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Recognising the vital importance of these purposes to all humankind and the role of IOC and its programmes in this regard, the Member States of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission agree that the following clauses shall frame the IOC policy for the international exchange of oceanographic data and its associated metadata. Clause 1 Member States shall provide timely, free and unrestricted access to all data, associated metadata and products generated under the auspices of IOC programmes. Clause 2 Member States are encouraged to provide timely, free and unrestricted access to relevant data and associated metadata from non-IOC programmes that are essential for application to the preservation of life, beneficial public use and protection of the ocean environment, the forecasting of weather, the operational forecasting of the marine environment, the monitoring and modelling of climate and sustainable development in the marine environment. Clause 3 Member States are encouraged to provide timely, free and unrestricted access to oceanographic data and associated metadata, as referred to in Clauses 1 and 2 above, for non-commercial use by the research and education communities, provided that any products or results of such use shall be published in the open literature without delay or restriction. Clause 4 With the objective of encouraging the participation of governmental and non-governmental marine data-gathering bodies in international oceanographic data exchange and maximising the contribution of oceanographic data from all sources, this Policy acknowledges the right of Member States and data originators to determine the terms of such exchange, in a manner consistent with international conventions, where applicable. Clause 5 Member States shall, to the best practicable degree, use data centres linked to IODEs NODC and WDC network as long-term repositories for oceanographic data and associated metadata. IOC programmes will co-operate with data contributors to ensure that data can be accepted into the appropriate systems and can meet quality requirements. Clause 6 Member States shall enhance the capacity in developing countries to obtain and manage oceanographic data and information and assist them to benefit fully from the exchange of oceanographic data, associated metadata and products. This shall be achieved through the non-discriminatory transfer of technology and knowledge using appropriate means, including IOCs Training Education and Mutual Assistance (TEMA) programme and through other relevant IOC programmes. Definitions Free and unrestricted means non-discriminatory and without charge. Without charge, in the context of this resolution means at no more than the cost of reproduction and delivery, without charge for the data and products themselves. Data consists of oceanographic observation data, derived data and gridded fields. Metadata is "data about data" describing the content, quality, condition, and other characteristics of data. Non-commercial means not conducted for profit, cost-recovery or re-sale. Timely in this context means the distribution of data and/or products sufficiently rapidly to be of value for a given application. Product means a value-added enhancement of data applied to a particular application.     PAGE  PAGE 2 9:ijuS T < F G N   ' ( :E1:RdȾȶzslzzz h+s5] h+s\]h+sB*mH phsH h+s;OJQJmH sH h+sOJQJh+s6OJQJh+s6mH sH h+s]mH sH h+smH sH h+sCJOJQJh+sOJQJh+s5OJPJQJnHtHh+sOJPJQJnHtHh+s5OJQJh+s h+s>**9:jk ; < 77$8$H$^7` 7^7`07$8$H$^`0 77$8$H$^` & F 77$8$H$^`7$8$H$7$8$H$$a$ F G   ' ( 9:7$8$H$d $7$8$H$a$$a$  $7$8$H$7$8$H$x7$8$H$ 7$8$H$` $7^7`a$77$8$H$^7`01:cdmnoxFGHTU@A$a$d$a$$a$ $7$8$H$a$dmoxFHTUmAHR[/1235689;<>?EFGIJPQRSTWX½½½½½½½µµµµ««hkX[0J!mHnHu h+s0J!jh+s0J!Ujh+sU h+s5h+sh+s5\]h+sOJQJh+smH sH h+s5CJOJQJh+sPJnHtHh+sB*mH phsH -QR/0124578:;=>GHITUVWX&`#$$a$ $7$8$H$a$3 0&P 1h. 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