ࡱ> mp\]^_`abcdefghijkla bjbjjj b?b?b.`55B CCCCDDDppEMDT<(Sh ^Z_pZ`Z`jb:t<I;K;K;K;K;K;K;$BDo;iCTHb"jbTTo;CCZ`Z`;@T&CZ`CZ`I;TI;~Z`@m$mF5;<<T<bzEzEJ_.zECTTTTTTTo;o; TTTT<TTTTzETTTTTTTTT5B A: Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Reports of Meetings of Experts and Equivalent Bodies Working Group on Tsunamis and Other Hazards Related to Sea-Level Warning and Mitigation Systems (TOWS-WG) Twelfth Meeting Paris, France 2122 February 2019 UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Reports of Meetings of Experts and Equivalent Bodies Working Group on Tsunamis and Other Hazards Related to Sea-Level Warning and Mitigation Systems (TOWS-WG) Twelfth Meeting Paris, France 2122 February 2019 UNESCO 2019 IOC/TOWS-WG-XII/3 Paris, June 2019 Original: English( Table of contents page  TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515439483" Executive Summary ( PAGEREF _Toc515439483 \h iii)  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515439484" Resume executif ( PAGEREF _Toc515439484 \h vi)  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515439485" Resumen dispositivo ( PAGEREF _Toc515439485 \h x)  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515439486"  01>G55 @57N<5 ( PAGEREF _Toc515439486 \h xiv)  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515439487" 1. OPENING AND WELCOME  PAGEREF _Toc515439487 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515439488" 1.1 OPENING  PAGEREF _Toc515439488 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515439489" 1.2 ADOPTION OF AGENDA  PAGEREF _Toc515439489 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515439490" 1.3 WORKING ARRANGEMENTS  PAGEREF _Toc515439490 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515439491" 2. REPORTS FROM PARTICIPANT BODIES  PAGEREF _Toc515439491 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515439492" 2.1 REPORT FROM IOC BODIES  PAGEREF _Toc515439492 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515439493" 2.1.1 Tsunami and other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (CARIBE-EWS)  PAGEREF _Toc515439493 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515439494" 2.1.2 Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (IOTWMS)  PAGEREF _Toc515439494 \h 3  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515439495" 2.1.3 Tsunami Early Warning and Mitigation System in the North-Eastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean and Connected Seas (NEAMTWS)  PAGEREF _Toc515439495 \h 4  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515439496" 2.1.4 Pacific Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (PTWS)  PAGEREF _Toc515439496 \h 5  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515439497" 2.2 REPORT OF NON-IOC BODIES  PAGEREF _Toc515439497 \h 7  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515439498" 2.2.1 World Tsunami Awareness Day (UNISDR)  PAGEREF _Toc515439498 \h 7  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515439499" 2.2.2 World Meteorological Organization  PAGEREF _Toc515439499 \h 8  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515439500" 3. REVIEW OF PROGRESS  PAGEREF _Toc515439500 \h 10  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515439501" 3.1 STATUS OF IMPLEMENTATION OF IOC DECISION EC-LI/3.3(III)  PAGEREF _Toc515439501 \h 10  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515439502" 4. REPORTS OF THE INTER-ICG TASK TEAMS  PAGEREF _Toc515439502 \h 11  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515439503" 4.1 INTER-ICG TASK TEAM ON DISASTER MANAGEMENT AND PREPAREDNESS  PAGEREF _Toc515439503 \h 11  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515439504" 4.2 INTER-ICG TASK TEAM ON TSUNAMI WATCH OPERATIONS  PAGEREF _Toc515439504 \h 11  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515439505" 5. OTHER ISSUES  PAGEREF _Toc515439505 \h 11  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515439506" 6. DATE AND PLACE OF THE NEXT MEETING  PAGEREF _Toc515439506 \h 12  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515439507" 7. CLOSURE OF MEETING  PAGEREF _Toc515439507 \h 12  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515439508" ANNEXES I.   HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515439509" AGENDA  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515439510" II.  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515439511" DECISIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515439512" III.  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515439513" REPORT OF THE TOWS-WG INTER-ICG TASK TEAM ON DISASTER MANAGEMENT AND PREPAREDNESS  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515439514" IV.  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515439515" REPORT OF THE tows-WG INTER-ICG TASK TEAM ON TSUNAMI WATCH OPERATIONS  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515439516" V.   HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515439517" LIST OF PARTICIPANTS  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515439518" VI.   HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515439519" LIST OF ACRONYMS  Executive Summary The Twelfth Meeting of the Working Group on Tsunamis and Other Hazards Related to Sea-Level Warning and Mitigation Systems (TOWS-WG-XII) was held in Paris, France, on 21 and 22 February 2019 under the Chairmanship of Mr Alexander Postnov (IOC Vice-Chair). The meeting evaluated progress in actions and decisions taken by the governing bodies through  HYPERLINK "http://www.ioc-unesco.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=23402" IOC/EC-LI/3. The Group noted the decision by the UN General Assembly, as part of the Omnibus Resolution for Oceans and the law of the sea (A/RES/72/73), to proclaim the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development for the 10-year period beginning on 1 January 2021, and called upon the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission to prepare an implementation plan for the Decade in consultation with Member States, UN Bodies, and relevant stakeholder. The Group reviewed reports by the IOC Intergovernmental Coordination Groups as well as its own Task Teams on Disaster Management and Preparedness and Watch Operations. The Group noted with satisfaction the progress made during the intersessional period, including: Three exercises carried out (CARIBE WAVE 18, IOWave18, PacWave18) and regular communication tests performed, Progress in sharing the results of Tsunami exercises and communication tests with World Meteorological Organization (WMO), Recovery and reconstruction of observation networks in Caribbean following recent hurricanes, CARIBE-EWS Implementation Plan for 20182023 adopted, Two communities in the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (St. Patrick, Grenada, and Fort Liberte, Haiti) achieved UNESCO-IOC Tsunami Ready recognition, New funding from DIPECHO and USAID/OFDA towards piloting Tsunami Ready program in the Caribbean and Central America, A volcanic scenario will be included in CARIBE WAVE 19 (March 2019) as a first, Methodological guidelines How to prepare, conduct, and evaluate a community-based tsunami response exercise has been completed and is available in French, Spanish and English and under consideration of CARIBE-EWS for final publication, The improvements in alert message delivery rates for IOTWMS, India and Oman testing Tsunami Ready, UNESCAP funding for Strengthening Tsunami Early Warning in the North West Indian Ocean Region, Growing interest for piloting Tsunami Ready in NEAMTWS, Instituto Portugus do Mar e da Atmosfera (IPMA, Portugal) seeking accreditation as a Tsunami Service Provider in NEAMTWS, European Commission support towards projects contributing to NEAMTWS, South China Sea Tsunami Advisory Centre (SCSTAC) intent to go to full operation in late 2019, North West Pacific Tsunami Advisory Center (NWPTAC) to make full changeover to Enhanced Products at end of February 2019, Central American Tsunami Advisory Center (CATAC) plans to start trial operation in August 2019, ITIC Training activities including the ITP-Hawaii course in Chile August 2018 as a first, Acknowledge JICA and DIPECHO support for CATAC and Tsunami Ready and preparedness in Central America, PTWS completion of its Key Performance Indicators Framework, Completion and submission of a Community White Paper "Ocean Observations Required to Minimize Uncertainty in Global Tsunami Forecasts, Warnings, and Emergency Response" to the OceanObs19 conference. The Group reiterated the importance of collecting event data strictly in accordance with the International Tsunami Survey Team (ITST) protocols, while continuing to be respectful of the countrys needs and requirements, encourage timely data and information sharing by the Survey Teams to facilitate immediate submission of a consolidated summary report to the host country to assist with response and recovery planning and request ICGs to facilitate, in coordination with existing science organisations, special sessions at meetings/workshops to promote sharing of lessons learnt and compilation of all event data. The Group approved updates to the  HYPERLINK "https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000188226.locale=fr" Tsunami Glossary. The Group approved changes to the Area of Service Map (see Appendix 3 to Annex IV). The Group approved the proposal on TSP Messages for the Maritime Community and requested the ICGs to consider the proposal for implementation in their respective basins. (see Appendix 4 to Annex IV). The Group agreed to produce a compelling high level concept note to the Implementation and Science Plans for the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development and convey it to global and regional Decade planning meetings. The Group recommended the Assembly to encourage Member States to: increase and sustain technical and financial support of the tsunami and other coastal hazards warning systems in their respective regions, emphasize to national civil protection/disaster management agencies the role they play in strengthening the warning chain to ensure optimal community response and stress the importance that the agencies participate in regional Tsunami governance and technical forums, continue to strengthen tsunami awareness and preparedness in communities and among authorities through communication, evacuation planning, tsunami exercises, training, information, and piloting recognition programmes such as Tsunami Ready, densify sea level networks capable of Tsunami detection as well as seismic network particularly nearby tsunamigenic sources, extend sharing of real time tsunami source and tsunami detection observations, collect high resolution coastal bathymetry and extend the data sharing for improved characterization of Tsunami and other coastal hazards and risks, and also advocate this through IHO and regional hydrographic commissions, register National Tsunami Warning Centers (NTWCs) and Tsunami Warning Focal Points (TWFPs) as alerting authorities in the WMO Alerting Authority Register via the WMO National Permanent Representative and in follow-up to WMO Circular Letter. The Group recommended the Assembly to instruct ICGs to: advocate Fourth edition of World Tsunami Awareness Day (WTAD 2019) among Member States and highlight target [d] of the Sendai Framework that stresses substantial reduction of disaster damage to critical infrastructure and disruption of basic services and with an emphasis of ports, harbours and vertical evacuation, consider the  HYPERLINK "http://www.ioc-tsunami.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=23532" PTWS Key Performance Indicator Framework and provide input to a consolidated report for the TOWS-XIII, continue the Tsunami Ready pilot activities with UNESCO-IOC recognition, including conducting surveys on Member State status, interest and feed back in the implementation of Tsunami Ready. The Group accepted the reports from the Task Teams on Disaster Management and Preparedness and Watch Operations and instructed the Task Teams to continue efforts for monitoring and responding to tsunamis generated by non-seismic sources and possible integration into Tsunami watch operation. The Group recommended the Assembly to take the following actions: to extend the tenure of TOWS and its task teams on (i) Disaster Management and Preparedness and (ii) Tsunami Watch Operations, with ToRs as given in IOC  HYPERLINK "https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000160410.locale=fr" Resolution XXIV-4 [for TOWS-WG] and  HYPERLINK "https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000223677.locale=fr" IOC/TOWS-WG-VI/3 [Annex II; for TTDMP] and ToRs for TTTWO as given in  HYPERLINK "https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000255993.locale=fr" IOC/TOWS-WG-X/3, Appendix 1 to Annex II. The Group noted with appreciation the information presented by the WMO and the Head of the IOC Ocean Observations and Services Section on JCOMM governance reform. Resum excutif La 12erunion du Groupe de travail sur les systmes dalerte aux tsunamis et autres alas lis au niveau de la mer, et de mitigation (TOWS-WG-XII) sest tenue les 21 et 22fvrier 2019 Paris (France), sous la prsidence de M.Alexander Postnov (Vice-Prsident de la COI). Les participants la runion ont valu les progrs raliss concernant les actions menes et les dcisions prises par les organes directeurs, notamment le Conseil ( HYPERLINK "http://www.ioc-unesco.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=23402" IOC/EC-LI/3). Le Groupe a pris note de la dcision de lAssemble gnrale des Nations Unies, au titre de sa rsolution densemble pour les ocans et le droit de la mer (A/RES/72/73), de proclamer la Dcennie des Nations Unies pour les sciences ocaniques au service du dveloppement durable, pour la priode commenant le 1erjanvier 2021, et de la demande adresse la Commission ocanographique intergouvernementale dlaborer un plan de concrtisation de la Dcennie en concertation avec les tats membres, les organismes des Nations Unies et les parties prenantes concernes. Le Groupe a examin les rapports des groupes intergouvernementaux de coordination (GIC) de la COI ainsi que ceux de ses quipes spciales sur la gestion et la prparation en cas de catastrophe et sur les oprations de veille aux tsunamis. Le Groupe a not avec satisfaction les progrs accomplis au cours de la priode intersessions, notamment: les trois exercices mens bien (CARIBEWave 18, IOWave 18 et PACWave 18) et les tests de communication rgulirement effectus; les progrs raliss dans la transmission des rsultats des exercices dalerte aux tsunamis et des tests de communication lOrganisation mtorologique mondiale (OMM); le rtablissement et la reconstruction des rseaux dobservation de la mer des Carabes la suite des derniers ouragans; ladoption du Plan de mise en uvre pour 2018-2023 du Systme dalerte aux tsunamis et autres risques ctiers dans la mer des Carabes et les rgions adjacentes (CARIBE-EWS); lobtention de la certification Tsunami Ready de la COI par deux circonscriptions de la mer des Carabes et des rgions adjacentes (Saint-Patrick, Grenade; Fort-Libert, Hati), et loctroi de nouveaux fonds par le Programme de prparation aux catastrophes du Service daide humanitaire de la Commission europenne (DIPECHO) et le Bureau dassistance en cas de catastrophe ltranger (OFDA) de lAgence des tats-Unis pour le dveloppement international (USAID) en vue de la mise lessai du programme Tsunami Ready dans les Carabes et en Amrique centrale; lintgration, pour la premire fois, dun scnario druption volcanique dans CARIBEWave 19 (mars2019); lachvement du guide mthodologique intitul Comment prparer, conduire et valuer un exercice tsunami pour sa communaut?, disponible en franais, en espagnol et en anglais, et actuellement examin par le CARIBE-EWS en vue de sa publication finale; lamlioration du taux de diffusion des messages dalerte du Systme dalerte aux tsunamis et de mitigation dans locan Indien (IOTWMS); la mise lessai du programme Tsunami Ready par lInde et Oman; lobtention de fonds de la Commission conomique et sociale des Nations Unies pour lAsie et le Pacifique (CESAP) afin de renforcer le systme dalerte rapide aux tsunamis dans la rgion de locan Indien du Nord-Ouest; lintrt croissant pour la mise lessai du programme Tsunami Ready dans le cadre du Systme dalerte rapide aux tsunamis et de mitigation dans lAtlantique du Nord-Est, la Mditerrane et les mers adjacentes (NEAMTWS); la candidature de lInstituto Portugus do Mar e da Atmosfera (IPMA, Portugal) aux fonctions de prestataire de services relatifs aux tsunamis (TSP) dans le cadre du NEAMTWS; lappui fourni par la Commission europenne des projets contribuant au NEAMTWS; lintention du Centre consultatif pour les tsunamis pour la mer de Chine mridionale (SCSTAC) dtre pleinement oprationnel la fin de2019; le passage complet aux produits amliors opr par le Centre consultatif sur les tsunamis dans le Pacifique Nord-Ouest (NWPTAC) la fin de fvrier2019; la mise en fonctionnement, titre exprimental, du Centre consultatif sur les tsunamis en Amrique centrale (CATAC) en aot2019; les activits de formation du Centre international dinformation sur les tsunamis (CIIT), y compris le programme ITP-Hawa qui sest tenu au Chili pour la premire fois (aot2018); lappui fourni par lAgence japonaise de coopration internationale (JICA) et le DIPECHO pour le CATAC ainsi que pour le programme Tsunami Ready et la prparation aux tsunamis en Amrique centrale; lachvement du Cadre des principaux indicateurs de performance du Systme dalerte aux tsunamis et de mitigation dans le Pacifique (PTWS); llaboration et la prsentation, lors de la confrence OceanObs19, dun livre blanc des communauts intitul Ocean Observations Required to Minimize Uncertainty in Global Tsunami Forecasts, Warnings, and Emergency Response (observations ocaniques requises pour rduire autant que possible lincertitude en matire de prvision, dalerte et dintervention durgence lchelle mondiale concernant les tsunamis). Le Groupe a raffirm quil tait important de collecter des donnes sur les cas de tsunamis dans le strict respect des protocoles de lquipe internationale dtude sur les tsunamis (ITST), tout en continuant de tenir compte des besoins et exigences du pays concern, dencourager la communication en temps utile de donnes et dinformations par les quipes dtude de faon soumettre immdiatement un rapport de synthse au pays hte pour laider planifier lintervention et le relvement, et de demander aux GIC danimer, en coordination avec les organisations scientifiques en place, des sances spciales lors de runions ou dateliers afin de favoriser lchange des enseignements tirs et la compilation de lensemble des donnes relatives aux cas de tsunamis. Le Groupe a approuv lactualisation du  HYPERLINK "https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000188226_fre.locale=fr" Glossaire sur les tsunamis. Le Groupe a approuv les modifications apportes la carte de la zone de couverture (voir lappendice3 de lannexeIV). Le Groupe a approuv la proposition concernant les messages des TSP la communaut maritime, et demand aux GIC dexaminer cette proposition en vue de la mettre en uvre dans leurs bassins respectifs (voir lappendice4 de lannexeIV). Le Groupe est convenu dlaborer une note conceptuelle de haut niveau qui soit convaincante sur le plan de mise en uvre et le plan scientifique de la Dcennie des Nations Unies pour les sciences ocaniques au service du dveloppement durable, et de la diffuser dans le cadre des runions mondiales et rgionales de planification de la Dcennie. Le Groupe a recommand lAssemble dencourager les tats membres : accrotre et prenniser leur appui technique et financier aux systmes dalerte aux tsunamis et autres alas ctiers dans leurs rgions respectives; mettre en avant le rle jou par les organismes nationaux de protection civile et de gestion des catastrophes pour renforcer la chane dalerte et assurer ainsi une raction optimale des populations, et souligner limportance de la participation de ces organismes aux forums rgionaux techniques et de gouvernance relatifs aux tsunamis; continuer de renforcer la sensibilisation et la prparation aux tsunamis dans les communauts et auprs des autorits, par le biais dactivits de communication, de formation et dinformation, de la planification des vacuations, dexercices dalerte aux tsunamis et de la mise lessai de programmes de reconnaissance tels que Tsunami Ready; densifier les rseaux margraphiques capables de dtecter des tsunamis ainsi que les rseaux sismiques, en particulier proximit des sources tsunamignes; dvelopper la communication dobservations en temps rel sur les sources des tsunamis et la dtection de ces derniers; collecter des donnes bathymtriques ctires en haute rsolution et dvelopper la communication de ces donnes afin damliorer la caractrisation des tsunamis et autres alas et risques ctiers, et plaider en faveur de cette dmarche par lentremise de lOrganisation hydrographique internationale (OHI) et des commissions hydrographiques rgionales; inscrire les centres nationaux dalerte aux tsunamis (NTWC) et les points focaux pour lalerte aux tsunamis (TWFP) au Registre des autorits dalerte de lOMM par lintermdiaire des reprsentants permanents des pays auprs de cette organisation, pour donner suite la lettre circulaire de lOMM. Le Groupe a recommand lAssemble de donner instruction aux GIC: de promouvoir la quatrime dition de la Journe mondiale de sensibilisation aux tsunamis(2019) auprs des tats membres et de mettre en avant lobjectif(d) du Cadre de Sendai, qui vise rduire nettement la perturbation des services de base et les dommages causs par les catastrophes aux infrastructures essentielles, en mettant laccent sur les ports et lvacuation verticale; dexaminer le  HYPERLINK "http://www.ioc-tsunami.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=23532" Cadre des principaux indicateurs de performance du PTWS et de contribuer llaboration dun rapport de synthse en vue de la 13erunion du Groupe (TOWS-WG-XIII); de poursuivre les activits pilotes de Tsunami Ready reconnues par la COI, notamment en ralisant des enqutes sur la situation, lintrt et lavis des tats membres lgard de la mise en uvre de ce programme. Le Groupe a approuv les rapports soumis par les quipes spciales sur la gestion et la prparation en cas de catastrophe et sur les oprations de veille aux tsunamis, et leur a donn instruction de poursuivre leurs activits de surveillance et de rponse pour les tsunamis gnrs par des sources non sismiques ainsi que leurs efforts en vue de leur possible intgration dans les oprations de veille aux tsunamis. Le Groupe a recommand lAssemble de prendre les mesures suivantes: prolonger les fonctions du TOWS-WG et de ses quipes spciales sur (i) la gestion et la prparation en cas de catastrophe et (ii)les oprations de veille aux tsunamis, selon les mandats respectivement dfinis dans la  HYPERLINK "https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000160410_fre.locale=fr" rsolution XXIV-4, lannexe II du document  HYPERLINK "https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000223677.locale=fr" IOC/TOWS-WG-VI/3, et lappendice1 de lannexII du document  HYPERLINK "https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000255993.locale=fr" IOC/TOWS-WG-X/3. Le Groupe a pris note avec satisfaction des informations prsentes par lOMM et par le Chef de la Section des observations et services ocaniques de la COI au sujet de la rforme de la gouvernance de la Commission technique mixte docanographie et de mtorologie maritime (JCOMM). Resumen dispositivo La 12a reunin del Grupo de Trabajo sobre sistemas de alerta contra tsunamis y otros peligros relacionados con el nivel del mar y atenuacin de sus efectos (TOWS-WG) se celebr en Pars (Francia) los das 21 y 22 de febrero de 2019 bajo la presidencia del Sr. Alexander Postnov (Vicepresidente de la COI). En la reunin se pas revista a los avances relacionados con las medidas y decisiones adoptadas por los rganos rectores mediante la decisin  HYPERLINK "http://www.ioc-unesco.