ࡱ>  [ bjbj**  HbHb4-- ; ;Z;Z;Z;4;;;h; E;څ.L( VULUUUXht\|/111111$tUZ;XZX"|X"XXU ; ;UUj4X ;8UZ;U/X/OPB;^Uм.p OV<څVܔ0^^Z;cD!XXXXXXXUU XXXڅXXXXXXXXXXXXX-N 9:  TABLE OF CONTENTS page  TOC \o "1-4" \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478566152" 1. OPENING  PAGEREF _Toc478566152 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478566153" 2. ORGANIZATION OF THE SESSION  PAGEREF _Toc478566153 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478566154" 2.1 ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA  PAGEREF _Toc478566154 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478566155" 2.2 DESIGNATION OF THE RAPPORTEUR  PAGEREF _Toc478566155 \h 2  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478566156" 2.3 ESTABLISHMENT OF INTRASESSIONAL COMMITTEES AND WORKING GROUPS  PAGEREF _Toc478566156 \h 2  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478566157" 2.4 INTRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTATION, TIMETABLE AND MEMORIAL LECTURES  PAGEREF _Toc478566157 \h 3  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478566158" 3. IOC MATTERS AND REPORTS  PAGEREF _Toc478566158 \h 4  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478566159" 3.1 STATEMENT OF THE CHAIRMAN ON THE STATE OFIOC  PAGEREF _Toc478566159 \h 4  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478566160" 3.2 REPORT BY THE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY ON THE WORK ACCOMPLISHED SINCE THE LAST SESSSION  PAGEREF _Toc478566160 \h 5  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478566161" 3.2.1 Report on Programme and Budget Implementation  PAGEREF _Toc478566161 \h 5  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478566162" 3.2.2 IOC External Audit Recommendation Follow-Up  PAGEREF _Toc478566162 \h 7  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478566163" 3.2.3 Recommendations on Governance, Working Methods and Procedures of the Commission  PAGEREF _Toc478566163 \h 8  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478566164" 3.3 DRAFT PROGRAMME AND BUDGET FOR 20182021 (39 C/5) AND SECOND PHASE OF THE IOC MEDIUM-TERM STRATEGY  PAGEREF _Toc478566164 \h 10  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478566165" 3.4 REPORTS BY THE CHAIRS OF THE IOC SUB-COMMISSIONS AND REGIONAL COMMITTEES  PAGEREF _Toc478566165 \h 12  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478566166" 3.4.1 IOC Sub-commission for the Western Pacific: 11th Session of WESTPAC, 2123 April 2017, Qingdao, China  PAGEREF _Toc478566166 \h 12  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478566167" 3.4.2 IOC Sub-commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions: 14th Session of IOCARIBE, 2628 April 2017 Cartagenas de Indias, Colombia  PAGEREF _Toc478566167 \h 14  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478566168" 3.4.3 IOC Sub-commission for Africa and the Adjacent Island States: 4th Session of IOCAFRICA, 68 March 2017, Alexandria, Egypt  PAGEREF _Toc478566168 \h 16  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478566169" 3.4.4 IOC Regional Committee for the Central Indian Ocean: 6th Session of IOCINDIO, 2425 May 2017, Kuwait City, Kuwait  PAGEREF _Toc478566169 \h 17  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478566170" 3.4.5 Report of the IOC Meeting of the Regional Subsidiary Bodies, 19 June 2017, Paris, France  PAGEREF _Toc478566170 \h 19  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478566171" 3.4.6 Proposal to Establish the International Training Centre on Operational Oceanography hosted by the Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS) of Ministry of Earth Sciences, as a UNESCO Category 2 Centre  PAGEREF _Toc478566171 \h 20  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478566172" 3.5 REPORT OF THEIOC(20162017) TO THE THIRTY-NINTH GENERAL CONFERENCE OF UNESCO  PAGEREF _Toc478566172 \h 21  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478566173" 4. IOC AND THE FUTURE OF THE OCEAN  PAGEREF _Toc478566173 \h 22  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478566174" 4.1 IOC ROADMAP  PAGEREF _Toc478566174 \h 22  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478566175" 4.2 PROPOSAL OF AN INTERNATIONAL (UN) DECADE OF OCEAN SCIENCE FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT  PAGEREF _Toc478566175 \h 24  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478566176" 5. OCEAN RESEARCH  PAGEREF _Toc478566176 \h 26  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478566177" 5.1 GLOBAL OCEAN SCIENCE REPORT: PERSPECTIVES AND DEVELOPMENT  PAGEREF _Toc478566177 \h 27  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478566178" 5.2 HARMFUL ALGAL BLOOMS: 13TH SESSION OF IPHAB, 35 May 2017, UNESCO, PARIS  PAGEREF _Toc478566178 \h 28  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478566179" 5.3 REPORT OF AND UPDATE ON THE WMO-IOC-ICSU WORLD CLIMATE RESEARCH PROGRAMME (WCRP) AND ITS REVIEW BY ITS SPONSORS  PAGEREF _Toc478566179 \h 29  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478566180" 6. OBSERVING SYSTEMS AND DATA MANAGEMENT  PAGEREF _Toc478566180 \h 30  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478566181" 6.1 OBSERVING SYSTEMS  PAGEREF _Toc478566181 \h 30  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478566182" 6.1.1 Global Ocean Observing System  PAGEREF _Toc478566182 \h 30  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478566183" 6.1.2 WMO-ICSU-IOC-UNEP Global Climate Observing System (GCOS)  PAGEREF _Toc478566183 \h 34  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478566184" 6.1.3 Joint WMO-IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM)  PAGEREF _Toc478566184 \h 35  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478566185" 6.2 DATA MANAGEMENT  PAGEREF _Toc478566185 \h 38  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478566186" 6.2.1 International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange: 24th Session of IODE, 2428 March 2017, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia  PAGEREF _Toc478566186 \h 38  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478566187" 6.2.2 Strategic Plan for Ocean Data and Information Management  PAGEREF _Toc478566187 \h 41  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478566188" 7. EARLY WARNING AND SERVICES  PAGEREF _Toc478566188 \h 43  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478566189" 7.1 REGIONAL TSUNAMI WARNING SYSTEMS  PAGEREF _Toc478566189 \h 43  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478566190" 7.1.1 Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Pacific Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System: 27th Session of ICG/PTWS, 28-31 March 2017, Tahiti, France  PAGEREF _Toc478566190 \h 43  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478566191" 7.1.2 Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System: 11th Session of ICG/IOTWMS, 1820 April 2017, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia  PAGEREF _Toc478566191 \h 44  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478566192" 7.1.3 Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami and Other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions: 12th Session of the ICG/CARIBE-EWS, 1012 May 2017, Punta Arenas, Costa Rica  PAGEREF _Toc478566192 \h 45  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478566193" 7.1.4 Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami Early Warning and Mitigation System in the North-Eastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean and Connected Seas: 12th Session of ICG/NEAMTWS, 2628 September 2016, Bucharest, Romania  PAGEREF _Toc478566193 \h 45  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478566194" 7.2 GLOBAL COORDINATION OF WARNING AND MITIGATION SYSTEMS FOR OCEAN HAZARDS (TOWS-WG-X), 23-24 FEBRUARY 2017, PARIS, FRANCE  PAGEREF _Toc478566194 \h 46  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478566195" 8. ASSESSMENT AND INFORMATION FOR POLICY  PAGEREF _Toc478566195 \h 50  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478566196" 8.1 REPORT OF THE IHO-IOC GEBCO GUIDING COMMITTEE  PAGEREF _Toc478566196 \h 50  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478566197" 8.2 CONTRIBUTION TO THE SECOND CYCLE OF THE UNITED NATIONS WORLD OCEAN ASSESSMENT (WOA-II)  PAGEREF _Toc478566197 \h 52  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478566198" 9. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND GOVERNANCE  PAGEREF _Toc478566198 \h 54  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478566199" 9.1 OUTCOME OF THE UN SDG14 CONFERENCE: CONTRIBUTION TO THE AGENDA 2030, UN CONFERENCE ON SDG 14 IMPLEMENTATION, AND THE SDG INDICATORS REVIEW PROCESS  PAGEREF _Toc478566199 \h 54  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478566200" 9.2 IOC RELEVANT ISSUES RELATED TO THE UNITED NATIONS PREPARATORY COMMITTEE ON THE CONSERVATION AND SUSTAINABLE USE OF BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY IN AREAS BEYOND NATIONAL JURISDICTION (BBNJ PrepCom)  PAGEREF _Toc478566200 \h 55  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478566201" 9.3 INTEGRATED COASTAL AREA MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME (ICAM) STRATEGY IMPLEMENTATION  PAGEREF _Toc478566201 \h 57  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478566202" 10. CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT  PAGEREF _Toc478566202 \h 58  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478566203" 10.1 CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY: IMPLEMENTATION PLAN  PAGEREF _Toc478566203 \h 58  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478566204" 11. ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT  PAGEREF _Toc478566204 \h 60  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478566205" 11.1 REPORT BY THE CHAIRPERSON OF THE FINANCIAL COMMITTEE  PAGEREF _Toc478566205 \h 60  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478566206" 11.2 ELECTIONS OF THE OFFICERS OF THE COMMISSIONAND MEMBERS OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL  PAGEREF _Toc478566206 \h 61  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478566207" 11.2.1 Election of the Chairperson of the Commission  PAGEREF _Toc478566207 \h 61  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478566208" 11.2.2 Election of the Vice-Chairpersons of the Commission  PAGEREF _Toc478566208 \h 61  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478566209" 11.2.3 Election of the Members of the Executive Council  PAGEREF _Toc478566209 \h 62  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478566210" 11.3 INFORMATION ON FUTURE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY SELECTION PROCESS  PAGEREF _Toc478566210 \h 63  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478566211" 11.4 30th SESSION OF THE ASSEMBLYAND 51st AND 52nd SESSIONS OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL  PAGEREF _Toc478566211 \h 65  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478566212" 12. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTIONS AND SUMMARY REPORT  PAGEREF _Toc478566212 \h 67  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478566213" 13. CLOSURE  PAGEREF _Toc478566213 \h 67  1. OPENING The Chair, ProfessorPeter M. Haugan, opened the 29th Session of the IOC Assembly at 10:00 on Wednesday 21 June 2017 in Room II at UNESCO Headquarters. He welcomed the new officers recently elected in the following subsidiary bodies of the Commission: IOCARIBE, IODE, ___. UNESCO Director-General, Irina Bokova, addressed the IOC Assembly. The Chair asked participants to stand for a minute of silence to honour distinguished individuals who had participated in the work of the Commission and have passed away during the past year: Anatolii A. Komaritzin (___2017, Russian Federation), James J. O'Brien (19352016, USA), Nathalie Philippon-Tulloch (19432016, USA), Mrio Ruivo (19272017, Portugal), TheodoreJ.Smayda (19322017, Norway), Gleb Udintsev (19232017, Russian Federation) and Torben Wolff (19192017, Denmark). The Chair invited participants to visit the exhibition in the Foyer. He thanked, on behalf of the Assembly, the Marine Technology Society (USA) for hosting the reception at the end of the second day and several partners for sponsoring coffee/tea services and events during the session: ____________ The representatives of __ Member States took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report: ___________. 2. ORGANIZATION OF THE SESSION 2.1 ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA [Rule of Procedure 8] Working documents:IOC-XXIX/1 Prov. Rev.Revised Provisional AgendaIOC-XXIX/1 Add. Prov. Rev. Revised Provisional TimetableIOC-XXIX/2prov.Provisional Action Paper (this document)Report: IOC/EC-L/3sExecutive Summary Report of the Fiftieth Session of the IOC Executive Council, Paris, 20 June 2017References:IOC/EC-XLIX/3Report of the Forty-Ninth Session of the IOC Executive Council, Paris, 710 June 2016IOC-XXVIII/3Report of the Twenty-eighth Session of the IOC Assembly, Paris, 1825 June 2015  The Chair reminded that the Executive Council, acting as the Steering Committee for this Assembly session, examined the revised provisional agenda for the session and noted there was no request for supplementary items as per Rule of Procedure 8. In April, the IOC was apprised of a proposal submitted to the Director-General to establish the International Training Centre on Operational Oceanography hosted by the Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS) of Ministry of Earth Sciences, as a UNESCO Category 2 Centre. Item 3.4.6 was added on the revised provisional agenda. IOC-XXIX, Dec. 2. The Assembly, I. Agenda Adopts the agenda and the timetable of work as set out in document IOC-XXIX/1 Prov. Rev. and Add. [with the following additional modifications:] The representatives of ___ Member States took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report: ___________. 2.2 DESIGNATION OF THE RAPPORTEUR [Rule of Procedure 25.4] IOC-XXIX, Dec. 2. II. Rapporteur On a proposal of [country], seconded by [countries], Designates _____________ of [country] Rapporteur for its present session to assist the Chairperson and the Executive Secretary in the preparation of the draft provisional report of the Session;  The representatives of __ Member States took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report: ___________. 2.3 ESTABLISHMENT OF INTRASESSIONAL COMMITTEES AND WORKING GROUPS [Rule of Procedure 12] Report: IOC/EC-L/3sExecutive Summary Report of the Fiftieth Session of the IOC Executive Council, Paris, 20 June 2017 Referring to the recommendations made by the Executive Council (EC-L/Dec.3.3) on this item, acting as the steering committee for the present session, the Chair reminded of the mandate of the three statutory sessional committees, the open-ended composition thereof, and the working arrangements made for their meetings. With reference to the recommendations of the Executive Council at its 48th session, the Chair proposed the establishment of one sessional working group on item 9.2. He then invited proposals for sessional working groups. IOC-XXIX, Dec. 2. The Assembly, III. Sessional Committees and Working Groups Establishes the following sessional open-ended committees and working group and referred to them the following agenda items and responsibilities: Financial Committee: to examine the financial implications of draft decisions/resolutions, workplans of subsidiary bodies and prepare a resolution under items 3.2, 3.3 and 11.1; under the chairship of Ariel H. Troisi (Argentina, Vice-chair) with the following Member States participating: ______________. MsKsenia Yvinec provided the Secretariat support to the Financial Committee. Resolutions Committee: to report on all draft resolutions duly presented for consideration at the session; under the chairship of Terry Schaeffer (USA) with the following Member States participating: ______________. Julian Barbire provided the Secretariat support to the Resolutions Committee. Nominations Committee (to examine all proposals of candidates for the elections to the chair, vice-chairs and to the Executive Council at the present session, and to report on them item 11.2): under the chairship of [name] (country) with the following Member States participating: ______________. Thorkild Aarup and Salvatore Aric provided the Secretariat support to the Nominations Committee. Establishes also one sessional working group on the IOC relevant Issues related to the United Nations Preparatory Committee on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity in Areas beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ Prepcom) item 9.2: under the chairship of [name] (country) with the following Member States participating: ______________. Julian Barbire and Ward Appeltans provided the Secretariat support to the group. The representatives of __ Member States took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report: ___________. 2.4 INTRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTATION, TIMETABLE AND MEMORIAL LECTURES [Rule of Procedure 11; Dec. EC-XLIX/6.2(i)] Working documents:IOC-XXIX/1 Add. Prov. Rev.Revised Provisional TimetableIOC-XXIX/1 Prov. Rev.Revised Provisional AgendaIOC-XXIX/4 Prov.Provisional List of DocumentsInformation: IOC-XXIX/Inf.1Working Arrangements for the sessionIOC-XXIX/Inf.1 Add.Template for submission of written records to the Executive Council summary reportIOC-XXIX/Inf.1 Add.2Draft Resolution Submission FormIOC-XXIX/Inf.2Programme of IOC Memorial Lectures 2017 The Executive Secretary introduced this item. He reviewed briefly the list of working documents and reminded the Assembly that the report would be focused on decisions. Referring to IOC-XXIX/Inf.1, the Executive Secretary reminded that draft decisions would be agreed to during the discussion of each agenda item. The Action Paper, intentionally drafted as a pre-report and completed by a summary of the discussion, was to be submitted for adoption under item 12 as possible during the plenary session or alternatively by correspondence after the session. DrRyabinin reminded the Assembly that __ Draft Resolution(s) were received by the deadline of 16 June. He invited delegates to consider the online evaluation questionnaire concerning governing body session working arrangements (Web Page TBA) as early as possible and to complete it before the discussion on working arrangements in item 12. Member States that wished to have specific, particularly important, plenary interventions recorded, were invited to provide written records thereof in one of the four working languages of the Commission, to be annexed to the report, in their original language as an informational annex to this report. A template and a dedicated e-mail address ( HYPERLINK "mailto:iocgovbody@unesco.org" iocgovbody@unesco.org) was set up to this end (IOC-XXIX/Inf.1 Add.). With reference to the timetable for the session, the Executive Secretary informed about the interpretation arrangements during the session. Meetings of the Financial Committee benefitted from English/French interpretation. The Executive Secretary elaborated on the second day entirely dedicated to item 4 IOC and the Future of the Ocean and the holding of a special discussion forum to share views on the IOC proposal for a Decade of ocean science for sustainable development with partner organizations. The IOC Anton Bruun Memorial Lecture on Deoxygenation Declining oxygen in the worlds ocean and coastal waters was delivered by DrVronique Garon (France) in this context. Day-2 was also dedicated to the memory of Professor Mrio Ruivo, past IOC Executive Secretary and Head of the Portuguese delegation with a special tribute in presence of his wife. DrSuchana Apple Chavanich, Deputy Director, Chula Unisearch and Associate Professor at the Chulalongkorn University of Thailand delivered the IOC N.K. Panikkar Memorial lecture on the theme Capacity Development and Transfer of Technology: a key to restoration, conservation and sustainable use ofcoral reefsin the Western Pacific. Following their presentation, DrGaron and DrChavanich were awarded the IOC Anton Bruun medal and the IOC N.K. Panikkar Medal respectively. No decision is proposed under this item. [Any changes to the timetable would be reflected in IOC-XXIX, Dec.2.] The representatives of __ Member States took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report: ___________. 3. IOC MATTERS AND REPORTS 3.1 STATEMENT OF THE CHAIRMAN ON THE STATE OFIOC [Rule of Procedure 8.1(a)] Information: IOC-XXIX/Inf.3Statement of the Chair on the State of the IOC, 2017 In accordance with rule of procedure 8.1(a), the Chair delivered an oral statement on recent developments in the work of the Commission and perspectives for the coming years (Annex ____). No decision is proposed under this item. The representatives of __ Member States took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report: ___________. 3.2 REPORT BY THE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY ON THE WORK ACCOMPLISHED SINCE THE LAST SESSSION 3.2.1 Report on Programme and Budget Implementation [Rule of Procedure 8.1(b) and (c); Rule of Procedure 49.1; Resolution EC-XLIX.2] Working documents:IOC-XXIX/2Annex 1 Report of the IOC Executive Secretary on the work accomplished since the previous session (July 2016May 2017)IOC-XXIX/2 Annex 2Report on budget execution 2016 and outline of 2017 budgetIOC-XXIX/2 Annex 2 AddendumComplementary Additional Programme of Extrabudgetary Resources 20162017Information: IOC/EC-XLIX/2Annex 1Report of the IOC Executive Secretary on the work accomplished since the previous session (June 2015May 2016)201/EX/4 Part 1Execution of the Programme adopted by the General Conference, Part 1: Programme Implementation Report (1st January 201431st December 2016)IOC/INF-1343Report on Activities of Regional Education and Research Center on Oceanography for West Asia (RCOWA) under the auspices of UNESCO, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, March 2017IOC/INF-1348Follow up on the Implementation of the Draft Communications Advisory Report for the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCOIOC/BRO/2017/1One Planet, One Ocean (IOC Corporate Brochure) In accordance with Rules of Procedure 8(b) and 49, the Executive Secretary reported on the work accomplished by the Commission since the 49th session of the IOC Executive Council (Paris, 710 June 2016) and on the budget execution 2016. He also provided a brief outline of the 2017 budget (IOC-XXIX/2 Annex 2). DrRyabinin reminded the Assembly that the Secretariat had to operate for a second biennium with a regular budget of Member States assessed contributions to UNESCO reduced to the actual cash inflow of the Organization. Based on the adoption by the UNESCO General Conference at its 38th session in November 2015 of the Zero Nominal Grown Plus (US$667M) Programme and Budget for 20162017 (38C/5) and the corresponding US$518M Expenditure Plan, the budgetary allocations for the IOC were set as follows: US$ 13,860,900 to the IOC in the ZNG+ US$ 667 M budget for UNESCO US$ 10,155,000 to the IOC in the ZNG+ US$ 518 M expenditure plan for UNESCO; The Executive Secretary recalled that the Assembly (June 2015) in its Resolution XXVIII-3 Financial Matters of the Commission expressed its satisfaction with the budgetary allocations proposed for the IOC in the UNESCO Budget for 20162017 (Draft 38C/5) and the IOC Executive Council (June 2016) in its Resolution EC-XLIX.2 confirmed that the workplans for 20162017 developed by the Secretariat and presented in PartII of document IOC/EC-XLIX/2Annex2 were fully consistent with the IOC Assembly guidance. He further reminded the Assembly that while the allocation of US$10,155,000 represented a nominal increase of US$1.5M compared to the 20142015 biennium, it still represented 85% of the approved fully-funded budget for 20142015 and 73% of the approved fully-funded budget for 20162017. At the same time, he stressed the importance of acknowledging the efforts of the Director-General to preserve the Commissions budget to the extent possible and despite the overall cashflow constraints faced by the Organization, which allowed the IOC to strengthen tsunami and coastal sea-level hazard preparedness and awareness with focus on SIDS, increase its engagement with UN institutions and processes with regard to Ocean SDG objectives and climate change adaptation and mitigation and to ensure at least partial restoration of funding to core ocean research and observational activities. In terms of addressing the most pressing agreed staffing needs, the IOC could finally create a full-time P4 IOCARIBE Secretary in Cartagena, Colombia, and a new professional post to coordinate the work on ocean warming and acidification one of the SDG 14 targets for which the Commission has been designated as a custodian. In addition, through a combination of regular budget resources and a voluntary contribution to the IOC Special Account by the Government of the Netherlands, the IOC was able to maintain its contributions to the functioning of the Caribbean Tsunami Information Centre. He further reported that the Secretariat efforts in terms of extrabudgetary resource mobilization continue to be guided by the Complementary Additional Programme (CAP) for 20162017 as adopted by the IOC Executive Council in Resolution EC-XLIX.2 and the allotment of extrabudgetary contributions to the IOC Special Account followed the budgetary framework endorsed in the same resolution. Document IOC-XXIX/2Annex2 proposes adjustment to this framework to better reflect the emerging needs and actual contribution pattern. The document also contains additional information, namely as regards the human resources of the Commission, in response to the UNESCO External Auditors recommendations. The Executive Secretary presented a succinct summary of the accomplishments of the Commission during the intersessional period (IOC-XXIX/2Annex1), focusing in particular on the main strategic aspects related to the first edition of the Global Ocean Science Report, contribution to the IPCC Special Report on climate change, oceans and the cryosphere, follow up to COP-21 and COP-22 in terms of the importance of ocean observations for climate change adaptation and mitigation, polar matters and Arctic research in particular. He elaborated on the successes and challenges related to the operationalisation of the IOC Capacity Development strategy and the need to further strengthen the co-design approach to achieve better integration between regional needs and priorities in the global objectives of the Commission. A major part of the presentation was devoted to the Commissions role in the 2030 Agenda implementation and in particular the UN Oceans Conference in New York, 59 June 2017, as a specific SDG 14 implementation mechanism and the IOCs initiative regarding an Ocean Science Decade Towards the Ocean We Need for the Future We Want. IOC-XXIX, Dec. 3.2 Report of the Executive Secretary The Assembly, Having examined documents IOC-XXIX/2Annex1 and IOC-XXIX/2 Annex 2, Takes note of the report of the Executive Secretary on programme and budget implementation, including the report on budget execution 2016 and outline of 2017 budget, subject to further examination by the Financial Committee with a view of formulating draft resolution XXIX-(11.1) for discussion and adoption in plenary. The representatives of __ Member States took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report: ___________. 