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B[<%Y%Y%%%[<~$~$p<U-U-U-%0~$~$5<U-%5<U-U-9};~$bK()|: !<<0<:Bc*B$};B};U-%%%[<[<U-%%%<%%%%B%%%%%%%%%j x: DATA BUOY CO-OPERATION PANEL (DBCP) Format for National Reports on Current and Planned BUOY Programmes CountryFRANCEYear2018 (1 July 2017 30 June 2018 ) CURRENT PROGRAMME: Agency or programmeMto-France Number and type of buoys(a) deployed during the year- 87 SVP-B for E-SURFMAR (39 upgrades) - 16 SVP-B for AtlantOS - 10 SVP-B for MF Atlantic (5 upgrades) - 22 SVP-B (17 upgrades) for IBPIO - 2 waveriders - 2 SVP-S prototypes (Atlantos new Salinity sensor) - 2 SVP-BRST prototypes (TRUSTED project)(b) operational as of 31 August- 5 moored buoys (2 in cooperation with UKMO) - 146 SVP-B for E-SURFMAR (57 upgrades) - 19 SVP-B for AtlantOS - 14 SVP-B for MF Atlantic (5 upgrades) - 41 SVP-B for MF IBPIO (36 upgrades) - 5 waveriders(c) reporting on GTS as of 31 August - 5 moored buoys (2 in cooperation with UKMO) - 146 SVP-B for E-SURFMAR (57 upgrades) - 19 SVP-B for AtlantOS - 14 SVP-B for MF Atlantic (5 upgrades) - 41 SVP-B for MF IBPIO (36 upgrades) - 5 waveridersPurpose of programme (a) operational[x](b) met / ocean research[_](c) developmental[x]Main deployment areasArctic, North Atlantic, Mediterranean Sea, Tropical Atlantic Indian Ocean for drifters and moored buoys Continental French coasts, Saint Pierre & Miquelon, French West Indies for waveridersVandalism incidents0 Agency or programme IRD - French participation to PIRATA (in cooperation with Meteo-France) and CLIVAR-Atlantic, + EU PREFACE & AtlantOS programmes (international collaborations)Number and type of buoys(a) deployed during the yearNetwork of 6 meteo-oceanic buoys (All the buoys have been replaced in February-April 2018 during the PIRATA-FR28 cruise). 3 of them are classical ATLAS systems, 3 are new T-Flex systems (Iridium data transmission, potentially more sensors, etc.). Two buoys are equipped with a CO2 sensor (10W-6S and 8E-6S) 3 current meter moorings (ADCP) has been serviced (at 0E, 10W and 23W-0N). During the PIRATA-FR28 cruise, 23 surface drifters (13 SVP-B and 10 SVP) have been deployed in the eastern tropical Atlantic and the Gulf of Guinea as a contribution of Meteo-France to AtlantOS (SVPB) and of NOAA (SVP) to DBCP.(b) operational as of 31 August6 buoys were operational at 30 June 2018(c) reporting on GTS as of 31 August 6 buoys were reporting on GTS at 30 June 2018Purpose of programme (check/uncheck boxes using [_] or [x] as appropriate)(a) operational[x](b) met / ocean research[x](c) developmental[]Main deployment areasEastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of GuineaVandalism incidents0 Agency or programme IUEM/IFREMER Number and type of buoys(a) deployed during the year1 MAREL Iroise buoy(b) operational as of 31 August(c) reporting on GTS as of 31 August Purpose of programme (check/uncheck boxes using [_] or [x] as appropriate)(a) operational[x](b) met / ocean research[ ](c) developmental[ ]Main deployment areasFrench coast at the Brest-Bay outlet, at the interface with the Iroise sea (482129 N, 43305.48 W)Vandalism incidents0 Agency or programme Cerema (Center for studies and expertise on risks, environment, mobility, and urban and Country planning)Number and type of buoys(a) deployed during the year(b) operational as of 31 August21 waveriders(c) reporting on GTS as of 31 August Purpose of programme (check/uncheck boxes using [_] or [x] as appropriate)(a) operational[x](b) met / ocean research[x](c) developmental[]Main deployment areasContinental French coasts, Saint Pierre & Miquelon, French West IndiesVandalism incidents0 Agency or programme SHOM (Service Hydrographique et Ocanographique de la marine)Number and type of buoys(a) deployed during