ࡱ> k0123Z[\ I [ bjbj** pHbHb/v(v(56666$B6B6B6P69 B6w|FG:PGPGPGIHI J{{{{{{{${1|6JII"JJ|66PGPG41|UUUJ6PG6PG{UJ{UUhjPGPW_!Klpi{G|0w|inRF,jj^6n JJUJJJJJ||UJJJw|JJJJJJJJJJJJJv(N 4: Summary This document contains the Secretariats proposal of the Draft 39C/5, which builds on the preliminary draft reviewed by the IOC Executive Council at is 49th session in June 2016 and Resolution EC-XLIX.2. This proposal also reflects the priorities and guidelines agreed by the IOC Governing Bodies, the Executive Roadmap Future of the IOC and the recommendations of the External Auditor of UNESCO in his report on the audit of the Commission conducted in April 2016 (200EX/20.INF.2). Decision: Following an introduction by the Executive Secretary, this document will be examined by the statutory open-ended Financial Committee and the decision reflected in the draft resolution that the Financial Committee will be submitting for adoption by the Assembly in accordance with paragraph 15 of the  HYPERLINK "http://www.ioc-unesco.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=9281" Revised guidelines for the preparation and consideration of draft resolutions (IOC/INF-1315). Introduction The present proposal for the Draft Programme and Budget for 2018-2021 (39C/5) covers the second and final quandrennium of the Medium-Term Strategy for 2014-2021. It is consistent with the guiding principles, mission and vision statement, functions, high-level and strategic objectives and global priorities defined therein. The IOCs work and competences are in high demand. On UNESCOs 39C/5 questionnaire more than 50% of responding Member States placed SDG14 on Ocean and SDG13 on Climate Change among the five highest priorities. The Commission has undertaken an extensive mapping exercise, linking key aspects of its mandate and core functions to the new international strategic frameworks and the current proposal for the IOC Draft Programme and Budget for 2018-2021. This exercise also builds on the priorities and guidelines agreed by the IOC Governing Bodies, including the June 2016 review by the IOC Executive Council at its 49th session of the Strategic Results Report, the Executive Roadmap Future of the IOC, and the recommendations of the External Auditor of UNESCO in his report on the audit of IOC conducted in April 2016. The proposal was subject to an in-depth discussion by the IOC Officers at their annual meeting in Paris, from 16 to 18 January 2017. It further benefitted from the co-design approach to programming through integration of regional priorities into global programmes objectives established in consultation with IOCs Regional Subsidiary Bodies. In preparing the proposal, the Secretariats intention was to sharpen its action and to fully reflect the critical intergovernmental value of the IOC to its communities of stakeholders. Following the decisions of the IOC Executive Council in June 2016, endorsed by the UNESCO Executive Board in October 2016, the IOC is for the first time presented in a stand-alone chapter of the  HYPERLINK "http://unesdoc.unesco.org/ulis/cgi-bin/ulis.pl?lin=1&catno=247747" UNESCO Programme and Budget 39C/5 document, thus highlighting its specific functioning, intervention modalities and key role in the achievement of the SDG 14 on Ocean. In accordance with UNESCO Member States decisions, the Programme and Budget proposals submitted to the 201st session of the Executive Board contain two scenarios: one based on the regular budget of $667M for UNESCO ($14.5M for IOC) and one based on the regular budget of $653M for UNESCO ($13.9M for IOC). These are presented in Part I of this document. In addition, two corresponding expenditure plans are prepared based on the expected assessed contributions for 2018-2019: one based on regular budget of $518M for UNESCO ($10.7M for IOC) and one based on regular budget of $507M for UNESCO ($10.2M for IOC). These are presented in Part II of this document. In order to clarify the budgetary information provided further in this document, the table and charts below offer a simple comparison between the current 2016-2017 biennium and the proposals for 2018-2019, in terms of regular budget allocations.    For the first time as well, in compliance with UNESCO Member States decisions, UNESCOs and therefore IOCs C/5 Budget is based on an Integrated Budget Framework, allowing greater transparency of resources and helping to align resources with the collectively decided priorities. This is intended to facilitate the Structured Financing Dialogue, which has already largely been taking place as regards IOC with the endorsement by its Governing Bodies of the Complementary Additional Programme of Extrabudgetary Resources, along with the regular budget and special account allocations. The new approach should further bring together Member States and the Secretariat, to jointly ensure the funding necessary for the implementation of the programme and achievement of the expected results, including, but not limited to, the opportunities offered by Article 10.4 of the IOC Statutes. At the date of the preparation of this document, the amount of extrabudgetary funding in-hand or firmly committed through signed agreements, is of $4,800,000. The Secretariat has defined extrabudgetary targets representing the funding it ambitions to raise for each of the four budgetary scenario. The difference between these extrabudgetary targets and the funds already in-hand or firmly committed represents the gap in funding that will guide the Commissions resource mobilisation efforts. The tables and charts below provide the summary of this data for each of the four scenarios. More detailed breakdown of the same data by functions and by operational activities and staff, as well as by regions, is provided further down in the document, under the detailed description of each scenario. $667M ($14.5M)$653M ($13.9M)$518M ($10.7M)$507M ($10.2M)Regular budget14,459,00013,868,90010,681,30010,198,200 XB (in hand)4,800,0004,800,0004,800,0004,800,000 XB GAP20,773,40018,713,40012,776,40010,726,400 TOTAL40,032,40037,382,30028,257,70025,724,600   EMBED Excel.Chart.8 \s  In this context, it should be noted that the IOC of UNESCO may receive voluntary contributions under three main modalities: appropriations to the regular budget, contributions to the IOC Special Account and Funds-in-trust agreement. The choice of the modality is negotiated with each donor, depending on the nature and amount of the contribution, as well as on the reporting requirements. Any funds contributed through any of the above-mentioned three modalities would count towards the achievement of the IOCs extrabudgetary resource mobilization targets that will be presented to the Executive Council at its 51st Session, once there is further clarification on the final retained budgetary scenario. In accordance with the Financial Regulations applicable to the IOC, the draft budgetary appropriations 2018-2019 for the IOC Special Account are proposed for the consideration of the Assembly in  HYPERLINK \l "appendix" appendix to this document. PART I (A) DRAFT PROGRAMME AND BUDGET FOR 20182021 (First biennium 2018-2019) The years 2014-2015 were marked by significant developments in the global environmental governance, in which ocean issues were highly visible and sensitive. To a certain extent, these years offered for the IOC of UNESCO a test on relevance and impact. The active participation of UNESCO and its IOC in the Rio+20 Conference (2012) and follow-up activities strongly contributed to the adoption of the stand-alone Ocean Sustainable Development Goal14. SDG14 (Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development) recognizes the role of ocean science and IOCs standard-setting role as essential contributions to all challenges or dimensions of ocean sustainability (e.g. pollution, ocean acidification, fisheries, coastal livelihoods). The Commission will build on this recognition to fulfil its mandate as the leading United Nations mechanism for global and regional cooperation on ocean science. Consistent with Resolution EC-XLIX.2 adopted by the IOC Executive Council in June 2016, the Commissions work will aim at achieving the following result: Science-informed policies for reduced vulnerability to ocean hazards, for the global conservation and sustainable use of oceans, seas and marine resources, and increased resilience and adaptation to climate change, developed and implemented by Member States, towards the realization of the 2030 Agenda. In accordance with the IOC Medium-Term Strategy (IOC/INF-1314) and Resolution XXVIII-3 of the IOC Assembly, during the quadrennium 2018-2021 the IOC will focus on the following four thematic programme areas (IOC High-Level Objectives), with particular attention to ensuring that all its Member States have the capacity to meet their objectives. These areas are briefly outlined below. Ensuring healthy ocean ecosystems and sustaining ecosystem services In order to generate the knowledge relative to marine ecosystem function at the appropriate time scale and resolution, it is essential to build capacity and a globally managed and quality controlled knowledge base. IOCs work in this area will include coordination of essential research on: ocean ecosystem health; extension of the ocean observing systems to embrace biology and ecosystem variables; a focus on strengthening the existing global network of data and information centres with an emphasis on data/information product/service development contributing to continuous monitoring of the identified indicators; support to the World Ocean Assessment and other related processes, and development of capacity to ensure strong science-policy interfaces in ocean management. Effective early warning for ocean hazards, including tsunami IOCs work in this regard will continue to focus on four areas: (i) support for the intergovernmental coordination of regionally harmonized tsunami warning systems; (ii)strengthening the work of regional Tsunami Information Centres that provide a clearing house for the development of educational and preparedness materials; (iii) targeted capacity development (CD) and technical assistance to enhance Member States own ability to develop preparedness and awareness in a multi-hazard framework; and (iv) support for enabling research and policy development that lead to improved tsunami and ocean-related warning systems and preparedness. Increasing resiliency and adaptability to climate change and variability IOC will address this through scientifically founded services and adaptation and mitigation strategies with an end-to-end effort that: begins with an ocean observing system sustainably monitoring the major global scales of climate (both physics and ocean carbon), building readiness and capacity in providing local information required in adaptation at the coast and to address the impact of climate change and ocean acidification on marine and coastal ecosystems, and linked to a data management system built on global standards and best practices, coordinates ocean climate research that improves understanding of the climate system and prediction of its variability and change and builds a knowledge base on linked ocean ecosystem changes and adaptation strategies, partners in the Global Framework for Climate Services and informs IOC-led and other assessment processes, and applies the scientific knowledge to improve regional management and governance of climate adaptation and mitigation strategies, building capacity through demonstration projects and shared tools. Enhancing knowledge of emerging issues There is a broad range of emerging environmental issues such as new contaminants (including microplastics), invasive species, marine renewable energies, the expansion and intensification of uses of marine resources, and cumulative effects of human maritime activities. IOCs work will focus on improving the understanding of the opportunities and of the changes that are occurring within the ocean, including the deep sea. Continued coordination of scientific research and call out of these issues in a way that can be communicated to policy will be important, in order to articulate and promote the principle of science-based sustainable ocean economies/blue growth approach. Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission: Promoting knowledge and capacity for protecting and sustainably managing the ocean and coasts37 C/4 Strategic objectivesSO 5: Promoting international scientific cooperation on critical challenges to sustainable development SO4: Strengthening science technology and innovation systems and policy nationally, regionally and globallyIOC Expected Result (as approved by the IOC Council, June 2016)Science-informed policies for reduced vulnerability to ocean hazards, for the global conservation and sustainable use of oceans, seas and marine resources, and increased resilience and adaptation to climate change, developed and implemented by Member States, towards the realization of Agenda 2030Proposed Thematic areas:Ensuring healthy ocean ecosystems and sustaining ecosystem services (SDG 14, but also SDGs 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 14 and 15) Effective early warning for ocean hazards, including tsunami (SDGs 11, 13, 1, 2 and 3) Increasing resiliency and adaptability to climate change and variability (SDGs 14, 13, 1, 2 and 11) Enhancing knowledge of emerging issues (SDGs 14, 13 and 9) Supported by institutional Capacity Development (CD) as a cross-cutting function, with focus on Global Priorities, Africa and Gender Equality (in line with SDG 5 target 5.5), and on SIDS (all of the above SDGs) Supporting Member States in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and other ocean related global agendas The IOC approach is consistent with the recognition in the UNGA Resolution A/RES/70/1 on the 2030 Agenda of the integrated nature of the Goals as well as the interlinkages between them and the need for intergovernmental bodies and mechanisms like the IOC to support the thematic reviews of progress on the SDGs, including cross-cutting issues like the Ocean and its role in climate change mitigation and adaptation, by engaging all relevant stakeholders and, where possible, feed into, and be aligned with, the cycle of the high-level political forum. With broad objectives relevant to the 2030 Agenda, IOC possesses expertise and has a strong coordination role for monitoring and assessing the progress in implementing relevant SDG targets. As such, the Commission has been identified as custodian agency and a key contributor for the SDG14 targets focused on ocean acidification, marine science capacity and marine pollution. Beyond SDG14, most of the Goals are dependent on the ocean, especially SDG2 on food security and improved nutrition, SDG4 on lifelong learning opportunities, SDG8 on economic growth and productive employment, SDG11 on resilient and sustainable cities, and SDG13 on climate change. Visual indication of relevance of IOC thematic areas to all SDGs, with a detailed breakdown into targets of SDG14, is presented in the table below. It is recalled that the entirety of IOC programmes and its expected result contribute to SDG1 on the