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=23402" IOC/EC-LI/3. El Grupo tom nota de la decisin de la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas, como parte de la resolucin general sobre los ocanos y el derecho del mar (A/RES/72/73), de "proclamar el Decenio de las Naciones Unidas de las Ciencias Ocenicas para el Desarrollo Sostenible en el perodo de diez aos que comenzar el 1 de enero de 2021". En esa misma resolucin se "exhort[] a la Comisin Oceanogrfica Intergubernamental a preparar un plan de ejecucin para el Decenio de las Ciencias Ocenicas en consulta con los Estados Miembros, los organismos especializados, [...] y los interesados pertinentes". El Grupo examin informes de los grupos intergubernamentales de coordinacin (ICG) de la COI, as como de sus propios equipos de trabajo sobre gestin de desastres y preparacin y sobre actividades de vigilancia. El Grupo tom nota con satisfaccin de los progresos obtenidos durante el periodo entre reuniones, a saber: realizacin de tres ejercicios (CARIBE WAVE 18, IOWave 18, PacWave 18) y pruebas peridicas de verificacin de las comunicaciones; avances en el aprovechamiento compartido de los resultados de las simulaciones de tsunamis y las pruebas de verificacin de las comunicaciones con la Organizacin Meteorolgica Mundial (OMM); recuperacin y reconstruccin de las redes de observacin en el Caribe tras los huracanes recientes; aprobacin del Plan de Aplicacin de CARIBE-EWS para 2018-2023; reconocimiento Tsunami Ready de la COI de la UNESCO otorgado a dos comunidades del Caribe y regiones adyacentes (St. Patrick, Granada y Fort Libert (Hait)); nueva financiacin de DIPECHO y USAID/OFDA para poner a prueba el programa Tsunami Ready en el Caribe y Amrica Central; inclusin por primera vez de un escenario volcnico en el CARIBE WAVE 19 (marzo de 2019); finalizacin de las directrices metodolgicas "How to prepare, conduct, and evaluate acommunity-based tsunami response exercise" (cmo preparar, llevar a cabo y evaluar un ejercicio de respuesta comunitaria a los tsunamis), disponibles en espaol, francs e ingls, que el CARIBE EWS est examinando con miras a su publicacin final; mejoras en las tasas de entrega de mensajes de alerta para el IOTWMS; puesta a prueba por la India y Omn de Tsunami Ready; financiacin de la CESPAP para el fortalecimiento de la alerta temprana contra los tsunamis en la regin noroccidental del Ocano ndico; aumento del inters por la realizacin de pruebas piloto de Tsunami Ready en el NEAMTWS; solicitud de acreditacin del Instituto Portugus do Mar e da Atmosfera (IPMA, Portugal) como proveedor de servicios de tsunamis en el NEAMTWS; apoyo de la Comisin Europea a proyectos que contribuyen al NEAMTWS; intencin del Centro de Asesoramiento sobre los Tsunamis en el Mar de China Meridional (SCSTAC) de entrar en funcionamiento completamente a finales de 2019; cambio total del Centro de Asesoramiento sobre los Tsunamis del Pacfico Noroccidental (NWPTAC) a Productos Mejorados a finales de febrero de 2019; planes del Centro de Asesoramiento sobre los Tsunamis de Amrica Central (CATAC) de iniciar las operaciones de prueba en agosto de 2019; incorporacin por primera vez en las actividades de formacin del ITIC del curso ITP-Hawaii en Chile en agosto de 2018; reconocimiento del apoyo de JICA y DIPECHO a CATAC y Tsunami Ready, y preparacin en Amrica Central; finalizacin por el PTWS de su marco de indicadores clave del desempeo; finalizacin de un libro blanco comunitario titulado "Ocean Observations Required to Minimize Uncertainty in Global Tsunami Forecasts, Warnings, and Emergency Response" (observaciones del ocano necesarias para reducir al mnimo la incertidumbre en las predicciones mundiales de tsunamis, las alertas y la respuesta de emergencia) y su presentacin en la Conferencia OceanObs19. El Grupo reiter la importancia de recabar datos sobre los tsunamis en estricta conformidad con los protocolos del equipo internacional de estudio del tsunami (ITST), velando siempre por respetar las necesidades y los requisitos del pas, alentar a los equipos de reconocimiento a que compartan oportunamente los datos y la informacin a fin de facilitar la presentacin inmediata de un informe resumido consolidado al pas anfitrin para ayudar en la planificacin de la respuesta y la recuperacin, y pedir a los ICG que promuevan, en coordinacin con las organizaciones cientficas existentes, la celebracin de sesiones especiales en las reuniones/talleres, a fin de fomentar el aprovechamiento compartido de las enseanzas extradas y la compilacin de datos sobre todos los tsunamis. El Grupo aprob las actualizaciones del  HYPERLINK "https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000188226_spa.locale=fr" Glosario de tsunamis. El Grupo aprob cambios en el mapa de la zona de servicio (vase el Apndice 3 del Anexo IV). El Grupo aprob la propuesta relativa a los mensajes del TSP para la comunidad martima y pidi a los ICG que examinaran la propuesta con miras a aplicarla en sus cuencas respectivas (vase el Apndice 4 del Anexo IV). El Grupo convino en elaborar una nota conceptual convincente de alto nivel para los planes de ejecucin y cientficos del Decenio de las Naciones Unidas de las Ciencias Ocenicas para el Desarrollo Sostenible, y en transmitirla a las reuniones mundiales y regionales de planificacin del Decenio. El Grupo recomend a la Asamblea que alentara a los Estados Miembros a realizar lo siguiente: mantener y reforzar el apoyo tcnico y financiero a los sistemas de alerta contra los tsunamis y otros peligros costeros en sus regiones respectivas; hacer hincapi ante los organismos nacionales de proteccin civil y gestin de desastres en la funcin que desempean en el fortalecimiento de la cadena de alerta para garantizar una respuesta ptima de la comunidad, y poner de relieve la importancia de que los organismos participen en los foros regionales de gobernanza y aspectos tcnicos sobre tsunamis; seguir afianzando la sensibilizacin y preparacin acerca de los tsunamis en las comunidades y entre las autoridades mediante la comunicacin, la planificacin de las evacuaciones, los ejercicios relativos a los tsunamis, la formacin, la informacin, y los programas piloto de reconocimiento, como Tsunami Ready; densificar las redes de medicin del nivel del mar capaces de detectar tsunamis, as como la red ssmica, en particular las fuentes tsunamignicas cercanas; ampliar el aprovechamiento compartido de las observaciones en tiempo real de las fuentes de los tsunamis y de deteccin de tsunamis; recopilar informacin costera de alta resolucin de la batimetra y ampliar el intercambio de datos para mejorar la caracterizacin de los tsunamis y otros peligros y riesgos costeros, y adems promover lo anterior por conducto de la OHI y las comisiones hidrogrficas regionales; inscribir los centros nacionales de alerta contra los tsunamis (NTWC) y los puntos focales de alerta contra los tsunamis (TWFP) como autoridades de alerta en el "Registro de autoridades de alerta de la OMM por conducto del Representante Permanente Nacional de la OMM y en seguimiento de la circular de la OMM. El Grupo recomend a la Asamblea que encargara a los ICG lo siguiente: promover la cuarta edicin del Da Mundial de Concienciacin sobre los Sunamis (2019) entre los Estados Miembros y destacar la meta d) del Marco de Sendi que pone de relieve la reduccin considerable de los daos causados por los desastres en las infraestructuras vitales y la interrupcin de los servicios bsicos, prestando especial atencin a los puertos, los muelles y las evacuaciones verticales; examinar el  HYPERLINK "http://www.ioc-tsunami.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=23532" marco de indicadores clave del desempeo del PTWS y hacer aportaciones a un informe consolidado la 13 reunin del TOWS; continuar las actividades piloto de Tsunami Ready con el reconocimiento de la COI de la UNESCO, comprendida la realizacin de encuestas sobre la situacin, el inters y las reacciones de los Estados Miembros en relacin con la ejecucin de Tsunami Ready. El Grupo acogi con agrado los informes de los equipos de trabajo sobre gestin de desastres y preparacin y sobre actividades de vigilancia, y encarg a los equipos de tareas que prosiguieran sus esfuerzos de vigilancia y respuesta a los tsunamis generados por fuentes no ssmicas y su posible integracin en las operaciones de vigilancia de tsunamis. El Grupo recomend a la Asamblea que adoptara las siguientes medidas: ampliar el mandato del TOWS y sus equipos de trabajo en cuanto a i) la gestin de desastres y la preparacin, y ii) las operaciones de vigilancia de los tsunamis, partiendo del mandato que figura en la resolucin XXIV-4 de la COI (para el TOWS-WG) y el documento IOC/TOWS-WG-VI/3 (Anexo II, para el equipo de trabajo sobre gestin de desastres y preparacin), y el mandato del equipo de trabajo sobre actividades de vigilancia de tsunamis, tal como figura en el Apndice 1 del Anexo II del documento IOC/TOWS-WG-X. El Grupo tom nota con reconocimiento de la informacin presentada por la OMM y el Jefe de la Seccin de Observaciones y Servicios Ocenicos de la COI sobre la reforma de la gobernanza de la JCOMM. 01>G55 @57N<5 25=04F0B>5 A>25I0=85 @01>G59 3@C??K ?> A8AB5<0< ?@54C?@5645=8O > FC=0<8 8 4@C38E >?0A=KE O2;5=8OE, A2O70==KE A 87<5=5=85< C@>2=O <>@O, 8 A<O3G5=8O 8E ?>A;54AB289 ( -!&-%II) A>AB>O;>AL 21-22 D52@0;O 2019 3. 2 0@865 ($@0=F8O) ?>4 ?@54A540B5;LAB2>< 3=0;5:A0=4@0 >AB=>20 (70<5AB8B5;L @54A540B5;O ). #G0AB=8:8 A>25I0=8O >F5=8;8 ?@>3@5AA 2 >ACI5AB2;5=88 <5@>?@8OB89 8 2K?>;=5=88 @5H5=89 @C:>2>4OI8E >@30=>2, ?5@5G8A;5==KE 2 4>:C<5=B5  HYPERLINK "http://www.ioc-unesco.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&doc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REPORTS FROM PARTICIPANT BODIES REPORT FROM IOC BODIES 2.1.1 Tsunami and Other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (CARIBE-EWS) Dr Silvia Chacon Barrantes (Costa Rica), Chair of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami and Other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (ICG/CARIBE-EWS), recalled the lessons learnt from the impact of Hurricanes Irma and Maria in 2017, and reported on the slow recovery of essential capabilities to detect earthquakes and tsunamis due to destruction of seismic stations, and 15 tide gauges. On the positive side, the ICG/CARIBE EWS pilot Tsunami Ready and the USA TsunamiReady helped communities to respond. She indicated that ICG/CARIBE EWS is currently organized with a Board of Officers, four Working Groups (WGs) and five Task Teams (TTs) for the period 2018-2019. She further indicated that all of CARIBE-EWS nations and territories have designated Tsunami Warning Focal Points (TWFPs) and half of them have nominated National Tsunami Warning Centres (NTWCs). Ms Chacon recalled that the Hawaii, USA, based Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC) is the CARIBE-EWS Regional Tsunami Service Provider, which began the issuance of Enhanced Products as of 1 March 2016 and also began covering the domestic service for Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands in 2017 becoming the sole CARIBE-EWS Regional Tsunami Service Provider. She noted that a Sub-Regional Tsunami Service Provider is being developed by Nicaragua, with the name Central America Tsunami Advisory Center (CATAC) that will work under subscription for the Caribbean issuing products in Spanish and in Central America and Panama times. CATAC is expected to start issuing experimental products in August 2019 but will participate in CARIBE WAVE 19 exercise with experimental products. She indicated that the US NWS Caribbean Tsunami Warning Program established by NOAA NWS as a contribution to the CARIBE EWS in 2010 and located in Mayagez, Puerto Rico, continued to be a key support on sea level, seismic and GNSS monitoring efforts, CARIBE WAVE exercises, and the UNESCO/IOC pilot Tsunami Ready Programme. She recalled that the ICG/CARIBE-EWS decided in 2009 to accept the offer of the Government of Barbados to establish and host a Caribbean Tsunami Information Center (CTIC), which was established in 2013 through an MOU between UNESCO and Government of Barbados and is currently staffed by Ms Alison Brome, Programme Officer for Coastal Hazards, Tsunami Unit, posted at Bridgetown, Barbados. She reported on the Thirteenth session of the ICG/CARIBE-EWS hosted in Willemstad, Curacao, 2427 April 2018. The Thirteenth session of the ICG/CARIBE-EWS noted the conclusion of the study carried out by a dedicated Task Team on Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) under Working Group1 on Monitoring and Detection Systems. It demonstrates that real-time GNSS high rate data help to improve earthquake and tsunami detection and assessment. The TT was transformed into a subgroup of WG1 to incorporate GNSS stations into the Warning System. Dr Chacon reported that the ICG/CARIBE-EWS Group of Experts to address other coastal hazards in the Caribbean and adjacent regions met in Cartagena, Colombia, on 2830 November 2018 and will report on its recommendations at the Fourteenth session to be held in Costa Rica 8-11 April 2019. She also reported that to support the IOC Assembly approved CARIBEEWS Tsunami Ready Guidelines, there are several initiatives in progress. Tsunami Ready pilots were implemented in 2018 in Grenada, Haiti and Barbados. Funding has been secured for two additional Pilots in Jamaica and Belize with funding (USD 500,000) provided by USAID/OFDA, to be implemented by CTWP. UNESCO/IOC was granted two DIPECHO projects by the European Union to develop Tsunami Ready pilots in Central America (EUR400,000) through the San Jos Office of UNESCO, and through CTIC (EUR 500,000) in Antigua, Barbados, Dominican Republic, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and Trinidad and Tobago. Dr Chacon informed that a Task Team on Volcanic Sources for Tsunamis was created in 2016 after the volcanic crisis of submarine volcano Kickem Jenny in 2015. The work performed by this TT led to the use of a volcanic scenario for the CARIBE WAVE exercise 2019, which became more relevant after the Sunda strait tsunami en November 2018. Dr Chacon informed that over 600,000 people from Bermuda through Brazil and across the entire Caribbean participated in the CARIBE WAVE 18 tsunami exercise on March, 15. The next Exercise CARIBE WAVE 19 scheduled on 14 March 2019 will consider two scenarios for the Member States to choose from: an earthquake located off the North Panama Deformed Belt and a simulated volcanic source at Kickem Jenny. In response to a question of Dr Schindele (France), Dr Chacon reported that the Task Team on Volcanic Sources under the Chairship of Dr Valerie Clouard (France) is scheduled to deliver a second report at the fourteenth session, and is available to exchange information and experiences with other ICGs. Recommendations: The TOWS-WG noted that tsunami community preparedness is essential and recommended giving special priority to the UNESCO/IOC Tsunami Ready pilot, considering its critical role in saving lives and livelihoods. The TOWS-WG acknowledges that coastal bathymetric data is essential on the characterization of the threat and on the development of tsunami evacuation maps (part of the UNESCO/IOCCARIBE EWS Tsunami Ready Guidelines) and recommends giving special priority to the collection of such data considering their multiple applications on preparedness for tsunamis and other coastal hazards. 2.1.2 Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (IOTWMS) Dr Yuelong Miao made the presentation on IOTWMS on behalf of the Chair. He provided an overview of the structure of the ICG/IOTWMS which comprises a Steering Group, two technical Working Groups, one sub-regional Working Group, a Task Team for the IOWave18 exercise and a Task Team for the Capacity Assessment of Tsunami Preparedness. IOTWMS Secretariat is supported by funding from the Bureau of Meteorology, Government of Australia, and the IOTIC is supported by BMKG until 2022 under a partnership agreement between with IOC/UNESCO. Intergovernmental coordination has been substantially enhanced through Integrated meetings and activities held during the intersessional period. Dr Miao reported that seismic and sea level monitoring networks, including tide gauges and tsunami buoys, have greatly expanded in the Indian Ocean. There are three operational Tsunami Service Providers from Australia, India and Indonesia providing interoperable tsunami threat information to the National Tsunami Warning Centres (NTWCs), which in turn are responsible for provision of detailed tsunami threat information for their coastal regions. Tsunami detection, warning and dissemination has been strengthened with TSPs incorporating several technical enhancements in their procedures and products including launching of new public website by TSP-Australia. Routine communications tests conducted every June and December ensured operational lines of communication between TSPs and the NTWCs. Databases of the IOTWMS broadband seismometer and sea level stations has been updated. On Tsunami Risk, Community Awareness and Preparedness, Dr Miao reported that there have been many achievements through the activities of the Indian Ocean Tsunami Information Centre (IOTIC) and the Secretariat, including piloting of the Indian Ocean Tsunami Ready (IOTR). Capacity Development activities, including trainings on Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and Tsunami Evacuation Maps, Plans and Procedures (TEMPP), have seen considerable improvement, with 5 trainings conducted in the inter-sessional period covering 21 and 22 Member States respectively. IOWave18 has been regarded as highly successful with all 24 active Member States participating and 11 conducting community evacuations involving about 115,000 people. There has been substantial progress towards capacity assessment of tsunami preparedness, finalisation of the Indian Ocean Tsunami Ready guidelines, piloting of IOTR in India and Oman, all of which contribute significantly towards enhancing community preparedness and response. A post-IOWave18 workshop was conducted to share lessons learnt from the community evacuations and IOTR piloting. Dr Miao mentioned that current and future work of the ICG/IOTWMS is focused towards system sustainment and enhancements, strengthening early warning in the Makran region as well as enhancing community awareness and response. There are several gaps in observing networks where IOC can help by advocating wider data sharing within Member States. The recent Palu and Sunda Strait tsunamis once again highlighted the urgent need to enhance community preparedness for near-field tsunamis, and at the same time strengthen warning systems to be able to warn for tsunamis caused due to landslides and volcanic activities. The Indian Ocean Tsunami Ready (IOTR) programme that provides a structured framework for enhancing the state of community readiness has attracted recent interest of several Member States in the Indian Ocean and needs to be encouraged. Upcoming activities include the 12th session of the ICG/IOTWMS scheduled during 0912 March 2019 with a back to back Expert Consultation on Scientific Tsunami Hazard Assessment of the Makran Subduction Zone on 8 March 2019 in Kish Island, Iran (Islamic Republic of). Key Messages for Recommendations: Advocate continued efforts from all MSs in order to sustain and make enhancements to the IOTWMS; Encourage all MSs to share data from additional seismic, sea level, GNSS and other relevant data to enable the effective operation of the tsunami warning systems; Greater efforts required to handle local source tsunamis in the wake of the two recent Indonesian events in Palu and Sunda Strait, both in the detection and warning, and in raising public awareness and preparedness; Note the IOTR piloting currently taking place in a few Indian Ocean countries and seek IOC's continued support in this endeavour. 2.1.3 Tsunami Early Warning and Mitigation System in the North-Eastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean and Connected Seas (NEAMTWS) Mr Gerassimos Papadopoulos reported on this item. The 15th session of ICG/NEAMTWS was held from 26 to 28 November 2018 in Paris, France. A strategy for NEAMTIC has been developed to guide the future development of NEAMTIC. The strategy provides a proposed action plan with three phase implementation: (1) NEAMTIC website maintenance and updates; (2) redevelopment of NEAMTIC website; and (3) development of NEAMTIC as a training center/platform. The strategy was discussed and ICG/NEAMTWS endorsed that phases 1 and 2 should start, while phase 3 will depend on further study/elaboration and additional funding. A number of EU funded projects contribute to the further development of NEAMTWS: The European Plate Observing System (EPOS) is a long-term plan to facilitate integrated use of data, data products, and facilities from distributed research infrastructures for solid Earth science in Europe. EPOS has been designed with the vision of creating a single distributed pan-European infrastructure for solid Earth science to support a safe and sustainable society. EPOS mission is to integrate the diverse and advanced European Research Infrastructures for solid Earth relying on new e-science opportunities to monitor and unravel the dynamic and complex Earth System. EPOS will facilitate sharing the outcomes of research, not solely by linking data to publications, by guaranteeing data traceability and re-use, but also in convincing scientists to share the products of their investigations. There are currently efforts under way to also include a tsunami component in EPOS, and NEAMTWS is linking with EPOS to that effect. More information about EPOS is available at:  HYPERLINK "https://www.epos-ip.org/" https://www.epos-ip.org/ A European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) action project has been funded. It is a four years project to accelerate global science in tsunami hazard and risk analysis in the NEAM region. The project was approved in November 2018. Tsunami experts in NEAM region are welcome to participate in the project with endorsement from their national representative. The project is coordinated by Prof. Joern Behrens from the University of Hamburg, Germany. The Last Mile project is funded by the DG-ECHO and implemented with the joint effort between the European Commission Joint Research Center (JRC), KOERI (Turkey) and NOAA (Greece) for the development of local tsunami warning systems in the coastal islands of Greece and the Bodrum area of Turkey. Mr Papadopoulos highlighted that gaps remain in the NEAMTWS seismic and sea level detection network for North Africa. IOC has organized information meeting on NEAMTWS in Rabat in collaboration with the Islamic Education, Scientific, and Cultural Organisation (ISESCO), the UNESCO Rabat Office and the UNESCO SC Sector (12-13 November 2018). Mr Papadopoulos also informed that the Instituto Portugus do Mar e da Amosfera (IPMA), which presently serves as a candidate Tsunami Service Provider, has applied to be accredited Tsunami Service Provider. He also highlighted that the next NEAMWave Tsunami Exercise is planned for 2020. A number of local/national exercises have also been carried out in France, Greece and Turkey. Israel will carry out an earthquake and tsunami exercise on 12 March 2019 focusing on schools along Israel's Mediterranean coast which is expected to include 10,000 students. Recommendations: Good effort on upstream component but defits on downstream activities. Mr Papodopoulos emphasized the need to increase the participation of Member States in the ICG/NEAMTWS activities, with particular focus on the downstream component concerning tsunami education, awareness and preparedness, and to explore the adaptation of community preparedness and recognition programmes, such as Tsunami Ready for the NEAM region, including Tsunami Hazard and Tsunami Evacuation Maps, Plans, and Procedures (TEMPP). He emphasized that this is a particular responsibility of national civil protection authorities. 