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Les participants ont examin les progrs accomplis pendant la priode intersessions de mai 2006 septembre 2007, dont ont fait tat les groupes de travail dans les domaines du suivi et de lvaluation sismologiques, de la surveillance du niveau de la mer, de lidentification des alas, de la gestion des situations durgence, de la rsilience, et des systmes interoprables et, au niveau sous-rgional, pour le Pacifique du Sud-Ouest et la cte pacifique de lAmrique Centrale. Le Groupe a examin le rapport de lquipe spciale sur les messages et les changements qui y sont proposs pour amliorer la clart et le temps de communication des messages du PTWC et a aussi dbattu du prochain exercice lchelle de tout le Pacifique (exercice Vague du Pacifique 2008). Il sest galement pench sur le plan de travail et le budget du PTWS et du CIIT pour 2008-2009 compte tenu du budget actuel de la COI, et a aussi t inform de ltat de mise en uvre de la Stratgie moyen terme du PTWS. Le Groupe a raffirm que chaque tat membre avait la responsabilit dmettre des alertes sur son territoire et quil tait rsolu uvrer pour un partage ouvert, libre et sans restriction des donnes dobservation en temps rel concernant les tsunamis, comme lment fondamental dune alerte rapide efficace. Le Groupe a conclu quil tait urgent: (i) dintensifier la mise en place et la maintenance des centres dalerte aux tsunamis dans les rgions comme facteur cl dune rponse locale plus rapide et plus pertinente aux alertes, (ii)dappliquer de meilleures mthodes pour dtecter rapidement les sismes en champ proche et les tsunamis ventuels, (iii) damliorer, actualiser et moderniser les capacits des rseaux de surveillance sismique et de surveillance du niveau de la mer, (iv)de fournir des modles de descriptifs des systmes oprationnels, (v) dacclrer la fourniture dun appui aux tats membres qui nont pas encore de capacits suffisantes pour mettre en place des systmes dalerte aux tsunamis et de mitigation. Par consquent, le Groupe a approuv sept recommandations sur (1) la mesure du niveau des mers, ainsi que la collecte et lchange de donnes dans ce domaine, (2) un guide oprationnel des utilisateurs du PTWS, (3) lexercice relatif aux tsunamis lchelle du Pacifique, (4) les systmes sous-rgionaux du Pacifique en matire dalerte aux tsunamis et de mitigation, savoir: Pacifique du Nord-Ouest, Mer de Chine mridionale et mers bordires du Pacifique occidental, (5) le systme dalerte et de mitigation dans le Pacifique, (6) lamlioration de la planification et de la budgtisation stratgiques, (7) le Groupe de travail sur la dtection rapide en champ proche des sismes tsunamignes et des tsunamis associs. Le Groupe a mis en place ou maintenu huit groupes de travail intersessions. Ces groupes de travail ont pour thme (i) les mesures du niveau de la mer, la collecte et lchange des donnes, (ii) linteroprabilit des systmes rgionaux, sous-rgionaux et nationaux dalerte aux tsunamis et de mitigation dans le Pacifique, (iii-v) les systmes sous-rgionaux dalerte aux tsunamis et de dveloppement de la mitigation (Amrique Centrale-Pacifique, Pacifique du Sud-Est et Pacifique du Sud-Ouest), (vi) les communications durgence dans le Pacifique, (vii) la dtection rapide en champ proche des sismes tsunamignes et des tsunamis associs, (viii) lexercice Vague du Pacifique 2008. Le Groupe a recommand que le Groupe de travail de la COI sur les systmes d'alerte aux tsunamis et aux autres alas lis au niveau de la mer, et de mitigation (TOWS-WG) organise en 2008 un atelier sur la conception et la mise en place de rseaux dobservation du niveau de la mer, associant des groupes de travail similaires des autres GIC. Il a en outre recommand que le Conseil excutif de la COI adopte, sa 41esession, une rsolution portant autorisation formelle du service consultatif provisoire sur les tsunamis pour la mer de Chine mridionale assur par le PTWC, le WCATWC et le NWPTA. Le Groupe a galement pri la COI dorganiser au dbut de 2008 une confrence scientifique et technique pour examiner ltat actuel des connaissances et des techniques en matire de dtection des sismes en champ proche et des tsunamis ventuels. Le Groupe a fait siennes les recommandations du 6eAtelier international sur lattnuation des effets des tsunamis organis sur le thme: Nouveaux aperus sur la recherche, la prparation, lalerte et la mitigation concernant les tsunamis par la COI et le GIC/PTWS, la Commission tsunami de lUGGI et linstitution hte, savoir lINOCAR (quateur), qui sest tenu le 14septembre 2007 Guayaquil (quateur), avant la session. Le GIC a lu de nouveaux membres du Bureau pour la priode intersessions: M.Michael OLeary (Nouvelle-Zlande), prsident, et M.Giorgio de la Torre (quateur) et M.Yohei Hasegawa (Japon), vice-prsidents. Le GIC a dcid dorganiser sa 23esession en 2009 et a accept loffre de Samoa de laccueillir. Il a galement accept loffre du Japon daccueillir la 24esession en 2011. ANNEX I ADOPTED RECOMMENDATIONS Recommendation ICG/PTWS-XXII.1 Sea-Level Measurement, Data Collection and Exchange The Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Pacific Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System, Recognizing the need for operational systems to monitor the health and status of contributing systems, Recognizing the importance of standardization in sea-level data collection, exchange and communication to ensure the interoperability of the tsunami warning system, Recognizing the need to design and implement the PTWS sea-level observing network to meet the requirements for effective tsunami warning, Decides to continue the intersessional Working Group 2 on Sea-Level Measurement, Data Collection and Exchange with Terms of reference agreed at PTWS-XXI, Recommendation ICG/PTWS-XXI.2; Noting the parallel efforts by the other related Working Groups under the other ICGs, Recommends that the Working Group on Tsunamis and Other Ocean Hazards Warning and Mitigation Systems (TOWS-WG) organise in 2008 a sea-level design and implementation workshop, involving similar Working Groups from the other ICGs, to: Identify warning system data requirements Review techniques and guidelines for network design Undertake sensitivity analyses Review and finalise standards for metadata, data collection and reporting Develop common performance metrics; Requests the TOWS Working Group to consider resources and organisational arrangements required to support development and implementation of tools and procedures to provide operational monitoring of the functionality of the sea level observing network for all ICGs. ________________________ Financial implications: None Recommendation ICG/PTWS-XXII.2 PTWS OPERATIONAL USERS GUIDE The Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Pacific Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System, Recalling that the PTWS Communications Plan serves as a reference document for national Tsunami Warning Focal Points (TWFPs) who are receiving the advisories provided by the Richard H. Hagemeyer Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC) and the Northwest Pacific Tsunami Advisory Center (NWPTAC) operated by the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), Acknowledging that at the Tsunami Warning Centres Coordination Meeting held in January 2007, it was agreed that the Communications Plan should be revised and renamed into the Operational Users Guide due to its nature of the information contained in the document, Recognizing that the West Coast/Alaska Tsunami Warning Center (WC/ATWC) part is newly included in the Guide, Appreciating highly that the International Tsunami Information Center (ITIC), PTWC, WC/ATWC and NWPTAC prepared the draft Operational Users Guide for the Pacific Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System, Noting that the Guide consists of 6 chapters and presently 7 annexes: chapters 1 and 2 describe the PTWS governance and institutional context; chapters 3 to 6 detail, after an overview of the operational responsibilities in chapter 3, the operations of each of the three centres, namely the PTWC, WC/ATWC and NWPTAC, and that the content of these four chapters, including the correspondent annexes, are produced by the operating agencies under their full and exclusive responsibility, and will be updated at their behest and under their sole responsibility, Reaffirming the necessity and usefulness of this document to fully understand the operations and products of the PTWC, WC/ATWC and NWPTAC so that the recipients make the best use of those products for national tsunami warning operations, Recognizing that the Guide will become an official publication of the IOC through its adoption by the ICG/PTWS, Approves in principle the draft Guide, subject to a formal finalization process; Requests the IOC Secretariat including its ITIC to proceed with the formalization process in order to consult Member States on parts of the Guide where they might have comments to improve it, as follows: IOC internal finalization period of four weeks for language, layout etc., followed by making the document available to Member States