eradication of poverty and to SDG10 on the reduction of inequalities. Mapping of IOCs contribution to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda  IOC will be able to contribute to the SDG implementation and reporting through its regional programmes and global initiatives and the IOCs Global Ocean Science Report (GOSR), as well as its global network of national ocean data centres under the International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange Programme (IODE). While the role of the Ocean is still insufficiently acknowledged in the climate change debate, despite increased visibility during COP21, the fact that the world now has agreed on a universal comprehensive climate regime, creates an opportunity for UNESCO and its IOC to engage in and contribute to the implementation process of the Paris Climate Agreement. Systematic observations being explicitly recognized as crucial to strengthening scientific knowledge on climate and supporting decision-making, IOCs main entry point into the climate change regime will continue to be through ocean observation contributions to the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) through the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS), and scientific contributions to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), through the World Climate Research Programme and its own scientific programmes. The Commissions future relevance will depend on its ability to mobilize Member States and engage with the scientific community and civil society to highlight the tight links between ocean and climate within the context of the next UNFCCC COPs. The recent decision of the IPCC to launch a special report on the climate change, cryosphere and the ocean will provide an opportunity for IOC to contribute as the lead United Nations body for global ocean observations, with key source of data and information for all aspects of work on climate. In this context, its cooperation with WMO through the Joint Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM) a unique joint commission of two United Nations bodies and the co-sponsorship of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP), the main international research body focusing on climate knowledge, predictions and research-based applications, is of utmost importance. The SIDS Accelerated Modalities of Action (SAMOA) Pathway of 2014 highlights the significant risks posed by sea-level rise and other adverse impacts of climate change and the fact that growth prospects of SIDS have been hindered by the impacts of natural disasters and the degradation of coastal and marine ecosystems. The SAMOA Pathway calls for increased attention by the international community to extreme weather events, sea-level rise, coastal erosion and ocean acidification. It urges for heightened technology, finance and capacity-building support in the context of climate change adaptation, calling for assistance to improve baseline monitoring of island systems. IOCs engagement in support of SIDS will be guided by the IOC SIDS Action Plan and Strategy adopted by IOC Member States in June 2016 in response to the SAMOA Pathway (IOC/EC-XLIX/2Annex5), with particular emphasis on the building of SIDS actions related to tsunami early warning systems, marine spatial planning, the development of marine scientific and technological capacity of SIDS, and enhanced cooperation to assess ocean acidification impacts. The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (20152030) highlights international, regional, subregional and transboundary cooperation and calls for a broad and more people-centred preventive approach to disaster risk. It specifies seven global targets, among which is the need to substantially increase assistance to developing countries to complement their national action and ensure access to multi-hazard warning systems and disaster risk information and assessment by 2030. At present, with a very modest budget, the IOC coordinates a global tsunami warning system worth of hundreds of millions of dollars, supported by four regional tsunami warning systems in all tsunami-prone areas of the ocean. The IOCs hazard warning system develops in complete accordance with the Sendai Framework and is highly relevant in the context of SIDS and low-lying coastal countries. The Commission will continue the development of services to address the needs of governments and general public for warning and mitigation of coastal hazards, including tsunamis, extreme wave conditions and flooding, harmful algal blooms, coral bleaching, marine pollution incidents, supported by sustained observations and data and information management, as is the case for sea-level with the Global Sea Level Observing System (GLOSS). As regards global and regional assessments and science-based information for policy, IOCs comparative advantage lies in its unique position as an intergovernmental framework to advance research and identify new scientific issues through collaborate action. The Commissions programme in ocean sciences and its regional subsidiary bodies are focused on assisting its Member States with regard to the emerging issues of deoxygenation, climate change and global trends of phytoplankton and Blue Carbon, while continuing its leadership in coordinating the research on ocean acidification, marine ecological time series, marine pollution (including plastics and microplastics), nutrient enrichment and harmful algal blooms. These will provide essential IOC contributions to global science-policy processes such as the second cycle of the United Nations World Ocean Assessment (WOA-II) and the Intergovernmental Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES). The global and regional ocean assessments will be also built on IOCs International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE), as the only organizational framework that deals exclusively with international oceanographic data exchange, supported by field knowledge and expertise of the IOC Regional Subsidiary Bodies, and the Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS) the worlds leading database on ocean biodiversity contributing to at least 20 United Nations biodiversity targets, with their global network of data and information centres. IODE and OBIS will be essential to build the necessary capacity and globally managed and quality controlled knowledge base. IOC will maintain its recognized role as the lead United Nations organization in the development of marine spatial planning, as already demonstrated by the uptake of the IOC guidelines by more than 40 countries engaged in ocean management (Marine spatial planning: a step-by-step approach toward ecosystem-based management, IOC Manuals and Guides, 53). Through its programme related to Integrated Coastal Management, the Commission will, working in close cooperation with other United Nations partners, provide technical support to Member States engaged in 17 GEF Large Marine Ecosystems regional projects, primarily operating in the developing world, and will develop new tools and capacity in relation to ecosystem-based management at national and regional scales. The IOC will contribute to the development of a new legally-binding instrument to conserve and sustainably use marine biodiversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction (the High Seas and the Area) under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) to be adopted in 2018, particularly in relation to marine scientific research, capacity development and transfer of marine technology. Global Priority Africa The African Unions Agenda 2063 recognized that Africas Blue economy shall be a major contributor to continental transformation and growth, advancing knowledge on marine and aquatic biotechnology, the growth of an Africa-wide shipping industry, the development of sea, river and lake transport and fishing; and exploitation and beneficiation of deep sea mineral and other resources. The African Union has also adopted the 2050 Africas Integrated Maritime Strategy (AIMS2050), which outlines the actions that should be implemented to foster increased wealth creation from Africas oceans and seas by developing a sustainable thriving blue economy on a secure environmentally sustainable manner. Both the AIMS2050 and the SDGs specifically recognize UNESCO/IOCs role in the promotion of scientific research and capacity development as well as transfer of technology in marine sciences. The IOCs Sub-Commission for Africa and Adjacent Island States (IOCAFRICA) has coordinated the development and implementation of initiatives to create scientifically literate citizens in ocean sciences in Africa targeting all sectors of society and promoting collaboration between marine scientists, educators and other stakeholders, such as policy-makers and the private sector. In the next quadrennium, the IOCAFRICA Secretariat, located in the UNESCO Office in Nairobi will focus on developing a lead project in this area, jointly with UNESCO Venice Office and in collaboration with the Education Sector. The main objectives of this Priority Africa-related intersectoral initiative will be to: (i) provide scientific information targeting different categories of users, especially resource managers, research and academic institutions, as well as regional and international programmes, in order to facilitate the integrated management of the marine and coastal environment and resources; (ii) develop and strengthen links between the scientific community and governments, regional and international bodies and programmes (including United Nations agencies and NGOs) and other potential users of ocean science and research results (including the public); and (iii) improve science-policy interface for marine sciences in Africa. The IOC will allocate the appropriate financial and human resources from its Regular Programme and seek extrabudgetary funding, as necessary, to develop and implement the above-indicated key initiatives. The Commission will make the best use of its field presence in Africa, through IOCAFRICA while also strengthening collaboration with the Regional Economic Communities and by participation in relevant United Nations thematic groups (i.e. Regional Coordination Mechanisms) to identify strategic projects and programmes targeting institutional capacity development. Global Priority Gender Equality The IOC will continue to implement the Global Priority Gender Equality of the Organization, in particular through the information to be delivered by the Global Ocean Science Report, which will be launched in June 2017. The Report will provide a disaggregated by sex overview of distribution of researchers in different fields of ocean science. These data will serve as a baseline for developing meaningful biennial performance indicators and targets for the next quadrennial period of IOCs work in support of SDG 5, target 5.5. International networks in marine science are important to foster ocean research globally in particular in SIDS, developing countries, and Africa. During the next quadrennial period, a comprehensive set of actions will be elaborated to encourage gender equality in both the leadership and membership in IOC networks. Intersectoral cooperation In terms of intersectoral cooperation, IOC actively contributes to house-wide cooperation coordinated by the Natural Sciences Sector in the areas of disaster risk reduction, SIDS and climate change. In addition to this and to the historically strong collaboration with UNESCO International Hydrological Programme in integrated water resource management, and with the Culture Sector as regards Marine Spatial Planning, enhanced collaboration with Social and Human Sciences Sector will be sought in relation to ethics and ocean. Moreover, intersectoral initiatives will be developed at regional level, in particular in Africa, see section above on Global Priority Africa. Programme delivery Partnerships IOC intends to further reinforce and widen its partnerships, through enhanced association with NGOs, regional science organizations, practitioners, institution and expert networks and the public through its regional and other subsidiary bodies. In order to do this, the IOC will need to implement an efficient and tailored communication strategy enabling it to fully demonstrate the impact of its work. Taking into account that the ocean and marine affairs drive many socio-economic activities, IOC will engage with Member States and international and regional economic institutions to seek their support in highlighting to the relevant stakeholders the importance of the ocean activities for national economy and growth. In ocean literacy, IOC must equally further reaffirm its mediating role between the scientific and the policy communities. In the context of the UN-Oceans, the Commission will work in cooperation with other members such as UNEnvironment, FAO and WMO in the development of SDG enabling activities. IOC would also like to see such joint activities emerge from the intersectoral work on the 2030 Agenda, SIDS Action Plan, Sendai Framework, UNFCCC COP processes, etc., to maximize the comparative advantage of UNESCOs comprehensive interdisciplinary approach to key societal issues. Resource mobilization To ensure adequate resource mobilization for its core activities, IOC will engage more strategically in the management and coordination of extrabudgetary projects or provision of services. While IOC aims to develop core systems in oceanography, which is challenging and requires a sustained and focused effort, there are now many other organizations in the world that use ocean data and observations to generate products that raise their own visibility. As a consequence, the up-stream role of IOC in the information delivery process is sometimes difficult to explain to main stakeholders and funders, and even more so to the general public. To be successful, IOC will exercise careful selection and prioritisation of fundraising targets and develop an efficient, tailored and productive communication strategy in order to achieve its overall organizational objectives, engage effectively with relevant stakeholders, and demonstrate the impact of its work. As part of that drive, and of the house-wide resource mobilization strategy, IOC will further engage with its resource partners in bilateral and collective donor consultations leading up to the structured financing dialogues after the approval of the C/5 with the aim to jointly work together to address funding needs. Against this backdrop, efforts will be made to diversify the existing donor base of IOC and to establish more long-term, predictable arrangements with resource partners. Emphasis will also be placed on securing an increasing proportion of more flexible, lightly earmarked funding. Programme sustainability At the time when the IOCs work and competences are in high demand, reconfirmed by the responses to the 39C/5 questionnaire that place SDG14 on Ocean and SCG13 on Climate Change among the five highest priorities for more than 50% of responding Member States, the Commission has undertaken an extensive mapping exercise, linking key aspects of its mandate and core functions