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Background on JCOMM Session WMO Secretariat informed about the WMO Marine Meteorology and Oceanography Program, WMOs role in maritime safety, JCOMM, and provided an explanation about the upcoming JCOMM-5 Session (Bali, October 2017). This was excellent context to both ETMSS and ETSI, so that all members were aware of what to expect in terms of preparations for the impending JCOMM-5, and how the Session is used for decision-making, and coordination of work plans for the next inter-sessional period. ETMSS need to provide Work plan and other relevant specific actions to JCOMM-5ETMSS Chair and SFSPA ChairJune 2017Chair SFSPA, Report Explanation of intersessional highlights and challenges for the JCOMM Services and Forecasting Systems Programme Area (SFSPA). Challenges included the lack of human resources in the WMO Secretariat managing a massive workload, the difficulties in relationship with other Agencies, and succession planning. Leading up to JCOMM-5, there are 31 projects in progress, which is unsustainable in the long-term with limited financial and human resources. As well, marine activities in WMO are not recognized as a priority. There needs to be a consolidation of projects to fit in the introduction of QMS and marine Competencies - which was approved by WMO Congress. A WMO Assessment of Marine Services was carried out in 2016. The Assessment recommends ways in which WMO can strengthen its role in global marine services. A Report from the JCOMM Task Team for Marine Environmental Emergency Systems (TT-MEER) was also mentioned. This TT sits within ETMSS. Since finalization of the TT-MEER Report, JCOMM-Management has recommended TT-MEER to become its own Expert Team under SFSPA. This ensure that marine environmental emergency and search and rescue (SAR) activities receive improved support and prominence. ETMSS Chair Report Highlights of ETMSS were provided. The Chair noted that maritime losses from 2000-2014 showed that the shipping industry is increasingly exposed to weather-related risks, causing increased losses to industry. The World Wide Met-Ocean Information and Warning Service (WWMIWS) is the key output provided to shipping, and all other activities contribute to this. Other recent activities were highlighted including competencies, and revision of technical documents.ETSI Chair, ReportHighlights of ETSI were provided. The Chair noted the importance of Polar safety especially with increased shipping in Arctic areas, which is driving the need for improved safety in sea ice regions. The importance of working together with ETMSS was also highlighted. ETMSS 5ETMSS Action Items from ETMSS 4 and status The ETMSS Chair presented the Actions from the last ETMSS meeting, and noted the status of each item. The Chair noted that the progress in transferring the METAREA responsibility from USA to Peru. Peru was issued a SafetyNet operator certificate in late 2016. Guidelines for volcanic ash have been updated in WMO 558. Further progression is needed for the development of the Solar Magnetic Storm Guidelines. The Marine Environmental Emergency Responses (MEER) Report (Proposal on Future JCOMM Activities in Marine Environmental Emergency Responses) was finalized in late 2016. The Chair also explained the Applications for SafetyNet roles, and in particular the decision-making process for determining the use of SafetyNet in METAREAs, and where there are gaps in issuing services. Mayoka (France) explained the GMDSS website and METAREA page that she manages for JCOMM, and highlighted the recent changes on the site. Issues remain and need solving, for example some METAREA messages are unavailable, and some Navtex messages are irregular. There was discussion about connecting to archived information on the GMDSS. Generally this is not supplied due to confusion in using past information and issue versions. At present, there is no knowledge of the users of the GMDSS website. It may be useful to learn the audience of users. Recommendation: All METAREA coordinates were asked to regularly check their pages for GMDSS and inform the focal point (Mayoka) when there are changes required. Provide NAVAREAS with an entry point from IHO website back to the METAREA focal points so it is a direct way of communication. ETMSS Chair end March Circulate updated list of product labels to METAREA coordinators for consideration. Mayoka ASAP Harmonising terminology on the WWMIWS website to ensure keywords/labelling consistency for search engines across various websitesETMSS Chair and Mayoka ASAP List of METAREA Coordinators to be provided by WMO twice a year to IMO for dissemination (April and October). IHO provides the same ie. NAVAREA Coordinators to IMO. WMO (add to calendar of activities)  biannual DoneReview the orange caution box on the GMDSS website to make it more user oriented.Chair and VChairAprilDoneRecommendation: if archived information is required on the GMDSS, then METAREA Coordinators can be contacted directly with specific requests.Recommendation: If there is time, set up an automatic check on URLS, that can inform Mayoka when there are issues.Recommendation: Determine the audience of users of the GMDSS website. User feedback and performance measurementsThe Chair