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Support, with staff and some finances, by the IOC/GOOS Headquarters and the GRA Council Chair's office. This will help struggling GRAs show their governments a robust organization to be joined. NZ'7\>2'C=Action #1 Sub-Actions$1A. Ensure all GRAs have active links to the new GOOS HQ website; provide technical assistance if needed 1B. Add the global map of GRA regions to the GOOS HQ website 1C. Encourage the posting of news items from GRAs on this website 1D. GOOS HQ ensure that GRA reports sent to other organizations (WESTPAC, other IOC Sub-Commissions, other international organizations like SOPAC and CPPC) are also copied to them 1E. GRA Council Chair promote robust website links between all GRAs and the GOOS HQ website 1F. GOOS HQ and GRA Council Chair work with IOC to better coordinate future surveys on ocean observation to minimize duplication of effort Ph;?Y>PROPOSED ACTION #2$ Improve external understanding of GRA programs and progress. This may help some GRAs raise awareness/importance of ocean obs with potential regional and national funding organizations.Pz,T%=Action #2 Sub-Actions D2A. Create a two-page summary profile for each GRA, from the GRC survey results, with updated information from GRF VII and follow-on interviews 2B. Host these profiles on the new GOOS HQ website, where they can be updated by the GRAs as needed 2C. Include capacities and priorities of the GRAs in the GOOS Strategic Mapping document 2D. Include these profiles in an IOC/GOOS brochure printed as one-page-front-and-back summaries for each GRA provided in a brochure pocket 2E. Use this knowledge sharing to build opportunities for cross-GRA technology transfer and cooperation iK'^M6 X I,9 Proposed Action #3$c Establish a mechanism to establish, maintain and operate virtual and/or mobile GRA Assist Teams,dS Action #3 Sub-Actions$ 3A. Establish the teams on a short-term, as-needed basis. 3B. Focus the teams on helping individual GRAs with improving communications, training, helping with pilot project design and funding proposals, help with finding funding sources through the new IOC Capacity Development Strategy 2015-2021, helping with data standards and data sharing plans. 3C. Seek funding for these teams in IOC Capacity Development projects 3D. GOOS HQ and GRA Council Chair assist in finding these funding opportunitiesP #&.f Proposed Action #4(7 Foster ongoing links between GRAs and the GOOS Panels*8' Action #4 Sub-Actions$4A. Foster collaboration between the GOOS Biogeochemistry and Biology & Ecosystems Panels and GRAs that identify gaps in these observations (Black Sea GOOS, IMOS, OCEATLAN, PI-GOOS) 4B. Encourage GOOS Biology & Ecosystems Panel to work with the four GRAs above and three GRAs allied with LMEs (GOOS-Africa, IOGOOS, SEAGOOS) on outreach/cooperation with marine conservation organizations and funders. 4C. Encourage GOOS Biology & Ecosystems Panel to work with GRAs on increasing biodiversity observations of Madagascar (GOOS-Africa, IOGOOS) and the Coral Sea (SEAGOOS) with marine conservation groups in those regions. 4D. Encourage GOOS Physics & Climate Panel to work with GRAs to increase met/ ocean observations around Africa for global prediction models, and off the east coast of Africa to improve forecasting the onset of the Indian Ocean Monsoon 4E. Strengthen alignment among the three GOOS Panels and the GOOS GRAs. The three GOOS Panels work with PI-GOOS on remote-area observation projects as "sentinel" indicators of sea surface temperature, sea level rise, ocean acidification and ecosystem effects of climate change. P^   PROPOSED ACTION #5$[Include related ocean observing programs in the GOOS Regional Alliance (GRA) family -- Sustained Arctic Observing Network (SAON) -- Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS) -- Sargasso Sea Alliance (SSA) For increased cooperation in global standards for technology design/calibration, data management, data sharing, and observing network design.H\S{  Action #5 Sub-Actions$ 5A. Improve internal and external communications and support to GRAs. 5B. Prepare a GOOS Regional Council two-year plan for approaching other programs to work more closely with GOOS, up to and including becoming GRAs. `G@,A   0` 33` Sf3f` 33g` f` www3PP` ZXdbmo` \ғ3y`Ӣ` 3f3ff` 3f3FKf` hk]wwwfܹ` ff>>\`Y{ff` R>&- {p_/̴>?" dd@,|?" dd@   " @ ` n?" dd@   @@``PR    @ ` ` p>> f(    6؂3  `} 3 T Click to edit Master title style! !  0̅3  ` 3 RClick to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level!     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