ࡱ> /2,-.] hTbjbjRR p@8$b8$bK9$ $ $$$$$$$P0%',$~ (*++++,D#-$$>L#$G-++G-G-#$$++8C1C1C1G-$+$+.C1G-C1C1&?Lc+;$ .dN0~t/cc$<G-G-C1G-G-G-G-G-##C1G-G-G-~G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-N l#:  Guidelines How to develop a project communication plan A. What is a project communication plan? A communication plan outlines key project messages with consideration to how the messages will be presented, the needs of stakeholders/partners/donor and how they will be communicated through specific activities or events. A good communication plan clearly identifies specific messages, the time at which the information will be shared, and the communication channel to be used to deliver the messages. A communication plan is often financed from the budget of the project. Please refer to the template provided in ANNEX I for reference. What is the purpose of a project communication plan? The purpose of a project communication plan is to: facilitate effective and efficient communications and engagement with the various audiences having a major stake in the project; provide visibility to the results of the project; and to reflect how key stakeholder including the beneficiaries, donor and UNESCO work together to achieve the project results. C. When to develop a project communication plan? You need to start developing your communication plan as soon as you start planning your project. The communication plan is an integral part of the implementation strategy of the project and should be reflected in the project document and budget. D. Key principles of communication: be clear, consistent, coherent Tell the story of the project: give prominence to the importance ofimpact/human interest stories (testimonies, quotations, etc.) not as an end product but as part of the project (Include hyperlink with an example of impact/human interest story] Be relevant: define audience(s) and adapt key message(s) and the appropriate communication channel to these audiences. Be contemporary, accurate, and a catalyst for solutions to cutting edge global challenges. Focus on results: showcase solid results and success stories in the programme area. Put a premium on collaboration and partnerships: build and promote collaboration towards a common objective. Express optimism: speak with an uplifting, engaging and understandable voice. Be honest: be candid, open and honest in your communications. Ensure timeliness: communicate at the right time for the targeted audience. Use clear/appealing/catchy and easy to understand language: avoid UNESCO jargon, acronyms and technical terms that are unfamiliar to target audiences. Use images: Good pictures tell a story and evoke/provoke emotions. Make sure to include short descriptions or captions Acknowledge donors and partners contributions: Ensure that donor/partners support is given visibility and is appropriately mentioned. E. Preparing and implementing your communication plan PREPARATION OF THE COMMUNICATION PLAN Step 1 Analyse the situation The situation analysis will help develop the rationale for the communication plan, the main needs to be addressed and the possible activities. At this stage, it will be important to distinguish between 1) communication with beneficiaries, 2) communication with other key stakeholders (implementation partner, donor, other UNESCO colleagues etc.), 3) communication with indirect beneficiaries on which the project could have an impact, i.e. policy-makers; and 4) broader communication within UNESCO at global level, or with partners in the region for example. It will involve consulting direct beneficiaries, key partners and other stakeholders on their expectations regarding communication and mapping available communication channels, methods and tools. Step 2 Set the objectives to be achieved through the communication plan Work out the overall objectives of communication within the project, taking into account the outcomes of the project and the context within which it is developed, including the wider UNESCO context. There could be several communication objectives, some of which are an integral part of the project such as replicating results, improving synergies between partners, or boosting sustainability of the projects outcomes. Others could extend beyond the immediate scope of the project such as strengthening the overall partnership with the donor, demonstrating UNESCOs credibility, attracting new donors and partners or using the project as a platform to advocate for UNESCOs role in achieving the SDGs. Step 3 Identify and Investigate audiences List all the audiences you might contact, attempt to influence, or serve, such as: Within the beneficiary country(s) where the action is implemented (e.g. ministries, members of parliament, local communities, project beneficiaries for example adolescent girls, provincial education authorities, local and international media) Within UNESCOs community (Member States, UNESCOs partners and networks) Within the donor community (Embassies, Permanent Delegations, local groups, public and private sectors, key decision makers and