2.1.4 Pacific Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (PTWS) Dr Wilfried Strauch (Nicaragua), Chair (a.i.) of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Pacific Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (ICG/PTWS), reported for ICG/PTWS. He recalled the Area of Responsibility (AoR) of the ICG/PTWS and its governance structure. He indicated that the PTWS has a Steering Committee, three technical Working Groups, four regional working groups and six Task Teams. He recalled the key role of its two Tsunami Service Providers (TSPs), the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC) and the North West Pacific Tsunami Advisory Center (NWPTAC), providing details about the Enhanced PTWS Products provided by PTWC and the current seismic and sea level monitoring network available to TSPs. He reported on eight earthquakes with tsunami measurements recorded in 2018, within the PTWC EQ source zone and mentioned the deadly earthquake and tsunami in Celebes Sea, Palu area, 28/09/2018, slightly outside the PTWC EQ source zone and under the responsibility of Indonesia NTWC. Dr Strauch reported as well as on the International Tsunami Information Center (ITIC) -IOC training activities in 2018-2019, including on the successful ITP-Hawaii in Chile (hosted by SHOA in Valparaiso) that provided training on End-to-End Tsunami Early Warning Systems to 35 persons from 12 countries (Pacific, Caribbean, Europe). Dr Strauch recalled that for the current intersessional period and in accordance with the decisions of the Twenty-seventh Session of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Pacific Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System, there will be a more balanced effort of the ICG/PTWS across: a) risk and hazard assessment; b) warning systems; and c) awareness and preparedness. Including through a more proactive role in the field of Disaster Management through the initiatives of TEMPP (Tsunami Evacuation Mapping and Planning) and Tsunami Ready pilots. He reported that PTWS organised an Exercise Pacific Wave 2018 (PacWave18) from September to November 2018, in support to the International Disaster Risk Reduction Day (13 October) and the World Tsunami Awareness Day (5 November). Regular monthly communication test were organised by PTWC and NWPTAC organised two regular test per year. Dr Strauch noted that the ICG/PTWS Steering Committee and Working Groups/Task Teams met on 4-8 June 2018, in Honolulu, USA, with detailed orientations decided for the Working groups and Task Teams to comply with the decisions and recommendations of ICG/PTWS XXVII. Dr Strauch indicated that at its 26th session, the ICG/PTWS agreed establishing a Task Team to develop a framework for future goals and performance monitoring measures for TSPs, NTWCs and national warning systems. The Framework has to be aligned with the PTWS Medium Term Strategy and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. The Framework was completed in 2018 and distributed to member states, TSPs and NTWCs in February 2019. Main goals that summarize the overall objectives for the performance monitoring are: Goal 1: Understanding and managing tsunami hazard risk; Goal 2: Tsunami detection, warning & dissemination; Goal 3: Enhancing tsunami preparedness for effective community response; Goal 4: International coordination and cooperation. Member State Guidance for National Reporting against the Framework was prepared. The first online survey to be completed by Member States and ITPs by 15March 2019 to support reporting on the status of the PTWS to the ICG/PTWS in April 2019. Dr Strauch recalled that the ICG/PTWS also decided to establish a Task Team on Tsunami Evacuation Maps, Plans, and Procedures (TEMPP) and Tsunami Ready to develop a new programme aimed at facilitating tsunami resilience through community preparedness, specifically through the preparation of tsunami evacuation maps and associated response plans for tsunami-vulnerable coastal communities. A Pilot training course was localised in Honduras (Central America) in 2016-2017 that led to first applications of knowledge in Nicaragua, in 2018/2019 done by personnel trained in the course. He was glad to report that the situation has improved greatly in terms of staff capabilities in this field thanks to these efforts. He recalled that the ICG also endorsed the Northwest Pacific Tsunami Advisory Centers (NWPTAC) plan to begin issuing in experimental mode its new NWPTAC Enhanced products in 2017, which is now complete. As the experience was positive, NWPTAC will do the full change over to Enhanced Products, including a change on Area of Service (AoS) as from 28 February 2019. A Users Guide for the Northwest Pacific Tsunami Advisory Center (NWPTAC): Enhanced Products for the Pacific Tsunami Warning System (IOC Technical Series No 142) has been published by IOC. Dr Strauch reported that the 7th session of the ICG/PTWS Regional Working Group on Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System in the South China Sea Region (WG-SCS) was held in Hanoi, Vietnam, on 6-8 March 2018. The PTWS WG-SCS organised a Regional Training Workshop on Tsunami SOPs and ICG/PTWS SCS Tsunami Advisory Products in Beijing, China, on 8-11 May 2018. The WG-SCS also decided to commence the trial operation of the South China Sea Tsunami Advisory Center (SCSTAC), which began on 26January 2018, with full operation planned in late 2019. He reported on the DIPECHO project Building resilient communities and integrated Early Warning Systems for tsunamis but also on storm hazards in Central America lead by UNESCO San Jose Office and IOC, that was very successful and provided very useful support for developing SOPs and community level SOPs and drills in El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. He noted that the 4th session of the ICG/PTWS Regional Working Group on Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System in the Pacific coast of Central America (WG-CA) took place in Managua, Nicaragua, on 11 February 2019. He noted a DIPECHO project by the European Union to develop Tsunami Ready pilots in Central America (EUR 400,000) through the San Jos Office of UNESCO and reported on progress of Central American Tsunami Advisory Center CATAC, with the support of JICA/Japan. Progress includes new Seismic and Sea level Stations in Nicaragua and Central America, upgraded Datacentre with Seismic/Tsunami processing capacity, 24/7 personnel extended to 15 watch standers, capacitation of personnel locally, and in Japan. The PTWS WG-CA recommended ICG/PTWS to start experimental operation of CATAC in August 2019. Mr Strauch informed that the ICG/PTWS 28th session is scheduled near Managua, Nicaragua, on 2-5 April 2019, organised by UNESCO/IOC, Nicaraguan Geosciences Institute INETER and the Central American Tsunami Advisory Center (CATAC). In response to a question by Mr Aarup (IOC Secretariat), MrStrauch indicated that CATAC will deliver messages and tsunami information products in Spanish and in Central America and Panama times. Ms Hillebrandt inquired about the availability of data from sea level stations provided through CATAC. Dr Strauch indicated the stations are being installed and all data will be delivered through the IOC Sea Level Monitoring Stations Facility. Dr Chacon noted that the ICG/CARIBE EWS and ICG/PTWS are being hosted both in Central America in subsequent weeks with the aim of facilitating participation of Central America countries. Recommendation: The Group indicated that data exchange continues to be relevant for tsunami early warning operations and encouraged Member States to reinforce cooperation in this area. REPORT OF NON-IOC BODIES 2.2.1 World Tsunami Awareness Day (UNISDR) Ms Brigitte Leoni provided a report on the World Tsunami Awareness Day (5November 2018 in accordance with UN GA Resolution A/70/203). This was the third edition. Awareness about the day is steadily increasing. She thanked the Tsunami community for its contributions towards the WTAD. The 2019 WTAD theme will focus on Sendai Target (d) Protecting critical infrastructure against tsunami risk. The theme will also be aligned with the 2019 Build to last campaign (#BuildToLast). It is currently estimated that US$6 trillion will have to be invested in infrastructure (urban, land-use and energy systems) every year until 2030 (Global Commission on the Economy and Climate, 2014). Most of these infrastructure will be built on coastal areas and will need to be built to last to avoid increasing disaster losses. Many critical infrastructure such as airports, nuclear plants, communication transmites, bridges and roads are located near coastal areas at elevations lower than 10 m. Today there are over 1,400 aerodromes worldwide that are used for international air transport (Source ICAO and NOAA). 25% of those are located near the coasts and that percentage reaches 45% in Asia which represents the most exposed region of all. Investing in #BuildToLast infrastructure and early warning systems are key to save more people and their assets in the future. The objectives for WTAD 2019 will be (i) to raise awareness on the benefits of safe tsunami infrastructures; (ii) to evidence progress on tsunami early warning and disaster risk reduction measures to reduce tsunami infrastructure losses; (iii) reaffirm the interlinkage between DRR and SDGs and how target d reduces poverty and protect economic growth and sustainable development. Ms Leoni appealed for strong support of IOC/UNESCO and partners towards these objectives. Activities for WTAD 2019 will focus on (i) raising awareness on safer buildings against tsunamis to save more lives in the future and better protect people assets; (ii) highlighting initiatives to improve road infrastructure resilience, vertical buildings (i.e. Washington, D.C.), mangrove plantation; (iii) documenting how buildings were resilient against tsunamis in Indonesia (2004, 2019) and what are the current initiatives to make infrastructure resilient to tsunamis; (iv) working closely with IOC/UNESCO and other partners UN Habitat, the Rockefeller center, World Bank and private sector to promote infrastructure resilience; (v)motivating partners and national governments to organize events, workshops and create the buzz around the WTAD; and (vi) collecting and compiling stories and good case studies. The main messages for WTAD 2019 will be investing in early warning systems and safe buildings reduce disaster losses and long term development gains. Recommendations: Advocate WTAD and highlight target [d] of the Sendai Framework that stress substantial reduction of disaster damage to critical infrastructure and disruption of basic services and with an emphasis of ports, harbors and vertical evacuation. 2.2.2 World Meteorological Organization David Thomas and Cyrille Honor reported on this item. David Thomas highlighted the importance of Tsunami Communication Test exercises for WMO and expressed appreciation of WMO to participate to these. He encouraged all ICGs to alert WMO on communication exercises. The exercises help monitor, identify gaps and improve performance concerning delivery of Tsunami alert messages on the GTS. Based on advance notification of exercises WMO will inform the Global Information System Centres that form the backbone of the GTS/WMO Information System. David Thomas illustrated performance issues with examples from the report of the IOTWMS Communication Test Exercise on 13 December 2017: (i) The GTS reception rate was 74%, up from 68% in the previous test, and similar to most tests in the previous 4 years which were generally around 70-80%; (ii) Sixteen of the 20 NTWCs received GTS messages, including Bangladesh which had not received any in the previous two tests. Maldives and Thailand did not receive any GTS messages although they had in the previous test, and Comoros and Iran again did not receive any GTS messages as in the previous test (Iran has no GTS connection); (iii) TSP India's GTS messages were received by 16 NTWCs, and Australia's and Indonesia's by 15 NTWCs each; (iv) GTS message delay times continued to be low in this test, with most messages received within 1-3 minutes and only a few messages delayed longer than this. The only significant delays reported were in two of TSP Indonesia's GTS messages to Pakistan, which were delayed by exactly 5 hours. It's possible this was a reporting error because the reception times match the local Pakistan times (UTC+5 hours). David Thomas reminded the TOWS-WG about WMO-IOC International Forum of Users of Satellite Data Telecommunication Systems (Satcom Forum) which covers a wide user basis, and address remote data communication requirements including tariff negotiations as needed for automatic environment observing systems. He appealed for IOC for IOC to identify representative to replace Tom Gross (from the IOC GOOS Office) who has retired. David Thomas also reminded earlier requests from TOWS and IOC to encourage Tsunami Service Providers and National Tsunami Warning Centres to register with the WMO Register of Alerting Authorities via the National WMO representative. Only few appear to have done so far. He emphasized that relevant authorities include Tsunami in their authorisation abstract. Cyrille Honor provided an update on the WMO Coastal Inundation Forecasting Demonstration Projects (Bangladesh, Caribbean, Fiji and Indonesia). CIFDP has recently been evaluated and the evaluation report is available at:  HYPERLINK "https://www.jcomm.info/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=373" https://www.jcomm.info/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=373. JCOMM-5 and the 15th session of the WMO Commission for Hydrology (CHy) endorsed the assessment of CIFDP which recommended to continue as Coastal Inundation Forecasting with stronger links to tsunami early warning, and more inclusive MHEWS (with links to severe weather and flash flood). A follow on report has examined the synergies of CIFDP along with the Severe Weather Forecasting Demo Project (SWFDP) and the Flash Flood Guidance System. That report is available at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/www/DPS/documents/PartB-Concept_IntegratedMHEWSforFFGSCIFDPandSWFDPwithCNAttachment-final1.pdf" http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/www/DPS/documents/PartB-Concept_IntegratedMHEWSforFFGSCIFDPandSWFDPwithCNAttachment-final1.pdf. The reports will be presented to the WMO Congress with a recommendation (See Res 5.1/4) for an MHEWS, drawing on the 3 initiatives and transitioning these initiatives out of the demonstration phase:  HYPERLINK "http://meetings.wmo.int/cg-18/_layouts/15/WopiFrame.aspx?sourcedoc=/cg-18/English/1.%20DRAFTS%20FOR%20DISCUSSION/Cg-18-d05-1-MHEWS-draft1_en.docx&action=default" http://meetings.wmo.int/cg-18/_layouts/15/WopiFrame.aspx?sourcedoc=/cg-18/English/1.%20DRAFTS%20FOR%20DISCUSSION/Cg-18-d05-1-MHEWS-draft1_en.docx&action=default The 18th World Meteorological Congress (June 2019) will take decisions on the future structure of WMO this prompts change for JCOMM. In 2018, the IOC Executive Council and the WMO Executive Council established a Joint WMO-IOC Consultation Group to discuss the Reform of JCOMM. Co-chairs Ariel Troisi (Argentina) and Louis Uccelini (USA). Although prompted by the WMO Reform this is an opportunity to look at JCOMM and reshape it for the future. The WMO Reform emphasizes an earth system approach, efficiency, partnership, connection to research, ultimately for better provision of services. The full background for the WMO Governance Review and Implications for JCOMM, GCOS, GOOS, and WCRP are described in greater details in the IOC document  HYPERLINK "https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000265310.locale=fr" IOC/INF-1359. Cyrille Honor and Albert Fischer (Head of the IOC Ocean Observation and Services Section) provided an update on the ongoing discussions in the Joint WMO-IOC Consulation Group. A report will be submitted to the 18th session of the World Meteorological Congress and the 30th session of the IOC Assembly by the co-chairs of the Consultation Group on the Reform of JCOMM. The outcomes of the joint consultation are converging towards (i)Establishment of a Joint WMO-IOC Collaborative Board as a high-level coordination mechanism with broader engagement of the key relevant bodies of the WMO and IOC; (ii)Incorporation of current JCOMM functions and activities in marine observations, data management, forecasting systems and services in relevant WMO and IOC bodies, with closer links with co-sponsored programmes (GCOS, GOOS, WCRP). Further details about the consultation, findings and recommendations are provided in the IOC Document IOC/INF-1373 Report of the Co-Chairs of the Joint WMO-IOC Consultation Group on the Future of JCOMM. While TOWS-WG is not directly implicated by the organisational changes in JCOMM and its program areas, it is anticipated that the proposed reform will see a Standing Committee on Marine Meteorology and Oceanography Services in the proposed WMO Commission for Application and Services, that will comprise of working groups reflecting the current work of the JCOMM Services & Forecast Systems Programme Area (SFSPA) (with the exception of Expert Team on Operational Ocean Forecast Systems, which is foreseen to continue under GOOS with a close link to the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure, and Information Systems (COIIS) seamless forecasting and prediction activity). These activities are expected to maintain a strong link with the TOWS-WG. Christa von Hillebrandt inquired about WMO travel support towards Caribbean Met Service institutions that are designated Tsunami Warning Focal Points in order for those to attend training activities under the CARIBE-EWS. WMO representatives indicated that will iquire with WMO Capacity Building section concerning that inquiry. REVIEW OF PROGRESS STATUS OF IMPLEMENTATION OF IOC DECISION EC-LI/3.3(III) Thorkild Aarup reported briefly on Decisions adopted at the 51st IOC Executive Council (June 2018) and highlighted responses to a few of the decision points. In terms of resources then three proposals had been awarded to IOC (i) on preparedness and awareness for Central America (April 2018, EU DIPECHO); (ii) Caribbean (August 2018, EU DIPECHO); and (iii) UNESCAP with a focus on preparedness and awareness for Makran zone (to start mid 2019). He also highlighted recent support from the USAID/OFDA towards piloting Tsunami Ready program in the Caribbean. Several countries continue to provide national investments in developing national Tsunami resilience. In terms of promotion of tsunami awareness then IOC has continued to promote tsunami awareness in communities and among authorities through communication and tsunami wave exercises, training, information, and community preparedness and recognition programmes and the many publications and news items and media alerts attest to that. On 16 October 2018 IOC/UNESCO and UNISDR convened a high-level panel event on Reducing Human and Economic Impacts from Tsunamis at UNESCO as a contribution to the 3rd edition of World Tsunami Awareness Day (commemorated on 5 November 2018). The meeting exemplified real impacts of tsunamis for SIDS and their coastal tourism sector, and underscored the need for continued community preparedness to avoid complacency. In terms of advocating desification of detection network then IOC has continued this advocacy. Some progress has been seen over recent year in the Mediterranean where the JRC has provided a number of tide gauges. The IOC has highlighted importance of detection network to national delegations from North African countries. Several efforts are under way to repair damanged stations in Puerto Rico and other island states following the hurricanes in 2018. Liason activities with IHO regional hydrographic commissions have continued (notably Caribbean, Mediterranen and Black Sea and Indian Ocean) providing progress reports on the regional Tsunami Warning Systems while stressing the need for maintaining the Tsunami detection network. The Summary Statement and Recommendations from the symposium Advances in Tsunami Warning to Enhance Community Responses (1214 February 2018, Paris, France) has been distributed to Member States of IOC Assembly and Member States of each ICG (IOC/BRO/2018/3). IOC has encouraged Member States to register their National Tsunami Warning Centers in the WMO alert registry Thorkild Aarup also highlighted that ICG/PTWS has completed its key performance indicators (KPIs) framework and it is now now ready to share with other ICGs and it is expected that a consolidated report can be prepared for TOWS-WG-XIII (February 2020). The PTWS KPI framework is available at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.ioc-tsunami.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID= 23532" http://www.ioc-tsunami.