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The Ocean Decade provides a once in a lifetime opportunity to create a new foundation across the science-policy interface to strengthen the management of our oceans and coasts for the benefit of humanity. The Ocean Decade will strengthen the international cooperation needed to develop the scientific research and innovative technologies that can connect ocean science with the needs of society. It will also contribute to the UN processes protecting the ocean and its resources, such as the SAMOA Pathway, the United Nations Convention for the Law of the Sea, the post-2020 framework for the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. The Ocean Decade requires the engagement of many different stakeholders to create new ideas, solutions, partnerships and applications, these include scientists, governments, academics, policy makers, business, industry and civil society. More background information HYPERLINK "../../../../../../Users/b_aliaga/Downloads/The_Science_We_Need_For_The_Ocean_We_Want.pdf"here and  HYPERLINK "https://www.oceandecade.org/" here. Status Update on the Ocean Decade On 31st December 2020, through  HYPERLINK "https://undocs.org/en/A/RES/75/239" UNGA resolution 75/239, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) inter alia took note with satisfaction of the  HYPERLINK "https://www.oceandecade.org/news/72/Version-20-of-the-Ocean-Decade-Implementation-Plan-submitted-for-presentation-to-the-United-Nations-General-Assembly" Implementation Plan of the UN Decade prepared by the IOC Secretariat in accordance with  HYPERLINK "https://undocs.org/A/RES/72/73" UNGA resolution 72/73 of 2017. The adoption of this resolution de facto confirmed the role of the IOC as the coordinating agency for the implementation of the Decade. This high-level endorsement closes a three-year preparatory process that led to the formulation of Decade Implementation Plan through a highly participatory manner. Over 1,900 stakeholders participated in 11 regional planning meetings across 9 ocean basins between June 2019 and April 2020, as well as other thematic meetings organised around the world. Despite the impact of the Covid Pandemic on international travel, the engagement of stakeholders continued through a series of virtual event such as the Decade Virtual Series which was launched in September 2020. Several information sessions were also held in July, and October 2020 as well as March 2021 to brief UN, UNESCO and IOC Member States. Overall, these meetings generated comprehensive information on the scientific research and capacity development priorities for each ocean basin and catalysed discussions between stakeholders regarding regional partnerships to advance implementation of the Decade. Many IOC activities will directly contribute to the Decade and IOC programmes are working with partners to develop programmatic contributions to the Decade. Status Update on the Western Tropical Atlantic (WTA) Regional process As part of the Preparatory Process of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030) a virtual meeting for the Western Tropical Atlantic1 (WTA-Ocean Decade) was held on April 28-29, 2020. Over 600 scientists, policymakers, programme managers, and government officials, representatives from tourism and maritime sectors, private enterprises, non-governmental organizations, and communicators engaged before and during the meeting. Regional priorities were established and new and expanded stakeholders and partnerships were identified The Western Tropical Atlantic Planning Group (WTA PG) for the UN Decade of Ocean Science has been established to advance and coordinate strategic partnerships and actions for Western Tropical Atlantic engagement in the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030). It will be coordinated