3.2.2 IOC External Audit Recommendation Follow-Up [Rule of Procedure 8(1g)] Working documents:IOC-XXIX/2Annex 3 IOC audit by external auditor of UNESCO: draft implementation plan IOC-XXIX/2 Annex 3 Addendum IStudy on the potential pooling of periodic reports to the governing bodies of the United Nations, UNESCO, the Commission and its subsidiary bodies (Rec.2)IOC-XXIX/2 Annex 3 Addendum IIOcean Data and Information System Concept Paper Summary (IOC External Audit Rec.15)Report:IOC/IODE-XXIV/3Summary Report of the Twenty-fourth Session of the IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange, 2428 March 2017, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Information: 200 EX/20 Part II Rev.New audits by the External Auditor Audit Report on the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Short-form report200 EX/20.INF.2 New audits by the External Auditor: audit report on the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) [Long version of the Audit] The Executive Secretary introduced this item. He briefly informed the Assembly of the positive and constructive spirit in which the IOC Management Team approached the interaction with the UNESCOs External Auditor, as he has already communicated to the IOC Executive Council at its 49th session. The report and the recommendations of the auditor were made available to the UNESCO Executive Board at its 200th session in October 2016 as documents 200EX/20PartIIRev. and 200EX/20.INF.2 and shared with all Member States of the IOC through  HYPERLINK "http://www.ioc-unesco.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=17841" IOC Circular Letter 2643 of 26 September 2016. The Chair of the IOC Professor Peter M. Haugan was present during the UNESCO Executive Board discussions and his statement to the Board is available as Appendix I to document IOC-XXIX/2 Annex 3. The Executive Board in its decision 20.II invited the Director-General of UNESCO to transmit documents 200 EX/20 Part II Rev. and 200 EX/20.INF.2 to the IOC for consideration by its appropriate Governing Bodies. The IOC Secretariat has subsequently elaborated a draft implementation plan which was shared with all Member States by the Chairman of the Intersessional Financial Advisory Group, IOC Vice-Chair Ariel H. Troisi in an email communication of 15 November 2016. All the relevant documentation, including formal written feedback received from France and Kuwait, can be found at the dedicated part of the IOC website:  HYPERLINK "http://www.ioc-unesco.org/ifag-16-17" http://www.ioc-unesco.org/ifag-16-17. The Executive Secretary then gave the floor to Vice-Chair Ariel H. Troisi to further elaborate on the intersessional consultations and the proposed way forward with the examination of this item by the Assembly, with the initial exchange of view in the plenary, following by an in-depth review within the sessional open-ended Financial Committee and concluding with the report of the Chair of the Financial Committee under item 11.1 and adoption of the Resolution on the Financial Matters of the Commission. IOC-XXIX, Dec. 3.2.2 IOC External Audit Recommendation Follow-up The Assembly, Takes note of documents IOC-XXIX/2Annex3 et addenda, IOC/IODE-XXIV/3, 200EX/20PartII Rev. and 200EX/20.INF.2, subject to the further examination by the Financial Committee with a view of formulating draft resolution XXIX-(11.1) for discussion and adoption in plenary. The representatives of __ Member States took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report: ___________. 3.2.3 Recommendations on Governance, Working Methods and Procedures of the Commission [Dec. EC-XLIX/6.2(i)] Working document: IOC-XXIX/2Annex 4 Report of the Chairperson of the Working Group on the Recommendations on Governance, Working Methods and Procedures of the Commission Information: Pending documentRecommendations from Sub-group 2 of the open-ended working group on governance, procedures and methods of work of the governing bodies of UNESCO (to be confirmed after its 9 June meeting)Reference: IOC/EC-XLIX/2 Annex 10 Follow-up on the Recommendations on the Report on Governance of UNESCO and Dependent Funds, Programmes and Entities The Executive Secretary briefly introduced this item referring to the development described in IOC Circular Letter 2670 of 9 May 2017. He reminded the Assembly that at its 38th session the General Conference of UNESCO established an open-ended working group on governance, procedures and methods of work of the governing bodies of UNESCO (38C/Resolution 101) under the chairmanhip of the President of the General Conference MrStanley Mutumba Simataa. Two sub-groups have been established to consider respectively: Structure, composition and methods of work of the Governing Bodies (General Conference and Executive Board); Sub-Group 1 (2016) co-chaired by Norway and Philippines, and Structure, composition and methods of work of UNESCOs international and intergovernmental bodies; Sub-Group 2 (2017) co-chaired by Philippines and Hungary. The General Conference having invited all intergovernmental entities under review to inscribe, in 2016, if feasible, an item on their agenda concerning the follow-up to the recommendation of the External Auditors report contained in document 38C/23, this item was included in the agenda of the IOC Executive Council at its 49th session in June 2016. The item was supported by document IOC/EC-XLIX/2Annex10 which explores general governance issues including additional ways of increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of preparing and organizing the work of the IOC governing bodies. This document was examined by the sessional working group on the Future of IOC, co-chaired by the IOC Chair Peter M. Haugan and Vice-Chair Ariel H. Troisi. The sessional working group benefitted from a presentation by the UNESCO working group co-chairs from Norway and the Philippines, who clarified the context and scope of this exercise. The ensuing exchange of views was highly constructive and informative, concluding with a consensus on the value of continuing this dialogue with a view of ensuring that the IOC specific role and status within UNESCO is adequately addressed. However, in further addressing this issue under item 6.2 of its agenda, the Council regretted that the relevant working document IOC/EC-XLIX/2 Annex 10 on the UNESCO Governance audit and its draft decision were not discussed in plenary. In particular, there was some discussion on the approach and timeline for preparing a contribution to the work of the General Conference Working Group on this issue. A consensus was reached on extending the consultation on this issue to all Member States during the intersessional period and on reporting the results to the next session of the Executive Council preceding the Assembly and the Assembly in 2017. During the intersessional period, the President of the UNESCO General Conference addressed a letter to the IOC Chair, requesting him to provide some input and a response to a questionnaire to be examined by the Sub-Group 2. This document was reviewed by the Sub-Group 2 at its meeting on 28 February 2017. In pursuance to decision EC-XLIX/6.2(II), the item was included in the agenda of the 50th session of the IOC Executive Council and in order to ensure a broad and inclusive consultative process, Circular Letter 2670 was sent to all IOC Member States inviting them to prepare for and actively participate in the open-ended Working Group on Governance on 20 June 2017 afternoon. The Chair of the Open-ended Working Group, Vice-Chair Ariel H. Troisi, reported on the conclusions of the group and invited Member States to share their views on the subject in the plenary discussion so as to guide the more in-depth examination of this item by the sessional Financial Committee, with a view of reporting back to the plenary under item 11.1 and elaborating a proposal within the Draft Resolution on the Financial Matters of the Commission for adoption by the Assembly. IOC-XX IX, Dec. 3.2.3 Recommendations on Governance, Working Methods and Procedures of the Commission The Assembly, Takes note of documents IOC-XXIX/2Annex4 [and pending document], subject to the further examination by the Financial Committee with a view of formulating a proposal in draft resolution XXIX-(11.1) for discussion and adoption in plenary. The representatives of __ Member States took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report: ___________. DRAFT PROGRAMME AND BUDGET FOR 20182021 (39 C/5) AND SECOND PHASE OF THE IOC MEDIUM-TERM STRATEGY [Statutes Art.1.2; Res. EC-XLIX.2; XXVIII-3] Working documents: IOC-XXIX/2Annex 5 Rev.Draft Programme and Budget for 20182021 (Draft 39 C/5)IOC-XXIX/2Annex 6Update to the Introduction to the IOC Medium-Term Strategy (20142021)Reference: IOC/INF-1314IOC Medium-Term Strategy, 20142021IOC/EC-XLIX/2 Annex 2Report on Budget Execution 2014-2015 and outline of 2016-2017 budget The Executive Secretary introduced this item. He explained that the Secretariats proposal for the Draft Programme and Budget for 20182021 (39C/5) as presented in document IOC-XXIX/2Annex5, covers the second and final quadrennium of the Medium-term Strategy, 20142021. It is consistent with the guiding principles, mission and vision statement, functions, high-level and strategic objectives and global priorities defined therein. The Executive Secretary attracted the attention of the Assembly to the fact that, in pursuance to the decisions of the IOC Executive Council in June 2016, endorsed by the UNESCO Executive Board in October 2016, the IOC is for the first time presented in a stand-alone chapter of the UNESCOC/5, thus highlighting its specific functioning, intervention modalities and key role in the achievement of the SDG 14 on the Ocean. At the time when the IOCs work and competences are in high demand, reconfirmed by the Member States responses to the UNESCO 39C/5 questionnaire that place SDG 14 on Ocean and SDG 13 on Climate Change among the five highest priorities for more than 50% of responding Member States, the Commission has undertaken an extensive mapping exercise, linking key aspects of its mandate and core functions to the new international strategic frameworks and the current proposal for the IOC Draft Programme and Budget for 20182021. This exercise also builds on the priorities and guidelines agreed by the IOC Governing Bodies, including the June 2016 review by the IOC Executive Council of the Strategic Results Report (IOC/EC-XLIX/2 Annex 3), the Executive Roadmap Future of the IOC (IOC/EC-XLIX/2 Annex 9 Rev.), and the recommendations of the External Auditor of UNESCO in his report on the audit of IOC conducted in April 2016 (200 EX/20.INF.2). These proposals were subject to an in-depth discussion by the IOC Officers at their annual meeting in Paris, 1618 January 2017. They further benefitted from the co-design approach to programming through integration of regional priorities into global programmes objectives established in consultation with IOCs Regional Subsidiary Bodies. In preparing it, the Secretariats intention was to sharpen its action and to fully reflect the critical intergovernmental value of the IOC to its communities of stakeholders. In accordance with UNESCO Member States decisions, the Programme and Budget proposals submitted to the 201st session of the Executive Board contain two scenarios: one based on the regular budget of US$667M for UNESCO ($14.5M for IOC) and one based on the regular budget of US$653M for UNESCO ($13.9M for IOC). These are presented in Part I of document IOC-XXIX/2Annex5. In addition, two corresponding expenditure plans are prepared based on the expected assessed contributions for 20182019: one based on regular budget of US$518M for UNESCO ($10.7M for IOC) and one based on regular budget of US$507M for UNESCO ($10.2M for IOC). These are presented in Part II of the document. In accordance with the Financial Regulations applicable to the IOC, the draft budgetary appropriations 20182019 for the IOC Special Account are proposed for the consideration of the Assembly (in appendix to IOC-XXIX/2Annex5). Any funds contributed to the Special Account, together with voluntary contributions channelled through Funds-in-Trust mechanism and additional appropriations to regular budget, would count towards the achievement of the IOCs extrabudgetary resource mobilization targets that will be prepared at a later stage, once there is further clarification on the final retained budgetary scenario. The document will be submitted to the IOC Executive Council at its 51st session. Similarly to the Report on Budget Execution 2016 and outline of 2017 budget (IOC/EC-XLIX/2Annex2), document IOC-XXIX/2Annex5 contains additional information, namely as regards the human resources of the Commission, in response to the UNESCO External Auditors recommendations. In addressing the second matter under this item, the Executive Secretary recalled that the IOC Medium-Term Strategy, 20142021 was subject to very constructive and extensive discussions at the 27th session of the IOC Assembly, 26 June5 July 2017, a long in-depth examination by the sessional Financial Committee, followed by its word-by-word adoption in plenary as part B of Resolution XXVII-2. As a result, the IOC Medium-Term Strategy reflects the shared vision and collectively agreed objectives of the Commissions Member States and its conceptual framework of functions provides a solid base for programmatic continuity over the two consequent quadrenniums. In this context, the draft update prepared by the Secretariat for consideration by the Assembly in document IOC-XXIX/2Annex6 concerns only the introduction part of the Medium-Term Strategy which could, it is opinion, benefit from an updated reference to the international development agenda and the main frameworks that guide the work of the Commission. This will also allow to address Recommendation N1 of the UNESCO External Auditor who in his report on the audit of the Commission suggests that IOCs medium-term strategy should take into account the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda adopted by the United Nations General Assembly. The Executive Secretary concluded by inviting the Assembly to provide its recommendations on both subjects that he presented under this agenda item in the plenary discussion so as to guide the more in-depth examination of this item by the sessional Financial Committee, with a view of reporting back to the plenary under item 11.1 and elaborating a proposal within the Draft Resolution on the Financial Matters of the Commission for adoption by the Assembly. IOC-XXIX, Dec. 3.3 Introduction to Draft Programme and Budget 20182021 and Second Phase of the IOC Medium-Term Strategy The Assembly, Having examined documents IOC-XXIX/2Annex 5 and Annex 6, Takes note of the Executive Secretarys introduction of these matters, subject to the further examination by the Financial Committee with a view of formulating draft resolution XXIX-(11.1) for discussion and adoption in plenary. The representatives of __ Member States took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report: ___________. 3.4 REPORTS BY THE CHAIRS OF THE IOC SUB-COMMISSIONS AND REGIONAL COMMITTEES [Rule of Procedure 48.3] 3.4.1 IOC Sub-commission for the Western Pacific: 11th Session of WESTPAC, 2123 April 2017, Qingdao, China Report:IOC/WESTPAC-XI/3sExecutive Summary Report of the Eleventh Session of the IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific (WESTPAC), 2123 April 2017, Qingdao, China DrVo Si Tuan, Chair of WESTPAC reported on the key accomplishments over the last intersessional period, and major outcomes of the 11th intergovernmental session of WESTPAC. He summarized that around 2,200 marine scientists, governmental officials and resources managers directly took part in a variety of WESTPAC activities over the last intersessional period, through its two regional observing systems: Northeast Asian-Global Ocean Observing System (NEAR-GOOS) and Southeast Asian-Global Ocean Observing System (SEAGOOS); twelve marine scientific projects/programmes/working groups, and Regional Training and Research Centers (RTRCs). In particular, he highlighted the 10th WESTPAC International Scientific Conference (17-20 April 2017, Qingdao, China) that attracted immense interest with the participation of over 700 scientists, governmental officials and resources managers from 21 countries and many international programmes/organizations within and outside the region. He congratulated on the inauguration of the Regional Training and Research Center on Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Health (RTRC-MarBEST) at the Indonesian Institutes of Sciences, Indonesia, and the effective operation of the Regional Training and Research Center on Ocean Dynamics and Climate (RTRC-ODC) at the First Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanographic Administration of China. He reported that two voluntary commitments were made by the Sub-Commission to the UN Ocean Conference, geared at driving implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14 and its associated targets. The Sub-Commission emphasized the pivotal role of IOC Regional Subsidiary Bodies in achieving IOCs roadmap, which include: (i) translating sustainable development policies into concrete action at national level, (ii) implementing sub-regional and regional programmes relevant to sustainable development, (iii) identifying gaps in ocean research capacities for sustainable development of marine resources, (iv) facilitating capacity building, especially through the Regional Research and Training Centers, and (v) sharing best practices and lesson learned to address regional needs. In terms of the SDG 14, the Sub-Commission further expressed its commitments to assisting Member States in the implementation of SDG 14, which will be fulfilled through: (i) strengthening regional collaborative research, especially on marine pollution and ocean acidification, and marine biodiversity; (ii) disseminating scientific knowledge and facilitating information sharing and science-policy interface; (iv) transfer of marine technology and capacity development; (v) provision of technical assistance to address specific needs of its Member States; and (vi) forging, if necessary, a regional platform for countries to share their progresses, lessons learned, technology innovation and best practices in SDG 14 implementation. With respect to the implementation of IOC Capacity Development Strategy (2015-2021), the Sub-Commission will continuously accord priority to capacity development, and employ inclusive, adaptive and self-driven approaches to capacity development with guiding principles to focus onuser needsat the regional and national level, to foster North-South and South-South collaboration, and to link trainings to the attainment of research goals addressing critical development challenges in the region. The Sub-Commission decided to intensify its efforts in: (i) development of IOC Regional Network of Training and Research Centers on Marine Science through the establishment of IOC Regional Training and Research Centers (RTRCs) in national marine research institutes and/or universities; (ii) inclusion of capacity development into WESTPAC research programme and conduct of tailored national and regional trainings or training workshops in Member States on a rotation basis; (iii) Training-Through-Research through the engagement of early career scientists into WESTPAC research programmes; and (iv) establishment of WESTPAC Best Young Scientist Award and WESTPAC Young Scientist Travel Grant to nurture young science leaders and facilitate international exposure of young scientists. He informed that WESTPAC decided to establish: (i) two new projects respectively on marine micro plastics and harmful jellyfish; (ii) two working groups: Ocean Oxygen Network (WESTPAC O2NE), and Energy and Materials Exchange Between Land and Open Ocean; and (iii) an open-ended Intersessional Working Group on the second Cooperative Study of the Kuroshio and Adjacent Regions (CSK-2). DrTuan expressed his great appreciation to the Government of Indonesian for its kind offer to host the 11th WESTPAC International Marine Science Conference in 2020 and 13th WESTPAC Session in 2021, and the government of Philippines to host the 12th WESTPAC Session in 2019. He recognized that WESTPAC has been prospering due to the ever-increasing ownership of Member States and the highly dedicated and professional staff at the WESTPAC Office. Notwithstanding, the Sub-Commission expressed its concern over the incompatibility of the current size of the WESTPAC Office and the scope of IOC activities in the region, which results in the increasing difficulty to maintain IOCs visibility and leadership in the region. The Sub-Commission further requested the Executive Secretary to reinforce the Sub-Commissions Secretariat, and follow up on the IOC Assembly Decision IOC-XXVIII/3.3.1 which was adopted in 2015. IOC-XXIX, Dec. 3.4.1 IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific (WESTPAC) The Assembly, Having considered the executive summary report of the 11th Session of the IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific, Qingdao, China, 2123 April 2017 (IOC/WESTPAC-XI/3s), Expresses its deep appreciation to: the Government of Thailand for hosting and supporting the WESTPAC Office; the Government of China for hosting and co-organizing the 10th WESTPAC International Scientific Conference (1720 April 2015, Qingdao, China) and 11th WESTPAC Intergovernmental Session (2123 April 2015, Qingdao, China); the Government of Indonesia, through its Indonesian Institute of Sciences, for hosting the Regional Training and Research Center on Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Health, and the Government of China, through its State Oceanic Administration and First Institute of Oceanography for hosting the Regional Training and Research Center on Ocean Dynamics and Climate with annual trainings having been provided since 2011; and all other WESTPAC Member States for their financial and in-kind support provided to WESTPACs a wide range of activities; Taking into account the pivotal role of the WESTPAC Office in IOCs achievements in the region over the past decade, with concerns over the increasing difficulty in maintaining IOCs visibility and leadership in the region as a result of the incompatibility of the current size of the WESTPAC Office and the scope of IOC activities in the region, Requests the Executive Secretary IOC to reinforce the Sub-Commissions Secretariat, and follow up on the IOC Decision IOC-XXVIII, Dec.3.3.1 which was adopted at the 28th Session of the IOC Assembly (18-25 June 2015, Paris, France); Accepts the report of WESTPAC-XI and the recommendations therein, including the workplan of the Sub-Commission for May 2017May 2019; Agrees that the regular budget for these activities will be identified as part of the overall IOC Programme and Budget draft resolution XXIX-(11.1). The representatives of __ Member States took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report: ___________. 