presented an overview of the user feedback results. The group reviewed an analysis of the feedback conducted by the feedback analysis working group consisting of Marja (Finland), Wei (China), Alicia (Argentina) and the Chair (Australia). The working group had identified 8 action items arising from the feedback after analyzing the core issue raised. The group agreed to include these actions into the main ETMSS action list for follow-up. The group discussed the necessity for questions on the quality and availability of the various GMDSS communication platforms, to instead focus solely on the service provision of WWMIWS. This information is monitored by IMSO and through the WWNWS surveys, and therefore, the duplication was seen as unnecessary and impacting on ship responses to core questions on Met services. The group agreed to remove these questions for the next survey and advise the WWNWS-SC Chair for consideration in IHO survey. There was discussion about the confusion with the term e-navigation used by IMO/IHO/WMO communities versus the general term for electronic navigation that is used more widely. ETMSS needs to consider using a consistent term that is not confused with the general term. It would be good to reach out beyond the traditional stakeholders, for example industry etc, to fill out the self-assessment questionnaire next time. This would broaden the sample set for feedback. There can be a lack of understanding of terms and context at the user-end, which can skew the results of the feedback. This should always be considered. Consult with IMO/IHO for recommendations on the various groups (beyond the traditional groups) that could be involved in the next feedback survey Chair and METAREA CoordinatorsEnd 2017Include the top 10 actions from the feedback survey into the main ETMSS action listChair and METAREA Coordinators AprRecommendation: ETMSS to consider using a consistent term for e-navigation in future surveys that is not confused with the general term. Report Analysis of Self AssessmentsThe Chair described some highlights in the results from the Self Assessments conducted in late 2016. Some questions have been identified as unnecessary, so there could be a review of the questions for the next self-assessment. A 6 monthly reminder would keep details on the WWMIWS website and WMO 9, Vol D up to date, rather than through the self-assessment. No objections to this suggestion. Capacity development is generally progressed at a higher lever through WMO and JCOMM, however, the people best placed to identify the capacity development needs are the METAREA Co-ordinators. Part of the role of METAREA Co-ordinators is to mentor and improve the capacity of national organisations. Therefore it is important to keep the question regarding capacity development in the self-assessments, through rewording to capture the capacity development requirements, and consider another mechanism of learning more about the capacity development needs. Initiate a 6 monthly reminder to METAREA Coordinators to ensure their details are updated and available on relevant websites. Integrated into the calendarDoneReview the survey questions and as discussed, remove the questions that are no longer relevant and/or reword them for improved relevance (eg. capacity development)ETMSS Chair and Aarnio-FriskDoneNational Contact Points for the GMDSS Marine Broadcast System (METAREA Coordinators) IHO noted that ETMSS needs to be familiar with IMO resolutions A.664(16) (Performance standards for enhanced group call equipment), MSC.305(87) (Guideline on operational procedures for the broadcast of maritime safety information concerning acts of piracy and piracy countermeasure operations) and MSC.306(87) (Revised performance standards for enhanced group call (EGC) equipment). Recommendation: METAREA Coordinators to familiarise themselves with the relevant IMO resolutions that relate to the GMDSS Marine Broadcast System. S412 Weather Overalls Product Specification Joe Phillips (USA) joined via webex and gave an overview of the work, including highlights and challenges, and future developments. The goal is integrate weather products within the electronic navigation system. ECDIS currently doesn't have weather products, yet it is widely used by the maritime industry and is mandatory on the high seas, specified by IMO. It will be possible to feed real time information into this system in the future. In terms of challenges, sea ice was removed from S-412 given there was an S-411 Sea Ice group already. Surface current feature was also removed. Other features may be removed in the future, to prevent redundancy internally in S-412. Many new features have been added. It was noted that WMO Publications are not always the best for this product specification. For example, in 558, there is no definition of certain terms. Due to this, some national agencies define things in their own terms, which confuses matters when people are using the WMO Publications. Multiple definitions exist between METAREAS and finding compromises can be difficult. Tropical storm/cyclone impact based terminology can be ambiguous and subjective (eg what is moderate, severe, intense ? etc). Also, 558 symbol definitions are hand drawn. S-124 Navigational Warnings probably wont include