by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commissions Sub-Commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions - IOCARIBE which has the overall responsibility for formulation of policy, principles and strategy, and for planning and coordination of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030) in the Western Tropical Atlantic region. Eight Working Groups (WGs) clustered around the seven societal outcomes and the cross-cutting issues identified in the Implementation Plan have been established. The Working Groups are currently being organized with the goal of co designing the actions needed to achieve the outcomes and address the challenges identified in the Implementation Plan and from the regional meetings. Within the safe ocean group the following grand action has been identified: The development of a regional Multi Hazard Ocean Data and Forecast System linked to education, outreach, readiness and communication actions that empowers and recognizes national and local policy and decision making and individual response for the protection of life and livelihoods. Within this action is the consideration of the Tsunami and other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions. This would include the delivery of tsunami services and the implementation of the Tsunami Ready program. There are currently over 70 members in the WTA Safe Ocean Working Group (SOWG), including several stakeholders from the tsunami community. Over the next couple of months, the SOWG in coordination with the other WGs and the RPG will focus on identifying opportunities for integrated regional programmes, projects, and activities as well as for engagement and support at the global, regional and national scales, define an action plan and timetable and identify financial resources needed and potential funding sources and leaders. Recommendation from TOWS-WG-14 [ANNEX II] DECISIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The Fourteenth Meeting of the Working Group on Tsunamis and Other Hazards related to Sea-Level Warning and Mitigation Systems (TOWS-WG-XIV) was held online, on 2526 February 2021 under the Chairship of MrAlexander Frolov (IOC Vice-Chair). The meeting evaluated the progress made in respect to the decisions HYPERLINK "http://www.ioc-unesco.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=24911"IOC-XXX/8.2 of the IOC Assembly at its Thirtieth session (26 June4 July 2019, Paris). The Group confirmed that the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development provides a once-in-a-generation opportunity to address and potentially fill capability gaps by leveraging novel sensing platforms, techniques and/or infrastructures in order to more quickly detect, measure, forecast and warn for tsunamis, even from the near-instant they form, and to enhance the preparedness of coastal communities for tsunamis though the UNESCO/IOC Tsunami Ready Programme; The Group endorsed the document Protecting Communities from the Worlds Most Dangerous Waves: A Framework for Action under the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (annex 1 to  HYPERLINK "https://oceanexpert.org/document/27621" Circular Letter 2825) as a guiding document to develop a Draft 10-Year Research Development and Implementation Plan for the Ocean Decade Tsunami Programme (the programme) and recommended the following governance structure for the programme: The TOWS-WG will perform Global Steering Committee functions for the programme; A Scientific Committee with Terms of Reference included in  HYPERLINK \l "Appendix_1_A2" Appendix 1 of Annex II to this report, with an advisory role for the duration of the programme will be established with 4 members nominated by the each of the TOWS-WG Task Teams and 3 members nominated by the TOWS-WG on the basis of their scientific expertise. All members