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Ocean InfoHub Project Overview (Lucy Scott)  PAGEREF _Toc55978859 \h 2 3.1 Questions, discussion and contributions from the chat  PAGEREF _Toc55978860 \h 3 4. Progress Report on Work Packages 1-5, with priority activities for the next quarter (Lucy Scott and OIH team).  PAGEREF _Toc55978861 \h 3 4.1 Questions, discussion and contributions from the chat  PAGEREF _Toc55978862 \h 3 5. NEXT SG-OCEANDOCS MEETING 2020  PAGEREF _Toc55978863 \h 6 6. CLOSE OF THE MEETING  PAGEREF _Toc55978864 \h 6  ANNEXES ANNEX I: Summary of Actions ANNEX II: List of Participants ANNEX III: Reference Documents, shared in advance of the meeting OPENING OF THE MEETING Mr Vladimir Ryabinin, Executive Secretary of the IOC of UNESCO, welcomed participants to the meeting on behalf of the IOC. He shared some thoughts and wished the participants all the best for the meeting, and acknowledged the important support from the Government of Flanders. We are moving towards starting the UN Decade of Ocean Science 2021-2030 in 108 days time. The formal vision is the science we need for the ocean that we want; an ocean which is not only healthy but an ocean that is well managed. The sustainable development paradigm can only be achieved if we undertake practical and targeted research and science; how we deal with multiple stressors as well as understanding how society operates. What we have is a system of observations, multiple research streams (ocean acidification, climate, ecosystems, deoxygenation, modelling and prediction, among others) which must be made useful to politicians and policy makers. We know the elements of management such as Coastal Zone Management, Marine Spatial Planning, Marine Protected Areas, and emerging tools such as the management of Biodiversity Beyond Areas of National Jurisdiction. We also have the science of Large Marine Ecosystems. All these streams of science are developing more or less in parallel and we should ensure that observations that generate data are taken up by management and economy sectors. There is now a high-level panel on sustainable Blue Economy, founded by the PM of Norway, and in many countries there is now significant interest in the oceans at the highest level. Data and information is the key link between observations and management. We have the IODE which has streams of development, historically focused on oceanographic data but now opening up more broadly. This requires considerations of interoperability, and how non-professionals find and use data. The ODIS Catalogue helps people to search for data, but we need to prepare for a revolution in ocean data which is the role of the Ocean InfoHub Project: to be forward looking and to create a platform for exchanging data and for opening data to the world. Vladimir concluded by welcoming everyone to the meeting on behalf of the IOC and wished the participants good luck for addressing the difficult tasks ahead, to meet the challenges of interoperability and the needs of the Decade. The upcoming call for actions under the Decade will open on 15 October, and must also be kept in mind. It is important for the project to draw on significant technical expertise, and try to imagine the ocean of the future. The data science is the science we need. Mr Gert Verreet, Policy Advisor in the Government of Flanders (Vlaamse Overheid - Departement Economie, Wetenschap & Innovatie, Afdeling Onderzoek), represented by Ann-Katrien Lescrauwaet (Director International Relations, VLIZ) welcomed the participants on behalf of the Government of Flanders. The Government of Flanders attaches great significance to the work of IOC; every day we are discovering that the ocean connects us all, and in Flanders we believe that science based cooperation is a prerequisite for understanding the complex functioning of the global ocean, and for sustainable use of ocean resources. All nations can help; Flanders looks forward to a lively UN Decade of Ocean Science for sustainable development, increasing the societal visibility of ocean related issues, fostering sustainable practices and bringing us closer to the ocean we need for the future we want. Flanders considers the Ocean InfoHub project as an important vehicle for enhancing cooperation among nations. The work of the IOC/IODE Project office is crucial to ensuring that all countries can benefit from ocean related data and information, and also on providing opportunities to train personnel. In 2003, IOC criteria for the transfer of marine technology already stated that IOC should