through all Tsunami National Contacts (TNCs) of the PTWS by 22 October 2007 Four weeks for comments on the PTWS Users Guide by Member States Final editorial period of four weeks for incorporating the comments from Member States The final document will be published by 26 December 2007 in the IOC Tsunami Technical Report Series, in a Handbook/Manual format, easy to update; Encourages Member States to contribute to the finalization by reviewing the draft and if any, by submitting their comments during the process (ii) above, Requests the IOC Secretariat that the Guide should be published in printed and electronic form on the IOC website to be updated when required, and updates should be fully documented and officially communicated to Member States; Further establishes a PROCESS FOR CHANGES TO PTWS OPERATIONAL TEXT PRODUCTS; Recognizing the need by PTWC, NWPTAC, and WC/ATWC to modify their international text products in response to Member State concerns and suggestions as well as to meet other requirements related to changes in procedures, protocols, and standardization, Aiming to facilitate the implementation of such changes in a timely manner and to notify Member States in advance as well as recognizing the authority of the ICG to finally approve them, the following process is recommended, Decides that the formal process for making substantive changes to the international products of the Centres operating for the PTWS will be: The technical units (PTWC, NWPTAC, WC/ATWC, ITIC and the PTWS Secretariat) will first be consulted regarding any proposed changes If consensus is achieved among the technical units, then a Service Change Notice regarding the changes will be composed and sent, at least 30 days in advance, over all normal operational communication methods to the Member States advising them of the change and its implementation date Implementation of the changes will be on an interim basis until they can be formally approved by the next session of the ICG; Agrees that changes that are implemented according to this process will be documented in the PTWS Operational Users Guide and clearly labelled as an interim measure, until they are fully approved by the ICG; Further agrees that this process applies to substantive changes in the text products, such as changes in product formats, changes in product terms or definitions, or changes in procedures that affect product content. Minor changes to products, such as language that must be added or changed on a one-time basis to accommodate unusual situations during events, are not part of this process and are only the responsibility of each Centre. ________________________ Financial implications: None Recommendation ICG PTWS-XXII.3 PACIFIC-WIDE TSUNAMI EXERCISE The Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Pacific Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System, Noting that the Indian Ocean tsunami of 26 December 2004 brought to the attention of the world the urgent need to be more prepared for such events, Understanding that simulating scenarios and learning lessons from such exercises is an effective way to improve preparedness, Recognizing that the PTWS requires regular testing and review, Recommends that the second end-to-end tsunami exercise be carried out for the Pacific Ocean during the third quarter of 2008, with a final report of results written before the next ICG Session; Decides that a Task Team be formed to design and carry out the exercise and bearing in mind the following elements: Membership of the Task Team for organizing the exercise should include representatives from PTWC, WC/ATWC, NWPTAC, Australia, New Zealand, Peru, Republic of Korea, the Russian Federation, and ITIC The exercise should simulate each country being put into a warning situation requiring decision-making and be taken to the step just prior to public-notification The scenario to be exercised will be a destructive tsunami generated off the northeast coast of Japan and crossing the Pacific. It will be simulated with notification by PTWC and other warning centres such as WC/ATWC and the NWPTAC to the designated contact points and national emergency authorities of the Member States responsible for tsunamis The scenario will be conducted in real time Member States be strongly encouraged to participate Due care be taken so as not to inadvertently alarm the public; a most conservative approach may be best, considering this will only be the second such Pacific-wide exercise Member States share information about the Pacific Wave 06 exercise as well