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This Partnership was established in March 2013 by the signature of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between UNESCO/IOC and the Russian Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring (Roshydromet). The main objectives of the Partnership centre are: to maintain and develop the IODE-ODP specifications and tools, coordinate the use of the IODE ODP technology for the distributed marine data system of the IODE data network of National Oceanographic Data Centres (NODC) and related partner data centres, data sources from other IOC programmes, and for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the data and product/service stream of the joint WMO-IOC technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM); To create in cooperation with the IOC project office for IODE and enabling environment and assist in strengthening the capacity of the IODE ODP nodes to manage marine data and products, and to provide the IODE ODP resources and services required by users; To assist with the coordination and monitoring of the implementation of the IODE ODP work plan as adopted by the IODE committee These objectives were planned to be achieved by the following activities: develop, host and maintain the tools and specifications of the IODE ODP for the portal and its distributed marine data system operation; assist IODESs Ocean Data Information Networks (ODINs), NODCs and other IODE ODP nodes to achieve their regional and thematic objectives; develop, strengthen and maintain IODE ODP data management training programmes and tools monitor and report on the status and availability of the IODE ODP portal, website, tools and specifications used by the IODE ODP nodes; provide an infrastructure to develop and test the web-based technologies and tools, intersystem operability and also generate new ideas and perspective of the IODE ODP; promote collaboration between all expert levels, active in integrated marine data management, including scientists, data managers, other IOC programmes and projects, other organisations and systems (e.g. OBIS, WIS, GEOSS) Scope and methodology The review was requested by IOC/IODE taking into account that the current MoU has expired on 27 March 2018 and could be renewed after approval by the 2 participants. On the basis of terms of reference for the review of the Partnership Centre for the IODE Ocean Data Portal, the approach recommended by IOC/IODE for the review is an assessment over four major topics: Organizational performance Enabling environment Organizational motivation Organizational capacity IOC/IODE asked the reviewers to take into consideration the following additional elements: The IOC Audit on IODE (200 EX/20.INF.2) states (paragraph 161) that ODPs co-existence with SeaDataNet and WOD makes IOCs involvement unclear, and suggests that all three initiatives should work together rather than continue what they are doing; The IOC Data Exchange Policy (IOC-XXII-6, 2003, clause 5) refers to the WDC network as a possible long-term repository for all member states. WDC is the previous term for ICSU WDS, of which WOD is the only relevant member, and WOD also has dissemination capacity. It seems that if WOD is recommended by IOC as a repository, then to have another data portal for data types accommodated by WOD is a duplication of efforts; The Opening Address by IOC executive secretary at IODE-24 (IOC/IODE-XXIV/3, Annex V) repeats some conclusions of the IOC Audit: While IODE started working on the IODE Ocean Data Portal about 10 years ago we have not been able to make as much progress as hoped. To some extent the work has been taken on by a few regional initiatives that were better funded but overall at the global level we are still far from our target.; The recent IOC decision (IOC-XXIX/3s/Decisions) to task IODE the further develop the development of a concept paper for an Ocean Data & Information System, which should take into account the results and functioning of the IODE Ocean Data Portal, to be submitted in 2019; The fact that TT-MOWIS is trying to establish connections between WMO (and thus IOC) member states and the WIS, when this was one of the main raison dtre of ODP when it was established (to enable member states publishing oceanographic data on the WIS, by offering interoperability). It was also noted that the reviewers do not have to address the question whether ODP as a project should be continued or not. Executive summary Reviewers from IODE and Roshydromet implemented site review of the Partnership Centre for IODE Ocean Data Portal (further, Centre) on 11-12 September 2018. A number of presentations as well as live demonstration of the IODE ODP nodes and components have been made by the head of the Centre, Dr Sergey Belov. Reviewers also visited the office of the Centre