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID= 23532. (This topic is also discussed in the report of the Inter-ICG Task Teams). REPORTS OF THE INTER-ICG TASK TEAMS INTER-ICG TASK TEAM ON DISASTER MANAGEMENT AND PREPAREDNESS David Coetze reported on the outcome of the Inter-ICG Task Team on Disaster Management and Preparedness which met on 19 and 20 February 2019 in Paris, France. The full summary of the Task Team meeting and its recommendations are provided in AnnexIII of this report. INTER-ICG TASK TEAM ON TSUNAMI WATCH OPERATIONS Charles McCreery reported on the outcome of the Inter-ICG Task Team on Tsunami Watch Operations which met on 19 and 20 February 2019 in Paris, France. The full summary of the Task Team meeting and its recommendations are provided in AnnexIV of this report. OTHER ISSUES Christa von Hillebrandt (as member of the Executive Planning Group for the Ocean Decade) provided a presentation on the developments of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030). The IOC has been tasked by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) to prepare and coordinate the development of an Implementation Plan for the Decade during the Preparatory Phase (2018-2020). This Implementation Plan will be submitted for approval to the 75th session of the UNGA in autumn 2020. The planning process is guided by the revised Roadmap document endorsed by the 51st session of the IOC Executive Council (July 2018):  HYPERLINK "http://ioc-unesco.org/components/com_oe/oe.php?task=download&id=38665&version=1.0&lang=1&format=1" http://ioc-unesco.org/components/com_oe/oe.php?task=download&id=38665&version=1.0&lang=1&format=1. She reminded that the Summary Statement from the symposium Advances in Tsunami Warning to Enhance Community Responses (IOC/UNESCO Symposium, 1214 February 2018,  HYPERLINK "https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000262840.locale=fr" IOC/BRO/2018/3) and the OceanObs 2019 Community White Paper "Ocean Observations Required to Minimize Uncertainty in Global Tsunami Forecasts, Warnings, and Emergency Response" already recommend actions and enabling Tsunami research program activities that can offer a transformative contribution to the Decade and towards strengthened Tsunami preparedness and an enhanced Tsunami Early Warning Systems. DATE AND PLACE OF THE NEXT MEETING The Chair and Techncial Secretary will establish when and where the 13th session of TOWS-WG will take place. CLOSURE OF MEETING Mr Postnov noted that this would be the last TOWS-WG meeting that he would chair as he will conclude his second term as Vice Chair for IOC in June 2019 at the end of the 30thIOC Assembly. The TOWS-WG thanked him very warmly for his work and provided a round of applause. The Twelfth meeting of TOWS-WG was closed at 13:00 on 22 February 2019. ANNEX I AGENDA 1. OPENING AND WELCOME 1.1 OPENING 1.2 ADOPTION OF AGENDA 1.3 WORKING ARRANGEMENTS 2. REPORTS FROM PARTICIPANT BODIES 2.1 REPORT FROM IOC BODIES 2.1.1. Tsunami and Other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (CARIBE-EWS) 2.1.2. Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (IOTWMS) 2.1.3 Tsunami Early Warning and Mitigation System in the North-Eastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean and Connected Seas (NEAMTWS) 2.1.4 Pacific Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (PTWS) 2.2 REPORT OF NON-IOC BODIES 2.2.1 World Tsunami Awareness Day (UNISDR) 2.2.2 Report from World Meteorological Organization (WMO) 3. REVIEW OF PROGRESS 3.1 STATUS OF IMPLEMENTATION OF IOC DECISION EC-LI/3.3(III) 4. REPORTS OF THE INTER-ICG TASK TEAMS 4.1 INTER-ICG TASK TEAM ON DISASTER MANAGEMENT AND PREPAREDNESS 4.2 INTER-ICG TASK TEAM ON TSUNAMI WATCH OPERATIONS 5. OTHER ISSUES 6. DATE AND PLACE OF THE NEXT MEETING 7. CLOSURE ANNEX II DECISIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The Twelfth Meeting of the Working Group on Tsunamis and Other Hazards Related to Sea-Level Warning and Mitigation Systems (TOWS-WG-XII) was held in Paris, France, on 21-22 February 2019 under the Chairmanship of Mr Alexander Postnov (IOC Vice-Chair). The meeting evaluated progress in actions and decisions taken by the Governing Bodies through IOC-EC-LI/3. Noting the decision by the UN General Assembly, as part of the Omnibus Resolution for Oceans and the law of the sea (A/RES/72/73), to proclaim the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development for the 10-year period beginning on 1 January 2021, and called upon the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission to prepare an implementation plan for the Decade in consultation with Member States, UN Bodies, and relevant stakeholder, The Group reviewed reports by the IOC Intergovernmental Coordination Groups as well as its own Task Teams on Disaster Management and Preparedness and Watch Operations. The Group noted with satisfaction the progress made during the intersessional period, including: Three exercises carried out (CARIBE WAVE 18, IOWave18, PacWave18) and regular communication tests performed, Progress in sharing the results of Tsunami exercises and communication tests with World Meteorological Organization (WMO), Recovery and reconstruction of observation networks in Caribbean following recent hurricanes, CARIBE-EWS Implementation Plan for 2018-2023 adopted, Two communities in the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (St. Patrick, Grenada, and Fort Liberte, Haiti) achieved UNESCO-IOC Tsunami Ready recognition, New funding from DIPECHO and USAID/OFDA towards piloting Tsunami Ready program in the Caribbean and Central America, A volcanic scenario will be included in CARIBE WAVE 19 (March 2019) as a first, Methodological guidelines How to prepare, conduct, and evaluate a community-based tsunami response exercise has been completed and is available in French, Spanish and English and under consideration of CARIBE EWS for final publication, The improvements in alert message delivery rates for IOTWMS, India and Oman testing Tsunami Ready, UNESCAP funding for Strengthening Tsunami Early Warning in the North West Indian Ocean Region, Growing interest for piloting Tsunami Ready in NEAMTWS, Instituto Portugus do Mar e da Atmosfera (IPMA, Portugal) seeking accreditation as a Tsunami Service Provider in NEAMTWS, European Commission support towards projects contributing to NEAMTWS, South China Sea Tsunami Advisory Centre (SCSTAC) intent to go to full operation in late 2019, North West Pacific Tsunami Advisory Center (NWPTAC) to make full changeover to Enhanced Products at end of February 2019, Central American Tsunami Advisory Center (CATAC) plans to start trial operation in August 2019, ITIC Training activities including the ITP-Hawaii course in Chile August 2018 as a first, Acknowledge JICA and DIPECHO support for CATAC and Tsunami Ready and preparedness in Central America, PTWS completion of its Key Performance Indicators Framework, Completion and submission of a Community White Paper "Ocean Observations Required to Minimize Uncertainty in Global Tsunami Forecasts, Warnings, and Emergency Response" to the OceanObs19 conference. The Group reiterated the importance of collecting event data strictly in accordance with the International Tsunami Survey Team (ITST) protocols, while continuing to be respectful of the Countrys needs and requirements, encourage timely data and information sharing by the Survey Teams to facilitate immediate submission of a consolidated summary report to the host country to assist with response and recovery planning and request ICGs to facilitate, in coordination with existing science organisations, special sessions at meetings/workshops to promote sharing of lessons learnt and compilation of all event data. The Group approved updates to the  HYPERLINK "https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000188226.locale=fr" Tsunami Glossary. The Group approved changes to the Area of Service Map (see Appendix 3 to Annex IV). The Group approved the proposal on TSP Messages for the Maritime Community and requested the ICGs to consider the proposal for implementation in their respective basins. (see Appendix 4 to Annex IV). The Group agreed to produce a compelling high level concept note to the Implementation and Science Plans for the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development and convey it to global and regional Decade planning meetings. The Group recommended the Assembly to encourage Member States to: increase and sustain technical and financial support of the tsunami and other coastal hazards warning systems in their respective regions, emphasize to national civil protection/disaster management agencies the role they play in strengthening the warning chain to ensure optimal community response and stress the importance that the agencies participate in regional Tsunami governance and technical forums, continue to strengthen tsunami awareness and preparedness in communities and among authorities through communication, evacuation planning, tsunami exercises, training, information, and piloting recognition programmes such as Tsunami Ready, densify sea level networks capable of Tsunami detection as well as seismic network particularly nearby tsunamigenic sources, extend sharing of real time tsunami source and tsunami detection observations, collect high resolution coastal bathymetry and extend the data sharing for improved characterization of Tsunami and other coastal hazards and risks, and also advocate this through IHO and regional hydrographic commissions, register National Tsunami Warning Centers (NTWCs) and Tsunami Warning Focal Points (TWFPs) as alerting authorities in the WMO Alerting Authority Register via the WMO National Permanent Representative and in follow-up to WMO Circular Letter. The Group recommended the Assembly to instruct ICGs: to advocate Fourth edition of World Tsunami Awareness Day (WTAD 2019) among member states and highlight target [d] of the Sendai Framework that stress substantial reduction of disaster damage to critical infrastructure and disruption of basic services and with an emphasis of ports, harbors and vertical evacuation, to consider the  HYPERLINK "http://www.ioc-tsunami.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=23532" PTWS Key Performance Indicator Framework and provide input to a consolidated report for the TOWS-XIII, to continue the Tsunami Ready pilot activities with UNESCO-IOC recognition, including conducting surveys on Member State status, interest and feed back in the implementation of Tsunami Ready. The Group accepted the reports from the Task Teams on Disaster Management and Preparedness and Watch Operations and instructed the Task Teams to continue efforts for monitoring and responding to tsunamis generated by non-seismic sources and possible integration into Tsunami watch operation. The Group recommended the Assembly to take the following actions: to extend the tenure of TOWS and its Task Teams on (i) Disaster Management and Preparedness and (ii) Tsunami Watch Operations, with ToRs as given in IOC Resolution XXIV-4 [for TOWS-WG] and IOC/TOWS-WG-VI/3 [Annex II; for TTDMP] and ToRs for TTTWO as given in IOC/TOWS-WG-X Appendix I. The Group noted with appreciation the information presented by the WMO and the Head of the IOC Ocean Observations and Services Section on JCOMM governance reform. ANNEX III REPORT OF THE TOWS-WG INTER-ICG TASK TEAM ON DISASTER MANAGEMENT AND PREPAREDNESS 1920 February 2019, Paris, France Task Team Members David Coetzee (Chair)ICG/PTWSLaura KongITIC; ICG/PTWSHarkunti Pertiwi RahayuICG/IOTWMSArdito KodijatIOTIC, ICG/IOTWMSMarzia SantiniICG/NEAMTWSAmir YahavICG/NEAMTWSSilvia Chachon Barrantes Christa von Hillebrandt-AndradeICG/CARIBE-EWS ICG/CARIBE-EWSAlison Brome Bernardo Aliaga Jiuta Korovulavula Denis Chang SengCTIC; ICG/CARIBE-EWS IOC Secretariat IOC Secretariat IOC Secretariat; TIC/NEAMTWS Gerassimos Pappadopoulos Ioanna TriantafyllouObserver ObserverBACKGROUND AND TERMS OF REFERENCE The Terms of Reference (TORs) of the Inter-ICG Task Team on Disaster Management and Preparedness (TT-DMP) are to: Facilitate in collaboration with organization such as UNISDR ( HYPERLINK "http://www.unisdr.org/who-we-are/mandate" United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction), the exchange of experiences and information on preparedness actions, education/awareness raising campaigns and other matters related to disaster management and preparedness; Promote preparedness in coastal communities through education and awareness products and campaigns; Facilitate SOP training across ICGs to strengthen emergency response capabilities of Member States and their Disaster Management Offices; Promote preparedness programs and assessment tools that have been successful in one regional Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System in the others as appropriate; Facilitate the coordination of the TICs of the ICGs; Report to the TOWSWG. The representatives to the TT-DMP are nominated by their respective Chairpersons of the Intergovernmental Coordination Groups (ICGs). The membership consists of two representatives from each ICG, one of which should represent the ICGs Tsunami Information Center. The IOC Chair appoints the Chair of the Task Team. The first meeting of the TT-DMP was held in December 2010 in Seattle, USA ( HYPERLINK "http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0019/001939/193913e.pdf" IOC/TOWS-WG/TT2-I/3). Due to funding limitations the task team was unable to reconvene in the period up to February 2014 when it met in Paris, France ( HYPERLINK "http://www.ioc-tsunami.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewEventRecord&eventID=1421" IOC/TOWS-WG/TT2-II). Since then the TT-DMP managed to meet annually: March 2015 in Morioka, Japan, and in Paris in February 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019 prior to the annual meetings of the  HYPERLINK "http://www.ioc-tsunami.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewEventRecord&eventID=1894" IOC/TOWS-WG. This report covers the period 2018-2019. TASK TEAM MEETING 1. Opening and Meeting Organization The Chair introduced the meeting logistics and asked self-introductions of the participants. 2. Reflection on TT Report to TOWS-WG-XI (2018) The meeting worked through the previous TT Report to TOWS and confirmed that the meeting agenda reflects the points to be followed up from that report. The meeting reflected on the recommendations and action points taken in 2018. It noted that most of the action points will be discussed under the 2019 agenda (this meeting). With regards to the Wave exercise series, the meeting discussed the possibility to align exercise dates across ICGs. This was considered not practical because of different hazard seasons (i.e. cyclones) across the globe. The meeting also noted that for countries that belong to two ICGs, holding of the ICG Wave exercises in the same year or within months of each other, makes it impractical or impossible for the country to participate in both. This was the case for the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean for 2018. The Task Team noted that the questionnaires used by the respective ICGs should be more consistent in respect of the core questions, while also avoiding questions that are part of national reports to ICGs. Questionnaires should however still allow for additional questions that can be tailored on a case-by-case basis to suit any unique exercise objectives. This will assist countries that belong to more than one ICG, and subsequently sometimes have to answer to different questionnaires for similar exercise objectives. Christa von Hillebrandt-Andrade (CARIB EWS) and Ardito Kodijat (IOTWMS) undertook to review the respective ICGs questionnaires from this perspective. Recommendations to TOWS-WG: Request the ICGs to coordinate on Wave exercise dates in order to minimize duplication and overlap Note that the TTDMP will review the respective ICG Wave exercises questionnaires with a view on consistency of core questions and avoiding questions that are addressed in national reports to ICGs. 3. Updates from ICG Working Groups and TICs The task team collected updates on Disaster Management and Preparedness and Tsunami Information Centre activities across ocean basins over the last year. This information reflects the progress and identification of collective relevant issues to be addressed at global level. The reports are posted on the meeting calendar web-page and due to their size are not included in this report. The presentations can be found on the Meeting page in the IOC Tsunami Programme Calendar. The Task Team noted the good progress made across ICGs and TICs and in particular congratulated NEAMTWS with the progress made in regards to establishing their TIC. 4. Significant Operational Events since Last Meeting The Task Team, jointly with the Task Team on Tsunami Watch Operations, reflected on tsunami events over the last year, in particular the Palu, Sunda Strait, Zakynthos, and Loyalty Islands events. Presentations were made by representatives from IOTWMS and NEAMTWS. Recommendations to TOWS-WG: Requests the TOWS-WG to (i) reiterate the importance of collecting data strictly in accordance with the ITST protocols, while continuing to be respectful of the Countrys needs and requirements, (ii) timely data and information sharing by the Study Teams to facilitate immediate submission of a consolidated summary report to the host country to assist with response and recovery planning and (iii) ICGs to facilitate, in coordination with existing science organisations, special sessions at meetings / workshops to promote sharing of lessons learnt and compilation of all event data. IOTWMS and IOTIC explore the possibility of organising a Special Session on Lessons Learnt from Palu and Sunda Strait Tsunamis in the next inter-sessional period, subject to funding availability. 5. Tsunami Glossary Update The Task Team, jointly with the Task Team on Tsunami Watch Operations, considered suggested changes to the Tsunami Glossary (2016) Recommendation to TOWS-WG: Approve updates to the Tsunami Glossary. 6. Development of Key Performance Indicators in relation with Sendai Framework Indicators The Task Team, jointly with the Task Team on Tsunami Watch Operations received areportfrom David Coetzee (PTWS) on the framework for future goals and performance monitoring of Tsunami Risk Reduction, Hazard Warning and Mitigation finalise by thePTWSTask Team on Goals and Performance Indicators. This document has been shared with the other ICGs for consideration and feedback ( HYPERLINK "http://www.ioc-tsunami.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=23532" http://www.ioc-tsunami.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=23532). Discussions followed on the status of similar initiatives in other ICGs for monitoring and reporting the status of their systems and relevant documentation for reporting. IOTWMS recently conducted a survey on Capacity Assessment of Tsunami Preparedness of the IOTWMS Member States using a detailed questionnaire covering all the 3 pillars. Harkunti Rahayu made a brief presentation on the preliminary results based on feedback received from 21 out of the 24 active Member States that will be used to prepare an IOTWMS Status Report, with future updates planned before each biennial ICG meeting. Implementation Plans of Caribe-EWS and NEAMTWS are in different stages of preparation. While appreciating the excellent efforts of the PTWS Task Team, it was felt that that ICGs would need further time to review the PTWS framework in light of their own initiatives. Further, a closely coordinated inter-ICG effort is required to come up with harmonised performance monitoring framework, tools/questionnaires to be used for data collection and structure of documentation for reporting. To facilitate this process, it was decided to constitute a joint TTDMP and TTTWO team comprising representatives from all ICGs to work in the next inter-sessional period and come up with recommendations to the next TOWS-WG Meeting. Action: Appreciating the work of the PTWS Task Team on Future Goals and Performance Indicators, the joint Task Teams requested a team comprising Sarah-Jayne McCurrach (PTWS), Yuelong Miao and Harkunti Rahayu (IOTWMS), Elizabeth Vanacore and Mary Regifo (CARIBE-EWS), and Ocal Necmioglu (NEAMTWS) to review the PTWS performance monitoring framework in light of similar initiatives in other ICGs and recommend a harmonised performance monitoring framework, data collection tools/questionnaire and reporting formats. The team will prepare a report for the next meeting. 7. Local Source SOPs The Task Team, jointly with the Task Team on Tsunami Watch Operations heard a presentation by Dr Ken Gledhill (PTWS) about the development of guidelines for NTWCs with regards to local source tsunamis. This work is being done at request of the ICG-PTWS. The IOTWS informed that following the Palu event, their Steering Committee requested the ICG to establish a Task Team to develop similar SOPs. Recommendation to TOWS-WG: The PTWS to continue work on Local Source Tsunami SOPs and share their guidance with other ICGs at the next meeting. 8. National Tsunami Warning Centre Competency Framework The Task Team, jointly with the Task Team on Tsunami Watch Operations heard a presentation by Dr Ken Gledhill about the development of a competency framework for NTWCs. Recommendation to TOWS-WG: PTWS to continue work on National Tsunami Warning Centre Competency Framework and share their guidance with other ICGs at the next meeting. 9. Planning for Ocean Decade The Task Team, jointly with the Task Team on Tsunami Watch Operations heard a presentation by Christa von Hillebrandt-Andrade about Ocean Decade 19. Mike Angove (USA) provided an update on the submission that is being made to Ocean Decade on minimizing uncertainty in global tsunami forecasts, warnings, and emergency response. Recommendation to TOWS-WG: To contribute to the planning phase of UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021 - 2030) sourcing tsunami community contributions in its recognised and successful end-to-end approach. 10. Pilot UNESCO-IOC Tsunami Ready Community based tsunami recognition programme The Task team discussed a presentation by Christa von Hillebrandt-Andrade on progress with regards to Tsunami Ready pilots in the CARIBE EWS and IOTWMS. Regarding pilot feedback, the PTWS Task Team on TEMPP and Tsunami Ready was asked to develop aTsunami Ready evaluation questionnaire that can also be used by the ICG/CARIBE-EWS and ICG/IOTWMS. The PTWS Task Team reached out to the ICG/CARIBE-EWS Task Team on Tsunami Ready and CTIC to obtain their questionnaire, and consulted with the ICG/IOTWMS WG 4 Task Team for Capacity Development for Tsunami Preparedness and the IOTIC on their interest. The Task Team considered and consolidated an evaluation survey created by CARIBE EWS with a view on presenting an agreed questionnaire to ICGs for endorsement. Recommendations to TOWS-WG: Recommend that the official name of Tsunami Ready be: UNESCO-IOC Tsunami Ready Pilot Program. Encourage ICGs to continue to pilot Tsunami Ready with l UNESCO-IOC recognition, including conducting surveys on Member State status and interest in implementation of Tsunami Ready Noting that implementation requires significant funding and resource commitment, and the support of organizations like UNESCAP, USAID/OFDA, DIPECHO in this regard, encourage funding from ICG member states and donor organisations. Note that ICGs may consider including an additional Mitigation criterion Have a Tsunami Risk Reduction Plan, to be applied when applicable Note that the ICG CARIBE EWS is consulting with its member states and the IOC about a logo for Tsunami Ready, and will report back to the Task Team in this regard. Note that the Task Team considered and agreed a Tsunami Ready evaluation questionnaire, with a view on seeking endorsements by the respective ICGs. 11. Tsunami Evacuation Mapping The Tsunami Evacuation Mapping Planning and Procedures (TEMPP) Guideline is currently being finalised reviewed for publication by the IOC in April 2019 in English and Spanish. The Manual is presented in the form of four training Modules: Identification of inundation areas; Developing evacuation maps; Developing Tsunami Response Plans and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs); and Exercising. Each Module is described in accordance to: The training approach in the theory of the Module, with the intent to enable training participants to deliver the specific foundation block; and The step-by-step process involved in the implementation of each Module, with the intent to serve as an easy reference when the training is being put to practise. Recommendation to TOWS-WG: Note that the development of the TEMPP Guideline has been finalised and it will be published by the IOC by April 2019 in English and Spanish. 