as past National or Sub-National tsunami exercises prior to this exercise Participating Member States be required to share information regarding the procedures applied and lessons learned during the exercise The details of the exercise, as well as its set of outcomes and performance measures be defined in advance, taking into consideration when possible, the results of the Member State assessments; outcomes and performance measures should be collected using a standard instrument and at a minimum include: How each Member State received the warning (e.g., GTS, fax, e-mail)? Elapsed time between when the bulletin is issued and when it is received and recognized What assessment tools are applied for decision-making about evacuations? How the public would be notified and instructed? Elapsed time until the public would be notified and instructed Summary of each Member State's National Emergency Plan for tsunamis, including any chapters on exercises Feedback from stakeholders regarding their performance and the performance of the information providers Media response; ICG/PTWS National Contacts will be responsible for collecting results of their Member State and providing them to the Task Team by 1st December 2008 A formal letter announcing the exercise and providing its details should be composed by the Task Team and sent by the IOC as a Circular Letter to TNC and TWFP no later than 1st January 2008 This exercise is the second exercise in a pattern of recurring exercises to be conducted by the ICG/PTWS; Requests that resources be made available from the IOC and Member States to facilitate organizational and follow-up meetings, and a contractor to help facilitate the debriefing process and quickly assemble the report. ____________________________________ Financial implications: US$ 5,000 in 2008 Recommendation ICG PTWS-XXII.4 Sub-regional Pacific Tsunami Warning and Mitigation Systems: Northwest Pacific, South China Sea, and Western Pacific Marginal Seas The Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Pacific Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System, Recalling that Pacific Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (PTWS) covers the Pacific Ocean, the Southern Ocean regions of the Pacific and all attached seas, including the Philippine Sea, East China Sea, Yellow Sea, Sea of Okhotsk, Bering Sea, South China Sea, Java Sea, Arafura Sea, Sulawesi Sea, Mindanao Sea, Sulu Sea, Celebes Sea, Bismarck Sea, Solomon Sea, Coral Sea, and Tasman Sea, Reaffirming that the Richard H. Hagemeyer Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC) is the primary operational centre for the PTWS and the West Coast and Alaska Tsunami Warning Centre (WC/ATWC) is the backup to the PTWC, Reaffirming further that the Northwest Pacific Tsunami Advisory Center (NWPTAC) operated by the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) covers the north western Pacific areas for providing regionally-tailored tsunami advisories as a regional centre of the PTWS, Noting that the South China Sea region is threatened by tsunamis generated on the Manila Trench for which dense real-time seismic and sea level networks and data sharing are required, Encouraging countries of the region to support the required monitoring requirements for issuing timely warnings for local tsunamis, and the further development of national centres and appropriate regional centres to support data and early information sharing to countries of the region to enable them to provide tsunami safety guidance to their coastal populations, Recalling that the former ICG/ITSU, now ICG/PTWS, during its twentieth session, requested the PTWC and the NWPTAC to provide an interim tsunami advisory service for the South China Sea, Appreciating highly that, upon the request of the Group, the PTWC, WC/ATWC and NWPTAC started interim tsunami advisory service for the South China Sea in April 2006, Noting that the IOC Executive Council, during its thirty-ninth session, requested PTWC and NWPTAC to continue to provide interim tsunami advisory information for the South China Sea region, at least until the PTWS-XXII session, Recognizing that a number of Member States around the South China Sea region expressed their needs for continuation of interim international tsunami advisory service for the region, Requests that the PTWC, WC/ATWC and NWPTAC continue the interim tsunami advisory service for the South China Sea under the framework of PTWS, and that this service will be reviewed after a sub-regional tsunami warning system for South China