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Gerard2.11 NOVGRF-IV/2.2GOOS Strategic Planning for GRAsK. Alverson2.21 NOVGRF-IV/2.3WMO Strategic Planning for GRAsE. Cabrera2.31 NOVGRF-IV/2.4IOC Report on Regional CoordinationP. Bernal / J. Valladares2.41 NOVGRF-IV/2.5New Cooperation Mechanisms between GRAsGRASP2.51 NOVGRF-IV/2.6Progress Report on Implementation of Recommendations from JCOMM-GSSC-GRA Strategy for the Coastal Module of the GOOSP. Dexter / J.-L. Fellous2.61 NOVGRF-IV/2.7The LME Concept, its Development and Contributions to GOOS including GOOS Ecological Objectives Ned Cyr / P. DiGiacomo / J. Muelbert2.71 NOVGRF-IV/2.8Scaling Global to Coastal Observation Systems 2.81 NOVGRF-IV/2.9GOSIC reportC. Lief2.91 NOVGRF-IV/3.1Introduction WG1: Regional Modeling CentersGRASP3.11 NOVGRF-IV/3.2Introduction WG2: Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Strategic Planning for GRAsGRASP3.21 NOVGRF-IV/3.3Introduction WG3: Operational and Research Model ProductsGRASP3.31 NOVGRF-IV/3.4Introduction WG4: Progress, Priorities and Plans for Coastal Module of GOOSPICO3.41 NOVGRF-IV/3.5Introduction WG5: Maximizing Effectiveness of National Resources for Observing Systems in Developing CountriesP. Eastwood / G. Montero3.51 NOVGRF-IV/4.1.1PI-GOOS Strategic Plan and ActivitiesP. Eastwood4.11 NOVGRF-IV/4.1.2EuroGOOS Strategic Plan and ActivitiesH. Dahlin4.11 NOVGRF-IV/4.1.3SEAGOOS Strategic Plan and ActivitiesS. Khokiattiwong4.11 NOVGRF-IV/4.1.4GRASP Strategic Plan and ActivitiesM. Proao Silva4.11 NOVGRF-IV/4.1.5IOCARIBE GOOS Strategic Plan and Activities G. Garcia Montero / D. Wilson 4.11 NOVGRF-IV/4.1.6NEARGOOS Strategic Plan and Activities S. H. Lin4.11 NOVGRF-IV/4.1.7IOGOOS Strategic Plan and ActivitiesA. Dubi4.11 NOVGRF-IV/4.1.8Black Sea GOOS Strategic Plan and ActivitiesV. Eremeev4.11 NOVGRF-IV/4.1.9US-GOOS Strategic Plan and ActivitiesN. Cyr4.11 NOVGRF-IV/4.1.10OCEATLAN Strategic Plan and Activities J. Trotte4.11 NOVGRF-IV/4.1.11GOOS-Africa Strategic Plan and Activities G. Brundrit4.11 NOVGRF-IV/4.1.12MedGOOS Strategic Plan and ActivitiesK. Nittis4.11 NOVGRF-IV/4.2.1Arctic ROOS Strategic Plan and ActivitiesHans Dahlin4.21 NOVGRF-IV/4.2.2WAGOOS Strategic Plan and ActivitiesN. D'Adamo4.21 NOVGRF-IV/6.2GRF-IV Proposed Action ItemsSecretariat6.228 NOVBACKGROUND DOCUMENTSI-GOOS-VIII/10Proposal to Form a GOOS Regional CouncilSecretariat1.9Done (web)I-GOOS-VIII/11GOOS Regional Council (GRC) Proposed Terms of ReferenceSecretariat1.9DoneI-GOOS-VIII/12GOOS Regional Policy Secretariat2.1DoneGOOS-148An Implementation Strategy for the Coastal Module of GOOS Secretariat2.1DoneGOOS-159Third GOOS Regional Forum ReportSecretariat1.8Done ^drst  c k l m ƻ{iWD7hA=5B*CJ\ph%hA=5B*CJ\aJmH phsH #hA=B*CJOJQJmH phsH #hA=B*OJQJaJmH phsH hA=mH sH hA=PJ\aJmH sH hl5hA=CJaJmH sH htzCJ\aJh:htzCJ\aJ htz5\htz5CJ\aJhA=5PJ\hA=5CJPJ\aJhA=hA=CJaJh-hA=CJaJh-hA=CJPJaJ7drst $d$$7$If]a$$d$$7$G$If]a$ "7$    l m {nllc $1$G$If  *$7$]$]a$$a$gdtzskd$$If\ q)   44 xa eV$$G$If]a$kd$$If4rmO!$(44 la $$G$Ifa$  $G$If  + / 6 $$G$Ifa$$G$IfIkdX$$If4[m((  44 laf4p   D Z ~   L c , 7 ; M q [ ] ^ g h i j l n v z  ˿˿˿㠍}}}hKB*CJaJmH phsH %hKhA=B*CJaJmH phsH %hKhA=B*CJaJmH phsH hK@B*CJphhA=@B*CJphhA=B*CJphhA=B*CJmH phsH hA=@B*CJmH phsH hA=B*CJaJph16 7 D Z f j p ~vvkkk $$G$Ifa$$G$Ifkd$$IfrmO!$(44 lap q ~ |ttiii $$G$Ifa$$G$Ifkd$$If/rmO!$(44 la    ~vvcXX $$G$Ifa$$H$G$If^H`a$$G$Ifkd$$IfrmO!$(44 la   L M Q W |ttiii $$G$Ifa$$G$Ifkd_$$If>rmO!$(44 laW X c |ttiii $$G$Ifa$$G$Ifkd:$$IfcrmO!$(44 la |ttiii $$G$Ifa$$G$Ifkd$$IfcrmO!$(44 la  , 7 ; A |ttiii $$G$Ifa$$G$Ifkd$$IfcrmO!$(44 laA B M q ~ |ttiiii $$G$Ifa$$G$Ifkd$$IfrmO!$(44 la |ttiii $$G$Ifa$$G$Ifkd$$IfrmO!$(44 la [ h v z |ttiiii $$G$Ifa$$G$Ifkd $$IfcrmO!$(44 la |ttiiiii $$G$Ifa$$G$Ifkd\ $$IfcrmO!$(44 la  *YZ^p}:@DV%Gm÷÷÷ÛÛÛ͓Û͛͛͛͛͛hK@B*CJmH phsH hA=CJaJhA=@B*CJmH phsH hK@B*CJphhA=@B*CJphhA=B*CJphhA=B*CJaJph%hKhA=B*CJaJmH phsH %hKhKB*CJaJmH phsH .*YZ^d|ttiii $$G$Ifa$$G$Ifkd7 $$IfcrmO!$(44 ladep}|ttiii $$G$Ifa$$G$Ifkd $$IfqrmO!$(44 la|ttiii $$G$Ifa$$G$Ifkd $$IfrmO!$(44 la:@DJ|ttiii $$G$Ifa$$G$Ifkd $$IfarmO!$(44 laJKV~vvkkk $$G$Ifa$$G$Ifkd$$IfrmO!$(44 la~vvkkk $$G$Ifa$$G$Ifkdl$$IfrmO!$(44 la~vvkkkk $$G$Ifa$$G$IfkdC$$IfrmO!$(44 la~rj___ $$G$Ifa$$G$If $G$If]kd $$IfrmO!$(44 la%/39~rj___ $$G$Ifa$$G$If $G$If]kd$$IfrmO!$(44 la9:Gm~~rj___ $$G$Ifa$$G$If $G$If]kd$$IfrmO!$(44 la|ph]]] $$G$Ifa$$G$If $G$If]kd$$IfrmO!$(44 la.28|ph]]] $$G$Ifa$$G$If $G$If]kd^$$IfrmO!$(44 la"#.Fm  %Kk,5Nx ,<q%`дТЋЇhA=hA=5B*CJ\aJphhA=CJaJ#hA=@B*CJaJmH phsH hKB*CJaJphhA=@B*CJmH phsH hA=B*CJaJphhKB*CJaJmH phsH %hl5hA=B*CJaJmH phsH *89Fmx||ph]]] $$G$Ifa$$G$If $G$If]kd+$$IfrmO!$(44 la|ph]]] $$G$Ifa$$G$If $G$If]kd$$IfrmO!$(44 la |ph]]] $$G$Ifa$$G$If $G$If]kd$$IfrmO!$(44 la%KRV\|ph]]] $$G$Ifa$$G$If $G$If]kd$$IfrmO!$(44 la\]k|ph]]] $$G$Ifa$$G$If $G$If]kdm$$IfrmO!