12. Tsunami Guidance for Maritime and Ports Dr Laura Kong (ITIC) reported that the ITIC is requesting translated best practices with from Japan. The PTWS has requested the ITIC to compile best practices for sharing on the ITIC web site. The Task Team discussed the importance of providing guidance for ports given problems with strong currents and sudden ocean drawdown that can ground ships or break moorings. Response plans will require running numerical simulations using plausible scenarios and high-resolution digital elevation models (DEMs). It was considered that commercial shipping operators may have developed useful guidance; it was agreed that ICGs will be requested to encourage member states to engage with shipping operators in this regard. It was also noted the theme for World Tsunami Awareness Day 2019 is Critical Infrastructure and Essential Services; this creates an ideal hook for ICGs to put special effort into guidance for ports in 2019. (See recommendation under World Tsunami Awareness Day). 13. Structural Design Guidance for buildings that can be used as evacuation shelters The Task Team noted that USA FEMA is updating the 646-P Guidelines for Design of Structures for Vertical Evacuation from Tsunamis Third Edition, to include the ASCE 7-16 and IBC 2018 design provisions. This edition combines content that was previously in 2 separate publications: FEMA P-646 report, Guidelines for Design of Structures for Vertical Evacuation from Tsunamis (2008, 2012), provided technical guidance and approaches for tsunami-resistant design, identification of relevant tsunami loads and applicable design criteria, development of methods to calculate tsunami loading, and identification of architectural and structural system attributes suitable for use in vertical evacuation facilities. FEMA P-646A (2009) Vertical Evacuation from Tsunamis: A Guide for Community Officials, provided information on how to use vertical evacuation design guidance at the state and local government levels. Washington State of the USA is developing a Manual for Tsunami Vertical Evacuation Structures, based on their 2016 community-based experience in building a vertical evacuation area above the gymnasium of Ocosta Elementary School in Ocosta, Washington. New Zealand published an  HYPERLINK "https://www.civildefence.govt.nz/assets/Uploads/DGL-21-18-Assessment-and-Planning-for-Tsunami-Vertical-Evacuation.pdf" Assessment and Planning for Tsunami Vertical-Evacuation Guideline that provides step-by-step methodology for: Assessing tsunami life safety risk at local level, Considering possible measures for improving tsunami evacuation in their areas, and As a last resort, evaluating whether options for tsunami vertical evacuation will cover design considerations of tsunami vertical evacuation. A Second guideline will be developed in 2019 to cover design considerations of tsunami vertical evacuation, taking the USA guidelines into account. The PTWS has requested the ITIC to compile best practices for sharing on the ITIC web site. 14. Schools Programmes The meeting re-confirmed the frequent reference to and importance of tsunami education in schools. It was noted that in many countries it forms part of an all-hazard curriculum, while schools also form a primary target in the Tsunami Ready programme. The Task Team considered a variety of websites containing school materials; Laura Kong (ITIC) undertook to establish links to all the known websites and requested for additional materials and/or links to be provided to ITIC. 15. World Tsunami Awareness Day The Task Team noted the respective ICGs activities in 2018 and planning for 2019. Among others, the IOTWMS TIC is planning a special activity in 2019 with the Indonesia BMPD to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the 2004 Banda Ache tsunami. The Task Team considered options for a consistent focus in 2019. Nothing that the theme for World Tsunami Awareness day 2019 is Critical Infrastructure and Essential Services, and considering the on-going need with regards to guidance for ports (see 12 above), it was agreed to recommend that TOWS encourage ICGs to recommend to member states to reach out to and work with stakeholders of at least one commercial port with regards to risk assessment and planning for tsunami. Recommendation to TOWS: Encourage ICGs to recommend to member states to reach out to and work with stakeholders of at least one commercial port with regards to risk assessment and planning for tsunami. 16. SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE TOWS-WGXII The Task Team recommends that the TOWS-WG-XII: 16.1 Requests the ICGs to coordinate on Wave exercise dates in order to minimize overlap. 16.2 Notes that the TTDMP will review the respective ICG Wave exercises questionnaires with a view on consistency of core questions and avoiding questions that are addressed in national reports to ICGs. 16.3 (Reiterate the importance of collecting data strictly in accordance with the ITST protocols, while continuing to be respectful of the Countrys needs and requirements, encourage timely data and information sharing by the Study Teams to facilitate immediate submission of a consolidated summary report to the host country to assist with response and recovery planning and request ICGs to facilitate, in coordination with existing science organisations, special sessions at meetings/workshops to promote sharing of lessons learnt and compilation of all event data. 16.4 Notes that IOTWMS and IOTIC explore the possibility of organising a Special Session on Lessons Learnt from Palu and Sunda Strait Tsunamis in the next inter-sessional period, subject to funding availability. 16.5 Approves updates to the Tsunami Glossary. 16.6 Notes the PTWS to continue work on Local Source Tsunami SOPs and share their guidance with other ICGs at the next meeting. 16.7 Notes the PTWS to continue work on National Tsunami Warning Centre Competency Framework and share their guidance with other ICGs at the next meeting. 16.8 Agrees to contribute to the planning phase of UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030) sourcing tsunami community contributions in its recognised and successful end-to-end approach. 16.9 With regards to Tsunami Ready: Agrees that the official name of Tsunami Ready be: UNESCO-IOC Tsunami Ready Pilot Program. Encourage ICGs to continue to pilot Tsunami Ready with UNESCO-IOC recognition, including conducting surveys on Member State status and interest in implementation of Tsunami Ready, noting that implementation requires significant funding and resource commitment. Notes that ICGs may consider including an additional Mitigation criterion Have a Tsunami Risk Reduction Plan, to be applied when applicable. Notes that the ICG CARIBE EWS is consulting with the IOC about a logo for Tsunami Ready, and will report back to the Task Team in this regard. Notes that the Task Team considered and agreed a Tsunami Ready evaluation questionnaire, with a view on seeking endorsements by the respective ICGs. Notes the support of organizations like UNESCAP, USAID/OFDA, DIPECHO and corresponding national, regional and local authorities and invite contributions from other agencies. 16.10 Notes that the development of the TEMPP Guideline has been finalised and it will be published by the IOC by April 2019 in English and Spanish. 16.11 Encourage ICGs to recommend to member states to reach out to and work with stakeholders of at least one commercial port with regards to risk assessment and planning for tsunami. 16.12 Extend the tenure of the Task Team on Disaster Management and Preparedness for a further term with the same Terms of Reference. ANNEX IV REPORT OF THE tows-WG INTER-ICG TASK TEAM ON TSUNAMI WATCH OPERATIONS OPENING AND MEETING ORGANIZATION Dr Charles (Chip) McCreery, the Chair of the Task Team on Tsunami Watch Operations (TTTWO) welcomed all participants to the meeting (list of participants in Annex V). He introduced the provisional meeting agenda, which was adopted without any modifications (Appendix 1). Review of Action Items from the Previous Meeting Review Of Actions: Dr McCreery reviewed the outstanding recommendations and actions from the TTTWO meeting held in Paris, France, February 14-15 2018 (ref: Summary Report, TOWS-WG, Eleventh Meeting, Annex IV, Section 13.2, page 33). The status of actions is listed below: Action ItemStatusAction 1: Dr Yuelong Miao to share a write up with the Task Team on methods to improve travel time estimates in tsunami bulletins and mapsDone. ICGs to consider and adoptAction 2: IOTWMS to share with the Task Team, procedures for TSPs to handle inadvertent errors in issuing bulletins that are inconsistent with the agreed service definition. Done. ICGs to consider and adopt the procedure shared by IOTWMS, noting that currently different TSPs handle this differently some of which are based on WMO procedures.Action 3: CARIBE-EWS to share with the Task Team, procedures for TSPs to handle tsunamis from volcanoes.Ongoing CARIBE-EWS is using a volcano-triggered tsunami scenario for the upcoming CARIBE Wave exercise, noting that tsunami reaches near-source coasts even before a tsunami warning is issued. There is a need to look further into operational warning possibility / products that could be issued for a volcanotriggered tsunami. CARIBE-ESW to continue its work and share feedback with the other ICGs at next TTTWO meeting. To be further discussed under Agenda Item 12.Action 4: PTWC to provide guidance based on their experience with the W phase CMT and RIFT model on procedures to handle tsunamis generated from non-subduction earthquakes and mechanisms for sharing with the other ICGs Ongoing PTWC has been evaluating the effectiveness of these methods and will present some quantitative results at the next TTTWO meeting. To be further discussed under Agenda Item 12.Action 5: Dr Yuelong Miao, Mr Carlos Zuniga Araya, Mr Patricio Carrasco and Dr Chip McCreery to help develop draft messages for vessels at sea for TSPs based on the template in IHO Manual S53 for WWNWS-SC to review and provide feedback Done To be further discussed under Agenda Item 13.Action 6: Dr Chip McCreery and Dr Francois Schindele to develop maps of the response of the current seismic and sea level network timing response for earthquakes and tsunamis for the four ICG regions based on the methodology accepted in the current Task Team meeting as examples of how to examine similar responses on a sub-regional level.Ongoing To be further discussed under Agenda Item 15. Review of the Status of Implementation of TOWS-WG Requests to TTTWO Dr McCreery listed the five recommendations made by TOWS-WG relevant to TTTWO during the last meeting held in Paris France, February 16-17 2018 (Summary Report, TOWS-WG, Eleventh Meeting, Annex II, page 14). The status of actions is listed below: Action ItemStatusto finalise sample tsunami threat messages for vessels at sea in consultation with the IHO/IMO/WMO World-Wide Navigational Warning Service Sub-Committee;Done To be further discussed under Agenda Item 13.to continue efforts for monitoring and responding to tsunamis generated by non-seismic sources and possible integration into Tsunami watch operation;Ongoing To be further discussed under Agenda Item 12.to consider the summary statement from the Symposium;Ongoingto prepare concept note for developing capacity that can lead to transformative tsunami warning products that enable stakeholders to manage public response efficiently;Ongoingto contribute to OceanObs 19 and the planning of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development.Ongoing Manuscript prepared for OceanObs 19. To be further discussed under Agenda Item 10. Tsunami Watch Operations Current Status and Plans CARIBE-EWS Dr Elizabeth Vanacore made a presentation on the status of the CARIBE-EWS. The monitoring networks include 30 different seismic networks and operators contributing to the system with current station density meeting the detection time goal of 1 minute for earthquakes within the region. Tide gauge network coverage in the region enables tsunamis originating within the region to be detected at most of the coastal regions within less than 20 minutes. 861 real time GNSS station feeds are contributed from the region to UNAVCO that could be useful in real-time detection of co-seismic displacement. A $8 million project for upgrading and hardening seismic networks in the region under the purview of USGS is currently underway. CaribeWave19 will use a Kick `em Jenny volcano-triggered tsunami scenario. Dr Wilfried Strauch presented the progress of Central American Tsunami Advisory Centre (CATAC). New station installations include 8 new sea level stations on Caribbean and Pacific coasts, 8 new broadband stations in Nicaragua and southwest Caribbean Sea and 3 new broadband stations in the southwest Caribbean Sea. Capacity building and tsunami exercises have been undertaken in Nicaragua within the UNESCO/DIPECHO projects. A regional workshop on the advances in CATAC and SOPs was conducted in February 2019, that recommended initiating experimental products in August 2019. CARIBE-EWS has future plans to evaluate volcanic tsunami test products, continue development of real-time GNSS tsunami source evaluation systems, continue development of landslide/volcanic tsunami models and possible products and continue to foster the tsunami model database developed by WG2. 4.2 NEAMTWS Dr Francois Schindele made a presentation on the status of NEAMTWS. There are gaps in seismic and sea level observing networks in the northern African region. In other parts of NEAMTWS, however, the observing networks have improved considerably. Several sea level stations have been established in the past year through a project of the Joint Research Centre (JRC). It is important to enhance sea level networks through closer coordination with relevant organisations such as Navy and Hydrographic services, especially considering that tide gauges are the only means of observing small tsunamis that could have otherwise gone unnoticed. NEAMTWS is working towards adaptation of threat levels as recommended by the TOWS-WG. 4.3 PTWS Mr Satoshi Harada, Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) made a presentation on NWPTAC enhanced products. Coastal forecast points, coastal blocks, graphical products and threat thresholds have been finalised in coordination with the recipient countries. Parallel issuance of existing and enhanced products initiated in December 2017 and final changeover to enhanced products is expected to take place in February 2019. A user guide has also been prepared for NWPTAC enhanced products. Dr McCreery, Director of the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre (PTWC), provided a status report on behalf of the PTWS. There is ongoing work on optimal sensing networks, incorporating GNSS data into operational tsunami warning, tsunami warning centre competency framework, updating fax number database, etc. PTWC is currently upgrading the operational website. PTWS and NWPTAC are currently providing operational products to the South China Sea. Trial operation of the South China Sea Tsunami Advisory Centre (SCSTAC) started in January 2018 with full change over planned in late 2019. The SCSTAC was formally inaugurated by Executive Secretary IOC in May 2018. 4.4 IOTWMS Dr Yuelong Miao provided an update on the status of IOTWMS. There are three operational Tsunami Service Providers from Australia, India and Indonesia providing interoperable tsunami threat information to the National Tsunami Warning Centres (NTWCs), which in turn are responsible for provision of detailed tsunami threat information for their coastal regions. Tsunami detection, warning and dissemination has been strengthened with TSPs incorporating several technical enhancements in their procedures and products including launching of new public website by TSP-Australia. Routine communications tests conducted every June and December ensured operational lines of communication between TSPs and the NTWC. The 2nd integrated intersessional meetings including a regional workshop on SOPs was held in June/July 2018 in Hyderabad, India. Further, the IOWave18 exercise was successfully held during 4 5 September 2018, followed by a post IOWave18 lessons learnt workshop in Jakarta in November 2018. IOTWMS is continuing its work on optimal sea level and seismic networks, investigating the possibility of tsunami threat for the coastlines of the Persian/Arabian Gulf and Red Sea and coordinating the re-initiation of TSP public bulletins over GTS and the IOC public list server. Significant Operational Events in the inter-sessional period Dr McCreery initiated the discussion by mentioning the most significant earthquake and tsunami events in the last inter-sessional period for which messages were issued by the TSPs. Mrs. Weniza briefed about the Palu and Sunda Strait events and the configuration of InaTEWS. Challenges currently being faced by InaTEWS include forecast modelling only for tectonic events, very little travel time for local source events, determination of tsunamis caused by non-tectonic events (e.g., landslides and volcanoes) and the lack of sea-level data from the open ocean for use in detecting and monitoring non-seismic tsunamis. Mr Rahmat Triyono presented the timeline of Palu-Donggala tsunami. There were 28 foreshocks starting from 2 PM local time, with the main shock of 7.7 magnitude occurring at 1702 local time. The tsunami in Palu was triggered by a landslide under the sea triggered by the earthquake. A warning message was issued within 5 minutes, and was cancelled after 25 minutes based on observing only a 6 cm wave on the Mamuju tide gauge. The tsunami wave in Palu hit within 3 minutes after the earthquake, well before the warning cancellation by BMKG. The Sunda Strait tsunami of 22December 2018 was caused by a flank collapse of Anak Krakatau volcano. BMKG noticed anomalous sea level observations from the Serang and Lampung tide gauges of between 0.9 m and 0.28 m. No tsunami warnings were issued by BMKG since no significant earthquake was recorded prior to the event. Post-event seismic data analysis indicated an earthquake of M 3.5 concurrent to the flank collapse. BMKG is working on the feasibility of issuing tsunami warnings for volcano triggered events based on the seismic magnitude and distance from epicentre. The disadvantage of using seismic magnitudes as low as 3.5 to issue tsunami warnings is that there will be too many unnecessary warnings. Instead, the seismic information might be better used in conjunction with additional parameters such as the volcano eruption stage, open ocean water level sensors, camera observations, etc. Mr Ardito Kodijat presented on the lessons learnt from the performance of the last-mile of alerting during Palu event. Eye witnesses accounts were recorded which identified several issues related to limitations of the existing warning system, failure of the warning chain, etc. The tsunami wave arrived within 3 minutes, earlier than the official warning in several near-source areas such as Wani. Electricity and communication was cut off 2 minutes after the EQ, preventing receipt of the warning. Other important issues relate to the lack of capacity at the LDMO office in terms of warning dissemination, unavailability of LDMO SOPs, lack of knowledge on warning products, and lack of human resources at the LDMO. There was a false sense of security due to the public believing that the siren would keep them safe from tsunamis. This was in spite of the fact that the siren was not tested regularly and its volume had been reduced to avoid disturbance. Further, the public misunderstood that several communication towers were sirens. Access for evacuation routes was blocked by buildings, walls and fences. Some people evacuated after the pre-shock at 3 pm, since there was past local knowledge about 1938 and 1968 tsunamis, but several people returned because there was no immediate tsunami. The community generally believed that Palu is safe from tsunamis due to the advancement of technology and since an earlier earthquake in 2005 did not generate a tsunami. Some people reported natural warning signs (bubbles, running animals, etc.). There is difference between general education material on tsunamis and the reality in the local context siren, water receding, etc. In summary, it was noted that a self-evacuation protocol is the key to survival in case of local tsunamis. Local past knowledge needs to be captured, and education, awareness & preparedness need to be given a high priority. Dr Gerassimos Papadopolous made a presentation on the 25 October 2018 Mw 6.8 earthquake and tsunami in the Zakynthos region. Twenty-one tsunami warning messages were issued during 2012-2018 by National Observatory of Athens (NOA), Greece, which is one of the NEAMTWS TSPs. NOA monitors data from 155 seismic stations and 19 tide gauge stations. For the 25 October 2018 event, a message was issued in 8 minutes. Three tide gauges reported < 15 cm tsunami waves. Eye witness reports suggested about 1.5 m of runup and 40 m of inundation. Results of seismic p-wave inversion and using tide gauge records for calculation of tsunami magnitude open up new avenues for future operational warning. Dr Schindele made a presentation on the recent earthquake and tsunami events in Loyalty Islands. In 2017, there were 6 earthquakes of M>6 in the vicinity, including the most recent event of M 7.5 on 05 December 2018. All earthquakes were normal faulting and 5 of them produced minor tsunamis. The 05 December 2018 earthquake produced a local/regional tsunami measuring about about 3 metres in Loyalty Island and 1 metre in the south of Vanuatu Island. Discussions followed on the importance of continuing the efforts in all ICGs to strengthen the end-to-end warning system based on lessons learnt from recent events. Mr Kodijat presented a summary of the International Tsunami Survey Teams for the Palu Donggala tsunami (ITST-Palu). This was the sixth ITST facilitated by the IOC (2009 Samoa, 2010 Chile, 2011 Japan, 2012 El Salvador, 2012 Indonesia Mentawai) since the start of the ITST efforts after the 1992 Nicaragua tsunami. The collection of science data and survivor accounts immediately after destructive tsunamis has been critical to improving our mitigation of tsunami impact through better warnings, stronger buildings, and more prepared populations. The ITST-Palu was facilitated