the year29 drifting buoys owned by SHOM were deployed in last 12 months: - 4 WOCE (World Ocean Circulation Experiment) buoys drogued at 15 m; - 4 WOCE buoys drogued at 50 m; - 2 buoys drogued at 100 m; - 16 buoys drogued at 80 m; - 3 buoys drogued at 250 m;(b) operational as of 31 August2 buoy was operational at 31 august 2017(c) reporting on GTS as of 31 August All WOCE were reporting on GTSPurpose of programme (check/uncheck boxes using [_] or [x] as appropriate)(a) operational[](b) met / ocean research[x](c) developmental[x]Main deployment areasMediterranean Sea and North IcelandVandalism incidents PLANNED PROGRAMMES: Agency or programme Mto-France Number and type of buoysplanned for deployment in the next 12 monthsAbout 160 SVP-B (~125 upgrades) 50 SVP-BRST (TRUSTED) to be deployed (+50 in 2020)Purpose of programme (check/uncheck boxes using [_] or [x] as appropriate)(a) operational[x](b) met / ocean research[ ](c) developmental[ ]Main deployment areasNorth Atlantic, Mediterranean Sea, Tropical Atlantic, Indian Ocean Agency or programme IRD Number and type of buoysplanned for deployment in the next 12 monthsTo maintain the 6 met-ocean PIRATA Network (2 Atlas and 4 T-Flex planed in 2019, so 1 additional T-Flex replacing 1 Atlas) and 2 currentmeter moorings (23W & 10W-0N). Potential SVP deployments during the PIRATA FR29 cruise.Purpose of programme (check/uncheck boxes using [_] or [x] as appropriate)(a) operational[x](b) met / ocean research[x](c) developmental[]Main deployment areasTropical Atlantic Agency or programme Cerema (Center for studies and expertise on risks, environment, mobility, and urban and Country planning)Number and type of buoysplanned for deployment in the next 12 monthsFrom 4 to 5 waveridersPurpose of programme (check/uncheck boxes using [_] or [x] as appropriate)(a) operational[x](b) met / ocean research[x](c) developmental[]Main deployment areasGuyana, the Channel Agency or programme SHOM (Service Hydrographique et Ocanographique de la marine)Number and type of buoysplanned for deployment in the next 12 months30 wocesPurpose of programme (check/uncheck boxes using [_] or [x] as appropriate)(a) operational[ ](b) met / ocean research[x](c) developmental[x]Main deployment areas Opportunities : Mto-France is involved in the Surface Velocity Platform with Barometer and Reference Sensor for Temperature (SVP-BRST), developed by the Copernicus-funded TRUSTED project (Towards fiducial Reference measUrements of Sea-surface Temperature by European Drifters) A novel buoy has been developed. It is based on the SVP-B design but embarks in addition a HRSST sensor with the following special design: It is removable from the buoy, so it can be calibrated separately, and post-calibrated, too, if the buoy is recovered from sea; The SST sensor has a very fast response time (and is able to track 1-Hz variations of a few Kelvins); It reports SST with a resolution of 0.001 K (instead of 0.01 K traditionally); Its expanded uncertainty (the BIPM terminology for what one may coin absolute uncertainty) is below 0.01 K; It acquires data during 5 minutes every hour, at 1 Hz frequency and reports the mean, the median (50% percentile), as well as 4 other percentiles of the distribution (10%, 30%, 70%, 90%); It employs a collocated water pressure sensor. Risk : A major risk for French (and European) drifting buoys program is the willingness of the French government to eliminate plastic waste at sea. A French governmental plan (Biodiversity Plan, presented in July 2018) aims to have zero plastic at sea by 2025. Consequences for operational activities are not yet well known, but we have to be prepared. 