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Financial and administrative implications are covered in paragraph 10. The proposed decision is referenced IOC-XXVIII/Dec.6.2(II) in the Action Paper (document IOC-XXVIII/2 Prov.) Introduction GEBCO was proposed in 1899 and became a reality in April 1903 when HSH Prince AlbertI of Monaco offered to organize and finance the production of a new chart series designated: The General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans, under the Princes Scientific Cabinet. In 1922 the responsibility for GEBCO was passed to the Director of the Oceanographic Museum of Monaco and in 1929 was transferred to the International Hydrographic Bureau (today the International Hydrographic Organization: IHO). In the years leading up to 1974, the IOC took an increasingly active interest in the work of the GEBCO project until it co-sponsored the Guiding Committee of the GEBCO project with IHO. The GGC oversees the conduct of the Project. Its 10 member experts are appointed on an equal basis (5-5) by IHO and IOC. This collaboration culminated in the very successful celebration of centenary of the project in 2003. A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed by IHO and IOC in 1984, and then was revised in 2000. The GEBCO project has been recognized as one of the activities of common interest to both organizations to be cooperated under the MoU. Changing Circumstances Since 2003, the level of active involvement by the IOC as part of its ongoing project of activities has diminished progressively. On the other hand, in recent years, the prominence and relevance of the GEBCO project in the IHO work programme has increased as part of the IHOs stated aim, to ensure that all the world's seas, oceans and navigable waters are surveyed and charted. This situation has resulted in the inefficiency of the management of the GEBCO project through the existing IHO-IOC co-sponsorship. From the view point of the IHO, for all practical purposes, the Secretariat of the IHO has assumed responsibility for the governance oversight and operational direction of GEBCO. This is because GEBCO continues to be a core activity of the IHO and because of the severe resource constraints and other priorities that have been placed upon the IOC in recent years. The IHO allocates an annual financial contribution to the GEBCO project through its budget. The IHO undertakes the role of publisher and maintenance authority for all the international standards, guidelines and documentation supporting the activities of the GEBCO project including the printing, editing and composition of those documents. For instance, the IHO administers the GEBCO fund to support the GEBCO project, and its contribution to the GEBCO project through the fund was approximately 85,000 in 2014 and 86,000 in 2015. In addition, the IHO provides 16,000 per year for tasks as part of the IHO 2013 2017 Workplan (as reported by the Guiding Committee in IOC/INF-1325). Underpinning all GEBCO products is a substantial quantity of bathymetric source data and metadata, most of which is stored and maintained within the IHO Data Centre for Digital Bathymetry (DCDB), located in Boulder, Colorado (USA). This worldwide digital data bank of oceanic soundings was established in 1990 and can be freely accessed and downloaded via an online service. The IHO is currently supporting the enhancement of the DCDB to further improve its capability and services to the wider community. In the meantime, while there remains a core group of individuals from IOC Member States that are participating in the GEBCO project, the active involvement of the IOC as an organization may be considered minimal, aside from some ocean mapping activities of