$(44 la|ph]]] $$G$Ifa$$G$If $G$If]kd:$$IfrmO!$(44 la,6:@|ph]]] $$G$Ifa$$G$If $G$If]kd$$IfrmO!$(44 la@ANx|ph]]] $$G$Ifa$$G$If $G$If]kd$$IfrmO!$(44 la|ph]]] $$G$Ifa$$G$If $G$If]kd$$IfrmO!$(44 la |ppeee $$G$Ifa$ $G$If]kdn$$IfrmO!$(44 la,-|q'Ikd$$If4m((  44 laf4p $$G$Ifa$kd;$$IfrmO!$(44 la-<equ_kd$$IfrmO!$(44 la $$G$Ifa$$G$If $G$If] sg_$G$If $G$If]kd]$$IfrmO!$(44 la $$G$Ifa$%`lpu~rj___ $$G$Ifa$$G$If $G$If]kd4 $$IfrmO!$(44 lauv~rj___ $$G$Ifa$$G$If $G$If]kd !$$IfrmO!$(44 la~|kd!$$IfrmO!$(44 la/1h;0. 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E&" WMFC astwood  TT>D Ss cA6A>j L P  T`D s cA6Aj LM T4.1 TT D s cA6A j LM P  TloD s cA6Aoj LO X1 NOV TTD s cA6Aj LO P  '% LdC D C !??% (  '% LdC D C m!??% (  '% LdC D C !??% (  '% LdC D C !??% (  '% LdC D C !??% (  '% LdC D C u!??% (  '% LdC D C !??% (  '% LdC LD C !??% (  '% LdMC ND MC !??% (  '% LdOC D OC !??% (  '% Ld C D C !??% (  '% LdE t E 0!??% (  '% LdE t E 0!??% (  '% LdE t E 0!??% (  '% LdE t E 0!??% (  '% LdME Nt ME 0!??% (  '% Ld E t E 0!??% (  T`v cA6A L TGRFTTv  cA6A L P-T|v  cA6A L \IV/4.1.2   TTv  cA6A L P  Tv  cA6A L `EuroGOOS S Tv  cA6A L trategic Plan and Activities         TTv  cA6A L P  Tv ( cA6A L `H. Dahlin  TT)v < cA6A) L P  T`v  cA6A LM T4.1 TT v  cA6A  LM P  Tlov  cA6Ao LO X1 NOV TTv  cA6A LO P  '% Ldu v u !??% (  '% Ldu v u m!??% (  '% Ldu v u !??% (  '% Ldu v u !??% (  '% Ldu v u !??% (  '% Ldu v u u!??% (  '% Ldu v u !??% (  '% Ldu Lv u !??% (  '% LdMu Nv Mu !??% (  '% LdOu v Ou !??% (  '% Ld u v u !??% (  '% Ldw w 0!??% (  '% Ldw  w 0!??% (  '% Ldw  w 0!??% (  '% Ldw  w 0!??% (  &" WMFC '% LdMw N Mw 0!??% (  '% Ld w w 0!??% (  T` cA6A L TGRFTT  cA6A L P-T|  cA6A L \IV/4.1.3   TT  cA6A L P  T,  cA6A %L SEAGOOS Strategic Plan and Activities          TT  cA6A L P  TD i cA6AD L lS. 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Brundrit   TT=h P cA6A= L P  T`h  cA6A LM T4.1 TT h  cA6A  LM P  Tloh  cA6Ao LO X1 NOV TTh  cA6A LO P  '% Ldg h g !??% (  '% Ldg h g m!??% (  '% Ldg &" WMFC .h g !??% (  '% Ldg h g !??% (  '% Ldg h g !??% (  '% Ldg h g u!??% (  '% Ldg h g !??% (  '% Ldg Lh g !??% (  '% LdMg Nh Mg !??% (  '% LdOg h Og !??% (  '% Ld g h g !??% (  '% Ldi i 0!??% (  '% Ldi  i 0!??% (  '% Ldi  i 0!??% (  '% Ldi  i 0!??% (  '% LdMi N Mi 0!??% (  '% Ld i i 0!??% (  TT cA6A L PGTX cA6A L PRFTT  cA6A L P-T  cA6A L `IV/4.1.12   TT  cA6A L P  T,  cA6A %L MedGOOS Strategic Plan and Activities%          TT  cA6A L P  T  cA6A L `K. 