develop a clearinghouse mechanism. Recent technological progress is now empowering us to build such a system, taking user needs fully into account. We see a strong move towards open science and open data, with FAIR principles in use across the world. Opening sources is not enough, we need to analyse how users and when stakeholders benefit from data so that there is real value creation. In free countries, there is no monopoly on sources of information on the internet, so sources and aggregators must make sure they are truly useful and benefit their target audience. We hope that many IOC member states will be able to bring the Ocean InfoHub to fruition by joining forces and resources, starting in regional settings and taking this project to further levels during the course of the Decade and beyond. So let us make this a success together, thank you. ADMINISTRATIVE ARRANGEMENTS This first session of the IODE Steering Group for the Ocean InfoHub Project was convened from 14-15 September 2020. Due to the travel restrictions imposed by countries as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, a face to face meeting was not possible. An alternative format was adopted involving the following elements: Background documents were prepared and circulated internally to core project team Background documents were sent to all Steering Group meeting participants in advance of the meeting. The meeting was held virtually in two sessions. Both sessions covered the entire agenda and the duplication was in order to allow for the Latin America and Caribbean region and the Pacific region to each meet at a reasonable hour. The meeting offered simultaneous Spanish translation in Session A, and simultaneous French translation in Session B. OIH Steering Group Meeting Session A: Mon, Sep 14, 2020 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM (CEST), moderated by Cesar Toro, with translation by Gilsama Solutions. OIH Steering Group Meeting Session B: Tue, Sep 15, 2020 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM (CEST), moderated by Mika Odido, with translation by Gilsama Solutions. The purpose of the meeting was to provide an overview of the Project to new Steering Group members, to provide a comprehensive overview of the first five months of the project, to review progress on the work plan, and to get feedback on plans for the next quarter, to the end of 2020. Adoption of the Agenda The agenda was adopted without change in both Session A and Session B. Ocean InfoHub Project Overview (Lucy Scott) Lucy presented a general overview of the objectives of the Ocean InfoHub Project, for participants who are not yet familiar with the project. The IOC Ocean InfoHub (OIH) Project is a new initiative to streamline access to ocean science data and information for management and sustainable development. Funded by the Government of Flanders (Kingdom of Belgium), the project started in April 2020 and will run for three years. The OIH is coordinated by the IOC Project Office for IODE (Oostende, Belgium). The OIH will establish and anchor a network of regional and thematic nodes that will improve online access to and synthesis of existing global, regional and national data, information and knowledge resources. The project will center on an openly accessible web platform designed to support interlinkages and interoperability between distributed resources including existing clearinghouse mechanisms (CHM). The OIH will first work with IOC-associated online resources - including OceanExpert, OceanDocs, the Ocean Best Practices System (OBPS), the Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS), the World Ocean Database (WOD) and Ocean Data Portal (ODP) extended by partnerships with EurOcean, Marinetraining.eu, EMODNET, and other sources in the IOC ODIS Catalogue of Sources (ODIScat). The project will benefit marine and coastal stakeholders across the globe, but its initial focus will be on responding to requests for data products and services from three regions: IOCAFRICA, Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) and the Pacific Small Island Developing states (SIDS) to meet their unique user community (thematic and language) requirements. The initial priorities for the Project will be to develop communities of practice for the three pilot regions, as well as to formalize partnerships with other UN agencies and key international partners. A global ODIS (Ocean Data and Information System) Architecture (ODIS-Arch) will be developed to enable scalable development and interoperability with local, regional and thematic infrastructures. Through these actions, the OIH will enable a digital ecosystem where users, from any entry point, can discover content and services that they require, while also having opportunities to become content creators themselves. 