3.4.2 IOC Sub-commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions: 14th Session of IOCARIBE, 2628 April 2017 Cartagenas de Indias, Colombia Report:IOC/SC-IOCARIBE-XIV/3sExecutive Summary Report of the Fourteenth Session of the IOC Sub-Commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Region (IOCARIBE), 2628 April 2017 Cartagenas de Indias, Colombia The IOCARIBE Chair, MrFrancisco Brizuela (Mexico) reported on the progress achieved in IOCARIBE focal programmes in 20162017: IODE and related Ocean Data and Information Network for the IOCARIBE and South America Regions (ODINCARSA); the Caribbean Marine Atlas Phase 2 (CMA2); IOCARIBE-GOOS; HAB-ANCA; ICAM; IBCCA; CLME+: Catalyzing implementation of the Strategic Action Programme (SAP) for the Sustainable Management of shared Living Marine Resources in the Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems; development of the draft IOCARIBE Medium-Term Strategic Science Plan (20172026), Capacity-Development implementation plan, including the work and activities carried out in the Ocean Teacher Global Academy Centres (OTGA) Invemar (Colombia) and Nova South-eastern University-NSU (USA). He specifically reported on: (i) the implementation of the CLME+; (ii) the Caribbean Marine Atlas phase 2 (CMA2); (iii) Tsunami and Other Coastal Hazards Early Warning System and recognized their contribution in increasing Member States capacities to ecosystem management and disaster risk reduction. He also noted the IOCARIBE endorsement of proposed preliminary outline and concept paper for the CLME+ reporting mechanism as a basis for the development of the State of the Marine Ecosystems and associated Economies in the Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems (CLME+ SOMEE). MrBrizuela informed the Assembly about the current and new IOCARIBE projects: GEF-funded Integrating Water, Land and Ecosystem Management in Caribbean Small Island Developing States (GEF IWEco) Project lead by UNEP. IOCARIBE-GOOS assets building upon Member States regional priorities and partnering with the substantial existing observing programme of the Tsunami and Other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions-CARIBE-EWS; pilots may include working with UNDP, GEO, and other partners to determine how IOCARIBE-GOOS can provide support to the proposed UNDP $4M project. Also, he noted IOCARIBE support to the CIFDP-C Coastal Inundation Forecasting Project in the Caribbean, developed by WMO and IOC within the JCOMM framework, with a pilot in Hispaniola Island (Dominican Republic and Haiti) in its first phase to be completed in 2018. MrBrizuela referred to HAB-ANCA work and main recommendations to: (i) enhance regional participation in, and the implementation of, the IOC Ciguatera Strategy; (ii) foster regional collaboration by financial or in-kind contributions to ANCA to carry out its Action Plan, 20172019, including preparation of a project focused on Ciguatera-causing organisms, toxins, contaminated seafood and the epidemiology; and the work developed with regional organizations and IAEA. As well, MrBrizuela referred to the design and development of a Sargassum tracking and forecasting system including a Pilot Project / prototype to test the concept. The system should provide the region with an important tool to minimize the impact of Sargassum rafts on its coastlines by allowing for the mobilization of resources to intercept/manage the seaweed, as well as promoting best practices for managing/utilizing any Sargassum which is collected. IOC Global programmes including IODE, HAB, GOOS, OBIS and regional presence such as IOCARIBE-GOOS, CMA, ANCA, should contribute to and guide the development and operation of the tracking and forecasting system. MrBrizuela highlighted the importance of the Training Programme Promote and Facilitate the Conduct of Marine Scientific Research (MSR) under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), developed in partnership with DOALOS, and the outcome of the Workshop carried out in St. Lucia, on 25 May 2017, with the support of the Republic of Korea. Noting IOCARIBE Member States concern in understanding the extent of the ocean acidification (OA) impact on marine ecosystems and the need for soundly-based observational data and ecosystem response, the Sub-commission established an open-ended working group. The response should include enhancing monitoring and data sharing regionally and globally to improve modelling of ocean acidification (OA) impacts, and communicating this information through an outreach strategy with the management community and public. The Sub-commission decided to remain actively engaged in and promote IOCARIBE Member States participation in the UN World Ocean Assessment, and requested Member States to explore the possibility to host the regional workshop for the South Atlantic and the Wider Caribbean in 2017. The IOCARIBE Chairman informed on the main outcomes of the IOCARIBE 35th AnniversaryInternational Marine Science Conference Development & Evolution of Marine Sciences over three Decades and the contribution of IOC-IOCARIBE for the Foreseen Futureheld in Cartagena, Colombia on 2425 April 2017. IOC-XXIX, Dec. 3.4.2 The Assembly, IOC Sub-Commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Region (IOCARIBE) Having considered the executive summary report of the 14th Session of the IOC Sub-Commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Region (IOCARIBE), Cartagenas de Indias, 2628 April 2017 (IOC/SC-IOCARIBE-XIV/3s), Accepts the report of IOCARIBE-XIV and the recommendations therein; Expresses appreciation to: the Government of Colombia for continued hosting of the Secretariat and for its support by seconding experts working as IOCARIBE staff; the Government of Flanders (Kingdom of Belgium) for their continuous support to IOCARIBE programmes; the Republic of Korea for their support to the UNCLOS MSR Training Programme; and the Government of Mexico for their support to IOCARIBE XIV; Agrees that the regular budget for these activities will be identified as part of the overall IOC Programme and Budget draft resolution XXIX-(11.1); The representatives of __ Member States took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report: ___________. 3.4.3 IOC Sub-commission for Africa and the Adjacent Island States: 4th Session of IOCAFRICA, 68 March 2017, Alexandria, Egypt Report:IOCAFRICA-IV/3sExecutive Summary Report of the Fourth Session of the IOC Sub-Commission for Africa and the Adjacent Island States (IOCAFRICA), 68 March 2017, Alexandria, Egypt The Chairman of the IOC Sub-Commission for Africa and the Adjacent Island States (IOCAFRICA), Prof Mohamed Said (Egypt), reported on the major outcomes of the 4th session of the Sub Commission (68 March 2017, Alexandria, Egypt). He highlighted the progress made in the implementation of the IOCAFRICA work programme, in particular in capacity development, ocean observations and monitoring, ocean data and information management, ocean sciences and assessment, and public awareness on ocean issues. Prof Mohamed noted that the linkages that the Sub-Commission has established with other organizations and projects, including WIOMSA, the FAO/EAFNANSEN project, the International Atomic Energy Agency, the IGAD Climate Prediction and Application Centre in particular had enable it to implement a wide range of activities. Prof Mohamed pointed out that the Sub-Commission had established four working groups, each headed by an IOCAFRICA Officer, to support the IOCAFRICA secretariat and assist in the development and coordination of programmes on: (i) Ocean Observations and Monitoring; (ii) Ocean Data and Information Management); (iii) Ocean Sciences and Assessments; and (iv) Capacity Development and Public Awareness in Marine Science and Technology. Prof Mohamed informed the session that the Sub-Commission plans to organize a Pan-African Conference on Marine Science and Technology in October 2018. This will provide a forum to review progress in the development of ocean sciences in the region and look at how the ocean science research and education can assist the region in achieving the development goals set out the African Unions Agenda 2063 and the 2030 UN Agenda for Sustainable Development. IOC-XXIX, Dec. 3.4.3 IOC Sub-Commission for Africa and the Adjacent Island States (IOCAFRICA) The Assembly, Having considered the executive summary report of the 4th Session of the IOC Sub-Commission for Africa and the Adjacent Island States, Alexandria, Egypt, 68 March 2017, Noting the progress made in the implementation of the IOCAFRICA work programme 20152017, especially in capacity development, and the challenges faced by the Sub-Commission, Acknowledges the support provided by various Member States for the development and implementation of the programmes of the Sub-Commission, and urges Member States from the region and beyond to consider seconding of staff and providing financial and/or in-kind support to enable IOCAFRICA achieve its mandate, including the organization of the Pan African Conference on Marine Science and Technology in 2018; Accepts the report of IOCAFRICA-IV and the recommendations therein; Agrees that the regular budget for these activities will be identified as part of the overall IOC Programme and Budget draft resolution XXIX-(11.1). The representatives of __ Member States took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report: ___________. 3.4.4 IOC Regional Committee for the Central Indian Ocean: 6th Session of IOCINDIO, 2425 May 2017, Kuwait City, Kuwait Report:IOCINDIO-VI/3sExecutive Summary Report of the Sixth Session of the IOC Regional Committee for the Central Indian Ocean (IOCINDIO), 2425 May 2017, Kuwait City, Kuwait DrM. A. Atmanand, Chair of the IOC Regional Committee for the Central Indian Ocean (IOCINDIO), introduced this agenda item. He recalled that furthering the endorsement of the Executive Summary Report and Recommendations of the Fifth Session of the IOC Regional Committee for Central Indian Ocean (IOCINDIO-V) with the support of the Government of India, the 49th Session of the IOC Executive Council (Paris, 710 June 2016), adopted Resolutions EC-XLIX.1 and EC-XLIX.2, which requested the Executive Secretary to develop a project proposal to be funded by extrabudgetary resources in 20162017 (Complementary Additional Programme, CAP) in support of IOCINDIO based on national and regional needs and priorities. These Resolutions also called for the organisation of the IOCINDIO Strategic Revitalisation Scoping Workshop to be followed by the Sixth Session of IOCINDIO-VI in 2017. The IOC Secretariat in close collaboration with the IOCINDIO Officers and experts developed the IOCINDIO Complementary Additional Project proposal entitled Re-activation of the IOC Regional Committee for the Central Indian Ocean (IOCINDIO) fostering national and regional capacity building towards the implementation of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals on Ocean (SDG14) and Climate Change (SDG13) in the region. Within the framework of the IOCINDIO Complementary Additional project proposal, the Government of Kuwait through the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR), offered and hosted IOCINDIO-VI on 2425 May 2017) and the preceding IOCINDIO Revitalisation Scoping Workshop (2223, May 2017), in Kuwait City, Kuwait, supporting all costs as detailed in the invitation (IOC Circular Letter 2669 dated 25 April 2017). The total budget supported by Kuwait involving the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) together with the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences (KFAS) and the Regional Organization for the Protection of the Marine Environment (ROPME) for hosting the two meetings amounts US$88,505. The Government of India also provided a financial support amounting five thousands US$5,000 to support the meetings with the subsequent follow-up activities. The IOC Secretariat made available US$30,000. The Chair further stressed that with the full support of Kuwait covering the organisation of the meetings, the remaining, extra budgetary funds will support the implementation of follow-up activities. He subsequently warmly expressed thanks to the sponsors and contributors and also expressed appreciation to Member States and partners for attending the meetings. In conclusion, he presented the IOCINDIO-VI Recommendations together with the project proposals elaborated and adopted at the IOCINDIO-VI. He insisted that these proposals are inclusive and require the full participation and contribution of all IOCINDIO Member States with the support from IOC Member States and partners for full implementation. He informed the Assembly that IOCINDIO Member States are invited to provide additional topics for project development based on their national needs and priorities. The list and description of the preliminary project proposals developed at IOCINDIO-VI as well as the recommendations are presented in the report of the session (IOCINDIO-VI/3s). He invited the Assembly to provide advices and guidance on funding opportunities for the full implementation of IOCINDIO-VI project proposals and the full reactivation of the Committee. IOC-XXIX, Dec. 3.4.4 The Assembly, IOC Regional Committee for the Central Indian Ocean (IOCINDIO) Having considered the executive summary report of the 6th Session of the IOC Regional Committee for the Central Indian Ocean, Kuwait City, Kuwait, 2425 May 2017, Noting with appreciation the progress achieved since the Fifth Session of the Committee in Chennai, India, April 2017; leading to the successful organisation of the IOCINDIO-VI, in Kuwait City, Kuwait, Congratulates the IOCINDIO Officers and the Secretariat for keeping the momentum for a proactive reactivation of the Committee, Accepts the report of IOCINDIO-VI and the recommendations therein; Requests the IOC Executive Secretary to: continue providing staff time for the coordination, development and implementation of the resulting proposals and activities recommended at the IOCINDIO-VI session; support the IOCINDIO Officers in their efforts for mobilising bilateral and multilateral partnerships for financial and in-kind resources, notably from the Indian Ocean Rim Association, The World Bank, the Global Environment Facility, the European Union/European Commission, the United Nations Environmental Funds including the Adaptation Funds, the Green Climate Funds, etc.; Agrees that the regular budget for these activities will be identified as part of the overall IOC Programme and Budget draft resolution XXIX-(11.1). The representatives of __ Member States took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report: ___________. 3.4.5 Report of the IOC Meeting of the Regional Subsidiary Bodies, 19 June 2017, Paris, France [Res. XXV-2; Res. XXVI-1] Report:IOC-XXIX/RSB/3sExecutive Summary Report of the Regional Subsidiary Body meeting (Paris, 19 June 2017)Information: IOC/INF-1349Update on the Status of IOC Subsidiary Bodies, 2017 DrSomkiat Khokiattiwong, Vice-chair in charge of regions and Chair of the RSB meeting introduced the agenda item. He informed the Assembly that the agenda of the RSBs meeting was purposely conceived to reflect the new development within IOC and UNESCO including the development of the IOC Capacity Development Strategy, the need to further strengthen the co-design approach to achieve better integration between regional needs and priorities in the global objectives of the Commission, the custodian role of the IOC in the implementation of the SDG14 towards the implementation of the 2030 Agenda with the important role of the Commission in the UN Oceans Conference in New York, 59 June 2017, as a specific SDG14 implementation mechanism and the IOCs initiative regarding an Ocean Science Decade Towards the Ocean We Need for the Future We Want. He reported to the Assembly that important items discussed at the meeting were focused on Intra/inter-regional and global cooperation with the view of streamlining regional and global programmes with reinforced co-design mechanisms. Funding for regional programmes remains a crucial issue, which requires stronger attention and commitments of Member States. Officers of the RSBs were encouraged to support the efforts of the Secretariat to mobilize funding partners globally, but more specifically within respective regions to support implementation of regional priorities under the global IOC Objectives. IOC-XXIX, Dec. 3.4.5 Regional Subsidiary Bodies The Assembly, Having considered the executive summary report of the meeting of the Regional Subsidiary Bodies prior to its 29th session (IOC-XXIX/RSB/3s), Takes note of the report of the IOC Vice-chairman for regions and the recommendations it contains: The representatives of __ Member States took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report: ___________. 3.4.6 Proposal to Establish the International Training Centre on Operational Oceanography hosted by the Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS) of Ministry of Earth Sciences, as a UNESCO Category 2 Centre [Rule of Procedure 8.1g] Working documents: IOC-XXIX/2Annex 7Proposal to Establish the International Training Centre on Operational Oceanography hosted by the Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS) of Ministry of Earth Sciences, as a UNESCO Category 2 CentreIOC-XXIX/2Annex 7 AddendumResults of the Fact-Finding Mission for the Establishment of the International Training Centre on Operational Oceanography in the Republic of India as a UNESCO Category 2 Centre MrJulian Barbire, Head of Marine Policy and Regional Coordination, introduced this item by informing the Assembly of the proposal submitted by India for the establishment of a Category 2 UNESCO International Training Centre on Operational Oceanography, to be hosted by the Indian Centre for Ocean Information (INCOIS) of the Ministry of Earth Sciences. The proposal was brought to the attention of the IOC Secretariat in April 2017. He described the potential role of the Centre as a mechanism for providing advanced training in operational oceanography and data management, in mitigation of marine hazards and capacity development, to the countries of the Indian Ocean Rim, Africa and small island States of the Indian Ocean. He further emphasized that the proposed Centre could support UNESCO and IOCs objectives as they relate to global priority Africa, the implementation of 2030 Agenda and IIOE-2. MrBarbire gave a brief overview of the UNESCO guidelines for the establishment and operations of the Centre presented in UNESCO (37C/18) in accordance with which, the UNESCO General Conference will decide on the future of the proposal. He pointed out that the IOC would have neither liability nor financial responsibility for the Centre. He then referred to the conclusions of the fact-finding mission implemented by the IOC (28 April3 May 2017) following the above-mentioned guidelines. He pointed out that the proposed centre has all necessary scientific and technical facilities to conduct training and will be able to respond effectively to the objectives of the UNESCO and IOC programmes in the Indian Ocean Rim area and Africa. The establishment of the centre would respond to the worldwide increasing need to build technical and management capacity to address marine and coastal sustainability issues and prepare the region for and react efficiently to marine natural hazards. The Centre could contribute to achieving SDGs, and particularly SDG14 related to building marine scientific research capacity in geographical area of the Centre responsibility. DrShatish Schenoi, Director of INCOIS, introduced the proposed mission and main objectives of the Centre, described available facilities of the hosting institute and presented plans for the future. IOC-XXIX, Dec. 3.4.6 Proposal to Establish the International Training Centre on Operational Oceanography (India) as a Category 2 UNESCO Centre The Assembly, Having examined Document IOC-XXIX/2 Annex 7 and Addendum, Recalling rules of procedure for the establishment of UNESCO Category2 Centres and UNESCO and IOC Medium-Term Strategy high level objectives, Noting that the proposal and fact-finding mission report conclusions fully correspond to the principles and guidelines of those documents, Noting further that the creation of the Centre would be highly valuable for implementing international and regional cooperation in the areas of ocean and coastal research, marine hazards mitigation, management and capacity development, [Endorses the Proposal to Establish International Training Centre on Operational Oceanography hosted by the Indian Centre for Ocean Information (INCOIS) of the Ministry of Earth Sciences as a UNESCO Category 2 Centre; Requests the Executive Secretary to forward this application to the Director-General of UNESCO; Urges Member States of IOC to support activities of the Centre when established, by participating in the work of the Centre Governing Board and making firm commitments for financial contribution to the Centre activities.] The representatives of __ Member States took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report: ___________. REPORT OF THEIOC(20162017) TO THE THIRTY-NINTH GENERAL CONFERENCE OF UNESCO [Statutes Art. 3.2; Rule of Procedure 49.2] Working document:IOC-XXIX/6Draft Report of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission on its Activities (20152017) to the 39th General Conference of UNESCOThe Executive Secretary introduced this item, explaining that the document proposed for consideration by the Assembly represent a more succinct version, compliant with the General Conference requirements, of his statutory reports to the IOC Executive Council at its 49th session and to this session of the Assembly, respectively documents IOC/EC-XLIX/2Annex1 and IOC-XXIX/2Annex1. It also builds on the guidelines agreed by the IOC Governing Bodies, including the June 2016 review by the IOC Executive Council at its 49th session of the Strategic Results Report, the Executive Roadmap Future of the IOC, and the recommendations of the External Auditor of UNESCO in his report on the audit of IOC conducted in April 2016. He explained that the fact that the IOC is for the first time presented in a stand-alone chapter of the UNESCO 39C/5, thus highlighting its specific functioning, intervention modalities and key role in the achievement of the SDG14 on the Ocean, impacts on the way the Commissions matters will be discussed by the General Conference at its 39th session. The agenda of the SC Commission will be divided in two distinctive parts, covering separately all the items pertaining to Major Programme II Natural Sciences Sector and then the items pertaining to the IOC. The Chair of the IOC will be invited to address the Commission at the opening of the IOC part. IOC-XXIX, Dec. 3.5 The Assembly, Report of the IOC (20162017) to the 39th General Conference of UNESCO Recalling Article 3.2 of the Statutes and Rule of Procedure 49.2, Having examined document IOC-XXIX/6, Requests the Executive Secretary to submit the report on IOC activities (20152017) to the 39th General Conference of UNESCO (39C/REP.9) with the following amendements:  The representatives of __ Member States took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report: ___________. 