Sea has been set up among countries around the South China Sea; Recommends to the IOC Executive Council to adopt, at its forty-first session in 2008, a Resolution which includes its formal authorization of the interim tsunami advisory service for the South China Sea conducted by the PTWC, WC/ATWC and NWPTA. ________________________ Financial implications: None Recommendation ICG/PTWS-XXII.5 PACIFIC TSUNAMI WARNING AND MITIGATION SYSTEM The Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Pacific Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System, Recalling the Reports of ITSU-XX and PTWS-XXI and their work plans, Noting the coordinating role of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, Reaffirming that the PTWC, NWPTAC and WC/ATWC of the ICG/PTWS provide interim coverage for the CARIBE-EWS and IOTWS, Reaffirming further that each Member State has the responsibility to issue warnings within its respective territories, Welcoming the presence of representatives of all other ICGs, Recalling its commitment to an open, free and unrestricted sharing of tsunami-relevant real-time observational data in accordance with the UNESCO/IOC Oceanographic Data Exchange Policy and without prejudice to the sovereignty of Member States, Acknowledging with gratitude the invitation of the Government of Ecuador and INOCAR to host this 22nd Session of the PTWS in Guayaquil, Accepting the invitation of the Government of Samoa to host the 23rd Session of the ICG in 2009, Noting the offer of the Government of Japan to host the 24th Session of the ICG in 2011, Having reviewed the progress since its last session in Melbourne, Australia, Concludes that: A Programme and Budget should assist the ICG/PTWS in addressing its activities in the forth-coming biennium Efforts need to be made to enhance the establishment and maintenance of tsunami warning centres in the regions Capabilities to rapidly detect near-field earthquakes and possible tsunami need urgent action by Member States of the regions under risk Efforts are required to enhance, update and modernize the capabilities of the seismic and sea-level monitoring networks, The updating process of operational routines and products need to be formalized Member states not having sufficient capacity to develop tsunami early warning and mitigation systems should be given support to accelerate this process, Decides to/that: Establish an ICG Structure and Governance that includes a Steering Committee, accountable to the ICG, empowered to streamline practices and make binding decisions on PTWS issues during intersessional periods Establish an ICG Steering Committee with membership from a. Elected Officers (Chair and Vice Chairs), b. Current intersessional Working Group Chairs c. Other members representatives by invitation Charge the Steering Committee to: a. Develop a Medium Term Strategy including performance measures b. Develop an Implementation Plan 20082009 c. Formulate Governance Model d. Develop a Strategy for Funding PTWS Activities e. Develop an ITIC work plan that focuses on the priorities of the Medium-Term Strategy f. Evaluate the need for provisional intersessional Working Groups as required in the following areas: a. Monitoring b. Assessment c. Interoperability d. Awareness e. Regional The Steering Committee will develop provisional terms of reference within six months; Agrees to establish sub-regional Working Groups for the Southeast Pacific Region, the Southwest Pacific Region, and the Central American Pacific Coast to address the particular regional requirements with the respective terms-of-reference given as in Annex to this Recommendation; Agrees also to request the IOC Executive Secretary to convene a scientific-technical conference to review the state-of-art of detecting near-field earthquake and possible tsunami in early 2008; Decides to: publish the PTWS Operational Users Guide as a standard document of the system, and a process of its formalization as in Recommendation ICG/PTWS-XXII.2 submit to the 41st Executive Council of IOC in 2008 a recommendation to formally authorize the interim tsunami advisory service provided for the South China Sea, convene a new Working Group to review and promote Pacific Emergency Communications and Technologies, continue the Working Group on Sea Level measurements, data collection, and exchange, continue the Working Group on Interoperability of regional, sub-regional and national tsunami warning systems in the Pacific convene a new Working Group on rapid near-field recognition of tsunamigenic earthquakes