3.1 Questions, discussion and contributions from the chat Session A DG: What are the next steps, and what is expected from partners? Is there planning for next month? LS: Each of the regions will be presenting their plans for the next quarter; the LAC region does have a draft action plan, and there is also an action plan for Working Group 2: Technological Development. These were also shared as background documents, the link to which is on the agenda. SS: Interested in proof of concept that INVEMAR started. Can we have more information on that. LS: Yes certainly, Julian Pizarro from INVEMAR can provide more information and then we can also share additional information. JP: Yes, when designing the tool for the clearinghouse transfer of marine technology, we considered allowing for use for data of many formats; thus the architecture was developed to allow different types of data, both stored online and harvested from the internet. Session B PLB: This is more of a comment, but would like to stress the importance of some objectives such as remedying gender disparity; this is where we really rely on the regions to take this forward in a meaningful and relevant way. This is just one example where project interventions need local guidance. FN (via chat): From the 1st presentation; how NODCs can benefit from OIH? PP (via chat): NODCs are invited to share their data with the system but can of course also discover and extract data from the system. NODCs and ADUs can also host nodes. Progress Report on Work Packages 1-5, with priority activities for the next quarter (Lucy Scott and OIH team). Overall tracking doc v4  HYPERLINK "https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LKF4-g-z4xvFU0l0lR3t9FAveDQ6uRmF/view?usp=sharing" https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LKF4-g-z4xvFU0l0lR3t9FAveDQ6uRmF/view?usp=sharing A presentation was made by Lucy Scott and the OIH team, covering the deliverables to date and the 4th quarter work plans for the five work packages. The work plan is on track with no delays. 4.1 Questions, discussion and contributions from the chat Session A and B PLB (via chat): To complement the briefing on WP2, please note the following activities which will inform our ODIS-Arch strategy: The "Data" section of The UN Ocean Decade Implementation Plan v2.0:  HYPERLINK "https://www.oceandecade.org/assets/uploads/documents/Ocean-Decade-Implementation-Plan-Version-2-0-min_1596634145.pdf" https://www.oceandecade.org/assets/uploads/documents/Ocean-Decade-Implementation-Plan-Version-2-0-min_1596634145.pdf IWG-SODIS  HYPERLINK "https://iode.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=598:inter-sessional-working-group-to-propose-a-strategy-on-ocean-data-and-information-stewardship-for-the-un-ocean-decade-iwg-sodis&catid=65&Itemid=89" https://iode.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=598:inter-sessional-working-group-to-propose-a-strategy-on-ocean-data-and-information-stewardship-for-the-un-ocean-decade-iwg-sodis&catid=65&Itemid=89 Workshop on data sharing between UN agencies as a contribution to the UN decade of ocean science for sustainable development (April 2020, report available)  HYPERLINK "https://iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewEventAgenda&eventID=2641" https://iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewEventAgenda&eventID=2641 International data sharing workshop for non-UN IGOs, Global and Regional organisations and projects, NGOs and private sector (12 - 13 October 2020)  HYPERLINK "https://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewEventParticipants&eventID=2755" https://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewEventParticipants&eventID=2755) PLB (via chat): These sets of principles (among others) will also provide WP2 with guidance: FAIR principles:  HYPERLINK "https://doi.org/10.1038/sdata.2016.18" https://doi.org/10.1038/sdata.2016.18 CARE principles:  HYPERLINK "https://www.gida-global.org/care" https://www.gida-global.org/care TRUST principles:  HYPERLINK "https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-020-0486-7" https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-020-0486-7) Session A VR: We really appreciate the support of the Government of Flanders in this effort. I appreciate the philosophy of this project, which