to the new international strategic frameworks and the current proposal for the IOC Draft Programme and Budget for 2018-2021. This exercise also builds on the priorities, guidelines agreed by the IOC Governing Bodies, including the June 2016 review by the IOC Executive Council at its 49th session of the Strategic Results Report, the Executive Roadmap Future of the IOC, and the recommendation of the External Auditor of UNESCO in his report on the audit of IOC conducted in April 2016. These strategic reviews and the implementation of recommendations will raise the profile of the IOC in its core and unique mandate in the fields of long-term sustained observations and related data and information management, early warning systems for coastal hazards, capacity development, marine scientific research, transfer of marine technology and science-policy interface, linking the global priorities to regional and national ones. IOCs very small secretariat is expected to oversee programme implementation, provide secretariat support to expert groups and IOC governing bodies, and must also respond to the UNESCO programme oversight, governance, and reporting requirements. The incompatibility of the current size of the secretariat and the scope of IOC activities is the main risk for proper programme delivery. To quote the very apt expression of the UNESCO External Auditor, IOC is at the crossroads. IOC will continue to build on existing strengths in identified functions and programmes that leverage, with a very small resource base, a multi-billion-dollar annual investment by Member States in ocean science, observations, data systems, and delivery of relevant ocean information for society. To maximize its impact and delivery towards the realization of the 2030 Agenda, the Commission will refocus its programmes and resources on the following directions: (i) developing capacities, brokering innovation and learning, and facilitating the transfer of marine technology; (ii)providing normative support to countries to establish, implement, monitor and report on implementation of the Ocean SDG14 and its related targets; (iii) providing science-based policy advice for the implementation of integrated ocean governance and management; (iv) maximizing IOCs convening role by bringing together stakeholders across public and private, policy and science sectors to implement, monitor and report on ocean-related issues; (v) further operationalizing the IOC Capacity Development Strategy 2015-2021 (IOC/INF-1332), building on the findings of the first IOC Global Ocean Science Report (GOSR). Budget scenarios and related adjustments The $653M scenario will impact IOCs ability to assist and support its Member States in the SDG14 implementation and monitoring process, and in particular as regards the development of capacities of small island developing States (SIDS) and least developed countries (LDCs). In addition to the responsibilities that come with the designation of UNESCOs IOC as a custodian of a number of SDG14 indicators, sufficient stable regular budget is essential to the success of the concrete proposals being currently elaborated by the Commission for approval by IOCs and UNESCOs Governing Bodies and aiming at positioning the Organization at the heart of the international development agenda in terms of addressing the current and emerging major issues in marine scientific research, observations and services to help securing the Ocean We Need for the Future We Want. Promoting knowledge and capacity for protecting and sustainably managing the ocean and coasts (Main Line of Action 1 in the 39C/5 Draft document)IOCs result framework proposed below is structured around IOCs six functions as defined in IOCs Medium-term Strategy, 2014-2021. It benefitted from the co-design approach to programming through integration of regional priorities into global programmes objectives established in consultation with IOCs Regional Subsidiary Bodies. These functions are described below, together with relevant information concerning IOCs proposed key interventions and activities to be developed during the 2018-2021 quadrennium, in pursuance of the implementation of each of them. IOC Function A: Ocean research The WMO-IOC-ICSU co-sponsored World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) conducts long-term large-scale observational and modelling projects in climate science and provides a highly recognized international forum for evaluating progress and setting perspective research directions to improve climate knowledge and convert it into a multitude of practical application of direct societal benefit. Working together, IOC and WCRP move forward the science needed to predict the regional climate change, to deeper understand and quantify the role of the ocean as a natural sink for CO2, which is fundamental for establishing international emissions stabilization scenarios and predict future climate with full account of ocean processes. Developing a global picture of the changing global climate requires significant international scientific cooperation and coordination. Research activities focused on ocean carbon sources and sinks, through e.g. the International Ocean Carbon Coordination Project (IOCCP), on ocean acidification, through the international partnership GOA-ON, and on Blue Carbon Ecosystems, through the Blue Carbon Initiative, provide scientific and technical advice to UNESCO/IOC Member States on matters related to ocean carbon, ocean acidification, blue carbon and climate change mitigation. IOC is the custodian agency for the indicator for the SDG 14 target on ocean acidification (14.3). To fulfil this role, the IOC, through the GOA-ON Data Portal, is centralizing all available and quality-controlled ocean acidification observing data. In order to better understand marine ecosystem functioning and impacts of climate change and variability and of ocean acidification and deoxygenation on ecosystem services, policy-relevant advice and new tools are delivered through a number of UNESCO/IOC led international scientific initiatives, such as the IOC International Group for Marine Ecological Time Series (IGMETS), the expert group on Climate Change and Global Trends of Phytoplankton in the Oceans (TrendsPO), and the IOC Global Ocean Oxygen Network (GO2NE). These groups provide a platform for national research institutions to collaborate and strengthen the knowledge base for policies and decision-making. While underpinning IOC global programmes, IOCs Regional Subsidiary Bodies demonstrate the comparative advantage of the Commission in developing and implementing Member States-supported joint research programmes, tailored to address their estuaries, coastal and transboundary issues such as marine biodiversity conservation, ecosystem health, ocean processes and climate. IOC Function B: Observing systems and data management Generating societal benefit from ocean information relies on a value chain that ends in user-focused services, operational (such as early warnings) or policy-oriented (such as assessments); steps through scientific forecast or analysis; interoperable ocean data and information management systems; and requires sustained ocean observations to underpin them. The potential users of ocean-related services are many, covering areas related to climate (where the Global Climate Observing System GCOS works across domains), operational ocean services, and ocean health. An integrated sustained ocean observing system and data management system maximizes common value to Member States. The Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) and its GOOS Regional Alliances (GRAs), and the observations programme area of the Joint IOC-WMO Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM) and its JCOMM in situ Observing Programme Support Centre (JCOMMOPS) are the core IOC programmes that coordinate a sustained ocean observing system, following a Framework for Ocean Observing in the definition of common requirements, the coordination of observations including the promotion of standards and best practices, and appropriate interfaces with ocean data management systems. These observations should be coordinated, to common standards, and integrated for multiple purposes. New observing techniques and variables should be included when ready, and global capacity to make these observations nurtured, particularly through work at a regional level. These programmes build on Member State-supported observing networks, engage a broad scientific community of operators of the sustained ocean observing system, which is in majority supported by limited-lifetime research funding. They deliver a better coordinated, more integrated, and more responsive sustained ocean observing system to Member States. Intermediate outputs to implement to deliver against this function include: common requirements and strategic guidance expressed in the specifications of Essential Ocean Variables, tracking of metrics of progress, effort, and risk, with the ability to look by basin, region, and Member State, as well as global agreed goals, promotion of standards and best practices, including developing capacity, ensuring interoperability and best practices in network-based data management, ongoing technical coordination services to the Member State-based operators of the observing system, and a platform for communication and advocacy of sustained observations. While a large number of Member States have participated in GOOS through the activities of GOOS Regional Alliances (on paper 104 Member States of which 5 in Africa and 39 in SIDS), the reach of the GOOS Regional Alliances and scientific evaluation and observations coordination structures is smaller. The largest observing network in GOOS and JCOMM has about 60 active Member States participating, while about 30 Member States are able to leverage a broader range of coordinating services and strategic guidance under GOOS and JCOMM. At this level of financial support (Regular Programme and full-required extrabudgetary funds), GOOS and JCOMM will be able to address fully a broader set of users and requirements, i.e.: maintenance of the physical observations of the ocean for climate projections and services, expansion of observing networks towards the coast to better address local requirements, expand observations of biological and ecosystem variables addressing ocean health and SDG14, through the needed coordination, standards and best practice for such observing networks, and engaging strongly with the development of indicators and assessments at the regional and global levels, and strongly promote the development of GOOS Regional Alliances by co-investing in projects. In this value chain, the International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) addresses the management and global sharing of oceanographic data. Large volumes of reliable data sets for a wide variety of ocean variables collected through the above-mentioned observing systems need to be managed and shared globally. The Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS) will be part of this linked data architecture, enabling the integration of environmental and biodiversity data. While IODE has developed the IODE Ocean Data Portal, this is currently not a global system but links a limited number of nodes. It has not been possible to establish nodes in developing countries yet. At present, Member States have access to and use 48 million records in OBIS database science and assessment, 6,900 shared documents in IODE research expertise document repositories, and 500 data sets through the IODE Ocean Data Portal. No global data portal is available. At this level of financial support (Regular Programme and full required EXB). IODE will be able to start the development of a truly global ocean data portal system that will federate existing national and regional data systems. In addition, the IODE network will be expanded by approximately 75%, covering the majority of IOC Member States. The Second International Indian Ocean Expedition (IIOE-2) is a major global scientific programme, which will engage the international scientific community in collaborative oceanographic and atmospheric research from coastal environments to the deep sea over the period 2015-2020, revealing new information on the Indian Ocean fundamental for future sustainable development and expansion of the Indian Oceans blue economy. IIOE-2 activities will include a significant focus on building the capacity of all nations around the Indian Ocean to understand and apply observational data or research outputs for their own socio-economic requirements and decisions. This level of funding will allow for serious co-investment in individual capacity development projects addressing the scientific themes and operational needs of IIOE-2. At this value chain, IOC Regional Sub-Commissions (IOCAFRICA, IOCARIBE and WESTPAC) develop sustained regional ocean observations and services as part of GOOS in supporting Member States, and particularly developing countries, in their efforts to address the needs of a variety of human activities related to marine hazards mitigation, oil and gas exploration, fisheries, navigation, search and rescue, marine parks management and coastal recreational activities. IOC Function C: Early warning and services Society resilience with regard to ocean hazards depends on effective use of the scientific knowledge base in sustained early warning services to protect life, health and property on the coast and at sea, and related education on the risks. The IOC Tsunami Programme, through the intergovernmental coordination of regional warning systems, capacity development activities and the support of national and regional projects, is a key stakeholder for tsunami risk reduction at the global level. One of the core activities of the IOC Tsunami Programme is stakeholder training and education. Reducing the loss of lives and damage to livelihoods produced by tsunamis requires assessing tsunami risk, implementing tsunami early warning systems, and educating communities at risk about preparedness measures. The provision of early warning services for other ocean hazards (sea ice, waves, storm surges, and harmful algal blooms) requires intergovernmental coordination and promotion of common standards and best practices. Many of these services are underpinned by the development of operational ocean forecast systems. Services related to sea ice, waves, and storm surges, as well as operational ocean forecast systems, are intergovernmentally coordinated through the WMO-IOC JCOMM in concert with ocean agencies and meteorological services around the globe. The development of guides on best practices serves new entrants and can provide a basis for capacity development activities. Although a natural part of marine ecosystems, occurrences of certain microalgae in marine or brackish waters is a serious hazard, which can cause massive fish kills, contaminate seafood with toxins, threaten public health and alter ecosystems in ways that humans perceive as harmful. Economic and social impacts may be significant. Furthermore, the occurrence of some harmful algae is linked to eutrophication and other