other stakeholders within a donor country). You need to understand the audience what they need, how they might want to receive the communication, and what their information and communication habits are. A good communication plan will help to engage and empower beneficiaries and other key stakeholders. Step 4 Design key Messages Define key messages that will be central to your communication plan for example on progress towards results in the project area, UNESCOs added value and contribution to the 2030 Agenda, the role of direct beneficiaries, key partners and other stakeholders etc. Messages need to be differentiated by target audience. When defining messages, the following factors need to be taken into account: What is the main point you want to communicate to a specific audience? What do you want the audience to do or feel after receiving the information? What is/are the most appropriate language(s) that should be used? How credible is the person or source who will deliver the message? What is/are the best communication channel(s) or format(s) for delivering the message? When and where should the message be delivered? All messages must be based on evidence and the information must be accurate, accessible and timely. The communication needs to highlight the coherence, effectiveness and relevance of the project to key stakeholders, including government, donors and UNESCO staff involved in the project. Step 5 Strategize communication methods and channels The criteria for choosing communication methods and channels includes costs, risks and credibility. Credible methods are chosen so that people will trust and value what is communicated through that method. Communication channels include face to face communication with groups or individuals, TV, radio, film, video, social media, web sites, print media including newspapers and magazines, posters and leaflets, and popular theatre. It can also be a simple update through email for stakeholders or a project platform for exchange etc. It is worth investing in quality photos and videos right from the outset. This will also facilitate the communication to donors and of course facilitate outreach at the global level through UNESCO's central channels. Draw up a list of upcoming events, international days, major conferences, or visits of UNESCOs senior management, Goodwill ambassadors that could constitute opportunities to give visibility to the project. Consider the pros and cons of organizing visibility and outreach events with the donor at their headquarters (e.g. for EU stakeholders and decision makers in Brussels). National personalitiesin the country where the project is implemented could be mobilized to generate awareness. When your strategy involves media outreach, your communications plan should outline how you will build partnerships with relevant local media, and involve them in the development of the project. Any media strategy must also take into account the particular media environment in the country. If free, independent and pluralistic media do not exist, for example, you can seek the advice of CI as to whether a media development component may be required as part of the project. Step 6 Assess the resources needed for communication Establish performance indicators and associated baselines and targets for your communication plan so that you can measure progress. Depending on the project, performance indicators could include number of visits to UNESCO web sites, activity on UNESCO social media accounts, the number of articles published, number of TV appearances etc. Assign responsibilities for communication. This may be reflected in the Implementation strategy for the project. Calculate the human and financial resources required to implement the communication plan and ensure they are adequately costed in the project budget. Human Resources: Person/days required to implement the communication activities; overall personnel costs. Members of the management team responsible for communication activities. Direct share to be charged to the project. Financial resources: Budget required to implement the communication activities for communication research, M&E, training and capacity building, photographs, development and production of print material and of broadcast material, special events. ERI/DPI recommends using at least 5% of the overall budget for communication purposes. Factor communication into the overall timeline of the project (Annex B of  HYPERLINK "https://teams.unesco.org/ORG/BSP/CFS/_layouts/15/WopiFrame.aspx?sourcedoc=/ORG/BSP/CFS/Templates/Templates%20PROJECT%20DOCUMENT/Revised%20Project%20Document%20English%20Final.docx&action=default" Project Document template).  