is to improve interoperability in regions, with a bottom up approach, building capacity. What is also so crucial with regard to ocean data, is the requirement to work with many partners. I see you will participate in the WMO data conference, and also know that Peter Pissierssens has started the discussion into the data systems of our UN partners. It will be important to consider earth system science data sharing services, as well as systems of regional prediction based on downscaling of climate data. We know what we are doing within our systems, so it is important to build bridges between oceanography, biology, and outside of IOC to biodiversity, climate and economy. Although the first focus is on IOC systems, it will be very important to expand this in future to other global systems. PA: SPREP has identified the need, in the Pacific region, to use environmental information; almost every project begins with a search for historical data and activities. So we developed a portal to allow countries to store, share, upload and re-use their information, with a very simple intuitive interface. This is not the first attempt in the region. We kept all admin at SPREP so we share cost amongst 14 countries and there is no undue burden on individual states. This works well. Hosting software costs are moderate, and the single biggest cost is always personnel, but again less because its centralized. The key to building sustainability is ensuring use, and making these data available to countries that need to apply this information to policy, management or reporting requirements. Investment is also needed in translating data for actual use cases. We hope this will lead to sustainable management. Anon (via Chat): For SPREP/Paul: it sounded like SPREP is already in piloting and implementation phase. It would be great to learn their experience on if more data is exchanged, if yet any examples of new data applications as a result of its hub, and how does the existence of hub advance the building of communities of practice?) PA (via chat): SPREP and the Pacific has developed a "wider scope" network of national data portals. We have 8000 datasets and 2 to 16 national "data suppliers" across 14 countries as well as a regional hub that harvests all public data as well as acting as a focal point to consolidate information from other data sources for country distribution and use. All data is hosted on AWS in Sydney and Tokyo- so the on-going hosting and software costs is modest, ~30-40K USD a year. There is one systems administrator full time position necessary for the network of 14 national and one regional portal. In addition moderate development contracts have been in pace that vary cost per year. In terms of partner engagement - we have formed the Pacific Data Ecosystem to guide and foster new partnerships including our work with SPC and others PLG (chat): thank you Paul - we must carefully consider how to bridge such impressive networks with their counterparts in different fields, also involved in the Decade (e.g. the efforts in federating Arctic data stores and streams). All of these must be able to do what they do well, and project and harvest data to and from one another. We hope the ODIS-Arch contributes to that interoperability layer, and we welcome more input on how to approach this in an open world PA (via chat): Thank you Pier-Luigi we look forward to working with you and the team to ensure interoperability and access to more open data for our national counterparts to make use of. VR (via chat): I would also support a meeting on technology and standards, and would think we need to go to more thematic discussions PS (via chat): Taking into account the particularities of each Region combination "#3 question" (working by groups) and a new virtual SG after 3 regions and European partners meetings LS (via chat): Thank you very much for those suggestions - that was most useful PA (via chat): Fa'afatai and Thank you Cesar and Lucy for making this a smooth and productive meeting Anon (via chat): Great meeting. Thank you all. I agree to responses to questions. From a Latin/Carib point of view, it would be great to have a regional virtual meeting before April that is before the biennial meeting of IOCARIBE LS (via chat): Thank you - and any further feedback is very welcome to L.Scott@unesco.org PLB (via chat): Thank you all - our solution for global data sharing will depend on your guidance to ensure our technology and recommendations can be approached across capacities, and serve as the rallying point around which the world