and associated tsunamis. ________________________ Financial implications: None Annex to Recommendation ICG/PTWS-XXII.5 Terms-of-reference for the Sub-Regional Working Group on Tsunami Warning and Mitigation in the Southeast Pacific Region to evaluate capabilities of countries in the South East pacific Region for providing end-to-end tsunami warning and mitigation services, to ascertain requirements from countries in the Southeast Pacific Region for the tsunami warning and mitigation services, to promote and facilitate tsunami hazard and risk studies in the region, to facilitate cooperation in the establishment and upgrading of seismic and sea level stations and networks and communication systems in the region, and their interoperability in accordance with ICG/PTWS requirements, to improve the education programs with a regional criteria based on the regional social, cultural and economical reality, to facilitate capacity building and the sharing of tsunami information in the region, including the free and open exchange of data, The Group will be composed of representatives from Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Chile, with a chairperson and a vice-chairperson who will be defined by the end of October 2007. Terms-of-reference for the Sub-Regional Working Group on Tsunami Warning and Mitigation in the Southwest Pacific Region to evaluate capabilities of countries in the Southwest Pacific Region for providing end-to-end tsunami warning and mitigation services, to ascertain requirements from countries in the Southwest Pacific Region for the tsunami warning and mitigation services, to facilitate tsunami hazard and risk studies in the region, to facilitate cooperation in the establishment and upgrading of seismic and sea level stations and networks in the region, and the interoperability of these systems in accordance with ICG/PTWS requirements, to facilitate capacity building and the sharing of tsunami information in the region, including the effectiveness of ICG/PTWS services and the free and open exchange of data, to support the further development of the virtual centre of expertise in a multi-hazards context within SOPAC in line with the regional Early Warning Strategy, to facilitate the inclusion of tsunami hazard and response information into curricula, and development and dissemination of educational materials, The Group will be composed of representatives from member countries of SOPAC as members and observers including France and chaired by the Representative of New Zealand, with vice-chairpersons from Fiji and Samoa. SOPAC, with assistance of Australia and New Zealand could be asked to consider supporting the activities of the Group by providing logics and secretarial services. Terms-of-reference for the Sub-Regional Working Group on Tsunami Warning and Mitigation on the Central American Pacific Coast To assist the Central American countries in the development, improvement and implementation of their National Tsunami Warning and Mitigation Systems, and the countries which are becoming new members of ICG/PTWS in their integration into the ICG/PTWS, To recommend CEPREDENAC to determine whether the National Tsunami Warning Centres of Nicaragua or El Salvador (or of both countries cooperating) could act as interim Regional Tsunami Warning Centre emitting warnings to all Central American countries, To invite CEPREDENAC to consider the implementation of a Technical Committee for the Development of Regional Tsunami Warning and Mitigation Systems, To implement a regional communications and warning plan, To facilitate Tsunami Hazard and Risk studies in the Central American Region, The Group will be composed of representatives from Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala, Costa Rica, representatives of Honduras and Panama (as soon as they finalized the formal procedure of joining ICG/PTWS), and chaired by the representative from Nicaragua. Recommendation ICG/PTWS-XXII.6 IMPROVED STRATEGIC PLANNING AND BUDGETING The Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Pacific Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System, Noting Resolution EC-XXXIX.8 (2006), establishing the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Pacific Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (ICG/PTWS) and the IOC Medium-Term Strategy for 2008-2013, Further noting the commitment of the United States Government to the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, and specifically the ICG/PTWS by supporting operation of