4. IOC AND THE FUTURE OF THE OCEAN [Dec.EC-XLVII.4 & 7.2; IOC-XXVII/Dec.5.1; EC-XLIX.5] 4.1 IOC ROADMAP Working document: IOC-XXIX/2Annex 8 Contribution to the Future of the IOC Executive RoadmapInformation: IOC-XXIX/Inf.4IOC Messages to Diplomats and Delegates, Decision-makers, and Scientists and Practitioners IOC/INF-1337 Rev.Synthesis of IOC development, work and results: opportunities and coincidences 1960-2015 The Executive Secretary briefly introduced this item. He recalled that the IOC Executive Council at its 49th session in June 2016 considered the presentation by the IOC Chair of the work accomplished by the Officers and the Secretariat since the 28th session of the IOC Assembly (1825 June 2015) and the document IOC/INF-1337. In its decision EC-XLIX/5, the Council expressed its appreciation to Professor PeterM.Haugan and to the IOC Officers for their leadership and guidance to the Secretariat in the intersessional period and endorsed the course of action proposed in the Roadmap, including the Concept note: A Second International Decade of (Integrated) Ocean Exploration, 20212030. The document IOC-XXIX/2 Annex8 proposes for consideration by the Assembly the slightly revised version of the Roadmap, based on the discussion and Member States recommendation expressed at the Executive Council. The Executive Council also acknowledged the work done by the Officers and the Secretariat in developing the messages to be addressed to specific audiences about the societal benefits of IOCs mission, programmes and activities as presented to it in Appendix I to document IOC/EC-XLIX/2 Annex 9 Rev. The Member States encourages the Chair, the Officers and the Executive Secretary to finalise these messages taking into account the discussions at the 49th session of the Executive Council, to share them with Member States through a circular letter and to convey these messages widely and in a timely fashion to UNESCO and other United Nations organizations. The final version of the messages was approved by the IOC Officers during their annual meeting in Paris, 1618 January 2017, translated into the four official languages of the Commission and shared with all Member States through Circular letter number 2670. The Executive Secretary concluded by inviting the Assembly to consider such constructive intersessional work on the main strategic issues be continued under the leadership of the IOC Chair and the Officers as elected representative of their regions, broadly engaging all Member States and informing, where appropriate, the work of the Intersessional Financial Advisory Group. IOC-XXIX, Dec. 4 The Assembly, I. IOC Roadmap Having examined document IOC-XXIX/2Annex 8, Expresses its appreciation to Professor PeterM.Haugan and to the IOC Officers for their leadership and guidance to the Secretariat in the intersessional period; Encourages Member States to use the common IOC messages as a reference to assist them in raising the profile of the mandate and work of the Commission and related capabilities in fostering a common national approach in intergovernmental fora; Entrusts the Officers of the Commission, in consultation and with the support of IOC Member States, with the mission of further clarifying the special status of IOC within UNESCO in particular, but not limited to, in connection with the ongoing process of the open-ended Working Group on governance, procedures, and working methods of UNESCO and dependent funds, programmes and entities, and of exploring, in consultation with the Member States, of means of ensuring to the Commission the required institutional and operational sustainability, including the possibilities offered by Article 10 of the IOC Statutes; Decides that the inter-sessional exchange on this matter and other strategic ones that may arise, should continue under the leadership of the IOC Officers engaging broad participation by Member States through electronic consultations, with a view of providing timely guidance to the Secretariat and informing the work of the Intersessional Financial Advisory Committee, where applicable.The representatives of __ Member States took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report: ___________. 4.2 PROPOSAL OF AN INTERNATIONAL (UN) DECADE OF OCEAN SCIENCE FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Working document: IOC-XXIX/2Annex 9 Developments of the IOC Proposal of an International (UN) Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable DevelopmentInformation: IOC/INF-1341 Rev. Prov.International (UN) Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development Towards the Ocean we Need for the Future we Want IOC/BRO/2017/3The Ocean we need for the Future we want Proposal for an International Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (Brochure) The IOC Chairperson introduced this item recalling that, at its 49th session, the IOC Executive Council encouraged the IOC Officers and Executive Secretary to pursue the development of the concept of an International decade on ocean science for sustainable development (20212030)Towards the ocean we need for the future we wantpotentially under the auspices of the United Nations. Following consultations with IOC Officers in January 2017, document IOC/INF-1341 describing the preliminary objectives of the Decade was prepared. The document provides a broad rationale and context, outlines possible goals and activities, themes and expected results. The document is intended to serve as a starting point for further elaboration in discussion with Member States of IOC, UNESCO, and the UN as well as other UN bodies and external collaborators. Given the potential contribution that the Decade could bring to Member States in providing a framework for concerted action to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal 14 to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development, the proposal was presented to UN Member States by the IOC Chair during the SDG14 Conference Preparatory Committee (1516 February) in New York. During the UN Member States consultations held in March, April and May 2017 in relation to the Call for Action Outcome document to be adopted by the UN Ocean Conference in June 2017, several Member States expressed their support to have the Decade proposal reference in the Call for Action document. In May 2017, the IOC Executive Secretary wrote to the heads of UN Agencies, international organizations, scientific unions that have an interest in ocean science with a view to engage them in the development of the Decade proposal. Prior to the plenary consideration of this agenda item, a high-level Discussion Panel took place and was opened by UNESCO Director-General. The following speakers took part in the Panel: [to be completed] Draft Resolution XXIX/DR.(4.2) Submitted by Norway and the Republic of Korea INTERNATIONAL (UN) DECADE OF OCEAN SCIENCE FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, Recalling the adoption of the 2030Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals, in particular SDG 14 Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development, Further recalling the cross-cutting role of ocean science in SDG14 and particularly target SDG14.a that interalia calls for Member States to increase scientific knowledge, develop research capacity and transfer of marine technology taking into account the IOC Criteria and Guidelines on the Transfer of Marine Technology (); Acknowledging the role of IOC in providing technical and scientific support to Member States in achieving commitments towards the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, as well as the goals and objectives emerging from other internationally agreed frameworks such as those under the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, the SIDS S.A.M.O.A. Pathway and the Paris Agreement under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Recognizing the need to address existing gaps in ocean scientific knowledge, and that a global and multi-stakeholder framework of concerted and cooperative actions is needed to further mobilize investments in support of ocean research, its applications and links to policy making, sustained observations and services, with related capacity development and technology transfer, in order to meet the 2030 SDGs, Considering Document IOC/EC-XLIX/2Annex9Rev. entitled Contribution to the future of the IOC Executive Roadmap and its Appendix II Concept Note on a second international Decade of (Integrated) Ocean Exploration, 20212030, presented at the 49th Session of the IOC Executive Council, Recalling Decision EC-XLIX/5 that endorses the course of action on the IOC Executive Roadmap including the concept note for a Second International Decade, Having further considered documents IOC-XXIX/2Annex9 and IOC/INF-1341 Prov.; Endorses the proposal of an International Decade of the Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (20212030), with the following preliminary objectives: stimulate a global partnership on the marine science requirements needed to support implementation of the 2030 Agenda; understand the impacts of cumulative stressors and seek sustainable solutions for sustaining benefits from the ocean; share knowledge and enhance interdisciplinary marine research capacities through the transfer of marine technology, leading to economic benefits for all Member States, particularly for Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and Least Developed Countries; gain a better quantitative knowledge of ocean dynamics, ecosystems and their contribution to society, through the whole ocean column, from the surface to the bottom, and from the perspective of both natural and anthropogenic forcings; map the ocean floor and its resources to support their sustainable management; Requests the IOC Executive Secretary to: convey this resolution to the UN General Assembly for consideration at its 72nd session, with a view to establish the Decade under the auspices of the United Nations; to bring this Resolution to the attention of the UNESCO Director-General for its possible consideration by the UNESCO General Conference at its 39th Session (Paris, 30 October14 November 2017); continue engaging with key UN agencies and programmes, international scientific and academic organizations, governments, non-governmental organizations and other stakeholders, with a view to refine the Decades objectives, expected outcomes and to prepare a draft implementation plan under the coordination of IOC, for further consideration by the UN General Assembly; Urges Member States to express support the establishment of the Decade under the United Nations auspices and to contribute to the planning phase of the Decade. ------------------------------------------ Financial Implications:  The representatives of __ Member States took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report: ___________. 5. OCEAN RESEARCH [Res.XXVII-2(B)] Mr Salvatore Aric, new Head of the Ocean Science Section introduced the following sub-items 5. He presented briefly his vision. Ocean research and observations represent a continuum, hence the Section will seek very close cooperation with Ocean Observations, Data and Information, and also continue contributing to further building a scientifically sound knowledge base for policy-making under Marine Policy. The IOC leadership in ocean and climate research will be maintained through: (i) continued collaboration with WCRP, in particular, with its CLIVAR and CLiC core projects; (ii) continued coordination of scientific work informing SDG target14.3 on ocean acidification, for which IOC is the custodian agency, and the operationalization of the offer of the Co-Chairs of the Global Ocean Acidification Observing System (GOA-ON) made to IOC and IAEA to co-host its scientific and technical secretariat; and (iii) expansion of IOCs participation in the Blue Carbon Initiative, with a focus on contributing to UNFCCC and the implementation of the Paris Agreement. The current work on harmful algal blooms, deoxygenation, marine plastics (in the context of GESAMP), and nutrients (with UN Environment and the GEF) constitutes a coherent portfolio for a strong IOC programme on ocean health. A new focus on modelling and predictions will be pursued with WCRP, PICES and other relevant partners, building on relevant IOC expert groups such as IGMETS and TrendsPO. SCOR will continue being a close partner of IOC in several of its ocean science activities. The Section will ensure prompt delivery of its contribution to the capacity development portfolio of IOC, and its role as custodian agency for SDG target14.a, through the IOC Global Ocean Science Report and its Portal, in close collaboration with IODE. Very close coordination in both the design and implementation of the activities will be pursued with the IOC Sub-Commissions. MrAric also informed of the importance of enabling the Ocean Science work at IOC by mobilizing the needed additional in-kind and financial contributions and reported on the generous contributions of several Member States to this end. 5.1 GLOBAL OCEAN SCIENCE REPORT: PERSPECTIVES AND DEVELOPMENT [EC-XLVII/Dec.6.2; IOC-XXVIII/Dec.5.1] Working document: IOC-XXIX/2Annex 10 IOC Global Ocean Science Report: Perspectives and Development Information: IOC/POL/2017/1Global Ocean Science Report 2017 the current status of ocean science around the world (Executive Summary) Mr Aric recalled the successful launch of the first edition of the IOC Global Ocean Science Report (GOSR) at the UN Ocean Conference on 8 June 2017. The Report assesses for the first time the status and trends in ocean science capacity around the world for generating the knowledge needed to ensure a healthy, sustainable ocean and to fully harness the potential of the ocean for achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. More specifically, GOSR identifies and quantifies the key elements of ocean science at the national, regional and global scales, including workforce, infrastructure, data and scientific. It represents the first collective attempt to systematically highlight opportunities as well as capacity gaps to advance international collaboration in ocean science and technology. GOSR is a resource for policy makers, academics and other stakeholders seeking to harness the potential of ocean science to address global challenges. Next steps related to the further development of the Report are highlighted in document IOC-XXIX/2 Annex 10. IOC-XXIX, Dec. 5.1 Global Ocean Science Report: Perspectives and Development The Assembly, Recalling Decisions EC-XLVII/6.2 and XXVIII/5.1, adopted by the IOC Executive Council at its 47th session (Paris, 14 July 2014) and the IOC Assembly at its 28th session (Paris 1825 June 2015), Having considered the first edition of the Global Ocean Science Report, launched at the UN Oceans Conference in June 2017, at UN HQ, New York, and its perspectives and future development described in document IOC-XXIX/2 Annex 10, Welcomes the report of the Secretariat and takes note of the progress, challenges and prospects for the achievement of a comprehensive Global Ocean Science Report; Takes note of the first edition of the Global Ocean Science Report; Expresses its appreciation to the Member States who responded to the GOSR questionnaire and provided in-kind as well as direct financial support for the project; Recognizes the needs for systematic, continuous and long-term data compilation on ocean science capacity; Recognizes also the need to address the long-term needs challenges faced by the secretariat in implementing the GOSR with limited financial resources and personnel; Decides to integrate the global reporting on the implementation of SDG target 14.a and its related indicator agreed by the UN Statistical Commission, as part of future editions of the Global Ocean Science Report; Endorses a step-by-step development of a Global Ocean Science Report Data Portal within the framework of the Ocean Sciences Section and IODE to give users access to data and data products, and to facilitate data compilation for future GOSR editions; Requests the IOC Executive Secretary to: invite Member States through a Circular Letter to convey their views on lessons learnt from the implementation of the first GOSR, including areas where the process could be improved; and present at the next session of the Executive Council in 2018 a proposed implementation plan for conducting the second edition of the GOSR. Agrees that the budget for the development of GOSR will be defined within the overall decision on budgetary allocation as part of the overall IOC Programme and Budget draft resolution XXIX-(11.1). The representatives of __ Member States took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report: ___________. 5.2 HARMFUL ALGAL BLOOMS: 13TH SESSION OF IPHAB, 35 May 2017, UNESCO, PARIS [Rule of Procedure 48.3] Report:IOC/IPHAB-XIII/3sExecutive Summary Report of the 13th Session of the IOC Intergovernmental Panel on Harmful Algal Blooms, 35 May 2017, UNESCO, Paris The Chair of the IOC Intergovernmental Panel on Harmful Algal Blooms (IPHAB), Gires Usup (Malaysia), introduced this item and presented the report, work plan (subject to the examination by the Financial Committee), resolutions and recommendations of the 13th Session of the IOC Intergovernmental Panel on Harmful Algal Blooms. The IPHAB adopted eight decisions and two recommendations to the Assembly. The Chair IPHAB emphasized the decisions made regarding the focus of HAB capacity development, regarding the completion of the first Global HAB Status Report; regarding further development of an IOC-IAEA-FAO-WHO interagency strategy for ciguatera fish poisoning; regarding the joint IOC-SCOR research initiative on HABs in a changing world to meet societal needs; regarding initiatives on Harmful Algae and desalination of seawater and finally regarding the regional HAB programme development. The recommendations concerns the IPHAB Work Plan for 20182019 and the future operation of the IPHAB. The Chair requested the assistance of the Assembly in ensuring participation in IPHAB sessions and programme of Member States not already members and recognition of IPHAB in the appropriate national agencies and institutions. The Chair IPHAB urged the IOC Member States to carefully match the HAB Programme Work Plan with national priorities and potential funding in order to actively interact with and support its implementation. IOC-XXIX, Dec. 5.2 Harmful Algal Blooms The Assembly, Having considered the Executive Summary Report of the 13th Session of the IOC Intergovernmental Panel on Harmful Algal Blooms (IPHAB), its eight Decisions and two Recommendations and the workplan for 20182019 adopted at the Session (IOC/IPHAB-XIII/3s); Endorses the Executive Summary Report of IPHAB-XIII and the recommendations contained therein (IOC/IPHAB-XIII/3s); Agrees to the HAB Work Plan for 20182019 (Recommendation IPHAB-XIII.1) and to consider it in the overall IOC Programme and Budget draft resolution XXIX-(11.1). The representatives of __ Member States took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report: ___________. 5.3 REPORT OF AND UPDATE ON THE WMO-IOC-ICSU WORLD CLIMATE RESEARCH PROGRAMME (WCRP) AND ITS REVIEW BY ITS SPONSORS [Rule of Procedure 48.3; IOC-XXVII/Dec.5.4.1] Report:IOC/INF-1342Preliminary findings and recommendations of the Review Panel of World Climate Research Programme, 2017 MrAric, Head of the Ocean Science Section, introduced this item. He referred to IOCs role in supporting the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP), which constitutes the most inclusive and authoritative platform for international collaborative research on climate and climate variability and change, and provides direct support to the work of IPCC. He recalled the ongoing process for an independent review of WCRP, including the terms of reference of the WCRP Review Panel, and recollected briefly the current status of the review (IOC/INF-1342). MrAric informed the Assembly of consultations with the WCRP Secretariat, and the Co-Chairs of relevant WCRP core projects and focal areas, on future collaboration between the Ocean Science portfolio at IOC and WCRP. Identified avenues for expanded collaboration include the further integration of the strong foci on biological sciences and biogeochemistry at IOC with WCRPs CLIVAR; a new IOC focus on ocean science and polar regions in collaboration with WCRPs CLiC; and collaboration between IOC and WCRP-CLIVARs focus areas on upwelling systems. These options for expanded future cooperation between IOC and WCRP are also presented. IOC-XXIX, Dec.5.3 World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) The Assembly, Recalling that IOC joined WMO and ICSU as sponsors of the WCRP in 1993, Having considered the terms of reference of the Review Panel of WCRP and information on progress in the review process (IOC/INF-1342), Expresses its satisfaction with the comprehensiveness and transparency of the review process; Reiterates that the main role and responsibility of IOC vis--vis WCRP is to mobilize the active participation of the ocean science community in the definition of,andcontribution to, the research agenda aimed at elucidating the role of oceans in the climate system; Recalls that WCRP provides a direct contribution to the work of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and indirectly to the work and deliberations of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change; Praises the continuous cooperation between IOC, WMO and ICSU in providing, through WCRP, a platform for integrated climate research; Calls upon the Review Panel of WCRP to suggest practical modalities for a better integration of WCRP with relevant programmes and activities of IOC; and Calls upon the Executive Secretary of IOC to pursue the avenues for increased cooperation with WCRP as presented in document IOC/INF-1342, in particular, integration of the IOC ocean science portfolio with WCRP-CLIVAR, a new focus on polar regions in collaboration with CLiC, and collaboration with WCRP-CLIVARs focus areas on upwelling systems. The representatives of __ Member States took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report: ___________. 