anthropogenic change. The IOCs Harmful Algal Bloom Programme is a leading global platform for international cooperation in developing knowledge-based products to enhance Member State capacity for observation, modelling and management of harmful algal events at local and regional scales. At the regional level, the IOC Regional Sub-Commissions also advance scientific research, develop capacities of, and provide emergency technical assistance to, IOC Member States in order to mitigate the negative impacts of harmful algal blooms and coral bleaching. IOC Function D: Assessment and information for policy Robust ocean science-policy interfaces at the global, regional, and national levels are an essential building block towards the formulation of evidence-based policy and decision-making. The IOC contributes to a number of global assessment processes aimed at keeping the ocean under review and track changes in ocean conditions, specifically through the United Nations World Ocean Assessment, the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, and the newly established IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and cryosphere. The role of IOC as custodian agency for some of the SDG 14 targets implies a new responsibility for its science, data management and capacity development programmes, to provide normative support to nations in monitoring and reporting the implementation of the Ocean SDG. Specific tools are needed to assist Member States to mitigate ocean threats. Specifically, increases in nutrient loading, which is linked with increased primary productivity, may lead to the development of blooms of harmful algae, leading to anoxia, and detrimental impacts on fisheries resources, ecosystems services, and human health or recreation. The export of Phosphorus to the ocean has increased 3-fold compared to pre-industrial levels, and Nitrogen has increased even more dramatically, especially over the last 40 years. IOC will assist technical and policy-makers design and facilitate strategies to improve nutrient use management at source, particularly in the agricultural sector, and reduce influx of nutrients from various sources to the environment. Member States capacity to manage nutrient loading to coastal ecosystems is enhanced through technical training in the Global Nutrient Management Toolbox developed through inter-agency collaboration under the Global Partnership on Nutrient Management (GPNM) and through targeted development of the Index of Coastal Eutrophication Potential (ICEP) as an indicator for Sustainable Development Goal Target 14.1. The IOC will also invest in supporting the development of the Global Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO), together with the IHO, leading to the expansion of knowledge related to seafloor depths and features which is critical to support marine research, as well as the production of tsunami inundation, wave, storm surges and coastal erosion models in coastal areas. Member States will use high-resolution maps to support the development of coastal and marine management plans in their national waters. Technical support will be provided to Member States, and in particular, those most vulnerable to coastal hazards and climate change, to assess, design and implement science-based coastal hazard mitigation and adaptation plans, building on the existing IOC tools. Access to funding mechanisms such as the Adaptation Fund and Green Fund will be sought. IOC Function E: Sustainable management and governance By acting as the focal point for ocean sciences within the United Nations system, IOC will continue to engage in relevant United Nations inter-agency activities aimed at providing assistance to Member States in the implementation of 2030 Agenda, in accordance with IOCs custodianship role in relation to SDG14, as well as the implementation of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, the SAMOA Pathway, and Sendai Disaster Reduction Framework. Overall guidance on general policy and the main lines of work of the Commission will be provided by the IOC Governing Bodies (Assembly and Executive Council), and for regional implementation by regional subsidiary bodies: IOC Sub-Commission for Africa and Adjacent Islands (IOCAFRICA), IOC Sub-Commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (IOCARIBE), the IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific (WESTPAC) and the newly revitalized IOC Committee for the Northern Central Indian Ocean (IOCINDIO). Enhanced coordination amongst IOC global programmes and subsidiary bodies will be pursued in the achievement of IOCs objectives. IOC will lead the development of decision support tools and increase the capacity of coastal nations in managing their marine and coastal resources within an ecosystem-based framework. A dual approach, based on enhancing opportunities for the development of ocean-based economies whilst ensuring that marine and coastal biodiversity and ecosystem services are conserved, will provide the backbone of the IOC strategy in Marine Spatial Planning. To achieve this result, technical support and enabling activities will be provided to assist countries to initiate Marine Spatial Planning and best practices will be tracked and reported through an enhanced network of MSP/EBM managers. Decision support tools in the form of regional marine atlases with integrated data systems will also be implemented in at least two regions as tools to assist with coastal and ecosystem management. Global ecosystem-based governance of Large Marine Ecosystems and their coasts will be pursued by generating knowledge, building capacity, harnessing public and private partners and supporting south-to-south learning and north-to-south learning. This will be supported through collaboration with the GEF and UNDP. IOC Function F: Capacity development (cross-cutting) In order to achieve equitable participation of all IOC Member States in IOC programmes and to ensure that all IOC Member States have the necessary capacity to address national as well as regional ocean related issues, a broad coordinated pan-IOC capacity development programme is being put in place. The IOCs capacity development strategy and related implementation plans (global and regional) will address these needs. At this level of financial support, in combination with successful extrabudgetary fund mobilization efforts, IOC will be able to address the financial needs required to implement the plans. Training and education will be delivered through a global network of regional training (and research) centres that may use a common e-learning platform. Given the varying national and regional realities, capacities and development status, IOC Regional Subsidiary Bodies will serve as key vehicles for the implementation of the Strategy in their respective regions, taking and inclusive and adaptive approach. Until the publication by UNESCO/IOC in 2017 of the first Global Ocean Science Report (GOSR), Member States, their institutions and policy-makers had no integrated source of information on availability and location of ocean science capacity. This was a major handicap for planning and decision-making and for addressing marine environmental challenges. GOSR will assist local and national governments, academic and research institutions, as well as international organizations and donors, in making informed decisions, e.g. on future research investment. To facilitate access to these data and analysis for all and to allow wider use of all data, GOSR was developed as permanent on-line resource. IOC is the custodian agency for SDG Target indicator 14.a.1, and the definitions and mechanisms used in the development of SDG Target indicator 14.a.1 are based on the IOC Criteria and Guidelines on Transfer of Marine Technology and are part of the GOSR data collection and analysis. GOSR and associated data compilation will in this way support UNESCO/IOC Member States in their reporting on SDG targets. Expected result: Science-informed policies for reduced vulnerability to ocean hazards, for the global conservation and sustainable use of oceans, seas and marine resources, and increased resilience and adaptation to climate change, developed and implemented by Member States, towards the realization of 2030 Agenda Performance indicatorsBaselinesTargets 2019 $667M$653M1. No. of supported Member States (MS) which have conducted up-to-date ocean research to address specific challenges of the ocean and human impacts on coastal areas (i) 50 MS of which 5 in Africa and 5 SIDS, participate in international research initiatives under the WCRP (ii) 89 MS of which 22 in Africa and 11 SIDS, integrate best practices, standards and methodologies to observe ocean acidification and blue carbon ecosystems (iii) 76 MS of which 6 in Africa and 2 SIDS, contribute at improving understanding of marine ecosystem functioning and the impacts of change on ecosystem services(i) 58 of which 10 in Africa and 10 SIDS (ii) 100 of which 28 in Africa and 15 SIDS (iii) 85 of which 10 in Africa and 8 SIDS(i) 55 of which 8 in Africa and 8 SIDS (ii) 96 MS of which 26 in Africa and 14 SIDS (iii) 82 of which 8 in Africa and 4 SIDS 2. No. of supported Member States which maintained, strengthened and integrated global ocean observing, data and information system to reduce vulnerability to ocean hazards and benefit from their outputs(i) 104 MS are part of GOOS Regional Alliances, of which 5 in Africa and 39 in SIDS. Levels of participation and engagement vary, with an estimated 60 of which 5 in Africa and 8 in SIDS (ii) 13 MS of which 5 in Africa and 1 SIDS participate in IOGOOS, as an indicator of involvement in IIOE-2 (iii) 20 MS contribute to JCOMMOPS (iv) 84 MS of which 19 in Africa participate in the IODE network & collaborate in D&IM(i) 77 of which 12 in Africa and 18 SIDS (ii) 18 MS of which 8 in Africa and 3 SIDS (iii) 26 MS (iv) 120 of which 25 in Africa(i) 73 of which 10 in Africa and 16 SIDS (ii) 17 of which 7 in Africa and 3 SIDS (iii) 25 (iv) 110 of which 22 in Africa3. No. of supported Member States which have developed early warning systems and preparedness to mitigate the risks of tsunamis and other ocean-related hazards towards increased resilience (i) 72 MS of which 14 SIDS and 6 in Africa have National Tsunami Warning Centres (ii) 5 MS of which 5 SIDS have increased communities preparedness (iii) 3 MS of which 1 SIDS, developed capacities for tsunami & other coastal hazard assessment (iv) 9 MS actively participate in operational ocean forecast system (0 in Africa, 0 SIDS) (v) 45 MS developed capacities for research and management of harmful algae(i) 79 of which 16 SIDS and 6 in Africa (ii) 15 of which 5 SIDS (iii) 7 of which 2 SIDS (iv) 19 of which 5 in Africa and 5 SIDS (v) 65 of which 10 in Africa and 8 SIDS(i) 78 of which 16 SIDS and 6 in Africa (ii) 12 of which 5 SIDS (iii) 6 of which 2 SIDS (iv) 19 of which 5 in Africa and 5 SIDS (v) 55 of which 8 in Africa and 5 SIDS4. No. of supported Member States that have ocean science and policy interface mechanisms in support of healthy ocean ecosystems in accordance with 2030Agenda (i) 8 MS contribute to and use bathymetric datasets through GEBCO (ii) 25 MS of which 5 SIDS and 5 in Africa nominate experts to WOA Pool of Experts, and IPBES and IPCC assessments (iii) No. of MS contributing to national ocean SDG datasets through IODE - no existing baseline (iv) 25 MS participate in science and CD programmes on nutrients assessment and management (v) 5 MS in Africa implement science-based guidelines on coastal hazards mitigation/climate change adaptation(i) 18 of which 1 SIDS and 1 in Africa (ii) 35 of which 7 SIDS and 7 in Africa (iii) 50 of which 10 in Africa (iv) 45 of which 5 SIDS and 10 in Africa (v) 12 of which 5 in Africa and 3 SIDS (i) 15 of which 1 SIDS and 1 in Africa (ii) 30 of which 6 SIDS and 6 in Africa (iii) 45 of which 7 in Africa (iv) 40 of which 5 SIDS and 10 in Africa (v) 10 of which 5 in Africa and 1 SIDS5. No. of supported Member States which implement science-based ecosystem management and measure progress on SDG 14 implementation(i) 74 MS of which 16 in Africa and 8 SIDS contribute to the implementation of workplans of governing and regional subsidiary bodies (ii) 40 MS of which 5 in Africa and 3 SIDS develop marine spatial plans and sustainable ocean economic programmes (iii) 10 MS of which 3 SIDS participate in the implementation of inter-agency activities and outreach programmes(i) 110 of which 20 in Africa and 14 SIDS (ii) 52 of which 10 in Africa and 6 SIDS (iii) 17 of which 6 SIDS(i) 95 of which 18 in Africa and 12 SIDS (ii) 48 of which 8 in Africa and 6 SIDS (iii) 15 of which 5 SIDS 6. No. of supported Member States which have developed institutional capacity and used it towards IOCs high-level objectives (i) No. of MS contributing to regional needs assessment and delivery of marine technology - no existing baseline (ii) 34 MS, of which 6 in Africa and 2 SIDS, contributing to 1st GOSR (iii) (a) No. of MS implementing CD workplans through IOCAFRICA, IOCARIBE, WESTPAC & IOCINDIO N/A as no CD plans adopted (b) 80 practitioners, of which 20 from Africa and 4 from SIDS, trained in priority topics identified regional sub-commissions (iv) 80practitioners of which 20 in Africa and 0 SIDS, trained in priority topics identified through regional assessments(i) 16 of which 3 in Africa and 1 SIDS (ii) 70, of which 10 in Africa and 10 SIDS, including gender disaggregated information from 60 MS (iii) (a) CD implementation plans adopted and implementation started (b) 200 practitioners, of which 60 in Africa and 10 SIDS (iv) 320 practitioners of which 120 in Africa and 10 SIDS, with a gender target of 40% women (8 RTCs established)(i) 12 of which 2 in Africa and 1 SIDS (ii) 70 of which 10 in Africa and 10 SIDS, including gender disaggregated information from 60 MS (iii) (a) CD implementation plans adopted and implementation started (b) 160 practitioners of which 40 from Africa and 10 SIDS (iv) 280 practitioners, of which 60 in Africa and 10 SIDS, with a gender target of 40% women (7 RTCs established) PART I (B) BUDGETARY AND STAFFING PROPOSALS IN SUPPORT OF THE DRAFT PROGRAMME AND BUDGET FOR 2018-2021 (First biennium) Integrated budgetary proposal for two fully-funded scenarios based on the regular budget allocations of: $667M for UNESCO ($14.5M for IOC) and $653M for UNESCO ($13.9M for IOC) IOC Function/activity$667 M ($14.5 M)$653 M ($13.9 M)RP allocationXB targetTotalRP allocationXB targetTotal FUNCTION A1,565,8301,444,0003,009,8301,517,9451,394,0002,911,945WCRP250,000150,000400,000250,000150,000400,000Ocean Carbon & Acidification192,195500,000692,195166,380500,000666,380CC impact on ocean & coastal ecosystems151,635550,000701,635129,565500,000629,565Sub-total operations593,8301,200,0001,793,830545,9451,150,0001,695,945Staff (RP) & temp. assistance (XB)972,000244,0001,216,000972,000244,0001,216,000FUNCTION B: 3,266,9704,425,2007,692,1703,100,8304,405,2007,506,030GOOS Work Plan755,040920,0001,675,040647,295900,0001,547,295Perth Programme Office80,000200,000280,00080,000200,000280,000IIOE-280,000500,000580,00080,000500,000580,000JCOMM Observations192,550400,000592,550164,520400,000564,520IODE & OBIS core