the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC), the West Coast/Alaska Tsunami Warning Center (WC/ATWC), and the International Tsunami Information Center (ITIC), Recalling that the Pacific Tsunami Warning System has been an operational tsunami warning system for over 40 years, Recognizing that the ICG/PTWS Member States are supporting technical assistance and training as part of international efforts to establish a fully functional global tsunami forecast and warning system, Recognizing the ongoing need for strengthening of the Pacific Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System requires improved ICG business practices for strategic planning and programme budgeting that is more responsive and timely, Appreciating the continued financial support of the United States in providing products and services of the PTWC, WC/ATWC to all ICG/PTWS Tsunami Focal Points and the in kind contribution of Japan in providing products and services for Focal Points in the North West Pacific and the South China Sea, Further appreciating the financial support of the United States by providing the Director and hosting the IOC International Tsunami Information Center, Expressing thanks to the Government of Japan for the secondment of a JMA expert to the ITIC, Expressing thanks to the Director of SHOA Chile for providing the ITIC Associate Director, Appreciating the contributions of Japan, Russian Federation, and the United States to a global tsunami database, Acknowledging that 20082009 Biennium financial support from UNESCO is uncertain at this time and may provide minimal support to the ICG priority objectives and intersessional activities, Accepting that planning and performance-based budget development, including a PTWS 20082013 Medium Term Strategy, will not be adopted by the conclusion of the ICG/PTWS-XXII, Reaffirming the important role of effective intersessional Working Groups and the continuity of participation from nationally identified stakeholders in planning, budgeting and implementation, Calls on Member States to support and participate in intersessional activities of the ICG, including active engagement in the technical working groups and collaboration with the International Tsunami Information Center (ITIC) to leverage capacity building efforts; Decides to establish an ICG steering committee as described in Recommendation ICG/PTWS-XXII.5 and requests the IOC Executive Secretary to: (i) advocate for PTWS budgets and plans; (ii) provide secretariat support, including, a. regular communication through electronic newsletters and ICG/PTWS website b. organization, management, and distribution of IOC and ICG relevant documents c. assistance with workshops and meetings; (iii) establish within the special account of IOC a holding sub-account to receive contributions in support of ICG/PTWS activities; (iv) solicit Member State official nominations for representing them in the intersessional Working Groups. The solicitation shall clearly state that costs associated participation are the responsibility of the Member State; (v) strengthen coordination of regional planning and budgeting activities of the ICG/PTWS through the Working Group of the Tsunami and Other Ocean Hazards Warning and Mitigation Systems (TOWS) including facilitation to leverage project and programme resources with other international and intergovernmental agencies. __________________________ Financial implications: US$ 25,000 from IOC resources, US$ 30,000 from extrabudgetary sources to be identified Recommendation ICG/PTWS-XXII.7 Working group on rapid near-field recognition of tsunamigenic earthquakes and associated tsunamis The Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Pacific Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System, Acknowledging there is an emergence of new techniques and technologies that may result in rapid near-field recognition of tsunamigenic earthquakes and associated tsunamis, Noting significant support from Member States during the Session, and as evidenced in the formation of sub-regional Working Groups for the South West Pacific, South East Pacific Coasts, Central America Pacific Coast which have a focus on the rapid detection and evaluation of potentially tsunamigenic local earthquakes, Recognizing the desirability of sharing progress in these promising technologies amongst Member States, Decides to establish an intersessional Working Group on rapid near-field recognition of tsunamigenic earthquakes and associated tsunamis with the following Terms of Reference: To facilitate the exchange of