6. OBSERVING SYSTEMS AND DATA MANAGEMENT [Res.XXVII-2(B)] 6.1 OBSERVING SYSTEMS 6.1.1 Global Ocean Observing System [Rule of Procedure 8.1(a); Res. XXVI.8; IOC-XXVII/Dec.5.3.2; IOC-XVIII/Dec.7.1.1] Working document: IOC-XXIX/2Annex 11 Proposed Global Ocean Observing System Work Plan for 20182019Information: IOC/INF-1344Evolving capabilities of the Argo profiling float network The co-chair of the IOC-WMO-UNEP-ICSU Global Ocean Observing System Steering Committee (GOOSSC), DrToste Tanhua, introduced this item. Through Resolution XXVI-8 (2011), the Assembly decided that the GOOSSC would produce a biennial workplan for consideration [] and adoption by the Assembly." It also decided that amongst the membership of the GOOSSC "five experts will be appointed by Member State 'Electoral Groups' during the IOC Assembly, one from each group." DrTanhua reported on the status of GOOS as an observing system and programme, its engagement with partners and the scientific community, and the activities of the GOOS Steering Committee, its panels, global networks coordinated through the JCOMM Observations Coordination Group, implementation through GOOS Regional Alliances, and engagement with data management and ocean information and service programmes. Its work is guided by the Framework for Ocean Observing ( HYPERLINK "http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0021/002112/211260e.pdf" IOC/INF-1284). The capabilities of GOOS to deliver to Member States are slowly improving, even as risks to the sustainability of some insitu observing elements are present. DrTanhua presented some highlights of the work of GOOS. A new statement of climate observing requirements was developed through GOOS's input to the GCOS Implementation Plan 2016 (see item 6.1.2), for the first time explicitly addressing the contribution of ocean observations to understanding and prediction of Earth's major energy, water and biogeochemical cycles and explicitly addressing how sustained observations contribute to climate adaptation and mitigation, as well as to other goals expressed in Rio Conventions. GOOS has worked to identify common requirements of all Member States for biological and ecosystems sustained observations, with an analysis of the relevant regional and international conventions covering living marine resources, conservation and biodiversity, and a concurrent survey of sustained observing capability, leading to expression of a full set of Essential Ocean Variables. GOOS Projects were introduced in 2014 as way to develop the ocean observing system, and are yielding first results. The Tropical Pacific Observing System in 2020 (TPOS 2020) project is focused on a redesign and integration of sustained ocean observing for a region critical in El Nio-Southern Oscillation monitoring and prediction. TPOS 2020 published an interim report for comment in July 2016, and due to the importance of air-sea interaction in the region, has strongly engaged with the WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WIGOS), receiving status as a WIGOS pilot project. A TPOS transition team will be proposed to JCOMM-5 (October 2017), to leave a permanent legacy to GOOS and WIGOS, engaging both the oceanographic and marine meteorological agencies and implementation communities. A Deep Ocean Observing Strategy (DOOS) has renewed momentum to address sustained observations needed for climate and conservation issues. GOOS Regional Alliance projects focus on cooperation between GRAs around a specific ocean region, and will be further developed at the GOOS Regional Forum (September 2017, Singapore). A major decadal conference, OceanObs'19 (www.oceanobs19.net), is being planned for September 2019, with NASA as host in Honolulu, USA. OceanObs'99 (September 1999, Saint Raphal, France) consolidated development of global sustained ocean observations for climate, and OceanObs'09 (September 2009, Venice, Italy) led to the Framework for Ocean Observing, strengthening GOOS integration and an expansion of the capabilities. The GOOS work plan is focused on global and regional design, implementation, and evaluation of sustained ocean observations needed to respond to societal challenges around climate mitigation and adaptation, operational ocean services including early warning and forecasts, and managing ocean health. It puts increasing emphasis on engaging intermediate users who use sustained ocean data streams and develop information of use to final end users, through analysis, forecast systems, development of indicators, or assessments. The proposed GOOS WorkPlan for 20182019 is presented in more detail in IOC-XXIX/2 Annex 11. DrTanhua recalled that the 2016 G7 Science and Technology Ministers meeting (May 2016, Tsukuba, Japan) ocean observation was defined as a key priority for the future. The G7 has continued with an expert working group to make recommendations, including in two areas of particular relevance to GOOS: (i) "support the development of a global initiative for an enhanced, global, sustained sea and ocean observing system, developing new technologies and integrating new physical, biogeochemical and biological observations while sustaining critical ongoing observations and ensuring full co-ordination with existing mechanisms", and (ii) "strengthening collaborative approaches to encourage the development of regional observing capabilities and knowledge networks." The expert group has recommended the establishment of a G7 GOOS Implementation Group to liaise with and support GOOS whilst coordinating enhancements to G7 observing. Recalling the limitations of IOC support for GOOS through Regular Programme human and financial resources, GOOS has prioritized this support to sustaining the present ocean observing system. In-kind support from Member States, in particular from the USA (through voluntary contributions to the WMO and continuing support through SCOR of IOCCP), Australia (supporting International Project Officer for the GOOS Biology and Ecosystems Panel) and the European Commission (through the AtlantOS project) have allowed a Distributed Programme Office for GOOS, led from IOC, to develop. GOOS projects and specific development activities such as workshops, are funded independently, again contributing to GOOS. Capacity development activities of GOOS have concentrated on observing technology and techniques, a necessary but not complete piece of a value chain from observations, through data management, forecasting and assessment capability, and final delivery of value to end-users. GOOS has identified that capacity development for the sustained observation of biological and ecosystem variables will be very important to expand the capabilities of GOOS and deliver value to an increasing number of Member States. It will engage in the framework of the IOC Capacity Development Strategy and Implementation Plan (see item 10). DrTanhua recalled that the Argo profiling float network is a major contribution to GOOS. The nearly 4,000 globally-distributed profiling floats of Argo deliver in near real-time profiles of temperature and salinity in the upper 2,000m of the ocean. Argo data are freely available without cost, meeting the IOC/UNESCO Oceanographic Data Exchange Policy, and are a major contribution to scientific research on climate, long-term weather forecasts, and seasonal and longer-term climate forecasts. Individual pilot projects are underway to expand the capabilities of the Argo profiling float network, through floats that can observe the deep ocean below 2,000m, with an expansion to regional and marginal seas which will be coordinated with GOOS Regional Alliances, and with new sensors that can measure biogeochemical (BGC) Essential Ocean Variables. Fifteen Member States have deployed BGC profiling floats in these pilot projects, and at present about 7% of Argo floats have biogeochemical sensors. A biogeochemical-Argo Science and Implementation Plan was published in 2016 (biogeochemical-argo.org, doi:10.13155/46601), describing an extension of the Argo array of profiling floats to include biogeochemical sensors for pH, oxygen, nitrate, chlorophyll, suspended particles, and down welling irradiance. If funded by national contributions, full implementation of biogeochemical-Argo would enable an observing system that can determine the seasonal to decadal-scale variability in biological productivity, the supply of essential plant nutrients from deep-waters to the sunlit surface layer, ocean acidification, hypoxia, and ocean uptake of CO2. This will provide benefits both globally and locally. The Argo programme was formally accepted and defined by IOC Resolution XX-6 (1999). The resolution considered that Argo be "fully consistent with the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea." Recognizing coastal Member State sensitivities regarding the drifting of profiling floats into their Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs), in 2005, the IOC Assembly instructed IOC's Advisory Body of Experts on the Law of the Sea (IOC/ABE-LOS) to address the deployment of floats on the high sea which may drift into EEZs. In 2008, the IOC Executive Council passed a resolution (IOC/EC-XLI.4): "Guidelines for the Implementation of Resolution XX-6 of the IOC Assembly Regarding the Deployment of Profiling Floats in the High Seas within the Framework of the Argo Programme", which adopted a practical set of guidelines for notification of coastal States that is used today, with the involvement of the Argo Information Centre at JCOMMOPS. This notification scheme is now used to inform coastal States when an Argo profiling float is likely to enter their EEZ, including explicit notification of the variables being measured. Coastal Member States are likely to see an increase in the number of Argo profiling floats measuring BGC variables in their EEZs. IOC-XXIX, Dec. 6.1.1 Global Ocean Observing System The Assembly, GOOS Work Plan Noting the fundamental role of global sustained ocean observations through GOOS in enabling ocean research, provision of early warning and ocean services, development of assessments and information for policy, sustainable management and governance of the ocean, and therefore all functions of the IOC Medium-Term Strategy, Agrees to the GOOS Work Plan for 20182019 (IOC-XXIX/2 Annex 11), Notes the financial and human resource implications of the work plan and the shortfall against the draft IOC Programme and Budget allocation for GOOS, Expresses its appreciation for the in-kind support to the GOOS programme provided by Australia, the European Commission, and the USA; Welcomes the establishment of a G7 GOOS implementation group, stressing the importance of coordination to avoid duplication and to ensure benefits of GOOS for all IOC Member States; Agrees to adopt the GOOS programme and budget as part of the overall IOC Programme and Budget draft resolution XXIX-(11.1); and Urges Member States to support the GOOS Work Plan through contributions to the IOC Special Account for GOOS, secondments of staff members to the GOOS Project Office, in-kind support such as hosting meetings or workshops with participant funding, the establishment of GOOS support offices, the funding of GOOS projects, or other means as agreed by the GOOS SC. GOOS SC Regional Membership Recalling the GOOS SC regional membership appointment defined in IOC Resolution XXVI-8, and further recalling IOC Circular Letter 2663 requesting nominations of experts for appointment by Member State Electoral Groups, Notes the appointment by each of the Member State Electoral Groups of a regional expert member of the GOOS SC for 20182019: ______ (Group I) ______ (Group II) ______ (Group III) ______ (Group IV) ______ (Group V) Evolving capabilities of the Argo profiling float network Having examined the evolving capabilities of the Argo profiling float network described in IOC/INF-1344, Recognizes the contribution of Argo to GOOS, Notes pilot projects to expand the capabilities of Argo and the development of a biogeochemical-Argo Science and Implementation plan; Appreciates Argo's free and open data policy, in line with the IOC Oceanographic Data Exchange Policy (IOC Resolution XXII-6); Notes the use of IOC's "Guidelines for the Implementation of Resolution XX-6 of the IOC Assembly Regarding the Deployment of Profiling Floats in the High Seas within the Framework of the Argo Programme" (Resolution IOC/EC-XLI.4) for notification to coastal Member States of all Argo profiling floats likely to enter their EEZ, including those measuring new variables. The representatives of __ Member States took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report: ___________. 6.1.2 WMO-ICSU-IOC-UNEP Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) [Rule of Procedure 8.1(a); Res. XVI-8; IOC-XXVII/Dec.5.3.5; EC-XLIX/Dec.4.3.4] Report: GCOS-200 (GOOS-214)The Global Observing System for Climate: Implementation Needs The Director of the WMO-ICSU-IOC-UNEP Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) Secretariat, DrCarolin Richter, introduced this item. GCOS responds to the needs of Member States for comprehensive, continuous, reliable climate and climate-related data and information for climate monitoring, research, and projections; and increasingly to assess climate impacts, monitor the effectiveness of mitigation, support adaptation, develop climate information services, and promoting sustainable development. GCOS covers atmospheric, oceanic, and terrestrial domains, and the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) is an important contributor to GCOS of expertise in its cycle of evaluation and planning. The strong link is evident in the joint sponsorship of the GCOS-GOOS-WCRP Ocean Observations Panel for Climate (OOPC), which for GOOS is the Physics and Climate Panel. The secretariat for OOPC has been hosted by GCOS since 2013. The OOPC now draws on the work of its sister GOOS panels (Biogeochemistry, Biology and Ecosystems) in the definition of requirements, coordination of observations, and evaluation of outputs for biogeochemical and biological Essential Climate Variables (ECVs), in complement to the definition of Essential Ocean Variables (EOVs). DrRichter presented the new implementation plan, The Global Observing System for Climate: Implementation Needs (GCOS-200, GOOS-214), approved by the GCOS Steering Committee at its 24th Session (October 2016, Guayaquil, Ecuador). Parties at the 22nd session of the UNFCCC Conference of the Parties noted in decision 19/CP.22 the important role of GCOS in meeting the need for climate observation and climate services under the Convention, welcomed the new implementation plan, submitted by the GCOS secretariat and prepared under the guidance of the GCOS Steering Committee; encouraged Parties to the Convention to work towards the full implementation of the plan and to consider what actions they can take to contribute towards its implementation; and invited United Nations agencies and international organizations to support the full implementation of it, as appropriate. This provides a powerful statement of global consensus scientific requirements for sustained observations to support the goals of the Parties of the UNFCCC. DrRichter noted that in accordance with the GCOS implementation plan, the secretariat has coordinated an action to identify a core set of climate change indicators to be used as a basis for reporting climate change to the public (Indicators of Climate Change, GCOS-206). There are in general two types of indicator, those describing the physical state and history of the climate system, and those looking at future impact, risk and adaptation designed to inform future policy decisions. Climate indicators should meet the following criteria: relevance, representativeness, traceability, timeliness. The number of historical indicators should be limited. The proposed indicators can be grouped as follows: temperature and energy; atmospheric composition; ocean; cryosphere; land use/vegetation change; extremes and human impacts. Another important action in the GCOS implementation plan was adaptation. The Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice of the UNFCCC also invited GCOS to collaborate with relevant partners to continue enhancing access to, and understanding and interpretation of, data products and information to support decision-making on adaptation and mitigation at national, regional and global scales. GCOS, in collaboration with the UNFCCC and other partners, is planning a series of regionally focussed workshops to develop an understanding of the observations needed for different regions. These workshops will prepare plans for improving the regional observational capacities. One important initial topic will be water: extreme rainfall, floods and droughts. IOC-XXIX, Dec. 6.1.2 WMO-ICSU-IOC-UNEP Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) The Assembly, Welcomes the new implementation plan, The Global Observing System for Climate: Implementation Needs (GCOS-200, GOOS-214); Recognizes that ocean-related actions will need to be implemented by JCOMM and GOOS, and that actions addressed to the satellite agencies will be brought to the attention of the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites and the Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites; Endorses actions pertaining to IOC and its programmes; Urges all IOC programmes to address relevant actions in their work plans; Invites Member States to contribute to the implementation of actions as discussed in the GCOS implementation plan; Requests the GCOS Secretariat to: provide guidance to Member States and IOC programmes on actions pertaining to the systems and networks coordinated by IOC to monitor and review progress in implementation; continue promoting a single minimal set of indicators that describes climate changes and to further refining them; and engage Member States and relevant mechanisms in regional implementation of the GCOS implementation plan. The representatives of __ Member States took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report: ___________. 6.1.3 Joint WMO-IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM) [Rule of Procedure 48.3] Working document:IOC-XXIX/2Annex 12 Future Perspectives for the Joint WMO-IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM) The Co-Presidents of JCOMM, DrNadia Pinardi (oceanography) and MrJohan Stander (meteorology), introduced this item. JCOMM is a Primary Subsidiary Body of the IOC Assembly and reports under IOC Rule of Procedure 48.3. It is also a WMO Constituent Body, the only one of its eight Technical Commissions with co-sponsorship. The Fifth Session of JCOMM will take place 2530 October 2017 in Bali, Indonesia. It will review the work of the Commission, adopt a JCOMM data management strategy in complement to the strategies of IODE and the WMO Information System, adopt work plans for its Observations, Data Management, and Services and Forecast Systems Programme Areas, and reconfigure Expert Teams to deliver against the work plans. It will also revise the Terms of Reference of the JCOMM in situ Observing Programme Support centre (JCOMMOPS). DrPinardi recalled that IOC Member States had been asked to name a JCOMM National Contact Point for the IOC, in complement to JCOMM Members designated by WMO, to improve communication about and national engagement in JCOMM activities, and to promote cooperation between oceanographic and meteorological institutions at the national level. WMO has embarked on a Governance Review, requesting a WMO Executive Council Working Group on Strategic and Operational Planning to make recommendations on changes to WMO Constituent Body structures, in order to improve their effectiveness. This Working Group, which at present does not include any representation from IOC Member States or Secretariat, made initial recommendations to the WMO Executive Council at its 69th Session (May 2017), which included changes to JCOMM. With feedback from WMO Members, the Working Group will continue its work and report again to the WMO Executive Council at its 70th session in May 2018, with the goal of presenting final recommendations for adoption by the World Meteorological Council in 2019. IOC-XXIX, Dec. 6.1.3 Joint WMO-IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM) The Assembly, Having examined IOC-XXIX/2 Annex 12, Future perspectives for JCOMM, Notes with appreciation the financial and in-kind support provided to JCOMMOPS by Member States; and urges Member States to continue their support to JCOMMOPS; Urges Member States to ensure oceanographic agency representation in their national delegations to JCOMM-5 (October 2017, Bali, Indonesia); Agrees to consider an overall JCOMM programme and budget as a part of the IOC Programme and Budget draft resolution XXIX-(11.1); and Requests the Executive Secretary and IOC Officers to represent the interests of IOC Member States in the WMO Governance Review for matters that touch on JCOMM. The representatives of __ Member States took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report: ___________. 6.2 DATA MANAGEMENT 6.2.1 International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange: 24th Session of IODE, 2428 March 2017, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia [Rule of Procedure 48.3] Report:IOC/IODE-XXIV/3sExecutive Summary Report of the Twenty-fourth Session of the IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange, 2428 March 2017, Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaWorking documents: IOC/IODE-XXIV6.3IOC Communication and Outreach Strategy for Data and Information ManagementIOC-XXIX/2 Annex 3 Addendum IIOcean Data and Information System Concept Paper Summary (IOC External Audit Rec.15) Prof. Yutaka Michida (Japan), IODE Co-Chair, introduced this item and informed the Assembly on the outcome of the 24th Session of the IODE Committee and recommendations to the Assembly regarding an IOC Communication and Outreach Strategy for Data and Information Management and an IOC Strategic Plan for Data and Information Management for 20172021 to be discussed under item 6.2.2. The Committee continued to focus its attention on the re-structuring of IODE. In this regard, the Committee adopted two decisions: (i) on a new IODE management structure that takes into account the gradual abolishment of Groups of Experts; and (ii) on the establishment of the IODE project and activity performance evaluation. This will bring into IODE the concept of Results Based Management (RBM) allowing well-documented procedures for the setting up, regular performance evaluation and metrics, and closing of projects. It was expected that this would allow improving overall efficiency and prioritization amongst more than 20 IODE projects (global and regional). The Committee also recommended the establishment of IODE Associate Information Units (AIUs) as a structural element of IODE, as parallel elements for marine information management to the IODE Associate Data Units (ADUs) which had already proved to be successful with 20 units established since 2013. The AIU should enable the development of a new, large, community of marine information professionals, which will be essential in providing the information component in SDG14 (and others). In this regard, collaboration between IODE and IAMSLIC (International Association of Aquatic and Marine Science Libraries and Information Centers) will be continued and expanded. The Committee expressed great satisfaction with the work done by OBIS, including the OBIS-ENV-DATA pilot project. It noted the high-level visibility and public awareness it received through its contribution to Marine Scientific Research at the United Nations General Assembly (A/RES/70/235 and A/RES/71/227), and the recent request from the Convention on Biological Diversity (Decision COPXIII/12, December 2016) to: (i) establish a partnership with OBIS to facilitate training opportunities for incorporating new information and new consideration of existing information in future description of areas meeting the EBSA criteria, including both scientific and traditional knowledge; and (ii) provide links from the EBSA repository to the data and information from EBSA areas in OBIS. The Committee welcomed the collaboration agreement between GEO BON/MBON, GOOS BioEco and OBIS in which the three initiatives agree on the key and central role of OBIS in fostering wider data sharing, data curation and aggregation in order to streamline the feeding of integrated and quality controlled datasets into models and forecasts. However, considering the challenges for IODE/OBIS to respond to the increasing demands on OBIS to support several international processes with the current limited resources it has, the Committee strongly encouraged IOC Member States to increase their support to the OBIS secretariat and the national, regional and thematic OBIS Nodes, which they host, that contribute data, technical infrastructure and scientific expertise. It also called on its members to inform their national UN representatives about IODE and its OBIS to ensure better awareness and support. Prof.Michida regretted that only about half of the 148 IOC Member States have established a National Oceanographic Data Centre (NODC) or ADU. He strongly advocated for the development of NODCs or ADUs, as well as AIUs, reminding the requirement for reliable data and information within the framework of the SDGs. Prof. Michida further called the attention of the Assembly to the increasing role of IODE as a cross-cutting programme, servicing the data and information needs of a variety of IOC programmes and projects. The Committee expressed his great appreciation to the Government of Flanders (Kingdom of Belgium) for its continued support to IODE through the IOC Project Office for IODE in Ostend, Belgium. Noting that the MoU (20122016) between the IOC and the Government of Flanders had expired in December 2016, the Committee called on the parties concerned to renew it. Regarding regional activities, the Committee welcomed the renewed interest for IODE in the WESTPAC region and formally established the ODINWESTPAC (Ocean Data and Information Network for the Western Pacific region) project. In this regard, the Committee thanked China for its active role in the development process and for the considerable support provided to various meetings in the region. Noting the termination of ODINAFRICA, the Committee invited African Member States to develop project proposals to ensure that the expertise, products and services developed during the past ODINAFRICA projects are not lost and continue to contribute to