meteorological warnings. Vector portrayal (wind, swell, current) is also a challenge with various symbols globally. There is an issue when data crosses the international dateline. ETMSS proposed to Joe Phillips that he convey to the S-100 Working Group meeting, for a seamless transition of data across the International Dateline, if possible. A Universal Set of Colour Ramps within S-100 was also discussed. This is a feature that the S-412 should also use. The first version on product specification S-412 will likely be complete in 2-3 years. If approved, the question remained: what is the WMO approval process and who maintains it ?ETMSS to create a strategy so that METAREAs can feed information to the group to ensure that S-412 specifications are user-focusedChair, ETMSS June 2017Recommendation: ETMSS to consider defining terms within the WMO Publications for consistencyCapacity Development and QMF SessionEducation and Capacity Development WMO provided the context of the WMO Capacity Development Strategy and Implementation Plan (2015) which has an objective: to improve the sustainable development of NHMSs. Various aspects of an NHMS need focus, including the institutional framework, the infrastructure, the process, and the staff. Alicia Cejas provided a presentation on recent organizational responsibilities for marine weather services in Argentina. There is a need in the Argentinian region to incorporate more marine forecasts in the National Weather Service. There are expanding requirements in Region III for the maritime user community with a focus on safety of life at sea. Brazil is also facing similar issues between institutions (defense, national weather service etc splits across the government agencies in issuing marine forecasts but the need to streamline and improve the quality of marine services). IHO (David Wyatt) noted how they approach capacity development, through a dedicated inter-regional coordination and capacity building programme. Some regional hydrographic commissions are mature and dont require training, but others require a lot of training support. IHO follows several stages of building capability of Members. Each Region has a Capacity Building Coordinator who develops a 3-year Cap Building Plan, with a priority list of activities. MSI training and technical visits will always get funding, due to the obligations under SOLAS. ETMSS could use this opportunity to combine with the MSI courses by IHO. Next MSI course is in South Africa in September 2017. It was noted that through GOOS in the Mediterranean, there are opportunities to collaborate for bathymetry. Areas that need assistance are South African Islands region, Caribbean, and Pacific Islands regions. The PI region has already joined their hydrographic and met training, with support from New Zealand. IHO run a basic sea level and tide course, which JCOMM could also utilize as an opportunity. It would be useful for someone from the Met community to attend a course (2-3 MSI trainings a year) and see how it is being put together, and make an assessment on how we engage. IMO/IHO/WMO/IOC/IALA/FIG/IAEA: these 7 organizations gather to discuss capacity development to improve delivery across the world to ensure it is not duplicated. Universities also run training courses and these could be other opportunities for training. Recommendation: Ensure that the maritime safety capacity development uses the guidance from both WMO and UNESCO IOC Capacity Development Strategies (eg through marine competencies, QMF, ocean literacy etc.). This is consistent with the JCOMM Management 13 recommendations. Request from Argentina on behalf of Region III, for WMO to conduct a marine competency training course in the region. Region III to send a letter of request to WMO. ArgentinaasapFor ETMSS to request from IHO the MSI course curriculum to see how this could be relevant to MSI for met services. If relevant, send one person to observe the South African course (intro to MSI) in September 2017 ETMSS Chair, IHO, WMOASAPFor ETMSS and WMO to form a Capacity Development Task Team to explore the capacity development opportunities for marine safety services in the next 3 years. ETMSS Chair, Vice Chair, WMO SecretariatMarch 28Recommendation: WMO to explore the regional capacity development per Regional Associations (RAs), and encourage a regional marine safety services capacity development focal point.Region III President. June 2017Marine Competency ETMSS Chair noted that the marine forecasting competency framework is the key pillar for demonstrating WMOs commitment to the IMO/WMO Worldwide Met-Ocean Information and Warning Service (WWMWIS). An overview was provided including the 4 implementation stages. An issue was raised regarding the communication of the approved Marine Competency Frameworks. Their approval was not communicated back to the METAREA Co-ordinators, despite the METAREA Co-ordinators commenting on them beforehand. The question was raised about how the competencies framework can be implemented. The suggestion was made to re-engage the Task Team for Marine Competencies, and revise the Terms of Reference and Membership to ensure the implementation of the marine competencies.ETMSS Members to inform the relevant people in their agencies about WMO marine information, and ensuring that this message reaches the PR, who represents respective countries at formal WMO governance bodies. METAREA Coordinators to Let people know within their agencies and PRs about the need to disseminate WMO marine information to them. ETMSS Members Before JCOMM-5Ensure the implementation of the marine competencies by re-establishing the Task Team (including revised ToR and membership) for Marine Competencies. WMO Chair, VChair & WMO (ensure in priority table for JCOMM-5) Before JCOMM-5 Circulate the new Marine Competencies Framework among the ETMSS and METAREA Coordinators. WMOASAP QMFThe WMO Quality Management Framework (QMF) is an important framework to ensure the quality and standards for the WWMIWS. 