can connect and - collaboratively - advance its existing capacities for the SDGs and beyond Session B ZB (via chat): Pacific Data Hub: https://pacificdata.org/ AZ (via chat): http://Pacificdata.org MO: Prompted participants to suggest ways in which NODCs could engage with the project. PLB: The OIH is providing a model through which local data can be shared and projected with the rest of the world. The benefit is for local/national/regional initiatives to get lightweight interoperability with other initiatives. Identifying the minimum set of interaction protocols will be important to enable this this is a new frontier. LS: NODCs can also engage via the regions or directly with the ODIS-Architecture working group 2. PP: Traditionally at a national level it can sometimes be difficult to reach data from other sectors and to exchange across sectors. The OIH can be a mechanism that makes this easier, if the other communities are willing to participate. Also referred to the April meeting where UN Agencies were invited to discuss their data systems and share them under the Decade. If this trickles down to the national level, the OIH can be a useful platform for data centres, but also for local institutions to answer questions relevant to the marine and coastal zone. Keep in mind that it is not just traditional ocean data, but also data from other sectors. The lightweight interoperability technology can assist with this. CT: National planning offices and national statistics offices are the ones who have access to much data. They also need to apply policies, so this is the connection. We need to discuss with national statistical and planning offices. AZ: We raised a few questions and it would be nice to clarify where the focus lies: data are available in various places; secondly there is a question of data interoperability (standards/schemas) and thirdly, the systems that we host the data that enable the interoperability. Where is the focus intended to be for the OIH Project? LS: Thanks Alex, all three of those elements are essential and not mutually exclusive; in the work of technological development we must consider all three. Our pilot partners for proof of concepts have different systems in place, so we must consider different schemas, standards and ontologies PLB: Yes these are not separate things, in order for systems to recognize each other and be able to exchange data there must be interoperability through agreed schemas. These dont need to be very deep, but must exist so that individual systems can talk to each other. This eventually will build the system of systems which is ODIS. VR: I understand the OIH is a project with work packages and a finite duration, but Im also thinking of the future of the data for the world, more widely. PP is already talking to UN partners, as well as a discussion on 12-13 October with non-UN partners. To move towards a managed ocean, data is the oil for the system. Please keep in mind the Decade call for Programmes (15 October 2020). My dream would be how we can open the IOC data work to the world. This requires a very strong communications plan and brainstorming would be important. Perhaps we need a very big conference, or series of conferences for data and information in the spirit of OceanObs. This might be a very useful tool for the Decade. Perhaps discuss this inside the OIH project but also with our important partners. NEXT SG-OCEAN INFOHUB MEETING 2020 The Group noted that instead of holding another SG meeting before the end of the year, that 5-6 thematic technical meetings be held as well as four regional technical meetings. CLOSE OF THE MEETING Session A LS: Thank you very much to all participants, to the Government of Flanders, to the regions and to the IODE secretariat. The agenda will be repeated again tomorrow, and the recordings and presentations will all be shared to ensure that no one misses any critical information. Questions were revised: Should another virtual SG be held? How can we get more engagement from 3 regions? Should we have meeting for each region and Europe partners? PLG: Yes, coming from within the project it will be instrumental to hold additional meetings and would recommend a thematic approach for the technical meetings for a solution that can scale globally. PA: Would like to second that proposal; for thematic meetings on the technology. Also, depending on the depth of engagement that is desired, it would be useful to have some tangible case studies early on to show what the project intends developing. That non-technical people that can