the sustainable management of Africa coastal areas. The Committee welcomed progress made by the ODINBLACKSEA and ODINCARSA-LA projects. Regarding the latter, the Committee welcomed the progress made by the Caribbean Marine Atlas (Phase 2CMA2) in building a regional marine atlas and its sharing of expertise and infrastructure resources, thereby adhering to the IOC Capacity Development Strategy. In addition, CMA2 shared its expertise with Africas African Coastal and Marine Atlas (ACMA). Regarding the IOCINDIO region the Committee recommended the re-activation of the ODINCINDIO project and invited the Islamic Republic of Iran to take the lead in this effort. The Committee expressed its great appreciation for the work carried out by the OceanTeacher Global Academy (OTGA) project and in particular the establishment of OTGA Regional Training Centres (RTC) in Belgium, Colombia, Senegal, Kenya, Mozambique, India and Malaysia (with a few more to be established) allowing training at the regional level, involving local lecturers, using relevant languages and reaching a higher number of learners. The Committee noted with appreciation that several of the new RTCs were already invited to host courses on behalf of other projects and organizations. Prof.Michida further informed the Assembly of the proposed IOC (IODE) Communication and Outreach Strategy for Data and Information Management which aims at improved communication of IODE activities to partners and stakeholders by defining a robust framework for communication and outreach activities, placing the global and regional presence of IODE at the forefront of coastal and marine knowledge management. Prof.Michida also informed the Assembly about the discussions held by the Committee regarding the follow-up to the audit of the IOC, in particular audit recommendation 15 to construct a universal information system and ocean data portal, along with a cost-benefit analysis prepared in advance by the IODE project. Through Decision IODE-XXIV.4, the Committee will work with existing stakeholders to improve the accessibility and interoperability of existing data and information and contribute to the development of a global ocean data and information system, to be referred to as the IOC Ocean Data and Information System, leveraging established solutions where possible. In this regard, the newly established IODE inter-sessional working group, tasked with finalizing the concept paper for the Ocean Data and Information System, welcome feedbacks from this Assembly on the draft concept paper (IOC-XXIX/2 Annex 3 Add.II). IOC-XXIX, Dec. 6.2.1 International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange The Assembly, I 24th Session of IODE, 2428 March 2017, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Having examined the Executive Summary and Report of the 24th Session of the IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE-XXIV) (2428 March 2017, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia), the recommendations and the decisions contained therein (IOC/IODE-XXIV/3s), Agrees to the IODE Work Plan for 20182019 (Recommendation IODE-XXIV.6) and to consider it in the overall IOC Programme and Budget draft resolution XXIX-(11.1); Endorses the Report of the 24th Session of the IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange and the recommendations contained therein; II IOC Communication and Outreach Strategy for Data and Information Management Recalling Decision IODE-XXIII.3 for the Establishment of an Inter-sessional Working Group to Create an IOC Communication and Outreach Strategy for Data and Information Management, Acknowledging the importance of the need for greater visibility and understanding of its activities and achievements for the management of data and information, Noting the growing number of international marine science related organizations and the importance to clearly state IODEs unique role in data and information management, Recognizing that: IOC must work with Member States, governments, partner organizations, academia and industry, to articulate the global benefits to society and required funding to build and sustain the ocean observing data and information system, IOC has a strong mandate for communication and outreach with a variety of stakeholders, including the general public, IOC needs to communicate regularly with its community as well as having a strategy on how to be engaged in ocean community data and information activities, cooperate and expand its membership, Endorses the IOC Communication and Outreach Strategy for Data and Information Management as given in document IOC/IODE-XXIV/6.3; Agrees that the Plan should be: published and distributed widely and used as a framework for communication and outreach activities throughout the programmes and projects of the IOC, and regularly reviewed and revised by the IODE Committee, in close consultation with all IOC programmes. III Draft Concept for an Ocean Data and Information System Recalling Recommendation 15 of the IOC External Audit that called for a universal information system and ocean data portal, and Decision IODE-XXIV.4 that established an inter-sessional working group to finalize the concept paper of the IOC Ocean Data and Information System and draft a cost-benefit analysis document which expresses the advantages/benefits of such a global system, Having considered the draft concept paper submitted by IODE at its 24th session and contained in document IOC-XXIX/2 Annex 3 Add.II, Requests Member States to provide comments and suggestions to the IODE Secretariat, not later than December 2017; Instructs the IODE inter-sessional working group to further develop the concept paper for the IOC Ocean Data and Information System, taking into account comments and suggestions received from Member States, and submit the final document to the Assembly at its 30th session in 2019 together with a draft implementation plan, supported by a cost-benefit analysis as feasible. The representatives of __ Member States took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report: ___________. 6.2.2 IOC Strategic Plan for Data and Information Management [Rule of Procedure 8(1g, j)] Working document: IOC/IODE-XXIV/6.2 IOC Strategic Plan for Data and Information Management for 20172021 Prof.Yutaka Michida (Japan), IODE Co-Chair, introduced this item. He recalled that the previous IOC Strategic Plan for Oceanographic Data and Information (20132016) had expired. An IODE inter-sessional working group established in 2015, chaired by DrLesley Rickard (UK) and MrGregReed (Australia), was tasked with updating the Strategic Plan for the coming years. Prof.Michida informed the Assembly that The IOC Strategic Plan for Data and Information Management is for all data collected in IOC programmes. The vision is to achieve: A comprehensive and integrated ocean data and information system, serving the broad and diverse needs of IOC Member States, for both management and scientific use. The concept of delivering a data and information service for the global ocean commons (i.e. global public good) is central to this vision. The objectives of the Strategic Plan are to: (i) facilitate and promote the exchange of oceanographic data and information in compliance with the IOC Oceanographic Data Exchange Policy (IOC Resolution XXII-6); (ii) deliver a comprehensive distributed data system that can receive data collected by all IOC programmes and projects and deliver them in a uniform and transparent way to all users; (iii) deliver a system that can collect bibliographic and factual information from all IOC programmes and projects and deliver them in a uniform and transparent way to all users; and (iv) ensure alignment with, and contribution to, both the IOCs Medium-Term Strategy 20142021, and with the UNs 2030 Agenda for sustainable development, in particular SDG14 on the ocean. Five expected requirements are identified on the long-term: (i) improved ability to integrate national, regional and global data systems; (ii) improved capability and functionality of systems in the centres managing oceanographic data and information; (iii) promotion of free and open access to oceanographic data and information and adherence to the IOC Oceanographic Data Exchange policy; (iv) improved access to quality data and information needs of both the scientific users and society at large; and (v) strengthened capacity to manage oceanographic data and information. IOC-XXIX, Dec. 6.2.2 IOC Strategic Plan for Data and Information Management, 20172021 The Assembly, Recalling IOC-XXVII/Dec.5.3.4 which adopted the IOC Strategic Plan for Oceanographic Data and Information Management (2013-2016) and also agreed that the Plan should be regularly reviewed and revised by the IODE Committee, and Resolution XXII-6 which adopted the IOC Oceanographic Data Exchange Policy, Recognizing that: the IOC Oceanographic Data Exchange Policy is compatible with other international relevant data-exchange policies that promote free and open access to data, such as WMO Resolution 40, IODE has developed a global network of National Oceanographic Data Centres, Associate Data Units, information centres and related networks, representing a considerable pool of expertise in data and information management and sharing, many IOC Member States have developed distributed networks of data management facilities involving IODE, as well as other centres, to deal with a wide variety of ocean observations, IOC and WMO have established close, efficient and effective collaboration in ocean data management, and the IOC Committee for IODE and JCOMM have established a number of joint mechanisms to advance ocean data management. Noting with appreciation that the IOC Data and Information Management system resulting from this strategy will deliver: assembled, quality controlled and archived data on a diverse range of variables according to scientifically sound and well-documented standards and formats, timely dissemination of data on a diverse range of variables (observations and model outputs) both on real-time and delayed modes depending on the needs of user groups and their technical capabilities (automatic dissemination as well as on demand), and easy discovery and access to data and information on a diverse range of variables and derived products (including forecasts, alerts and warnings) by users who have a broad range of capabilities. Considering that the objectives of the IOC Strategic Plan for Data and Information Management for 20172021 are to: facilitate and promote the exchange of oceanographic data and information in compliance with the IOC Oceanographic Data Exchange Policy, deliver a comprehensive distributed data system that can receive data collected by all IOC programmes and projects and deliver them in a uniform and transparent way to all users, deliver a system that can collect bibliographic and factual information from all IOC programmes and projects and deliver them in a uniform and transparent way to all users, and ensure alignment with, and contribution to, both the IOCs Medium Term Strategy 20142021, and with the UNs 2030 Agenda for sustainable development, in particular the dedicated sustainable development goal for the ocean (Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development). Endorses the IOC Strategic Plan for Data and Information Management 20172021 as given in document IOC/IODE-XXIV/6.2; Agrees that the Plan should be: published and distributed widely and used as a basic data strategy throughout the programmes and projects of the IOC; and regularly reviewed and revised by the IODE Committee, in close consultation with all IOC programmes.  The representatives of __ Member States took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report: ___________. 7. EARLY WARNING AND SERVICES [Res.XXVII-2(B)] 7.1 REGIONAL TSUNAMI WARNING SYSTEMS [Rule of Procedure 48.3] 7.1.1 Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Pacific Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System: 27th Session of ICG/PTWS, 28-31 March 2017, Tahiti, France Report: IOC/ICG/PTWS-XXVII/3sExecutive Summary Report of the 27th Session of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the for the Pacific Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (ICG/PTWS-XXVII), Tahiti, France, 28-31 March 2017 MsFilomena Nelson (Samoa), Chair of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Pacific Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (ICG/PTWS), introduced this item. MsNelson reported on recent progress of the ICG/PTWS, including on the Enhanced Products developed by the North West Pacific Tsunami Advisory Center (NWPTAC) that will start to be issued in parallel with current products in the second half of 2017, with a change-over date proposed for 2018. She further reported that the ICG/PTWS endorsed the recommendations of the South China Sea Regional Working Group on trial and full operation of the South China Sea Tsunami Advisory Centre (SCSTAC), hosted by China, which will initiate trial operations in late 2017. MsNelson also noted the proposed establishment of a Central America Tsunami Advisory Centre (CATAC) hosted by Nicaragua. She further reported that the ICG/PTWS at its 27th session decided to move the next biennial PacWave exercise to the months of September through to November 2018 to support the International Disaster Risk Reduction Day (13 October) and the World Tsunami Awareness Day (5 November). It also decided to continue the Task Team on Evacuation Planning and Mapping (TEMPP) to support the preparation of tsunami evacuation maps and associated response plans for tsunami-vulnerable coastal communities, and the Task Team on Future Goals and Performance Monitoring, to look into performance monitoring measures and develop a PTWS Status Report. [see decision IOC-XXVII, Dec. 7.2 below] The representatives of __ Member States took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report: ___________. 7.1.2 Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System: 11th Session of ICG/IOTWMS, 810 April 2017, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Report: ICG/IOTWMS-XI/3sExecutive Summary Report of the 11th Session of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (ICG/IOTWMS-X), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 1820 April 2017 MrAndi Eka Sakya, Chair of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (ICG/IOTWMS), introduced this item. He reported on the key activities of the ICG/IOTWMS since it last reported to the Assembly. He highlighted the results of the IOWave16 exercise (78 September 2016) indicating that all 24 active Member States participated. About 60,000 people from 12 IOTWMS Member States conducted coastal evacuation during IOWave16. He informed the Assembly that efforts in the intersessional period were focussed on enhancing Tsunami Service Provider (TSP) services to conform to the IOTWMS service definition, capacity building of Member States through trainings and workshops to enhance risk assessment, awareness and preparedness and develop integrated SOPs. There has been an increased engagement amongst countries in the North West Indian Ocean region for enhancing end-to-end warning system. He informed that, during the intersessional period, the magnitude 7.8 earthquake southwest of Sumatra on 2 March 2016 resulted in the TSPs issuing tsunami threat information. He also informed that formal partnership agreement between the IOC and the Agency for Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics of Indonesia was signed to support sustainability and continuation of the Indian Ocean Tsunami Information Centre (IOTIC) until 2022. Looking to the future, MrAndi Eka Sakya informed the Assembly that the ICG/IOTWMS would continue to focus on community awareness and preparedness and will consider developing guidelines for pilot implementation of Tsunami Ready programme in the Indian Ocean. He highlighted the importance of data sharing among North West Indian Ocean Member States to improve warning capability in the Makran region. He informed the Assembly that the ICG/IOTWMS established a new Task Team on Capacity Assessment of Tsunami Preparedness, to oversee capacity assessment of tsunami preparedness as well as to develop guidelines and pilot implementation of a Tsunami Ready programme in the Indian Ocean. The ICG will also conduct two joint TSP/NTWC/DMO/Media training workshops on Standard Operating Procedures in the intersessional period, subject to the availability of funding, and a sub-regional Tsunami Drill among the Member States of North West Indian Ocean. [see decision IOC-XXVII, Dec. 7.2 below] The representatives of __ Member States took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report: ___________. 7.1.3 Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami and Other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions: 12th Session of the ICG/CARIBE-EWS, 1012 May 2017, Punta Arenas, Costa Rica Report: IOC/ICG/CARIBE-EWS-XI/3sExecutive Summary Report of the 12th Session of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami and Other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions, Punta Arenas, Costa Rica, 1012 May 2017 Ms Christa Hillebrandt-Andrade, Chair of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami and Other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (ICG/CARIBE-EWS). She highlighted the results of the CARIBE WAVE17 exercise that mobilized near 500,000 people on 23 March 2017. MsHillebrandt-Andrade reported on other results of the 12th Session of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami and Other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions, hosted in Punta Arenas, Costa Rica, 1012 May 2017, [to be completed after the session]. [see decision IOC-XXVII, Dec. 7.2 below] The representatives of __ Member States took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report: ___________. 7.1.4 Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami Early Warning and Mitigation System in the North-Eastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean and Connected Seas: 13th Session of ICG/NEAMTWS, 2628 September 2016, Bucharest, Romania Report: IOC/ICG/NEAMTWS-XIII/3Summary Report of the 13th Session of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami Early Warning and Mitigation System in the North-Eastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean and Connected Seas, 2628 September 2016, Bucharest, Romania  Mr Ahmet Yalciner, Chair of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami Early Warning and Mitigation System in the North-Eastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean and Connected Seas (ICG/NEAMTWS) introduced this item. He reported on the developments of the ICG/NEAMTWS notably the ICG led accreditation of NEAMTWS candidate Tsunami Service Providers (CTSPs). Four Candidate Tsunami Service Providers [CENtre d'Alerte aux Tsunamis (France), Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e VulcanologiaCentro Allerta Terremoti (Italy), National Observatory of Athens (Greece) and Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute (Turkey)] have been accredited and are now labelled Tsunami Service Providers (TSPs). He noted the intention of Portugal to start its national tsunami warning operating in 2017. He informed that NEAMWave17 Tsunami exercise will take place in the first week of November 2017 and prior to the World Tsunami Awareness Day. Two tsunami information meetings are planned in Tunisia and Spain in September 2017 to inform about the NEAMWave17 exercise and NEAMTWS. MrYalciner underlined that continued development of the NEAMTWS depends on the active involvement of Member States and their Civil Protection Authorities (CPAs) in the routine activities of the ICG. He also emphasized that for NEAMTWS to improve its performance there is a need to improve real-time exchange of seismic and sea-level data with countries along the southern rim of the Mediterranean Sea, and he appealed for Member States to engage and support this development Finally, MrYalciner emphasized the importance of the NEAM Tsunami Information Centre (NEAMTIC), which works in tandem with the NEAMTWS, and invited Member States through funding and secondments to contribute to its maintenance and further improvement [see decision IOC-XXVII, Dec. 7.2 below] The representatives of __ Member States took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report: ___________. 7.2 GLOBAL COORDINATION OF WARNING AND MITIGATION SYSTEMS FOR OCEAN HAZARDS (TOWS-WG-X), 23-24 FEBRUARY 2017, PARIS, FRANCE [Rule of Procedure 48.3; IOC-XXVII/Dec.5.2.2(IV); EC-XLIX/Dec.3.4] Reports: IOC/TOWS-WG-X/3Report of the Tenth Meeting of the Working Group on Tsunamis and Other Hazards Related to Sea-Level Warning and Mitigation Systems (TOWS-WG), Paris, France, 2324 February 2017Reference:JCOMM Meeting Report No. 129 (DBCP-32)Report of the Thirty-second session of the Data Buoy Co-operation Panel, 1721 October 2016, La Jolla, California, USA  MrAlexander Postnov, Chair of the Working Group on Tsunamis and Other Hazards Related to Sea-Level Warning and Mitigation Systems (TOWS-WG) introduced this item. He reported on the decisions and recommendations of the 10th meeting of TOWS-WG. IOC-XXIX, Dec. 7.2 Tsunami and Other Coastal Hazards Warning Systems The Assembly, Having considered the executive summary reports of the recent sessions of the Intergovernmental Coordination Groups for: the Pacific Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (ICG/PTWS-XXVII), The Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (ICG/IOTWMS-XI), the Tsunami and Other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (ICG/CARIBEEWS-XII), the North-Eastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean and Connected Seas Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (ICG/NEAMTWS-XIII), and the report of the Working Group on Tsunamis and Other Hazards Related to Sea-Level Warning and Mitigation Systems (TOWS-WG-X), Accepts the reports by the IOC/ICGs and TOWS-WG; Notes with satisfaction the progress made during the intersessional period, including: three exercises (CARIBEWave 2017, IOWave 2016, PACWave 2017) and regular communication tests carried out; the expertise that the PTWS Task Team on Evacuation Planning and Mapping has established with regards to this programme, as well as the interest in the new PTWS course Tsunami Evacuation, Maps, Plans, and Procedures (TEMPP) and the CARIBE-EWS Pilot Caribbean Tsunami Ready Programme among some Member States; Tsunami Ready recognition achieved by St Kitts & Nevis, Cedeo (Honduras) and Ostional (Costa Rica); the renewal of the Memorandum of Understanding between UNESCO and the Government of Barbados for the hosting of the Caribbean Tsunami Information CenterCTIC; the accreditation of the four TSPs in NEAMTWS (CENtre d'Alerte aux Tsunamis (France), Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e VulcanologiaCentro Allerta Terremoti (Italy), National Observatory of Athens (Greece) and Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute (Turkey); the development by DBCP of an educational strategy to address buoy vandalism; I Pacific Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (PTWS) Recognizes the critical contribution of the Oceania Regional Seismic Network (ORSNET) to the PTWS and appreciates the French Government's contribution that helped establish this key network and the intention of the Vanuatu Government to continue to administrate the network pending availability of resources; Requests ORSNET Member countries and other PTWS Members States to urgently seek funding resources with relevant development partners to sustain this important network; Welcomes and appreciates the USA's offer to restart the NOAA/PTWC Heads-up SMS service, discontinued in October 2014, as a two-year trial project for PTWS and CARIBE-EWS Member States; Endorses the Northwest Pacific Tsunami Advisory Center Enhancing Tsunami Products as presented in ICG/PTWS-XXVII report (Annex IV) and requests the NWPTAC to start issuance of experimental NWPTAC Enhancing Products in parallel with current products in the second half of 2017; Endorses the starting of trial operations of the South China Sea Tsunami Advisory Centre (SCSTAC) in late 2017, with specific date to be decided by the Steering Committee of the ICG/PTWS to be announced by the IOC Secretariat to South China Sea region Member States through circular letter at least 60 days in advance; II Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (IOTWMS) Notes