ࡱ> KMJ 0bjbj ;@Qjj8$4>@@@@@@$q#!dd4y^>>Z) x*0!x$!!@ddN!j : Template for the Report by the DBCP Action Groups to the Thirty-third session of the DBCP (Cape Town, South Africa, 23-26 Oct 2017) 1) Summary Name of Action Group  Date of report 31 August 2018Overview and main requirements addressed  Area of interest  Type of platform and variables measured  Targeted horizontal resolution  Chairperson/Managers  Coordinator  Participants  Data centre(s)  Website  Meetings (meetings held in 2016/2017; and planned in 2017/2018)  Current status summary (mid-2017)  Challenges/Opportunities/Risks (intersessional period)Summary of plans for 2018   2 Deployment plans for 2019 Details on deployment plans, and opportunities for next year. 3 Data management 3.1 Distribution of the data 3.1.1 Data policy Details on data exchange policy. 3.1.2 Real-time data exchange Details on percentage of data distributed on GTS. Details on data timeliness (i.e. reception time at operational meteorological services minus observation time), including known problems, possible solutions, statistics, etc. 3.1.3 Delayed mode data exchange Details on delayed mode data exchange, data centres, and archives. Details on the collection and distribution of instrument/platform metadata Details on the provision of discovery metadata about available data-sets using ISO 19115 standard. 3.2 Data quality Details on data quality, quality control procedures, including detected problems, correction of systematic errors and bias, reporting of data quality, feedback from data users, statistics, etc. 4) Instrument practices Details on instrument practices, followed standards and procedures, traceability to SI units, instrument inter-comparisons, etc. 5)Details of Challenges/Opportunities/Risks Report details on the challenges, opportunities and risks for the task team during the intersessional period. __________________ Annex (optional) Status maps and graphics __________________     DBCP-34/INF. 8 -  PAGE 3 - Template Revised: 10 Aug. 2017 9:?AFG[\  7 8 : Z [ ] s t v ĺ~~~~~~tpi hg(:hUhUh|hU5\hg(:h\S hg(:hg(:h|hg(:5\h;h;h;5\h "[hh 26\ h\S6\hh6\h5;\h $5;\h2!5;\h '5;\h;5;\h;h;5;\h "[5;\):[ $Ifgdg(:$a$gd\S$a$gd $$a$gd; i``W $Ifgd $ $Ifgdg(:kd$$Ifl0j &   t0644 lapyt|xoooo $Ifgdg(:kd$$Ifl0j &  t0644 lapyt| xoooo $Ifgdg(:kdR$$Ifl0j &  t0644 lapyt|  6 7 8 9 xoooo $Ifgdg(:kd$$Ifl0j &  t0644 lapyt|9 : Y Z [ \ xoooo $Ifgdg(:kd$$Ifl0j &  t0644 lapyt|\ ] r s t u xoooo $Ifgdg(:kd $$Ifl0j &  t0644 lapyt|u v xoooo $Ifgdg(:kd$$Ifl0j &  t0644 lapyt| xoooo $Ifgdg(:kdT$$Ifl0j &  t0644 lapyt| xoooo $Ifgdg(:kd$$Ifl0j &  t0644 lapyt|       > ? 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