and had the opportunity to communicate with the staff of the Centre. The agenda of the view is detailed hereafter: September 11, 201810:00-10:15Welcome address by RIHMI-WDC (V. Kosykh)10:15-10:30Welcome address by Roshydromet (A. Bystramovich)10:30-10:45Welcome address by NODC of Russian Federation (N. Mikhailov)10:45-11:00General information on the Partnership Centre11:00-11:30Visit to the Partnership Centre, group photo 11.30-12.00Coffee break12:00-13:00Results of ODP operation in 2013-2018 13:00-14:30Lunch14:30-15:00Report on ODP operation in 2013-2018 15:00-15:30Areas of focus and plan of the Partnership Centre activities in 2013-201815:30-16:00Coffee break16:00-17:00Round table discussion of results and plans of the Partnership Centre activities 18:00-20:00Reception September 12, 201810:00-10:45Live demonstrations of the ODP from the user and the data manager sides10:45-11:00Coffee break11:00-13:00Work of review team13:00-14:30Lunch14:30-15:30Work of review team15.30-16.00Coffee break16:00-17:00Review summarizing Dr S. Belov, presented the Partnership centre for the IODE Ocean Data Portal following terms of references delivered by IODE, answering the 4 major topics described here above: organizational performance, enabling environment, organizational motivation and organizational capacity. He made 4 presentations, available on ODP web site at the following address:  HYPERLINK "http://www.oceandataportal.org/?page_id=3144" http://www.oceandataportal.org/?page_id=3144: General information on the Partnership Centre for IODE Ocean Data Portal Results of IODE Ocean Data Portal project for 2013-2018 Report on operation of the Partnership Centre for the IODE Ocean Data Portal in 2013-2018 Areas of focus and plan of the Partnership Centre activities We will recall here the significant action plans performed by the partnership centre during the 2013-2018 period, duration of the MoU between RIHMI-WDC and IOC/IODE: In terms of Specifications, development and promotion of IODE ODP tools: (i) the ODP V2 toolkit is available upon request through the website or by e-mail and has been deployed in Russia (global node) and Argentina (specialised node), and is under discussions for other deployments; (ii) Metadata registry has been established to support the exchange of metadata with other systems, projects and programmes; (iii) Monitoring system has been created for hardware, software and information resources of the ODP node, based on the Zabbix software; (iv) ODP V2 portal includes improved search, retrieval, subscription services and web GIS service. In terms of Assistance to IODESs Ocean Data Information Networks (ODINs), NODCs and other IODE OPD nodes to achieve their regional and thematic objectives: (i) four ODP nodes are deployed and technically supported (RIHMI global node, National Marine Data System of Argentina (regional node), ODINAFRICA (Kenya) and ODINWESTPAC (China); work are in progress for ODINBlackSea (Turkey) ; IODE ODP includes more than 700 data sets (information resources) and connects over 30,000 data sets obtained from interacting with related systems: European Data Network - SeaDataNet, WMO Information System - WIS, NOAA National Environmental Information Centre (US NODC) and Australian Ocean Data Network (AODN). In terms of Development, strengthening and promotion of the IODE ODP data management training programmes: (i) specialists from three regional IODE initiatives were trained in working with IODE ODP technologies and practices in Argentina (regional Southeast Pacific Data and Information Network, SPINCAM), Kenya (ODINAfrica network) and China (ODINWESTPAC network on the basis of the National Marine Data and Information Service); (ii) training materials (video lectures, presentations and practical exercises) are available from the IODE OceanTeacher resource and ODP web site. In terms of Monitoring and reporting on the status and availability of the IODE ODP portal, website, tools and specifications used by the IODE ODP nodes: (i) regular reporting is done daily on data provider availability and data/products accessibility and is available online (e.g.  