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Gerard  2 l 2 2.1 2  2 1 NOV1 2  - @ !1- - @ !{2- - @ !- - @ !c- - @ !- - @ !- - @ !- - @ !?- - @ !- - @ !@- - @ !- - @ ! 1- - @ ! - - @ ! - - @ ! - - @ ! - - @ ! - 2 92GRF  2 T2-2 Y2IV/2.2  2 ~2 ;2  GOOS Strategic Planning for GRAs   2 ~ 2 . K. Alverson   2 s 2 2.2 2  2 1 NOV2 2  - @ !1- - @ !{2- - @ !- - @ !c- - @ !- - @ !- - @ !- - @ !?- - @ !- - @ !@- - @ !- - @ !1- - @ !- - @ !- - @ !- - @ !- - @ !- 2 92GRF  2 T2-2 Y2IV/2.3  2 ~2 :2 WMO Strategic Planning for GRAs   2  2 3 E. Cabrera  2 n 2 2.3 2  2 1 NOV3 2  - @ ! 1- - @ !{ 2- - @ ! - - @ !c - - @ ! - - @ ! - - @ ! - - @ !? - - @ ! - - @ !@ - - @ ! - - @ !1- - @ !- - @ !- - @ !- - @ !- - @ !- 2 792GRF  2 7T2-2 7Y2IV/2.4  2 7~2 @2 7#IOC Report on Regional Coordination     2 7 2 /3 P. Bernal /   2 /q 2 ?- J. 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Eastwood /   2 dz 2 t0 G. Montero   2 tq 2 l3.5 2 l 2 l1 NOV5 2 l - @ !W1- - @ !{W2- - @ !W- - @ !cW- - @ !W- - @ !W- - @ !W- - @ !?W- - @ !W- - @ !@W- - @ !W- - @ ! X1- - @ ! X- - @ ! X- - @ ! X- - @ ! X- - @ ! X- 2 92GRF  2 T2-2 Y2IV/4.1.1  2 2 2 PI 2 ->2 "GOOS Strategic Plan and Activities   2  2 - P. Eastwood   2 t 2 4.1 2  2 1 NOV1 2  - @ !x1- - @ !{x2- - @ !x- - @ !cx- - @ !x- - @ !x- - @ !x- - @ !?x- - @ !x- - @ !@x- - @ !x- - @ !y1- - @ !y- - @ !y- - @ !y- - @ !y- - @ !y- 2 92GRF  2 T2-2 Y2IV/4.1.2  2 2 2  EuroGOOS S  52 trategic Plan and Activities  2  2 5 H. Dahlin   2 l 2 4.1 2  2 1 NOV1 2  - @ !1- - @ !{2- - @ !- - @ !c- - @ !- - @ !- - @ !- - @ !?- - @ !- - @ !@- - @ !- - @ !1- - @ !- - @ !- - @ !- - @ !- - @ !- 2 92GRF  2 T2-2 Y2IV/4.1.3  2 2 C2 %SEAGOOS Strategic Plan and Activities   2  #2 S. Khokiattiwong   2  2 4.1 2  2 1 NOV1 2  - @ !1- - @ !{2- - @ !- - @ !c- - @ !- - @ !- - @ !- - @ !?- - @ !- - @ !@- - @ !- - @ !1- - @ !- - @ !- - @ !- - @ !- - @ !- 2 92GRF  2 T2-2 Y2IV/4.1.4  2 2 @2 #GRASP Strategic Plan and Activitiese   2  "2 "M. Proao Silva  2  2 4.1 2  2 1 NOV1 2  - @ !1- - @ !{2- - @ !- - @ !c- - @ !- - @ !- - @ !- - @ !?- - @ !- - @ !@- - @ !- - @ !1- - @ !- - @ !- - @ !- - @ !- - @ !- 2 92GRF  2 T2-2 Y2IV/4.1.5  2 2 ;2  IOCARIBE GOOS Strategic Plan and   2   Activities  2   2  &2 G. Garcia Montero    2 0/ 2 4 2 8 D. Wilson   2 u 2 4.1 2  2 1 NOV1 2  - @ !1- - @ !{2- - @ !