by the IOC IOTIC and ITIC at the request of the Government of Indonesia working with the Indonesian Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (MORTHE). An expedited processing of the required researcher permits (taking only 3 days instead of 6 weeks), and elimination of the requirement for research entry visas was negotiated, and throughout, the IOTIC and Indonesia BMKG valuably assisted the ITST teams with their logistics. Altogether, 7 teams comprised of 87 international and Indonesia researchers, and representing 14 countries, conducted collaborative surveys. The ITST teams, led by a senior scientist with extensive experience, worked as a coordinated team, consulting and learning from each other. An overview talk was given at the Fall American Geophysical Union (AGU) meeting in December 2018. The ITST-Palu protocols included pre-field situational awareness and post-field briefs with Indonesia stakeholders, as well as information and data sharing as part of the MORTHE permit requirements. IOC ITST badges and official Indonesia research study IDs were provided, which many scientists reported as especially valuable to gain entry to tsunami- and earthquake-impacted areas, and to facilitating interviews with survivors. Several teams shared real-time or daily analyses via WhatsApp, thus enabling remote science support both from Jakarta and from their home country. Challenges continue to be in fulfilling the post-survey requirement to provide a summary report to the Government of Indonesia because of the delay in obtaining preliminary reports from the ITST teams. It was lamented that most teams did not budget enough time in their survey for pre- and post-field briefs, which most Indonesian viewed as especially helpful in learning the impact details and understanding what happened in this complex event. Briefs that included incoming and outgoing teams also enabled the communication of practical survey advice and still-outstanding science questions and data gaps needing to be filled. Several researchers commented that the ITST-Palu period started too late, and as a result, a lot of perishable primary data was lost because of the immediate response 'cleanup.' It was noted, however, that Palu had been MORTHE's first tsunami implementation, but for the second (Anak Krakatau), the arrangements were put into place very quickly. The Group discussed ways in which to encourage more timely results sharing so that it could be used in immediate response decision-making, and short- and long-term recovery planning. These include special topic research journal issues and/or IOC special publications, special sessions at meetings, and/or IOC-sponsored lessons-learned workshops, and partnerships with existing science organizations such as the IUGG Tsunami Commission, to help compile all the event data (both ITST and non-ITST). Recommendation 1: Appreciating the IOC-facilitated International Tsunami Survey Teams in Palu (ITST-Palu) and recognising the importance of TICs in coordinating ITSTs, requests the TOWS-WG to (i) reiterate the importance of collecting data strictly in accordance with the ITST protocols, while continuing to be respectful of the Countrys needs and requirements, (ii) timely data and information sharing by the Study Teams to facilitate immediate submission of a consolidated summary report to the host country to assist with response and recovery planning and (iii) ICGs to facilitate, in coordination with existing science organisations, special sessions at meetings / workshops to promote sharing of lessons learnt and compilation of all event data. Recommendation 2: IOTWMS and IOTIC explore the possibility of organising a Special Session on Lessons Learnt from the Palu and Sunda Strait tsunamis in the next inter-sessional period, subject to funding availability. TSUNAMI GLOSSARY UPDATE Updates to the Tsunami Glossary were discussed and accepted. Recommendation 3: Approve updates to the Tsunami Glossary DEVELOPMENT OF KPIs IN RELATION WITH Sendai Framework INDICATORS Mr David Coetzee provided a brief on the framework for future goals and performance monitoring of Tsunami Risk Reduction, Hazard Warning and Mitigation, finalised by the PTWS Task Team on Goals and Performance Indicators. This document has been shared with the other ICGs for consideration and feedback. Discussions followed on the status of similar initiatives in other ICGs for monitoring and reporting the status of their systems and relevant documentation for reporting. IOTWMS recently conducted a survey on Capacity Assessment of Tsunami Preparedness of the IOTWMS Member States using a detailed questionnaire covering all the 3 pillars. Harkunti Rahayu made a brief presentation on the preliminary results based on feedback received from 21 out of the 24 active Member States that will be used to prepare an IOTWMS Status Report, with future updates planned before each biennial ICG meeting. Implementation Plans of Caribe-EWS and NEAMTWS are in different stages of preparation. While appreciating the excellent efforts of the PTWS Task Team, it was felt that that ICGs would need further time to review the PTWS framework in light of their own initiatives. Further, a closely coordinated inter-ICG effort is required to come up with harmonised performance monitoring framework, tools/questionnaires to be used for data collection and a structure of documentation for reporting. To facilitate this process, it was decided to constitute a joint TTDMP and TTTWO team comprising representatives from all ICGs to work in the next inter-sessional period and come up with recommendations to the next TOWS-WG Meeting. Action 1: Appreciating the work of the PTWS Task Team on Future Goals and Performance Indicators, requests a team comprising Sarah Jane McCurrach, Yuelong Miao, Elizabeth Vanacore, Harkunti Rahayu and NEAMTWS representative/s to review the PTWS performance monitoring framework in light of similar initiatives in other ICGs and recommend harmonised performance monitoring framework, data collection tools/questionnaire and reporting formats. The team will prepare a report for the next meeting. LOCAL SOURCE TSUNAMI STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES (SOPs) Dr Ken Gledhill introduced the topic outlining the initiative in the PTWS to come up with best practice for response to a local tsunami in terms of public education, official warning, detection and characterisation, etc. There is also a recent recommendation by the IOTWMS Steering Group following the Palu tsunami for the ICG to set up a Task Team on Tsunami Preparedness for a near-field tsunami hazard with a mandate to streamline SOPs, warning chains and assist implementation of IOTR in vulnerable communities. The group agreed on the need for ICGs to work together on this important initiative. Recommendation 4: PTWS to continue work on Local Source Tsunami SOPs and share their guidance with other ICGs at the next meeting. National Tsunami Warning Centre (ntwc) Competency Framework Dr Gledhill provided some background on this item. Reference was made to the WMO competency framework for meteorologists and the request by some countries in the PTWS to advise on guidelines for such a competency framework for operators of National Tsunami Warning Centres. There are issues around who and how often competency certification should be accorded to the operators, and if it is best that the responsibility to maintain competency is taken by the countries themselves. Australia and Indonesia have their own competency framework for their operators. No similar work is being currently done in other ICGs. NEAMTWS has some requirements as part of their TSP accreditation process. The group agreed that common guidelines for an NTWC competency framework would use useful for all the ICGs and requested the PTWS to continue their work and share their guidance with the other ICGs. Recommendation 5: PTWS to continue work on a National Tsunami Warning Centre Competency Framework and share their guidance with other ICGs at the next meeting. PLANNING FOR OCEAN DECADE Dr Christa von Hillebrandt-Andrade provided a full report on this item. She recalled that in December 2017, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (20212030). The UNGA Decision was the culmination of two years of preparatory work by the IOC during which MS (IOC and other interested parties were consulted on the concept and potential value of a Decade of Ocean Science. In past meeting of TOWS, the IOC Executive Secretary briefed on the proposed decade and in 2018 informed on the UNGA decision. The endorsement by the UNGA of the Decade of Ocean Science implies an acknowledgement by the global community of the importance, need for and role of Ocean Science, data and information exchange for sustainable development. Within the framework of Oceans, are included marginal seas and coastal waters. IOC has been tasked with the preparation of an Implementation Plan (including a Science Plan) for the Decade, in consultation with Member States, United Nations bodies, institutional partners and other relevant stakeholders. The Decade, building on those existing efficient programmes and experiences, will develop new partnerships to provide improved ocean data and information but also a wide range of solutions to achieve ocean sustainability. This Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development will provide a common framework that will ensure Ocean Science can fully support countries in the achievement of the 2030 Agenda Sustainable Development Goals (and more particularly SDG 14) and will contribute to among other UN processes, SAMOA Pathway for SIDS and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. The Decade will aim to address identified knowledge gaps and strengthen the conduct of the World Ocean Assessment as well as other global and regional assessments, by providing a coordinated framework for conducting collaborative and integrated research across scientific fields. The Decade will help to mobilize partnerships and increase investment in priority areas where actions are urgently needed, like the mapping of the world oceans (Seabed 2030). The First World Ocean Assessment concluded that major disparities exist in the capacities around the world to undertake the marine scientific research necessary for proper management of human activities that can affect the marine environment. Noting the disparity between scientific knowledge, reflected in the publication of papers, with a significantly higher concentration in northern countries, the Decade will seek to improve the scientific knowledge base through capacity development to regions and groups that are presently limited in capacity and capability, especially SIDS and LDCs. The Decade will address both deep disciplinary understanding of ocean processes and solution-oriented research to generate knowledge. 6 societal outcomes have been proposed: A clean ocean, a healthy and resilient ocean, a predicted ocean, a safe ocean, a sustainable productive ocean and a transparent and accessible ocean. Many of these outcomes are directly related to the Tsunami program, in particular the outcomes of safety and transparency and accessibility (capacity building). The vision is that the Decade will be transformative and for this, the Ocean Science community (Tsunami Community) should think beyond business as usual and aspire for real change, whether that be in the level of knowledge of the science, or in the way we manage cooperation and partnerships in support of Sustainable Development and healthy Ocean and coastal communities. A Top down approach and bottom up approach is proposed. This will foster the interaction between the scientist and the end users/civil society. For this a two global planning meetings will be held, between which regional meetings will be convened to allow the regional and even local definition of the outcomes and objectives, including the formulation of scientific products, activities and partnerships that could be proposed in the context of the Decade. The first Global Meeting will be held in Copenhagen on May 13-15, 2019. The participation of the Tsunami community in all these meetings will be key. To facilitate the planning process, 19 Members from six UN Regional groups were selected by IOC Officers through a broadly disseminated Call for nominations to form the Executive Planning Group. One of the members is DrHillebrandt-Andrade, past Chair of CARIBE EWS and member of TOWS Task Team on Disaster Management and Preparedness. The discussion then focused on how the Tsunami Program/TOWS/the ICGs would want to participate and take advantage of this opportunity to transform the end-to-end tsunami warning system. A first comment was offered on the level of stakeholders to be contacted during the planning phase. The comment indicated that the Decade deserves a higher level of commitment including the five UN Regional Commissions (ECA, ESCAP, ECLAC, ECE and ESCWA), and similar high-level fora, which have a significant role to play in promoting sustainable development in their respective regions. Mr Mike Angove presented a concept on ocean observations required to minimize uncertainty in global tsunami forecasts, warnings, and emergency response. He suggested that some sort of strategy could be designed to have a more detailed and quick sensing of the ocean environment, including for more rapidly constraining and measuring the tsunami source. This has become possible with the combination of emerging solid-earth and sea-level observation technologies, advanced analysis techniques, and innovative modelling and computational strategies, which increase the ability to directly measure or tightly infer tsunami sources. This means it could be possible for tsunami warning centres around the world to deliver accurate tsunami arrival, height, and inundation forecasts within minutes, not hours, of generation along the majority of the worlds most exposed coastlines. With this information, emergency managers will be able to prescribe precise actions with the confidence that the forecasts will closely match observations. Communities will not have to wait through hours of uncertainty before fully comprehending the threat. A proposal was made to design and deliver simple and easy to understand flooding maps in real time that can inform local populations about impending coastal inundation threats. The blue line, a visual product available on multiple media would tell people, based on best science and monitoring services, where to go to be safer in case of flooding. The group reflected that building on the three pillars (hazard assessment, monitoring-warning-dissemination, and preparedness and public awareness) that have driven tsunami warning and mitigation throughout the ICGs is still a valid approach that can be extended to the Ocean Decade Recommendation 6: Recognising the need to provide consolidated inputs from the IOC tsunami community into the planning and implementation of the UN Decade of Ocean Sciences for Sustainable Development and noting the progress made by the TOWS-WG so far, requests TOWS-WG to (i) identify a focussed group from within the TOWG-WG and its Task Teams to continue to advance aspirations of the tsunami community into planning of the Decade, (ii) ensure participation of TOWS-WG representatives in the global and regional planning meetings with the aim of providing inputs to the planning process and facilitate broader collaborations and (iii) request ICGs to inform Member States of the Decade during their ICG Sessions and seek inputs. Updates to Area of SERVICE and Earthquake Source Zone Maps of the ICGs Dr McCreery initiated the discussion by displaying the current map of the Area of Service. Mr Harada advised of changes to be incorporated in the NWPTAC Area of Service that will now extend to 170 deg E and also cover part of Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands in the South. It was also agreed that the Indonesian coasts of Banda sea, Java Sea and the surrounding marginal seas that are currently depicted as not covered by any regional system should be updated to represent coverage by the national Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System (InaTEWS). This is in line with the domestic service of US NTWC for the coasts of North America. The text box should also be updated to reflect this change. The revised map incorporating these changes is attached as Appendix 4. DrMiao referred to the M 6.9 earthquakes in Sumbawa region, Indonesia on 5 August and 19August 2018 that were just outside the IOTWMS Earthquake Source Zone (ESZ), but led to TSP-Australia issuing type-2 bulletins since the events were assessed as causing potential tsunami threat to some Coastal Forecast Zones (CFZs) within the IOTWMS Area of Service (AoS). He sought clarification on the criteria used by TSPs in different ICGs for issuing messages within their AoS for earthquakes occurring in the border or outside their respective ESZ. While IOTWMS adopts a threshold of earthquake magnitude of >= 8.0, PTWS follows a threshold of estimated wave amplitude > 30 cm within the PTWS service area. It was decided that the ICGs review these criteria at their respective ICGs and adopt the most suitable threshold. Further, it was also noted that the Earthquake Source Zone maps currently do not have an overlap or a buffer at the border of 2 adjacent ICGs, that could lead to a confusion on handling of earthquake events at the border. Recommendation 7: Recommend the following changes to the AoS Map: - Extend the Area of Service of NWPTAC to 170 deg E and coverage of Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands in the South - Cover the Indonesian coasts of Banda Sea, Java Sea and surrounding marginal seas by a new line to represent domestic service by the Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System (InaTEWS) and incorporate corresponding updates in the text box. Recommendation 8: IOTWMS and PTWS to review at their respective ICG meetings, the criteria for issuing messages for earthquakes in the border or outside their Earthquake Source Zones Handling of Tsunamis from Non-Seismic Sources and non-subduction zone earthquakes Dr McCreery recalled the extensive discussions regarding the recent Palu and Sunda Strait events in Indonesia which are believed to be triggered by submarine landslides and volcano flank collapse respectively. Discussions followed on the ongoing initiatives in US NOAA to investigate methods to address meteo-tsunamis and in the CARIBE-EWS to address tsunamis from volcanic sources and non-thrust earthquakes. Dr Harada made a brief presentation on the trial Standard Operating Procedure of JMA for tsunami warning following a volcanic event. Japan has 111 active volcanoes and JMA is responsible for monitoring active volcanoes as well as tsunamis. The trail SOP involves (i) identifying the target coastline to be monitored based on its proximity to an island/marine volcano with certain activity level, (ii) detecting the condition of volcanic avalanche or similar phenomenon by a camera and/or closest tide gauge measured tsunami and (iii) taking the action to issue prefixed tsunami warning and/or advisory as early as possible. This method is however very challenging due to the fact that (i) volcanic avalanche is not always detectable with camera or other monitoring instruments, (ii) volume of avalanche is not certain the short time making it difficult to issue a quantitative tsunami warning and (iii) practical difficulty in continuously monitoring the tide gauges for water level variations without a noticeable trigger such as a volcanic activity. Early warning for tsunamis generated by atypical sources (aerial landslides, submarine landslides, volcanoes) is extremely complex. The group agreed to continue efforts to explore current status and best practices for hazard assessment, monitoring and responding to tsunamis from atypical sources, and possible integration into tsunami watch operations. Action 2: Recognising the Palu and Sunda Strait tsunami events as being very complex from an early warning perspective and further reiterating the increasing threat of tsunamis from near-source atypical sources (aerial landslides, submarine landslides, volcanoes), requests a team comprising Satoshi Harada, Francois Schindele, Weniza, a Representative from Italy and Representative(s) of TTDMP to explore current status and best practices for hazard assessment, monitoring and responding to tsunamis from atypical sources. The team will prepare a report for the next meeting. Action 3: Mike Angove to report back to the group on the feasibility of the implementation of operational warnings for meteorological tsunamis based on outcomes of the first world conference on meteo-tsunamis scheduled in Croatia during May 2019. Action 4: Elizabeth Vanacore to report back to the group on procedures for handling of non-thrust tsunamigenic events from an operational warning perspective. Products for THE Maritime Community Dr Tummala briefed on the background of this agenda item. As a follow-up of actions from the last meeting of the TTTWO and the TOWS-WG, a team comprising Dr Yuelong Miao, Mr Carlos Zuniga Araya, Mr Patricio Carrasco and Dr Chip McCreery developed a draft proposal for TSP Messages to the Maritime Community, incorporating advice received from the Chair of WWNWS-SC, and in line with the Joint IMO/IHO/WMO Manual on Maritime Safety Information (Manual 53, published in 2016). This draft proposal was presented by Dr Thorkild Aarup to the meeting of the WWNWS-SC held in 2018 in Monaco. The proposal has now been finalised incorporating all comments received from WWNWS-SC (Appendix 5). It is recommended that the TOWS-WG requests the ICGs to consider the proposal for implementation in their respective basins and the IOC Secretariat to facilitate coordination with the WWNWS-SC. Recommendation 9: Approve the proposal on TSP Messages for the Maritime Community and requests the ICGs to consider the proposal for implementation in their respective basins. Further, IOC Secretariat is to share the final proposal with WWNWS-SC and facilitate coordination between ICGs and the WWNWS-SC for operationalising the service. Global Public Access to Tsunami Threat Information Dr McCreery reminded the Task Team that the original intention of this agenda was to explore the possibility of developing an integrated webpage/portal under the IOC-UNESCO tsunami programme which could have links to, or source information from all the ICG TSPs/NTWCs to provide public with an authentic and up-to-date status of tsunami warnings in different ocean basins. As a starting point, the last meeting of the TTTWO and the TOWS-WG approved a statement that could be displayed by the ICG TSPs on their public warning pages, acknowledging that their services are being provided under the IOC-UNESCO framework. Dr Tummala briefed the meeting that all the 3 TSPs (Australia, India and Indonesia) in the IOTWMS have already displayed the statement on their respective websites. The TSPs in all other ICGs are encouraged to follow. Recommendation 10: Noting that TSP-Australia, TSP-Indonesia and TSP-India have already uploaded on their website, statement acknowledging that their