3. TECHNICAL DEVELOPMENTS: (a) Buoy design (b) Instrumentation In parallel to the use of SVP-B drifters, Meteo-France continuously surveys the performances of air pressure measurement for almost of the drifters of that kind deployed over the World Ocean. The new SVP-BSC drifter (low cost salinity sensor), implemented by a French manufacturer (NKE), to answer AtlantOS project, is now validated. The new SVP-BRST (TRUSTED project for EUMETSAT purposes) has been validated. The manufacturer (NKE) is now producing about 100 buoys to be deployed in 2019-2020. 4. PUBLICATIONS (on programme plans, technical developments, QC reports, etc.): RefTitleType1Cerema - Fiches-synthetiques-mesure-etats-mer https://www.cerema.fr/fr/centre-ressources/boutique/fiches-synthetiques-mesure-etats-mer-du-reseau-candhis-mise72Bourls, B., M. Araujo, M. J. McPhaden, P. Brandt, G. R. Foltz, R.Lumpkin, H. Giordani, F. Hernandez, N. Lefvre, P. Nobre, E. Campos, R. Saravanan, J. Trotte-Duh, M. Dengler, J. Hahn, R. Hummels, J. F. Lbbecke, M. Rouault, L. Cotrim, A. Sutton, M. Jochum, and R. C. Perez. PIRATA: A Sustained Observing System for Tropical Atlantic Climate Research and Forecasting, submitted to Earth and Space Sciences, 2018.73Trolliet, M., J. Walawender, B. Bourls, A. Boilley, J. Trentmann, P. Blanc, M. Lefvre, and L. Wald, Estimating downwelling solar irradiance at the surface of the tropical Atlantic Ocean: A comparison of PIRATA measurements against several re-analyses and satellite-derived data sets, Ocean Sciences Discuss.,  HYPERLINK "https://doi.org/10.5194/os-2017-95" https://doi.org/10.5194/os-2017-95, re-submitted after revision, 2018.74Poli, P. (2018). Note on the impact of meteorological data from PIRATA moorings on global weather forecasts, doi:10.5281/zenodo.1164620. 75Bourls, B., An example of vessel time optimization and collaborations during the PIRATA cruises, AtlantOS Newsletter 2018, Vol. 1, Issue 3, 11-12, mai 2018.26Bourls, B.., P. Brandt, N. Lefvre and J. Hahn, PIRATA data system upgrade report: Technical report mostly related to biogeochemical sensors (O2 and CO2 sensors) data, their real-time transmission and O2 and CO2 data control quality and their integration to existing systems, in relation with the WP7, Deliverable D.3.9 EU AtlantOS (H2020, Grant Agreement N: 633211), 7pp., mars 2018, DOI  HYPERLINK "http://dx.doi.org/10.3289/AtlantOS_D3.9" 10.3289/AtlantOS_D3.9.57Bourls, B., P. Brandt and M. Dengler, Suggestion for a sustainable long term monitoring system, Deliverable D.4.4 EU PREFACE (FP7, Grant Agreement N: 603521), 16pp., mars 2018.28CORIOLIS: Pouliquen Sylvie, Reverdin Gilles, Maze Guillaume, Lebreton Nathanaele, Poffa No, D'Ortenzio Fabrizio, Alory Gal, Delcroix Thierry, Bourls Bernard, Emzivat Gilbert, Guinet Christophe, Gouriou Yves, Heyndrickx Cline, Le Menn Marc, Testor Pierre, Donato Vincent, Charria Guillaume, Carval Thierry (2018). CORIOLIS. Rapport dactivits 2017,  HYPERLINK "http://doi.org/10.13155/49970" http://doi.org/10.13155/49970, mai 2018. 29Charria G. Rimmelin-Maury P., L'Helguen S., Goberville E., Charruyer P., David-Beausire C., Cariou T., Trguer P. Large-, local-scale influences and impacts of extreme events on the characteristics ofcoastal waters of Western Europe (1998-2016), Colloque EVOlution Long terme des Ecosystmes COtiers : Vers une mise en vidence des forages et des processus associs, 5-7 dcembre 2017 - campus de l'Universit de Bordeaux, Pessac.8 5. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: (a) Quality of buoy data Reminder : New URL for Mto-France QCTools :  HYPERLINK "http://esurfmar.meteo.fr/qctools/" http://esurfmar.meteo.fr/qctools/ (b) Communications  (c) Buoy lifetimes  (d) Data AccessibilityGTS(e) New Observations(f) GFCS and WIGOS(g) Additional Requirements(h) DBCP Linkages(i) DBCP Excellence Awards Technology Innovation/ Service to Society(j) Other   Note: It is recommended that this form is filled in electronically and returned also electronically to the Secretariat. A template of the form can be downloaded from the following ftp site:  HYPERLINK "ftp://ftp.wmo.int/Documents/PublicWeb/amp/mmop/documents/dbcp/templates/Format-DBCP-National-Reports.doc"ftp://ftp.wmo.int/Documents/PublicWeb/amp/mmop/documents/dbcp/templates/Format-DBCP-National-Reports.doc Annex - Form for reporting incidents of vandalism on data buoys CountryFRANCEContact person e-mailgilbert.emzivat@meteo.frYearBuoy LocationType of Buoy (e.g. Tsunami / Met -Ocean Buoy/Drifter/ARGO floats/ Other)Type of damage to buoyBuoy id/WMO idNumber of days of transmission lostCost of replacementRemarks (e.g. whether photos have been taken)LatitudeLongitude No incident reported this year. Efforts taken against vandalismAwareness meeting Organised Suggestions (if any)Photos on Vandalism(please include pictures if available; and email electronic versions to  HYPERLINK "mailto:cgallage@wmo.int"cgallage@wmo.int;  HYPERLINK "mailto:support@jcommops.org"support@jcommops.org) Note: It is recommended that this form is filled in electronically and returned electronically also to JCOMMOPS (cgallage@wmo.int;  HYPERLINK "mailto:support@jcommops.org"support@jcommops.org). A template of the form can be downloaded from the following ftp site:  HYPERLINK "ftp://ftp.wmo.int/Documents/PublicWeb/amp/mmop/documents/dbcp/templates/Format-DBCP-Buoy-Vandalism-Reports.doc"ftp://ftp.wmo.int/Documents/PublicWeb/amp/mmop/documents/dbcp/templates/Format-DBCP-Buoy-Vandalism-Reports.doc ______________  : Types of publications: (1) Implementation, (2) Operations, (3) Instrumentation, (4) Quality Management, (5) Data Management, (6) Data collection and/or location, (7) Data use, (8) Other  How does the international community access the ocean observing data provided by your Organization  What new ocean observations does your Organization plan to make in the upcoming year (i.e. new parameters, expanding geographic scope, filling spatial or latency gaps)?  How do your Organizations observations contribute to the WMOs Integrated Global Observing System (WIGOS) and/or Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS)?  What additional requirements (other than climate) does your organization have that are currently not adequately addressed by the DBCP?  How would your organization benefit from DBCPs closer linkages to the JCOMM Services, Data Management and Modelling Communities?  Nominate a Member from your Organization who has demonstrated outstanding achievement in either a) advancing technology or b) applying ocean observation data in service to society.     #$%hikrsywhYNFNhtmH sH ht5\mH sH h^956>*\]mH sH hNb56>*\]mH sH hK56>*\]mH sH h 6mH sH hKmH sH ht5mH sH h;hNb5mH sH hNb5mH sH hKhK5mH sH hK;CJaJmH sH hK5;CJ\aJmH sH hK5;\mH sH hNbhKmH sH hK5\mH sH $%ijkszn& ;`0p@ P !$^'.*,$G$If% ;`0p@ P !$^'.*,$If ;`0p@ P !$^'.*,#$ ;`0p@ P !$^'.*,a$z{wM) ;`0p@ P !$^'.*,$G$Ifgdt% ;`0p@ P !$^'.*,$Ifbkd$$If0& &  44 lap{{T' & F ;`0p@ P !$^'.*,gdNb ;`0p@ P !$^'.*,bkd$$If0& &  44 lapr( ;`0p@ P !$^'.*,$IfgdK `0p$IfgdK( ;`0p@ P !$^'.*,$Ifgdt' ;`0p@ P !$^'.*,^gd^9  / 0 ? @   . 0 1 ^ a w y   " 繧܂wwh'G[h^9mH sH "h^9CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH h^9mH sH h'G[htmH sH "htCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH hhtmH sH h(mH sH h@NmH sH h ^mH sH h}htmH sH htmH sH ht *ht5\mH sH - < T | ll______l j $IfgdK( ;`0p@ P !$^'.*,$IfgdKjkd$$If0 5&i = &44 lapytc  . \ zRREEE j $IfgdK( ;`0p@ P !$^'.*,$IfgdK $$G$Ifa$gdKvkdR$$If4F &5&`i . &    44 laf4pytc SE $$G$Ifa$gd^9vkd)$$If4F &5&i . &    44 laf4pytc( ;`0p@ P !$^'.*,$Ifgdt j $IfgdK  ! 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