systems223,4801,000,0001,223,480193,1151,000,0001,193,115Sub-total operations1,331,0703,020,0004,351,0701,164,9303,000,0004,164,930Staff (RP) & temp. assistance (XB)1,935,9001,405,2003,341,1001,935,9001,405,2003,341,100FUNCTION C2,302,8054,552,0006,854,8052,164,7994,552,0006,716,799Promote integrated and sustained WS265,280840,0001,105,280235,376840,0001,075,376Educating communities at risk 242,940906,0001,148,940207,576906,0001,113,576Contribute to MS capacities for assessments242,940900,0001,142,940207,576900,0001,107,576JCOMM Services160,465300,000460,465137,105300,000437,105HAB research & monitoring96,280570,000666,28082,266570,000652,266Sub-total operations1,007,9053,516,0004,523,905869,8993,516,0004,385,899Staff (RP) & temp. assistance (XB)1,294,9001,036,0002,330,9001,294,9001,036,0002,330,900FUNCTION D1,372,0052,571,2003,943,2051,300,8762,471,2003,772,076SDG follow up & WOA 156,330650,000806,330140,850600,000740,850GEBCO40,000100,000140,00040,000100,000140,000Reducing nutrient enrichment 144,415250,000394,415123,395200,000323,395IODE & OBIS products & services131,280400,000531,280117,266400,000517,266CC adaptation in coastal zones141,580900,0001,041,580120,965900,0001,020,965Sub-total operations613,6052,300,0002,913,605542,4762,200,0002,742,476Staff (RP) & temp. assistance (XB)758,400271,2001,029,600758,400271,2001,029,600FUNCTION E3,036,7176,578,0009,614,7173,004,0025,918,0008,922,002IOC Governing bodies395,000100,000495,000395,000100,000495,000IOCARIBE60,000200,000260,00060,000150,000210,000IOCAFRICA60,000200,000260,00060,000150,000210,000WESTPAC60,000200,000260,00060,000150,000210,000IOCINDIO30,00070,000100,00030,00060,00090,000Partnerships & outreach (SDG follow-up)245,6371,645,0001,890,637237,9221,645,0001,882,922ICAM & MSP169,8803,095,0003,264,880144,8802,595,0002,739,880Sub-total operations1,020,5175,510,0006,530,517987,8024,850,0005,837,802Staff (RP) & temp. assistance (XB)2,016,2001,068,0003,084,2002,016,2001,068,0003,084,200FUNCTION F2,438,7356,003,0008,441,7352,327,2104,773,0007,100,210CD & TMT&GOSR151,8501,968,0002,119,850136,6201,188,0001,324,620CD IOCAFRICA164,910400,000564,910144,540300,000444,540CD IOCARIBE164,910400,000564,910144,540300,000444,540CD WESTPAC164,910400,000564,910144,540300,000444,540CD INCINDIO82,455150,000232,45572,270100,000172,270IODE & OBIS training & education200,0001,200,0001,400,000175,0001,100,0001,275,000Sub-total operations929,0354,518,0005,447,035817,5103,288,0004,105,510Staff (RP) & temp. assistance (XB)1,509,7001,485,0002,994,7001,509,7001,485,0002,994,700UNDAF 1% 54,96054,96049,28549,285Evaluations 3%164,878164,878147,853147,853IOC Operating costs75,00075,00075,00075,000IOC contribution to common charges181,100181,100181,100181,100TOTAL Operations5,971,90020,064,00026,035,9005,381,80018,004,00023,385,800TOTAL Staff (RP) & temp. assistance (XB)8,487,1005,509,40013,996,5008,487,1005,509,40013,996,500OVERALL TOTAL14,459,00025,573,40040,032,40013,868,90023,513,40037,382,300At the moment of the Draft 39 C/5 preparation for the examination by the 201st session of the UNESCO Executive Board, the extrabudgetary funding in-hand or committed through signed agreement amounted to $4,800,000. The table below provides the analysis of resources, including the gap in extrabudgetary funding by function, based on the data available at that moment in time, or approximatively 31 December 2016. IOC functions$667M ($14.5M)$653M ($13.9M)RPXB targetTotalRPXB targetTotalXB in handXB gapXB in handXB gapA1,565,8301,444,0003,009,8301,517,9451,394,0002,911,945B3,266,9705050003,920,2007,692,1703,100,8305050003,900,2007,506,030C2,302,8054,552,0006,854,8052,164,7994,552,0006,716,799D1,372,0051050002,466,2003,943,2051,300,8761050002,366,2003,772,076E3,036,71730500003,528,0009,614,7173,004,00230500002,868,0008,922,002F2,438,73511400004,863,0008,441,7352,327,21011400003,633,0007,100,210Common costs475,938475,938453,238453,238TOTAL14,459,0004,800,00020,773,40040,032,40013,868,9004,800,00018,713,40037,382,300  EMBED Excel.Chart.8 \s  The next table provides a partial analysis of both budgetary scenarios by region. There are, however, constraints including but not limited to the following: Most activities, both regular budget-funded and for which extrabudgetary targets are established, while carried out from Headquarters, include large regional components, but it is difficult to quantify them at this stage, Many activities cover several regions (inter-regional), Staff in Europe (Ostend, Copenhagen, Brest) are shown under Global/inter-regional, Almost all Headquarters staff contribute, in one way or another, to regional activities. (Some are almost entirely dedicated to regions, e.g. staff in IOC/TSU). It should therefore be noted that the figures below show staff located in the field (exception of Ostend staff) and activities entirely managed by IOC field staff, rather than reflecting the actual programmatic focus and beneficiary regions $667M ($14.5M)$653M ($13.9M)RPXB (in hand)XB GAPTOTALRPXB(in hand)XB GAPTOTAL14,459,0004,800,00020,773,40040,032,40013,868,9004,800,00018,713,40037,382,300Regular BudgetRegular BudgetOperationsStaffTotalOperationsStaffTotalAFR438,580344,400782,980AFR392,925344,400737,325LAC224,910493,300718,210LAC204,540493,300697,840APA337,365483,800821,165APA306,810483,800790,610INT412,520412,520INT378,817378,817GLO/HQ4,558,5257,165,60011,724,125GLO/HQ4,098,7087,165,60011,264,308TOTAL5,971,9008,487,10014,459,000TOTAL5,381,8008,487,10013,868,900ExtrabudgetaryExtrabudgetaryOperationsStaffTotalOperationsStaffTotalAFR1,545,000295,5001,840,500AFR1,395,000295,5001,690,500LAC1,455,000108,0001,563,000LAC1,295,000108,0001,403,000APA1,370,000237,0001,607,000APA1,100,000237,0001,337,000INT1,816,000787,5002,603,500INT1,816,000787,5002,603,500GLO/HQ13,878,0004,081,40017,959,400GLO/HQ12,398,0004,081,40016,479,400TOTAL20,064,0005,509,40025,573,400TOTAL18,004,0005,509,40023,513,400TOTALTOTALOperationsStaffTotalOperationsStaffTotalAFR1,983,580639,9002,623,480AFR1,787,925639,9002,427,825LAC1,679,910601,3002,281,210LAC1,499,540601,3002,100,840APA1,707,365720,8002,428,165APA1,406,810720,8002,127,610INT2,228,520787,5003,016,020INT2,194,817787,5002,982,317GLO/HQ18,436,52511,247,00029,683,525GLO/HQ16,496,70811,247,00027,743,708TOTAL26,035,90013,996,50040,032,400TOTAL23,385,80013,996,50037,382,300In addition, the following resources have been identified towards the Global Priorities on Africa and Gender Equality: $667M ($14.5M)$653M ($13.9M)$%$%GP AfricaRP operations826,67015%701,92514%XB target7,144,08228%6,584,10028%TOTAL7,970,7527,286,025GP GenderRP operations275,0005%246,0005%XB target1,279,0005%1,175,7005%TOTAL1,554,0001,421,700The two fully-funded scenarios are intended to be supported by same staffing proposals, both in terms of regular budget staff allocation and extrabudgetary temporary assistance needs, as follows: IOC STAFF BY FUNCTIONStaff timeStaff costsFTE%$%REGULAR BUDGETFunction A3.1811%972,00011%Function B6.2821%1,935,90023%Function C4.9917%1,294,90015%Function D2.539%758,4009%Function E6.6622%2,016,20024%Function F5.9820%1,509,70018%TOTAL29.62100%8,487,100100%EXTRABUDGETARY TARGETSFunction A14%244,0004%Function B521%1,405,20026%Function C4.519%1,036,00019%Function D14%271,2005%Function E6.527%1,068,00019%Function F625%1,485,00027%TOTAL24100%5,509,400100%TOTALFunction A4.188%1,216,0009%Function B11.2821%3,341,10024%Function C9.4918%2,330,90017%Function D3.537%1,029,6007%Function E13.1625%3,084,20022%Function F11.9822%2,994,70021%TOTAL53.62100%13,996,500100%The proposed budgetary allocations are consistent with the guiding principles for the IOC budgetary allocations adopted by the IOC Assembly in Resolution XXVII-2 and in particular the need to ensure that at least 25% of resources by Expected Result are allocated to operations:  EMBED Excel.Chart.8 \s  The following table gives the full detail of IOC staff by structural units, both at Headquarters and in the field.  As shown in the above table, 44% of the staff are expected to be working in the field. This ratio is particularly high for extrabudgetary/temporary assistance staff 63%, compared to regular budget-funded core staff 29%. It should be noted that the ratio of General Services (GS) staff (assistants) to Professional (P) staff (excluding the GS staff of the Operational Support Unit that work on the processing of administrative transactions and not as assistants) is one GS staff for four P staff. Part II (A) EXPENDITURE PLANS BASED ON THE EXPECTED ASSESSED CONTRIBUTIONS FOR 2018-2019 (Source: 39C/5 document Addendum) The ocean and its resources are increasingly recognized as being indispensable for addressing the multiple challenges that the planet faces in the decades to come. This is most recently manifested in the development of the global agreements adopted in 2014-2015 in which ocean issues have been highly visible and sensitive. To a certain extent, these years offered for the IOC of UNESCO a test on its relevance, impact and stability. Evidence of IOCs strong contribution to the adoption of the SDGs (2030 Agenda) by the United Nations General Assembly, and in particular of the stand-along Goal14 on Oceans, the recognition of the role of the Ocean in the UNFCCC Paris Climate Agreement 2015, the Sendai Disaster Risk Reduction Framework and the SAMOA Pathway convincingly show that IOC has been on the right path to contributing ocean-related solutions to major challenges of our time. This active role, sometimes well in advance has been highlighted by the External Auditor in his report 200 EX/20.INF.2. It is well known that the IOC has been strongly affected by the financial crisis experienced by UNESCO since end 2011. It has seen not only the reduction in its regular budget but also a loss of extensive voluntary contributions, which used to provide a solid funding base for its global programmes. In the past three biennium, to preserve, to the extent possible, its delivery capacity in terms of programme implementation, the IOC drastically reduced its personnel, administration and coordination costs, leading to the situation of chronic understaffing (200 EX/20.INF.2). Even with the recent reinforcement of the IOC budget in the ZNG+ 38C/5, the Commissions budget only represents 1.96% of the total UNESCO budget, while the scope of Member States expectations and requests for the IOC to deliver continues to increase. In their comments on the preliminary proposals for 39C/5, the majority of Member States (almost two thirds) assessed as high the relevance and the comparative advantage of IOC in its thematic areas of competence (200 EX/13 Part I). At this point in time, however, as we embark on the fourth biennium of budgetary restrictions, the IOCs ability to deliver is at stake. As stated by the External Auditor, the IOC is at a crossroads. It must recover from the shock of the 2011 financial crisis while facing major challenges from recent international developments concerning climate change, sustainable development and marine spaces. Given the above-described context, the reduced budget alters the capacity of both the Secretariat and the IOC governing bodies (including regional and technical subsidiary bodies) to fulfil the minimum statutory obligations and provide core services to Member States. It also jeopardizes UNESCOs ability to comply with the lead role entrusted to it, through its IOC, in particular in relation to SDG 14. IOC is actively working with relevant United Nations bodies to guide the development of performance indicators for the SDG targets. The IOC of UNESCO is a designated custodian agency for two targets under SDG 14 related to addressing the impacts of ocean acidification and building Member States ocean science capacity. These responsibilities have direct programmatic implications and will require to establish a new global monitoring framework under the IOC in order to collect, synthesise, assess and report the SDG14 related data provided by countries. The Commission is also deeply engaged in informing the United Nations process of creating a new legal regime under the United Nations Convention on Law of the Sea on the conservation of marine biodiversity beyond areas of national jurisdiction. The IOC Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS) is the worlds leading database on ocean biodiversity. It contributes to at least two of the 20 United Nations biodiversity targets. The IOC coordinates regional tsunami warning systems in all four tsunami-prone areas of the ocean. An essential part of a tsunami warning system concerns awareness-raising and education including organization of regular tsunami warning exercises. This IOC work is a very strong contribution to the United Nations disaster risk reduction framework adopted in March 2015 by the Sendai Conference. With its very modest budget, the IOC coordinates a global tsunami warning system worth of hundreds of millions of dollars. Systematic observations being explicitly recognized as crucial to strengthening scientific knowledge on climate and supporting decision-making, IOCs main entry points into the climate change regime have been through systematic ocean observations and scientific contributions to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assessments. The systematic ocean observation contributions to the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) are coordinated through the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS), working with Member States in their annual $1-2billion investment, in delivering systematic shared ocean observations available to all; addressing global climate, operational ocean services, and increasingly addressing questions of threats to ocean health with growing human pressures, including climate change. The recent decision of the IPCC to launch a special report on climate change, cryosphere and the ocean can provide the opportunity for IOC to contribute as the lead United Nations body for ocean observations, with key source of data and information for all aspects of work in relation to climate. Within the context of IOC, data and information management are dealt with through the IODE (International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange) Programme. The sustainability of these activities and the very ability of UNESCO to adequately address the global and regional challenges through its IOC can be and are rightly questioned by the Member States and the Organizations External Auditor. While the exact programmatic and staffing choices will need to be decided by the IOC Assembly in June 2017, it is obvious that with one more biennium of ZNG budget, accompanied by cash-flow difficulties, the Commission will not be able to reinforce its regional presence and operationalize its Capacity Development Strategy, 2015-2021. With the budgetary difficulties of the last three biennia, the IOC has been facing the same main challenge in striking a balance between maintaining its core operational activities and ensuring the implementation of the IOC core mandate in ocean science and transfer of marine technology. In parallel, Member States continue to make large investments in ocean science and ocean observing infrastructure. If due to financial constraints, IOC fails to harness