will serve for a period of two years and would be eligible for renewal once; The Scientific Committee will be tasked to develop a Draft 10-Year Research, Development and Implementation Plan for the programme for endorsement by the TOWS-WG at its next session; The four Intergovernmental Coordination Groups (ICGs) will perform regional Steering Committee functions, including implementing coordinating roles for the regional aspects of the programme; A special Coalition for Tsunami Ready will be established in collaboration with other critical stakeholders across the UN structure as well as national civil protection agencies and will report to the TOWS-WG on Tsunami Ready aspects of the programme. The Group also recommended that the Draft 10-Year Research, Development and Implementation Plan for the Ocean Decade Tsunami Programme (the programme) is dedicated to achieving transformational advances in tsunami detection, measurement and forecasting, including tsunamis generated by non-seismic sources. The Group recommended that the programme include the following focus areas related to tsunami warning capabilities: Expansion of existing observational systems including seismometers, coastal tide gauges, and deep ocean tsunameters to fill identified gaps; Deploy new technologies to address observational gaps that cannot be covered by existing networks. This would include the widespread implementation of scientific instrumentation on deep-ocean telecommunications cables as developed by the ITU/WMO/UNESCO-IOC Joint Task Force (JTF) SMART Subsea Cables effort and submitted as a Programme to the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development; Wide expansion of data access and availability and development of capability for real-time and near-real time sea level, seismic and GNSS-derived land motion data at an appropriate sampling rate and relevant tools to forecast tsunamis from all sources; Increase access and regularly update the collection of coastal topographic and bathymetric data, in collaboration with SEABED 2030, as well as high performance computational capabilities to enable more timely, accurate and comprehensive tsunami and other coastal hazard forecasts to better advise community response; Ensure all National Tsunami Warning Centres have access to data, tools and communication platforms, protocols and training to timely and effectively warn coastal and maritime communities threatened by tsunamis and other coastal hazards and are integrated into a multi hazard framework. The Group further recommended that the Draft 10-Year Research, Development and Implementation Plan for the Ocean Decade Tsunami Programme (the programme) contribute to achieving the societal outcome of A Safe Ocean with the aim of making 100% of communities at risk of tsunami prepared for and resilient to tsunamis by 2030 through the implementation of the UNESCO/IOC Tsunami Ready Programme and other initiatives to include, but not limited to: The adoption and continued implementation of the UNESCO/IOC Tsunami Ready Guidelines and Indicators as the international standard for evidence-based community preparedness for tsunamis; Enhanced access and capacity development for high-resolution near shore bathymetric and topographic data and identification of potential tsunami sources for accurate and improved inundation modelling and evacuation mapping and planning in support of Tsunami Ready communities; Enhanced integration to minimize tsunami disaster impacts and to enable rapid restoration of socio-economic activities and critical infrastructure services post tsunami impacts. The Group requested that the IOC Assembly at its 31st session in 2021 consider approving the establishment of the Ocean Decade Tsunami Programme and the Scientific Committee to prepare the Draft 10-Year Research, Development and Implementation