information on rapid near-field detection techniques being used, evaluated or proposed by Member States, To compile and disseminate information on rapid near-field detection techniques being used, evaluated or proposed by Member States, To provide guidance and advice to Member States considering using techniques for rapid near-field detection; Recommends that: the Group will be composed of Member States and other interested countries, and be chaired by the representative from Canada, discussions will be conducted mainly through electronic means, it shares its progress regularly throughout the inter-session period through the ITIC and its mechanisms for technical coordination. __________________________ Financial implications: none ANNEX II AGENDA 1. WELCOME AND OPENING 1.1. MR. GUIDO CHIRIBOGA: VICE MAYOR, GUAYAQUIL, ECUADOR 1.2. CPFG-EM MARIO PROAO SILVA: DIRECTOR, INSTITUTO OCEANOGRAFICO DE LA ARMADA (INOCAR), ECUADOR 1.3. DR PATRICIO BERNAL: ASSISTANT DIRECTOR GENERAL OF UNESCO AND EXECUTIVE SECRETARY INTERGOVERNMENTAL OCEANOGRAPHIC COMMISSION (IOC) 2. ORGANIZATION OF THE SESSION 2.1 ADOPTION OF AGENDA 2.2 DESIGNATION OF THE RAPPORTEUR 2.3 CONDUCT OF THE SESSION, TIMETABLE AND DOCUMENTATION 3. REPORT ON INTERSESSIONAL ACTIVITIES 3.1 IOC EXECUTIVE SECRETARYS REPORT 3.2 ICG CHAIRMANS REPORT 3.3 ICG SECRETARIATS REPORT 3.4 IOC TSUNAMI CO-ORDINATION UNIT REPORT 3.5 ITIC REPORT 3.6 PTWC REPORT 3.7 REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR OF EARTHQUAKE AND TSUNAMI OBSERVATIONS DIVISION OF THE JAPAN METEOROLOGICAL AGENCY 3.8 NATIONAL REPORTS 3.9 REPORTS FROM OTHER TSUNAMI WARNING AND MITIGATION SYSTEMS (ICG/TWSs) 3.10 REPORTS FROM UN ORGANISATIONS 3.11 REPORTS FROM NON UN ORGANISATIONS 4. TWS IMPLEMENTATION PROGRESS REPORTS 4.1 SEISMOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS 4.1.1 Working Group 1: Seismic Measurements, Data Collection and Exchange 4.1.2 CTBTO Report on Use of Network 4.1.3 FDSN/IRIS Report - Global Seismic Network 4.2 SEA-LEVEL OBSERVATIONS 4.2.1 Working Group 2 Report: Sea-Level Measurements, Data Collection and Exchange 4.2.2 GLOSS Report 4.2.3 Deep-Ocean Tsunami Detection Network Report 4.2.4 Sea Level Station Metadata and Data Facilities Report 4.3 PREPAREDNESS, EMERGENCY RESPONSE, AND OTHER RELATED MATTERS 4.3.1 Tsunami Hazard and Risks Working Group 3: Tsunami Hazard Identification and Characterization Global Historical Tsunami Database Project Report 4.3.2. Working Group 4: Resilience Building and Emergency Management 4.4 WARNING CENTRE OPERATIONS 4.4.1 Working Group 5: Interoperability and Regional, Sub-Regional and National Tsunami Warning and Mitigation Systems in the Pacific 4.4.2 PTWS Communications Plan 4.4.3 PTWS Task Team on Messages Report 4.4.4 PTWS Exercises 5. SUB-REGIONAL PACIFIC TSUNAMI WARNING AND MITIGATION SYSTEMS 5.1 NORTHWEST PACIFIC, SOUTH CHINA SEA, AND WESTERN PACIFIC MARGINAL SEAS 5.2 SOUTHWEST PACIFIC OCEAN, INCLUDING WORKING GROUP REPORT 5.3 CENTRAL AMERICA PACIFIC COAST, INCLUDING WORKING GROUP REPORT 6. PTWS STRATEGIC PLAN 6.1. WORKING GROUP REPORT ON THE MEDIUM TERM STRATEGY FOR THE PTWS 6.2. PTWS IMPLEMENTATION PLAN 7. PTWS CAPACITY BUILDING, INFORMATION SERVICES, EDUCATION, AND AWARENESS TOOLS 7.1 INTERNATIONAL TSUNAMI (ITSU) TRAINING PROGRAMME 7.2 NATIONAL TSUNAMI CAPACITY ASSESSMENTS 7.3 TSUNAMI NEWSLETTER AND TSUNAMI BULLETIN BOARD 7.4 TSUNAMITEACHER, PACIFIC ISLAND TSUNAMI AWARENESS KIT, AND OTHER ELECTRONIC RESOURCES 7.5 PUBLICATIONS 8. SESSIONAL WORKING GROUP REPORTS 9. PROGRAMME AND BUDGET FOR 2008-2009 10. DATES AND PLACE FOR ICG/PTWS-XXIII, TARGET DATE AND PLACE FOR ICG/PTWS XXIV 11. ELECTION OF OFFICERS 12. OTHER BUSINESS 13. ADOPTION OF SUMMARY REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS 14. CLOSURE     ICG/PTWS-XXII/3s - page  PAGE 2 IOC-XX/? page  PAGE 3  ICG/PTWS-XXII/3s Annexe I - page  PAGE 10 ICG/PTWS-XXII/3s Annexe I - page  PAGE 11 ICG/PTWS-XXII/3s Annexe I ICG/PTWS-XXII/3s Annexe II - page  PAGE 2 ICG/PTWS-XXII/3s Annexe II - page  PAGE 13 ICG/PTWS-XXII/3s Annexe II ICG/PTWS-XXII/3s Paris, le 21 mars 2008 Original anglais1 RSUM EXCUTIF Conformment l'article 48.3 du Rglement intrieur, le GIC/PTWS, en tant qu'organisme subsidiaire principal de la COI, est tenu de faire rapport sur ses sessions un organe directeur de la Commission. Le Conseil excutif de la COI sera invit, sa 41esession, examiner le prsent rsum excutif. _________________ 1 Les annexes restent en anglais seulement dans les autres versions linguistiques du document. 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