- - @ !c- - @ !- - @ !- - @ !- - @ !?- - @ !- - @ !@- - @ !- - @ !!1- - @ !!- - @ !!- - @ !!- - @ !!- - @ !!- 2 92GRF  2 T2-2 Y2IV/4.1.6  2 2 D2 &NEARGOOS Strategic Plan and Activities    2  2 5  S. H. Lin  2 l 2 4.1 2  2 1 NOV1 2  - @ !1- - @ !{2- - @ !- - @ !c- - @ !- - @ !- - @ !- - @ !?- - @ !- - @ !@- - @ !- - @ !1- - @ !- - @ !- - @ !- - @ !- - @ !- 2 92GRF  2 T2-2 Y2IV/4.1.7  2 2 A2 $IOGOOS Strategic Plan and Activities   2  2 :A.  2 KDubi  2 g 2 4.1 2  2 1 NOV1 2  - @ !1- - @ !{2- - @ !- - @ !c- - @ !- - @ !- - @ !- - @ !?- - @ !- - @ !@- - @ !- - @ !1- - @ !- - @ !- - @ !- - @ !- - @ !- 2 92GRF  2 T2-2 Y2IV/4.1.8  2 2 J2 *Black Sea GOOS Strategic Plan and Activiti   2 es 2  2 / V. Eremee    2 kv 2 r 2 4.1 2  2 1 NOV1 2  - @ !1- - @ !{2- - @ !- - @ !c- - @ !- - @ !- - @ !- - @ !?- - @ !- - @ !@- - @ !- - @ !1- - @ !- - @ !- - @ !- - @ !- - @ !- 2 92GRF  2 T2-2 Y2IV/4.1.9  2 2 2 US  2 ->2 "GOOS Strategic Plan and Activities   2  2 =N. Cyr   2 d 2 4.1 2  2 1 NOVr 2  - @ !1- - @ !{2- - @ !- - @ !c- - @ !- - @ !- - @ !- - @ !?- - @ !- - @ !@- - @ !- - @ !1- - @ !- - @ !- - @ !- - @ !- - @ !- 2 .92GRF  2 .T2-2 .Y 2IV/4.1.10  2 .2 D2 .&OCEATLAN Strategic Plan and Activities    2 . 2 .7  J. Trotte 2 .j 2 .4.1 2 . 2 .1 NOVr 2 . - @ ! 1- - @ !{ 2- - @ ! - - @ !c - - @ ! - - @ ! - - @ ! - - @ !? - - @ ! - - @ !@ - - @ ! - - @ !!1- - @ !!- - @ !!- - @ !!- - @ !!- - @ !!- 2 >92GRF  2 >T2-2 >Y 2IV/4.1.11  2 >2 2 >GOOS  2 >-A2 >$Africa Strategic Plan and Activities   2 > 2 >.  G. Brundrit   2 >s 2 >4.1 2 > 2 >1 NOVr 2 > - @ !11- - @ !{12- - @ !1- - @ !c1- - @ !1- - @ !1- - @ !1- - @ !?1- - @ !1- - @ !@1- - @ !1- - @ !21- - @ !2- - @ !2- - @ !2- - @ !2- - @ !2-  2 O92G 2 OC2RF  2 OT2-2 OY 2IV/4.1.12  2 O2 C2 O%MedGOOS Strategic Plan and Activities    2 O 2 O8 K. Nittis   2 Oi 2 O4.1 2 O 2 O1 NOVr 2 O - @ !B1- - @ !{B2- - @ !B- - @ !cB- - @ !B- - @ !B- - @ !B- - @ !?B- - @ !B- - @ !@B- - @ !B- - @ !C1- - @ !C- - @ !C- - @ !C- - @ !C- - @ !C- 2 `92GRF  2 `T2-2 `Y2IV/4.2.1  2 `2 I2 `)Arctic ROOS Strategic Plan and Activities    2 ` 2 `- Hans Dahlin   2 `t 2 `4.2 2 ` 2 `1 NOV2 2 ` - @ !S1- - @ !{S2- - @ !S- - @ !cS- - @ !S- - @ !S- - @ !S- - @ !?S- - @ !S- - @ !@S- - @ !S- - @ !T1- - @ !T- - @ !T- - @ !T- - @ !T- - @ !T- 2 q92GRF  2 qT2-2 qY2IV/4.2.2  2 q2 A2 q$WAGOOS Strategic Plan and Activities   2 q 2 q- N. 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