that for a coordinated global ocean observing system and for providing the data streams for a world ocean assessment, this will lead to the loss of the leadership role and be a serious disservice to the discipline of oceanography and marine sciences. Within oceanography (as in many other geoscience fields) there is a trend toward developing sustained observation systems (locally, regionally and globally). If IOC and UNESCO are to deal effectively with the future of marine science, services and capacity building, we must ensure that the body that deals with sustained ocean observations and operational oceanography, the IOC secretariat, is adequately supported and that these responsibilities are not turned over to another organization. Without a legitimate and mandated role in these fields, we cannot claim to have capacity development activities in these fields because we will be disconnected from the appropriate communities. This balancing act is unsustainable in the long term and the IOC Assembly will need to re-define the priorities, which may push most of our capacity development activities to extrabudgetary funding sources, at a time when Member States are in particular need of technical assistance and transfer of technology to help them meet their objectives under 2030 Agenda and other ocean-relevant conventions. While the core underlying problems explained above will still persist and need to be addressed, the minimal breathing space allowed by the efforts of the Director-General to preserve the IOC budget despite all the constraints would allow the Commission to address the most urgent staffing issue related to the Caribbean Tsunami Information Centre (CTIC), much awaited by the SIDS of the region, and to consolidate the staffing on the Marine Policy & Regional Coordination Section to optimize delivery on the SDG mandate. The main focus will be on establishing a tailored capacity development programme to support Member States, and in particular SIDS, LDCs and African countries, through: (i) the assessment of capacity needs for SDG implementation, building on the IOC Global Ocean Science Report; (ii) strengthening of the national statistical and data management capacity and improving national reporting mechanism on ocean-related targets; and (iii) the establishment of regional platforms through IOC Regional Sub-Commissions to facilitate the transfer of marine technology. However, this reinforcement will only be possible with the abolition in 2017 of yet another GS-level post in the IOC Operational Support Unit. This will bring the total staffing of the IOC/EO/AO to two posts, which will even further increase the reporting and managerial burden on the four P-5 Section Heads at Headquarters. In the $507M expenditure plan ($653M) scenario, the above activities will be considerably downscaled, and the Caribbean Tsunami Information Centre position cannot be afforded in the Centres current location in a SIDS Member State. IOC Function A: Ocean research The WMO-IOC-ICSU co-sponsored World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) conducts long-term large-scale observational and modelling projects in climate science and provides a highly recognized international forum for evaluating progress and setting perspective research directions to improve climate knowledge and convert it into a multitude of practical application of direct societal benefit. Working together, IOC and WCRP move forward the science needed to predict the regional climate change, deeper understand and quantify the role of the ocean as a natural sink for CO2, which is fundamental for establishing international emissions stabilization scenarios and predict future climate with full account of ocean processes. Developing a global picture of the changing global climate requires significant international scientific cooperation and coordination. Research activities focused on ocean carbon sources and sinks, through e.g. the International Ocean Carbon Coordination Project (IOCCP), on ocean acidification, through the international partnership GOA-ON, and on Blue Carbon Ecosystems, through the Blue Carbon Initiative, provide scientific and technical advice to UNESCO/IOC Member States on matters related to ocean carbon, ocean acidification, blue carbon and climate change mitigation. IOC is the custodian agency for the indicator for the SDG14 target on ocean acidification (14.3). To fulfil this role, the IOC, through the GOA-ON Data Portal, is centralizing all available and quality-controlled ocean acidification observing data. In order to better understand marine ecosystem functioning and impacts of climate change and variability and of ocean acidification and deoxygenation on ecosystem services, policy-relevant advice and new tools are delivered through a number of UNESCO/IOC led international scientific initiatives, such as the IOC International Group for Marine Ecological Time Series (IGMETS), the expert group on Climate Change and Global Trends of Phytoplankton in the Oceans (TrendsPO), and the IOC Global Ocean Oxygen Network (GO2NE). These groups provide a platform for national research institutions to collaborate and strengthen the knowledge base for policies and decision-making. While underpinning IOC global programmes, IOCs Regional Subsidiary Bodies demonstrate the comparative advantage of the Commission in developing and implementing Member States-supported joint research programmes, tailored to address their estuaries, coastal and transboundary issues such as marine biodiversity conservation, ecosystem health, ocean processes and climate. The targets for the reduced budget scenarios indicate the significant difficulty to maintain the level of results that IOC will have attained at the end of 2017. With the lowest ($507M) budget, the IOC will face serious difficulty counteracting the erosion of the 2017 baseline. In the best of options, IOC will be able to keep the current level of participation in, involvement of, and benefits by Member States from IOCs activities, and in the $518M scenario to slightly increase it (the indicated figures reflect a positive inertia effect in the implementation of ongoing activities, also taking into account the current biennium extrabudgetary envelope). IOC Function B: Observing systems and data management Generating societal benefit from ocean information relies on a value chain that ends in user-focused services, operational (such as early warnings) or policy-oriented (such as assessments); steps through scientific forecast or analysis; interoperable ocean data and information management systems; and requires sustained ocean observations to underpin them. The potential users of ocean-related services are many, covering areas related to climate (where the Global Climate Observing System GCOS works across domains), operational ocean services, and ocean health. An integrated sustained ocean observing system and data management system maximizes common value to Member States. The Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) and its GOOS Regional Alliances (GRAs), and the observations programme area of the Joint IOC-WMO Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM) and its JCOMM in situ Observing Programme Support Centre (JCOMMOPS) are the core IOC programmes that coordinate a sustained ocean observing system, following a Framework for Ocean Observing in the definition of common requirements, the coordination of observations including the promotion of standards and best practices, and appropriate interfaces with ocean data management systems. These observations should be coordinated, to common standards, and integrated for multiple purposes. New observing techniques and variables should be included when ready, and global capacity to make these observations nurtured, particularly through work at a regional level. These programmes build on Member State-supported observing networks, engage a broad scientific community of operators of the sustained ocean observing system, which is in majority supported by limited-lifetime research funding. They deliver a better coordinated, more integrated, and more responsive sustained ocean observing system to Member States. Intermediate outputs to achieve this expected result include: common requirements and strategic guidance expressed in the specifications of Essential Ocean Variables, tracking of metrics of progress, effort, and risk, with the ability to look by basin, region, and Member State, as well as global agreed goals, promotion of standards and best practices, including developing capacity, ensuring interoperability and best practices in network-based data management, ongoing technical coordination services to the Member State-based operators of the observing system, and a platform for communication and advocacy of sustained observations. While a large number of Member States have participated in GOOS through the activities of GOOS Regional Alliances (on paper 104 Member States of which 5 in Africa and 39 in SIDS), the reach of the GOOS Regional Alliances and scientific evaluation and observations coordination structures is smaller. The largest observing network in GOOS and JCOMM has about 60 active Member States participating, while about 30 Member States are able to leverage a broader range of coordinating services and strategic guidance under GOOS and JCOMM. At this level of financial support (RP and full required EXB), GOOS and JCOMM will be continue to focus on the core climate observations developed in the 2000s, with: Maintenance of the physical observations of the ocean for climate projections and services, some consideration of the requirements for interfaces between open ocean and coastal areas, address local requirements where capacity already exists, an expansion of the requirements for observations of biological and ecosystem variables addressing ocean health and SDG 14, and coordination support to only the two most developed EOVs addressing corals and zooplankton, and support to the preparation of two GOOS Regional Alliances projects. The operational maintenance of the observing networks by Member States as a system requires continual effort in coordination as well as yearly investment. With a reduction in coordination effort led by IOC, the engagement of Member States in a common system will decline in time leading to a reduction in targets from the baseline in the budget scenario where regular programme resources are reduced from 38 C/5 levels. In this value chain, the International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) addresses the management and global sharing of oceanographic data. Large volumes of reliable data sets for a wide variety of ocean variables collected through the above-mentioned observing systems need to be managed and shared globally. The Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS) will be part of this linked data architecture, enabling the integration of environmental and biodiversity data. While IODE has developed the IODE Ocean Data Portal this is currently not a global system but links a limited number of nodes. It has not yet been possible to develop nodes in developing countries. At present, Member States have access to and use 48 million records in OBIS database science and assessment, 6,900 shared documents. In IODE research expertise document repositories, and 500 data sets through the IODE Ocean Data Portal. No global data portal is available. While IODE has developed the IODE Ocean Data Portal this is currently not a global system but links a limited number of nodes. It has not been possible to develop nodes in developing countries yet. At this level of financial support IODE will not be able to start the development of a global ocean data portal system that will federate existing national and regional data systems but will be able to draft the required system architecture and develop a metadata base. At this level of financial support, the IODE network will be expanded by approximately 15%. The Second International Indian Ocean Expedition (IIOE-2) is a major global scientific programme which will engage the international scientific community in collaborative oceanographic and atmospheric research from coastal environments to the deep sea over the period 2015-2020, revealing new information on the Indian Ocean fundamental for future sustainable development and expansion of the Indian Oceans blue economy. IIOE-2 activities will include a significant focus on building the capacity of all nations around the Indian Ocean to understand and apply observational data or research outputs for their own socio-economic requirements and decisions. This level of funding will limit IOCs role to basic coordination under scientific themes and operational needs of IIOE-2. At this value chain, IOC Regional Sub-Commissions (IOCAFRICA, IOCARIBE and WESTPAC) develop sustained regional ocean observations and services as part of GOOS in supporting Member States, and particularly developing countries, in their efforts to address the needs of a variety of human activities related to marine hazards mitigation, oil and gas exploration, fisheries, navigation, search and rescue, marine parks management and coastal recreational activities. IOC Function C: Early warning and services Society resilience with regard to ocean hazards depends on effective use of the scientific knowledge base in sustained early warning services to protect life, health and property on the coast and at sea, and related education on the risks. The IOC Tsunami Programme, through the intergovernmental coordination of regional warning systems, capacity development activities and the support of national and regional projects, is a key stakeholder for tsunami risk reduction at the global level. One of the core activities of the IOC Tsunami Programme is stakeholder training and education. Reducing the loss of lives and damage to livelihoods produced by tsunamis requires assessing tsunami risk, implementing tsunami early warning systems, and educating communities at risk about preparedness measures. The provision of early warning services for other ocean hazards (sea ice, waves, storm surges, and harmful algal blooms) requires intergovernmental coordination and promotion of common standards and best practices. Many of these services are underpinned by the development of operational ocean forecast systems. Services related to sea ice, waves, and storm surges, as well as operational ocean forecast systems, are intergovernmentally coordinated through the WMO-IOC JCOMM in concert with ocean agencies and meteorological services around the globe. The development of guides on best practices serves new entrants and can provide a basis for capacity development activities. Although a natural part of marine ecosystems, occurrences of certain microalgae in marine or brackish waters is a serious hazard which can cause massive fish kills, contaminate seafood with toxins, threaten public health and alter ecosystems in ways that humans perceive as harmful, economic and social impacts may be significant. Furthermore, the occurrence of some harmful algae is linked to eutrophication and other anthropogenic change. The IOCs Harmful Algal Bloom