Plan for this programme with Terms of Reference included in  HYPERLINK \l "Appendix_1_A2" Appendix 1 of Annex II to this report; The Group recommended to the IOC Assembly at its session in 2021 to encourage Member States to provide voluntary financial contributions to the IOC special account and in-kind contributions to support the Ocean Decade Tsunami Programme; Appendix 1 Terms of reference: Ocean Decade Tsunami Programme -Scientific Committee The Scientific Committee has an advisory role for the duration ofthe programme. Membership: Four (4) members nominated by the each of the TOWS-WG Task Teams Three (3) members nominated by the TOWS-WG on the basis of their scientific expertise All members will serve for a period of two years and would be eligible for renewal once The Scientific Committee will: Develop a Draft 10-Year Research, Development and Implementation Plan for the Ocean Decade Tsunami Programme based on the concept paper Protecting Communities from the World's Most Dangerous Waves: A Framework for Action under the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development; Identify gaps in a comprehensive global tsunami hazard assessment including all potential tsunamis, anywhere in the world, regardless of their source; Identify gaps in tsunami detection, measurement, forecasting, with a special emphasis on tsunamis generated close to populated coastlines; Propose to enhance sensing and analysis strategies to enable the rapid characterization of tsunami sources through the combined use of land-based seismic and geodetic sensors, GNSS terminals, coastal sea level gauges, deep-ocean tsunameters, SMART repeaters on deep-ocean fiber-optic cables and satellite-based observations; Propose a roadmap for collaboration with the JTF ITU/WMO/IOC SMART cable initiative to fully explore the feasibility of widespread deployment of scientific instrumentation on deep-ocean fiber-optic cables to improvement of the capability to rapidly detect and characterize tsunami sources as well as propagating tsunami wave fields; Consider and propose strategies, programmes, and content to enhance societal resilience for tsunami and other ocean hazards; Overview the consolidation of inputs to IOC Circular Letter 2825 Inventory of actions being considered under the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (20212030) - Tsunamis and Other Sea-Level Related Hazards; Submit a Draft 10-Year Research, Development and Implementation Plan for endorsement by the TOWS-WG at its next session. Recommendations for the ICG/CARIBE EWS-XV Notes and supports the TOWS-WG-14 recommendation to establish an Ocean Decade Tsunami Programme with a 10-year Research, Implementation and Development Plan Decides to establish an ICG/CARIBE EWS Task Team on the Ocean Decade with the following Terms of Reference: Membership: Three (3) Member States elected by the ICG/CARIBE EWS; Four (4) representatives nominated by each of the technical Working Groups of the ICG; Two (2) representatives nominated by Permanent Observers of the ICG/CARIBE EWS; A representative of the Caribbean Tsunami Information Center (CTIC); A representative of the IOCARIBE; Elected and nominated representatives are elected on personal capacities and remain members for two (2) years. Elected and nominated members are eligible for a second term Mission: to provide advice and support ICG/CARIBE EWS implementation and monitoring of the 10-year Research, Implementation and Development Plan for the Ocean Decade Tsunami Programme Functions: To closely cooperate with Member States and Territories to collate, coordinate, guide and monitor the implementation of actions in support of the 10-year Research, Implementation and Development Plan for the Ocean Decade Tsunami Programme in the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions. To coordinate ICG/CARIBE