4 implementation phases were outlined. The last self-assessment (2016) indicated who had started their implementation in WWMIWS. The ISO 9001:2015 Structure shows the stages of quality checking (eg. plan, do, check and act). The WWMIWS Structure was shown to explain the managerial structure and implementation flow. IUMI International Union of Marine Insurance Lars Lange (Secretary General of IUMO) joined via webex to explain the IUMI and potential collaborations for the future. Membership is national marine insurance associations. Core tasks include lobbying, services, representing industry views and opinions, and providing network in the industry and with other maritime stakeholders. Webinars and tutorials are conducted regularly throughout the year by IUMI. They also hold one conference annually for 3 days with workshops and stakeholder engagement. The next is in September 2017, Tokyo. Risk modelling is becoming very important in the marine industry. Some joint work could take place here. Climate change is not yet easily included within insurance risks. Send to IUMI the contacts for METAREA Coordinators, and for them to send a link to the insurance organizations, Chair (ETMSS) and IUMI (SG)June 2017Marine GDFPS FrameworkWMO (Alice Soares) joined via webex to explain the GDPFS in general. In particular she noted the difference between the Global Processing Centres for Long Range Forecasts, RSMCs, Regional Climate Centres and National Centres. There is a Manual on GDPFS. The Document was approved in November at the WMO Technical Commission for Basic Sciences (CBS). Within it, there is reference to the WMO Marine Manual 558 for marine information. However, there is an opportunity to expand this marine information in further detail and insert in the GDFPS Manual at JCOMM-5. It is important for all Members to have access to all GDPFS information in one place. The Manual also includes provision for new GDPFS Centres specializing in wave models, ocean models, and wave verification. These will be recognized at JCOMM-5. Review and re-submit the marine meteorological text in the Manual on GDPFS. Chair to lead with ETMSS MembersASAP in time for JCOMM-5. Marine Environmental Emergency Response (MEER)Chair, SFSPA overviewed the work of the Task Team for Marine Environmental Emergency Response (TT-MEER) which included the finalization of the Report Proposal On Future Jcomm ActivitiesIn Marine Environmental Emergency Responses (MEER), and a recommendation from JCOMM Management-13, that the TT become an Expert Team. JCOMM is tasked to provide environmental emergency response ranging from oil spills, nuclear fallout, noxious substances (eg Harmful Algal Blooms) and as well, SAR (Search and Rescue). All these fall under the MEER network. The network of response centres (with the same capabilities) are currently aligned with METAREAs. In the future, each of the response centres need a better relationship with other bodies at global, regional and national levels. Noting that each country usually has its own unique response system, however, it is good to aim for consistency internationally. As well, an integrated WMO approach is needed (eg. with IAEA). JCOMM MAN-13 agreed to endorse the Report and for the Task Team to become an Expert Team in the future. This will be presented to JCOMM-5.Decision: ETMSS agreed with the action from JCOMM-MAN-13. Marine Technical AssessmentSFSPA Chair noted that a marine assessment was carried out, primarily as a WMO issue (and not JCOMM). The assessment came about due to the call from Congress-17 to strengthen the marine services at WMO. Results showed the declining staff in the marine programme, a reduction in budget but increasing work activities (and expansion to include greater interest in coastal areas). The recommendation from the assessment is for WMO to recognize marine as a priority and in particular for WMO to acknowledge their obligations to SOLAS, WWMIWS and maritime safety in general. Provide ETMSS the final assessment report for their awareness. Chair and WMO As soon as the Report is public. ETMSS and METAREA Co-ordinators to raise the importance of maritime safety and marine meteorology within their countries, and to their PRs, thereby ensuring that PRs can formally put their requests via Congress for a marine priority.ETMSSBefore EC-69 in May NCSR-4IHO outlined the 4th Meeting of the Navigation Communication Search and Rescue (NCSR) Sub-Committee which will be held in London at IMO from 6-9 March 2017. NCSR comes under the main Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) at IMO. Only IMO Members can formally input to the NCSR and MSC. ETMSS should look at the Agenda for the NCSR every year, to see if there is any relevant feedback and input to documentation several months ahead of the annual NCSR meetings. This also highlights the importance within respective countries, to get to know who attends these meetings usually NAVAREA Co-ordinators from each country. The GMDSS Masterplan can be updated at any point during the year (it doesnt need to be only at the NCSR Session). It is important to have working relations with the NAVAREA Coordinators and the Maritime Authority in respective countriesWMO and ETMSS Leadership to add review of the NSCR Agenda and documentation every year onto the rolling calendar of activities to ensure that relevant WMO/ETMSS marine safety/GMDSS information is included in the documentation in time. ETMSS Chair, Vice Chair, WMO Secretariat Ongoing/ Annually in preparation before every NCSR Meeting (added to ongoing calendar)DoneRecommendation: For METAREA Coordinators to communicate to the relevant representative (often the NAVAREA Co-ordinator) from their country attending the NCSR.METAREA CoordinatorsPrior to every NCSR MeetingRecommendation: Strengthen relations with NAVAREA Coordinators and Maritime Authorities in respective countriesMETAREA CoordinatorsOngoingWWMIWS Implementation Plan development for JCOMM-5 periodJCOMM-5 Workplan JCOMM SFSPA to provide advice to JCOMM Observations Coordination Group (OCG) on the observations required by services. Initiate communication with the ETMSS on service requirements for observations, to be provided at the OCG meeting in May 2017SFSPA Chair Before MayDoneNew Terms of References for both ETMSS and MEER to be drafted for JCOMM-5.Draft ToRs for ETMSS and ETMEER. SFSPA Chair and WMO Secretariat to lead. By JuneDetermine if Experts for ETMEER are to be nominated by JCOMM-5.SFSPA Chair and WMO Secretariat to lead.By JuneMarine Competencies Progress the re-establishment of the revised Task Team (inclusive of drafting the new ToR)ETMSS Chair and WMO Secretariat to lead.By June Capacity Development ETMSS to recommend capacity development actions to JCOMM Capacity Development Coordinator for JCOMM-5. WMO and SFSPA Chair By June 2017News what sort of news does ETMSS want to disseminate about maritime safety? For example, marine competency framework, or capacity development ? A communications plan was considered an important tool to improve visibility of WMO activities in the eyes of our Member States, partners and industry.ETMSS and WMO to develop a communication plan for marine safety service initiatives. ETMSS Chair and WMOJulyPriority themes for next intersessional period should include: Know your customer: enhanced customer engagement through an industry panel (partnerships eg Ports, IMO Panel) Know your product: proposals/capability in risk based services (probability eg 30% change of gale winds, hazardous phenomena, climate change, implementation ) Standard specification (S-412) Service Delivery: Implementation of marine competencies (self-assessments will feed into this in terms of knowing who has competencies). Overall Sustainability of WWMWIS, through: confirming the METAREA co-ordinators, the national marine safety co-ordinators, enabling GDPFS to best efficiency for maritime safety, and capacity development/training to assist delivery in countries where there is a lack of maritime safety services, verification, manual revisions and communications. Its important that National Met Services maintain relevance and that they are the authority source for marine safety. Private firms have their own niche, but shouldnt become the authority. Develop Workplan Proposal for JCOMM-5Chair/VChair and WMO with engagement from ETMSSBy June 2017Marine Technical Conference pre JCOMM-5The theme of Services is not very explicit within the Draft Outline of the Marine TECO Sessions. Recommend the wording is more explicit to mention Services. Add Services to the Session documentation. WMO SecretariatasapDate and location for next meetingIHO offered to host the next ETMSS in Monaco, adjacent to the next METAREA Co-ordinator meeting (August 2018). ETMSS Members agreed this was a good idea for building synergies with the METAREA Co-ordinators. Propose the next ETMSS in Monaco (hosted by IHO) and adjacent to the next METAREA Co-ordinator meeting (August 2018).ETMSS Chair to write to WMO SecretariatMay 2017 Participants: ETMSS Chair: Neal Moodie ETMSS Vice-Chair: John Parker Chair, SFSPA: Nick Ashton ETMSS Members: FANG Zheqing Mireille Mayoka Satoshi Sugimoto Bruce Hackett Alicia Cejas Giovanni Coppini Evgeny Nesterov Marja Aarnio-Frisk Invited Non-Members: IHO, through David Wyatt IMSO: Ozkan Istanbullu Inmarsat: Dana Jongens Iridium: Larry Solomon Iridium: Christopher Snowdon METAREA Co-ordinators: Brazil - MetArea coordinator, Captain Diogo da Silva Greece - MetArea coordinator, Mr. Michail Myrsilidis Helge Tangen MetArea coordinator, Norway WMO Secretariat (Marine Meteorology and Ocean Affairs): Sarah Grimes Joined by WebEx only: IUMI, Lars Lange US, Joe Phillips WMO Secretariat: Ms Alice Soares     ETSI-IV GDSIDB-XII/Doc. 1.3, APPENDIX 1, p.  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