regional subsidiary bodies. In recent years, the IOC has mainly been involved in appointing experts to serve for GGC and its subsidiary bodies, and reviewing proposed Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure for the GGC and its subordinate bodies. Funding support was significantly reduced by the IOC Assembly in 2005 and furthermore in 2007. The GEBCO project has been implemented without financial support from the IOC since 2010. Whilst the GEBCO project continued to receive extrabudgetary support until 2010, it stopped receiving an IOC regular programme allocation from 2008 until present. Ocean mapping projects of the IOC have been largely defunct since 2009. Without support from the IOC, some International Bathymetric Charts (IBCs) such as International Bathymetric Chart of the Arctic Ocean (IBCAO) and International Bathymetric Chart of the Southern Ocean (IBCSO) are left mainly for the initiatives of scientists and/or hydrographers who have interest in bathymetry in the region. With regard to International Bathymetric Chart for the Western Pacific (IBCWP), WESTPAC at its 9th session (Busan, Republic of Korea, 912 May 2012) endorsed the recommendation made by WESTPAC advisory group that IBCWP, with consideration of the suggestion made on reforming as one WESTPAC Working Group with emphasis on the technical exchange on the marine cartography and the applications of bathymetric chart in marine and coastal area integrated management, establish the network, develop a complete working group proposal via correspondence and technical workshops, and submit the proposal to the next Session for approval. In the IOCARIBE region, countries have been developing the International Bathymetric Chart of the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico (IBCCA) and the Pacific area of Central America and related map products. In the IOCAFRICA region, Member States participated in the development of the International Bathymetric Charts for the Western Indian Ocean (IBCWIO) and for the Eastern Atlantic (IBCEA). However in recent years, IOCAFRICA has been less involved in regional ocean mapping. Status in 2015 In the light of the above, the Secretariat of the IHO has expressed in 2015, through communications to the IOC, the following view on the co-sponsorship of the IHO and the IOC of the GEBCO project: The existing governance arrangements for the GEBCO project are not working. In fact, they are impeding the IHO in the pursuit of one of its principal aims to ensure that all the world's seas, oceans and navigable waters are surveyed and charted. The IHO places a high priority on this theme. Under the current arrangements, all decisions related to the governance and management of the GEBCO project, which is a key element of the IHO programme, require the agreement of both IHO and IOC. This is inherently inefficient and is even more problematic when the IOC does not rank or support the GEBCO project with any priority in its own programmes. It may be more appropriate for the IHO to revert to the situation that existed prior to 1974, when the GEBCO project was governed and administered solely by the IHO. The two organizations should nevertheless continue to maintain close contact and provide and welcome opportunities for mutual support and cooperation on all matters of common interest. In this regard, the Secretariat of the IHO considers that there are a number of such areas of common interest existing in the work programmes of the two organizations where close liaison should be encouraged. These could all be reflected easily in a revised MoU between the two organizations. In this regard, the IOC may be better placed to facilitate and guide the use of GEBCO bathymetric data sets and