annex V - Page  PAGE 3  EMBED Word.Picture.8  Abstract The +[^_bcklo ؾؾخvgXgXgXgXJhC`h0n5CJOJQJhC`h0n@CJOJQJhC`h@CJOJQJhC`hq@CJ0OJQJhC`h0n@CJ0OJQJhC`h0n@CJ0hC`h0n@CJ8OJQJhC`h0n5@CJ8OJQJhC`h0n@mH sH jhC`h0n@UhC`h0n@hC`h0n6@CJ$OJQJhC`h0n@CJ$OJQJ+\]^`abcdefghijklmno $*$`a$gd0n $*$a$gd0n, $gd0n*$gd0n *$`gd0n F*$`gd0n  . 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held its Twenty-third Session (IODE-XXIII) at the Provincial Court, Brugge, Belgium between 17 and 20 March 2015. The Session was preceded by the 10th anniversary celebration of the establishment of the IOC Project Office for IODE, established in Oostende, Belgium in April 2005. The IODE Session was attended by 105 participants from 40 IOC Member States and 10 Organizations. The Session adopted 4 decisions and 5 recommendations. The decisions establish inter-sessional working groups to (i) propose a re-structuring of IODE; (ii) revise the IOC strategic plan for oceanographic data and information exchange; and (iii) create an IOC communication and outreach strategy for data and information management, and also to formally establish OceanTeacher Global Academy as an IODE project. The 5 recommendations concern ODINBlackSea, the establishment of the OceanExpert project, the establishment of the IODE project for an international quality controlled ocean database (IODE-IQuOD), the establishment of the IODE pilot project expanding OBIS with environmental data (OBIS-ENV-DATA) and the IODE work plan and budget 2015-2017. The Committee elected Ms Cynthia Chandler (USA) and Mr Yutaka Michida (Japan) as IODE Co-Chairs.  hC`h0nh hl *hlmH sH h]zhlaJmH sH hlaJmH sH h@ hlaJmH sH h@ hlmH sH hlmH sH 6&P 1h:p0n. A!"#$% 6&P 1h:p0n. A!"S#$% F 00P&P 1h:p0n. A!"#$% Dp@ 00P&P 1h. A!"#$6% DpF 00P &P 1h:p0n{. A!"#$% Dp U0P&P :p0n. A!"#$%SS P0 Dp5 0&P :p0n. A!"#$%SS U 0 00&P 1+:p#8. A!n"n#S$% P0 kkK 0&P :p0n. A!"#$%SS P0 I 0 00P&P 1h:p0n. A!"#$% DpC0P&P 1h:p0n. 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REPORTS OF GROUPS OF EXPERTSY The IODE Group of Experts on Biological and Chemical Data Management and ExchangW Joint IODE/IAMSLIC Group of Experts in Marine Information Management (GE-MIM) D JCOMM/IODE Expert Team on Data Management Practices (ETDMP) PROJECT REPORTS ODINAFRICA ODINBLACKSEA ODINCARSA-LA ODINCINDIO ODINECET ODINPIMRIS ODINWESTPACV IODE Clearing House Service for Data/Information Management Practices Project' Caribbean Marine Atlas Phase 2I Global Oceanographic Data Archaeology and Rescue project (GODAR); Global Ocean Surface Underway Data project (GOSUD)B Global Temperature and Salinity Profile Programme (GTSPP); International Coastal Atlas Network project (ICAN)6 Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS)' Ocean Data Publication project OceanDocs project OceanExpert ) Ocean Knowledge Platform projectS OceanTeacher Academy (OTA) and OceanTeacher Global Academy projects (OTGA)- IODE Ocean Data Portal project (ODP)@ Ocean Data Standards and Best Practices project (ODSBP)% OpenScienceDirectory project8 IODE Quality Management Framework project (QMF)+ World Ocean Database project (WOD) Y Southeast Pacific Data and Information Network in support to Integrated Coastal X SeaDataNet II: Pan-European infrastructure for ocean and marine data management ConclusionsNINTRODUCTION TO WORK PLAN AND BUDGET EXPECTED FINANCIAL RESOURCES 2015-2017THE FUTURE OF IODE DATA AND INFORMATION MANAGEMENT% FUTURE OF IODE GROUPS OF EXPERTS6 REVIEW OF CURRENT, AND PROPOSALS FOR NEW PROJECTS # Review of current projects# Proposals for new projects Title Headings4 8@ _PID_HLINKS'A8\(  decision3)  decision2Qrec4Vrec3*  decision1/  decision4Wrec2-"http://www.oceandatapractices.netPrec5Qrec4Vrec3Wrec2Trec1/  decision4(  decision3) } decision2* z decision1oewhttp://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=438:iode-xxiii-candidatures-for-iode-co-chairs&catid=71:iode-xxiiiPtrec5( q decision3) n decision2kehttp://www.nap.edu/catalog/12043/increasing-capacity-for-stewardship-of-oceans-and-coasts-a-priority/ h decision4Lqehttp://www.odip.orgbhttp://www.embrc.eu/)h_/http://www.emodnet-biology.eu/portal/index.php(j\http://www.emodnet-biology.eu/UrY$http://www.emodnet.eu/dataservices/QVrec4VSrec3* P decision1RqJ$http://www.opensciencedirectory.net/ G decision4WDrec2 Ahttp://www.iode.org/mg64U>http://ican.iode.org46;3http://ds.^(e(!)*)+)8)e)l))) **3+8+,,.-8--------------....&.x..........////////N0R0n0z0V1Z1 22220282=2E2q3x3444 4!4%4-4:4D5G566S6Y6f6m6n6t6V8_8`8n8888888.:7:::::4;>;Z;c;d;k;<<<<===={>>_?f?1@>@{AAAA(B4BEBIBBBFDMDDDDDPEUE{EEEEEEEE8F>FEFQFiFsFxFzF"G(G6G=GAGHGHH'H*HHHHIII;J>JcJmJnJvJwJJJJJJpKsKKKLLMM^McMoNrNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN O OOOOOO%O,O3Ohhhhh iii'iKiXi]idiii jjj%jk'k,k3kk lllllllllllll+m.m\mbmcmlmmmqmymmmmmmmnnnnnnnnnnnnn,p2pxx{{f{q{{{|)|=|I|||}}c~m~ȇGNirȕϕ>I\c^iv}̘Ә%ř$?F$+?Nߜw~ɞӞ$)ű˳ѳjot{ع߹bi#*+24>ɿӿ   */W\ ;@!IN{QWAMhsV]""--:/C/78==@@A'BIINOTTUU[[_H_[__ddRkkmpnTqUq$tRt|uv{{}b~&;֓Xj57Bƨ!b|_oIUa'c%-'!/  5  ^'s'))o**B4CRR_W_7aia>npnvv,SqgɉMXͪڪ_g߷LQJMTdg (3h:  J> -"A"# #'$',,--66=;B;6<A<BBJK5P=PWW`a*bb3eeelfxf||X~_~GR؉flƭw}ij%&'4`abq(56Epq!\b  '/[c%.OV|            ,hiinOT!!{)~),,,,....112,2o3|355778888EEFFMM OOOAOxQQUU [[[$[{\\}__``llmmqqprtr8x?x||u~|~uґޑ-ȕϕ\cv}̘Ә?Fܛݛߜw~ßDMw:G¸̸:DŽͽ   '+DH%V:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::/}pތ~nRZ$> S$'prz3o/6ok`Yj!Wo $NY; 44o6uUx Zr*)w~-nbn<8 O  e"  %֘hi,fM3p~ Tl45@x)56Fh>9t= D<~"lHl6*LUDG/iOjVKoQ|~:wQ\A 8QvWe9u^SXZx=x^^ÀPC_bz6dj2`=gг_j0Bpmdb&r $ul4OovRء^`.^`.^`. ^`OJQJo( ^`OJQJo( ^`OJQJo( ^`OJQJo( hh^h`OJQJo( ^`OJQJ^J 88^8`OJQJ^J% ^`OJQJ^J% ^`OJQJ^J pp^p`OJQJ^J%   ^ `OJQJ^J% @ @ ^@ `OJQJ^J   ^ `OJQJ^J% ^`OJQJ^J%^`OJQJCJ^JaJ 88^8`OJQJ^J% ^`OJQJ^J%^`OJQJCJ^JaJ pp^p`OJQJ^J%   ^ `OJQJ^J%@ @ ^@ `OJQJCJ^JaJ   ^ `OJQJ^J% ^`OJQJ^J%h^h`OJPJQJ^Jo(-8^8`OJQJ^Jo(hHo^`OJQJo(hH ^ `OJQJo(hH ^ `OJQJ^Jo(hHox^x`OJQJo(hHH^H`OJQJo(hH^`OJQJ^Jo(hHo^`OJQJo(hH ^`o(hH() ^`hH. pL^p`LhH. @ ^@ `hH. ^`hH. 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