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ACTION PROPOSED The Meeting will be invited to comment, and particularly make decisions or recommendations, as appropriate, on the following topics: (a) Note and comment on the information contained in this document; and (b) Take into account the contents of the report when discussing relevant agenda items. ______________ Appendix 1. Format of JTA National Reports Appendix 1 Format for the national reports to the JTA _______________ JTA National Report Year2015Country Section 1. Overall Summary The objective of this section is to provide a short narrative statement that characterizes a countrys Argos participation, programme, and future directions. This section can also be looked at as an abstract of section 2 section 6. Section 2. Future Plans Please provide information on national future plans. Section 3. Technological Changes that affect User Requirements This objective of this section is to provide information on any advances in instrument development, techniques, or other technology that may affect future development of the Argos system. Section 4. User issues, problems, and level of satisfaction with Argos The objective of this section is to highlight any user issues that need to be brought to the attention of the JTA and CLS Executives. Section 5. Successful programme use of Argos The objective of this section is to highlight the successful use of Argos in helping users achieve their objective. Section 6. Analysis of Local Operational Issues The objective of this section is to present any Argos issue that affects users in a particular location, country, or platform family that may not shared by other user groups. ______________      REF Event_code \h JTA-35/Doc.  REF DOC_NO Inf. 3, Appendix 1, p.  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