with appreciation that the Indian Ocean Data Coverage (IODC) service previously operated by the now-decommissioned EUMETSAT Meteosat-7 satellite has been taken over by Meteosat-8 ensuring continuity of real-time sea level data for tsunami warnings; Notes with concern the instances of Tsunami Buoy Vandalism in the IOTWMS region; Notes the importance of seismic data for timely and accurate determination of tsunami threat by TSPs, and urges Member States, especially in the North West Indian Ocean, to provide all relevant real-time seismic data; Congratulates ICG/IOTWMS Member States for the success of the IOWave16 exercise in advancing tsunami readiness in the region by mobilizing 60,000 participants in community drills in 12 countries; Welcomes the establishment of a new ICG/IOTWMS Task Team on "Capacity Assessment of Tsunami Preparedness" to oversee capacity assessment of tsunami preparedness of IOTWMS Member States, develop guidelines for a Tsunami Ready programme in the Indian Ocean, guide pilot implementation and contribute to development of consistent global guidelines; III. Tsunami and Other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (CARIBE-EWS) Appreciates the efforts of the Government of Barbados for renewing the MOU to host the CTIC and appreciates those of the Executive Secretary to include support for the CTIC director position in Barbados in the IOC budget; Recognizes the potential benefit of high rate, real-time GNSS data to improve earthquake and tsunami detection and assessment, and welcomes the establishment of a dedicated Task Team on Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) under Working Group 1 on Monitoring and Detection Systems; Notes with interest the establishment of a Group of Experts (GoE) on Work and Implementation Plan to enhance the warning system by including other coastal hazards; Welcomes the establishment of a new ICG/CARIBE-EWS Tsunami Ready Task Team to support the piloting of the CARIBE-EWS Tsunami Ready guidelines and contribute to the development of consistent global guidelines that are harmonized between the ICGs; Notes the priority to create tsunami evacuation maps and welcomes the establishment of a joint Task Team of WorkingGroup 2 on Hazard Assessment and Working Group 4 on Public Awareness, Education and Resilience to improve capacity building in the region in order to have Tsunami Evacuation Maps for as many coastal communities as possible; Congratulates ICG/CARIBE-EWS Member States for the success of the CARIBEWave17 exercise in advancing tsunami readiness in the region by mobilizing over 740,000 participants, and notes that CARIBEWave18 will take place on Thursday, 15 March 2018 commencing at 1400 UTC with three scenarios for the Member States to choose from (Barbados, Colombia and Puerto Rico); IV. North-Eastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean and Connected Seas Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (NEAMTWS) Endorses the accreditation of the four TSPs in NEAMTWS (CENtre d'Alerte aux Tsunamis (France), Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e VulcanologiaCentro Allerta Terremoti (Italy), National Observatory of Athens (Greece) and Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute (Turkey); V. Working Group on Tsunamis and Other Hazards Related to Sea-Level Warning and Mitigation Systems (TOWS-WG) Encourages Member States to: sustain and increase technical and financial support of the tsunami warning systems in their respective regions; further promote tsunami awareness in communities and among authorities through communication and tsunami wave exercises, training, information, and community preparedness and recognition programmes; share Tsunami source scenario data as well sea level data relevant to tsunami detection and alerts; densify sea level networks particularly nearby tsunamigenic sources; extend exercises to community level and include critical infrastructure in exercises (e.g. hospitals, fire stations, police stations, electric power plants, airports, ports and harbours); Instructs ICGs to: consider piloting the CARIBE-EWS Tsunami Ready guidelines and report back to the TOWS-WG-XI with a view to develop harmonized consistent global guidelines; advocate World Tsunami Awareness Day (5 November) among Member States and advise them of the availability of material from the UNISDR in this regard, and share activities and materials with UNISDR and TICs; recommend TSPs and NTWCs to also use the Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) to facilitate warning messages to be consistently disseminated simultaneously over many warning communication systems to many applications; also recommend TSPs and NTWCs register with international register of alerting authorities through their WMO National Permanent Representative; review the educational strategy to address buoy vandalism developed by DBCP and consider contributing any education or outreach materials related to data buoy vandalism to the DBCP for inclusion in a tool kit of regionally relevant materials to counter vandalism; in line with IOC Assembly decision 8.2 at its 27th session, continue ICG/PTWS work on the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) to cover all aspects of the Tsunami Warning and Mitigation Systems, aligning as closely as possible with the Sendai Framework, and share it to the other ICGs for consideration by the Member States, and report back to TOWS-WG-XI with a view to establish global KPIs; encourage NTWCs disseminate tsunami bulletins to ports, harbours and other maritime authorities within their countries; share the results of Tsunami exercises and communication tests with WMO to facilitate improved performance of WMO related communication systems; Decides to: conduct a symposium on 1114 February 2018 in Paris on enhancing existing TSP and NTWC operational tsunami forecasting to further develop warning products and enhancing timely, accurate, reliable and effective decision-making and community response, involving experts from monitoring networks, seismology, tsunami forecast modelling and warning centres, maritime authorities, and national and local emergency management authorities with advice on product requirements; extend the tenure of TOWS and its Task Teams for another intersessional period with ToRs as given in IOC Resolution XXIV-14 [for TOWS-WG] and IOC/TOWS-WG-VI/3 [Annex II; for TTDMP] and ToRs for TTTWO as given in TOWS-WG-X. The representatives of __ Member States took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report: ___________. 8. ASSESSMENT AND INFORMATION FOR POLICY [Res.XXVII-2(B)] 8.1 REPORT OF THE IHO-IOC GEBCO GUIDING COMMITTEE [Rule of Procedure 48.3; IOC-XXVIII/Dec.6.2; EC-XLIX/Dec.4.3.3, 4.3.4] Information: GGS33/12Thirty-third Meeting of the GEBCO Guiding Committee, 13-14 October 2016, Valparaiso, ChileIOC/INF-1345GEBCO Guiding Committee Biennial Report for the period 20152017IHO Assembly Resolution PRO-11Improving the Availability of Bathymetric Data Worldwide DrShinTani, Chair of the GEBCO Guiding Committee, presented a report of activities for the period 20152017 (IOC/INF-1345). He reviewed the various activities undertaken by GEBCO and in particular highlighted the outcomes of Forum for Future Ocean Floor Mapping organized by the GEBCO Guiding Committee (GGC), and supported by the Nippon Foundation of Japan, held in Monaco on 1517 June 2016. The 150 participants attending the Forum concluded that the task of mapping the ocean floor involved a new structure for global coordination of mapping activities and gathering of all available depth measurements into a database for the compilation of a coherent bathymetric portrayal of the worlds ocean floor. Thus, bathymetric post-processing and analysis software, database technology, computing infrastructure and gridding techniques should be brought into the equation along with the latest developments in seafloor mapping methods. In response to these needs, the Chair of GEBCO Guiding Committee informed the Assembly of the development of a major GEBCO project entitled Seabed 2030 aimed at boosting ocean mapping activities globally, hence ensuring that all undersea features larger than 100m are mapped by 2030. This project proposal is currently being considered by the Nippon Foundation for initial funding. Finally, the Chair informed the Assembly that the GEBCO GC welcomed the outcome of the IOC GEBCO review, ultimately resulting in the re-engagement of IOC in GEBCO. He identified possible GEBCO activities to be funded through the IOC regular programme funds for the biennium 20182019. The IOC Technical Secretary informed the Assembly about the steps undertaken to establish an IOC Working Group on User Requirements and Contributions to GEBCO Products as instructed by Executive Council Decision EC-XLIX/4.4. The IHO Representative took the floor. He highlighted areas of cooperation with IOC, including under GEBCO and informed that IHO Member States adopted, at the 1st meeting of the IHO Assembly, a resolution on Improving the availability of bathymetric data worldwide. IOC-XXIX, Dec. 8.1 The Assembly, I. Improving the Availability of Bathymetric Data Worldwide Recalling Decision EC-XLIX/4.4 on the IOC Role in Support of the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO) Project, State of Progress in the Associated Review, Noting the adoption of IHO resolution on Improving the Availability of Bathymetric Data Worldwide (IHO-A1/PRO-11) by IHO Member States, Further Noting that the depth of a significant percentage of the worlds seas, oceans and waterways has yet to be measured directly, Stressing that bathymetric knowledge underpins the safe, sustainable, cost effective execution of almost every human activity in, on or under the sea, Acknowledging the relevance of bathymetry in the maritime aspects of the UNs 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals, the Paris Agreement under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 20152030, Recognizing the continued need for bathymetry products by the IOC scientific community and that access to high quality bathymetry is important not only for navigation but also for other purposes including ocean science, tsunami warning and preparedness and climate modelling, Also Noting that significant amounts of bathymetric data is collected by the scientific and commercial sector for purposes other than chart improvement, but is not easily made discoverable or available for secondary purposes, Welcomes the outcome of the Forum for Future Ocean Floor Mapping, (June 2016, Monaco) and subsequent development by the GEBCO Guiding Committee of the Seabed 2030 proposal for improving bathymetry globally; Further welcomes the support of IHO to collaborate with IOC in the development and implementation of the International Decade of Ocean Sciences for Sustainable Development, including in areas related to ocean mapping; Encourages IOC Member States to consider contributing to mechanisms that encourage the widest possible availability of all bathymetric data, so as to support the sustainable development, management and governance of the marine environment, including through: continued support for the IHO-IOC GEBCO project [and the IHO Data Centre for Digital Bathymetry]; encouraging the scientific and the commercial sector to identify and, wherever possible, make available for secondary use, data collected or being collected for a specific scientific or commercial purpose; encouraging supplementary methods for collecting bathymetric data, including, but not limited to, crowd-sourced bathymetry, satellite derived bathymetry, and the use of autonomous vehicles for the collection of environmental data including bathymetry. II. IHO-IOC GEBCO Guiding Committee Having examined documents GGS33/12 and IOC/INF-1345 that report on the activity of the GGC during the intersessional period, Recalling Decision EC-XLIX/4.4 on the IOC Role in Support of the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO) Project, State of Progress in the Associated Review, Takes note of the report of the Thirty-third Meeting of the GEBCO Guiding Committee and GEBCO Guiding Committee Biennial Report for the period 20152017; Welcomes the establishment of the IOC Working Group on user requirements and contributions to GEBCO products, and requests the Working Group to provide its assessment report to the IOC Executive Council at its 51st session; Encourages Member States to support GEBCO activities and facilitate GEBCO capacity development including training opportunities. The representatives of __ Member States took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report: ___________. 8.2 CONTRIBUTION TO THE SECOND CYCLE OF THE UNITED NATIONS WORLD OCEAN ASSESSMENT (WOA-II) [EC-XLIX/Dec.4.3.2] Working document: IOC-XXIX/2Annex 13Contribution to the Second Cycle of the United Nations World Ocean Assessment (WOA-II) MrAlan Simcock, joint coordinator of the Group of Expert of World Ocean Assessment briefed the Assembly on the steps undertaken to launch the second cycle of the WOA. The 1st World Ocean Assessment report under the United Nations was finalized in December 2015 and released in January 2016. Hundreds of scientists from many countries, representing various disciplines and steered by a 22-member Group of Experts, examined the state of knowledge of the worlds ocean and the ways in which humans benefit from and affect it. IOC contributed to this effort by providing scientific and technical support throughout this five-year process. In December 2016, the UN General Assembly (UNGA) following the recommendations of the Ad Hoc Working Group of Whole decided to launch a new cycle of assessment (20162020). The UNGA established a new Group of Experts to carry out the assessment, building on an international pool of experts. It also called for: (i) the appointment of national focal points to facilitate the implementation of the programme of work of the second cycle of the Regular Process, in particular with respect to the nomination process for additional experts to the Pool of Experts; (ii) the swift communication between the scientific community, the Group of Experts, the Pool of Experts, the Bureau and the secretariat of the Regular Process, as well as (iii) awareness-raising matters. In the second half of 2017, under the Regular Process, the organization of five regional workshops is foreseen with a view to building capacity, supporting the development of assessment(s) and facilitating outreach and awareness-raising. IOC-XXIX, Dec. 8.2 Contribution to the Second Cycle of the United Nations World Ocean Assessment The Assembly, Having examined IOC-XXIX/2 Annex 13, Take notes of the invitation of the UN General Assembly to IOC and other UN bodies to assist in the implementation of the second cycle of the Regular Process with regard to the following activities: awareness-raising; the identification of experts for the Pool of Experts; technical and scientific support to the Bureau and the Group of Experts; hosting workshops and meetings of the writing teams; capacity-building and the scoping process for the assessment(s) of the second cycle; Requests the IOC Executive Secretary to provide technical and scientific support to the second cycle of the Regular Process in accordance with the guidance of the Ad Hoc Working Group of the Whole; Urges IOC Member States to engage in the activities of the World Ocean Assessment, including through participation at the meetings of the adhoc Working Group of the Whole, and the five regional workshops foreseen in the second half of 2017; and Encourages the Commission to continue to support the scientific assessments of the ocean as a mean to improve the science-policy interface. The representatives of __ Member States took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report: ___________. 9. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND GOVERNANCE [Res.XXVII-2(B)] 9.1 OUTCOME OF THE UN SDG14 CONFERENCE: CONTRIBUTION TO THE AGENDA 2030, UN CONFERENCE ON SDG 14 IMPLEMENTATION, AND THE SDG INDICATORS REVIEW PROCESS [Rule of Procedure 8(1g)] Working document: IOC-XXIX/2Annex 14IOC Custodianship of SDG 14 IndicatorsInformation: IOC/INF-1346Outcome of the UN SDG14 Conference: Contribution to the Agenda 2030, UN Conference on SDG14 Implementation (June 2017), and the SDG Indicators Review Process The IOC Executive Secretary or Head of Marine Policy and Regional Coordination introduced this item by recalling that the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by UN Member States in 2015, and in particular the Sustainable Development Goal14, constitutes an essential point of reference for IOCs engagement with its Member States as well as for its programmatic presence at the global, regional and country levels. Several targets of SDG14 are directly relevant to the work of IOC, particularly in the areas of marine pollution, ocean acidification, ecosystem-based management, as well as marine research capacity and transfer of marine technology, as a cross-cutting element to all SDG14 targets. SDG13 related to climate change is also highly relevant to IOCs work. He recalled that the Commission is also playing an active role in the definition of a global SDG indicator framework for specific targets, primarily targets 14.3, and 14.A where it is identified as the UN custodian agency by the Inter-agency and Expert Group on SDG Indicators (IAEG-SDGs). The SDG indicator framework is the mechanism by which Member States will report national implementation of all SDG targets to the UN. Workplans on the development of related indicators have been prepared by IOC and submitted to the IAEG-SDG at its 4th meeting in Geneva, in November 2016. Under this custodianship role, IOC will need to further develop the indicator methodology and underlying data standards for these two targets, before the indicators are operational and routinely measured by Member States for SDG reporting, using possibly IODE national mechanism. Document IOC-XXIX/2Annex14 provides the indicator methodology and workplans for operationalising global reporting under related targets 14.3 and 14.A. The Executive Secretary then reported on the outcome of the high-level United Nations Conference to Support the Implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14, convened at United Nations Headquarters in New York from 5 to 9 June 2017. The Conference adopted by consensus an intergovernmentally agreed declaration in the form of a "Call for Action" to support the implementation of Goal 14. IOC contributed to the Conference through several side events, the formulation of voluntary commitments related to ocean observation, ocean acidification, capacity development and transfer of marine technology, marine spatial planning and the launch of flagship products such as the Global Ocean Science Report and World Ocean Day portal. IOC-XXIX, Dec. 9.1 Contribution to the Outcome of the UN SDG14 Conference and SDG Indicator Process The Assembly, Having examined IOC-XXIX/2Annex14 and IOC/INF-1346, Recalling Decision EC-XLIX/4.1 defining strategic contributions of IOC to the implementation of 2030 Agenda and SDG process, Welcomes the outcome of the United Nations Conference to Support the Implementation of Sustainable Development Goal14, held in New York on 59 June 2017 and the active participation of IOC Officers and Secretariat in its preparation and proceedings; Takes note of the Call for Action adopted by the UN Conference, and in particular of the provisions related to marine scientific research and capacity development as a guiding framework for the development of the proposed International Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development; Further takes note of the role of IOC as a custodian agency for specific SDG14 indicators, particularly under targets 14.3 and 14.a); Endorses the proposed methodology for indicators under 14.3 and 14.A as presented in document IOC-XXIX/2Annex14. The representatives of __ Member States took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report: ___________. 9.2 IOC RELEVANT ISSUES RELATED TO THE UNITED NATIONS PREPARATORY COMMITTEE ON THE CONSERVATION AND SUSTAINABLE USE OF BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY IN AREAS BEYOND NATIONAL JURISDICTION (BBNJ PrepCom) [EC-XLIX/Dec.4.3.3] Working document: IOC-XXIX/2Annex 15 Report from the IOC intersessional working group on the IOC relevant issues related to the United Nations Preparatory Committee established by UN General Assembly Resolution 69/292Information: IOC/INF-1347IOC Report on capacity development and transfer of marine technology to 4th UN Preparatory Committee related to BBNJ--United Nations Preparatory Committee (PrepCom) on BBNJ Chairs overview of the Third session of the Preparatory Committee MrAriel Troisi (Argentina), IOC Vice-chair, introduced this item. He reported on the recent developments related to the negotiations of a new legally-binding instrument to conserve and sustainably use marine biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction (the High Seas and the Area) under the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). The new instrument currently under negotiation will address environmental impact assessments and area-based management tools, including the establishment of marine protected areas. It will also provide a governance mechanism that regulates access to and benefit sharing derived from marine genetic resources. Capacity development and transfer of marine technology are also being considered to serve all its future Parties including developing countries. He recalled that at its 49th session, the IOC Executive Council decided to establish an intersessional working group on the IOC relevant issues related to the United Nations Preparatory Committee (PrepCom) on BBNJ, tasked to examine the possible contribution of IOC and inform the participation of IOC representative at these Prepcom meetings. The Vice-chair reported on the outcome of the second and third meetings of the Preparatory Committee (PrepCom) respectively held on 29 August7 September 2016 and 27 March7 April 2017. The IOC Officers (Chair and Vice-chairs) and the Secretariat attended both meetings. Two side-events were organized by IOC, respectively on: (i) Capacity Building and Transfer of Marine Technology (TMT) (Prepcom 2, 29 August 2016); and (ii) the Contribution of Science and the Transfer of Marine Technology to the Implementation of a Potential BBNJ Instrument (Prepcom 3, 3 April 2017). Many items currently under discussion in the PrepCom touch on several areas of IOCs competency, particularly the use of the best available scientific information as the basis for management decisions and conservation policies, the application of IOC Criteria and Guidelines for the Transfer of Marine Technology (TMT) as a guiding principle as well as the potential contribution of the Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS) as an effective global platform for the sharing of research data and information. At Prepcom 3, UN Member States requested IOC to prepare a report for consideration by the 4th Prepcom (1021 July 2017) focusing on existing IOC activities in relation to capacity development and transfer of marine technology and future plans in these areas, particularly in relation to the establishment of a clearing house mechanism for TMT. A report (IOC/INF-1347) was prepared by the Secretariat and reviewed by the IOC Intersessional Working Group before its submission to the Chairperson of the Prepcom in June 2017, ahead of the 4th Preparatory Committee (1020 July 2017). IOC-XXIX, Dec. 9.2 IOC Relevant Issues Related to the United Nations Preparatory Committee on the Conservation and Sustainable use of Biological Diversity in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction The Assembly, Having examined IOC-XXIX/2Annex 15 and IOC/INF-1347, Takes note of and welcomes the active role of the Commission in the United Nations Preparatory Committee established by UNGA Resolution 69/292, particularly in areas related to marine scientific research, capacity development and transfer of marine technology, as well as to data and information management; Invites IOC Member States to support the role of the Commission and its possible contributions in the meetings of the Preparatory Committee (PrepCom) and related Intergovernmental Conference to be potentially held in 2018, by integrating, as far as possible, these elements into their preparation and statements; Decides to re-conduct the intersessional working group on the IOC relevant issues related to the United Nations Preparatory Committee, established by Decision EC-XLIX/4.3.3, with the same terms of reference, and to report back to the IOC Executive Council at the 51st session; and Requests the IOC Executive Secretary, or the IOC Chair, or a designated IOC Officer to represent the IOC in the sessions of the Preparatory Committee on behalf of the IOC. The representatives of __ Member States took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report: ___________. 