tsunami services are provided under the IOC-UNESCO framework, recommends all other ICG TSPs to follow. OTHER ISSUES Optimal Design of Sea-level networks Dr McCreery reminded that at the last meeting of the TTTWO, a methodology for optimal design of seismic and sea level stations was finalised based on similar work done in the PTWS and NEAMTWS. Further work related to development of regional seismic and sea level network timing response maps for different ICGs did not progress during the intersessional period. DrAarup mentioned that this is a very important requirement for all the ICGs and requested DrMcCreery to assist with development of these maps in time for the upcoming meetings of the IOTWMS and other regional systems. It was agreed that this action will be pursued on priority. Action 5: Chip McCreery to develop maps of optimal seismic and sea-level networks for the ICG/IOTWMS and other regions in time for presentation to their upcoming ICG Sessions. UPDATES TO THE GLOBAL SERVICE DEFINITION DOCUMENT (GSDD) Dr Schindele suggested several updates to the Global Service Definition Document that is maintained by the TTTWO. Some important updates include (i) adding a paragraph on non-subduction zone earthquakes in section 4, (ii) adding information on methods to compute tsunami amplitudes on the coastline in section 4.7, (iii) clarifying the responsible institutions for issuance of the All Clear in figure 5, (iv) clarifying the roles of TSPs with respect to issuing the initial message, considering the case of NEAM region, (v) initial naming convention in section 9.2, (vi) clarifying that strike slip earthquake could generate near-source tsunamis, etc. There is also a need to update the GSSD with outcomes of the recent TTTWO meetings such as the proposal on maritime bulletins, methodology for optimal design of seismic and sea level networks, updates to AoS and ESZ maps, etc. It was agreed that an updated document will be produced for consideration at the next meeting of the TTTWO. Action 6: Francois Schindele and IOC Secretariat to incorporate updates to the Global Service Definition Document for consideration at the next meeting. Review of Action Items and Recommendations to the TOWS-WG Recommendations: Recommendation 1: Appreciating the IOC-facilitated International Tsunami Survey Teams in Palu (ITST-Palu) and recognising the importance of TICs in coordinating ITSTs, requests the TOWS-WG to (i) reiterate the importance of collecting data strictly in accordance with the ITST protocols, (ii) timely data and information sharing by the Survey Teams to facilitate immediate submission of a consolidated summary report to the host country to assist with response and recovery planning and (iii) ICGs to facilitate, in coordination with existing science organisations, special sessions at meetings / workshops to promote sharing of lessons learnt and compilation of all event data. Recommendation 2: IOTWMS and IOTIC explore the possibility of organising a Special Session on Lessons Learnt from the Palu and Sunda Strait tsunamis in the next inter-sessional period, subject to funding availability. Recommendation 3: Approve updates to the Tsunami Glossary Recommendation 4: PTWS to continue work on Local Source Tsunami SOPs and share their guidance with other ICGs at the next meeting. Recommendation 5: PTWS to continue work on National Tsunami Warning Centre Competency Framework and share their guidance with other ICGs at the next meeting. Recommendation 6: Recognising the need to provide consolidated inputs from the IOC tsunami community into the planning and implementation of the UN Decade of Ocean Sciences for Sustainable Development and noting the progress made by the TOWS-WG so far, requests TOWS-WG to (i) identify a focussed group from within the TOWG-WG and its Task Teams to continue to advance aspirations of the tsunami community into planning of the Decade, (ii) ensure participation of TOWS-WG representatives in the global and regional planning meetings with the aim of providing inputs to the planning process and facilitate broader collaborations and (iii) request ICGs to inform Member States of the Decade during their ICG Sessions and seek inputs. Recommendation 7: Approve the following changes to the AoS Map: Extend the coverage of NWPTAC to 170 deg E and coverage of Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands in the South. Cover the Indonesian coasts of Banda Sea, Java Sea and surrounding marginal seas by a new line to represent domestic service by the Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System (InaTEWS) and incorporate corresponding updates in the text box. Recommendation 8: IOTWMS and PTWS to review at their respective ICG meetings, the criteria for issuing messages for earthquakes in the border or outside their Earthquake Source Zones Recommendation 9: Approve the proposal on TSP Messages for the Maritime Community and requests the ICGs to consider the proposal for implementation in their respective basins. Further, IOC Secretariat is to share the final proposal with WWNWS-SC and facilitate coordination between ICGs and the WWNWS-SC for operationalising the service. Recommendation 10: Noting that TSP-Australia, TSP-Indonesia and TSP-India have already uploaded on their website, statement acknowledging that their tsunami services are provided under the IOC-UNESCO framework, recommends all other ICG TSPs to follow. Recommendation 11: Extend the tenure of the Task Team on Tsunami Watch Operations for a further term with the same Terms of Reference Actions: Action 1: Appreciating the work of the PTWS Task Team on Future Goals and Performance Indicators, requests a team comprising Sarah Jane McCurrach, Yuelong Miao, Elizabeth Vanacore, Harkunti Rahayu and NEAMTWS representative/s to review the PTWS performance monitoring framework in light of similar initiatives in other ICGs and recommend harmonised performance monitoring framework, data collection tools/questionnaire and reporting formats. The team will prepare a report for the next meeting. Action 2: Recognising the Palu and Sunda Strait tsunami events as being very complex from an early warning perspective and further reiterating the increasing threat of tsunamis from near-source atypical sources (aerial landslides, submarine landslides, volcanoes), requests a team comprising Satoshi Harada, Francois Schindele, Weniza, Representative from Italy and Representative/(s) of TTDMP to explore current status and best practices for hazard assessment, monitoring and responding to atypical tsunamis. The team will prepare a report for the next meeting. Action 3: Mike Angove to report back to the group on feasibility of the implementation of operational warnings for meteorological tsunamis based on outcomes of the first world conference on meteotsunamis scheduled in Croatia during May 2019. Action 4: Elizabeth Vanacore to report back to the group on procedures for handling of non-thrust tsunamigenic events from an operational warning perspective. Action 5: Chip McCreery to develop maps of optimal seismic and sea-level networks for the ICG/IOTWMS and other regions in time for presentation to their upcoming ICG Sessions. Action 6: Francois Schindele and IOC Secretariat to incorporate updates to the Global Service Definition Document for consideration at the next meeting. CLOSE OF MEETING Dr McCreery closed the meeting at 05:30 pm and thanked the participants for their contribution to a highly productive meeting. APPENDIX 1 Meeting of the TOWS-WG Inter-ICG Task Team on Tsunami Watch Operations Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, UNESCO 1920 February 2019, Paris, France Provisional Agenda and Timetable Task Team Members: Charles McCreery, Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (NOAA, Hawaii, USA) ICG/PTWS Satoshi Harada, Japan Meteorological Agency (Japan) ICG/PTWS Francois Schindele, Centre d'alerte aux tsunamis (France) ICG/NEAMTWS Fernando Carrilho, Portugese Sea and Atmosphere Institute (Portugal) ICG/NEAMTWS Elizabeth Vanacore, Seismologist, Puerto Rico Seismic Network (Puerto Rico) ICG/CARIBEEWS Wilfried Strauch, INETER (Nicaragua) ICG/CARIBEEWS Mohammad Sadly, BMKG (Indonesia) ICG/IOTWMS Yuelong Miao, Bureau of Meteorology (Australia) ICG/IOTWMS Day 1: Tuesday, 19 February 2019 ItemTimeTopicReferenceLead10900-0915Opening and Session Organization Registration Overview of meeting logistics, introduction of participants, review of the agenda, etc.Chip McCreery20915-0945Review of Action Items from the Previous Meeting  HYPERLINK "http://www.ioc-tsunami.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=21836" Summary Report, TOWS-WG, Eleventh Meeting, Annex IV, Section 13.2, page 33Chip McCreery ICG-Representatives30945-1015Review the Status of Implementation of the TOWS-WG Requests to the TTTWOSummary Report, TOWS-WG, Eleventh Meeting, Annex II, page 14Chip McCreery ICG-Representatives41015-1115Tsunami Watch Operations - Current Status and Plans in all ICGsICG-Representatives1115 - 1130 Break51130-1300Significant Operational Events Since Last Meeting Joint Session with TTDMP13:00 14:00 Lunch61400-1430Tsunami Glossary Update HYPERLINK "http://www.ioc-tsunami.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=23481" Updates to Tsunami Glossary, 2019Joint Session with TTDMP71430-1515Development of KPIs in relation with Sendai Framework IndicatorsSummary Report, TOWS-WG, Eleventh Meeting, Annex II, page14, Annex IV, page 28Joint Session with TTDMP1515 1530 BreakItemTimeTopicReferenceLead81530-1630Local Source Tsunami SOPs best practice for warning and response Joint Session with TTDMP91630-1700NTWC Competency FrameworkJoint Session with TTDMPEnd of Day 1  Day 2: Wednesday, 20 February 2019 ItemTimeTopicReferenceLead100900-1000Planning for the Ocean DecadeJoint Session with TTDMP111000-1100Updates to Area of Coverage and ESZ Maps of the ICGs Summary Report, TOWS-WG, Eleventh Meeting, Annex IV, page 32, page 38ICG-Representatives 1100 1115 Break121115-1200Handling of Tsunamis from Non-Seismic Sources and Non-subduction Zone EarthquakesSummary Report, TOWS-WG, Eleventh Meeting, Annex IV, Section 9, page 30ICG-Representatives 131200-1300Products for Maritime Community Summary Report, TOWS-WG, Eleventh Meeting, Annex IV, Section10, page 31  HYPERLINK "http://www.ioc-tsunami.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=23485" TSP Messages for the Maritime Community A proposal to the WWNWS-SCICG- representatives 1300 1400 Lunch141400 - 1430Global Public Access to Tsunami Threat InformationSummary Report, TOWS-WG, Eleventh Meeting, Annex IV, Section11, page 31Chip McCreery151430-1530Other Issues Optimal Design of Sea-level networks Updates to the GSSDSummary Report, TOWS-WG, Eleventh Meeting, Annex IV, Section12, page 31-32ICG-Representatives1530 1600 Break161600-1700Recommendations and Actions for Reporting to the TOWS-WG ConclusionChip McCreery IOC-RepresentativeMeeting Close APPENDIX 2 Meeting of the TOWS-WG Inter-ICG Task Team on Tsunami Watch Operations 1920 February 2019, Paris, France SIGNIFICANT OPERATIONAL EVENTS IN THE INTER-SESSIONAL PERIOD DatePlaceMw InitialMw CMTMw USGSSystemCenterAction05/08/18Sumbawa7.06.9IOTWMSJATWCThreat19/08/18Sumbawa7.06.9IOTWMSJATWCThreat28/09/18Sulawesi7.57.5IOTWMSJATWCNo Threat7.5ITEWCNo Threat7.3InaTEWSDomestic Threat Bulletins25/10/18Zakynthos6.86.7NEAMTWSNOAWatch05/12/18Loyalty Islands7.5PTWS22/12/18Anak KrakatauVolcanic cliff failureIOTWMSNo TSP Action22/01/19Prince Edwards Islands6.66.7IOTWMSJATWCNo Threat6.6ITEWCNo Threat6.7InaTEWSNo Threat APPENDIX 3 Meeting of the TOWS-WG Inter-ICG Task Team on Tsunami Watch Operations 1920 February 2019, Paris, France Revised Area of Service Map  The map shown in this Appendix indicates the area of coverage for each of the four Intergovernmental Coordination Groups for the tsunami warning systems in the Caribbean (CARIBE-EWS), Indian Ocean (IOTWMS), NE Atlantic, Mediterranean & connected seas (NEAMTWS), and the Pacific (PTWS). In addition, the map also shows Areas of Service of the Tsunami Service Providers (TSP). APPENDIX 4 Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO Working Group on Tsunamis and Other Hazards Related to Sea-Level Warning and Mitigation Systems (TOWS-WG) Tsunami Service Provider Messages for the Maritime Community A Proposal to the World-Wide Navigational Warning Service Sub-Committee (WWNWS-SC) 29 January 2019 The following is an initial proposal for the format, content, and dissemination of messages with tsunami guidance specifically for ships on the high seas from the Tsunami Service Providers (TSPs) of the four Tsunami Warning Systems operated by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO. This proposal was generated in response to discussions between representatives of the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) and the IOC to improve the accuracy and consistency of messages issued by the NAVAREA coordinators for tsunami events. This proposal incorporates feedback received from the 10th session of the WWNWS-SC held in Monaco during 27-31 August 2018. Messages would be created and disseminated only for potential and confirmed tsunami occurrences when forecast amplitudes at any coast within a TSPs service area exceed pre-defined threat threshold (typically 0.3 meters), the minimum coastal amplitude considered to be a hazard. Messages would be disseminated by each TSP by email to those NAVAREA coordinators who subscribe for receiving tsunami threat information within that TSPs service area, based on the IOC Area of Service Map. (Please refer to Appendix 3 for the Area of Service Map. Note that multiple TSPs cover some NAVAREAs and each TSP covers multiple NAVAREAs. In case of multiple TSPs covering same NAVAREAs, the NAVAREA coordinator may note that threat assessment could differ from one TSP to the other and hence is advised to use the worst-case in formulating maritime safety messages). The initial TSP maritime message would be issued to NAVAREA coordinators when the TSP issues its initial quantitative coastal forecast for the Member States within its IOC System. This is usually within 30 minutes of the earthquake that generated the tsunami. Note that a TSP may issue a qualitative advisory product to Member States preceding the initial quantitative coastal forecast products. An additional TSP maritime message would be issued only if the forecast significantly changes. One message would be issued indicating the final handling of the event by the TSP, usually when the threat has passed everywhere in the service area. However, the hazard may continue along some coasts and that status must be determined by local authorities. NAVAREA coordinators would have the responsibility for turning TSP messages into maritime safety messages issued via SafetyNet to ships at sea. Message Format and Content The format and content of the proposed TSP messages generally follows the guidance given in the Manual on Maritime Safety Information IHO Publication 53 (January 2016 Edition) in order that the conversion by NAVAREA coordinators to a maritime safety message be as simple as possible. Message ElementElement DescriptionTSP ContentQueriesSummary of Clarifications by WWNWS-SC and TTTWO 1NAVAREA nameNAVAREA having coasts with tsunami forecast amplitude exceeding the pre-defined threat threshold (typically 0.3 meter)Can one message apply to more than one NAVAREA? There is no need to put the NAVAREA name or number on the message(s) provided. The NAVAREA Coordinator for the area affected by the Tsunami Warning will provide this information. If the Tsunami Warning applies to more than one NAVAREA, the NAVAREA Coordinator understands the need to forward this information to the adjacent NAVAREA(s) that may be affected. While NAVAREA Coordinators are responsible for passing information to other affected NAVAREAs, there should not be a reliance upon this to receive tsunami warnings. All NAVAREA Coordinators should be responsible for subscribing to the warning service appropriate to their AOR, in reference to the IOC AoS map in Appendix3. For example, the coverage map clearly shows that PTWS is the warning service that provides alerts to NAVAREA XIV, so it should be the responsibility of the NAVAREA XIV Coordinator to subscribed to alerts from this service.2General AreaName of the general area forecast to be affected by the tsunamiNeed to identify or create a standard area naming scheme for ocean areas.Not mandatory for TSPs to use a standard naming scheme for General Area. They can describe in general terms which broad area the bulletin applies to (eg. Indian Ocean / Western Indian Ocean/ Eastern Indian Ocean / etc.). The NAVAREA Coordinator will refer to the chart coverage for the affected area(s) by the event and will utilize the naming convention found on those applicable charts, as appropriate.3LocalityNot Used4Chart NumberNot Used5Key SubjectType of Tsunami Message (Confirmed Threat/Cancellation/etc.), issuing centre and issuing time. A likely or confirmed tsunami, with key information about the source - usually an earthquake (lat/lon, region name, origin time).6Geographical RegionNames of countries/Islands (from a standard list) in NAVAREA with coasts forecast to have hazardous tsunami waves. Need standard list of key harbors and their names.It would be better to list only the names of Countries/Islands as standard text (not graphical) products. TSPs can provide a geographic region name for the area affected, if desired. Additionally, they can provide key harbor names for the area effected, but it is not necessary to use a standardized list of key harbor names for the area. The NAVAREA Coordinator will refer to the chart coverage for the affected area(s) by the event and will utilize the naming convention found on those applicable charts, as appropriate.7Amplifying RemarksTsunami impact on ships in shallow waters. Consult local authorities of destination. 8 Cancellation DetailsIndicate if final message and that continuing hazard possible. Must be evaluated locally. Example Proposed TSP Maritime Messages Example 1 A TSP initial message for a tsunami affecting 3 NAVAREAs NAVAREA XI, NAVAREA XIII, NAVAREA X NORTHEAST PACIFIC COASTS TSUNAMI THREAT MESSAGE [or whatever the correct term will be] ISSUED BY PACIFIC TSUNAMI WARNING CENTRE [fill in name of the issuing TSP] in support of the UNESCO/IOC PACIFIC TSUNAMI WARNING AND MITIGATION SYSTEM [fill in name of the regional system] AT DDHHMM UTC MMM YY. [This clearly identifies that the message has been issued by the recognised expert] A TSUNAMI HAS BEEN GENERATED BY A MAGNITUDE 8.4 EARTHQUAKE THAT OCCURRED IN VICINITY OF [Position] DD-MM N/S DDD-MM E/W, THE RYUKYU ISLANDS DDHHMM UTC MMM YY [this is the date/time of the earthquake, rather than the originating message] HAZARDOUS TSUNAMI WAVES ARE FORECAST FOR SOME COASTS OF JAPAN, THE PHILIPPINES, AND INDONESIA [from a list of countries/islands] TSUNAMI WAVES ARE NOT A HAZARD TO SHIPS IN DEEP WATER BUT CAN CAUSE STRONG CURRENTS AND RAPID SEA LEVEL CHANGES IN SHALLOW WATER, AS WELL AS INUNDATION OF THE COAST. SHIPS APPROACHING THE COAST SHOULD CONSULT LOCAL AUTHORITIES REGARDING LOCAL CONDITIONS AND ADVICES. Example 2 A TSP final message for a tsunami affecting 3 NAVAREAs NAVAREA XI, NAVAREA XIII, NAVAREA X NORTHEAST PACIFIC COASTS TSUNAMI CANCELLATION MESSAGE [or whatever the correct term will be] ISSUED BY PACIFIC TSUNAMI WARNING CENTRE [fill in name of the issuing TSP] in support of the UNESCO/IOC PACIFIC TSUNAMI WARNING AND MITIGATION SYSTEM [fill in name of the regional system] AT DDHHMM UTC MMM YY. [This clearly identifies that the message has been issued by the recognised expert] THE THREAT HAS NOW LARGELY PASSED FOR THE TSUNAMI GENERATED BY A MAGNITUDE 8.4 EARTHQUAKE THAT OCCURRED IN VICINITY OF [Position] DD-MM N/S DDD-MM E/W, THE RYUKYU ISLANDS DDHHMM UTC MMM YY [this is the date/time of the earthquake, rather than the originating message] HOWEVER, SHIPS APPROACHING THE COAST SHOULD STILL CONSULT LOCAL AUTHORITIES REGARDING LOCAL CONDITIONS AND ADVICES. ANNEX V LIST OF PARTICIPANTS TOWS-WG-XII MrMichael ANGOVE Director, NOAA Tsunami Program National Weather Service/National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration 1325 East-West Highway Silver Spring MD 20910 United States Tel: 301-713-1858X106 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:michael.angove@noaa.gov" michael.angove@noaa.gov MrDavid COETZEE Manager, Capability & Operations / National Controller New Zealand Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management New Zealand Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management PO Box 5010 Wellington 6045 New Zealand Tel: +64 (4) 495 6806 Fax: +64 (4) 473 7369 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:david.coetzee@dpmc.govt.nz" david.coetzee@dpmc.govt.nz Dr Silvia CHACON BARRANTES Professor and Researcher Sistema Nacional de Monitoreo de Tsunamis (SINAMOT) Universidad Nacional, Campus Omar Dengo Heredia Costa Rica Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:silviach@una.ac.cr" silviach@una.ac.cr Mr Cyrille HONORɠ Weather and Disaster Risk Reduction Services Department World Meteorological Organization (WMO) 7bis, avenue de la Paix Case postale 2300 Geneva 1211 Switzerland Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:chonore@wmo.int" chonore@wmo.int Dr Charles (Chip) MCCREERY Director PTWC Pacific Tsunami Warning Center 1845 Wasp Blvd., Bldg 176, Honolulu, HI 96818 United States Tel: 808-689-8207 x301 Fax: 808-689-4543 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:charles.mccreery@noaa.gov" charles.mccreery@noaa.gov Dr Gerassimos PAPADOPOULOS Research Director Institute of Geodynamics, National Observatory of Athens P.O. Box 20048 11810 Athens Greece Tel: +30-210-3490165 Fax: +30-210-3490165 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:papadop@gein.noa.gr" papadop@gein.noa.gr Dr Alexander POSTNOV(Chair) Deputy Director Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring, Moscow State Oceanographic Institute 6, Kropotkinskiy Lane MOSCOW Russian Federation 119034 Tel: +7 499 246 01 67 Fax: +7 499 246 72 88 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:a_postnov@mail.ru" a_postnov@mail.ru Dr Wilfried STRAUCH Advisor on Earth Sciences Instituto Nicaragense de Estudios Territoriales Frente Hospital Solidaridad. Managua 2110 Nicaragua Tel: +505 89 24 62 34 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:wilfried.strauch@yahoo.com" wilfried.strauch@yahoo.com Mr David THOMAS Chief, Information and Telecommunication System Division World Meteorological Organization 7bis, avenue de la Paix Case Postale 2300 1211 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 730 8241 Fax: +41 22 730 8021 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:DThomas@wmo.int" DThomas@wmo.int MsChrista VON HILLEBRANDT-ANDRADE Manager and Researcher NOAA NWS Caribbean Tsunami Warning Program Mayaguez Puerto Rico 00680 United States Tel: 1-787-249-8307 Fax: 1-787-265-1684 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:christa.vonh@noaa.gov" christa.vonh@noaa.gov OBSERVERS Ms Alison BROME Director Tsunami Information Centre Caribbean Tsunami Information Centre Building #30 Warrens Industrial Park, Warrens, St. Michael Bridgetown BB22026 