ࡱ> `&bjbjss .Vc6ffff,Cp2R(zzzz_,_,_,ooooooo$uqhso .,@_, . .offzz oV2V2V2 .fzzoV2 .oV2V2F$GzF pPm)(0F~nDp0CpF{t0{t(G{tG&_,Z,@V2,4--_,_,_,ooF2_,_,_,Cp . . . .ffffff ILMS as a part of an information management policy draft OdinAfrica has a request for support/replacement of the existing ILMS based on InMagic. GEMIM has therefore to select software that IOC can support in the next years, in the first place for OdinAfrica but also for other Odin regions. But it is more relevant to find solutions in a broader framework where library work is integrated in a general information management policy, including repositories ASFA database African OceanPortal - etc. OdinAfrica is strongly involved in the information processes here described, but is not the only partner concerned. The actual situation: In OdinAfrica, the different partners have developed their local library system with InMagic, some only using the catalogue function, other using also other library management modules. The integrated catalogue Afrilib, hosted at IOC, has maintenance problems. OceanDocs is developed as a central repository for the Odin partners, hosted at IOC. Some partners are developing their own repository, sometimes using the OceanDocs-DSpace, other opting for other packages (e.g. Greenstone in the Pacific Islands). ASFA-partners have their ASFA-ISIS database to develop, as a way to submit documents to the ASFA database African OceanPortal contains sometimes articles of member institutes which should be available in the three previous products. The different tools have their specific objectives, but there is clearly a lot of double work to do for the partners. Sometimes the metadata for a document has to be created four times. An integrated approach is necessary. What sort of software is now available in Open Source? Is there one software package, which can solve most of the issues? Or can we combine different workflows and develop export/import systems between the existing software? The software packages identified: ILMS: NewGenLib, Koha, ISIS (new generation: BIREME UNESCO - FAO) ELibrary: Greenstone Repository: DSpace, EPrints, Fedora Other: Any suggestions Needs: On local level, there is a need for an integrated approach of an ILMS, a repository and for ASFA centers of ASFA input database. On the IOC/OdinAfrica level the local catalogue has to be harvested for the collective catalogue (Afrilib). The repository metadata has to be integrated in OceanDocs. Also, if the local repository is not stable then full text should also be harvested (or collected in other ways). The metadata of the ASFA input should of course) be in a format accepted by ASFA/FAO (now ISO 2709). The submission of articles in portals, - African OceanPortal, OdinCarsa, should be linked to the local information systems. This can be solved in these systems. For example by creating an alert possibility: The submitter can choose to alert information mangers out of a list and send them the metadata in an importable format. This issue will not be discussed further on. The information service of the marine institutes involved in IOC/IODE can be very different. In this case we look at the following parameters: Size of the institute Competence of staff IT knowledge in the institute Quality and stability of the internet connection. Most of the marine institutes are in the range of small institutes with limited staff competence, IT support and internet connection to medium institutes with trained information managers, IT support and good internet access. Then different solutions are possible depending on the situation, the needs and the priorities. In general, small institutes will not use all the functionalities of an ILMS system and limit themselves to the catalogue. Also most of the institutes involved do not have sufficient IT support to administer server and/or web driven solutions. Therefore the solutions must be simple. The different software packages will have to be evaluated on their easiness of installation and administration, and on the capacity to support different functions: catalogue +++ ILMS + Repository +++ ASFA-input ++ General exchange capacity: OAI: What sort of metadata is supported: DC MODS Agris AP - . Exchange of the full content (metadata + document) - mirroring Other standards: ISO - SWORD Outsourcing of certain tasks can also be a solution. A central catalogue approach, similar to OceanDocs, can resolve the IT support problem for many partners. But as we see for OceanDocs, the solution will be hybrid because some partners will want to use more (customized) functionalities when they have the capacity to set up their own system. They have to be integrated in the global tools of IOC. Other will not have the