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Tokyo, ETDMP) Paul OLOO (Kenya Meteorological Agency, ETDMP) Members of the project Steering Group: Yutaka MICHIDA, Paul OLOO, Charles SUN Other experts from JCOMM and IODE Objective of the Project: The objective of the Project is to achieve broad agreement and commitment to adopt a number of standards and best practices related to ocean data management and exchange. Expected outcome of the Project: (i) development of a set of internationally acceptable ocean data standards and best practices by managing a process for the reception, reviewing and recommending of standards and best practices, based upon the process developed by the Ocean Data Standards Pilot Project; (ii) establishment of a better collaboration regarding ocean data standards and best practices with all relevant communities, programmes and projects such as Ocean Data Portal, ETDMP Metadata Task Team, SeaDataNet Technical Task Team, GE-BICH, GE-MIM, SG-OBIS, GTSPP, ICSU WDS, GEO/GEOSS, ICES; (iii) effective monitoring of the usage of recommended standards and practices in the relevant communities, including those mentioned under (ii); (iv) appropriate reviews and revisions of recommended standards and best practices based upon feedback from the relevant communities, including those mentioned under (ii); (v) regularly maintained online catalogue(s) of best practices, enabling easy discovery and downloading of these documents by users (e.g. JCOMM Catalogue of practices and standards). Duration of the Project (if open-ended then indicate starting year only) Started in 2013, following the successful termination of ODS and ODSPP URL of the project or of the page in the IODE web site: http://www.oceandatastandards.org/ Activities implemented between April 2015 and March 2017: Proposed standards for meta data model for marine and oceanographic datasets submitted by SeaDataNet, SeaDataNet Common Data Index (CDI) together with its XML encoding, was passed the Internal Review process in August 2016, and has now been in the stage of Expert Review. Proposed standards for meta data model for cruise reporting submitted by SeaDataNet, SeaDataNet Cruise Summary Report (CSR) together with its XML encoding, was passed the Internal Review process in August 2016, and has now been in the stage of Expert Review. Proposed standard for vocabularies jointly submitted by SeaDataNet and IDIP project, SeaDataNet Controlled Vocabularies for describing Marine and Oceanographic Datasets Data, was passed the Internal Review process in October 2016, and will start the Expert Review shortly. Proposed standard for data transport model submitted by SeaDataNet, SeaDataNet NetCDF (CF) Data Transport Model for Marine and Oceanographic Datasets Data, was passed the Internal Review process in October 2016, and will start the Expert Review shortly. Problems experienced and measures taken: Some difficulties in seeking appropriate experts to conduct the reviews. Results achieved between April 2015 and March 2017: The reviewing processes have been on-going. Work plan and Budget for the next period (April 2015 March 2017): Implement the review process for the proposed candidate(s) for ocean data standards and/or best practices Possibly expand the membership of SG-ODSBP, so that the SG will be able to handle the review processes including the seeking appropriate experts for each review (Budget expressed in US Dollars) Activity (as per work plan)Timing (month, year)Total required fundingFunds already identified (and source)Funds requested1SG-ODSBP1st half of 2015234 Actions requested from the Committee     IOC/IODE-XXIV/ Page 2 IOC/IODE-XXIV/ Page  PAGE 3 #$+-.46>?CW , - . / = > m n l  żżŴѨ{ws{l_hFhFPJnHtH hFhFhshFhFh Do(hFh DPJnHo(tHhFPJnHo(tHhP|Wh Dh3Mhehh<5CJ aJ h;}hh<5hh<5CJ aJ h;}hh<5CJ aJ hRp<hh<5CJaJh2CJaJhh<CJaJhP|WCJaJh2h7CJaJ%-DVW- . / > n o gdF & Fgd D$a$gd Dgd7 $a$gdh<^`gd7$  ^`a$gdP|W $  a$gdP|W $  a$gd D l F Y }  6  ;{3|XjogdM>gd)gd''gd!)gd! & Fgd DgdF E F X Y   5 6   d i l v;ɡɡ|qjb[PLP[P[h''h''PJnHo(tH h''h''h''hso( h!h!h!h!0J^Jh!h!0J5^Jh!)h!PJnHo(tHh!PJnHo(tHh!hso(hFhFPJnHtHh_KPJnHo(tHhFhso(hshFhFPJnHo(tHhFhFH*PJnHo(tHhFPJnHo(tHhFPJnHtH;AY23JLz{|6VWXojo.O.OԬԤzpzph PJnHtHhsPJnHo(tHhsPJnHtHh)PJnHtHh)PJnHo(tHhM>hto(h) h)h) h)5h h)5h''hso(htht6hthsh!)h''PJnHo(tH h''h''h''PJnHo(tHh''*o)UV8H $IfgdTi hh^h`hgdHcO & Fgd  & Fgd gd VD^gd" & Fgd!)gd0X & Fgd Dgds'()TUV`k˽鵧wpfbWLhHcOhHcOCJaJhHcOh(CJaJh >h >PJnHtH h >h!)h!)PJnHtHh!)hdo(h(hdh!)h o(hDh PJnHo(tHhDh"PJnHo(tHh!)hsh!)h >PJnHo(tHh!)PJnHo(tHh >PJnHo(tHh hto(h4bhthsh)PJnHo(tHHIKSTUWdehipqxyIJĞIJӚ{p{l{p{h&,h2h&,CJaJh&,CJaJhNjhNU h7h DhAhd&h~Bh~BCJH*PJaJnHo(tH#h~BhHcOCJPJaJnHo(tHh~BCJPJaJnHo(tHhhTihHcOCJaJhHcOhdCJaJhHcOhHcOCJaJh(CJaJ)HIkd$$Iflֈ7 b!on25 t044 lap<ytTiIKTefgh $IfgdTihikd$$Iflֈ7 b!on23 t044 lap<ytTiiklmnop $IfgdTipqkd$$Iflֈ7 b!on23 t044 lap<ytTiqstuvwx $IfgdTixykd$$Iflֈ7 b!on23 t044 lap<ytTiy{|}~ $IfgdTikd$$Iflֈ7 b!on23 t044 lap<ytTi $IfgdTigddkd$$Iflֈ7 b!on23 t044 lap<ytTi$a$gd&,gdF & FgdAν޹ h7h DhNh&,!h&,CJOJQJaJmHnHujh&,CJOJQJUaJ%jh&,h&,CJOJQJUaJh&,h&,CJOJQJaJ 5 01F:p&,|. 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