ࡱ> qspbjbjip{{ CQ.$@@@$dddPDd,!:N!N!N!N!)"&O"c" +,,,,,,$.0Z$,@o")")"o"o"$,@@N!N!9,$$$o"|@N!@N!+$o"+$$+h+N!*6d"n+H+O,0,+1#61 +1@+$$o"o"o"$,$,$o"o"o",o"o"o"o"1o"o"o"o"o"o"o"o"o" :DATA BUOY COOPERATION PANEL (DBCP) FORMAT FOR NATIONAL REPORTS ON CURRENT AND PLANNED BUOY PROGRAMMES CountryBrazilYear2017 Please Identify your Programmes Major Opportunities and Challenges/Risks during the upcoming year and how DBCP can most effectively assist your Programme. CURRENT PROGRAMME: Please Identify your Programmes Major Opportunities and Challenges/Risks during the upcoming year and how DBCP may assist your Programme. Agency or programme Brazil National Buoy Program (PNBOIA), part of the GOOS-Br ProgramNumber and type of buoys(a) deployed during the year03 moored buoys of Platform type 01 moored buoy of Costal type (b) operational as of 31 August03 moored buoys of Platform type 01 moored buoy of Costal type 30 drifters 4 argo floats(c) reporting on GTS as of 31 August 03 moored buoys of Platform type 01 moored buoy of Costal type 30 drifters] 4 argo floatsPurpose of programme (check/uncheck boxes using [_] or [x] as appropriate)(a) operational[x](b) met / ocean research[x](c) developmental[ ]Main deployment areasBrazilian EEZ (South and Tropical Atlantic Ocean)Vandalism incidents(a) Number of incidents: three (03) in 2016 and eight (08) in 2017 If vandalism incidents have occurred during the year, please provide the details using the form in the annex.(repeat table above as often as necessary) 2. PLANNED PROGRAMMES: Agency or programme  Number and type of buoysplanned for deployment in the next 12 months20 SVP drifters 30 SVP-B drifters 01 moored buoys of Platform typePurpose of programme (check/uncheck boxes using [_] or [x] as appropriate)(a) operational[x](b) met / ocean research[x](c) developmental[ ]Main deployment areasEast and Southeast region of Brazilian coast(repeat table above as often as necessary) 3. TECHNICAL DEVELOPMENTS: (a) Buoy design  (b) Instrumentation   4. PUBLICATIONS (on programme plans, technical developments, QC reports, etc.): RefTitleType1234(repeat rows in the table above as necessary) 5. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: (a) Quality of buoy data  Data are QC using QARTOD parameters (b) Communications  (c) Buoy lifetimes he The lifetime of moored buoys is 1 year. The time is not longer due to vandalism events; Drift buoys have an average duration of 3 years; The ARGO floats configured with a sampling period of 5 days and deployed until 2015 had an average duration of 2 years. (d) Data AccessibilityGTS  HYPERLINK "http://www.goosbrasil.org/"www.goosbrasil.org  HYPERLINK "https://www.mar.mil.br/dhn/chm/meteo/prev/dados/dados.htm"https://www.mar.mil.br/dhn/chm/meteo/prev/dados/dados.htm (e) New ObservationsDeep gliders in 2018(f) GFCS and WIGOS(g) Additional Requirements(h) DBCP LinkagesDonation of drifters(i) DBCP Excellence Awards Technology Innovation/ Service to Society(j) Other   Note: It is recommended that this form is filled in electronically and returned also electronically to the Secretariat. A template of the form can be downloaded from the following ftp site:  HYPERLINK "ftp://ftp.wmo.int/Documents/PublicWeb/amp/mmop/documents/dbcp/templates/Format-DBCP-National-Reports.doc"ftp://ftp.wmo.int/Documents/PublicWeb/amp/mmop/documents/dbcp/templates/Format-DBCP-National-Reports.doc  : Types of publications: (1) Implementation, (2) Operations, (3) Instrumentation, (4) Quality Management, (5) Data Management, (6) Data collection and/or location, (7) Data use, (8) Other  How does the international community access the ocean observing data provided by your Organization  What new ocean observations does your Organization plan to make in the upcoming year (i.e. new parameters, expanding geographic scope, filling spatial or latency gaps)?  How do your Organizations observations contribute to the WMOs Integrated Global Observing System (WIGOS) and/or Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS)?  What additional requirements (other than climate) does your organization have that are currently not adequately addressed by the DBCP?  How would your organization benefit from DBCPs closer linkages to the JCOMM Services, Data Management and Modelling Communities?  Nominate a Member from your Organization who has demonstrated outstanding achievement in either a) advancing technology or b) applying ocean observation data in service to society.     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