internet capacity to access central applications. Can we take this limitation as a policy element? Is it not essential that the Odin partners will develop/install quality internet connections to have access to the necessary scientific information and provide access to their own resources? In any case some choices are now made on the assumption of limited internet connections: e.g. Greenstone to develop the Pacific Islands repository network. Organizations with limited internet access will have to rely on central solutions to make available their content, but still internet connection has to be available. Finally, on IOC level the collective catalogue (AFRILIB) and repository (OceanDocs) system will have to collect the local (meta)data through the exchange facilities of the local used software (OAI other protocols). It is also an option to make metadata available to others (ASFA African OceanPortal - AVANO) on this level, and not on the local level.  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT   SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  These options can be combined. Ideally, one software package could do most of the tasks on the local level. The first task is to evaluate the different software packages. I tried already to sum up the information needed to make a selection possible. This is only a starting point to come to a final working document. Evaluation of software packages. Description:Long term availability:Institute in charge - commitment Development supportEasiness to install: Version: Windows Linux Out of the box installation: yes - no Integrated package or pre-installed software: Pre-installed software: Databases: Web Server: . Scalability: Configuration modification customization (on interface level and/or source)Easiness of useAdministration: Technical Administration: Submission Exchange tasks Collection maintenance User interface Other users appreciationSupportManuals Website User group Training facility Functionality: availability or configurability CatalogueSupported metadata standardsOther ILMS functions (loan journals acquisition - )RepositorySupported metadata standards (internal OAI)ASFA inputSupported metadata standards (=derived from MARC)Integration of the different modules Data and metadata exchange possibility: available configurable Metadata exchangeImport options: formats supported (e.g. RIS BibTex Agris AP) OAI: Supported metadata Other: ISO 2709 - Data exchangeExport to hardware (CD) SWORD Other: Finally, as I argued already at the OdinAfrica meeting, the importance of an ILMS should not be overrated. The access to the scientific information through the internet is much more important than any small (or even large) size library can offer. But it is still important to manage the own scientific output (in print or electronically available), which otherwise will get lost. One software or linked products AfriLib: Collective catalogue IOC Repository ASFA metadata metadata + Full text (*) metadata + Full text (*) metadata ASFA IOC Repository AfriLib: Collective catalogue With submission interface (SWORD based interface ?) or Local integrated system Outsourced !3;<=~ 7 < m n o = B L / h j k $%*NOP{lmڞڞڞڞhamH sH h^mH sH htZmH sH h=mH sH hRh=mH sH hkhmH sH hkhh=mH sH hRhRmH sH hNIh pmH sH hRmH sH hNIhNImH sH hNIhRmH sH h pmH sH 2<= n o j k %,-Pm & Fgd^ & FgdtZgdtZ & FgdRgd=gd pc%&f1^'(:Vikz )9NO%*/?CFrиhM_mH sH h ]mH sH hcOmH sH hjmH sH hamH sH hg.mH sH hamH sH h*~mH sH hQ@pmH sH hSmH sH h pmH sH hn:mH sH h^mH sH h8cmH sH 8_`9lmOPsDd & Fgd ] & Fgd ]gd8c & Fgd8cgdQ@pgda & Fgd= & Fgd^rs7CaeW@&01N>tసਸwhOmH sH jh h UmH sH jh UmHnHujh UmH sH h mH sH h*~mH sH h2mH sH hM_mH sH h pmH sH hcOmH sH hamH sH h,mH sH hWwmH sH h ]mH sH hjmH sH .desu6789WXy $Ifgdagdagd ]59(VWy" # !!!!!!!!!!!"""1#2#D####c%ƾh[mH sH hn:mH sH h~D$mH sH hvmH sH h#_mH sH hqmH sH h pmH sH haqmH sH hcOmH sH jhhUmH sH jhUmHnHuhmH sH jhUmH sH 4{{{ $Ifgdazkd $$IfF0$ # l t0644 la . ] v {{{{{{eeee & F dd$If^dgdv $Ifgdazkd$$IfF0$ # l t0644 la !!a!p!!{{{{{ $Ifgdazkd$$IfF0$ # l t0644 la!!!!!!!{{{{{ $Ifgdazkd=$$IfF0$ # l t0644 la!!!!!"vv $Ifgdagdazkd$$IfF0$ # l t0644 la""Q"R"{{ $Ifgdazkd$$IfF0$ # l t0644 laR"S"^""{{ $IfgdazkdZ$$IfF0$ # l t0644 la""""{{ $Ifgdazkd$$IfF0$ # l t0644 la""""{{ $Ifgdazkd$$IfF0$ # l t0644 la"""2#D####vvvv $Ifgdagdazkdw$$IfF0$ # l t0644 la######{{{{ $Ifgdazkd$$IfF0$ # l t0644 la###c%%%%%%%%%%%zzxzzxzxzxgd*~gdazkd5$$IfF0$ # l t0644 la c%d%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%&&&9&Y&_&m&n&p&r&&&&&&&&&&ϵϱ˥h#_mH sH h:\dh~D$haq5mH sH haqhaq5haqhaq5mH sH haqhOhOmH sH hhCJaJh*~hh h*~hmH sH h*~h mH sH h*~h*~mH sH haqmH sH $%%%%%%%%%%%&&& &&&#&8&9&m&n&q&r&&&&&gdaq$a$gdaq$a$gd*~&&&&gda,1h. 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