appreciate. Interpretive information for use in the Pacific, would be very well received. SS: Also recommends an international perspective at the next meeting, not just regional sub-group meetings. Also suggest for the next meeting, that lot of reports can be provided (which was done for this meeting) in writing. So SG members should read these in advance, which would leave more time for discussion and interaction next time. VR (via chat): I would also support a meeting on technology and standards, and would think we need to go to more thematic discussions. CT: Thanked all the participants, reminded any volunteers to send their candidacies, and reminded all participants to be actively engaged in the project. The importance of coorperation at the national and regional level was stressed, and connections to large projects within the UN system and other partners. We would like to build a new culture for data sharing, and bridging data to information for use. Please also keep in mind the UN Decade for Ocean Science. Session B LS summarized Session A recommendations. The conclusions slide on the way forward was re-visited: Next SG before end of the year? (already decided to have 2 more WP2 meetings and possibly divide into 5 thematic meetings or focus on outputs that non-tech users can appreciate) How to build more commitment from regions? Should we have meetings for each region + for European partners NDA (via chat): Re: Points of Discussion. It would seem that '3' may be a way to proceed (either from here on or at least after one more global meeting?) to facilitate the addressing of 'region-specific' idiosyncracies in the context of the OIH objectives, and given that this global meeting has now addressed over-arching issues. NDA: Responding to invitation to comment on suggestions. Specific regional aspects that differ. Perhaps one more global meeting would be good if overarching issues still need to be addressed. At some point the regions may want to get together amongst themselves because different regions are at different levels and have different needs, and different levels of preparedness to engage with the OIH. PLB (via chat): To Peter's comment on interoperability and the NODCs - fully agree. This is also a means to promote collaboration of different and distributed systems, rather than competition (even unintentional) between them.There will be a fair amount of "digital diplomacy" involved to bridge science and operational cultures through technology. On a personal note, I find it encouraging to have the spirit of UNESCO as a backdrop for this exciting process. ZB (via chat): from P-SIDS, agree with Nick's comments and go for option 3. J-BC (via chat): Thank you for the many interesting updates and progress made to date. From our perspective, we would support option 3 to move forward, with follow up meeting with European partners and WP2 thematic follow up on data types - as with EMODnet we have already connect >125 organisations and all EU coastal countries. J-BC: Thank you, we find this very useful. As mentioned in the chat, we would support another global meeting but would also be useful for EU partners to meet soon, to see how we can connect our data streams. We have participated in WP2, this has been useful and productive, and it would be good to have thematic breakouts at this stage. At the EU level we are already fairly organized with data sharing frameworks and we will have a tech WG meeting soon. Supports the idea of major international conference on ocean data in the spirit of OceanObs. MO: As we close, please also bear in mind that a number of documents are available on relevant initiatives that would be useful to guide the work of the OIH. Please also refer to the links that Zulfikar and Alex have posted. LS: Expressed thanks for responses on proposed follow ups and summarized the meeting proposals from two sessions: Regional meetings for each region and one for EU Partners Within WP2, focus on 5 thematic meetings Consider a global oceans meeting in the spirit of OceanObs. __________________________________________________ ANNEX 1 SUMMARY OF ACTIONS: Continue the work in the three regions following the regional work plans (Q4) Review the applications and hire Sub-contractor for WP2 (1 October 2020) Continue the ODIS-architecture development as per the work plan and the proposed work of the sub-contractor on the schema.org (Q4). Convene regional meetings for each region and one for EU Partners (Q4), October 2020. Within WP2, focus on 5 thematic meetings for (i) people and