HYPERLINK "http://is.oceandataportal.net/iserv/stat/11-10-2018_T1.html" http://is.oceandataportal.net/iserv/stat/11-10-2018_T1.html) annually towards Roshydromet, every 2 years towards, and every 5 years towards JCOMM/IODE ETDMP; (ii) ODP monitoring system is in place in RIHMI-WDC (zabbix) and External monitoring services are used for ODIN nodes (Uptimerobot). In terms of Providing an infrastructure to develop and test the web-based technologies and tools, intersystem operability and also generating new ideas and perspective of the IODE ODP: (i) The IODE ODP global node is deployed on RIHMI-WDCs telecommunication and computation infrastructure; (ii) Agile methodology is used to develop ODP software; (iii) Bug-tracking and project management system are performed using JIRA software; (iv) GITBlit is used as source code repository; (v) The Jenkins continuous integration service is used for automated testing and evaluation; (vi) a WIKI for the developers has been implemented. In terms of Promoting collaboration between all expert levels, active in integrated marine data management, including scientists, data managers, other IOC programmes and projects, other organisations and systems (e.g. OBIS, WIS, GEOSS): (i) The Partnership Centre participated in key global partnership activities, such as the development of connections compatible with GEO/GEOSS within the Ocean Data Interaction Platform (ODIP). The IODE ODP technology played the role of an integrator of metadata and references to data of marine information systems of the USA, Europe and Australia; (ii) the personnel of the partnership is involved in several European projects (SeaDataCloud, EMODnet); (iii) the personnel of the partnership is also participating in expert teams such as JCOMM/IODE Expert Team on Data Management Practices (ETDMP) and WMO Expert Team on Evolution of WIS (TT-eWIS); (iv) The partnership followed the requirements and recommendations of the Inter-Programme Expert Team for Marine Meteorological and Oceanographic Integrated Services within WMO and IOC Information Systems (IPET-MOIS). The results formed the basis of the IODE ODP of new generation that serves as an infrastructure of the IOC Oceanographic Data and Information System (ODIS). It is important also to recall some numbers concerning the partnership centre: The average number of IODE ODP unique visitors is 2700/year. Geography worldwide. The number of registered users ((global node + ODIN nodes) is over 100 There are 3.5 dedicated staff for the partnership centres (3 developers working full-time on the project, plus the head of the Partnership Centre working 50% of time for this project), in addition, 6 staffs for assistance on specific tasks can be provided by the Russian NODC. During 2013-2018 total funding of the Partnership Centre by US $202,100, around US $33,500/year with UNESCO IOC funding (IODE budget) being US $15,000 for the same period Dr S. Belov presented also the wants and needs for the IODE ODP partnership centre which consist of: the expansion of the number of employees of the Centre to 5 persons in order to ensure that all areas of work are well secured and more particularly the cooperation with other projects and the participation to IODE training programmes as instructors; the implementation of a long-term financing strategy; a greater support from IOC member states with data, metadata and services. He finally discussed about the future plans that the IODE ODP partnership which are to: Continue to fulfil the requirements of MoU Follow the specifications and recommendations of existing systems: GEOSS, EMODnet, and SeaDataNet Move to ODP V3 Big data technologies, In-Memory Data Grid (IMDG), Semantic Web, APIs and REST services, new generation of Data Provider, Data Cache, Portal, etc. Develop an alpha-version of ODIS-like repository (metadata provision and search) targeted to be demonstrated on IODE-XXV Give assistance to national data buoy centre of Indonesia in establishing specialised ODP node Implement decisions and recommendations of IODE-XXV and JCOMM-6. Results and recommendations In this section, the reviewers will make recommendations for possible improvements of the audited entity. The first observation that the reviewers want to underline is that the IODE ODP partnership fulfil its obligations. As described in the Memorandum of understanding, RIHMI-WDC is developing a distributed ocean data system and its web portal that can be used, by the IODE network of NODCs and data units, as a showcase to display and distribute their oceanographic and / or meteorological data. The system is also designed to deliver monitoring for hardware, software and information resources of the ODP nodes. The system has very ambitious capabilities, but is may be not enough user oriented: this could be enhanced through communications with the ODP nodes and their users, as well as by some kind of surveys sent to the connected users. ODP can be seen as the oceanographic component of the GEOSS portal; it already includes many pan-European countries through its link to SeaDataNet infrastructure and USA through its link to the WDC-A of NOAA. The missing components of the system are mainly non-European countries as only Argentina is represented for the South American part, Kenya for the African countries and one institute from Japan and another one from China. ODP partnership has huge ambitions which would need more funds and more human resources that what is already provided in order to be able to attract new NODCs by financial incentive to connect to the ODP