LAUNCH OF THE PROJECT Step 1 Define the most suitable activities to address the launchMark the formal endorsement by beneficiary government or launch of the project and invite the donors representative (e.g. Ambassador of the donor country) to the event as well as other key target audiences (project stakeholders, potential other donors, Media, Civil society) Define the means (Signing Ceremony, launch event, internet news, photograph, reception, social media, UNESCO networks press release, joint press release with partner, press conference) Be sure to involve the donor and other key stakeholders in inception workshops Step 2 Decide how to present the project on UNESCOs internet site and social media Consult the communication focal point in each Sector on how to present the project on UNESCOs website and social media. Several options are possible. Always keep ERI/DPI and Sector focal points for communications in the picture. The communication focal points can assist and help avoid difficulties, e.g. advise on whether or not it is appropriate to set up a dedicated website for the project, or help integrate a website into UNESCOs technical infrastructure for instance, or ensure the communication product is in line with visual identity guidelines, etc. Professional photographs with a caption and copyright should be taken of the project and related events, and kept in a photobank for easy access. Remember that summary information about the project will systematically be made available to the general public through the  HYPERLINK "https://opendata.unesco.org/" Transparency Portal based on information entered by the responsible officer in SISTER and FABS respectively. Step 3 Ask the donor and other key stakeholders to provide visibilityMake sure the Beneficiary government and its community fully appreciates the importance given by the donor to the projects visibility and the potential impact of visibility efforts on the donors continuous/future funding perspective. Work with the Beneficiary government counterpart (ministries, institutions, universities, NGOs, etc.) and donor (capital, development cooperation agency, embassies, Permanent Delegations) on the development of consistent messages/statements about the project. Plan joint visibility events with the donor.  IMLPLEMENTATION OF THE PROJECT Step 1 Ensure continue visibility and relevance - Invite the donor(s) to all key events of the project, so as to ensure their ownership of the results and the sense of partnership. This can also help mobilize additional resources in the project area from the same donor, replicate and scale up the results and influence decision makers - Ensure that the beneficiary population is aware of the roles of UNESCO and of the donor in the projects implementation to promote teamwork between direct beneficiaries, key partners and other stakeholders Build long-term partnerships with local media, sharing key updates with them and including them in any related events. View them as partners in the communication surrounding the project (and its related issues in society), rather than simple channels for distribution and promotion Step 2 Visits the projects site(s) Arrange visits for the donor to the project site to meet with beneficiaries Communicate progress towards results and keep the donor interested Step 3 Monitor and evaluate your communication plan At a minimum, you should keep a spreadsheet recording all communications materials or projects and rank them against the hereunder questions. Other methods for recording communications may include survey, testing, questionnaire, interview or focus group discussions. 1. What have the reactions to the communication been? Was it well-received? Did it respond to the information needs of target audiences? Did communities receiving the communication product suggest changes? What changes? 2. Who received the communication product? How did they receive it? a. For publication, keep a distribution list b. For interpersonal communication, keep a participation list c. For radio or television, try to determine how many people would have received the messages d. For website and internet material, track the number of downloads or page views 3. Has the communication resulted in behavioral change of target audiences? Has there been an increase in the number of people visiting the site(s) after the communication was launched?  COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT Communicate the results of the project - Involve key stakeholders including the donor and project beneficiaries and relevant local media in press conferences, events/seminars/roundtables to mark the completion of the project and disseminate its results - Share visibility material with the donor in the final report (press cuttings, leaflet, brochures, books, videos, etc.) - Make sure a copy of the final report and evaluation of the project is sent to the Evaluation section of IOS - Use evaluations of the project to engage potential new donors in the project area - Create opportunities through events, social media or media coverage for the beneficiaries to tell the story of the project from their perspective. This can be a powerful tool for the mobilization of additional resources. - Work with local media to develop these stories and make project direct beneficiaries and staff available for interviews and follow-up discussions - Send documentation on success stories or documented best practices with