institutions, (ii) Documents and best practices, (iii) Maps and spatial data, (iv) Training opportunities, (v) Vessels (Q4). Consider a global oceans meeting in the spirit of OceanObs, both within the OIH and also more broadly (2021). Facilitate an online voting process for the election of a Chair for the OIH Steering Group (15 October 2020). Continue to share SG reports in advance of the meetings, and allocate less time for reporting and more time for discussion (next SG meeting). Focus on developing some tangible use-cases to demonstrate the OIH to end users (Q4) by the end of 2020. ANNEX II LIST OF PARTICIPANTS Total invited: 60 Total attended: 52 Attended session A: 35 Attended session B: 40 Attended both sessions: 23 NameSessionEmail addressAdegbie, Adesina A, Badeadegbie@yahoo.com; sadegbie@gmail.com; adegbieat@niomr.gov.ngAliaga, BernardoA, BB.Aliaga@unesco.orgAnderson, Paul Apaula@sprep.orgAppeltans, Ward Bw.appeltans@unesco.orgAuerbach, Julie Bjulie.auerbach@emodnet.euBarbiere, Julian BJ.Barbiere@unesco.orgBegg, Zulfikar Bzulfikarb@spc.intBelov, Sergey Bbelov@meteo.ruBemiasa, John A, Bj.bemiasa@odinafrica.netBorja, Esmeralda A, Brequested confirmationBryton, Srgio A, Bsergio.bryton@eurocean.orgButtigieg, Pier Luigi A, Bpier.buttigieg@awi.deCaceres, Alex A, B HYPERLINK "mailto:af.caceres-reatiga@unesco.org" af.caceres-reatiga@unesco.orgCalewaert, Jan-Bart Bjanbart.calewaert@emodnet.euClausen, Alison Ba.clausen@unesco.orgDAdamo, Nick Bnick.dadamo@bom.gov.auDelgado, Claudia Ac.delgado@unesco.orgDeprez, Tim ATim.Deprez@UGent.beDiwa, Johanna Ajp.diwa@unesco.orgEcheverry Hernandez, Paola A HYPERLINK "mailto:pecheverry@dimar.mil.co" pecheverry@dimar.mil.coGaleano, Diego A HYPERLINK "mailto:diegogaleano@gmail.com" diegogaleano@gmail.comGarcia, Carolina Bcarolina.garcia@invemar.org.coGardner, Sarah BSarah.Gardner@bom.gov.auGomez, JavierA, Bjefsubdemar@dimar.mil.coGonzlez, Sonia A, Brequested confirmationHaddad, Tanya Btanya.haddad@state.or.usHauzeur, Juan Forero A HYPERLINK "mailto:oceano@cceo.gov.vo" oceano@cco.gov.voKorovulavula, Jiuta Bj.korovulavula@unesco.orgLambert, Arno A, Ba.lambert@unesco.orgLescrauwaet, Ann-Katrien A, Bannkatrien.lescrauwaet@vliz.beMas, Cristian MuozBcristian.munoz.mas@hi.noNgatia, JohnA, Bjn.ndarathi@unesco.orgNoguiera, Frederico Bfrederico.asn@gmail.comOdido, Mika A, Bm.odido@unesco.orgPetrillo, Daniela Arequested confirmationPieter, ProvoostA, Bp.provoost@unesco.orgPissierssens, Peter A, Bp.pissierssens@unesco.orgPizarro, Julian A, Bjulian.pizarro@invemar.org.coReed, Greg Bg.reed@unesco.orgRodriguez, Danna A HYPERLINK "mailto:jinternacional@cco.gov.co" jinternacional@cco.gov.coRyabinin, Vladimir A, Bv.ryabinin@unesco.orgSaid, Mohamed AhmedA, Bmamsaid2@hotmail.comSalvatore, AricoAS.Arico@unesco.orgScott, LucyA, BL.Scott@unesco.orgSeeyave, Sophie A, Bssve@pml.ac.ukSierra, Paula A, Bpaula.sierra@invemar.org.coSimpson, Pauline Ap.simpson@unesco.orgSpears, Tobias A, BTobias.Spears@dfo-mpo.gc.caTamayo, Myriam Bmtamayo@dhn.mil.peToro, Cesar A, Bc.toro@unesco.orgWills, Patricia Ap.wills-velez@unesco.orgZivaljevic, Aleksandar Baleksandarz@spc.int ANNEX III Reference Documents, shared in advance of the meeting Available on the IODE Calendar  HYPERLINK "https://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewEventRecord&eventID=2753" event page: OIH Project Report; first five months Annex A. Overall project timeline and deliverables Annex B. ODIS-architecture workplan and deliverables +2356>?ABCDLM_`abcd׫׫l]P9P-jh{h1B*U^JmHnHphuh{hg7B*^Jphh{hg7B*^JaJph$h{hg76B*CJ$^JaJph+h{h~h6@B*CJ ]^JaJph+h{h~h6@B*CJ ]^JaJph+h{h~h6@B*CJ ]^JaJph+h{h~h6@B*CJ ]^JaJph'h{h~h6B*CJ ]^JaJph'h{hg75B*CJ$\^JaJph`abdefghijklmnopgdo"m$$a$gdBLgdg7m$$gdg7m$depuͷu_uL;,h{hg7B*^JaJ ph!h{hg7B*CJ^JaJph%h{hu;B*CJRHe^JaJph+h{h 85B*CJRHe\^JaJph+h{ho"5B*CJRHe\^JaJph+h{hu;5B*CJRHe\^JaJph+h{hBL5B*CJ8RHe\^JaJ4ph+h{ho"5B*CJ8RHe\^JaJ4ph+h{hXU5B*CJ8RHe\^JaJ4phh{hg7B*^Jphh{hg7B*^JaJph        $a$gd "m$ $a$gdg7m$$gd 8m$ $a$gdg7m$gdg7m$    ïzkZkIkZk<h{hg7B*^Jph!h{h~h@B*RHg^Jph!h{h~h@B*RHg^Jphh{h~hB*RHg^Jphh{hu;B*RHg^Jphh{hZTB*RHg^Jph-h{hc(@B*RHg^JaJmHphsH'h{h\ i5B*CJ \^JaJ ph'h{h~h5B*CJ \^JaJ ph'h{h\ i5B*CJ\^JaJ-ph'h{hg75B*CJ\^JaJ-ph       ! 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ODIS-architecture ToR / advert open until 13 September Annex D. ODIS-architecture pilot partners for proof-of-concept Annex E. Draft action plan Latin America and the Caribbean Annex F. Draft action plan Africa Annex G. OIH Information sheet English Annex H. OIH Information sheet French Annex I. 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