infrastructure. Presently the ODP governance rely on a steering group composed of three IODE members and the project technical manager. The reviewers recommend that IOC-IODE implement a wider governance composed of at least two parts: (i) a political governance for the project and financial management and (ii) a technical governance involving some major technical actors of the major Research infrastructures already well developed, in order to use common standards and protocols. A user committee could also be added to this schema in order to have feedback from the community to improve the system and answer the user needs by developing user oriented services in cooperation with other projects. The reviewers recommend that the steering group should hold at least one external member not directly involved in the IODE decision bodies. The reviewers recommend that an Annual plan should be submitted to the steering group in order to establish and adopt a clear roadmap. As stated in paragraph 3 page 3 we are still far from the target, the reviewers think that it is mainly due to a lack of means. The reviewers would like to highlight the high level of technical capacity of the developing team. The ODP user interface for data discovery and download uses some vocabularies with no references to already existing standards, the reviewers recommend to use standards (WMO, SeaDataNet) where possible and to upgrade the data transport format from netCDF2 to netCDF4. The reviewers recommend that IOC/IODE clarify the respective roles of ODP and ODIS, and be clear on the roadmap of the two systems. They also advise that close contacts should be taken with the ODIS task team to address the following items: agree on following meta-data structure and on vocabularies, this should be done also in close cooperation with the international bodies working on this subject (e.g. SeaDataNet standards should be taken into account) It is recalled that IODE-XXIV had established an Inter-sessional Working Group to develop a concept paper for the ODIS (IWG-ODIS) to finalize concept paper. The working group had met for its first session in 5-8 March 2018 at the IOC Project Office for IODE, Oostende, Belgium, and the group recommended that ODIS should include an inventory of existing data sources and identify the global/regional systems built by the IODE network members like WOD, AODN, SeaDataCloud, MCDS and describe how they can be used, as Ocean Data and Information Sources System, and concluded that a central data portal is not realistic as an objective for ODIS now because of the substantial resource requirements. At this point the reviewers concluded that it may be different concept between ODP and current status of ODIS, and that it may be premature to progress ODP as a core technology for ODIS. In conclusion, the reviewers recognised that the Centre made a great contribution to maintain and progress of ODP project, then it is recommended that MoU should renew for next term if IOC/IODE adopt to keep continuing the ODP project. Acronyms AODNAustralian Ocean Data NetworkETDMPJCOMM/IODE Expert Team on Data Management PracticesGEOGroup on Earth ObservationsGEOSSGlobal Earth Observation System of SystemsGISGeographic Information SystemICSUInternational Council for Science (now ISC: International Science Council)IMDGIn-Memory Data GridIOCIntergovernmental Oceanographic CommissionIODEInternational Oceanographic Data and Information ExchangeIFREMERInstitut Franais de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la MerIPET-MOISInter-Programme Expert Team on integrated Marine Meteorological and Oceanographic Services within WMO and IOC Information SystemsIWG-ODISInter-sessional Working Group on ODISJCOMMJoint Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine MeteorologyMCDSMarine Climate Data SystemMIRCMarine Information Research CentreNOAANational Oceanic and Atmospheric AdministrationNODCNational Oceanographic Data CentreOBISOcean Biogeographic Information SystemODINOcean Data and Information NetworkODINAFRICAOcean Data and Information Network for AfricaODINWESTPACOcean Data and Information Network for Western PacificODIPOcean Data Interoperability PlatformODISOcean Data and Information SystemODPOcean Data PortalRESTRepresentational State TransferRIHMI-WDCResearch Institute of HydroMeteorological Information World Data CentreSPINCAMSoutheast Pacific data and Information Network in support to integrated Coastal Area ManagementTT-MOWISJcomm Cross-cutting Task Team for integrated Marine Meteorological And Oceanographic services Within WISUNESCOUnited Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural OrganizationWDCWorld Data CentreWDSWorld Data SystemWIKIWhat I Know IsWISWMO information systemWMOWorld Meteorological OrganisationWODWorld Ocean Database .     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