photos or other advocacy material to BSP, the Executive Office of the Programme Sector as well as ERI/DPI and Sector focal point for communication  F. Getting further help and advice on your Communication Plan Whom to contact for further advice: Contact details in ERI/DPI: Vincent Defourny ( HYPERLINK "mailto:v.defourny@unesco.org" v.defourny@unesco.org) Media relations and hot content: George Papagiannis ( HYPERLINK "mailto:g.papagiannis@unesco.org" g.papagiannis@unesco.org) Web and strategic content: Matthieu Guvel (m.guevel@unesco.org) Publications and branding: Ian Denison ( HYPERLINK "mailto:i.denison@unesco.org" i.denison@unesco.org) Public relations, communication partnerships: Armelle Arrou (a.arrou@unesco.org) Communication Focal Points in the Programme Sectors: ED: Anne Muller ( HYPERLINK "mailto:a.muller@unesco.org" a.muller@unesco.org) SC: Isabelle Brugnon ( HYPERLINK "mailto:i.brugnon@unesco.org" i.brugnon@unesco.org) IOC: Rejane Herv-Smadja ( HYPERLINK "mailto:r.herve@unesco.org" r.herve@unesco.org) and Vinicius Lindoso ( HYPERLINK "mailto:v.lindoso@unesco.org" v.lindoso@unesco.org) SHS: Petra van Vucht Thijssen ( HYPERLINK "mailto:p.van-vucht-tijssen@unesco.org" p.van-vucht-tijssen@unesco.org) CLT: Dorine Dubois ( HYPERLINK "mailto:d.dubois@unesco.org" d.dubois@unesco.org ) HYPERLINK "mailto:Dorine"  CI: Natalia Denissova ( HYPERLINK "mailto:n.denissova@unesco.org" n.denissova@unesco.org) Section for Media Development and Society (Mirta Loureno, Chief of Section) BSP/MGP or BSP/MLP for guidance on any specific templates to be used for project communication plans with partners/donors (i.e. EU) Seek advice from BSP and ERI/DPI on the correct logo use of partners and donors, especially when dealing with Private Sector partners G. Useful Resources ERI/DPI has corporate subscriptions to professional tools. Project managers can join Media relations and press monitoring - CISION (around $3,000 / license / year) Photos Shutterstock (around $1,000 / license / year) Social Media management Hootsuite (around $3,000 / license / year) Mass mailing distribution Mailchimp (cost related to volume) Web development (cost depending on project) Events management (under development) Links to photo banks:  HYPERLINK "http://www.unesco.org/mediabank/" UNESCO Mediabank  HYPERLINK "https://teams.unesco.org/ORG/ed/Shared%20Pictures/Forms/Thumbnails.aspx" ED photo library on UNESTEAMS  HYPERLINK "http://www.unmultimedia.org/photo/" UN Photo  HYPERLINK "http://www.flickr.com/photos/un_photo/sets/" UN Photo on Flickr  HYPERLINK "http://www.flickr.com/creativecommons/" Flickr  HYPERLINK "http://www.ilo.org/dyn/media/mediasearch.search?p_lang=en" ILO  HYPERLINK "http://secure.worldbank.org/photolibrary/servlet/main?pagePK=149932" The World Bank  HYPERLINK "http://www.flickr.com/photos/worldbank/sets/" World Bank on Flickr  HYPERLINK "http://phototheque.cnrs.fr/" CNRS  HYPERLINK "https://www.shutterstock.com/home" Shutterstock  HYPERLINK "https://opendata.unesco.org/" UNESCOs Transparency Portal  HYPERLINK "https://en.unesco.org/unescommunity/news/unesco-social-media-policy" ERI Guidance on use of social media  HYPERLINK "https://en.unesco.org/unescommunity/use-unesco-name-and-logo" Guidelines on use of UNESCOs name and logo  HYPERLINK "https://teams.unesco.org/ORG/ed/Pages/Education-Visual-Identity.aspx" Education Sector Visual Identity Guidelines  HYPERLINK "http://en.unesco.org/sdgs*" UNESCO and the Sustainable Development Goals  HYPERLINK "http://toolkit.undg.org/workstream/7-joint-communication.html" UNDG Toolkit on Joint Communication ANNEX I Template for a project communication plan Communication Objective  Target Audience  Message Communicator Timeline  Delivery method* Status * Remember to foresee the cost of the communication plan in the project budget   Communication for development (C4D) which is primarily focused on the intended beneficiaries of a project, falls outside of the present guidance note. See for example C4D in UNICEF context:  HYPERLINK "https://www.unicef.org/cbsc/" https://www.unicef.org/cbsc/     12 March 2018 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT2   89;<AƫƂfK,<h!\h ?0J5B*CJOJPJQJ^JaJmH ph/TsH 4h!\ha0JB*CJOJPJQJ\^JaJph/T7h!\ha0J5B*CJOJPJQJ\^JaJph/ThahamH sH ;h!\h!\0J5B*CJOJQJ\^JaJnH ph/TtH 5h!\0J5B*CJOJQJ\^JaJnH ph/TtH 5ha0J5B*CJOJQJ\^JaJnH ph/TtH ;h]ho0J5B*CJOJQJ\^JaJnH ph/TtH   89bc} ~  i  $ & F.a$gd!\$ & F0^`a$gd!\$a$gd!\gdd$^a$gd!\h^hgda$$$d-DM a$gd!\$$$d-DM a$gd#ABFN`bc  | }  £kVDVDV%<h!\h!\0JB*CJOJPJQJ\^JaJmH ph/TsH #h!\B*CJOJQJ^JaJph333)h!\h!\B*CJOJQJ^JaJph3331h!\hd0JB*CJOJPJQJ^JaJph/T<h!\h5l0J5B*CJOJPJQJ^JaJmH ph/TsH <h!\ha0J5B*CJOJPJQJ^JaJmH ph/TsH <h!\h ?0J5B*CJOJPJQJ^JaJmH ph/TsH <h!\h#0J5B*CJOJPJQJ^JaJmH ph/TsH   )     Ũs^C'6h!\0J5B*CJOJPJQJ^JaJmH ph/TsH 5h0h#B*OJPJQJ^JmH nH phsH tH (h!\h!\CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH #hqFB*CJOJQJ^JaJph333)h!\h!\B*CJOJQJ^JaJph333h!\B*OJQJ^Jph3339h!\h!\0JB*CJOJPJQJ^JaJmH ph/TsH <h!\h!\0JB*CJOJPJQJ\^JaJmH ph/TsH 6hV0JB*CJOJPJQJ\^JaJmH ph/TsH     O P G H 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