ࡱ> c (bjbj uff@ )  % 111$UUUPTU8^ b8d8d8d8d8d8d8$A;=f81 811H8S#S#S# L11b8S# b8S#S#57P+[hY X6N88086]> x]>,7]>17 S# 88)"* 8 ]> : DATA BUOY COOPERATION PANEL (DBCP) FORMAT FOR NATIONAL REPORTS ON CURRENT AND PLANNED BUOY PROGRAMMES CountryNEW ZEALANDYear2019 CURRENT PROGRAMME: (for period 1st Aug 2018 31st July 2019) A. Agency or programmeMeteorological Service of New Zealand (MSNZ)Number and type of buoys(a) Deployed during the year4 SVP-B(b) Operational as of 31 August8 SVP-B(c) Reporting on GTS as of 31 August8 SVP-BPurpose of programme(a) operational[x]Main deployment areasTasman Sea.Vandalism incidentsNone. B. Agency or programmeMSNZ/Global Drifter Program (GDP)Number and type of buoys(a) Deployed during the year5 SVP-B(b) Operational as of 31 August7 SVP-B(c) Reporting on GTS as of 31 August7 SVP-BPurpose of programme(a) operational[x]Main deployment areasTasman Sea.Vandalism incidentsNone. C. Agency or programmeNOAA/GDP/MSNZSouthern Ocean/AntarcticSupportNumber and type of buoys(a) Deployed during the year10 SVP-B(b) Operational as of 31 August14 SVP-B(c) Reporting on GTS as of 31 August14 SVP-BPurpose of programme(b) met / ocean research[x]Main deployment areasSouthern Ocean/North of AntarcticVandalism incidentsNone. 2. PLANNED PROGRAMMES: (for period 1st Aug 201931st July 2020) A. Agency or programmeMSNZ Barometer Upgrade Program (MSNZ/GDP)Number and type of buoysPlanned deployments within the next 12 months.8 SVP-BPurpose of programmeOperationalMain deployment areasTasman Sea. B. Agency or programmeNOAA/GDP/MSNZ NZ/Chile TraverseSupportNumber and type of buoysPlanned deployments within the next 12 months.8 SVP-BPurpose of programme(b) met / ocean researchMain deployment areasSouthern Pacific (mid/low latitudes) C. Agency or programmeNOAA/GDP/MSNZ Southern Ocean/AntarcticSupportNumber and type of buoysPlanned deployments within the next 12 months.8 SVP-BPurpose of programme(b) met / ocean researchMain deployment areasSouthern Ocean/Ross Sea, AntarcticNorth and south of 60S. 3. TECHNICAL DEVELOPMENTS: (a) Buoy designNone(b) InstrumentationNone 4. PUBLICATIONS (on programme plans, technical developments, QC reports, etc.): RefTitleType1None 5. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: (a) Quality of buoy dataGenerally good(b) Communications Most of the time good but issues with GPS errors on several buoys from one manufacturer stopping data transmitting to GTS.(c) Buoy lifetimes Buoy lifetimes limited due to drogue detachment bringing imminent grounding. Instrument lifetimes still an issue, not as many as last year but still higher than previous years, mainly pressure sensors.(j) Buoy Redeployments 3 foreign and 4 MetService buoys have been recovered and successfully redeployed. Totals of buoys in: 1. Current programme: A. MSNZ, are new buoys, not redeployed buoys. : Types of publications: (1) Implementation, (2) Operations, (3) Instrumentation, (4) Quality Management, (5) Data Management, (6) Data collection and/or location, (7) Data use, (8) Other     Template Revised: Mar 2018 "#$ghijqrw}~zpi hd8 h8Yhd8 h8Y5\ h8Y5\h*r~h*r~>*h*r~hE56>*h`56\]h1O@h`56H*\]h1O@h`56\] h`h`h*r~hT56>*hFhE5hFh^>5h@hT5hECJaJhT5:CJaJhE hT5)#$hijr~+$ ;`0p@ P !$^'.*,$Ifa$gdF ;`0p@ P !$^'.*,#$ ;`0p@ P !$^'.*,a$~lAA+$ ;`0p@ P !$^'.*,$Ifa$gdFkd$$Ifl00 &  0&44 lapyt8YlKK$'! & F ;`0p@ P !$^'.*,gd*r~ ;`0p@ P !$^'.*,kd$$Ifl00 &  0&44 lapyt8Y ,$ ;`0p@ P !$^'.*,$*$Ifa$gd8Y# ;`0p@ P !$^'.*,gd*r~    - . 2 3 5 D J K L R S T U Y Z t u v | } ~          . / 2 ǽ h5 hd8 hqZhd8 hqZ5\ hqZ5\ h5\ hqZ6 hE6h`ho6hqZhEhTh8YhHh8Y5B  . 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