Barbados Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:a.brome@unesco.org" a.brome@unesco.org Mr Fernando CARRILHO Head of Geophysics Division Instituto Portugus do Mar e da Atmosfera, I. P. Instituto Portugus do Mar e da Atmosfera Rua C - Aeroporto de Lisboa Lisbon 1749-077 Portugal Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:fernando.carrilho@meteo.pt" fernando.carrilho@meteo.pt Dr Ken GLEDHILL GeoNet Project Director GNS Science Te Pu Ao Lower Hutt P.O. Box 30-368 New Zealand Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:K.Gledhill@gns.cri.nz" K.Gledhill@gns.cri.nz Mr Satoshi HARADA Senior Coordinator for International Earthquake and Tsunami Information Earthquake and Tsunami Observation Division Japan Meteorological Agency 1-3-4 Otemachi Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 100-8122 Japan Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:sharada@met.kishou.go.jp" sharada@met.kishou.go.jp Dr Laura KONG Director ITIC UNESCO IOC NOAA International Tsunami Information Centre 1845 Wasp Blvd, Bldg 176 Honolulu Hawaii 96818 USA United States Tel: 1-808-725-6051 Fax: 1-808-725-6055 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:laura.kong@noaa.gov" laura.kong@noaa.gov Ms Brigitte LEONI United Nations International Strategy on Disaster Reduction UNISDR 9-11 Rue de Varemb Geneva CH 1202 Switzerland Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:leonib@un.org" leonib@un.org Dr Yuelong MIAO Manager for Tsunami and Storm Surge Warning Services Public Safety Program, National Forecast Services Group Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne 700 Collins Street, Docklands Melbourne VIC 3001 Australia Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:y.miao@bom.gov.au" y.miao@bom.gov.au Dr Harkunti RAHAYU Institut Teknologi Bandung (Bandung Institute of Technology) Campus Jl. Ganesha no. 10 Bandung West Java 40132 Indonesia Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:harkunti_rahayu@yahoo.com" harkunti_rahayu@yahoo.com DrFranois SCHINDELɠ Commissariat lnergie atomique CEA/DAM Ile de France (Essonne) CEA/DIF/DASE Bruyres-le-Chtel 91297 Arpajon France Tel: (33 1) 69 26 50 63 Fax: (33 1) 69 26 70 23 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:francois.schindele@gmail.com" francois.schindele@gmail.com Ms Ioanna TRIANTAFYLLOU MSc ASTARTE project Institute of Geodynamics, National Observatory of Athens P.O. Box 20048 Athens 11810 Greece Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:ioannatriantafyllou@yahoo.gr" ioannatriantafyllou@yahoo.gr Mr Rahmat TRIYONO Head of Earthquake and Tsunami Centre Indonesian Agency for Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG) Jl. Angkasa 1 No.2 DKI Jakarta 10610 Indonesia Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:rahmat.triyono@gmail.com" rahmat.triyono@gmail.com Dr Elizabeth VANACORE Red Sismica de Puerto Rico Universidad de Puerto Rico Mayaguez Puerto Rico Call Box 9000 USA Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:elizabeth.vanacore@upr.edu" elizabeth.vanacore@upr.edu Mrs WENIZA Head of Tsunami Mitigation Sub Division Indonesian Agency for Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG) Jl. Angkasa 1 No.2 Kemayoran Jakarta Pusat Jakarta 10720 Indonesia Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:weniza@bmkg.go.id" weniza@bmkg.go.id Mr Amir YAHAV Director, National Doctrine, Training, Exercises Division National Emergency Management Authority (NEMA) 20th Haarbaa st. Tel Aviv Israel Tel: 972-36977236 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:Av_y@hotmail.com" Av_y@hotmail.com IOC/TSU SECRETARIAT Dr Thorkild AARUP Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission UNESCO 1 rue Miollis F-75732 Paris cedex 15 France Tel: +33 (0) 145 684019 Fax: +33 (0) 145 685812 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:t.aarup@unesco.org" t.aarup@unesco.org MrBernardo ALIAGAROSSEL Programme Specialist, Tsunami Unit Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO 7 Place de Fontenoy 75732 Paris Cedex 07, France France Tel: +33 1 45 68 39 80 Fax: +33 1 45 68 50 10 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:b.aliaga@unesco.org" b.aliaga@unesco.org MrDenis CHANG SENG Programme Specialist (Ocean Science Section and Tsunami Unit) Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO 7 Place de Fontenoy 75732 Paris Cedex 07, France France Tel: +33 1 45 68 39 52 Fax: +33 1 45 68 50 10 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:d.chang-seng@unesco.org" d.chang-seng@unesco.org MrArdito M. KODIJAT Head, Indian Ocean Tsunami Information Centre UNESCO Office in Jakarta Jl. Galuh II no 5 Kebayoran Baru Jakarta Selatan 12110 DKI Indonesia Tel: +62-21-7399818 Ext 878 Fax: +62-21-72796489 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:a.kodijat@unesco.org" a.kodijat@unesco.org Dr Srinivasa Kumar TUMMALA Head, UNESCO/IOC IOTWMS Secretariat ICG/IOTWMS Secretariat UNESCO IOC Perth Regional Programme Office West Perth, Western Australia 6872 Australia Tel: +61 892260191 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:sk.tummala@unesco.org" sk.tummala@unesco.org Mr Jiuta KOROVULAVULA National Professional Officer (IOC) UNESCO Office in Apia Suva Fiji Tel:  HYPERLINK "tel:+679%209704863" +679 9704863 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:j.korovulavula@unesco.org" j.korovulavula@unesco.org Ms Eunmi Kim Intern, IOC Email: eu.kim HYPERLINK "mailto:a.kodijat@unesco.org" @unesco.org INTER-ICG TASK TEAM ON DISASTER MANAGEMENT & PREPAREDNESS CHAIR OF TASK TEAM MrDavid COETZEE Manager, Capability & Operations / National Controller New Zealand Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management New Zealand Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management PO Box 5010 Wellington 6045 New Zealand Tel: +64 (4) 495 6806 Fax: +64 (4) 473 7369 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:david.coetzee@dpmc.govt.nz" david.coetzee@dpmc.govt.nz TASK TEAM MEMBERS Ms Alison BROME Director Tsunami Information Centre Caribbean Tsunami Information Centre Building #30 Warrens Industrial Park, Warrens, St. Michael Bridgetown BB22026 Barbados Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:a.brome@unesco.org" a.brome@unesco.org Dr Silvia CHACON BARRANTES Professor and Researcher Sistema Nacional de Monitoreo de Tsunamis (SINAMOT) Universidad Nacional, Campus Omar Dengo Heredia Costa Rica Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:silviach@una.ac.cr" silviach@una.ac.cr MrArdito M. KODIJAT Head of the Indian Ocean Tsunami Information Centre UNESCO Office in Jakarta Jl. Galuh II no 5 Kebayoran Baru Jakarta Selatan 12110 DKI Indonesia Tel: +62-21-7399818 Ext 878 Fax: +62-21-72796489 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:a.kodijat@unesco.org" a.kodijat@unesco.org Dr Laura KONG Director ITIC UNESCO IOC NOAA International Tsunami Information Centre 1845 Wasp Blvd, Bldg 176 Honolulu Hawaii 96818 USA United States Tel: 1-808-725-6051 Fax: 1-808-725-6055 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:laura.kong@noaa.gov" laura.kong@noaa.gov Dr Harkunti RAHAYU Institut Teknologi Bandung (Bandung Institute of Technology) Campus Jl. Ganesha no. 10 Bandung West Java 40132 Indonesia Email: harkunti_rahayu@yahoo.com Ms Marzia SANTINI Italian Civil Protection, Roma Roma Italy Tel: 00390668204558 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:marzia.santini@protezionecivile.it" marzia.santini@protezionecivile.it MsChrista VON HILLEBRANDT-ANDRADE Manager and Researcher NOAA NWS Caribbean Tsunami Warning Program Mayaguez Puerto Rico 00680 United States Tel: 1-787-249-8307 Fax: 1-787-265-1684 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:christa.vonh@noaa.gov" christa.vonh@noaa.gov Mr Amir YAHAV Director, National Doctrine, Training, Exercises Division / National Emergency Management Authority (NEMA) 20th Haarbaa st. Tel Aviv Israel Tel: 972-36977236 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:Av_y@hotmail.com" Av_y@hotmail.com OBSERVERS Dr Gerassimos PAPADOPOULOS Research Director Institute of Geodynamics, National Observatory of Athens P.O. Box 20048 11810 Athens Greece Tel: +30-210-3490165 Fax: +30-210-3490165 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:papadop@gein.noa.gr" papadop@gein.noa.gr Ms Ioanna TRIANTAFYLLOU PhD Candidate Institute of Geodynamics, National Observatory of Athens P.O. Box 20048 11810 Athens Greece Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:ioannatriantafyllou@yahoo.gr" ioannatriantafyllou@yahoo.gr IOC/TSU SECRETARIAT MrBernardo ALIAGAROSSEL Programme Specialist, Tsunami Unit Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO 7 Place de Fontenoy 75732 Paris Cedex 07, France France Tel: +33 1 45 68 39 80 Fax: +33 1 45 68 50 10 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:b.aliaga@unesco.org" b.aliaga@unesco.org MrDenis CHANG SENG Programme Specialist (Ocean Science Section and Tsunami Unit) Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO 7 Place de Fontenoy 75732 Paris Cedex 07, France France Tel: +33 1 45 68 39 52 Fax: +33 1 45 68 50 10 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:d.chang-seng@unesco.org" d.chang-seng@unesco.org Mr Jiuta KOROVULAVULA National Professional Officer (IOC) UNESCO Office in Apia Suva Fiji Tel:  HYPERLINK "tel:+679%209704863" +679 9704863 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:j.korovulavula@unesco.org" j.korovulavula@unesco.org Ms Eunmi Kim Intern, IOC Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO 7 Place de Fontenoy 75732 Paris Cedex 07, France France Email: eu.kim HYPERLINK "mailto:a.kodijat@unesco.org" @unesco.org INTER-ICG TASK TEAM ON TSUNAMI WATCH OPERATIONS CHAIR OF TASK TEAM Dr Charles (Chip) MCCREERY Director PTWC Pacific Tsunami Warning Center 1845 Wasp Blvd., Bldg 176, Honolulu, HI 96818 United States Tel: 808-725-6300 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:charles.mccreery@noaa.gov" charles.mccreery@noaa.gov TASK TEAM MEMBERS Mr Fernando CARRILHO Head of Geophysics Division Instituto Portugus do Mar e da Atmosfera, I. P. Rua C - Aeroporto de Lisboa Lisbon 1749-077 Portugal Email: `aƯƯƘkVAV-&h QrhY5CJ(OJQJ\^JaJ (h#5CJ(OJQJ\^JaJ mH sH (ht~5CJ(OJQJ\^JaJ mH sH *h QrhY5@CJ8OJQJ\^JaJ8-h Qrh5@CJ8OJQJ\^JaJ8h-h QrhP5@CJ8OJQJ\^JaJ8h-h Qrh15@CJ8OJQJ\^JaJ8h-h QrhY5@CJ8OJQJ\^JaJ8h6jh QrhY5@CJ8OJQJU\^JaJ8h h QrhY+`    6 k  V$a$gdAqV$a$gdZ V$a$gdZ V$a$gd(VV$a$V$a$ V$(](a$P  @& [ @&     k ᔃq[T=-h QrhY5@CJ8OJQJ\^JaJ8h h QrhY+hkihsM5CJ$OJQJ^JaJ$mH sH #h Qrh(5CJ$OJQJ^JaJ$ h QrhDCJ OJQJ^JaJ hYCJ OJQJ^JaJ h Qrh1CJ OJQJ^JaJ h#CJ OJQJ^JaJ ht~CJ OJQJ^JaJ # *h QrhYCJ OJQJ^JaJ h QrhYCJ OJQJ^JaJ hZCJ OJQJ^JaJ  ѻtctQC5h#CJ OJQJ^JaJ ht~CJ OJQJ^JaJ # *h QrhZCJ OJQJ^JaJ h QrhZCJ OJQJ^JaJ hZCJ OJQJ^JaJ &h QrhZ5CJ(OJQJ\^JaJ &ht~ht~5CJ(OJQJ\^JaJ ht~5CJ(OJQJ\^JaJ *h QrhY5@CJ8OJQJ\^JaJ8-h QrhY5@CJ8OJQJ\^JaJ8h-h Qrh15@CJ8OJQJ\^JaJ8h         ' ±o`N=/hCJOJQJ^JaJ h Qrh0aCJ OJQJ^JaJ #h Qrh5CJ$OJQJ^JaJ$hyy5CJ$OJQJ^JaJ$#h Qrh(5CJ$OJQJ^JaJ$ h QrhDCJ OJQJ^JaJ hYCJ OJQJ^JaJ h QrhYCJ OJQJ^JaJ h QrhAqCJ OJQJ^JaJ h QrhZCJ OJQJ^JaJ hZCJ OJQJ^JaJ ht~CJ 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Melbourne 700 Collins Street, Docklands Melbourne VIC 3001 Australia Tel: +61 3 9669 4110 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:y.miao@bom.gov.au" y.miao@bom.gov.au DrFranois SCHINDELɠ International expert CEA/DIF/DASE Bruyres le Chtel 91297 ARPAJON Cedex France Tel: +33 1 69 26 50 63 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:francois.schindele@gmail.com" francois.schindele@gmail.com Dr Wilfried STRAUCH Advisor on Earth Sciences Instituto Nicaragense de Estudios Territoriales Frente Hospital Solidaridad. Managua 2110 Nicaragua Tel: +505 89 24 62 34 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:wilfried.strauch@yahoo.com" wilfried.strauch@yahoo.com Dr Elizabeth VANACORE Red Sismica de Puerto Rico Universidad de Puerto Rico Mayaguez Puerto Rico Call Box 9000 United States Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:elizabeth.vanacore@upr.edu" elizabeth.vanacore@upr.edu OBSERVERS MrMichael ANGOVE Director, NOAA Tsunami Program National Weather Service/National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration 1325 East-West Highway Silver Spring MD 20910 United States Tel: 301-427-9375 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:michael.angove@noaa.gov" michael.angove@noaa.gov Dr Ken GLEDHILL GeoNet Project Director GNS Science Te Pu Ao Lower Hutt P.O. Box 30-368 New Zealand Tel: 64-4-5704848 Fax: 64-4-5704600 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:K.Gledhill@gns.cri.nz" K.Gledhill@gns.cri.nz Mr Rahmat TRIYONO Head of Earthquake and Tsunami Centre Indonesian Agency for Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG) Jl. Angkasa 1 No.2 DKI Jakarta 10610 Indonesia Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:rahmat.triyono@gmail.com" rahmat.triyono@gmail.com Mrs WENIZA Head of Tsunami Mitigation Sub Division Indonesian Agency for Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG) Jl. Angkasa 1 No.2 Kemayoran Jakarta Pusat Jakarta 10720 Indonesia Tel: +6281-215556615 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:weniza@bmkg.go.id" weniza@bmkg.go.id IOC/TSU SECRETARIAT Dr Thorkild AARUP Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission UNESCO 1 rue Miollis F-75732 Paris cedex 15 France Tel: +33 (0) 145 684019 Fax: +33 (0) 145 685812 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:t.aarup@unesco.org" t.aarup@unesco.org Dr Srinivasa Kumar TUMMALA Head, UNESCO/IOC IOTWMS Secretariat ICG/IOTWMS Secretariat UNESCO IOC Perth Regional Programme Office West Perth, Western Australia 6872 Australia Tel: +61 892260191 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:sk.tummala@unesco.org" sk.tummala@unesco.org ANNEX VI LIST OF ACRONYMS AoSArea of ServiceBMKGIndonesian Agency for Meteorological, Climatological and Geophysics BPBDBadan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (Local Disaster Management Agency)CAPCommon Alert Protocol CATACCentral America Tsunami Advisory CenterCARIBE-EWSTsunami and Other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean and Adjacent RegionsCARIBE WAVECaribbean Wave ExerciseCENALTCENtre d'Alerte aux Tsunamis, FranceCIFDPCoastal Inundation Forecasting Demonstration ProjectCMTCentroid Moment Tensor COIISCommission for Observation, Infrastructure, and Information Systems (WMO)CTIC Caribbean Tsunami Information CenterCTSPCandidate Tsunami Service ProviderCTWPCaribbean Tsunami Warning Programme DARTDeep-ocean Assessment and Reporting of TsunamisDBCPData Buoy Cooperation PanelDRRDisaster Rsk ReductionESZEarthquake Source ZoneECExecutive CouncilGNSSGlobal Navigation Satellite SystemGOOSGlobal Ocean Observing System (IOC)GSSDGlobal Service Definition DocumentGTSGlobal Telecommunication System (WMO)ICGIntergovernmental Coordination GroupICG/CARIBE-EWSIntergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami and Other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions ICG/IOTWMSIntergovernmental Coordination Group for the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation SystemICG/NEAMTWSIntergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami Early Warning and Mitigation System in the North-Eastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean and Connected SeasICG/PTWSIntergovernmental Coordination Group for the Pacific Tsunami Warning and Mitigation SystemIHOInternational Hydrographic Organization IMOthe International Maritime Organization InaTEWSIndonesian Tsunami Early Warning SystemINGVIstituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, ItalyIOCIntergovernmental Oceanographic CommissionIOTICIndian Ocean Tsunami Information Centre IOTRIndian Ocean Tsunami ReadyIOTWMSIndian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation SystemIOWaveIndian Ocean Wave ExerciseIPMAInstituto Portugus do Mar e da AtmosferaITBInstitut Teknologi Bandung ITEWCIndian Tsunami Early Warning CentreITICInternational Tsunami Information CenterITP ITSTITIC Training Programme International Tsunami Survey TeamIUGGInternational Union of Geodesy and GeophysicsJATWCJoint Australian Tsunami Warning CentreJCOMMJoint Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology JICAJapan International Cooperation AgencyJMAJapan Meteorological Agency JRCJoint Research CentreKOERIKandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research, TurkeyKPIKey Performance Indicators LDMOLocal Disaster Management Office MMagnitude MwMoment Magnitude MFITMalaysia Fund in Trust  HYPERLINK "http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/drr/projects/Thematic/MHEWS/MHEWS_en.html" MHEWSMulti-Hazard Early Warning SystemsMORTHEMinistry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, IndonesiaNEAMTICTsunami Information Centre for the North-Eastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean and Connected SeasNOANational Observatory of Athens, GreeceNOAANational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NTWCNational Tsunami Warning Center NWPTACNorth West Pacific Tsunami Advisory CenterORSNETOceania Regional Seismic Network Project PacWavePacific Wave Exercise PTWCPacific Tsunami Warning Centre PTWSPacific Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System RIFTReal-time Inundation Forecasting of TsunamisSAMOASIDS Accelerated Modalities Of ActionSCSteering CommitteeSCSTACSouth China Sea Tsunami Advisory CentreSDGSustainable Development GoalsSFSPAServices & Forecast Systems Programme Area (JCOMM)SIDSSmall Island developing StatesSOPStandard Operating Procedure TEMPPTsunami Evacuation Maps, Plans and ProceduresTICTsunami Information Centres TNCTsunami National ContactTOASTTsunami Observation and Simulation TerminalTORTerms of Reference TOWS-WGWorking Group on Tsunamis and Other Hazards Related to Sea-Level Warning and Mitigation Systems TSPTsunami Service Provider TSUTsunami Unit TTTask Team TTDMPTask Team on Disaster Management and Preparedness TTTTsunami Travel TimeTTTRPTask Team on Tsunami Recognition Programme TTTWOTask Team on Tsunami Watch OperationsTWFPTsunami Warning Focal PointUNDPUnited Nations Development Programme UNESCAPUN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific UNESCOUnited Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNGAUnited nations General AssemblyUNISDRUnited Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction USAID/OFDAUnited States Agency for International Development/Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster AssistanceUSGSUnited States Geological SurveyWGWorking GroupWISWMO Information SystemWMOWorld Meteorological Organization WTADWorld Tsunami Awareness DayWWNWS-SCWorld-wide Navigational Warning Service Sub-Committee  (This document contains the Executive Summary in English, French, Spanish and Russian.   HYPERLINK "mailto:sarah-jayne.McCurrach@dpmc.govt.nz" sarah-jayne.McCurrach@dpmc.govt.nz;  HYPERLINK "mailto:yuelong.miao@bom.gov.au" yuelong.miao@bom.gov.au;  HYPERLINK "mailto:harkunti_rahayu@yahoo.com" harkunti_rahayu@yahoo.com;  HYPERLINK "mailto:elizabeth.vanacore@upr.edu" elizabeth.vanacore@upr.edu;  HYPERLINK "mailto:mrengifo@dimar.mil.co" mrengifo@dimar.mil.co;  HYPERLINK "mailto:ocal.necmioglu@boun.edu.tr" ocal.necmioglu@boun.edu.tr     IOC/TOWS-WG-XII/3 page ( PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT xvi) IOC/TOWS-WG-XII/3 page ( PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT xvii) IOC/TOWS-WG-XII/3 Page ( PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT i) IOC/TOWS-WG-XII/3 page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 12 IOC/TOWS-WG-XII/3 page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 11 IOC/TOWS-WG-XII/3 IOC/TOWS-WG-X/3 Annex V page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 23 IOC/TOWS-WG-XII/3 Annex I IOC/TOWS-WG-XII/3 Annex II page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 2 IOC/TOWS-WG-XII/3 Annex II page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 3 IOC/TOWS-WG-XII/3 Annex II IOC/TOWS-WG-XII/3 Annex III page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 8 IOC/TOWS-WG-XII/3 Annex III page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 7 IOC/TOWS-WG-XII/3 Annex III IOC/TOWS-WG-XII/3 Annex IV page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 18 IOC/TOWS-WG-XII/3 Annex IV page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 17 IOC/TOWS-WG-XII/3 Annex IV IOC/TOWS-WG-XII/3 Annex IV page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 19 IOC/TOWS-WG-XII/3 Annex IV page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 24 IOC/TOWS-WG-IX/3 Annex V page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 53 IOC/TOWS-WG-XII/3 Annex V IOC/TOWS-WG-XII/3 Annex V page PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT6 IOC/TOWS-WG-XII/3 Annex V page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 5 IOC/TOWS-WG-XII/3 Annex VI page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 4 IOC/TOWS-WG-XII/3 Annex VI page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 3 IOC/TOWS-WG-XII/3 Annex VI xyyyyyyyzzzzzzzѶs]sF;F$,hW8h0JCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH hI hmH sH -jhhCJOJQJUaJmH sH +hB*CJOJQJ^JaJmH phsH 1h_0hB*CJOJQJ^JaJmH phsH 1hhB*CJOJQJ^JaJmH phsH  hhCJOJQJ^JaJ5jhh0JCJOJQJU^JaJmH sH ,hh0JCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH -jhhCJOJQJUaJmH sH  zzzzzC{D{K{L{}{~{{{{{ҹvavaJa11hhB*CJOJQJ^JaJmH phsH ,hh;0JCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH )jhh;CJOJQJU^JaJ(hh;CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH 1hh;B*CJOJQJ^JaJmH phsH (hhEaCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH 1hhEaB*CJOJQJ^JaJmH phsH )hlhB*CJOJQJ^JaJph/jh0JCJOJQJU^JaJmH sH {M|N|}|~|||||| }!}P}Q}޼u\uE:EhhmH sH -jhhCJOJQJUaJmH sH 1hhh;B*CJOJQJ^JaJmH phsH 1hhB*CJOJQJ^JaJmH phsH +hB*CJOJQJ^JaJmH phsH /jh0JCJOJQJU^JaJmH sH ,hW8h0JCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH hA1hmH sH jhU1h@JhB*CJOJQJ^JaJmH phsH  Q}k}l}n}x}}}0~<~=~D~E~q~r~εs^M^<'<')jh7h CJOJQJU^JaJ h7h CJOJQJ^JaJ hhxh>CJOJQJ^JaJ)h7h B*CJOJQJ^JaJph-h7h 0JmB*CJOJQJ^JaJph)hh B*CJOJQJ^JaJph+hhEa5CJOJQJ^JaJnH tH 1hhB*CJOJQJ^JaJmH phsH 5jhh0JCJOJQJU^JaJmH sH ,hh0JCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH  r~~~~~ JK`abcʼjO9$(hHdh%2'CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH +hh;B*CJOJQJ^JaJmH phsH 5jhhh;0JCJOJQJU^JaJmH sH ,hhh;0JCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH hhh;mH sH -jhhh;CJOJQJUaJmH sH 1hhh;B*CJOJQJ^JaJmH phsH hCJOJQJ^JaJh CJOJQJ^JaJ)jh7h CJOJQJU^JaJ$h7h 0JCJOJQJ^JaJ EF^_ab#$2:並fP? hhxh>CJOJQJ^JaJ+h>B*CJOJQJ^JaJmH phsH 1h_0h>B*CJOJQJ^JaJmH phsH "h>CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH (h$h%2'CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH "h%2'CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH (hHdh%2'CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH ,hHdh%2'0JCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH 5jhHdh%2'0JCJOJQJU^JaJmH sH :;abstuƁ01XYkln䴞xcxcLcx; hj^h;CJOJQJ^JaJ,h h 0JCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH )jh7h CJOJQJU^JaJ(h h CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH  h7h CJOJQJ^JaJ+hlh5CJOJQJ^JaJnH tH 1hHdh%2'B*CJOJQJ^JaJmH phsH ,h$h%2'0JCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH 5jh$h%2'0JCJOJQJU^JaJmH sH ہ)nz{kbkdu$$IfF0j # 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