9.3 INTEGRATED COASTAL AREA MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME (ICAM) STRATEGY IMPLEMENTATION [IOC-XXVI/Dec. 8.2] Working document: IOC-XXIX/2Annex 16 Progress in the implementation of the Integrated Coastal Area Management (ICAM) Strategy, including marine spatial planning and Large Marine EcosystemsInformation: --Joint Roadmap to accelerate Maritime/Marine Spatial Planning processes worldwide (MSP): Conclusion of the 2nd International Conference on Marine/Maritime Spatial, 1517 March 2017 In accordance with IOC-XXVIII/Decision10.2, MrAlejandroIglesias-Campos, ICAM Technical Secretary, introduced this item and provided a progress report on the implementation of the ICAM Strategy, covering activities that are being developed in the field of Marine Spatial Planning (MSP), coastal hazards mitigation, large marine ecosystems and decision-support tools for coastal and ocean management. He highlighted the work that IOC is leading in supporting ecosystem-based management practices and highlighted the outcome of the second international conference on marine spatial planning, organized jointly with the European Commission at UNESCO in March 2017. In order to move forward the global ocean agenda, and in particular, the promotion of marine spatial planning at global level, both institutions launched a Joint Roadmap defining the priority areas and strategic objectives for mutual cooperation. This roadmap encourages the development of MSP in all seas and oceans with the objective to triple the area of territorial waters benefiting from MSP by 2030, hence reaching a coverage of one third of the total surface area of waters under national jurisdictions. The joint Roadmap was put forward to the UN Ocean Conference as voluntary commitment. The Technical Secretary recalled that the Government of Flanders/Belgium approved a third phase of the SPINCAM project (20172019) dedicated to the integrated approach to coastal and marine ecosystems for sustainable blue growth in the Southeast Pacific. The Inception Workshop and Steering Committee of SPINCAMIII took place in Panama City, on 2931 May 2017 and approved a two-year workplan. He finally recalled the role of IOC in providing technical support to the community of Large Marine Ecosystems (LME) projects funded by the Global Environment Facility. Since 2016, a dedicated project coordination unit has been established at IOC (3 professionals and 1 Administrative assistant) to facilitate the sharing of knowledge amongst LME projects related to transboundary water management, the building of technical capacity, as well as supporting South-to-South and North-to-South cooperation through effective regional networks of marine practitioners. Finally, the Technical Secretary suggested modifying the ICAM Strategic Objectives as reflected in Document IOC-XXIX/2Annex18 so as to better reflect the evolving needs of Member States in the field of ICAM. IOC-XXIX, Dec. 9.3 Integrated Coastal Area Management Programme (ICAM) Strategy Implementation The Assembly, Reminding IOC-XXVIII/Decision 10.2, Having examined Document IOC-XXIX/2 Annex 16, Takes note of the progress in implementing the IOC Integrated Coastal Area Management (ICAM) Strategy, including activities related to marine spatial planning and large marine ecosystems, and of the reformulation of the ICAM Strategic Objectives; Welcomes the Joint Roadmap launched by the IOC Secretariat and the European Commission to accelerate Marine/Maritime Spatial Planning processes worldwide; Expresses its deep appreciation to the Kingdom of Belgium (Government of Flanders) for the continuous support to the ICAM Programme through the SPINCAM Project, Phase3 (20172019) and the extra-budgetary resources provided for the organization of the 2nd International Conference on Marine/Maritime Spatial Planning; Further expresses its appreciation to the European Commissions Directorate General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries for the jointly organized 2nd International Conference on Marine/Maritime Spatial Planning, the Joint Roadmap to accelerate Marine/Maritime Spatial Planning processes worldwide and the joint voluntary commitments to the Ocean Conference; Invites Member States to support through extra-budgetary resources, as well as in-kind contributions, the ICAM Strategy and relevant initiatives related to integrated coastal area management, coastal hazards mitigation, marine spatial planning, sustainable blue growth and large marine ecosystems. The representatives of __ Member States took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report: ___________. 10. CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT [Res.XXVII-2(B)] 10.1 CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY: IMPLEMENTATION PLAN [Res. IOC-XXVIII-2] Working document: IOC-XXIX/2Annex 17 Parts 1 & 2IOC Capacity Development Strategy, 20152021 and its Implementation Plan: Status Report MrPeter Pissierssens, IOC Capacity Development Coordinator introduced this item. He recalled that the IOC Capacity Development Strategy 20152021 was published in 2015 (IOC/INF-1332) and a dedicated IOC website was launched in April 2016 ( HYPERLINK "http://www.ioc-cd.org" http://www.ioc-cd.org). The website provides information on the strategy and offers links to capacity development opportunities offered worldwide. Member States contribute information on CD-related opportunities and activities and promote nationally the subscription to the sites new mailing list system. Japan provided a 3-month internship (November 2016January 2017) to assist with entering information in the website. In order to assist with the implementation of the IOC Capacity Development (CD) Strategy, an IOC Capacity Development Fund was launched in September 2016 as a resource mobilization mechanism. The Fund is intended to enable Member States to financially support very specific activities with a strong capacity development focus such as training courses, equipment provision, expert missions or any other activity responding to the Strategy outputs. In order to provide the highest possible flexibility, the maximum budget of each proposal is set to $100,000. Proposals were invited from the IOC regional and technical subsidiary bodies. The list of proposals is open to additions any time and Member States are invited to check the list regularly on the new CD website (Fund Proposals). Regrettably, no Member States have come forward to fund any of the proposals at this date. MrPissierssens recalled that Resolution XXVIII-2 by which the CD Strategy was adopted also called to develop programmatic and regionally relevant capacity development work plans based on this strategy. In this regard, Mr Pissierssens noted that the work plans of the global programmes and regional sub-commissions are drafted at their respective governing bodies, which meet too close of the Assembly to allow a complete review of the CD elements in 2017. Instead it was decided to: (i) request each global programme and regional sub-commission/committee to provide information on how they currently address the six outputs of the strategy; (ii) identify gaps where an output, activity or action is currently not addressed; and (iii) identify (first attempt) efforts and associated resource requirements to address the gaps. The results of this study are set out in document IOC-XXIX/2Annex 16 (Parts 1 and 2). Remedial actions for both the global and regional programmes are recommended. The document also compares the IOC CD Strategy outputs with the IOC Criteria and Guidelines on the Transfer of Marine Technology defined in 2005 (IOC/INF-1203) noting that a number of required tools have already been developed. The document notes that IOC CD coordination is currently resourced by 20% full-time equivalent of the Head, IOC Project Office for IODE, assisted by the IODE training coordinator. This level of support is insufficient to ensure the required tasks. IOC-XXIX, Dec. 10.1 IOC Group of Experts on Capacity Development The Assembly, Recognizing the importance of Capacity Development as one of the six functions of the IOC Medium-Term Strategy (20142021), enabling all Member States to participate in, and benefit from, ocean research and services that are vital to sustainable development and human welfare on the planet, Recalling the adoption, at its 28th Session, of the IOC Capacity Development Strategy (20152021), Welcoming the contributions of its Member States towards capacity development at the global and regional level through financial and in-kind contributions, Stressing the need to share, across programmes and regions, experience and expertise in capacity development, and to coordinate efforts to increase efficiency and maximize impact, Establishes the IOC Group of Experts on Capacity Development with the following terms of reference: assist global and regional programmes with the implementation of capacity development needs assessments in a consistent manner; assist global and regional programmes with the development of programmatic and regionally relevant capacity development work plans based on the IOC CD strategy and related needs assessments, building on ongoing activities and making use of existing training and education facilities; assist with the mobilization of financial and in-kind resources to enable the implementation of global and regional capacity development work plans; provide advice to global and regional programmes on relevant methods and tools to improve the quality and impact of CD efforts; advise the Assembly on, and start implementation of, the Transfer of Marine Technology Clearing House Mechanism (CHM) as requested by the IOC Criteria and Guidelines on the Transfer of Marine Technology (IOC/INF-1203), making use, to the largest extent possible, of existing data and information systems already available at IOC; Invites Member States to nominate suitable candidate members for the Group; Instructs the Group to report to each session of the Assembly; Decides to allocate resources in the IOC Programme and Budget draft resolution XXIX-(11.1) to cover a meeting of the group per biennium ($30,000). The representatives of __ Member States took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report: ___________. 11. ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT [Statutes Art. 6B] 11.1 REPORT BY THE CHAIRPERSON OF THE FINANCIAL COMMITTEE [Statutes Art.1.2] Working documents:IOC-XXIX/2Annex 1 Report of the IOC Executive Secretary on the work accomplished since the previous session (July 2016May 2017)IOC-XXIX/2 Annex 2Report on budget execution 2016 and outline of 2017 budgetIOC-XXIX/2Annex 5Draft Programme and Budget for 20182021 (Draft 39 C/5)IOC-XXIX/2Annex 6Update to the Introduction of the IOC Medium-Term Strategy (20142021)IOC-XXIX/2Annex 3IOC audit by external auditor of UNESCO: draft implementation planIOC-XXIX/2 Annex 3 Addendum 2Ocean data and Information System Concept Paper Summary (IOC External Audit Rec.15)IOC-XXIX/2Annex 4Report of the Chairperson of the Executive Council Working Group on the Recommendations on Governance, Working Methods and Procedures of the CommissionReport: IOC/IODE-XXIV/3Summary Report of the Twenty-fourth Session of the IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange, 2428 March 2017, Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaInformation:Pending documentRecommendations from Sub-group 2 of the open-ended working group on governance, procedures and methods of work of the governing bodies of UNESCO (to be confirmed after its 9 June meeting) The Chair of the Financial Committee and Vice-Chair of IOC Ariel H. Troisi reported to the Assembly on the results of the Committees examination of a particularly large number of items entrusted to it by the plenary in addition to the statutory ones foreseen in the Rule of Procedure8.1(c). He informed that the Financial Committee had several very productive meetings and thanked the Member States that participated in its consensual in-depth discussions in the spirit of constructive collaboration. He then made a detailed presentation of the draft resolution prepared by the Financial Committee for consideration by the Assembly. The Assembly expressed its high appreciation to Vice-Chair Ariel Troisi for his extremely efficient and inclusive way of directing the work of the Financial Committee, allowing the Committee to accomplish its challenging task in a short period of time. The representatives of __ Member States took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report: ___________. The Assembly adopted Resolution XXIX-(11.1) submitted by ... Draft Resolution XXIX-(11.1) Financial Matters of the Commission The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, [Draft Resolution to be finalised prepared during the session] 11.2 ELECTIONS OF THE OFFICERS OF THE COMMISSIONAND MEMBERS OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL [Statutes Art.6.B.5 and 7; Annex I to the Rules of Procedure] Information: IOC-XXIX/NOM/Inf.1Updated listing of the IOC electoral groups and listing of the distribution of seats on the Executive Council among the electoral groupsIOC-XXIX/NOM/1List of candidates for ElectionsIOC-XXIX/NOM/2Report of the Chair of the Nominations Committee The Chair of the Nominations Committee reported on this item (IOC-XXIX/NOM/2). He/She informed the Assembly The membership of the Executive Council for the next intersessional period and the 30th session of the Assembly is given in Annex ____ to the present report. 11.2.1 Election of the Chairperson of the Commission 11.2.2 Election of the Vice-Chairpersons of the Commission 11.2.3 Election of the Members of the Executive Council IOC-XXIX, Dec.11.2 IOC Elections 2017 The Assembly, I. Election of the Chair of the Commission Taking note that: Elects __________ (country) II. Election of the Vice-chairs of the Commission Taking note that: Elects __________ (country) (Group 1) __________ (country) (Group 2) __________ (country) (Group 3) __________ (country) (Group 4) __________ (country) (Group 5) Election of the Members of the Executive Council Taking note that: Elects _____________ 11.3 INFORMATION ON FUTURE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY SELECTION PROCESS [Rule of Procedure 8(1g); IOC/EC-XLVII/3 (Item 5)] Information: IOC/INF-1316Consultation for the appointment of the Executive Secretary of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO: process for the establishment of a short list of applicants for submission to the Director-General of UNESCO The IOC Chairperson introduced this item. The incumbent Executive Secretary has been in the position since March 2015. His statutory retirement age is approaching (May 2018) subject to the decision of the Director-General or the next Director-General (after November 2017) on any extensions that may apply. Article 8.2 of the IOC Statutes states that The Executive Secretary of the Commission, at the level of Assistant Director-General, shall be appointed by the Director-General of UNESCO following consultation with the Executive Council of the Commission. Timely preparations are required to start a potential recruitment process which will also include a consultative vote in an in-camera session of the Executive Council. In a parallel development, the UN General Assembly has decided in its resolution 70/244 (23 December 2015) that the mandatory age of separation for staff recruited before 1st January 2014 should be raised by the Organization of the United Nations common system to 65 years of age at the latest by 1st January 2018, taking into account the acquired rights of staff. For this to take effect in UNESCO, approval is required by the UNESCO General Conference. It is presently understood that the topic of raising the statutory staff retirement age will be on the agenda for the 39th session of the UNESCO General Conference (30 October14November 2017, Paris). The issues mentioned above will first be clarified later in the year. While there is precedence for IOC Executive Secretaries to serve beyond the age of 62, the Assembly may consider it prudent to clarify the procedure for consultation with the Director-General on the appointment of a future Executive Secretary of the Commission. Document IOC/INF-1316 describes the recruitment and consultation process followed in 1997, 2009 and 2014. In brief, the process is as follows: Following the advertisement/ announcement of the position of Executive Secretary and the reception of applications by an established deadline, a pre-screening of received applicants is carried out by UNESCO HRM. Subsequently, all relevant applications are evaluated by a pre-selection committee, and the list of retained candidates is forwarded to the Executive Council. At an in-camera session of the IOC Executive Council each Member State votes in a secret ballot for three candidates in order of preference. A shortened list of candidates for submission to the Director-General is then established based on the highest scored candidates. At the 47th session of the IOC Executive Council (2014), it was recommended to clarify two paragraphs and state the exact number of candidates on the shortened list to be submitted to the Director-General. Paragraphs 4 and 14 of IOC/INF-1316 presently states that the shortened list for submission to the Director General be preferably up to six candidates. IOC-XXIX, Dec. 11.3 Information on Future Executive Secretary Selection Process The Assembly, Having examined document IOC/INF-1316, Decides to amend paragraphs 4 and 14 of IOC/INF-1316 to read: Paragraph 4: In the next stage the IOC Executive Council will, through secret ballot, establish a shortened list of six applicants for submission to the Director-General of UNESCO. Paragraph 14: After counting is complete, the Chairperson will provide to the incamera session an alphabetic short list of the six highest scored applicants to be submitted to the Director-General. Requests the secretariat to revise IOC/INF-1316 accordingly. The representatives of __ Member States took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report: ___________. 11.4 30th SESSION OF THE ASSEMBLYAND 51st AND 52nd SESSIONS OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL [Statutes, Art. C.7; Rule of procedure 19.2] Report: IOC/EC-L/3sExecutive Summary Report of the Fiftieth Session of the IOC Executive Council, Paris, 20 June 2017References:IOC/EC-XLIX/3Report of the Forty-Ninth Session of the IOC Executive Council, Paris, 710 June 2016IOC-XXVIII/3Report of the Twenty-eighth Session of the IOC Assembly, Paris, 1825 June 2015  Dr Ryabinin reminded the Assembly of the recommendations of the Executive Council, acting as the Steering Committee for this Assembly, on the dates of the 51st session of the Council in 2018 and duration of the 30th session of the Assembly in 2019 taking into account scheduled or anticipated dates of major international commitments of the oceanographic communities and IOCs partners as well as possible major celebrations days that would prevent some delegates to fully participate in the work of the governing bodies in June 2018 and 2019. The Chairman opened the discussion on the question whether the format of the Ocean Science Day during an assembly that was inaugurated in 2015 should be maintained in 2019. A list of proposal for future IOC Memorial Lectures and lecturers was presented. IOC-XXIX, Dec.11.4 Dates and Places of next Sessions of the Executive Council and Assembly The Assembly, Recalling the recommendations of the Executive Council at its 50th session (EC-L, Dec.__.), Decides to hold: The 51st session of the Executive Council for X.X days in UNESCO Headquarters, Paris over the period of XX June XX July 2018, The 30th session of the Assembly for a duration to be decided, at a place to be decided, over the period to be decided in June 2019, preceded by a one-day session of the Executive Council acting as the steering committee of the Assembly [and an Ocean Science Day]; Calls on the Member States to consider the possibility of providing voluntary extrabudgetary contributions to allow their effective organization. The representatives of __ Member States took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report: ___________. 12. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTIONS AND SUMMARY REPORT [Pending text] IOC-XXIX, Dec. 12 Adoption of the summary report and resolutions The Assembly, Adopts the Draft Summary Report for the present session; Requests the Executive Secretary to circulate the summary report to Member States within one month after the closure of the session and to inform the Officers of the results of the evaluation questionnaire in order to pursue the reflection on this issue. or 1bis Decides to defer the adoption of the Draft Summary Report to be completed by correspondence within one month; Identifies areas of improvements for governing body session working arrangements as follows: 13. CLOSURE The Assembly met in plenary session during __ days from ___ June 2017, considered __ items on its agenda and approved __ decisions and ___ resolutions. The plenary meeting was supported by some ___ preparatory meetings and ___ information side meetings during the session. The Chair of the Commission closed the 29th Session of the Assembly at __ on ___ 2017.      IOC-XXIV/2 Page  PAGE 2 Restricted Distribution IOC-XXIX/2 Prov. Paris, 14 June 2017 Original: English  INTERGOVERNMENTAL OCEANOGRAPHIC COMMISSION (of UNESCO) Twenty-ninth Session of the Assembly UNESCO, Paris, 2129 June 2017 Covers all items of the Revised Provisional Agenda PROVISIONAL action paper IOC-XXIX/2 Prov. page  PAGE 64 IOC-XXIX/2 Prov. page  PAGE 3 IOC-XXIX/2 Prov. page  PAGE 63 This Action Paper provides the information necessary for effective participation in the discussion of the agenda items. This information includes: (i) identification of relevant documentation; (ii) identification, under each substantive agenda item, of the issue before the Assembly and the expected decision or draft resolution when available to date; (iii) background information (if the relevant background includes a separate document, it is issued as an Annex to the Action Paper). This Action Paper provides also the basis of the draft summary report of the session. It is written in past tense to streamline the reporting process. A summary of the discussion that led to decisions under each agenda item will be prepared by the Secretariat and the Rapporteur and will complete the draft summary report. Draft decisions and resolutions are proposed in the document in order to focus the discussion on decisions during the discussion of each agenda item without prejudice to the prerogatives any Member State, partner organization, Officer or the Executive Secretary.    #$;<ê|gR=,= hLnyhkCJOJQJ^JaJ)jhLnyhkCJOJQJU^JaJ)hvh)B*CJOJQJ^JaJph)hvhW(B*CJOJQJ^JaJph)hvh)B*CJOJQJ^JaJph0hvh)5B*CJKHOJQJ^JaJph0hvh7y5B*CJKHOJQJ^JaJphhvhm}B*phhm}B*phhL>yB*phh5B*phh)B*ph"jhvh)B*CJUph   #J 5  &  X210 $ (#a$gd)$a$<=>Z[\]`ahijժՋybyHb9bh^CJOJQJ^JaJ2j}hLnyhkCJOJQJU^JaJ,jhLnyhkCJOJQJU^JaJ#hLnyhkCJOJQJ^JaJ=hLnyhk5CJOJPJQJ\^JaJhmHnHsH tH3jhLnyhk0J8CJOJQJU^JaJ hLnyhkCJOJQJ^JaJ$hLnyhk0J8CJOJQJ^JaJ-jhLnyhk0J8CJOJQJU^JaJ λsYsJsΜ=4- hLnyhkhLnyhk0J8jhLnyhk0J8Uh^CJOJQJ^JaJ2jwhLnyhkCJOJQJU^JaJ,jhLnyhkCJOJQJU^JaJ#hLnyhkCJOJQJ^JaJ=hLnyhk5CJOJPJQJ\^JaJhmHnHsH tH$hLnyhk0J8CJOJQJ^JaJ-jhLnyhk0J8CJOJQJU^JaJ3jhLnyhk0J8CJOJQJU^JaJ   ( ) * D E F G H I J K L h i j k o p rbjhLnyhk0J8UjkhLnyhkUjhLnyhk0J8U hLnyhk h^jqhLnyhkUjhLnyhkUhLnyhk,hLnyhkB*PJhmHnHphsH tHjhLnyhk0J8UjhLnyhk0J8UhLnyhk0J8&     / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S T U V Y Z ķħķ{d-jhLnyhk0J8CJOJQJU^JaJj_hLnyhkUjhLnyhk0J8U hLnyhk h^jehLnyhkUjhLnyhkUhLnyhk h?i0J8,hLnyhkB*PJhmHnHphsH tHhLnyhk0J8jhLnyhk0J8U$        «zczIc:ch^CJOJQJ^JaJ2jYhLnyhkCJOJQJU^JaJ,jhLnyhkCJOJQJU^JaJ#hLnyhkCJOJQJ^JaJ=hLnyhk5CJOJPJQJ\^JaJhmHnHsH tH-jhLnyhk0J8CJOJQJU^JaJ3jhLnyhk0J8CJOJQJU^JaJ hLnyhkCJOJQJ^JaJ$hLnyhk0J8CJOJQJ^JaJ   6 7 8 9 < = j k l    ! 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