ࡱ>  Sbjbj s ff  $PNl,."^DDDD4;.=.=.=.=.=.=.$03a.a.DDv.[ [ [ DD;.[ ;.[ [ r+,D`G;d9,'..0.G,b49b4,,&b4 -[ a.a.\.b4f$ : 4DATA BUOY CO-OPERATION PANEL (DBCP) Format for National Reports on Current and Planned BUOY Programmes CountryCHILEYear2018 1. CURRENT PROGRAMME: Agency or programme Tsunami buoy Number and type of buoys(a) deployed during the year0(b) operational as of 31 August5(c) reporting on GTS as of 31 August (through NDBC).5Purpose of programme (check/uncheck boxes using [_] or [x] as appropriate)(a) operational[X](b) met / ocean research[ ](c) developmental[ ]Main deployment areasStation 32401 180 NM West of Iquique, Chile Station 32403 91 NM West of Antofagasta, Chile Station 32402 180 NM West of Caldera, Chile Station 32404 120 NM NW of Valparaso Station 34420 119 NM NW of Concepcin, ChileVandalism incidents(a) Number of incidents 0 Agency or programme Waves and Meteorology Number and type of buoys(a) deployed during the year2(b) operational as of 31 August2(c) reporting on GTS as of 31 August0Purpose of programme (check/uncheck boxes using [_] or [x] as appropriate)(a) operational[ ](b) met / ocean research[X](c) developmental[ ]Main deployment areasWKB 211: 10 NM West of Talcahuano, Chile. WKB 591: 10 NM West of Valparaiso, Chile.Vandalism incidents(a) Number of incidents 0 2. PLANNED PROGRAMMES: Agency or programme Tsunami buoy Number and type of buoysplanned for deployment in the next 12 months0Purpose of programme (check/uncheck boxes using [_] or [x] as appropriate)(a) operational[ ](b) met / ocean research[ ](c) developmental[ ]Main deployment areas Agency or programme Waves and Meteorology Number and type of buoysplanned for deployment in the next 12 months2Purpose of programme (check/uncheck boxes using [_] or [x] as appropriate)(a) operational[ ](b) met / ocean research[X](c) developmental[ ]Main deployment areasTRIAXYS 62 6 NM West of Iquique, Chile. TRIAXYS 63 6 NM West of Corral, Chile. (repeat table above as often as necessary) 3. TECHNICAL DEVELOPMENTS: (a) Buoy design Station 32401 SAIC Station 32403 SAIC Station 32402 SAIC Station 32404 SAIC Station 34420 SAIC WKB 211 AXYS WKB 591 AXYS TRIAXYS 62 TRIAXYS 63 (b) Instrumentation Station 32401 Tsunami (BPR) Station 32403 Tsunami (BPR) Station 32402 Tsunami (BPR) Station 32404 Tsunami (BPR) Station 34420 Tsunami (BPR) WKB 211 Directional Wave, Wind, air and water temperature, current, salinity. WKB 591 Directional Wave, Wind, air and water temperature, current, salinity. TRIAXYS 62 Wave and water temperature. TRIAXYS 63 Wave and water temperature.(c) Others 4. PUBLICATIONS (on programme plans, technical developments, QC reports, etc.): RefTitleType1234(repeat rows in the table above as necessary) 5. SPECIAL COMMENTS (if any): (a) Quality of buoy data (b) Communications TSUNAMI BUOY: IRIDIUM WATCHKEEPER & TRIAXYS: UHF, IRIDIUM, INMARSAT, GPRS.(c) Buoy lifetimes  (d) Other   Note: It is recommended that this form is filled in electronically and returned also electronically to the Secretariat. A template of the form can be downloaded from the following ftp site:  HYPERLINK "ftp://ftp.wmo.int/Documents/PublicWeb/amp/mmop/documents/dbcp/templates/Format-DBCP-National-Reports.doc" ftp://ftp.wmo.int/Documents/PublicWeb/amp/mmop/documents/dbcp/templates/Format-DBCP-National-Reports.doc Annex - Form for reporting incidents of vandalism on data buoys CountryContact person e-mailYearBuoy LocationType of Buoy (e.g. Tsunami / Met -Ocean Buoy/Drifter/ARGO floats/ Other)Type of damage to buoyBuoy id/WMO idNumber of days of transmission lostCost of replacementRemarks (e.g. whether photos have been taken)LatitudeLongitudeEfforts taken against vandalismAwareness meeting Organised Suggestions (if any)Photos on Vandalism(please include pictures if available; and email electronic versions to  HYPERLINK "mailto:cgallage@wmo.int" cgallage@wmo.int;  HYPERLINK "mailto:support@jcommops.org" support@jcommops.org) Note: It is recommended that this form is filled in electronically and returned electronically also to JCOMMOPS (cgallage@wmo.int;  HYPERLINK "mailto:support@jcommops.org" support@jcommops.org). A template of the form can be downloaded from the following ftp site:  HYPERLINK "ftp://ftp.wmo.int/Documents/PublicWeb/amp/mmop/documents/dbcp/templates/Format-DBCP-Buoy-Vandalism-Reports.doc" ftp://ftp.wmo.int/Documents/PublicWeb/amp/mmop/documents/dbcp/templates/Format-DBCP-Buoy-Vandalism-Reports.doc ______________ : Types of publications: (1) Implementation, (2) Operations, (3) Instrumentation, (4) Quality Management, (5) Data Management, (6) Data collection and/or location, (7) Data use, (8) Other     $%hiksxyz p^VKhxhIKmH sH hxmH sH #hxhZ56>*\]mH sH  hxhZ56\]mH sH hYTmH sH (hxhZCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH hxh5;"mH sH hxhZ5mH sH hxhZmH sH hxhZ;CJaJmH sH %hxhZ5;CJ\aJmH sH hxhZ5;\mH sH hxhZ5\mH sH $%ijksy) ;`0p@ P !$^'.*,$*$Ifgd'G[% ;`0p@ P !$^'.*,*$gdZ($ ;`0p@ P !$^'.*,*$a$gdZyzc9) ;`0p@ P !$^'.*,$*$Ifgd'G[kd$$Ifl00 &   t0644 l` apyt'G[9kd$$Ifl00 &   t0644 l` apyt'G[) ;`0p@ P !$^'.*,$*$IfgdYT) ;`0p@ P !$^'.*,$*$Ifgd'G[% ;`0p@ P !$^'.*,*$gdZi???) ;`0p@ P !$^'.*,$*$Ifgd'G[kd$$Ifl00 &   t0644 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