Programme is a leading global platform for international cooperation in developing knowledge-based products to enhance Member State capacity for observation, modelling and management of harmful algal events at local and regional scales. At the regional level, the IOC Regional Sub-Commissions also advance scientific research, develop capacities of, and provide emergency technical assistance to, IOC Member States in order to mitigate the negative impacts of harmful algal blooms and coral bleaching. Reduced budget will imply that: (i) reduced support will be available to the development of Tsunami Plans and Standard Operating Procedures, notably in SIDS; (ii) NPO position for staffing the Caribbean Tsunami Information Centre cannot be created in the $507M scenario; (iii) there will be no support for international coordination efforts to improve operational forecast systems; (iv)African and SIDS Member States will have fewer opportunities for enhancing national capacity to manage ocean hazards and HAB events and that scientific advice to Member States at large will be reduced. IOC Function D: Assessment and information for policy Robust ocean science-policy interfaces at the global, regional, and national levels are an essential building block towards the formulation of evidence-based policy and decision-making. The IOC contributes to a number of global assessment processes aimed at keeping the ocean under review and track changes in ocean conditions, specifically through the United Nations World Ocean Assessment, the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, and the newly established IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and cryosphere. The role of IOC as custodian agency for some of the SDG 14 targets implies a new responsibility for its science, data management and capacity development programmes, to provide normative support to nations in monitoring and reporting the implementation of the Ocean SDG. Reduced budget will impair IOCs capacity to deliver internationally comparable data for relevant SDG 14 indicators to the United Nations. It will also lead to the downscaling of IOC contribution to global assessment processes. Specific tools are needed to assist Member states to mitigate ocean threats. Specifically, increases in nutrient loading which is linked with increased primary productivity may lead to the development of blooms of harmful algae, leading to anoxia, and detrimental impacts on fisheries resources, ecosystems services, and human health or recreation. The export of phosphorus to the ocean has increased three-fold compared to pre-industrial levels, and nitrogen has increased even more dramatically, especially over the last 40 years. IOC will assist technical and policy-makers design and facilitate strategies to improve nutrient use management at source, particularly in the agricultural sector, and reduce influx of nutrients from various sources to the environment. Member States capacity to manage nutrient loading to coastal ecosystems is enhanced through technical training in the Global Nutrient Management Toolbox developed through inter-agency collaboration under the Global Partnership on Nutrient Management (GPNM) and through targeted development of the Index of Coastal Eutrophication Potential (ICEP) as an indicator for Sustainable Development Goal14.1. Reduced budget availability will imply that African and SIDS Member States will have fewer opportunities for enhancing national capacity to manage nutrient loading and that development of ICEP as an indicator for SDG Target 14.1 is delayed. The IOC will also invest in supporting the development of the Global Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO), together with the IHO, leading to the expansion of knowledge related to seafloor depths and features which is critical to support marine research, as well as the production of tsunami inundation models in coastal areas. Reduced budget availability would mean that IOCs support to GEBCO will remain minimal and increase the risk of losing ownership of this important co-sponsored programme. Member States will use high-resolution maps to support the development of coastal and marine management plans in their national waters. Technical support will be provided to Member States, and in particular those most vulnerable to coastal hazards and climate change, to assess, design and implement science-based coastal hazard mitigation and adaptation plans, building on the existing IOC tools. Access to funding mechanisms such as the Adaptation Fund and Green Fund will be sought. IOC Function E: Sustainable management and governance IOC acting as the focal point for ocean sciences within the United Nations system will continue to engage in relevant United Nations inter-agency activities aimed at providing assistance to Member States in the implementation of 2030 Agenda, in accordance with IOCs custodianship role in relation to SDG14, as well as the implementation of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, the SAMOA Pathway, and Sendai Disaster Reduction Framework. Reduced budget will however lower the capacity of IOC to engage in the development of inter-agency initiatives in support of these global agreements, hence resulting in lower visibility and benefits for its Member States. Overall guidance on general policy and the main lines of work of the Commission will be provided by the IOC Governing Bodies (Assembly and Executive Council), and for regional implementation by regional subsidiary bodies: IOC Sub-Commission for Africa and Adjacent Islands (IOCAFRICA), IOC Sub-Commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (IOCARIBE), the IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific (WESTPAC) and the newly revitalized IOC Committee for the Northern Central Indian Ocean (IOCINDIO). Reduced budget will translate in a lower impact and delivery of IOC programmes in the regions. IOC will lead the development of decision support tools and increase the capacity of coastal nations in managing their marine and coastal resources within an ecosystem-based framework. A dual approach, based on enhancing opportunities for the development of ocean-based economies whilst ensuring that marine and coastal biodiversity and ecosystem services are conserved, will provide the backbone of the IOC strategy in Marine Spatial Planning. To achieve this result, technical support and enabling activities will be provided to assist countries to initiate Marine Spatial Planning and best practices will be tracked and reported through an enhanced network of MSP/EBM managers. Reduced budget will imply that African and SIDS Member States will have fewer opportunities to benefit from this technical support and related capacity development in ecosystem-based management. The development of marine atlas as a decision support tool will have to be limited to one region only, i.e. the Latin American region, building on existing investment. Whilst global ecosystem-based governance of Large Marine Ecosystems and their coasts will be pursued by generating knowledge, building capacity, harnessing public and private partners and supporting south-to-south and north-to-south learning, IOC will have difficulties maintaining its co-financing to the two GEF UNDP projects related to International Water and LMEs. IOC Function F: Capacity development (cross-cutting) In order to achieve equitable participation of all IOC Member States in IOC global programmes and to ensure all IOC Member States have the necessary capacity to address national as well as regional ocean-related issues, all Member States need to acquire the necessary capacity. IOCs capacity development strategy and implementation plans (global and regional) will address these needs. Given the varying national and regional realities, capacities and development status, IOC Regional Subsidiary Bodies will serve as key vehicles for the implementation of the Strategy in their respective regions, taking an inclusive and adaptive approach. At this level of financial support progress with CD implementation plans will be extremely limited (or non-existent in the $507M scenario), as will be the mobilization of extrabudgetary funds (as IOC will not be in a position to provide counterpart contributions). Until the publication by UNESCO/IOC in 2017 of the first Global Ocean Science Report (GOSR), Member States, their institutions and policy-makers had no single point source for information, as basis for planning and decision making, of where science capacity exists to address marine environmental challenges. The GOSR assists local and national governments, academic and research institutions, as well as international organizations and donors, in making informed decisions, e.g. on future research investment. To facilitate access these data and analysis to all and to allow wider use of all data, the GOSR is developed to include a permanent on-line resource. The functionality of this on-line resource may be restricted by reduced budget availability. IOC is the custodian agency for SDG Target indicator 14.a.1, and the definitions and mechanisms used in the development of SDG Target indicator 14.a.1 are based on the IOC Criteria and Guidelines on Transfer of Marine Technology and are part of the GOSR data collection and analysis. The GOSR and associated data compilation will in this way support UNESCO/IOC Member States in their reporting on SDG targets. Expected result: Science-informed policies for reduced vulnerability to ocean hazards, for the global conservation and sustainable use of oceans, seas and marine resources, and increased resilience and adaptation to climate change, developed and implemented by Member States, towards the realization of Agenda 2030 (Source: 39C/5 document Addendum) Performance indicatorsBaselinesTargets 2019 $518M$507M1. No. of supported Member States which have conducted up-to-date ocean research to address specific challenges of the ocean and human impacts on coastal areas (i) 50 MS, of which 5 from Africa and 5 SIDS, participating in international research initiatives under the auspices of the IOC co-sponsored WCRP (ii) 89 MS, of which 22 from Africa and 11 SIDS, integrating international best practices, standards and methodologies to observe ocean acidification and blue carbon ecosystems (iii) 76 MS, of which 6 from Africa and 2 SIDS, participating in science and CD initiatives aimed at improving understanding of marine ecosystem functioning and the impacts of change on ecosystem services(i) 52 of which 7 from Africa and 7 SIDS (ii) 91 of which 24 from Africa and 13 SIDS (iii) 80 of which 8 from Africa and 4 SIDS (i) 51 of which 6 from Africa and 6 SIDS (ii) 91 of which 23 from Africa and 12 SIDS (iii) 77 of which 7 from Africa and 3 SIDS 2. No. of supported Member States which maintained, strengthened and integrated global ocean observing, data and information system to reduce vulnerability to ocean hazards and benefit from their outputs(i) 104 MS part of GOOS Regional Alliances, of which 5 in Africa and 39 in SIDS. Levels of participation and engagement vary, with an estimated 60, of which 5 in Africa and 8 in SIDS, actively participating in ocean observing activities coordinated through IOC. (ii) 13 MS, of which 5 in Africa and 1 SIDS, participate in the ongoing work of IOGOOS, as an indicator of involvement in IIOE-2 (iii) 20 MS contribute to the work of JCOMMOPS (iv) 84 MS participating in the IODE network & collaborating in Data & Information Management by applying standard methodology, of which 19 in Africa(i) 60 of which 5 from Africa and 8 SIDS (ii) 13 of which 5 from Africa and 1 SIDS (iii) 20 (iv) 90 of which 22 from Africa (i) 55 of which 4 from Africa and 6 SIDS (ii) 12 of which 4 from Africa and 1 SIDS (iii) 18 (iv) 87 of which 19 from Africa3. No. of supported Member States which have developed early warning systems and preparedness to mitigate the risks of tsunamis and other ocean-related hazards towards increased resilience (i) 72 MS, of which 14 SIDS and 6 MS from Africa, have National Tsunami Warning Centres with basic SOPs and capacity to provide and exercise national/local services (ii) 5 MS, of which 5 SIDS have increased communities preparedness (iii) 3 MS of which 1 SIDS developed capacities for tsunami & other coastal hazard assessment (iv) 9 MS actively participating in operational ocean forecast system (0 from Africa, 0 from SIDS) (v) 45 MS developed capacities for research and management of harmful algae(i) 75 of which 15 SIDS and 6 from Africa (ii) 9 of which 5 SIDS (iii) 5 of which 1 SIDS (iv) 13 of which 2 from Africa and 2 SIDS (v) 45 of which 6 from Africa and 5 SIDS(i) 74 of which 15 SIDS and 6 from Africa (ii) 8 of which 5 SIDS (iii) 4 of which 1 SIDS (iv) 13 of which 2 from Africa and 2 SIDS (v) 45 of which 6 from Africa and 5 SIDS4. No. of supported Member States that have ocean science and policy interface mechanisms in support of healthy ocean ecosystems in accordance with Agenda 2030 (i) 8 MS contribute to and use bathymetric datasets through GEBCO (ii) 25 MS, of which 5 SIDS and 5 from Africa nominating experts to WOA Pool of Experts, and IPBES and IPCC assessments (iii) No. of MS contributing National ocean SDG datasets through IODE - no existing baseline as new mechanism (iv) 25 MS participating in science and CD programmes on nutrients assessment and management (v) 5 MS from Africa implement science-based guidelines on coastal hazards mitigation/climate change adaptation(i) 12 (ii) 25 of which 5 SIDS and 5 from Africa (iii) 45 of which 6 from Africa (iv) 35 of which 5 SIDS and 7 from Africa (v) 9 of which 5 from Africa and 1 SIDS(i) 10 (ii) 20 of which 4 SIDS and 4 from Africa (iii) 40 of which 5 from Africa (iv) 30 of which 4 SIDS and 5 from Africa (v) 7 of which 5 from Africa and 1 SIDS5. No. of supported Member States which implement science-based ecosystem management and measure progress on SDG 14 implementation (i) 74 MS, of which 16 from Africa and 8 SIDS, contribute to the implementation of workplans of governing and regional subsidiary bodies (ii) 40 MS, of which 5 from Africa and 3 SIDS, use IOCs ecosystem-based management tools to develop marine spatial plans and sustainable ocean economic programmes (iii) 10 MS, of which 3 SIDS, participate in the implementation of inter-agency activities and outreach programmes(i) 88 of which 13 from Africa and 10 SIDS (ii) 45 of which 6 from Africa and 5 SIDS (iii) 13 of which 4 SIDS (i) 80 of which 10 from Africa and 9 SIDS (ii) 43 of which 5 from Africa and 4 SIDS (iii) 12 of which 3 SIDS6. No. of supported Member States which have developed institutional capacity and used it towards IOCs high-level objectives (i) No. of MS contributing to regional needs assessment and delivery of marine technologyno existing baseline (ii) 34 MS, of which 6 from Africa and 2 SIDS, contributing to 1st GOSR published in 2017 (iii) (a) No. of MS implementing CD workplans through IOCAFRICA, IOCARIBE, WESTPAC & IOCINDIO N/A as no CD plans adopted (b) 80 MS practitioners, of which 20 from Africa and 4 from SIDS, trained in priority topics identified regional sub-commissions (iv) 80 MS practitioners, of which 20 from Africa and 0 from