products through the user communities that represents its own programmes, primarily GLOSS, GOOS, IODE, JCOMM, Tsunami as well as its regional subsidiary bodies. This approach would relieve the IOC from the responsibility to support the operation of the GEBCO project, whilst still contributing to its development. In this context, it is timely to consider the necessity of reviewing the continued involvement of the IOC as a co-sponsoring organization for the GEBCO project. If the review is necessary, it is proposed that the review of the project from an end-user-perspective should be initiated and should include new governance options of the project for consideration by IOC governing bodies. Financial and administrative implications The review of the project may be carried out by external experts appointed by relevant IOC programmes and regional subsidiary bodies. Those experts will conduct the review by correspondence until the review will be submitted to the IOC Executive Council at its 49th session in 2016. No budget is required for this activity. Proposed decision In light of the foregoing, the IOC Assembly may wish to consider IOC-XXVIII/Dec. 6.2(II) proposed in the Action Paper (IOC-XXVIII/2 Prov.).     ICG/CARIBE-EWSII/WD__ Page PAGE 2 IOC-XXIV/2 Annex __ Page PAGE 3 Restricted Distribution IOC-XXVIII/2 Annex 7 Paris, 28 May 2015 Original: English INTERGOVERNMENTAL OCEANOGRAPHIC COMMISSION (of UNESCO) Forty-eighth Session of the Assembly UNESCO, Paris, 1825 June 2015 Item 6.2 of the Revised Provisional Agenda Review of the role and involvement of the IOC in The General Bathymetric Chart of the Ocean (GEBCO) project IOC-XXVIII/2 Annex 73;<CDwxS \ j n w     ź௧yyyqyi^ih&hPP^JaJh9|^JaJhG=^JaJhs^JaJh!^JaJh&hm4^JaJh&h2^JaJh;]^JaJh/a^JaJhL6h/a^JaJh&htG^JaJhtG^JaJhP^JaJh&h;5^JaJh&hY;^JaJh?~F^JaJhBhhh0>*^JaJ$K 3 z |iidb]]gd(GgdQsikd$$IfTlV<0244 laT x$Ifgds x$IfgdG= x$Ifgd)Y $$Ifa$gde5  H J K b d f h   2 3 \ v x y z ûóyph`XQ h,hhhe5h1;mH sH hr^JaJhe5^JaJh?A>*^JaJhG=hs^JaJhG=h9|^JaJh?~Fh?~F>*^JaJh?A^JaJhG=^JaJhtG^JaJh*^JaJh_ r^JaJhW`^JaJh?~Fh?~F^JaJh?Ah?~F>*^JaJhh?~F^JaJh&hPP^JaJh9|^JaJ J K DQ}Zcks{|i}yrr h(Gh(Ghb h(Ghu h(GhzahtG h(GhY}o h(Ghs6 h(GhV h(Gh9| h(Gh= h|Nh[ h|NhX hBhhkt hBhhh0h?~Fhzs^JaJhr^JaJh+^JaJh?~Fh?~F^JaJhe5^JaJh +i&JWXq1GTU)67JKDZǭǟμҐǁzssoshp h|Nh h|NhE `h(GhB*mH phsH hBhn hlh}s h|Nhc h(GhhgBh h|NhnhtG h|Nh # h|Nhh}sh)y hChC hChm h(Ghm h(Ghw h|NhoX@ hnhoX@+i" ##$\&'( ,6,z--.....!.".$.%.gd^?x & F^`gdb~gdngd(Ggdb~BCei*.JNPx(Zbz~3@ hCh'0h'0hcZhA3h|hh(GhB*mH phsH  h|NhB h|Nh\c h<:h\chh hphn hph\ch68hnh=+h4fhtGh@h\c h|NhE ` h|Nh2)*Qqr}]^}/,.0;_z̸̼ȋ| hd ;hd ;hBBhC.h#?#C#L#y##########˼˸˸˴ h|Nh@htGhmh(G h|NhBh" hChhhh5-hh3hp h DXh(G h DXh DXh DX hJ[hJ[h hhh5ha? hd ;hd ;hh63### $ $l$m$n$o$$$X%e%%%%&2&3&[&\&]&&&&(((**O*\*****+++K+]+ , ,,(,6,-;-<-򻷰}v h(Gh%1 h(Gh(G h(Ghsh hs hxhxhx hEJhj) hEJhM7h\6 h]h]h] h|NhR h|Nh( hfh(G hfhfhb~h&hB6h n h|Nh(GhtG h|NhB h|NhQ.<-H-N-O-y-z-------.......... .".#.%.:.<.B.C.I.J.K.L.M.N.ϭtgchkv\hn0JaJmHnHuhbh 0JaJjhbh 0JUaJ *hbh aJhbh aJh/jh/U hnwhF h j<hM@ hAh* hbhbh(G h|NhV[& hx0he5 hx0h1; hhs h(Gh/ h(Ghs h(Gh(G#%.=.M.N.b.r.s.t.......s  `0pP ^ gdq?$ & `0p@ Pa$gd/ $ /`0p@ &Pla$gdr $ 7&a$gdr $ 7&a$gd/a  &gdrgd/ r gd/ N._.a.g.h.n.o.p.q.r.s.t................|ph`XppJjh$UmHnHuhr^JaJh/a^JaJhn^JaJhLT^h 5^JaJh/a5CJ$^JaJ$h#h 5CJ$^JaJ$hr5CJ$^JaJ$h\nh 5CJ$^JaJ$hLT^h ^JaJhkv\h/h aJh 0JaJmHnHuhkth 0JaJjhkth 0JUaJ *hkth aJhkth aJ..///// ////'/(/7/F/G/H/I/L/N/O/S/V/W/^/f/x/о󔉁vkbWkOkhtGCJ^Jh#hrCJ^Jhr5CJ^Jh#h CJ^Jh?Ah CJ^Jh ^JaJhLT^h ^JaJhLT^h \^JaJhrCJ\^Jh h CJ\^Jhr5CJ^Jh 5CJ^JhS5CJ^Jh1;5CJ^JhLT^h 5^JaJha5h 5CJ\^Jh h 5CJ^J.//(/G/H/I/J/K/L/M/N/woooooo$a$gd/ `0pP ^ gdq? # `0p@ P ^ gdr # `0pEP ^ gdr & `0p@ P ^ gd6I  `0pP ^ gdq? 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