EWS Decade work with the corresponding Ocean Decade Western Tropical Americas Working Groups as well as the actions of regional partners and other stakeholders including the private sector To work closely with other UNESCO/IOC-led ICGs to support the development and monitoring of the 10-year Research, Implementation and Development Plan for the Ocean Decade Tsunami Programme Report to ICG/CARIBE EWS on an annual basis and to the ICG/CARIBE EWS Officers on regular basis Decides to include a permanent agenda item on the Ocean Decade in the Policy section of its regular meetings.      PAGE 1  EMBED Word.Picture.8  This document presents updates, achievements and recommendations related to the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. The ICG is requested to consider, comment and eventually endorse the recommendations issued by a drafting group composed by the ICG Chair, Chair of WG 4, the Programme Officer for Coastal Hazards (CTIC), the Head IOC of UNESCO Regional Secretariat for IOCARIBE and the ICG/CARIBE EWS Technical Secretary.  23456?@JOPQRS^_`abɻwj]wP9,jh!ho1CJU^JaJmHnHuh!h"tCJ^JaJh!hp(CJ^JaJh!h| FCJ^JaJh!h ? l m   2 3 b c #$IPQh/FPh/FPCJ^JaJh\;CJ^JaJh/FPhXCJ^JaJ h/FPhp(CJ^JaJmH sH h/FPh!J>*OJQJ^JaJh/FPhp(>*OJQJ^JaJ@+,-12789Oabcdhijkluh[K>h/FPh1CJ^JaJh/FPh'_[>*OJQJ^JaJh/FPhp(CJ^JaJh/FPh'_[CJ^JaJ$h/FPhX0JCJOJQJ^JaJ'j;h/FPhXCJU^JaJh/FPhXCJ^JaJ$jh/FPhXCJU^JaJ*'h/FPhX0JCJOJQJ^JaJ*'jh/FPh\;CJU^JaJh\;CJ^JaJ!jh/FPhXCJU^JaJVWX[#$XYZ/0λλλyh/FPh16CJ]^JaJh/FPCJ^JaJ'jh/FPhXCJU^JaJ'jh/FPhXCJU^JaJ$h/FPhX0JCJOJQJ^JaJ!jh/FPhXCJU^JaJ'jh/FPhXCJU^JaJh/FPhXCJ^JaJ)   !na !!!࿲~q~~dh/FPh1CJ^JaJh/FPhaCJ^JaJh/FPh7GCJ^JaJh/FPh[6CJ]^JaJh/FPh bCJ^JaJh/FPCJ^JaJh/FPh[CJ^JaJ h/FPh1CJ^JaJmH sH h/FPh/FP>*OJQJ^JaJh/FPh1>*OJQJ^JaJh/FPh5`6CJ]^JaJ&!!!!!!!#%'')X*+,-G./02.34 & Fxgd= & F xgd=xgd=gd=gd!Jgd!Jgd[gd/FP!!!!!!!!!!!!!"##t#u##ᆵ}lllWlW@,h/FPh=0JCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH )jh/FPh=CJU^JaJmH sH  h/FPh=CJ^JaJmH sH h/FPh=5CJ^JaJ#h/FPh=5CJ^JaJmH sH #h/FPh=CJ\^JaJmH sH h/FPCJ\^JaJmH sH  h/FPh!JCJ^JaJmH sH h/FPho _>*OJQJ^JaJh/FPh'_[>*OJQJ^JaJh/FPh!J>*OJQJ^JaJ#####$%%%%`&m&n&&&&&& 'N'O'^'''''''' (!(@(A(K(L(M(((()))**$*X**+++Q+++,,ɼݼݼݼh/FPh=>*CJ^JaJ$h/FPh=0JCJOJQJ^JaJh/FPh=6CJ]^JaJh/FPh=CJ^JaJ&h/FPh=>*CJ\^JaJmH sH  h/FPh=CJ^JaJmH sH !jh/FPh=CJU^JaJ6,,-,.,E,r,s,{,,,,,J-[-a-o---G..//00122.3K3L3c333333D4E44445566p777Ĵ󤖤Ă&h/FPh=hRjCJ^JaJmH sH h/FPh=CJ]^JaJh/FPh=6CJ]^JaJh/FPh=hRjCJ^JaJ h/FPh=CJ^JaJmH sH h/FPh=5CJ\^JaJh/FPh=>*CJ^JaJh/FPh=CJ^JaJ/456p7899-:~:::!;z;;<Q==!?n@$ & F 0G$`0a$gd=$ & F 0G$`0a$gd= G$gd=$ -DG$M a$gd=xgd= & F xgd=7778)8;8h8|88888888888999-:o:{ggPg-h/FPh=5CJPJ\^JaJhnHtH'h/FPh=CJPJ^JaJhnHtHh/FPh=>*CJ^JaJ!jh/FPh=CJU^JaJ'h/FPh=0JCJOJQJ]^JaJ$jh/FPh=CJU]^JaJh/FPh=CJ]^JaJh/FPh=CJ^JaJ h/FPh=CJ^JaJmH sH #h/FPh=CJH*^JaJmH sH o:}:~::::!;z;;;;;"<<<<Q===>!??n@@@,AAAAABSBTBUBVBWBԾԦԋԦzzm]h/FPh'_[>*OJQJ^JaJh/FPh!JCJ^JaJ!h\;CJPJ^JaJhnHtH5h/FPh=6CJPJ]^JaJhmH nHsH tH/h/FPh=CJPJ^JaJhmH nHsH tH*h/FPh=>*CJPJ^JaJhnHtH'h/FPh=CJPJ^JaJhnHtH-h/FPh=6CJPJ]^JaJhnHtH#n@@ATBVBBBCCCC$DtDDDE?FJF`G6HH & F x^`gd5` & F xgd5`xgd5`gd!J$ G$a$gd\;$ & F 0G$`0a$gd=WBdBeB|BBBBBBBBBBCC%CCCCCCCCCCC"D#D$DrDsDtDDDDDDDDEEEEEƶwh/FPh _CJ^JaJh/CJ^JaJh/FPhQ.>*CJ^JaJh/FPhtCJ^JaJh/FPhQ.CJ^JaJh/FPhQ.5CJ\^JaJh/FPh!JOJQJ^JaJh5`>*OJQJ^JaJh\;>*OJQJ^JaJh/FPh!J>*OJQJ^JaJ+EEEEEFF?FHFJFFFF9G_G`GqG|GGGGGG6HHHHHHHIRISIUI[I\I]IgItIuIIIIIIIIIIIIII殞ّh!jh!Uh9&hQ.CJ^JaJh/FPht5CJ\^JaJh/FPhQ.5CJ\^JaJh/FPhoi?CJ^JaJh/FPht>*CJ^JaJh/FPhtCJ^JaJh/FPhQ.CJ^JaJh/FPh=CJ^JaJ4HSIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIKKKKKgdW) %BgdO$ %x&dPa$gd5`xgd5` & F x^`gd5`IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJ|JJJJJJJJKKKK KEKLKRKKKKKKKKKKKKKŹŹŹvh9&hQ.CJ^JaJh5`h5`CJaJmH sH h5`CJaJmH sH h/FPh/FPCJaJmH sH h/FPCJaJmH sH h _CJaJmH sH hch _CJaJmH sH jOh _Ujv3@ h _UVhoi?mHnHuh _jh _Uh!.,&P . 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