SIDS, trained in priority topics identified through regional assessments, with 4 IODE RTCs organizing 1 course/year each (i) 10 of which 1 form Africa and 1 SIDS (ii) 60 of which 8 Africa and 8 SIDS including gender disaggregated human resources information from 45 MS (iii) (a) CD implementation plans adopted and implementation started, with minimal seed funding, otherwise dependent on XB (b) 120 practitioners MS, of which 20 from Africa and 5 from SIDS (iv) 100 practitioners of which 30 from Africa and 0 SIDS, with a gender target of 40% women (5 RTCs established)(i) 8 of which 1 form Africa (ii) 60 of which 8 Africa and 8 SIDS including gender disaggregated human resources information from 45 MS (iii) (a) CD implementation plans adopted and implementation started, entirely conditional on availability of XB funding (b) 90 practitioners MS, of which 20 from Africa and 4 from SIDS (iv) 80 practitioners of which 25 from Africa and 0 SIDS, with a gender target of 40% women (4 RTCs established) PART II (B) BUDGETARY AND STAFFING PROPOSALS REDUCED TO THE LEVEL OF EXPENDITURE PLANS BASED ON THE EXPECTED ASSESSSED CONTRIBUTIONS FOR 2018-2019 Integrated budgetary proposal for two expenditure plans based on the regular budget allocations of: $518M for UNESCO ($10.7M for IOC) and $507M for UNESCO ($10.2M for IOC) IOC Function/activity$518M ($10.7M)$507M ($10.2M)RP allocationXB targetTotalRP allocationXB targetTotalFUNCTION A1,153,8001,094,0002,247,8001,145,000994,0002,139,000WCRP50,000100,000150,00050,000100,000150,000Ocean Carbon & Acidification75,000400,000475,00070,000350,000420,000CC impact on ocean & coastal ecosystems60,000350,000410,00060,000300,000360,000Sub-total operations185,000850,0001,035,000180,000750,000930,000Staff (RP) & temp. assistance (XB)968,800244,0001,212,800965,000244,0001,209,000FUNCTION B: 2,355,4002,745,2005,100,6002,321,9002,395,2004,717,100GOOS Work Plan330,000650,000980,000305,000550,000855,000Perth Programme Office40,000100,000140,00040,000100,000140,000IIOE-235,000400,000435,00035,000300,000335,000JCOMM Observations80,000355,000435,00075,000255,000330,000IODE & OBIS core systems82,000350,000432,00082,000300,000382,000Sub-total operations567,0001,855,0002,422,000537,0001,505,0002,042,000Staff (RP) & temp. assistance (XB)1,788,400890,2002,678,6001,784,900890,2002,675,100FUNCTION C1,737,7003,582,0005,319,7001,718,2003,221,6004,939,800Promote integrated and sustained WS125,000640,000765,000125,000581,600706,600Educating communities at risk 120,000636,000756,000120,000594,000714,000Contribute to MS capacities for assessments100,000750,000850,000100,000590,000690,000JCOMM Services65,000250,000315,00065,000150,000215,000HAB research & monitoring40,000270,000310,00040,000270,000310,000Sub-total operations450,0002,546,0002,996,000450,0002,185,6002,635,600Staff (RP) & temp. assistance (XB)1,287,7001,036,0002,323,7001,268,2001,036,0002,304,200FUNCTION D956,7001,877,2002,833,900915,8001,634,2002,550,000SDG follow up & WOA 85,000506,000591,00085,000383,000468,000GEBCO20,00050,00070,00020,00050,00070,000Reducing nutrient enrichment 60,000100,000160,00055,000100,000155,000IODE & OBIS products & services67,000300,000367,00040,000250,000290,000CC adaptation in coastal zones55,000650,000705,00050,000580,000630,000Sub-total operations287,0001,606,0001,893,000250,0001,363,0001,613,000Staff (RP) & temp. assistance (XB)669,700271,200940,900665,800271,200937,000FUNCTION E2,436,6004,443,0006,879,6002,346,0003,871,4006,217,400IOC Governing bodies245,900150,000395,900218,000103,400321,400IOCARIBE40,000100,000140,00040,00080,000120,000IOCAFRICA40,000100,000140,00040,00080,000120,000WESTPAC40,000100,000140,00040,00080,000120,000IOCINDIO20,00050,00070,00020,00050,00070,000Partnerships & outreach (SDG follow-up)81,8001,100,0001,181,80081,800875,000956,800ICAM & MSP60,0001,640,0001,700,00060,0001,400,0001,460,000Sub-total operations527,7003,240,0003,767,700499,8002,668,4003,168,200Staff (RP) & temp. assistance (XB)1,908,9001,203,0003,111,9001,846,2001,203,0003,049,200FUNCTION F1,790,0003,835,0005,625,0001,520,2003,410,0004,930,200CD & TMT&GOSR61,300785,000846,30020,000500,000520,000CD IOCAFRICA75,000200,000275,00025,000175,000200,000CD IOCARIBE75,000200,000275,00025,000175,000200,000CD WESTPAC75,000200,000275,00025,000175,000200,000CD INCINDIO20,00065,00085,00050,00050,000IODE & OBIS training & education85,000900,000985,00082,000850,000932,000Sub-total operations391,3002,350,0002,741,300177,0001,925,0002,102,000Staff (RP) & temp. assistance (XB)1,398,7001,485,0002,883,7001,343,2001,485,0002,828,200UNDAF 1% Evaluations 3%20,00020,000IOC Operating costs50,00050,00050,00050,000IOC contribution to common charges181,100181,100181,100181,100TOTAL Operations2,659,10012,447,00015,106,1002,324,90010,397,00012,721,900TOTAL Staff (RP) & temp. assistance (XB)8,022,2005,129,40013,151,6007,873,3005,129,40013,002,700OVERALL TOTAL10,681,30017,576,40028,257,70010,198,20015,526,40025,724,600At the moment of the Draft 39C/5 preparation for the examination by the Executive Board at its 201st session, the extrabudgetary funding in-hand or committed through signed agreement amounted to $4,800,000. The table below provides the analysis of resources, including the gap in extrabudgetary funding by function, based on the data available at that moment in time, or approximatively 31 December 2016. IOC functions$518M ($10.7M)$507M ($10.2M)RPXB targetTotalRPXB targetTotalXB in handXB gapXB in handXB gapA1,153,8001,094,0002,247,8001,145,000994,0002,139,000B2,355,4005050002,240,2005,100,6002,321,9005050001,890,2004,717,100C1,737,7003,582,0005,319,7001,718,2003,221,6004,939,800D956,7001050001,772,2002,833,900915,8001050001,529,2002,550,000E2,436,60030500001,393,0006,879,6002,346,0003050000821,4006,217,400F1,790,00011400002,695,0005,625,0001,520,20011400002,270,0004,930,200Common costs251,100251,100231,100231,100TOTAL10,681,3004,800,00012,776,40028,257,70010,198,2004,800,00010,726,40025,724,600  EMBED Excel.Chart.8 \s  The next table provides a partial analysis of both budgetary scenarios by region. There are, however, constraints including but not limited to the following: Most activities, both regular budget-funded and for which extrabudgetary targets are established, while carried out from Headquarters, include large regional components, but it is difficult to quantify them at this stage; Many activities cover several regions (inter-regional) Staff in Europe (Ostend, Copenhagen, Brest) are shown under Global/inter-regional Almost all Headquarters staff contribute, in one way or another, to regional activities. (Some are almost entirely dedicated to regions, e.g. staff in IOC/TSU). It should therefore be noted that the figures below show staff located in the field (exception of Ostend staff) and activities entirely managed by IOC field staff, rather than reflecting the actual programmatic focus and beneficiary regions $518M ($10.7M)$507M ($10.2M)RPXB (in hand)XB GAPTOTALRP XB (in hand)XB GAPTOTAL10,681,3004,800,00012,776,40028,257,70010,198,2004,800,00010,726,40025,724,600Regular BudgetRegular BudgetOperationsStaffTotalOperationsStaffTotalAFR205,000343,200548,200AFR150,000343,300493,300LAC135,000491,700626,700LAC85,000446,900531,900APA155,000472,400627,400APA85,000464,700549,700INT195,000195,000INT175,000175,000GLO/HQ1,969,1006,714,9008,684,000GLO/HQ1,829,9006,618,4008,448,3000TOTAL2,659,1008,022,20010,681,300TOTAL2,324,9007,873,30010,198,200ExtrabudgetaryExtrabudgetaryOperationsStaffTotalOperationsStaffTotalAFR900,000295,5001,195,500AFR830,000295,5001,125,500LAC1,007,000108,0001,115,000LAC902,000108,0001,010,000APA855,000237,0001,092,000APA720,000237,000957,000INT1,362,000787,5002,149,500INT1,061,600787,5001,849,100GLO/HQ8,323,0003,701,40012,024,400GLO/HQ6,883,4003,701,40010,584,800TOTAL12,447,0005,129,40017,576,400TOTAL10,397,0005,129,40015,526,400TOTALTOTALOperationsStaffTotalOperationsStaffTotalAFR1,105,000638,7001,743,700AFR980,000638,8001,618,800LAC1,142,000599,7001,741,700LAC987,000554,9001,541,900APA1,010,000709,4001,719,400APA805,000701,7001,506,700INT1,557,000787,5002,344,500INT1,236,600787,5002,024,100GLO/HQ10,292,10010,416,30020,708,400GLO/HQ8,713,30010,319,80019,033,100TOTAL15,106,10013,151,60028,257,700TOTAL12,721,90013,002,70025,724,600In addition, the following resources have been identified towards the Global Priorities on Africa and Gender Equality: $518M ($10.7M)$507M ($10.2M)$%$%GP AfricaRP operations347,00014%287,00014%XB target4,323,30025%3,791,90024%TOTAL4,670,3004,078,900GP GenderRP operations70,0003%60,0003%XB target530,0003%470,0003%TOTAL600,000530,000The two expenditure plan scenarios are intended to be supported by same staffing proposals in terms of extrabudgetary temporary assistance needs. The regular budget allocations, while counting the same number of positions, differ in cost due to the fact that some posts had to be downgraded in the $507M ($10.2M) scenario or created in a less expensive, if also less optimal, location. IOC STAFF BY FUNCTION$518M ($10.7M)$507M ($10.2M)Staff timeStaff costsStaff timeStaff costsFTE%$%FTE%$%REGULAR BUDGETFunction A3.1812%968,80012%3.1812%965,00012%Function B5.7821%1,788,40022%5.7821%1,784,90023%Function C4.9918%1,287,70016%4.9918%1,268,20016%Function D2.037%669,7008%2.037%665,8008%Function E6.0622%1,908,90024%6.0622%1,846,20023%Function F5.5820%1,398,70017%5.5820%1,343,20017%TOTAL27.62100%8,022,200100%27.62100%7,873,300100%EXTRABUDGETARY TARGETSFunction A14%244,0005%14%244,0005%Function B313%890,20017%313%890,20017%Function C4.520%1,036,00020%4.520%1,036,00020%Function D14%271,2005%14%271,2005%Function E7.533%1,203,00023%7.533%1,203,00023%Function F626%1,485,00029%626%1,485,00029%TOTAL23100%5,129,400100%23100%5,129,400100%TOTALFunction A4.188%1,212,8009%4.188%1,209,0009%Function B8.7817%2,678,60020%8.7817%2,675,10021%Function C9.4919%2,323,70018%9.4919%2,304,20018%Function D3.036%940,9007%3.036%937,0007%Function E13.5627%3,111,90024%13.5627%3,049,20023%Function F11.5823%2,883,70022%11.5823%2,828,20022%TOTAL50.62100%13,151,600100%50.62100%13,002,700100%The proposed budgetary allocation for the $518M ($10.7M) scenario is consistent with the guiding principles for the IOC budgetary allocations adopted by the IOC Assembly in Resolution XXVII-2 and in particular the need to ensure that at least 25% of resources by Expected Result are allocated to operations. However, it was not possible to achieve this ratio within the $507M ($10.2M) scenario while keeping the same number of posts, despite the downgrading and the choice of less expensive locations.  EMBED Excel.Chart.8 \s  The following table gives the full detail of IOC staff by structural units, both at Headquarters and in the field.  As shown in the above table, 43% of the staff are expected to be working in the field. This ratio is particularly high for extrabudgetary/temporary assistance staff 57%, compared to regular budget-funded core staff 31%. It should be noted that the ratio of General Services (GS) staff (assistants) to Professional (P) staff (excluding the GS staff of the Operational Support Unit that work on the processing of administrative transactions and not as assistants) is 1 GS staff for 4 P staff. APPENDIX BUDGETARY APPROPRIATIONS UNDER THE IOC SPECIAL ACCOUNT FOR 20182019 TITLEBudget codeAmountIOC Function A: Foster ocean research to strengthen knowledge of ocean and coastal processes and human impacts upon them 191ORS2039500,000.00WCRP191ORS2039.1100,000.00Ocean Carbon & Acidification191ORS2039.2250,000.00Impact of climate change on ocean and coastal ecosystems 191ORS2039.3150,000.00IOC Function B: Maintain, strengthen and integrate global ocean observing, data and information systems 191OSD20391,500,000.00GOOS Work Plan191OSD2039.1550,000.00Perth Programme Office191OSD2039.2400,000.00IIOE-2 (developing capacities for sustained observations)191OSD2039.3250,000.00JCOMM Observations191OSD2039.4200,000.00IODE & OBIS core systems191OSD2039.5100,000.00JCOMMOPS193JCS2039450000.00IOC Function C: Develop early warning systems and preparedness to mitigate the risks of tsunamis and ocean-related hazardsICG-IOTWMS Secretariat193ICG2039850,000.00191EWS20391,250,000.00ICG NEAMTWS191EWS2039.1100,000.00ICG PTWS191EWS2039.2150,000.00ICG CARIBE-EWS191EWS2039.3250,000.00TOWs & inter-regional coordination191EWS2039.4100,000.00JTIC191EWS2039.5100,000.00GLOSS - tsunami191EWS2039.6250,000.00JCOMM Services191EWS2098.7200,000.00HAB Research & Monitoring191EWS2039.8100,000.00IOC Function D: Support assessment and information to improve the science-policy interface 191AIP2039550,000.00SDG Follow up & WOA191AIP2039.1150,000.00GEBCO191AIP2039.250,000.00Science for reducing nutrient enrichment 191AIP2039.3100,000.00IODE & OBIS products & services191AIP2039.4100,000.00Climate change adaptation in coastal zones191AIP2039.5150,000.00IOC Function E: Enhance ocean governance through a shared knowledge base and improved regional cooperation191RCG20391,510,000.00IOC Governance (representation & intersessional coordination)191RCG2039.1150,000.00IOCARIBE (office support & intersessional coordination)191RCG2039.2105,000.00IOCAFRICA (office support & intersessional coordination)191RCG2039.3105,000.00WESTPAC (office support & intersessional coordination)191RCG2039.4250,000.00IOCINDIO (intersessional coordination)191RCG2039.550,000.00UN partnerships, global governance, policy and outreach191RCG2039.6600,000.00ICAM & Marine Spatial Planning191RCG2039.7250,000.00IOC Function F: Develop the institutional capacity in all of the functions above, as a cross-cutting function 1,000,000.00IOC Capacity development & transfer of marine technology & GOSR191ICD2039.1400,000.00IOCAFRICA Capacity development workplans191ICD2039.2150,000.00IOCARIBE Capacity development workplans 191ICD2039.3100,000.00WESTPAC Capacity development workplans191ICD2039.4250,000.00IODE & OBIS Training and Education191ICD2039.5100,000.00TOTAL8,160,000.00  The table shows staff expected to be paid with funds that transit through IOCs budgetary flow.  The table shows staff expected to be paid with funds that transit through IOCs budgetary flow.     IOC-XXIX/2 Annex 5 page PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT2 Restricted Distribution IOC-XXIX/2 Annex 5 Rev.2 Paris, 23 June 2017 Original: English INTERGOVERNMENTAL OCEANOGRAPHIC COMMISSION (of UNESCO) Twenty-ninth Session of the Assembly UNESCO, Paris, 21-29 June 2017 Items 3.2 and 11.1 of the Provisional Agenda REVISED DRAFT PROGRAMME AND BUDGET FOR 20182021 (draft 39 C/5) (First Biennium 20182019) IOC-XXIX/2 Annex 5 Rev.2 page PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT18 IOC-XXIX/2 Annex 5 Rev.2 page PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT1 7=JMTZ\c+ 1 I J [ \ & ĻĵĵĬ}qf[fPfhh ^J_H hh;O^J_H hhch^J_H hhch>*^J_H hhi^J hi^Jhhn(y\^JaJnH tH hhO\^JaJnH tH hhn(y^J hi^JhihPM^JhhPM^JhhO^Jhh%^Jhhch^Jhhp/^JaJhhp/>*^JaJ OJ#gdyKlkd3$$IfTlV<0244 laytRaT@$If]^gdi@$-DIfM ]^gdi@$ 7$If]^a$gdi& '  9 ŷ~[81* hhd hh~yEhh~y5;B*CJOJPJQJ\aJhmH nH phsH tH Ehhd5;B*CJOJPJQJ\aJhmH nH phsH tH hh>mH sH hhp/mH sH hhp/^J_H hhch^J_H jhhchU^Jhhch0J?>*^J_H hhMU0J?>*^J_H #jhhchU^J_H hhch^J_H jhhchU^J_H  ? tCR@rs$ 7dG$a$gd% $da$gd $da$gd~y dgd~yCgdi($$$ 7d$d&dG$NPa$gdd9 : C _ ? 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